Newspaper Page Text
jrVvTi m Ti fii r. v, r..fnor. llil MMMV, VKVV. fi, IMJ1, "Liberty and Union--Now and "Liberty and Union--Now and Forever---One and Inseparable." The Union State Ticket! FOR GOVERNOR, DAVID TODD, of Mahoning LIEUT. GOVERNOR, BENJ. STANTON, of Logan. TREASURER OF STATE, G. VOLNEY DORSEY, of Miami. JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT. JOSIAH SCOTT, of Butler. COMTROLLER OF THE TREASURY. JOSEPH H. RILEY, of Franklin. SECRETARY OF STATE, BENJ. R. COWEN, of Belmont. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, JOHN TORRENCE, of Hamilton The State Union Convention. W'i publish II H ll'ipi -OS of tho i"l'i'i:!l of thin t'tu onl in en.'i'.iur Ivtiiii. 'I'lio Mttfe Journal ii l the at ' cidunco ns the largest of the kind ever 1 ol'me conven ed nt. llii! rupilol. I'ninij'llv al I'll' ; cd hour tho delegates sv.a.iiii 1 !;.( t 1 1 building 0inilititl lor !h iiii'i iilig, lull Ihis WUH fotllld (no Slllidl, illl'l all lll;ll III n!10.ll that it wuu miHivi'i' lor h. gnat u number.--In the iiftortioon nn i ti ri mir i. ! was had In tllO Hall of the House (if 1 1 .l i-sti I :i 1 1 cti: but this too was fumd to l.c dm small : thereupon (ho Mist throng adjourned (n tin. Eastern Portion of the ( V.jiilul, ami I lii I'oii- venlion w;is ori;aiii.eil iii tie. o-ien air, will, . ..... .. . HIV ,i Hi liiuil nil"! uiniui.;.i.r.iir'i 1 III I , H II I ; . . H9 1 rcHiiionl. J he coiivi iitiiiii was (luirae terized hy the utmost harmony and jroml feelinp, and in iln lioniinaiiors it earried out the Hpil it of the iropo,sed lliiiou of the peo J'le of all political purlieu, en the K"le hauiii of the vigorous uoKecntion of the war to the RiippreKsiou of the rchellion. The e ccllent epcecli of Mr. Kwinj; on l ikin;; the Chair Hcemed to pive an elevation to the whole proecediiii' unite nun- ual on Mich oc- cin.ieii:',, and iudieutive of the nl, i n tipii it of loyalty that in riniii;; in the puhlie mind. -The ticket ia vniexccplione.hle in sill (hat is to coiistilule nhility, energy, and integrity in official pooitiuu. The (.'i nlleineii put in lioniiiiation are all of the highest nt 'indiiip in puhlie life, and of tiiihlcicit.hcil reMita tion tin eili'.enn. Their ele lion is cei l.t'u hy the larperd popukir mijority the -'liile of Ohio lias ever recorded. The resolutions lire jiint HH they nliould he, hrief, clear, and uncipiivocul. They present the w hole issue that is now tendered I.) our people, without circumstances or circumlocution. I'pon 1hat issue, and for thai ticket, (ihio will pronounce a verdict that will ncal the polit ical doom of (he nnlitiotiH t ruilois in our inidsl who would dishonor the name of our Stuto and disgrace her hitdorv. Revival of Business. Wo notice hy our exch:i'i"es that there is n grand revival of lmsiiu ;,, in all I -ranch, s How dawiiinj; in the loyal Slatis, "villi full demand for all of llu ir various products that their operative fo'ce can ciipply, l: utend of holding the colnmereiid p. .per of luisineps houses, capitalists nre new invect ing with n, freedom aMounlin almost to eagerness in the ohliations of the (hivcru Iiient, which are now made to assume a form llOth 8,1 fo and p-lolil.ll e. 'I lie ho ll'ded treasure of tie country is com eipn-ntly drawn out in i:ii sums, from S.'00 to 8t.t)t)it, mul jdiiced ir the hands of Ihc (lovci i.u.cni. The needful wants of the treasury un thus rcplenixlie ', while a Ktiniulus is immcliati ly piven to tho trade and lna'iuf.ieturci s. l'.e cause, it must he noted that the i:cu-n v docs not absorb and retain ihei-o l.'i . 