Cash Ip-littpDil inl to nvei'j, lol)-.
IIereaftar,no advertisement will bo ailiiiittetl intti the
Journal until It Is pVtJ for,r'ept wliure there 1. e
special agreement to the contrary ; and In nil case,, the
perion preaentlng an aiWcrtisejapnt for lncrtiun. m ill
be hold roipontihlc for the eam v cannot paj onr
debt! with accounts on Tom, Dick, and Harry, of whom
We knor nothing. The cash tytttm la better for all
parties, and rr thitlt wlhrrt to it.
School Examiners' Notice.
'' The board will hold their next regular session for
the examination of Tcachera, at I'crrysburg on the tlrat
Tuesday In Sept.
In addition to the usual cour,e, nil Tcai:hor v ill
hereafter be examined In American Hintory.
No applicant will he examined who la not present
punctually at 10 o'clock A. m.
J. W. WOODBURY, Clerk.
fXTS" Tliu lliilt'alo boil's now Icavu Toledo at
hsIC past twelve o'clock P. M.
Goo, W. Uruwii it Co., aril putting an on
gine into their fonmlry, nud will no longer depend
upon tlio Hydraulic fur power.
W Tills wrek we conclude Hie publication
of the lews, and shall ln-reofier be uble to guv
our rcsili-rs more of a vnri'-ty of rending mailer.
fgr Alter a long abencf, llrlli-ii Muruiiigion
lias again favored us with a meritorious prose
article, which will fin .1 a placj in our columns
uext wiitk.
(ff- Wo learn thiit tliu ltyi:wil!c u to be re
paired and put in proper condition us fn,l xs the
work can be dono A n;iv ilmn i.i lioiiijr put in
nod the other necessary improvements will be ntmlc
so as to furnish a sufficient qmmlity of water ul I
1 '
neariyiloy. ,
T T,T j r j
(CT Poivera has just received a UrS assort-
ment of Bibles, embracing sonu which surpass
anything of the kind ever b-fore olTered to ihis
public in g lrgeousncss of binding nud h-auty of
typography. They can all bj iuJ at low figures,
and no mistake.
fS W. V. Way, Esq., returned from his tour
through tlio west nn Saturday last. Ho snjs veg
etation looks belter in Wood county than in any
section of the country through which he passed.
We have hoard similar expressions from map? vis
iters and travelers.
Win c is Bf.at it ? Our liiend W. R. Bry
ant, E-q., residing near F veport, Montgomery
township, has a radUh, of this year's growth, which
measures twenty-nine and a half inch s in circum
ference, at tlio but cud. That is aheaJ eleven
, California radishes.
pgr- G co. Powers, lvq , has our thanks for a
basket of the Unest apples we have seen this seas
on. They are of the Early Harvest variety large.
mellow, and pleasant to tlie taste. Mr. P. goes on
tlio principle that good rrtut takes up uo more
room than poor, an J therefore has none but choice
fj3 An independent military company has booh
organized in Mauaiee, our friend William II ibort
son being Ciip'.ain. It has been a long time since
we have seen men go throug'i wnh warlike tna
ineuvers, mid a little "mustering'' will be some
thing of a change and break the nionolory which
has become somewhat oppressive.
yu- Tbc steamer Sitift will leave this place to
morrow at 12 m. to accommodate those who wish
to join in the Bethel excursion. Th 5'iri( is
chartered by the managers, and no ad Ji'ionul fare
will be charged for going to or returning from To.
ledo. The tickets purchased at the book store are
good for the "round trip," without supper, for
which 2) cents extra will be chargeJ.
The meeting a' tl:c Court Ilouss on Sat
urJay last was well attended, at.d we never saw u
set of men more cheerful and cunfi lent of even
greater 6itcciss than bus ever before cro-.vne 1 their
efforts. From all puns of llie county we hear most
cocouraging ri-ports, and have no doubt but the
modem pro-s!nvery democi-tiey will iletlrowucd unt
beforo the tecunil Tuetilay of Oelebcr.
m i
S7G-n- Houston has our th inks for a sack
of beautiful flour from n-w wh-at, fresh from
bis Diainou-l Mill. Cittz -us of Woo I county
attriidiiij this mill ure now i'asi-,l over the
bridge free, and we observe that thff Guieral's
enterprise an I liberality is bcin apprci i ited by
our people. Tue farm rs w,ll find it to lh ir
interest to take their gris.s to the D'uiiiinJ
9 Our youii po.plc ba l a pleasant, hiir.it
lor their excuraiuu lust weeK, and ui tli fnII-orbM
moon travcrst'il
' Her princely way amoog t!ie ilara, to ilovv
And silent bright ue,"
all hearts wemctl imprcsod with the tWM that
"Pleanre'i thoonlj iiol.le eml.
To wliioh all human power aliouU icnil."
Kverj-thing thnt coulil make ihu-oci'iuiion ploas
snt wru proviilctl Tlit-y cnjuy vtl ri le on the
lake by inoonlilil, ail feclini; ihvinoraii. J by tlie
biwzo which plnyoil upon the water.
. - m
"The beautiful " I.iu-s" on our lint pug1",
by Nully, aralrom the psnol a Uily wlusi r.-lu-tivr-s
risiJa in lliii place two nf li.-r sisters
biing connecteil with our Un-oii Solioul. "It is
seliluin that j iii.-ul nitliamirc in -riinrinus
production. Its bmalliing ure froin llie h-urt's
varm-st iflvcliniu, an I ilia cuse with ivliicli
thd author's emotions ara tHiuivii into vers.',
conveys to Ilia reader every thonjlii puliation
with much force an I arouses in tlu bre-jst an
echoing sympathy.
Arrdn-..in..nts aro all mvle and tickets
re selling rapidly fur the i-xi-iirsiun to-morrow.
The Western Milropo'.is will K-unv Toledo at 2
o'clock, P. M.. an I will visit either the Islands
iu the Like, or M ilden, C. V., as t!u excursion-
ists may prefer. Tlia fare for g-utlein u will bz
91.00 ; for Udi -s, S3 cms, and lor vhildren ac
eompanied by parents, 25 c-ius. A th-i pro
ceeds of tlu excursion go to Ih - 13 till 4 at To
ledo, Ills pulilic should not hiitulj to gte it
g-llfroili support.
A Danorous Wiuow. -A. yoiLO wido'.v
established a pistol fja lery in New O.'ieaiH. 11
qualifications us u to-ichu ol tiio un of ciueiiui;
re of eourae uuJoabtoiK fo- slio Las killo 1 LjV
Asohool teacher, iiain. d Moor.., ivus at
tacked nil cut tn pito-'S, ivliila in school, in
tineuvilla, Hunt oouniy, Texis, by a family
named Howard, lor chastising oui of tin chil
dren of that family who had wiitten n:n; ind-'-cent
ltngnag.4 ia yun Ij !' copy t.i;.!i.
?Jf The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, of Tula
do, will make our town a visit on SuturJujr next,
August 151 Ik They Imvo chartered the steamer
lidlr. lor the nccusion, anil ISO or 200 persons are
exp .tied. This is n ucnovolent organization, do
.!e;m.'d to protect the Irishman from his greatest
enciiiy wuifckr-y and to prevent fiirhtin;; and ri
o!iiij on public occasions. lis objects are truly
praiseworthy, and wo trust our citiz-m will extend
to them the Courtesy which they so richly merit
They will visit Fort Meijrs, where Michael Hayes,
Kt., will huVo a table spread for their bent-tit.
Will not our citizens volunteer and aid Mr. II. In
this Matter?
Too Bin. A henili'iiish Ct-llmv down in Phil
adelphia, nuui'd Henry 11. Il rsl, h.is written a
pome on Mr. Biiflian-in, in which he invokes
him in seliling the Kansas end other difficulties
Arm', (jo forth naked to the light!
What no ililretittiin ii)Ie, iihih ' ur.il request to
mikn tif our inti.iel baelK-lor President! Hint
l. lloiv shoul I be ailumt-d ol linns. II. Sundua
ky Hcgist&r.
The Wickedness of Paris.
