Newspaper Page Text
jTwTlUAILUY, Kdilor. TIH IISOIT, J I' LY IS, Congressional. Both branches of tlio National CoiiKrors nre progressing an fuvoinUy with tlm luisi dobs upon which the' were railed t ml. that thry will prolmbly tvl'oiirn in three weeks fiom the tiinoof cenimetieeineiit. The measures lecoiiiiiionded hy (he l'xoriit'vp and his constitutional tulvidTs have nearly I all been considered, and many of thcin aH-I il iinon. Tho IVcnident is nr.tho; red to , call out .,00.000 men, oml ?fii)0,0(lO.Ono are placed nt liis disposal for carrying on tlm war vigorously. The only ahernalive of re nistitif force by force, in well mulct-stood; and tho President' acla in the prcmisea are heartily endorsed, The tnvtnr Hen Wood, of New York, offered a resolution in the House, on Monday, inviting the ( "iivci noi s of the States to cull their Legislatures to- gether, to provide for the election of Com- missioners, to meet at Louisville in Scpletn- With a view of patching up a peace j Tho resolution was iromptly laid on the table, by a vote of ill.' to Til. Our liepresen- j tatives were undoubtedly of the opinion that i tho halt a million coiniiiisaioiu rs noon to be' upon the field could best "settle our uiilnji-1 ly diflieullies." m- The Peace Party. are tho sake v a settlement of our troubles. ; wo say let us have peace ?" Such j one of the arguments used by those op- posed to the policy of the pn- lit Admin'm- tration ; and they are the same men who dur ing last summer and fall proclaimed the wrongs of the seceding Stales, and said that Northern aggression would justify the step they have taken. They are the same men who inculcated the idea that the North dare Hot attempt to execute laws in the Soulli. umlcr pains of a rcocllion at home, and H was this very belief that did more than anv thing else to precipitate the great rebellion. They are the same men who palliated the crimes of tho theives who preyed upon the treasury nt Washington, and of (he robbers who seized on mints, fori, arsenals and oili er public projieily, calling these acts indis cretions, ami hoping nothing would bo done lo provoke or excite the perpetrators. They are the same who rent their lungs in cries of non-coercion, giving aid ami c -unfurl to those who havo all along betrayed their counlry; breeding and encouraging civil war in order tt) overthrow it, and opposing eve ry step for putting down the rebellion, in order that it might be su -ccasful; these are the men w ho are now crying peai e, ostensi bly for the same purpose. Is it peace they want, or the destruction of the govci nineiil? Tho latter is the peace they want. They appeal lo the gnverntnenl for peace; do they appeal to tho rebels? no. They send peti tions and emissaries to Washington; do they Bend any to IJichinoiid ? no. They denounce Mr. Lincoln us a tyrant and a violator of the very Constitution he is trying to preserve; do they cay anything against the rebel chief.' no. The fact is, these nun pretend to luxe the people, when in reality they only wish to give aid and comfort to the enemy, and plot Rchemes for the advancement of Ihcir pnrty. They mean to deceive; but they fail. The thin veil of hypocrisy, with which they attempt to cover themselves, is easily seen through by every true patriot. The Ohio Rebel. On (he opening of Congress Vullandigham. oi the Third Ohio istrict, look the usual oath of ullegiai c to sustain the National (lovcriiiiicnt, and immediately after se to -Work aiding and abetting the cause i f icbel lion. A few days after he spent a shoit time in visiting the various camps, with a view, no doubt, to ascertain the exact politi cal sentiments of the various regiments. Among others he visited tho First and Sec ond Ohio; but no sooner was his presence made known than he received an older lo leave, lie thought it an outrage that aCeu i;rctsnian from a Free State coiil 1 not be permitted to take part in the destruction of the I'nioii, without being treated to such in dignity by soldiers rroin his oven di.-hic!.--llo left in a few minutes after, however, when the soldiers gave him the benefit of hisses and groans till he was out of highl.1 Fonio of the men stuffed some clothes and labeled the clligy, "Vallandigham, the tiai tor," and atuck it up on a polo on the road whero he was to pass, and, when he came along, pointed a loaded pistol at it and lired, and told him if he come again tiny would give him a warm reception. lie looked as Mack as a traitor could, grated his teeth, and that's all. In the treatment of the i lli Ky there was probably a slight mistake, as a nicer sense of justice would have revers ed the positions of the traitor and the clligy. Secession Vote of Virginia. Gov. Le tcher, the rebel tyrant w ho m arly succeeded in choking the voice of (he peo ple in Ivistern Virginia, aiinounes a vote of 125,000 for secession and 'JO.000 against, in that locality. The fo;mer includes, no doubt, tho vote of all the rebel soldiers int- ported into that State, which are said to about a.i.OOO. This would reduce the actual rebel vote to !M,0(0, if wc include tho 4,000 east m A esteru Yii-in'a. Take the 20,000 votes iiliovc iiame.l ami tlie ,'I.V 200 Union vote, of "Western Virginia, ami we lave a total of f2,200-leavin- a K.