OCR Interpretation

The Weekly Perrysburg journal. [volume] (Perrysburg, O. [Ohio]) 1861-1???, June 20, 1861, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026193/1861-06-20/ed-1/seq-1/

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I f I I 3 1 I nt 1 11 W 1 hi J I PI r II J Y II V III ' H III V:VJr-"
to V
NO. 7
Notice U hereby given Hint on Monday, tlio 24lh
utrofjntic, 1801, 'at Milton Outre, I will lot tu tit
lowest biililer, in separate sections, tlie in ikiii)j of
the dr.xinur water-course known as drain nuinu.r "J
commencing about 4(1 mils north of the south-cast
corner of section 32, town 4 rutitfu 9: llienec noil lion
section lino ! that branch of lloavcr t'rocL which
iutcrsocta gid line s tlicneo down snid crock in a
north-westerly direction to llio west liuu of the south
east quarter of section ."li', town ft, nuiV fc, whercnt
to tcrminat Tho work cr'nipi-ises 1U2 sections 01
20 rods oach. Ill width on tho bottom in us follows :
the first 20 sections 2 fect, the next 21 sections SVjj
foot aud this b'.ilance I feet on tin' bottom. The banks
to liavo a slope of I i foci to 1 in depth. The cnrdi
which Is taken out ot said drain to be removed at
least 3 feet from the slope of tho bunk, and to be
thrown on tho side of thu coiitfty rind here it rm:.
nlonff the same. The work to be completed to the
acceptance of the county commissioners on or before
the 1st day in October,'l01. ralu to conmi -rco nt
one o'clock, p. m. Addison Smith, Auditor.
Auditor's Office, Wood eountv, O.
Pcrrysbiirtr, May 15, 1S61--SwSSfl 7.V
Notice is hereby (fi'0't that on Satur lav the 20th
day of June next at the ten mile house in Webster
township, I will let to the lowest bidder, in separate
sections, the making of the drain known ns drain
known ns ilrain
lonssamt crecK
1 erry.sl.urg uxii'
No. 20 s commencing where the
crosses the McCutchcnville and
roau, msec. , i, iowu , r.uige neasi : t ;ence uown
said drniii to the eountv line teiinina ,,,g on road
tract number ot me .naumec nna vt estern ne-
IKKU IV.HU UlllUil. f",' 1.1 I'.iniKU 111,1,
divisions. Division Xo. 1 comprises thnt part of
gsid work in Webster twp., consisting of 70 sections
of 20 rods each, the width of the b ut m to be 12
feet for the lirst aO sections, and fourteen feet for the
balance. Division No. 2 comprises that part in
1 roy twp., consists ot Mi sections ot I'll roils each,
the bottom to have a uniform width of Id feet. The
timber, floodwood and earth to be cleared out ftll feet
wide the whole length of drain. Hanks to have a
slope of 1j fect to 1 ill depth. The whole, to be
completed tj the acceptance of the county c'.mmi.s
(iioners by the 1st day of October, 1 Hi; I, and in ac
cordance with the profile mi l pl.it of the engineer
in charge of said work. Kale to commence at ten
o'clock a. m. Addison Smith, Auditor.
Auditor's Office, Wood Co., O.
Perrysburg, May 23, 1S01 -$7 50.
Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday, the
3d day of July next, at the brick school house near
.1 Harpels in Lake t p., 1 will let in separate sec
tions to the lowest bidder, the making of the drain
known as drain No. 22; commencing at or near the
north-west corner of road tract no. 1 of the Manmee
and Western llcserve road lands in tho bed of Dry
Creek: thenco down said creek in a north-easterly
direction to the county line, whereat to terminate.
The work comprises 17(1 sections of 20 rods eaeh,
and 4 of -10 rods each, with a width on the bottom
as follows: from comm 'nccnieut to sec. 17, 3 feet
from 17 to 40, inclusive, four feet: from 41 to 1:18,
inclusive, six feet: from 13S to end, thv timber to
bo cleared out 50 fect wide. The banks to have a
slope of 1 to 1 foot in depth, the earth to be remov
ed 5 feet from the slope of the bank. The work to
be completed by the 1st day of October, ISrtl.iii ac
cordance with the plat and profile of the engineer
in charge of said work, and to the acceptance of the
county commissioners. Sale to commence at ten
o'clock, a. in. Addison Smith, Auditor.
Auditor's Ollieo, Wood county, O.
I'errysburg, May 27, 1801 iwj$0 75.
Notice is hereby given that on Pafurday, the 2 2d
day of June next, nt the house of ,1 Mover, in Troy
township, 1 will let, in separate sections, to the low
est bidder, the making of drain number 30, com
mencing about 120 rods north of the south-W'st
corner of section '.i in said township : thence north
easterly across said section to intersect drain num
ber 8. The work comprises S sections of 20 rods
:ach. Widih of bottom 4 feet. Hank slopes I rise
lo xi base. The earth to be removed at least ,
feet from tlu hanks, and the whole ,o be completed
by tho 1st day of October next. Sale to c imiiieue..'
at one o'clock, p in. Addison Smith. Auditor.
Auditor' OHico, Wood county, Ohio.
l'errvsburg, .Vav 10, IStil 3v .'l 50.
Notice is hereby given that on Monday the lirst
day of July nextat the school house of Andrew Ad
ams in Perrysburg township. I will let to the lowest
bidder, in separate sections, the making of the drain
known as drain No, 17: commencing in Crane creek
whew it crosses ahe J'errysburg and .McCutchcn
ville road in S"etjuii 28 viwn 4, I'nitad States He
serve ( IVirv.sUurg twp.',- thence down said creek
to the Maumec Mid Western Iteserve road, termin
ating on roaii tt act nuuiber 2S. The work coinpiis
cs 51 sections ib rods e:wh, with a uniform width on
the bottom of JO fect. 7'he banks lo have a slope ol
ll base to 1 vertical. The cutiiogs to be made ii
acoordanee with the profile of toe ei.ginecrin rhargi
of said work, and the whole to be completed by tin
1st day of October, 1X01. I'lau and speeilicalii n
of thu work w ill be exhibited and conditions madi
known on tho day of gale. Sale to commence at li
o'clock, a. in. ' Addison Smith, Auditor.
Auditor's Olliee, Wuod connlv, O.
Pcnybui'g, Jlay 23, 1801 4"w5$0 00.
Notice is herein- pivon thai on Mnniliy, the lu-s
day of July next lit thu liousu of Andrew Adams, ii
l'crrysburg township, 1 will let to the lowest bidder"
in separate auctions tin; making- of the drain known
as drain No. 24: coinnieucinp about 40 rods west of
tho north-east corner of section thirty-ono, town four
United States Hescrvc. in the bed of Crane creek;
thenco down said creek to the 1'crrynliiirg and Mc
Cutclienvillo road whereat lo terminate. The work
comprises 3ti sections of 0 l-ods each, with a width
of bottom of 2 feet for tho first live sections and of
3 fect for tho remainder. Dank slopes 1 base to
t vertical. The earth to lie removed at least 3 feet
from the slope of the bank. The work to be com
pleted to the acceptance of the county Commission
ers by the 1st dav of October, Isill. ' .Sile to com
mence at one o'clock p. m. Awhson Smith,
Auditor's office, Vood Co.,0. Auditor.
