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VEKRYSP.UU3 JOURNAL. K, A. lflU(ilN, Kitilor. MaVjopfone fear.ln alranea 1 3 Alli'll)i".rlplloiunotiniilwHliilni moillliaK 00 Perrysburg, ThursJuy, Aug. 13, 1857 Republican Judicial Convention. The RmuhHcana ol the S snlillvlloii In tlio 3d Jn tii..t MnlinaiAii tn acnd dclrffAtea to Judicial Convention, which will inert In tha town of Cny. In the eotiniy o( WvnBdot, Ohio, on fuoidsy, Tha bul of representation will beonedclc(tlo for ..oh SO Totes cult for John C the lata IW Id.ntUI election, end o.ieaudlllunal delegate foi overy fraction of not leaa tlian 25. The total number of delegates by this bauli will be 171; m1 from each county will number axfollowi: 8eneca County 51 Crawford County.... 31 Hancock 34 Wood " ... -2 Wjandot - O. W. UKIIKT, Chairman, J. M. PATTKHSON. Seneca, JACOB SCHIIOOUS, Crawford, J. K. CAl'LKH, Hancock. V. HOIXEXHKIJK, Wood, RqmMcm Cmlral Crmiuttrt. 3d Sii. 3d Judicial Dill. UPPER SANDUSY, O., July 26, 1857. Republican Representative Convention. vAiillnn. The HepnbHcana orthe counlle. of V ood and Ottawa .re reqncti-d to aend delegalca to a Republican Con Tenllnu. to be held at Woodvile. on Wednesday, Sep in,ler id. at 10 o'clock . M . for the purpose nathlg representative, to be aupporlcd by the llcpub. 'Th. wilo'of replantation will be one .delate for verv (illy ropnbllcan votes iiiveii at the lust fresiden. ?ial electU.anl one lor every fraction (.1 tsreuty live and over, entitling the counties to the following vole. Wood ill Ottawa JAMES MURRAY, Chairman. August 13, 1857—14td. Republican County Convention. The uepublicuns of Wood county are requested to meet In ci...venii..n at Binlmjr firm, on Saiur, ay the 6 h dav of September, at 10 o'clock A. for the pnr poa. of nominating candidates lor the f to be supported at the ensiim IM election: One conn Jr clerk one auditor, one probate Judav, one prose- one county rnrainiwiom-r. an I one JAMES MURRAY, Chairman. August 13, 1857 American Nominations. Tho Anierienn convention at Dajtou nominated Jhe follnwini? Sinte ticket: Kor (Jovornor Col. IMtcr Van Trump, of Lan- etw. ., .- For Lieutenant Governor N. 1. Lucia. ' . ., , Treasurer of Stale Jonathan Uirsbmmi, Nits'o, of of Montgomery. . it Board of Public Works-Win. R. Arthur, ol Hitrlilftittl. Secretary or Slate-C. C. Allen, or Row. Supreme Judge -John Davenport, ol Belmont. This was a muss convention, lutt there were nnlv 85 D-rsons. Tbo greatest diflrulty b. convention met with was to find those who would r.i .i,..mlvr. honored by a nomination at its I Visa mvi.' bands. They did finally succeed, however, and the ticket was filled up. , psf Tho Republicans ol' Lucas county have mude tho following Dominations : : Auditor E. W. L'.'uderson, of Waterville, by cctanuiiion. - ,- , . Sheriff Heury D. Kingsbury, of Mcdo, by ac clamation. Probate Judgo Henry Bennett, or N ashing ton. Treasurer Stml. Blani'iiar.l, Toledo. Clerk-Pules T. Clark, Sylvunin. Pfoaecuting Attorney F. A. Jones, Toledo. Commissioner W. L. Taylor, Spencer. Intinnary Director R. A. Forsyth, Maumee. Coroner Dr. Valentine Brown. Perhaps a better selection could not have becu made With such a ticket iu the field the Rc p il li a i jhould, and wo believe they will, succeed. -Tho new coiwtiiittioti of luwa bus bora adopted by a largo nmjority. -Tbo Kentucky conirruseioiiul delegation stands seven Democrats to tlireo Americans. JM- Major Rollins, tho Americun Freo S:ate candidate for Governor ol Missouri is probably lectod by a small majority. It is supposed to be about 1,500. JT Our friend, J. J. Manor, E.-q ,who was so unmercifully slaughtered by Sieedinan and Backup at their recent packed convention iu Toledo, is poken of as the democratic candidate for Repre sentative iu the Lucas and Fulton district II lie get the nomination, it may be put down as a tri umph of the people over the corrupt party leaders who ruled the convention at Toledo. S"Gov. Walker's rrxvnt march upon Law- renew is the most silly, move yet made by tin- administration to convince its pro-tlaveey friend that all is right at the capital. The Yankee women made sport of the Governor as he passed through the country, and wli- tt In arrived at Lawrence, not a door was closed, not a hammer dropped not a plain put aside. He had all the glory to himself. Finding that he had gone ou a fool's errail I, he pot Ins viir at work to eunjure up sonn cx"ii-e to gi out of the scrape. The b-'St thing Iu- coul I do was to circulate the riport thai Fort Rid ley was surrounded by Indians, u n .1 its destruction was roonvMitnrily anticipated. Of course lie o once dispatched ihe troops to for Ri.lg-'lcy! Hour such proceedings exalts an administration in the eye of an honest an I intcl'.i.eitt people What laurels will such expeditions b-stow upon th American arms! And all this, loo. bxansr the cilitens of Liwreuce concluded to a lopi such rules for their social orgauizition us iheir health and happiness required ! Iu view of thest. things, why are not everybody democrats? Zcho answers, why T ff Mrs. Cuiitiitain, of 1! ml 'll notoriety, lia beencuactiu another scene in her eventful drama which is creating much excitement it's New York fCitr. She bus been claiming to bo in cienle, and tmt Dr. Bardell was ihe Wgnl father of tin? expect ,d heir. To carry out her professions and secure the property belonging to tho Buidill est a le, sue entered into an alliance with her physician, Dr. L'lil, 4o feign sickness and procure a child from come unfortunate California grass widow. All this was gone through with wheu the Dactor di.