Rev, Dr. Tyiij!. in his r.i millings ubronl, his
been looking ut Paris, mid, aecordini; m his tea
liinonv in thi Proti stunt Cliurelinijii, S .lom
and Gomuiraii, in Ih.'ir whsi dajn. coiibl uoi
have surpassed Inoiiem Paris. The Djclur
1 have si-m P.iri repentclly hfore but 1
have never seen hiimni wiL'k.'1ln--8 n shun l-si,
nud its lures spread out so un-liriukiiiiily tli-ru
Tie- Dr. goes to the. Chump s Closes:
1 lliimglu ii m i.-e to let nu buy see Tor tli-in-sehvs
how Pans kepi the S-ibuath, lrui limy
lliieh; juiii- of llie cnuiiaralivtt vvi.rlll of its ob
servance and nel.et. I ivallltil tviib lli-m
tlirouli the Chumps I) Llyse-s. uli-re was ev
le vnrieiy ol hum ill ainu-eim nt un I
Hot, ll !j' and low. Ir.nn til; most xor..n ,l
play ol aiiiLiinn iii"n on stinv. si rioond.-il hv
' i" fL, . ,7 in iron ,.. to
lh- i"wet end vilest of tu-itioiiuiebiink tlti-a-
tr-s. .Every specie of g.,ii!ilia s,em-l to b-
collected there. -re was wh,it lie-Etuli.-h
Sunday L -agues had ede,vore,l to ec,.miilisli
in Englanil. 11 re was what a similar c!a-s in
our country wuuld love to produce 'I'll se
youths shrank hick with aiuaz -mr ni and ho ror.
Well liny might. Tlie tn mi t of an Am-rio.ii
must b si liootf d iii sin to look upon sneh u
scene w ith any other feeling. We returned with
a Kratelul I -! 1 1 yr lor our Sjhbailu at home
acknowledging to ear h other that there was no
luppie.r way to piss the Sjbb.ith thin Go Is
own way; and llie uesrer we could coins to
lliul, tile happier the d-tv would lv.
IIai-tv ll 'it.'-.s. l ie; ii.i.ne.-, oi i;u poop'o are
the laatlni.ir!;- ol' civi.i.itinti. Tiit-y ure u .stan
dard by winch we iiieu-ut-e their moral and soeiul
ereatti ss. What is a iiatio:i but a largw family
i...ssva--ng nglits an I nnvtl-ies 1 lha ii,H-icii..-c
of each meiuli'T of i'n.tt family fur good or evil i
reciprocal. As tue stiock of electricity vibrates
and expands so tiie iuH-aete-e of human aciions is
lil'ui-ed from the centre to the circumference uf hu
man society. Tue moral p-i-.v -r of a peop'c is j't-T
in prop irtioii to tin; cotnbinc.l viriuous iuflaenee
which i-xM in the- houses of that pcojjie. Hence
it may be it'iily said that our horn -s are the nur.-e-ries
of the nalioiin' gfeiitness. Here the sympathies
of the h . art, and tlie ullceiiotis of the "mind un
nouiisiied ui,.l i.'evelopeil, and ail that is good ami
fjreat in our nature is brought to maturity. B it
what consti:ntes a lmppy liotn-e ? T.ie p.ea- ir..-s
oi literature u.-c essential to ihe happiness of li jtli
nnistei-s. iippreiitices.nnd eTuliheii. .No talileshouid
lis without periodicals .-uitulile forc'cil hen as well
as ailnlts. A irood ami suht tutial library is erpially
essential. H m- (rratilying it is to see u neat nook
case in a poor man's house, c-iutaiui-. u.-cful
tvorki of the world's greatest authors ! There an.-
many homes to this country whicn do hot coulaio
this; but their h.'ipp'ni'e-s would he much more
j comph-te if they did. An as-orimei.t of truly val
! uaMe books contains more steilin-r wealth than tac
g ild mine.-, of California.
Boar llacixi i.m Coi: i r --1 a tirsi t-s-i )n of
the S-ipreni-- (',.) art at 1 is;o-i on l-'iil.iy tlicca
of Eog-n- O'N' il agt. I'a'rirk K-e im wis Ii i
i-b -.l, .hi I th juri ran lr.-1 a vi-r.lici in fvor of
tile ih-f-ii lain. Tilis was an action bronchi bv
a depositor for the n cov. ry of jsijin) Iro.u ih
srak '-bol ler on a boat race. Jml-e,.: N l-oa ruled
that nci'j er boat-racing or ho;-e-r iciiiij w- re il
legal in th-niM-lves. hut that all wager uf any
km 1 upon tin sain- w.-re s-i. Ilo-it-raeiug. h
r. m like I. is a in inly sport which d. s- rves i n
coors-- in -ut. an I ll. llouliv-l not that the j-, re
ll'.erlaiileil i!e- same vi ws, an I f. l'.itro d iliut
so many yuuil-i III -ll Were engaged mil. In r
gnr I in i ho rilns nf parties as to ih- niou'v
I-lai e-I ill ill- huil-U ot a slak- lioiilr-r, tile courl
r iled that th- Mnlo -hoi 1,-r may l-n-illv pv
oierio ih- winning pirly, ee. n it' the w.io-r i
iie-iiil. nu I no on can re.-ov.-r the moo ant tiom
liini itn'. ss he hoi previo'is notice tint he wi;;
h - h 1-1 r -spoil. ibl for tlie paym nt. Tiere-tor-
, the (pi s: i n to Ihis eiso w is, wh-t'i-r
not such notice was uiv n th- it-H'-'ii-hint. Tlie
i ary, after a bri-f nb-..-. .1 -ei-led in the defi n
ilaiu's favor. H'li'ou Hrrahi
Put to Use.
Doosiicks iliin'usit wnul.i lie a Ivisuhlc to Inve
the o.nnet "liit vol, if tiio following o:ig,ip;.,int.ia
(.an he e.itoroJ into :
B it ImM ! I Ir.tvt? n spl.'n-li'I i l.a a n:oir-iifi-cvnt
phm, by w.ticU I t!ii t!ii t!ir. , ton.' 1 visit
a ti-.'ry c iciii-, mstciil uf lictu a iirr:b!o ilisxstiT,
iimybctu.-iie.il mast CAOc.ie.it air in.it, fir
hdio no uoubt lira tlio e;ie uy w.mKI liti?u to the
voice of re.L-'Jti mi l litrn-inity. 1 iliiutt u u"Mita
ilon o.iirlit to bt n '.Ii i!'.'! pp .i'lt-j , wtiU fall
p.nvor tv iUTu.i itt.it tci-i witU ll.c contjt. T;.t
, u u is leil tl t!d ' t .w' w,fAi'
si n.u.-'.i routiti - an I eirciiinto-ii'.io i that ib-J ivorid
WMui 1 Iki s-nu-licd i;no iiiii'-teen miliiuus of sur.iil
lr.iMieiiis b.-f.iro they would irat roady to u-t.
isuxtn.-mely p.-obab'o tii it t!w dcL-a ion would
bo alila to LlLct ii CDiiiiii-Dinisu on bv-lialf ol tlu
useful p inions of ilui cn-iii. uuj t'i.-y iiii,-hi
iluce our ilisiinui!ii.. v'i:Ur In cenli.ie his nilon.
lions, to cvriiiin .i)L'c:!ic I punions of it. For
sUuoe, any little orr.iu.r.'iiK'Ut by whieli thj S:u:e
o!' New Jjriey could b: Ici iekcd co.nnletulv out
the universe, .Vnuld bo a l)li;s.-in und a boon.
kindness of th.s Kin I would bj iiipivciute.l by
mankind, and ihuiiffli J T.-eyni.-ii tiicinseives woulil
object to this, us they do to ull inea-ueei lot-
public lioneli!, the eoiuet would, of course, l'n!:i;l
his cootriu't mi l ilo Ins duty nobly, without hecd
nj their liberal o'lposiiinu."
CuuioLij lliatrs of M tiKKtiix Tlia hibils
these liti dre vrry pe. uli.ir. Ail 1 allti.Hib lliey
hare be.'-u iik-u in i-iiiii us- innnuers inr ihre.
'purteis of a iviimry, t fi -if hibus .ire n n well
tiulersioo I. They utteu in j v in itnii-nse bod
ies, iijip m inly I1II1114 llie 01e.n1 ,ir miles in ex
tent. I'll yurel iunl 111 -ar tlie suilace. S una
linies they will take i!h lu-,k with Ih? greaiesi
i-ui-rn -ss ; ui ottu r ttui-s. nut a m iek r. l will
bite tor days, although milliuui of tT; 111 are vis
ible in tlie ivaier. VV ueu they are iu the in
lor taking the bin, ten. twenty, 1111 1 even thirty
barrels, are taken by a kinylts ve.s l iu a
hours. They 11,11 iiiy bite in 1st fn ely .ifier sun
rise in the niuriiiug. uud tow.i'r.ls sun-el iu
evening. Tiiev all c-osi to bnc ubou: ili.i snne
inn , us il they were iii't'u e l by a common im
pulse. Tiie ure easily I'iij5'it.'iit'.t,.in I will then
descend info deep water. It htis ot'eu hapiieii
ed lllil ll ll etnf ves:.'U his b en l.iilg k'X
Cipe, day a ui le or two from s!i ire, in iii ini-ls:
of a seliuol of in -iclt?i-l, an I lukin; theiarnpil
ly upon t'.uir deck;, wh-u t!is finaof bkuu,
the bitialitiji nl a ro..k,iV(i!'l s- u.l every mackerel
fj'll'lilli ileep into till Wilier, iii SU'ldeQ'y
though, they na.l bien convened imaso ir.
pii;s of bad. an I p.'rhjps it would besoms hours
befora they vou'd re-biejr. Tiiey aro caught
most ab iii'l-iinly dsji the !rar-, 5n l vcrv ran
Jill ')f
Brownlow's Obituary.