'icl of inillioni; lhat the people i -,. ule; nor does the (lovcruineiit send it abro.i 1 lor the pur- ose of jirocuring any of the pivdueis foreign lauds. Put it is paid mil a! home. nnd for supplies that our people furnish. I' poes to the soldier, w ho in turn supporls a family therewith, ll goes to pin eh;., -.e fond and clothing for the support of hundreds of thousands of men in the livid ; and :- tin- , ... . proiiuoers mo larnu-r an. I manuiaeii lire the recipients of tln .c iuuneusi ; r l's- liursomciils. The w,ol, the pork. h. if, prain, horses, ve., of the I;, 'Ids, mc I.oiil 'ii mid jiaid for by ihe l!,v cM.meut in imme is lliublo quantities. The p'ol.i'ls liie loom, and the workshop, ,.,' ihe foaish nnd tho tannery, are in const in, dnaaudand lu omplly paid for by the Com rumen,, u !deli now stands as (he great customer of Cc jmople's industry. And thus the thivei u- luent beconas (he avei. niie i.iimiicii winch hoarded millions are to 1'n I their v,;iv im, circulation among (ho people. In this man ner it is, as all may see, that a io,l, war ianol, and indeed ca-imt be, asta - '.i.i lion in money matters. Magoffin's Diplomacy. The rebel (iovcrmir of Kentucky h.n; writ ten a letter to tho President i cpiei-dng him lo disband the L'nion ciiujis in l'. it Slate.; Ho thinks tho President ought to n cognize Wld respect her iudependeiu e an I iieiil id:-' 1v, tlio call of tho l'nion nu n for proii-i lion not withstanding. He leis on to ib;:;, dial nothing is wanting to ii.uuro the ) cin e and Litiiuuny of Kentucky but tho Uiakiug cif the Union camps. Oiu;t logic, iea'.i, when a portion of the Stale is nln a iy ui.-j tier the control of the rebel hordes. In ply tho lVesideiit does not seem to see ,! iiidepi-ndonce und neutuihty of Kci.-t .u und ho is suriiritcd that u (i lucky bhould object to the presence of Lcr. tuckiuns on her noil because tin y uiv ia to fight for tho I'iiioii, especially whoa loyal pooplo of Kentucky detiiro theso cuinpsj and tho houcbt hearted ami putriotie Presi dent is eurpribod that Magiill'm could have writtcu so long a letter without expiciug tUo letttit wish for the preiiervution of glorious Union. i -i mm. , t$?uTlio Tribiiuo'u spociul suys the court martial at Alexandria has sentenced thiity ivUitrs to bv bhot for various oUcuv. Spirit and Action of Secessionism. lMl. MoM of our l eader have perhaps already load the particulars of tho tcrrihl' treachery of the Sm-fsionmls of Missouri, in burning tie low timber of n bridge over tho Plalto live!', on the Hannibal .1 'At. .Tnucr h ruih oal, nnd by wlii. li n train of cai were procipi hited into llml iv or ivi 1 a great UMiiih'-r of lives lift. It fiooms I ) ho recognized (hut rebellion is llu- mini i'f :M friiiies nnd vil la'nios, and wen turn who had before inuiii ta'lied ll ! (flit reputation, n K"oii ns they become SeeeitniniiiHtH, lake to committing the Mont iilnu iniH crimen un if llu1 were the !vi ess ion Hpiiit. The nlrneiliiN of thin rc! liii'ti exceed nil the Klunihird coinpari h.uih of hiiiharh'lil. Tho crurldoH of ll KM ,le iiiHiiireelion lire u injlh ininpiii e1 wilh those nf thin white iiinnireelioii. Ami yet, there in e pcOlr nnuui;? llu w hoi-.n t hief emi eci ll i.i thiit (he pe; mim mel prnpi rty of lliiii ' i-av.ien i-hiill he .-uti'eteil hy our aiiiiic-, llml no pi'l'alli 'H hhall In- i n ( I i ; t c- 1 npnii them, ninl no leelin;.; of reHeiitinent. 1'nlei laini 'l liiwmvl tlli'lil. lull they nlmll lie 1 1- ., I I.) e i,iio t .;f U iiil" the I'liiim hy larpp eiin. eH'ii"ii,'i to ei.ver tin p:it, ami hy pivic;.: llu m evei-vllrii;: ill I'ii T iiwn way in tie' f::.ih' Sii..'h lni;.hi l ilie it hc.illliier vii'v: ol' jui lire cii,l l1i.n!iiily if ih'-y hail it I'uiher, niulher, w ife, mm, ilaiij iin f ur chih! lnaii"l"'l in ih" e:.i. .li of ihil lailrorel liiiin, i 1 i:i ;'' ! n, Pi i! '. m lieemii.e tin f-i cer.