OCR Interpretation

The Weekly Perrysburg journal. [volume] (Perrysburg, O. [Ohio]) 1861-1???, August 15, 1861, Image 2

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026193/1861-08-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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.. W. VtMlV. IMitor.
Tin snT.
The Great Rebellion.
Progress of the Work of Suppression.
, Itpecnia tliut tlio mil iilijccl of RPoesninti
Istn of Missouri in not In ntl.vl. Cniro or
flirtl'" Point, I'"' 1 ' ni;o i (leKpeiiiln idl'mf
to BOClU'O pONrlCSHnlll of Hi. Ioiiin. Tliovo i'p
a strong force inuler Ccn. 1'illow nt Now
MniliM. Mo., nimllicr tit IVe ilmntas, AiL,
under Poll. Met'tlllotli'.h. ntnl ntiolhcr ill Min
eisnippl minify tintlcr Jo IT. Thump? er,. Tlir
jiliili is to keep up n c .mutant threat to nl
tack ('nii o nti'l Uiril'H point, 8nnn tn Keep
the Federal forces thorp employed: nienncc
den. Lyon in Bouth-Tvci-lcru MVrr.t'ri 1 y
tlircntsofuniittiii.1;, vl.ilo the illicit nl Now
Mililli'l ailil Pocnholllitu i l'io.-l II j'.llli I'.nil nf
Til.it Knoh, n ml from then ihmvoIi mi f'd.
Louis, t:iko it, nviiPtiit.- tlnv. Jiu'V.umi, run!
tvilli this h:w'H of opornlioi n, vn f t Mic-on-ri
from tlio Vcileiul Government. 'I I. in Inn
of oporatioim.lmwcvor.iii.iv imdorpo u nlrjil
clmnpo nmlor tho xvn'i hful eve of On. 1'ri -motif
nml Ida ni ls. Tito I olograph. I rjiorlf
li bottle ot Pup; Spriti,-; If to'lr.-i HOIllh id
FprinsfioliI, on tl;o 2ml iiist.. Let ween tlio
Fciloral forces under (Ion. lynn, nnll'.c
roW'ls ltnilor lion. Mi Cn'iloiv.'h, in xvhh li !
of tlio former wore killed and 2." xion-mlcd,
find -11 of tl io laltor killed find II vx minded.
Gen. l.ymi drove tlio onoiny from' the f.el
and tool; t;0 Ktainl of finii.". and 1." horser, mi
wnjjoiiH. Shortly nfler KldO roliel hif.tnlry
nmleitiiuk to make n i-linvgp, lull wore nir
y 270 cavalry and driven 1.a k, xvllh a Iokm
of 2fi relnds and . of our men. An tlio tclu
force wan nearly doulile tint of onrs. (Sen.
I .yon RiilmoqnonHy fell l:ick on -'prii:licM.
where at l.mt neennnl l.o vim lnoniotilarily
I'xpectin anollicr liatl'o. Oi Hie lili inst.,
n band of rein Is hhiio (if)i) 'aci'j- made nn
Unsuccessful attack upon a tamp of 1'iiion
men lit Alliens, Mo., atiout 52,"i milcH vest
Keokuk, Iowa, en tlio IVsnioinen t ivrr, hir
ing 22 killed, IT) w ounded and 18 prironi vs.
There was .1 I'tiiott men killed find 8 wound
ed. The latter wore rclnToreed nnd pix
the rehcln chase, eaplurin;; i nnniLpr
luisoiicrs, horses, &c. Monlomerv, who
eoininniuls u regiment of men having Katt
mr prievanees to revenue, h:s licen ordered
to join Gen. T.yon. lie was at Fort Scott
last necounts, and wilhin thrco or
days' march of Fpvinglii Id.
From the Kanawha our lale. t dates are
to Cth insl. Several Hkitiiiii hes arc reporl
edj and one hiiltle, nol yi t coiil'irmeil, v. hich
reports Viso as u jirii oner. Gen. Cox
beyond tlaitley's hridj'-B, nnd nl l.i'idiitvjc.
It is thought that Wine had made good
escape into Tennessee. His force prol-aldy
inimhorH nliout .'IHOO mi n. The reports
Ids wanton destruction of property to the
value of 200,0(1(1 in Cliarleslon nnd Kana
vha county, are corroborated. The Feder
al troops were in line Kpiriln, nnd enjoying
excellent health. H is now assorted that
ppcessionisin is permanently dead all thro'
tlio Kanawha country, and Home Guards
lire being rapidly orgruii.ed to maintain
their adhesion to the l'nion. Wo publinh
on tho first page sotno iiitrrcrling iiarticu
lars of the advance of Fox's brigade.
Military matters about. Wrodiingb'n con
tinue active. F.y Monday's tli.'-patehos
have a report that Garibaldi hah ot'.Vrcd his
norviccH to the Govcrnuient, which have
been accepted, and tho renowned patriot
and hero lias been appointed br'gadier general
of the American velniiloeii;. Tho telegraph
alo rep'.rts the appointment of four
other lirst class generals, including Frof
M. Mitotic of Cincinnati.
Tlio Navy IVpartment is turning its at
toutioti to improved naval nrchilcelurc, and
invited proposals for the construction of one
or more steel or iron-dud ships. The ves
sels are to bo of mitTicient capacity to carry
nu armament of one hundred nnd twenty
tolls, with a complement oT three hundred
men nnd provisions for ixly days, with coal
for eight days' Btcamiiig, nnd not to draw
exceeding tuxtocn feet water.
Accounted for.
Many good union democrats of this viein
Ity, readers of thcCinciiuuiti I'mjuircr, M
puy..lcd to utidortst.ind why il is thul that
paper is continually ahushig tlio Adminm
tration for ''plunging the country into n hor
rible var," vhcii every reader knows
veil as "any other man" that this is not true.
Mr. Pouglas expressly declared in the last
epccdl ho ever made, that "the present
cession movement ih tho rct-nll of an enor
mous conspiracy formed nioiv than linear
ago, by the leaders of the southern confed
eracy, fin- tho overthrow of tho beet gov.
cniiueut on earth."
Tho course of the lin piircr is easily
counted for. A large proportion of its miIi
Bcribers are in tho south, among the veiy
class of men who nro now in open rebellion
against our Constitutional Gov ei I'luent
lienco it is not a matter of iud' ideal pre
ference, but u cpu'sti 'ii of iies.-hj-upcr
that comjiels it to i uii r U the s.niih
ern nppclite. Like Judas of old. il receives
it pcices of silver for a certjin object; which
la none other than to excite hostility, on
lart of loyal democrats iu ihe iioi th,agaiu;it
their own government, und to encourage
them to join the south for its complete overthrow.
Congress adjourned e ihe -t.,
a HCKsion of uearly live wcekd. 'i'he
for revenue, the property und iutcim
tax, were all jiahscd and t.i- ncd by the
au were also the biiLi coiif tfcatiu
rebel property, increaisiuo!dui ' pay,
Tho l'rcBideni'B acts wcro allaj'pi'uved,
tho luibeau corpus qui-Htioii, which :n
to and has k'uico been ajnoved
attorney general U.iton. All tijc miliiaiy
pointmeut4 for thin tuilo were properly
considered and duly confirmed.
The Difference.
