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The Perrysburg journal. [volume] (Perrysburg, Ohio) 1853-1861, April 25, 1861, Image 2

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J.W. BAILEY, Editor.
On ropy on ynar.ln advance . ... fc.v. .... 11 Jo
On copy one year, not in advanco Y 100
' ' 1
Startling News from Baltimore.
, A, terrible, riot, occurred t. Baltimore on
Thursriitr Ut. An thn 7th MaRsachuectts
Kegimcnt wm pausing through the city it was
allocked by sscession mob. Tho soldiers
fired, killing and wounding several parsons.
Thd ' troaps forced their way to the depot.and
taking the curs', went forward to Wa-inington.
Paltiuaors put under martial law. .The
troops arriving there Friday night wert kept
fron entering th city. Eidven of the trait
or 'were killed and nine wounded., Three
of the soldicn wort killed and eighteen wound
ed. The condition of Baltimore, ia fearful
The traitors hare full control a id Out, Hicks
ii at thotr more y. The Union men are eald
to be flying In all directions for safety. Noth
ing but scceion flaw's are dying in Baltimore,
and no man dare proclaim himself in favor of
the Union. lion. Morris Lowry says that ho
witnessed tie scenes after the fight, nml thai
History will record that although tOO Massa
chusetts troops weru luvelcd by missiles and
their turns wrested from them, they did not
firo till commanded by tho Mayor of lialti
more. '
Latsb. Infirmtliou lias boon received
from Washington that official correspondence
has been opened at Washington with 'he Bal
timore authorities resulting in an understand
ing on tho part of Baltimore to i epair the rail
road bridges nnd telegraph wires, and keep
communication open for mails, passengers,
dcfpitchcB and troops.
Ohio Volunteers.-Prompt Response.
Dating the past week, says the State Jour
nal, tho Governor's room in tho Capitol has
presented the nppearanco of a military coun
cil chamber. The Governor and stall" and
Adjutant General Carrington have been con
stantly at their 'posts, receiving tenders of
companies, by telegmph nnd personally; nnd
issuing commissions. Tho promptitude with
which buisncss hai been despatched, is
highly creditable to nil concerned.
The notice for the quota of troop for Ohio
was received from tho War Department on
Monday night, and on Thursday ni lit two
full (regimenta left Columbus for Washing
ton. Tbit is marvflou-ly quick work. "The
cry Is still thoy tomel" Tenders of com
panies have been received sufficient to make
up not only Ohio's quota of thirteen regiments,
but tho quota assignod to Kentucky four
regiments. On inquiry of Adjutant General,
w learn that tho offers of ' troop, already
approximate thirty regiments ; end that tho
number o in 1 e swollud to fifty regiineuts if re
quired, within ten (lavs. Ohio responds
nobly to the cjiU of tho Union and tho Con
titutiou. '
XVnr Feeling ' Philadelphia.
The Philadelphia Press Bays
tho rxcitf
nient which has marked tho population of
Philadelphia sinoo the roooipt of intelligence
from Charleston, has know n i.o parallel in the
annals of the city since tho fearful limes of
1014. It ha demonstrated to well tho
strong love of tho Union and its associations
which has been seated in tho popular li 'art,
and which threatens now that the Union has
been menaced and its flag insulted, to vent
Itself in deed of mutiny and rnirn upon all
who have
winked at treason or encouraged
Th Probable Programme of the Campaign.
The followinjr. from tho Washington dis
patches of the New York Heralrl, prrents
mora ia detail what has already been given
by our own correspondent at the Oapitai:
OtUcial information lias been received by
iite President, from which it apjviars that
Nw York will have fif y ihouand men in
army ly tlie 1st of June. 1'ennsylvnnia forty
thousand, Ohio thirty live thousand, and In
dina, Illinois and Massaehmelts eaoh about
(wenty-tive thousand, and the other States in
The employment of thii immeno force
will depend mainly upon the course the Hor
de r Slave Siato will pursue in reference to the
ecesion issue. As matters sro situated
now, it is tbe intention of tho Government to
use the seventy-five thousand men called n
to service, together wi h the regular army,
forming an aggregate of about one hundred
thousand men, as fol'ows;
First. A corpsd'armee of thirty-five-thousand
men will be collected in and about this
point, for tho purpose f defending tho seat
of Governmopt. protecting the military p rt,
controlling the I'olomao and t'besapeako bty,
and keepinuonen the communication between
tlA -M.irth iinrl the Caoitol. WasliiliL'ton will
serve for iu point d'aptmi. whtld its line of
operations will ex'rnd a! I along the kit bank
of tho right shore of the bay.
Secoud. A second corps, twentyGve thou
sand strong, will be formed in and about St.
Louis. A portion of it will be employed in
protecting the Unon uieo and Federal pro
perty in that State fro.ni the violence of seces
sion sympathisers, siui the rest in holding
Cairo, at the junction tl the Ohio ami Met
sisaippi, the most important strategical pjint
in the West
Third Of tlie remaining forty thousand,
five thousand are eip-cted to be thrown into
.Western Tt xas, to forui a r.uclvus around
which th Unt'iitists of that Slate will gather.
Fparth-sTweulv-five tliouand will be em
ployed in a demonstration f r the relief of
Fort Pickens, and the recapture of the other
fortifications about Peustcoltt bay.
Fifih.-fTea thousand rata will be kept lov
eriDarin stesm transriorts, between Cnnles-
ton and Savannah, to worry the
rvbwls byj
necessitating the irseuc of a la-a defensive
force in both places, and tti.-ei landing
r wbnvr oppoitunity sbuil utt r
. This programmer ft.cts exactly
r mh it iho
uv willofi
uaveroment bat decided to do, l
.course, be materially changed in case ir-
p n & and th otbtr HorJi-r S ave SULca
ahould secede.
Washington, however, will be defended,
and Fort l'ickens rt liovt d at any oat of blood
bi treasure.
Cleveland Correspondence.
CLEVELAND, April 18th. 1861.
