OCR Interpretation

The Weekly Perrysburg journal. [volume] (Perrysburg, O. [Ohio]) 1861-1???, June 20, 1861, Image 2

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026193/1861-06-20/ed-1/seq-2/

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iCctvnsibuvn journal.
J. HAH.1SY. Uditor.
Tim isoat, ji.m; so. isoi.
The War on the Union.
Saturday's Dispatches.
TV. news cor.ta:uiiHu tl.o d si av'.i s !
IV past ft 1v if W-vtlr r.csmo. h.
CutWt Uue, Weixothe pv
uUut oCtLc tuu imo on Groat lVOu. by
fieri. Tivn-v. on our t.r'
Tl-o roi'OVl
cf.iwrt Mfacl on tTt IV 'hi in rrtljrly
unfoimdvl. It i now ftnlr- , t'..i: 4 T'tv'.n
td If rrr kiUod--if V.t bcu LiVol 1
frieuds. oig tb lii)ii.i T of i". . It
is gtaJ that wbirf the rcN: it in
thori'y, in 'ir?;.cia. '. oji K;vn t! t
aftcs of ixtr-Mi ini xty urc fcioi1 into tiif
iKrTi.--. Thf npoi t rf tV.o i'.icu.'ition of
Harper's Ffrry io conf rvw-'. t!-. tfbrh hN
ing retreated nn .1 j-Mo.cd tboo n! M.nK!:i
Tuuction, vhcr Gm. Cruiurgaii in direct
ing operation and tltrcatons nn advam on
M'ahhington and Alexandria. Lord I.yotiS
baa ULrn blips to pet ltiitibh fiul.jccts out of
the relic! army. Tbo itbol have bni ned nil
the bridgon bntween beeMbnr and within
trn ujiles of Alex.nidriii, on (he country roads
and railroads. The Ion to the Govcrnnieiit
,id 15. & 0. 11. It. Co., by the destniction vi
buildinnH, bridfB, &c, t Itarpi r'R Ferry,
vlll reach near the sum of ?l.00i"i.cmft. The
X 1th repimrnt, Cul. Plndnmn, in inminrc on
to Piickhiinnon. Quile a nunibur of relnd
' t-i'inits mid ppics Lae In en t.ikt n priisoiieru.
An oi'dinuiico for the lioi'f.niiidliun of the
Yiiginia .Suto tiovcnmn i.t h.io boon ptc
srnlcd to tho Wheeling t'oinnition by.lohn
tailile. It declarer, tliat all ollicrrs api oint
rd by the Cnnvciitinii shall take an oa!h to
fitippnrt the Constitution of the l'tiited
Stales, and to sustain the ( lovcrnnn l.t or
daine 1 by it, xvhich shall constitute the Leg
islature of the Plate, and which rhall con
vene in Wheeling. It in thought tho Ordi
nance will bo adopted 011 Wcdiir.-ithiy. It
KeeiuM thai after pulling forth his tira.'iolia-
ble proelaiuation 011 Tuesday, calling out
!iO,(H)0 Slide troops to expel the tJoveri.lnciit
forces, Gov. .lackson hsHtily left St. Louis
for Jefferson City, tho Capital of Missouri,
and at once caused the destruction ot sever
al bridges after be had passed over them lo
prevent pursuit. Arriving at Jo'Verson City,
Jackson and Ii'ib confederates in treason col
lected nil the available rebels and put. oil"
for Roonvillc. or Little Itock, about one hun
dred inilrs up the Missouri river. Hut no
Kooner had Jackson left, (han lien. Lyon
tttartctl after him, followed by two regiiuenla
of well disciplined troops, and at the latest
advices (ion. Lyon was nut more than one
tiny behind tho rebel.
Monday's Dispatches.
To-da.v 's dic'pat.'hoti report the movements
of several regiments into Yiiginia from
"Washington, in anticipation of olVensivc
advances by the rebels. There is a gia.lual
eoneontratio'i nf Federal forces in ihe tliree
nf Fhill'pi'i. 'd. Sleediuait's regiment is
reported 10 have returned I ' Fhillippi. A
number of rilled cannon and t'nficld rilles
have been received from Ohm, for her men.
The Indiana Zouave:, are at Cumberland. an. I
bcotlls arc active. Col. Kelb-y is improving
faiit. i0.)0 rid. els are reported at Mountain
tlap; they also occupy lluitonvillc and llo
verly. An attack on Fhillippi is expected,
and unusual activity prevails in conso
ip.ienee. Fight regiments of Illinois troops
are to be stationed within two hour's man h
f S'. Louis, four at l'ellville. four al IVsey
ville and four at 1,'uinoy. The secessionists
have full sway in all the counties along bolh
idiles of the Missouri river, from the Kansas
border to Iooiicvil!c, at which place the
rebels are concentrating, and making active
preparations for a light. t!ov. Jackson hav
ing declared war against the Federal (!ov-
ormueiit.the Missouri rebels have couimenc-
id the work of destroying bridges, Sro. A
dispatch slates that Col. boernsle.n's ngi-
mcnt is now occupying JellVrson Cty. ami
thatsever.il tons of sheet lead and a large
quatitity of potatoes and bacon have been
as contraband. The lead will be re-
tun.e.l to Uio reln-ls ,n small tpianuues.--
n-l - 11 M...I I ' 1 1 1 1 1....
j lie iiau.ttuai nun . .. nt on iuiio'ihi
1(10 miles from the latter place is now guart
oil by Iow a troops(and the
been taken possession of t
m oiiiot : v cs hat c
. lo I II tilt III !'i :!
tailing into rebel hands.
Tuesday's Dispatches.
The cvacution of Harper's Ferry b is been
confirmed regularly cvciy .lav, since Friday
last, aiid tve suppose we can now rest as
mired that it is really tl fact. It is staled
that the i t bids have retired toward Manas
sas (Jap, at which place and Winchester ii
is sui'iH.sed they will make a stand. Ki oil
forn inents id rebels tiro rcporleil at l it'.i tax
Court House, which is about 1 fi miles fmm
"Washington. (leu. Patterson's Pit isiou is
reported to bo m possession lit I larpoi
Ferry, and Col. Lauder has gone with live
regiliientK to dislodge the rebels at Winches-
tor. The Federal troops arc also being eon-
cculiatetl in Eastern Virginia, and if il.no
is not a big run soon, we may expect to htsr
of a tight. The whole line of the P. 0. 11
R., xvill now HiK.n be in possession of our
troops, xvbieh will greatly facilitate
movement of our forces; and large bodies
men from Pennsylvania!!, intended to act a-
gainst Harper's Ferry, can now be thrown
rapidly into Virginia, to co-operate with our
forces already there. Ureal activity eon-
tinues iu Western Virginia. oOOO rebels
Cheat Mountain Gap, xyill soott be attacked.
Our men are well provided with l ill. d can-
lion, Enfield rilles and ammunition, and will
undoubtedly render a good account of them
eclvcB. The Indiana Zoiiitves are nil at I'uiii
l erlaild. Tho big gun at the Rip Raps,
the rotomac, works admirably, and is within
range of Sownll ' Point, the distance be
ing threo miles. About a half dozeu shells
wcro thrown in that direction, two ot whicii
bursteti directly over the batteries, when
Uio rcbcla run up it white Hag. From Mi
fcouri w continue to have stirring news.
