Newspaper Page Text
Perrysburg Journal. OUR ORDERS. Weave no more aitks, ye Lynns looms, To dock our girls for pay delights, ) crimson flower of Initio Mount", And solemn marches fill the nights. Weave 1ml the flag whose bnrs to-day Drooped lioftTV mi our early dead, An 1 homely garni'tits. coarse nnd gray, For orphan that must earn their liivail. Keep back your tunes, ye viols tweet, That pour delight trow ollx-r tin I 1 Rouse (hero the dancer's restless foci -Tho trumpet leads our wi r.l t bands. Anil yo Hint wage the war f w nrd i. With mystic fume nnd mYte power, (Jo, chatter to tho Idle, birds. Or tench tho lesson of jho hour 1 Ve Sybil Arts, in one ater.i knot Be ell yoiir ('(tiros n inbined ! Ptand close, while courage ilia" " tho tot, The destiny of kin 1 ! And if that destiny roul 1 fill, The aim ahottld dark-n in ti e sky, The eternal tdontn of Xatnio pale, And Und, nnd Truth, nn 1 Froo.Vm ili. ! —[Atlantic Monthly. THE LOST INHERITANCE. Tho twins from rut-in l I. mum sioppd nt the Ktotmu of J.igny. u I awn u ; . u the route, ntnl after l''iiviu : :i i'cu- pa -mi'tito m, Renin wen! on. The, f u' .i in. ho nt crowded with l it'hv iv pi.,li : i :ti; I i.ot r. -Oil, WilS Raton ih'M'tlo.l 1m- ;;ll inil tw i in l -viilliala. ( tno m' th'Mil Wna H I mi. I III t;:, 1 1 !.;,. oil ill tho ;r.rh of n vt-!!-? -. I !'.; a .v-: a i ! tho otlior, ft youth ill' u'i. i it iivo-.m i-i w nt.-. who teei;ti'(l to I v.' wa: 1 it: : on.- .i roino and tnoel liim. To Mrs i.-i -.o,i l'io nl I man presently tnli'ics "." I him. ;"'.l'. " May 1 pivi.tinie, sir," k i i I I;:'. " t vii jnii f if you nre ('lenient It. '!'' " Yes. my (,'n.i. 1 iii. hi," t', !!i I !n voui'i. with a h.iu rhlincss of I n.-m i "mi. I I hive no doiilit mi tiro .Mr. M naa.." " A I your mTvi.-o. nil," i - t - - 1 tho ntlier. " We'll. Mf. M:U'l;li." ia:it art al I 'iet.iotil ,. the h.iiinV tone, " I lit".. in ',, i,na - -1 t j vmi i.: loluleil i keep l'io w.Lt'i'.j;. 'l int! wo:;! I not linve Loon tlio Leal 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 r in whi'Ii in insinuate Yourself in my pai I ::r tors." Tito olil in iii, iustct I nl i a I'iyin lot 1 ia liaiil l'.ill liinii hia '..renal .n ii' m i!.m p nlil e. tioil, mill roii'lnrteil llio new enin t .v,i,ii'h ii ltir;;o, ol.l-ln "liiniio 1 i-.trr'.i r, Inwirch a very roii;.th iMtkiii; loit-i.o w.i.. h ;nt. e !. " J lore i your ciirrln, ,e, wir." n.tiil Mm-iin. ' If yn,l ill 10 jMin.l oliiiil .li t,i in, I will have (ho linlioi iif iMinlilivii'yoii In tlio" "That in v rani, ".'o, i,Y," eric, I f 'leineiil. " AVhv 1 h1-u'.'! 1.0 taken I'm- it -.;VfIiie' ih .1 lor!"' Ihil a I'owiltya l'ofore, Mr. ( 'li nn-dl 1!., V'lli) HOW Ul( nit Ni. mil y lilio ni.H, wan ii nilnplo ch i'l in a crni'l.ory w.irrln ms" in 'ar- i l, I'll. I Jio;-sos 1 i'lo l I'tliaiinn nl' li..mj a iiio( aiel tiii.i-oii-ii'lin ;; ,'it!c f.-l'ow. What. then, 1 1, l I l.nnl;:lll alinlil t.,n lt uh.I vailioal ttiinsl'i'i iiial inn ? tin 1 1 - 1 1 I i .mni., Hinoo tho . re -inn's day, n i i,.!i i,i ,'i, an 1 i ltviy 1 to Well inidi ind thai lii" .:h-,.,,k of tin inooino of Iwonly thot' .:, d IV. hum ;i yottr liiidn it iliD'u-nll In ii t iin tho nm I it .!. meiinor o( n ponf eh ii;. (In the oe 'a im tin v. whilo dil!iin;c tho lav-o :. of i rm! cry undof his oliatvi', a I. tier i,ir,od inr liim l.v tlio p...,!. ontivoy in t.i him t - it tit linj intBlli;:eiH-o that one nl hi-i inn los, nl whom ho Itad ol'lon ho nd i;i a.t c-. .::; ri and very wealthy old i.t-m, .o wlmmhi ha I liovor M'i'it, liad j't -t ili.' I al h!; l'o .idi in o in r.nrpiitdy, lottviii;;- his i.oplmw Ca inot l, nolo heir In Ioh estates, In th.- t m lasVui of many oilier lioira. Tito lrltt v wan front a tmlaiy in the pinv-im.-O who tlosift d him to loae I'ar'm inini" t'.i.itt'ly tor Joiny, a twi: r.i'.u- which this iiik-Io resided, where Im unidd le mot ' Wr. Mtirtin, tin old t niiliilcnfal Horvant of the deceased, and eniidiiolod from the tail road to the " 1 lot mila;;o," the iiaiiie w hioh the dooo'.iKod had fciveii In too eMuio. Almost driven out of his ia m s hv su -li tin itne.peoted Mtrohe of foituiie, ricnu tit liastelieil In ohev the tioia.yVi diioilioiis, mid on his arrival nl .l.ii-rny, jninod Mat tin, its we htive koom. (() jolted the ipteer ihV lo in whioh our lien, had so cotitemplitoiir.U t.. ken a pi too, liulil after tl ride of several miles, the n. i tt )'ants arrived at their destination. M trlin tiered the honors of the I lerinila;ro In iho now jirnpriotnr, eall. d ail tie' n i va lis atal iatrinhieed them tn tin ir fo'itre master, and then eendileted the latter to hits ow it apal I inentt. " 'J'hirt was l!:l uleepin; ehainhoi' of ymir unele," nai l M, i iin, as thev ontom I a I ire-o tipartinont, ii.i niahod in old-fa: hi. e.od st lo. ' It was in Ihis room ihat he died ten d'ivs ii'o." Jtlll Iho nephew, instead of ovine'in; ney rmotiou upon tieiu shnwtt iho ehamNer nf his benefaelnr, threw itpna all amn t I h't,: ii look of Peorn, and cried : " I'pou m word, 1 ean't nay 1 think much of tho n'd I'ov'b taste! 1 never saw a.'iyliiiu,;' sit very li;;ly in iny life." Notwithstanding, sir," u pliel Martin, ' it is iho Lent we have here ; if y.ei cannot eoi.tent youi'seli', I really ihrn't know where you wiU'liinl other In l:;'in;:;." live hero!" cxeLi'iiio I the ynnit;r man. "Vou do tint imagine 1 a"i su. It a dntikey, I hope! J'or us yoini;;- I. llnw s, il.i ym ', ,', J'aris is tho only' jdaee ; an I shall se',1 ihis fid, crazy rookery at once, and then ho'.'' 41 (Sell tlio lleriitit t;e !"tx, l.ihue.l M it In : "your tlltele's favorite place of icid.'u.' ! liiil'ossildo ! And w e t.i l .una who h .pe l to end our days umU r this root", what is In l.ecome of us '! " ".Mr. Martin," retnited iho yio.n.c man, ' let me have none of your complaint.--.. I I'Og. (let me Bnute dinner, and aUcrw ai-Is Jutl will drive lite tn th u.iiary's." After having eaten : hoailv meal, eet withstaiidiii"; ho fniind the meal's in-ipi I ;.n the wines sour, the legatee. Mill aici-eia-nied Martin, re-eitleied the curia cam! the two Malted oil'. "If 1 llttl lad mistaken," oh-: t cd Mr. rienienr, ul'ter tin hour's ride, "ve passed this Kpol this morning ; and ilial." pointing to a building, "is the railroad stat.nn. l'n V C take the train there '.' " "You aloito will do so," l Vspoitiled his comptiiiion, npeakiu veiy gravely, and in a Itianiier which litusi'd the yotin ; man In troinl'le. in spite of hints. If." I, s r. ;.m your uncle, and ltanpily, lam imt d. ad ! lluvinn hettrd good tu-countj of ytmr cnii tluet, 1 had resolved tn make yo t heir of all 1 possess ; hut In fore lining m. I w i .iicl to nsecrtained if you were redly .Ic-a t in;; of iny genernsilv, ami I had ree'mt .e I., nlrn'.a gt'iH, which laid thoroughly cxpnta d vottr trim cliaraotor tome, tinnd-hy, M i-.l'lcim ni; return to your business, nnd "remember that your arrogance and ingratitude have list y,.u that whioh will never again be p!.;o d w ith in your- reach." J63Kien. UanlcH has ttppninted (i'. o!