-eessinn majority in llio State of .ll.MH). Hut it must bo remembered that all those vho voted for eeceoBion east of iho inonntaU:n. did to Ot tho point of the bayonet; while othera preferred neccshion to eoenion and voted accordingly. It is Kale tt) say (hat the real eetitiment of Virginia id three to one in la - vor of tho Union. Secretary Reports. reports r-'eeretnries of the ircaBiiry ana ar will Lo ioiuitl on the lii ht j ao. Iho former gives us tho condition our national iinancca, and llio latter de tails, in a dear and condensed form, the mili tary operation of the (jovernment thus far. It jiays a just tribute to tho zeal and ellii-ien-tjr of tho volunteers, und makes a telling hit at tho rebels by the citation of a j-uHsago from Floyd's report m Secretary of War, in which tliat functionary, in treating of the Utah expedition, dwells witb much force on the, power and duty of tho Uoveriiwent to uw coercion for tho suppreusiou of rebellion lijtdtr all cli c-umiiUiiivvs. The Great Rebellion. Progress the Work of Suppression. on tlie t It. Co. Solomon's eoinn ind, with n nix pot n h-r on the ii;;lil, and a body of in her, fwlrv bth'i.d the renter. The aitillery of S-igd'n I'M o pei-.ed the lire with r-'hrapnells and coon the rt.g :i;-; nn -nt bceanic The rebels had no grape, and their in til lei inls being poor, their balls Hew orr the other heads. After two hours firing, the rebel's artillery was etifrely cilenevd and their raiiK.l biokei'. About !,.'(, 0 irbi I ravahy ir. mteuipleil toi.nllli iu 8 -igcl and cut oil' ),;,. u:in, whic-li vat liin-e miles j,.,,. w.It.,, n ,elro-ia dc iiiocineul was or reae.e, ,,.n.,. 'n,,, (n,;n Was reached in good or is Lj,, Krroundcd by infantry and artillery ,1 ,1,,, n treat continued till a point was ! !m' crossing the Missouri river lo join Jack number i son s forces. Col. lWrtish in sent a dctach- j j I I I I The wir hitolligerico of the past week lum really heen exciting. Quito a iiuinhrr of halllen havo Icon fought and victory Ims every linm )Tirlied upon the t'ninn lunumr. Tl in first we have to t.otiee is that of Cul. Seii'l in M!Hiiuri, near tho KniiNiiH bonier, whoso ilinl;imo from any ready iin ans uf coiiuiiiiiiirnlliiii by t'ie wires will neroiint for the lanhiirsn of the leport. ll ficeinn that on the inoi iiinj; of (lie .Mil, Col. Hei;;i I Willi II '.oi t'nli of Im'h re;j,ilneiil, a al t of t'ol. Solon, on'n, and ten jiV-uch of nitilh-ry, in nil iieur l.'.'utl men, ntliic.ko 1 u body of ll.flOO li-In In limler t.en. lianm iiml .. I ursotw iihotlt 7 miles ca'd r Cm l!i.i;; on tlm pva: lie, The rebels were ponied on aiid;;ein the prairie, with live pieces of in lilli'ty, one twelve pounder in the center, two six pound ers on the right and left, eavahy on each Hank and infantry in the rear. t'ol. Fcigrl approached within ftiO yardH, with fotircan iimi in the center, a body of infantry ntid a six poiiinb-r under Lieut. Col. Ilarnomleiilit I reached where the road through a high bluff, on each side of which the rebel cavalry were por.led in large numbers. Ily a feint, as if intending In pass around the bluff. Oil. S. drew the caidry in a solid body into the road at a ilii-dancc of 'M)0 yards h,,,,,, ,; i,Hi;;,,u, when bv a rapid inove- iiienl of his art illrry he pournl a heavy cross lire of canister into their ranks. At the same lime his infantry charged at double nuiek and in ten minutes the rebels scatter ed in ever v direction. :"i riderless, horses UlT(, eir,,iin d. and (io shot uuns. a number of revolvers and howie knives were picked up from tlie ground. Tim loss on the part of t'ne rebels is slated to be over 21)11, and the ground in many pl.n h was strewn with ihcir horses. The loss 4u our side in esli maleil at 10 killed and til wounded. The retreat of ( 'ol. Seigcl is regarded as one of the g ramie I triumphs in the annals of war. lie continued his l elreat ba'-k to Mount Vernon in regular order, where h cu I be support ed by additional force. We also have an account of a balile in an adjoining eouuly to the one above reported, thirty-live miles from Springfield, between 100 of our forces under Col. Wollf. and it bout 1 ,r00 n bids. Wolff occupied a piai lic. where the bailie he'iati, bill the rebels retreating lo the woods, he followed, ami in s':irmiishing in the timber, lost ,'!() men in killed and wounded, he himself being among t'ie wounded. The Ions of the leb-ki was considerable, hut not defmit dy ascertained. A messenger was then dispatched to Spring field for rc-eiifoicemcnls. and the whole force at that place imincdiali ly rushed for ward, (leu Lyon was at l.cesville, Clinton county, on tin- 1 till. Major Siurges was at Clinton. Henry county, on the same day.--Tin y expected to foim a junction about ten miles south of Clinton the same night. On the Itllh inst., the camp of the Federal troops under Col. Smiili of the Itilli Illinois regiment, near Moiuoo station and some lit) miles west of, Mo., embracing' oOO of the Iowa ,'ld regiment, 200 of the Khh Il linois an I il '.mi t lid of the Hannibal Home (iltards, w i re attacked by I ,il)i) rebels un der brig. ( ien. Harris. Although our troops were surprised, they repelled the attack, drove the rebels back, killing I, wounding several and capturing 5 prisoners and 7 horses. Harris retreated to Monroe, where another skirmish occurred, in which the nbels were again repulsed. Col. Smith then took up position and sent a messenger for reinforcements. Three companies from Main 'I li ri paired to the spot immediately, and formed a junction with Smith's force, w ho had entrenched theiusch es in the Acad emy buildings. The rebels grouped about over the prairie out of loach of Smith's li lies. They had 2 pieces of ai lillery, which were brought to bear, bu the distance was so great that the balls w ere almost spent before they rem lied our lines. Smith's ar tillery was of longer range and did consid erable execution. The light lasted till dark and the last shot from Smith, dismantled one of the rebel guns. Just at that moment (iov. Wood, of Illinois, fell on their rear with cavalry sent fivm luincy, completely routing them and taking 7a prisoiu is, one gun and a huge number of lorst s. Over 20 of the rebels were killed. Not one man of our forces was killed although several weio severely wounded. Col. Smith is de termined to shoot some of the most pivmi. lient li bels. A special dispatch to the St. Louis A'im cnil from Jefferson City says that large bands of rebels fioiii e and Callawav comities : 0 ,i" 1 11111 - motmtein hovviu- e;.s to m l in at Svra.