The Federal force are moving rapidly, and
wo mav Koon exoeet to bear of a tb-l.t or
creat foot race in that State. A dispatch
'announces another toV.ioion bet wren the
Federal troops and thj rebels cf St. Louis.
As a regiment of troops were passing the
Kecordtr's Coui t, a captain of one of the
. rompKnitis vaa Bhot iu the shoulder by
reljel, from an upper xviudow, when be or
dered the soldicra to firo on tbiv buiiding.--The
result Vfot tho dewih of 8 citizens, with
several wounded. '
ItiyVcgteTD Viiginift hd pass- .1 tie I'r
tiirtiou fur StaW reorgaulzation.
Tuesday's Dispatches. Ohio Regiments.
The Ohio regiment luurteied into i-Talo
scrt'eo ara ilifuibiited. a follows: Four-
twcth, Col.Stooe'rnan.at Pir"kannon,bpcoJ
rhi'.'.iril. Vhpiuiii; TiOor.th. Colonel An
rtrvM. ut Grtbm 'd V'h ; s.xteer.tlv 1
ColoM lixir.c. mi t..-i mi ml PhdltpviV
mm ( i,ioe:i;h. Col. ( i.i.i-.'-'I. in osni.piit n
x ;'.., i.t.dx to ;v.v.-cr", V'f ,i"",i.i.h. Col-Man
lrx . fuir..r?; .f urinvio bftx'rvt, aisoi.
' I'-afux;, ,ren eritn. t ,1 .Vautty.
'"';i!;r; T.-'.t:ctb. . M. w,pn; "?
irinvt'l I-!. ren Fai scia
'T-crt -J-tt. 1.M .rotton. lit l.i . j oi;
'T,ri.f--"'-,-pd. (.. (riii-'iri. il trt.i.c;-
bnvr. ''' " en l'-Tiier.!, Mllio.'. 'od t-: p
rd t hA fx'jX li- of In-" . nrr '1 V l ur
nt.lf V tt rcrl :1 C.c'.Ui.V ..ors ns Man t
ue.a ;-l of tblfo niPnU-. ''hio clunii
l'on iv.ipoi i.tnt feii. i i Vii.u.a, wh lo
tw.i a-.o veil pr H lor .v-l.e n- rxire.
owe of which if- ou duty on ihe front "er.
Tlicne f.fls irfuie the ii.vupcr rumor
that Ohio lias but tvn regiirtei.tH in the Hel l
at uuio lias mil ivti rt'gnuci.is mi tne i,ei i.
fart, on Saturday last aim had ton, but
o of vthirh (.First anl !ocoud.) however,
ha? hern mupk'ioil into tJ Tnitd Ht.itoM
eerviec. In nddition to the nil o ftnt rop-i-mrnt
of infnntry, lianclt'n battel y of light
aitillerv, which cent the rebel on a race t
Fhillippi. should be nioiil'onc l. It ban r'n
guns, and is thoroughly equipped lit t'.a
S;:i(e pxpi-iii.c.
The Plans of Gen. Scott.
With refrrcnee to tho pj.ir.s of t'.ic veter
an liiinrriil i -oll. ntui 1 in pern" w.iiiiu
wln'rh he experts lo liui-di the clunpaign
against ihe rebels, Ihe Ihllfilo .'i)VS. lie
clai os that it lias positive knowledge of jiii
inln iov. U tv.-i :-en linn, .'m hnvlrr Colfax and
(iriicial Soott, soiii'hl b Ihe (nrnier fi r the
purpose n urging, as the unnniiimns ue.-nre
of the North-west, a more vigorous pros.-.
oution of w ar ineii.-'iri'a, with n-, ens helming 1
forces, to render the derision nl the onnlest :
.piiok and deeisixe. To assure Mr. Colfax, '
and ciiable him I'itmi lu-rxnnal knowledgo to ,
pacify and content the eager and impatient ;
whose feelings he represented, (!en.
laid before him und fully explained ihe j
plana which he had matured for the cam-
""S"- oax wa.s . '.a, nuiHuen w nu .
liMl.rilile corlainl v nl Hie results wiucn
the n eat viVer.in earnpai'Mier tlruion-1
s'rate 1 before him, confessed with rever
ence, his conviction that the cause of the
t'uion was safe biyond pcvadvrnlir.o or pos
sibility in the handii of Jen. Scol I, and went
away from his presence assured that the
people have only to v;i.il with patience for
the inevitable triumph over treason and re
bellion w hich they are so eiger to consummate.
The Great Bethel Affair.
That the Federal In. is at (ileal bethel was
not gi eater, is accounted for by the fact
that when iiur soldiers saw the. cnemv were
to lire, they fell upon the ground, loaded
ihcir pio'-es, and springing up :u soon as ,
the opposing gnus were discharged, fired !
and fell dnwn ic'ain. The eneinv'.'i batter-!
ies we. o ihm! !y si'.. ma d, and
been to!;. 11, but the : is
woiild have
' l'i ping thill
was exhausted,
Thev retreated
the :.:.i!iiii'.i!'i.u .1' ..;ir n
c iinpciie.i ihrm fo relit
;n the : ' 1 of a building, which in a me. is-
in v pi .te. ted thein. Two olli. t r. : of the
reginieiil have reoigiieil, rclusiiig
; longer to serve under a (leiieiid so niauil'es-!
jtly incoinpeleiit as l Ion. l'ricc. (MVioors say
thai, had ii single rcgimt nt made a Hank
i movement, the rebel batteries enuld have;
I been can id.
The Baltimore Rebels.
:i1;ivshH ,-,. I,,,,,,.;,,,, ,etu, us in the case
f M ov r v ,n:l , , w;lU ,.,. ,lXllWi..l intent, of
.- ,im .,. Lrought into
; Vt)m t Auvmff t,(,M, 1(.10,, mi.n wpn, soMU,
: f MnR p,-,,,,.!,,,.,,! . ()f ,10 v, who,
i , onli.irv ,in)1.rtf wxM ulve senrnod be
ttc.i7.ed j ...M.,xt KM(.U ,.,,mp,iv." That, no
The rebels in l'.tltimoro are si ill disposed
lo be troublesome, and nrnmnt measures w ill
have In be used to prevent disliu bailee of
Ihe public pi ice. A letter from that city
says that there w ere not h-ss than 1"'0 men,
armed lo the 0 cth. in the Coin t-t mini, mi the
w.w ,ho u, Tu f;,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,
... .
... i t.... ,, i u.iiih. nl I
men " v el.
so " prominent
Troops Leaving.
The Slate .hnni'i! learns that thirty-live
car loads of throe tumiths Vnlu.itceis left
Canqi Pi unison last Saturday for iheii hoiut s
o i In rb mi' !. . which i xteuds to the time thev
shall be mustered out cf service or reqitir-
od to take the field. This is a v iilual dis
charge. None of tltc.se men will hai.lly be
; c .tiled upon to serve again as three mouths
soldiers. Had a proper exertion been made
( f,,,,,, ,, ,;, t110l y(,.,ls ,.,,lisimont
i,,,,,.;,,,, Was first broached, the services of
a majority of those discharged volunteers
, 1;irl j ;1ji j ,1 .-x .I ; tv-. have been seem ed
,,. ,i. As it is.'hundreds of g,..., pu-
, ,, 1,,,. W(.q .l. rjK'iI. w ill be displaced
lV ,..W r.erniis,
' . . .