Parson liroffnluw, of the Iv .oxville Wh:g
e impUin, in common ni h the craft, of the
inconvenient and unnecessary l..-Pir',li of the
o 'kuiiry noiiues ant him fjr publication
which be nronounc.s uele' nonsense, anil
conc'u les by sating, when we die we desire
some friends to pen this obi u try for us :
Depaitt il this life, on day, in the
year of his age, W. C. Bronnlow, for many
years the editor of a newspap -r. He desires
it atnteil to the world, tint if lie had his life
to live over aa'm. lie couid improve It Hi many
rotpects. lid leaves r.o apologies 'o be mid.
to men in this life, ana asks no favors of iy
body " on the other side of Jordon" but his
Ood I His friends if hehas any left behind,
oun be of no seavice to him; bis tnmies, he
is proul to know cn't reaeb biui I
The beauty ol Injian uainea when trans
lated is nil A humbug. Mississippi means no
uch Ihino; as " Fa her of VV iters," but sim
ply " Big Water," or " Big River." An ii
cbnnge unys that Niagra means " link to
the thunder. " It does not. In the Tusctro
ra Unguis", Nitrasiyriifies n.arly the same
us " Big Water tumb'n."
A ('-int; of counterfeiters, eleven in n'imiier,
hsvr- b'l-n arres'ed iullw counties nl Ru-ih.H-nrv;
D-catur nu I D iriholomew, Indiana, by a Cin-einiMtinfii-i.il.
S -ver-il r-f tliem profess to h
pbvainiaiia, but hi e nither stan liit in tle-ir
,tr'-f".i'iii ir rh" r"'mp'iid ' v.
V"tTlt:E i t.eri... K..... i.. i .
Xl t ions -J7, ami nf Mimti'-'inury townstiip.
W end connrv. i iu,i. tlinr ii tr-u-ri-ps of sa.u t'nv:i.ii.
ill tneut :il the liiiuse of Jmnes MntT nan. on the lsth
1 iy of bepl- m icr next, for tlie purpo-e nf Io-mhiist n
Udell nr wiitfir-Cnurie.Ciimfnflni-inir in seer ton .'7: tlienee
h p. forty .-. -ll ti '.H. nnit "i.l fn rli.ru;f lirnm-li nf ll.,.
Pert i-re river. SAML'F.l. POTTlitt. I'etr.
lii.'n-T i;i. is i iwi;.f i. as
(juui'diuti's Sub:.
Ncls'in Darliu liuaniian vs. 1 ranUlin Diil'ns.
BY virtue of an onliir of sale, to me i;r.iiite'l,.liri:i:te3
mill e'ivt-i-i, in tlie nliove cntitleij emis. ti-mii the
c-uurt of ciniiiii',11 ple:n, of oud county, Ohio. I wii
utter for sale, at tiio Ujor of the cuurt iiousc, in Ferrys
ifuru, un
S aturdav, September 12ih,.!!.-,7,
b'jtireen t!of liuin-a of 111 o'elork A. M. and 2 oVloeli r.
M. oi said tiav. the followin- real eilate, ileserili-d
out lot nilinhel one hull ireri -aiiiI rive (l'lo).ill the tiovn
of Pe.r shui'ir, Vooil enuutv. Oiiio. Tonus uf --iiie
eu)h NI'.l.lO.V UAULI.NG.Uuardian.
Mi'Rnw A Donoe. Attvs.
Au;:u-t It). l-i)7 14w.iJ2.J3
NOTICE is hereby ipven that there will le a peli
rioi prtseatt-d to llie eoinmi-s-iiouui-s uf Wood conn-
rv. O.iio, ar iheir next ft-eiiou, priiiiiiL' lor acouiiti
mad ro lie exunid.;d fioni the north-tan corner of s
lio i tliirty-tln-ee i:l;j). in Itloom toiviiihip. i u ooin; due
no: til o i s ti l -Mellon line, iiolii if i.rike the It i.lljo road
alJu'iu Biird's. II VltltHD.S I.UATIIi; i;
Aujiiil i-'l. 1 ,J7 Miv
1:1 AU.lt-.tlllrtl .
O. V. & O. CniJ,v. VUY. av':utist Wm S. IImMi Dert
U-if'ry J. li. Siilvl -v,a ,In-ti:-e of f'ie i'.';n'e of Woatun
t'-wiisliio, o"d UMUntv,
ON" tli- 1 ifli di
B:i or lr of.
the 1 ifii div o: Julv, a. u. 1 . f- t-J j itic ifit:!
oritr:n.''.ni -ut, in t tt ali ve afti i.i, l"n,- th-
f t-vci.Tv-i-v n d'.Ilar.-aii I sixtv-iuveiiftfuts J7.-
7t, and ti d-iLiiicu.-t o;'irr.
c;:;oi:3E p. cko5:;y.
P t. M Kivt.rr. rty.
Cil.M :. Ann t Jj. !' Uw.1jl.0
lil miaiit at ji' JJitl nt K.il itutJy by u.-J-jj
of Court.
OV Vi 1- h (l.tv of SiMnemi.er, lfi".7, hetivepn tiiv
.loui-fi of t'.-u o'clock a. m. un 1 fo'ir o'ldocb p. m. oi
.-ail day, on in i prsn.i ;
:tddi-r, iiu' folloAi.i r-.i
titlo ol' Iiaiii d . i '..:, st.-n
-Jt'in sir'i i c iu ( K-;i .,. t'
t:itc of O il to wt:: Til
wii! so'. I n th.' !iii',.-:
t'.ar', ti.-iii; t:u t-q iitaul'
duCi'Llsud. t-K'Ti-'in. Ui-: i l:J
'n.t'iiii. couir.y of '.Vn-'j ;, aui'.
ujiith-w?s qu ,r;;r of , -caoi.
tiVRiry six 1 1 'I. in to vmUi;
tine; I I it irl.i. li.w.': t::i
Ini tvnr:ii:ti:u' on iruidrcd an 1
Un f. .s'ii'1 lii !" '.vi!l '..-j Hold nuiy v-t to the d j'-vorcs
t it'.' if Ma ill i i'ru-U. l.to.v m a.ii 1 Daniel c'ri.ii, tu.i
di-.'t;.is'.-d, livl .'t'd'ijiv a"in 1. iriid i-'ft' ihi .a !.' ill
pf iU'rd. u'.j-t:t to a..id di.vcr es..ite, at iliirty-t.irey
u iiririi i ti wi-iri.
T'-r n:N ii -lin-ihir.lin Inn 1. nno-t!i!r 1 in on
v:ir, :m I o:i;-t lird in to ye.iri fr. a tti-j d ty of
Tiie OL'f.Ti-. i piyiii -iu- to In: ir fi. t :r c jir. int'.'ixa
auJ to i: h.'m--. i Uy iu vt i u;c . lit.' pr.ui.wj.
.Mlt' UVil Vi. l.nii-rviM:- ot
s ii 1 .1 t-.: I 'n', by i ;.jf.N Mo.i.iii, .-1 -t v
AniTi. l:i, i s.' ; t !.-)i
Woo.l Com. non I'k'a-.
M.Y -ii'1. t-l.'titur v t."i::M i' ii. Wiihinsion,
Cornt' I : li. Wiii.ii.s ft i-, Def n 'lints.
rp;i:: - .id Ui.ir'-j it.
s ja, and fnrrr-na I.
ot:i'- i 'hut on t)i 1 tt'i da
tl Auirn!', . O. J-"i7, s;i l Mi-rriit l. itiau? tile I in
il.' i-ijiir: o: uiiin u ;i .'! vs, w it.iiti in 1 for i!ie co m:
f'l" Wo. nt, :l'i I -NluL-.' ol lllii", JlU pt:M;i"Il H'a'i'"t tlt-i.O
an! oi'.i r, tlit -j ;i-i an I priii-r of wiiicii nai l p:ti
is to f-i r ! -.- ,i t; ;rt'iui :.i !(; r? (riven hv . ii-i
CIi.trl-.-R 11. :m I Co: rvdU H..t t.'h.i lea E. lt iiro. on the
1 V.ii d.i of J-.i:i , I t ; a-i t to si',jec: t j s lv for tlu-l'-i..
in ti: :J a i" i:o pio-tii-i-i"rv wr s. in t c hy s ii :
Oi u '. !. Vi.lii.i i to i i I Vri ft. un ii 1 l"th il:i
if J ii-, I -li1 for -t :i of -?7. '.i', p i' ii1"!'-t.vo yo tr.
