Newspaper Page Text
J." v71 A I lfiV , n.litor. TIIIKSWVY, JILV I, 1MSI. The Ubiquity of Principle. An ntmn wuft flouting in the universe gathered ntnl filing to it pirtide nftcr pur tielo, till rock piled on lock, denied it new planet with ull iU lieanlifnl tliv crsificiilitiin-i of hill nnd nionnttiln, of rivci and ocean, of valley and uinliricreoii I iiitlseiiii, und this with teciniiifC oilics nnd inyrinils of life in all tin? Variety of l.c!irin;:,rcv olved nrtmii'l it dietnnl eenter, wliicli V liii lt d nrnnti.l nii other center more ilintiint, nnd thai nvonn I still another, nnd ho lout in the it, Unity nl immensity j verge extended to vere, nnd center played mound center mi l Mill lh;il world kept around its roininon p. tint f.irrn tohl n-jes when having e.-si--tci! throih ils natural duration, it hurst, url in finnienlH that revolved nn (iHlernhls, nnd p:ut revolv ing; itself into the chaos of its origin. Cut with it the preut l'l inciph; of it origin had not died. A " Mighty Hunter" once fiyd li'n point of lialiitation in a l'ar-t..T ei-it nlal lir.ic---gradually liis milit increased lYmii fur nnd . near tributes enme to he red in !,' mi :-i; man ofter man, mid Irilie u fl r infr- j.iiueii tlieiuselvis in,!.) Mm, un.l ai Ir.i .1. nlii t i i -foundation of u vast empire h i I 1., . ii laid: structure following Htrn-'ttire, v.c-e. en-cie-i on thin foundation, und the j inudeil tly:;ns. ty of earth hold all l;'ii.:ih in in awe -l.ul reaehinj; the acme of its (Jury, t . , ,y om of its chordH wore Revere, I, till it ,,y In l Iorh and was trodden under loot l.y t'ie mi tions, and now it in dillicu'l to tell vibm rests the of Huhihm .' l.ul the Prinoi plo of the energy of its oi-i!:-uoi- lives vet. ' Now is it how can tiller d. sli n, :i,m drive a thin;; from (-xUtcni-e, its Print '- ple live ? As well nsk the sun why it rises nnd Rets on new empires. 'i incij.h. is mil- j - t . , i, .. . . . . . vernal u is uu- iae ol revolution tlie pil Inr of human greatness u 1'i im iple never licnl Tlio same governing at lions that is er ruled natural existence It-M ih.-;r ss a yet arc universal, hut n'tcii , r, i ,-, fioi.i .their designs ly connler i.itliii-iu ( s of the results ofeo-exisliug iiiiiii;il'uii. Tlie irnind B)ring of virtue is us ever, and that of ice the name the one is true, tiie oilier in verted IVimiple. The first produced Wil liam Tell, lamnn nnd l!o!la the hc.t Ccss ler, lionysius anil l'i.arro. Tl:e lin t I'm-ii the hofioins of Wallace an. I hi:. I, rave chief tains on the Carllaiiie eras, j.inl run;: in the hattle-erv of the Held of ( 'aiulm. .kennel h ! The last wrung the life of Ivlward till il tore from him his spirit in (u. tusil,. ,, Ihinilniitnn. When, after heing driven f;o:n their native country, and landing on the vnc-washed rocks of New England ami die wiMerner.s of James river when after wn lcheilne.-s, toil and dangerous hardship, al'ler all due 'lnyully to their King, the IV. dde colonies BUM' the Htonns of war and heard the chains of slavery in prospect, how did Piinciple prevail? how did its omniseieiii. voice speak for Libtwt;? See! in h l.y inch the old farmers with eluMied muskets drive the foo from Concord I The British thousands in Hashing columns roll up old Hunker's height a line of red Pj-liH like m'n -led lightning glares over those breastworks--, the whilo powder-cloud ent lopes all for a moment slowly it rises and the nun gazes upon eleven hundied l!ril':s,li soldiers on the field or death I Amid the raking cannon shot, wilh War ren fallen ami the luave old I'ulnani wilh them, they reach the hitsc where ihey meet their old fathers, with their p-ay'- locks Btreanu'ng in the wind, hearing pio't,ions for their lighting children, ami pasoim.', f li,.;,- l.l ..... 1. . .-i ...... ..i.i umniuin, Willi leaillll eves, lliev exclaim, " the Toe ! w here are they " " fv, as the sixteenth of August. 1 777, the sun had passed the meridian, when Siark, hv countcrmaml of general orders, and Ihc'nnm liura of tho foe, had hecii forced to exclaim: "'toys wo must compter ere the set of sun. or Molly Stark's a widow," and then with a few rusty fire-locks they climhed the sleep ascent to charge from (heir cmlmnkmcnls nn enemy of Hashing swords, m.iskcU and lielcliing camion ! For two hours the neem iain-val.'s M'i;t back their thunders, und the old granite nee;nis roiletl tlietr crags in lurv '. Satalo pi tool; up the eontemling' thim.lers - nwav I awuy tlicy roll to the s unhwar I. Meaii uhilo the war mu ges had gulht red t 1 ne ioint the foo pent up in fury agahis! ihe rallying thousands for Liberty with (ho;r faithful allies. Here was fought one of the most momentous liat ties in th,, aunals ,if his lory; for it was between the future Empire of tie U-s.ern Aorl-l, and her whose , h um-j beat heralded the enning of the sun all , arounil the globe ! but it was a tri ., iTiiicipio, una 1-ree, tun was k.-!...I 1.. .1,.,' future joy of mourning hmnanitv. 1 ! 1 si I a I at :.- ; : J The Great Bethel Affair. Fortress Monroe dis closes the manner in which the rebels oh-' tuinetl know ledge of lien, ltuth r's move-1 inents previous to the bailie of (h eat Ihlhcl. I appears that 11 ineinher ,,f the Third New j Yoi-l Iteirl ( II u- ,,, . , . ! ...,ii..ioen 1,. u . i iaru, descried on the night licfore the bailie, and vave the i renei leauers lull nifornmlioii. This man is now nt isiclinmntl, but the Confederates re- iumj 10 receivo Jjun ml,, their service 1 " j ii . uiB imeiiigenco is received throu gh u tnember of tho Vermont Jicgimcnt who was a prisoner ut Yorktown, but wl-.o has been j exchanged, und is now again with his reg-! inient at thu Fortress. The rebel ioices i;t ho rcporU as very Inyo, wi;h ' ftCceBtfloiiK urrivini? daily. The City f! I''-v U BuirerinK from incendiary tires, j week a Htorehouso coiitaining eoiisid-! property was (let Ir.-yed, ami on1 Saturday night tho steamer (lien Cove! vhkh ha beeu fitted up by ,ho rebels for ' var piirpoHc-B, wu burned to the u-.,....--l ' 1 1 r. Very True. of 'JVnn., was honored, on Lis arrival iu Washington, l.y a serenade tid was called out for a few remarks. ,. luong o.uur thiugH which lm buid, "Jlo be lieved that South Curolina und (ho w h,.o Bouth would now bo us quiet as 11 lamb if the old man Jackson had been at the head of tie Nation last full; m,,l could CJ:ly und WelBter respond to their tries of compro mitie, it would be on it often Lab loon, in ihe language of Andrew Juckuou: 'The Pi-deral I'tiioii, it iuut be irtervtd! " in ull. 