Newspaper Page Text
J. YV. HA IMS V, Timor. Tiii'niY MAY as, HOI. War News. The miHtarj n ovi.nvnts Walurig,on indie ito tliat an Rttnck on 7t Arper'a TVrrj, ihf at turr rt All x intlriit nail hetnj;ar of rensnee'a mo rvmU ,?ery Dear t bail,!,,. Confuma.toiy- of tliif iDiprtswion, wt hv fc report that all jVoribern troop, enlisted fr tlie a", are orJered lo Wat-hin tin imine.liu'.rlj'. What Can be Done. , Tbere can be no doubt that tho people Xf O.-i... ... i ....... .:..k. 1 1... e'l luo Annuel u uinua, inn rrjM tmij. no fvaople tf (be great north-wet have never tmnn in a Ktd r nmdiliiin fur nr.titn trade! commerce Ami local iinprovetinn tbiin a the present Urac, and never in the ina'try rt our ffovdrnmcnt linca tlia dnfl of the - ' revolution has there been n time when men of capital could do tluir count? a "greater service by the investment f limit money llian at the nresent lime. The war against the rebels fr the maintenance of the Constitution and Law of the C unfry. can not in tbo ruturo of tilings, be of long duration, but wlilo it lasts it v ill doubtless cripple certain bianohe of rmiouLtCiuie, nd work an injury to mimy vrbo lmve Ltiictofore depended on the Sou hern market for tlio tale of t ! products of tluir labor. The evils reaii'iling from ibis may be largely obvinttd by incoti rai ment of a spirit of puM'c and private im prove nv.T.t. If states, counties, chits, nnd plivaie individu tin who Lave tlx xr.eana and contemplate nmkii g improve ments, will go to work now, they will re move much of the f vile rif idling fioni .bo war which has been foiced upou u by tin Southern traitors. i Kentucky Unionists. Our advices from the lv n'ueky border o not speak well fur some, of the Union istaof thalState, Forexinnplo wt. will no tic nn instance which Is fau.iliar with every individual whose pt rm.nal (icqintiu! nnce extends in the premie b. At New port, across the river from Cincinnati, they have what is termed, 'Home Guards. The Qertnau portion of theau aro loyal to the Government, in lad, while the Amer ican organizations are so only in appear ance. The latter aro tllleereel anJ con trolled moitly by men whose trmp illms uro known to bo with tho rebels ; and in truth many of them are (he identical in dividuals who mobbed nnd agisted in the demolition cf the Free Sou h newipipir at that place, something over a year ago. It will ho remembered that tho editor, on resuming tho publication of hi paper, wa Arrested and bound over to answer th charge of "publis'iinir an inccndir-.ry pa per." His trial is set for the first or June next, nnd tho individuals who are to pros ecute him belong to the so-called Union Home Guards. If the Unionists in other parts of the State ard ruled by fucIi Hcutnp'i as we have mentioned above, there is indeed much to fear from iheni. Southern Refugees. The refugees in the North are largely on tho increase in numbers. Well in formed Southern loyalists; who have re cently find from their native section, esti mate that not less than twenty thousand loy al American citizens have fled or been driven from tho rtvolu'iouary States du ling tho mouth of May, bemuse they would not renounce the ir allegi-nre to the j American Government and flag. By the last of this month, it i.s tl. ought the mini- ! ber will reach fully fifty thousand. Oue. j peculiar trait of this warfare of xpubion, is the fact that age is utterly disregarded, no respect paid to 6cx, and no matter what may have been the standing, character and honor of the person, nil in of no avail whoevcr will not bow down before the black and Infernal Deities which tlx y wor ship, arc either scourged to death or arc driven from their homes pe nniless. How ever, a day of reckoning in fast coming, when these fiends in shape will Lave a fearful account to settle. I i I I Col. Anderson at Cincinnati. On Friday afternoon last, Col. Ander son visited the Kentucky volunteers, a', their camp, just as the regiments were being formed for parade. Though the visit was entirely unexpected, as soon as his presence was made krown, loud and frequent cheers went np for the hero of Fort Sumter. lie reviewed the troops and expressed himself highly pleased wi h their appcarauce. At the close of the ex ercUes there was a time of shaking hands and numerous introductions, when the' Colonel left amid the w ild st acc! imation of soldiers and citiz n4. Things are Working The Secretary of the Interior, Hon. Caleb B. Smith, has nfus- d payment to all persons in the seceded S a'es who claim compensation for taking the ccn&us. He hat aho determined to withhold from all persons in the seceded fl:a!es the Iv-nc-fit.of the pension aud patent laws. Thee States have further deprivtd themselves ef all advantages resulting frun the cual system, the coast survey and the postal system. Capt, Lyon. . This brave and loyal officer, who, by bin 'bravety at St. Louis, ha$ so suddenly as sumed prominence before the American people, w a born in the State of I'vm eo ticut. lie entereel the service as 2d Lie u- tenant, July 1, 184!. He has been bre . Tettcd, and Le received his Captain's mo , mtsuon August 20, 1047. . Carl Schurs' German r-gim-nt goes ' to Cairo. It is composed mostly of men who have ucn scrucc in tie old country. General SceHt will U 7fl yeais old on the fintof June, 6I. The Beiuthvrn Congress has adjourn ed to th lO.h of Ju'y. Troops continue to pans throug'i Ba'timore without interruption. Hon h'i lard Fillmore is Command erof the Home (tiltrl al Hair Jo. 