"rui:i s :id u -t.-. wi'.t i:i'.,-ros.; -in I a! ' f .r tlio pyi'iiu
.1' in : '".'i' v, of .iii'h t .;': iiti pro:ir try u it ', in i l
ny mi 1 'i.;il!i. :i ! i - i;-l 1' -ri on ioe i n-- d iv. ini
piy.t'.i!.- t!iri.' yws t' .Ti-affr, for th-j n rtj of S-S . 1. 1(
vitli ifi r't, t i 1 f 11 viiiT dtjurihiid prctuii :: "iUo
lit livid-'d out ix:!t p irt of all tit tt p ir- o; nvir tr ict
ci 4' ity, wtiic ii li :s b :tw en (lriy cro k :tu i M tu
n () riv.-r. iri i nil t.i.'t part of river tr;ic: ciwiuy-oiii.
lyiii'4 ttct.vft'ii tin. noi-li liri : of the layi tn A- Uiidiiati
:i liir-i 1 1 .uid : Ir.' M i r.-vrr, e.v': Mit a ill pArcul,
o'l.aintn ; .d iiit acr.-s and forty-ix nun IrodtUn ol an
t:ro, 1,- ili.1 oa t!m v. L lilld of 8 ti I ir u't. liOtWfcii
'Ira-y civl-I in 1 (lie Dayton ,V li.:!iijir ftiilro id; lit".
b ltrt uol ii'dna" fn tlio tivelvi mil! Mitnre n.-rvu a
t!ia foot uf t!ie H'tpid of tiie Miami of lake Kriu, and
in tlie ii 1 roiintv f( Woo I. jn i s:aty of Uiiio. Sani
Icf.-n ln'.H ar. partJi-r cut Mod tint tiiey nro n-qiiiri-d
to u.iv.vcr said pedtion on or b.d'ore tlie lo.ii day of
itcto'i.'r n-jxt, orjudijiUi-im will tn taken aiciinst tliem
hv d-f.utlt UILU A I'itAlf.
"AiiSiwt W 1 '"'7 H vi';-d.n IMiiiiu.Vf Attvi.
T'l! pirlnor;'ii r- : re -xi-.t m; b'-wRcn Dlinn
A UarJ'.j..' ii tli'.j d.iy tiisjlvcd h ' m itn.il cno'.-'nt.
.lin.lL'S liUN'N.
The tnl.rf;i?l will co:Inue b:tin? ;it t i old
ttiiDl us liiinl. JL'l.lLri bl.INN,
Au '. nr-Iff
?:iLi,ia. .
ll I
in. I
oi !
Mi.i is h.j.v iu runaia ril::r,
rea l at ..!l lim -s t' lo up e is.rai wark 0.1 s.i".-t 11
li.-f. illl'l iv.ln-elltetl t" iv.; .at..s..leli.Ml. I'llu ei:1.ni
al- VV.M.il caanry wid uaiv cnj.iy an uJvu.ita.i .- iliey
11 -vtr .1.1 .'e ll el b.'fjre l f.-ee liri-Ui to t!i niui. Hit
llie i r u or'i (luitu it:-oLut! v. '1 be w.t:,: will h:.u,v 1-h-i
VV.VXfCD it the hi ;aest eas'l prices, at tlio ml!!.
Itliear. ii u. 1 'orti. :ia.l Oats, l.'asli paid at til-' ljiil.1
ivin I'lriuorf tlie U'l v.m:a.T of nuri'Liisin tbeir a ydn
in M:iiniK'4 Citv, or IVr.-j aOaiv.
Annul (!, Ii7 liif ILLI AM llt)i;STON.
I.L pcis'HH in iL-'i'L'd tn m-, nr to any of tlu uvm
ii wliK-ii ii.ivti b'jfjn, or mil n nitfuiiuir ,y no.'u
I'vonnt, or u;hervte, nrn nniiilvd to -tt.lo tlie t i.in
iiinn.'di.itid'', otlierwij leg.U jiroi-HUA will ha rosurl.u
tu tor tlmi Vrnwe. JA11E ML'UUA V.
Aiunst il. Is:. 7 iatf
For Sale
A lirii qti.tutily ot' I m l in Wojl untn y, .n 1
n inidui' otio.vii lu; iu Pirvtnir IVrsoiu duiriu
to i'irchiif) ar rLiiu-jsit u tu a;jt'y b ioii.
Aiix 'tat !,J 3 jT J .M ;23 M TiR V Y.
! n.'Cf?iTi'd
SnVl.EH prnpnil-i To
i.it:., ly tie Utuftl ot' Eliu'itinn, for htnlilin
ii.-11'xd Ii i.i tin- r ;.'t ; j-: ni ri b j! i'.is:rict nam jcr
1. To iic hiiili of fUVr 1'ii.k or n ind.
I' la mi iiii.l s,iiUv.r.iJU--i c.ui W ccu by c jdlin g upon
I. 1. ltlulUpvU.
i'.y or .lor of Vtc Tt.-i:l of E li.'ii'o.i.
E. uU.VUAM. i'iiidcut.
I. P. Ta-ypsis, sjcrjtux'.
Pc: r:nir. .Vuciiit 0, lir "-lv?
Thj tntc of Ohi.H WtVl'c.'iuuiv-
VO li'; It'r.-n.- .civ-n. tut a b. uvi il term
i iiic IMsinct on irt it" tiie s'atv of i..;ii ,'. t lin-.uid
j a - !ii-i c um y of -Vou 1, wiil It hi) on Frid-iy,
tain ujy vi ajp;i'.iiDfjr next, nt m-i' n .-irH-ft a. m.
liy oidcr ui lav 1'NtK't i'o ir'.
joii:; vi;uu, t;uri;.
IlltlM OVOil I . II 111 i'nv &AlG
TIIE Su-iiciibi-'r will di a md improved i;trm !
L tilted one u:.'l a h;,!!-in.l r -,r .v j ruiT'.i j c
tut tj'le vl Mid. Tlii.'o a. .V. .x-t-, 'fir', liii a-i
inijirovbJ; a lino i ottfuar i e i i I S t'Iflia . vj
Id at a Q.irjr.in. fur cuti. AUuil Ci)0.
lVryibiii; .f ulv 3 '. l.f
Ii;ii;veJ I'.irn: iji- C.iio.
'PfiE i'ii;v.rilji li:. a goo-J i-ciruvcd iur:j for ,;.,
X ituiitjj tlirce nni!jrruia Po.-ryslm!-. on the Y.'ya.
i era U.irve ss I M tumea rowl. Titers ere irvecty
uctej u lUut- ?-ui cu'riirni n. an om!i.irtl oi lo huiult-eii
ft uiltiedi. with jroj.l bulldiKft. rider null. ic. Term,
ri a.onablt., with but i .-iv.!' r.ioH Ho'u.
Jji" h l'jT l.M Ai't V C01K
Legal Notice.
Sim"rtn I.nriff. A l,vnf, Jtih.t Lontf. N-fj T.nnv , j
Jr. Hmii-v l.oif. EYi .i-lin. MuHMriMte I ivitlxu.
M.-n-'y Mi'lifMl r, Kui'1. t Schistler, TorL't Wvcr.
.ui:ili VraTfr. Mnry K. Svi-Ii, Mir tin tSvple. Sc j
tir.nn.anl Mnry K Lin w ill tuke notice thitt n jmlition i
win titoi Ry.iiii't tlicm.uu ilia iftit ilav ot Jul), A. i.
l4.iT.iu tliu cuurtuf CMi.mnijii !c;i4,in iiuii t'r Wou'l-ooim-ty,
Ohiit, aiil L imw (lunninu;. wl.treiii Ketieen Hr)iiuio
Iterr. .ln.ltli;iii, Ilranuciivi ry, 1 h-iran McIlnunM, ittiil .
.. lunnnon .MciimiiiiJ tfin umi partition 01 tlie east u.lii "i
taiJ dfieediMit try y of avlvancemtfnt. t-il I'elitioiifr
nl-o nki for tlie nri'mcnl nt lmver tf .hirv B. l.-inir,
witiovr nt tHvx .Mie U'uii,', ut -PenO'i, in tuiu to aau u
vurttied in: id; atit tli.it s.iiJ in'titioimr wiil tor liear-
intf ut tlie nett tonn nf ni.I court.
Hv S. Ji:rrKH8ns. tli.ir Attj.