Tennessee Gone.
thojuion by a large majority. The exact
of ; uiajnritt of course is not given, nor never
j will be. The people in the Eastern part
the Stale gave a majority of from ten tn til"-,
j teen thousand for the Union; but uotw ith-
Islanding this we suppose they will be fore
at iod to succumb to the disuiiionists, or have.
Coercion to preserve the Union and sustain
j the Constitution and the law s, is a hoirihle
jibing with traitors, but coercion and that
Aco.rdii.g to the srci:ssi.in journals al
Memphis, Tennessee has pine nut of the C-
the iimst terrible sort to maintain ihe icbcl
liou, is jiif,t what they delight in.
Negro Stampede.
The llarrisburg ctn respmidci.t nfthe New
York tribune, under date of June llh.stntis
that over one hundred fugitives from labor,
from tlie neighborhond nf Winchester, ar
rived thereon Wednesday and Thursday
nights. They x iy that noailempt is made
arrest runaway slavis, and the mnuulains
Yirginia are full. The last arrivals were
' v ""1"J l'1'1'1. 1,;ivi":' l"' on the r ,
ten days. I hey were supplied with pro
visions, and sent on their way rejoicing
ward tho promised land - Canada.
The Fourth at Richmond.
It is reported that General Huiler has ac
c p:c 1 an invitation to deliver an oration
Re-'jirmud ou the Fourth of July. Whether
hit own vo vtl organ,, is not U.ed , but the
oiHtum will no doubt be h good oae.
wiiiohcvir method he chooses.
I... - Ml .i.. :. ... ,i. . .i
oortltiil and emphatic in her expres
people Minns, lbmsia is very hostile to the Hcbol
Scolt )i,)n, and Kngland is gradually coining round
to the right side.
.... ... . ... ..... ,1.-
presented w ith a beautiful stand of eolois
by Ihe citizens of Mariolta. The proseula
Alb.ihv inn speaeh w as ma le by John M. Wood-
al i
F-?'Pav id T.itl.i, Km)., ut Defiance, lias
brill appointed Paymaster in t lie Ai my.
SviV'Tlio rd t In outht r bo liandv villi
r fed cv'-i.Mii t'lfv urc vtiy rxpcit in th
II . '1 . ', I ..4 " l.in.i
Hurry ih.'v rceer I. t'ofii.-t th.it "ro
O.l M l V mi, i., i.(,,T o'l' IMiiU'F.
r' 'a frnr ly s-'a-.rt o-:n nt :!! in
Y j" , ri i( r? t ;r..al 1 M It v.i 10,0''ii
1 ?.'.'( . 1.1-' tv--"4:iOil JMi'.'lS !! I'll!
;'.: i lie ( ri tor a! J ;in ilie Inn net
f -d ii i I'om i r.rr i r.l. that ll "' i h'i'ii rnt of
pi A!'i-f! to the bol' .- of '1 , l.llfiin i lul l
hei'i fl-'VI e !.
!, T'i i v..in-,i
i,ii.lii'r nesily all th
eld 1oiiK wear tin Ntiinal chIoih, i rd.
vhiu-. and 1
white oo.iIk.
i.e: iad luces, blue noaes mid
I The 'ios ri niia-nt l-n rinolved to re-!
ieixc any new tc not'i that xvill como to
H iisriiiipfon. tMiriner iney iinxe mate an-
or uot.
to-.i.. - - -
1'ice arc nut bn tlmn f.COO unemployed
"cproes in Kirlimon.l. UmIshosh generally
Rtfjllie H.cnniona i-.XHiniiiir says mai
in at a stand si ill.
Bffi Stephen A. Douglat. al the t!meof his
,!...,!. ,. .0 I ft 't I m.o.lVi ...i.l 111
ii. mil, nun j v .., a iiiviiiii i.i... 1 .,
nld having
been born at Fiat n. Ycr-;
111. .1 111 ...i. iri.
... ...1 i . ..: n'i li 'i
r.d.Mr. R,.B1ir,.!r.,rH. wife of tho rebel
linn ral. is in Now York city, n:.d on Fri-
dai ni'. hl attended serxice nt Henry Ward
bsaciii't V church, in company v. itlia mem-
of tut: Ni'tv Yolk preKS.
Rij.riivn. l.t on and Col. Flair, on tlie 1 1 th
mst.. 111 11 c-inl' -reiioe wnii
.nf. reiior with the ( ovoi nor
and (iou. l'ricc, irfused to remove the Fed
eral troops fmlU Missnlil i, on the enudition
of ihe d sluill Inn-lit nf Ihe State I'mtey.
l.V'.X.Thc p;i!r!utic military of Cumiiorl iiid
hate been gii.irdiii Hie railroad bridges a-
, , , ,,. ,-,.,, w,,k '(). ,.,vo
i,,ry ,,, U, ni.r essentials
,.,, 1.. ,.-. (!u- n t.el ineendiaries a
ovarii) reception.
fV'Tiie foreign relaiioiis tif our (iovori
im.M t are looking better.
France is m1
1 ..c v .m ......... ,.. B
rilling HI mo iiiuskcih nv .iues nreen not.
for our State volunteers, is now rapidly
progressing. The muskets, when they al
tered, are found to operate almost as well
as the famous imported rilles, while the
oust of transforming cnmparlively xvorth
less musket into uu cHiclctd arm, is only
four dollars.
8f.i,The custom-house at Atlanta, (In., has
been abolished. This is in consequence of
the admission of Tennessee into the Confed-
orate States. Custiiin-honses will be estab-,
lished in Tennessee, and cusiom-house oft-
cers placo'lall along tlio southern lionlcr;
ot K.intucky.
B'r.jy'Tlie tiecuiiation of xv estern Virginia
bv the Federal forces, according lo tho
,, . ,, .. .. ,,
sj'i't 1.11 11 is m 1 1 new iii tin- t 11.1 iiiiui 11 initrnr
from Oration, is having a most happy c licet
Strong Union sentiment is being developed
in ovorv .liioel'ii.n nnd tlio h.to.it 1. .volte cf
the people brought to liuht.
liyl'revioim (,o embarking for Talkers
burgh, the Foui leenlh Ohio Regiment w as
,ridge, and was appropriately responded
lo by Col. Slcedman, cnnimaiider of I lie
JC' Oen. Scott is beyond all question tin
best tailor in the Union, lie has rut out
the rebels n( Washington, hemmed them in
at Harper's Ferry, and run them togetht r
nt Mannsnes (lap. Ho is about ready to
bast Ihem at Norfolk, fell tlieitl down al
Kieliinoiiil, ami it nothing else will answer,
generally rip them lo pieces elsevvere,
fii.'y"Tho National Inlolligoneer has pub
lished loiters from Judge Marshall. (Iov.
Win. II. Pavie. and Judge Iredell, nf Nm lli
Camliii-i, written in llli!'. showing that de
signs to tiverlhrow the (lovernnient then
existed, and that the determination of
many of the seceded States then was to
crush out the movement as a rebellion.