'l elenrnphin e.omniui.iraiion south o Wrtlikjie tl lias been U ndeil. The rvne -f 'h" H ' f Ohh for teh r pblng the last four week- was 9 2, .012? The nlir K'lish Press seem to ympHtltisi' with the loyal States of tin IJnii n. Troops now giMrd li e rnilrdr. l nnd tiiti ile fotu WxHhingioii clear in o liai timore, -Over thir'y millions of dollar have In n conlih.'Uted for war purp'.ist's by the lice st les. Fourteen X tut giments, organized in New Yeuk, I ave been accepted and oi dered to Washington. G dlaway, the secession postmaster at Men phi, is i defaulter to the nm un i f eight tliouciand djllars. -Cairo is ro in a strong state of de fense sevital colurnbiaiU having been erected to command both rivers. I he strength of the fiee stale s' forces s compared with the forces of the seced ing states, ie nlmoit three o one. The oflicers of the H e imore and Ohio Ha'lrovd Imvj r quva'ed the Govern neiit ii ake mil, la. y iiosh ssion of it. It, is bcli V' d t' at the Qjv rnmunt will l ae s veir-two ilious nd tro 'p in VVashiog'on hi foio tho Crst of June. Mantiaehusells L giolalute has pft8 d bills appropriating IMHi.OOO for the State militiii and 7,0O0,0i 0 for a Gov ernment lonn. The third-class of the N iv il S si oil, iiur.ibei'ing fifty, have I een ordered roni I , to VV tshing'i n, whcr they wi l net as in tiuo".o:s. General Sickl', id Ne-v Yoik, has t'ndcrtd the Governnv nt ten thousand ets fur three yenn' service, lie l.kei eotnmand as M j ir Oeneral. 1 1 id nsnciteel that the Government has elete rtiiined to appoint Collectors for ho Si, u hern ports and su tain them with war vesse ls, the duti.B to bo Collected on ship b i.irJ. 'lha Gov?rnment said to l nvo an If r e f '.en regimen's S oti hmen, who are wdling to enliti and serve through the wni if Ihey can, al i's close, receive land boun ties. The telegraph announces th it Jeff Dm is has fixed upon Richmond as Iiir Capital. O her dispatches lender highly propable that ho will find the U. S. forces mere to welcome him. The t' l '.raph announces the nppeiint- mi-nt ef E. I Hasaett as Tost Ma.tir ef Tohilo, vice Geo. Walbiidge, ele ofed. Mr. IJ is.-ett was a p'oiuineiil caudid ite for the place wheu Itis predecessor was appointed. Kx Governor Gorman is o l eal n regime-lit f ean Miniiessola. He is the Ma jor G.rmnn of the Indiana volun'ee rs who brought on the action a'.. lu.iia V:nia afterwards j.tineel Sc.itt, and was in ol ilia lialtles ol III v-illey oi Mex eo. Gn. eUeliies to acctjit the four regiments from Maiyland, vn'ess they enter ihe geneial se rvice. They re poit only for duty in S a'e a id tl i. Dict rict. An indepe ndent regime nt from that S ti'e ii iicce pted for tin; vvir. The G ive rnmetit has in il arrange nicnti for the ii "iilar Irmsinission of the mails to Fort I'iekens via New Yoik and lluvaniia. All mail matter for the 11 et and army at I tit Fort should bo fijward ed to the Neiv York Pod Olli e for dis p itch ihenc: A S'. fiiiis dispatch to the Chicago Tribune nays it is hinted that ihu Missouri Legislature has j) isved a secret act of Secession, in addition lo ilio e lious milit taiy bill. Ifthisbe (rue, (t vernoi Jack jfcsuundliis acco'up'ices will be arrested for tit-as on. The rirst 11 ginieiit of Mich'ga'i vol'inlet is, Col. G. 15. Wilei'X nuiuheling ten companii s, pmsed through Cleveland Tuesday evening, en route for Washing ton. They were accompanied by tho De troi l-ighl GuarJ Band. The Plaindcaler says the regim nt are armed an equipped by the State eif Michigan. Hie Un'.ou sou nu iiit Uai ucco io to strong in Wheeling for the Union ntwi 'paper, whose propiieters hve relinq'iish- i.fl llm ..n(irro-ittf Ridliii'T miL tt M.tiiSIM. Dorscy, Sephens aid Deane, who will commence its publication nt xt wee k as a Union paper. Tho Iuteligencer says the above aic I: own as good me n. Suneho ly st.'nds us an anonymous letter from Tennessee thrta'enuig to as sassinate us for what w h ive saij of John Bell. We hop'j ho won't. We want the use of tho whole remnant or our three kcore and ten to leiunt properly of o ir vote for Cell list Aujut. L mtsvile Journal. The pos'uion of Gen. II rtn y, as in dicuted by his pioclamatioa to tho people of Missouri, wiil be pretty apt to tie that Stale to the Union whether or no. It is just the document for the times and the place, nnd what is more, Geu. Harney is just the kind of man to live up to what be says. A worthy sister of Gov. M ge-fliu has rent to the L gislaturo a petition for ihe Uuiou tinned by eight hundred ladies ol Mercer cuutiiy. u d bless her lor tier patiio ism. Wou'd to Heaven nho were j Governor of Kentucky, nnd that her bro ther lU riah wore st home m potticou. Louisville Jiuniul. Canadian capitalists seem not to have loU f.ilh in the p.-ipetuity of the Uu ted slates Governmeut. Ira tijuld ii Sr, of Mo .trial, have forwarded through Mr. Uiddingi, our Consul-Oeneruliu Canada, un otler for $1 000,000 treasury six per cent., aud to pay iuj umouni 1 draf s e n Baring Brothers at three day sight. There is a den of horse thieves, coun te i fetters and highwsyuien iu a dark cor ner of Perry county, m this S ate. These rascals profess to be secesiiiouists, aud fol lowing ihe ixauuplo of the Couiedeia-e rebtds, they hare commenced ttie wliole sale plunder business. An attack hd been made o Nt lsonville, and he resi dents in thai si-c'ioa are consiJerahly an i oyed. The thieves si ould be tflVelually wiped e-ut. The Neir Yerk Tribune estimates to' al indtbtt dness from the seceded States due now lo Northern merchants and cap- i:alU, al tvo luindied milliiiisot dollars, of which it thinks three fourths is due thai city. Yet his immense amount indebtedness is wined out tv the act secession. In whatever shape il i vsted and whatever constituted th evidences it, they are now wor h lii.le if anything uiore than int-mentovs of the limes and uch worthy of preservation. The Feeling at Canada. A correspou lent of tho New Yoilt World, writing from Canada says the preca of all parties tiiere are unanimous in the ir ( xtesiions of sympathy with the Jf'itth in our present National troublts. and in m u'f "f h ) cl.iticln s pu'ihc pray ers are off ltd in i ur beh.tlf. t'ol. Aus- tin, li i serve a l.i in u i and the tinmen, . . . . . . ... , is about to leave to lake command of the Diit h Volunteers. At H bts'o o his ! g liif nme pur hIj S'mJ from atanding in the va'or ii t c trenches, fiom which, ho vt Ver, he . reertvered al llio O-rmanj Betlis He is sail to have a thorough; knowledge of drill, and to be eminently fi ted for hl pot. Gov. Houston Still True. A gentleman who beard ihe speech of Sim. II Usui, delivered in Oalvcston, Ti xris, two o three wet ks ago, asurenl the editor of the Washington 8'-r that the stories alleging that General Houston has aecepte'd the Recession of his S:ate as a fant accomplished, do him great injus tice. lo 'In United S a e, and mainUins that it 1 tho tin y of he Unionist! of Ti x s sin p'y tu bide thiir limo, determined 'o assert ihi ir libcnies and rig'itsof Ame rican t it iztnsbip u ilu firo iit'in oc:ai in. The Texas Border Trouble. A stall mcnt, taken from the No Or le ins j n;ier, was published in the daily p ipe rs a few days tdrice, lo the effect that Oapt. ,Mtntgo nery, wi h about three thou and tro -ps, bad enptured Forts Wa 4ii-aw and Cobb, h the Indian territory, mar tbt Northern boundary of ' x s. 1 heso forts ha 1 been nimndoned by the U R. troops by order of tho Ooverumeut, and the trt'Ojis removed to Fort Leaven worth, and subsequently taken possession of by the rebels. Fort Aibuckle was to have been vacated also, but the following paragraph, taken from a New Orleans piper of the Hlh inst., indicates lha', ihe garrison ci'her remained, or else the Kan sas border men are confounded with the U. 8. trjep: Mr Ojorgi W. Wright, direot from Paris, T xih, which place he left on Mon day, G ill ins!., slate s that the night previ ous to hia departure, an ixprens arrived from Col. Wm. C. Young, asking for as sistance in b i-i ging Fori Arhucklc, in the Indian Nation, lie ha 1 with him 500 Tox ins, an I 100.) Ch ctaw Indians Fifteen hundre d Uni ed S'ates troops were reported to bo in Fort Aibuckle. Norrii Ti xas was volunteering en masse to tro 'O oueg s asBistance. The Texas Border Trouble. The St. Louis Trouble. 1 to ol of of a-t The Democrat newspaper, after dwell ing at come leng'h in a scathing eip tiou of the treason ible court-e of Gover nor Jackson tho indisputable came of ihe lite (rouble concludes thur.: St. L.iuis has been called the Gibrakar of freedom in the s'ave St iles. Mi may now be well called the for ress of the ci n sti uliou in ihe slave 8.ates. List Friday was the fimt of a new era. That d iy, unless we are profoundly mistaken, marks the tinning point in the fortunes of thn war. Henceforward we i-hall hear of but fuw iulvantng'8 and f wi r triumphs fo ;he rtf.btd cause, while the telegraphic bulletins from .lay to elav will proclaim the pro perous advance of the loyal Inii-t. of the government into the heart of the enemy's country. But, however deeply we may be impressed wi h this presenti ment, let us not forget that tho west bank of the Mississippi is now the chi f seat of the civil war. If Jackson calls the se cessionists to arms, Gen. Harm y wi'ltin i;h what Captain Lyon commenced in such ti no s yle. The fa'o of Missouri rests on the will of the Governor. In any event, Sj. L mis is safe- under the pro lection which twelve thousand bnyonets beneath tlu immediate command of liar my, will not fail 'o ue. Wo grant tln.t peace is desirable and we say that the proscrva'ion of peace is easy. Let the secession programme bn abandoned, and war i impossible : let further attempts bd ma le to cnriy it out,, nnd the fastnesses of the Ozark Mountains will fail to bide the tra'tois from tho ic I right arm of a nati iu lir el with righteous uner. - - Terrori in Nkw Orleans. A gen tleman who left New 0 leans on the 7 h iastaut, r p 'rts that great alai m and anx iety prevuils i here, i.o'. on'y with regard to the vast depredations and the e-orm ous power whio i the Federal Govern ment is putting forth (o crush the rebell ion, but also w I'll reg ird to the negn e". The terror on this latter subject is git-alt even lb in on the former. S'leii hund red men are in arms every night to g.i'ard the city against an ou break. On Sun day night, tho fl h ina ant, elevi n stean boats nnd other vessels were burned nt al tho levee j th-Mr value is set down tn the New Orleans papers' nt $100,000. but according to our informal t it was really $'250,000. The most interesting feature of this event is a'together igi ored by euir New Orleans cotemporariea, Ihro' there was nobody Iu the city wfn had any doubt on the subject. This is thai the ineendiiry who caused ibis conQ 'gm lion w as a slave. Miej Mullein' Irish Hrigule.S.OOO strong, raised in Cliiotigo, has b;eii c cep'cil for three yearn miel he has gone home touko ihe-ni em to Nshinitoii. -New Orlt-nna i arming. The steam er Art'tiiia riinivii thore n lew Uhv since frtiiii Union Rjtie, 0 twelve-poundcis, 3,'JIG teen inch 3ot buses of bliol, itmt 70 lioxes of te nts n ml pjlen. Tlius Ur thn Government has clmrter cd about scve nly trn.pjrta. These ve- ei ar paid lor at t..e rate ol from oUK) to JSUO each per day. Thei tXenseii, inoiuiivo of kmtpuijr ibeni in comnitssion, i about $Kt 000 per week. -Tho I'ensivoola correKpondent of Mdbilo Adv.raier says that (00 troep8 from Georgia and Alabama ai rived there nn llu I Tib inst.. bt'imr tlm AdvHiiep Uutvrd of a.0U0 recently ordered lo feiini. Tl.ej" will incieaso Uen lie n. Ihagg'li coivurwiil to about t',0lKnu'n Tli" Moutjj.. nveiy Advertiser tu j;tnu i ha? wiiereiis tlur. is n movement for tho ooiitie.Ht 'on or xjrejri;iiion of income? of Cm properly ia 1'bihi lelpbia U lor-irt to Se"ii;vtor Mits -n ed Virginia, it if'alui'.ion be jirtieiieed oa the Soil property of n Ni lhe rn S . naior ; that ronfedersrv (lovertituent lake charge the Mississippi plantation of Senator! Three Year Troops. t . j I I J As already announced, Ohio will have i.ine regiments under the new call of the President for three years troops. These, with the thirteen previously called for, will moko twenty-two regiments for this 8 ate. Il ii sail thai five tf th j niti J ftow iig. iiietits will hi orginiz-' l among the H ai iroops no in a-np, an I win innr I ur I . i . , i i from ou bide eo npaaies. fiieps are lo be r I . taken at Once for mustering ihi hi w reg- i ! . . . . . " c i i rr i arj lo be fpji. i ited by the G.iveinor, u.i- di.r the plan for tug itrz ition fixed upjii b; ihe War !) p .runeui. The fol.Oriing circ.ul r has been sent to Caplaius of c imp inins of .S a'e t'oojn i KM II 11. U'MIl yi-.VKTKII.s, J INT liCVHli ll.'l III I'ICK. i itnea, l., Mm- l.i. lSiH. (ki:ii i. U At'.tl'T.V.NT Cm, Sin :l lie rresid' iit of Hie Cnited Slnteg i-enmi-cfl or lliiio nin r.'kiinoiiK t i.