-,e It. Duello, of Jtaltimore, Matshal of l'io 1 on. o, iu place of t'ol. John li. Ki uly, who, bt i!i,' relieved of this service at his own reipi. st, has taken command of the first remanent ol Jlarylaiul volunteers on tho rotoii'i'.'.o. 't he tleuerul in u prot lamalioii, tilales that tho appointment' of Mr. lod'o un been mad,, by the advice of many citizens of lialtitnoie of different parties, utnl cxpreKses the hope tlmt ho may receive advice mid assistance from them und other loyal cilizcns. JKl?-It was expected ut lat. st dab s from Knoxville, Tennessee, that l'arson lirown low's priutiiiK olhce would very soon be dc UioliBhed. Well, if ho liimself burvived, his cilico can and will be rebuilt. s5Tho Mobile Tribuno Htiyn thut tlio um of 8100,000 wan duo tho t'nnfcdonito uoop at I'tukueoU ou tho lut ult. THE LOST INHERITANCE. SHERIFF SALES, &C. "llTMSTIU'tKlX 8AI.K OK liKAI. K.H TATH. In piirnnn-o nf anor.h'l- planted hv the prnlntn ci.ui-t nf Wood, Ciiin, 1 ill oiler for sale al public niii-li"". On tho 2nd day of AitRtut, ISfll, at 2 n'ehii k y, m., up. n'tlm pietn'seM, the fulhm inp .teai-Hli'd ro il et .to in Wed county and ('(. of tllil.i, tn-ivil: Tic miw! p ut of tli iioi-Mi-ms i'iat lrrof t'.i ""iiuIii-m e' iii.n t. r nt s 'l lioii aniali'l' tliiily five, oMtiM immli.'r liv.t ir rt'i, iMitpo nil.' "Mt. thai pel Ivinp wt"d "f til ' i" Mitel if tin' rad I tinu IV . in New WcniII dd to (lil md. ai Wood county, and i'"ii: lininp eipiilocii acre, tn f i r leu. Tetiii-t nf ml '! llao Ihinl in hau l, ono -third in nin" in ai!h an I on III f l in eiplil'-cn li tin IMin l!io d iy of s tl", Wltli Ini. r si. The deloi ii'd pavm nls t'1 ' ai'i invd l.v inoilpapes upon tlio pivmUos .. l, Appr.itu'd nl Pl-. Cl. miis-i Mtt.i.iat, iidinr't. I'. 1. K. lt'.t.l.fMila K, llll'rt. a, 111 7 it. s it i: u i v v s ! a i. !: It 'toy 1.. ('. .dl l... A. .1. ll.tle A laoihor, I'y virlii!" oT ail old r of .ml'' ir.-aiH in tlio al.ovo e.nti.' hv t'l" rlork of lite eoni'l nf roinni mi p -a of 'ti Iioi;'.i eoiinti . Uliio, and la lit" dif.'eli'd and da livstc (. I ill oII't for s io nt I'nlilie Vcndiio lit the d aof nl' llio cnti'i lirni. a in the loan of IVrrysIiiirp, Woad e.iiit'tv, on Siiur.lay AniMi-1 .Id, I Si", I, trie. tl tho hours "f In o'i-loe! a. III. ioi I M o'eloek l. in. I. iv lite follow i'i; d.'seiiliod buds and I n -la 'i'l i to - a it: Tho . nnd rod nnd f r! v i 't'l I n ( IV oil tin' ea.'.l p.ii l of Iho sauiii hall nt H.-ctioii II ii I'm laio towtisliiji, 'nod eoiin'v, Ohio. Ap- pr.'is. I in .'ii'.ii,oi ti. i:. :r vt u, n j; in sii-tiir. 0 i i: it I r K s s A I, i; . , .losyli I'. (' H 'V is, J.ieo'i Wi'ainn rt il. Pv in no of an 1. 1 lot- of ! do i- in d liv th" ( 'lark 1 !' fcc.-' I' at.' of Ciinai n Pleas nl Wood e'iiiii!i, 1 i!.t ia tao a'. ' r ow , nn I la to dii .a ! I an I d li to I. I h Ml i li'. r I if s do al pnMio , n In at Iho da. I' of lao ! 'mirl II mis.", in l!i ' tun ii nf Pi I la a Inirp. Won 1 o. mil v . t.'i. I ', On S 'tin.!. iv, '(lie I day of Aiieu.-t. IH-II. I.'le . .'! II. o la nr. of I'l a. in. an. I '! p. in. nf Hi ll il iv I1." foil. i in Ian I -. an I taii -ni 'ii's. In t if! Tlio oa.l hall' ol l'. ti .f, ii i-1 -1 i; ii trior an 1 Iho o.i -I ial" of tie' .mil a . -ivijii ii'i'f of s 'oiimi tin moor H, ;.vn -s'liji iiiiinlier .'!, noi all ol l ani'.'' I'liin'i f I I . A p;irai' ' I al it eill. II. P.. Ill , 1. K, St!., ir. .teiv ., I at '.'a?.l 1 I. s ' ii i: it i v v .s a i. i : diT'iM I'.liint H hi-!. I! i i'l no of an or I. r of : alo i ei d in Iho i!i n o Li I't" clerk o ' la" e.aii'l of ooliilll ill pi a.-, i f . .. 1 i anili-. tliii ti I I . in dir. el. d and ih liver i d, I 1. ill eiOT for aal" nl palilio 1 ell Ilia ill lilt- ilo.,' ol tlio c in i !i u . ., iii I lie lowiiof I'eii'yslntt'ir, Wood 0' a 1 1 1 ' . diii '. O'l S liar lav, Auii!'.t :t I, I s;'i I , li luoen Iho laana ol I t a. in. and 2 p. in. of that d u . Ill follow iai; l.inds ;..n. . u ineiita tn-ivil: In to'. muu'i.T .'.117, in tho town of IVrrvslntvp, Wnml "i iiuly, ( i:iio, an 1 siili li i-ii. n i.tnnlior I, of riu.r n n I iiuinli. r a, e.iiii ainiii.; in' Inn ai ii'Mif hin t, "io-" or le .s, in Woo 1 coin. I . (Ihin. A pir.i i jit a:- i't'. i.'ii. u: i;it, Mieriir. .In',.. "., 1S:', Ilw.-.J-.I r,i. t ii t; it t v l- - s ha i, IT. William v.i. tlio eoeu. r.M of David I. add. (I iso.l. lt. vii in of an onlei' of ;i ile i aied in the above case by tlio (L i t. of (lie t'uuil (if t' I'I'mih ol Wo ' 1 o.neii;, , Uliio, and In mo .liiecl I an I deliv ered, I w ill olf r f .f " il at pul. bo an Ino nl Iho l. or of tli - Court II. ins" in IVrrislmr, Wood lonntv, Ohio, On Sa'in lav, Aneaul .",1. Isll, h 'Iween Iho hem-, of III ii. in. mi .", p. ni. of thai day. the folloainf dcsoiihed l.iiilsiind t"ni-moiits, In nil: In -lo!,- in l'i ri l sliiii!; I '.vn-ihip, No.-. I'.-l, i'.-e', liar, H is, ,'n.-i, Vim; vii,', 712. T-.".i, v.ia, 7:ia, r.'i.i. Va i, 7a I, 7.01, vr.ii, ",i;i, :i iii. :ia. an", :" :i.', i. ."...','.. .".ir, :iih, an., :s .o. :in. :;,-. ;ii,i. jh.i,-, ii:i, t '0. ''l. I;-;, III. Ill, II,, I 'i, I'm, t a. Ill, i; II, P.l, I"-.', ma, -tl I. al.'., air.. ..17, all, a.-l'.i, ,'.il, ail, a (2, a i :, .iii I, ,i ,'i.tii. i;ii;i, ir.i.i, ii;;, vim, 7111, V2(. 711,7 H, ', 't, 2.,'.!, 2.. 2T.-I, 27it, 277, 27it, -111, .'la. .''''2, a i'7. as.-!. Mil, 111 .!, ill.l, :;,. and north half of 2lC 1111.I -07. Appr.iis at al ?",.-.'7. li. I', t.'. Vl'ilt. ShorilV. .lull a. I No I li:. ,'"l. II K I! I K 1' ' S S A I, li . John Hales vi. iho Kvoeuloi o'' D tvi.l I.. i Id, ipe'd ' 1 inn of an order of il" i--n al in llio nhove he Hie dark of Iho 01 nit f eoiiiin m jiIm... of W 01, i 1 ..ini.'v, H i.., an I I., ia ilh- a ted and deliv er a I, I willed M' lot" f. 1 1 a il ' public . il'llla lit iho door ol the 1 out ( hmi iii th t in u of IVrry.diiir";, Wood enuiiiv, Ohio, on 'Saturday 11. n-1 :t I, I''-.l, beineoii tin. hours ol Id o'eloek a. in. an I :! o'clock p. III. of I'l it il i v, (If.i f.itloivin.f I 1 1 U and I mi -111 aits low ii : A p nt of li.e 1 ii 1 r Ii act .o, SI, in township .'I, I'. S. Iie-uie, ia Wool eatinn , Ohio, bounded Not-lit bv 'he Matim 'c riicr. east by He. east lino of sai 1 liver ll'.U'l. souill by IM.v cr.'.-k. an I west hv a line pa 1 .1 IP 1 ti i'h I lie oaai tin of 1 it -1 r tract .Na :,K all I ills' ml IherelVoin east 'fly a ,'i(l llltl chain;, (excopliii):' a tract e "iitainii:;; .1S-IO1I nf iin acre, deserilieil as lollon s: 'b.aiiiuiin" al a point w In re I lie la-t above do-crib "I line oros .es Iho I'errvsbiua.r and Oie'!on mad, la -le'e n irlh oil said line s '.'2 1 I'll elm ins In s td 10a . I, thenee siiitlliet l v iilontt said ronl t.i Iho place of l'einni:':f,) ,-iti.l lands coiitaiu nn '.'7 acres of land mnrom- l".e.. .p-piai.-.i'd at .,H..ti.til. tl. K. tU VfH, h-: t s 1 siieritv. s,Mii:iiiii"s v -; A.lriaiiee A Co. v Pe udi Weseoil. Hv i inn.' of iin order of s ilo t.i 1110 directed an. I deluered from the court of eoininna pleas of Wood county Ohio, in t!,e aboi e can-.'