'll The Great Rebellion. Progress of the Work of Suppression. Ihit few movements of importance among tho Federal troops, aside from tho ordinary arrivals and departures, appears to have taken place in the vicinity of Washington tho past week. Cur lines are In log strength ened daily v henevt r such proceeding mcciiin iieeessarv, timl will (loiltleu noon he, 11 thev nre'not already, in n condition to with - sla.'d the ousel of iho fifty thorn and rebel..!. , i ' i which are reported to lie ready (o n' tempt the osplurc of the Cniu'tnl. On Thurodav ((MI l eln la were dispersed nt Mslhias I'oinl on the I'otomai', by .'10 lei 'i'n Coin the I'aw ice. A ipiantily of camp cpii) i;r and a numls r of hoi, a s were i-ceuicd. At il o' elo. k on We lie s I. IV (!eo. I. K'Mie, popi'e ma! f.lml ol I ..ill. more, w.-s nrre-.ti .1 l.y orM of den. r..oii:s, aad conveyed to Port M Henry, w here he is now held a riinoner. 1 1 seems Ilia,' I'd e v r, i aiding lis" rebels I'd that city, and using the a, mod I'urce under his control (o eoi:ccal, rather ll.a'i di leet, acts of IresM.n to tho ( lovci nient. A ku'co .piaetily of r.riiis, nnuieit'on, ,-c. (;'., was, t.ei.ei it f: el wards al I In- private dwellings of (he HcoesaioicslH and nail to w I'fii t. 'I lie gnud ci'l'eeN of th bat ! I" a I I !: .1 v'ile, i 1 v.'iiieh I ,'en. I.yon ; ,i e the rein da of M in soi'i i s". h a v. I, oh some e:,i .,1:. sre 1 ...i.ily d" elejd.i," theinai Ivi s. 'I'lii" 1 v. ho l,ave Is t II v.-.ivoi iiig in ll.eir I'd' lily In tin r,.: crniin nl. ! 1 : P ad:'.. .1 in iheir I'.dih, W liil ' t' e v im I ., v e I ecu "in n le: ::! is cessions, ' :'ars so 111 lon;;cr. Tiie Mayor of l.e.xii g ton, IViiou in;; I he h ad of I he "1 1111- , ing (i. 1 "'nor," has Ih d to ails iml.nowii. ' and for Ids imceensnr a if eid"d I nioli ln.111 ! has bra n chosen, w!io is ..iislaihel bv llie una union.', vns'C n he t- I ";. The r In fni ees h.t in; ; la in;' Ion. as cxpcei I 10 liisl.e a r:'a;,o 1. 1 !, il is Low t iloie.i II t Is -l that It'll I A on v. ill proceed to lis.' I ' weal,: Wliel'i- in ci one II w'di Col. Sei.. , h will 0'1'er any odn-r n h i s t: an- able to ! 1 leader' lilll'l'l lit r-pl lsgs eld lien McCulloch, or who may j reu nt Id It ma ins list! Il ,11s if. e lirli.tii.i regimen! lias been relieved of its da t 'umbi rlsnd by leinfon al t onei'iilrat'eii of Ir -n lioiinet d. Col. W iiliaee count of a light near ( '11 llgcrolM pnsipiMl ill em u!s. and il g;e,cr i at r'lillippa i t an gi es a del liled no iub. rl.iml on Tloi 's- day last, between ih'rltcn ol'J.i; forty of lie- ( in my, v. ho were ..'..ills oinple ed an, a ii it b nailed, eight of iheir l.cinhis- li hoisi -i tapliiretl. hailed en hour, tacked by the n I In about "1 a m: 11. 1 ... .1 .... .1. .. After die light intr neimls w hen Ihey v. ere again al-1 ids, w ii-i were ! "-: nl'oreo I 1 The al hick w as so taid it,., . mi1 111:11 1. icy aoannontii im !inrs--s an crossed to a s'ii ill islau I at lie- nnuilii of I'allcr.son's creek. The charge of lhe 1 ebe,s was bold and conlident. t I li.l fd nude:' the lire of Col. Wnllaoe's piekel, close about and on Ihe idaml. Our picket were lins!l th'ivt n oil' an 1 Heath rc.l each man for him self. All got into camp again, however, on Friday. Corporal Hayes, of Coin'ny A, was wounded, but is 1 -ecovi 1 ing. .I.e. Ibillin.-s-worth of Company 11, is ilea 1, lie was tak en pri -toner and brutally 111111 densl. Three eon. panics went to (lie ground I'ri lay mo ril ing and recovered ever-, Ihing helo-igin -p, the ph he I except a few l, A dispatch to the lia.ello fays Unit the i.-hels are cou c. utrntiiig ill I'ealinglon and l.-iurol Hill, .'1 miles south of I'hillippa, on the main road leading- through Ih-veily, 1 1 id lon iile, dm Cheat .Mountain Cap, mid thence on (lirmigh !k- heart of Virginia to Slaunloii, and lhe beginning of direct railroad eoiuniunieal ion with Ki'chinou.l. At Laurel Hill the rebels are reportcl lo be ;'lit) strong, uml under Ihe leadership of ex-Cov. Wise. liesides thin force at their inlvanct- camp, thev have also ti n ips al !V crly, 1 1 ul brnv iii,' and die Caps, though in what numbers now it is im- 111!. Ill ble io P'IL '' ,-j ,1 I , ; i j i ! i ! hin-m-e our lie publican friends to f, How ihe t"Na,',i,, ,,f '"' htd.y IV.uocr.icv and l';l!'hv ''helpline ubove an sui, ( adh.-r-It ,'"'v ih-voli-.n 1,1 (1. Cnion for we I,..! I : , ;lM l,,v.l''die. s sl.ivil-l be : :ci iii ,- ! 111 '.11. ...... ' ""' "n u' l:u 1 ,:'"- '-nt w c inccly wish l''l:"w !l-'t lhe llcpubheans mc m, ihe lusl l"uiaii,l a ron.rii to ihe biiter sirif s l'u, l.v ar'are. We may us niion in this '""ia-( lion thai in ,ptiu a 1,111, .her , f cou.i Yorktown tho IVmocracy have a'readv iheh' iioiuinaliotiM.H:, I iiia!iu..sievorveo.u, lliehmoutl. .V in tlie Norrh-wed miliary hteps a',-,- tak Last ') cU'ecl that v ery -laudable ol.jeci." , -1 " -' ' ;.;'"' 'l;! 1,'oopa in , TT ',""':loi!' h 'K'w" . . Mvw " 'he force being Hvs' Tlu- rrcuio'll; . e.llhi lhe tak ing of the oath ,,f iillegianee a "h uinilin t :lig farce." The nunc paper in speaking of the fall elections, nays: "We liiu hear no dill'er- ence of opinion among the dc cracy of Sandusky county as to the propriety ,,', making our iiniiiinntionn in the usual wav. All are in favor of it. They arc i. mn ttt h-rp up ;ttiiU,ilitm ,f thi 'ir.'i, ;d the talk to (If? eoiitrarv notw ithstambi..' " It jmcs on l.iM.iy th it thetmlv In- s.ilv: lion Cor the ci'imirv rests wish it,.. that has had coulroi of the ;,, eri nn nt for Ihe past eight years, and in w hose I, :,,,.! Hie 111,1 I'm :-,!li-ti.ui became ,.!,!....,:.,.. i.cxen.- t.iltsa, luails ,h ,-ku c,l ih, ni Ives n.i longer subjects ,,f ir protection. inomli heltire Mr. I ii Willi all the feelings , II s inai;- ei iii mil. charaeierislic of the .'', the M,s.ii ine; it our Slate (Jovcru- hicoloeo nii ilim uji,-, makes this dirly (ling ment: -l.t t m-n who hav e the g I of countrv P.cart unite w iih our good old pailvaud ?iv' - M "Uling the ihcivcs and rob- h i 1 -on 01 1 1 : ti 1 1 ;ig 1 ne l lie 1 V e her who have lontrol of nir .-'talc llll'llt." 11 """"" ' dale im-in Now we lit . 1- cut mtiie the above (p; tious s ilii a v iew to ,li irin;1 polities au l rc!u,o'.i 10 th-i,. , ar, nor ii- we d.t it 1 la its in- .......i-. ,.u upon us, ine im; 'hi'caiene 1 an! ihe laws net at tuu deli- "Miv h' '''cls and Iia tors, cs , rv ,1 it '..lie of 'ul'""1 i s lhat all p.mi iinl par ti "ed at various pomls, through ... .. 1 1 , . ... . I.'io "' iionic s.inii-,i sen ice. - 'int'ie ehivcrs are rcperlc,l t . been caiilurod on the coast of Africa, wide the p.mi ton d.n s, t i,u. ill(.irij 0(1 K.avca. fiO-The. ajent td'ThrPaliimin: and Ohio - liadroad Companv. ai Maninsbui- h i,-i,u .he prop,1,,,',- . Compan ' point has boon bostioved bv i'- ,1 ::;!;:i'-;'H prupci ly will, p,Uai,,f won.l M...l .... i, Oil'. I ISVlHt 8 Ot tlV.. t boo I . - .... 