to 5
.1? IU R 1. Y S 13 XT 13 G , O., THURSDAY
18. 18CM. NO. 11
ISotiet is lirrnhv riven tint on MoTlnv. tlo Ifltli
dar of July, lHill, at tlio. hiuin of Miciwl Ario.i
In lVrtiipe township, 1 will Irt to tin lii.lilor,
In gep.u-.ite set-tinm tlic nuking of tln dniin known
m drain Xr. lit, cnnnninicinir at or ireav tin- jeiitli
quarter post of Ferlitm 1, 1'orUpe tnwnflii'i: thi-nrv
running north on or nrar the quarter lint? S70 rotli:
thence in a nortli-wexterly ilireetiiin to the Tiirtj
river and thnro trrniinattC Tin vvt.rk comprise JT
sections of 2n rods each; the wiillh of the hottonof
tlia first 8 auction to bo 3 feet, the remainder our
feet. The hank to have a ylopo of l.'j to 1 foot
in depth. The earth t.ikuti from the diU ii to le re
moved 3 fet from the binlr. The culling ns in
dicated on the cnjjiii.vr's priil'ilc to he adhere.! to in
excavating. Tha work to be completed by the 1st
day of November, 1801, to the nceepl.Vn'eo of the
County Uniuiiitssiiiner. Sulo to commenc at t
o'clock, p in. AHIMSON SMITH, Auditor.
Auditor's Office, Vo,i 1 countv, .
Porrysburji, June 2(1, !S.iO SwifO OH.
Notice is heivbv civen tlint on Wednesday, the
31st dny of July next, nt Adam Hiss' old ntun.l in
Portage township, I will let to the lowest bidder, in
Reparte sections, the ni.ikinir of the drain known ns
dr.tiil No, 21, commencing nt a point where n line
running north and south through the centre of sec
tion 22 in Liberty township crosses IheHlrxk Swamp
branch of the Portage river: thence rirniitig n north
cast course in said channel until it crosses the east
lino of section 0 i.i l'ort.iire township, w hereat to
terminate. The work is divided into I -1.5 seel ions of
20 rods each, nn 1 to be of the l'ullowing width on
the bottom: from b'tfiiinimr to section 4ll twenty
foot, from section -I'l to Si) inclusive thirty feet, from
section HO to end forty feet. The timber,' flood wood
and i irtli to lie cleared out 11 feet from the enter of
said drain for the first 45 sections, i!j feet for the
next 33, and :I0 f.vt fur the remainder of the sect I. an.
Slope of banks 1 ' j t 1 foot in depth. The cutiiiiu's
varies from 1 -10 J of a font to UJ I feet. The cuttings
to be mule in accordance w ith the profile of the en
gineer in charjre of the worit. The whole to be
completed by the lirstt day of November, ISiSl, to
the acceptance of the County Commissioners, l'lni
and sne-eilications of the work will be exhibited and
conditions undo known on day of sale. Sale to
commence nt 10 o'clock, p.. m. "
Auditor's Office, Wood countv. ().
Perry sbtirpr, June 20th, 1801 8v533 00.
.Notice is hereby civon that on Thursday, the 1st
day of August, lH'll, at the house of J. Klickinper
in Plain township, I w ill let to the lowest bill ler, in
separate sections, the makiui; of the drain known
as drain No. 23, commencing 20 rods north of the
south-west corner of section 30, town 5, ranre 11 ;
thence south tho Perrysburjr and Findlay F.
T. road to a point 20 rods south of the north-wet
comer of section 0, town 4, r.mpo 11: thence cast
on the must practicable route to a point 10 rods smith
of the north-east corner of said section li, and there
terminate. The work comprises 3 3 sections of 20
rods each, with a bottom of feet in width for
the first. 18 sections, and of 3 feet Jjr the balance.
Hank slopes l1 base to 1 vertical. Toe earth ta
ken out of the ditch to be removed 3 feet from tho
slope of the bank. The cuttings to be made in ac
cordance with the profile of the etifrinecrs in charge
of tho work, and thj wdiolo to be completed by the
1st day of November. 111. Plan and specifica
tions will be exhibited, and conditions made known
on day of sale. Sale to commcii'v at 10 o'clock, a.
m. ADbiSON SMITH, Auditor.
Auditor's Olliee, Wood countv, 0.
Perrysburjr, June 20, 18til -ttwoi7 00.
Notice is hereby civen that on Saturday, the 2"th
of July next, at the house of Alva Khole's, in Plain
Township, 1 will let to the lowest bidder, in separate
sections, the making of drain No. 20, coninionciiifr
about eight rods esst of the west quarter post of
section 34. town 5 north, range 10 oast: thence
northerly to tho corner of section 27,
same town and range ; thence north on the Liberty
and Miltonville Free Turnpike road, to a point about
80 rods north of the south-west comer of section 3,
same town and range ; thence north-westerly down
Tonlogany creek, terminating in the north-east
quarter of s"ction 31, town 0 north., and range afore
said. Said dr-iin is divided into on." hundred and
fifty sections of 200 feet each. Width of bottom 2
feet to station 10, the remainder three feet,
slopes 1)4 b tse to 1 vertical. The OMcavuted earth
nlong the road to be cast thereon, and all the earth
to be clear of the slopes at least tiiree feet. The
work to be completed by tlie loth oveinbea -next.
to the acceptance ot tho County Commissioners.
The plan and speciMeutiaits of the work. tc w ill
be exhibited on the dav of sale. - Sale to ccnmionce
at 10 o'clock,. m. ADDISON' S'-i IT II, Auditor.
Auditor's Olliee, Wood countv, ().
Perrysbiug, J lino 21, IStil 8w6$7 25.
Notice is hereby civen that, on the 30th day of
July noirt, at Dauteruinii's school house, in Portage
township, 1 will let to the lowest bidder, in separate
sections, tho making of drain No. 34, commencing
at a point where the Milton and Montgomery F. T.
road crosses the west brunch of Portage river; thence
cast in the south ditch of said road to the middle
branch of Portage river. Said drain is divided in
to 43 boctions of 20 rods each, , Width of bottom 3
feet, and back slopes I ft base to 1 vertical. The
excavated earth to be thrown over tho road and not
less than 3 feet froiij tho slopes. The work to be
done by tho loth November next, to tho acceptance
of the County Commissioners. Phui and specifica
tions of the work exhibited on tho day of sale, Sale
to commence at ten o'clock, a. in.
Auditor's Office, Wood countv, O.
Porrysburg, June 21, 151 8w5$5 25.
Notice is hereby riven that nn the 1st dav of Au
gust next, at the house of Joseph .Mitchell in Plain
township, I will let to tho lowest bidder, in separate
sections, the making of ditch No. 3S, coiuin ncing
80 rods west ut tho south-east corner of auction 2,
town 4 north, range 10 east: thence west to the south
quarter post of s.iid section ; thenco north 8(1 rods i
thenco west about 25 rods: thence north-westerly to
tho west line of tho cast half of the south-west
liuarter of said section ; thenco north on tho half
quarter lina to tho north, line of said section. Also
a branch or arm to the aforesaid ditch, commencing
40 rods south of tho north quarter post of the south
west quarter of tho section aforesaid i thence west
80 rods to the west line of tho same section. Tho
work is. divided into 'ii sections id' 20 rods ouch, ex
cepting section 13, which is 10 rods long, section 17
28 rods, nn i section 21, 18 rods long. Width of
bottom 3,'a feet down to ktation V: thenco to station
17, 5 feet; thence to station 21. 0 feet : thence to the
cud, 7 feet. Width of bottom of arm ditoh 3 feet.