8iy-Thc Cirantl Jurv for the United Stales
Eastern District of Fennsvlvania have re-
, , M,n mA provision
1 ' 1
frauds, that they are ootifideut gross out
rages have been pcrpclralcd, but Ihat (hey
nave lieen so will ciivorea up as to rentier
il impossible to separate guilty from inno
cent parlies. They therefore ' ask to be
I'r.V.Thc Charleston Mercury of the Hilt
states that the privateer Savannah, was cap
lured by the brig Perry. The crew, thirty
in number, were Ir.insfcrrc 1 to the Minne
sota, and the privateer selit to New York.
If the men nre hung, the Mercury calls on
on Jeff. Pavis to retaliate. 1 1 also complains
that trail.. is in the harbnr aro in the habit
of siipplt ing provisiniis to the blockading
licet. ' '
tVJ,.. George Mol.ellen, of Peniisylv;tui;,
who was appointed Major General of the
Western volunteers and al'lervv;irds Major
General of the regular armv, by the Presi-
i . , :, : l ... . i ii .i
tent, it is said nut-ranks al other general,
,. , , "7
dlicers, a,,.! will be ( ommander-in Chiel
ihe Uuitcil Slates tvrn.v.'in the event of the
neaiii ni i.ieui. uen. r-cnit, insiean ol in
Wind, lie is not much over 'ill years
Bf-n.The sending black fugitive slaves
their masters, bv armv olliecrs, in severelv
. . . " ' ,, ' , . .
con. It iniied bv inanv. 1 lie t alunet, it
sani, w in not rcgai il them its cnntruhami
properly, and hence no more xv ill be recci-,
fed bv the armv. This looks like a back-
w ard step to conciliate, traitors, professing
I.v.liiv XI- tl, ,. i.l '
lot. .hit. Ml. Adams expressed the opinion,
maiiv vein s ;tgo, that in time id" civil tv
that tho (iov ci on. ci
'lit possessed the power
ille Jjunml says the ex-
to libi rnlc litem.
t.The I.ouisv
ol liitalit pi iocs paid for the provisions
cciitly taken by railroad from that point
South may be guessed at from the
inordinary rates at which the dealers there
i i .i . ii
h ive paid the tvaiiucts and driivnmn
' '
taking trelghls to the depot. Last week
one di .ivman Willi one dray earned upwards
of foily dollars in a single da v. Think of
dc.i.eis get such prices (torn
t .......... .1 1 n ...
il set n. s, to pay this niouslii'tis rate to duty
men; thou consider now leailul intlsl be
out In the Southei n consumers.
V.rTVs w , ,k set ins to be the ap.poi.i.ed
. .
" -.....-..o.. ...v,,v.... ..r,......-,
Kebils ot iiyima. When lien. Paitersou
LiLi'i. I lariier's Fei t-v till luiliiuil 'iiiliu,i
ton will bo safe, and his column will
p,hed into irgini in the direction
j ,.,,,. TIilJ liu,vcnienl successful,
! tJ. .idvance into Eastern Virginia, wiil
jdaco in three columns.
A Matter fo History—Last Appearance
of Senator Douglas in Public
—His Reception at Chicago—The Words
of a True Patriot.
pru,iej ni liltii ol ftoM. let il lie cit-thi-r'.ty
! pravod nj..m ih.: t tbict of every patriotic
Vimtor Pontrli.tt t cached Chicago on tho
lt of Mav. Ho Mas received a( the (burnt,
coihlui to.l 1 N uiotixl Mall, wIhto (iii
.t-i . i t . .1. 1 1 , 1
II, io he ma ,i' t.ii" la:.l i! Inn li'
I'ri'i'ii c
I '' illla'i'fl,
l iii; if! in u': t
!i i . f ii!'.' -I in ! '.villi, en-, til th:!'
cv r,!. Ail ii nint'fr of
a nvpi'T'i'l I 1 '''a iicj mt'l
liiHMrv, and h i
i.i.iteinaii that will p,i.i.. into l;t.-,t"iy, and
prox e far more iii.hirin;r tlmn mi.i!.vn;ent of
iron, or Htone, or n uhle, we ri pn d ire hi
pa .i in I it: .! li ri a iii e nil I hat or en..' mi. Thirt
la.'.l tipeeolj nf tin- I ntienh'd i taK'snvm w ill
be rond and a lmii ri by pntnotrt lini I'hh
Ccnei al ion nhall h ive pat-ai-d away, even to
the end of tinio. I( irt v.orthv nf a ll:i;'c
nlonpiide the i,ie.t important iitteraneeii of!
Ainetican rttaieMnri'. It deport en to be'
v,iil nut euii.-e:il uratifiiMlioii at the un
her ; controvertible tot this vast uu licnce pre-
. Fonts that what publics! dill'orer.ees on
bled tlmusauds that so far as the Constitu
r 1 tioual righls ol the Southern Suites. I will
." !
to, and the war must bo prosecuted in a iiiau
tl.e nor recognized by Christian nations.
.... U '.' Mn1 illV'"l' consi itutioiial rights,
Ihe innocent must ind suffer, nor women
or .. , t i-i tl. i . ,- ".
a.i't t lul. Iron l.e too t n tim. Sax ;iges n'.usl
not be let loose. Pen v. bile I sanctum
, war mi tho rights'ot tt!iers. vvill implore
it. ! "IV countrymen IMt tll .iy down their tin,
Mr. t"n vii'.man : I thank t un lor the kind
txriDH in which yon have been pleai-rd In
welt-ome me. I tiianlc tlir roinmit.'oo aiul
citi.enn of t'hira;rn I'nr this "rand and mi
ming reception. 1 bog you in behove that
ill nol ilo vnii nor mynolt the inniMicr to
i 1 . , . . . .
ii.il in v.i 1 n 1 .1 111. . .11.1. 11. iii 111 .11 1. .11 is 1 u . .1 ,.. 1
homa-e In nival-! f. I reioi,-.- In ktiotv iiiat il
cxpreKM-s y..ur dcvotioii to the Cmistitiitiim,
the I'nion, and the Hag nf our couutrv.
U'! rs.l
pany ipio.oii,,;e, uia v nave ttivitn.-i us, yet
you an iia-i a convict, on :n:u wnen loo co'in
I try should be in rt.inger. my lot illy could
! lio relio-l on. TSrtl t It n nro.-i. -nl ilano-or
iiiiiiliiient, 110 uian can conceal. If wii- must
come if the LayniK't must be Used tn
maintain the Constitution 1 can say before
Hod my conscience is clean. I have strug
. gird long f'jr a poieeful solution of the dif
: licully. I have nol only teudercl those
Slates what v:n theirs of rij-ht. but 1 have
gone tn tiio very extreme nf magnanimity.
Tin- return wo receive is war. armies
" v ...,..u, , .,.,
1.:.... .... ...... ..1 i ' 1
.c.ugeis in iitii n;i ign 1 nil., ic llci 01 itittiipie
lo invite pirates to prey upon our euuiiueree,
a concerted movement to blot out the l'tiited
Stales ol America I mm tho map ot tin
globe. The question is, Are we to main
tain the country of our fathers, or allow it
to be stricken down bv those who, when
thev can no longer govern, threaten to de
stroy ?