1 . in, 1 .. i,..i troop- arc reported Utj mil at Alattins I'UI -h. 1 ' v 1 a , ! 1 ' r''1"' """ .'; ;1f'il 1 miele an ugi ei ment uMu d.e Imvi i:,or ( ,., Kv , ;,.,.,, ,..f nd t , ,i u out of Cial ' sia'e, proves l'il ;e. ! j j j j ' Ck5" llefore leaving Ids homo nt Toledo for nervieo in Westetn Virginia, Jtrig, (Ion. Hill was presented villi a line hoi so hy his fellow C-ty tlen. Lime will hnvo his Ktinsas l'l ij; ado ready to move on tho L'tUli of .luly, and ovirv thing indicated there will he no nes ossily lor ih lay. f'-fV" There wits talle r a Iiointorims 1 e'lilc riot in M l auleo a IV w ouyii ago. W.i.i Inure , i al ly or lens cvci v Punk in the city ! 'il""k'"1 '"" V We Third Oh o II rived Hsi'e al lilt ir iplsrier . W.". of ti e T mv I sill bv (el ra;di Ih it. t' . ar- e inn 'lit, ( ',). Marro ( 1 1 .d'loii, nisi i'.av . tai;cn nil s in l;,:ijown. e lirll I he NfV Vol! O'll ; :cr '." the old",.' k;,o I eg ap i.v, h.: ' 1 a. '.pen led pnbl'e .ti- 1 si es'slsm in lln: Sou!h,w!ii i'.':y ei;l 1, if. ! in this ei. iml II had a !.,'-, I lis I been 1 hi i ! ' i ll. . o.l n a lire r:i. lu Ciosiii;; aiotiisl ine hro,l!e nl (In: tilt.'.t le hellion. I'avis ' Cos, any had Isdlcr oik ol. The t.ld j e;i;l''iu:in In'. Jil get la rvous come dav, and c!os" in upon t'e in wilh a peri'eel whereas. p ; 'I'he ( iov crnor of I'almetlo han has rvl'sss I In li'low any iimri Sou: h t '. sdinians ;.o ! N' lo li';1!!. !!; don't I.I10W bid he will v.-i.ii IVs f, 1 1.-.-,. ;( I.ome fo(,:i lo I'd.. 1 irs '.,i. I! '., ;: it LileiaMs hi ',' 1- l ' ; I oil, i I Wold. I t.el lil. ' " A ud i' ! dies 1.1 is in Wa .': :iv;o:i. II.-. end I i. liei id," e, in d i 1. ov. i.'e '. will be "'is st liillv 1. ne mb. i"d bv ot 1 1 of I'li'iiit. Ion.': niter I'yii '. i. is. To, m! s. ,!. id. shall C! S' l' In ;.le a is' leher III. Ill that !' !' I nil die 1:111, ter roll of oid " !oVi llfont. I .s' A yoim ;' Is !v hat )..";! heard to d -dare, llio.l; Il t he could Mil go to I", - lit lor the t onsliy, she was willing lo allow I'.ie v 1 1 1 1 1 - iiesi lo ;.o, and he 111 n! 1 maid. V.IVe any 1 1 ; moiid S '.' I s - 1 1 1 i 1 1 as gl-ea' ; d IS oil K. '.!'' I I. Si as Coll call. I la' ; 1 a , ( 1 1 ; . il is I '-p.-e e. .it., in;; iibmil ll'.e y iil'.-v. e ,ee of w .'fit '";':'. 'd. a w ', Ireo,,, . Ills till. PI a-.: ' ol' i .r - b! If li .1 ky li'.'.urrc o rein Iho;, im, w,:l to col:- 1 Il :ere 'I! tv tpior. r -;. an itie If will give ot r ran l"rs s -md 1 of lies e Vnsiv-. '.(:..', oi iniHils pin a 1 -oi,.; a 1 iu.ii.i-gioii w a- n ll,e 11 nn dial iherc daily s"ri e al that city from the li 1 ; from pn.-cii to I t-. v l-i htsry (i a:'e:. I is c I wilh li'o.ipit, I l o i-i oiis, io;'.,e:'. 1 al j d". s-nniuiiipon, ill I ill I' V, ill lii. 1 V,;i;.ii,t, e. .;' N-i fs.oni-r had I lov. .lai'l.son nf .iis i sonri. e -die 1 for his htlcpn vi-lunieers, than he eii! slick an I run and has Is-e.i running ever sl'ii". If hi", vninnie, 11; eal.-ii up v. iih h-'.n t'-i; y will do ii-.-ll -r t'isti 1 ! ; 1. , o;i ha 1 yet been ali'e In tin. -.illhini ;h he has 1-ieni- I-- Ued a , .u-sbl,- anvii 'y to l:a -.' I'tsilis r lew i f "hi-, l i 1 ih'ia . ." I The I thhi :':.i!e . ssvs: ' i'sni', Ci-a.- (f,,ri!i-s'y .had ,-ij ' : . 1- l',,-', ip'arlcl'il "i die K'gllli I' 'gscenl 1 fa-it ry. 'I'his i ; I n t o oa ;.l lo v. hit h .11- I In- i-ilaiii Ceneral Ca 1 is n -.1 . -n has ,; isi a; ) oi: Coloia I. 'I'he I'nilc ! ,'':- - ; an:' oi l't . , iil I ike in , cMsio'i o!" ( 'a-np (': a i-'iiy loo1; lor Nlriet I. try ti in coniieelion with this en- ,inn- a e. and v e i'. e p'iae in lli'lll 11 lu- Lire. I'.-'-'The Slate .!, ,)! v.y. !h ! every lllelllber t.f 'i' .Milil.nv ( 'nmnn! b s s i-l' ('011- gl'-.-ss is rt pre- -i is hae his h i' e'"l t. .... o .- 1 - . . ioi-keiS Hill Ol n-H (UVII pISHH Ol I'TIVll on II Ihiu. ed if ' war, wlncii he v, tirge as j;n. ihe lieede-l. We should 110I be nurprhs- he cxlra is ssion t.honl 1 be t,-lioii:i. i M w ill lake a mouth or I svo lo Kill o mouth or I svo lo Kill oil' Ihe sills' measurt'M proporctl by potrioln- bill weak', iiliibil ions iiii-I sssnulls' imrrm-lieal lil"U w ho lin I heir way into ( '0:0 'I'cs;;, I j c n , I The t 'I M ereui V Ihe sis utiuoniiees that -. churn li;. buy enlabPnhetl ill lid i city, and has lill orders. We shall five sui icli'a ! , evcral i , soon j Ihe eiiioi'prismg propi-ielor is prepnrctl , ft incct tlemaiiil.s. I'he Soii'h iil'liears loinnill oe t'liilllllU' 11 ins in K Mm v. e nin e t tloine.-lie iii'inufaeture has in-1 null s' been seen iii Soiiih t'lirolin.i! W, shitll i heal' trumpeted tliroiigli the columns of the joltrualu tinit soiiiboily has sueeeede I in in. iking a chec.-e-press or 11 h mon-s.pu't ;:cr. I : . j ! ; j J i I j I , J ' I ( The Douglas Fund Committee. s. N. Y.. Chairman of Ihe lloliglas l-'u-at Connn'llce in Washing ton, has leeenily made public a ,Yt ,.f ( o.n millecuieii for l.he several J-'i.iles of ihe l n ion. As we find llum in tie- Wa:iin- ion nt,tii M 'nmh ( r-.i. !!. the ,. -ml,.., ,.t I Ihe Cotninit'ee for Ihin State are l, i Mon. (;,-,,. li. Hugh. Ihiuiel I'. Kho l, t, II,.,," ! r i.v oast-, I it'll, iicurs' li. l avne John W ; (nay, lion, .lolni Micrman, Col. Jlrt'i ,1. ' lion, s John A.l.urh y, S. Cox ami lavid Tod, I, Wash. McLean an.! J.imeti 1!. Slced-j man. Tim New Vork 77res makes the sug-j gestiou that every ,c,r who cii.-l a ballot! for hoiiglas. should or send to the I posl'iinMcr ,.f J,e voter's pr.s iuct ,i :,in-l.'j llii't.- cent postage sienip, wilh tlireclions lo lorwartl o -he ju-oper conimilteo at Chi-I ca;ii. According to in t;gures, if this sug-i ge.ihni w ere ,-.u 1 1-d out, ii would rsi-.c a-' '"'il f;iU'lll. Is-sitles allow in- nil I,, 1,:,, ; i ale in the glorious n-ijeel in iew. s w a CoI. Fremont's Department. ii pe,,pl mc ,-ni-plamiug' of ihe very great cM.-nt of (Jen. M"Ch Pan'., dep.irinienl. which ic.e lies irom n. ,.. Ce.lge, in Virg 1. in me 1.0, ",y .Mountains of t ar V. ( si. In lhe lael ol the camiia'-'ii. th.-re is i n reason for complaining ,, (;,., Mci'lcllan's th p.11 liiient. h has been too best or, it 1 ed "' ul,.v- ' 1,:,Vl' im sons bluiiii, r tn bh.i the history of the camp.,!..-,,. 1 s-.m ill Missouri. Ih-ii, Premiss at Cair.i. and Col. ta.,aee tii esu rn Virginia, if a, lin - n,,. tier Cell. .McCle!,,n, have done Inmnr (, then head. I et us have, then, no . roun I h'i compl lints. W e belicse it has 11, .( been expected In continue (J,.,,, MCh llsn m lull , lnu'.ve ol In . 1. . 1 mtiicMississii-id llis'i, I ..,.1... - ... 1 ',, . ! -,,,. r. 11 1 ooseii .and s, 1 vie I' ll. I... 1 ... .1 . i.t ... P,! '" "i " 1 " '( posi, mai ( ,,, 1 is In tasej-ie h, ad of the grand nrmv ,, ;hc Mis is sippi al'.