-eloscd rand. As she Iml never made any claims ou ground of being the mother of the borrjwed child, it witrbe difficult to convict h t of the intended riine, the penally of which is iuijjrisoii:n-iil lb penitentiary for not more than ten years. jV. ha been cited to uppear before tlio medical faculty of the city to auswer to the charge of hav ing divulged professional secrets. & 'I lie whole thing i in a snarly condition, and will afford Tor the lawyers and editors of Nc jik for Atttsix month. W The deuiocracj Lave been startled Ly BBouncemctit that Geo. W. Belden, of Stark Kal'tMen appointed IiUict Attonay for Mattham District of Ohio. Thejeaouotaccouut ft, W tb ma itey rCcommecJetl Democratic State Convention. i ! the the iu the the CO., the The IKMincratic Bluio Convention nominated H. n. Puvne. of lilcvelanil, for Governor on ihe 1st ballot. Payne, 1S7 J Ranncy, 83; Mc Dowell 61. VV. II. Lytic, of Hamilton, was nominated for Liuitteiiant Governor on tho 3d ballot. Lytic, 233; Smiih, 63 ; Cox, 44. Whitman was nominated for the Supremo Judge. Morris, of Monroe, was nominated for Treasurer of State on Oth ballot, Morris, 209; Morgan, 131. J. Reiuhardt, or Fruuklin.for Secretary of Stato.ancl A. L. Backus, of Lucas Co., for Board of Public Works. Here are the resolutions they adopted : 1. lhwlvtd. Bv the Democracy or the State or Ohio in Convention assembled, that it is otic or the first and highest duties ol the people or a re publican Government to obey the laws ol tho coun try, whatever they may be, until moditied.ropenled, or pronounced unconstitutional by a Court of com petent jurisdiction; and that ull attempts to evade or resist this high obliira lion of our national com pact is an act of rebellion loading to revolution, und should be frowned upon by every lover of tho Union. 2. lluohcd. That at this, the first Convention or the Democracy since the Presidential election or 18SK, tbo Democracy or Ohio present iiicir con rraitilntions to the Democracy or tho Union, who si aid the tide, of sectional fanaticism, which was last sweeping the vessel of State upou the quick sands of disunion. 3. llowhrd. That wo hnvo every confidence in the patriotism, talents and integrity of the Na tional Admini.sti'utiou, nnd we cordially endorso the doctrine, enunciated hy President Buchanan in his Inaugural Addresss, to dispose of the sluverv issue in Kansas by submitting the same to a vote of the acluid residents of the Territory, us eminent ly wise nnd Dcmncmtic. 4. Rcsohnl, That the grent doctrine of popular sovereignty first proclaimed to the world iu the Declaration ol Independence, reiterated by Mr. Jefferson in his resolves or 1781 endorsed by the Kausiis-Ncbraska Act, and ro niiirmcd in the Cin cinnati platlorm. if f.iirly carried out, will rid the country uiike of Northern and Southern fanaticism, and li.v.'S iu pei'j ctnity the existence of our glori ous Union. a. rYsoDeJ, Tint while, wo look to no author ity but reason for our political opinions we deem it proper toexpress deep gmMticuiinu nt tho con- curieiiee of the S'ipreine Court of the Udtcd Stutes in tliu doctrine with regard to the Lonslitnnonai Powers nnd I'ntiiical U'ghts of tho States und Ter ritories, winch have been maintained by the oc ralic Party and lunnally avowed by it in the three National ColivcnlioiiS. G. Resolved, That ttio lato defalcation in Ihe Treasury of the Stute imperiously demands that the money of tho pcoplo jdaced ihciein, should be guarded with jealous euro, and that, its tho only means of so doing, we re-assert und re-endorse ihe resolves nf the Djinoeraiic .Suite Convention of the 3ih of January, 1S54, pledging the next Dem ocratic Legislature to curry il into ell'cct in word and d'icd as follows : " Ucbulvtd. lhat the independent Treasury es tablished ly tlio Democracy of the Union, niter a continued si niggle tor years, has in its practical operation, vindicated und proven nil tbat was claimed for it by its wannest advocate. Awl lin t the Democracy of Ohio arc iu favor of tho enact ment by llie Legislature, of a system, similar in its principles, for the sate keeping and distribution of the puiilic lands of the State." 7. UenuiuJ, That wo ura iu favot of nn eco nomical udiuiuNtralion of the State, und the Fed eral Government ; nnd that tho public policy de inniids, at this time.the most etli -ieut und thorough measures of reform in Ohio, in order to reiiuce tho burdens of taxation by restraining the operations of Iho government from projects of public expen diture, not necessury or essential to its strictly legtiuuite purpose, and uiso by imposing saiutary checks upon tho abuse of the taxing power in the hands of the local authorities. 8. Renah'td, That Win, II. Gibson anil John G. Bivsliu, by their corrupt embezzlement of the pub lic moneys, merit, and wo trust, will receive the re ward of iniquity, u'lthiu the walls ot the Ohio Peu itoiitiury." The first resolution strongly intimate! that there ere icrtai.i laws iu existence which ure obnoxious to the people uf Ohio. Of course. reference is had to the fugitive slave law, and to the Champaign coumy case. Yet they say we must ob.ay this Uw until it is rep died, an I every democrat in Congress has invariably voted against its repeal, ami even this convention failed to say that its repeul was demanded, or even wished for, by Ohio democracy. The second resolution congratulates the de mocracy of the Uutou (that is, the South) in pre serving tile Union las', fill, by eccting a .nan upon a strictly sectional platform, hy a strictly sectional vote. Its consistency is h-uiitiliil. The third endorses Buchanan, and sanctions his assertion that ill; uctual settlers of Kutisas should be entitled to vote. But t tiy have not a word to say about the fact thai 1 GJO persons were enroled as voters hy the adoiiiitstration officers when thero were over 23,000 ! gal