'. Ma. tttToa v-dlailng jirtailMl that tritti should heir
from m should anything trof-Jitint transput In the For
est 'ity, I anil myself of the f reni opportunity In giv
ing to the readers of th JorsSAL sotno ids of th foci
Id; widen exists hre raapcciing the trsrliks attitude in
to whlru mif country, by southern fanaticism, has been
(brown. Tim slarining news of the surrender of Fort
fluinterdbe President's prncUmittinu which, thank Ood,
is endorsed to m to and tbe determination of the po
pie of this city to ooulrihutc thotr share pf troops, which
Obio sVa1M tipoit (n fureWi, lis caused the wildest ra
cltemmt. Union meeting have boon hold, in which but
on sentiment was expressed, "Tlx Union, ilia Conatllu-
tion tod tho Stirs nnd f trlncs fornvcr." Nswshoj are
eontiuuallv running In and fro lthtrs containing tlie
latest intelligence. Tim boating of drum and the con
spicuous hind-hill calling men to arms. (jive Cleveland
lbs appoaranceof a determination that hr energint thsll
he excrwd In tb pr'wrvation of the Unlnn, and tlio en
frumrntof thtlawa. On cnmpanri th "Cleveland
Oram," numb-ring noaronx Ininilrod mm, dopartcd for
Waabingloo to-day. At half pant onn o'clock p. m.,thev
paradod thiougb tn Tark, where a eunconra of "fair
fvnmmi and braremcn" rvroired them with vocifmtia
ch"ring. Tber war addrvaaed br Mr. Kitoli, of tliia
city in a abort but tolling apanoh, followed by hural of
entbuaiaatic applmttl from over tire thmunnd voices
which mndo tlia welkin ring. Then to the wild atirrinc
air of "tbe girl I left behind me," they took up tblr nmn
1 1 lb d.-pot amid llie waving of banurra and tho IhouM
of tin! folkm ing multitude. While at tho dupot little
nrcuiTcnc pi vscntcil itlf which I deem s too gr-nt dia
jil.iy of iitriotidin to tut paaa vmootiwd. A tin) depart
lii)f a nininy were boarding tho cam, ad apod lady p
pronclicil a young volunWcr, pUuing a small Itililo in hi
hand, at the aain lima inipUiiuna a kin ipn bia brow,
and alter pronouncing a luolher'a nleaaing, bid him " be
true to tho flng under whose colors he now li-k up iirms."
Tlii.4 admonition I am sstiflod will be fulfilled, us no cow
ard ever hud such a mother. Another need miitroti whoso
only aon was going to fight for his couutrv's lhig,taud
Ing up in a ntrrligo ss the trftlu moved "off, win ing to
him her last nrileii with tU stars nml aLripci he hebllti
h-r hm I - a mute appcul for him to maintain tho nation
al rotors un.mlll. d. Tho tears of motherly affection
which could, nut be ripresseel went coursing' down Iwr
check tiienunhllu. A tbo traiu moved away, nn ini
rn mse almitt went up from tho people who thronged tlie
depot j Itavnx enugfil up by the multitude on tbo liillsiilu
And echoiid all along th ruilrond track nn the Iniiu went
onward, oven boyond tbw limits of tbe city. It is report
ed that a worthy dlvino of this city, who was present du
ring tbo exorciscn"ln tho l'nrk lo-duy, was asked, " llow
he Colt rcsiMictlng tbo war?" "I am' ready," h respond
ed "to light or pr.iy, na the occasion m'ny rcnuiro."
II ping you will favor me with copies of your valuablo
paper during the criais, permit nw to subsuibo mvsrlf,
P. Q.
President's Order—A Blockade of Southern
WasiiinotON, April 1!). Tho Tresident Nsund his
proclamitlnn, stating there Is an liisnrrertiou egninst the
Uovonmi -ul in several .States that law for the collec
tion of revenuo cannot be executed there in conformity to
the Constitution, which reiuires duiie. throughout 'the
country to be uniform. They have further threatened to
grant pretended letters of marque.
I therefore deom It advisable to set on font a blockade.
I therefore order a competent force to be posted to pre
vent the cntiunc Bud exit of vessels from ports of confed
erate atutcy.
From Harper's Ferry.
CAni.tst.K, Vn., April 11). l.ient. Jones, late In com
mand at Harper's Ferry, arrived here with his command
of I'oriy-threj ni.-n, at .1 p. ni. to-diy. Lieutenant Jones,
learning that a force of 2,.rtH1 troops had heen ordered by
ttov. Letcher to take possession of Harper's Kerry, and
finding bis position untenable, under flireciioim of the
War Itcparlni-nt. destroyed nil the munitions of wuiyir
nmry. arsenal nnd nil the buildings. He withdrew hi.s
command under cut or of night, and utmost In the pres
encn of 3.M0 tntopa. I In lost 3 men. la.DOi) stand of
arms were destroyed. The command made a forced march
Inst night thirty miles from Harper's Kerry to llagers
town, Md. Lieut. Joie's and his eonunand'lookeil mucli
worn nnd fatigued. They were m ist nuthusiastically re
ceived by our entire population.
Nrw York, April t'.i. An attempt lm been made mir-
ehase the new slimmer for tbe Confederate States, but
tho reply was that Ihoi-o wa uot money enoogh in tho se
cede 1 States to do it.
The entire first division, numbering ",000 mii','inN been
olleitulto tlinU ivcnnn.'ot to beroady to march at an hours
notice. ' " ' '
Intense excitement nmotig military at Ttallimore news.
The tlliamticrof f'omnirs tesolvcd that the Govern
ment should issue a proclnm itlon that all persons pviva
hTrlng under Duvls1 commissions bo dealt wiili'ns pi
rates, and Immediately blockade every southern port. A
dispnteb tVom Wilmington, Delaware, to tbe Tribune
says it is intbrmed by a mrrhnnt vessiM captain, direct
from l'enaeola that Fort I'ii kens now contains 500 men
with aereit vessels lyins outsidi'. A large number ot
aoiilhem trimps arrived on Saturday.
The Ithode Island Marino Artillery arrived to-dav with
six pieces f artillery, and started for Washington'. Due
thousand Hbndu Islanders, under Uov. Sprngne, will ar
rive here to-morrow.
(lov. Morgan Issued his requisition for the (tth, 1 1 tit,
nml fist regiments of this city, to start for Washington
to morrow, and tion. Sunlonl lias issued special orders to
that cllect.
The gnu-boat lVeahonltin is ordered south immediate
ly. She s tils to-night with troops for Fori Monroe.