I'errysbuij;. May 2rt, 18t 1 4iv5J5 art.
Stephen Llilruljre adm'r, vs Joseph Crane.
By onler of an alias order of sale, issued, and to
ine directed, from the ("ourt of Common, Pleas of
Wood county ,Ohio, 1 shall expose to public gale ut the
door of the '(.'our; i'ouse in Pen-vbiu g,
On Salu.-,!:'v, Jvly C. IStil,
fcotweon the hours of 12"m. and 2 o'clock, p. ni.,tlie
following described lands and teneiueniii situate in
Wood county, and State of Oliio, to-wit: The east
tmlf of vheOio north-west quni-tcr of section thirty
town live, range twelve east ; containing eight
acres. Appraised at 2,000. 1'ETtR 1!KLL,
Juno 3, IStil 52 80. Master Com'r.
An cntiro btock of Xew lioods have recently been
opened by tho subscriber, consisting of all the varieties
Huts and Caps,
Tutty, W hite U'd,
'Powder, f-'hot.
Tea, Cofleo.
Sugar, Mola.sses,
Hools. Shous,
lionnets, Furs,
Candies, Cloves,
Omger, Spice,
Cinnamon, Raisins,
Kssenecs, Xutmcps,
White Fish, Cod f ih,
Flour, Meal,
and dimerous other articles ou hand, to be sold
as this is the only method which allows the mer
chant to sell CllKAP.
Wheat, Corn,
Barley, Buckwheat,
Potatoes, Apples,
Butter, Laid.
Beeswax, Beef,
l'ork. Hides,
Skins, turs
Hoop Poles,4c.
will be purchased or Uken for Otiods.
A. E. Jr.ROMK.
N. B. I shall also tie connected with the. Stor
age, Forwarding and Commission Dusiuess of
place, na nope to merit lue ivnli.l, ni- and appro
tation of the people. A. E. JEROME.
May, let-!r.
O 11 K II IF F 1 S S A I, i:
Slate of Ohio, for the us? of Catharine llr.ulfov.l. bv
i. c.; I l.,i. i!,.n,ii'....i l ,i.,,nv t tlanMr'..
A. Wallnhnm and ilham M. V I'ljtht.'leren.laiits.
llv virtue of nn order of sale issued in the above
case bv the Clerk of the Court of Cotnm n I'leas or
Columbiana eountv, Ohio, and to m directed an I
delivered, 1 will otlerfoi-Haleat public vendue at the
door of the Court House in' the town of lViTysburjr,
Wood Coiintr, Ohio, on
Saturday, the22d diy of Jun", Hi'.),
between the hours of 10 n. m. and 2 p. m of said
day. the following described lands and tenements,
to-'wit: a pail of the s-w qt . s . X town 3 ninh,
rancre tl east, in Wood county, Ooi, mil ruunhi
a line across said qr. so as to intolVsixlv acres
from the north side thereof, appiaised at ji:M)0.
(i. l'. UL Vi:il, sherid'.
Mi.y i:l, 161 r.wft?3 0 .
Muriali K. Yount. ndministratrix of tl.ihriel h
Vuunt. ilcc., vs Thomas Yount. Abrahum Yount,
Pnniel Yount, Mariah Heals, (h o, W. Yount, Wm.
11. Iteals, Sarah Yount, A. Jack Sou Yount, Jams
Mcduinisnnd Susanna Mc(!uinis.
On Saturday, the Iftth day of .Km-'. lSiii. at 11
o'clock, n. m., nt the door of the Coiirl llouse.ln the
to n of I'errvsburjr, in Wood county. Ohio, will b.'
Sold to the highest bidder, the following leal es' it '.
the IM'oni'Vtv ot uabnel 1 omit, dee., to-wil: ,111111:11
.,ilrt 0f t. half of fractional section nuinber 1 ..
tmvnslli, n,ber 0. range number 10 cast, in Wood
c'.untv,0.,lvingVat of the Davton ,t MichlL'an llnil-
, -eonlaining HO aorcsof land moreorl
. k of sa,
M uil ul k. Yojnt, Adm't.v.
Cook. 1'HICR et Johnson, Atl'ys.
Mav U. !Stil.-2w5SS tie.
O t'uUiT
el's and C.Uha-
,!ohn Puissel. adm'r vs David C'l -v.
l ine ('levers, deo'd.
On the first dav or July. ISO I, between 10 o'clock
a. m. and 1 o'clock p. In'., on the premises, will be
sold to the highest bidder, the following reel estate,
as the properly of Catherine ('levers, and Davi 1
Clevers, deceased: Commencing 2i rods West of
thu south-east corner of the north '.j of the north
west i of section 17, towuship .", range 11 ej.st:
thence west 20 rods : thence north X' rods ; thence
east 20 rods; thence south 80 roda: making LI ncivs.
Also, comnunciiig ut the south-east corner of the
north half of the north-west quarter of section 17,
tuv, il ship it .range 1 least: thence 22 rods west: t'icnee
north HO; thence east 22 rods : thence muiiIi 80 roils
to tho place of beginning ; containing 1 1 acres the
property of David Clevers and Catharine Clevors,
dee'd. Conditions made known on dav of .sale.
JOHN KCSS'KL, adm'r.
CiioK. Vkick & Johnson, att'ys.
May 20th, 1S01 ".w ? I b.".
Kdwin Oorton. Guardian of J;
coii i lever-
Mary A . CI .'vers, (Minrs vs. Jacob Clovers, ct al.
Uy virtue of an order ot sale, I n 'in said ( ourt in
the above entitled cause, to me issueil, directed and
delivered, 1 will oiler at public miction, on
Monday the 1st day of July. 1W1,
between the hours of 10 o'clock a. in. and I o'clock
p. m. of said day, on the prc'ni.tcs, the allowing de
scribed real estate, to-wit: That parcel of land com
mencing 80 rods west of the south-east corner of
the north half of the north-west quarter of section
seventeen, town three north of range eleven east,
runing west 38 rods, thence north SO rods, thence
east 38 roils, thence south 80 roils to the place of
beginning, containing 10 acres; also, that parcel
comm 'iicing 118 rods west of the south-east corner
of tho north half of the north-west quarter of sec
tion seventeen, town three north of ranee el-von
east, riming west 42 rods, thence north 80 rods,
thence east 12 rods, thence South 80 rods to the place
of beginning, containing 21 acres: both of said par
cels of land being situate in Wood county, Ohio, and
the property of said Minors. Terms made known
on day of sale. KDWIN OOKToN.
Guardian of Jacob and Mary A. (.'levers.
Gito. Stilus, attv.
May 20. 1 S' I ;iwi'i0.n."i
ry ()
T II K 1. A D I I- S
Mrs. M. A. Ciu-peiiler woul.l r."i, 'ctl'ully ii'moiuici
to the holies of IVrr,y.!iiirj' nn 1 viein'.ty thnt she has
reinoveil her Milliii 'ry Store to the house t e iii 'rn
occiroicl hv Kliza 1'. Jones, on Front streei. her"
there will he found a beautiful assortment of niillin-
cry poods. Mrs. C. will keep constantly on han.l a
larjtc variety of
Ifoiinets, " liihlions.
