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THE PEIlltYSBUItG JOURNAL. 183 BUSINESS CARDS. 'IVIli PKKItYdlilJUG JOURNAL is published J- every StturJay, by S. Clakk., at $1 per year, cull in ulvance, or $1.2.5 in trade ; $1.25 cash" in (i uvut,hs, or jj 1.5') at the end of the year, TluJfce in rr3;iH will le ch irod nt tlie rate of $1.5t) for the present sories until they pay up, when they can get the p t :r at the reduced price. 1 Vipers ni-iy be stopped at nny time by pitying up. 1 V. iilSii S it VIVli.'i'UcFerrusburg Dank J is uotv open an 1 prepared to discount short l i unoss paper, buy and sell Gold, Silver, and Last r.t 14 tch in jfis. and crmi-mct other business in their Interest paid on time deposits. .1. S. NOKTON, Cashier. Oct. 11.H5L 2tf i T 7" ASM I NliTON UNION INSURANCE Y Company; (Capital $300,000. I. 15. Di'ximm", Pres't. (ii:oKiE .Myu att, Treas. 1Ii:ky II. I)oi)t;i:, Agent, for Wood county. CLEVELAND MUTUAL, INSURANCE Company Capital $2iiii.o0. Kiskstukcn on rea sonable tortus, in the above responsible companies, by II. II. DODGE, Insurance Agent. J. & W. HOOD, DHALKllS in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, L'.t.u'ur, Produce, and Merchandize generally. S i 1 1 ii oiV cliap for cash down. Froiit-st., IVrrvsbnr;'. Mav 2, 1S.V5. S. JBb'b'KRSON, A itoriK'y at Law, Solicitoriu Chancery, Land Agent. 'C. Ase. Oihce m thecourt house, Perrysburg, O. r. C. HOLT, Wholesale and Retail Dealerin Mitcdlancoim, School, Theological. Gift J Toil l O O iv S, Iltrncr's aud Putnam' Monthlies, pl tiu and fancy Stationery, Wrapping and Wall Paper, Gold Pons, &c.,&c, Maumee City, Ohio. M W. PIPER. Hook Hinder and Blank Book L Manufacturer, over Speed's Telegraph Office, Toledo, Ohio. All blank books paged, when re quired, without extra charge. June !, ls'io. .r. w. kills & sonsT : M tnuficturers of all kinds of Paper and Clank Books. Springfield. Ohio. 0." PER R INT" j rANI'KACTEUER of all styles of Carriages 1J and Wagons, also, of Ball& Post's Cultivator, warranted to do double tl;e amount of work of tiny ordinary cultivator. Shop on Frontstreet, opposite K;ittird's Hotel. Pcrrvshursr. Ohio. f21tt'l A11E.Y1 OF THE TIMES! Bis: Watch, At the Sitrn nf the SUMMIT STRKET, TOLEDO. Hii.iRY T.COOK respectfully informs his ton' thousand personal friends, and thegood people oi Toledo, .Maumee City, Perrysburg, and all the oiuntry round, that he has opened the most com plete audsplondid stock ever offered in thecity.and ii receiving daily adJitionsfnun the bestEuropean and Eastern miiiiufact urcrs of CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. It would be quite useless to at tempt an enumera tion of the brilliant articles hisshow casesnowcon ttin; but ladies and gentlemen will pleuse talland .!0 his splendid Ooll start Silver Watches, of every variety, quality and pattern. at pricesrang i. Ti from Ten to One Hundred aud Fifty Dollars. SUPEItlJ GOLD FOB CHAINS, the largest and richest assortment everscen trotn Tireveto Fifty Dollars. HE A V Y ti 0 1. 1) C lA RD CI I A IKS, of unequalled beauty, weight and finish, at from Virtue to Fort'-fife Dollars. M vuni i-Mt'KNT Diamond Pins and UiNOS.of the latest styles, and at the lowest prices. Sni'Buioii Pf.v ani Pocket KNivi:s,of elegant p.Uernsaiid finished workmanship, the finest lot in town. PT.AIN.OCTAUONANI) I.F.Al'TIFUI. InT.AIdCI.OCKS. of the beM manufacture, at Two and a Half to Fif t ( Dollars. With a countless variety of Lockf.ts, Gold Pf.ncmi.s, Uikor, Com Pkns, EuDuops, Waiti! Sfaih. Cuff Pins, Brkastiins, BnooeiiF.s, Studs, &c, Kni overytliing else overseen or heard tell if in j-welrvestahiisiinieiit. Prices I 'ever than the lowest. .tf.rpecial care given by the best workmen tha country to rkpaiiiinu watchks and jewelry, and all work warranted. ' Z')Dnnt forget the place Sign of the Big H"ifet. Summit street, between Jeffersonand Mad l.initreets. mr'.'OvIJ H.T.COOK. Kentucky Seed Wheat, OH SALE by I (Perrysburg, sept 1. E.D.PECK St CO. DH. NYE & CO. hare removed their stock el Goods, saved from the late fire, into 7'redicell's Block, corner of Summit 4 Adavia-sts., where they would be hnppy to sec their old friends, liver grateful for the kindness and friendly feeling extended to them in time of distress, ns well as pros perity, they would be happy to see all, and will of fer their stock of books at a reduced price. Toledo. Feb.. 1855. 