OCR Interpretation

The Weekly Perrysburg journal. [volume] (Perrysburg, O. [Ohio]) 1861-1???, June 06, 1861, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026193/1861-06-06/ed-1/seq-1/

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Notieo Is liore'iy pivcii that on Ujo 17th day of
Juno next, I will 1ft in ecti"ii m-pnr.itely, to' the
lowest bidder therefor, nt the house of 'Franklin
Ormsbec, in Montgomery Township, the making of
tection 1 nnd 9.1 inclusive of the ditch designated
and known aw .No. 15. Kaidditeh coimn.nu-e on
the Township lino between l'ortajre and Montgomery
Townships, DO rods north of the south-oust corner
of section 25 in Portage Township j thence north on
the Township line to the north-west comer of the
soutli-weit ((nnrter of the north-west qunrter of
oction 1 in Alontpomcry Township j theiue in a
north-easterly direction through sections 7, 6 end 6,
following the natural channel of the wnter-courso
known us "Sap Knn," until it empties into tho
l'ortngo Hirer, its dimensions are as follows: the
width of tho bottom for tbs first 8 sections to bo 2
feet, the next 8 sections 2)i feet from section 17 to
49 inclusive 8 feet, from section SO to 77 inclusive
8 feet, tho balance to bo 4 feet on bottom; the
banks to have, a slope of X feet to I in depth;
tho earth removed from said ditrh to be thrown on
aide of tho county road alonjr which it passes, and
no earth left within two feet of the slope of tho
banks ; opening or Rips to be li ft in tho embank
Bant between every section on tho line of county
road; tL. cutting varies from ljf to 5 2-5 feet iu
depth. - .
The work on said ditch to be finished according
to plan, specifications and profile, and to the accep
tance of the County Commissioners on or before the
1st dayof October", 1R61. Sale to commence at 10
O'clock. ADDISON SMIT1. Auditor.
Auditor's Office, Wood countv, Ohio.
Porrsyburg, April 23d, 'S01-Jltvj$l25:
Notice is hereby eiven that on the lflfh day of
June no.rt, at the house of Nelson Woleolt, iu Mont
gomery Township, 1 will let to the lowest bidder,
in separate sections, the making of drain known as
drain No. 7 ; comineiicinjr between sections No, 10
and 11, in Montgomery Township, at or near the
land owned by I'm lush ; thence running north
within tho bounds of the road in Montgomery Town
ship, also between sections H I nnd 35 in Freedom
Township to tho liollerville and lVrtngo F. T.
Road; thence nortli-werterly within the bounds of
the same, to empty int tho "Dig Run," near the
north-east corner of Buotion 33 in Freedom To.vu
ahip whereat to terminate.
Tho work comprises 2 drains; No. 1 being that
part which lies north of the county road running
east nnd west through the north-east quarter of .sec
tion 10 Montgomery Township : No. 2 constitutes all
of that part which lies south of sjid road ; division
No. 1 consists of 17 sections of 20 rods each, and
the width of the bottom of the first 12 to bo 3 feet,
he following 8 of 4 feet, nud tho remainder 5 feet,
IHrignin No. 2 comprises 8 sections of 18 rods nnd
10 links each, with a bottom of 2 feet in width;
bank slopes 1 'a b'et base to 1 vertical ; the cuttings
to he niado in accordance with the profile and plat
of the Kugineer.
The work to be completed to the acceptance of tho
County Commissioners by the 1st day of October,
1801. " Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Auditor's Office, Wood county, Ohio.
Ferrysburg, April 23d, 1SCI- lw5J8 73.
Notice is hereby given that on the loth day of
Juuo next, nt Hie House of A. Keeler, in IVrry
Township, I will let to the lowest bidder, in sepa
rate sections, tho making of the drain know n as
drain No. 2u, commencing about P0 rods sooth of
tho west quarter part of section 10 in Ferry Town
ship ; thence south to the '-Swale Run," near the
line between sections 20 and 21 of said Township;
thonce down the channel of said Run to the west
line of section 34 of said Township whereat to
terminate. The work comprises 03 sections of 20
rods each, the width of the bottom to be as follow s :
Yrom commencement to section 17, 4 foot, from 17 to
19 inclusive, 5 feet, from 20 to 41 Inclusive, 6 feel,
from 43 to 51 inclusive, 8 feet, and from 51 to ter
mination. 10 left j the banks to have a slope of ) '.
feet to 1 in depth J the cutting varies from 1 1-5 to
42' feet.
The whole to be completed by the 1st day of
October, ISfil, to the noceptnn.e of the CoiniM"
Commissioners, and in accordance with the profile
and plat of toe Kninecr in charire of slid work.
Sale to commence at In o'clock, A. M.
Auditor's Office, Wood countv, Ohio.
Ferrysburg, April 22d, 1801--lwOSli 75.
Notice is hereby piven that on the Ifthdavof
June next, at tho house of Samuel liiggerstatf iu
Montgomtry Township, I will let to the lowest
bidder, in sunuratu sections, the mnkinc of the drain
known as drain No. 18, commencing at the west
quarter part of section 1, town 4 range 12 east;
thenco north along a county road, on the section line
to the point of intersection of said road with Coon
Crock ; thencfi dow n the channel of said Creek to
the couuty lino of Wood and Sandusky counties,
nnd there terminate ; tho work comprises 71 sec
tions of 20 rods each ; the bottom to be of tha fol
lowing widths: 8 feet from beginning to soetion 30
inclusive, nnd 10 feet from Section 30 to the termin
ation ; tho banks to have a slopo of 1 j to 1 foot in
depth ; the earth to be removed 3 fuet from the slope
of tho bank, and to be thrown on the side of the
road along which it passes.
The whole to be completed by tho 1st day of
October, IStil, to the acceptance of tho County
Commissioners. Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock,
Auditor's Office, Wood county, Ohio.
Ferrysburg, April 23d, 1861 lw5tf 60.