Senator Johnson and Kthridne i f Teiuics
Bee, Holt and Mallory of Kentucky,
Thomas and Winter llav'm of Maryland,
from blavo Btaten, bland up boldly and
for the support of the yovcn.ment,
vhilo the Iu'jn'u'ir and kindie I tdn-iix
judterinj c.lioitt coin ) omihc, in: 1 ai
vomplaiiiiiijj; betaiino the iidm'uistri.tion
not give tho reins of goveii.iiient up to
Pavia and Stcphciiti.
BSccrctniy Chabe l..n
York for the purpobo ot l.a in,
vith leading Juuci tivj v.
uc to
,.u iiiLcrvicw
A Move in the Right Direction.
. The democracy of Ciuik county nro nlive
to the interests of their country. They re
pudiate the platfoiiii of tho late folate Con
vention, nnd vain their fellow domoerals
throughout the Plato of its mischievous ten
d.'iirirs. Ifowct er tumli they may dill'er
with ihc j'rcsciit Adiuinir.lialion Upon other
mal lot .4 which have hitherto divided Un til
from the Urpublican parly, they think rn nil
pnlrioisdo that wo nhor.l 1 itol allow these
dilferelieeH of opinion to Intel fere w ith the
ningletif ii:i of purpone in pultitiir down re
bellion, booking tit. Ihe (piOHlioit in all iln
b' lii i'i;'H, they .de l;in thciiiM'lvc lineoiidi
I'on.dly d'l- 1 iio I ' i ; n ; in f ivor, in tin
tmuliioiis iimes, oi' f.'nking parly in palriot
ii iii, and Iiet ce call for n palriotii' l'nion
C.i:,Ve:-.!'oU of men of all pal lies, pledged to
tho Hit; -poll of (ho National Go erm.ienl in
;vl i!a coii-.t'tiitifiind r;Ti.rt to juit down thin
uiH'iir.rtitc.roral rebellion, llicynak llnil
tlio il'iHoi-rr.m r.f oilier eouutvvi may iign
the fii'l tbi yl avo Irioied for a l'nion (V,i:
vet.linii for Ihe nomination of Slate officers,
to be held at Mich liluO as li joint ( oiifereili e
o! leading I i.'inoernts nnd liopuhlicntiN may
a;::e' nio:i, based t!pon l!o plnlgo to gic
oltr t'nie, liioucy, and olir lives, if lieed be,
to tin1 inaintciialice of the Government a
ga'.ied all foca. foiei:;n and doliieidic. We
re;;-;,". tins ncl. o:i an Irilely pn'i oil e, anil
ho; k- it may meet with approval, g.-m i ally.
A Move in the Right Direction. Secessionist Arrested.
l.iit:l. C il. Tyler, a fnandson of tho ex
I'resi leiit, was made a pi ii.ouer while loin
itroly w alking Iheslrei lsof Cinciniiali, last
(( ;. lie explained Ihe nbjei I of his V iail
to bo to convey his wife, w ho ia the daughter
of Or. Wiighl oT that city. In biehui'ind,
Va. Tyler vns a gradual" at Weft Point
in 1HI8, and was afterward?; eonnninsioned
a lieutenant in the regular army, whic h po
sition lie l esigm il lo lake a lieiil. coloiirlaii-
cy in Ihc rebel armv. In Hie buttle at Ma
naio'cs he rei ved as ndjittaut general under
l iUiregai d. He was taken to the Now port
banaeks for cafe keeping.
.1. W. Smith, mny agent at f'an Franoireo
under ltiu Italian, wan arrei.led in New York,
last week. lie is n son of Klra Filly of
Virginia, and a noce:, imiitit of the wens!
type. The appropriation of money lo his
own benefit, from Fnolo Kim's eoll'era, did
not perhaps exceed fifteen thounand, yet he
will probably have to 'bal.itu e accotinln,'
not more.
Democratic State Convention.
The I'emoci acy of Ohio mrl at. Coltunbun
according lo programme, on Iho 7 1 It itist.,
nnd put. in nomination a Plate ticket, on
phil form ns odious ns w ns possible, without
going entirely over lo Ihe cause of.lcff. Fa-
vis. Fill Ihe mo'it detestable feature of the
whole conlrivnnee. probably, is found in the
seleetion of the candidate fir Lieut. Govern
or. J. Scott Jlarrhion r.iu on the Know
Nothing ticket in lSaO, in one the Cincinna
ti dis'ticlw, for representative lo Congress,
and during the bitter political warfare
that, nnd in fact, for several years previous,
ib'd his best lo excite Ihe Is. N.'s to moh
and dri c nwa from the polks (ho bent class
of our adopted citirei's, whom tin y chose
to stigmatise ns 'd d dutch.' The Joitriml
nays tho attendance, van largo, but, under
the circnmstnneefi, it should have be four
limes ns large. The "men been" waa niau-
ngei eolovely lv wirc-puiicro ol too allan-
dighain siripe, nnd the platform w is adopt
ed in bulk.lc: t by a reparation of Ihe pi, inks
Ihe roltetiess of the limber miht be un
pleasantly CXpoced.
Loyal Democrats.
Wo nro leased lo notice tho enlhiisiasni
with vlnch all loyal democrats iidhero
the caure of the l'nion. They with one ac
cord agree, with their late patriotic leader,
that the slavery question is a mere pretext
of Iho .onthern conspirator.! to overthrow
the government, and are determined to fol
low the precepts of his dying appeal. V
arc led to this conclusion by tho action of
number of the leading democratic papers
the State, niiice the late meeting of lireck-
inridgO Hyinpathi.'.crs at Columbus. They
do not hesitate to pronounce tho movement
tho result of tho skillful management of old
political generals of the democratic, aided
bv a small number of valient recruits from
the know nothing party.
Must be Settled Now.
idout, A;c
ferred by
fully are
v ill
Ji If.
The pecuniary loss which the country Ins
already suffered from (he Jo IT. Pavis rebel
lion cannot bo lesn live hundred million
dollars, yet there are those who are w illin
to cooipromiao upon any terms (ho rebels
arc a mind to offer, even if that should
to rceognizo the independence of their so-
called Confoderaev. The signs of the times
however, indicate that the great mass of Ihe
1 aval citieiM f the north will be content
w ith nothing short of a complete sctlli nient
of the controversy, now, Oeer again to
brought up for i onsidei ati.m. We must
ell tier i icclarc m I. Ivor ol I lie minority oc ma
jority ruling, as w ell an for nnd against our
constitutional government.
biir, Vu.
rid a Is ie;aui occupy MartiiiM-
tft,..Col. MeCook and Gen.!
ed in haylon. u few d.ixn no
, heiiek in i
ri.C.ipt. AviK, John lliowii'n huniune
j a'dcr, was killed at bull's llun.
t-.u'l'he reliels, it is said, enly caplmed
lil'li'cu i f our cannon at bull's linn.
K..M1 the Ohio military appointments
have been continued by the Senate.