- ?!! i i : I !if! 1 !: t the llii: ..'.! i i of I'l'CMi.iili I.I ! tii'ir'ler. "Republican Dodge." , ' The ) ill i,V H"-s of (Ihio Hliinali'.r the I ni 'ii move mci.t as a " liepiihiicati dodee." 'A'eil. Ii i':i i xati.ine the iiiiiller and i-ee, In ti e !i:i !ai e, Toil, llolU'V, .lohliu'li, I loll, I 'a X.W.i mi, mid a ho 1 of other ''I'liininij; I'.l'IiIs" of the Hi iiiDi riilie pai'ly, have Ix-cn in llie ieo cum til fi niii the start. The two lii;.l named (u nlleliu n haenince heeli he . te,l ;ik the Hii.lidard hearern of llial inove melil in Ohio, If it i nn a l!i plihliean (loil;';e would the very bcr.l oIlieeH in the Slate l.e V.ili il to tlio .e wlio had l:e er lu ted or l.yin pallii.ed wiih our party? Of not. W' ft uti-rit ill liit:illti.i-M (lien fit lltlcllillt . .. , . . , ., . to )i'ejudiee the people !i;;;im:-l it hy no , , , .. , , Oidiiahlv lalae a i har ;e. However, tin l'; liiii i i ol tho people are lie;; inning (o pi I their even open to Ihin fai l , and we venture to n:iv it will he diseloHed hy u majority of uvcr'lOD.Oim, ill October. Favoritism. j i ! - I ' ; j up' ; ic- j ! ky, lv the this Thai poilioii id the press of Ohio, which is trying to force the people to abandon Ihc I niou for the sake of parly, are continually charging upon the Slate Admiiiisli ation "fa voritism in the disposition of ollices in Ihc army." Now wo are i.o apolipist for tho mis-doings of (iov. Ileiinismi, hut we believe in "giving the devil his due," The ollicial slati mcl from heiiilipiarleis shows thai there are now -11 colonels, of whom IH belonged to the Pcinoeratic and IS to (he Republican parly and thice lo the Aiii.m iciin the poli tics of 2 being unknown. Also, thai there are among them 8 graduates of West point, w hile ten saw serv ice in Mexico, 2 in Eu rope, and f in Virginia; in niillia serv ice 2 I. ave expel iencc, and only !) are from civil ranks, without military education or experience- previous to Ihe rebellion. r.i,(" We would call the addition of our citi.eiis lo the importance of looking well lo Iheir liweliini's. so us to jruard against burglars. II is evident from rccenl ilcuiou sti a: ions thai robbers, having hoi n driv i n I v police Miards fi out the cities, arc making a systematic tour through the country towns v lu re no night police is established. ll?5X.-.t Kicluuend bult-T is worth 50, and coileo !.') cents per pound. 8'.,y'"The New Orleans I'irniniii' says the heavy grow til of pravu in some of Ihe streets in that city "would pay the mower for his trouble." ' rv-A,.The Northern Light, from Aspinvvull arrived safely al New York on tho -Ith. Mio prougit it ISO passengers, and 758,(1(10 111 specie. r,'s--'l'he New York Herald says lhat the individual sulisct iptioii i to the (ioverninenl loan in thai city on Wednesday reached over C'00,(I00. rvruAll the conduetors on the Eastern li. vision of Ihe P. Ft. W. .y. C. It ail K ad h;'c been ar'c.lid on the charge ofembc.: i'.lemel.l, .' j't .'i-'o. !V- "V C-.d. Con oviin, of New YmU Sixly niuio, pin in irons for several houi.-i by tin' 1 1 Is ls al Kichni.uid the other day, for ivl'ie ieg to answer to his name at roll call. r- J -The ! a'h of JelV. been eontirme 1 ai. I denied n ollcn tlia! we begin to ihe old iel-el is mill alive. It seems hardly probable that ho call die a natural deaih. i'.vj-'The people of Kent'e'ky are already ( iking . leps to give, the Sei ession traitors proper rei eplioii. li- pali-hes stale that ' , av.di v re;'iuieiit is now I cing raised in . I.ociviille. i ..V -The prisoners from Hattcres, cow at Ite.iioe's iil.d (iov i I liol 's 1 .hiiubi. New York j harbor. arc l.i pi iii order by tlic Eire ouiiv es, a cm ps, tin-1 special dclcxliilinu of ah South- i I II I el-eki. Hi !i..'i'lie llatieras prisonet -i a: e to be e. nlii.i-i.i in board ihe old 1'rigulc ; v, it.e: v, hich into be made a pi 'son ship. ! I ho M inn-sou icturns to her nt uion on tue l.'