' Tho 7th ivgini.'iit left lor Washington by railroad Ibis
p. m. lliiiadvvay was throtigud with people as they pass
ed down, and the famous regiment was lustily cheered
and showeiud w.lh lHue'B. Th y tsik thoir bowitners
and each man bad a brace ot revolvers in addition to I heir
A private dispatch from llaltimore says: "The posi
tion of our loyal cilijcns is becoming ery criliuul. Wo
hope that the north will still stout by us. and in the forc
ed passage of her troop to the CapUal will remember that
then1 are many U-ue men here. Our police force nnd ma
ny military companies are openly against the liovurn
uicul. lnmu, April 20.- Uirmn Sibley, PiVhident of the
W. U. Telegmph, It. T. Walker. I'r'caident. and .1. D.
Uoid, Supcrintendant, of N. Y ., Albany hiivI llutl'alo Co.'a,
have ihtfuud ordors that no mcasagea ordering urma or
munitions of war will he received by their companies
unless for the defense of tho tloverniuent of tho "United
Slates and endorsed by the Mavor of th city from which
it proceeds. Messages ill cypher, exoopiing disputehes
for the 1'ivsidrnt of the I idled states or (lie olhcers of the
gto eminent mil be relived.
Vin:Kia.ii, Va April lit, The Mayor has issued a
proohuu u:on calling on all gim i cilinens to preserve tlu"
peace and abstain from discussing exciting topics. The
st irs an 1 strip 's uiv geuerally displayed and a strong
Union feeling prevails. Union military companies are
forming. One company organized as Itometliiards. It
is composed of men over 4.'. Our teegaes, HuhtmH
nn I t'leiii.tns lS'turdeil ftum Kielniloiid to-day and were
warmly rvsvived.
Hos imn, April 10, -Tlie couiin m council last nolitan-
pmprialed $100,000 to provide for soldiers enlisting from
Tlie l.owidl city (lovcrninent has appmpriatcd S0,000
for soldiers' families,
Xkwaiik. X. J., April JO. (len. MnnyTiii has received
ohlers for one reuim nt. He ill scud the tlr.st rocinienl,
I .tine stiMog, to Wastiluntonon Tuesday next. The com
mon couni'il nil! provide for the families of volunteers.
About I,.i00 nulit.ry in Newark alone stand re.ulv to
march. Tlie Stale II oik has olter.nl tlie State fiO.OOO.
Other Hanks olfered as lmich money as is rvquiivd.
Uvt.TiM.mt!, April arO.Th.t Mdvillo brMge on the
Northern Central road, Mwoon WiHMtlmrv mil Mount
Washimrion has Khu. burnt down. It is reported that
th Northern soldiers arest tbe ltel.iv House on that road.
A bridge mi the NorllwrCeiiir.il an ion," on the I'hiladel
plu i, dmiiig.on A Italtim iv It. K. are g 'li1.
XrNU, ()., April 19. Fourteen thousand dollars sub
arl'ibrd heiv ycxteixlav aud to-day to bid voluuteers.
Two companies will lie ready to-inort'ow,
lxniANAroi.is, April K. Six n'rocoinpaniosarrrived
to day. L',100 ire now in oiimn Morton. Kvvry train
luniks more, Xho war feeling is inoreasinp.
St-itiNii ki Kin, 111.. Api il 18. Tender of companies are
pouiini; into tho Adiutniil tboonvl' Oilic.', but none put
down as received lio urv" not reported as full. 4'.' com
panies have uhvadv Ixvu acceple.l, uud tenders liava
Hlrendv iweu made for s ltiiiiivtnorc. ' All tbe railix.i Is
in lli nuilti bv voluiitM'rad to carry tlif acivpU'd coiu
panios to their place of ivudcivous free of chary.
rilTSni'iuiii. April IS. An intense war feclinc pro-
rails her, and buiiiicK. ia almost auiiuMidcd. InuiK ime
omivda till the mut piMiuuioui 'airwH-s, Cuioit u.ins ar
lloAtiug every where, sud tho volniiteer coiitpanies are all
Illicit an.t ilcpartmjrstwarit. l.itH-rst kiitisrripiiotis aw
Itcinir uiade lor iIhi cotnfoK the minute aud ih aun-
portvf iheii fanaiic. iWiiuitiiiji is iill fn$ mi, ul-
UioiiLin mere air tn un man ciioiihu Mr tn iwuiueiiienta
M-tt,.Stau.ti.fl!l.l..K,lor.lrv..iiiti,.. A committee
ui' public nafviy held a mcctiu tiv-Uay aud lavaiua-L
" -
i,..;l u . e.... k v...ir
auuuRr. arrived in ihe'titv ji.iaiuoruir. He 'ropMia
''t th uum uiiac to tlie tiaiUa
raace W tlie tiaiUa v( .Norfolk liaa keen
ii.ii.iK of .mall boat, by the oisicrof
u,1Toni;,. i;t.;;h;r
ti' iiii mv trrt . iijn, i u-w.'ii laTi Hint u" va'hi
I ueltud WBoeier the Mais, and atuteii'tbat the obuci w
l"yent the Hovenim,nit vctla iroi, Uaviiitf. as onUi'
j rewmw cuiu.-rt Norfolk liar UxnU.ujcd,,iud a
Emphatic from Mr. Douglas.
A few of Mr. Dougtaa' fiicnds i f St. Louts, ho m
laiiwntiibly tuiriiivt with vavefcuiou syuipattiv, uot put
4 i,g lull isiuUdcnee ill thr gtiKirul diptebi to the rrs,
lu it-it ixucc to hit K why U lit I'eitaii'.uuoit, is'iKludrd
t-i likta rfirei t communication w ith the Little (liantontlis
Biaiter. Her is tho prompt and pungent reply t
' . .-r' WiMisorirv, Apri l
To T, K. rot'STr.XAY 1 Witbont hating been ygii1
ted or Indorsed any particular measure, I sin for my
country and against all asiailante. 8. A, Doi'dlAl.
St. Loui Demi crat. . ' j '
Doubleday's Account the Siege of
Nrw Tow, April 18. Tho folllowiug 1 a digest of
Capt; Poubleday's atatemontt
The demand to surrender Sumter waa made on the 11th
and refused, not only by Anderson, but by the unanimous
voice of his command.