Jlvti.t-'.'7 l :t wn.-
thesoa-h-ivest quarter of seeilan t,-Tem.en. ol -own tir,
north nf .anse twelve . x. eoawm-Ka!. ,M -;
tlhio: nn-l settiux npnmnn'r other tliin-fs that
all the af.e.'.M -JetV-nlen. s h vlrs ot l.on-r. deeea,-
ed. e.eep Margar.lt, ),,i , J Lnim-. Schistl.t
llcnty KUficlc'n ltato
NOTICE i given iii.it t. ,l.'rt'crnii lifts been ftp
puinle-l iiikI fj i ililie' 1 m fit tiii,ittr.itur tli li'inii noil
on tlio ettiti ut 11-siiry Uhud'sa, tlecfj.npil. nf Wnod
t-ounty. Ohio. fc. .IKFt'KUSO.V.
A n 1 1 -1 fi . H " 7 - -1 1 iv 1 ft 1 . n 0
Nhu.lipK Kulu.
Austin E. Tinl'ir. vs. Jom.. ii. Smith, et nl.
IYviitin; of in orilei f anle to ni'j direuted from
j he court uf coranioii plurtu, of Wnod cou ty, Ohio,
f uill oITor fur Bale, t tUj duor of tli court liouae, in
oh Sntyrdav, Sop'mbor 12th. l7.
betwepn the iioi;rn ot J J u'uIock u., utitit J o'utork P. M.
of said day, the fuilt.-. iu !rtt;ierty, to wit: Tim 8J.it!i
cuhI q mriur of thu s-niiu-Liwt qt u r r o( necli)n 27,
town A, rin 't; io. in Wo id couuty, Ohio; to aa:Ufy a
judgment iu fvor ol" ilain'itr.
GtiKty FivpFuncir, Atf .s,
a 1 1 1 1 - m , i - j : n . v ' .' . : 1 7
tin iJ Notice
"V"OTICE is ir'.i iiai'-a M.-.i'.iuii will be presented
A.1 t. Ui-j coiiiiiii-iun. rs of W .xx 1 couory.Oliio, ut tueir
Sjp:t.'iirn:r n'j-sioii. A. IK l.i'C to lay uu. and e-t ib.Uli
a '.omu-v rn i !, an t.di.cv-, co iriK-tiiu? on tliu hch tx
li h -rve A AUiitiii't.' ro i'l, at tiir e;i-t ti n of town 4, l".
ii .'-.TV:; t l ; t; ; il i i 'Ji,'iii 1 e u: liu of town,
jiiiti ij. i. it., to t it- n -rfii hii ot v nod coiiir.y; alno
ro.id cuiiiiiii-iitjitijj; nt ih" sniuh-eftit corner of Heciion
12, town 4, v. S. ii.: niMi. ii w.!-t to tlie Orojfon ro;id.
JAC Hi IL.ihl.L; IAN, ct .il, L'otitioncrd.
A't-riist 6, I -i.7 :iv4
(j.-iuwii vail lj jires.:uid t-J Un-
CO.O ill.S'l-
ILS'loljl-l ut -iii 1 C-XUl'.V. Ut tih'H' lie.Vt fVi-
rtinn, asliiujf f'tr tiie v:lca:1jii of a part of titu vouutv
io.iu, coiiiiifjiKiiiK ui u u luds s iiin ui i:io nuriu-cririf.
cornur oi uciiuii 17, in IJi-juiii toAtttip: tlietiue we?t
to tlio IVrrysijiii-j; tV Kiiidliy free tnriijiike; and thu re
Lei minaiiir; .ind t j prunt u v:y, urv:v, mid location
o! a fotiyu road, ,...rnmfmunif ami tcnninatliitf at or
near the h'io.w poliiK an 1 following thu line uf the
l'ouJ as now npfi'rjj nud mailt;.
JAiiKS II. 1'a.VaaR, et al, rctitionora.
Atijrnut 1K57 l;tv.-l
Wood Cuin.iin.i rK'a. s) Vuoatititi alter Jui.c
Term, A. U. Hol.
.Tariicj Miiiiat v.-i. Wuiur 1 Trull.
Willard Trull will t.i!to notiL-e t!iAt Jain?s Murrax
haa ti ed a pyrin-'. i u,'t;u-t liini. in the o mrt ot utm
liion ii'i-in ut' Vv'd ouitty, Diiio, H-tUill juJ'iuuilI
aiinst iitin for the sum ol witii nucicit at tin-
r.ite of 7 ptr. cunt iiiH'j Jvioe !. li'-), wiili t pt.-rront
d;iiiiiiii-i. 1 pr.'j Jilt .:u:r.f :r r ir-i or c (..':i.il ;i , l; i w.it
cut ot pro.;-;, ini-i r i r ? i wirh iatv.re t -int-e J ulv 'J.
ai d t!. it u ile-i li-; .iiMt-.ir i: I m K d'':'.'!.- t'
st.iid u b- t!,c I thi v or '( rt oIk r. A. 1). 1V7. ji;d ;
itiei't hv d'faiiit will ill tin 1K.-XI fi-Tin t.i' a.ila r..ui i.
t'.i'.-iOT.'T'.'r. hj reui'.-rtjd iHvo. diiiy to r,t. jM-avur oi sa. i
ptiii'-nLr, JAMlld 1 L'i'.ii.iV, I'reper.
An;'n I io7 I iJ'.ri Aj.J'.t
lifrin ' Sale,
KwVatr. Cirlini. i-; Co. i. l.).i:ii,il Wiirtz. et ul.
Y virtu? ttfan exeeurio.i to ti-c duccitd at. l deliv
ere 1 f.-oiti th) rourr of common ideas ot ilaiK-oid
county. Oiiio, iii too aljnVc si:iti d uau-o, I Wiil un';
for suie, at to? door o: tlu co.iit luinv, in I'oi'rysbur;;
On M.ii-l.i, e;j:L':i;ler Vth, loT.
lKtvfe i ilie !ii-u-i ot tU avi 1 1 o'clock a. M. cf nld in
trie foil-ji iiij real iU;ij. to n it: 'I he soiiMi half of ti(i
-aiii-eist ti.i iri .-I- of a-j". ion wen teen IT), to'.vu three
Jj, r.n.H cl-v-'ii 1), nil in Iloud fouirv. Ohio, cwii
l.uaii.0- uiri'it I ULres of land. tn'H'e or cs.-i.
C. W. NOit i'O.N. slict-itt.
At cm t fi. 1"7 1 ?, w .". !?.!.::!
sitcrl!t 'si Sale.
A. GI!!et, A Imiiii -.to.-, v.. l,niin' Rarton. cf al.
TY virtu. : of nu ouer or' Hale, to me diri-cret and d
XJ iivcTlO, tm.a in.! court oi coinuion plfc-u. m i .o.!
co'i.itv, Ohio. i,i th-.- iili iva cause. I will o.f.-r for
at Hie d.ior v'i t.u cjurt lljuie, i.l i'cir; sliut
co.mtc, i.i
Satii;.!.iv. t!;n ."ill 1 1 of Septein? ?, A. T.
hiftw . j:i tiie liou; of iJ ocI..rl a. it. ii. id 2 o.c.ock p.
M. i.f s.iid d.-y, wf.-i hal:' ,;' tho so-ita- vvusnji, arter
f .-. Jt".:i f v.: i-livi. of to.vil 1,1.1 l.i. Hi V.i.iC J f.iat,
iu ia:J Count v, cu:(r..iiiin to ;:it ihmv. more or le-.
l"V". .SOU ! ON, thena'.
Prurn A .TrrFnr.sns', Attvi.
Auii.-t . 1 1 7 iov " J.:iS '
MiTirtil's siiiiH
T-ai? Vli.(;.t:re. v.h. .'utiu Mrf'ronr.
1 Y vi.-tu- 01 an oj-.itrj- of s.ili. to 111 liittctL-d r.n 1 de
) livereJ. fro 11 tau court of enu:n n pleas, of Wood
fMhtt, Oiiiii, 1.1 too ah jve catif, I v iii vrt'er for iil.t
at ti c Jo'jr of tiie court lioue, ia i'e. r; liiiir-, s;a 1
coirm, 101 "
ca;ur -la , tlu firh tlty of riptoanlicr. A. D, lv,
ictv i-:i tue tjiom of I 1 o iv-ck a. il. au 1 'i o cloclt p.
t. iii :l nav. uu U.l,.i.vi.,' lot, to w t: l.o: u i.o'icr
.0 an ill, old ti.e ii J; uf iot-i . ra vr uo, bl, and
ij in toe viliae of l'u: t f i: i oi:n.
"C. W. NuuVON'.El.cniT.
PlHf'K A .1 iTUlltSt.N, A'.lvi.