.n hading mpiadi e I. ( It since noon round thai Ihe siir- ' render ot T oil lle.tteias was lioeaus,. ,;".v ,,:';1 exh i:;-:, 'd their a.niuii,,iii.,ii. as die t.. ,U-M ,ol,. Pn ne'elvc' : v- .b, l.;e C . -v. i... f C.baea. has been ..... ,,tv.,! Co om- of the 51th Pceiniciil. . M., an I thai he has been authorize! establish a Camp at the Pair lirciiuds, mar I rha;:a, to be called Joe Vance. I'tiVA "Secession Directory" baa be, compiled for the me ol die New York do-l-.'cti,w. In it the appearances, business and ch.ira tcr of all the Sei i-sion s in) aihi v.ei'ti uf die city are l'liuiHe'v dei-.-rd.e I. IrJ.-.A i oi 1 1 sp. indent of I'nc l.'.-.iou .leur n d, who aeeouip inie i the ll'.liel -.s cXj edi l.oti. sav a thiit one of the guns on the Min nesota was i iv coutiiilian ! . Iroiu i Eortre -s Moiiivc, e.u-i m".u.igi'd w ith great j dexterity. I j'-'fiie Lo'.i'Hvilte Journal savs that I cat. non with which our gunboats were j rceei.ily lited nl from Hickman. viciC doubi 1 the six whnh log.-ther wilh a thousand I iin.fkeis, v.iie leecuily sl.-ien lroin die j ar.-ciad at MayHel I. Jti"'fhe young men mound luchmosi.l. In I., a. e lorming a i-av iilry nuiij any, nnd the farmers die cabi lit.' are plcsi ulu.g tin vvit'u hoii-ii's. Ea h la liner having a span horse is eouti ibulo.;-.' him p da- good cause. Th. looks ;n if the Itev spilit v as still Xi:"Suico the A Iministiiation was able to its naval ami in taking Polls 1 Sal terns ami Clark, no l eini'orci-nii i.ts cin ol tamed by tin: rebels on the Potomac. The North Cutiibnii troops hav e been withdrawn from the Virginia lines, ami the new levies floiu the Cotton Sta'ea Imvo l on fctojivd look out iier tlieir vwo hou-u. The Great Rebellion. Progress the Work of Suppression. a a O. lo it m be lo Tho intollipoiiro from North Cnioliuft in highly ptntifyiii(jf. Tho loyal povorniTieiit will then noon l0 reirif;tatel; nml the plori oim ohl NnitJi ttato will tiinlmilitcdiy, npnin RiiRwrr to roll full in I'litinr'-KM nt iln very ni'Nl iiirotiii;;. Tluxe who hni heeti nr.reil. ili.i'.viiiiied, nn.'l iniire8se l into tho C'liiifei! eiiile nrmy from (hut t-'lule aro leaving in rent liniiiherii, mul voliinlaiily t;h inn H''1 iiilfll of nlle 'ialiec to ihn (lovenilin nt. Tv. o foil liri'iulen of loyalintH have hern Piirolle.l in thai Fla!e. 'I he nteatiicr Pawnee still hen in Italteii'H Inlet nml the ,"iiH.iiehaiiiiu on the oiitr.idr 'I'l.., 1.. i o... . ,i, ., 1 1.. r icoki; Iiilel mid found the foi tiliealioiiH Iheio coinph l ly dew rted. '1'he lehels had carried away their puns, nml h while llap wan exhibited. The at'ick upon the llat teriiH forts m-ems, aeeordin;; to Hen. Hiiller'n report, to luivo been a very ticklish affair. Owiii;; to the heavy unrf upon thu shoal I'oast, the. boats were swamped in landing the troops, mid a l isinp Hlorm compelled tho licet to make odiii nt nipht, leavin;; .'!15 of our Koldii i h on nhore w'n hin reach of (115 of the enemy, ami as llie rebel I'.anon uaiil a ilioiisatid more within call. l'.csidi.H thin, two of the vesselu po! unhore within Taupe of the pi'iiieiiul fort, before (he KUrrender. It would i ceiu, that with nil the causalities to help tlcm, the lcbeln otipht to have a mm e cfi'i cl ive Pplit. There m o no many eonllictin reporls a hoiil (he inovcmciiis of lroois in the vieii ily of Washington, w e scarcely know which to believe. The rebels opposite Washinp ton i Miniate (heir force at 1 2.",')f,0 idroup. They thienteii an attack this week. Thev 'hey thienteii an attack this week. Thev av ihev hav . pni, v of provisions