F.. inuc companies oi re .'iiiars leave
med at WashiiiiiUni fiiiiii the West. Many
ot tlieiu lotto Iscil 111 Iho service 1.) or
11. t irieit i utility, vim ii is too
cuiiniy in Uliiu llial lets I el st ilt uc"ii;l
to Ihe war, is liiuLin: uticiiiioitii itleits
raiee one.
i"Jr proiiiinent engineer it ihe
icii k l ire ilepal tmenl is nt W a. lwi::;Liti
cLileavuniij; to mvo luo J-ire .vii.tvc
lii. lU lionl dikinU raliou.
tx&h is said, liut the I'liion tut'ii i f
lucky will soon raise 10, UUU men und
the Hcbel forced out of Kentucky and
Bii..'l'luj I'uioii melt liuve curried
tucky by a troi majority. Hji i.t y,
of the I oiiiiivillc JK iHt'crut, Mas
over Mciri wether teceasioniot, by 1
Itjy'One of the laiycst dry j;oods houses
Now lorlc, M.'-...rc. Clitliii i Melien. JjiK-.J
a fctV Jat s since. 'Jin l.i.liiJt;. s id 'the
coin is '.: i:,ht to le over thnc icul.oi.b
iujf 'l'hi'tai.di ihe cuwardice or trcasoi
Commodore .McAiJc', ihe rebels lnvo 1
Columbia Is M d.n iioui the N.nl'dk
vui tl idalite I in arimis poMliems to
too ui ,'i'oacli to l.i.l.mond, an t lu
ntti aud time buiub'd luoiud.' l upon
i Lc-'liU of Maua-M j,
Great Union Demonstration at
Rockville, Indiana.
Speech of Governor Morton.
Tho Indianapolis Jmirnnl Plate that for
Rotiio t i me past an effort m been in pro
gress in the woslerti part of that Kt.iio to
produce, a fi cling of diMHa!isf,ietiou wiih !ho
war, ami force a surrender of Iho (iovern
inf ill to tho rebels by diu ounteiiain ing Iho
action of t'.io Admiiiislratinn in maintaining
it by foreo. Hut trilling us the mWchicf
may bo, it is the pi i t of win loin to remove
it, if possible; for though it canm ver grow
big enough to bo alarming, it can't die nny
loo noon. Ilence, in tho coiliity most pei'-.
HMloutl n m f-l "l with one of these ii'0'i
IIcm of .lell'. ft.tvisF.itko il was thought
by the loyal lie ti, that i by prelly iniu li
evi ryliody jle'i o, that it Would hn'wcll lo
l.o. a l'nion m-eting first,, to hhow the
traitors and their dopes Iho K.ttrngth of llto
loyal Keiiliiocii!, nnd si-oond, lo gtit out houk!
good wholeiaiiiio truths fui' tho enlighten
meiil of mi h ni were not wilfully misled.
A d:.
y vvn i sol, iiniintiiicoiiieiila made, hpeak-
ei'. invite 1, nud a real T'nioii luit.arty ri'Ti,.
riTi'1'fiiion prepared. I ..( S.itnrday il cjoim
off, nr.d it cxcrvled nil expectation in thiiii
b: in end Hpiril, ai high an loyal rnon 1ad
ifilcd (heir nirei.gth.
II was a largo oiilponiitig of the pcopln
of Parke nod tic adjoining couiiliet, to nt
leal, their deolioii lo the ( ,-me oT the l'nion
and Iho institution i under vhicli we live.
The number in allendaics' hi c.-.lim.ited, by
competent, jiidgen, at live of six IhoiiHaml.
It waith" large. it uicelitig ever iii..cmb1sl
in Iho da"e.
Tlio iiieel'tig i;H hel l iri tho grooef
Geni'i'al t i ll", adjoing Ihc town. Judge
Waller C. Dan. ildsuii presided, a; aisle d by
several Vieo Fresidenls and Seeretrtrio i.
(Hi being introduced to Iho moi ling Gov.
Morion made a few is marks on the condi
tion of feeling existing Til a portion of Iho
and continued:
All liopnhh'oim Government is bared upon
Iho piitieiplo Ihul. when the ivill cf the
people has been xprossod throii'Ji l!ie
l il m.-t of the ( 'oust il ill ion, all parlie iindall
men mitsl submit. I'nless t!ii;i principle lie
unconditionally admitted, llcpullicau (iov-
nnicni cannot cxmi lor a oay. l or illus
tration ol tins truth, I might refer to Ihe
lislory of Mexico, wlicrc each election in
ollow ed by a revolution, where the minority
relnso lo Minimi to luo nnuinlv, anil llv to
ariun for tl io tedresH of every Tanned
grievance. Such has been the history of
Republican Governinenls in bianco and
other coiinlrii's in Lnrope. livery tdliccr of
tile liin eminent, Wlien roperly elected,
becomes the ollicer and ageul of Iho people,
whether they favored his election or not,
and all loyal ili,ens rccogni.o him asBiieh.
Mr. Itiichanau, when cleeted, although 1
did not favor bin election, became my 'res
ident, and any insult i ll'crisl to him by a
foreign power, r any resistance to his law ful
authority by domestic I'uch, was nn insult
and an injury to me and lo everv eili.en of
llii" Foiled Stales. Some people there are
who m o so incredibly i tepid ns to be unable
to perceive any dill'erenco between the
Government nnd Ihe mere agents whocarrv
it on for the lime. Government is intended
lo ho permanent, w hile the olticcrs by whom
il. is administered are ever changing.
Washington, Jcll'ersoii and Jackson have
passed away, but ttio Government. Iliev
administered slill lasts, nnd I trie t w ill last
forever. The men w ho now control public
alVairs w ill in a b'W :.b:r! years have passed
from the stage of action ; lull we trust. Iho
Government will tuirvive them. The man
w ho would refuse to protect the ( lovernnietil
merely because ho did not like Ihe men that
can list H on, would ilisplay as hide sen .a
as Ihe inebriate who should refuse to pro
tect bis dwelling from the llamt s because
ho did not like the agency of water.
This ia nut a war of parlies, but of Iho
whole people. The intensts involved rise
as far above' lucre parly i onsideralion as the
heavens are above Ihe earth. 'I he man who
stands nlool from Ihe great oon!'-.-. higgling
about his parly, is short sighted, and fails
lo comprehend the lime in which ho lives.
Parties can only exist in a free Government,
and when the Government falls, (hey fall
along with it. Tho Peiuoeralic, Whig and
Republican parties have each sought to
administer the Government. Rut if the
Got eminent should pass away there would
be nothing left lo administer. If there is
any poor partisan here to-day who believes
that, after the Government has been de
stroyed, he will have his pariv left and may
enjoy that, 1 yield him up in despair. The
Almighty ban enveloped hi.s intellect in
eternal night, and foreordained that ho
should be a fool forever and ever.
Tho charge ia made in this county that
this war was bcuii by l.iucoln to briii,
aluuil iho iibidilion id" Slavery. The man
xho utters this i liai se is altemptiii; to com
mit fraud upon the people ami treason
against the Government. Kvcrv intelligent
mini knows that before Lincoln was inau
gurated, the rebels had an army of thirty
thousand men in tint field; bail laid siee lo
Tort l'ickeiis and Sumter ; had robbed tho
Mint at New Oilcans ef half a million of
dollars ; hail plundered various I'm Is ami
Arsenals of two hundred thousand stand of
anus and live hundred pieces of artillery;
had coiilist aletl tho debts due from citi.elis
of Seceded Slates to ihc people of the North,
thus robbing them of hundreds of millions
of dollar, bail murdered ur driven out from
the seceded Stales everv man of Northern
drill or that elilerlained a lin;:ein;; attach
ment bu the com.litiilioit ol his coiuili v.