-use, enniunclioti vvitli innue guards It) iitli ieei't ami iliive tln m Lack. A niiu.i I uf eavnlrv was also sent t'irvar.l on tivii. l yoiiVI. lt Hank, to keeit (il'eti eiiiuitumieat'uni with liiiti. We lime aii.i'.ln-r j ,i: nun ueenunt t'l.'in Western Virginia. On the lllh in.,!., ( li-n- ! ral M vt'Ii llai i ordered I regiments, the Sth, ! "'"1 l.'ith Indiana vo'iintei ra, mid the j 1lu 01,i'' l, Ffa-eed aluits tin" line of the 1 ""'heiist of the rebel entreuelu d eamp I to '"10 1" verly read, where it cresses w Mtuintain, 2 miles from the enemy's position. w ith oidem tontl u-K the east wide of die ! works, (Ien. Mel lellan bi in prepared to an- ! Katilt the west ttide an mum as tiriii" should anmiuiu-e the eeuum iieenu nt ef the atl.u k. The capture of a courier who mistook the roa l thi ou e,li the rebel camp for lhat of our Iroopti, placed them in possession of the particulars of tho movement. When (Jen. Uosccrans rea. lied the llcverly road at 2 p. in., alter a most e.vhaulinh' march over tin luuuiiiains, no loun.t the rebels jioste. I upon the opposite side of the road SOO slronn, with 2 cannon holdin- a strone- position partially lot tilled. An en",ae,emcnt imme- took place nnd continued ?4 of nn liwur, wlieu th nlels were totally rented. ! with a loss of 100 turn, im hiding 10 officer. About 7ft killed and u largo number of tho wounded fell into our hands mid f0 other prisoners. The rond was hot worn two hills, (Ien. Uosccrann remained nt tho place of en gagement all night, flen. McClellan Wiih in position with his whole forco during Iho whole afternoon, ready to inako the assault, but heard nothing, except distant firing. I' uly in the morning ho was proceeding to plant, cannon on tin eminence rommamlii g a portion of the rebel camp and preparing to attack the whole nesl in front, when it wai iiHcerlaiiied lhal the rticmy bad evacua ted ih" place during tho night, moving to wards Laurel Hill, leaving a few men, their sick, all their tents, camion, and camp cipiip ago and transportation. A l apid march wan then Hindi! by Cell. Mef'lellall lo I'.everlv, passing (Ien. I!r secran'n column on Iho road with instructions lo follow. At Fevtily it was aflccrlahu d lhat late in the day (lie reb els at Laurel Udl had retreated, moving to wards llomiicy. Fight were killed and 1(5 wounded on our side, two of Iho latter mor tally. The 10th Indiana regiment did great execution, lighting desperately and courage ously. Col. Ihyaiil and Major Wilson were slightly wounded, ('apt. Miller of Company A, was mortally wounded, 1 aving the First Lieutenant in command. The Ld and 2 I Kentucky liegimenln were ordered lo proceed by river last wee k, from their camp mar Cincinnati, to (liiyandotie, Va., to rout the rebels who have infested that vicinity, under Iho leadership of the notorious .lenkins. The 2d regiment, was pul ashore live miles below the (own, to march upon tle lown in different directions, and prevent a retread ; but .feukiiis' pickets gave the alarm, when the whole tribe run like slu ep. About 10 weie captured how ever, and will be taken care of, Monday's ilispalehes report McClellan ad vancing tepidly lo Cheat Mountain Pass, The relicts are burning all tho bridges after them as they run. Tho number of rebels killed at IPeh Mountain is officially slated to be l.'tl, including oilieers. Col. I'cgralil, the leader of llie rebels at llieh Mountain, surrendered his command, (100 men, lo (Ien. McClellan at llcverly, on Saturday. This increases the number of prisoners he has to lake care of to nearly 1 000. A special dispatch to the Jtlntlr, from (ll'ai'lon, gives iho particulars of an engage ment at Oirrick Ford on Sunday, between the retreating rein Is from l aurel Hill, and ( Ien. 1 1 ili's command. The l llh Ohio and 7th and '.Mil Indiana regiments, only, were engagoil- the. lorne. r sualaioMig the part of lire ami the only loss, which was ( killed, (larnett, Iho rebel gencal, was shot dead in atlempting lo rally his men. 2." rebels are known to be killed and a large number wounded. The rebels are nearly done for, now, in Western Virginian. It seems that I'egraiu's failure at Kicli Moun tain had a "iPghty cfl'ecl" upon the rebels at Laurel 1 1 ill, and the w hole force, 1 0,0110 strong, commenced a rclrcal, lor the Cheat Fiver Pass, where Ihey found (Ien. Hill in force lo meet Iheni. Most of them will undoubtedly find their way to the eastern part the Slate, and join the rebels there. From the vicinity of Washington we hear of no movements of special interest, save the continued eoiieeulralioii of troops along the Virginia side of the Potomac. "A Military Despotism." The Oomocratio journals profess lobe ex ceedingly fearful lest the mustering of volun teers to defend the llovoriimoul shall result in a military despotism. The (Vif.'W.'c truth fully remarks that they never had any fears of milila'-y despotism when .h lf .1 lav is was raising- his troops and at tin-king the ( lovei nnieiit, wliiW it. w as passive. Put the moment (he ( loverninenl declined lo submit to have its capitol captured, they became panic-stricken with fear of military despot ism. Hut what are t!n materials out of which this military despotism is to he constructed. Our troops are volunteers, and the same journals are fond of telling us that more lienioc-r.le than Kepuhlicans have volun teered, and more IVmocraU than Uepubli caiiM are in the leading commands. Then it seems that this military despotism which ic journals apprehend is to be set up by Pemoeratie troops and Pemocratie (lenerals. Of course these journals did not stop to put these two stories together, one of which U.just as true as the other. Surprising. The Newark Amrrifiui says some of the Southern papers are chastising the military authorities of those states for their want of vigilenee as proved by iho many times they have been sitririsi'il and iio.