-i ve tor tiree aruui'.s, mi- ! lex-i h n i t disohiii'fred. ' j The iinni'iiT of r.ini.nta of liifiinlr w not yet i (lei,i(;iiiiu.'.l. Your fiiii.uiy liavinif tendered tier-1 v lee tor three in .ntlis, will, upon n-eeipt of this ol der, r.-port whether llier extend thut ln I r m the nhove term of x-.trviva. in such caae tliev will for ward hy the fiivtt m ill n new roll, for which a blitnk la eiieliwd, with a eerlilionte of the Cdj.t.iln thul it in for the lliree ypnr term. t.'nm h.i.iriii' I'roni nil companion teieleiinn; for t'n ee Venn, nil onler will lie puliliHlio 1 dasiirn;itiiif ttie PuiiipniiieM neeepted. Tln roiui ait.s will be or (t inijijd and ollicorvd in lairmianee of ili roitli!iitioii ol tlie IYc.sid.-iil. . fpffi Cuinp niies nlivndv iittae.lied to any rvj;iiiiL'iit and d elininir to iiee.-pt the thine years nevviee will din li.oi I inline liately, uh na imii'v poinpituicn lor throe in null .sen ic will lie iici'. pted hy the (oeeriinieiit. F.iilmv lo in ike pmnipt report' v ill b.v d 'eined a d'-eliniition, mid the nrgnniz ition will proceed nc fonlinj.'ly. Ink wrier to le orjz.niiiet n.s follen.s I K.u'h regiment will eon-sUI ot't.'ii r niip.uiie, and cuen eonipiinv will li,'oij'.intze,i n r..los Minimum. Maxiimini, 1 Captain. I Kir.d Lieiit-jiiant. 1 rjecoirl Lieutenant t Kli st 1 S' H Coipoial. 2 Miisiri.nis, 1 Vv'.icon r. til I'riv.iteit. 8.1 AjjrcRalc. 1 Cuptiln. 1 First Lieutenant. 1 Seron l l.i n'"n nit. I Kiitit rtui'ireunt. i SeiKeanl.s. S Corporals. ' Miiicians. 1 V;oinr. 82 Ml Appretrata. II. H. Caiihimiton, Adjiitaiil tJenerul, The New Yorkers a e justly very suipi'ious of the genuiness of Mayor Wood's recent conversion to Un'oi prin ciples, nnd are It-ping a sharp watch on his movements. Clkvi;i.ani Wool. Daeor Cd. This company is cninposed of lending and wool-growers nf (lliio, who will do with their customers exactly us th.y arreo in their advertir.ement, which we pulilish in another column. Lot wool-raisers Uke notioe, mid tlien see if it will not be to their interest to deal with the Cleveland Wood Depot Co. (Ah farmer. I I j Scholarships for Sale. r ) the that the hern ilio e'f land and Maiiln-e Coiiiin Trial Colleges, which we will sell cheap fur rash. NEW ADVERTIS'MENTS. A N O H 1) 1 N A N C E . At a regular mc 'tiie' of the Town Connril of the town of rnrrrnlMirg, Wood county, Ohio, htdd on Monday, May'0, 1 S j I , it was ordered That a side-walk deconstructed on tho west side tf Front Str-ct. from the corner of Louisiana Ave nue to 0. Bench's store, in front of lots 7D, 772, 7T3. .Said .tide-walk' to be six feet wide, lo be built of sound oak plank tno inelu-s thick, an 1 to be laid lengthwise. 8ui l plank to rest on oak bearers six inches S juare an 1 to bi four feet apart. I'lank to b well Listened by being n i.lod tlowu light to the bearers. S.ii 1 .sid.t-w.ilkx to he built under the .;u pervisioii of Ihe Marshall, who shall have power to 0, impel t ie pcrfoi nian -e of the same according to the above speeilicaii ms, and t i have the same complet o I wiihin 150 days from date. W. Koss, Mayor, F. K. Miia.Kti, Itecnrder. N Tin t) T I C K undersigiie l has been duly appoint"d admin- islr.itorof the cslata of Wilson Me.Milli-n, late of Wood countv.O., dec. JOHN A. STKOCS. May 22'1,'laill 3w3 pTOllATK NOTICK. Notice is leueby given that Simpson Jones, ex ecutor of the last will and tostament ol Skill' itas set, dee., has filed his account for the final settle ment of said cslate.whieh mailer is s ' for healing on the Sth davof ,lu:ie,lSOI. HAMEI, l't)K May K.lSe'.l - 3w3 lVoliate .lodge. OCHOOI. NOTICE. Tim fuili(! v voters of school district No. I, Per- ryslnirg, O., are hereby notified to m Jet iu the (Vn- trnl School Jims j on r'riday, June 7ih, 1901, nt 7 o'clock, p. in., tiolegt two members of the Hoard of Education to serve for throe years ; to provide fori tho siiplsiit of the sell-mi for the ensuing year ; and to transact such other busin 'ss lis nnv come before the ni?)ting. (!Et. POWERS, 1'res't. i as. vv . no:-, ;sce v. Perryshurg, May 1. 1801 -3w3l 2". J O O L F O R 18 8 1 We feel goat oontMeueo in announcing to Wool Growers and Merchants that we possess unsurpass ed facilities for receiving, grading and selling Wool, which will be done. EXCLUSIVELY ON COMMISSION, AM WIIKN HK.SIKEII, L I H E K A L A 1) V A N C E S Will be made on receiving J-tf" Sacks will be sent to those who wish to consign. OCR CIIAHHES ARE LOW. No efforts will be wanting t merit the patronage of those who have Wool to sell, Cl.KVKLAND Wool. PkI'OT Co., 3w4 Odiee, No. 107 Jl.iuk St., Cleveland, 0. CVi.E OK lUTTvL ESTATE. -IN rilOHATE O COCKT. John Russul, adm'r vs David Clevcrs and Catha rine t levers, dee'd. On the first day of duly. I '.. 1 , between 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. in., on the promises, will be sold to the highest bidder, tho iidloiv ing real estate, as the property of Catherine ('levers, and David I'lovero. ileeeas""!: Commencing twcniy-two rods west of the smith-eiisl nnier of tho north-west ouartei' of section 17, toivnship 3, range 11 civsl i thence west 28 rods ; thence north SO r wls : thence tsiat 2ii md.; thenee south Ml rids: making 13 acres. Also, c . nun -neing al the south-east corner of the north hall" of the north west uarter of section 17, township 3, range 1 1 eastj thence 22 rods west: thence norm Ml; thence cast . roils t thence south ltxts lothe place of beginning ; containing 11 acres the pn.pei tyof David Clevcrs and Cath trine Clevcrs, dee'd. Conditions made known on dav of sale. l.tUU l,-'-I' 1 u.rii.i ivfsci:,i ntiui r. Coos. Pmei: A;. Jounsox, ati'vs. May 20th, is:;i - swtifi S5. 