On Friday raoTniug, at S n'cl'jck, the rebels sent word
that fire Wuhi Reopened in in bourt and at fodre'elock
tho fire was opened upon ua from every direction, Inclu
ding hidden battery. .
lir opened w th a volley from 17 mortar firing ten
ine.li tbolls and (hot front 33 guns moatly'colnnibiiids.
W'e t"ik break fsst, however, very leisurely. The1 com
mand was divided into three watches, ech nnder direc
tion of twooftieer,. . After breakfast thev immediately
went to their gun, andojioiiod OiTon Moultrko,Cumnnn'
Point and Siilli van's Is and. Th iron battery of Ortm
Bilng's I'oint was of 'Uimense strength, and most of our
l,ots glanced ntT. MaJ. Anderson refused to allow the
men to wnrk th guns on the parapet, on Mcoufit of such
s terrific lire. -.
Thrr was aoarcelv a room left In Moultrie inhabitnbl.
Hevernl abnt went ihrough lit floating battery, but it
wua liltlo damaged. Two puns on the iron battery were
disuiountud. A manwaanlationedwhncricdshotoraheU
when tbe rebels fired, aud the garrison wa thus enabled
to rl.xipn. At first the workmen wero relu.'tant to help
work the guns, ln afterward they served moat willniK
ly and elleclivoly against the iron battery. The hsrracks
caugbt fire eeve'rnl times on Fritlny,bu'twererxtinguish
d by Uiv ellorl of Mr. rtart of New York and Lymauol
llaltimore, botU vuluntcvia.
On Saturday the riffieors' quarter caugbt flm from tlie
shell, and tho main gatos wen burnt. Th magazine
was Niii'rouiided by tii e, nnd ninety-live barrelsof iwdcr
were taken out and thrown into the sea. When themag-
nr.ino whs encircled by tire, nil our materials were col oil"
and wo had oaten our Inst biscuit two dnys bulore. 1 be
men had to lay on the ground with wot handkerchief
on tiieir faoes, to provout nniotbering.nnd a favorable ed
dy of wind was nil that saved our lives.
The cartridge bags gave out, nnd five m 'it were em
ployed lo manufacture them out of our shirts, blankets,
shente, iV.c,
It will tako half a million dollars tn repair Fort Sum
ter's interior. Most of llie'.r sbol were niined at the (lag.
The following is tbe conversation between Major And
erson nnd Wijrlall :
Tlie latter said "(Jen. Itenuregnrd v. isle's to stop this
sir." Anderson only replied "Well, well."
Wigftill "You've done nil that can be dono, nnd Gen.
Iteauivgard wishes to know upon what terms you will
evacuate the fort."
Anderson "IK'u. Bouttrcgard ia already acquainted
with the terms. (
Wlglall "Do I understand you will evacuate on the
tonus proposed ?"
Anderson "Yes, and only on those, "
Wiglull than retired. A few minutes after, Colonel
Chestnut and others came from (lu. Ileauregard, asking
if Aiidocson tvnnteil any help, nnd slating that Wiglull
htd uot seen Beauregard for two days, mid had noaiithoi
ity fi.r his demand on Anderson, to which the Major only
repliodi "We'vo been soldi we'll raise the flag again
but they requested him to keep it down till communica
tion was bad with tion. Iteauivgard, Tho tiring then
oensed, nnd three hour.! later, another deputation earn",
agreeing to tho terms previously decided upon. On Sun
day morning, the Hteumer Isabel came down and anchor
ed oU'tbo port, when ull the baggage was put ou the
stentuor Clinch. Tbe troops were under arms.
A portion weiv told to salute the Hag, nnd whon tbe
last of the fifty guns wero tired, the Hag was lowered
amid loud, hearty cheers of the men, who then formed
nnd embarked to the lima of "Yankee Doodle." Two
men Were killed (in the second round of salute by the pre
mature exphedon of n gun. nnd four were wounded, one
badly, nnd left nt ('hnrlesUm. Fort Sumter bus not been
ro-inlbi'oed on any occasion. The Jlaltic arrived oil'
Charleston the morning of Friday, alter tlie firing ci ni
iiicuced on Sumter. The l'awneo and i'ocahoutna arriv
ed next dny.
The I'uwhattau and Atlantic have not bnensecn. The
steam tugs have been blown to sen, and have not been
seen. The day that Anderson evacuated, preparations
to re-enforce him had been made for that, night. A
schooner was seized, nnd an agreement made to pay the
until UIHI cuniin "'"e lO Ulr llll'll luff IIJU IOI t, out but:
fort was evacuated before tlie attempt could liu made,
t'upt. Fox had instruction,, to attempt to provision tho tort
without troops.
if tired on, he was to rush in the best he could, but the
gain prevented the .arrival of tugs and transports. The
Harriet t.auo in bisii expected Ui arrive, 'the Fawnee
has gone to Washington. Among the many incidents of
the buttle is thatot Mr. Hart, a volunteer, who when the
Hag was Nbotdowo, nnd tho rebel lire was concentrated
on the ling staff, gallantly nailed tbo Blurs, and f tripes to
the alnlV amid the deadly lire, and cheers of the I'. S,
troops. Aii tho liallie came up tlie harbor salutes were
tired ui an all tbe forts, ami nu immense throng on tbe
I lattery were nearly wild with c.xeitcuieut and enthusiasm.
Major Anderson's Reception in New York.
Nkw York, April IS. Maj. Anderson landed at the
Iliittery and was received bv an iniuienso crowd. His
carri.ie;e as surrounded by the peode who ex pressed ill
cheers mid other demonstrations, their ronp;ratulatinn.s ;
and bp was followed by an itnnieiisu throiiL' tluvtieh
Hroadwnv to tho Hivioort House, uhcro hi: joined his
Anderson's brother otliccrs express tbo deepest indie;
nation st iispersons csst on their brave coilimiindcr.
Numerous friends waited on Anderson and other Sum
ter ollieers durimr this nfturiioon, and the appearance of
anv otlieer or soldier from Sumter in the street was the
sipial for a rrowd and ctithusisstic cheers.
The I'lllh Keiriiiienl paid their respects to Major And
crson this afternoon, to which ho resiioiidi'd from lliebal-
ronvoftlie Urevoort lloiiie by ivlurinnira simple inilita
ry salute, amidst the cheers mid vociferations of thou
sands, lioth (ho U"r and his command show the care
worn ofti cls of ihcirj( illant f-iefre.