-c for. Ander son's move fiom Moultrie to Sumter was a surprise; Slcmnier's occupation of Pickens w as a surprise; Lieut. Thompson's char-re at Fairfax was a surprise; tho capture of Camp Jackson at St. Louis bv I.vcn was a sur prise; the gallant affairs at I'ulaki, Philippi, Uomney and Winchester were surprises; and the Might of t!ov. Jackson, the conduct of Price, and the running of rebels at lioon- ille w ere siirpi ising above lucasiiic; but the greatest surprise of all is that in store for the rebel chief, Jeff. Pavis. A Rebel Sheet Suppressed. ! 1 Oil Friday nniinin;; list, I'enr t't'itipanies of Cel. McNeil's regiment, St. Louis reserve corps, visile, I the S,'utt Jtmrii't1 otliee in that city and tool; posst ssion of the printing; apparatus, by order of (Jen, l.yon. Col. Mc Neil pabliidies a proclamation lo the petple of Missouri, staling that the suppression ol' t'ie S'.itr J ittruu! was in c inse ineuee of the jdvim; aid and c unl'ort to those in active rebellion a;,ainst the l!u I'uiletl States (Jov eiiiiiu'i.t, eucouia,in people to take up arms against that ailtherity, to commit nets of vioh'iice and oppression n;raiiist loyal citiens, and by fabricatinj; false rejiorts re apeetin; the I'nited Stales troops, cxeiiinv dis.ill'ected citi.ens to commit overt acts of treason with the view of entirely subvert ing the Federal authority in tho Slate. Denunciation 'without Gloves.' ! eontinue to "deuouneo him without gloves," I for an indefinite period of time. We are Lorry b hear il. A denunciation with Uloves would be bad enough, but a deuuu diately eiation "without plovea" wly, no living Presi.leut can ftand thaL we worst kind of denunciation in which a public journal can indulge. Yet this is the kind of denun ciation which the Cincinnati J'mjitirir per mits itself to use u ilh regard to Mr. Lincoln's conduct. The Kuuttirer declares that il will Gen. Scott. Tho Providence Journal loams from goop authority, that (Jon. Scott has not Huflored liimitelf and will not suffer himself to bo hur ried by tho clamor of newspaper correspond ents, editors, ami others, to any steps which his ( wn deliberate judgment condemn as im prudent or premature. The army correspon dent of the ('hris'iun Watchman and Reflec tor relates tho following anecdoto of the (Ictieral: "Tho Lord bo praised for endowing one man in this fast, bmitling .ngo, with the graces of silence and alienee, liven the Homeric Jove is not more sublime than (it n. Scott at this hour, calmly gathering his thunderbolts. Said n gentleman to him the olherdav, '(icneuil, the people are impatient for results. 'Yes, sir, I know it,' he replied,' but Ihey expect successful results. War is my profession; 1 have made it the study of a life, ami I am not to old lo I. -in n. War, sir, reijuii et; money, men, t'lue and patience. And,' with emphasisPresident Lincoln has assured me that I shall havcall these. Then, more playfully, he continued, 'lo march an army ami (hen retreat, consumes shoe leath er, and that for tho body of men under my charge is an important consideration." They Will Not Run. The Charleslon ('oitricrhun this paragraph in its editorial c iluinR: "Our boys will not run. They are brave by nature ; they have been taught to depise a coward. They realize the sacred nature of tin; cause they are maintaining. They light under the eye of the States they arc proud to cull their mothers. They condemn anil hate Lincoln's horde of hirelings. If fortune should frown upon them, Ihey will die at their posts, lielilcllsnlly will Ihey obey the order to retreat, and sullenly and slowly will Ihey retire from the field." ''Our boys will hoi run!'' Witness Alexan dria, Harper's Ferry, lloonville, (Iral'ton, Williamsport, Martinsbiirg, Rich Mountain and Laurel Hill. Pon't they run? A Spy Outwitted. Tho circumstances connected with the arrest of R. II. Alvery, a Maryland Seces sionist, and another spy with whom he was in communication, are curious and interest ing: One night last week the ticket guard stopped a man on the mail to I lagerstown, who answered the guard's inquiries by say ing that he wished to see (Jen. Patterson; lie was instantly seized and searched, and despatches were found upon him for the rebel ( Ien. Johnston, to a Mr. Alvery. Mc Mullen, one of (Ien. P.illerson'a aids, forth with stripped the rebel s; y, diess - l one of his own men in the rebel's clothes, gave him Johnston's h-tler, and started him oil" to nee Mr. Alvery. The dispatches, how ever, had been nicely opened, eop'u s taken, and linn reseahsl. McMuKen's nan was received by Alvery. wl-o thus fell into the trap most heantifiillv. Alvcrv uu'.'oMcd all his plans, and gave him written ami v. er's t i Johnslon'.s despatches. The sup. to led friend conveyed Alvery 's documents lo (ien. Pat terson. The arrest took place quietly the next day. When Alvery was confronted with tho documents and the indisputable evidence of his own treachery, it is said he was completely unmanned, and sunk under the burden uf his guilt. jpjSy-'I'wo ships of w ar, among those sunk by Coin. Pcmlergrnsl, at Norfolk, having been raised, and are found to be but litlle damaged. The rebels are also fishing the ;'iiiis out of tho harbor, ami mounting them. They are a little ruciy b it. otherwise per fect. Com. Pendergiasl. has never yet been aide to extdain the m tdvt s for his precipi tate and ineffectual attack on te loral iuo- pcrly at N'ovf ilk; an 1 w-: don b! if t'i'.y b--explained, except upon ti e hypothesis of real lour, and temporary suspension of the mental faculties. t&yTlio Philadelphia ')? says that ti e Prince Napoleon and his wife, alter m .ki'.ig in Faslern tour, will visit tho Foiled