11 K R I V V S A L i: , William Wittin and John Davis vs. Henry Rascly. lly virtue of an order of sale, owned from the court of t'.oiniuoi) pleas ol' Wood rtnuity, Ohio, aud to ni' diivet.-d, I will expose to public sale, at the residence of L, H. Rmlgers in Henry towns'p, Wood txumty. Ohio, on Wednesday, the Sth day nf June, ISdl, the following property. to ii: Kour horses, five milch cows, wheat iu the i' round, iron kettles, plow ad dra:, bsik mill and bark, two young neuters, hoes. eiMssettt saw. n lol of dry cat ' skins, calf skim dressed, deer fkins finished, two sides hur- ness leather, a lot of tanner s toots, seven hairs deer I hair, nn l a variety nt othar in liclci m't hei m.-n- tioned. aid pi.eity taken iu attachment and be an order to nu diivvted from the court of common j pleas, hale to commence ut It) o'clock, a. ni., nn j Miid day. A rredil, ou all soma over f S, of lliive months will be given. O. K Ul'Ylilt, SheritV. e ook, l (iH-if joiesxrts. ativs for pltll. May itl, IBtil-3w2r3,VI ' S II F. It IV F 1 S S A I K T f, A. Watlaham and William M. Wrinht.d. lenduots. nv e inn ni an iMMer of He Issueil Iu tlm almve rase by the Clcilt nt the Court of Common Pleas e',,lmnlisn.i eoiiiity. Ohio, and to ni' dirt tied and do'iceivd, I ill oil t for nale at public vi ndue at the dtkir of the Court Housa in th lown of Perry shm-g, WvhkI coimii , Ohio, on ' Saturday , t he 221 day of .1 une, l rtt 1 , between the hot'us of 10 a. ni. and S p. in., of said day, Ui-i following described hinds aud Icnotucnu. lo -w.t: a pail of the s-w ijr. see. .', toivu 'A UiHh, range II east, in Wood county, Ohio, and miming a In across .ti 1 or. ao a t cut off .iilr ucivs from (he north nite thereof, appraMii at ttti". 41. K. t.l, lirn8. May S.I, I 'Ol "..''J hj. ! j j i ! j of , ' ' j I ! I ! , i NSW A P VERTIS MENT3. K0VAT COURT, WOOD COUNTY, OHIO. Edevln Hurt'!, nnnnlian cf.Tci1j flovi'm and Mnrr A.CIfTPM, (Minnrl) vs. Jnrob Clevem.eft si. Hy virtiin of an order of nalc, finm said Court in h aliovn entitled rouge, to me Ip-nind, directed nnd dtflivweil, 1 ofl'. i- nt pu'.ilio auction. n lmi.r tin- l.t dur of Jtilr, 1 8(1 1 . Ii tweivi (lie limine of IS n'elock n. in. and 4 o'i ! vk It. m. of naid day, on tlic pn-nn'-ioH, the fi llntt inir do l. .,..!. i i ,i,.i. i.. ...::. 'i-i ' i . i ... i r m -m-infr sn rnU w,Mt of the corner of . i . i I ,., .rt'.'i. . o.ireei hi iiiii'i ei'in- I,,, .tr.i t . ii.i I oi ti,.. .. i c . " ? ' ,, "., 1 V ,'" A.'Vttltl'Cll. t.tWll tlir.'d IHII-el. rtl rim. I .lt v. .M ,.n M. rnninc west 3is rods, tln-nre imrtli Wi rodii. tlienee '"' M thi-iKV aouth bO rwln to tlio ilne of t. L'iiliiinii, ( olilaiiiinif IU Meruit i il.nt unreel eomiHtaieiiiK 118 rod Wert of the wui It-runt comer nftlio noitii half nf lit! iio:-;h-wet ipi.irtvr "f suc tion wvcnieai, town thr.'o north nf innri tl; n i.-.ihI, riming west 12 rods, thenei' north t?l) rodg. til MieoiiKt st'J rods, tlu iice xonth H(1 rods to tl-e place of li '0111111111'. Contiiiiiltiir iirres: ho'hnf aid tur- eels of lunirtiointr Hiiiinir in Wood rontitv, Ohio, nnd ! nn1 pi-opcrtt' or sani .ninors. Terms nirtilc known tin clay of mil . KUWIX OOHTH.V, ltntr 11. m of Jacob and Mary A. t'leveri. (Ikii. Sth .it v. n:tv. M.iv 20, IS'',;h,i;jm,n.1 D ITCH NOTICE. To Fiioh Cramer, It llowclN. nnd the unknown nna-rmltlenl uwnern of th" following denerilied Itinsta in IVikkI roiinty,Ohio,to-witi neclion I. town S north nniro I J ent. Yon will take notice tlntt itpplication his Imcn mndo tn the coinnilssioncrs nf Raid county to locate mi l establish ft drain com-nencinff at sta tion JtO of tint Kurd ditch near the e-enter of the nontli west qinirler of Maid section thence norlh-CBstrrly tlip)ti)rh aaltl Section to the east line thereof nlxint tll rods wnith of the nortli-enst corner of tho naine m-e-tion. nnd thero terniinatiiip nnd that dftid applica tion will be for hearing on the 4th tiny of the next Htated raveling nf Kaid comininsioners, .Jnne (I.ISfll.) AnmnoM Smith, Auditor. Auditor 'a Office, Wood county, Ohio. ' i'crrv.sbiirjr, Mav 17, i61 'w2S:i 05. I) ITCH NOTICK, 'TV TiiO.smm Itay, Ambrose Hay, Afihrrf'iMik, Aaron M Merchant, .lo's K Swan, .hweph I' Core, John II Cnlis. Ujorpe M'orthiiniioii. Ij U (lunn, llcnry I.y on and the unknown owners of the fol lowing ileHCi'ibud lands in Wood county, Ohio, to wit: the bouth half of fweions 4 nn l fi, the west liulf south-east qr sec 0, the north-east qr see 7, and the north half of a 'etions 8 and 0, all in town 4 north, range 1 1 east. You will t.iko notice that ap plication has been in ado to the cimmii.sMotiri's of s aid county to establish and construct a drain or wa tr coiir.v, commencing lit a point where the Milton Hnd Montgomery Kroj Turnpike road crosses the west braneh of IVrt.ige Hiver; thence east in the south ditch of said mad to a point where said road crosses the Middle branch of Portage liiver, where at to terminate ; and that said application he for hearing on the 4tli day of the next stated ni'ietingof said ceanmissimi.'rs (June 6, 1861.) AnnisoM Smith, Auditor. Auditor's Olllee, Wood eountv.Ohio. l'errrsbnrg, Mnv IT, 1 SOI Sw2$: 85. I) ITCH NOTICK. To J Hedges, S Wilkins. J W riurnhani, John Malone, .lohn Karknlow, J Kwing, L ! Strutten, II Cotter, J Ilettell, J Murray,!' Hwdcr.s, Marcus Sears, J A ult, 1 .Smith, W Uicr. J N Trelin. J Harnett. A W Duty, and tho unknown non-resident owners of tnc lotion lngileseribea lands in Wood county ,Ohio, to-wit: south-east niuirtcr sec 31, town 6 north, range 9 uast, east half of sections 0, 7, 18, 19, liO.31 and the west half of sections S, 17,20.20. 