The arm comprises i sections of 20 rods each. Dank
slopes b.lso to l rise, r.arth to be cast nt least
3 foot from tho slopes, Tho whole to bo completed
by the 15th November next, to tho acceptance of the
County Commissioners, Plan and specilications of
the work an I terms of sale nude known on tho day
of letting. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, p, m.
Auditor's Office, Wood county, O.
Porrysburg, Juno 21, 18(51-85$8 50.
Notico is hereby given that on tho 21 dav of Au
gust next, at the house of R. II. Itullis, iu Plain
township, I will let to the lowest bid ler, in separate
Boctions, tho Ul iking of ditch No. 39, commencing
at tho contor post of suction 3, town i uorth, range
10 east; thence north on the quarter line of said sec
tion, and of section 31 in Plain township, to .ntor
sect tho ditch now locate t, and known as tho Wood
bury ditch..- The work comprises 2o sections of 20
rods each, excepting tho last, which is 20 mis long.
Hank slopes li basa to I vertical. Width of bot
tom 3,' feet. The earth to be removed at least two
feet from the banks. The wdiolo to be completed
by tho Uth November uexi, to tho acceptance of tho
Comity Conmiisssiouers, Plan and speciliualious
of the work exhibited, nnd terms ot salo made
known on the day of sale. Sale to commence at
o'clock, p.m. ADDISON SMITH, Auditor.
Auditor's Ofiico, Wood countv, O. ,
' Perrysburg, Juno 21, L'.iSl 5 'oi 73,
Notice is hereby civen tliat aotdioation has honn
Wade to the Comuiis sinners of Wood county for tho
establishing of a drain commencing at a. point
: feet south of the uortb-west corner of J Wetmore's
laud iu section 1, town 3 north, range 12 east: thenco
north on tho line between tho east half and west
half of the north-west quarter of said section
3,200 feet ; tlumoa north 4? deg. 4i niiu. cast 400
. foot j thouce north ij dejr. cast AQO foet ( thenco
north 20 deg. 4J mill. eat loo fet-i ; thtuco north
deg. cast 300 feet into the old ditch partly con-
struoled theuce follow old ditch to terminus, and
that said application will be for hearing on the
day ot August ntixt, ADUldUN bUITU,
Auiblor'e Olticu, Wood county, O. Auditor,
Ferry sburg, June 23, 1W1-9w4M T,
Chilli Mi-IVwnU vs. Msc More.
l'.y virtue of a l'i I'u debt to me dim ted and de
livered from the court of common pleas of Woo l
county, Ohio, I shall utter for sale in New Wcstlield
in said countv, on
Thursday, July 26th, ISO I,
at one o'clock, p. m., the follow inp pmdn and chat
ties of the said defendant, to-wit: one horsc.onesin
plo buggy and harness, taken on said execution as
Hie property of the said defeiid int.
J as. SU-riiay, nttv. U. I'.. GC YF.It.
July 10, 'til -10wof2 63. Sln'rill".
gllLKlFF'ri SA1.K.
Abnni Krill vs diaries C. ll.ilr.l.
1'y virtue of an order of sale to me directed and
delivered from the court i f ci'inmon pleas of Wood
county, Ohio, in the above cause, I shall elVer for
s lie at the door of the court house in lYriysburg, in
said, en
Saturday August 10, 1831,
ut 2 o'clock p. m. oV suit day, the undivided one
sixth of toe south half of ill-lots in the town of IVr
rvsbtirg. Wood county, Olti.i, (subject to widow's
dower) numbers (333,' Hall, 302, 3i3) three hundred
and lliirtv-ciirlit. three hundred an I lll'lv-nine, three
liundred and sixty-tiro and three hundred e.ud eijvhty
three: tilso, tliewiiole tl in-lot one hunilreu niul
twenty-two ( 122). G. E. GL' VEK, SheriU".
Jamks Ml hk a v, atty.
Peter Vannost vs, Alexauder P. Donaldson.
Hv virtue of an order of sale issued in the above
case by tiie Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of
.Wood county, Ohio, 1 will oiler lor sale at the door
ol the Court House in J errysburg, M oort county,
Umo, on
Saturday, the 13th day of August. l$i1.
between the hours of 12 o'clock in. and 2 o'clock p
in. of s aid day, the following described lauds and
t noiueiits, to-wit: the north-east quarter of section
30, township 5, north of range V east, in Wood
county, Ohio, containing 100 acres, more or less.
G. E. GL' YEK, sherilF.
Cook, Puick &, Juiinsun, ulty's.
July 3, 1831 Uw6S3 li.
Samuel Johnson, adiuiiiis'.rat ir of A. Clou
ceased vs. Price dough.
llv virtue of a decretal ord.-r ot sale torn i di
rected and delivered from the court of common
pleas of Wood County, Ohio, I shall oiler for sale
nt Ihf doop of the court house, in Purrysburjf, Wood
countv, Ohio, on
Saturday, August 10th, 1801,
at two o'clock,' P. M. of said day, the
lollow.iig lauds and tenements, ns the property
ol the above named itelen tant lit suitol s it I plain
tnf to-wit: lii-lots in the south ihv.sion ot too town
of Portage, Wood countv, Ohio, numbers tii'tv-onc
( 61 ) fifty -two (52) and sixty-one ( 0 1 ). appraised as
follows: lot. el at (3, lot 01 at t.. lot ,,3 at SIUU
J.vs. Mi ittiAY.att'v. G, L, GL Kit,
July U, Kiel 10w5$3 31. sheriff.
On the 27th day of July, lSt'd, nt 11 o'clock, a.
m. of said dav, nt the door of the Court House, in
l'errvsburg. Wood countv, Ohio, will bo sold to the
highest bidder, the following real estate as the
property of Gabriel Yount, dee'd, to-wit: nil of that
pari of the east half of fractional section No. 15. in
township No. 0, north of range No. 10 cast, lyin
east of tho Dayton & Michigan Knilroai
in Wood countv, Ohio, nontaining (U acres of land
more or less, Terms mi le known on dav of sale
Mahia.u E. Yoi'.st, iidiniuiairatrix.
Cook, Pkick.v. Jounsox, att'vs.
l'errvsburg, July 1, lSiil lliv-l$a 50.
William Kcdmau vs. Elizabeth Miller.
!y virtue of an order of sale to mo directed from
the court ot common pleas ol oo;i countv, wuio,
I will oiler for sale at the door ol the court house in
Porrvsburg, Wood county, Ohio,
On .Saturday, the 13:h dav of Aiisrust.tSO I
between tho hours of 12 o'clock, in. und 2 o'clock
p. m. of said day, the following described lands
and tenements, to-wit: the north halt or the south
west nun iter ot section 22, town 4 norto ot range
number 1 1 cast, in Wood count v, Ohio. Containing
eighty acres of land more or less.
' 1T.TEK DELL, Master Comm'r.
Pkick iv Jonssov, att'vs.
July Sth, ISt'.l 10w5?3 31.
On tho 3d day of August, 1801, at 11 o'clock, a
in., on tho promises hereinafter described will be
sold to the highest bidder tho following real estate
as the property of Jacob llaaga, to-wit: lotmimbc
i;, in section number lb m township norm oi
range 11 east, in Wood countv, t;iuo, coiitamg 4U
acres. 1 erms ot sale one-third cash mi l the balanc
in two equal annual p ivnients with interest secured
J A t - U 15 1' 11 A Ml f A 1 1 1 U. Ii,
Guardian of Jacob Haaua.
