LAWS OF OHIO. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. No 59] AN ACT Tb organ i and diHCipltn 'ha Militia and' Vol- . ..! i . i . untcor Militia. CONTESTED ELECTIONS. Sic 56 If any candidate or eleetof cfioowa to bhtesl the .aliauy or any election nau uimur mo . roTiaitna of this act as to the right of any per on proclaimed daly elected an ofrTcer, ha ahull Rire notice thereof In writing lo the offlor who olds the election returna, wi bin ten djs Irom tk lima f hnMinff aup.h election and within said time, and In like manner he shall notify the per. son whose election he means to contest, txpresa inir the point orpowita ou which he meant to rtly, and the officer holding the poll-book or election returna, shall aummon the parties to appear at a certain time and place which shall not caceed - - j. ii.. fin itf election, before a eourt, which fie highest officer in r nk or " eMest in commission prewnt shall preside, which nourr ahiill be composed of not less than three, or over live commissioned officers, whom he shall mnmon for that purpose; and the officer holding the election returns shall Issue any summons that may be applied for by either of the pariiee to pro cure iJie attendance of witnesses; and all such officers as compose said court shall appear in full ' uniform, and the party so applying shall sorre the same, and endor-ie the lime of service thereon, which sha.l be at least two days previous to the Bitting of such, and shall make a return thereof to the presidentof said ourl at the time and place therein mentioned) and ench witness thua summoned shall be paid fifty cents for each day"s atleodanre as such, out of the funds of the proper brigade on the certificate of the presiding 1 - 1 r .1 . --.I ani.1i nnrt tvltnn mot. Rlinll omeroi me cuu-n a,,-, " ------- hear and determine the same, and report tlioir do eision in writing to the officer who holds such re turn, which decision shall be fin il Bod conclusive: FieVuled, that notice to the Adjutant General, of the intention of any elector tooontest the election of any Major General shall be given wUhin fifteen ' after the elect on. ARRESTS. Sc.. 57 On eomplaiut of acommissioned officer, made in writing to a superior officer touching the conduct of any officer, such superior Mull, if ho thinks the complaint a sufficient one for an arrest. eo the officer nzsinst whom such complaint is made to be arrested, and whe.i any pihcer is ,; arrested as aforesaid the offi -cr whose duly it is to arrest, shall notify the officer arrested in wri ting that he is suspended from command until ac quitted from such arrest, staling the ground of arrest and lace of trial. COURT MARTIAL. Sec. ."8. In all cases where an i fficer the officer who orders the arrest shall issue any aummonsthat may bcnuplii-d for by either of the parties, and parties so applying or any person whom the officers granting such summons may appoint, may serve th same and endorse the time and service which shall be at least three days previous te the setting of the court mar thai, nnd shall make return thereof ; and any person wno renn-es or iirimu, . -martial after being duly summoned shall be fined in any sum noi exceeding fifty dollars, which fine shall be collected and ajiylied as other fines underthe provisions of this act, and any court mar tial shall have power to issue conpulsory process to compel the attendance of witnesses who refuse or neglect to attend when legally summoned, MAJOR GENERALS, BRIGADIER GENERALS, &c.—BOW TRIED. Sec. 59 Major Generals shall be tried by court martial appointed by the commander ir-chicf ' when a major-general shall preside; brigadier gen erals shall be tried by court-ln jrtials appointed h a,, major-general, where a h'igadier general shall preside, and all staff offic rs ranking as brigadi-r generals, shall be tried by the same courts as brigadier generals; colonels, lieutenant . colonels, majors, captains and lioutenants, or any teffuoffioer ranking as such, shall be tried by a court martial, appointed by a brigad er-general wcereacoionei buu ijiomo, j the bounds of said brigade, and if not, then a lieutenant colonel or major shall preside; but : If there is neither a lieutenant colonel nor major, then a captain or lieutenant shall preside; each court martial shall consist of not less than five, nor over thirteen members, and to be of rank as near as may bo to the rank of the officer to be tried, if such can be found within the bounds of .. l-: , . .11 ..H.m.rligla shall have nnwer -any urigaui, an -uu ..-. ....... ....... to punish any officer, for neglect of duty, disobe nr .Aara nr anv niker conduct unbecom ing an officer, by suspension, fining, cashiering or disqualification to hold any office iu the volunteer militia of this State, and in all cases the president of such court-martial shall cause two certified copies of the sentence to be made out, which shall be signed by the president and attested by the judge advocate one of which the presidoot ahall ' lorsrd to the officer who orde-ed such court mar tial, and the other shall be delivered to the bri gade inspector of his brigade; but a record of the proceedings must remain in the hands of such court martial for the purpose of collecting ffmes, or any other purpose where fines may be assessed againatany person by the sentence of a court-martial, and the sentence has been approved of by the officer ordering such, he shall ce rtify the tame, and cause the sains to be collected as provided by this act. . Sec. 60. When any courts-martial shall have met, agreeable to the provisions ol thit act, the president of such court thall ad ninistcr to the judge advocate the following oath, anil after being aworn the judge advocate shall administer to the ' president and othtr membtrs of the court the . same oBth, via l You, and each of you do solemn ly, swear (or affirm) that you will well and truly try and determine according to evidence, the mflitu, nn huforn vnn hpt wHen the United States. (or as the Slate of Ohio as the case may be,) and the person to be tried, and that you will truly ad minister justice according to law, without partiuli ty, favor or affection, accord ing t.i your conscience, . and the best of your understanding nnd custom of war in like oates; you do fur. her aweir (or affirm) that you w 11 not divulge the sentence of the court, until it shall be p .bliahed by proper aulhoritv. neither will vuu disc'use the upiuion of idf uartJeular men, bur of the court, unless reqnr- ei to give evidence thereof in a c mrt of justice, in. A.... . r l. Tl,n i,i.l,r a,t tfoen I , ahull prosecute, in