Tho follitvviniT is Major Anderson's dispatch to the Sec
roliirv of War:
Si a: Ilnvinc defended Kort Sumter thirlv-four hours
until quiirteis wen ontiivly burned ; the iiiniii pates de
stroyed bv tiro t thciorire wall seriouHlv mfurctl; miipn-
!ii sni niundod by tlames, and lt disir closed from tbo
effects of heat ; four barrels and throo rart ridges of iniw-
dor only lieinir aviiil.ilde, and no inviNiois tint pork re
iiiaininjr, I acivpted terms of evacuation ofl'eivd by (Jen.
Itiviure(ral beiiiK the same ntt'tvd by bin) on tho 1 1th
inst., prior to the commencement of hostilities und
inaiidied out of tho fort Sunday p. m., 14th inst., with
colors Hvinjr.druiiH beatinjr.lirimrinir away company and
hii I uiv with titty tfuns.
Maj. 1st Artillery.
An Act.
Kurtber to regulate and preserilio tho duties of Township
Assessors and County Auditoi's.
Ski'TIOV I. W if Mi.ielerf dy (Ae (,Vro .t,iWi at' f.'i.
,sWr trtit,. Tnat tbo assessor of each to.vusliip. town
or ward, shall at the time of inking a list of chattel pro
perty for taxation, in each year, tako sn enumeration of
all ileal anil iluinn, lilui'l, insane ortilioticpor'ions.wiiOMO
usual pliuv of residence shall Ih in any family, jail, or
intlrmai'v in bis township, town, or ward, on the day pro
ceding the second Monday of April, topixher Willi llioir
nam 's in full, their ae and dursliilityol thoir muteness,
blindness, insanity or idiocy, nnd shall in i We out a list ol
u.il.l .l.,.i l' ...I .ti,,,.lt l.lioii i.iu.iiti. nit.l i.liofif, lti,riiiw
! and tho iniines of their parents or guardians, and post of
I tiee address, ile-ij; n.itinjr tlioso of each class, uud return
! the tho audtiorot Ins ocloro th
third Mon lav of May in the same your.
ShV. 2. Thai il htll ha tlmduty of llie aoditorof each
county to furtiish to each assessor uf a. township, town
or want, iu his coiiui v suoh blanks as may la' nooessury
for the aforesaid eucmeration, and as soon as imttsiblc
after the af. ivsnid statements aiv ivturintl to him, shall
make out and foruard ti tbo auditor of slate a list of all
llie deaf and diuii'i, blind, iiivine and idiotic p. ioo
i ith llio names .m l po-,1 oiluv addiv.sj, of their p.uviits
or :uardiaiis in said county.
Si.c. .t. That any auditor of a county, or any assessor
of a lowiifchio. town or wunl, alio shall iie;;h ct orr-'fun.'
to peifotui any of the diilies i'ejuired of loin by this ael
shall forl'iiit and pay lorexerv such offense a sum not
exeee.lint one hundred dollars, wliich lilies or penalties
imposed bv tins s.'i iiou may be tvo.ir d bv actual lu
the iiaiuc and lor the use of the county.
Six-. 4. This art shall lake cif.vi an t be ill force from
Speaker pro tem. of the House of Representatives.
President pro ton-of the Senate.
Passed March 26, 1861. Duration (2)
The reception of our troops in
more tdiows lut Mr. Lincoln woj'd tiroti i
bly have rtcived, lnd he gone th'O-tg1! th-r
.'.l. :
. .
I lie Louisville Journal confesses that
never in t.v couoHv did the banking Institu
.. , ., ,i ., l .ir...,
t ons cont. tbute to ptotnptlv and tbuuduiul)
. for the btiniiort of a war as the banks of tin
1. tl .rtl, .,r n.w il.Mni, rVttril,l
-'i" e
could b stronger evident of a fearfully arous-
' i d SJ'iril atiiotig the r Opb'.
j W- understand th t Ocii-llnfas Kin of
... a 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1
V ISCOnsin, recentlv appointed UcSlilenl M ints-
tcr t Rome, has asked leave of absence from
1H1. order to take comtaattd of hU rc-
gimem anil icrvo tii wiuiuy
in tie niio
ainst doiiH'tio trai:or.
About $00.o00.000 have alrea ly ber
tendered by the free tatt s for war purp ose
illiatn It Antor olKrod to piva the rot
frumtat f jur uiliivnt or lo.m it Un uiilliou.
Washington is Safe.
Advices from Washington up to the 22d
states that the government bad pUn-
ted cannon on all heighihs overlooking the
city, mere are itbout 10,000 men unaer
arm.. ' !
Assuranees have been given that rro',
willisianding the Governors of Kentucky
and Missouri refuse to fespond to the call for
troops, each Slate will furnish independent
forces true Union men, who will fight for the
government, rr , , ;
Katms feels' that she has been slighted
by the President. In his call for troops she
was entirely overlooked. She will go on and
raise a rigimant without waiting to be asked
to do so.
Castf us M. Clay has .tendered, his ser
vices to the War Department in any capacity
it may choose.,-1 . t - i rj i t
J. A. Ooodrick, Esq., of the Ottowa
Demociat, was instantly killed, one day last
week, by jumping from the steamer ''Bonnie
Tho batteries of the disunion organs of
New York have all been silenced. They were
compelled to run out the Btars and stripes.
Nu disunion sentiments are allowed iu Ooili
aiu.'. .(..'.
A Mobilo gentleman, new in New York,
declares that it is the intent of the Pira'e Con
federacy to seize all specie and convertible as
sets of the Southern banks, 'disbaring of get
ting money upon the $15 000,000 loan.
One Mobile bank has sent all its means to
New York for s afekeeping.
The N. Y. Express has reliable informa
tion that 49 persons were killed, and 130
wounded, in Fort Moultrie, during tbe en
gigement with Fort Sumter.
The notorious Marsh.il Rynders received
a sound drubbing tho o.her day, for his seces
sion insolence.'