Pmck k Johnson, att'vs.
July Uth, 1801 10w3i?'l 51.
by mortgage.
Andrew Suvdcr vs. Catharine Snvder.
The said defendant, Catharine Snvder, w ill take
notice that the plaintill, on the 8th dav of Julv.lbBl
lilod his petition in tho Clerk's olliee of the court of
common pleas ot nod county, I'luo, asking to u
divorced from said defendant, alkdging as a cause
adultery with one (!. Holler, mid gross neglect of
duty. aid petition will be lor hearing nt tho Uo
tober term of said court, 1801, which sits on the
10th dav of said mouth. Price & Johnson.
July 8, 1801- I0w0$2 85.
George Iiowinan vs. Andrew Spenco aud Marga
ret Mienco.
Thesaid defendants.Andrew and Margaret Spenco
will tako notice that said plaintill' on the
eighth dav of July, A 1) 1801, filed his petition
in the clerk's olliee of the court of common pleas of
Wood countv, Ohio, stating that ho is the assign
and owner of a moi'ica'ro and b in 1 given by tl
ih fen lants to Stephen Wellstoo l on the 1st day of
April, Ihjj, on the east halt ot the soutu-enst quai
ter of section 31, town 3, range 10 : 80 acres, in
Wood county. Ohio. The prayer ot said petition
is that s ii l' plaintifT ask julgm uits ngainst said
defendants for?25, with interest at 7 percent from
October 1st, 1850, and for a sale of the mortgaged
premises to pay the same. Said petition w ill bo
for hearing at the October term of said court, 1801,
and unless said defendants answer by tho 1st day
of October next, judgment will bo taken by d' fault.
PiiiceA Johnson, nti'yg for pl'tli'.
July 8, 1801 KlwGSl 05,
TOTK'E. .Tonathnn Witm arc, ndm'r, plt'ti' vs.
IN Louisa Hcser, Frederick; Ueser, Lew is Hosor,
Conrad Honor, Catharine IJeser, Win. MclCweu,
Wm. 1". llrowunnd, Kiger. (lefts. To Louisa
H 'ser.Frcderick Hes'er and Lewis Heser. You are
hereby notified that on tho tweutv-ninth day
ser, ueceaseo,
ISi'iI, I, as
of June, A. D
of tho estate rf Philii) L. II
Clod a petition iu tho Probate Court of Wood
county, Ohio, alleging that tho personal estate
tho decedent is insulliciout to pay his debts and the
chargvH of udiiiinUtering his estate: tliat bodied
seized in foe simple of tlio following described real
estate nituated in the county of Wood and statu
Ohio, to-wit: tho n-w? of the n-w'jjj also 4i acres
from the north suto i t the sj of the n-w'j all
section No. 11, town 3 mirth, range Jieaat, contain
ing Hi acres of land, and that Louisa, Frederick
Lewis, Conrad and Catharine Heser, as his le irs
law, hold tho )ct state of ioheiii toee therein and
that tho sail William McEwen and William
llrown have mortgage liens upon said land. Tho
pravcr of said petition is for a sale of said premis
es lor the payment of said mortgages and other in
debtedness ni) 1 charges aforesaid. Said petition
w ill he for hearing on the 10th of August, 18(1,
10 o'clock, a. in., or as soon th-reafter ns counsel
can ba had. Jonathan W'itmop.k, Adm'r.
F. A D. K. HoLi.EMiiXK, att'ys for plt'lf.
Juno 20, 1S01 n i
Homer IJ.irt, Ellen H irt, Thnrms Reid and Robert
Reid, will take notice that a petition aras filed against
them on the ll'.li dav of June, 1801, iu tho Court
Common IT -as, witfiiu and lor the county of Wood,
and State of Ohio, bv John Reid, for himself, and
as (iuardiaii of Archibald S, Reid, R
an I l--uhcll,i Reid, minor heirs of tho estate of Isa
bella Reid, lato of said county, decensed, and
now penning, wherein saidJohu lleidaeumn'lspar
titiou of tho following real estate, to-wit: That part
of the cst half of the west Jof the south-east
1, lying south of the west branch of Portage
er, in -ctiou number nine, town 5 north, range
: east, in Wood county anl Stateof Ohio, less elev.
en acres oil' tho south end thereof,) containing eler
S'i en nn I sixty-three hundredths acres : and tliat
the next term of said court, the said John Reid
apply tor an order thai partition may be uiado
salt! nreniises.
JOIIef Prrrn Dell, bis earner.
June 17, lel-wt,e5.
tUHJi.Vl. 1MHMI(; Ol"lICt
Hiving replenished our olliee with neV types
irouhout, wo lire now prepared to execute Job
eik, such as Posters, Sale ltills, lVraimiHS,
vilitions, Cards, Labels, Piiniphlets, all
kinds Ulanks, tho most satisfactory manner.
Orders filled at short notice, and on rjasonaLte
la. 00
One square .50
coluinu 2.60
, coluuin 4.60
One column 0.60
A deduction of 5 per cent, from the above rates
will be made tort ash.
The snare occupied by ten lines of the tvne com
posing the holy of tho advertisement will be
iii ire.
t!l I ransient a tverti -em -nts must bo pant tor
:i advance to insure publication.
Advertisements inserted wltn the m irk "if," w ill
be rharircd for until ordered out.
When vo.irlv iidvoriisein nits arc inserted four or
more chamrcs will he alloweil.
J. W. 1IA1I.EY, lVlll.lSMK'.l and I'noiMiiKTon.
: y i, v a r s J i: v v i: it s o
Attorntt at Law, Prtitivfoii'ito, Onto. Office
in East end of Haird House ltnil.ling. Will attend
promptly to nil business entrusted to his care, tt
P. W. It. HAV. T. W. lll'TOIllNSON
J. P. Wl.t.AR
Coll ecilnir an I ileal l'.-.l ale Aeents.
Will atten I promptly to all bu.iness eiiMuited to
their care. I'thce over l . ,1. Hitchcock s si r
errysburg. Wood County, Ohio. 'til-40tl'.
V li It A Y A: N I. V. VI X ,
A T T O 11 N K Y 8 AT 1. A W .
N ill attend promptly to all Liiral business en
trusted t their care in Wood countv. Olliee in the
I crrvsbitrg Hand Huihling, Pcrrvshurg, Ohio, tf
II. U. DOUliK, J. 11. TVLKlt.
o n ; ij & t y i, v. ,
Attouskyb at Law, IVrrv buri'. Ohio.
Particular ntteution paid to Conveyancing nnd
Notorial llnsiness. Also, for sale, large quantities
f Land in Wood and adjoining counties. '00-tf
t(H)li, PP,H'i: k'i .TFJ.-tt),
Attohm:ys at Law, Ohio.
ill promptly alt .'li t to nil l,aw business cutrus
l to t!i. ir cue. Hive for sale largo oiiantilies of
I. m l, inclu.::g W ell iuiinoved farms, which will b
hi on easv tenuy 00 lti
: o u t; a si T si a i n ,
Attoi:m:y At Law, Porrvsburg, Ohio.
Will attend to nil business entrust 'd to his car.
in tho several Courts of Ohio. Ollico w ith John
Rates, and ilreet. '00-1 tl
li 'V IJ It It li I. t, ,
Attorney at Law, ami Notary Public
IV ill attend promptly to all business intrus'.edto his
care. Ulhue m (he Court House with took, l ine ,v
Johnson. Nov. I'll, ISiiO lv
i . ii o i: i, i. h .