the name of the United Slates, or of the State of Ohio, (a ihe case may be,) but shall an f.. .n...M. 1.:.n.uir a, eninisl for ihp npr.,rin t accused, as to object to any illegal question put to the prisoner, or the person accused, or any wit ness,the answer to which might tend to criminate himself. He shall also see ri'lit and justice done to ths-defendant, on all questrons which may arise ' iara court martial; the ouiiLe-t in commission and ' lowest in rank shall vole first, and so on in suc cession to the oldest ai d highest in rank, an 1 every persou giving evidence before a court-martial, shall be examined ou oath or affirmation, and all officers composing a court-.aanUl ah-ill be in - fall uniform . Sec. 6ij The party tried by a court martial saall be entitled to a copy of the sentence, and proceeding of such eourt-mnnial after the decis- io.liia behalf; the command mg oflicer for tlte nine ' being shall have full power of pardoning or mili gating any penalty ordered to be inliicted on any uon-comiuiKsioncd oiiicer, musictau or private, lor ', lb each of the provisions of this act, by court martial, ami everv officer, codvicted as aforesaid. Icy.. any ceurt-maitiul, may be pardoned, or have the penalty iniliga.ed by the officer ordering said court-martial. sec. a. I ne rules ami articles 01 war, nnu me rules and customs which gov.-rn a court martial, composed of officers of the army of the United States, shall in all respects govern nil court mar- l tial'a held under the provisions of this art, and the couimander-in'Chief, major generals aiidbriv&. k dier generals, shall have power to ord.-r a couit auar iul ty lu bwlil at. aiic.h tiioaand ntaoe as thev think proper, when the same may be necessary to CJrny into effect any of the provisions of this act net herein eipressly provided for, and in all caes,. the officer orderiug the court nurli .1 may confirm er dUprove the senleuce thereof. Sec. 63. Any superior may, immediately he baa arrested any officer, appoint no less than three nor over five officers, as near the rank of the euicer arresieji, as lie an uu ,v,,,c, ,j iui - that purpoaa, and shall sum:non them to meet al a certain emand place, a-d when rne, shall con- ttituta a eourt of inquiry, whose duty it ahall be to ' inqnireinto the charges on which tuch officer was arrested, and if a majority of aaid court are aatit Bed that auch charges are not tutil :ient lo cause y , eourt martial to assemble in said case, or-if they an satisfied the eharget are sufficient, they shall, , in either case, forthwith report the same under leal to the officer who ordered the arrest, and anch officer ordering the arrest shall ilnmediatnly afler receiving the report of the said eourt, either dis charge the officer arrested, oraaramoi a court-mar tial forthwith to try him. The officer ordering the arrest shall be governed by the court of inquiry, and the members and witnesses attending a court 'of inquiry, shall be paid as tha members and wit nesses of a court martial are paid, and the officer who orders the arrest ansa designate wnai om cer it to preside over the Court of inquiry, which court shall have the same Dower to compel tha at tendance of witnesses as court-martials, and either party may aerve any process allowed by couit martial, and all officers composing a court of in- Ollirv shall ba in full nitlftttia. Sec. 64. There shall be allowed to tha officers composing any division, brigade, regimental, squadron, or battalion courts martial, and to the judge advocate thereof, one dollar anddlfty cents for each day thiy may be necesssrily engaged iu traveling to and from, and attending at such; the provost marshal such compensation as is allowed to eherifftt for similar services in civil cases, and to each witness twenty-five cents for each day he mayattet.d under a summons, ana lor enco aay in traveling to and from the same, which compensa tion shall be paid out of the state treasury on the order ol tne president of tne coun-tnaruai, wuicn , COMMANDER IN CHIEF. Sec. 65 The commander-in-chief, whenever, in his opinion, it becomes necessary, may organise a subsistence or commissary department by ap pointing a commissary general, or a genoral of a stiosistence department, with Ihe rana ol Driga. d er u-eneral. and such other assistant enmmissa. ries as ho may think necessary, or the good of the service may require, with such rank as is confer red on othcersul the sams staitoa in the army oi the United states and may also appoint such nun. -ber of storekeepers and other officera as the erood of the servico may require, and may order any or all such i fivers lo attual service when their ser vices become necessary. Sec. Gfi. The commander-in-chief, when in his opinion it becomes necessary, may complete the organization of the medical departmet by ap pointing a surgeon general, with the rank of colo nel, and for each division a hospital surgeon, with the rank of lieutenant aoloncl, nnd for each bri gade, a hospital Burgeon, with the rank of major, and may call any or all of said officers into actu al service, a hen their services may be found nec essary. Sec. 67. The adjutants of regiments, squadrons and battalions shall attend to, and record a'l re turns from the commandant of regiments, squad rons and battalions, and record the same in a book to be provided for that purpose, and shall porform such other duties as may from time to time be re quired of them by the commandant of their regi in uits, squadrons and battalions; Provided, that when any adjutant shall be aVisentin command, the commanding officer shall appoint a suitable persou to do the duty of the adjutaut. Sec. 6H. That Ihe adjutant general of the State shall furnish to the commandants of divisions for the use of their brigades, blank form of rolls, bonds, and of the different -returns that niay 1 e re quired from time to t me by this act, and explain the principles on which ihcy t-hould be made. See. 6:. The cumtnauder in-cbief shall cause two thousand eonics of this act to be printed in book form, which bookB shall h tve attached to them ail the necessary forms tiy which all returns can be made of compnuies, regiments, squadrons, or bat talionB; also brigades and division', which blank furuis uray be as near as circumstancs will admit, to those ahich accompanied tha act of 1837, for organizing. discipUninjr militia and volunteer militia of Ohio, which pamphlets shall be imme diately distributed and forwarded to tho county seats of tho sevoral brigades, as other laws are, nud ill due tiire, to be directed to the brigadier generals or commandants of brigaie, who shall be bouud to receive and distribute, as circum stances may require. Sec. 711. The act entitled "an act for organizing and disciplining the militia and volunteer mili tia' passed Ma,ch 4, 1837, and all acts and parts of acts amendatory thereto, or inconsistent with this act, are hereby repealed. Tbia act to take effect immediately after its passage. l-he JOSEPH TRUESDALE JOSEPH TRUESDALE Speaker pro tem of the House of Representatives. LESTER TAYLOR. President o the Senate, tem. March 28, 1857. No. 49.] AN ACT To protect Fish and Fisheries. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Geueral Assembly of the State of Ohio, That it shall be unlawful fur anv rtaraon nr nuranna trt nut in nr anv stationary fish pound, fish seine, or fish net, or to use any means, plan, or device whatever, to pre vent the transit ol fish in this waters of any navi. gable bay or river, or within the wnters of any lake at a less distance from the mouth of such bav or river than sixty rods; Provided that nothing - I .L.ii I . I . - .-I lieieiu uuui. uiieu biiaii ira cuostiucu iu picrcut persons from putting inany such pouud, seine, or net, for the purpose of catching fish in amy bay at aplace where the same is not less than two milea 1 wide: Provided said pound, seine, or net, shall not! extend into aaid bay more than one hundred rods j from the shore thereof. Sec. 2 That if any person orpersons shillhere-1 after set, put m, or keep up any fish pound, fish seit: or fish- net, or shall use any meaua, plan orj dovicetopreventthetransitof fish, contrary to the of the first section of this act, every! person so offending, shall forfeit and pay a sum1 not less than ten dollars, nor more than fifty dol-! lara, with costa of suit, to be reoovered by suit in the name of the &,ate of Ohio, before any court of competent jurisdiction; and said sum wlleo col- lected shall be paid into the treasury of the county where said wrongful act was committed, for the benefit of common schools. Sec. 3 That if the owner of any such fish pound, fish seine, or fiah net, used contrary to the a,hieh .!. a. ahall h .et. r nol i . v . ,r down, bo that a service cannot be made upoa him therein; any justiceof the peaceof wid comity on complaint made umicr oatU or amrmation of these j act, is r.ereoy a union zee, aim rt-quirea iu issue b writ, requiring the constable to attach said fish pound, ti-h seine or rish net, and if the owner thtjrmtf fdiiill fail for thirty days after the same hail ha attached, to come before slid in tice and enter his appearance to a suit hi the name of the State af Ohio for the penalty provided for in the secon section of this act, ihe justice shall Nnue his order to a constable commanding the sale thereof, which sale shaU be conduced in nil respects as SB e UOOll eicui iuii itmi lie in u. CTi.fl ii "an . shall beanplie lfiratlo the pay numt of the costs of the proceedings, and the surplus shallbc paid into the county tieasury fur the be l tilt ot common scho'jl. Sec. 4 This act shall take effect from and after its pr.s-4;ige. N. H. VAN VORHES. Speaker the House of Representatives. LESTER TAYLOR. President of the Senate. tem. March. 19, 1857. No. 50] AN ACT To amend th eighty second section of the act entitled "An act to provide fr the creation and reulation of Inc-rprafed Companies in the Statu of Ohio," pas-ed May 1, ltiV2. Htc I 13o ii enacted b the General Assembly of the Slate uf Ohio, That the eighty-second sec tion of the above recited act be so amended as to road as follows : Section B'2. All ollicers and a ma jority ol the directors of any incorporated com compHny, oianized under tho provisions of this act, other than inanufac: u'inif companies, shall be residents of this State; and wlieuever any com pany, association or society, heretofore or hereafter incorporated, shall havo failed to elect its officers at the time designated, it shall be lawful for such company, awsor iutiun or society, to crA a mfeting aud elect i s otliirr. who shall hold their renpectiVJ offices until the time flpecifitd for the annual, or other fixed time for holding such elec tion, and whenever any incorporated company heretofore organized or that may be hereaitr or trail izud under the provisions of this act. shall have a specified time 6 red for its annual meet ing. a mai,nly ot tne mocKnomers in interest may a any regular annual meeting, change the time of the annual meeting thereof! Every m inufac turing company organized under the provisions of this ac shall enaMUb and keep at some place within this State, and with n ihe county, or with in some one of the counties in which its business be carried on, a principal accounting office of tuch corporation, where snail be kept iec urate ac hihitinif clearlv the financial conditio! of auch corporation, and of ita capital stock, or shares, and (of all the property ol every oescnp tion. andendiu aubiect to taxation, which ac counts shall at all tim a during usual business hour, be subject to th inspection of any assessor lawfully authorized to assesa such property and credits. Notice of the place whera such office ia established, and of every change thereofhall be published in some ne wars per of general circula tion in the county where inch oflie ia located, and the principal accouutii.g onicer, ami at loasi ou of the directors of every tuch company shall ba residents of this State. Sec 3. That the said original section eighty two, of which this is an amendment, be and tha same is hereby repealed, and that this act take efftiCtand be in force from and after Ita N. H. VAN VORHES. the House of Representatives. THOMAS H. President of the Senate. March 30, 1857. [No. 54] AN ACT Relating to the surrender of permanent leases to Virginia Military School Lands.' Sto. 1. He it enacted bv tha General Asaemblv of tha State of Ohio, That hereafter in applications for the surrender of permanent leases of any tract or parcel ol land, comprising a partoi lanaa com monly known as' "the Virginia Military School Lands," id order that the lessee, or assignee of the original lessee, may be vested with the fee simple estate in such tract or parcel of land, it shall not ba neceassrv for such' lessee or assignee making such application, to make proof of the payment of any rents or interests accruing unaer.ana or virtue of, such leass upon such lauds prior to the year 1830 Sec 3. ThattheregisteroftheVirginiaMilitary School Lands, when auch applications are made, upon satisfactory proof that the original lease, or any assignment thereof, of any tract or parcel of such lands has been lost or dcstioyed withotitthe procurement, and against the will of such appli o int, may issue a certificate of purchase, as is now provided by law, without requiring the production and actualsurrendorof such original lease or proof of such assignment of the same; provided that such register shall not in any such case issue a certificate ot purchase, as aforesaid, unless, and until, he ia satisfied from competent testimony that such applicant is, in good faith, the owner of such leasehold estate; and that he has held peace able, quiet and undisputed possession thereof lor term of twenty-oue years next preceding his said application, either by himself or his immedi ate lessor or lessors. Sec. 3. This act shall be in force from and after its Speaker the House of Representatives. LESTER TAYLOR President of the Senate. March 27, 1857. No. 61] AN ACT Supplementary to "an act. making ments of writing negotiable," passed February 35, 18:0. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That all bonds, notes and bills, payable at a day certain after d -te or after sitrht. made negotiable bv the act to which this is supplementary, shall be entitled to three days' grace in the time of payment. Sue 3 That tht demands of payment from the maker of any bond or note, or of the drawee of any bill of exchange on the third day of grace given aforesaid, a id notice of non-payment there of the endorser of any such bond, note or bill, and the drawer of any such bill within a reasonable time thereafter shall be adjudged, due diligence under the second section of the act to which this is supplementary, unlesa the endorsement shall express in writing other conditions: Provided, that when the third day of grace shall be the first day of the week, the first day of Janunry, the fourth day of July, the twenty-fifth day of Decem ber, or a public thanksgiving day, such demand shall be made ou the next preceding business day. Sec. 3. The act passed March 1.1, ip.isi, entitled an act atinnlementarv to an act making certain instruments of writing negotiable." passed Feb ruary 25, 1820, be and the same is hereby repealed: Provided, nothing in this act shall affect suits pending or rights acquired, before this act lak ettect. N. H. VAN VORHES. the House of Representatives. THOMAS H. FORD. President of the Senate. President of the Senate. March 30, 1857. Auditoe'b Office, Wood Co., 0.) May 19, 1857. j T htroVir eertifv that tha above lawa an. accord ing to the copies furnished by the Secretary of Slate. JAMES w. ROSS, Co. Auditor. rr"r- A comnanv of 10.000 Norwegians, it i said.iutend to proceed to Quebec during the pres- eilt aeason WATCHES AND CLOCKS, a Inrg-e stock, of all prices, T bfs i 1 V". 1 large ANn well selected stock of new pat- terns. SIL VER AND PLATED GOODS. consisting of SPOOXS, FORKS, CAKE BASKETS, TA provisiona BLE C 4STORS. &c. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, r.pired at short notice.. All. work intrusted to us, will b, llon. in.4 thorough and workmanlike manner, and warranted. NEW FUCII 1 SEW GOODS 1 1 NEW rTHIE subscribers are now opening, at their SW J. new Store.. on-Conant street, the iargeit and heat atnett nftrnnris in their line ever btouirht to this market. nmnng which ivillbe found Tv"; P. &" A. 11. Gbiswold. T " MJier-WB have B full Stock Of glin x matoriaiR, timnnif w iu'h will be found w do7 Hitchcock. & M tizzy's, and PcnniDgton nfl barrel. piinzisTftml ia-Dair. (;in jjm-k, all Rortsawl a fnll stock. Mountinffs, Snrin-'!, Hritrh Plum, Patent Bntchen, Roil Trimming, fl"d all the fixtures. Six gross linn Conrsall qualities. Please give us a call before purchasing. m W..P..& A.. If. (iiupwoi.n. 1)istolR. A. full stock, consisting of Colt's and War ner's llevolvers; Double iinrrel Kitlc. also double aud single (Jerniun, a lull stock, cheap. V. 1. t A. II. Ouiswoi.n. I-ondv llnde C'lothiiiir. The largest and cheap I V i'Kt clock ever brought to this market. Call and . . exum,ne ,or )selrc. V. P. .V A. II. fliiiswoi.n. "nr oft lie Greatest Inventions of the Age.- ) Seamless clothing; something that is cheaper, wanner, and more durahle than any kind of cloth, won't rip or tear. Over nnd I'niler Coats, Pea-jacki'ts, Pants, Vests, and Mittens. Call and see, no charge for hhowing. W. P. A A. II. (iitiKwoi.n. Dry ood" A general assortment, among which will be found Shectins, Prints, Linens, Lawns, (iinghams. Hosiery, aud a heavy stuck of Men s sum mer goods, Ac. Uivc ns a rail. V. P. & A. II. GKiswrnn. I)oots & Shoes. Every thing, from a cowhide Hoot to the finest Patent leather. A large stock Ladies, fine (".niters and Huskins, and tho largest stock liovs' and Children's .Shoes in town cheaper than can ba bought any where west of X. Y. W. P. & A. II. Giiiwoi.ii. Hats k Caps. A full stock Men's and Hoys'. YV. 1. A A. II. (JutHwoj.n. Ctlocksl Clock'! Wholesale nnd lietail, we will nut be undersold, call and sec for yourselves'. W. 1 A A. II. Gitiswoi.n. naiil"vnre. A full stock, Locks. Hutts, Screws, Tiilde und J'ockct t'utTery, and Joiners Tools of biMt quality. W. P. A A. H. Gitiswoi.n. ( toopers Tools. A full sfock W'eed.s uelebratod J TooU alt selected by Weed. W. P. .t A. H. Gitiswoi.n. C cigars. 10,000 choice Scgnrs lower than can be i jmrehnwd west of X. V. Smokers will please take hunihng. W, V.& A. II. Giuswoi.n. Oct. nth. Im.i lly C ITY CLOTHING E iW 1 O It I U M . Wm ROBKltTSON. Mivipnee i Ity, Ohio, nS just received a choice selection of Fall and Winter good, consisting of French nnd F.nglish Cloths, Cassi meres, Overcoating, and oeki,is; Pluin and Fancy Kilk, Satin, Velvet, and rich Plush Vestings; which he is preparwl to nmke up to order, in the most fashionable stvte, and' warrant to give entire satisfaction or no sale. Also. Shirts, L'ndcr-Sliii ts. Drawers, Col lars, (iloves. Cravats, Scarfs, Ties, Suspenders, Half Hose. Fur and Buck Gauntlets, soft fur aud wool Uuts, plush aud clnth Caps. AhtOf it i: a ii v M A D E CLOTIUNO, which ha it constantly manufacturing and selling at pri ces lower thun is usually paid for Eaglem rIVnh, made "to tell.' At his clothing Is manufactured under his own supervision, he can recommend it as being well made, and of superior quality. Store, oue door watt of Allen Si Nelson's brick build ing. Sept. 10, IH5U--4UV4JSM 25 WITNESSES. ou, TUB H FORGER CONVICTED. 