voters iu tin territory. Actions speak louder than words, and such a resolution is simply ri lieu lous when every act oflhe administration, which it approves, puts he lie to its professions. In their 1'iurih resulve they endorse the doc trine of Saunter S jv -rignty with an " if" which plainly indicate their acknowledgment of the fact that Pierce trjni.i-d il un ler loot, and thai Bachaiijii is to-day using llie lurce of the Amn io deleal its opetaiions ill Killsas. The fifth llie. Dm I Seott decision with all its uboiuiuu licitis. Tin sixth resolution favors mi independent trcusaty tyi'eni for the Slate, which will ufl'ir.l places for mere oOice. seekers, and cost the people, more nioti-y to keep up governm -ntat expenses. Uud. r its op rations, we should soon ex. ret see quite a col my of Oiiio dcin jcrats located with Drcslin in Canada. Thi seventh deel tr.-s in favor rif economy the administration of the State G jvernoi.-in j II nv thai soon is, CiMiMting from u party fresh from the field of public pluudei a naity that has robbed the State Treasury, within th? past five years, uf over two millions of dollars! I'hey can now, that the State Treasury is empty from their pilfering, well alf.ird lo profess a de votion to an economical administration of affairs of government. The eighth resolution created quite a sensa tion in the convention, a lurgf number of dclegstis claiming lhat it ivai politic sustain Kreslin. The maj iriiy thought other wise, and the resolution was fin illy adopted. This will not suit soni-i of our democratic papers in Ihe North-West, which have been II ilding Brcsliuiip as a model of perfection and injured innocence. Taken altogether, litis convention has proved failure. In the firsl place, Raoney was crushed because he coul. I pol swallow the Fugitive Slave Law and the Died Scott Decision without apparent ifl'ot; uud Riley was literally kicked out of the convention by Steedman and friends to give I'm kus a ihancf for another operation on the tau.l. Of course grey hairs of our friend Bites were not tult'tcient Ur to iqvc L i in from kick fiom tlio Mine quar:cr for the leme purpese; euJ rumor v.js i) at who brought him forward for Treasurer, did so lo cut his throat and keep him outof their coun ty convention. There is no element of popularity in either their platform or ths candidate whoatand upon il. The whole thing is ick with the hollow horn, and an Ignominious defeat must be the result. Republican Convention. Pursuant to previous notice, the Republicans met at the Court House in Perrysburg, on Satur day the 8th Inst, tu appoint delegates to attend the different conventions to be bold during the full. On motion, B. Wood was chosen President, nnd J. F. Price, Secretary. On motion. S. Jcficrson, N. D. Blinn. S. Kuder, Martin Warner.and J. McFaddon.were appointed a committee to report delegates to the several con ventionssaid committee made tho following re port : DELEGATES TO STATE CONVENTION. Geo. I.asky, Jos. Murray, E. D. Peck. S. Spink, Ebcr Wilson, Jas. W. Ross, E. Graham, F. Hoi. lenbcck, and E. Wood. JUDICIAL CONVENTION TO BE HELD AT CAREY, Aug 25, 1857. Jas. Murray, A. Cook. F. Holleubeck, J. F. Price, S. Jefferson, and D. M. Meflbrd, REPRESENTATIVE CONVENTION. M. Warner, E. Fuller, II. Hosklns, A. Shivoley, John Osborn, John Russell, S. M. Chilcote.T. Rudi til. Jesso Clmncc, G. Lyons'J. A. Kellcy, Jus. Pern- ber, John Fenton, Thos. Gorrill.J. F. Slubbs,Julius Blinn, Jus. W. Ross. E Wilson, F. Holleubeck, le Mnore. H. Shin-lev. Win. Houston, Win. Ewing, H. L. Wood, E. Gniham, and S. Kuder. SENATORIAL CONVENTION, Aug. 28, 1857. S. Kuder, C. Ha-kins, A. Chirk, H. L. Wood, Dr, Smith, Wm. Pratt, Jas. Donaldson, Win. Ew ing, E. D. Peck, Eher Wilson, Robert Fenton, J A. Kellcy, John Norris.J. W. Woodberry. Rcmlvr.d. That all the Republicans or Wood County, are invited to attend all of the uforesnid convention ' aud will be couciilored delegates to ihe sn mo. E. A. Iliggins, Edwin Tuller, and F. Holleu beck, commilte on resolutions reported the fol lowing ; Rcaalvttl, That now. os lu-retoPire, we have no desire lo inlerlire w ith the institution of slavery in the sta es where recognized, and that here- telore we ure unalterably opposed to its IiHthcr cxieu.-ion. Resolved, That in S. P. Chase we hnvo a model Governor, und that we uro'iti fuvor of his re-uotiu-tuition bv acclamation. Rtmhtd, That we fully approve the cntirse mirsucd bv our Kcprcsentuiive, Hon. Ji. LI. 1 iu the lust letrislature, and iu view of his inflexible iutcgr ly ami si rici attention to the interests of his constituents, do rec.mnueud him as a suitable can didate for re-election. Resolved, That the delegates, this day nppoint- el lo attend to tho Republican Stute Convention, he instructed lo use their inllnence to secure the nomination of our 1'elio.v citizen, Asher Cook, Esq , for Lieutenant Governor. Resolved. Thai the delegates to the Senatorial convention, be instructed to tiso nil honorable cf forts to secure the nomination of James Murray. Esq.. to Represent this Senatorial district in llie uexl General Assemoiy, On motion the convention adjourned. E. WOOD Pres't. J. F. PRICE, Secr'y. The Illustrated Gymnasium. This is the title ut a new book by R. T. Trail M. D., now being published by Fowler & Wells, New York. Tho work comprehends considerable more than the title expresses ; Tor it contains) not only nn exposition or Gymnastics proper, but also ihe applications of Gymnastic, C'alistlientc, and Vocal Exercises lo the develop nent of the whole body, the proper training of wealc and defective organs, and to tho cure of disease. Special M.