. I shall oiler tor sale al the doorof tlio cnu t house in Perry .biii';, Wood (mm! , Ohio. 011 ivlitll' All'll-t 1 1: It . I Sal, al 2 o'eloek p. m. of said day llio follow inj; I inds and lenein til-, as l'io prop-rtv of s n.l ilefeu lanls, lo wit: The c ist h til of tlie' east ipt irter of In let number seven hun Ired and s 'venty six t Wa ', ilia noi lli two third . of out lot two hun'h ", an I I'Veiitv Ini'i 222 1. and the uiiilii i I 'd one dm If of not th I w ii thiids and e:ist on .-1'iii . I of in Inl s 'ven Iiiiii.Ii -.1 and s 'i in y tw o i 7 72 1, and se en hint. I red an I sei . cnly -live, ant all of siv hundred and t mi , lilt) ', all of s il l I its Ii inj; in llio (own of l'ei'i v.'.biii it, Woo I rounty, tlliioi nl-n the norili-i .isl iiiai'li r of tho SOUlll VM'rt lll II I T sectiilll IIUIIl'l '!' Ilitl ('.I 1, t"W II four t I) noi'ilmf ratiu'O number twelve ( 12V ens', nnd .'si hall'of narlh-wes! ijuarter of seeiion nuiii-b.-r niiii't '.mi i I'.o.tow at-hip tiniubar l'n e . .1 in u ih of ratine iiuaib r I 111 I U 1 c.t .1, and sou:h jialf notib ijuiiter of s'ltion unniber tuenlv one i2H, lo w nship nn in! .ei' 1 tl '1 uorta of r.ine'nuuibi'r 12 on-!, all in Wood c niii'i . Oliio. '(!. li. til'Miit, S'letiii'. .1 titr.s Mt-it it vv, atlv. .lull III, la ni Ilia s ih.i:m'1"s sm.i: In- virluoi'l nu order of sale In lit" djivcfil and debii red IVoin tho conn of couiinon pleas of Wood eoiuilv , Ohio, in Hie above eaus'... I sh ill cl,' r lor .il ' at Hie'oI Hie e "tut, in Peiia-I. luirH. e..,l C"iie;v. Ol'io. on Saturday, u"tist lOlh, ISOil, al 2 o'l teeU of sii.l day, ihe fell, iw imr ami tea an. ti'.. situ ate in cod county. Ohio, to w it: Ihe list half of lleecist .pni lcr id l'n lot s:- en hund red an I .-evenly -ix u'7il ihe id rl It f.o third-, of on: 'a t miut'vr 1 .1.1 him bed and Iweiev-two ! 222 '. .111 I u 1,( i le I ,.:. ii ill of the noi t!i In a I'm.Uaii I e is: one Ibll'd of in I 'I - nnnt'iet hiuidied .ma so, nin 1 wo t 1 , .- . iin.i seven iiun.treil an. I sex -ohm live i. i'.'', it! ." all of in lot six him Ired and Lai. ! t'.lih ; all of said lots beine-iu the low u of IVr- I'vs' , in - ii t couuti . AU ,1 ae 11. 1 th east iptar- 1. :.! ilia sautl, west ipia rier of sect ion number ',1 of lei, n-hip iiuiu'.ht 1 noriii of ran" number 12 ea. !, and West half of the nonh-wost iUarter of eta ii inuit'ief l;i, township number j in.iili of r.i'iee number 111 ca .t, and the south half of the aetih ca I ipiarlerof s ciieii VI ,,f (own.diip mun-b-T (i n.n-lli of'o naniber l2oa-t in saiho eonnti . .1 s. Mi nit vv. ait'v. li. K, til lilt, .lllh P. ISal IHwaS.i IS, Ill'.Ull .SAl.K. Aleott and It.nloii xR. J.,b rl .1. t.owcrv. lly virtue of a I'i Fit a in., .litveted and ,eli eted I'r.'in the court of common pleas of Putnam cauntv, Ohio. I sh ill oll'er for s;.e at Ihe door of the court liou-ein Pcri-v -bin a;, W ood countv, Ohio, on S.ituidity, Aueust ii;li', Isol, at 2 0VI01 k. p. m. i.f s ud day Iho follow ine; lands and t 11 "ntents lei ie. upon by Ine as t!ie pn poiiv of the above defendant iit suit 11 ' sail plaintiff t,i "i'. 'fhe south half of tho south-we.-i inai'tei' of section iiitinl) a- twenty-twn in township iiuniber lour 11. nth of rate,-.' luutiher eleven ca-l, in Wood county, Ohio, i'oiit,,ii,i1(. mi ai tvs, :t -1 appraised at , , i.F. t'l'Uili, U.eiaU'. 1 1 1' i:s A I'li.i (lis, ntt'vK. July ',', l'.'.l - I,iR.i.s;i m. OlIKllU'F'S SA1.F. S.innt.1 Johnson, adniinisir.ttor of A. Ctoiteh ,ta- ... .. I . j I .. ... I ! 1. ..... 1 hv i"ul;ii. lly ( ii tue of a deer 'lal order ol sate lo tun di rected mid delivered from the court of common pleas nf Wco eiiin'y, Ohio, I s'isII oiler l,.r sale at the d .or of ihe court house, in 1', ir .sinu s;, W.v.l couniy, Ohio, on Satui.l.iy. August 10th, ls.'.l, at two o'eloek. P. .11. nf said dav, (ho lollowiiijr Imt.U un I t "iieiii.'nl, us tint pn.p.aiv ot the Klmvo n.iine.l (lafeitdaut til suit of said jil.iin. till to-wit: In-l,.t in tli,' ooutli division of the own of 1 ortaj;e, ikkI couniy, tliio, iiiii,ilkr liflv-ono. t 51) nt v two (aj) and utv-oue ( til 1, uppraiiod ns fol (.: lot il at j75, lo 01 ut 74. lot 42 at lot). if-Il'M"v,iltr.'iliU, Julyt), Ksoi-lOwifS 31. .Laid)'. I I i I I ! I i , I ) 1 I 1 j I ! I i I I 1 1 j t I : I ! I ' 1 I , j ! , j ' i j ; I '. ; ' I j j , ' : J , ! 1 ; , I I ! I I I MEDICINAL. Ncrvouslleadach h tunc. liv tho ita" of 111 '&, pi't i'idie allaeka of NiVi.tM of Siik lloadach ' liny be provent d: mid it' tak -M at Hie (" iniiiei m nl iif tin attack iinin 'dinta reliof from pain and :del;n '"i w ill be obt lined. 'I'li. v K dilom lad in r. ininiu Iho Nans a unit Ile idaclio lo u liii ii f inales are t"i Hiibjcit. Tle'V act uclitlv IllKll tho bnwels, reluovi'lft CosliieiifiM. for'MMi'v Men, Sln lonls. iLdieiilo''.nii.l all 11 i ms of'.'j I 'alary habit (, lin y ar t valuabl as a I.:i.i!iv", 1111 , i i injf llio nppelil 1, pivint.' i"no and vi or to th" il'e-livo oroans. and ! ! n i in' the cla.tieity and tlrenplli of llio wh'da tin. . . ' Th TK flbbS nro the iv stilt of li.itff iuvestijtiilion nu I carefully condiu l"d ('.vporiiiKtils, hsvit'K been in us" ni inv yeatx, iluriiilf nhichtiui' til" have pi vent al and ielioie I a vast niii'Hiiit of p un nn I snlietiiij; liotn lt".Kla"li", wli eliier onj.'i I Itiilinfr in Iho nervous system i p fnnu a (loi.inned M il." of l!i" stomach,. 'I'h'.y ara cn'irdy vefrolablo ill their roiiipasilion, and niiv b' taken' nl nil tim '.s with p.'fo a I saf'tv it'll .nt m ihinc. any ch;.n;;e of di I, and the alt- mic" 1 f .lav di.. i;.'iv. a'.le ta. 1 ran I'Ma it 1 lay I 1 ii bn'.iii.--lar tiiem ta clol Ir mi. in: v a 1:1: or cor.N 'iT.urrciTS! Th' pniuiii" have live siii'tut'ea of Henry (.'. Sn il'liu": 0.1 earll l!o. S al I by .iu,:,:isl i a-i 1 all ol'ier D 'al IM ill Mo.l ' leine.s. A Dux w ill bo i.-iit bv in iii prepaid on roeeipot of tho 1 men 2.1 cr.NTS. All or tor.- sin utd b" ad '.ressed to IIKMIY C. SPAI.DIVt!, t-i Ci.i) r. Si itta.r, Niav Voitii. " Tncy J light to thu isvtwr 111:1. 11:1! sroi' vorit c. taiit I I't iiirv voi-tt iiitiMTii ! MiTiiNCTiioS Ytn it viuer.t Bl'A li I) I N (i S Throat Confections CO0I) I'Olt CI.KDCVMliN, COliI) I'Olt ldiCTI KKItS. COOl) I'Olt I'l.'DI.IC SI'liAKKIIS, COOl) l-OU SINCKIIS. tiool) I'Olt CONSfMI'TlVliS. (H'.nti.i:mi:n I'.tnv S P A L 1) 1 N ( i ',S T III! 0 A T C ( X l' i'l 0 1' 1 0 N.i . ti:.s Atti: in. 1 ni' tpi. with SI'Al.DINti'.S 1 11 II' ) AT CONKi'CI'iONS. 1 1 1 i . 1 ' 1 ; 1 : -. ctiv l oa rAl.Dl.NG'.S THROAT CON I'T.C'l IONS d'lci relievo a ('oit'jh ins'.aii'ly. They clear lite ThlMtil. They t'ivo siren", I Ii and volunt" In the mice. Tle y impart a delicious aroin.i to llio broalh. 'I'hoy are dolicdit'i'ul to the taslo. They are made cf simple herbs nut cannot hit 111 any cue. I ati-e I'V.-rv one who lias a ('..eeh or llie-hv Voice or a D ot 1 1 c.