5 JOH.V H. DYE 1H TIIK AUTHOR. Who has bat 10 year's experience as a Banker and aaai ruuiiMisi, nuu auiuur ui aai A Mtriet of l,ertnttt at th Broadway Tabtrnaclt when, fnr 10 ancceslve nights, ovor S Greeted him with KonnHaofAnnlauRe.whllehe fT exhibited the maimer In which Counterfeiters exe cute their Frauds, and the surest and short- - A est means of deceeting theml A, Th4 Bank Molt Kugrawn ail my that h it the grrateat Judge of Vaper Monty living, kaal GREATEST DISCOVERY of The Pienent (feature Tor aspirating uoumerieii uant roi". q Describing Every Uenuine Bill in Existence, and m Exhibiting at a glanca every Counterfeit jj In circulation M Arranged so admirable, that ItKFEREN'CE la easy fS and DETECTION Instantaneous. M WT-Vn ln.lo In ...min.l M n ..... n k,,n tint Bw Hut so slmplllieil and arranged, that the .Men lianl, mi uanaer ana nusmess Man can soe all al a Ulanet. A o t,nelun, trenrh anil (lermrm. ft Thus Each mav read tho same In his own JVatlvraaa TnnfTiia. W Most Perftdt Unnk Note List Publi-hcd, 5' Also a Hit of IZ All the Private Bankers in Amenta. w A complete siiminarv of the Pixaxck ok Ecrope Amkhica will be nnl'lihcd in each edition, to-a gother with all the Important Atws of the day. Also a series of INTEFESTING STORIE3 From an Old Manuscript found In tho East. It furnishes the mmt rnmplcto History of IHRvr4i. i n n ft floRcrlbllie the moat nerntexiiie nnaitinns in whlrh ine i.autcs ami oentlemen of tbnt countrv haves neeu bo ouen lounu. Tliese Stories will oontinne throughout the whole year, and will provo tlie most entertaining ever oflVroil to the Piihlin. trr urulshi'il eekly to Subscribers oulv. at 51 e a year. All li-Uprs must be nilrircpgcd to JOHN S. DYE. Urokur. hd Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall-street, A'ow P Vork, April n, 1357 J19A21ly ' ii. liuisRrir HASremnTed his Drugstore to the building formerh orcunied bv O. D. Itannev.on Wnvne trpt. inom the Book store,) where he has opened the largest stock of h Drugs. Medicines and Clicinicals ever before itfTered In .Aluuinee Titv. H rofurnii Mi, thanks for the liberal patmnuge previnusly bestowed upon him, and hopes by diligence and punctuality in business, and a liberal policy to his patrons, to merit a continuance of past favors; assuring them, together with all others who may favor him with a call, tlmt It will be his pleasure, at all times, to furnish them pure medicines of almost every kind, and medical advice, it necessary. A variety of t-henucals, I'urt ft tties nnd I.tqnnrs for Meiiical or lve chamcal purpose, (but none of an inferior and deleterious composition,) Flavoring Extracts for Cooking, Per fumery,TooOi Paste nnd Powtlers Skin Powders, Hair Restoratives and Hair Tonics, Lip uuiiu uiki roiuaues, onavin ireums and rviaps, Toilet Soaps; Cloth, Hair, Hat. Tooth, Nail Scrub, Paint and Wliitewusl. Brushes; Fancy artieles, Spts. Turpentine. Lin Beeii, Lard.Whale, Tanners', Fish and N eats-Foot OILS: PAINTS, White and lied Lead Zinc, Chocolate or Fire Proof Paint ground in oil, a new article and finer Painta of all colors ; Dye Woods and Dye Stuffs t Window Glass and Glass Ware ; Gro ceries, such as Teas, Su gars, Rice, Pepper, Soices. tl'C. nnd many other articles, as well as a large variety of Proprietary Medicines, adapted to all diseases, lie has also set up a new FOUNTAIN, from wlii-h tH...0. jet of ice-cold mineral water, at the pleasure of the op erator, for the special benefit of his customers. August ', Iti.tU. DOCTOR tlOOIXAXD'S CEJ hLlUTKD GERMAN BITTERS, PRF.PAnrD BY Dr. C. M. JACKSON, Philad'a, Pa. WILL EF.FBCTlrAl.r.T fl'nw LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. JAVND IC Chrome or JServoti Deb i I it u. Diseases of the Kidn,u and ail diseases arising from a disordered Hver o as Consti pation. Inward Piles, Fullness of blood to the head, Acidi ty of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for food. Ful ness or weight in the stomach, Sour eructations, sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, swimming of the head, huried and difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, v-noiiKingorsurrocating sensations when in a lying pos ture, dimness of vision, dots of webs before the siht fever and dull pain in the head, deficiency of perspira tion, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, &c sudden flashes of heat, burning iu uic nesii, constant imaginings oi evil., ana great de' pression of spirits The proprietor in calling Ihe attention of the pub lic to this preparation, does so with a feel in tr of the ntmostconndence in its virtues and adaptation to the diseases for which it it reccomm ended. It is no new and untried article but one that has stood the test of ten years' trial before the American people, and its reputation and sale ia unrivaled by any similar preparations extant. The testimony in its fa vor giveni by the most prominent and well known Phy sicians and individuals in all parts of the country is immense, ana a carenu perusal ot the Almanac, pub lished annually by the proprietor, nnd fo be had irrat. is of any of his agents, cannot but satisfy the most skeptical that this remedy is really deserving the great celebrety it has obtained. Principal Office and Manufactory, No. 00 Arch St., miiiueifiiiiii. i a. Certificate of HALF LUTE, Esq., Editor iVpirt Of tlit Times" honttm, Ohio. Inii.vroN, Oct. 30, 154. EVr. C. M. Jackson Dear Sir, The bitters are in grenfdcnvmd here. In addition to the Quantities sold bv Moxlev & Jtnrber, onr agents.the two other stores sell more of them than any other medicine. I rind they are much used by convalescent fever patients to rebuild their broken constitutions. I have used during the last summer, in my own family, four bottles. They were receomeudfd to me first by a neighbor, at a time when my system was much debilitated from the effects of n severe Billious fever. They gave me nn appetite, and restored a rone and' vigor to my whole system. Iu one of the September numbers of my paper 1 related mv experience of the good effects of rtio- Bitters, since winch time they have had a large sale, and have now become the standard medicine in this vicinity. In conclusion, 1 would say that I feel great pleasure in giving you this testimony of the value nnd success of your preparation. Itespectt'ullv vours, HALF LUTE. (i II RAT LritF., AFTER THE I'M YHtriANS HAD X AII.KO. Ui'SHKi.vij.LK, Ohio, Jan. ID. Dr. C. M. Jackson Dear Sir, " lie would inform you that we are out of your Bitters, which find a ready sale. One of our neighbors has been doctoring for some time (we think nliout two years) with all the doc tors in the country, but nil of no avail. He looked at much like a dead man going about as anything wt cuii compare him to. His disuse appeared to be an overflowing of the gfiit. With hard persuasion wo prevailed on him to try your bitters, with the promise to it ui (i no gouu.urge we wouiu en mining for