-d-ical Gymnastics (or particular aliments and in'ir mitics have a prominent and important place. Ling's sysjem of Linesipathy, as developed hy its author und practiced by Roth, Georgia, an 1 others, is extensively treated of. Brief instructions ni'e given in the various "manly exercises," as Swir. ming. S tiling. Rowing, Riding, &e. ; and not the least valuable part uf it is fie analysis of the rudi mcntal sounds of the English language, with the instructions predicate 1 thereon, to enable the stu dent lo obtain fall command of the respiratory ap paratus, nnd acquire fluency aud power or Voice and Speech. All departments ol tho work are prom-cly illtis. stinted with engraving.'. It is a book for the Individual, iho Family, the Club, and tho S.'h -ol. It will be completed in two numbers. Price for tho work couip.ete, SI 25. Address Fowler & Wells, 303 Broadway, New VoiS. It U now sintLMl thai Governor Gumming will probably not dt-purl fur Utah before Sptum.ior. The A liniuistnuiou Usuidtu bvquiio well suiisfied with Mornion alUtrs us they Ktuml. f Tiw democrats uf tlie D.llinico S.'natorial district Iiave re-nominated Mr. PikJpet. O.i M niiiay evening, the 31 inst., tho Doltu Mills, in liuli.ig n Flunring niid S-iw Mill, were ilcitroyeil by lire. Lows about 615,000. to A XoNursCitipr S.vak :. Luik'S ll.'.-iry, con-r-t able id Orange lowiisiiip, killed a Glials on Fri day of last vet.k, in iliat township, whieh mens, mod u feot in longt!, nnd writhed -li) (lonntls. We are infruied that the oldest iuhuhjtanM of llie vieinity never befure seiu ftiiythin- IiU it. colors wore ami yellow. Hancock Courier. in l.ic the lo MOVI !!-:ST8 OF I'lLMBUsTKIl Walkeh. The New Oriean.s Delta chronicles som j of tho move ments uf tins wuuhl bj Iier.i, n.s fullows : Gn. Walker, Accompanied by Col. SnHei, t'.ii- city, took his (k pai ture, to-day. for Mobile, a tour df voted to the purpose of musing up hearts of the people between lhat point and Rich, mond, Va., to funiiih ihe "sinews ufwar" wliieli he needs to go back and consunmuiiu ihu task has undertaken uf Auierieunizing Nieiuaun. It his intention, we uuchrstiiud, to tnup nt ull principal iutennedi.iiti point long enough to kindle the lire of Southern pmrio isin iu each pi. ice, aud we have no doubt (he enihuyiariiii of Colonel Sut ler will prove u valuable unxiliary to theeau-eof the CT 'iariu!, nnd tliat success will crown their fitious during tins tour. A lurgo proportion the "material aid neccssaiy lur the new expedi tion lias ht'elt already secured, nnd it is confideutlv expected tliat tho uinouut Mill wanting will raised without diltuully through Aiulmmu, Geor gia, N irth und South C-iroiina, and Virginia, llie direct nppcals of Gen. Wulker himself. an m m ., m , Tbe L juisville Juumul nays : " The Forum is now co market, the Tarpe- i tn Hock a cabbage garden, the p dace of Cw.urs a rope walk, and Ashland the residence of J. U. CUy," his fi nancial the these My eon, hotr could you marry an girl ? " Why, father, I am not able to two women. If bad trmriit-d a 3 aiikee I'd been obliged to hire nu Iiiab girl to ?.ro wf tier." Shan Democracy Renounced! iiouiiceu! Judge Warden not be Sold to the South! Let Honest Democrats Read and Reflect! Judge R. B, Warden, hitherto a prominent lead er in tho democratic parly, who was elevated by that party to a scat on the Supreme Bench, cannot unite with tho Douglasitcs, who met in Columbus on the 6th inst., iu their endorsement of iho Fu gitive Slave Lew, tho Drcd Scott decision, &c. As an honest, independent ciiizen, be boldly assails the corruption or tho triumphant leaders or the party in a lengthy communication in the Ohio Stale Jour nuL Alter clearly defining the position or the prrty under Its new platform, hy quoting from the Drcd Scott decision, the Kansas" Nebraska net, &c the Judge makes the following remarks which should bo read and reflected upon by every lover of our Free institutions : I cannot believe, that the body of Iho Democrat ic votciscnn como to know and nppreeiala these ihlngs, without ulurm on tho subject of the rela tions they susUin lo the party known as Demo cratic. For my own part, 1 have been strongly at inched to iho Democratic party -oo strongly to abandon it from cuprice or selfishness too strongly to witness its gradual change from ihe de reuse or S ale Rights to centralism, without vig orous efforts to revive i s undent fuith and restore its ancient practice. For years . have seen the party tendency to Southernism and Centralism and within the party organization, I have fiiili fully assisted other democrats in the endeavor to restrain thai tendency. 1 now give up tho tusk ns hopeless, lam no ubolitiouisi. I am no fanatic For quitii seventeen years, I have been in Iho ac tive service ot the Democratic party, aim m con stant association with its worthiest members. The whole number of influences to which I have been subject has been uiifuvuruble to thu lorina ion of extreme opinions, miolerent ot slaverv. lint 1 will not allow mv devotion to any pnrtv or inter. est in politics to muko me silent. when ull the wtmlc- somo rules ol law, when ail its constructions in la vor of liberie, are pet aside, to muko room lur u perversion of the constitution in the interest of the property iu men, nnd when this perversion, iti-dend il moving tlie iti'ltgunlinn ol tlio whole Its of on llie he is the ex- of be un der Ro man the Iii:h keep girl. take coiinn v, becomes a matter uf mhlition to the creeil ol t hat party, which 1 have labored to rentier prosperous, and which I had once hoped to find nlw(ys worthy of my devotion and regard. 