What cause, what excuse do diHimionists
give us for breaking up the best (loveni
menl on which the sun nf heaven ever shod
its rays? They are dissatisfied with the
result of a Fresidential election. Hid thev
never get beat'Mi lielore ? Are we to resort
to the sword when we get defeated at the '
ballot box .' I uiidt-rstand it that the voice !
of the people expressed in Ihe mode ap- '
pointed I iy the ( oiis'ntutuin must ennmi ind !
the obedient
every otti.on. I hey as-
Kinc. on the election of a particular caudi-:
I'ltli til-it ll.lbll' 1'lt.llt .1111 11. it u-til 111 111.-.
i-,-.',, ii,'.., ,.:.T ...... '1 . ,1. ! ,
What evidence do they present nf
I tb'i'v anv
1 shove anv act on ,
1 . , , ..
w inch it is Paso'l. hat act lias lieeii oniil-
ted lo be thme ? I appeal to these assem
say tin; Constitutional rights of slave-holders
are concerned, inching has been done nnd
nothing until l-d of which thev
can complain.
There hits never bee
11 lime, 1 i mi tin
that Washing!,
itlenl nl the U
;: w as inaugurated Iiist. 1
ile I States, when the ri
of ihe Southern Slates st.m.l tinner under
1 1n- laws of the land than they do now ;
there never was a lino' when r.iey h id lml
nn go'id a cause for disunion as limy have
In-. lav. What goo. I cause have they now,
thai has not oxi.-led under every "Adminis
tration ?
If they say the Territorial question now
for ihe lirs! time, there is im act of Congress
. inhibiting Slavery any where. If it be the
iioii-ciiforci'ineiit of the laws, the only com
plaints Ihat 1 have heard have been of the
too vigorous and faithful fullilhneni of Ihe
ihe I'll ;ili e Slave Law. I'lu iiw hat reason
have they '.'
The Slavery question is a mere excuse.---Tho
election of Lincoln is a mere pietoxt.
The present secession uiovemeiit is the re
sult of an enormous conspiracy formed umro
than a year since, f.iruo .l by leaders in Ihe
Southern Confederacy more iliau twelve
mo itlis ago.
'I'liev it.-.'.' tin: Slavery ipu .,ii.ei as ii means
In aid the aeconipli.-dnia'iil of t heir cutis. -
They desired the electa ei of a Northern can
didate by a sectional vole in order to show
that the I wo set-linns cannot live together.
When the history of the two vears, from
tne J.oeoiii 'toll i nailer nowu lo I lie la o
1 Prcsideulie.i election, shall be written, il w ill
be show n that l ie s. heme was deliberately
made to break up this Uni.m.
I liev desirc.l a Nol llicrn Ki'ptiblican lo be
eh'eied by a purely Norlheili voie.and then
assign this fact as a reason why the sections
may not longer live together. If the Pis-1
union candidate in the laic Presidential con
test had carried the united Smith, their
scheme was, the Nnrtheru candidate sue
cessfiil. to se;-.e the Caldtal last Snriii''. and
' by an united South and divided North, hold
1 it- Thai scheme w:,s defeated in the detent
ol l:tc Ibsnuiou candidate ni set end nt the
Southern Slates.
but litis is lui time for il detail td' causes.
The conspiracy is i..,w known. i mies have
been raised. War is levied to accomplish
There are only two sidi s t.i Ihe queiloii.
livery man must be for the United Sta'es
against it. 'I'lo re can be no neutrals iu ibis
war, lO'y iW .'- - . traitor.
Thank (iod. Illiiois is not divided on this
q lies 1 ion. Cheers. I know they expected
lo present an united South against a divided
North. They hoped in the Northern States.
partv i',iesuont; won . nring civ I war in
! i, . . .. , r i .
tw t'cn Pcmnciiitsiiud P. 'publicans, when tin
Sl,iu, Wl,,; hIvj, ia l.(,lll.,J)
one part v to coiuiuer anoiio r. and llicn make
an easy prey ol tlio vu lnrs. I iieir sclu nic
w as cai liage and civil war i:t the Not 111.
There is but one xv.iy to delcat this.
Illinois it is being so ii, catcd by r' .-;)-; n
r""' -'''. Yo' ''Vm U" bVv'!'""1
our own soil. hi.e tl.cvo was a lmpe
i ... w i. .- .
noc or comjiromise Ui maintiiiu it.
Put when
the question collies of war in the cotton
fields of the South or the corn fields of llli-
now 1 ..., il.., .... il...,- .or i.........
i t: ,,',,.t , ,, t ',.,,.,,
"e c. unot iltise to r eyes tt, lite sad and
solemn tact thai war .Iocs exist. The Gov-
: eminent must bo lnaim.tii.cd, its enemies
oterthrnwn, and the more stupendous
! preparations tho less the bloodshed, and
'i, ., ,t , i. , .
'" ''-''.' -" ggl but wo must ro.uem-
ner cei lain rcsinouls on our actions even
time of tear. We are a rlo-i-iion neonlii
it ' ' ', ,M,,,"W ".' ,"s "' 1 1 ecgliizo'i i neers
I I . ' ,,............
. 1 tie l . 1 1 : S I 1 1 1 1 1 o l I .U .. .fi,-.-.
1 il. j;iiani!.lees
ui ready to enforce
o the l.u-t cxiclil,
our on tin gn;, aisl 1 am
- 1 that inalienable l ight I
e recogic.e .secession. Reeo-ni.e il once
'and vou have not tuily dissolved Govern-'
! T.u.u-l )T v ."Vf
! nptui nod the louiideCons ot son. It.
j Uitvo iii.iiigiiratetl unarehv in Us worst fornt
and will slnuilv
I w ill shortly i xnerience nil llto l.orrni
tl... r.o . I- . ' '. 1
tin. 1 lent Ii bet obit. on. .
men tve lt.it e a solemn duty to maintain
- . I V1
.. .i vt ii.-xM- ii Koienin Ul'iv to maintain
the Government. The creator our unanim
itv tlie speedier the day of peace.
h ive prejudices to overcome, from Ihe
short ii.nntlia mio.-. . i" K .J
snort montl.s si i. c . a Hero pai tv conies:,
l et these must, be alloyed. Let us lay aside
fill rl iiiiinulliyl:.-! and l : riiiiii.atiolj.i aa to tilt
uripiii fl tliom.' ditllouilirx. VVInn we nhnll
Imve again u I'ountr'y ,wih the United Staton
(luff floating oviT it, arid r'i'icti-d on rvory
Incli of Aiiu'fii'an Hoil, it will tln'ii bo tinif
I'liniijili to a di who Mini what lil'Milit nil
t!i;a u ci!i iiH.
1 hac nai l niciiv than 1 hit''nd'd to "ay.
jCj-ici ut' " (jo uii.'j It h (i ivid t.ak I i dis-
qi'.i'stioiiH ho fi-a'Tul hh civil whv ; but
ni l as il in. Miio.lv a, i.l a. disaali'iim 1
... . t
lll IK', I I XPK'rifl It iH 111 V (OIIVlL
timi l.i'lnro (iod, Ihal il. !h the dill v' of evei v ,
Atiieririn oili'.en (. rally alound t!lo Ha- ufl
iiH i.'i.u.iliv.
1 thank vi.il iiiain for this luanilicoiit do-
inoiluli ation. 1V it x'n'l hiiow you Inn e laid
aside piti lv nl r ili-. Illinnirt han a j Inllil po
sitinn. biiitod, firm, deleriiiined i.tvir I i
iM'i iuii loo i iiivei miio
l'lnloii;',e 1 ehrerin:,'. j
Ti iuit loo I iiivei niiii iit to i.e i1fM(rivoii,
At I ho clime of hiri luIdresH, nine cheers
were ;;iven to Mr. lo'i;rl:u, w ho m iis esenrt-
od I
h'.n huh 1 bv Ihe I'omtnittee.