1'Towers. lliiches.
II. its, C.ii's anil Pints.
In fact, everythinp: pertaiiiinp to the inillinery line.
She is also )i-cp.iivd to Cut, Kit and inilce llresses.
Cup's. Cloaks. Talnus nn I Cliihlreu's ( 'lothiue;.
lileaehuic; and I ret.sinfc ilone to onler.
i .,.!;
;u ii., i
iel, O.
. I.-
or three stamps for postiipre will be acceptable.
Address Dli. J. SIvII.LIN llOCOHTON. Acting
Surgeon Howard Association, No. 2 south Dth street,
Philadelphia, I 'a. Hv order of the Directors.
C.KO. KAIKC1IU.I), Secretary.
.Ian. I, '111. K.ltA I). IIEATWELT., President.
IJ The Hoard will hold their next reqular sessions
for the examination of Teachers, as follows:
Portaife, first Tuesday in July.
In addition to the usual course. Teachers ill here
after lw examined in American History.
No applicant will !o examined who is not present
punctually nt 9 o'clock, a. m.
J. W. Woomiriiy, Clerk.
I, A X
.s t o v i : s
It R O W X &. II UN T ,
Al their old stand iu Pern shurp, Ohio, have
hand, and for sale, an endless variety of celebrate
Kangins; in prices to euit the wants of all,
from $14 to $35 each, furnished in the most
substantial manner, w ith cither Tin or Cop
per furniture.
OS It A SI) AT AM. TIMi:s,
I"89".fob Work, in all its forms done t order.
WANTED, in exchange, Cash, Corn, Hides, Fur,
Pelts, Rags, Wax, old Iron, Ac, & c.
ilium iV III .vi .
Perrysburg. May 3d, 1880 tf.
is mi
it- 1.01 1S 1LLI-:
On and after Sunday, May 12, lo Trains will
Icavo Tohslo daily, on iinHyafof trains fi-i'in De troit,
Jackson, and Michigan Soiuhein ItailroadM ut
11:110 I , M. an-iving in Dayton at 7:1a A. M.
11:20 A.M. urriving in Davton atli:li'. P. M.
Time from Detroit to Cincinnati 12 hours and
minutes bv each train. Couneciing at Limn with
trains on the Pittsburgh, I I. Wayne & Chicago
Railroad for Crestline, llttsburgh, Philadelphia and
houilieastern iiomts. ( oniiects lit MUnev, wuli
trains on the liellefonUiine Line for Indian ipolis
the Southwest, and at Piiiuaand Dayton for Colum
C-iyXo Change of cars between Toledo
For tickets apply at the Ticket Otliee of
Michigan Southern Company.
It. M. SHOEMAKER. Sunt. Davton. O.
M. SHOEMAKER, (Son. Fr't and T k't Ag t, To
ledo, Ohio.
Perrysburg, Jan. 21, 1861 3filf.
The subscriber will cheerfully send (free
chargu) to all who desire it, the copy of a Simi'lb
Recii-k by which he wis cuivd of lliat pirk disease
Coiihiimpiion. '
Sulferers with Cowjii'TIOjj, AhTUMA, Bkoxchit
is, or any lung affection, be sincerely hopes will
try this Recipe, well satisfied if they do so they
he more than satisfied with the result. Thankful
for his own complete restoration, he is auxious
place in the hands of tvtry sulllrer the means
cure. Those withing the recipe with full directions,
ic, will call on or address 1
'luti No. i'j Ji Ln fiucetj Yc; W.
oriSXAt 1MUM1MJ oitki:,
Ilavintr ivnlonisliod our nUieo with new types
thn iL'-liout. we are now Wetviv J to execute ,l'l
piep.'ie J to
Work, such as lV.-lers. Safe lUil, rivpi'iiumici.
Invitations, Cards, Labels', Pamphlets, till
kinds Ulnnks, e. in the mas I xati .I'actoi v manner.
Orders tilled at short notice, an. I ou roavmaMe.
AtivrnTisiM), lv lui fun
One square .'. l-2 2.7j
i column 2.f0 0.0J 8..M)
S' column 4..HI 10.01 10.00
One column fl.ftO ISM 30.00
II. 2 S
A do, lection of ft per cent, from the above rates
will be imda for Cash.
The space occupied by ten li-ies tl' the type com
posing the body of the advertisement will be a
All Transient advertisements must be paid for
in advance to insure publication.
Adveiiisements inserted Willi the mark "if," will
be charged for until ordered out.
When yearlv advei tiseig Mils are inserted four of
more chanj"H will be allowed.
,f. W. UAll.l'.V. ri:ni.isiiKR and Pitornnnoit.
i. v a r s .i i: v v v. it o
Attoiinky at Law, l'Kimv.snri:i), Onto. Olliee
in Kast end of l'.aird II .use lUiih'mp. Will attend
piompilv nil business eiiti iHtud to his cure, tf
11. W. IT. DAY. T. W. IH TCIIINSON. ,1. I'. Mil Alls:.
; Collei ting and Ileal r.state Agents.
' Will attend promptly t all business cut: uiteil to
their car.!. Ollieo over W. J. Hitchcock's store.
! Perrysburg, Wood County, Ohio. '(il- t0tf.
,1 VML'S M1RIIAY. r. S. VI.KVl.S. J. II STA1 Kolip.
AtTI) K X K Y S A T L A W .
HI nltcinl promptly tj u II Legal business en
trusted to their care in Wood county. Olliee in the
1'errysburg Hand Huilding, Perrysburg, Ohio, tf
il. it. ronci:. .i it. tyi.i:ii.
() I i II Si T Y f, V. It.
Aitoiinkys at Law, Perrysburg, Ohio.
Particular attention paid to Couwv aneing and
Notorial Ihlsiness. Also, for sale, large quantities
of Land in Wood and adjoining counties. 'li0-tf
Asllmt COOK. ,T. K. rillCK. 11. TV. .HUINSON.
fMHili, IMtlt'I'. A JOIINSOV,
V.' Aitoiinkys at Law, porrvbmg, Ohio.
Will promptly attend to all Law lUisiness entrus
ted to their care, II ivo lor sale large quantities of
Land, iucludi:- r Hell improved farms, which will be
sold on easy term.-' '00-1 tf
o u : i: S T 1! A I N .
V Atthiinky At Law, Perrysburg, Ohio.
ill n'.teu 1 to all bustnc-s entrusted to bis cure
in the several Courts of Ohio.-Oliiee with John
Hates. 2nd
street. T.O-ltf
1 K T K II 1! K L L .
1 Attoiinkv at Law, andNotaiiy Pi tiuo.
ill attend promptly to all business intrusted lo his
care. Office in the Court House with Cook, Price A
Johnson. Nov. 20, l.""jo-- ly.
J) "l
.1 . H O V I'. I, I, H .