The tune of tbe Cincinnati Enquirer took
a very sudJen change last weak. Up to that
time it bad . been favoring secession now it
com 8 ont an uncompromising Unionist, and
one of its editors has enrolled himself wi lithe
"Home Guard" soldiery. With one or two
exceptions the press of Ohio is now a unit
upun the gteat question of rallying to the sup
port of the Federal Government.
On tbe 1 2th inst.. in Peirvshuix township, Wood county,
Ohio, .It'LtA A., wife of V. W. Mohsk, aged 40 ycars,"3
months anil 13 days.
""T O A t NOTICK. '
li Notice is hereby jjiven that a petition will
be presented to tho Couuinsionors of ood (Jo., O.,
nt their next stated meetinp, for a county road com-,
meiicing on the cast line of section 34, town 6, north
failure 12j thence west through tho center of said
section ono milo, there tornniintinp.
April 24, '61 Slwll lltNav Mi tens, A othors.
r ji o
Mrs. M. A. Carpenter would rcspoctfullv annoiinco
to the ladies of P'jrrysburp and vicinity that she lias
removed her Millinery Store to tho houso formerly
occupied by Klixa I'. Jones, on Front struct, where
there will be found a beautiful assortment of millin
ery pHids. Mrs. C. will keep constantly unhand
l.ii'tre variety of 1 .
Iloimcts, Itibbons,
Fluivcrs, Kuchos,
IlnLs; - 1 Cap and Flafs
In fact cvorythinp peitnininc to tbo millinery lifto.
She is also prepared to Cut,- Kit and make Hi-esses,
Cap vs. ClonKs. Talmas and Children's Clothing.1
Ill ac'iing nnd 1'ivssinjr 'lone toord'T.
Ladies will And it nuteh to their sdvnntiipo by
iriviiur me a call before purcbasinjrelsewhijri. i
April ii, lrtf.l-6l Mrs. M. 1). CAItl'KNTF.It. .
The undei-sijjncd, feeling thankful for past favors.,
takes this opportunity of informing tho ladies that
she has just ivooivud the latest openinp st lea of
llouuets, llal.s, .Itibbons, Flowers, and all kinds of
Millinery poods constantly on hand. Work .dune to
order, at Ibrnu'r prices, at her usual plucu of resi
dence. Ladies please call und soe for yourselves.
r ii i: ii t f f s s a L i:
Jonas Ottinirer vs William Mavor. et nl.
Ity virtue of a Ki Ka to uiu direct. 'd and delivered
fioin the court of coinmon ideas of Wood cuiuity O.,
iu tho ulioyii cause. I shall oiler for sale at the door
of the court bouse iu IVrrysburj on
Saturday. May L'.'itii, IStil,
between the hours of I ami o'clock, p. lit. of said
day, the followine; described lands uud teueni.uts
I vine; and situnto iu the county of Wood nnd state of
Ohio, to-wit: The noi lii-west quarter of the south
east quarter of s -ction number Iweuty-two, of town
ship number three, north of rantye iiiiihIhu' elcveu
east. (1. K. (i I'VE It, HicriQ".
James Mi'bhav, Atty. jIhvW
Kichanl Hoyle va Xorinati 0r.iiiJa1.et al.
Ity virtue of nu order of sale to 111" directed ftnd
delivered front the court of common pleas of Wood
county. Ohio, in the iilmves-ntitlod cnusv, 1 shall
nft'T for sale at the door of thu court house iu IVt
rysburg on
Satiirdayi May 2ith, liiU,
li 'tiveen the hours of 1 and .1 o'clock, p. m. of said
il iy, tbe follow in"; lands aud teiljiuem.s lying and
situate ill the county of Wood und state of Ohio, to
wit: The iiortli-uast" half of. tho north-west quarter
of si-ciion twenty -five, township number seven, and
rapi;u number twelve; containim; eitrbty acres of
laud, inore less. It. K. til' Y'K.H,'Sherill'.
11. 11. Doiu;k, Atty pltfr-elw."i$;l,l4
11 K K I F F
William Uaitrn.it vs Rufus I.ittV. ct nl.
Ity virtue of nu order of sale to lue directed an 1
delivered, from the court common pleas of Wood
county, Ohio, I shall oiler for sale at the ilmrof tho
court bouse in l'orrvshui j; on
Saturday May i.ith. ISfil,
between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock, p. in., of. -aid
day, the fullon inp; lau.U mi l tenements Winr and
Mtuut in the county of Wood and state of Obio, to
ll it: The south-east quarter of section jiumher four
teen, und the north half of thu norlli-catl quarter of
section number twenty-three, nil in township num
ber llireo, mil ih uf raujie number nine east.
li. K. lil'VKU. Sheriff.
M. li. & It. WiiTt, Vtly pllir-Miv.'iie.lj
: 11 K. li IFF' S S A 1. E
Isaac Davis vs .lo.i.ith.ni S.ilsburv, et ul.
l)y virtue of an order of s ib' to in - directed and
delivered, from the court of common pleas of Wood
county. Ohio, iu the utiovo emillcd cause, I shall
oiler for kale al the disir of llio court luuiic iu l't r-
Salurdsv May S.ith, lSrtl,
b tween the hours of I an I 2 o'clock, p. lu. of said
div, toe fol louiu lands and tenements lying and
sitii ite iu the county of Wood an IsUto of Ohio, to
il it: The north-east ipurtcrof the sontb-west ca'ar
U'r, aw 1 1 ic west halt of the south-east nu irter and
the ca-t half of the south -east quarter, all in seciiiui
seven, lovti foov, nnpe ten: also, th west half of
t'.ie soiith-ivo-i qii u ;er of section I'ihl, tame town
an! range alo, the north half of lb south west
and the est half of the nnrtli-w est and the west of
le north-west quarter of section number seventeen,
sain: town and rantrts and tviuj in sll .i.'D acres of
l.md. ' (i. K.lill YKR. Shcriir.
H. II. Donor, tty pltlTil w.4,2
OT.CE T ltlll.DKUS.
'ealed proposals, t-ndoraed to llnildinjr Commit
l'rohvti'i.iii t'l.uivli. tliload, Ohio," will be re
ceived until Mav 7ih, lailt, for buibliiiK a l'resbv
teriau t'liuri'h, Cranio Srt bv 110. l'lan and apeeilt
catioas can Ih' msi al A. J. Gardner A t-!o'a llriig
More, builders will put ill their bids tor doin;r
esi'M'ittcr and joim r work, also tt funiisli timber and
lunirksr, .
liilcad, April 15th, ISol 5lw;t$l 2.