and wins- .. , , ,v. I iiin,ly1.orshaveIhovvevcr,beeue,, iii 1 v dra: lied ol sail, sugar and collce. No s I luoiiey can purchase these nc ccHsuricH. Men I'l eipteiilly come down lo Ihe river and in pileoiis term:i beg their Maryland neighbors for a pittance of these urliclis. ('utile are sull'i'i ing for salt. A scanty supply is noise limes obtained from fish brine, and this is very rare. was per-J Ahoir'.ble piece of vanlaliou pi Iraleii m .Missouri on the ,,i msi. Some rebel villains burned tho I inborn of Ihe rail roud bridge on Ihe Hannibal road, ' miles cast of St. Joseph, so as lo let Ihe bridge re main apparently safe, but which, when the train came upon it, sunk into the Platte riv er below, wilh all its freight o human life, numbering between HO and 100 souls. The liiiin reached Ihe bridge about 11 o'clock at night, nnd no sooner had Ihe locomotive measured upon il than some -10 yards Ihe i.-lrueliii e gave way, privipilaling the eiilire (rain inlo the water In low, which was about 2 feet deep. All Ihe seals in ihe pa-iseiiger coaches were lorn loose and shoved lo ihe froiil, carrying ncn, women and children in a promiscuous heap down the declavily and burying them among ihe cm- hod limbers, or throwing them out Hie earn Ihiongii the broken sides, i'i pieces of llooring impaled some, and others were mangled by machinery boring through the timbers; several were caught between pluiikii pressing together like a vice, others were struck by parts of die roof as it came down with.niighty lorce. Still others were cut wilh pieces of glass, while wounds and blood and agony prevailed all over Ihe frightful scene, and shrieks of pain were mingled w ilh erics of terror. The fall was about '!.") feet. Only three of the w hole number came out unharmed, and nearly hall of ihein w ere instantly killed. One of the uninjured party went to St. Joseph and got an engine, phvsicians and other necessaries for the wounded. The scoundrels who did this great wrong, belong to lhat band u ly in the north are. crying peace for. it any wonder Fremont found il necessary to proclaim martial law? On die morning of the (i'.h insi., (Ion. llrant, wilh two regiinciils of infantry, one of light artillery and two gun boats took ossession of I'adiicah, Kentucky. found secession llags living in dilVcrent parts of the city, in expectation of greeting the ar rival iST the rebel army which was reported Ik'.l'O siroug, 1 (i miles disturb Loyal eili .cns Ime down the llags on the arrival our troops, (ion. (Irani look possession the telegraph oliice, radroad depot, and ma rine hospital, am! found large quantities complete rations and leather for the soiilh ornariny. Lean no longer now bo denied lhat Kentucky soil has been invaded by rebels. Hickman and Columbus, tho two most impoit.u.t Kentucky towns on Ihe Mis sissippi are occupied by them, and (heir possession of Padlleah would have given loom Ihe control ol the v. csiern part ol Stale, including Ihe power to stop the navi gation of the Mississippi, Ohio and Tennes see rivers, and possession of several lines of railroad. Some 50 lebel efliccis were I'adiicah, but succeeded in making (heir on the (list approach of the llei I. lvjV'The London Engineer, in speaking ll'; Armstrong'.s 200-pounder the most power- iul ordnance in the world, but (he shot big gun at Foil reus Monroe is more lui.'i ns large, and the gun is. .vqucutlv I' twice as powerful. TLelwogui.s. ih.. l'oi...ii i ill,.. I m,i:I ih.. 1 ,.i,,o.,,l. bore, me the most liowerfel noiccs of o, that have ev er vet been made. Uf!).. Massachusetts soldier, who throu.;ii the City of New York a few weeks s'lice, was asked how many regiments Mas-1 saehusettM would scud? His reply "She w ill sen. I a a week