Notice is hereby given that on Monday, thn 21th
day of Juno, ISOI.'at Milton Centre, I will let to the
lowest bidder, in separate sections, tho making of
the drain or water-course known as drain number
commencing about 40 rods north of tho south-enst
corner of section 32, town 4 range 9; thence northon
section line to that branch of Heaver Creek which
intersects said lino t thenco down said creek in
north-westerly direction to the west lino of the south
east quarter of sccthui 32, town 6, range 9, w hereat
toterminat. The wWk comprises 102 seetiotis of
SO rods each. Iu width on the bottom is as follows
the first 20 sections 2 feat, the next 21 sections 3!-i
feet and tho balance 4 feel on the bottom. The banks
to havo a slope of 1)4 feet to 1 iu depth. The earth
which is takcu out ot said drain to be removed at
least 3 feet from the slope of tiic bunk, uud to be
thrown on the side of the county road where it runs
along tho same. The work to be completed to tho
acceptance of the county commissi oners on or before
the 1st day in October, HOI. Sale to commeneo at
ono o'clock, p. m. Annisox Smith, Auditor.
Auditor's Ollico, Wood county, O.
l'errysiburg, May 15, 1HG1- 3'w os'O 75.
Notice is hereby given that on Saturday tlin 2'Jth
day of Juno next at the ten mile house in Webster
township, I will let to tho lowest bidder, in separatn
sections, tho making of the drain known as drain
Ho. 20 ; commencing where the Toussainl creek
crosses the McCutchcnville and Perrvsburg State
toad, in soe. 1, town 5, range 11 cast ; thenco dow
eaid drain to the county line terminating on rad
tract number 70 of the Maurnec and Western Re
nerve road lands. The work is separated into two
divisions. Division No. 1 comprises that part
iaid Work in Webster two., consisting of 70 sections
of 20 rods eneh, tho width of the bottom to bo
feet for the first 30 sections, and fourteen feet for the
balance. Division No. 2 comprises thui part
Troy twp., consists of 87 sections of 20 rods each,
the bottom to have a uniform width of 10 feet. The
timber, Coodwood nnd earih to be cleared out 60 feet
wide tho whole length of drain. Ranks to have
slope of l foH to 1 in depth. The wholo to
completed ti the acceptance of tho county commis
eioners by tho 1st day of October, 1831, and in ac
cordance wuh the profilo nnd put of tho engineer
in charge of said work. Sale to commence ut
o'clock a. m AnmsoN Smitu, Auditor.
Auditor's Office, Wood Co.,0.
Ferrysburg, May 23, 1801 $7 60.
Notico is hereby given that on Wednesday,
3d day of July next, at the brick school house near
J Harpels in'l.ake twp., I will let iu separate sec
tions lo tho lowest bidder, the making of the draiu
known as drain No. 22; commencing at or near
north-west corner of road tract no. 4 of jho Mauineo
and Western Reserve road lands iu thobed of
Creek; tlienoo down said creek iu a north-easterly
direction to tho county lino, whereat to terminate.
The work comprises l7o sections of 20 rods each,
nd 4 of 40 rods caeb, wilh a width on the bottyiu
as follows: from commencement lo sec. 17, 3
from IT to 40, inclusive, four feet; from 41 lo
Inclusive, six feet; from 134 to tu 1, tlof timber
Le cleared out do feel wide. The banks to have
elope of 1 to 1 foot in depth, the earth to be remov
ed & foot from tho sloue of the bank. The work
lie completed by lb let day of October, 1601, in
with the pUi and prrfilo of the oigiuecr
in obargo of baid work, and to the acceptance of
eouttt oomuioiioaer. Sulo to coiuntenco m
e'eloctr, a. m. AuKtaon 8sira, Auditor
Auditor". Office, Wood county, O.
fmrttivf , iUj 'it, 15W-4w j$ 9 75.
H K It I F F ' S S A L K .
State of Ohio, for the use of Calharino Bradford, by
her next tnend .lohn Kindt ord. jilaintil,, vs i.eoitfo
A. Wollnhnin nnd William M. "rt ripht,del"endai)ts.
llv virtue of an order of sale issued in tho above
case bv the Clerk of the Court.of Commm I'leas of
('lunibiann countv, Ohio, and to tne directed nnd
delivered, I will offer for sale at public vendue at tin
door of the Court House iu tho town of rerrysbuit,
Wood countv, Ohio, on
Saturday, the l!-d day of Jun.", 13tS 1,
between the hours of 10 a. in. and 2 p. tn., of said
day, tho following described lands and tenements,
to-wit: a part of the s-w ur. see. 3. town 3 uonh,
ranj?e 11 east, in Wood county, Ohio, and running
a lino arross said qr. so as to cutoff sitv aeres
fivin tho north sUo thereof, apprais -d at S.100.
O. K. OUVKK, Bheriff.
May 23, 18013 v. 5$3 66.
Mariah K. Vount, administratrix of llabriel E
Yount, dec, vs Thomas Votmt, Abraham Yount,
Daniel Yount, Mnviah ltenls, (eo. W. Yount, Witt,
II. Deals, Sarah Yount, A. Jackson Yount, James
McUuinis nnd Susanna Metiuinis.
On Saturday, the 1Mb day of .lone, 18C1, at 11
o'clock, a. m.,"at the door of the (Viti-t House.in the
town of lVrrvshnrg, in Wood countv, Ohio, will be
sold to tho highest bidder, the following real osoatJ,
the property of Uabriel Yount, dec, to-w il: All that
part of the east half of fractional section mimVr 15,
tow nship number C, r.mge number 10 east, in Wood
cointy,0.,hing east of the Dayton ,V Michigan Rail
road, containing 00 acres of laiid more or less. Terms
made known on day of sale.
M.mu Ml F. YopsT, Adiu'u.
Cook, Trick fe John nx, Att'ys.
Mav 14, lS61.-2rt 5S3 65.