Rowling Green, Ohio.
I . II . Sill T tJ .
IIYSIC1 AN AN 0 S L' R (I E 0 N.
J.OWl.lNII tiiiKKS, Woo.l Countv, Ohio.
A.ll calls will be promptly attended to, both day
in I ingot. -on-ill
i it i ii o v s i:.
C. C. DA1RD, PnovuiiCTOH,
Porrysburg, Ohio.
)i;u;YSi3UZJ; I'iammi .mill,
and SASH r ACTOI4 1 .
DANIEL LlNU.E. PitopHtrrou.
Maiiufactnrcs to order, and keeps constantly on
haml, a general supply oi
Doors, Sash, linnos ami muow Miaues;
Pine, Whitewowd and Asli Elooring;
l'iue and Whitewood Doors.
All kinds of Pl.ANiNii iHitio to order. Order
promptly lined at loleilo prices, or, m some cases
below tho lii, lU- tl
The undersigned, feeling thankful for past favors
takes this opportunity id' informing the ladies that
she has just received the latest opening styles of
Pounds, Hats, Udiuons, r lowers, ami all lamls
Millinery goods constantly on hand. W ork done b
onkr, at toruier prices, nt her usual place ol re si
deuce. Ladies please call nnd see lor yourselves
51m3 ANN E. i'OWLER.
Carefully repaired by
At PEHKYSucKft Bank ltni.hisa,
0 Y
K AND 8 l KING O I li MX(i
is now receiving bis first stock of
uicn wr.nn BocttnT at tanic trices I
and beautiful, and will bo eolJ nt
call early.
Jlaumee City, O., May 8, IStil.
A. J. Gaiipxi'U It Co., Druggists,
Cilcad, Wood Co., Ohio.
Have received n largo stock direct from New
York, consisting in part of Paints of all kinds,
I.insixp, imsnfk. M.aciiini: nnd Con. Oils, Fub-nuti:1-:,
Co 0ii, Dk.ii au, aud Japam Vaunisii.
Paint, Vaunisii, Sash, Vuitewash, Seui BitiNt;
and La:!p Rhi siiks.
Dyk Sti i i s, like .lt .si'1'h's cont.of many colors.
OlaSH of all Sieex, Prrrv, Sash and Emkiiy
I'AlTll, Tl'til'KNTINK, Al.t'OtlOL, ('A TOHlllld SwltET
Oils. Eii'jlish Ciirr.iuts, Prunes, Tamarinds, nnd
liaisons, Spice, Pepper, Cinnamon by the 11). orm il.
tiieger, Clove.", Oroiuid and Extract of Ci.ll'ee,
Cht eoleto and Cocoa. Starch by the lj. or box,
A (mo nssortnveiit of Pkbitjikby So.irs and
flavoring extracts.
A laigo assortment of PfRH Mkpicines nnd
Ciikmicai.h, and Tillcn's celebrated Modiuinea for
Phvsiei.ius use.
Wo are gelling a hna article ol t oal UlL, free
from sni 'ke or smell, at 7ia p r gallon.
Lamp (Vi lli five shillings to two dollars.
Wo believe in tho principles of Port lab Pov
KKlnsTVnnd Pay as vor , nu l shall hold our
Stock strictly for Cash or Rkapy Pay, nnd will
take nil kin ds of (irain and Produce iu exchange.
Patknt Mkiiii'inks op I'VLItV K1NU.
(liload, May S), 1 S' 1 tf.
The tin lersigno.l takes pleasure iu annomichig
the Farm ir3, and all Mowers of Grass, that ho
tlm solo Agent for
which la no unsurpassed for durability, nnd une
qualled for easy work, It is leniK'ivd in a furnace,
and consequently thero nro pn hard ut soft places
in it, but uniform tbmiighuut the last half inch
just as good as the lirst. It is ulso kepi in order
much easier than any other scythe known, requir
ing but a fow moments at any timo to put it in per
foot order. In short it it tho" greatest Scythe of tho
a jo. Call and see it ut tho Store of
a O. B. KREPS.
Perrysburg, June 18th, 18(11.
Ayer Ague Cure.
BUSINESS CARDS. Perrysburg Journal.
Report of the Secretary of War.
Tito Soi'iottity lirst nciuii(4 Dviolly
fuels of the stHTSsioti ciitmcet-
cd witii Uio B-i-vico, (Kiiotitioiiiir Tw'gjrH,
and coini'liino'dtine; Atulcittoti. llo then
proeceJu to utato the I'resetit conditioa of
tho antiy. Ho Bayn !
History will reeord" tliat tnon who, in or-
liii.ity time s were nnlcly itevoted to iIumh Is
ol inaec. vc:e vet lei I v. on too itnnt.t. to
Urh fo aims in ilel'chso of tho!r t i;;bls when
nssu.ied. At the t'lesetil niometit tne ;;ov-
niiiieiil presents the sti ikmic tit tuiudy ot
eiti;; einbttrasscil by llie po ;einus mr.pi u -
i t id Vi'hinleciH to MiMiitn its iu t;oh. In
to; I of labo. iii tsthlt r tlio ilillioulty of
liion.'l'i ';!al JOVe! ttinenD' the W.U.t t'f llltll
I.) 1:11 its ;:riit en (w r.t oi aer eottt,! ; tcs
litis eonipelle.l u lcs'Ht to I'on evl e.e.sei ii -
tiob) one of its imiin ililliettiiica in to Keeii
loyn t Ixo inopoi tiniis of tlte tinny, ui.d to
jirevent it li om sweRii) l-eyoiiil luo ;te:n:il
loiee i eiiuil oil.
I'inler t lio cull for three months' volnu-
teetB, the: L'ovefnnient litis now in service
jrhly thotiMtmd tnen, The total futee now
in the li. M may he compute. 1 lis follows:
Regituirs an I volunteers for three months
and for the wai , 225,000
Add to this thirty-five regiment-, of vol
unteer for the war.acc. pte I uii.lict
vet in service 50 000
Add new regiments of regular army 25,000 - 75.000
Total forces now nt command of Gov'inent
Deduct the throe mouths," volunteers
Force for Jfrvicc nfler the withdrawal of
the three months' inon 230,000
It will thus he jierei'ivoil that after the
sehnrge id' the three months' f mops there
will he still nn iivuihiUe foteo of volunteeis
iiuoUhlitifr to l!-8,(KI0, which, ailth-d to the
regular tinny, will constiltuo ututul force of
'JoO.dUO oliieers iitnl me:i. It will lie for
Contess to ilelennine whether this army
shall, nt this t:nie, he itiereaseil hv theaild.-
liou of a still larger volunteer force.
The Cuiirii'i' reconiinemls (hat the term of
,'iilitilnient for the of the rovilar
inny he intitlo threo instead of live yeaty,
mil that a Lounly of ?100 he given to each
honorable dischar.ici.l eohlier at the end of
that time,
The mounted troops of tho old tirmy con
sist of Live regiments, with a maximum a
;j;reatu of d,(!(i() men. N'tit more than one
fotn tti of these troojis nro available for tier
vice at Ihe se;it of war. At loaxt (wo nj;i
menis of artillery are unavailable, bein;'
,t.uione.l on the wcutcru ceaut und in the
Florida forbo.
The increase of infantry is comparatively
large, but Ihia arm of the service is that
which the (leiicial-in-Uhief recommends tin
beiioj; the miist eflieii itf.