-a t li. f i'.nv diiiicuhy of lb:' d lire.. I lo u: ! a iiael.iio; of tnv 'I'hro 1 It ' ion.;, tie v will relieve instantly, and V en will a", roe i; a 111 " I Iin v i'o riejil to the spat." 011 wail I'm 1 Hum rry us 'fid ant pleasant while tr.ivclliiifr 1 r atlendin"; public 111 'I'tines f, a- i.tilliop: nun' (ouh or allaeiu;; your If nti try i.tie p.u l:ao. I think I am safe in s.iyio.r ,:,t ever al'ioru arda ei 11 , si b e t ho 111 in li-p.Misll.le. You will litul t lie 111 al Hie I )ru!!'"ist.s and Dealers in Medicines. I'KICi: TWI'NTY I'M K CliNTS. My si'n.iture is en each piieki'ec. eti)"i. are emuilerfeit. A picl.tio-e will lie s nit Iy 111 ail, prepaid, on re ceipt of Thirty Cents. AddlV! s, HKNUY f. SI'M.IMNO. No. IsCl'DAU STl:i:i'.T, MiW-YOUlC. The follow in",' ciidnraein nts of SrAliDlNti'S CKI'HAfilC ril.l, will convince all who sutler from Ill'ADACIlK that a Sri'.KDY AND SUUKK Cl:RK IS WITHIN 'I' 11 1:1 It ItltACIt. .1 lh ff T t'uitttiut!n 11 1 '.' lOIM'l'elVei . .1e, S I' l.lllSit , t'n't lOaei 1111,1 ft x.'l'ill.l' , j.i tml'u' t n ',(7e,,ey i.'f'll'.- O'Mi.v srirnlijir il.'e.,i"ry, Masosvii.i.i?, Conn., Feb. a, ISel. Mil. Sl'M.IMMI. . 1 h ive It io 1 your C 'phalic Pills, an 1 l like them so well that j want you o sand m I w n dollar 1 w ouh m ire. I'lil l of iheso nre for tin 11 ijrhbors, to whom I jjave a few out of the lir a box i -rot fronj y on. Send the l'llls la mail, an I ebbea Your ob'i Servant, ,l(xii:s Ki-nnkhv. i'iiiii l'ir Krnm!w a, .ir.,U; l'n. Cephalic Pills acei.niplish the nlijei I for which Ihey w ere in.ide, vi.: t lire of headache in all its lol'llls, 7Vo ,1 l!- K,:r;,;.,.r, X..rM, Vj. Tio'v have been tested in nioiv than a thousand caaoe, wilh cttiitv success, f,,.m rtc I ; r.i!, .V. ( !,n.,l, .V:i. If y am are or have been troubled with Hie head ache, send for a box, iCcphalie Pills, 1 so that vou may have llieitt in else of an attack. '.-.iai Xlr.-rti 1; Vol','..'- icv, . . The Cephalic Pills are said to be a retnai clV. ctiio rem "dy for the bead iche, and one nf t'.i ( cry best for licit very fivipietu complain; whiih has ever been discex ered, Von fie U' '. ;. ,:,,', ( ',,e,,,i, . We he:irii!v endatso Mr. Spal.limr, and hi.-unrivalled Cephalic Pills, : !'.;,, rte X'.urt en 'u:;.,;,i7. r, X ie O.-l. nn, ..i. Try them! you that are alllictod, and wo are sure Ih. 11 our li -tim.ini'V can be added I 1 the a tread v nuiaeioii , list that lias received bctictii.-. that 11,1 i".b' ' er medieiuo can protlnce. '.'..Ml ihr ti'm. Jf,', Mir, ii;,oi f. on'il. Mr. Sp.ddiiio would not connect his 11:11110 w ilh sin arlii le he did not know lo possess i-al in. l it. 'e.i.n t'te ('.luiiii'i'iiii, (VuciiiMiid, O'u'ii. Sutlerinu; liumanii.v can now tn- relievjil. : :'"A single liiiiil.M.fSllALDINli'S I'KFPA ItF.D til.l I! w ill nave leu times its cost tuiniiallv... ; ruiffAiu-.D gi.ui-: ?r.LDiNas na-.r.iu:i) gi.uki SPALDING'S l'K I'TAK KD GLUK! S AM; TDK PJl'CFSl FCONOMY! DISPATCH! ; ' A Smvu ix Timh Sacks Xink." .; ; As accidents n ill Implicit, even ia well rcjrul.itod lamilics. il is 1 cry d.-iintbl, to ia ,. some cheep and convenient way' l..r repaitine; Fuliiituiv, Toi s, Crockery, e, SPALDING'S Pltl-PAUKl) GLUK inerls all such emer in ies, and no household cut alfoi-d to U' without it, ll is tdwavs ready, and up ... in. s.ii mii; I'liitu, " I'SKl'T'L IN FiYlXY uorsi: ." X. It. A ltriish aeconipaniese.teh liot.le. Price. Si cents. Address, m:x 1; v c. spafi .dimj. Xo. ds Cedar Snvv t, New oik. C.XvTl'K. An certiitii unpiiuciplea persons nr? titteinplhi;; t.i palm oil on the utisusi.ectiiiK public, imitation of my 1 Kl I AliKD til.l t:, would cttuliou all pcr- oii tn cxjiuue lxu.rc nii'cUaing and v.v that tho lull li.llue, :vrsi'AFLDlXlJ'S PRKI'ArxKl) CI.I E, jtt o'l the out kiOo wrapper t all oilier ujv iu.iiiiur U'tiiitcut its, , j j MEDICINAL. - I OI'FAT'H LITE I'IM.8 AND 1'IULXIX DIT ill TI'illM. These ni 'dirlnod have now Leon before the public for a period of thirty vears.and durintrlhattinu.' have maintained a liijrb Vfiarat ler in almost every part of the (Hobo, for their extraordinary nnd iii'unedhito pow er of nvstririti perfect health to" pcrsnim Knlferinp nnd 'i- nearly cvei v kind of disease, to whieh the It'iiiril! fianio Ih liable. 'I'h" I'llhm inr nrc ninon'r llif ilislressing variety of liimtati disoiiHos in w Inch the VK.KI'Al5Lli Lll'K MEDICINIJS Are well known to ho liifallihlc. Dv-rniviA, by thoroin;hlv rb'nnsinjr t!ic first and second stomachs, nnd creating a llnw nf pure, heal thy bile, nriln' stain nnd acrid kind; Kl.ATl -l.livcv, l,"s ofappelile, Iteartlinrn, Headache. I(rl I ' in. sa, lll-t "iiiper. Anxiety, batik'unr, ami Melnn clioly, w Inch nre Iho p.- symptoms of Dispi p ftia. will vntti all, 11a a natural eciis"i'ionec of ilsenre, Ci.sTlvi;K s, by cl 'itn line; the w hole leiij.'tli of tho Intes'liii ' n i'h n Holvi nt process, nnd w illiunt vio lence; nil violent purges leavu tlio bowels co.V.ivo within two days. l'):viaii of nil, by ri'slorinn: the blood to 11 r' oular circulation, Ihroiojh the prcecrH of resiira lion in such cn.s", an I Iho thoroi:j;h aolution of nil inl 'slin il obs'ritelion in ol'icrs. The Life Mvlieinos hnvo been known to cure Itma-MiTivM poriuaneiillv in three weeks, nu I Cot T in half lliat tini". by removing; local inll.ituation from the mui' les nu I lijr. 1111 nls of the joints. Ditoi's'Ks of all kinds, by freei'na; and stronvlhen iii"; th" I adnovs. nnd bladder s they operiil" imwl do lihllully on tl'.ese iiiipurtant organs, tin I heneo they have ever been found 11 certain remedy for llio worst ease of ; it avki.. Also WoitM.s, by disloilcinp fi-oni the tninimrs of (lie liow.'ls, the slimy matter to w hich those creatures lid lief". Siriivv. T'l.cmta, and Isvrrrn ith Smtus, by tlio poifeet purilv which the-ci Life Medicines give t't the bluod an I nil Iho humor. 1. Scotttu ric Knt iTloNS and liad Cointilexiotm. hv alleralivo (Iliad upon (ho lluids Hint feed the si. ! 1 1, an I the 111 1 in. I sin! "nl wliteii ecciisioits all erup liv" ci mpl.iin's sallow, cloudy, an t other (lis iptvea blo!, Tht! use of these Pills for a very short tini" w ill effect an ci.lire eai" of Salt Itma ji, an 1 11 sirikiiifi improve m Mil in the clearnessof the skin. Common Cm. ns an I Im li knza will iiKvays be cured by one t! .so, or In ( wit in the worst caves, I 'ills.- The 01 iijinal priipt'ieloi' of iho.- nii'dieine.s w as cured of Piles of lla years Kl:indiltr, by tho use of Iho Life Medicines alone. -d. r:vi:it nnd Ai:rn.- For this seoni-ir of th" West ern 0 unit ry, these medicines will ho found a safe, sp 'edv.aii I e rl iin rem sly. Ibh r medicines leave the syst in subject In Iho' return of Iho disease -n cere l.v those m ..lines is permanent Tit liicm, be e tti. died, an 1 lie i tti'ed ' 1 r tors I lvi iim nnd Livrit Comi'I.mnt.-!. (li tt D.d.iliiy, Loss of App: ti' '. mi l Disc.wes of Fe males - th" itn'.lieines have been used with the most b "ii.'lleiiil res' ills in eases of this description: K intr's I'-vii and eiMfoda. in its worst lorins. yields tn ihe mil I y I 1 "wet l'itl notion of lhe.-:o rem 'i-kabte 111 di eiu"v. Nijrhl Sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Comp'.iin's. ,.f nil kind!!. Palpitation of the Heart. Painters' Colic, are speedily cured. Miatt rnuL Disrasi:h. Persoin whos" constitu tions have beootii,' impair.';! liv Iho injudicious use of Mel t tn v, w ill liii'l these m 'diein a perfect cure, as Ili' V Itl'Vcr fail In er.idieal.. I10111 Ihe syslem, all the ell ids of m"!'ein v, inliuil. Iy sooner tha'i the most p iwerfiil preparation of s.irsapnrilla. I'r.'parcd nnd sold by W. II. MOFFAT, .".'la, Uraadway, New -York. For sale by Peek A Hamilton nnd bv all Drnr. JtUts. D.'eeniber I'.Hh, S:'.0 Silly. OW A I! D A S S 0 C I A T 1 o N J M LaT) ifl, P 1 1 iX. A lt.Mievol'.nt Ins!i!