1 will nut workup the uew idol of the Democratic party. I dure not allow my respect for the good and true men, w ho remain with ihe party, lo mho? her the sentiment ol abhorrence with which I rogard tlie last addition to the creed uf that party. S'o more obji-etioounle, no moreviially dangerous, no inure entirely detest able thing than this, was ever approved oy party. I speak lively, niter the manner iu which I was tuught to ppeak, by the IX1 niter a io party; truly, as I hdve ever chosen to f-pi:a!i of mailers iclati.ig to the common weal. The indorsement by a jrrcat party of ihe dictum in the UrcdS-.'ott case, ih-eiaraiir the want of pow er in tlie C jngre.v and in the Territorial Lsta turc alike, to prevent the introduction uf slavery, lives that dictum theoii'y great iutponuuee.wliieli ciu. bo attributed to it. That imiuigcment cuts ihe throat of popular poveiviguty iu the territo ries, uud stabs 10 the heart every eotnproini.-e made on the subject ol slavery, not actually earned iuio tha Conslnuiio2 of the United Slate. In vain shall the intendim; Governor, Mr. Payne, 11 (feet, a he did in the Convention wl.e.i nomioaled, to re gard as "imniuteriaP the reasoning of Judge Taney. leadinsr him to declare the Missouri Comnromi-e iu:t. Tliat particular act is pronounced invalid only because acts of Con trives aud ail uc is of legislation in the territorial form, ars iucearily, aeeordlng to the docisio't. in-, valid, so far ns th.-y to prevent the iulro- iluettouol sl-iv pr;.'p.T.y into u.:y teirdory not covered by a Stut-j government. 1 repeat, ihe D-'tiiO 'iMiic party and tiiO South, ia giving force and imporiance to this dictum, h.iveput uu end t- all exira-consiitutional comproiaises. We ure hve to return to our simple sovereign I'udi!, as reserv ed wh ui the Union was formed. We ure free to reduce the fugitive ?lavo law lo its prop a diiuen doiw. We are live to vindicate the dignity of our Courts, by compelling olu'rlience to their process, even by ho inightv a peionaije on n Dpn v M ir- shal ,( the United Sintes. We are five to substi tute for tho unwise an 1 dangerous habeas corpus act introduced by R':v. Mr. M, rttm laws, alike vigotons and tree from du'ibtful fouiitution aliiy, as shad make it a sorry bu-iues to dejie, here in O.ito tlie writ ol jiboity, even i 1 the hands of ihe humblest citizen, ordered to saw it. We arc free, nnreitver, to insist that no foot of ter ritory invaded bv slav.'rv, under the d -iestable doc- irines ot the Ui'ed .S--utt decision, shad ever be ad dei I to the Union, by the votes of men la'.r.y re prest'iitiug Hie Siaie of Ohio. wo nrt thus Irei to do, f-very principle held,vd ny orie I'K our own, r- qoiri'-s us to bugiu. and shall einboldi-u us to eo sum. naif, thoiiti the hf-uveiis full." Th-i a-nst! iu whieh ihe North maile till ih- t-xtra coniituiion -jI coin promises, li s been ru h-ly striie.l of all pr.urii recogiiiliou and vitality. U nr as th Union iniiit bf lu every ini Aiii rie tu heart, it ought not lo b'. dt ur-r public f iitb. than llil rights ol IS la Its ihin the couserviiiiou uf ib'-j cousti'.iit 011 iu ilvt Bensrt iu which it was He-I Oeptfd, when rutiiii-d bv ihe SluIc. There, will be 110 lasting peace, till thre com", uu en I of wrong, deception and eueruaohm nt. We or not iu d.'bt to the Souil). Tlie Smth. should have hjtti r reiii.'iiibere.l its oh.ig.t nuis to us. ihrin to have forced upon u the whous pretin- itetl juUgtnenl in the ca3e o; Ured Scott. deserve to U- slaves, in anrr he olives the South, if we 6ubmil to the impoMtion. What inbititalioii puss-f;s d ihu orgiiiiz-l force of llie iiiocrttic party, wh-n it il oj led to adopt the decision r. Ierrd lo, it would b tbCieult to divine. J3oes thui pirty give up all respect tor pnpular op nion in Ooio? It is the lixed, tut. uiulu-r'jle faith nf the great body ol our people, thut llie ejt'.'Mi-ion Ijvi ry into teiritori- s now Ir-e, would hi i,lVut and irreparuble evil. Il is th;1 hlte fix -d. uu-, unalieratue Iotih ol the gr.-ul luxly ol our people, thai th re is a retntly, eutin ly cousti tuiioual, agtiusi that t xieusion, in th: anion ol Congress or in tin t (M ttic T.-rritori il L"gis latuie, when clotlu'd with such powers as Cou jretrs may delegate, ml I such us b-luug to th. vtiy eeuci id pnpulur yiv luineiil. In respect, till body ol 11 paities, ib D'Hiocraiie as wt il as t!ie H pubiie.ui, the Am ri. un us wel; as ti.eoihti un ies, is in haimoti) with of the people, so far as the ral k ii i iinen I concvriH tl. H a l!ii set tnnig uecessiiy ol keep ing ill. poiiliciaus of ihe iuitli uu 1 ill- South together 011 lh-j subject ot slavery, has iiHucvd the leaileuuiid organs uf the D-inocrutic- party, as now constituted, to endorse a pretended that 110 action of the Congress, no action of the Territorial Legislature, can prevent introduction o' slavery into t-rrhoti s now free, since, us now pretended by tlw in -re dictum a divided coini, thu slaveholder hjs a constiiu tioually gunraiiiied nrnpeity 111 Ins slave, above the reaeh vt uud congressional legis laliou iihlie. Ihiscu 'or'inenl w ill he construed , by the Sontli, with eeie uml literal btiietuess, jn-t us 1 have siuled i s terms uu I Us eiFect. llt.s not the orunrd force tif the D. uiocratic party of Ohio, then, hainpled uu the true nf ur people ? Will the body ot the 1) in 1 crit ic puny countenance such an autnge ? I cm not but think, thai resistance lo the? new doc trine is the first duly nf every citizMi, un l no uoiiou of the generul proji ieiyol adhering to a pmly, in the confi lenee that it will coirect its own errors throug', its own inhrreul virtues, can phtiily uuy iimii who truly uu lerstumls new addition to the doctrii esol the D-motroiic party, lnaeiuig with that party, while it asserts wh l will he found, w hen honestly ficruteniz"d, so repugiiHtU lo the faith uf our t.tMi-rS, to .intfrvs'f of humanity, aud the pride cf cousti Utionrd government. the nneui.siiintionality vi Ago in: Il