The Union Loan.
I he State Journal contains nn advertise-
lueiil tVoni the (.'oiumissioners uf the .Sinking
'iind for n hmn of S.'J(l(in,OIH) on ti per cent, i
. . . I
Hinds nf S-IOO earh and upxvnrtls; inleiest
p.tyablo si'mi-annually. and the bonds to be
hec nl laxiition. I!:i.N will lie rcccivetl un
til tin- that of July.
Alteration of the Tariff.
It i.-s f lalcd that u'l'tuninitti-e of New V01 k
Merchants, to w hum Mr. Chase, Secretary nf
the Treasury, referred for nth ice nil tin- re
vision of the tariff, have roeoinmonih-d a
il.it v on tea, both black und
.1 ten
ceutM per poiMid; nn i i.llei. tin or ei-iils per
iotud and 011 s:i;ar two nnd a half cenH
1 . 1 ' -. o 1
p.T pound and it is very geneiallv l.e-
lieved in mercantile circles that this revised
birill' will go into 0
,y (, , il I' 1 f 1
just next.
European News.
The Arabia, which arrived oil' Halifax mi
the I llli iiist.. furnishes tin- intelligence
that Kngland is disposed to qualify her re.
cognition of tho secessionists as belliger
ents. She has forbidden their privalcors to
bring prizes into her ports. France is to en
force a. regulation which amounts tn nearly
(he same thing. All privateers are prohib
ited from remaining over tvveiitv-fonr hours.
in any harbor in the Emperor's dominions
It is statvd, also, that the declaration of the
Paris Conference is to be siibmilied to our
Mr. Clay's Letter.
Hon. C. M, Clay has written to the Lon
don Tilting on tho subject of American af-
fairs in brief ami decisive terms. He Favs
t,R1 ruvotu.i rfutlM (,, l su,, . ,1;Uit
. , , , , . , , , .
'ml proposed to subjugate -them, but sim-
pie lo put ttown rebel citizens; tlial it is tor
the infere.!t ol Emrlaud lo stand l.t- tho
inquires if Eugloud can tiiford to
tnake an encmv of the United States; asks
if England is so secure in the fill ore against
, ' , . , ,. ... .
hmne revolution and lorcigu itmbiton as to
show the seeds of revenue: and coiiebitles
by saving thai Kngland is the
of the Unite 1 St-ite-i.
laiurul iillv
The Number Killed at Phillippi.
The Wheeling Iuf'-fli'-ifrf says that, Not
withstanding the many eonlliclliig accounts
nf the be..'s nl the rebels at I'hillippi, il is
l.eci.ming pretty clear thai a good many of
Ihe fugitives bit the dust. Their policy ap
pears to have been the sum - os nt the siege
of Sumter to conceal their real loss; and
lo do ibis, they piled the dead and woun
ded in wagons, and lie 1 with them as pre
cipitately as they could. We conversed
with a gentleman who loft
Fhillippi S.Uitr-
day iti'tt n. o., u, and he says i! is now gen
erally conceded there that a good many
were killed not less than -It) or f'O. He
had talked with a Mr. Shuttclesvx orth, who
resides near Fhillippi. and Mr. S. told him
Ihat on a hill, smiie four miles beyond Fhil
lippi, near ihe lleverly l'o:rl, he had ihat
.lay seen al.oiil lol'ly liew.y iii.e
Riotous at Newfoundland.
Events of a serious liaiure apear to have
grow n out of tlio recent elections in New
foundland, caused by the id feeling between
the Protestant and Catholic portions of the
community, the latter being in the ascend
ancy and aggressors. Tho TrnnvUer has in-
telligenee to the etVeet that some troops
w hich were sent from Halifax to St. Johns
t preserve order, were c.uipelle.1 to tiro
, , . , , ,, ' , , .,,
"l'"" 11 l";lt '""'t"!. l'"''"1
persons were killed and four wounded, the
titer iliclu.i l. g a ( atuolic priest tvlto was
i , ,i .. ... i
eudcrvori'i ' lo lesliaiil tne cinw.l.
A t tempi was made lo fire the residence of
i . .. i-; II ,. . :, i ,1.. .,.......,1 it,...,
Pnetnr I- it-It I . who is ut the present time,
tllO 1 rote; tatil Jl:silt.p nl .110 Islatltl, I.UI 11
foiled. The Ib.-dinp himself had been
lieltetl witli slolics in the street, and Fro-
lestant liu lnbcrs of Ihe HoU.-c
d I'oi.iicil
bad to bo e:
tn their Ilium-:
military and police to protect them fnun
the like usage. The stable and other n-,u-lui'd.
lings nf Judge Kohiiisoi., a Pi-iiiesl tut,
had been burnt, and the country residence
of tlio Attorney General. Attempts have
been made to tiro the residences of other
gentlemen eonueeled with the government.
Pr. M nil... k, the lb. man Catludie bishop
the Island, is charged with being the I"
lnen'er of ihese tl i.-graeoful outrages.
.ii.. i
I'niirll. of July ('rnntl I'nion lie-nie
Jtovvling Ureen.
tt ii n,....ii,r ,,f .1,.. ,.;.i-,,..i .,(" H.oi i;,of:isw.n uml
vieinitv for Ihe purpose of considering tlie best
nieitioil of celebrating the coming Fourth, il was
resolved In hav e h Grand Cnion l'ic-nic in the grove
at l.ow ling tireiti. 1 he following committees wen'
A Ui! XNIiSMKNTS. A (M'.twav.j ) w ouster, win.
U Truesdale, It Russell, 11 Newton, S W St John,
'': Elliott, R Mintm, (K'o Williams, 11 lamdy, E
l'l.tiili-v, A Aldrn, Or (1 J Rodgers. Win K Peck,
' Jas V (wens. Win Hood and Or .1 B Smith,
,,)Wig (ireen : .las W R.ss, Jno Powers and J
Puetiof Perrvsbnrg ! N L ltexncon and J I.Cook,
of Portage ; S S Cantield and W Pavidsnn of Web-
ter ; .las PcmWof Freedom; Edwin Gordon
Liberty : A Jerome of New WestfieM ; eo Las-
ke and U A A' ery of Gilt-ad ; (leu 1 an lU.ircum,
ftn;, n W),rn,,? j Ton,p:)V . j ,, u,,,,,,,,,,,
and Jonathan Antes of Hull Prairie.
I'.ut PitoiTiiiNt! Si-K.tKKiis. S L Houghton,
Russell und (ieo Williams.
Ox Toxsrs.- A Alden, K Elliott, Geo Williams,
und S 1. Hout.'hlon. '
M van u. Mcsie.- A Ordway.
V oe ai. Mcsic H 0 Con. lit.
The Commim on Arratig. nienls vi ill meet
Hall, at ft o'clock, 1 . M. ot S tmnUy,
the I inst., to mako all necessary hi rangemants.
Come o.ie, conic all. and let us together ccle'r.te
.l.e .,iff Anniversary of our NaU.inal liideneiul-
i lll0t, ; ,.mer that shall tell to tlie world that
people of Wood county are iineompromi.-itigly
1 abirtv and Cuioa, uml that tho spirit of 7il is
abroad iu the land. J. II. Nkwtos, Sec'y.