32 and south-west quartor section 5, nil in town 4 north, range y east, ion win take notice that application has been made to the commissioners of said county tn cstnhlish and construct a drain or water eoiir'e commencing at the north side of the Dayton & Mich igan railroad, wnero it crosses llic line between the sections 3) and 32, town 4 north,range 0 east: thence north on said line as near n.s practicable to the Mil t in and Montgomery road ; thence west on said road about 30 roils lo a ravine tltcncc down said ravine to Heaver Crock, and there to terminate ; and that said application will be for hearing on the 1th day of the next stated meeting of said commissioners, (.tune ti, Auiusiin Smith, Auditor. . Auditor's Olliei, Wood county, Ohio, l!iTvshurg, May 17, 1801 '"i'w'.'f i 30. I) ITCH LKTTlNt!. .Notice is hereby given that on Fatnrdny, the 22d day of dune next, nt the house of J Mover, in Troy township, I will let, in separate sections, to the low est bidder, the making of drain number i 'Ml, com menting uhout 120 ruths north of the south-west corner of section II iu said township : thence north easterly across said section to intersect drain num ber H. The work comprises 9 sections of 20 rods each, vv i.uii ol outturn i tect. itank slopes 1 rise to I'i laiso. Ihe earth to be removed at least .1 leet from the h inks, nnd the whole .o be completed ovine is: cur ol uctouer next. Sale to coinni nce al one o'clock, p in. AnmsoN Smith, Auditor. Auditor's (Hhce, Wood eountv.Ohio. lVrryslmrg, Mav ltt, IS'11 3"wSl .Ml. 1) ITCH LKTTINtl. Notice is hereby civen that on Mnud.iv. the 24th day of June, 1801, at Milton Centre. I wiil let to the lowest bit lor, in separate sections, the making of the drain or water-course known us drain number V coinm Mieing about 40 rods north of the south-cast corner of section 32. town 4 range I's thence north on section line to thill branch of Reaver Creek which intersects sai l line s thence down said creek in a north-westerly tliivetiou to the west line of the south east ipiartcr of section 32, town ft, range 9, whereat to terminal . Tie- work comprises 102 section o! 20 rods each. Its width on the bottom i.s as follows : tho lirst 2(1 sections 2 feet, the next 21 sections 3J feet and th.- bilano! 4 feet on the bottom. The banks to have a slope of 1 i feet to I in depth. The earth which is taken out ot said drain to bo removed at least 3 feet from tho slope of tho bank, and to be thrown on the side of the county road where it runs along tho same. The work to'he completed l the acceptance of the county commissioners ou or before the 1st tluy in October, 1S0I. fvilo to coniuienco nt one o'clock, p. in. AtnnsoN Smith, Auditor. Auditor's Ollice, Wood county, O. Perryshurg, .May li, 180l -3'w5$ 75. E X T E N S I V E S A L E S I Kv Spring; and Summer (eols. (i. R. Kreps is now offering great bargaing in all kinds of Dry Goods Ready M.idy Clothing. l!'v,i"s and Shoes, Ac., Ac, SUMMER COATS He will sell very low for cash. He has many idylc of LADIES DRESS GOODS, which he is selling at less than cost to close out. Great Itargaius also iu v Ladies and (lent Furs, Ruft'alo Rolicii nnl mmv etner nnitlcs that arc warm ami com- ! fort-thtcfor this cdd weather, ; c(kmI (lootls, 1 lu short if you want , . n r, Call on G. D. Kreps. If you want floods Fashionable, Cull on G. B. Kreps. If j on want (ioods Cheap, Call ou G. B. Kreps. If you want to get ytMir money bark. Go to G. B. KREPS. rcrrvsburg, De. 1 2th, ISdtV A - M.iriah K. Yount, administratrix of Oabricl Vomit, dec, v Thomas Vomit, Abraham Yount, Daniel Vomit. Mm iah Heals, Oco. Y. Yount. Wm. II. Heals, Sarah Yount, A. Jackson Yount, James .Met. lines and Susanna Mctninus. On Saturdiiv. Ihe lolh tlav nf Juno. Iftfil. at o'clock, a. in.. at the door oi the Court town of Perrvsburg. in Wood county, Ohio, will sold to the highest bidder, the following real estatu, the property of llabriel Yount, dee., to-witi All that prt of the "east half of fi actions! section unmlicr township number B. i-unge nniulier 10 east, iu Woisl coiintv.0..lvinir cat of the 1 lav ion A Michigan Itail- na I. containing ert uci-esof land more or less. Terms nude known on itay ol sale. M vkiaii K. VtfVT, Adm'tx. Cook, Pkick kt Johnsos, Atl'y. Mny 1 1, IM1. - Sw 51 6 4 m:iMKTK ATOMS NOTll'l' V Thcuii U-rstuned have been dulv aiMsiimed Administrator rf the Estate of John Savage, of Wood county, Ohio, deceased -all perMMia in said t .it-ite r ronm-sird to make imme- diate paynr ut. VM. PKUTT 3 ' CI.OKOE HOSPI.i nORN. ! i E 11 be li, late in debted GOODS & CROCCRIES. QBAlf D OPEniKO OF STAPLK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HATH, CATS, U o ot Bf Shoes, C l orT 11 1 n o, t'ruekery itnd Ulnssnnre, VVOODE.NWARK, HARDWARE, Fnrnihifr Toots, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC. litiello' Drcs Goods, New, Chaste, Well and Klegant Patterns, Jmt rctvived l.y A. GyiLLTAMS&DIlO. Sugars, Amber Syrup; African, Rio nnd Java Cuflceit, Layer and Heedless Raisins, very nice, Crimes and Currants. GLASS, DYE STUFFS, SHCES, Ke-roscn'! Oil, Tea at .'0 cents, and Jit tea for 73 cents; try it. Prime Live Geese Feathers, Itetailed from $1 Hi up. m Mackerel and Cod Fish, looking Classes, etc. CLOTHING, HATS' AND CAPS, New Spring and Summer styles, Strong and Cheap for Caslu for sale by Williams. GOODS AT SECESSION TRICES FOR THE LADIES. French Printed llareges, very cheap. French Printed Organdies. Ivautiful designs. Gingham Lawns, Printed Lawns, Printed Itiil lianU's, all entirely new styles. Mourning Ooods, Embroideries, Peregc do Laiues, Summer Drc-ts Silks, Linen Lustres, Valencins, Foulunl Silks, Marseilles, Lawn Holies, Organdie Holies, (Irenadines, Challies, Counterpanes, N'upkius, Doylies, Dinniisk Cloths, Hullling, Edgings, Moreens, F'hinntds, Lace