for lie nil is, and it that does not do diem vi ill come hi rseli." CO" The svvoi d of Commodore barron 1 ecu presented to the President. The Commodore w, is capiurcd in full iigimen-i lals, and wearing the cagLs ;md stars of the : ;ov ernineiit he so basely ilesei-' t-'d. The lia ; f h:ii of the expedition Mii'insou was formerly under dm com-! maud o! t lis same Commodore P. u ion. vtfx c ....,,:.. -t .. i i ?'' k , , ; v " ' ' m .. i . i .i t . ,!l . t' nit )iii i . . -b ( , r-i : i ! i-,. C iionel lb- writes .!,.,' he has ha I already oilered him more tuan two thou md in ul dial he car. bring a brigade without r. troulno Ui.:' Col. Andicvv s of the Oliio who was liirriid home to (lanih er VVi stei u irg'.uia on a bed of sickness, C 'lisid-rod I i be ill a ciitiea'. eoii ll s d. lease ialypluii.l lever, from die elici of w hiih he has lien vleliiious for days j ust, fsiwTho New York Journal of Commerce leai us from uudouhted uuthoi ity that rebel I'lliccra cainured ut lLilt'eiiia that they received iiiluunahou from pot Monroe of tho intended expedition, so they were not taken by surprise, an was supposed. The State Union Convention. [Special Dispatch to the Cincinnati Gazette.] COLUMBUS. Sept. 5. I 1 ! - t of of j a Is lie of of of Ihc the al es cape of nrcr by iicclaui.U'.on. Seott was noui iia ! for Supreme Judge on ihe second; nfi Josh. Kiley for Couipiroller on the second bli the than ! hit; Ik K. Cow en for Secretary ot'Slate mi ' scot: 1 ballot; and John Lawn-nee lor Minion- ; l'.o ud id Public Works on the second ballot, i The tick M stands, three Democrats, three ,1- The Union ('onvrnMon fnnt nt 11 o'eloek. Thou. U. Mitchell of Hamilton county clnmeii toiniornry (iliairmuu, und Mr. (irnoni of Fmuklili. decretal y. Thn IVeiideiit. on tak'ntf this ehnlr.relurii c 1 thinks lor the conij'limeii!, which wan no oi'lliiiity one. Thin wiih no ordiiury political (-'onvetitiuii. Due duty wnq, it in I n i. to select e neli'l.iten, hut that han Iven (km formed for half n, cen tury helme; that in hut part of our duty. We meet under cireiimstaiicru wliieh never culled li.s lonelie r helnie. The whole fahrii! of the Coverimielit m hliakcn to its ei nier. The Ihe iR de seei'ate d, u'el in our inid-t are nnny who, 1y e.ipitul.i- Imli, me H.fipose I io misiiiin naiioni in me h'iiiiiiclio!i of our Constitutional Likely. He ine I brevity an 1 iinaiiiiicly. llowant e I the annunciation by the Convention of a sinple proposition, namely, that we have a (Joverimieiit, ami that it is threatened, and we mean to rellcct back to the people that our country shall be preserved, and that every one who is not lor the (Jovernmetit !h ujiuiuot it. Whoever hesitates at this time, is an enemy of the IJovermueiit. Ho was for no subiiiission to, or compromise, witli tia'toiH. The speech wa.'i received wilh t'.emen.lo'iS cheers. The committer's were then appoint ed on credentials, permanent nrpiiuiatioii, and resolutions, sunt llie Convention a ljourn ed till two o'clock. .fii:i:xoon stssion-. Tho Convention re-assembled at tho theater, but adjourned to llie Capitol sieps. The Committee on Permanent Organiza tion reported Thos. Kwinp for President and one Vice President from cch Congres sional Iiislrict, and three Secroluries. Mr. liwnip, on lakuur tho t hair, sanl no deeily uppicciated the honor conlerred on The Coiiveiit'mn was ime ol great nn- being the i -rn'mdimeut. ol a inovc-; mei.l iho m ist momcnloe.s. The nation is . . ,i . i-ii: ...ti . .. 1 t - ! " W'nnunu llie most iiuucim ami ii.Miig j iU h?y- W ''" iW h' VT'' lives ol tho people, to ctrc.-M tneir will, .1( 1,. ;i ., lltla .