Joint H. Keid vs (9ci. O. Knmu and Henry Fiiher
lly virtue of a S fa. lor debt, tn mt Oirm twd "and do
livorett lni iho CoiiitiifCuuiuiiai Pleas of Weod countv
ObiM, I shall later sale l llie resideiir of ILairy
Ueither in Ciiiu i low nsbip, 111 s.ud iMiuity, va ,
Tuesday. May Tth. lBSl.
alttiVloik p. in., ibe following cliatttc of the s rad de
I'eiidatu, to- it: four thrtx" yeindd Heers, Hirer cows,
uken on said execution as Iho property of said Rett her.
J. II. Ilnt'.ativ. li. K. l.l'YFK, sheriff.
ApuiSiih, ttji m:'M 4.'.
Coal Oil
Coal Oil,
Coal on,
New Supply,
New Runnlv. "f ,. '
, . i jfew Supply,
' . . New Supply;
Only 80 cents per gallonl
Only 80 centa per (tallrml
Only 80 cents per rsllonl
Only B0 cents per gallon!
At tbo Drug Store, ." - , .- '
AttheT)rughw,i -" ' ''
At the Dnig Store,
At the Drug Store;
. . , -"Come all and try it.
And youll e'er fcuv it."
Henry ITiillipa and Albert Houfcr ra Charles '
- . Stabler el al.
Tho rlefendanl Levi Whitman will take notice
thai on the l!9tlnlay of March, 1881, plaintiffs
llunry rhillips and Albert llvufer filed tboir petition
ajrairisl Charles Stabler, bia wife Adeline Stabler,
I.cvl Whitman and others in the Court of, Common
1'leas, within and for the oountv of Wood and State
of Ohio, and which ia still pending therein, and that
the object and prayer of said petition ia to obtain an
order for the aule of the following premises situate
in Freedom township, Wood county, Obio, and Iw
ing the north-weal fractional part of section elevon
iu township live, north range twelve cast, lying on
the north udo of Tortage river, supposed to be 12
acres more or less: also tho aouth-west part of the .
east part of tlife south-west quarter of section two,
town five north, range twelvo cast, contuiuiug ton
acres, more or less: also the east part of the north
west fractional of section eleven, town live north of
range twelveoast, containing two acres moreor leas;
and for the application of the proceeds arising from
tho sulu of eiud premises to tbo payment of the
amount due said plaintiffs upon the note of said de
fendant, (,'liitrlea Stabler, dated September SOth,
185H, for the payment to said plaintiffs of $177 in ono
year after date 'with interest from date until paid.ut
the rate of ten per cent per annum; the payment of
said note was secured by a niortp-ugc upon said
promises; said plaintiffs aver iu said petition that a
certain mortgage executed by said Stahlcr and wife
nnd delivered to said Whitman and recorded in
vol . :t of mortgages, pag 4 ill, of Wood county rec
ords, has been fully discharged.
Said defendant ' Whitman will also take notice
that unless hn ntiswprssaid petition on or before the
2 )thday of May, 1861, imbment will be rendered
against" him bv default according to the prayer
thereof. M. R. A R. WAITK.atty's for plfTs.
April 3d, 18111 48wli$8 6S.
1, 1801.
asskts :
Cash on hand and in Rank $37,597 03
t ush in hands of agents, ana in
courso of transmission
70,440 51
15.172 09
Cosh loaned on call
$120,203 58
Hills receivable for loans, amply secured
63,0i5 (14
15,000 00
Real Estate, unincumbered, (cash value,)'
2i'iW Shares Rank Stock in Hartford Market
2(10,052 00
187,400 00
101,700 00
40,000 00
CT.600 00
35,000 00
45,100 00
5,700 00
2300 Shares Dank Stock in Now 1 ork.Markot
1010 Shares Hank Stock in Huston, Market
v nine
400 Shares Hank Stock in St. Louis Market
440 Shares Hank Stock iu Rail Road and
ot'.ior Stock, Market uluo
Hartford city Hoods, 0 per cents Market
State Stia'k.s, (Tennessco.Oliioiiud Michigan,)
tt per ccntK. Market uluo
J7 Shares Hlato Hank Wisconsin, Market
Total Assets $9'n,77l 52
Total Liabilities 85,70rt 42
Insurance atrainst Loss or Damaffe by Fire, on Dwel
lings, Furniture. Stores, Warehouses, Wcliandise,MillH,
Manufactories and most any other kind of property, can
be effected iii this Company" upon asfiivorable terms as
the nature of the risks and sfcuritv of Policy holders will
admit. - ' OKORdE STRAIN, Agent.
1'errysbnrg, May 1st, 1861 lly.
L U A ' Y
11 R 0 W N &. n U N
At their old stand in I'criysburg, Ohio, have on hand,
and for sale, an en -Hess variety ol ccleoratcn
Ranging in prices to suit thu wants of all,
Iroin.fH to 5:1.1 each, riirnistiou in ine nioai
substantial manner, with cither Tin or Cop
per i tirnituiv. Helow we give the names
of Stoves 1 '
Ajnx, hot air. 3 si7.es. square stoves,
(Hobo, ii ir tight, 2 sizes, do
New World. 4 do do
Clipper, air tipht, elevated ovens, 2 sires.
Mountain, do do 2 do
Reaper, do do 3 do
Premiums, 4 do
For a farmr's stove, the Mountain and Reaper cannot
bo equaled, having
fhe nipe cntn'mtr out back of the oven, (and not on
the top, as luostcli'vatcd oven stoves.) and are warranted
to irive entire satisfaction in all cases ; tlviv brine made
of iho b.st Scotch pit iron, are not as liable to crack at
the uutl.uu stove. 1 lie jomu are grounu ami cememeu,
nnd firmly mounted. Those in wuut are requested tncall
and examine stoves and prices, we can safely say wc cuu
give you 11 better stove (or less money "thuu aoy other
concern in the country.
ifec, cfe., fcc.
.w".Iob Work, in all its forms don to order. '
WANTKD, in ejehiitise, Ciish, Corn, Hides, Fur,
Pelts, Hairs, Wax, old Iron, .VC. i;e.
jilii' 11 ; n 11 u i 1
Perrvsburg. May 3d, 1R60 tf.