Tlic orgaiii'atiou of an increased force, it
will be noticed, is ililleiCitt from that of the
old army. This iiuestion was fully consid
ered by oUieera of the army connecled wilh
this ileinit'tinent, and tti'ler much tlelibera
tion, il was concluded to adopt the French
iigihtenlal Knysleju of three battalions to a
reimeiit, lvich battailion is coiiimaiKleil by
a major, witii a colom 1 and lieutenant-colonel
lor Ihe general command of the i t giu.ent.
This, it irt believed, in Ihe best ion
now existing. Tim number of oliicers is
less than under the old pltm, nnd, tiii'toloie,
much lus expensive. Whether this organ
i.iitiou may hot utl vautageously be extended
to the old army, after the passage of a line
providing for a retired list, is a iiiestion
w hich may properly engage the attention of
hi making the selection of officers for the
new regiments, (wo courses seciuoil to be
open, viz: to make the appointments from
Ihe regular service by seniority or by si-loo-tion.
The lirst appeared liable to the objec
tion that old and ill many instances iueHicicfit.
nieti would bo promoted to places which
o'tgdit to be I'tilud by younger aud more vig
orous oliicers. The second was liablu to the
grave objection that favoritism might prej
udice Ihe claims of worthy oliicers.
After the fullest consideration it was de
termined, under tho advice of the Ueueral-
in-('hief, to appoint otic-half of them front
the regular auny ami too oilier ball Inun
civil life. Of the civilians appointed as
regimental commanders, nil except one tire
cither graduates of West Point, or have bo-
fore willt distinction in tho field; and
of tho lieutenant colonels, majors, eapttt'iis
and liift lieutenant;), a large portion have
been taken iroin the regular nrmv ami til
volunteers now hmTvlee, while the second
lieutenants have been maitilv created by tho
promotion of mcritottu sergeants from the
regular (service.
The Secretary prefers tho volunteer sytv
tern to that of the regular army, and eonsid
era that till fears of its reliability have been
dissipated Ly the fads of the present war.
lie speaks in the highest terms of the vol
unteer force iu all respects, as soldiers, cit
izens aud men.
Tho calling forth of this large and admir
able force, in vindication of the constitution
ami the laws, is in strict, accordance v ilh
wise prudenco and economy, ami tit the
same time time in perfect harmony with Hie
uniform practice of the Lovei iiiuciit. Jhtt
three year.? ago, whi n Ihe authority of the
nation was contemptuously ached by the
Mormons in I.' lull, the only tntfe policy con
sist 'lit wilh Ihe dignity of the government
was the prompt employment of such an
overwhelming force i'ur tho suppression
tho rebellion as removed all possibility
fa lure. It will hardly bo eredilod, howev
er, that (he following "language in relation
fl at period was penned by John II, Floyd,
the t Secretary of War, and now tiulively
en .njrctl in leading tho rebel forces, who
have even les.i to justify their action tlun
the Mir limns ;
When a small force was sent to Utah, the
Mormons attacked and destroyed their
t ains, und made ready for a general attack
upon the column. When asulVieient power
was nit on font to put success beyond till
doubt, their bluster and bravado sank into
whi-peis of terror and submission. The
movement upon that territory was demand
ed by the moial sentiment of the country,
wtii due to a vindication of its laws and
t'ot'blitiitiun, ujid was essential to demon
strate the power of tho Federal (loveriuiieiit
to eha-it so insubordination and ipie'.l rebel
lion, however formidable from numbers
position it might, seem to bo, .deijtiato
preparations and a prompt advance of the
nrmv was nn set of mercy and humanity
these deluded people, for it prevented the
e!lusiuii of blood.
I recommend tho fcimo vigorous und Utor
ciful policy .now,
The reports of the chiefs of the different
bureaus of this department, which are here
with submitted, present tho estimates of tho
probable amount of appropriations required,
m addition to those already made for the
year ending June 30, 1SCT, for the force now
iu tho field, pr which lias been accepted and
will bo in service within tho next twenty
days, as follows i
Quartermaster's Department $7n,!89,!09
ubiMnm Pprtmnt 7,27861
Ordnance D pai tmi nts 1 S, I 7 J 00
Pv D.-p ir;m -ft Ci,Ij.o' H
Ad'iir.aut lien Tal's D rurtment 40".t00 OH
1'nL iue.-r Dej iirlmen'. OSS.OOO till
Tope,; l-'ie;ii fi-Deparlmcnl 00.0OA nn
Sioi.eon Uenerals Deputm.Mit 1,271.8(1 00
Due st tl wiiii h b we undo udvnn
coi of troop M.000,000 00
Total ..
Tho s'.tbsii
tet'.oo of tio
ipa nov. in tin
i taht'o.
v'u t is n tmiliei of t!u hi ;! itn
Katiotifl, I'lMoer in ivivnlitv an 1 tpi'-iliiy, ate
quite ns e-iscnlitil to the olheieney of tin nr.
lit v m valor tt'.hl t'i.t ipiine. It it, th-sii.ll le, ;
then lie, (Vat the iiuantity of rations ih.,- '.
tributetl to the 'v ops, hlnnil 1, if jiosslMo, I
bo tvfaptc I I" their previtnis t'ie;vy haln'ts.
While it eiiif.ot he oxp-c!eil tlirt tlie litMt- i
l ies to whii.'h man v li.ive Leon iveeiisteiueil, !
siicai.l bo provided by tho oiumiosui'tut, n
jn.-.l re .'.iU-.l to umihu't tool hcalt l itetons
iH'oti tlio government, the I : t : v t.t litrr.tu.m. :
uti't. InviUhl ni and pa'utahle food. A larg
er oioi'ortioii i'l vegetal'. es t'.nl el Iresli
meal '., when they utn bo procured, than eon
now be furnished under tho army regula
tions, w, t)M rgidituhii'dly diminish the dan
ger o jut It'in i-s among ihe (''oops. J, there
I' tie, submit the iiiest!on whether it wottl I
n i be expedient for I'otsgre.-s to enlarge
the pow ers id' the commiss iriat, so as to en-
a!'!o. ii thi" bettor to ciutv into piactice tho
views here sugges ted.
New F.ngland is especially complimented
for the nl.ierity and thoroughness with
which she equipped and placed her itvtl in
the Held. Allusion is made to tho sanitary
regulations of tho tv.ntv.
Wtth regard to arm, the Seeretury pays:
The at ins and ordnance sup) lied fi nm our
national armories, under the able supertii
tcnduioo of the Ordnance Uiui ati, compare
m, ist favorably with tho very host manufac
tured for foreign governments. Tho cele
brated F.ulield rille, so callml. is a simple
copy of llie regular arm niauui'.icliire 1 for
many years in the Hpringlicld armory.
1 c ions to the early part of last year, the
u.overnmi nt had a supply of arms ami mu
nitions of war sullioieut to any emergency ;
but through the bad faith ol those enlrti'd
ed with their guardianship, they wore tak 'ii
from ihoir proper depositories, and distrib
uted through portions of the country ex
pected to take pal t iu the eouten plaled n hel
lion. In const:, pieuce of the serious loss
thus sustained, there was available, ut the
commencement of the outbreak, a much
less supply than usual of nil kinds. Hut
through the e:d ami activity of the Ord
nance liincaii, the eiiibanii'..;meitt thus crea
ted has been iu a great lueasuie overcome.