-ive v.uco " I Cien- behi.' ,l.i. ll is their purpose lo support lovernmeiit. and nut down rebellion. To do this forces, physical nnd moral, must be employed. Men have different views an to the oroiier means to be employed to effect this. llillVrcnl persons have different opinions. This is to be expected : but Ihe only niethol by which Ihe power of lie; nation 'must be exercised is through die; arm of the lawfully con.. dinted uuthorily of llie country. Some may ba di.isalisl'.e 1 wiih me tiovermin ui, mil wccaiuuu nno oil Ihe (iovermuenl. I hose wuo Oo no,; support Ihe Ex-'cutive do not support the Covernment. Tho lime may h ive been when it was otherwise, but it was not now. When our capital in i 'ureal cue 1 by die hostile force of armed rebels is not (lie liiue refuse our support to the National Executive. Force must now be met with force, lie lei nbere I a lime when South Carolina, in her Nullification Act, threatened rebellion. He had always opposed lien. Jackson, but at thai t.ine heal: I twenty oilier good Whigs went to him and gave in theirndhosion. Tlio ship of State is among breakers. Th master of the vessel cannot save her alone, lie did not propose lo enquire what Lincoln ha I done or what liuohauan had done. He proposed to let that, all pass, Our duly now was to save the country, ami lhat can only be done hy sustaining the Executive, il ' vvviiiod ail past 1' clings and preiudiee laid aside, lie had belonged to i no nsi-lv s:isee 8.) . hut lie now neniii'.'eu lo the parly of the people. Let Hem oerats and hcpulilicaiis balance tlieir iteeounin and being anew, lie alluded lo the cause of the rebellion, and said neither party was directly to blame. The base of ihe ihllicull lay deeper. Ever since I S:u ill Carolina hil l been oducai ing her sons in the heresy of rebellion. That State will never come back of her own aceor 1, bill she must b back by the strong arm of the I ,'oviTiinc-nt. He then referred to Die pro ceedings of ihe Demoi'ia i- Conventiiu at lesion as ono step iowa,.i l cue. i. on. towar.l relic. 1. on: no Stab.' except Iroii'h ( aroluia ha. ired bv the voice of ihe people in favor ol Secession. Ho had heard m my objeeiions to die present Administration. Ilia only objec tion was, it forbore too long, and did not put forth its whole strength soon enough. On the question id' the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus hy tho President, he could not say whether in all cases it was strictly according- to the die loiter of the law; bill Constilul ton- lo his was no time ... ! ...... i :.ii u-i.e, !, 11 r ' i.-e-I : v ', -f 1 1 ., 1" I,,.'.... , -m n,.o 1, Ihou 'lit the writ had not 1 e n suspeu.h in halt the eases thai it ought to have been. This w as the oulv ohjeiitioli. He Concluded He Concluded bv savin" llml those who fail to support the Executive fail to support (he Constitution! ' . . 11 and laws The Committee on llesolutions made Ihc following unanimous report: fi . '1 'IM.... .1... .)...!.. il.ln r.'.vil will- emu 1 , 11, i iiiti on-' i'ii- 1.1. ............... .......... 1... 1 i-. 1 ..(...,.. ,i,... ... ii. t);.,,i,mSsiK iii the Southern States, now in revolt against Ihe ,. 1 1 !..,- .,..,.,,, .,,,.1 in .iriiw ihe C.o.Uul- that in this national cniergeuev we. hanUh- in"1 all te-lin-'of mere passion er resenlnu nt, will . . . . . . -.1 1 . .1. i-.'collei l o ilv enr ilutv 10 ine naeie i-.nniii 1 ; i.i.ii his war is not w.i Lr 'd ui'iiu our part in anv spirit oppression nor for anv piuivse el eonipie-t or sub ,iiga:ion, n r tor tne purpose. 01 oven. ironing 'iulerferieg with the rights orestablislie I instiluiions ol ihe Stales: but to defend and III lint.iin thet-upro- m icv of the Ci'ii litution, iiiid to preserve ihe I'pion. with all Oie dignily.cpialily and right i f th" several States unimpaired', and that as soon its those objects are accomplished the war ought to cease. AVWivif, In the language of lion. Joe Unit, we are for this I 'uion wimout I'liulilions one and divisible, now and forever for its pre.