States, lauding at New York, thence to Niagara, round lo Washing!. n, through Pit Isln-.rg an I lianv.hurg; troni u remington v i n:ia- elphia, through Rallimore, aatu to New York, and finally, through Huston, to embark from Portland. The time spent in tho slates will be four or live weeks. The Prince wiil travel in this country as Count do Moiml foyd. ft?3r"Thorc is probability of a war between Spain ami llayli. The Flack Republic of fei s an asvbmi on her borders to the Dom inicans who tlo hot wish to be "protected" by Spain; and Spain demands that they shall be sent into the Hay lieu interior. llayli refuses to control them. If a fight breaks out, we heartily wish tho negroes success. fljsy-Tliere is an evident revival of busi-net-8 at the Fast and a brisk business there is a forerunm r of a revival here. The Hus ton Atli says lhat tho Norfolk cotton mills, which have been stopped for live weeks past, have resumed operations and employ 300 of the old hands in the manufacture ot car pets. feyt"-The most reliable accounts we have of the rebel forces, estimate their number' as follows: Organ 22.000; unorganized 12.000; total il I, (100. To this number must be added about 1(1.000 for Virginia ami N. Carolina forces, making in all say Ml. 000. IWtY'T'he (lovertmient has very properly determined to assist the indefatigable and unterrilied llrownlow. His paper has been designated by the Stale Department to publish the law s of Congress lo be passed at the present session. tSv.y Jos. S. Reynolds of Indiaua. has been appointed a Hri-.i lier-dent ral of Volunteers, lie graduated at West Point in ISKI, bin h, served only three years in the field, and h is since been a professor in the Fniversity of St. Louis. J-.irdt is reported by telegraph that in Fredericksburg, Va., te.i is ;?2 a pound; and it is stated that llie ri In Is have appropria- ted the whole stiM'lv known a. (Jtn.iavwder .. ,, , ,! lor ll'.i" liiuuulucturc ol cartridges. - ,,, i ,i .i . i- fi-av ltw saul that the extraordinary ses - sion of Coli;",rcss will not be protracted le- VOlltl tlie 1st ol .u,;ust. 1 110 l.iea Ol so short a ConpresHioual term is a noble one,! worthy of (lie time is which we live. -." The Milwaukee Zouaves have been; j'l-isented with $M, (UK) infold by the t.everal lanks and hankers of Milwaukee as a tes-i tinioni.'l of the aeiii i -ciat'.on o Ih e.l' si I V ices in tiucllin;; tho late riot. t-j.i' Coup: ret-a is repoiie.l to be takin;.; uica.surcs lor removal of all recession clerks trom ol'ice, at the Capitol. This is rij.-,ht; they should have been ousted Ion,; apt. e;eiit!em;iii from lte.lford Springs, Pa., states that llx-1'resident but hanau was hourly expected ut that place, w here he will pans the remainder of (he Summer. ftej"-.Vt (he latest dates from Missouri. ("Jen. Price had disappeared. Tho seces sionists were without money ami without l riee. JtiaVFour thousand weecssionmts from Kentucky are in the rebel service in Ten nessee, and one thousand in Virginia. ff-iyA reeriiitin;"; otliee for the Confederate Army has been opened in Louisville. A Spy Outwitted. NEW ADVERTIS'MENTS. 1 NO'I'F LOST. Tho undersiniud lost a note 1 jtiven by l.sskev, Prati Co., for the stun of one biiudivd and titty dollars. Il was civeu Sept. IS, IStiO, and bd oue endorwuieul uf flit, unl one of i on the buck. Tin note w ill le of no use to sny oue lint myself, nnd 1 will pay the tinder IUkt ully by ntiuniiijj or einUnij it to me ut New West mtd. WIM.U51 UCSS. July l, lbl- IU NEW ADVERTIS'MENTS. j ' . SCHOOL EXAMINERS NOTICE. Tho llmint will I10I1I thoir nnxl rojnilnr nessionn fur the exaniinnti'W of Tencliers, fullowgi Fni-piirt, (iift Ttipmlar in Anpnst. OiWil, lirst Ttir(lnjr In !ciitelnbiT. lVrrjTHlmrjr, lirst Timidity in October. Wont Millirrnrp, lirst Tuesday in November. Howl injr (liven, first Tiiesdur fn Peci-mlnT. IVrrvsttiirir. (Irst Tnosxlny In" January ( 1S'12 1. In nihlitinn to tlie nstiiil cmiriio, Timbers will bero after be examined in Anifiiean Ili-dm-v. No applicant will boexnniined tvhoi'n not present niiR'ttiiitly nt 9 o'clock, n, lit. J. W. Woonnrnv, Clerk. NOTICE, Notice i.i lureby piven Hint llio und cr.iiKned linn h'-cn n'Hiii(ed mi nsslpteo of tho iMiM'ily mi l cll'.:cts of (iuo. It. Krejts, lately etig'igeii in' the btwitv'ss of merchandising in the town of IViTvsbiifir, Wood county, Ohio. All cred itors of nai l (ien. 11. Kreps lire re.piested to present their tlauus to the assignee at Peirvsbiirg, Ohio, m soon its possible. S, SPINK, Assignee. July H, IH'II HwiM 2.". ROAD NOTICE. Notice is licieby given flint llio nonnty commissioners, of Wood county, bare granted a'view and mirvcy of n c nutty ro.ui, coiniiieneiiir past on the county line between Wood nnd Ottawa counties, between sections 2 1 nnd 25; thence west till it InterseetH the Crapn Mad .between Fpclions 2S nnd 21 ami there terminate: Haiti viewers imil surveyors to meet nt tlie house, of Luke Mnrsh, on the 11th of August, isiil. July 17tli, 1801 Ihv4 I.) OA I) NOTICE. Notice, isjioieby given that V tl 10 comniisMionei's of Wood county. Ohio, have, granted a view met survey of a county road commencing nt tlie Wootl nnd Lucas free turnpike road quarter post between suction 28 nnd 2t, Lake tow nship j thence west to tho quarter post between .ji'c'liiiiis 21) mill :tl), name, township : and that the viewers and surveyors thereof will meet ut tho house, of J. E. Harp'el, on tho lillt tlav of August, lsi'.l. J. V. lIAUPEb. July 17tli, 18fil llnt r jETITIOJf FOll PARTITION. William l'urk, Mariali Hark, John Hathaway, Catharine Il.itlntvvn v, Joiintltan Cravs, Nathaniel J t' f u 1 V. 1 .... v i,n, iuiunrei .'I, ,-siuiuci rule, Liniiiua i Cravs, John Anderson. Ilarriet Anderson, Klintbeth ! Anderson, Cenrge Anderson nnd Ct'thaline Cravs, win taue noncj unit 11 pelttion was lileil against thein on the 12th day of