Edwin Oorton, Guardian of Jacob Clovers and
Mary A . Clovers, ( Minors ) vs. Jacob Clovers, ut nl.
liv virtue of an order of sale, from said Court in
the above entitled cause, to mo issued, directed and
delivered, 1 will olt'er at public auction, on
Monday the 1st d.iy of July, ISO 1 ,
between the hours of 10 o'clock a. in. nnd 4 o'clock
p. in. of said day, on the premises, the fi l!ow ing de
scribed real estate, to-wit: That parcel of land com
mencing 80 rods west of the south-east corner of
the north half of the north-west quarter of seetiiin
seventeen, town three north of range eleven east,
rouinir west 38 rods, thence north ftJ rods, thence
cast 38 rods, thence south SO rods to the place of
beginning, containing 10 acres; also, that parcel
commencing 118 rods west of the south-east corner
of the north half of the north-west quarter of sec
tion seventeen, town three north of range eleven
east, riming west 42 rods, thenca north 80 rods,
thonce east 12 rods, thence south b0 rods to She place
of beginning, containing 21 aeivs; both of said par
cels of land being sitinite in Wood county, Ohio, and
the property of said Minors. Terms biade known
on day of sale. EDWIN (iOHTON,
Guardian of Jacob and .Mary A. Clovers.
Cko. Strain, attv.
May 211. 18rtl-3w0?0,05
At a regular nieetimr of the Tow n Council of the
town of lVrrysbursr, Wood county, Ohio, held on
Monday, May' 20, ISiit, it was ordered
That'll side-walk be constructed on the wst side
of Front Street, from the corner of Louisiana Ave
nue to G. Reach's store, in front of lots 771,772, 773.
Said side-walk to he six feet wide, to be built of
sound oak plank two inches thick, and to he laid
lengtlm ise. Said idank to r est on oak b.iivrs six
inches squire nnd to be four feel apart. Flank to
be well fastened by being nailed down tight to the
bearers. Said side-walks to be built under the su
pervision of the Marshall, w ho shall have pow er to
c imp, I the performance of the same according to the
above specifications, and 1 1 have the same complet
ed within 30 days from date.
J.vs. W. Ross, Mayor,
F. R. Mtl.l.Ktt, Recorder.
in. It. " lot" ot riit-oinrgn, ivmnyiwi'.iiu, w m
fake notice that William I'.tker and William A, (,'id
lius ,id, on the atiih day of April, IStil . file their
petition in the court of common pleas of Wood Co.,
Ohio, iu which they claim to recover the sum of one
hundred and seventy-live dollars for services rend
ered. Tile defendant is further notified thai unless
he appear and answer said petition on or before the
2i)ih day of June next, the same will be taken as
confessed, nnd judgement entered iicceor.lingl v.
April 20, 1861 52wOS30j
J" 0T ICE.
William II. Mann of Dutavia, New York, will take
notice that James Myers and William Laker did,
on the 2(ith day of April, 18lil . file their petition in
the court of common pleas of Wood county, seeking
to foreclose a mortgage given bv said Mann to said
plaintills and M. Johnson, April 18, 185U, upon the
west half of the south-east quarter of section 31,
tow n 8, north of range 12 east in said county, to se
cure three notes of SlOCiO.liO each, dated 'Nov.
1854, anil payable respectively on the 1st January
185IS, J857, and 1858.
Said Wm. II. Maim is further notified that unless
he Appear and answer said petition on or before the
29th of Juno next, the samu will bo taken as con
fessed aud judgement rendered accordingly.
April 2B, 1S61 52ivC$4,05 Fltfl's Attys.
Mrs. M. A. Carpenter would respectfully nunounce
to the ladies of Ferrysburg and ieinity that she has
relieved her Millinery Store to tho house formerly
occupied by Eliza P. .Tones, on Front street, w here
there will be found a beautiful assortment of millin
ery goods. Mrs. C. will keep constantly on hand
large variety of
Ronnets, ' Ribbons.
Flowers. Ruches,
Hats, Caps nnd Flats,
Infact everything pertaining to the millinery line.
She isnlso prepared to Cut, Fit nnd make Dresses,
Capes, Cloaks, Talmas nnd Children's Clothing.
Rleaching and Pressing donu to order.
Ladies will liud it much to their advantage by
giving me a call before purchasing clsewdiere.
April 21, 180151 Mis. M. D. CARPENTER.
A Renevotent Institution established by special
endowment, for the leliif of thti sick nnd distressed,
afflicted with Virulent nnd Epidemic discuses, nnd
especially lor the cure of diseuses of tho Sexual Or
Medical advice ctven irratis, by tho Acting Bur
geon, to nil who apply by letter, with a description
of their condition, ( age," occupation, habits of life.
&c.,) nuil in cases ot extreme poverty, .Medicines
furnished free of charge.
Valuable reports on Spermatorrhoea, nud other
diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the new rem
edies employed iu the Dispensary, sent to the allliet
ed in sealed letter invelopes, flee of charge. Two
or three stamps for postage will bo acceptable.
Surgeon Howard Association, No. 2 south 9th street,
Philadelphia, Pa. Ry order of the Directors.
Jan. 1, 01. EZRA D. HEAT WELL, President.
corduuee the
Tho qualified voters of school district No.l, Fer
rysburg, ()., are hernby notified to mwt in tho Cen
tral School llousa 011 Fridny, June 7th, I'J'U, at
o'clock, p. m., to elect two members of the Hoard
Education to serve for three years ; to provide
the suppoi t of the school for tho ensuing year :
to transact such other business as nny come before
the mectini. GEO. POWERS, Frcs't.
Jas. W. Kosr, See'v.
Ferrysburg, May 17, lSGl-3w3Sl 25.
Notice is hereby given that on Pnturdny, the
day of June next.'at the house of J Mover, in
township, 1 w ill let, iu separate sections, to the low
est bid Ur, the making of drain number 30, com
mencing about 120 rods north of tho south-west
corner of acciion a in said township ; thenco north
easterly across said section to intersect drain num
ber 8. ' The work comprises 0 sections of 20
each. Width of bottom 4 feet. Rank slopes 1
to 1!; base. Thoearih to be removed at least
feet from the banks, and the w hole 1 be completed
by the 1st day of October next. Sale to commence,
at one o'clock, p iu. Amuso Smitu, Auditor.
Auditor's Ollice, Wood county, Ohio.
Ferrysburg, May 18, 1S61 3w5M 50.
The Board will bold their next regular sessions
fur tlio examination of Teachers, as luliows;
Ftrrvsburp, lirt Tuesday in June.
Poi-Lnre. urai Tuesday in July.
In addition to 1)1 0 usual course, Teachers wilt
after be examined in Acwrienn History.
No applicant will bteioouuad wboi act presold
punctually at e ciock, a.m.