ic object of a falsehood so foul and
monstroti -i is nut to nc mistaken. It is lo
lislracl the people of the North and palsv
the hands of the Government, thai il may
ill an e;o-y prey lo iho scoundrels who are
secLlliir Its ttesli uelitin. I Ills XI toil 1 no Us
licet, if an it had, and must then lore be
bill il is said we nuut have peace, and
uld liax e peace if x e xvoidit. 1 lox e penci
ls much as anv man. lis sweets are as dc-
, ions to my taste as to that of any human
ciiij;-, ltitl'xtheu I say this 1 mean peace
uit is sale, peace that is crowiud xvith
liberty and the hhsiii;:s uf an cnli" hleiicd
ivili.ttion. I do not nn an that peace hich
is too sleep id death; which is purchased
by foul dishonor; nor thai peace xi loch
but another name lor r.tilmih.Moii to tvraiits
Hid traitors. It is utur ftdlv to talk about
peace without pomluc;' out some nittuod
by xt Inch ll may be obi. lined. I know
but luo i ond i i ,t us iiott noon x hich i.eate
i an be bail. 'I'he first is by Kiibiuillin
the itisruptioii t f the I'liion aii.l iln1 tlc
siriit lieu of the Government. The second
is by the ubmission of the traitor note
arms. And 1 appeal to j ou to-day to ansxver
ihc tUesiiou in tour tixvn hearts, upon
which of theso coiitlitiuii-t do you ilcmand
ieacc? Who are tlio men that arc thus
claiuorin;: for peace upon any ti rum. They
are nol the I nion nu n el' Kentucky,
Missouri, ef Tennessee, of Maryland or
ii inia. Jhit lin y are small cl.tiis scut ten
ihro.t;. hout the Nonhein Slates, who are
violently blKpecti'd by their lieihbol'S
Hot beiu I'liion iiien. bill iiicu xeh.) xituiltl
ltttili ish must und rejoice most in a pt i iod
of ceiit s al iiL.llchy nnd boci.tl and political
lhit we are told that inilci s xvcatoiicc
SU-pcitd Lo,liliu, s, and mcUIC peace lipoll
any icrii.s, an i iiorun iis public ib bt x ill I
ccntJuttcd, which xtill vp ivbs ihe people
lor (loin lubons to ceii.c. A lalc public
tb I t iii undoubtedly u cdamiiy ; inn (hue
urc jrrcater c.il.ti unit s. VJ.at will it jutdit
a pe.'ple if they should ain l!u w ealth
!!ie xx hole world, but lose II. i ir llovci inn.
end witli it their bbii ly? In my judgment
the man xvlm can tl,d bcraiely xvt ih jcold
in the rede ucaiust'ihe existence of
Gox ci nu. cut, and thclilcnivD of tbie peoplo,
in either nn idiot or a traitor. If thero is
niicli it man In Farke county, may God for
givo li i id, for 1 cannot, what mittern it
whether this vnr shall cost a hundred mil-
lioim or a hundred thousand, it wo nro
thereby enabled to transmit thin Government
to our tliildtetif Consider! il in aim rely
final cial point of view, il would be tho best
investment the .American people ever made.
If Ihe Government fa what bcouies of
the valtio of i ropi t tv? What becomes of
commerce? of puplieand private iiHtilutiotm
1 pro Mierily of every kind;
I'he follv of the man who rcTir-a to H'if-
tain tlio (lovernmcnt became it will coat n
largo sum of money to do so, is only equal's
bv him who should is f.iso to n'trchase
I : , i f ,i.i M fiii.l l,i i.-iiiui. il i,l ii eli-ivn tilul
vobmlard v slarvcs him-elf lo death in order I
lhaf he rviy live to enjoy n laige fortune, j
I'inarifially eonsidere I, seecsif ai is the
grealcHl misl'oriime that c.mld befal a na- i
I'on, and eniioei.illv tho people of the e
IVestern Slates. Tlio M issiaf inrd river
Would becoiuo till: propetty fif ii foreign
Government, nnd ve should bccutofF from
any outlet, to Ihn Gidt except upon witch
term fti fdiotdd bo graciously voutlmafed
to ns by Iho traitors now in arum.
Tho fn.tnufaetiireit nnd ngrif iillural pro
ductions of Indiana would not, bu i. Mowed
lo float, down the MiKsissippi river to find a
malkel, except on compliance with tho con
ditions and pi.yment of tho duties prescrib
ed by the llietatorship at Richmond. The
Revolutionary War is estimated to have
cost two hundred millions of dollars. How
uj,ocii eas-r would it liavo been lo liave
paid Iho little dulv of thrco pence a poiim
upon I, a. And can you doubt tli.il the men
who mtv urge l!it eo.-d of this war as an
objeeiiou I ) il, would, for l!e same i"ason,
hate objected to the Revolution, had liny
lived during that period.
Fill, it h said that thin tvnr might have
been avoided by a compromi.se, nnd couhi
now In1 net ; lis! by a compromise. While we
v.ere babbling of cnmpinmo.c last winter,
Ihe traitors were slvuling arms, plundering
minis, invest ing fortress's, nnd marshaling
armies into the field. -What is there to com
promise now but the integrity of (he l'nion
and lh" existence, of tho Guvcrniaciil? lo
the li ailors oiler to os any Compromise? Nn,
tin lh" contrary their ultimatum is the de
struction of the Constitution and the l'nion.
Rut how would ihesc men go about propos
ing a compromise to any enemy who has
an hundred Ihoiisand men in the licld, and
who spits in tho nation's face whenever the
Word in nieiil ioiied; who declares 1'ial Seces
sion and .disunion are Iho glorious consum
mation of (he toil and travail of more than
tidi ly yearn: who allirms that Iho free insli
inlio'ns at the North aro a failure; that the
only true foundation for Government is
African slavery, and that the laboring classes
of the North are surl'n and vassals beneath
Ihe nieiil".! and Moral dignity of tho slave
upon the plantation.
It is now well known that tho Secession
movement was uiaii rui'
as ear
Iln first ell'otd at the dcstriielion of the Gov
eriimeiil was made in '-'.V,, in the nullifica
tion movement in South Carolina, based
ostensibly upon Ihe lariif ip'eslion. tlen.
.laelison ihell lutslictcd that the next effort
xvoitld be predicated upon the, Slavery ipies
lion, and ihe prophecy has been fullilled.
from that, time forward Secession has been
kept alive under the deceitful and npccioiin
title of "Slates bc.lils;" and yet these coli
iitilulioii.il doctors proposed lo cure this
chronic Secession cancel- by the aopliee.lion
of a mild cnmpromii-.e platter, but I tell
you. Xo! Theonlycc.ro for the cancer is
'the knife. Von must cut out the anrcned
and' rotten parts; und extract the very root
of ihe devorine; nicer. Compromisa root
and Iicrba are of no avail in a ca-e like this.
I'he Southern Commissioners, sent to Wash
ington last fiprin;; oifercd no comprouiisc.
and xvoul I listen lo none. Their liaiiv.hly
and traitorous ticni.'.iid xvaa that wo idmuld
consent to the tlissolmion ot tlie L nion, ninl
tho iln'tneinbei nient of the Government.
They said if ibis Government would write
its name upon a blank piece id' paper and
aliuw them to xvrile over it tho condition.!
uiioii which tliev would eoiuiiromiso this
dilliculty ami return tho l'nion they had
none to xvrile.
A proposition to compromise now is sim
ply a proposition to surrender, and the lutn
who makes it. disuiso il as, ho may, means
lhal and iio'fhiiur else.