is the like fixed, true, and unalter able f.iiih of Ihe p'oplr, that a Federal Consti tution, irnde by States, nnd ratifl-d by States, with i ncisions for nm'ii lin nl only by S-ates. caniioi b! altered by iIih in -re rficin ol Judges, bra li in of unparalleled confusion and excite ment. But tho D'inocratic party, although in sulted and trumpled on hy some of the same judges, when it asserted llie sovereign taxing power ot the. Slain of Ohio, now hnsb iia to rail ly the addition, by mere judical dictum, of a new and odious term to Ihe Federal Constitu tion, w hereby a mini and a horse ar declared properly by a t ill,- equally saored. and of appli cation equally extensive ns to national territory In its acceptance of such a novelty in legal oociritie, ami in its submission to seen n p--r version of the Constitution, the oratiis-d force nf ihe Donocrutic party misrcpicbeuls those who have hnherlo voted with II. The dearest rights of ih ciiii-ns demand that a p'iriy. whb-h, lo secure political ascendency. cmi be thus false lo itself and false lo Ihe pro pie. should learn Ihe iuoininiotis ilefeut. I lerveinly hop ihe lei-son will he 1-arn-d nt Ihe R. B. WARDEN. Columbus, August 8, 1857. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CTIOT.KR , IiYSHN TKItV DiA.lltU'KA, .;I1C)I.RU A INFANTUM. GREAT "SOUTHERN REMEDY. JACOB'S (JOIIDIAL, 1 tUlt Ai.b rcimUltA UDUUl'B, T f ITT T! T HII.IOI'9 LIIOI.IC, LI J f AJ J I) I SEAS E S ALU, ADMIRABLY ADAPTED TO MANY lii.MLAS:N 1' leil.HALDS, M M' KTKI'I tl.l.V PAINFUL MENSTRUATION, The Virtues of Jji uto I'tmiiul tou well known lo ivqntiv Knciiiiiuiiit. I. It rr(?s tlie wi'ini c:ieti tn' )i;iirliaa. 'i. U curt!.- tho -urt fornix of Oym-naTy. 'I. It ii ii re Calitoriiiii or McxUmii i-iaii'lia'a. 4. It rt:lifVt-s tiiv; scvvrcut (.lolic. f. It I'UlfH liilltHJt, - i. It fin-on (.'.i'iL-lh Ini.mtum. 7. It ciiifs i'i'innil h iMa iiuiion. 5. It rviii'vcfl I'.tin in tho bnck uml T.oinff. i. It. riMintLniLiH Ncrvt.u-ncfcb A iJo-iJOiiiloiiey. lit. It n'stui.n hrcif'ilitriiits. II. It tiipt'ls tflivoiny uud liyttrical Kcclings. I -i us tin iiniiiir.iii in i on ii. j v of nf a 1 lhi! is de cision, th; of Uith thu the the A lew short Extracts from Letter?, Te-titnoniali,iScC. I hae ueil JiiciIi'b t'or.liul in mv f.inolv. ioul Imw fiouid it a m ist eiti'dont, uiel in my jmlijeimiit. a valu-1 uhlc remcOy.1' I1n. U"AitM:n, Jude ol Siiprenm Court, (Ja. 'It pives ino plciure in ii. li! ahlu lu rvcommctKl .lacols I'nrilia! my ow n peisuiul i-xpei iiince, und tlie experience of my indgliimrs and friends nnnmd iue, is a KalUeient guarantee fur lue to helieve it to he all tliat it purport Ij he, a huvkukiun kcmkdv." Wu, II. i NiiKitwonn. Formerly .luilc of Superior L'u-irt, Cherokco circuit. " 1 t.ik" n.rv.u jiU-.iH ire in reounneiiiliiiif this inv.ila aide itU'dirine to ull a'llieU u with huvx l iMcinerf, for whieh 1 believe it to he h sovereign retuedy decided ly superior lu anytlnii else cvvrlih'd ly inc.' A. A. At i.niMi, Peputy (I. M. cf the (iranl l."j.'.le of tivurphi. " I have iif-t'd la ')h's t.'ordi.d' in my Kindly, and thi, with I hear uIjohi it a rt-nvdy Im those who h ive trh d i't indu" ei ntc to eeii ve that it siain'.B at the head ol every of ihu kind, and I would recom mend its u; ia tnu disvaed lur wuieh il i.- efimpoanJ-u-i." Mil.;- (i. Duitu:..s t'anV.nT oft Ik. I:mk nf th.? State oH.eori.i, iri-lin. Ml tilt re i- i,;iy i:i eddj'.it v in te.-Linioliy, '.Taeoh'rt t'ordd' i;i;ift n;and j-iv-endi eat nl-ove all odu'l' p;' ')iar.i;iniis lo ;l;e eur.' of llnwrl JJisen.Jert. I'lnai ihe iiiu.-s of tetii.imiy in i h f.tvor L-omtm; in fruai nil fpuvU -is it mn.-t lit- v- ry far in advuin-e, us a euraiivv; atjeut, ol mu.-i'. if not ail oditr 'patent' prepA ratioiiH." A. mim;. toihier Marhio :iiel I'irc Inor.:nec Han't. Crinin. "This efli'-icat remedy it tvnwiin into celebrity n ta-t as linajarte piwaeil his oo. minis uoo Kussni, and C iiuimi coinuieti.l.ilion -i, ..clever Uj-ciI. 'iituraia J' .rtri'nu. Muit r.'"i, rorvuie iy n. in ntiiTT, .a'iinec 'My; nnu i- rccK a Hamilton, rcmhi.rg. uuio; an I by thu piitin;.id Mti jh.uits uad i-'ii'tg'st Mir'.jtfut the Kate. Si. . l;id.-S , CO. JlioyrUtcrs, A" ie ycri, April 2. .i2'! JU.a3 THTGOLCEirPTJZE. THS NEW YOrK WEEKLY One tf the uud bid LUrary pnpert ( th-- day. TElUtS (i Bt'll"'!1! M'j'IoN TtVO no:,t, Mt TK It VRII. .Vail it liitt will be p evented t eiu'lt huberih cr inunedoitely on M Cidplot the snb-erijilioii money. Kvaeh suh.-. ni-vr wu ie t-nMind m u gift worth fro.ujl tt iMif.'it. iu guld. To t'lnb. n Copies for 1 yvtr fj.ftn It " " 1 ' li.OJ ll Ii A D R E I J H E A D II li A L) Til r; LIST 0? GIFl'S-iilFrS-GlFM. 1 l'a':kiije eoanuoin ir UU,iu Gold Ut tiold l'. it nt Lev. rh ij. I ii it inning t'-isud loa Kaeh- li 7' J C jUI Watehi-a ro ' inn " " " ' S 1 " :ii;n l.aiHo :t" " . I'm .--ilver Uniting Cahrd Vate!ie(i...'j. 'inij " .u hi s in to - " uUJ (fold, t aad (i i.ird un i l-H!) Cli.iniH in to " fl ild Hin ! !;ir Drop- :!rn.nliea Hie:iwLl in.- .s'liidn ('ntt I'ins Keee l-U'to.-is aVe 1 tn SH K.trh. Iaiine d.i.cly (Jli ivejipt ;l liie sirisei'l(lioii tuojiey, the "ii'isei iie-r's ii tine will hit entered upon o-i sub-, sri"i;;iiin I'-iu'i, ojrj-iHte a numtf-r und tin i;t cur-' r.V'Hidini; with th. ifua. niter w ill hn lorwr.rdid to his or htr address by niiil or eir.-?s, Audrey UlU.'Kljl ,v CO.. I'nbliifM. 'i M'tXH'a l;aildhr,'s Sc. Vork Atiff'ist. Ut, ! :i.tjwM. HEAD T IT IS . .1. A. iIALI. it.ijnit returu'-d Irom .cv i oi k, and IJoa:oa, and h.H tins il;iy ruiuai -need leeching his .Mnm-noth Muck uf SUXH ,R & FALL 0 '0DS, whieh will be sold ut redne"d priLV-s. I'l-rrv-bur. Jnl ;(-', iH'7 ''.'if "f THE STEAMER n ii' Bi Bi c: . L. C. LOCK, MASTER, ii miking her ivuUr nij.s bcuveeu Vui rmrg, nnd Tu i J i. J.phvm IVrrvd-a.'r 7 A. 51. and 1 P.M. .":ivh Told.i 1 1 A. M. and o 1. M. rr 1 rfii;iit ur r-is-., upnly to the Captain on i d. or to 1 1 dv :c AvenlJ. 