' i. W, AT oorneitrClrrt
pntMiMj ornct:.
Having replenished our oflice "rith now typos
throughout, we nro now prepared to execute" Job
Work, such as Fosters, Sulo Hill., Programmes,
Invitations, Cards, Labels, l'nmphlets, all
kinds Itlnnks, e. in the most satisfactory manner.
Orders tilled - at short uoticc, end ou 'reasonable
Advertising, It 1m Sm 6m 12m
Onesquaro .60 1.25 2.T5 4.00 0.09
H column 2.60 6.00 8.50 11.26 16.00
4 column 4.60 10.00 19.00 22.00 30.00
One column 6.60 16.09 30.00 45.00 60.00
A deduction of 6 per cent, from tho above rates
will be made for Cash.
The space occupied by ten lines of the typo com
posing the body of the advertisement will bo a
All Transient advertisements must be paid for
in advance to insure publication.
Advertisements inserted wilu the mark "tf," will
be charted for until orderod out.
When yearly advortisements art inserted four or
moro cha'nges'will bo allowed.
J. W. UAILEY, I'rsi.isiina and Fnormrron.
YLVANUS J 12 V V 13 11 SOX,
Attorney at Law. l'KRttvsiifiio. Orrio. Oflice
in Fast cud of Haird House Duildmg. Will attend
promptly to nil business entrusted to his care, tf
A.Y, Hirrt'lMNSON fit
J. r. riLLAKS.
11 LL A Us,
Collecting nnd Real Estate Agents.
Will attend nroinpttv to all business entruited to
their care. Otlieo over W. J. Hitchcock's store,
Ferrysburg, Wood County, Ohio. '61-40tf.
t'ltlt AY. SI.RV1X & SPAl'FOltD,
Attorneys at Law.
Will attend promptly to nil Lciral business cn-
ti ustcd to their cat o iu Wood county. Ollice iu the
Ferrysburg Hand liudding, Ferrysburg, Ohio, tf
O I) Ci R T Y L R It,
Attohnkvs at Law, Ferrvsburcr. Ohio.
Particular attention paid to Convovauciuir and
Notorial Kusinvss. Also, for sale, laurc Quantities
of Lan I in Wood nnd adjoining comities. 'tS0-tf
COOK, mien .t JOHNSON.
ATTor.NF.Y3 at Law, FciTysburg, Ohio.
Will nromntlr attend to all Law Ilusiuess entrus
ted to their care. H ive for sale largo quantities of
Land, includ::"' well improved farms, which w ill bo
sold on easy term". tiO-ltf
R O U Ci R H T It A I N ,
V Attorney At Law, lYrrvsburg, Ohio.
ill attend to all business entrusted to his care
in the several Courts of Ohio. Olliec with John
Rates, 2nd jtroot. '00-1 tl
E T E R R E L I, ,
Attounky at Law, ano Notauy Frm.ie.
Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to his
care. Olltee in the Court House with Cook, 1 nee &
Johnson. Nov, 20, 1 Slid 1 v.
j . ho iv r r. i. s ,
Rowling Green, Ohio.
n u. .i . n
Rowi.ino (itiKEN, oo.l County, Ohio.
All calls will be promptly attended to, both day
andniaht. " 'C0-ltf
A 1 it I) 11 O U M R.
C. C. DAIUD, FuoiitiETOR,
1-tf Perrvsburg, Ohio.
i:nnYsiii;itt; pumxc mill,
and SASH J-ACiOJil.
D-VNlELi LINUftliV, Pikhmmktor.
Manufactures to order, and keeps constantly on
hand, a general supply of
Doors, Sesh, I'tinds and Window Shade;
Pine, Whitewood nnd Ash Flooring;
Fine and Whitewood Doors.
All kinds of Pi.aninu done to order. Orders
promptly filled at Toledo prices, or, in some cases,
below the m. '00-tf
The undersigned, feeling thankful forpast favors,
takes this opportunity of informing the ladies that
she has just received the latest opening styles of
Unnnets, Hats, Ribbons, Flowers, and all kinds of
Millinery goods constantly on hand. Work done to
order, tit former prices, nt her usual place of resi
dence. Ladies please call and see for yourselves.
61ui3 ANN E. FOWLER.
Carefully repaired by
W . F . F O M E R 0 Y
At PEtniYsnrno Bank Ifni.niNa.
IlIHNITL'ltR t rtlltNITUUR I !
( Formerly U. P. DegrafT,) No.87 Rowery, New
York, extending 211 feet through to No. 65 Cheery
Street, nnd six stories in height, making it
in the United States, nnd filled with Furnuture of
all grades. From the best Parlor to the common
Kitchen, which wo arc determined to sell ut the
small profit of five per cent., nnd no Deviation,
hoping, by this plan, to increase our business suf
ficient to counterbalance the ttilterence in prolit.
Rosewood Tarlor Setts, from -..$80 00 to $400 00
Mahotr. and lilack alnut Parlor
Setts from S30 00 to $150 00
Rosewood Red-room Setts, from-50 00 to $250 00
Mahog. nnd Rlaek Walnut Red
room Sets, from ?25 00 to $150 00
Enamel Chamber Setts, from- - "$22 00 to $150 00
Oak unit Wulnut Dining Setts,
firm $25 00 to $30 00
Hair Mattresses from S 7 00 to $ 25
Spring " " $ 3 50 to $ 10
March 13ih, 1801 45m3
Ol I..N.
A. J. Gardner a Co.. Prucirists.
Gilend, Wood Co., Ohio.
Have received a large stock direct from New
York, consisting in nart of Paints of all kinds.
Linsl'L'U, Tannkhs, Machine and Coal Oils, FfR
NiTt'RK, Coach, Dem tit, and Japan Varnish.
Faint, Vahsish, Sabu, uitewasii, Sckuiibino
und Lamp Riu siifs.
Dye Sti i-i s, like Joseph's cont,of many colors.
Glass of all Sizes, Fi'TT Y, Sani and Emery
Paper, Ti'kpkntisb, Alcohol, Castor and Sweet
Oils, English Currants, Prunes, Tamarinds, nnd
liaisons, Spice, Pepper, Cinnaeioii by the lb. or mat.