We are now tihtiu, to preserve what our
fathers loti'rht to win. Tiiey established a
Itepublicau j;-ovcnnucul, ami we s ill uphold
il. If. Ilunr cause was sacred, then is ours,
.anclilicd by their blood, nnd idioiihl, if ne
cessary, bo sealed xvith our ox u.
To concede practically or theoretically
the doctrine of Secession" upon which this
repelliou is based, is to concede the destruc
tion of our social and political institutions.
That doctrine is that any State has a riht
lo xx'uhdraxv from the l'nion at pleasure,
xvithoiit eoustillinp; the National Government
or the other Slates. This beiiij; ttdiuit led, it
requires no nr;.'umcnt to prove, that we have
no pivcriimcnt, but a mere voluntary asso
ciation, with no higher sautdioim than a
pleasure party, from xthicliany jiitest may
retire at his oxvn cniiveii'cnce. Carried to
its conscipiciicos, il does not stop with the
destruction of the National Government, but
is eon, ill v fatal to Slat.c and local instil nl ions.
Commerce must perish when one parly can
xvilhdraw Ironi a contract, xvittioul tlio con
sent of the other. No oilier war ever in
volved sin It inihlv interests, eoniprchcud
in; as il ikies, the political an I social exist
cine of the Nation, and it. while ex ervihin
is thus at stake, we shall sull'i r ourselves
be distracted and eoii'piered by old preju
dices and jealousies, false views of public
economy, and the evil machinations of scl-li-
h deiua:.:o;;ucs. ibe xvorld may well pro
nounce tinal jndemeiil, that the cxpi 1 i
niciit id' self ;;ox t riiincut has tailed, and
that men can be successfully governed only
by an aristocracy or a monarchy.
Much is beiii';- mi id in nrlian qivirlcrs
liowiibout the ri;;hl of free speech. I allow
no man to be a more firm and con detent
a 1 ot ale of Ileal ri'.ht t i.m lnvsell. 1 haxe
d for it lot' luaiiv years, and shall ev
uphold it us Ihe vvl'V tout hshme of liberty,
It w ill be found, on examination, that those
, i - .. ,i. . a i
tin' "I'rctloi.i ot i peceh.' ihc I i;;iit to x cr.l.cn
our hands nnd slieic.hcu die hands of our
enemy, by ilisiiaetiii.4' our couiicils, by rc
xiliiioiir cause, by i;:iioiiiinioiis proposi-
lions lo lav ilown our anus, and bv assail-
" . ii ... i ii . . . .
ili ilie purity ol an men xx no arc laiairin;
uphidtl ihc honor ami iiiKriiy i f ihe na
lioii. If any man iu the lelsdli.ut Stales
should lillei' ill defense of tin' North a tithe
ofvxh.it loco in Indiana arc daily say in;;
dcli'ilNi. i f liiC Soillll, he would Hot lie pcf
iniiud lo lixe Ion",' cli..ti;;h lo s.,y his pray
ers. This freedom of speech is cxci vised
in bt half of those who deny ihe lijiht lo
others, and who punish its exercise xvith
death. The men xt ho llols abuse this l il.t
of lice speech are livin;.'nioiii.iiicutii of
forbearance of our luxes, and of the llhciiy
and security ef persons, j;uaruutcod by
itistitiit:ons. While I admit and xt ill uphol
the freedom of speech, it is not improper
stalt- lhat there Hie Stale and national laws
ib lining und pun'ndiiui; the crime ol treason,
atliltliatiiilruclioi.it of these laws xvill
searched out und puiiibhed xvllll iho Utiuoot
t.y ll hcctiib lhat t'iipt. Kmc, nf the hteulii
cr lie'nlvii, ht h :, Id ll.c ld.it k;i lin.
licet ini ihc biinlhi i li t mist, i-i u hynip;iihier
id' cccrtt.Ki. 11c has iill.iXM'tl l wo redid 1'l'i-!
v.itcciu In CM'iipc ihc I lot hinlc, ulul li.in t.ul
eil lo jnvtcci mu- oxn vcs-a Im in i-cviiul
xt l.t ic il xvuti ileicly in his Jmvti r
Imvc ilunc K'lU.
ti .Ttve lue.t, lumictl hcstlcr und Jnr-
ct.nli, h.id II li;;llt licui' I l;il l ihlitll j;', this C-tutc,
the oilier tl.ix, 1 1 flu the itl'cctH of which
lillUT died I'lit'ltlv nfler.
tTlio Philadelphia Ts'i''T HUggest a
way to unmnslc tho rebel butteries, viz!
burn tho pino and cedcr forest whoro they
nro hidden.
frJ'ix-Govcrnor Joneph Trumbull, of
Connecticut, died nl; Hartford, ou Sunday,
aged pevcfity-eight year. Jfo was grandson
of tho first Governor Jonathan Trumbull,
and nephew of the ne.cond.
t.y-The honiutida nt AVashington nro nd
rniinbly iittundcd. All tho comfortit and
luxuries ticcenRi ary for the sick nnd wounded
nio abitndanlly Hiipdioil and judiciously
used by the nurses.
IfOn the morning of the Mil. a detach
ment of tlio New York '.lib attacked a squad
of rebel cavalry opposite Iho Foint of Rocks,
!"'" ,,,v''. '"'""' ,,vo UM l? "ll;c V'
"I'd tool; Iwcniy lior.-.. s.
v'" Insiahnetita of rille 1 eiomon, 1 0 and
") iiotindeis, ready mounted, arc almost
iloilv arriving at Wa.-diin rlon.
Geo. MeClcl-
I. in will soon be insii ided vi
h all Iho ur-
tilleryho donircn. It will be of the best
bc of the best
Ucff-Hcaiircrard Is now on a visit to
,., , . T, ,, . I r, . . . ,
C hai lemon. I he gadent Col. ( orcorari, now
a priHoner at Ibchmond, lliforrnerl hlH e.tp-
tors, that ho was heart and until for the Union,
nnd thai lie WOUll not accept a t'urolO It It!
weio offered to him.
I'.i'r-Tho military (heat of tho rebel 0m
oral Gariictt, which wan capiured by our
troons vas found to coutain hhects of Ihe
I'a'rmoiint Kank. Tho rresidcrit of thai
1 f'mi Chi i. If ,w run t
his KtalV, si;;nin-Kiich ipiantilies of tho notes
i ... i c i t:
nn inn- wiuiicu iinin i.inie i' lime.
.I he expedition s.-nt out from Turd's
., . ' ... 1 i . , ii-
lonit to (..rar baii has returned liav.ir;
loiind null, in;; to do. 1 ho report that thero
wi'ii a re's I force there, tiirea'ciiia ' Iho Fed-
oral jiosilion, was false. There x cro no
Rebels xvilhin ol) miles of the place.
A:yA I the su;;resl ion of Ma j. Gen. Hanks,
a hir,;o nuiiibcr of troops will prohabdy bo
coueei.traled at Halt iiuop, (is it is easier lo
transport them from that city to different,
sections of tho country limn from Washing
ton, where tlie force is lar;;o enough now
for all practical purposes.