it, provided he took nix bottles according to the di rection, which he hasdone, and is now entirely cured. and has become a well man. Tins cure has created a great sale in thin neighbnrh od." Kewtfullv. EDWARDS Si BROWN. Thev are entirely v-pgetahle, free from all injurious ingredients, or alcoholic stimulants, always strengtlien-in-r and never nrostratinif the svstem. Price 7,'ic. nerbotrje. Sold bv Druggists and Store keepers iu every town and village in the United States aud Canadas. Sold by H. BHltKITT, Maumee City; PECK & HAMILTON, Perrysburg ; Liusdale Si Bros, Free port; Norman Brewster, Scotch Hidge ; Jno, Bradner. West MillgrnvH. a " c "V ' wY"n s ij 6 w Iron-Founder and Machinist, Has on hand an extensive and approved assortment ratterns lor MfLL ClEiltlSG. CAPS A- HI U.S. VEKAADAS. rinu trastuigs gcncrailv. vt ork none to order on suon noiice. ami in a satisfactory mairner. Etna litN Kors'mtY, Mai-mkk City, Ohio MKFFOltD A HOLLENBECK, AttiriHy and Couiiscilora nt Law. Agents for the punruue and sale of Lands and natoeut of 'Purest ' PKRRYSBUHO, WOOD COUNTY, OHfO. v i iKU H ANGINtJS. An extenlve variety, enibra- L eiug Window Shades, Hull 4iper, Border Ac. ofi the latest styles. Just received ana ror sale cneap at ' MITMEE BOOK RTORB. B i a in iaiu aiitTICB. The Pebbbuu Bins .......... - is now openana preiiarea ioai.couiiiaiioriuuaiuaa ann aen ooia.o.r,aiiu Bwni aui.,ig., aim their hue. Interest paid on tim. .lep.iait.. J.8. NOKTON, Cashier. AYER'8 oflisat PE C T 0 R A L , Coughs, Cold, and Hoarseness, Brimpibmi, Mbss., Dec. 30th, 1855. Dr. Ji Ci Avefi t do not hetdtAi tnuv that tile heat remedy 1 have ever found for CuuKha. Hoarseness. Inflnensa. am. the eonuomitant symptoms of a Cold, it your Chubby Pk'-toral, Iu constant use in my practice and my family for the laat ten years has shown It to possess su perior virtues lor the treatment of thesr complaints. EHKN KNKiHT, Mi D. A. B. MORTLY, Esq., flf mica, '., writes t "I have nstd voor Pertottil mv- selt and In my family ever sihefl you Invented it and nenove it to be trie oest medicine for Its ouroose ever put out. With a bad cold, I should sootier pay $25.00 tor a douic man no witnotu it, or lane any otner remedy. aSpHiNuriKl,l. aliss.. Feb. 7. IH.Ift- Brother Aier: I will cheerfully certify your Pectoral is tne nest rrmeny we possess tor tne vt hooping Coogb, Croup, and the chest diseases of children. We of your iraicrnity in me nouin iircciaie your ss.hi, anu com mend your medicine to our people, HIRAM COXKt.Tff. M. D. AMOBJ.titi. rn Monterey, la., writes. 3d Jan. 1850; I had n tedious Influenza, which confined me In doors six weeks; took many medicines without relief; finally tried your Pectoral by the advice of our clergyman. The first dose relieved the soreness in my throat and lungs; less thun one-half the bottle made me complete ly well. Your medicines were the cheapest as well as the nest we can imy, anu we esteem you Doctor, and your remedies, as the poor man's friend. Asjthmiu or Phthisic, and llronrhlttn. Wbst Manchkstek, Pa,, Feb. 4, UVifl. Pir: Your Cherry Pectoral Is performing marvelous cures iu this section. It has relieved several from alarming symptoms of consumption, nnd is now curing a man wno nan laooreo miner an niiection ot the lungs forthe last lorlv vours- llli.NKV L. PARKS, Met. A. A. RAMS'KY, M. D., Albion, Iowa, writes Sept, fl, lS.i'i: During my practice of many years I have found nothing eiinai to your Vhrrrv Pectoral for trivintf cane and relief to cotiauiuptive patients, or curing such as are curanie. We might add volumes of evidence, but the most convincing proof of the virtues of this remedy Is found iu Us effects upon trial. Coiwaiinption Probably no remedy has ever been known which cured so many and such dangerous cases as this. Some no human aid can reach; but even to those the Cherry Pectoral affords relief and comfort. Astob Hoi sk, New York City, March 5, 185fl. Dr. Aver, Lowell: I feel it a dity and a pleasure to inform you what your ( 'herrv Pectoral has done fnr mv wife. She had heen furtive months laboring under the dangerous symptoms of consumption, from which no aid we could procure gave her much relief. She was steadily failing, until Dr. Strong, of this city, where we have come for medical advice, recommended a trial of your medicine. We Mess his kindness as tre do your skill, for she has recovered from that day. She Is not yet as strong ns she used to be, but is free front her cough, and calls herself welt. lours witn gratitnnennt regard, ORLANDO SHELBY, or Sheli.yvili.s. Consumptives, do not despair till you have tiled Ayert Clwrry Pectoral. It is made by one ofthe best medical chemists In the world, and its cures all around us bespeak the high merits of its irUe9,PttlaUeiphia Ledger. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER. Practical and Analytical Chemist, Istwell, Mas$. PrIF, $1 00 Pl.R BOTTLR. AVER'S PILLS, Prick 25 Cts per Tiox. Bold by H. Burritt, Allen A Nelson, Manmee, Peck A Hamilton, Perrysburg, and by all Druggists every where, bent, 20lv. DISEASE VAXCtl'ISHED By Ir Roback's Scandinavin Remedies. AFTER years of study, analysis und experiment, Mr Koback, the emminent Swedish Pliysician. succeded In producing a medicinefrom the mountain herhsof hisna tive laud, which acts directly upon the causes of disease iii the btood.and by restoringthe corrupted fountain of life to a condition or health and purity, expels disease from the system wherever It mav be located, or whatever mnv be its character. Indigestion, nervrus joinploints, epileptic and other tits, coughs, cemumption in its early stages, lore throat, bronchits, fever and ague OB l Uinta, lUW PJlirn,citis ...-a, f"'i'i1ii " lime Ticuia- ness, pricking of the skin, symptomatic of 'paralysis, hanniuiiim natiim 1 tr ia . t limor. Cttnrnr. sitnliatds lnai. tude and debility, diarrhea,and all other disorder of the i organs of respiration, the liver, the kidneys, the stom ach, the nerves, or the muieularfibre, are unerringly cured by this dreparation. It is to the materiet morb'i, or seedsof disease, what an alksli is to an acid; it neutralizes them wit"h absolute certainty, while at the srme time if regulates the secret ion s.