'ml NOI'M'ii;. Tho eo-pnrlni'ihtp hei-fiuiure rxWthitf tirtweeu W It. 'rriurfdll uml .luaeph Aleorn. k.iuwn hy the name, uf NV. It. Trui'id;ll & Co., is tliis d.,y dissolved, tiy inii- iu o eonsem. ituAlin4 fjruen, W o..J enuntw 0.,.lulv I'O, 157, t ii k. in; si Mi's s U ill be e.n i led on bv ut the old nt.orl. 'i n inklui toi- p.tnt iavoi-4. nnd wishing a eoutiutienee of jour patritnaiff, 1 will keep eoiitiiMt' ly on h ind a lull uortmeut ol, nueh .ii i. gciiirr all kept in n Country Store, whieh I will Kelt CflliAP J;0 RKaDY PAY. Highest price uhvavs paid fur Country IVodn?. V . it. TULTImDKIX. MowliuLr (ireen. July 0, ls.iT pjif S1IAVI.NU & imil-dUMLNG, o A L t) U J . BV MR, COL liS. l'r.iuivsiu iM, wij.ii) ro. o. lie will Hlmve tlieulil, fit' youni,', tlio y.iy, Or any t.u-,i l'(,r Ki:;iily Tiiy, W illi lin.'.'trs l-i'iit uiiil tuwel wliitP, llv ui'ti tiiiiir huh. or i-Hii.lle lilit. 11. Ui.l cljiltca i-cuuvalej to order, liican Oiah. J iil v M, ir-,7 ! ntf X K W A ll n a V A li A I I nt HOLLI5TEK S FANO. T T AS reeeiveu nioiu New nouUs, whieh hct.ft'urilt J. X prieuHtliai le1 conioetitioit. He keens ooiistanl Iv oiilmiid I'rviU lluiier A: ever thirty eUe iu irM.-eiy li no wliieli wiil he sold cheap for cah v u no i jr i l (luce. tStaves V lloi Poles wanted. lec. 4, lfirti ;nuf. (M lbs. Paris ireen, in nans ; I i0 " Chrome (ireeu,in cam ; 11M " Impercal " frsuiehy I'KCK 4- HAMILTON LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Sale Real Estate by Order of Court. one-third In ( .bbm FHANCK.Admin'r. of I law ay 'i iut. ON the 7th tiny of Spptemlier. 1."7, t 1 o'clock pj. at the dnor uf the court home. In the town of IVrrvlurp. Wood cotintT, Ohio, will be sold to the hinheM hhltler.theeiwthiilfof the nontli enst nuarter of upotion thirty, town thrnp north, of ranee nine eait. ""l,,,M,llH cm-";ij. uou county, o, etihiectto the doweroftho widow. Torm of nale One-third down, oite-ihird in " Willi intercut. (Jf V. JKi PKitRON, Ail . . tir Httln AM. U, M m l.IV4f 1 .fit) tinlc of lirnl IX it It! tiy Order of Court, ON the 4th d.ijr of Meptemtier, 1H..7. at 1 o'clock fti the aftcriHmn.ut the dour of the cou t the town of lVrrvsbnr, will be told to the rrglient li.fhtnr. the follinvinff mal cutftte, at the property of . " . t.Hii, uuur men, u wit; ine eoiitn tmir nt in- rup.Hm. jermiol sale One-linlf cnuli In a,IT the btliincein one venr. Hprnrrd lijr niortgnge on the itlniinitrfltora uf f. W. Lenjf. deeeeeed-' Cr.o. ft-ritAin. Attv. Any. 6, 17- l.'(wii51.r,S. Ditch Notice. licrMhy given to ihenwncn of sect lone 1 lo.O. In, il. uml the north-east nunrter of 17, in I lam tuwiinhip; em) Boctiotn 9. 4,nd the east helfof tho ennth-rane (jnurter. ml cnt half of the nnrfh cant Miiiirtt-r or miction H. in Waehinyton townehlp.ell of Wood conntv, that the trwwes of laid townshipe will meet nt the home of llrvv Khlrede, In Phdn.on Ihe lltli d ij of Scptirmher. H.V7. it 8 o:ehcl( a, m.. for the purpne ol lorntiny ai.d npportionin ditirh or water course, cimii mt nein near tli(sMith-enflt coiner of eec tlun I'-, IMain, nnd rnniiinir north-went direction' through sail) wctimi; ami thpiire north on the east tda it the citiintY rnv. rnnnin; fltmuifh section 9. and 4. until it hitct-dcctA White's uutlet, and there to terminate. Ditch Notice. illiaitel. llll'l mililli-wcNt I'm linn, nil i.l rtnun 11 :-iiou i:';uinl tn-t irm hen runjie II, t o MuFon Gmremtr, .Ian. Ktmlii, J. I-'. Boardninn. Tim othy Hiiker. D.iiiiivSkiiiner, il.'Wl)it C. G Pottvr. J. V. Ilubhle. K. ii. foiin, C. S. tJromveuor.KHw.rd Mctilynn H. II. l luil.h, A.Loii lleil. AUdinon .Smith ,. Way nnd Ailiu I'lirilne. and E, llotelikiM. or the owm ra ol ct halt Koinli-u &t quarter, Weit half li.Ttli-nist ipiaile. eant hall nortli-w est quurter, touth1 huh A wtft t. .jumtcr. nortli halt 8. lli-ifr wcit Ir. qiuiricr, nil of runu II, town li, lection JJO; and ciut liiillinirtli-wt'jtf rpuo-ter, north halt went pt. north-wcit' fr and xoiith pt. next pt., linr-li wi kI r.. all of rniifio' It. town li.m idoii Jl;nnd unrih Imll nmuli-oant quarter neuth l)allKuutli-..tist quailer of initio IO. towiialdp 6," xcction 2.;aml H.mtii lialr inrtli-eat quarter, iturthiialf linrrli-ea-t qimi tt'i ol mnpe 10. town (..scelien 3ll; Hid eat liMltHoiidi-eastipiiuierriiiiirelO.tiiMnA.Hciioni; and west hull miMli-ni,t quarter, cast hull mrtli-went , town u, sec- ! t'"tl 1H. ill take notice that tlm ti usipi-m nf ti.i.'i..tin lu.M ri?,hip, owl eimnty, Ohio, will meet ut the hous i niM.j.imiu .m hnsoti in mini townsliip, un Katurdnr. .JumiMi ai.itii. lS.7,nt io o'cliwk a. M , to view, and to art upon tin-- ilbepeuitig of the went diteh of th Plunk Koad tliron:;!. ttaid to wiihliip; ainj tu set apart to each, person iiitej extt.l. hit portion ot tin work, expenses aud dantuci ns fht law directs. Jul v lii. Ki7 -lOnh Ditch Notice. Ditch Notice. i i rpUK fo'.tnwir interextfil pfinons. ns owner of tha J. desrrilied hind onpmito iheir resiiettive namei.ara hereby iioiiiicd that uu njiidieation 1ms been made to Iho trustees uf Wtdnter township. Wood county, Ohio, to lay out. locate, and ctpporitnn umoin the Und owncm beuelitted thereby. the e.pei.n; ot hoing out. and tho share to m m.i.le t.r upei t-d. ot u diteh or wafer-eouri, as to lows: (. immir m-iug nt the math quarter post of Hceiiuu H.', ttmii ij mo ih, of ran-re t'.tclvn, In said county : ihe m-e math on therpitoter lineoi sett tuns 3 TJ, and in o J ..oiiiim eiitk ; ai,d that said trustee wd. meet at tlie south end ol "i.iri proponed oiieh, on thiy 7th dav ol Sept. u.b.r, A. I). l.