Veils, Cotton Sheetings, Dress Muttons and Trimmings, a luiudseme assort ment, all new. llonii 'ts and Ribbons, Misses' and Childrcns Flats and Hats, Parasols, the newest and richest out ! Shawls of every description, Mantillas and Kaplans; please cull and examine be- for purchasing elsewhere. t-t"Producc taken In exchange for goods. A. C. WILLIAMS St KRO. 2nd door trom the post ollice. T THE W O HI, U R E A I) , FOR THE BEST & CHEAPEST GOODS tU) TO THE STCHF. OK HITCHCOCK new eioons ! nkw oounsl NEW COOPS ! ew Goon I NEW GOOPSl NEW GOODS XRW OOODS! miw raices: NKW fKIt'KS NEW PRICKS NtW l-RICKS ! nsw rttiCKs! msw i-Ricrs! ItKW rilH'Kh I Tho largest stocks of goods ever off ored in this market, embracing an cmtless rnnety of articles STAPLE, FANCY AND FASHIOXARLK, In the selection of which no effort has been spar ed to render it as attractive as possible, is now be ing openeet at the CHEAP DRY GOODS STORE J. Hitchcock, on the eorn r of Front and Lou isiana Avenue, Perrvsbutg, Ohio. of W, QUALITY is the REST TEST of CHEAPNESS, Inspection and Comparison will prove that for va riety, elegance, richness, cheapness, beauty and quantity, this stork is uusttrpassed by any now ot tered in the est. LADIES' FASHIONARLK DRESS GOODS! In this department crcat advantage mav be obtain ed by close cash buyers, from the tact that the goods ant boiighlfor cash directly of the eastern dealers and manufacturers, and all imported goods arc bo't at just wliat it costs to import Iheui, hence lie can a fiord lo sell goods at MUCH LOWER PRICES than goods aro generally gold, which is an item nf great interest t3 the people of Woid county, A suf fficicnt in duccment, we take it, to make Perry s burg Oit trading point. READY HADE CLOTllhVG I In this department, we have the largeat and moat complete assortment in Northern Ohio. Made up uceordiug to tlie latest fashions and in the mtl sub stantial manner, wari-autod ls giro tho very beat aatisfartion, or do sale. HARDWARE, CROCERIES, &c. Those wishing to purchase anything in this line ill find it to their advantage to pay my Store a visit bctnre purchasing elsewhere. 1 be alkntion of tho public ta respectively in to my rxtciiaive stock, feeling aastu-ed it w ill be tunc prt.ltlubly spcut. t-if"Produee taken iucxebauge ivt gsHtls. W, J. UITCUCXICK. rtrrvshnrg, Jai-oary IM1, MEDICINAL. D ON'T DELAY TO PUKIFT TUB BLOOD. LI U WEAVER'S CANKER1 and iiai.t nnrrrt ivnrr. For the Corn of Cunker, Rait Rhnmi, Krvsi'la, Scrofulous Dis cuses, Ceituneona Krupttviif, Sore F.yes, and every kind of Disease arising" fr ni an impure state eif the blood. The most t flt ttlv e Ulooel TuriCcr ol the iiieleenth Century. It is the prescription of an educated Physician, nnd nil who arc afflicted with ny of then abovo n -in led disease', shcnld use it without delay, buch letfc-rs s the' following see often received.' Jcinint". ille. Ashland Co , Ohio. Nov. 2.0. I860. Messrs. .1. '. II !!i:t A Cft., Cincinnati, Ohio. Uendi men : - I il.-.-tii il a duty as well pleasure, to inform ym Dr. 'Weave r's J)rp and Cerate has done lor me, I'nd hope thut this let ter mnv come to the notice of persons similarly afflicted. Ill the year 1850 1 Was attacked nidi letter, or some kindred disease, t li both my legs, which twt.cudad until from my knees to my leet wan one law sore. I consulted and obtained medicines and prescriptions from nearly all the physicians in this vicinity, hut obtained no" relief. Your agent at this place,' Mr. Hoffman, ivcoiiiniend 'd nie to try the Syrup and Cerate, which I fortunately did, aiul am now n sound and well man by their use. , With groat gratitude, I reinnni. Yours truly , JOHN' WICHUIAl'GHt, Mr. Weirbnnght being u well known gentleman of A .'liland. makes this information most reliable. lly taking the Syrup as directed, it will drive the diseases from the system, and wheu once out on tho skin, a few application of DR. WEAVKR'S CERATE, OR OIXTMEKT, and yon have u permanent cure. Toe Cerate has proved Itself to ko the bst Oint ment ever Invented, and where once eued, it has never li-'cn known to fail of effecting a permanent etireof old sores, tct'er and ringworm, scald head, chiliblaius and frost bites, barber's ilcli, chapped or cinckcd hands or. lips, blotches or pimples on tho face. And for Soro .Nipples and bore Eyes, th Cerate is the only thing iviiiired to cure. It should he kept in tho house of every family. Price of Syrup $ I. Cerate 25 ceiits per bottle. J-V Directions accompany each bottle. Sold bv most medicine dealers. .1. N. It AHRIS & CO., Proprietor!!, for the South ern and Western Males, Cincinnati, Ohio, to whom, all orders must be addressed. Sold wholesale and retail by Peck A Hamilton, Perryshurg; Frederick Hosinger, Freedom; 11. Uur ritt, 'Maumee Citvs D. H. .Miner, Toledo; W. D, Moore, Svlvania;!'. Daniels, Toledo: C.F. Williams, Toledo; A. E. Jerome, New Wcstlield; A. J. Gard ner A Co., iilcad. 2wtye JMVERSAL! VMVERSALTi is Tin: rii-iisK ot" DR. 0. S HICMAKDSON'c? S II Kit It Y W 1 X 11 lllTTKUS' Tho Celebrated New England Remedy for llreliimul Con.NlipiUion. Jaundice, Fever and Ague, Ueneral Debility," and all other Diseases arising from a Disor- dcrcu Mouiach, laver, or liowels. They are used ami recenmiciided by thG leading Physicians of the country, and all who try them pronounce them invulualile. Dit. JAMES I.. LEl'ERE, writes from Xavarro, Stark Co., Ohio, 'the Hitters are highly praised by those sulleiing limn indigestion, dyspepsia and liver complaint." K. S. Davis. Postmaster nt Wil iamsport, Ohio, says, '-they give great wilisfnction. 