July, lSfil, in the court of common pleas, within and for tlie county of Wood, nnd ,S lute of Ohio, by John 1 l!ell and Mary Ann Hell, find is now pen ling, wherein saitl John 1 Hell nntl Mary Ann Hell tl iniiitd partition of the follow ing real estate situate in Wood county und State of Ohio, to-wit: The south part of the south-west quar ter of seetion number nine ( 0) tow n number live (5) north of r.ingi! number twelve (12 ) cast, containing ninety (!KI) iteres more or les : also the following, situate in said county nntl state: being a part of the isoiilh-w est part of tito south-west qti h ut of sec tion nine (11) town live (5) north of range, twelve (12 1 cast, bounded ns follows: ceinni titeteg at the south-west corner post of the last ilese. ibed land: thence north along said land to the cinter of I'or tage river : thence down said river to the east line; thence H-.uilli along said line, bting all that part of I.111 .1 lying south of said liver, containing three and n. halt acres nioro or less; anil that, lit lite next term of said court, the John I' Hell and Mary Ann Hell will apply for nil order thnt partition may be nude of saitl premises. JOI1X I. HELL,' MARY ANN BELL. I'v I'ethii Hri.r,, thoir ntt'v. July 12, IS.'il llw0.?7 0a. pinrnoN ron divouce. Andrew Snyder vs. Catharine Snyder. The said defendant. Catharine Snyder, will take notice that the plaintiff, on the Sili day of July.LSCI, tiled his pel it inn in the Clerk's t.tlieo of the court of common pleas of Wood county, Ohio, asking to be divorced from saitl defendant, allo.lging as a cans?, adultery with one C. liak -r, und gross neglect of duty. Sai l petition will be for hearing at the Oc tober term of said court, lSttl, which sits on the 2'Jth dav of said month. I'mcK & Joiinsox. July S, lSlil l(lwt;$2 85. piiOBATE NOTICE Notice is hereby given tit at John Groves nnd A. J. L tthrope, of the Win. C. L.tthrope, deceased, h iv e tiled in l'robale Court of Wood coun ty, Ohio, their papers for final settlement, nntl the same is set for hearing on the 2tlh tlav of Jnlv, A. I). 111 . J. W. l'OE, l'ltitmte Judge. June 27lh, lSiil OwS N O T 1 C li Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received until the first day of August, LSiil, for the building of two new school houses : one in new school dUlri.'t No. 12, and one in old school dis trict No. 7 . Plans and Kpoeilications can be seen at the elliet! of the Clerk of the Board of Edu cation, PciTvshurg. A. C. Si'i i-oun, Clerk. July 3, LSlil !hv3i?t 70. 'VTOTICE. The Coinnussloners of Wood county 1 1 have appointed 11. L. Wood, Thos. Con-ell, George Dcnnison, Viewers, an I David Donaldson, Surv eyor, to view, lay out and survey a proposed count v road, coinnienViiig in the lindHhctwccn sec tions II and I I: thence north on half section line to intersect the Woodville ei. Toledo plank road, in L.ike township ! said viewers and surveyor will meet at the holts.1 of (leore Dcnnison, on the Llt'i dav of August, lsi'il. 1'nrEit Cross jiax. July I, - lh;t IJETITION FOR DIVORCE. COl'RT OF COMMON PLEAS, WOOD CO., O. Eih. anor A. Bruer, plaintiff, vs. James Bluer de fendant. The above named defendant is hereby notified that the plaintiff has filed her pttiiion in the Court of Common Pleas, of Wood county, Ohio, Alledg ing extreme cruelty and ilrunUeness for more than three years last past, upon the part of saitl defend ant. Said cause will be for hearing at tho October term, 1MI j and praying upon the final hearing of said cause, she may bo divorced from said defend ant. Pkicb & Johnson, nttys for plt'lT. Perrysburg, June IS, IStil 7wO$3 05. jyrcn NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thnt a petition has been tiled in this ollit e praying for the establishment nnd constructing of a diteh commencing at or near the foot ef the ridge south of the north-west coiner of the south-west iiinrter of section Xt, town 5 north, range 10 cast : thence north on the line of the road, and crossing the same nt various points, to tho north-west corner of the south half of the north west iii. li ter of section 2S, s.iine town nnd range ; thene.! to intersect the Root Ji Green ditch, so-called ; thence north-westerly on or near the present line of s.tiil diteh, to intersect the Plain it Tontoga ny diteh, so-called ; thence north down said ditch, to or near the smith line of the improvement on the Nibelung place, so-called. Also a branch to said diteh coniin ncing at or near the north quarter post of set-lion 3:t tifoi-eiMin 'd ; thence west along or near the section line to its intersection w ith the main ditch. Also a second branch commencing at or n sir the north half quarter pest of the ii 'rih-cast of said seetion .'i I; thence north to the 1 1.irt iti.iii road : thence w est an I north-west along or near tlie line of the present parity constructed ditch to its intersection with the m.tin diteh, and that sai l p tition w ill be for hoarim; on the Oih of August next. ADDISON SMITH, Auditor. An liter's Olliee, Wood county, O. lVrrvslmrg, June 22, 1S'1 ",iv4.f7 li. 1) IT I'll LETTING. v.,i;.... !,.,..., 1,.. . . 1 ... 1 it... o 1 .1... ..p 1 .. ...... ... .... .... 1... ,.i .... gust next, at toe house ol Joseph Mitchell in 1 lam ! I.. ZJ . .., . ." ti ... v " ' .7. '. i " liunolmi -.!! I. t 1. 1 Ihn ,, I I.. I I , . ... ....... ... !, i near the center ot the north-west tptarter ol the , s 'mli-eat tptart -rof seetion :'..". town a tiortli.range 1 1 m t..l!tt. .?... ,VOiif t w,.,t ,ilM. r f.,,.,.., uf. of the sm:!i-west iiuarlerof slid section: thence I i iionn some n r.'