Howling Green, June 17, ISO I.
; Elleu
.uior A. Ri tter, plainlitt, vs. J uu.i t 111 tier dc
I. uit.it. 1
Tl,e ub"'c "iinioJ del, udattt u hereby untitled
that the plahititf luu filed her ,n tit ion in the Court
of Co.u.i.ou Pleas, of Wood county, Ohio, Alledg-
i in ...tivnie c.uellv and ilrunkciess f.,r more than
i imr eitretiie c.uellv ttnd ilrunkenessfor more than
- i three vcitnLuU na'at. uuou tltu part of said defeu.t-
ant. S.tid euttso will bo for hearing at the October
t 1 8,1,1 ""'l l"-v',rt "I"1 1'J
'd cautM', nUc may is. .UvuicihI U)m mid ilctci.d
t llllt. vcli h j, ,,,., Mty for plt'tT.
I Purjaburg, Jane l, is-n-it .7.
llM, Isabella Ueid, minor heirs of tliccstnte of Jsn
i I belln Keid, law of said county, deceased, and is
I "ow penilinp, vvliHi-ein saidJolm Ueid demands par-
tiUo,, ,,f tlte following r,al estate, t..-vvit: That part
of the cist half of the west ..f th. south-cn.-t 4
1..:.... .1. . r .. ..... 1 -1. 11 , .
i rx,.-- -w;is
I ((
of !
I '""c, Haying rcplemsiic.i me nux'K w.tu .urge
' and
at: I -u IIIW prepared to supply the citucnaof Pcrrvu
Ho.u;l.ion's ; tl , Hm, sum,umliiig country with
1 . , , , -.-, i i --
ritoHATB C'Ol'RT.
Mivrinh li. Vomit, mluii m ititrntri x of GnhriM K
Yoiint, Jit., vs Thomas Vount, AhrHhnm Veunt,
liniiiel Ymnit, Mnriali Ileitis, Oihi. Y. Yntint, Win.
tl. Ili'nU, Ssruh Ymnit, A. ,lnk.on Yollut, Jainrs
MK'niniM snd Snsuniiii Mc'tluinis.
Abv.itKtin Ymnit n ri-l A. Jiukum Ymtt, non-rcs-i'l'iiti
of tin" Statu of Ohio, will tHku imtiec Hint
M.u iiih K. Ymnit Ims tlti.t ilnv (ili tl lur pi tilinn tMk
inir mi orl'T of sulo ol 'the following ri'.il vststi' tn-
it: till of Unit Ii.til of tl u- t:a.st Imlf of frrtioli.ll
H"'iiini fill." ., twii-liip nix. raiin ten, layiiifj cast
I'to.. ,inrl Miol.iin'.til.vit.i. in WmM ci.un-
.V, vino, 1 1 mi .i i ii iiik iiiinuiin in.ui:'il ii'nn liiitlfl
iiip in n.ti'l piailion iink'btoiln.-M ol nniit rjtalo to
the urn. Mini of $1 ,iU. S.ii.l lii'litinii will be for
lirariitfrnii the 4th ilav of July. IWil. nt 2 o'tlock,
i. m., r mi soon tli 'iciil'tiT us roniisol can he hoiiru.
finoK k .loMNWjN. stlys for lilt'fl'.
.lime 17, 1801 7w:j$2 IIH,
N- OTK'K. To lilir.alic'.h Sprtipuo, Sprsjoic,
McKitil'li'M. knioiii ami iiiiknnuii heirs
of .las. Mrl'rtilili'ii. doc, ond Wsrii'n Uilliird.erliis
unknown widow ami hoiis. jiIhco of n-f iilonro mi
Kii'nvn. You iiiv lioniby notified that Juhn McMh
hati, ti'lin"r of .Irs. Mi Kndiliti, drcouKi'd, on tin: 7tb
of .liuif, 1st; I , liloil in the Court of I'mUulo in Wood
county. Ohio, the ohjiirt ami prayer of which in lo
jtal fiii tn, is to olitiiiu from suid (.'ourt nn order to
uujirrii ilniviirto M-ii'V M i li'd rl. I. n . U'lilfiVV III (lilt!.. Ill
n.t 0. 20 in the town of IVi lii(ro, umt thecquit-
inteii-.u hi the w f the n-w i ot s.-c. 33,
town i ii'irth of raiifrn 11 oust, in Wood county, of
.mOunt died, seized and hoMiiur, and to
S"ll the s. nil) ivnl t'Stntu, suhject to.said dower, to
pay damn ngalnsl (levetlent i estate, uml tluit said
petition is sot for liearintr in said court, tlio tilth of
July, I tat I. JOHN M'MAHAN, Adm'r.
( !i:o. St 11 us, iit'v,
June If, ISO I- 7wl
1 )ETI'rioX 1"R rAUTITIti.N.
IIoiilt Hurt, Ell. n Hart, Thomas Ueid nnd Hotjort
It.-iil, will take notice that a petition .vas lilu.lairiiiii.it
them on the It'll day of Juno, 1S01, in the Court of
Common l'leas. w iti.in and for the county of Wood,
mi l State of Ohio, liv Jolm Kci'l, for I. litis.' I', and
it 1;,.,. ... .1 ... 1 ; . ; ...1 .. 11. .1.1 .1, ...,... . .i.l
.1- l,ot,iii ''I iiii ui until in I tilltiu !!
er, in s-'i-t inn nuinhjr nine, town Ii north, range 12
cast, in Woo. I cuiintv and Statu of Ohio, ( less elev
en acres oil" the south end thereof,) continuing elev
en and sixty-three hundredths acres : and that nt
then t term of said court, the said John Keid will
apply for nn urder that partition may be made of
s lid premises.
JOHN' i:i:il. hv I'i'tkii !!m.r., his attorney.
June 1". IHill 7wf'i.l,S."i.
N' OTK'K. Left my bed and hoard without any
just cause or pinvoe.ilion, my wife, Henrietta
Harber. All persons am hereby nutilied not to har
bor or trust the said Henrietta Barber on my account
as I shall pay no debts of her contractine after this
date. ' J. U. UAliliER.
IVrrysburg, June 10th, 1861 7w3
VTTAPHMEXT NOTICE. ltenjamin Scotl,
plain lift', vs. 1. llowen, defendant, before
X. Purlins, J. 1'. of l'en-ybiu'K township, .Wood
onnty, O. On the I'ltli day of dime. 1 SGI, said
justice issued an order of attsehment in tho abort"
action for the sum of 8 and yii-lrtO dollars.
IVrrysbui-jf, 0.r June 17, IStll 7w3.
The undersitrivd takes pleasure in announcing to
the Fanners, and all Mowers of Crass, that ho is
the sole .Agent for
A X E W S C Y T H K !
which is now unsurpassed for durability, nnd nnp
.puilled for easy work. Jt is tempered In a furnace,
unit cons;'tpientlv there are no hard or soft places
in it, but uniiiii tn throughout ; the last half-iiicli is
just as good as the lii-st. It is also kept in order
much easier than any other scythe known, requir
ing but a few moments nt nny time to put it in per-
left order. In short it is the greatest Scythe ot the
ilg0 ami st.e ;t ut tnc yu.c ,,(
. . KUtl s
I'enysbing, June ISth, ISr.l.