-y, which vs ,il. in d'ue line-, make im decent upon the- St. -.ten ,-f Ihe Lower Mi.-sis-;ppi. He x, ,l ,,us v,.ly,yK, li(,u .. tc't.i'i ol a port toil ot h.a present hir-'c p. n tinent. do-! i-or i : I i j , ; V 1,0 From San Domingo. from Havana L'tlih 1 ri--- mipoi la, Wc.l In- I intclhvenco fit mi hs-vcial nf Ci ba islands, The reports ,,f ih,. i,.n, 01 toe biennis nn ai 11 w t,, ennbr- ute.l. Ill-' lu-.tlih of II, v; go.-.l for the season, but the: m-i coniinucd ' ss ere several oases i.t Vcllosv fever r. pronounce,! 1,, 1,,, .,1 moot v iolent type, and il Was fe.ued th-., would prove very Jala! dm in-- th,- Sm,.. lucr. l-roiiiSaii loiiiiu.;n, mir ,n!v j,-, s j,i, cate that Spain, iu her occupat f s-' Pouiiue.i is likely in have i.ioio iioubie she aiiiicipared fumi the inhabit Vii .ns had brohen ,,, i x:, parts ol iho b land, and ii was icp.u !,- hs c important towns in the interior had foiii lied themselves, and Willi tin. assistance o tin- llas li.ins iiitcii.icd resist t!:o Spauidi allihol ilics. Soiiics of in.tsacies bv tl... Spanish Iioops vscro pu-vahni- and in some instances Limsin in bo u lie - .even ni A.u.i h.ivimr boon s!i,,t end t.n-n- lZ 'uZ-'l vv, 1 . , ' , ' V,l",!. " !"'- m i'Y'i uC"!' !;"" i V'T . , 1 ''" P,1-,!l.v ol dcalh .''.:'. " ""' I'msons ' ocioci; nunc even-in-;, iroiii I.arhadoH wo lean, ihat lhe wcniher i-mitimicd uiilavorulde lor nu -ar UiuLiiiv-. Illl'l ill 111., kit..., . - I l i.u vs '' le-al x ss I u the In. 1 Ho i the and From San Domingo. Belligerent Rights--What Shall be Done with with the Slaves Emancipated by War. From the Cincinnati Gazette. Tho popular instinct, which goon right to the truth of tho inaiti r, says "Slavery made this wur; let il, take t oiiscpionces of war." Wo expect that, nothing more just than that could he pioelaimed ,mi Sinai itself. ;,,( liolitioiiiur, in olliee have hat tilths faith oilh cr in the i on:!tir im-lm I or in otenail iu. Inc. Why should men. whoare conscious of their own weakness, hue faith in the pop-; im.liuel whieh ck-valcd them to olliee? 'I'iierefei'e (Ik .Oil Willi dam is how In; void these great s I:' evident p'c.l!:,',. To thin v. uni 01 la-iM 'h 11 i i : i iiisillier licnoral.i'sng e't inelil, hi tee ( tiifnon political ides that iho I'm re that t. r.ih aad iusiiee vii isl d. the bell, r .Hi:- consri.'tio:.,.! .dil-'slioisi arc ful- 1:11.1; a;. 1 lo: if the sac! iliee ol the great p"p r.lnf i 1 1 ' 1 1 1 t of ti'itlh Up. patriotic, mciilico In die country. IIea en 1 elji n coitnlry where to ci inh out the iis.l'nels nf right, an I to naenl'i o m.m hoo I, in eel up 11". pal ri'ii ism; that is.liolh ing but heaven cm. i i , ,ivc Mich a country, but il would not bo worlh Kaving. How ens ml Wol ll bci ler Would Hitch II pei e who set up the inoHt hid nil maimer of lieantliutas he than 011s ropt ill's as .hieet of ,l.p ih- (hivcrmi.eiit which we are support ing a ! T t : 1 n : ! - -. constitution!-.! and just (iov- iiuii hi.' Tnsii to 11 h;d a;:ainst it is the great. m t 1 r'nie known to l.uinanity. Il is guiit f..r ell die Imrro.-u of t' WaV. It is Ih" .s 11 of a'l ii.i (inly, for it includes nil j o . Me CI ill" The It l :;. llSVC iol'leill'd all ri hi In life, libt s ly and proja riy, end 01. !y hoi I either at the. mercy of tlu (lov t reiiii nl aller comnlcle se.bnrs.-.'on. This is Ihe and (I t: Woi'i Are m ,1 ml t.nii ts sst law if all ages ke iiji die svcri:ta"li!s. i hey w ho must perish by too nwonl. wo In carrv on litis war as if it was fni' a j'ld tiovcn.liieiil iigninst lcbellitei?--Aie v. e jtot.'iid in using the most ellieient 1 1 : ;tl": lo cm: h the n I t'dio;:'.' IIae We ev en I ' ; cut ri".h-.? Or is if only ano'.lit r 1 frail- effort In fulii'l what, in the id davi il inei-f', in v.-'is'li tiie people ol Pie .rrl!i , e sllov. fd 1111 d il has i 1 is esli. 1 "1 itr ohb nine a Kccnnd r-ilioii", to die I ' I'll fi ' I' Oil!' a t - licsti- this ino- n;S in -' South I Midi ' We :: II ih'H V d; litis b. ar is 1 ins caip to h live. Oar cil i-ns are rol-1 i"! of 1 ie-ir (im. a. pi pei !y and ;-.hi ... them.-.-Ives a'n; ,;-,l with m 1 hail ne.vsge I'eioeily. and hundreds of 'h m i.ii'.-'ih'i-e.l I'.uiah'i da ii:i-l lailliors of: Noil'iem investment s swtpt (-ul of exist- clice b Soudiern rasoalhy, our industry tie- slroyc l, Ihe vciy existence of the (loern-i ment llnvateued by die I'sbdlion ; yet our bra c nlunloi'i s-, wh-i Iteve l.-lelered their lives tn save liie'r country, and In .show dial ihey have 11 country worthy of the lives of! i ;,; ei; ii-ns, a; c in I'm med at die out act of the I e.-"ip..'-u thai ihe'r lirst duly is lo calehl fu.'viiivc ski vet! for rebel ina .1. !:. : ud s.:;-l ;!(..:: hisor; 0; ! -ous for white iusiir-i geiits. 'I'hree ( leiierals, in (i.mmau-l j of Ihlee -j;','is-! eiil ! :'. of Ihe grand armv of lhe North, hive iCieceKiiiv. ly pi'oe ia'med i (his de--i-;-dalioii l.t Ihe nalioii. And fir.' i-1 lives in die vcrv ( apital. I'vmg Irom ins lern v. bo 1st-1 plot ;,- I i'.s (l.-s'.nn-i'on. to the uohl. e's oi'the (lovtnunent lor prnieclioii, have been stoppe-1 by their bayonels, iiml ih-li veri. il liji lo m i. t -rs v. ho Won!. I gl.'. lly have as: sssineleil c ery one of our men wilh nlecl or i-o'-.tin. li il only an enlai ;-;el slave hunt that the North is cull -J 1 1 carry on w ilh such geli- (i t-iis. tmti sol it- wi..-i"iitfPT Ji.s-'ii.sleil w ilh I! tin- oe;.s iiding work w ,it -h he ha 1 u tsiinn-i il ileum -ret:,- to iieial took tlie re-S'onsili ty of holdiog tin- fugitive slaves of rebels us fonli's bund nl' His report nf Ihis coiuse broiighl 11 di lolluilic lion-conilii'llnl nisi isi.-t ,n e,e Ceneral In ;)l an as if siuel of 111" labor of Ihe fitgibs t-s; Ihe llovernmelit won.hl hae 11 un-.Ierslood licit it nnghi be hehl aeeouuttihli! for the In -ilive i-.l.tvcH that eonghl i'e''ii'-e iu i!s '' i'"'- Mill ! 1 1 WooU imply (1 f j nii.",'ht be hehl 1 es;i;.n,,i hie -,,'.' 'I'n Iheir rebel nias.'crs, of oomrc; who else wouhl leive any cla'm upoll the ( itn'cl i nient for theni'.' N'nsv we arc tohl from dav. lo tlav that the aim is in consul la! , oti over ilus question, iailetl no far lo come to any conclu sion. In lhe isesslins- our Iisiooj -o',. toot al t v-rv i-thiit bv f, niiilable I'oi-l il',,-:, : i.,,. ihrossii nil by then- e' V siast-s who lire in s rviee solely bv the imi re.--sion which has bet. n sprt a fugitives which have army, Might In il 1 lo. lure and to be s lend fi -r I 'Ilea t 1 I among them by the been returned by our will result in return ihl .-hmii!. ITom be. sis, mounted bv the lie.