Jf Most of the principal counties in
Northeastern Missouri nro occupied by
jrovcriUiU'rit troops. The b.eal is very
sevfrenl St. Louis, fnunr ie-t on.m:ii ies of
shot and .shell are arrivit;
tor (it n. I'le-
E31V a vole of Congress the t-y
I.'1 '"
vates has been increased from i; 1 ! ! 313
per month. This, w illi the i.'vi -d" ?! ('a. to
be i,ii to each at the i nd nl" I'.io v ar. i. id
tlio rc;;idar bounty of Kill aires if l.ir.d,
makes soldiering dcsiruble in a ecnniary
an well as a ui(riotie point of x iex..
f '"The relumed volunteers, who reside
in Pnyton met v. iih a brilliant, reception,
on Tuesday last. 1 1 was n i'i-.wvi' I tribute
to a noblo bund, w ho, xvhen the tirst call for
troops xvas made, rallied instantly to the de
fence of the cnpil.il. Many of those gallant
"soldier boys" xviil enbst for (ho war, alter
it brief season of recreation.
t??r),So ntrietty
) iliseijilme cfilorceit m
tx :',,s!un;;on liiat any otiiccr or volunteer
found on the s;reel alter id.rhi fall w ithout ;
p. ISM IS pllt 111
char;j;o of a i t ! o of iiitm. A
e;'o Gen. buiior, v. ho had
text evenings a;
just an ived Iron
unlnioxvn to the
I'orirc.-.s Monroe, and xv as
paleid. was arrested nnd
held until he was sal i.d.ielorily
idclit ilicd.
J I o en joxed the arrest hugely.
E v'd'rom the annual r.port on London
fires rceoii? ly juiolitdie'l, we learn the as
loi'iidin fact that iliirin, I .(, there wcro
ol! fires arising froiu smokers throw down
Iho in il mi'iit ends of cio'ars!
,ull is said (hut Jude 'Wayne, of the
Cuiled St lies Supremo Court, though a.
ciiizen of Georgia, is now in 'Wash n-' ton
lor ihe purpose of ta.kiu,; his accustomed
seat upon the bench. In the general bank
ruptcy of char.'clcr xvith which so many of
the foremost men i f that Slalo have allowed
Ihcinsclvcs to be carried axvay byfhcSei es
sion mania, the firmness of this ibstinui.slu tl
jurist in the more admirable.
tVyAu incident is red, .ted of a Massachu
setts man iut'ciHi;; Ins son under curious
ciivumsiances. llearin;; lhal a yuiitij in:ui
of hi.-: name had bjen taken pr'-'oncr by ihe
federal troons and conlined nt Wash in;.'' ion,
the Mi.ssatdiusetts man visited him, and
sti.iulv ieco vni.ed his son. Tho latter
liad been le.iehin;-; r.ehool iu Virginia, and had
been impivs'.-.cd into the rebel service. Ib
is now anxious to take his place iu the l't ('
oral ranks.
V"").The fortifications on Ihe ro'ht balk
of the t'otomac are bein;;' strengthened ai
cxUiiilcl. Txx o strong tortn havo been
reccii'lv con.-.trin ted in the xicinity of Koit
( oieoran, breastworks throw n up, and I I n
houses erected, making the puttiiioli iniprco'
nable. llcio'lim coiiimaudin;"; the old foi
tilicatioiis of tho Potomac have been occupi-
ed xvilhin a few (lavs past bv I'cdtial forces,
so that Washington in front may bo col
sulcrcil atunitlantly protected.
fccfdntellio-eiice from (Jalvestfln and the
Hull coast of Texas ns late as the middle
July has reached us. The condition of things
there is most lamentable. They are without
money of any kind. They be;;un their seces
sion movements by repudiation of nil their
northern debts; this worked very well;
finite ti ihcir t-utL-d'aci ion. I'ltit soon t:
iln t due spread and applied itself to domes
tic debts, but not lilt equal satisfaction
all parlies.
stances lei
Notice is hereby piven that n petition lias tiecn
tiled iii litis cilice' ptayimr for tlie esndi'.isiihisr and
t collMl llelin' of a dilt'll be;ijlllilu;' ten feet v,c-t
I lioi ih iptarter pest section S, tow n -t norih. ratine 1
i'.i--l ; laeiiee south nnd parallel Willi the (iuricr
i seeliou line lo intersect a sit ail about .'ta rods from
the south line ol s.nd section ; thence down sai
Mt.iil to ihe middle branch of rorUe;e river. And
tli.it said petition will be lor he.u iu'r en the 1 7th
ef Scpioinb.Tii ext. ADDISON S.MlTll,Aud.
An linn's Ollice, Wood counly, O.
Perry-bur::;, Aupiiat Utli, lSvil- law I.
j yrcn notice.
Notie. is liereby piven that a petition bai been
tiled in this nthce prai ii-p lor the esi iblisl.iicr and
j eea.-n-utiinp nf a ditch ls-pitmia'; eighty rods xves!
j s 'uth-east corner of section I 1, Mou'-oi.i.
I tow n-liin ; theiii'e not lh one nine lo the l.iveiislunp
and 1'ivcpnii iv,i 1: thenee west ntnnjr sai l load un
lit it crosses ihe liollerst ille and Fivepert road:
thence is 'i th-we.-lt l ly iibout two bun lied reds;
thence west lo the half set lion line ol' section ten:
thence north alenp said line to tin irTlli hue
seeiion ten ; thence luit ubniu eihiy rods atom;
saiit line: ihenee mu ih-tt esterlv lo the west ouartcr
post cf seeiion ,'i ; thence norih on the seeiion lino
to toe liollei sville und I'oriape roatl ; ihenee norili-
easterly tlimiipu sei'iioiis -i tnul ., I reeiloin low
: teriiiinaiinp at the Portage rixer : and that
said petition w ill bu for h eariiiv on ti e lsth dav
Sept. nilier next. A DDI. SON S Ml 1 11, Audiler,
Atidiior's Otliee, Wood county, O.
l'i rrysbui jr, August t'lh, Isol 1 owl.
JI airy C. Law renee vs. .. H. More, ct nl.
Py virtue of an order nf sale issued iu the above
ease by the Cleik nf the Court nf Common Picas
Wood counly, Ohio, 1 will oiler for sale en
premises nf C. W. More, ill Plain tp., Wood counly,
Ohio, on
Wednesday Aiipust 2-di, lSiil,
at 2 o'clock p. in. nf said day, the follow nip poods
an 1 chatties, tn-xvit: One ve.iilinp colt, nne 2
old sleor, und one cow , taken us tin property nf
W. More, oue nf ihe defeudi itts in ttie uIkivc ease.
li. E. tit'VEU, Sheriff.
DoniiK & Tvi i:n, att vs.
A uplift 11, 1 Nit - I J'w .'?.
"VJ II I' ICE is licit by piven that the underxie-ncl
1 1 li.ts hem duly appointed and tiu.iliiii d as
ihe'est.itu nl' Miltmi C. Ensiuiiier,
l ite nl' Wntnl County, (llitn, tleeeased. Att
inti ii.-li d xtill coxein themselves accirdin:'lv.
I'EUKY 1. l:SMlNiiEU,
Aiij'iisl 12, lCl- liwS?l
II , l tl IJ .
Attoknky at Law.
NatMileon. lb m v t'l iiiitv. Ohio.
Will prmoiitly intend to all business entrusted
bis care iu Wood and adjniuiiij; et'iuiilies.