AH. ,1
Howling Green, Ohio.
It . SMI T 11 ,
Itowi.isi: OliKKN, Wooil County, Ohio.
All calls will he promptly alten.leil to, holh ihiy
imil nif;ht. ' 'Oll-lif '
V I It I) II ( II s v..
C. C. llAlliP, Pnoi'itiiCTin:,
1-tf Perryshitrc, Ohio.
1 li'.ititvsm :rcj ii.anin;
DAN I EIj MNI.SE. PiioemtTon.
Maniil'.ictiircs to order, an 1 keeps constantly on
hand, a ee-ie;-.il supply ot
ItiMi'rs. Sali. J!!in !s tuid Yindo-.y Sh ole.-:
Pin1. W.iitew oo I an I A:s!i l-'ioorin;
Pine and Wliiiewood Doors.
All kinds of Pi.winu done to order. Onl.-r.-proniptly
tilled at Toledo prices, or, in M'lii.' cases,
licloiv tlic in. '00 -tf
The ii!i.Icrsi(.'lied, feelini;- thankful for past favors,
takes this opportunity of ini'onuiiifr tlie ladies tlial
sir.1 has jii.-t reiv-iveil (in- I.i'.est opening sU les ot
Beimel.-.' 11 its, KiuVe'U.s, I-To-.vers. an 1 nil kinds ol
Millinery poods constitnily on hand. AVrrk done to
ord-'i-, n't form -r in ices, at her usual place of resi-
Ladies pie
1 call nut sec lor voui sel es.
ANN V.. I'OWI.Kli.
n n d
P O M IC R 0 Y
Caret'ully repaircil by
w . r .
At Pkhkvsiii ki! Hank lirii.MiNU. 'lit'- Itf
-IfUXITI'Itli ! I'llltMTI' If U ! !
ii uui.r.-'.ii.r. ni.t AH.) i
I) F. C. R , F F iV I A Y I. O R .
f Formerly II. P. DegralV.) No.fi" lioivery. Xe
York, extending 211 feel through to No. ti: Cheery
Sireet, and six stories ill height, making it
in the L'nited Stnt"s, and filled with Furnature of
all grades. From Ihe best Parlor to the common
Kitchen, which we arc determined to sell at ihe
small prolit of five per cent., and no Deviation,
Imping, by this plan, to increase our business suf
ficient to "count ei'bn'.inec the difference in profit.
Rosewoud Parlor Setts, from ?H0 Oil to i loo no
Mahog. and Black alnut Parlor
Setts fii m .:'.o on to ifi'iO o
Rosewood Red-room Setts, from-?! .i0 00 to ;?2o0 (III
Mahog. and Black Walnut Red
room Sets, from Ir2.i Oil toSl.Ml 0(i
Enamel Chamber Sells, from 22 0(1 to $ I al! nn
Oak Mini Walnut Dining Setts.
from $2o 0(1 to .2i0 00
Hair Mattresses from $ " DO to 2. no
Spring ' ' $ 3 ill to? 10 00
A LI, ItllNITCHK (ilTAKKSTKKIt A.S liKlltKSi:NTi:t).
March lulh, lrilil -leln3
Durtis, jii:i)ini:s, iaits and
A. J. CiAHIineii ,t Co., Prugtiisls.
tlilead, Wood Co., Ohio.
Have received a largo stock direct from New
York, couihting in part of Paim's of all kimli.
I.iNKKKP, Tanm-iis, Mai iiine aud Coal Oils, Fi ii
Nin iiL', Coach, Dkmak, and Jai-an Vaknikii.
Paint, Vaiimsii, Sash, ViHTKW.th-ii, Si ni -iuunc
and Lamt Biu siies.
Dve Sti i is, like Joseph's coat, of many color.
(li.Abs of all Sizis, Pi ttv, Sami nml Emkiiv
Pai'Lk, Tfiu'Esrisu, Alcoiioi, C'Asroiiand Sweet
Oils, English Currants, Prunes, Tamarinds, and
liaisons, Spice, Pepper, Ciuuaiuon by tlie 11). orm.il.
(linger, (,'iovei, (lutind and Extract of ColVee,
Chocolele and Cocoa. Starch by the lb. or box.
A ine assortment of Ptiiil'Mtuv So.irs and
flavoring CAtracts.
A largo assortment of Pritu Muurisrs and
Chemicals, and Tildeu's celebiated Melicines for
Physicians ue.
We are silling a fine article of Co.ii. On., free
from smoke or smell, at "ic per gallon.
Lamp from five shillings to two dollars.
Wn believe in the principles of Port i.AB Sov
kkiostv and Pay as vou oo, and shall hold our
Stock strictly for Csu or Kkadv Pay, and will
t ike U kin Is of Grain and Produce in exchange.
Patent Mi:oietNEs or kv eiiy kim).
(iilead, May 9, ISO I tf.
O O I,
o n
1 S 6 1
We feel great oonQ lence in anuouncing to Wool
Grower and Merchants lliat we possess unsurpass
ed faciliiics for receiving, grading and selling Wool,
which will be done
AND WUEN LL-Sllltll,
Will be made on rerciv ing wool.
J if Sucks will be sent to tuose who ub
Xo efforts will be wanting t merit tho patronage
of those who have Wool to sell.
Cleveland Wool Dfiot Co.,
T.wi Office, No. 107 Rank St., Clev. land, 0.
Ayer's Ague Cure.
I'cvinoluu'n journal.
Artemas Ward in the South---
Artemas Ward in the South---His Trials and Adventure.
1 JiaJ a n:rrr I'Fcitjie fioin Hie onn i
Sou tli. 'Tlie twirn-i nininiri of out- !
roius furl'm.iil'ink'U toby 1 1.itnlk-U.WH. u'i
tin. li in iu conip.iti.sou to my tiublts. 1
came pisVy tit'itr nwenrin fiun profiini
callis morii'n tuiitt, bill I li'pi! I Juln't tin
it, for I've piMitiisl tvluisc nnnic sltull
bo i ivmol. su (ix-ip' her itiiiiA's is lU-tsy
J )' tli tit I'll jltio llio Mi'tliu llousf nt
Hnl linsviilc j st ns so,n its I rm sorupe
riiOiuy fnu!l toctluT o tint I cuti Tin J
'o bo piuss in itr.od Milt- liko my wi-iMiy
na' ers. H ut if I ntn ii'iilisnca'til neai
I'm nfmiJ 1 thrill continm r rn i' my
jm si tit Ik nitcit s'.ii'.i' for some timr.
1 lie-gcHil conspicyusly in ninny 'lull
1 in scmu's in my towi r fum JIi n't,otiH'i v
to my hiinixtt'iul, find on scvi tl oci-asions ;
I iliuiit-Ut 'tho inile k.utiioi ptip.ti' wonl l- I
n'tiuvir bo ftitieluil no ni'Jiv with mv .
lubi ieations. Arlit biil.lin mloo lo J. f j
fen on 1). I s'aruil f v die ilcp' I s iw '
it uii;oci sitiin on a ft n 'i n playin inn!
bin jj. 'My Afiictui latu lu'i-,' si il 1. ro'- I
in from ft. truck 1 onct nil, 'you luloit to '
a v vy inltTf iin racf. Yon;' mis'.urs is!
go'n to war t xcloos-ivcly on your ncoounl.'