- labor wihi i.bim le.tiee ot great guns robbed from tho (love: unit'i t, lln1 insur gents in safety slaughter our nol-lici's, who are thus made to lurnisli Ihe en.'iuv with !" nu t elh-etive an-1 ilea.lly means of at. lin 111. lackii I" eveiy way by which the iirmy can eiitcr v ugiui.i, u is nit 1 oy inese mui.lerou.s lorlihcati-.uis, provided bv th or over winch our troops virtually stand as over seers and slave d'ivirs. Has nur fieat army enlcred Virgin "a for nothing but to furiunh aid ami ctuufotl to its dea liy l'oc.-,V II. is the (Jovirumeul any more right in com mit t reason by fiiriiishing ni-l iiml eonifori to ihe cm my, than any of itssubjecls? ,,w can ii lake any measures In punish ire-asnn, hen it ssls an , .:niple of the most eilec live .md liaiigi-ii-us lrcacn? I'm-er the pr, . ei,l s.ia,. ciie v. ;v:i, j 1 c ry t. lave is more vs.lisd le soldier t Ihe ii.sni-'ents than a w hile so r nf lite evi ra ;e Sniith. Ht.s I in- r nnuieh ihrovv up t'te let !'!' nth";. fold lii Ihe p-owt-r oftiieir t niitl en urance w nu h in ,1 ten ooi's. Their l.i- perlot '.ns ail heavy w , ik ot iiioun ting t'.ie greaguus, am! oi' forage ami l:ans liorlallon, which is m severe on snldicrs when added In Iheir other duties. What right lias ih,. (bis eminent thus to slrcnglhen lh-- ie! .-P.i,,;.? Are l'.,se blacks property.' Then il U snbicct lo tiie ,,l property used for unlit iry purposes in Hie of vs ,t.'. lis . 'I if not u -e l for mil.iarv I'lirposcs, il is subvet lo lho hue of tui'.e'r proper!;.'. I. it any more s.u-retl than tho ships, sjeauibo.o.s and goods of Northern tti.cie., m .t.c.-t ineiioeis nave sco.ed i: coiiliscal.'.l ssh, icver ihey could li,v hai 1 1 "''!" 1 1'ioperiy. t;,o slaves min i bo I.calcl ;is loo itr.e-erlv 1,! re be s. th.. 1 ,.,.:i II pr'.e lor toibn.i-v' ,0 if ' I -1 v -. 11 iiico. 1 Ihey ere lite ii;.,: ( to-nei htbio nliics i,.u sol- dims of the rebels, nnd mir (iovcri.nici.l Weill ! be JUs! .Ileil III in, ing ;, Jiossll 10 ,0 oicn iiic.n irom in,, re' el service. When they escape In ur i'oiny, tln v mo fugitives Irooi tin- ciumy, and I'oi.alion can ticiiscr up s.tcii w ith. oil' ih,-guih 0l-ti-onch- W'iioii ihey reach our camps they are n. 'i'iie (b'vernu 1 i.t can know Ihi ni in imoiln r capacity. 'I ho i;,,v .-rnmcnt cannot lice.-mo a sh. vci ol !cr. It i m ,niv Know l.teni as men. vs ilii ah the 1 in... ..f ,.'.. ..,..1 tin- it, 1:1 t, 011:1 ciaim of h.iviue- inined the t tnv crunit nl in the VS : :r ;i;.;;iinsl rcbcl- 11,111. liy vs i.nj i-iobt can it .idivcr ihciu itp.if lhe I-' 1 1 -I-:,,, I v ti . , li, I it i.iV-S ,s, lavs? ii, tnosoeeth'ls nave .iii.u:s!ie.. mil s.-cc led or neutral I aie call cla.lil unvtlltU't under Podcral oh-1 ous:: 'Ihev'prel.'u-! that iheir is ' .,.!,uo. bv .ho x ,v!si- ,.f ;,v I'o, ' r 1 iu I Ihnrilv ut.nn 111, A' ' , i IV J on It. .,y s..o., ,ho Covoril-i incut loico ine l lle.ibtc Slave l.avs on mi nil-1 r...-,.. 1., a. 111 i ons ilii ;u-t ; l,- lllniL- ami i...;,h 1 t i 'l ho extent of l, ason m-d rebellion is c a, ,!y ,ichu, .1 by Sl isuy, Where there mo ss oi no siav cs m iho South, a majorit v nl epicure loyal. No slave lusitrrec , us mo possible in su. ! districts. So it is I ('...- t',.. I .... 1 . I . ,. .. ' " iota, people oi ine South tnat our ;n my has m snmod Die olliee of pat rol In mi piess nct. ro iiisiirii-clioiis. lho uorrdla assassination of (.nr troops vciyvs hcie iu ir-iniu would justify, coidtnj,' m the most Immune rules of w ar, severest retaliation upon the inhabitants iheir propci ty. Our Prosi dent proshiims rebel urivtitoem w ill I... Irealed as iirate,am wo growl at Kngland beeause hc does not jsioclum Uit" sauie. ! I i i t- I I I 1 t-iii'se , , .. li fc-alo, It may bo that nothing hut, soui" sci-ioiis ilimisier t;) our came will establish just dir, nlar tin-. 'lions and force r,s to tho c.xerc.v'o of hcl- I?ut a rols 1 ii ivatoer is taken, and her crew, instead of heing Huspended at om o to tho yard-arm, are brought to New Vork to take advantage of tho laws delay ami glorious right of trial by jury, with tho chance of uid from pomo judicial traitor, by one of whom tho Administration has already In en cowed. Tlmwur has never yet been re cognized im mi existing fact by our side. Wo have endured every net. oi war as if it wan a ri'.'ht which belnn:.ed to the rebels. ligerert l:;,hl:i. i'.ut if we 1 Lot a right s ei iik'i this relx llioti us a crime, ami to hang th-- ringleaders as traitor;., wo have no right to re: nrt. (o lorce rt all. If they l, the right to luske war upon the liiiv crnment and are midi'ng bc.t, pi'i;',si.ei s of war when taken, then their independent, rgh'.s aio oiu:e, led. and we hnve no right to t an y on the war on our pas t. The pre!.--ent tresi tn.'iit does isiihing but r.trojigiholi and .":!( ', ! the rein liion. I'lilil oar lorcts treat the lebellioii ;,s treason, und report to every belli; ( rent right to cripple its power itml crush it into subi iicsion bv every Pen- ally of war, we shall make no progress a- 1 ;'aii!st it Gen Lyon. j The hhitory of one of the most noted nn 11 I of die war tor th" t'nion so far is thus h ne lly given: tien. N'atiianiel Lyon in ;i 1. alive 1 olCniineelictit, having been born near (he I liii t'npl.u i' of Hon. (iiiicou Welles, S'scretarv - of the N ivy. lie graduated with honors lit I West Point Academy, and entered the l!e gelsr Anay as a Second Lieuh. iss.t in lhe 'Jd Infantry, his tirs! I'timiicnsioii bearing I thit ' on the Is! of duly, IM1. He was pro ; mof.'d to a Itrcvt t Kirs! Lit itl-eianey afler I waiv I, and siilise pieutly to a Captaincy, j II" has o.-eupied (he lat't -r rank, pracl ically, I Mice the tlth oi.lune. lS."i7,an I was liookcd for a Ivanet ineiils to a high io .il:o:i nt the , lirst opportunity, ho being imtiih-d to tlutl : tide by llrcvct before his l'-eent iioioiii! 111 "ills to a Lieut. Colniadcy ami a ilrigadicr Mn-I: il ,h .n v oi ni c t-ie ones '0 proma'e eiuergs in y. .MtdvC Ih iga is. Sh miners iiml Dniibic-r.-:siiig dead politie'a. s pi . . cat Lvo j (In l; ol t: . days, ia ;! a : iroiii i:ie 1 graven 10 tsic'i j j (rus'.a-.ul i! w P bv iVr ln-:t--r : I' es of valid die coiintrv ami pre, nut prevent die la e ions liven of -nr.' 1 In light the bal'i-' s-s i ns rii.-o ol' tl nOW CI 1 S.'llS Wllt.i ' lhe I iso".. tj- Gen Lyon. A Just Rebuke. 'I'he following is the stie in vrl Philadelphia J'i;:. (lieiiio -r.ili -.) s. the ci'.Viii'di y sceess'on nhoei.s ol tho .'..oi lh: The l.'A.s- ini'f Ar'r i-t one of (list cere small class ol miserable in u sraper.s- v. ho .siiil (l-. l't-nil treiis.ui in I lie '': lh. They do li it openly avow their real feelings, but go iis near as tho temper of th" people ;i I our present laws upon the subject of sedition will perinil. While plnl'cs -nig lo serve the I h-inoi'i alio party, they neck In rcjut.-s the natriotic entii'ssiiu in of tlie littmle. t!e- nouiice the I'resiilent und hin Cabinet, to Kiieer at every cli'nrt for nrrnl:, liiu,-.