Olliae in Italy and Jnhiisnn'i Link, I'trry HOnet,
Atigu.4 lilli) 1H- ltV.
ef ;
lap of
j-yixcn kotick
JTnlin, M Mmnp, J alitor, K Jameson, h U Haw-
Iii'n'i 'li'."0' "'l' A A mo, .1 C.rcr, T
ra.vler, P V are. Martin I.ano H,.nrv Irf,it j K
Mvan, J Aulm, .1 V Cnrr, E H. fen, V 3k J .I,rr.Ver,
K..t. rt Jolinsfji, 1, bnnjr, A Werner, E A Ib.lc-, A
V 'F'.V a.!Jan'!''' Am"" Wm 'ii'l t'illnrs,
.7 W Mulicr, Win llrrwuler, .1 Cnrlis, V (tuber. S
1ln.x.-ll, ' fihm: I, Ilaldwin, J K Fox, ,T Iturinmn.
N MrDmifral, .1 W Shoe, .f lreKor, N I'liilie. 1
MmlMnll, A Cm.k. IVnl IIiik, J imtli
'.i si I Hock. .1 Smith. H .1 lliil,.
V (iunks?r, .1 Kartell. H fwander, J A Keig, II
J Clark, I, 1) Sinitlon, W Praitferd, U Onrtter, Jn
ii'pli Smitli. C Power., W II Uoekliill, W It .Seller.
A & Jarknn, Win .Inrksnri, l'hilip .tarkson, .1 It
l'ry, bft .1 l.nmh, J V Owen, T S Cnnnun, Fro
liiont nml bi'liami II H Co, O Joiner, J Want,
S.uniii'l Hall, ! Jotinson, F Voslmrg, Oonrgo
1" Null, J Jelun'Mi Hiid ttie tinknotvii
r"silcnl nml non-rviilent otvnrrs of tlio
fiillewiiig deseriljcd lands t-i-tvit: sections 1,2,3, ID,
1 1, 12. 1:1, 1 1, I "), town 4 north, rnnpe 1 east: Hec
ti'in.t 2". HI, .1.'), ISll, nnd south-east quarter Rcclinn
2i, nil in town 5 north, range II cnt. Yon will
Ink,, iiritifi, tlmf ntitilieatirin ha hven mmlo 4., o.a
coinniwsionrrH ef sn d countr.to CflaMi.sh ami con -
s! i ni-t a drain er water-i-onrs" hcirinning i tlio
m "r 'l'0 v"llae rir,'17t ''
rat line ol sci-ti'.ii l, town I iierth, range 11 east;
(h,mcc ,,. S.M hr,,wU , . line between the
fownsliips of 1'irrdem nnd Center, in raid couutvi
and that said application will be Cur hearing nn the
nun nny oi me next miuen iiicrm g u sain e-imi
Uiissieners. AIIIUMl.t I t II, AUUItor.
Aiidiler'n Office, Wend county, O.
IVrrysbarg, Augnxt Dili, lUDl IjwZ.
. , , . T . .... , ,
a"!'' I is ilcreny piven lino a ii'oonii nai ue-fii
tiled in this ollice' fur thu estalilisliingand cnnstnict-
in,r , llit,.M c,mil,,llcin.. tm tl. n,uli lino of
','.. . i. v. , i ... a:..i.
hitsuti ij, iimvii u ll'il l II, nuifii' il eai, ai u until
e-t;.bli ;te,1 at.cl runstnictrd imder the former ditch
1 i'i tibeiit KM reds east ot Hit.- Miulh-west corner
, S(,t,tin . .nC(. n(,rl,, lt, Ul,e of Kid
,nviisliip ditch to the Tensxaint creek: th.nco
down said i-reek to the MrCnleluso i'le riiie.l.tvlii're-
at to tirniinatii : und Unit sunt petition will bu lor
tieiirinj: on the lH:h lav of Septenilier next.
Auditor's Oliu'P, Vi'eed ceanlf, O.
lVrr'. daun;, Anf tir.t U, lbiil liw-l.
j-yrcii NOTiti;.
JVotiei; is hereby fjiven that a petition has been
filial in this in'lice pr.r. inp for the t'stublisliiiiff and
constructing of a ditch bi'jjinninn' at l'erlae river,
at the place where bull or l laki r creek enipties into
tho I'orl.iiru m ar the nai di section line of section
in; thence snath in the ehaimi 1 of Hull ur 1'laki.r
uei 1; tluoiir-h serious HI, l.i, lrt, ,'.'t. 2S. 2'.l,:ia and
1 of town -t narlh r.ui:ri' 1 1 eas!: also throue-li sec
lion 1 to the s null line of said section, township 3
north raiiRe 1 1, cist nnd there to t"rmin.ite. Also,
in i.riii eiitiiiaeneuiL" in tlio bed nt the above ti e i.
drain or water-coui se about the center of thiMiortli-
east ipiarler ol section .12, at the place where n r.i
xine comes in from the south-west: thence folloivini'
said ravine in a sinilli-wesleile direction through
section HU, unit tin1 south east of :it, town 1 north,
rane 1 1 east, terminal in;; lit the township road be
tween Illooni and l'm-tn-re tmvnsliijis. And that
said petilion will bo for hearinthe I i'th day of Sep
tember next. AH1IIS0N SMITH, Auditor.
Auditor's Office, Wood enmity, 0.
IVnyBbur', August lali, IStil i,iw4.
.Nolien is bereliv piven that n petition has hoen
filed in this otliee praym;; for the 1'stablisliiiijf and
I'lmstfiiciinj of a dili'h I'l'iiiiniiii;' on tho county
tine lietu-ei'ii IT.-nrv unit AX'noil roimlies I'll the vet
line of section 7. Milton townhui ; thence t!iivui'-li
sertien linmber t of sanl toxrnslnp, in a nortli-east-e:!y
direction: tlience in the mime course (broii'ili
see'iiinis ol, '-. -, 2H, nml alor.i; or ne.ir the line
beiween sections Hi and 17, across the south-east
corner of section number H, across the south-east
eonier of section ,'i, all in Wcaton township, mid to
terminate nt the Mauiuee river : and that gaid peti-
lion will be for hearing oi: the ISih day of Septem
ber lC'Xt. AHDIMU-N fc..XUlil, Auditor.
Auditor's Otiire, Vood county, U.
I'errysburt-, August Dili, ! L lovv l.
Notice is hereby cit'eu that .1 petition has been
filed in this cilice priiyinjr fur the establishing and
eoiisli uetin ef a ditch bojjinuiii'X on the west half
of the sotuh-west itiarter nf seeiion 5, town &
north, ranjje 12 east. Webster tow nship: thence ran
nin'v easl ta the half section line lo id: thence north
in lilt) bounds of said road about HI! reds ; thence
east unlit it strikes the channel nf Suar er l.iule
'I'ou.s.-. lint creek ; thence follow inpr down said creek
to where it is cleared out, and there terminate: and
that said petition will be for lieurinir on the loihdav
of September next. ADDISON Si M 1X11, Aud."
Auditor's OUiee, Wood county, 0.
lVrryslmrjf, August Vtli, ISnCl" 16w4.
Notice is liereby piven llint a petition lifls been
tiled in this ntfiee prnvinp for the establishing nnd
eunstructiiin" of u ditch beL'innini ttv.'i miles south
I of the nonli-east corner of .Milton township, run
! nini; norlb on the Hue between Milton and ijberty
1 t nvnships; tin nee en t'.ie line between Weston and
Plain townships, and fullmx injj the line of the
' ili'ch known as town line iluen, and eudiup as tar
north of tile intersection of Sione pond dit .'hr.s
nny be necessary: and that said petition will be for
litarine; on the llli dav of Scpteiiilii'r next.