ROAD XOTTCE.-Xi.ticu is. hereby given that
the Commissioners of Wood county, Ohio,
l.mc granted a view and survey of a county road,
I ' liiaieiicing at tin quarter post of sections 111) and
"7. tow n ,'! no! tl., range '.' east. : thence north to the
nor:li liu" of sections '2'2 and 2:1 in the same town
ship, and that the viewers and surveyor will meet
at the house of J. YV. Apgir on the ltilhofJnlv
licit. UEOUtJE 1IESS.
June 10. l.-'I'il- 7vvl.
lOAl NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that
I V I he ininis.iioui'r.s of Wood cotiioy have
rrant'd a vi"v and survey of a county rontl to com
mence at the Wood and II, uu. ilk county line; thence
in mil through the centers of the east half of sec
lions!;.). !IS und :!l, in Jackson twp., terminating in
and west county road ; and that the viewers Hint
surveyors will meet at the house ol Jolm K. Anircr
"'c 'Ht!i July next.
.ii.ik: J 17 , I'.i'i 1 ll M
In the nionih ot April, ls.iil. I gave a
note of hand to Henry Merer, calling for!
font y -seven dulhtrs a id luy cents twelve months
allerdate. 1 hereby warn everybody against the
purchase of said note, for I shall never pav tlie
June 17ih, ISOl--7iv"
1 J and lioliert Harber have been appointcl uml
t.ualifted as administrators of the estate of tt in.
, .a,.Us,)ni 1;lUM)t Center twp., Wood county. Ohio.
; Those owing or hav ing claims against said estate
' vvill govern themselves accordingly,
, jime p jsoi -Owl
Willard '. Way lil'Ml" vs Sotihi;'. Wav dcHs
Th. i hbove named defendant is hereby notified
that the plalntilf has tiled his petition 'u the Court
of ConuiKin l'leas of Wood county, Ohio, itlloging
wilful absence and gross neglect of duly upon
part of .-ai I defendant tow ards phiintil)', for more
titan three yeats last past, and praying that upon
tlie linal hearing ol sai l cause, he may be divorced
from said defendant. Hoi.l.KNlii'i K & CtOK, ttttys.
Peri f.-bnig, June 3. lsi'.l Jiwfi
A X T E H .
We wish to purchase THREE IMPROV-
l'.ll FARIS, in X'ood eonnty. Upon one will pay
Two Thousand Hollars when p.vsessinn is taken
and upon en h ot ihe others, l ive Hundred Uol
hn. We should bo pleased lo Bee, or correspond
with anv persons having improved farms for sale
' in this count y . 1'. Al H. K. lli.txKMiKOK,
)v.,-ysbt-g,.inc3,is,;t-.',a' Agcis.
rix j
I! O P U U G E R
I .1
This wonderful article, just patented, is soitK'
. thing cnliix ly new, and never before otlert'd to iigenls
I whoat'o vyauted every whore, i nil particulars sent
ive. A.l'U-ess
Alwlv SHAW vt CLARK Ridd.-ford Maine.
IvOv Puces nuil Iloady Pay
Having purchased the entire utock of GROCFR
IS formerly owned by Geo. W. Hollctibeckjl w
continue business
Of the choicest kinds and at the chenpest pnible
pr'cos. Those w ishing to purchase anything in
line w ill timi it to Ihtir aibuittagc to give me a
us evcrvtl.ing I sell will bo
I have ou band, also, a large tuid wll kcUcted
lock of
which I warrant to civc satisfaction or no kale.
- It-K ! Ic ! Icr! 1 hare on hand a large supply
of choice Lake lee, w hich may bo obtained ai
times ou rcasonublj terms.
torf All kinds of produce taken I'l c"nang
H- J. U. WkiiO.
IVrrjbuig, Nov. 20, X660 if
nk uoons !
nkw coons I
xr.w ooonst
NKW ()0OIi!
nkw r ricks!
new rnic'ES
NFW rilll-KS
nbw raieus !
nkw pinet.s!
nkw raters 1
new rsicrs t
The l.npest stock!, of gooda ever o(T crcd in this
nii.rkrt, cnibrai'ing an endless variety of articles
In the selection of which no effort has been spar
ed to rentier it as attractive as possible, is now be
ing opened al tho
of W. .1. Hitchcock, on the corner of Front and Lou
isiana, Avenue, I'erry.-iburg, Ohio.
Inspection nnd Comparison will prove that for va
riety, elegance, richness, cheapness, beauty and
tpinnHty, this stock is unsurpassed by any now of
fered it. the West.
In this department preat advantn(?e may be obtain
ed by close caslt buyers, from the fact that the goods
are boughtfor cash" directly of the eastern dca Ins
and innnafacturcrs, and ull imiorted goods are bo't
nt just what it costs to import them, hence he can
aflbrd to sell goods ut
than goods aro generally sold, which is an item of
great intorcft to the people of Wood county. A suf
iticient in duccnient, we take U. to piakt) Pcrrys
burg (Ac trading point,
In this depattnit'iit, vve have the largest and most
complete assortment in Northern Ohio. Made up
according to the latest fashions and in the most sub
stantia! manner, warranted to give the very best
satisfaction, or no sale.
Those w i.-hing to purchnse anything in this lino
will find it o their advantage to pjiy mr Store a visit
before purchasing elsewhere. Tlie attention of the
public is respectively invited to my extensive stock,
feeling assured it will be time profitably spent.
Eif I'roduce taken in exchange for goods.
l't-i-ryslmrg, January 2d, 18CI.
q. n a n i o p k )s i . t; o r
IRnriTC fi ii n p o Pi n t n i v ii
' ' '
Crockery and Glassware,
Farming Tools,
L.'.idies' Dress iool,
Xcw, Chaste, Rich and Elegant Patterns,
Just received by
Sugars, Amber Syrup; African, Rio
ami Java CoOces,
Layer and Seedless Raisins, very nice, Primes and
Kerosene Oil.
Tea at iO cents, and $ 1 tea for 75 cento; try il.
Prime Live Geese Feathers,
Retailed from $1 ) lb up,
Mackerel and Cod Fish, Looking Glasseii, ct,
New Spring and Summer styles,
Strong and Cheap for Cash; for sate by Williams,
French Printed Bareges, very cheap.
French Printed Organdies, beautiful designs.
Gingham Lawns, Printed Lawns, Printed Bril
liantes, all entirely now styles.
Mourning Goods, Embroideries, Bercgo do Laines,
Summer Press Silks,
Linen Lustres, Yuluucias, Foulard Silks, Marseilles,
Lawn Robes, Organdie Robes,
Grenadines, Challioa, Countorpanes, Xapkius,
Doylies, Pnmask Cloths,
Rullling, Edgings, Moreens, Flannels, Laco A'tils,
Cotton Sheetings,
Press Buttons and Trimmings, a handsome assort
meat, all new.
Bonnets and Ribbons, ilisscs' aud Childress Flats
and Hats,
Parasols, the newest and richcat out j Shawls of
every description,
Mantillas and Raglans; picas call and asamiDt "M
for purchasing cUMw uere.
Fisu t Fisu I A good supply of all kinds con
stantly kept on ban j at our store.
liT'PrvUucc taken in exchange for goods.
2nd tU .

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