-; the I liion, ami niieinify every tmii iemlly iiiniof whieh leaves Wiii-hinglon. 'I'lu-v harii on pence: write clahorau- nrlit i, on 11 nil . - us corpu ( act: iplcstiou t'u- l resHleni s right In call out vokinloers; overate lhe p -cpu.::-lioiis of lhe i-siul'ueni ira'tni s: counl uji lin-co-'t of lho wur in tiiblcs of uniniagiiinbio millions; lnnralie on Ihe death, 1111 i sulic.i' iug, ii-itl w oe of v.'e.r; threaten to withdraw 1 1 le sin 111 n't 1 if t :i i , i I :t 1 i.l s 1'roi 11 ihe (lni.ri. it 1 inelil; denounce the clftu ts to blockade the ."'ouili amt siijipresM pnvaU'ei'ing', und even descend lo lhe iuclhi'ih' ineannesu of iv ecr Isiuiiig lhe juilitics of tiiirgallenl voblnleers, iiml of leinpcring their pra-ss or eensure uecording an this object ol it may have voted for the last tow n countable or eoniiuiss'.ouci of charil v. Tiik N'i;Vt" ( hivm'.N.MKM' or Yiiuiinia. Wo learn Irom the Washington .S,- lhat the tirsr ollieial act of the (J-.-nera! I iovcriimen:, recogiil.iiig lho Provisiimal ( iovermnciit at Wheeling as lhe Slate (!o ci itiucnt: of Vir ginia took p'aeo ThutK.l.iy, in ollici dl rum iiiuiiiealiug tott'ov. I'cirpotit the itpporrtmi uienl of Virginia for the Thirty -eighth Con gress, Ug.'r l!y ttit ollieial vote, ns rctuvned by the (ioveruor, it a; 'pea' s tiiat Last Teniics see gave a liiajnifity of I S,l -it against seces sion and rc'icilinii, iil --3 II jjUOb'ATi; XOTll'K. -Ntilice is hereliy given tied John firnves nnd A. .1. I. ithrep -, idiiiinis'.i'i't r-t nf the Win. ('. bntiimpe, tl.-ci-nseil, has ,- Iih tl in I'rohaic Ceurt of Wnn l couu ly. Ohio, their papers fur liu.d s -ttl-suent, and the s 11a is set for hearing (,u t,e 2lhh of .litis , A. I! I. 1. W. l'OK, Prt.hittoJu.l'ge. Juno 27th, IStil l)sv3 N 0 T 1 C K X'nlici' is hereby given sealed minslrt will be ifciivtd until the lirst t!.ty nf Aujiust. I .sill, for the Iniihliiig ,,f tss't, neis st ht'inl hensi-s : one in now s.-hntil ilisiriet Nn. 12, und cue in old scht t-l dis trict Xo. 7. Plain und specified! ms cui he seen ut the niVie- of ihe CI rk t,f tne Ite.u.l , f ;,1 c.iiion, IVirys'.atrg. A. C. Si 1 leim, Chrk. July :!, iMil I'sviJl 711. 7 O'I'H'l!. T lit- Ci'inniissieners ef Wns.l ,-,aimv l base upr.eiu!-d It. I.. Wixid. Thus, (inrn-ll. (i.Migi- I 'eiiiiisi n, Viewers, und D.tvi l DtmahUon, Sin s . -st r, In s ieis, his- nut and survey a proposed county mad. ci inni-i-t ing in the line hot ss ten see liens II und I I: thence uiu :!i i n half section line to int rs.-t-l the Wetiils iile Tnl.-tln plank nud, in l.iil.e tuts nshii ; sd-l viewers an 1 surs ovtir ss ill In-.-et ill lhe house nf (iei-rgo Dennistin, 1111 the lilth (lav cf Aurnst, IS it. J'tinn Ckc.ssji.vs. Julv I, IS it - lsv; I0AD X'O'f ICK. Xoliee is horeby risen that 1' lite coliilnissi.. tiers of Wooil o..n:,iv ill.;,. hnvo irr.intt'd a view and survey of 11 c.itiiiv road e iiiinioiii-ino.- at tin- Msitli-ss-vt corm r of s.-elitai .";, bus 11 1 iieriii, ran,... Ill east, ll.oiu-c north tss.i inihs I" I bo a slii-sve.-.l i-irn.-r cf s.-etion 2!, same (ovvu shin ; a, i.l th it lhe viewers 1111 I snrvesi r tbelvef ss ill in,-. 1 nt the heii.e of II 1 rs' i's Adaiie. in p-lem township, .-11 (he Sib dav of tif.'ut net X. C ItlidMAI.l., Piineii.,1 Poiiiimier. duly 2, tMil-'.l.s 4 t 11 11 11 I 1' F ' S sT hK. Julius Itlinn vs Henry Wvp-imt. l!y virliio of 1111 order ,:f sjih- issue I in lho alvive i-a-e by the clerk .' the curt of i--iniunn pleas of 0...I i-oiiniy, Ohio, and to in-' tliret led .mil th liior cd. 1 ssill t IV. r lor t.ile nt public son, hie tit Ihe ,!", I the court heice, iu llie loss u nf Pen s shuii;, Wood canity, Ohio, on Sa-urd.iy, Ainrust 111, lsill, b.-twe, n lho lu.urs'ot lu n. in. ami 2 p. 111. of that thiv, the f.'lloss inir huuls and t.-nenieiu i.t... I... ln! ninnb -r .'.;';, iu the lossti of IVrrv shiny, W.m.,1 ceimty, Ohio, nnj sub,lisi.-.ioii iiunil'ier 1, ,,f riser trael nuiiibt r 7l., containine; ) K7-1 00 acres ef l:m, mere 01 le.-s, in Wood counts', Ohio, Apprai,, ,'( ,,(' f , th I'.'.OCVIilhShentr. July a, isei .. (i,v:,$i :u. s 11 K It I F F S S A 1. M .Mm b ites vs. the VNocutors ofp-ivbl I.ndd, doe'd by s , irliit- of in i order of sale issued in Hit- ulios o lis the clerk; of the ceurt of common pious of - t-'-t , s'liin, una to mo (itroetoil nuo tleliv- ere.l, I ss ill oil,-,. f'r s tie at public vendue at the -' ,!"' '""" Inmse iu the town t.f lVfrvlin'v', " l01' eeiuity, Ohio, n.i . , '"udav Auyust . 'Id, IStil, ! '" "?" 10 "V1, , k s ,A'"'k ' ,l',t "'"! i'..l! hurls und l-ue- incus l.-ss n A part of Iho riser tract "-Idji -'(. V. S. lb-servo, i W.H.d conntv, Ol io, lonndeii .North bv ibo M,iiiin,s li.-.-i- ...t l- il cist lino of snid river tract, south bv (jrussv creek, nn I stes, by n line ii.tralh I wilh Ibo'cist lino of riv er tract No SO. nu. I dintunt tliciefi-om easterly .'1 ,M1 10(1 cliiiins, (oxooptin. u tract ooiil.iiniiiif .-i.s'-lilil (,f nn iiciv, ile.-oribcd us uilloss si -behniini; ut a lioint whero tho Ust nbn s o tlosei ilie.l lino cro.sse.s iho I'errvsburt, und Oia.'oii, iheiiei' north on said lino 8 tc'-lilU eliuinu to :ti-l road, iln-iu-o Koullierlv idooi, :ti,liii:l ,l,0 plaeot-f ixaiinnin,;,) said lands contain njf V7 ueiv of land nion or less, An pruisod if l.sjti.OO, tl. K. UL'VFK VsvaSisl Slu'iiir. 1)K1)K MITION NOTK'K SSI Cbiloote or bis IX jissipi will take unliw time ltornurd Kchder ... inuiui iii mo ircMsury oi vm,i counts-, O., forty-ihix-o dollurs unit ciKlit'v i-i-nu lo n-doeiu the v Iraolion of sooiiou 2a. U.svn J north, raniro 13 east, I'M V7-IU0 m-r.-, old ut tho Hclinnncitt T January . 160. ADDISON SMITH, Puryi,burfc', July JJ, ISC1 Vw3 Auditor. t m .. NEW ADVERTtS7V!ENTS. jyiCH SOTICK. .Ntitlce is horeby piven that n petition bos boon tiletl in tins ollicc imiyiiu; fur the csttiblistinH nt unit ciiiisti-iictinp of 11 diteli lenmieiK itip- nt or near t Im ttii't of tltt! riiljre Htnitli of the north-wi-st i-niner nr tlie sniith- est ()unrler of m-otion S.'l, town 6 north, iiiiigo 10 ( list 1 thence imi tli en the lim-of flip roa-l, iiii-I crtflsinjf thi h.i 111 - nt various points, to tin; ui'itii-ut !t eeim r til' die snulli half of the north west ipi.u-t; r of His-tieii as, ftniiii' tmvu nn. I ninjre i liii nc.! lo inter-i-ct tho Hoot iV. (tn-t.-n diteli, no-cnll-c.l j tin-lice nnrtii-w s slerly en r 11, -m- the present lin ! ol' s.ii l ditch, tn hiti'iset-t llit- l'l.iin & T'Hitupn ny tlin li, s i-ciill'.'tl : tin-nee north (town usid tliteh, In or near the seulli line of the iuiirtiveineiit on the Nibehuig, h(.-(siII..' t. AI.sdu brunch to suitl tlileli eeiiini ncitig nt or tiear the imrlli iinrter post ol Ri'i ln.ii 3.1 nfon 11 iineil : tlience west nleiip or ik-:ii' tha st ction liiu toil.