AllUlt j, I i.ii Li Wo ll- "
Wood t 0111. I'K'it,
for j
Peter . llituKuror v.i. 1,11. i!th Ilar.ilj'-rer,
L'.'titiou for bivon-e.
rp.lfaU defcndi.ot . tllizahet-'i I! 'ir.rl.?rer, is h.-ro-J.
ti v notified that tha pi untill, Toter llumder.T,
li.n riled hi 4 petition ns.;iiut litroil tl.e riivt da of
A tU'ii-it, I vi i , in thu court i
i.n.uii ii pit
Wood eouiirv. Tlie ulnei t an.
pr.i; iir tt i
,.id p..
Hon is to uhttiiii u divorce, and
tiierefur willful ali!e..ce for nnr
and adulter;, it illi :mul Kivou.
th in :hrt'e ectr,
-iid potitioo will
Lis tor n Mnui'.ii tut; Ocular term ot s.mi court.
'I'll i dffvtt t tut Hill alio f iUu ii trie! liut dupositi'ms
will v: t ikmi in tlie iiIiovl ti use il t ie iiuuo- of t Mint !.!-
I'. Uru h, iu ttie fiwii of 1 iiorii.iiie. uoiii.ti of Terry,
and stme of O .10 Oi tne litlldu of JptlJl:i;lr,
uivteen the hoti.-t uf 6 c ei ici. a. h m.d o v ei.cU l.
l.,to ci.i'iin;.! Ii -oi d.iy to il.y, bt.iiYvL-11 tow b-iine
hOUl ll.ll.l C-J.IlTltL..!. J
pi: vim u. iif.uu:itGi:n.
Ang. U. lg.iTlivli !.nj
C.th I'.iiil t or lk-uiii oi ail iiiiitl.
N -v. 7. I -i.i H. IV AVi.Kll.L.
A.G. iiuWKLL,
HtlOlS TO K.J.
l"it.l. tiC ttJdi.U at ti'U tiHI.n Ifft'lllll utvupicu In
V.n.:iiri:.i: i' ii.ii. tirt ilom ca-t nf tiiv l'-t t,1!-1,
iil a:nl nuvr t'.iv :ir-t M-ni hi -i iic!i, prep-nvu tuaiii;-
pi, 111. "iu eii-.i"in .-. . nun .1 11 new .till . wit., mill itivni
! ".' " '111 a ...!. a nil mtrviliinu iaiac umttr; ai.d I'id-
msi'-n Hue Itielt I Ue wants ui tnu ieuue tua re.iuue
tie will Ui.'..
An-1 in faei..-crwli:n; m un
bu od tor uadi or imi iiu i'.
oirt-i 1 1 ! li o , hi.-ii a
?ry.S, UUl'TER, Fitutr.
And all toud.tnf voif -tali en, tou'ctlier n itli tvL-rvtliinfi
tlie pi-uvisiuii in ir!i(.'t adordn. iviil be kept ou hand and
dirip.tfied of at ihu lu.vmf .oji;'U r.iili tiruri'S lie-'
liti.i flint a nimble i.pi iue i mori- valnaliii.' ih.it
alow liiiliiiL'. the propri-tur ha dutcrmini'd tu at. 11
Snvill Pro Ills unit for Cash.
Tli'isu ii;i.:n;; privisii.j:i uf any ivintl tu dispose
n. will liini il io .r iitk.im.i,- ti) r.ill .it A .i
1, lir.-t d.ior eat uf tiie Vyst Hrliui.', aU'i
1-Vb. -M, 1V.J A. ii. HOW EM
A M Li il U X Y P I X G
3J B Hi Iii . ll Y,
Iv ELIZA I'.JOM'IS. at tue it
I r-ti t -it. eel. tssuoil:
lV-l.di-rft.1 V.ii.
BOWLlNti Oill-.i.N. Wiltili Cu.,o;iIO.
IK 1.LHti IN
Dry Ortotls, C'tol!i:ii, Bocis A S3nc.
ilOL'iK t'f.lMfsllTMl. I't.n.Ui I - 4 UHtuV
r:irme.-,s Toul.i, l eu I.i l i Table Cetlcrr,
Urooerk-s, Crocki-rv, &'c,
P A I .V ';. OIL S. ii LA S i, Sf -J
r-ioriL"'!; lki:n l-.iv.
O.-tntK-r 3. U .'i ---un -.
M.'iru4 i'7 liitttlitt i... lii-.'Wii i a Ju.f Clovo.
fm-1, fur State of CH-io.
CaH a.l grit il.v'ir :in:i'i'il cir.-nlir.
i.r: i. I'j.Vtlto. Asiii Ur co:mtv.
r REMU Tfc AS, R.'tii Tr-TAL'S, ..ui ."l.V
LlMiiN tt ul.nl!; t,': u
, Perr-.-bur-J. Alaumee Cir'v. ami Toledo,
!M.li, Perrvshuffi at 7 A. a. .,,,1 iir:t. LeavoTu
eountv. e )o H )n. ( sl 5 r M 8
- ASM connect i.iit ! . M. wlththe ARROW,
c c,, ,r ih.,,. ,,,, ,,. ,ho ....
er. ?
FI A. S 33,
I? "L"
pleaoanf nnd f xr-ftditions ront to that citv.
, BLI.N'N to UAliSlOW, AgenU, Perrybur.
CAPITAL, ------ 300,000
aixeitKD ix Dot'Bf.r Tim amoi-xt.
IAKTS risks ajiinst lo.n or damage ltv Fire, the
J. perilboHea.oi iulan'iieiviLfiitiouiiilil iranpol'tatiuie
Hon. ISA AC Ult AYTON. of Cleveland,
I. IIMllflN.of IlilMinr,'.
" JOHN A. COItWKN.of Cincinnati,
Ju'Im ll. U. VAHL)N,
W, 1. 1IUUAKU,
J. P.M. IIovta nn, Sec'jr.
A. Mosnon, Pres.
Glionoc THAI.-v will iuuetlia! alteiid to all bunines
entrufteii to iiun in tiie luvenn eoiu-r. uf W ooil anil au
joiuiiiiioiuittus. Otto e ovrr iflinn& Uariitua'Aature.
S. Si-i.nk bi..
J. W. Itos.-i, Hsu . Perrvshurcr. -
E. 1). I'kck, M. li .J
Oko. LiKi:t. K-i'.. Gileml.
Dasiei. U.Miros. K'., Miltoil Tp.
Juduk Kllli-.t. U'est Mil-rove.
John il ith;, t'errvrihurir.
lift, Tli.
June 3.1
IMPO U T A 2s T!
TIac Ilcst A ssorl eacnt
IS AS D W Ail 5,
s &
S II 0 2 S ,
IIlO?K, AAIILS, &c, &c.
Store of the Subscribers
?Tr-'Ve should be himij ti lnve a 1 thoe wialilng
"VtAXirL'L f'r p. iiil fuvu.M, tli3 jSuU'iiijCi
t.ikcs tV-M motliijU of
and tiii:
That on, tin J uflor the
Hu nil oilbr his
Bclkviiifj th-t hi cm nuk-j it t'uo
lv ao d.tir.j.
Ci.-Oi Tiii for Ku'.tcr, E,;., Ubl. an 1 IHf. SU
Slave, an! 'b-.ir LM. llo;.s.
P?rr7Rlinrfr, Juno 11 1657--,tf
goods, ;iun ::uu;h,
vita;, Ac.
TlOWUNi; t,ui:L. OHIO.
VINi ivnmviid to his New St'trc, and r
i liiri'e tiil'litiun to liia r-tuck. ill iiu liai n t kc
Ins dd fran K and cnstuni'-r, and .ih in my iii-w one
m may f-ivuf liiiu with a eiill, Jjlcdilig 1iijubi.11 uut
Uu undfisold iu tliu t onnty.
.V 11 l.t)t! bULMhtl Ut tUQ uia UVdk niuat hil t tiled
Juutj 1m. 1S."i7 fif
- . I '.!..,:!.... 7- ;i i,. ...
ai-ptiLitvi Airent f.ir ti
...iii ... ..j
on liamieverv v.uielv uf liiuini. Ti-.ia.iseiii. un ! oth.
t.-.k i.u;.li;iLd liv'saiJ fcucietv. ait t." wl.uu wi!l
S.1'1 ut 11
-1 T II E U M 0 M E I E It C III-11 X
iii-'wfiH i i.y .;i:ui:';l: nr : u-.
sUtalciiuuuii U ttmfactuict vi Cub: tit t Wait(
i'liuii', Vc
Ir ITr consti"? i.Hal .1 larrre iortTM-iit
tin lit'sj cii:b aL'i; a ,.",cif virit'1 vl i-.h iiu
p:' p'u.d to (ell in ?e i-scuai :'w r U '
All ki.ula uf -u-hit-t w wi l; i-:" to ciicr o: si.ort
UOl'Ct .