Yfs, Inus,' be nplit'd, 'an' I wuli 't in
bonrnbli! graves 1' ami ho wi'iit to pl ijiti
on the banjo, l ttlia i ll over nml opuiitii
bis month wiJo mull' t) diivit in tin old
f sliioned 2 wbi'i led chni. o .
j The trnin of cars in which I was to
i trust my walleraMn life was the bc ilii st,
rii'kytiest lookin lot of consnms tint 1
ever saw on wbetls afoio. Yhat time
does this sliing of second hand eoflins
have '?' I iniptiied of the depot mnUi i'.
lie said dirtikly, and I wint in and sot
down. 1 hhdn't mor'n fair'y tiiMfOled
iif re a dark lookin man with a swinMer
t xpression onto hi countenance niter 'd
the car?, and lo.ikin vi iy sharp at mo, ho
atVed what was n.y principles.
'.S.'iush !' I atierd. 'I'm a Dist-olnti v.
I'm in favor of ,1 11'. Davis, lionregard,
Pickens, Ca)'. Kidd, 131 ohcmd Munroe
Fldardu, the devil, Mrs. C'tinniny'iiim ;iud
all the rest of 'em.'
Yoti'ie in favor of the war ?'
'Certinly. Py all means. I'm faor
i f this war ttnil also of the ni xt war
I've been in favor of the next f.ir over mx
teen years
W ar t ilt-J knit.' ! seil the m.-ni.
Hlud, K.rg, bind !' sed I, iho them
words isn't ir'o-inal with me. Thmi
words was lit l y I'll k-peare who is did.
His Mantel fell onto ihe aud'.of of 'the
.Seven S'lSlevs, who is gun to hav a
Spiing overcoat made out of it.
We'got under way at bust, an' pro
ceeded on our j-rnoy about the rale of
speed which is oinrid'y obsarved by prop
erly condiicttil funeral pruC'ssiein. A
lianfuui jungtral, will a rid musketer
l),u- ni the back p u t of iier he I, in d a
sasy linle bl-ick hat tijit ovir her I'uirir-
,i ihe seat wiiii me. r!iu wi re a
little Sjsi-s-h ll iv; p ntu il on o lu r Iki'.khI
sv: was goin tu lier trim luve, win Inn!
jiiied tbe .Souilii-in arn1)-, till io bolil iu.il
so ,ay. S.) she to'.il tr.e. fShe was chilly
tinil I t'ftVretl In r my I1 u.ket.
J'nthcr livin V 1 iK:d.
'Yes sir.'
Got any Une-Vs ?'
'A h-'ap. Uocle Th une.s is iL-i!, tl o '
Peaci! to Uncle Tliiii.a-,s n.-lies, in (1
success to liim. I will be your Uncle
Tliotri.'H 1 Tieiui on tm', my pret'y Sc
sctli r, atul I n; r iu DW-. sful repose ! Sin
si pt as fccooly as in lier own lnuisi-n,
aud lii In't iti tutb the tolliun stilluess ol
llio night with 'ary bnore.
At tlie first slalion a troop of Fojcr
end reil the cars and iruj uired if Old "Wax
YVoiks was on bored. Tlmt wa-the ilia
renpectiv stile in which they refeued to
me. T.ecawz if Old Wax Works is on
I oicd,' tu . a nitin wi.h a f ice like a doub'e
brested lobster, 'we are going to haug
Old Wax Works !
My illutiious aed patriotic Rummer!'
s 7. I, a git tin up and lakin orf mv Si-ap-00,
'if you allude to A Wa d, it's my
pleasin dooty to info: m you Unit he's dcd.
lie. tinv the ertorof his ways at If) min
its past 2 yesterday, and stabbed himmlf
with a slulleil slcditake, tl y i n in live Denu
lilul tablooi to slow rnoosic 1 ll'n last
words was: 'My perfesst m il career is
o (.; ! I jerk no more !'
'And who be you ?'
I'm a stoodent in Senator benjamin's
'aw ofli-B. I'm going up north lo steal
some spoons and things for the Siulht rn
This was satisfactory, and the in'.obi
cated tro.'pi'i-s went orf. At the next
station the putty litlle Seseshtr awoke,
ami si d she must pt out theie. I bt-1
her a kind adoo and oivo l-.er mini pervis-.
ions. 'Accept my biessin and this hunk
of gingeibrcd 1' 1 sed. Sin thinkt me
muchly nnd tiilit caly away. There's
I coufcl lei-able l unim nater in a man, t'nd
I'm nfr.iid 1 bhall always g'v aid and
oi m'ort lo the enemy if he emu to me
in the shape of a pitee young gal.
At the next staii n ihty didn't get orf
so eay. I was dragged out of the cars
and lolkd in tho mud fur several minnils
for the purpuss of "taking the conceet out
of me," as a Sjseshtr kindly slated.
I w:is let up finally, when n powerful
larga Sesether came up nnd embraced
me and lo sho that he had no hard feel
ings agin mr, put his nose into my uioulh.
I relu.ned the compliment by placing my
itunuiiick suddenly agin his right foot,
when he kindly made a fpittoin of h'u
able-bodied lace. Aciooated by a desite
to see v h-ther He Bectbhcr had bin vi x
inated, 1 then fastened my teeih onlo his
left coat-slei ve and tore il to the thoul Jer.
We then tiltntly bunted oar beds tog' ih
cr for a fw minits, danced around a little,
and sot down in a mud puddle. We riz
to our feet agin it by a sudden fc ndroli
movement I placed my lift, eye agin the
Sesebher'c fist. We then rushed into each
other's arms and fell under a two boss
wagon. 1 was very much exhausted a id
didn't care about gittin up agin, but the
rmn said he rorkoaed I'd better, nnd I
conclooded I would. He pu'led me up,
but I hadn't beeu on my feet mor'n two
seconds afore the crouud flew up and I it
im in (he lod. The crowd mid it was
! L.gh old r.rt, but I oaddu'i zMx tt
whore Iho l.if ure come in. I liz and wi
einbi aoi J co n. We enn i ieil ma lly to
n si. i p baiiK, h n I i. o the u: p r hi nds
of my aniii;eH i d atid threw him into the
til vi nt. lie fell about fo lv le. sltikinu'
e-iimlsiono tirdtv Imnl.
1 u iderslood
i heard from
. w iniitrt d. 1 Invm
i he orindMone
A man in n cocCl hat rnnw up and ied
ho felt as Uiu an apology m due me
Tm le was a mistake. The eiodh:d
taken me for an ther man ! I told I im
i.ot lo mention it, nxed lin if hi wife ami
lit lie one w as ,'s to he aSeut, and
e one was s lo he a'iiu, ami tr.'i ,
on bored ihe '.rain, win. h had stopped n ;
ihe siation " i'O minits for refieshments "
I o a'l 1 wanted. Il was ihe hani-isl
tiienl I ever et.