-tint.-rsi-etioii with the main ilitcli. Also a hecui'l br.iaeh I'oainienciair tit or 11 -in-the iiei lli tmlf i,nrti-r ieKt of the norih-enst U el hsi I scelion 3:1; thenre nnrtli to the Iliirtnitm i-ii.el -. thnii e west ntnl nortiiMt est nlonp or near the hue of the iir.-N,-.t partly eointrtuteil ditch tn tls niit-r l etien w ith the main tlin-h, nnd that suitl i tiii 'ii w ill bts for li-.!iriiir on the lith of Antrnst a'xt. AbbiSdN SMITH, Auditor. Auditor's OHire, AN cotintv, O. Pt riyslnirg, Jtuie 22, 18'tl v4r 73. ITCH NOTICE. -Notice im hf-reby tjtven Hint niplirnti!in linn boon nude lo t'ie Ci-iiiiniMsinin r.-i of '(Mid cenntv for tlie establishing of 11 drain cominrnehiir nt n point VI feet south of the Wi!'th-vt cornel' of .1 Wt-tiuore's l.oal in set lion I. ton 11 .1 nsrth, l ung,. 12 east: thence noi'lli on the lin.- between tli-j e-ist half nn.l west half of the lio'. lh-v.est (pi.trler of sai-t Keelion 1, '.."-'ID ts- t : tht iit-e norlli 47 th-g. -la min. c.wt 4(1(1 feet ; thence north i't thg. east ion feet I tlience iv-rth 2 tl.-g. I j min. east ill!) feet ; thci)gr noi tli l' g. ea.-l "HO fe.'t into the oi l tliteh panlv con lineiel : th: :it- I'ollew ohl tliteh In terminus, nnd 1h.1t s.tiil iippli'-.itien will le- for hearing on the (iih day of August ii-xt. APllISON SMITH, Ati.lin.-.'it Oilie -. Wood foniifv, (1. Auditor. l'erryffbm-p, June 2'2, bS'il- tiwlI 75. ) ITCH NOTICE. Notice in hereby piven that a petition lias been hi .1 m this olliee. praying for the establishing nnd eoielru--!ing cf a t!i:eh beginning nt a point on the line w hich divides the ucr:li-rest iuai'terol' section ll.'. town 5 north, range III east, 18.) feet south of l.i'ig.- re.a l ; tli-nee s".titii HL':'; tleg. west 5.'ij feet lietit: lli-ae 11th 7.!'..: thg. vve -t iti-l f.-i-t tu ser-tiiin lino i mill 70j feet : tii-'i't-j s --s. 1 :!-" fe,- f,, I...1,- li . . . , ......1. it--. ,-. .. ..." . lui.-nf set't'ea ;!1 ; thence west l.V.iO fret, terminat ing in tie- Vi'i-nillmi v tlit-!i, sn-calh-.l. nnd that said petition will be for herri: gen Iho lith tl tv nf August next. A I1 : 1 -t X SMITH,' Auditor. An lit r's Otnee, Woo l cimnts', O. lVrry.sburg, Juno 22, ls'.l li,s Hi Oil. ...... . j . -1 -. . - . 1,1,11,.- rv'i.,.1 ...... ii-i-i 11, reui-.-r I) Ml'II NOTICE. N'tilicf is lit-ivbv civi-n that 11 iM-li'it.n bin boon Jil-.'d ill this olliee tor the establishing ami construct ing i f a ditch ctininieiH'ing lit llit! nt'itith nf tilt! asvail vibt-ie tiie ssnn.- enters the Ttiussiiint ere-!;, sup-iese.l In be in s .-clinn "ebter tnsvn shin, li.ll ns ing tin- til ! dilcli t-i llu McCulchi-iivill,! ; thtsK'f in the Tuvh.r ditch at the north end nf .st'tsii'ii .1, (' -nt"i' t-isMisln'ii ; tlit-nco lo intersect Ih - t.ld I'l.inl: tlileli, so-ciilhsl : theinu lollnsv ing said tlilch to the Plank : tiienco snath en -. .i 1 road In iiiu-rsect the Pr.iirlo ditch ; thene- ful h.uing s.tid ditch an I seuiii tn svlu-ro it inter s.'cis t'10 eld l'iu liny lo.itl ill l'hiin t'.isvn.-liin, ull in V.' ntnl county, Oiiiti, t- riiiiiiating t slid r;i.l, n--:ir tin' rt-.i-l.-nco nf D.ivid Webb, nirl that snid appli cation will he ftir ht-a ing 011 the tlrli thiv of August n.-vt. ADHiSOX SO-HTII. Atitliter. AinPl.-r's OITit-.-, We. '! tt-unty, O. lVrrs sliui'g, .1 lin" li, I'vi I '., !? ' fill. ir Cll XOTTCK. Ntihce is hereby gis't-n (but n petition bus been HI ', I ia this cliiee praying (i.r the establishing nnd fi'n-li ne'ing ef a niu-!i l-'ginning :it the Plain uatt bill -riv tn, tiin-h miinhi-i- l.(, a! Ine c--iitor near the s'lnlh lin - of the s-iuili bull' nf lhe smith-oust 1 of :eelien Xe. 2, tosvn .ri n irlh, range 111 c-a.f, running -.vest .ua : tie aeo n- rth on Ihe (iii.irn-r seeii.-ni line iitiotil lii-l r.-tls : thence west en thu (purler s-cii-ni liii- aheut bid mils, to the rne.l nn the sec- t.on luio : thence on the east siile of said mud to line (if l'l.iin slid Liberie town shirs, suliiect to tin extension nf Ml roils further north cf sni-l'township Ini tn-11 cni'iailm -nt of 1 Oil im Is south (if s.iitl line is 111.1 v l,o tie "iii-.-tl besf, aii.l t!ii-,t sai I netititin will lie for hearing 011 the lith tlav nf Atitust next. ADDISON SMITH, Auditor. An liler'a Olliee, Woud enunty, O. lVrryslstrg. June 22, ISC, I iisvl-t'i 23. N'OTlf'lh- 'ft. 0,n,rad ITeser, AVilliam McKsvcn, nil I Jesiith Kio-er. y,iu are her -hv imiilioil that till the 21i;h day of June,, I, lis the estate of 1'hilin b. Ih-ser. tleoe:i., -,I liled 11 I'l'lhion in tin rrohnto Court of WiumI iiiint.v, Ohio. iilh-uin:r licit the nersiinnl ost.o.. ,,f the dfci-tlciit is insullicient t-i nnv his ilelns unit tin. ar-.'es of nthninisterin-r his estate : tli.i.. In. , sci.-d in fee simple nf the ftillnsvhig tlescribed real tate situate-.l 111 the eoiinlv nl on l an I sjl.tto i.C 01110. in-ssn: tne n-11 ; , I tisu l.-.v' .: 11 so la noi-ei Ireni the 111 rib side nf tho s'r,' nf the n-ss nil of seclinii No, 1 1, tnsvn :; nerdi, range 12 east, ciintuin- !' S.i aires,,! laiul. und taut I.n.iU t. l',.t-;..l- I. ess is, Ctairatl and Catharine I loser, ns !,! l.i,M ... lass;, buhl iho next st ito nf ialieritance therein nnd the ssi.l William Mel: won nnd William K. ill own h is 0 mortgage li ns upt 11 snid bnl. The prayer nf said peiitnm is for a sale, of ttaid proniis os I'm- the payiueiit nf said nr-rlir-mes und nlher iu Jelite.h.ii ss an. I charges aforesaid'.' S.iid petition Will i e fur hearing en the Ud of August, tstil, nt 111 t.';, 11. 111., nr ns seen thereafter us counsel uci b - bad. Jo.s'atu VN WiT.vr-iu:. A.huV. y.X D. I. Hom.i:mii:ck, uti'vs fur nlt'll'. Juno 211, lSiil-tltt-i ' 4 II K U I F ' S s A I, K . William Johnson vs. the oxoput'TS of David I.adtl, deceased. l!y virtue of nn order of s da issued in the above case by lhe Clerk of lhe Court of Common Pious of Wnotl (iitin'y, Oiiln, nnd to mo dii-ootcd nnd deliv ered, I vsilt oil' r for silo nt public vendue nt tho door of the Court House in Perrs-sbing, Woud tiauily, Ohio, On Saturday, August 31, IStil, b-tsveeii the hours of 10 n. in. and I) p. m. rf that day. the following described lands ttnJ tenements, to ss it: In-lots iu I'errvsburg t isvn.ship, Xos. CSI, tisl, 0S7, liSrt, 7l.i, 7ti:i, 7il7, 712, 7211, 7:iH, 7115, 7:1(1, 7.Vi, 7."il, 7,".i, 7'iti, 211:1, :iiti, ::ni, ,"112, :i2:', :i:M, ;ia.' i:.':t. :;ir, ."-is, :m:i, ;j.m, :i7b ;i,"!. :i(ic. :ni7. :ms. uTti' IM, 121, 122, 411, 441, 11.., 4 If., 4'i7, I'i.s, 4'.i'i 470, Anni-aisol at f:i ''7(1. . , U. K. liL'VKli, Sboritr. July 3, ISiU 9sv5?