-removes obstruc tions from the bowls1, crtnfes appetite, renews bodily vigor and regenerates every animal fn net ion. Such is the nature, such are the effects of Dr, finback's fa monlScandinvian Blood Purifier Pills, will not onl j obliterate the most painful diseases, bnt prevent their; recurrence, and lengthen life beyond its ordinary span, I To prevent imposition, purchase only of respectable druggists, Ale., of regular agents or'ol Dr. lioback.l sole proprieter and manufacturer, (J4th street, Cincin nati. Price of Purifier $1,00 per. bottle j 0 bottles' for 5. Pills 25 cts. per, box. and 5 boxes for $ 1,00. j Trhhe Halte, Ind, Oct, 12, 1H55. ! Dr. BoBACK-Sir, The last thre botlcs of your Rlood P win rand the accompanying Pills, have re lieved me of the fast vestige of my rheumatism, I con sider the cure all but miraculous. After having suf feredthe most acute agony, almost without intermis sion, for eig-ht years, and being for three years a crip ple, lean scarcely renlize the fact that at this moment, after having used your Scandinavian Remndies foronH three months and a few days, I am a hide, hearty mail, capaldeof manual labor, aud entirely free from pain, When I hrst applied to you, by letter, for a supply of your medicines, I waslittle betterthana annatical skel eton. For more than two years 1 had never enjoyed one hour of unbroken night, rest, and my mind sinking with my body, had become greatly enfeebled, tne very first buttle of the Purifier v. ro tight a surprising change for the better in my system, and after taking that wonder ful restorative, together with the Blood Pillls, for one month. I felt that a complete regeneration of everv animal function wnsin progress. I was not deceive, 1 am now, at (il years of age, as free from every symp tom of rheumatism as I was nt UK There can be no doubt that this wonderful cure is due to vonr remedies alone, and 1 am willing, it it will serve ou or iuuduce others to seek relief from the same source, that this let ter should be made public, 1 ours, Ae.. JACOB ATKINS. Cincinnati, Dee. 2S, ix.Vi. Dr.C. W. RonifK DenrSir: Thiswillccrtifv that I called tin Dr. Ituback last March and got Home of his Scandinavian lllood Purifier, which has entirely cured me of a eomplaiht of nine months duration, nnd after li ving other physicians without effect, I, as a Inst re source, called on the above named Dr. Hobuck, ami he relieved me of the Ncuraligin. together with weakness in the'huck. I u the course of three weeks from the time 1 tirst applied to get up und attend to business, nnd can safely say that from tlmt time I have enjoyed the best of health. Those who suffering frrm any illness would do well to call on Dr. Koback, at hisestablisliment. No GKast Fonrth street. 11, C. KTEWaHT, No. IT Chestnut street. For sale by Pr.fK St- Hamilton. Perrysbnrg, Dn. PuiiniTT, Manmee; W.& H . Honn. Bowiino Ohkf.n; W. St H. Hasrins, Portage; Lkvi Tavi.or, New Wrtrield : ( i , L a k k k y & Co.. (iii.kah; L. L. Moiti: iiorsK A Co., Watei ville, ami for sale hy Drugists and i-alers in Medicines generally through the conntry.. Deccmbep Trt. ltit( 2lv. To I-uggists, SlerchniitM, and Oca I era in Medi cine. Titr; rmsrirAT. nxr-nT op DR GREGORY'S INSTANT CURE of PAIN Foe Western Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Virginia, Calitornia,. Nw Kugland, Ac, nt the Store Koom of P. W.HOYU tf CO. We keep a supply constantly on hand. All Dealers in Medicine supplied on most reasonable terms. This very valuable and popular medicine, has built up its own reputation, and needs no word of commen dation from us. Order. solicited aud promptly filled. Aoknts: U. Burritt,, P. C. Holt, Mnumee City, C. West, v Co., .1. si. Ashley, loicuo, i, iicacn a l o, Geo. Powers, perrcslmrg, Ohio. BOYD, STONE St CO., Proprietors, 2tf Maiiinee City, Ohio. F. K. MILLER fc CO., PKA1.KIEP IN Dry Hoods, firoreries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots am tShneSf, Clothing, iron. Nails, iilasSy. Snt. Sjroi,. fyc. They respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Store," formerly occupied by E, D. PECK it Co., on Krout street, PEIlltYSBURG, WOOD CO., OHIO. .Ian. 24, lKftfi. AMERICAN HOUSE, JOSEPH LANG3NDERFBH, Proprietor. Cornisr of Ihnlley A Oonant ata.. Manmee (Uy, O. H0TOT0N k GODWlfJ,. PEAI.KB6 IK- Dry dfoodh Groceries, Boots and Shoe, Ready Mad? Clothing, Pork, Beef, Potatoes, Oat, 4r., W. Pit. LI SO AT INTSIAI, LSW TjllCKS. Pervysburg, Jan. 26. Ift66. Mr- COIttMERCIAT COLLEGE, COLUMBUS, OHIO. Ihe most Thorough tf Practical Institution in the West. TERM.--For full course.inclndlngalldepartmsnta or Book Kesplhg,, Lectures and Penmanship, invariant ntJdn( ;..T.40 W T For fnll course fn Ladies' Department 20 00 HF, PROPH1ETOHS take great pleasure In ei pressing their thanks for the gratifying and unpre cedented success whinh has marked the career of theft institution since Its establishment at the Capital, and stimulates them to renewed exertions to meet, m themoti efficient manrur, the rapidly increasing demands for A practical and eompreht'tuve course of mercantile train mg. The great practical experience of the Principal, in heavy Banking and Commercial Houses, tusitted b educated and accomplished gentlemen, has enabled hird to bring to a degree of perfection a syitem of COl'N TlHO ROOM instruction, bv oral exercises, wot at tained bt ant other INSTITUTION. Each student, bv tnis new process. ! drilled at the DES K, tudttiduaHv , step by step, ui til he has mastered the w hole routine tf an Accountant's duties a fl,nr., -hi.. . j.- i j tervedananprenceshtpmsotnetarge Hou se ; and thus all awkwardness, faltering nnd egre gious blunders are, in a great measure, drwlrted In addition to our engagement of aeeomplithed as sistants, we have bIho secured the services of nome of the mosr eminent lecturers In Ohio to lecture in o . com mercial topics. Our course of instruction ia inn a-tn1sl in .Fiian. larize here, but it embrace everv thing- connected with DOUBLK KNTKV BOOK KEEPING, with a free and full discussion of its scientific principles Lectures upon Commercial History, and History of eminent Cum- m-itiui iTien. commercial t.eograplit, Commercial Products, Oommercial Calculations, Bonking, Political Economy, Mercantile Law. Kthi ship. Ac. The Indies' Dcpnrtmcnt Is now open for the reception of Ladies. No Initlttw tion in the Union imparts a more thorough or bi thirst ing course in this department. In conclusion, we would add. that we if-all nut fntb our best efforts to merit in a still more eminent degree the flattering reception with which our enterprise has met, and pledge ourselvtt to impart a more thorough practical rourse of Mercantile Instruction titan can btf formed at any other similar College. Among the many recommcndatiuni, we gfre ffte lot lowing: " We the undersigned, take pleasure in testifying that we nre pcrsonallv acouninted ith Mr.t.iiAM.Kit'ii at-r ity as an Accountant, and Teacher of Hook Keepingf which is of the highest order. He has had great expe- rieuce