.is; lueiice west u ine west line ol the s.ini." section: thence smith-westerly to the een- . , ' . . cii',,,it it., i, , cv, ,' ., o. lll- ll II 11,1 , range: llienee West about (HI rods ; tlience north- ! westerly to the ridge road on the west half of the ! n 'ith-vvest qti liter of slid sectieii ;1 1; thence north i on or near the center line ef tlie last mentioned tract j to the north line of s.titl section III; thence west to . tne north-west corner of the same section. The work is divided mt, II sections . if UtUJ feet each. . I. ink slopes 1 base tooue 1 he earth to be rem .ved at least tl le et troni the slopes. i.tth bottom 2 left. I lie whole to be conmleted bv the 15th Noveinber next, to tho ncef ptanee of the t . nutty Coiiinnssioiiei-s. Plan and specifications of ti? hoi k cxtitoiici, .net eommtous oi sale mi the day of s lie. Sale to continence at 10 or lock a.m. ADDISON SMITH, Auditor. , Auditor's Otliee, Wood county. O. I I errvsburg, June Jl, 8w.$7 7.1. - 7,7" ! 11 ll'II l.h rilNU. , I J ' Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of August next, at the town of Milton Center in ood coutitv, Ohio, 1 will let to the lowest bidder, in sec nrat;" sections, the making of diteh No. ft, in said coiintv, c.tuiiiiencin); on the Koundhcail road, so called, about ten tods south of the Portage Free Turnpike road, in Milton township, thence north on s.ii.l Itomidhead road to the Milton and Montgomery Free Turnpike road i thence west ou the last nam ed road 30 rod to a ravine; thence dowu said ravitto to Heaver Crock, teriuinatiu thereat. The work comprises 57 aections of 'JO rods each. Wid'h ef bottom 3 feet down to section 62, and from thence to (Ue end 4 feet. Fallen timber und tloo.hvood to be removed 10 feet from the center of tho stream. The excavated earth to bo removed at least 3 feet from the fctopen. and the vurth loii(f the road hi b cast thereon. The whole to be completed to ihe ac repiauee of the county contmi&sioiu r by the 15th of November licit. "The plans and spenfeationt of Hit work and terms of alo exhibited and made know nun the dav of letlinff, AnmsoN Smith, IVrrjabnrg, July R, 4Vl 10 w A,0. Aud. I Of ns of ns 1 1 : , j . GOODS & GROCERIES. -yOTICE.-- To Elizabeth Sprague, Sprague, Mt-Fadden, known nntl unknown heirs f ,:,s. MeF.ttldtn, tlec, and Warren (iiif. rd,rhis imkuown widow and heirs, place of resilience mi nt known. V..n I, ...... I, v ,,tii,..a tl, ,t l.,l,.. XIM,.. countv. Ohio, the object nnd pravcr of which in le kaown g.d fur,,,, is (d obtain from said' Court nn order to assign dower to Mary McFadden, widow of dec, in In lot .No. 20 in the town of Portage, and the omiit- ni.ij interest in the w j of tho n-w M ot sec. 33, town 4 n nth of range 11 east, in sird county, of which decedent died, seiied and holding, und to Kelt llu" u-llilt. r..l "st:ili. uiibi,,f. ii ttniil ,l.,u'.r tn QBOCHUV AND PROVISION STORE Low Price nntl It end? Vnj Having purchased the entire stock of (JUOCEU IK formei lv nwnud by Ooo. W. HollunDKckl will coulinue business AT THE OLD STAND, Where, having replenished tho Stck witu largo mid ENTIRE NEW ASSORTMENT, am now prepared to supply the citizens of Perryg btirg, und tuiri'nitnilinK cmm'tiy witb Groceries nnI Provisions, tho choicest kinds nntl at tlin cbenpest possible prices. Those, wishing to purebnso anything in ntv lino will (bid it to their advantage to give uio a call, cvontltinjc lull will be SOLD AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES I have on band, also, a largo and woll selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, which I warrant to give, satisfaction or no sale. IfF. I IckI Ien! I havo on hnnd a large supplv choice I.ako Ice, which may be obtained at ull times on reasonable tcrnw. All kinds of produce taken In exchange for gowtls. J. B. WEU1J. l'eirysburg, Nov. 29, 1860-tf jruVvc;ooiAT xi:w westithmii An entire stock of New Ooods have recently boon npeiierl by the subscriber, consisting of nil the vari eties of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! . I r , .?llJ Groceries, Soups, Candles, Hard vraii, 'nils, ' Putty, White Led, 'l'owder, Shot, Tea. Coffee. Sugar, itolnsses, Hoots. Shoes, llonnets. l'urs, Candies, Cloves, (linger, Spice. Cinnnmnn, Haisins, Essences, Nutmnps, White Pish, Cod 1- ish, Flour, Meal, and numerous other articles on hand, to bo sold FOR READY PAY ONLY 1 this is the onlv method which allows tho mer chant to sell CI1EA.P. Wheat. Corn, Hurley, Buckwheat, Potatoes, Apples, Butter, Lard, Beeswax, Beef, Pork, Hides, Skins, Furs Pelts, Staves, Hoop Polcs,&c. will bo purchased or taken for Coeds. A. E. JEROME. X. Tl. I shall also be. connect-vl with the, Stor age, l'onvnviling and Commission Busiii.MS of this place, nnd hope to merit tho confidence anil appro bation of the people. A. E. JEROME. Ma v. ISO I I v. N E "W INSTITUTION The pu'wribcr has established nn Agricultural Machine Warehouse in Perrysburg. Ho will be able to furnish the Farmers, and, nil others in want of articles in his line, with any and every kind of Machine or Farming Implement desired, oil the most reasonable terms ; including in part of the follow imr articles: lvir'ov's American Harvester, Ball's Reaping iin'l Mowing Machines, Wood's Mowing Machines, Hubbard's Mow ing Machines, Pitt's Threshing Machines, Grain Drills, Separators, Horse Powers & Portable S'eam Engines. Also, nil tho best stvles and patterns of Plows, . Harrows, Hrirse lines, Cnllivntors, Shovel Plows, Subsoil Plows, Thermometer Churns, Koad Scrapers, Wheel-Harrows, Corn Shelters, Fanning Mills, Straw Cutlers, iMignr Iwnpoialor.s, t lover Uullers, ltors." Rakes, Scythes and Suaths, Shovels and Hoes, Cradles, Sewing Machines, Wngnns, ic, Ac., lie KVEItY VAHItTY ON SCALES, Fnirbank's pattern. And every description of Wood and Iron Working nnd other Machinery nt LOWEST PRICE. Call and cxamin. stock nnd prices. D. KREPS. Perrysburg, Juno 2 tth, ISfll- 8ru3. Q O A I, OIL, Coal Oil Coal Oil, Coal Oil, New Supply, New Supply, New Supply, New Supply; Only 75 cents per gallon! Only 75 cents per gallon! Only 75 cents per gallon! Only 75 cents per gallon! At the Drug Store, At tho Drug Store, At tho Drug Store, At the Drug Store: "Come all and try it, And you'll e'er buv it." PECK A HAMILTON. LADIES. rp 0 T H E Mrs. M. A. Carpenter would respectfully announce to the ladies of Perrysburg nnd vicinity that she has removed her Millinery Store to the house formerly occupied by Eliza P, Jones, on Front street, where there will found a beautiful assortment of millin ery goods. Mrs. C. will keep constantly 011 Laud 11 large variety 01 Bonnets, Kibbons. Flowvrs. Bitches. lints. Caps and Flats, In tact everything pertaining to tho millinery line She isnlso prepared to Cut, lit nntl make Dresses, : ' ' " .'