Auditor's (Hike, Wood canity, O.
l'errystsirp, Aic-Ust 'Jib, lsy'l lowl.
N'otire is hereby piven that fi petition lias been
tiled in this office', praying for the cstablishim; and
con.-,Uue;iiip of a diich bciciiiniup at the black
Swainii creek, sixteen feet south of the north line
!"f 'iliou tliirly-sU in Liberty township;
thence parallel with the section line west to tlie
.Millonville and Hancock Free Turnpike, tlirouph
sections thii tv-live ( ".a 1 and thirtv-four '! 1) : and
that said petition xvill be for beni inif the ITtli day uf
iMMileinlier next. ADDISON SMITH, Auditor.
Auditor's Ollice, Wood county, 0.
1'eiTysbnrjr, August Uth, 1S01 liiv t.
lilll NOTICE.
Notice is heivbv piven that a petition line been
tiled ia this ollice pravimr for the cnnslrnctinp and
; establishinp of a ditch bepinninp at the soutli-ivest
to i corner ot seetinn nineteen (III) town tour nortli
I raiiire nine east; thence east on the section line road
' so ealh'd, to the center of said township ; there to
lenienate, or m case a sulueieiit nutlet is not there
f urn I: then to extend said line ol ditch nortlierlv
until such outlet is found ; nnd that said n lition
will lie tor heal il)'.r tlie lillulavol epli iii!ier next,
" ADDISON'SMl t'tl, Auditor.
Auditor's Ollice, Wood county, O.
IVrrvstmrsr, Auu-t Dib, lstii ljwl.
! I) DAD NOTICE. Noiice is In reliy piven tliat
I X iipptie.uiou has been made lo the Coiumissien
' ers of Wood county for the view mid .survey of
Ciauiiy lend, ccnuii neinp al the u tv cor of sec .'io,
, town li, r.inpe lL'east: theiice xv on sec line to the
: n xv ear of see 1 , sain - town: also to vacate that
jioriion of a di.tpnnal rai d on the e s xv J.,' see
in said tcivn. The lienors and survivors xvill
meet at Ihe house nf Win. Ford, on the .'eh d.ty
Au-iist, IStil. x ji. r OKU.
Jul v IS'il 15v3
iy o
T II E L A 1) I E S
Mrs. M, A. Carpenter xvould respeetfullv announce
to the tidies ol I'l rresburp and vieinil v that she has
removed her Mdlin -rv Store to the bouse formerly
occupied hi- I'hz.i 1'. .bines, on Front street, where
there vt ill be found n liesnlii'id iis-nrl ncnt nf inillin
t ry poods. J'r.i. C. w ill ki t p c.inst.i'aily ou tianil
rirpo vanciy ct
Eoiiueis, ' ItiVomii?
Flowers, llurhis,
Hats, Caps nnd Flats,
! In fact cvervthinp pertic
s;-,, i.4al,i, pivpaivd I" t
ainiiip fo the millinery line,
preimvu e l lit, 1 it ami make Dresses,
Capes, I'lo il.s, T. dials and t'hildr.si's Clothing.
Uf eaehinp aiel Pr ssirp iloue t lerd.er.
Ladies will I'm 1 it iniu'ti to their udvantape
pivinp me a c.i n neiore purcnasinp cis. w iiere.
April 21, lSf.l Mis. M. D. CAR PE.NTEK.
Cnal Oil
Coal Oil,
New Supply,
New Supply,
Now Supply,
New Supply;
Ouly 75 cents per pallon!
Only 75 cents per gallonl
Only 75 cents per pillonl
Only 75c?nts per gallon!
At tbe l-rug Store,
Al the- Ihug Stoiv,
At the lh-ujr Store,
At the Drug Store;
'Come all and try it,
Aud you'll e'er buy it."
00 TO Til I BTfcBE Of
vr.vr (loona I
sew ooonst
nrw ooons I
Nt:w ooons I
XKW (! 001)8 I
vhw ooons
xavr ool9l
kkw rniCKel
xkw rnicsa
mw raieaat
Tbe Urgent stock of (roods over off ered In tlda
uiaiket, embiucmg an uudless variety of nrticlos
In the selection of which no effort has boon spar
ed to render it ns ntlrnetivu as possible, in now be
injr opeued at thu
of W.J. Hitchcock, on the corner of Front nnd Lou
isiana Avenue, l'eiij sburg, Ohio.
Inspection nnd Comparison will prove that for T
riety, eleriiiict. rielmess, cheapness, beiuily and
(piantity, this stock ia unsurpassed by any uow of
fered in the West.
In this department prent advantage may bo obtain
ed by close cash buyers, from the fact that the poods
ore boup litfor cash' directly of the eastern dealern
and manufacturers, nnd all imported poods are bo't
at juit w hat it costs to import them, bunco he can
allotu lo sell pootls at
than poods nro pcnerallv sold, which is nn item or
preat interest to tlie people of Wood county. A suf
llieient in dueeinent, wc tnkii it, to multo reiTys
berj tltc tiadinj; point.
In this department, xve have the tnnrcst and mmt
complete iissorlment in Northern Ohio. .Made hi
nccorilinp to tlie latest fashions und in tlie most sub-
niutiai manner, warranted to pive the verr best
satislUetiun, or no sate.
Tliose wishin? to purchase nnvtliinn- in 11.!, l;...
xvtll find it to their advantage to pay mv Stoma visit
before purchas'iip clsewlierc. Tlie a'tleniion of tho
public is respectively invited to mv extensive stock,
feehn;; assured it xvill be tiiuo pi-oli'tiibtj spent.
J"Producc taken inc.rclinnpe for poods.
rerrrsbur, January 2d, ISO 1.
Doots, Shoes, CtOTniNa,
Crockery and Glassware,
Farming Tools,
Ladles' Dress Good,
New, Chaste, Rich and Elegant Palterou,
Just received by
Sugars, Amber Syrup; African, Rio
and Java Codecs,
Layer aud Seedless Raisins, very nice, Trunei and.
" Kerosene Oil.
Tea at 50 cents, and $1 tea for 75 cents; try U.
Prhno Live Gceso Feathers,
JtctaileJ from $1 V lb lip.
Mackerel ami Cod End, Looking GlasEes, etc.
New Spring nnd Summer styles,
Strong nnd Cheap for Cnsh; for sale by Williams.
French Printed l!aiv;ca, very cheap.
French Printed Orpandies, beautiful desipns.
Ciiiphaiil Laxvns, Printed Lawns, I'liuted Itiil
li.mtes, all entirely new styles.
Mourning Oooils, Einbruideries, llerege do Laiues,
Summer Dresi Silks,
Linen Lustres, Yaleueias, Foulard Silks, Marseilles,
Lawn Robes, Organdie Robes,
Orcimdiues, ChaUics, Counterpanes, Napkins,
Povlies, llamask Cloths,
Rufflinff, Edgings, Moreens, Flannels, Laco Yells,
Cuttnil Sheetings,
Press Ruttons and Trinuuings, a handsome assort
ment, all new.
Rennets and Ribbons, Misses' aud CUildrens Flats
and Hats,
Parasols, the uewest and richest out j Shawla cf
fvtry description,
Maulithis and Raglans; please call and examine be
for purchasing elseivlicre.
Fish! Fisu! A good supply of all kiudg oun-
stautly kept ou liana at our store.
tal'nxluee taken iu exchange for goods.
2nd ckor lsnoi fott oCbm,

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