-,7. m cxamiue, and ap' portion t;i id 'inch ueeurdinj: to law : I Jwtters, I'rethrii k il.mdi, llii.un I'l t-Mini, Jliildel l-itlumli, lieu i' l'erkius, do Ann It. Wntbf nlniUer. i AUnMJii llu-hiiell. Ni-rton & Ji-ift-ron, J.une- ait.uriii.ui lnirs diunes Mnrrny, au:tl l-'illuh, V iiliam Fod, Culcli i'latt, do Daniel Fitziiuh. do JaiueA V .ulswordi.t heirs, Frpdtriik Foik, Julian N vseott, IIKMIY Ti-KKINS, retitioncrr. .irrrrnftnv, Attomev. I'ait. Sec. T. It. Acres R w 1-4 m e 1-4 :2 li l i 40 s e 1-4 s e 1-4 s w 1-4 K;o n 1-2 s e 1-4 " so s e 1-4 u e 1-4 " " 40 , a w 1-4 n e 1 4 " 40 w l-i ii w 14 HO e i-y U w 14 " " bO n l-2n e 1-4 fto w bin e 1-4 29 " " nn ii l-i! s w 1-4 " " fry e l-L' e 1-4 " " Ht n l-'i w 1-4 " , kip I -'2 a w 1-4 ' so li e 1-4 o- ti 1-2 n w 1-4 ' tft) s w 1-4 20 " " 10'"' I I J sc I t H' n 1-1' m e t 4 " " HO July I YtH'K'K ii 1 w B-it fp.iar Uw hereby uiven to tlieowneiHof I li north-- ter ot jteeiiou 'J. i, in Phiiu townhin. that ine trntccn uf jid tnwndiip, will iu'et at 2 o'clock r. M.. the oth d iy of September, l-.7. Hi II. I lenccke's in 1'l.iin, Ui hi) out, and apjiortion a titeh niuuin alon the north hue of iid lot. and nn outUt from the dsteh into the Kucli and Ih-neeke ditch. Jalv IM, l.7 llw Ditch Notice. Ditch Notice. Legal Notice. ' 1 PurdyT. Cflvln. Klntnlieth C'uivin. (Jeorpe V. Spen cer. Hannah Spencer, liujal f. ltu:n. nnd Harriet limn will i a Ue notice that n p tithm wan tiled nsiuit tli'.'in on the .iMh dav of July, A. 1. lo."7. in the court or common j.leasof W ood county, ( ldo. hy Cluirles K. .M.itiiH, unit liaelnd Mathi, and is now pending, w here in theikud n'loiu,K'i)4, tifinied p.iitiiini of the follow ing ru:d o.t.u;. to wii: 'I ne west part of the weit halt' oi ihe puuth-ueit pi irtei of .ectioa lW"iilv, bciu tliat part wet of tint Mel 'titclmividt road. Ivs live nnd ne iedf aeren o!f the north end. containinuM twentv-four a id nni'-h.tli acre ; a'so fifteen and one-huff bt'1 in the sontfi-i.Mst coiiit?r of section ntnteeu. both of town five iturt!), ot'ie twelve e;nt. in Wood county, Ohio; and that at toe next term ut aid Cniirt, petitioner will npolv lur uu oidcr thtit p irtition nmv lie nude of said premise. CHAitl.KS U.MTHIS, KACiiLL .M.V'lHIh. i R. .!i;riTiioN, their Atty. rctitioners. ,lu! m IT !':w ,a i,si Att.u Iiiiinit IVoliro. Willimn l'u i to- r, I'm. amust '. (. (.'uper. Peff. Uefore J. U.Miiky, ndut;ce of the IV.iee, of Weston town. up, ocd counte, Ohio. ON tin' 1 5th day of Jul, A. H. l' ,..7, nail Justice is sued an order of uttaeiuueiit in the above aetioa lor the mini of lii'tv-six dollars nnd idtv-viirht oentn. IK MeliNi.i:r. Attv. W1L1.1AA1 1'AL.MKK. Ja'y:(n. Ih1 1 w3 N-oTHT. Is piveii that a ieti:ion will he prrentcj to the commissioners of Wo -d county, Ohio, ut t!u-ir September tuMsinn, A. I. Is' lay u( aud ts t.ili'.f .-h' i road, tt f dlowv: (uminetR-iin; ai a stone in the centre of the Hull praiiie road, kmmu and recognized an thf nun h-eii-t corner ofoeetiou tifteen, town (i north, of r.uifjn in cut; tiui)i:o east one mile to a point in the old, reiTo'ni.ed a llie Hoath-t-imr corner of nei;tion f nirteen, ciime tow n, and rane; nnd to vacate ho much' oi the old road, a lie between thes.' two point. Al.MIKOiN UUOU N, hedtioner.. July 30, 1.17 T2ff4tfl.tJ iu virxtrrit'i;. VTOTIcn I hereby iven tuat u pi-titiow ill bo pre i. seiited to ths coniiniiiioners of iVuod county, Ohio, nt tluir nKl sixio:!, t alter a county 'road, a follows: ' imnieti ins at the pi. oik ro ut near the south went cnru. r of iteetiou 7, tonti ft, vtmo 11, at tho ccn- ter oi'Hlni Uin-torf road, uh now It nerd otf; thence east forty i-odi nhmK s-iid ro ul, parulh I w ith the road as surveyed und e-t :bli.hed Jinr. A. H. lst.iii; thence hack on said urvcved hue at a con1 cuienl annle, and there terminate. N A 1 11 AN A. MjULR i'et. July an, 157 Vlwi S oi ire fl IS hereby ijiven, that a petition will be presented to tho coinmidMoiiers of W ood couutv, Ohio. At their next regular sediion.askiug for a view.survey and loca-- iion ot a county road, commencing in tlie center or tha rni'iiev ami t'crrseiburx tree tarnniue road, on the sec tion line between section twelve ( IH). and thirteen (IH), . in town three (.U raugo ten (in) eat; thence west on section hue the went lino of Henry township; thence lioiih to the soutii-ea-t corner of section twelve (ili), town three raiij;e nine(:t eat; iheuce west on sec tion line lo OtiU'iro unit uanclmrd tree turnpike road,, aud there terminate; and hUo at the same time, to va cate an old road, commencing eighty rods wes of the uorth-cuflt e u tier of seetioi feurieeii (14), in town three (:(), niuKe ten U") thence north-west nhont half ii milu. thence a limit went by Willh.uM, llnmmon. and Alton on Unit's farm to neetiou line between eitfht and nine; thence north on section line tu the suuth-cfwt corner of section rive; theaeo wett on lection line to toe nortli enrtt corner of section scn; thence a north west direction to the north line of llenrv fowwdnii -MAIS V PKTITIOXKMS. Jnlv "A 1h;,7 12wl1.t0 , Hheiill'a KiileT the oi II. W. Hrickiord, s. D.onel Wnrta. 11 Y vinu of an execution to me directed and dclir ) cred from tho court of common ph as, ot Wood ciHintr, Ohio, iu the above entitled cause, 1 will offei for sale, ut iho dour ot the court Pcrryshurir, xuid county, on Hutunhiv. the 2:ihdayof August, A. 1. IflT, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. u., and 2 o'clock r. a. of said day, the following real estate, to wit ; Th west half of the south-cant quarter of section thiny three. ol fnwn six north, of r.nife eleven east, contain ing h0 acres, In Wood couDty. Ohio. J. w. MlRTONp HhrlS. Pnir-E Jeftkhmow, Attys, July 30, 1oj7 Uw.'.$'2.d3