' -.ie roa:r.. c j Front 4t ui .j
I. v ii:-;-j.
. Oiila. o 1
nF. Suh-4r'l.-i 1
f t i.ii
ll.TVHlt'ljt. l lil D I 'i 1
!... l stud l I
.il piotjt. C'l'-:
Gl.O. iVOW t.li'S.
Oiiiwd t dupokuwi ;iu.fti4-i
gidilinic pi n ..
Soucca Matiiut Jubtii-anoe Ccmpanj",
WILL !i:i"J? ij:!4lir;ar.d it'r6::J fr..fr Jt''-'
iTTtl. . Inliii Ian Irimailu Sim-I.,... ...I .
Jii.U'.j Notice
Tli" follow Jul- inienttid per-wniH, ns owners of the
iliciiucd I Mid f.ii.'jiite tliior rcrpectiTc mnme?'. ara
hertliv i.on,;."l. ti ;t nu ap; licniioii lion hcen made to
tin- tru;ti it nf .! icc'lotKii tiwiliip, to lny oat, locate
an.l ftp'!. on. oil n'.i' ny tnU persons btnttitttd ttierebj.tiie
i'X ;n ! m.I.ii.t, a ".l.'tli 'or tater-course, ai fol
low: t oiTinit-i. nt or tmur tue ?uu,ii quarter pose
of fli-'.'.iou VI. tow i 0 t.onli. nf range 10 eat, thence
north nloi r the lino ot a cui:tv road, and in the old
ditch, us heretofore siinreu'u, lliroOyli ftertious 24 uid
13 said town; and tlirouyn pct-tioi.s iiu and 2., town 1.
U.S. it., to a notiiity loftd; thin east bO rods la said
old uituli; tlienie n rtii ti-.roili tiie center ot section
24. town 1, a. i.onid to the i.o.th IiTie ofMiddleton
town-liin : (ind tluit .tM ti-;iif"?jt h ill in.!t a . the smith
end or jid ditcii. o-i Moi.dn v, tin illst tly of AUfUHt.
A V, l-.ii , ot 9 o rlnik a. , to exitnnne nnn npnnrtiou
said (Jitcn lU'coran.' to 1'iwt
Bee. T, H. Acr.
Joah R.Hudolnh,
Erusiiius O. Fecit,
Uolta H. Chubb,
tjohu l.i'Ivi',
Joliii J njlur,
Oliver It. Riown,
John Jotitisoii,
n 1-2 20
lii.iw it
bv: 1-4 c 1-4 "
1-2 a
U .V 1-4 HQ "
ti 1-2 s w "
xvi-'J 11 w "
iff !-4 mv 1-4 31
e 1-2 tiw 1-4 21
w l-'i n e 1-4 "
I e 1-4 n o
u iu sin
" " 40
" KO
, 40
" 80
D. ll.lt.
St C3-10II
til 1',3-UlO
wj v fni'j
LuuC K
Uoljcrtson, n e i nt (
k ft irac.
Hcirv Crook.
Ilen'v C l,iwiatn:c1
' do
w Inn,-,
e 1-2 no 1-4
OS 1-10
I v.a.B.
. SO
e tie 1-4 "
e -2 w 1-1
w 1 '2 b o 1-4 "
1-2 n e 1-4
c 1-2 n w 1-4 "
e 1-2 n e 1 4 "
Andrew Ptrgcilas,
Holla II. l.'lml.b,
liii-'liiu.l C:irt,-r,
Mllunl V. Wiir,
Htnrv Servis,
Jul) li. II.. it.
Willimn S. Miller,
.Ifilin Hiu rim;h,ii,
iittiUL-l liriu-.i,
3et.asti.in Sliipple,
A'l.nti 1 1 iiltrii.1.1.
n w , n v i
ii a ( net
e 1-4
e 1-2 sw 1-4
v 1- a w
e 1 - 2 4 o
e ii c 1
w i ij u J
Mt h'ilas W v.t .l.iuir. c I w .1 n ir I
FlC'luriek livU, lv 4 c 11 IV
.iiiiin Ann n. e 1-1 u iv 1-4 '
(jeort-e N.it"'l. w Ij iv ,1 n e f
Hmiu'l l'imil,v, .
Oi'lmiiiif I'.irk.,
H iliinui .l:ii-k.-"n.
t'urrck .M.'Onvcrii.
Anicaiim Hiipp,
Antliun Weaver,
Audifiv tiiii'iil'-,
(.le.iie hliii.li',
tilu. ,1. Il'-.iii.'ll,
ti.an A . 1. Jultn
Sumut-1 KutaL-li,
e 1 -! no 1-4
el -2 he I -I i'l
w 1-2 v 1-4 "
o 1-2 t w 1-4
e O iv J nv
II iv t w I
w h i a
rc)l 23
n e f. e "
T 1 4 21
,w 1-2 n r 1-4 "
e 1-2 n n
Julv ll'. 1S.',7 ll'wi !.12.2.i
;It()VN, PeUiiuner.
AV.Kitl C'miinioii Ph-ns.
Henrv Miii-Urt .ic (jii. v.h. .l.-hn W inc. et et.
JOHN WAMi-; iiii'l Uiui'l Wnro will rake notice thtit
ilei.t-y .M.irk i:i. ii'ivo tiltd n lietition uprninit
liicni ai:u ol lit-r- ill Vui,il uimut)'. Oi,i, court of uom
ini'ii ii---... a.kii.if .iu.li-.nu nr uirnii.tt .li.lm Ware for
$ j72.ail-li.O iili iur. rut tim e (li-t. 27, lhiV, uuil for
.in Oi-.lL-r ol' oi tliu iji.i ili-ii t-t i'j:iru-r of .ertioit
taimlii'i' t-i ir' , r , ol r-i'v ii-!.iji iiiiiii;;r iltn-e (.'I,; of ranife
nuiiio.-'r i.i.ii! i:-., in 'i nl t'Mintv. (tni. I. iny tliu
..inii... ii it rl niili--. tht'v otiMv-r or il-.Mntir rn satil if ilttoii
li.v tli; l'J'li .iv of S.-.tnil-i'i'. A. Jl. I.".?, jio'suleut
uill nt tin- n--xr en-uiin; toi-in of M.iiil roui't l,e rpn-'Urr-ii
.n a;.ra:ii-t tlitni 1-v .i-.-laitlt, ut-corjinir na tli. 8.TH.
iatki-il lor in .ii.J I'titi.m
Mi IliiAl i; DOUiiS, Att'rs for ri'll.
JUU- l'1'.M....i l.oil.
W iwl Comity Couit ut I'iMiTirifHi I'leiiM.
V i-,!u:ifitii ii;irler. d-nnea U.tilier. Ann Elizit.
llnrl.h.Mrt. l:irriet L'.lh-n ItiuUlieiiit. FraiiL-i- Hurk-
lt-i'rt. ( o;yj li.u Uhturi , Muriutti. linrkiieiirt.Cl.ui-icA
liurklit.irf. aiJ Li.neiii ilin Lluurt u til tnke notice that
a p.;,:tiio; Uiii i:i 'd iiL'oiiir' tliem i.n tlie d da of Julv.
A. i. if )."", i:i i it J court hv Lhri'-fi'phcr Durlvheurt and
N now pniidmir, whiTtiu thu ciii l pt'iitiniu-r flpmandt
tlie a?WoifMit of r( tww ij'" r...id r,Mi!l,fth Harher. in
nt:! in r..n f of i hi f'ol'ow ri-ril rsmto. to wit: 'J'lio
vi-L-.-t-half .f the north-Wrf-r ijnarter uf eerion cijrlit,
town-hip tive nortli, ol rnnje tt-uetiit; and the soutli
ivoat tjuiirtt:!' of tin- nortli-we1! qn.irrcr of section fimr
teei , oi to.viinhip liv- not tli. ot rniije nine eust, in Wood
coiu tv, Oluu, eoi.t:i!nii' i;i hoiii duces iid luiniii'i'd
and twi'iitv ncres of hind; ;ind tliut ut the nexttnlin ot
Muid eoiiit.ihcii'ii l peiiiimitr willapply for an orUTor
!is?iL'U;iii.'ii oi a;iii! dow .T, n:i 1 ;.;n ti(itnMi'ri;iid pvtmiats,
afonsaid. " ClililTOPIILIt IfUt KI1EA UT. ''
liv S. Ji.rpKitsuN, Ui Atfi.