1 wns lid on a rale the m xt day, a
bunch of hlezin lire cracker b, in t'de to
my co-U taler. It was a line spi evi'.il
in a ilraa a ic pint of view, but 1 didn't
i nj y i'. 1 had other Hilven'eis of a
s ai i'ir, kind. bu! why con inner ? Why
lasi rco iho 1'ub'io PooMttn ivMi thise
l.e e ll.inos ? Snll'yfit to say I ot across
M;isoi ami 1' ic's line t:ife at hist. 1
mule tricks, for my hum-ted, but he wi h
w hom I'm hartussed for 'ifj faili d to
ricoLH'Z'' in ihe emaslii'id bi in who;
stood before her the gti-hid yi'Uth vh.o
had h it her only :i few n.o iths afore. Put
I I went in o (lie p inti v, and biouohl oat
! a c.ei'tia hlm-k hottle 1!. dsiti it lo my lips.
! I Fed ' I lore's to you, old oal !' I did il
so mitral h it she knowi d me at once.
''I hose foim ! them voice ! that nalu al
stile- of doin thinoH 1 'lis he I' she eiied
j and l ii'-heil into my arms. Il w is too
tiuieli lor lier v. sue lell mlo a swoon, i
cum very near tswonndinp myself.
No more 1 day fioin yours for the Per
pel) a ion ol ihe Union, and ihe biingine;
nf the Goddess of Lib vy out of her pit-sent
bad Itv. A it i km Winn,
Unsuccessful Attempt to Capture
a Battery at Great Bethel.
Hai i'tMoitK.,J line 11. Hen. Hutler hav
ing leai nod lb it the rebel wne fortifying
a camp with i-tiong lotteries at (i.etit
lJ - b'l. tii ti i miles fioui 11 luititon, on the
Voik'on road, deemed iinecessiny lo
ilisloilg ihem.
Aeeo ilittgly, nn vemcnU were m ub
last niyht fioin l'oituss Motiioe ;i'id New
port News. Abi'U midnight V . l)ur
yiit's Ziuiavt's and Col. Tow user, d's Al
ii my K glment crossed ihe river at 11 un
ion, by means of six large baltiaux man
ned by the N ival Hiigide, and look up
the line of march.
The former were some two miles in ad
vance of the latter. A I. lh f-ime time
Col. H nd: x's reg'tnont and detachments
of tho Vi i monl aid Massachusetts regi
ments nn.l regulars at Newport moved
forwa d to firm a jutictio.i with tlie reg
ulars foul Fortress Monroe at I.i ile l!e
ihil, aSout 1 ti'f way between Hampton
nnd (iieat l'cthel. The , uiavts passed
L:ttle Bethel about -1 a m.
Col. l"iidix' leginu'nt arrived nnd
look i p a p' it'o'i tit ihe intersection ol
ihe roads. Nol ui.derftandiiig the signal,
ilm (ieiin.iii regiment in the darkness of
the ni.;lu, li -ed up ,n Col. Townsuid's
e luain. marchipo; in clo-e order, led by
Icut. Ibrder's son, and nid-dc-e.mip
(i iieial liiil'.er, wi b two pieces of aiiil-I.-iy.
O h r accounts sny thai Col. To.vn
send's reo;im( t fired lirs-t At all events
h fire of tb(. Albar y reoiai' nt wasb nni
1 -s, w bile that i f the fiermins w:is fatal.
l i 1 1 i ii jf one man, and wi un ling s"verely
two o hers, wi b Rivcrd other t-'lijibt rm
uali i -s- Tl Albany regiment lu inc,
b.a k of the Cr ruvms, di covered f oil
the a'cou'rrments h ft on the field, that
(he supposed nemy was a ffie-id.
They h'd in the meantime nine rounds
with smitll tt'-ms ind a f m ill fn-hl piece.
Th" -u ives beniirg ilu firing tin ned and
nisi firt'd npm he Albany boys.
At dstbr. ak 0 .1. Allen nnd Col. Ca
rey's liijht maved f'om (he rear of the
fortnss to surpirt tbe miin body-
Tbe mislake at Tii'tlo l'ethel havirg
brpn aseevta'ned. the buildings were
burned nnd a Mj r ''itli two prominent
S copsionists tkrn pii-oners.
The Iroops then ndvuiced upon Creat
IWhel, nut our three small pieces ol ar
tillery were unable to cpe wbh the heavy
rirl-d cannon of tl e enemy.
The rebel ba'tery wa( comjih'tely m;i4i
ed No men could be. sten, only the
flashing of the mini. There were prob
ab'y b'ss than 1 m)i men behind t'ie bat
teries of tho rebels.
A well concerted movement might have
seenvod the posi ion, but Hi ig idier-fj,me-ral
Fierce, who commanded the txpedi-
tion. appears lo have lost his presence
mind, and Hie I roy Kcgur.ent stood lor
h t'f an hour exposed lo a ga'ling lire.
when an order to ret n at was at list mven.
Lieut, firebble. of the U. S. Army.and
in command of llio nriiUcrv. was fir tick
bv a rannon ball and instantly killed
I To had spiked his gnu, and was gallantly
eudeavoiing to withdraw his command.
dipt, i ico. W. Wilson of tho Troy reg
iment, after the order to rein at was giv
en, took p is-ession of the gun and brought
it oil' tlie field v.ith the corpse (f the
Lieutenant. Both wire brought to Foit
ress Monroe this evening.
There are probtbly about ?.r kille I nnd
10') ot the I'ederil iroops wounded- otn.
:cr (liNtrves Hie gi-eau si ereuu ior
igd.g i-lt ihe killed and wounded.
Several of ihe Utter are no in Hie
ho pi: al h'-re. Cn at in lignation is man
ifested ho- hist Brigidier General Fierce.
It is not known 'now many were kil ed
or wounded in llio utiionunaie coins uu
of Federal iroops previous to marching
on Great Bethel. The loss was.l ot ver,
incons-iderable. The fire of ojr Irios
upi n ihe rebel b-ttt.'iy d d iippareiitly lit
tle execution, bang compis-d of small
field piec s aud Iiom aers ng otisl ihe ri
fled cannon of the rebtU. The attack
laated but half un hour, when iho retrebt
was bounded aud ex. tuled in goad order.
I'hi troop j ihruug.iout tl.ii tiying affair,
behaved well.
Tho estimated number killed w as about
SO. nnd I.H) wi uu led. M-j r Wimhrop,
ttid of Gen. Buder. and Ieut. Col. Gijn
mil i f the New York First R-gitutnt,
I aio mining. Amoogst tun soled a.e
Lieut. Gobble, oi (be V ArUHeiv.-
! lit Urack en the ught nJs of ih
foiehtad by a litbd C'ttinon bn'1, which ;
lore away the uppir p ut of the IiihJ.
Implements of Destruction.