1 use them invself, having taken cold, teconm prostrate and lost my appetite. It relieved me, and I can recom mend it with great assurance of its merits." Dii. Wm. M. Kkrh, of RogiTgville, Ind., writes us that they are the most valuable medicine tillered. Ho has reci'immoiided them with great succoss, and with them made several cures of palpitation of tho heart inn! general debility. Thomas Staxiifokd. I'lsq., Plountsville, Henry Co., Ind., writes n loiuj letter, under date of May 4, lSiill. He was niuch reduced, having been iiftlictcd for three years with great ncrvieus debility, palpi tation of the heart of ihe most severe and prostrating character, "after using a few bottles 1 was com pletely restored, and am now iu robust henlth."' J. 'U". lll'NT writes from Delphos, Allen Co., Ohio, (a section where Fever and Ague prevails,) that ho most cherliilly recommends them of decided merit in all casos of fkvku and .turn, DY.srwsiA, and UKSKIIAI. lUIUIMTV. D. K. Cei.i.AiiKHS, M. D., writes from Van Wert, Ohio, "1 most respectfully recommend tho SWry Wine Hitters to the notice of Dyspeptic persons, nnd to all who lvipiiro a stimulating medicine. SLCII.NEWS WE ARE RECEIVING DAILY. Kl'l.l, IHHFCTIONS AlCilMr.lNV K.U'H BOTTLE. Sold bv dealers iu medicines generally. I'lico 7.1 ct'iils per bottle. J. N. HARRIS, Cincinnati. Ohio, (leiieral Ag'. ms for the Southern and Western States. For sale by Peck & Hamilton. Perry: ber;r, Ohio; F. Roesinger, Freedom; S. L Houghton, Rowling !reen; II. Rurrctt, Maumee, D. II. Miner. Toledo; W. D. Moore. Sylvaiiid: A. E. Jerome, New West field; A. J. (lar'diic-r oc Co., Citead. 2wtye JVERY HODY'S FRIEND, ' Every body has it. Every body uses it, PKHKY DAVIS' VKGE I' A RLE PAIN KILLER. Tim ;hfat i-'amilv jiedicine. Taken Internally, it cuivs sudden Colds, Coughs, tte., Weak Stomach, Debility, Nursing Sore Mouth, Canker. Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Cramp nnd Pain in the Stomach, Rowel Complaint, Painter's Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhea and Dysentery. Applied Externally, cures Felons. Rolls, and Old Sores, Severe llurus, Scalds, Cuts, Hi'iiUes and Sprains, Swelling of the Joint.s, Ringworm and Tetter, J.rokcn Ureast, Frosted Feet and Chillhlains, Toothache, Pain iu the Face, Neuralgia and lthuu lustisiii. It is a sure re mod v for Ague, und Chills and Fever. Pain Killer, taken internally, should he adulter I n ted with milk or water, or made into a syrup with i molasses. For a Cough, a few drops on tugar ! oaten will be more ell'eetive than anvil. mi' else. See printed directions which iiectunpany each bottle. What stronger proof can bo produced than the following letter received, unsolicited, from Rev. W, It. Jacobs: Newark, N. J., June 13, lSrtO. Messrs. 1'ekby Davis A Son Gentlemen Allow me, unsolicited, to send you a word of commenda tion for your Paiu Killer. I have used it in my family these several years, and found it all it claims to be; For Rheumatism, Coughs, Colds, Hums, Cholera tendencies und diuicultits. as well as dis eases generally that prevails iu families, 1 regard tho Pain Killer as beyond all price, and as tttica cious beyuud any medicine within my knowledge. We keep it as our chief family medicine, und Und its use in ordinary cases worth more than any doctor. The testimony of others among inv ac quaintances and friends is equally favorable. Many clergymen have spoken of it in the highest terms as a family medicine. Missionaries iu repeated in slances have said to me in person and iu their letters, that the Puiu Killer was by far the best medicine used in heathen lands, and they use it for themselves and families, and administer it to others urouuil them. Thus much 1 uni inclined to say as an act of justice to yourselves, and us il benefit to others. You are at liberty to use this tcstamnnial, if of any serv ice. liE V. W. JACORS, Late Editor Christian Chronicle. HEW ARE OF ALT, IMITATIONS! Cavtion. The public will be cautious thut they get the genuine Pain Killer its some unprincipled men, use (hat name for their own worthless com pounds, in so doing they decieve the community, and infringe upon the "Tbadk Maiik" of Perry Davis. Genuine Perry Davis' Pain Killer sold by all respectable Druggists. Directions accompany each bottle. Price.' 20c, inc. and f 1 per bottle. J. N. HARRIS A CO., Proprietors for the Western und Southern States, Cincinnati, 0. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Peck A Ham ilton, Peirysburg; Frederick Rosinger, Fre udom: S. L. Houghton. Rowling Green; N. Orahalman, Por tage: 1). II. Miner, Toledo; W. D. Moore, Sylvania; W . . ,1' , 1' I.. V . iesift iruux, loietio; a. r,. rfeiiiiic, ii'w csi Ueld. A. J. Gardner A Co., Gilead. 3wtvo AD NOT I C K . V. Notice is hereby given that a retition will lie presented to tho Conimissioner of Wood Co., O., at there next staled meeting for a county road, com mencing at tho center of the county road, running; east ana west through the center of section 2(5 and 27 j thence north on the section lino between sec tions 2U and 27, 22 and 23 to intersect the road run ning east and west em the north line of said sections 22 and 23, all in town 8 north, range Vt east. lw:i PETITIONER. N T 1 C E . The undersigned has been appointed Ad ministrator, (It 6jiim noli, of the Estatu of Phillip MoMauuU, late of Wood county, Ohio, deceased all persons indebud to said Estate aro requested to make immediate payment. w 3 PATRICK MlMANNLS. M OTICK TO THI run i.'io. 1 Notico is hereby given that my w ife, Emily Ti'rner, left, my bed and board in" Perryshurg, Ohio, on tbe 2nd day of May last, without just cans or provocation t and the publio are warned arainst keeping or harboring her at my expense, as I will par no debt of her Contracting. DANIEL TURNER. Perryshurg, May Sth, 1801 lw3 HO A D NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a petition wilj be presented to the Commissioners of Wood Ce., O, at their next stated meeting pniv ing for the vacation and alteraiiun of a portion of the Mt. Pleasant Ridge road, directly east of the west line of ace tiou 32, Ptaiu Township, for a distance of about of a mile cast of said line, and its location upon the original road bid. .May Jrtih,