As the capacity of the government anne,
ries was Hot eiiial to the supply needed,
even after having doubled (he force at tho
Springfield arm uy, the department found it
absolutely necessary tii procure aims to
sum extent 1 rout private iiianufaeltuois. Il
is believed that from these sources they can
be obtained e -pitil iu quality and not much
higher hi cost, than those made in the na
tional workshops. It wouhl, tnerelore ap
pear wise on the part ot the government
to encourage uoim-Mie ministry iiy supply
ing our troopn in pat t from private factories
of our own country itiotea I ol making pur-
chanos from abroad.
1 think it important also, tt) recommend a
further diot film lion id' improved arms among
Hie in I. ha oi tne states ami 1 m i iioi ies.
tho returns of the militia nro frequently in-
.1 I ' . ..Ill
accurate, me uisirtiiuiiou iiuomn oei'iopoi-
tiotiate to the latest ct'itsus returns of
white uialo inhaLitautd capable of bearing
Report of the Secretary of the
The Treasury report being the most Im
portant, and ol the most general interest,
lavo, lor tlio convenience ol our rentiers
prepared y careful abstract of Ihe statements
and suggestions, from wUich'llie proposed
linancinl policy of the government may be
more easily irathered.
Socri'tary (ihase's estimates make the to
tal amount required for the fiscal year which
ends on June, ihlth, 1 c'b'.'. $'M H,fl ',i,:V( I 87.
Of this amount Ihe War Department re
quires M.'".!.;i:rj tne avv nepart-
incut S.'lO.IHIII.jJK 'J!l beiii'' a total for the
defenso of the nation of $1 7,ll''H.H:ill 15.
For civil list, foreign intercourse, c, tho
estimate is e.;M,dilli !0 ; for the Interior
lh-purtmont is &ni,M5 7."). For retlemp-
tion of Treasury notes sr,('.:i!)r.l f.l.
It will be seen that in the foregoing esti.
males no provision for the interest on the
existing iub!ic del l specifically appears.
The omission is only apparent, the estimate
for that interest being included in Ihe sum
of nearly (ifi.llliO.OOO already appropriated
for the year 1 802.
Nine millions will be required for the. in
forest on tho public debt to bo incurred du
riro.r the year.
Mr. Chase proposes to raise eighty mil
lions by taxation end two liundred and forty
millions by loan. The sum of eighty mil
lions, proposed to be raised by taxation.will
provide for : ordinary expenditures of the
fiscal year 17('J, i;.i'sS7, 1!) ; inlerest on
the ini'tiotitd debt. !l,0IH),0l)0 ; sinking fund
f.r re h in pi ion of na'ional debt, Stf.Oim.OOO
total. f?7l).Kv7,8 P.) ill. To raise this sum,
tho Secretary proposes to Congress that a
duty of 2 hi ctr;. per pound be laid on brown
sugar ; of IJ cents per pound on clayed su
gar ; of ) con Is per pound on loaf and oth
er refined sugars j 2' j cents per pound on
the syrup of sugar cane ; of six cents per
pound on candv ; of i cents per gallon on
1 . i ' . . i . i ...... i .......
molasses ; ami it is propo.;-i in;u a tnuj ot
5 cents per pound be imposed on collet; 1.1
cents per pound on black tea, and 20 cents
per pound on green lea.
These duties, ho estimates, will product!
a sum of not less than twenty millions per
annum, In addition, he. estimates the reve
nue In in " duties of the present tar i IV led
tillecl' d by pi opo aid changes " lit not less
than thirty millions ; wilh an additional
seven millions from tlio "proposed duties
on articles non-exempf, nnd from changed
duties o'.i articles now cither lightly burd
ened or so heavily taxed that the tax aiii'itin's
to a prohibition." Th's makes a total esti
mated revenue trom duties on imports oi
ubout S.nMHVMlO.
To this a hi three millions tho estimated
proceeds from sales of public lands mak
ing un sixly millions, and leaving twenty
miliums to be mired, for this year at least.
" by direct taxes, or from internal duties or
both." Tho preciM) method to ra'so this
amount he docs not pu cgrfrt ; but gives in
formation fur tho guidance of Congress in
its fiction,
ll appears that a direct tas of one-eighth
of one per coui". ni vuloriin on tho v. hole
real and personal property of the country
would a ti'im of $20,li!S,f.ri7. A
1 ..... . . . .1.
rate ol ('iic-Mlli oi one per coin, on mo lum
ami personal propel ty of the .Stales not un
der insurrection would produce tho Bum of
2l,f-0il,0.i(l ; and a rato of threi-tentha ol
i,vu per cent, on the real property aloiia in
these States would produce J2,P1 !)
either Bum being largely in execs of tho
amount required. Tho Secretary Buggosts
that "very small properties nay be proper
ly exempted from dirocl taxation. Uo gives
it as his opinion that the needed bum may
also bo obtained from moderate chi'f:os oa
fctiJls and distilled liquors, ale, beer, tobac
oo, hank notes, erring cwriuges, eilverwaro
and iowoliT and le?ao:ep. Jlu'J tofl'Jggosta
i that '" tbo i'rrry pf tics rged in ia-
rut in t'ti, or in ;ivl!? nll ntel c-nfott to!
itunrgi nt may le r! v l e n e.tlo to eon
tt iluite Id the t i iLtetr i innuc tiecorsurv
t'leif rimitinl iii:eiti!:-:t."
lie ni-ls ill." ui'.et.tioti yf t'o'.i.-: !:?$ to vhttm
fur ileen ati'ti'; the ov.l:! i.ry vv cttJItmeji of
the ppvcit'incnt t y "le-inet irn; ten per eenu
fioin tint Htiliiriest pad to iifvei t.tneMt etii-
1'lovces, a' oittiiiitii the iiuiiKinv; -i r.i.ej'e,
ni re 'tie i ir tho roV, I oxt-onse
Ot the war Km ot lO.OdO ,i)ip, he pe o
posi that ltM.eViV1'") bo raihe.l by i uv
tiontd loan, tii he issued in Tirtootry notH,
or i st.hi-ipier bills of tho ckv.ciitiiitU'oitc, d
ie.'-O. atni ihe notltiph s id' I. fry v; c P.",tOO,
to be. ir ii tf i . t r.t the'ef 7 :!-b l e-r
t.t. i cr nudum s to In vtdfcmr.l
tiller three ver s liom onto ol tssno '. to l" I
osi.dilitilte.l at i-oiiv enieiit plat'os t'lrtimihoat j
the coanlty ; the sums ibe 1 to be rttl I
iu -.;.h tu iii iii'dalmot'.ta of ten er ct''. '
t!'iM'., ivid ten per cent, on the (:.:kI :Mid lif- i ol" cverv month lU'tt r, t 11 nil is paid. 1
" iu case il idiail be toun I ittexi edo tit to ,
provide Ihe v hole amount needed
Dthl.lltIO iii that mo le," the fSoeroiary Ktlg-
gi'sts the ra'sir.g of a regular loan front or.p
it iiists, abroutl ami ut home, fo the nntoitnt j
of another liundred million dollars, letloem-:
able by the t lovorpment at will alter thirty
years, and bearim;-seven per cent, inlet 1 1 1. I
- - - . . 1 ... .. . I
pavablo in l.on loa or at tho Trc.v-nry ot the .'
i c,,.,,,
Lastly, ho leeon'.li.or.ds tho issue of 3"0,
OoO.lH'O in Treasury t otes, of denominations
of ten anl twenty doll.ns j to b'ir interest
at the rate of 3 fe.V-lOO per annum, a'nl be
exchangeable ut the will of tho holder for
exchequer bills beat ing 7 M-l( per cent, in
ti tt t. and redeemable after throe years.