(i!ion cstiil lisho.l bv special endmriuent. for the tcbi f of the sick and distressed, alllicled waili Virulent and Fpid.'mic ilis'-ascs, nnd ospei ially for the euro of diseases of the Scvnal Or f'ans. M ' lioal -id vice (i'iven pi'ttis, by the A elinn-Kur-Coon.toall w'hoap)i!v by letter, w it Ii a dise'riplioti of their condition, 1 ic e, occupation, habits ol life. Ac., an I in cas 's of extreme poverty, Medicines futnishf I free of chat -p., Yalnibh' rep nls on Sp-'rinatoiTlirca, nnd other discuses of the Sexual Oriiifs, nicl on the now retn e lies ent'iloyed in (he Di -p Mi-aiT. en! In tho a llliet o l in s-alcf letter invelapes, free of charjro. Two or Hire" stamps for poslatto w ill be acceptable. A hirers Dlf. .1. SK I LI, IN llOFtillTt)N, AetiiiR Siii'fei'u Howard Association, No. 2 :a nth Pthstreet, I'hil olebihin, Pit. Hv order of the Directors. tiliO. I'AIKCIIltd). Secivlarv. .Ian. I, 'HI. F.ltA I). IIKATWFLL, Prosidenl. I) I l'CII LKTTINCi. Notice is civen that on the 10th flavin Aujrust novt, al tin- tow n of Milton Center in Wood eoiiulv. Obio, 1 w ill let t 1 (be lowest bidder, in sep arate Kc! l!u iii.iktmr of iliiclt .Nn. a, in said round, c.imin Miriier on th a liou!idh":id roail. so ealle I, about t m) rods smilti of the Porta"-;' Free TurnpiKe roiul. in Milton township, north on sod lentil Ihead road In the Miponanit Monlootnefv Free 'i'uvnpiko road : thence we-t on the last nani ed roiel :'ll re Is to a ravine: thenee dow n sai l ravine to Heaver Creek, terininatiii"; tirereat. The work comprises ,'i7 sections of 20 ruts pa oh. Width of botioni ;l fe l down 1 1 section (12, nnd from thenee lo the end I feet. Fallen timber and Ihindwon I to bo removed III fort from tho center of the stream. Tlio excavated earth to lie rom.ned at least n foi l from the slopes, and the onr,'li tilonp ihe road to be cast thereon. The w hole to h.' completed tothe ae c 'pt nice of the enmity commissi. in'-rs bv the lath of Nn ember next. 'The plans an 1 specifications of Iho work an 1 terms of sale exhibited and made know n 011 tho day of I 'tlittir. Annisos Sin nt, I'errvsbiirt;, duly S, 'til lllw .'iS.i.all. Anil. N'OTICF. .toni'han Witmare, adai'r, pll'lV vs Loitis.i iles'T. Fivleiiel; I loser. Lew is I loser. Conrad II ser, Catharine Ibser, Win. Meliweti. Win. V.. llrow 11 and .losiali Kinvr.ilef'ls. To Louisa 1 'scr.l'ivih't ii'k Hesvr and Lew is 1 loser. You are hereby n.ijili.d that on Ilia tw cut v-ninlli (lav of June, A. 1)., Lstil, I, as the ii lininistrati'.r of Ihe estate of Philip L. 11 eser, (leceas'd, liled a petition in the Probate Court of Wood county, Ohio, alleeiii'r that the personal estate of Iho .1. cedent is iu-utlicient to pay his debts and the ( li.ii'.'.'s of admini-toi int; his estate : that he died seized in fee simple nf Hie follow inr described real es ata situated in Ihe canity of Wood and state of Ohio, to-wit: the n-(v ' , of the 11-w ! ,': also I.) acres from Ihe north side of the s' j of the -wi all of seeiion No. 1 1, town :i n.irlh, r.mje 12 east. eontiiin i'i"hi acres nf l.iii.l, and that Louisa, Frederick Lew is, Conrad ami Catharine II 'si r, as his heirs at law , hold the next slate of inheritance therein anil tiiat the sail William Meliwcu and William li. Drown have iiiorifM"o liens upon said laud, 'flic prayer "f said petition i.s for a sale of said preinis cstor tlio p.iytu eit of said niart'rai;es an 1 other in debtedness 1111 1 charges aforesaid'. Said petition will be for licarimron tho li'ih of Auf,'ii.t, ISM, tit III o'clock, a. 111., or as s ion thereafter as counsel can be had. ,lo vi'tUN Wn iiaitH. Adtn'r. F. A D. K. Hot i.KMiLCK, att'vs for pll'lV. June 2;l, ISM - tlw.'i" pmiTION F011 PAUT1T10N. Williiim lhnk. I tiiali llitrk. John ltalhawav. Catharino llathaw av. .Inuaihan Cravs. Naihaniel .1 Crays, Mare;aiet M Cra vs, Samuel '('rays. Lorinda Cravs. John Anderson, Harriet Anderson, tiliz -.both Anderson, (ieo .;e Andei sou and Calhai ine ( rays, will take natiee that a petition was tiled inraiiist them on the 12th day of .Inly, lstil, in the court of common pleas, within and for the countv of Wood, and Slate of Ohio, by John P Dell an l'Marv Ann Hell, and is now pen lino, w herein said John P Dell an. I Mary Ann Dell item in t partition of the follow in. r real est ito situate 111 Wood county and Stale of Ohio, to-w it: The smith part of the .sot'i:h-west quar ter of seeiion number nine 1 1 1 town number live (!1 n "i lh of ranjre number tw elve (12 I east, ci ntaiiiin nin "ty (HO) acres more or less : also t!ie follow in', situate in said comity and state: beitif; a part of llio souib-wcst part of the south-west (purler of sec tion nine tot, n live (.'.) not th of raiiL'o twelve (121 cast, liciinded as follows: cciuiiiem iii"; at the soutli-nest corner post of the last described bind: t'loiioo in .1 t'l iilonir said land to ti e center of l'o'.-a"o Hiier; thence down the sail liver to the the ast line thoneii south alo s.nil lino to I'l ice ot bei'iuuino'. lieinir all that nail of beginning. 1.111 a lung souiti ot sanl river, coiitiiiniug three and a halt (.dial aeifs ui.nv or less t and that, at the next term of said court, the John 1 Dell and Mary Ann Pell will apply for an order thai parlilion ina'v be made of said i'lemises, JOHN P. DFI.l,, " MARY ANN DFI.L. Pv Pit nt Fiat . their att'v, July 12, lsiU-llwOfr oj. 1)F.T1TI0X FOR DIYORCF.- COl'ltT OF 1 COMMON PLliAS. WOOD CO., O. Jilleauor A. llruer, phiintill', vs. James Druer Jo feudi.ut. The above named defendant is hereby unfilled that the plaint ill' has filed her ptliiimi in ihe Court of Common Pleas, of Wood county, Ohio, Allcdg. iug exnvuie cruelty an i (irunkeuc-s lor more than three years I it past, upon the p u t of said defend ant. Said cause will be for heat ing at the October term, IStU : and praying upon the limit hearing of said cause, she lu.iy bo divorced from said dclcnd PitU K A Jo'isson, allvs for plt'lf. Pcirysbing, June IS, t.