-A . Jl w J l : jmi
IIok Lost How litsTimKn. 11.
. , .X
.lust publislied in a Sealed hnvolope,
inal Weakness: Sexual Debility. Nervousness and
Involuntary Kmissions. inducing Impoleiicy, und
Mcnlul and Physical Debility.
lly HUH". J. Cl'I.VKliWKLL, M. D.,
Author of tbe " Oiveu Hisik," Ac.
The world-renowned autbor.in this admirable
Lecture, clearly proves from bis own expericuee
that the an fill consequences of self-abuse m iy lie
ell'eetually roiii-iivl witlunil medicines and iiilhout
danoiMus surgical operations, buintics.iustrnmeitts,
riiifis m-cordials, pointing ont a mode of cur at
once ccruiiu and cfl'ectiial. by which every siilf'rer,
no in itter what his condition may b. in iy cure
biiiis.-li' chcaidy, privaKly and radically. This
lecture will prove a boon to tieuis.iads and tbeu
8.111 Is.
S ill to any address, un ler seal, post paid, on tha
receipt of two posl.i;e stumps, bv addressing Dr.
(H AS. .1. ( K LINK, 127 Hoiverv, New York. Post
Office box 4.5X0. ' 7-lv
n Ala.
The su'iserilHTS take pleiisure in announcing to
the f itucusof the Unite ! States, that thev have ob
tained tho Aency for, and are now enabled lo oiler
to the American" public, tho above justly cele
brated and norl 1-rciiouiicd article.
is prepared bv Dlt. ('. I. Hki i.isiIU ill. an eminent
physician of l-oiidon, m is w arreted to bring out
a thick set of
in from three to six weeks. Tbisaaticlc ia the on
Iv one of tbe kind used by the Kivnc.li, and ill Lon
don and Paris it is iu univerl use.
Il is a beautiful, economical, soothing. vet stimula
ting compound, acting ivs if by niugio upon tlie
1 roots, causing a beautiful gntwilt of luxuriant hair.
If applied to tlio scalp, U will cure babUiesaf and
causes to spring up iu place of tlie buld spote a hoe
growth 0 new hair. Applied according lo direc-
lions, it will turn rod or towy hair dark, and is -store
gray hair to its original ador.leaving ii soft, smooth,
and flexible. The "Unguent" is an indispensable
article iu every gentleman's toilet, snd after one
week's i iso they woul I pot for any consideration be
Without It.
The ouhaoribcrs an- thu oulv Agcuts f r tlie ar
, tide in the United Sute,to wiiom all enters must
" bo nddresseil.
Price One lolUr a box -for sale by all Dnurgutts
and IVulers: or a box of the "Unguent" (warn ntrd
to have the desired effort) will t sent to ony w ho
desire it, by mail (direct,) securely packed. Vn re
ceipt of frlce and postage, (I lS, Apply to or
PKrOClsTS, 10..
4",tu1 24 William Sawi, New Nerk.
; , . ' , ,, KAUH IN
l.. '
i JSTisiiii!
Tho Vrojjrictors of this establishment having kad long
experience in the Marble Business, will warrenl all work
executed by tUeiu to be in the highest style of art, and lo
F-fyRomembor that we are bound not te be undersold.
Shop directly opposite the residence of C. W. Foster,
Muin street, Fostnrta, Ohio.
J, W. RailcT, agent for Perrvsburg.
FostoHa. Dec. 18th. 1800 33ly.
go to the stchi or
new ooonsl
saw ooonsl
aw coons !
new oootis!
new raicas I
nkw raters 1
- xsw rRlCMt
nrw ratrss I
snw micas .c
new (iooDtt xaw rSICEBl
The largest stocks of goods ever offered in this market,
embracing an endless variety of articles
statle, Fancy and fashionable,
In the selection of which no effort has beon spared to
render it as attractive as possible, is now being opened
at tho
of W. J. Hitclicoek, on the corner ofFront and Louisiana
Avenue, rerryaburg, Ohio.
Inspection and Comparison will prove that for varity,
elegance, richness, cheapness, beauty and quantity, this
stock is udsurpassedby any now olicivd in the West. .
. ' i
In this department treat advantage may be obtained by
close cash buyers, from the fact that the goods are boupbt
for cash directly of the eastern dealers and man'l'ncttir
rrs.and all inipoited goods arc bought at just what it toils
to import theiu, hence he can a fiord to sell goods at
than goods are generally sold, which is an item ef great
Interest to the people of" Wood county. A sufficient in
ducement, we take it, tw niske l'errysburg tht trading
point. -
In this department, we have the largest and most torn
pletc assortment in Northern Ohio. Made up according
to the latest fashions and in tlie most substantial ntanaer,
warranted to give the very best satisfaction, or toitlt,
Those wishing to purchase anything in this line will
find it to their advantage to pay iuy Store a visit before
purchasing elsewhere. Tho attention of tlie public is
respectively invited to mv extensive stock, feeling assured
it u ill be time protitabl r spout.
f-tf Produce taken inexchanp for goods.
l'errysburg. January 2d , 1 8fi 1 . . -
( Patent applied for. )
This Tie ia made entirely of paper, 100 different
styles, and iu perfect imitation of silk and other fab
rics. The price is si) low that a gentleman may
wear a new Tic cvury day, and yet not be chargea
ble with extravagance, or one Tie can be worn from
3 to (J days, if necessary to economize, .
1 Patented Jan. I!. 1S61.1
This is doubtless the most perfect silk Tic ever in
vented, and is just what the nam Implies, a perfect
'Relief' from ull further trouble In tying bows,
Au exquisi'ely beautiful article it has only to ba
seen to be adiuirct.
Side Manufacturers,
No. 3S Warren Street, N. Y.
K. B. - We sell to Wholesale Jobbers only.
Country MerchauU can onler our good of any
Wholesale House with whom they are dealing.
R T S 0 N
lias Just Returned froin
THE MOST F A S tl I 0 N A 8 L "E
1 ,..0 1
1 AND STTUPn goods;
1 ' ' '. - ' '. . ' '. ' ! i
FOR 0 E N T 8 ' W B A R !
Mauim-e City, 0., Sept. : leCP.
'' ' ,

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