Ginger, Cloves, Ground and Extract of Cotl'ce,
Chocolete and Cocoa. Starch by tho Hi. or bos.
A fine assortment of I'kiifimery Soaps and
flavoring extracts.
A largo assortment of PrRK Medicines nnd
Chemicals, and Tilden's celebrated Medicines
1 uvsiciuDS use.
Wo uro selling a fine article of Coal Oil, free
from snv ke or smell, nt 75o per gallon.
Lamp from nve suiiungsto two dollars.
We believe in the principles of I'OPt'LAB Fov-
nr.ioNTY and Fay as you 00, and shall hold
Stock strictly for Cash or Heady Fay, and will
take ull kinds tf Grain and Froduca iu exchange.
Patent Medicines of eveey kind.
Gilead, May 9, 1841 tf.
18 8 1
We feci irrent confidence in announcing to Wool
Growers and Merchants that we possess unsurpass
ed facilities for receiving, grading and selling Wool,
which, wm oc none
Will be mtido on receiving wool.
lai Saoks will bo seat to those who wish
No eflorts will be wanting t merit the patronage
of 111 use who huve N ool to nell.
Cleveland Wool DrroT Co.,
3w4 Office, No. 107 Dank St., Cleveland, 0.
Ayor's Aguo Cure.
The War on Union.
Wednesday's Dispatches.
On Monday nfieinooTfy-ftt about 4 o'
clock, Gen. McClclia received t Camp
Dennison iafoimal!6a Aliftt Uo biUges
bail been burned ncjir Farmington, on the
Dtl'iniore and Ohio rt ilroad, su J U1.1t ri
rangements bad been tnade to burn tho
oihtra betwttn that point and Whetlirg.
The Qtneral bad been occupied iu mak
ing arrangements to muvon Oiafton in
force, but LU intilltgence caused bim to
hasten l.i-t movi-meuts. lie rotuuod at
onoe to Cincinnati, and issued tel gmpbio
orders for an advance. The co'umn was
directed to move froiii TjVhcilit g and Btl
1 -ii r, under the coml at d of Col. B. F.
Ktlley, 1st Virgini,voluntetrs ; another
from Marietta on ilit ltukersburg, under
Col. Sicndman, 14 ii Ohio Volunteers.
Thoeo officers were directed move with
caution, and to occupy all the biidg?s as
they advanced. G neral McClellan w'll
shortly have under his command aud con
trol over 80,000. He is a great favorite
in military circles at Washington, and al
bo with the administration. U is under
stood that tx-Gov. Bunks will accept the
Commissary Generalship tendered bitn
Daily arrivals of troops are reported at
Fort Monroe. An effort is on foot to cut
off tho retreat of iebtl troops from Ilatp
er s ierry. ihe I resident Ins appoint
ed Mr. StrongmStt collector of the port of
Alexandiia. Thirty-eight companies of
the Ohio reciineiiiB have rt ported them-
selves for the w 2rJ Col. Shutt is to occu
py Bird's Poio&.Qpposite Cairo, in Mis
ouri, with tne regiment.
Thursday's Dispatches.
The news front wt stern Virginia ¬
portant. Grafton has been taken posses
sion of by Federal troops, the rebels hav
ingevneuted it Tfofe Sunday tie,ht, in nn
ticin ition of an attttk from the west. The
1st Virginia nnd IG.h Ohio regiment
have gone to Gn.fion, and the 14 h Ohi
regiment is at Parkerbburg, on the Ohio
river, Virg'tti t side. It is thought that
the plans for cu 'irti:' off communication
from Ilarpei'u Ferry have been to effectu
al that the ubtta will soon abandon it as
they have Grafton. Gen Butler has made
no hostile movements from Fort Monroe
yet, and will net until he receives rtin
forcements. It is supposed he will have
the n quired number in a few Joys. The
rebels are actively engaged iu planting
batteries ou the James liver and at its
mouth, within sight and beyond the range
of Fort Monroe. Arrangements are near
ly completed fer stopping nil connection
between Harper's Ferry and Richmond.
The Manassus G;ip Junction of the Or
ange nnd Alexandria and Manassus Gap
railroads will soon be taken, which will
control the movements of the rebels for
large extent of couutry, and be eppecia'ly
advat tageous in breaking communication
between Northern and Southern Virginia
Since Gen. Butler declared Slaves to be
contraband of war, he has had a plenty
of calls from them, asking to bo confiscat
ed. They like it, and the general don't
find it disagreeable or inconvenient. The
first and second Ohio regiments marched
across the Long Biidge, Wednesday, and
are neat- Arlington Ilights. The Border
State Convention is a failure; but few are
present and some States are not repre
81 nted at all. What few have collected
together ate talking about "Crittenden's
Compromise" as an ultimatum: poor souls.
Lieut. Siemmer has arrived in Washing
tin. The Government fully endorses the
lite action of Gen. Butler in holding the
slaves of rebeiious southerns as contra
band of war. Four additional Illinois
regiments have been accepted into the
regular service. Several bridges on B.
0. 11. R west Harper's Ferry have been
destroyed by the rebels.
Friday's Dispatches.
Col. Wilcox, of the Michigan regiment
and commander at Alexandria, has in
formed the inhabitants of that place that
they can have peace or war, at their op
lion, but if they assault his men the con
sequences will be -on their own beads.
A department for Kentucky has been es
tablished; the headquarters being located
at Louisville. Col. Anderson takes com
maud. It is thought the blockading fleet
wi l be in successful operation in every
port of entry throughout the South,
the 15 b inst. A large number of troops
are to tendezvous at Cairo. The St. Louis
regiment of Col. Blair has been ordered
to Fort Monroe. 4000 rebels are report
ed at Centerville, 83 miles from AUxan
dria. Ltrge numbers of Ohi 1 troops
said to be moving towards Baltimore
Henry Winter Davis made another
ITnion fnetch at a arsre. mass meeting
Franklia fauare. Baltimore, on Fiida
, 1 j .1. ..
tveninii. ue aeuounceu m luuim-ijiui
traitors of that ci' V in no measured terms,
Trnf.e:' the hvn ictisv of the men who
sunnorted the Government with half
doam qualification and reserraiion,
txpresbtd his opposition to Border Sate
ft. fences. Hnd to Peace Con erences
generally, but especially to tho former.