The Secretary calls the uttenlio'i of Con
gress tt) the ditHftilt;es which the
collection of revenue in tlm ports now held
by the rebels, and the iieees''tty for notion
on this tutbii'Ot.
Irish Views.
in bonds of indissoluble friendship,
Ireland mid the lb-public (r tho West. An
Ii iih Parliament cheered tho early struggles
of the colonists; ami thnt monument upon
Hroadwuy 1 1 tlio memory of the Irish Mont
gomoey 'testifies that not for nn ungrateful
people did Irish blood in tho War of Inde
pendence How. In America million of the
persecute. I Irish raee have found a home,
wealth, hlieily unit not or; ami it it oc most
true that Irish labor have contributed great
ly lo the aggrandisement of the republic, it
is also true that wilh no niggard hand has
that labor b.-cn rewarded. The defeated
champions of mativ a Iv.iropean strtiirgf
even our own roltigecs, actors :n tlio most
miserable attempt tiiat the u.nnals of revolu
tion record have been received in Now
York and other capital cities with the hon
ors iiue only to conquerors ami heroes.
When our country lay writhing hi the ago
nies of famine, and when tho government
whiuh had produced that, calamity refused
to disarm its idle war shi o in order lo car
ry food to cctr perishing people, tho Ameri
can llovcrmnout rushed to the rescue, and
in sending the M.eed.oiia frigate to Cork
It arbor designed not merely to administer
relief It) l! l's victim, but to administer
a warning to Knglaud he; sell'. Ireland has
not lorrot leu them cv i.t-i; nor ilocs sHo leel
less wai inly toward Ameiiean to-day than
she did liftc eu years ago, when the pmp'e
of Iliilil.n. un ler ttie pi t s.tu tii'V of Hie ven
erable llichard t i'l I i: ni:'.i, rendered hom g e
to the American ( iovcrnm 'tit. in the person
of Captain Clarke, of tlio Vielor. What
Irish In at t was there that did hut then
thrill with emotion on betl ilding the .Stars
and Stripes of Iho United Slates Hying from
the masthead ol many a gallant slpp in the
luirbois and rivers of Ireland? And what
Irish heart is tin, re ran now eomlemplato
uiiniovel tho i pcetaclo of that glorious
Union dismembered, and those Slats and
Stripes become general again, except in Ire
land, where it is prevented by I'.tiglish law.
We have alluded to foreign hdhienees
wo wi-,h to bo precise. Before Kuropi! ruul
America, solemnly and deliberately we lay
llie tremendous crime lit the door of Kng
laud. The South is but her agent in the
business, llritiiih intrigue, backed by lftit
ish gold, has accomplished thai which Brit
ish tu ins could not effect in 11 2, destroyed
at one blow the Ameiiean navy, cruslu'd a
rival lnunii fact tiring power, und regained
for herself her olden maritime supremacy.
Yes, w.i say il emphatically, iii' tiisitq tern
of the American Union (supposing it to be
elleetod, which may (5. id avert !) gives lvg
land a new lease of power, throws iulo her
hands the carrying trade uf the world, leaves
her without rival in every colonial market,
gives her the command (if Ualifuriiia and its
golden treasures, (for the country that has
the iron will obtain the gold,) opens to her
enterprise every highway ot the .New
World, and humbled I Ihe dust the only
power on earth '.hat for half a .ontary lino
had tho courage to sland up and singly to
confront her. The tlif.i tuition of the Ameri
can Union is worth more to Kngland than
twenty Wah i loo.-). Well docs the old hypo
crite know this; and long, therefore, and
earnestly has she labored to i iu-cf the ruin
over which she now icjoices. She began by
sending missionaries into the Northern
States (o excite Iho popular mind thero on
the subject of slavery, wilh Iho yievv of ex
ilspeihi'ng llie .-'.onth, Having sueeectlo 1
to a certain extent in thai, she next go. s to
the South, itnd makes her an offer of free
trade, '' t hrow open," she mid, "your ports
to Jhiti' h !):i!uf.tft crers, an 1 wo will hike
in efhririgt) ywir cotftm, fin 1 import the
same direct in British bottom..'' The South
is caught, by the bail, and seeing not the fato
whiuh inevitably awaits her. should the odi
ous cuiinpirsvy s'i!.reol--a British protecto
rate throws oh" he allegiance, and nuik-'H
war upon the government. What now does
Kiiiciatid do? Bit', a short while ago and her
honor of slavery was only equaled by her
hatred of popery; she now openly espouses
tho eldo ( t slavery, nnd makes the Sjutheni
oiuise her own,
Mr. W. II. Gregory, Member of Parlia
ment, (wo icier to him in his public capaci
ty bolciv.) is a gontlema i of oo.i a hht ss,
much oleveriu ss, respectable connection, no
property, and lot s principle. Some t.rno a-
go ho mad.; a bun through the Southern
States. U c Uo not fay that ho was sent
then;, but ho went, ftii 1 .so also did the 1'rinco
of Wales shortly afterward. The Palmetto
llag had senreo V'Ceti unl'utled when Mr. G.,
gave noLi;:oof a motion in tho llouso of
Commons calling for recognition, oa tlio part
of tho l'.tiglish Govon tii .nt, of tho Southern
( onfe h-ra y. .U the ro'p'.c-it of his friond,
I.oid John, tho motion was deferred, the
pear not behig as yet ripe. Port Sumter is
taken, and Mr. Ci.aaks th Sccre lury for per
oign Alfuira if Iho government are prepared
to rocogniao the Smithci u Confederacy?
Tho Qtiswcr, though eva&iv, is favorable.
Pclognteu from the Southern Con feie racy
turivo in London, r,nd (hoy nro pretented to
Lord John Ku.ifV.l by Mr. Gregory. Tho
interview is most r.ttisfa'ory, fjr Lord John
goes down to tho llouso and announce?, in
the fit'jo of Luroro, that England iu preps..-,
ed to rogard the iiu;h as a belligerent paw,
cr, and acknowledge Ltr i.Utta let,
tei 3 of r::3i "jiu. Tho faurlar in out ut last.
An, I ased tipoa frea tr&do, wcitU
betwoon Enl.iv.d the Southarn Coafodoracy;
the SotitJi is flghtinsf Ensland'i battlo, and
$it ti iuapa ui the ," ;ii would ba C itipi
Irish Views. The War Fever in Baldinsville.
An H'j'.iti nt) 1M tctooj.eiHtod my t hynikil
vs.oiti. 1 wetit over to tho village. Th
I'otisALtiy v.ti'j g.rttl tu nee tt.o. lhesehool
iiiasior M. i it uis chcrriu to hco tliat tigat
o ml' ile'.k nmotig Vtn onct tnor. ri:tt'
nh:.t he ctilli-.l me. I ltke tho et:hcolniHBter.
tvid i.llor ) s ml liim tobackcr when I'm off
a tiuvuhu u.iifiM'.e. Besides, ho U
ety sensible mat., ouch tnon tuuut bo on
They don't cevri very fast in Baldina
viliC, iii tioutiu but a plutik reid runs in thoro
twice t week, o;d thut'o very tnuch out of
v-j my tuiijorij wett.i t much posted
o in ic'tira to wais. ;;juuo I'axter sod
M voted the iliii.iorfiti't t.;i;et for giro oa
foity year, und the vur v:as a dnnt black
rpu! Jo. t'tatkpolc, who killa
hog lor the 'H -.;u;rc, hi; J has got a powerful
iu. lo ;n his us tii i, i;e l he'd bet i;.1 hocoul J
be!; tie t'linU iti h fair et.nd-up f.ght, if ho
wuuluti't 'haw a'e on him. So it won!
sum wau tor war ntnl ".un v.ns for peace.