-nil 7w0.l t'.i. QAI.i: OF Rl-AL I'STATK-UY ORDER OF k COl'liT. On tho 2:ih day of .lulv. ls',1, t 11 o'clock, a. 111. of said dav, at the doer nf the Court House, in l'eiiisbuig. Wood county, Ohio, will lies . Id ( tlio highest bidder, tha following real estate as Ihe propoity of tiabriel Yonnt, ih e'd, tn-tt it: till of that pari of tlio cast half f fractional .'cliou No. 11, in towu.ship No. 6, north of range No. 10 cast, liing of tho Dayluu ii Michigan Railroad, iu Wood countv, Ohio, containing 60 acres ot land, more or en. Tcrnu nude know n mi day of alo. Mauiau K. Yui xv, adtniuislrutiix. ( ook, Pkick A Johnson, utt'vs. Pvirynbuiv, July I, t'w iJ :0, SEWING MACHINES. rpun: siNGF.n sfavinu jiaclnes. In order to place tha BesT t'AMlLT MA(niNT3 IK TJIB TTOtll.tJ within tho reach of all, wo bare rmliieed our Letter A., or trnnsvcrsii Slinttbi Machines, beautifully or mimenled, to .a0, THESK LETTER A MACHINES CONTAIN KRCKNT lUritOVfMK.VTS. Vi'c would ask fi them (before pttrclinsinir else where,) the sj.ocial nttentioii of Yost-makers, Dress makers, nnd all thosn who want Machines for light manufacturing Imrposes. .Siiiper's No. 1 ifc. 2 .Standard Shuttle Machines, both nf very application and capacity, and popular in the family nod inannl'iictorv. Prices 10 (luced, respectively from 4.1.10 and SI.'iU to SSM) and Slilt). IN(Jl:tl' Ml. 3 STANUAItP SlIfTTl.t: M ACtttSR Fur Ciiri'i iire-makers mid heavy leather work. Price, complete, $12... THE SINGER MACHINES makes the iiileth.eki'd stitch which is the best stileb know n. They are of preat speed, yasilv un il"i'stood, simple in structure, of jrreat durability, adapt "1 tothe heaviest and lijrhtest ironds, nro fin ished in lb" moAt perfect innuner nnd may be- 11 icd for .several vettrs w ithout reiptirin repair. THE STANDARD MACHINES For Tailorinir, U,,ot niul Slioe-niakitijr. rtarness Inakinj;, Carriiifre Trinuninjr, etc etc., w ill do nmrj work, earn more 111 aney,nnd tiro cliCiiper than those of any other maker ns a jrift. We liave tilwavs on band, TTeniinui Oitafres, Silk, Tw ist, Linen and Cotton Thread on Spool., best Machine Oil in Unities, etc., ete, t -'""All persons rettiiritiK information about Sew in"; .Machines, their sizes, prices, working ca pacities, and the best methods of purchasing, (.'tin obtain it by sending for a copy of I. M.SINOKII& CO.'S fJAZLTTK, Which is a beautiful pictorial paper entirely devo ted to lint subject. IT WILL HB PR NT riltATIS. I. M. KINO Kit A CO., 4.1ft ay, New York. March 2Hlh, 1WSI tdif OOItK S PATLNT T111IIT Y-Fl YE DOLLAR DOUBLE LOCK STITCH fe'ivAk J FAMILY SFWINO MACHINE IN SIMPLICITY OF DESIGN AND l'latl'KCTlON' Ol.' WOliKMANSlttl' fNSfltt'ASSKn IIY ANY .l A CHIN K Y FT .MANUFACTlHiKI) Its simplicity in operation is such that a child ten years old can use il (villi ease. Its several parts being ('(instructed nn philosophical principle!!, it is not liable lo get out of order. It nukes a strong, elastic and durable stitch. Ii sows from two ci.m lli'.ll spot Is, mil makes but little noise. All who emit. 'tnplale buying, or wish to see th'.' b- s! SewinLr Machine now in use. are ro.speeli'uilv inviled to n'l I on N. IL CA LLA Til), in whose Tailor Shop it is now in practical opei alion. d. II. (JHKtiOHY, At'ont. October II, lHI'iO--2:;ly. ci:::. Cunt!- - DltYANT, FOI.SO.M. STItATTOT A FFLTON'S MEIlCANI'll.E COLLEGE, Cf.KVKi.Axn, Onto. One of the Fight Colleges of the "NATIONAL CHAIN, located nt New York city, Philadelphia, Albany, Huffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago and St. Louis. Scholarship purchased nt this point good for nil colleges. (iUKATKST IXMVCMKNTS IN TIIK I'NITn. STATUS. For full particulars of our extensive collegia;,, course, embracing all branches pertaining commer cial seicnee;the union of Cleveland colleges, wilh s thorough corpsof teachers and lecturers, ami two practical and evperenced resident principals; Ih na:ionel chain system, alibi-ding tar mure ami belle mi Villi! egos than any simdo, isolated school can pre ten ho. Practical niul Ornamental IViimaiisliii langht by one of the best Americtiu Artists, whose specimens nre taking premiums at nil the fairs; TIIK COLLFCF HANK at which students da busiti 'ss in handling inoitev making doposito, discounting notes, drawing notes, drawing chocks, Ae.ahetililiAT HA I LHOA t) SliT embracing tick ting, freighting, station business', entries of Auditor. Cashier. e. the only complete set yet introduced: Dryant A Stralion's Text Docks, to be used in connection with manuscripts: their three works on Hunk Keeping, IheirCounling Ihiitse edition being ;!2tl pages, their Coininercial ('alculn tions ."l 0 II pages, both published by Ivistuiife l'liinney New York; their Coiuineiviat Law ,w l itti'n by Amo Dean, L. L. I)., Professor of Law in Iho 1'iuvei-sitv of Albany ,andj.ublished by D. Applcton &. Co.,New York. Address, for cabiloguea, circul;'.-s or infoiina tion of anv kind, two postage stamps enclosed. FOLSOM & V lil.TON, Cleveland, Ohio. SeptomlK f, l SflO -21b . I) vvnix ic 11 st; a it vii, i;om. SHORT LINK TO CINCINNATI, DAYTON INDIANAPOLIS ,v LOIISYILLF. On and after Sunday, May 12, two Trains w ill leave Toledo daily, nn arrival' of (rains from Detroit, Jackson, and Michigan Soet'iern Railroads: at 11:00 P, M. arriving in Davloinit 7:1.5 A. M. 11:20 A. M. ai riling in Dayton nlthlo. P. M. Time from Detroit to Cincinnati 12 hours and 10 minutes by each train. Connecting at Lima (villi (rains 011 the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wavtin ,v Chicago Railroad for Crestline, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Southeastern points. Connects at Sidney, with the trains on tho llcllefonlaine Line for Indian ipolis and the Southwest, and at l'iipia and Dayton for Coluin Liis. ".'"No Chiinge of cars between Toledo and Cincinnati. 1'AIIK AS l.nxr AS 11Y AXV OTIIKIl ltoCTK. For tickets apply at the Ticket Olliee of Ihe Michigan Southern t'ompanv. It. M. SHOKM AKFlt. Sup'l. Davtoti, O. M., lien. Fi'l and T k't Ag'l, To ledo, Ohio. l'el'iysdiurg, .bin. 2d, ISM -r,li(f. Ii It A X Y S T 0 V li S D R () W X & HUNT, At their old stand in Perryshurg, Ohio, have on baud, nnd for sale, an endless variety of celebrated COOKlNti, PARLOR AND HON. STOYKS, llftncjiiiar in prices to suit tlio wants of all, from 1 i to :il each, furnished in the most substantial maimer, w ith either Tin or Cop per furniture. ON llAxn AT AM, TIMKS, PLAIN A- .1 APPANNF1) TIN WARF, STOVK PIPK.SIuVK FURNITURE, I 1 Work, in all its forms done to order. WANTFD, in exchange, Cash, Corn, Hides, Fur, Pelts, Hags, Wax, old Iron, Ac., Ac. DROWX &. HUXT. Perrysliurg, May 3d, JSttO tf. ' yo CONSl'MPTIVF.S. The subscrilK r wilt eheeiTully send (free t charg(0 to nil who desiro il, Iho copy of ,1 Simci.k Ri.cii'K by which he w as cured of that nms disease Consuinplion. SttU'ercrs w ith CoNii vtfTiox, Astum a, Rkoxcii it is, or any lung nll'ection, be sincerely hopes will Ire this Recipe, well satisfied if they do so they w ill be more than sati.-tied with the result. Thankful for his ow n complete restoration, he is Anxious to place in the hands of ei cry sullerer the means of cure. Those w ishing the recipe w ith full directions, Ac., will call 011 or ud.lrcs Rev. WM. S. AI.t.FX, Cmil Xo. f.ii John Street, New York. J)RODATr:MTICi:, Notice is hereby given Ihat John (troves and A. J. Liithrope.aduiiuistrators of (he Win. C. Lathropo, deceased, have tiled in I'roluito Court of Wood coun ty, Ohio, their pa)H'rs for tinal settlement, and Ihe same is net for Inuring 011 the SiHh day of Julv, A. V.m. D.W.POK, Probate Jud. ! JuDe27tli, 18.01 - 3" 1 Mm MEDICINAL. I) HUM III Would respectfully Inform tlio cition of (Y nnd county that he ha permanently hwatcd himself In Jtinvlinr (Ireon for the put poso nf prnctiriiijr Medi cine and Surgery, In addition to a regular course of study, Mr. S. has made himself ncipiainted with the special mode of diseases by an examination of thenriii" of the patient ns practised it tin; late i'u. in.i,,. HA 1 i.ii.nnii lornil ( Mimic Dis"ii.cs w ill say unhesitatingly that by follow ing Mr. D's practise, in such enses, lie lias bnd better , success thnn from any otherniothod of treatment. j Among tho diseases which Dr. S. professes In treat I successfully may be mentioned the following, viz: 1 Dyspepsia, Livir Complaint, Consumption in its i early stages, Diseases of the Spleen, Asthma, Spit-1 ting of thu Flood. Palpitation of the heart, Ulieuma lisin.White Swelling, Dropsy, Scrofulous Diseases, i Jaundice, Female Complaints, in nil their varied forms, Low Spirits or Melancholy, Fever Sores. ! fleers, Ac. If patients with any' of Ihe nlmvo r i kindred Chronic Diseases w ill wend some of their urine taken in the morning in a clean vial, Dr. S. can , nuke a satisfactory diagnosis of tho case nearly as well as if the patient were present. 