as an Accotmtant, in heavy Commercial and Bank ing Houses, which gives him superior facilities ininw parting a practical k nowledge of Book Keeping, and a invi vugii commercial .aticaiion. I. J. ALLEN, LL.D.. President of Farmers' College LOUIN ANDREWS, President of Renvoi! College. To young men who wish to acquire a "business edu cation " we think it affords facilities seldom eons led. Mr. Granger has the rare nnalihcatinn of theoretical knowledge and aptness .n teaching, added to practical Counting Room experience, nnd e feel confident that graduates from his College will be fully competent to keep the most tomplicated set of books'. A. I . nUm Vi, vtnolcsae& lietail Merchant. J. J. JAN NE Y, Sec. B d Control, S. Bank Old J. F. PA It K. Rook Keeper at D.T. Woodbnrvo. D. OVE1UHEK, Book Keeper. Clinton Bank's. II. Z. MILLS, See. Columbus Gas A Coke Co.. C. B. MASON. B'k Keeper Tur J.H.Itilcj ACo,, For full particulars, send for circular. GRANGER A A KMSTRONO; 1ml 3 Proprietors. THK CKKAT PUHIKIKR OF THE m.OOn ! THE BEST ALTERATIVE KNOWN!! Not a Particle of Mercury in U ! An infallible remedy fur Scrofula. King's Kiil. It hen mutism, Mistinate i u'ancons i-.ruptions, I'nnpiet orPostules on the Puce, Uiotches. Itoili, Ague and Fever, Chronic Sore Kves, King worm, or Tetter, Scald head. fCnlnrgemenr and pain of the Rones and Joints. Salt Rheum, Stubborn 11 cers, Ryphilitic Disor ders, and all diseas es ariiing from au irj"di- cioin use of ,Mcr rury. Imprudence' hi Life, or impurity of the Rlood. This great alterative Medicine and Purifier ef thsv Blood is now used by thousands of grateful patients' from all parts of the United States, who testify dail1 to the remarkable cures performed bv the greatest CP all medicines, " CA RRER'S SPANISH MIX'i l'RK.M Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on th Skin, Liver Disease, FeTcrs, I'lcers, Ola sores, AfTec-'' tion of the Kidneys, Diseases of the Throat, Femals complaints, Pains and Achiugsof the bones and joints, are speedily put to Night by using this inestimable rertw edy. For all diseases of the Blood.nothing has yet heen fotino to compare with it. It cleanses the system of all im- tuirities, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and' vidneys, strengthens the Diirestinn, gives tone t the' stomach, makes the skin clear and healthy, and restores the Constitution, enfeebled by disease or broken down' by the excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor end1 strength. For the mir-iSKs; or fkmai. r.s it is peculiarly appli cable, nr-d uhcrev'ir it has become known in regularly prescribed uith the happiest effects It invigorates the weak and d. l 'dilated, and imparts elasticity to the' worn-out ftan:, clfum the skin, and leaves the patient! fresh and health ; a single bottle of this inestimable remedy is worth' all th? "-called Sarsaparillas iu exist-' ence. The large number of certificates which we have re celved from person from nil pans of the I'nited States, is the best evidence that iIkm c is no humbug about it .; The Press, hotel keepers, minirntes, physicians, ami public men, well known to the community, all add their1 testimony to the wonderful ctfects of thisoKKAT bi.ood" PURIFIER. Call on the Agent and get an Almanac, and read' the details of aKtuitishiugcures performed by cahtkn's Spanish mixture, in most cases xrhere everything else1 had signally failed.) The limits of an advertisement will not admit their full insertion. Wm. S. RKF.HS St CO., Proprietors.. t No. ;in4, Broadway, New York", To whom all orders must be addressed. For sale bv Druggists and Country Merehnntsinall parts of the Vnited States und the Canadas, and bv PI-.CK Si II-UIUiON, Pernsburg, and H. lit It RITT. "Maimieo City. "fScpt. II. 1S5C ly Piiii,ii:i.iMii v mi;dh ai. noi sr. Ks tablished twenty-lwo years ago ly Oh. K1NKEL- IN, corner of Third nnd I'nion streets, Philadelphia, Pa. TW EVI'Y-TWO VtAKH F.xperience has rendered Dr. K. a most'sitCTOssftti practitioner in the cure of all diseases of a private na ture ; manhood's debility as an impediment to mar riage; nervous and sexual infirmities, diseases of th. skin, and those arising: from ahttsp of nrrriMiny TAKE PARTICULAR NOTU'R. There is nn evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys iu solitude, often growing up with them to manhood; and which, if not reformed in due time, not only be gets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracted, iiisidious, and ie vastnting atTcctirns. Few of those who give way to this pernicious pt se ttee are aware of the consequences, until they find tha nervous system shattered, feel strange and unaccount able sensations, and vague fears in the mind. (See pa gcs.'J",!'. !!'. of Dr. K's. book on "Self Preaarwatifc i."). The unfortunate lhas affected becomes feeble, i un able to labor with nccmtnaied vigor, or to apply his mind to study ; his step is tardy and weak ; he isdulH irresolute, and engages even in his spurts with le&en ergy than usual. Jf he emancipate himself before the practice Bsf done its worst, and enter mntrimony, his marrioge isu nnlruitful, and hm sciimo tells himthut this U caused bjt his early follies. These are considerations u-iiicH ituldtr aitakeu'the attention of all vhn nre similarly situaiedL' RRMD.MRF.R. He who places himself under Dr. Kinkelin's treat mcnt, may religiously confide in his honor as a gsntifc man, and rely upon the assurance, rhut rile secrets of rtr. K's path nts will never be disclosed. Young man let no false modpsty deter Tou.from ma king vourcase known to one. who, Irom education and! respectability. can certainly befriend you. Dr. Kinkelin's residence has been for the last twenty vmrsafthe N. W. corner ot Third and L'nioit streets Philadelphia, Pa. PATIENTS AT A DISTANCR. Can have (by stating their case expliwiriyv together with all tJie r symptoms, per letter, enclosing a remit-, hinec.) Dr. K's'niedwins, f propr4ad accordingly. Forwarded to any part' or tile United States, and pack, ed secure from damage or curiosity, bv Mail or Kx press., HF.AD YOU'IH AND MA N HOOD 1 A Vigorous Life or a ft ematnrt Death, Kinkelin ot, Self Preservation Only "iUcmU. Letters containing that value in stamps, will ensure, a oonv. per return of mail. WUATIS! (JRATIR!! CRATI8 I A Fve 6'r To Alt. MISERY KELIF.VKB. "XahirVi uide," a lev simI popalar Wsrlt.fuH ot valuable advloe and impressive waraiag alike calcnlsx ted to prevent years of misery, cad thousands of Uvea, is distributed without charge, and forwarded snail, prepaid to any Post Offlee in the United State, oav sMianns an order enclasiair two uohim tasnM.