-l 50. s II P. K I F F ' S SALE Joseph P. Corey vs. Jacob AVilzninn ct nl. rv viriuo of nn t i th r of s do issued bv the Clerk of tho Curt of Ciniuioii Pious of counts', Ohio, ii: the above cause, mid tn lire directed mid d -hs civ.l, I will offer tor s.-.I t public vendue ut the doer of the Court House, ill llie town of IVrrvg biiro'. Wend enmity, Ohio, O.l S uur.l.iv.'the .1.1 day i.f Aiijhm, 1S01, belss eeu the hours of ill a.'m. .in-l :! n. m. of ll.-.l tl i.v the f. ll .'.siiijr In,, 1, nn.l ( eneuiciii.,, I,i-vsic The o:c-! Ii.ill'of tiie north west ipl trier und ihe cast half of the si nidi -t ust ipi irU-rol s etioa nuniber !1, toss n sl.ip number;!, norlhof ltiinro iiiiinl all. Apprais vl ' SSill). O. I', (U'Vlilt Sheiilf. Julv .'!, ISiil JwSS.-l 14. t II i: II I F F ' S SALE. Henry I.. Cresvell vs. A. J. X lb-other, lis vinue of nn order of s..le issued in (ho nbtivo esus ' l.y (ho clerk ef the court of eeiuni .n ph-as of Cuyhi j; i i-.ntnty. Olii.i, und lo in- directed .md ilc lin ro I, 1 will oil', r f. rs ile nt l'lib lie Von hit- ut tho door of iho court house iu tho tosvn of Perrvsbur", Wood counts , Ohio, on " " Siturdiiy Aujvust ll.l, ISdl, between the hours of III o'clock u. in. und :l o'elock p. in. this lho f,. I loss hie thM-iibiil hinds und leiitinents to-svit: Tss.i hna Ir, 1 und forlv (.-'I") -eres elt lite cast part of iho sauth half ot's-.-oiion 11 I't'il loss iisuiji, Hood c. iiuly, Ohio. An- praised nt tilHH!, Oil (i. i:. (ii vi'.it, t'ssaSj 1 1 .Sheriff. lll-'KlPFVS SAI.K. 1 et, r A iinuost vs. Alexander P. Poimldsoii. I'y virtue nf nn order ef s ile issued iu the above case by the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of W nod county. Ohio. 1 ss ill oiler for sale nt il.t. .I.. ft tin- Court House- ill Pons sbur-;, Wood county, Saturday, tho llitb dav of August, 1SC.1. betsvoon tho hour of 12 o'clock in. ami 2 o'clock m. ol said day. lho tbUnwiiijr doscribod himU and' nenienis, tn-ss ii: the north-east quarter of section "', township o, north of range U oust, in Wood county, Ohio, containing lllll neros, more or loss c T tl. K. OL'Y Fit, sheriff, ( ook, Pbick & Johnson, vltv's. July II, isiil Ussijta It. i n i . 'Srihdayof July, IStil, at It o'clock, a. idditv, ut the d.s.r of the Court House, in "' ,NN ,h1 '", Ohio, will be sold tn the On the m. ol sun IVm-fbio'ir 1 I .11:'. .lift .1.1 r. , a 12, "ili t, ,iii, .I,',.',, jf, j, (i.i:), cijs, 7(1(1 ju 70 j 741. 7 IS, 7ti.i, 21S, 2.V2, 2.V., 27 j, 27ii, 277, 278, 44:1 is -'M, :m2, o-ir. m, asii, 012, nn. c.ia, UIi IM,rti, l.a.i ot 202 and 2t!7. Aiinraisod at S:i .27(1. ...xo.m iiiniu-r, inr lonowinjr ival estate as the piniH-rty .it Oabn. l ..unt,d, e'd.K,-vvit: nil of that pari ot the east half ol fractional section No. 15, in tosviisbip No. 6, north of n,i,K0 x. in tfasti vin east of t,. Dayto,, 4 .Mieliian KailiW.f, W .hhI county tlhio, coiitahiinjr l eiva of land! more or les. Terms made Wuon on day of sate. Mniii K. Voi nt, adiuuiiatraU-U. I 0i i, riiicg A Joussos, alt'ys. I crrysburg, July 1, 1661 w4fl f 0, .- . . - -'"i in- tii j i i COOPS & GROCERIES. JETjTUK WORLD BEAD. FOR THE DESTfe CHEAPEST GOODS 00 TO THE STOtlE CT W. J. II ITCH COOK. new o-jons I nkw noontil kkw imong I m:w aoons I NKW (lOOIIHl KEW (i 00 01 Haw ooonsl kw rmcEs! KEW TKICKS NEW THICKS nkw rmcEs f new rmcrsr nkw rBicral NEW rKICEDl Tho larpest slocks nf pxid.- over o(T cred In tins nun ket, i-uibrui-ing nn entlless variety of nrticleu STAPLE, FANCY AND FASHIONABLE, In Ihe selection of which no effort litis been ttir ctl to render it ns nttraetive as possible, ia now be ing opened at thu CHEAP CRY GOODS STORE of AY. J. Hitchcock, on the corner of Front and Low isiuua Avenue, I'l'iTysbiyg, Ohio. QfALlTY is the DEST TEST of CHEAPNESS. Insncctitin nn-1 Coninnrisnn vvillnrnv tlmt for n. rietv, elt-pimco, lic-liiu-ss, clicnincra, bcmitr nnd (lUiintitv. this stuck is unsiirns.;,.,! Kv ,,, ,f . 1 : ' .1... V i.tvt 111 utu T.A DIKS' FASIITOXAUbE DliESS GOODS I In this dopnrtinciit pivnl advnntnpt- may be obtnin cd by close ensh buyers, from the fact that the gtmda mv b-nifrhtfor rash diroetlv of the eastern dealer iui-1 iniiii.'.fnctuivrs, nnd all imported jjikkIs nreboll nt just what it costs to import tl.cin, hence lie-can allbrd to sell goods ut iU CII LOWER PHICE8 than poo,!., nre pr-nerullv sold, which is nn item f preitt interest to the people of Wood county. A mif ilicii nt in diicoiiieiit, wo take to wukhj Perrvs, burg tho trading ptiint. ' ItV.iDY .VADE CLOTiriXlTt In this dt-imitivient, wo hnve th" largest and most complete assortment jM XnHhorii tMiiti. Jlatlo nn uccerdmg to the hi test fashions and in the most sob, stanti il milliner, warranted to give the Vcrv best satisfaction, or no sale. HARDWARE, CR0CERIES, &C. Those vsishing to mil-chase nnythnigin this lino will bud it to then- advantage to nay mv ytnrc a visit bi-rore piirehiismg elsovvhore. The attention of tho public is respectively invilod to mv extensive stwk. leclmg assures! t will be time profitably spent. IsT'Piiiduoe taken iiiexcbnngefor goods. w. .i. iirrcncocic. IVrrysburg, Jannnry 2.1, ISIU. Q. K A IV I OP U N I N C3 " 0p STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, hats, caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, WOODEN WARE, HARDWARE, Fanning Tools, GPvOCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC, Ladles' Dress Goods, cw, Chaste, Rich and Elegant ruttern Just received by A. 0. WILLIAMS & BItO. Sugars, Amber Syrup; African, Rio mid Java C'ofiVes, Layer nnd Seedless Raisins, very nice, Prunes and. Currants, GLASS, DYE-STUFFS, SPICES, Kerosene Oil. Tea nt 50 cents, and 1 tea for 75 cents; try it, rrimo Live Geeso Feathers, Retailed from $1 fb up. Mackerel and Cod Fish, Looking Glasses, etc, CLOTHING, HATS AND CArS, .New Spring und Summer styles, Strong and Cbean for Cashj for sale by Williams, GOODS AT SECESSION PRICES F0K TIIE LAlUEri, French Printed lhiivjfes, very cheap. French Printed Organdies, beautiful designs. Gingham Law ns, Printed Lawns, Printed Bril- liantcs, all entirely new styles. Mourning Goods, Kiubmiiicrieg, llorego do Laines, Sutiuner Press Silks, Linen Lustres, Yrlvui-ias, Foulurd Silks, Marseilles, Lawu Robes, Organdie Robes, Grenadiues, Chullies, Counterpanes, li'apkius, Doylies, Daninsk Cloths, Rutlling, Edgings, Moreens, Flannels, Lace Veils, Cotton Sheetings, Press Ruttons and Ti-iniiuings, a handsome assort inent, all new. Bonnets and Ribbons, Misses' and Cbildrens Flats and Hats, Parasols, the newest and richest out Shawl of every description, Mantillas and Raglans; please call and examine be. for purchasing elsewhere. Fish I Fish I A good supply of all khds poo stautly kept on baud at our store. tfProduce taken in exchange for good. A. O. WILLIAMS Si BR0. ?nd door from tae pout office,