1 Xov.l5,lSt!0 2!Hf. ! B LOOI) PlRU'IKR AND IIL00D PILLS. Dlt. ROPACK'S SCANDINAVIAN RKMFDiFS. When Dr. Rohnrk. the renowned Sw edish Phy- aiciun, introduced his I'l 'ol Purilier nnd Pills into; the Tinted Slab s, ho et forth ia plain terms their i curative properties. This was years ago. Tho task of recommending them has sine.' been taken out of j his hands. Enlightened men, whoso: characler for sound judgment and philosophy gives their opinions 1 weight in the community, men' who observe, rolled ! tin 1 make "assurance doubly sure," before, thev de- i eid '. nre everywhere approving and urging the use ! cf those w onderful lu ep trations. All who roMide in tho wis torn nnd honesty of this class, or w ho choose to investigate for Ihcmsulvcs, are now of una ' mind on this important subject. ! The evidence in the possession of Dr. Ttobnek whieh is nt all lines accessible to the public, csiab- i liahes t'ao following: FACTS ! I That the DLOOD PFRII'lFIl nu t DLOOD PILLS have been proved by analysis to CONTAIN- NO MINEKAT, : That they cure the almost universal complaint, l.YSI'KI'sl , with unerring certainly, und in a very short time, That after all other medicines hnve proved usel.'ss tiiev relieve i.ivkii covin. aint, and restore the health and strength of the sufferer. That sick Ki:.MAl.i:s, who have languished for years in helpless weak ness and despondency, recuperate with almost mira culous rapidity under their invigorating operation. That all Sexual Disabilities are removed by their cordial and gently stimulating properties. That thev recruit sn (TTiaua. constitutions, however, tlicy may have b"on trilled with .and utilised. 'I'hat th 'ir direct t 'ii.leney is to lengthen life, nnd render it enjoyable. That operating di rectly upon the poison of dis.-asc in tho blood, thev C.d'SR SOON TO IIKAI., nnd discharge from the system every taint of Scrof ula, whether hereditary or otherwise. That they 11KCHI-IT TUB Iil'Itiliaf ATl'-p, and Ihat there is no disease of the stomach or how-els, the liver, the nervous system, the glands and niuscel:', A It 1 SIN 0 FROM TMPFRTTIFS OR OltSTRl'CTIONS OF TIIF FLOOD Oil SKCKKTIO.NS, in whieh they do not give prompt relief, and, (if ad ministered before the very- citadel of life has been invaded.) cllect a painless and perfect euro. Dear i i mind that the Scandinavian Flood Fills are endorsed by the experience of thousands of liv ing who, letter, alli.lavit, medical works and word of mouth proclaim tin in to be the very best prepar ation ever 1 ll'er.'d to the broken down victims of ill health. It haunt.-! (hsease through every avenue an ! organ of the system, and expels it thoroughly and permanently. No one can doubt theirsuperioritv afteronu single trial they are not only belter, but also cheaper than any other Pills, for it takes a less number of them to produce a better ellcct. Price of tlu Fori Iter. SI per bottle, or .?i per half doon. Of the Pills, 23e. per box, or j boxes li r$l. Rea.1 Dr. Rob tek's special no: ices and certificate.-, published from time to tiiue in this paper. Dr. R.'s Medical Aim 111 ae and Family Adviser, containing a great amount of valuabl and interes ting nu'ilii.i.l iiifoi million en be had gratia of any of his agents throughout the country. In ditlieiilt or complicated cas Dr. mav be consult 1 personally or by letter, enclosing one stamp for a reply. A NFW ARTICLK. DR. RORACK'S STOMACH DITTIiRS. A new and delightful Stomachic and Cordial, for j giving ton .' to tho Stomach, anil for tho prevention ! ol'bilious complaints incident to the Western conn- ' try. Try it. As 11 iiioriii.vr ili ink. in assist iliorsiion n 1 r.-. ' Sieve Dyspepsia, it has no eiit,tl. 'try it. In llavorit i.s superior to all other flitters. Try it. The formula of these 1 titters, now ( IHiil I the sole properly of Dr. Rohack, originated w ith one of tho oldest and most eminent Medical IVaeiioners of the West, and it is directly plvdieatedttpon the wants id' Western p"ople. These llitt-rs derive their stimulus from the pow erful tonic nature of the roots and herbs of ivhich they are composed, and ns they are, by allaying 111. natural cravings of the stcma'ch, directly prom otive of TF.MPFIt ANCF, the present proprietor believes that in m iking them widely know n the public weli'iire is subserved. Il will soon. be for sale bv all of Dr. Rohack V numerous Agents, and at Hotels, Ac., the country over. In thu m.'antiine, orders will be tilled direct from Cincinnati in any quantity, and at the lowest rales. It is put up in' (Join t liotth-s, and securely packed in one doz. cases, llalfdoz. sample case's w ill, however, be packed and sent to any address. if desir'd, Retail Price, St per bottle, or six for $5. Principal Olliee and Sale Rooms. No. 0, east Fourth s;.. tid Dull ling from Maiust., Cincinnati, O. Laboratory in Hauimon st. For sale in Wood county bv Peek A, Hamilton, Pomsbutg; A. J. (litr In .'r A Co., (dload; '. F. Turner, Portage ; S. W. Whitinmrc, Tontogativ ; S. Clynier, Otsego: II. R. Atkins, New Wostlicfd; S. L. Houghton, liowding Oreon ; Ranks fi Patter son, I'einberville ; A. Lansdale, Freeport ; C. R. Resemble, West Millgroic; S. D. Ftuerson ; Kagle ville: and by ihitggists and merchants generally throughout ihe I'uion. 