1). 11. ME & CO. a in HbLMIiOUS GENUINE PKEPAKATIONS. iii:lmi!Old's mriiii.T concenthatld comi'Ound FLUID EXTRACT 1UJCHU, Fordiseises of the Bladder and Kidneys, Obstruc tions of the Urine, Chronic Goriori l a-a. Strictures, (ileets, AVcaknesses, and all dh'caset' of tlie Sex ual Organs, whether in Jlale or l'cninle, from whatever cause they may have originated aud no matter of how long standing. If you have contracted thclerrihledisensehich, when once seated in the system, will surely go down from one generation to tinotlitr, iindeiniinicg the constitution and snj iii g tlie very vital fluids ot life. dc not trust yourself in the hnnd? of quacks, who start up every day urd fill the papers with false hoods, too well calculated to deceive the young and those not acquanted wiih thcirlricks. You cannot be too careful in the selection of u remedy in these cases. The Fluid Extract Buchu has been pronounced by eminent physicians the greatest remedy ever known. It is a medicine perfectly pleasant in its taste and very innocent in its action, and yet so thorough that it annihilates every j article of the rank and poisonc-us virus of this dreadful disease ; and, unlike other remedies, it does not dry up the disease in the blood. Constitutional Debility, brought on by self-abuse, a most terrible disease, which has brought thousands of the human race to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant hoties of parents, und blighting in the uuu the glorious ambition ot many a noble y outh, can tie cured tty this Julalnble Kcmcdy. -A i ansa medicine which must benefit everybody, from the simply delicate to the confined and despairing inva lid, no equal is to be found, lifting' both as a cure and preventive. HELM HOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED Compound Fluid Extract of Karsaparilln j I'or Purifying the Blood, removing all diseasesari- singtroin excess ot Mercury, exposure and im prudence in life, chronic eonstituticrnl disease, arising from an impure strte of the Blood, and the only reliable and effectual remedy known for the cure of Scrofula. Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcerations of the Throat ar.d Legs, Tains and Swellings of the Bones, Tetter, pimples on the Face, and ull Scaly Eruptions of the Skin. This article is now prescribed by sf me of the most distinguished Physicians in ti e c untry, nnd has proved more efficient in practice than any pre paration of Sarsaparilla yet offered to the public. Several cases of steor.daiy y j hilis.Mcrcuiialnnd Scrofulous diseases have trtirelv recoveied in the incurable wards of our public institutions which had for many years resisted ev ery mode of treatment that could be devised. TheFecasesfurnis h striking examples of the salutary effects of this medicine in arresting some of the most inveterate diseases, after the glands were desti eyed and the benes al ready affected. Notice. Letters from responsil e Physicians and Professors of several Medical Colleges, and certificates of cures fr m patients will be found accompanying both Preparations. Piuces, Fluid Extract Buchu, $1 per bottle, or (! bottles for $5. " " ' Sarsaparilla. si:me prices, equal in strength to gallon Simp of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and sold by H. T. I1F.LMBOLD, Chem ist, 2(i3 Chestnut-st.. rear the Girnid H tise.Philad. To he had of PEC K & HAMILTON, Perrys bnrg, Ohio, and of drup gifts ai d dealeif everywhere. All letters directed to the proprietor or agents receive immediate attentirn. fjurelii Catherine Spa fiord's Estate. NOTICE is hereby given, that tlie subscriber has been appointed and qualified as administrator on the estate of Catherine Spafford, deceased, Inte of "Wood county, Ohio. Dated at Perrysburg, this 2'Jd dav of September, A. D. ?". 20w3 JULIUS ULINN. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an.execution delivered to me from thecourt of common pleas of Wood county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door of the court house in Perrysburg. on the 13th day of October, J8.V5. between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. M. of said day, the east half of the north west quarter of section ten, in town three north, of range eleven enst, m Wood county, Ohio, contain ing eighty acres, taken ns the lands of John Eich el harper in the suit of Henry Groves against said Eichelbargerand F. II. Ellsworth. W.L. CO OK, Sheriff. S. Jefferson, Ptffs Attv. Sept. 22, 1855. lf)w5$l.S7 Captain William Allen, of the British na vy, hus published a book, advocating the con vt'iion of the Arabian Desert into an ocean. The author believes that the great valley, ex tending from the southern depression of tlx: Lebanon range to the head of the Gulf of Akaba, the eastern branch of the head of tlie Red Sea, has been once an ocean. It is, in many places, thirteen hundred feet below the level of the Mediterranean, and in it ate sit uated the Dead Sea and the Sea of Tiberias, lie believes that this ocean, being cut off from the Red Sea by the rise of the land ar. the .southern extremity, and being only fed by. the small streams, gradually became dried by solar evaporation. lie. proposes to cut a t iiiial of adequate size from the head of the Gulf of Akaba to the Dead Sea, and another hum ihe Mediterranean, near Mount Curmel, across the plain Esdraeion, to the fissure in the Mountain ran;e of Lebanon. By this melius the Mediterranean would rush in, with a fall of thirteen hundred feet, fill up the valley, aud substitute an ocean of two thous and square miles in extent, lor u. barren, use less desert .'; thus making the navigation to India as short as the. overland route, spread ing fertility over a now arid country, and opening up the fertile regions of Palestine to settlement and cultivation. The concep tion is a magnificent one, but no sufficieH-t survey has been made to determine its prac ticability or its cost. The Grave of Fkankun. Great and wide spread as is the lam" of the "Printer Phi losopher" and proud as the. people of Phila delphia are of their illustrious townsman, we doubt much if one in a hundred of tho present generation of Philadelphia have eve seen his tomb. Thousands pass daily with in a few feet of the spot where his ashes, and those of his wife, repose, without being conscious of the fact, or, if aware of it, un able to obtain a glimpse of the grave. The bones of the lightning-tamer lie within a ve ry short distance of Arch street, in the north west corner of Christ Church grave-yard, at Fifth and Arch streets. As is generally known, the spot is marked by a slab of mar ble, which is almost level with the earth, and which bears the simple inscription,. "Benjamin and Deborah Franklin." If the wall at this point were removed, and a neat iron railing erected in its stead, every passer by would be afforded the gratification of see ing the grave ; a gratification now very diffi cult to obtain. In u Philadelphia newspa per, published in December, 1774, we find the following notice of the death of Mrs. Franklin : " On Monday, th? nineteenth in stant, died, at an advanced age, Mrs. Debo rah Franklin, wife of Dr. Benjamin Frank lin ; and on the Thursday following, her re mains were interred in the Christ Church The announcement of the of Mrs. Franklin was as simple and unostentatious as the slab and its pithy inscription, which marks her final resting place. Philadelphia Bulletin. "Sqiiantum" is the name for a fpecies of fun known only to the Nantucket folks. A party of ladies and gentlemen go to one of their famous watering places, where they fishr dig clams, talk, laugh, sing, dance, play, sail, bathe, eat, and have a good time generally. The food consists principally of chowder, baked clams and fun. No one is admitted to the sacred circle, who will take offence, at a joke, and every one is expected to do his or her part towards creating a general laugh. Any man who speaks of business affairs (except matrimony,) is immediately reproved, and on a second offence publicly chastised. Care is thrown to the wind, pol tics discarded, war ignored, pride humbled, stations leveled, wealth scorned, virtue ex alted, end this is prjunntum." The firs? piece of artillery was invented by a German, soon after the invention of gunpowder, and artillery was first need by the Moors at Algesiras, in Spain, in the sieg"? of 1341. burying ground." death and burial