Cnri ian BUndowski. who was
bv the mob ia Si. Louis, and whose
iuries provoked the retu n fire on the
ot the noma uu&ru, uu utu ui
wounds, and was burid w;tU mi liary
tenor8, oaMondsj.
Fun Among the Oil.
All lb pBper bavo been full, for
months, of inarve'lons accounts of the
coal oil discoveries tn Pennsylvania and
HseWJiere ; but the MonongnheU Repub-
ican gets on oy lar tne oest ourlcsoue on
the txaggerallons of tho oil reports which
we have seen. It tn as follows :
Oil tit'on "Piiion Crrok A M Jottrnef
lint tvv miw aud How wo Snw tu
The oil fever l as taken such fresh hold
upon so many of our friends up the cm k.
and such wonderful stories are daily nro 1
down to town, that, anxious to develops
their truth, we ordered a bore and bug
pT, and slat ltd fjr the "theatre of t x
citement " on a proKprcling tour, early
lst Mond it. Taking the vlh y of Pigeon
Crek. we first came to tho old salt well
nt Vanvoorhls mill. There wo found
Superintendent Caldwell and bis assist
ants splaslnmr up to Ins knees in a line
article of oil, worth thirty seven cents per
cralion. They say this oil 19 verv rood,
and they could make a very good living
at it, t'tit Mott Applolon has ra an d the
price of bam Is, and they can't afford to
save it this year. We understand that
Mr. Vanvoaihi offers lo lease them ten
acres of ground to raise putypkins cn; the
socil was brought liom Laltlornia by Uud
Williams, who savs they will prow large
enough lo hold five barrels. It is intend
ed to grow these enorrrous pumpkins-
binding them with hickory poles nnd
bracinir them inside with oak anplinir, to
keep them from warping or f-pli'tinir.
At Blythes, we found William, Jim
and John at work, and they were having
first rate luck, lught feet from the stir
face they struck a vein of first quality
Cinciinali lard, worth at the mine four
teen cents a pound. They have taken
out twenty-two barrels a day for four
weeks : are satisfied ; don't want to sell
At Oolvin's we found all well, and times
pros-pt'rous. Twenty-two feet under the
ground they struck a vein of wintergreen
hair oil, which yielded well. They also
found a few pockets of pomatum, and
thin vein of moustache cosmetic : not
profi able to woik, though some of the
girls in the neighborhood li'ive preserved
Borne tine s ecimensot cryslnltzed poma
turn in quarlz. Are short of barrels
fine chance or a good cooper.
At Reed's mill tho principal find has
hern tallow. It is found at the d pth
2.000 feet, mixed wilh mica, brown fdone
nnd while marble. The process of melt
int? taliow is interesting, but we luivtn
time to describe it. There is generally
about seven'y-three per cent, of pure tal
At Snyder's tan yard they are puttin
down a well which promises finely. 1
little Kuet is found occasionally in thin de
posils, and some fine f pecimens of whale
bluhber and red precipitato ointment have
been discovered hi re.
II. Fry is working a fine vein of fresh
buLfer. This vaiunble mineral is found
in great quantities in combination with
lard rock. drionitiL' stone nnd red hair
o-ranue : it is wai died wiih a cradle and
long torn, nnd in snmo instances wilh
quartz crusher and sluice stones.
Atliiand r Uenzell s we lounu mem
busy in hot ing a well that gave better ap
pearance than nny one on the creek anil
it was whispered around that the boys
had surf cu indications of sausage meat,
with strong hopes of a thick layir of
Vandermark'8 patent fence.
They don t want to sell.
At Witherow's blacksmith shop was
great crowd collected to hear Josiah Tay
lor tell about the progress of the well.
Si had come there to get his u irse 6liocl,
and said at six feet ho had tapped a vein
of Croton cil as big as a gimblet ; at thir
teen feet he encountered a layer ot eolt
soap ; at fourteen feet be struck a vein
of castor oil, discharging a barrel an hour;
at fourteen and a half feet he found
valuable nugget of Wilson's pills, a fmall
pocket of oil of e nnamon, and a crevice
that y clded ninety hogsheads ot pure
spermaceti ; and then at t lghty-two feet
nth Uiey struck lard by winch they
knew that butter was near : after cutting
through six feet of solid leaf lard, they
were awarded by striking butter.
Wj stopped for dinner at JNewton van-
voorhis' and he took us out to see a huge
cave on bis farm, from the top of which
hung, like icicles, millions of candles, six
to the paund.
David f ournier has struck a spiencia
hole of apples, anil U bringing tht m up
by a sand pump nueen bushels ny uie
lour : he hopes soon to reach the nouom,
where there are indications of a first class
article of cider.
We iben came down to Simon Wilson
and up the hill to the Baptist cl urch.and
tin n down towards Hiram Rabes. Here
we saw a soap urease, bog, and the lull
slippery wilh the little rivulets of oil ooz
ing out, that a man migni turn oacn ma
coat tails, sit down, and slide down the
hill two miles and a half, without fuctiou
1 I A l J
etioti;'h to maue uis pauiuioous neeu
.. . l.ii t
K o.iped in 10 see our goou wiu menu,
Wm Wickeiham. who struck a vein
fine castor oil. and the boys were out
the farm bunting for a tree that bore
ready-made glass bottles, with the corks
and gtll-eilg ' labels on.
We catne down on ibw river past Mr
Kernan's. who hallooed to us as we p tss
ed that be bud discovered tho bill to
solid rock candy, and wanted to know
we would like to leaso halt an acre
one million dollars. Told bim we hadu
the change alom with us. bo we jogget
along home, and took down these iniper
feet notices from memory. We have
omitted some things, but not many
Wigfa'l has written a letter, fixing
th ifith of June as the latest day
which he can be induced to postpone
capture of Washington. If tho Southern
troons dou't take it by that time, be
nn rl.iubt take it himsulf. Ho can.
h.l lom walks through a street without
taking tho whole of it. Lou. Jour.