.TmW 9. ia-,T rl7 n i
is43::nl !iib.U for Sale.
rjIlK u.i-irsiii'-'i will i.ur t'-ifilc at t-iitjl'c auction
X ut t'ia d jur oi' tut) Cumt Uouau in WouU cutuifT.
On Fri'lu. (I.a 4:Ii J.iv of oj.tfnihor. IV7
li!ft-et?n iln- h')tir of II on I I j ,. m , tii? rolluirinr
land-, .efin ilud. ;ii.'l n;'jjr;iisii'J m j'iil!nvs, tn vriti 1
iJern iiun. Aciia. Yu!u.itfnn.
N 1-2 SW 1-4 fct-c. 2..T. 1 r.s.n. rt) $4t:ti
n - .V W 14 M, 41.0
X W 1-1 .N W 1-4 4
IfiinT 0:u-tWLl.'th j.:ut nf tlie pnn-l ac nionet tn
lie jtii-l nt t'ij tir'iu of iulft, ai.ti if tt iMla uce iu eleven
cinal nnnn.'il iiHtr.lluu'i f. m itii a.'rin.il ir.turcst.
iS. L;u tuLcu i-ir tl-n ti, j ii.)i-ni..-d xalne.
J.V.MKS W. !:-;;.?, I'.Muity Auditor.
Aii'l'tr'a Otiir.., Wof.l riinf, ( t f
l-'-rw' . i -' . J ii i v 2 . ( . I . . 7 . ij ( i A X j .-,
Nvtlt4J Hir Salt:.
fpilF. HIT.;,;
X at t i:a lie jr
I ui.i Mr', r (t,i s;i!i-ri; i-u'.Ik'nncfiuli.
jr of tlu Cuurt Kninc in Wuud cuunt'.'
On Vriilii, th-j -i;!! .Tn v of S-nViv.ur, 1R"'7, 1
WtWUt-ll tllf? llCLIU OI 11 fin) I'J .l.M., tl,o t'iilluwiiij
lauds, dticril'iid ami ai';ir.t.jr,i as i'ul!o,vi, t. ivit:
Lt.6tiij.ii in .-K-tcrt. Ybluatiid?,
N E 1-4 6tc. ii T. 1 1-.M.R 1: U a.iu
N K 1-1 N W 1-4 4-i
TeniH One tut-irili r-rt of lie t urtli.isc niunov in
LiiQ puitl ;it tl.c lime of & ilc, n.id tin: u.ii.uicu in ' tlutu'
iii.i) ain.ii.il iii-i.Liicn'ui-, ivu!. aic.ii.tl i:ti rf.it.
.Nu u.d tr.!.cn IVr It -!. t1' -ui the jj i n i -lcI vaiup.
JAMKS V. lid.-.S, ff.untj Auditor.
.my i ii - i iih'c, uiin '.i. u rr ' v, i
PiMTihlmrL', .In
I ciiui tint u 'It!, mi ivi ,c j,iv".
rented fn tha (.niii-; ms .it" Wurd countT, oi
llK-.r la-st refill i r .-if- ituii. fi.nin- tor lli-: lucntitut mid
U'taMt-hnTr n .MMi'ity ro-;.l c.i.u:iriiCiiir nt th Ret -lion
en n r net" e-'ii r' -in- ami in 1'iumji) lowunliit-,
and ruuiiM. uu n.nith. on ornti ir Amd si-u'ion liua. iii.
it &iiic ti.f invitMicp i.ni: ro:i i. byliMreti i'uitayu and
Ll'JUtll tort.i:i:it, t.fLi;1 ti.TTil' i.ut
ji.v.ny imnioSEiis.
iu!v nii.i-"--.; t;w:
t'. :
.i..'lt itt U pi c-
I ceiinfy. tr.i'-,
tin- l-Kjaiiun r,
'ii? ro.-id on i I.m
-clit.'d t. tin.
iiver! ot V-'i.
"V, asi.i'.'j io.
i a: il..j vi -
ut t;uir n-i i -
a cumin ru 1
itC ion I.n:j Stv-.'..'
tow i!!.ri ; tn
;i i'h tu.i i.i. liir-i: v:; iu La'
i: s--a.li en b.:ij lute, li 'i: tl
ii- v "ti"M, l jter- KCtiui.
n v m.v -ii .-,-"i in
I if li EL 1 . 1.15. Pttuioner.
t ii.
fjti t
-iT. 31. UV
S.ii 't Xoli; i-.
rrUi: fu-!.- ,.. 'i .ii t..n-,ip. wilt meet a th
L rvl net- i . tl !1. I! nu '.! itl: ,hiy ct'Septtm -htr
ittjr. to liM-ito mi.; ai'pnniou a ditch: C' iiiiinj.i-cir-,-
nt the nort!i-i:-,.-,t i'.ri:. r ot tlu wut liaif ul tiie
t --ur!i-ea.sf OMiitr of nvciim thirty-tlM't'. ruiHiin
I tlioui c in a (riititii'it r.-iti-rl tJiicO'inn, aioi. t'.o line uf
I tiie uUl di'fli, to th.i wwt li.-f Hif auuiii u.ist uunit'T
1 ut' lim situtii- r-t qi.iti.wr of hi'ciK:i t'htri.cn in x
rtlid iv (ii, t-rt!ij;, u;itd it i I'.lul -itcti t..e ?iiJild Puild
diuh. i .ti k-Ii-s
I upporcd tu li-: inu
tilled pcrinn, uud li'iid. uri
; iit!..ui..' l'i.' , v; i -it 4 atmin,
; lii'l.i.d Hu:b, im.ii:Ii p.nt
r, vi',,:i I1.-: K. 11. ItulliH.
t..'ii 'i : I:. T'iivh, south
c'tMiiS: J. IlnHist-r, nurth.
uiu mi.titr:
, i;ci mil ,
weet i tr-nU-t
east 1 ooiuh-ui
! went of souili-Wkfit j, ii.
'fiuii .-I
: J Hoilitf r.-iMtU
Mtdl'o, eitrst J M'ntl.
; It. J nd- un, v. 1
f.-!iuo y-; Miiic
i i at i st.1 .ij. i.J :
i-it nl tiie m.ii'd-msf 4
;toii :
r 1 oUU1 4,1 IJ,C t
1 "" uiii-c,i t 1 u.-e uf!i
; t'linmio a very, mitu wt-t j u tna muili- rttat. f of
afcmiil ; .-it,iui ii. hi. iiu i.i--j. ( u Hit sum-
and ihe w-uili J o. tim tuvta-u cat ( oi'ct Ci.i'ii I-..,
1 li i. J J 2), i 7 i . l.
sOYH.b' i ii r-;. ;.;v.n t.'t: ... iT-l.n .
uf ti.ii t.!i.,t furl ..i ... ,i::- ) .' :.i.-i
. i:u- 1 i :i.-i i: ,v .te-
r-IiX-'ii IS . !.f'. . .i-l'l M'.V M
liiji f -J, 1. J'ii. ti r. iij ..' t "i.e I'." e.isr; Pud
. 111' w ., o..:.fi- tut. nn-c:i!d i.f.ir.t Niil ; in
. ! rli t ii -ii k!'r, rwoiitv-i'uu'
i".1. in to-Yv-iiip four (rf in.nh. r f
. 1I1. 'i t wi 1 ixi 1 u- rition pre
i-i t.)rt!i-Ur. Krtue i6vig
:i fa wifer-fuui-tt:, ou or near din
i t 1 i u tu'.viiliip, c..iu'ujr.i,i:ii;
I r ( 1 ' tu ul.!ll-.et Ctvet'C! c -
.ftit:-y luivt; ip, oud con:. t, oa
l ) !i , ,-a;J ;n til it i::'
." a' I iM'I. d I'ie S" p ri.n. i'i
: w iii"'t.,!n'. The Truver Kill
. ran-; elev:. , i 1 e-..
i -n.ct to tlie tr.i..
I cna lucaunj; of a
j ton iidnii line, l e "
i jli'Kit nh.ttv tfn's u
' "i.i tl.iit . in V', i.
vud to-. L t).'j l..;,
' v-' c: t c : -
i .t:.a::
T.-":.' oa 1I.0 llih d o! biorem'r
, tw vuv ui-d .1; :;j:' rt li dt--l: aocwiithi te i iaw.
4-A C I iVjuuiir,
lirnt.v piven to l-.iitd Yit;-i tint t riie?i of
JL MjD!!oTry tt Wivl.ip, Wtn.d CfMl.tV, 4hio, ill
Hit-tt flt tlC lioi:j uf Trtiel Everett, tu fcalurday, A il.
'Otli. 1")T. to litem e .1 cir li. c aiintiuciu on iwcticn 11,
and ruDuu" a Curiii-Httly Hirfttion, to 1 ii to 14-i.jp