Tin st.hooimastci , however, s"'.l tho Slavq
Oi garky must winj at tiie feet af the North
eie a year ha l tlown by, er pass over his
dead corpse. " Ksto rei peiua 1 " he a ided,
i . i.i , ,i, , . , .
".,ua b :u quanonuiso. sea i, scermv.
tt'hlbitlir tt lioil it nn tiititnuiu'rui nnfn tl.o ml
' ,, ,v "'i ,., ' V'V ,
lagers, "Hcqnioeat in pace, sed the school-
inuskr. " Too troo, too troo," I tatnawercd,
it's a seiint'.alous fact ! "
The tievvspapers got ul ihg ut last, chock
full of war, and the patriotic fever fairly
bust out in Haldinsville. 'Squire Baxter
sed ho didn't b'hevo in Coercion, not one of
'em, and could provo by a file of 2,'i.'s of
Lil t rt; iu his garrit that it was all a Whig
lie, got up to laiso tho ju ice of whisky and
destroy our other liberties. Hut tho ol4
'Squire irot putty t iley when he hourd how
tho rebels was cntt'in up, and ho sod ho
leckouutl ho should skour up his old muskit
and do a little spiatc litin lor the Old Plug,
which had tillers bin on the ticket he'd vot
ed, and he was too old to HrU now. Tho
'Squire is ail riirht at heart, but it lakes him
longer to till his venerable hiler with steam
than it used to when he wus young and fris
ky. As 1 previously infoiuied, you, lam
t'aptin of the Haldinsville Company. 1 ria
gradually but majestically from druminer'H
Secretary to my present position. Put I
found the ranks wasn't full by no mcans.and
commenced for to reerool. llavin notist a
gieneral desire on tho part of young men
who are into the Crisis to wear oppylets, I
determined to have my company composed;
ext loos ivc'y of oll'iecr .-j, cv ci . body to taukaj
Iji igu leer tiitnai. llie lollerin v. as among
tt.o various questions which I put to re
uroots :
Do you khiwa mask Lattery from a hugik
of gingerbread ?
Ut) tun know a ej pvlit fi obi a piece of
chalk '.
If 1 trust with a real gun, how many men
of your own company do you speck you can;
manage to kill during the war?
JI.iv you ever heard ot tJiural Price, of
Mlssoti: i.aiid can you avoid similar accidents
in ea ie of battle ?
llav you ever hud tho measles, and if so,
how 1 1 unii v ?
1 low air ymi now ?
Show me your ton.ji.o, A o., &o. Soruo of
the questions was s-.n-.tstieol.
Tlio company filled up rapid, and ltwt Sun
day we went to the mectin house in full uni
form. 1 had a seris timo giltin into my mil
itary harness, a:;, it was lent lor me many
years ago ; but 1 fitchy g'.it inside of it,tho'
it lit nm putty clost. Ilowsever, onct into
it, I looked tine iu fact, aw-inspirin. " Do
you know me, Mrs. Ward?" sod I, "wulkin
into the kitehin,
" K now you, you uld fool ? Of eourso
I saw at once that she did.
I s'ttrted for the meet in house, and Pin
aliaol I tuot.l to walli too titrate, lor I cum
veiy near faliiu over but kvvurd, und in at
tetnptin to recover nnself, my sword got
mixed iq) with my legs, an 1 1 toil in amongst
a choice collodion of young ladies who wua
standin near the church door a seeintho so
ger boys como up. My cockt hat fell olT,
and Miuthow my coat tales got twisted round
my neck. Tho young ladies put thoir baud
kerchers to their mouths and remarked, "To
he," while my ancient female single friond,
Sary Peusley, bust out in a loud larf, Bh
e.vcrob ed her ut ituli so vileutly that her
new false teeih ft il out on to the ground.
"Miss Peaiiley," sed I. gettin upnnd dust
iti myself, ''viiii must be more careful with
them store teeth of yi.ur'u, or you'll have tu
guru il ii'.vln ! "
Melhiiiks I had he.-,
I'd bin (o work hat I all tlu week, rnd I
felt rather snooy. I'm afrn'ni I ditl get
lei' " u.deep, for o;i heavm the minister ask,
" Why was tu tti nre-u to mourn?" I sed "I
give it up, l.iivoi a va ,',e nice tliat it was
a c'lntitt.liuiii. It war. a unt'srtUhitte remark,
for tin; whole meet 11 hollt e lookt at mo witlt surprise and ind gnalion. I wus
about risin to a pint of order, when it sud
denly occurred lo mo when I was, and I
kept my seat, blunhi.'i like tho red, rod roso
so to s; oak,
The next moining 1 rose with the lark,
(I don't sleep with the lark, tho'. A goak.)
My 'i'tlc ilawtcr was execootin ballidi,
aeeompanviu herself with tho lintid orgiu,
and she wisht me to linger ae.d hear her sing:
" I lurk I hear a angel singin, a angol now id
onto the wing."
" let him lly, my child 1 " sod I, a bucklin
on my tinner, " 1 must forth to mv Hiz."
e u r progressin putty well with our
drill. As all air commarnlin othssors, thoro
ain't no jelusy ; an I as wo are all exoeedin
smart, i'.'iiin't wot th while to try to outstrip
ea h oilier. Tito idee of a company com
pose 1 oxt'lo'isi vely of Com man ler-iu-Chicfs
orrigernated, I spnsf 1 sl;ircely need suy, in
theno Hr.Hic. ('otit idered as a idee, 1 llattor
myself it is putty hefty. We've got all the
tackiii k.'i tit our tongt'tca' ends, but what we
put tuiy exix-l in ta restin muskiU- wecaa
rest ruiiskits with anybody.
tittr corpse will dt its dooty. V?o po to
the aid of Columby wo fight for tha stars I
We'll be chopped into sassige meat before
we'll exhibit our coat tales to tho foe.
" We'll light, till there's nothing loft of us
but our little toes, and even they shall deti
tii.tiy wiggle! ''liver of theor" A. WARD.
Vanity fair.
The Weather in the South.
If tLo weather in tho mountains of
Tennesseo is a.i hot as described by th
Knosvillo Whig i:t tlio following extract,
what must it t3 farther South. Tho Whig
For ten or fefteoa days past wo have haJ
most oppressive weather. Tha Bun has
poured hii rays d-jwn f rum a burnished Bky,
and the Uree;'3S bli'.viny upon w, inost of
tho t.rao, havo fglt u though they wcro
blasts fi om a heated furnace. W'u iavs no
ice tliis season, and tho consequence is that
thoso of us who ara tot gasping for breata
aid "I'ltung ftir whisky. The thermometer,
in the eliad'e, part of the time, has regiuwred
a beAt of f0 to 3 df grces. We rarely real
iz such heat in thU livtiide fear so inaay
dnya toe'i'.e-. C&ra crops and gardecs
are parohed v.p by C-.e beat. Though w
have had bhoweri, w ire aufferlns greatly
! for rain, bid if .ts. si!i cot tU- w.CJ
i fe-r syo, V l"g:ri7 dv!;i., .,