Wvp 'its of oll'eiise ami defence now
oeou y unusu il at i lion, and i ivenuri
a'o all alwmk se l.i; g new iu diuuiiliis
of destruction or inijiiMV monts in thu
old. v muni ste-nm can, w icli w is
enptiir d ni 'h way Iiom
Unltimore to !
i he n titi camp a'. I lap' r a ferry
Ferry is vol 1
rotv-'idi n d of much pia.Mioiil value.
l ut
im cln iocs who have i xaniined it tl.irii a
t,,... r ... i. . . ,., ,, 1,r:,.i,1i :.
Vlli.i : ,i. ii,,,,;,,,, f i.ttn . ilV ,..
tiii'tijlil motii'ii whii.h would he elhic.iivc
wiih.n .hoit distances. Robert McC. it,
of New Y...k, who claims to be the or. !
irmil intinti.r if ih-3 ri t.tiifu A , un- !
Dickinson, who was taken with the Win-1
havi, i; sto'i n his idea and sold
ii ,0 vYin,s-ins tniilt one,tiille,in.T con- I
siherab v f.-m lint of Wmans, and ,mv I
f , . ni ; , ii .1, . ,...
mn-'ket balls n mi'e, at the rate of five
I Mtuf-cd n minute, and Mr, McCatty ssys j
it 'ai bi ma le to throw a thousand p.-r
minute. Iho bulls are dropped into a
r. p dl -revolvieg c l inb r, and are pto
! jei led through a gnu barrel allached.
i Th' ro can Iki no accuracy of aim wiib it;
i but the idea is that il will ino down regi
( tuents coming within its ia ge by the
: pel f ct situ m id' biti is ihion lioni it.
The whole instrunu'tit, w'uh tbe engine
attached, is of about (he bulk of a tdeum
! fire euione, and will need thru' or fair
horses to drag it al oat. If it should
prove Fervioeable, it is not likely to be
use 1 on the tio'il as much as in fortifica
tions and t nt reiiel.mi nts, for di fence
against close tt'sault. Mr. McCarly his
m ule a tw elve-poumb r on thetsanie prin
cip'e, which is said lo have succeided,
a jain-d the preuii'tions i f ihe mililai v n
gineers, and throws balls and si ells with
near'v to "at f c as cannon of th"
siinii' ca'ibre. Tin y hayo a steam gun i i
Wit cousin, invented by 1'iaper Stone
The inventor claims, that wiib a power of
"J, ( or It'ill pounds of steam, be can feud
a bullet half a mile that w'll ki 1 a m m.
The attention ol invi ntm s is nmv n.ucb
men to rilled and breeeli-'n ling cannon,
which are yet many d-green fr in petfec
! lion, lleorge A. lu lling of Concord, N.
II.. has mven'.ed a cannon, both itlleil
nn 1 breech-loading, which i believed to
liave'sonie pon' ive advantages over Oilier
ottns of the s art. The chamber f r the
charg.'has a Inndb- ata hmint and is
lifu d out and loaded, and then replaced
and faslened by a hfge druii'g n'tew.
l!y having a a I of ch inibers, from thice
to a dozen, no lime is hist in loading, and
the gun is discharged ih rnp;dly the
chambers can be changed. The arrange
ment is said to be more ii np!o and secure
than of most bre 'ch loa li.ig g ins. Thom
as T. M avail orr.oxb.uy 1 a - invented an
viN'Ui !ic cannon, w hu h loads, discbarges
nnd swabs itself, the iniiebineiy being
driven itlu r by t-term or hand power.
It is claimed thiitii is u'i.'i' ii precision
to the Annstio g gun, and pr.ieiic.il guu-lit-lSFpiak
wi ll id' it. The L ui lon Me
ihan'cs' M.igaz'ne in is's that in India
mid China the Arui.-troi g t'u.-i has disiip
j"i'ited expec a i m, an 1 tha' ihe French
tilled cannon are. to be pri fi irivl. The
Armstrong cun is ilamaged and disabled
much mare easily when hi by shot than
a- y other gun. Its gieai range and ac
curacy of ai'u v ill, laiivir, eaue il to
b retail, ed in f u tifi.'ati ins and on ship
loitd, btl' the general convie':0.1 is that
for li IJ si rvice ihe s:imll and li-jht French
rilled cannon are thu best g ins in ue
A new and rein ukvble wcap.in callul the
Giovanni Fianci mortar cannon, is an
nounced by ihe l'aris Moi.iieur del' Ar
in c as an i x ru udi.iary weapon ol war
It is of opeu work ihroti ;hinl iia entire
lerg b, a mortar foimiug its branch.
The cnmii'ii i i detached from ihe mm tar
fir tlie purpose nf loading, aid is very
easily detach d. H.-ing op n, it cannol
be In ated, and lln re i nothing lo chick
rapid ty of liiiag. One i f i s ii.ostimp r
t.fit ipi.diticH is fuili.y of iriii'Spori, us it
can be ttiki n in pieces. Th , l-'ritn h
( i jvi rnitieiil has appointed a Commi-sion
1 1 examine and report or. it. ,1. Wil-oti
of liinningham h is pa(ii''d an improved
wny of iiiakieg c a mm by a scii s of
tubes, hurt d and untied hue, which are
shrunk ou to each o her. The great
" Un'on" uun recently ea-t at I'ituOttig,
and n iw nearly fiuish-d i;
10 f.-ct Ion.
weighs "b tons, is i ill tl,
had wcighin.; 660 p u.id
Oi c!ed w iii be ptoi -cled it
aid cat lies
ch it is t x-
least tix mik s
p chaps seven or i ight.
The closer the toati it ling am i.-s are to
each o her, the more deadiy will be thu
ell'ec.t of all pr- ji'cile.s. 'I bus, aci o-ding
to D'An'oiii, a ."JJ-poiind hh'jt may pierce
a li'e ol seven y nr-n; a If! p nnd, a li!e
loity-eigli'; an H puin.l. a tile ol tony.
a 13 ounce, a tile of six-eon; a I ounce,
file of fo ir. if very close lo them, and
propelled by a certain d- grec of foive. A
hhell will piss through Irom three o live
men, and will kill or wound, by its splin'er-i,
from kix to liiuo. The dislauce and the
resistance nid ofcouise produce a great
vai in ion in the action of a'l th s mi .si let,,
and il is it markable what a Viiy unall
iiinor.ut reM-'a: cj will d. tl ct it-muket
bill fioniitscoiir.se. A man fur instance,
has been struck on the thr- at. aud ihe
ball inst' til of pas dug through the luck,
only p.i.errated the .km, peil. rming a
! complete uicle under Hie lutegu ueni,
and lodging clo-e lo wiu re it emeieu
.vnounrsmgiaria -iis me n u.ui m i a
J of blugs nr.d mu-ket ba'ls win n lodg- l in
souieoaits of'le bodt , nature P'ruiie'r a
- --'
lay i r around them lo protect t' e iur
roiindii g parts. M iny instances are oi
record ol men canying bullets thus tu
cysted for years wuhuui much p-tin or
The French Government has adopted
a new bajoi.tt Itis like ast.ahi tri.iu
gular swuid, deeply hollowed in ihe mid
ele, with two grooves an I a back under-
n- alh. The h tudlt- i of hi rn, oniuuu iit-
! ed v it It tdeel The uuil-et to which It lt
' lined ii lifhd, and the tan el ii not io
i long as the r i tl s no; utd by infiutry
j BohHeis. C.iiipensiion, liovt r, is
I male for their di:r.rer.. e by tho b-ouet,
wire . t j t,fc. .ui.c WDB. ..wr
mg n lisra.r.