A Harper's Ferry correspondent
ilm Loul vi; ( Couner sav that tho rebel
Authorities of Virginia have set several
.I.ffcctivtson the Hack of Hon. John
fiiirii.e. the leader of West Virginia Uu
ionists, and will spurs do pains to get
ia tjaeir power
Interesting from Fort Pickers.
The arrival of l.irut. Slrmmer and some
of his woiktnen t New York lias alrady
been announced. Describing the condi
tion of Brag't forces, they say that till
the $6 h of April, only five sand batter
es had been completed. seven more
wer In process ol creotlon. the runs
for tho latter bad not at that time arrived
and ceuld not artire un'il the completion
of the Montgomery and Pei.sicol rail
road which would not be finished before
the lOtbof the present rrontb. They
were pushing the work wuh all speed.
Ueneral Bragg remarked one evening.
in conversation with some of his officers,
that he would not be ready in two momus,
and he was confident that Col. Brown
wi uld wait for him. There wcro about
seven thousand trorpi encamped lit and
a')out Wrrinff on atyyard. Forts, and
the village of Warrington, the Inhabiiants
having entirely desertrd it. I13 enforce
ments had almost ceased to arrive. There
was great diss itistaction among the men
who were already in camp. Desertions
were very frequent and pariicularly after
ti e re-enforcement of Fort Pickens. The
discipline among the eitizon sJdiers is
very poor, j he grounds which they havo
or dissatisfaction may bo set down: 1st,
as Bragg; 2d, provisions; 3,1, ihe climate.
I hey are oMIged to work m a tone
white sand which swarms with fleas. In
nuother month fellow f.ver will probab'y
unvo them away or kill them. 1 he pro
visions nre piincipally from the North, be
ing chtelly corn Hour. Y it H IK-n. urugg s
generalship the men are dissatisfied ; they
think he goes too slow. They assert
quite freely that Lieut. Siemmer out-gen-eraled
him at every move.
The whole of Santa Rosa Island is in
full possession of the United States troops
No men can be landed on the island wuh
a view to attacking Fort Pickens from
that quarter.'
Batteries hare been erected close to the
fort bearing on Brass's batteries, which
were intended for the formerly weak side
of I lckens.
United S'ates soldiers have been land
ed nt tho extreme end of Santa Rosa Is
land from the fort, to met batteries to
guard the entrance to lnsacola by Santa
Rosa bound.
A strict blockade is now on the harbor
The United States ship Powhatten, Cap
tain Porter, stands guard, and does bis
work effectually. Nothing whatever is
allowed to pass in or out. Several steam
ers and scores of sailing crafti have been
sent off. There was some disturbance
with some of them which were inclined to
bo factious.
Col. Ellsworth's last Letter.
It has already been stated hut one of'iic
last acU of C'ol. Julsworth before leaving
the camp fjr Alexandiia, was to address
letter to his parents, who re.ida nt !f
cliaiiicsville, near Troy, New "i oik. The
following is a copy of that letter :
Ileail Quarters 1st Zoiiares, Cuinp Lincoln,,
"Wasiiinhtos, 1). C, May 2:1, ISf.l. I
Mr Dek 1'ai'Iikk ami Motiikk : Tlic regiment
is ordered to move across the river to-nirbl. Wo
liavo no inuiina of knowing what r -eeption we are
lo meet with. 1 tun iiiulineil to tho opinion that our
cnUance to the city of Alexandria will be hotly cou
nted, us 1 niu itiat int'oi-iiii'il a lureo foieo have ar
rived there to-day. Should this happen, my dear
parents, it may he my lot lobe injured in some manner.
Whatever may happen, eiui ish the consolation
that 1 wasenfjaed in the performance of a sa
cred duty ; and to nirlit, 1 1 1 i 1 1 k i 1 1 ir over the probabil
ities of to-morrow, mid the occurrences of the past,
1 mil perfectly content to accept whatever my for
tune may be, continent that He who nototheveu
'all of a Hiiurrow, may have some purpose, uvea
the fate til one like inu.
lv darlinir and ever loved parents, trood five.
God bless, protect aud caro for you. KLMLK.
What a treasure must such a " good
bye" and the recollections which cluster
around it, bo to thoso stricken parents
What father r mother would not be con
soled in their grief by the thought
beautifully expressed here, that " lie who
noteth even the fall of a sparrow," had
indeed, ' some purposa in the fate," (sad
though it be,) of such a son 1 Should
the "purpose" of his fall simply be to lur-
nfh an occasion lor impressing upon tne
minds and hearts of the comrades win
loved him so well the holy and timely les
son of reliance on Providence for thti suc
cess of their labors, it will he eminently
worthy even of the sacnuce they and
nation make in tivinghim up. That let
ter fchould be read and pondered in every
mess throughout the army, as tho dying
legacy of one of the noblest and bravest
of their gallant comrades. When they,
103, " thinking over the probabilities
morrow and the occurrenc -s of the past,"
can have his "consolation," they will
him be prepared for a sudden and honor
able "fate "
A Sire of the Revolution.
Gen. Humphreys of Connecticut, who
was the Aid and companion of Washing
ton, an l one of the most (lisuogutsiieu
men of tl e Revolution, was a poet as wi
and liko I irlow, his contemporary,
muse has contributed to make that era
the men who moved in it memorable ia
Lihtorv. Gen. Humphreys was one
three brothers who "went to tho war."
A friend has copied from his published
volume of poems the following lines, de
scr'iDtive of the father's blessinir on
ons on their departure for the scene
ci nflict :
" Awful in ate?, with dignified applause,
Our bill's impressed a reverence on our causa.
And ahull 1 not remember words that fell,
As tuna inv father b id j tl-ree sons fan-well t
'In peace I lived, (though stricken well in years,)
To aes your ininliood- now a war appears
Hud not the ehillgof see theso corves tinstruojr,
Mvself would go but ye are stronR and young.
Your country calls . My sons I to battle bear
An old man's ble-siopand a father's prayer.
11,,, -a,..,, w iiKi-tn iruard each sacred riirht.
Oo. in Heaven's nama, aud daro the dreadful
(lo, act the man from vou I hope no less.
And way the Lord of UosU protect an t bless.