. .' .. . ' ......ii.j,. r'.,,.. ei,.,iu T.i.,...,..i 1 '..n.i, ... 'I. ,.1.;.,.. r.i eai-liing anil Crossing done to outer. l.,,dies" will full it much to their iidvautare bv . . ... . . . . . pvinjr.mea eal beti-e e sew here. April L'J, lSil -01 .Mi-s. .11. U. UAlil't.MEK. U 1 O COkhEllK OF TRADE ) v For Practical pnf MrDPI T 1 VOTPITftTinXT v.unuiau uioinuKiiu.i, CIIARTFBKI), MAY, 18(51. No. 170, Summit Street. Toledo, Ohio. For further particulars, a ttlress U. (!lK(i(UY, President.,adiii'i-of Jas.Mcl'ad'den.tlec'd.on thcTthof Jiuie, M l.liU-1 his petition in the court ol Pinbatcof Wood ,,.iv claims against decedent's estate, nnd that said petition is set for hearing in said court, tho 10th of uly, lSt'.l. JOHN M MAII.VX, Adni'r. t.KO. fTSAIS, attv. June 19, 1801 8wl D 1TC1I NOTICE. Notice is hereby eiven that a petition has been filed ia this otliee, pi ay ine; for the establishing aud construct inj; of a ditch bt'i;inuiii; at point on the lino which divides the north-west quarterof section 3i, town 5 north, ratine 10 east, 1S5 feet aouth of Kid(0 road theiics south 82:i dejr. west 445 feet thence south 73 ' ,' tlejf , west 708 feet to section line ; thence south 705 feet thence west 13i feet to bull uuartcr line j tlience south 659 foot to ceutcr line of section 34 ; thence west 1 50 feet, lermiuat injr in the Woodbury ditch, so-called, and that said petition w ill le for h'earinjr on the 6th day of August next. ADDISON SMITU, Auditor. Auditor's Office, Wood oouutv, O. IVrrysburg, Juno tl, ltrfl i M GOODS & GROCERIES. ET TUG WORLD BEAD. FOR THE BEST fc CHEAPEST GOODS 00 TO THK STtHl Of W. J. HITCHCOCK. NKW 00O119 I NKW HOOKS 1 NKW llOOIlg I NKW GOODS) NKW OOODS t NKW ooons NKW ooons I nkw rmcifst nkw miens niw rsic-KS NEW rBICES t nkw rr.icKal NKW FBIUUl nbw roititsl Tho largest stocks of goods ever off ored la this market, embracing an aidless variety of article STAPLE, FANCY AND FASHIONABLE, In the selection of which no effort has been spar ed to render it ns attractive as possible, is now bit ing opened at the CHEAP DRY GOODS STORE W. J. Hitchcock, on the corner of Front and Lou isiana Avenue, Perrysburg, Ohio. QUALITY is the BEST TEST of CHEAPNESS. Inspection and Comparison will provo that for va riety, elegnnce, richness, cheapness, beauty and quantity, this stock is unsurpassed by any now of fered in the West. LADIES' FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS! In this department great advantage mny be obtain ed by close cash buyers, from the fact that the goods ure boughtfor cash" directly of the eastern dunlcrs nnd manufacturer, nnd ull imported goods arebo't nt just what it costs to import theui, hence he can ufl'ord to sell goods at MUCH LOWER PRICES than goods nre generally sold, which is an item of prrat interest to the people of Wood county. A snf llicient in (liiccmcnt, we take it, to make Perrys burg the trading point. HEADY MADE CLOTH 7X0 t In this department, we have the largest and most complete assortment in Northern Ohio. Made up according to the latest fashions nnd in the most sub stantial manner, warranted to give the very best satisfaction, or no sate. HARDWARE, CR0CER1ES, &C. Those wishing-to purchase anything in this liua will rind it to their advantage to pay my Store a visit before purchasing elsewhere. Tlie nttention of tlia public is respectively invited to mvextensivo stock, feeling assured it will be time profitably spent. SSProducc taken in exchange for goods. W. J. HITCHCOCK. Perrysburg, January 2d, 18C1. Q.KAND OPENING OP STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, Boots, Shoes, Clot h in a, Crockery and Gtasswaro, WOODENWARE. HARDWARE, Farming Tools, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC. Ladles' Drcn Good8 New, Chaste, Kich and Elegant Patterns, Just received by A. G. WILLIAMS & BRO. Sugars, Amber Syrup; African, Rio and Java Codecs, Layer and Seedless Raisins, very nice, l'runer and Currants. GLASS, DYE-STUFFS, SPICES. Kerosene Oil. Tea at SO cents, and $1 tea for 75 cents; try it. Prime Live Geese Feathers, Retailed from $1 ) lb up. Mackerel and Cod Fish, Iooking Glasses, otc, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAFS, New Spring and Summer styles, Strong and Cheap for Cash; for sale by Williams. GOODS AT SECESSION PRICES FOR. THE LADIES. French Frinted Bareges, very cheap. French Printed Organdies, beautiful designs. Gingham Lawns, l'rinted Lawns, Printed Bril liantes, all entirely new styles. Mourning (jootls, Embroideries, llcrege do Laines, Summer Dress Silks, Linen Lustres, Yakncias, Foulard Silks, Marseilles, Lawn Robes, Organdie Robes, Grenadines, Challics, Counterpanes, Napkins, Doylies, Damask Cloths, RutHing, Edgings, Moreens, Flannels, Lace Veils, Cotton Sheetings, Dress Buttons and Trimmings, a handsome assort ment, all ne sr. Bonnets and Ribbons, Misses' and Children Flats, and Hats, Parasols, the newest and richest out j Shawls of every description, Mantillas and Raglans; please call and examine be for purchasing elsewhere. Fisb I Fish I A good supply of all kinds odb. stantly kept on hand at our store, rrroduoe taken In exchange for goods. X. O. WILLIAMS & BRO. id door from Mas port ode.