I fr iU- r lubounttf r roller, which
in being put Id order t Philadelphia, at-
tiaets t,oniQ curiosity. It n made or boil-
r iion, tihnp d I le a c'g.ir, and is intend"
'id to lun under water and blow up or
t . . l- ti. .1 ! r ..-..
si u no vera' in. i no viiici si vrvb iuuui
it it the wppuratin for renewing the ir
wl ilo under water, end it in (aid it can
rim"in kubiwrtd fur twenty-four hours
ithout mi y danirer lo the inmatea. If it
answer the txpecta ioi s ol the icre&txr
u M prove an Ificient instrument lor
destroying a l.oslile fleet.
A Candid Canadian View.
we F , , ' 1?
";t defended Oraftor. in estern trg.n.a.
' '-J ,,nv,: fwi.ld without tiling n Kun.
1 hY n preparing tocvacuMo liar
ansoun. ttr7' wh' '.H 111 nn ulj
YUi'n' TUir c"U"e " R pood Ml
"e """v "B. l'!6t they
bnl Ti-nntate, Kentucky, MiFBiotin, Vu
Th! following article ii taken from lLt
Toronto Globe:
ginia aed Maryland wiiliin thi-ir grasp.-
To-dav Maivlurd and Missouri lie at the
feet of the North. Kentucky is neutral,
Tenn s?eo i being activdy canvapsed on
bihalf ol the Union, and Wt stern Virgin
! ia is formed into a sovertign and almost
fiee S ate. One month Pgo, the South-
em army were pn pared to march direct
ion Waihington, and even thrtattned
j lYnn?5 Ivania nnd Uarjland from liar-
p i's Ferry. To-lay they are content to
I take up defensive positions deep in tho
lit art ol Virginia, and are thieatened with
de.-lruc-ion by an overwhelming force.
, When a revolution does not go forward,
i it recedes. The retrograde, movement
from Harper's Ferry will inflict infinite
chimin on Jiff. Davis' nrmy. It will
di pi iso forever tin ir golden dreams of
compiest; it will reveal lo them that tiny
are about to undeitr.ke a weaiy, defensive
warfare, with straitened mians, sgninst
foices which they cannot cope with on
ii u al turns. When wc add lhat there
are hundreds of tiiou-ands in Virginia
watching tbe advance ol the U. S. forces
wiib j iv. eager lo re-establish the power
of the Federal (iovernnu nt, we cannot
Mipjo-e that iln'te will be any great dif
ficulty in a coniplishing that work. There
may bo .some fighlirg bifore IlicliD'ond;
but raw Virginian levie?, ill nrmed and
worse fed, if they lose heart in retreat
will to in di p 'ise to thin homes, nnd the
more S. u'hen.ly rtbcls will oil buck ou
iheirown S atis, (hn. Scott is a practi
cal (a Hun, and will dispense with light
ing if he can. By skillfully displaying his
forces In- may compel the submission of
Vi-ginit without striking a blow. We
presume that il will not be possible for the
Noiihern hoops to advance South of Vir
ginia during iho hot weather; but if that
State is coioiucied, the rest will follow ia
the fill. The pride of the South may be
hurt, but prub.ib'y a majority of the peo
ple v. ill deeUrc, r.fter the war is over,
Hint th y wire Union men all through,
and entirely disapproved of the doings of
Jiff. Dai,.
A Forgotten Hero.
Wbihi there ii a curious identity of
mime I elweni John Merry in an iu bonds
at Fort McIIeiiry, and the John Mvrry-
man imprisoned at (norgetown, a. L.,
there is a-i striking a contrast betw en the
I charges for w hich ihey are confined. The
j fornur was incarci rait d by tlie Govcrn
! mint ot (be United S ales, on atv allega
i i on i f conspiring for its overthrow ; tho
la: t r for a fidelity wholly unexpected in
j a community which bad boldly plunged
' into treason Faidiful among the faiih
i less ii is proper that the facts in regard
i to tlit S uih Carolina victim should not
be pern. i. ted to pass from the public
J din Mcrrym in was the Federal Col
lector of the pott of Georgetown, S. C,
at thu time of the. pas' age of the fieccs-
i sum ordinance. As a true min, be re-
fused to violate his official oath, or be-
come a party to the general treason. Ha
J dt dined to pay over to the S ate treasu
I ty the funds received nnd held by hini
i iii his capacity :n a United Spates officer,
J or !o make returns to the rebel Govern
! nient. On thecon'raiy. l e continued to
I t
' i t pert regularly to the Washington ireas
' wry,
lie s ood upon lis faith and duly as
jnu tflicer and his rights as a cuizeu of
I ibis Republic ; and for ibis he was, iu
j ln-t Feb i nary, si iz d by a Vigilance Com
I niiiiee, and, without trial, thrown into
' pii ou iu Georgetown. And this rupect
I able gentleman, accustomed to the couve
i tie nee s and eh gances of life, remainB a
piisoner in the common jtil. The hot
.season and ihe nek'y climate of George
town will pith ib!y shot tea the term of his
i iv, linemen!, and pave tlie authorities of
tiie S ate fri m tolving the difficulties of
j his ea.-e.
I The .-ituation of ibis faiiLfu! officer ,
i ihoug'i nijtoi ious for three months pust,
I seems not lJ h-ive coinuianded tlie atlen
i lion of tho G ivei nmeiit. If human agen
cies c .n ics to re nun to iiDcrty.iiiose agvn
eii s ihould be used to the utmost. His
'devotion to ollical duty and loyalty to
the t onuti u'.ion, should rot be permitted
to be ihe occasion of his perishing alone
and forgotten in prison. f N. Y.Timc.
American Affairs in England.
C. mon, ou Lui.
; ia.s cmnected wiih our Government, iu
EJI0,ut w,i;es from Londoii that he Lai
ur(.i;l,t.J 10,0. 0 Kt.Cold lilies and stv
, b u ( flyJ callli0n iPartof which
, U9 Wilj mill , with ljru. ile S,V4 thaf
not w itlist nnilirg- the tightness ot' motej
with the (i. federate States, their agents
have nioeteded in purchasing twottata
ers, lor whiih thi y paid J35),l)00.
These vobbtls, it spp. aii, are to tail for a
Southern poit under a British flig. and
registtrtd h piopeity of IJriiish owoere,
can) ing nothing contraband of war, lut
probably ss ballasi mertly. How ihcy
will be rect i vtd by our bhckudiog tquad
ron lemiias to btisern.
The largest domts ever made will be
those on the new building for tLe 13nglih
Fxlvbitioii of 1 662. TU J wi I Ixe no l.SS
thin 16u feet in Uiarotir. 1
New e'X'tti r to b maJs io Ir
vsliiUte the wii) of Fsfr Tiieri:k.
i Tin eMa:e is valued at SCCO.OOO,
2 -vi it. --..-

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