This, a little versified, was the language
of one of the fathers of Connecticu: laying
a laro-e offerinor on the altar of his coua
try. We have here showu the feeling
alike mioua and natriolio vuih which
of the first An-.ericaa Involution enlistid
in a cause to which th"y consecrated
tlmt the heart holds most dear. There
not wantioo- proof to day that the spirit
tho fathers lives and reigns m tnr sous
.. 1 '
Tha Massachusetts Fif'h was
first to invade Virginia soil on FiiJey.
The glorious old coramonweiltl. ii always
iu tho van.
The proper idea of treason teems to
bate fade! out in the public mind. Our
revolutionary fathers nlaced it unon an
equality with murder, and provided a
mote secure punishment for it, adding
toafisoathn ol property to death. The
law g vers of all ages and cations cave
had 1 tie anmo idea of it. And yet, in our
touctry, treason is O'tnly avowed by per
soni of all tanks aud professions, even
cleTgitnsn ; nor do they hesitate pub
licly to commit over sets; and even old
and moderate men like Crittenden, Bell
and others, do not hesitate to eounel op
portion t i the Government, if it under
takes t j put down tn ftion.
This present treason has already ruin
ed, financially, hundreds of thonnsnds of
innocent and worthy men, -it will )rtv
upon the country aa enormous tar to b
p .i 1 in furturs yeats, and it will jrobally
drstroy the livis of thousands of loyal
cidaens. Iu tbn name of patriotism, can
this mason go unpunished? Will it be
possible that the Government can heal it
with any wisby wssy complacency? It ra
absoluiely essential lothe futuro warfare
of the countrv that it be so treated cow.
forever hereafter to bo feared and
loithed. As no country before was ever
aCbcted with such base, extensive, im
pudent, destruative and utterly causeless
treason, so the punishment should be
commessursto and co extensive wuh tha
crime. And as our country, differing with,
other countries, and for the greater pro
tection of liberty, ha made treason to
consist in the overt act only, when tho
overt act does come, it surely ought to
bo nipped in tho bud it ought to bo
scorched and cauterized so that It will
nevtr spring up egt li in tbe same place.
the leadit g traitors in each seceding
Stale should be hung, the property of all
traitors should ba confiscated. Nothing
K-ss than ibis will satisfy the imperative
detnat, di of justioo. This po'isy Bbould
be easly proclaimed by the Government,
that those not already committed may bu
duly warned.
An Extensive Camp.
The New York Tribune publishes on
interesting account of the great camp and
military chocl which has been commeno
ed on S:aten Island, near Vanderbilt
Landing. Tho War Department intends
to keep a reserve of 50,000 to GO.OOO
riiim iu depot there throughout the war.
The recruits, ns fast B3 collected thiough
out the Department of the East, will be
concentrated at Camp Scott, nnd sent for
ward to the Amy, 11s the (xgencies of
tho f ervice may require. The camp is to
be entrenched, mounted wilh titled can
non, thoroughly fortified, and kept under
strict martial law. The different arms of
the Ret vice infantry, cavalry and artil
lery will each be put through a regular
course c f instructions, lines of pickets and
scouts will be thrown out, so as to prevent
tho approach to camp of any improper
persons, and the military discipline of the
men will be perfect in nny respect. All
the recent reforms introduced into the
French service will bj adopted in our
Army, and everything will be done (o
promote tho health of our brave volun
teer soldiers.
Sound Words.
The Albany Argus holds the following
language in regard lo ihe war:
This war has now commenced. It
must go on. If the Southern Confeder
acy is what it claims to be, a nation, it is
a belligerent. Its armies have invaded
the loyal States of the Union. It men
aces Washington. Its rulers have offer
ed the commerce of the North as a spoil
lo privateers of all nations. We, who
have struggled most for peaco, accept the
alternative imposed upon us, with all its
conditions. Let the Government direct
its vigor at those who claim to be 'publij
enemies,' and push home its blows. Tb.9
Iieople of the Union will sustain their ru
ers in every ineasuro of honorable retal
iation, and in every act which shall has
ten the war to its only legitimate conclu
sion, honorable peace.
ss m
Troops Sent to Assist the Settlers.
From the Davenport (Iowa) Gazette.
The people of Page and Fremont coun
ties, on the borders are m groat alarm.
The Mi.isouii;ins cloit-bv aro fully organ-
eu, nave tueir uiue jjoci'res in every
neighborhood, are well armed and mak
ing threatening demonstrations. Citizens
of Page nnd Fremont counties have ap
pealed to the Governor fer aid. He has
Bint to their assistance Captain U M,
D jdge, of Council Bluffs, with a company
offorty nun, nnd will at once forward
arms. Mr. W. IT. Kinsman, of Council
D'uff', was last r.ilu in Devenport, and
will g to Iowa City this morning to got
tne peico of artilltry there, and at once
forward it nnd the cavalry accoutrements
at Iowa City lo Des Moines, to bo sent
thence to the borders.
The Lower Class.
Who are they? The toiling millionsthe
laboring men 1 nd womeii, the farmer.the
mechanic, Ihe artist, the iuventor.the pro
ducer? Far from it. Thcsj are Nature's
Nobilty God's favoriteB, the salt of tha
earth. No matter whether they are high
or low in station, rich or poor in pelijcon
spicuous or humble in posititn, they are
the "upp. r circle" in the order of nature,
whatever the fietitkm distinction of fash
ionable sotie y. It is not low, it ia the
highest duty, privilege, pleasure, for the
great men and whole-s juled women to
earn wh t they possess; to -work, their
way through life, to be architects of their
own fortune. Some may jtcmaik'.tha
classes wo have alluded to- as- nJyf:i',.j.
lively low, and, in fact, the ruideHj bifSj
ea. We insist they are absohit)-y ""!tT
very highest. Is there a class cf 'eiugs
on earth who mar properly be dtwomia
ated low ? If so, it ia composed those
who consume without producing, . who
dissipate the earnings of their aihtjra t
relatives, wi hout lubiriug or !ci03 3"
thing in aid of themselves. ( .
The- Louisville Journal says that the
cdkoi" of the Cjn'h'sn New, who is
furious inhisdenunuvicms of Mr.Uucoa,
was a reoeiit applicant for odea . iicior
tim. . .1 ..,.. .
. . .4 ii--4 - ' t.U.l X. i

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