'til loly V R R A VS COMM FKCIAL COLI.RiiK, Mai jii:k Citv, Ohio. FACFLTY. Jimomi: McnnAV, Instructor in Accounts, and Lecturer 011 Dusiiiess Customs, Ac, p. kmii, 1 earlier of Double ami Single Entry' Rook Keening. Practical and Ornamental Pen- inenship, Pen Draw ing, Flourishing, Ac. lion, J; M. AsiiU'.v, Hon. Asniai Coot,-, . D. Hit it.nv, and D. R. Al stix, Lecturer (.11 Cummer- via! Law. Rev. li. A. Adahh, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. Rev. C. Rich vi; i.s, Lecturer 011 Political Econ omy. . T V. R M S 1 For full course, time unlimited $25 S i in" course for Ladies 1 a For full course of Penmanship, time unlimited. ! Fliirishing, Pen Lettering, Ae., as par agreement. (too 1 board can bo had in this place from $Jb to If 2. all. This Institution is now neriuaneiitlv situated in one of tho handsomest localities in Xni tl, -Western Ohio, and oilers to its patrons impreiedcuted ad- vantages in the way of completing a thorough course of Mercantile Instruction, Our instructions in Rook keeping, Commercial Calculations mid Accounts are conducted upon the Counting Room System, Ihe object of which is to render them purely practical, enabling ihe student to enler at once upon the discharge of the most in tricate business with comparative ease. Students w ho have graduated from Ihis institution tun c found 110 diiiicuhy in obtaining situations, giving entire sat isfaction of their employers. COMMERCIAL LAW. Lecturers on '.his subject ait) delivered regularly every Thursday evening, by one of our most promi' nent practitioners, giving our studenls Iho inesi thorough instruction in this important branch. PENMANSHIP, Practical and Ornamental in all its varieties, will be taught is the most thorough and cllieient man ner. The good old Speucariaii system is our stand ard, TO PARENTS, We would say, your children can hero receive ns full thoromrli and complete a course of instruction as In any Coininercial Collage in tho t'nitcd States, free from exposure lo those iiornii ions influences which in largo cities the v arc liable lo come in contact with. Lite Scholarships are issued. Students can cute,' ut any lime. Diplomas awarded only to those who master llieroursenf study. Situations' pmcuivl for itud. utsas fara possible upon graduating. Rec ollect that tlio expense of completing a course of in sti action in this institution is less lliau half that of any oilier. JEROME MF lilt AY', i iTlr full particulars sena for a t'irculaf. XovouiImt Ktli IStit) 27lv. TO 11 Fexi WORK. Fexeriued w ith neatness and dispatch at tlie Prrryburj Journal Otiic. PHARMACVA MISCELLANEOUS. j 1 ! j ' j 1 j ' ! j ! j j 1 I ' M M I L L E N CHEMICOPATHIG THYSICIAN, May be consulted free of clmrp, at the followuiff time and places t Fostnria, Ilnys House, Tuesday, August Clh nd Pent. Dub. Fremont, Kessler Hotel, Wednesday, August 7th and Sept. 1 1 th. Kltmre, Klmoro House, Thursday, August 8 ftud Sel.t. 12. Toledo, Collins House, Friday, Anjr. 9, Sept. 11. Penysburg, Excbnngu Hotel," Saturday Aur. 17, Sept. 21. Mr TltEOK Y AND TREATMRVT Are new ami iliiloreut from any one in the Cnited State.s.iiinl 1 challenge any one to produce, the namo success that I hare met with in (renting Chronic Diseases. My theory is bused upon the chemical operations of the body, believing diseases to depend upon a disproportion'ed condition of the fluids of tho body, whereby- the solids be conio unhealthy iy analysing the secretions, blond, Ac., of Iho body, niul linditig out what is deficient or in excess aiii supplying to the system what is wanting. I am enabled to cureoflen by a small amount nf medicines, win re the patient has been drugged w ith medicines for long years to 1111 cflhct. N'mv liysuepsia, in the great majority of cases, de (lends mainly n,n a disproporfiinieil state of tho gastric or digestive fluids of the stomach. When tins gaslic lluid is pronorlinned properly, the food is, thorough- digested and assimilated. Viewing Dys pepsia by the rules of Chciuicopntholngy, and giving treatment accordingly,! am enabled to euro ill case out of i.fl, and -1 1 cases out 60 of Consiuiipiition, As thma, Dronehitis and Liirvngitis.nnd Liver Coin- (liaitit, 1 ties les, Nouralgia.Dtzziiiess or Sick Headache, Debility and Female Diseases in every Nervous (.us'--11 chic, una oiuer uiseases iiroporiionau'iy, CONfa-MITION. " f Dr. tcMillen uses an improved Inhaling Tn striunent for the cure orConsiunptinn, Asthma, l?mn chitis and Laryngitis: by this wo enn Innke ns good an application to the diseased Lung and Throat as we could to a sore anywhere on the exterior of tlio body. Dr. M. uses pnreChoniionpalhic ami Rotanic Rem edies, lie gives n mild tonic treatment which acts, chemically, and assists Nature to five herself. Onn ounce of assistance to Nature is worth a pound of poisonnua drugs to the diaease. Consultation and advice free. Information iu regard to my treatment nnd suc cess call on. or w rite to: -Mrs. S. 11. Abbott, Portage, Wood county, Ohio ; Mrs. Robert Jacobs, Englevtllo, Wood couiity.Ohio : Mrs. Jesse Hnkell, Drowns Corners, Wood 'comity. Ohio; An hew Cross, Jiillgrovc, Wood countv, Ohio; John Cummins, Hassan, Hancock county, (ihin : J. A. Smith, Elmore, Ottowa county, Ohio; U. E. Church, Toledo.LtiiMS county, Ohio", All coiuniitiiieaiions must bo diiccted to Dr. J. F. Mc.Millen, Cleveland, Ohio. GIN" AS A REMEDIAL AGENT, i itis muaciors toxic stimvi.ant, I specially designed for the use of the Medica) J Prod ssi in and the Family, having seperseded the so-called "Gins," "Aromatic," ''Cordial," "led ieate l," "Schnapps." etc., is now endorsed by all of th? prominent physicians, transie m-edieinnl qual ities 1 tonic nnd diuretic ) w hich lielong to an old and pure Gin. Put up in quart bottles and sold by ult druggists, grocers, etc. A. M. RINIXGER& CO., (Established in 1778.) Sole Proprietors, No. 19 Droad street, X. V. For Sale bv D. S. RARXES A CO., No. DI Park Row, and P.'D. ORY1S, 1112 Rrondway, Xew York. Our long experience nnd familiarity' with the re quirements of i iruggists, and our superior business facilities, enable i s to furnish them with choice. Liquors for medicinal nnd family use. For Side bv Peck Jt Hamilton, 'Pcrrvsburg, Ohio. Jan. 2 tth,'lSutl llfily. MI-ANNUAL STATE.VF.XT, XO. 102. CAPITA!. AM) SURPLUS, May 1st, lSftt, Cash and cash items $79,583 7$ Loans well secured .bfi,'2&3 20 Real estate l.i.(ll)0 0U 2ii2ti shares Hartford bank stocks 274,8i9 HO 212j " Xew York " " 1(1:1,360 00 1010 Huston " " 1(10,750 00 607 " nthor " 6H.0tii 00 United States and state " " TA,?,67 00 llattford A N Hi ven it. n. bonds stocks 30,700 0 Harlford City Honds 30,750 00 Conn. River Co. & R. R. Co. stock 4,600 00 Total Assets , $9,'!2.302 93 Total liabilities 73,2-14 27 For details of investments sco small cards and circulars. Insurances may bo effected in this old and sub stantial company on very favorable terms. Apply to GEO. STRAIN, Agent. 2-i'J" Dwellings and farm property insured for a, term of years at very low rates. July 25th, 1861 12m3. fflL '?V!f-j'Xf''il"'3SJ J. F. PRICE, Agent, Penysburg, Ohio, ilii ,1 ,i .Tmo3 a. I.' "i.i'l", ! IH'l A W , " ,'TrV--':'i: !:.!'' If-(, .5'M'i..l U l . r -; ;." -.;.', t '' '.'-' .. - i " . ; i .. --..,.. , : v. '. .5 .- e. ' , .' ' '..V . . . i; ,-S. f t-. e :'-:.. ; , " . . P'" - y:yy- J.iv-.'vv? ri KZ?csi:- vi;a. ft - - J-1 :J ,.- 1 ' ' m' A' ; ' 1 va ' ' ' t'i. l ljvt:'5 : a i vtiU Mil 'Mteai IHl S II it CO. Dealers in Marhlo Gravo Stones, ic. Orderj resin'ctfully soliciied. Shop on Main street, Fosto. ria, Ohio. ' Agents for l'errysburg, John Yeager and J. W. Bailey. 33tr pETITIOX FOR D1YORCE. Andrew Snyder vs. Catharine Snyder. The said defendant, Catharine Snyder, w ill take notice that the plaintiff, on the Kth day of July, 1861, liled bis petition in the Clerk' olliee of the court of common pleas of Wood comity, Ohio, asking to ba divorced from said defendant,' ulledging as a cause, adultery with one C. Raker, aud gross neglect of duty. Said petition will Ue for bearing U tha Oc tobcr term of said court, 1801, w hich situ on tha SDib day of said month. I'RK'B X JOHNSON. July 8,1861-lOwOfa $5.