-ervaliou anv er every coM of blood and treasure against its 'assailants, and against any ami every coinpro- uiise lhat liny ! ivipo.sed t bo made under guns of the li bels. Adopled With (reiiiendouu cheers. The Convention thc.i iiro.'ee 1c I to nomi nate candidates. David Told was nominated for ("ioveriior by aelainadon. Ibm. li. F. S. anion was tho second ballot noinui.ile I lor l.'cul. n iv cruor. Dr. Dorscy was noiiiii,ated for Treas- llei'ilblica'is and one Vmcrtean, and gives Adjouvned. uiiivi is d uislai'l '.. TO UNION MEN. Was;. i she '. j has I ' tin-j the . . men, The OHIO STATE Jtll P.N AL, as the Custkvl Ola; vx of the Great t'uieii M .vciil. ut in Gain, hav ing eiiteivd upon Ihe campaign tti'.li llie determined purpose of applying its ut most energies to maintenance of ihe I'niun plall'oiin, is ellered the patronage of l'nion men with conlidouce iiuhe.r lilu-i-alitv. We oiler the Daily Jeurn .1 for two moiehs, cov ering the p -riod of tho campaign, at the folloiviug redu. ed rales : 1 Copy fur ft 01) 2 Copies w a 2 ru , .. 4 oo 15 7 ail Clubs- m ide up on the lin -s of r.iihv.l la w ill ciiv' i.uii I . " I ior cxp.vss. ' .i mu urn mil t lUViMllll til V till! OPiI.'F. 1 j !t ,. w it!l ,,, ,M.hunire, i iu.n ,'; Sl,,i s H Cl,,,v ,;i,ked. HURTT, ALLEN & Co. The Union Sate Central Committee.. loiltee. is lilien. ts some the udiuit tress that geu ckully , ,, . Ihe following is die I illon S-a'o lentuil CoininiCee: J. Ik Warren. II unilton; Peter ' .it. li, 11 million; l.-re.d Wi'l'.iatll-, bailor; K. Cumtili 'ham, Allen; O. Watei ons, 1 ulloli; I- U, in I I!,.,,,.,. IV ll l-soihi d tJreen: F. Stiu tm in, Helaw are; John Iku tmn, M S. M. Penn, Koss; l V. Hempel, H J. ll.Sm'ih, Kraiiidii.; Isaac t!oss, l!ich land; C. C. Wick, Ashland; L. Seurgeut, Tuscarvvas: lleorge Henediet. Washington; J. C. Houglas, tlueriisey; A. Hart, Portage: P. llitcheook, (bauga; (Icorgo 1 Hrovva, 'Srwhull; S. 1!. Shotwell, lladiz. [From the Louisville Journal, August 31.] The Plan of the Disunion Party of Kentucky—How they Propose to Precipiate. cipi.ite. Wo Imvo not a doubt that tho plan of the disunion parly of tho Stale is, as staled by our Frnnkfonl correspondent yesterday, to pn'her n largo force at. Frank ford as necrctly as possible, take th .Stale Arsenal with all camion, arms and nmminitinri, tear up the railroad, cut the ti-legraph wires, and force the bepisinture to odey their will. This is tie sort of work that was done at at Michmond in Virginia. Tho State Con vention assembled there to deliberate and decide in regard t ) the passage of an or dinance of secession. The Recession lenders feared that matters would not pr) to suit them. Suddenly the r.apilol, in which tho C'mvci.lion wes in s"sioii, was i"inouided by a in. ih of ten thousand men. hea led by d: fi;ieriite I'-iiiteis. The limb boisterously demanded the passage of a secession ordin ance. At first no response came from with in the capiiol, but the many headed monster bee ime every minute more and more furious, and would have proceeded to actual violence if (iov. Wise end other leaders of tho Con vention had not made tlioir appearance on the portico mul given their solemn pledge that the Convention would pass a accession ordinance within forty-eight hours. The mob npjourncd, hut with an understood lc terurnalion of re-.i.'s.-mhling at the end of tho for!y-( i,;ht hours if the pledge should not bo kept. The pledge was kept. We may h-ivo a ch iuee to see whether the programme ho summarily executed at Hiciimoiid, e in b" executed in like manner at l'lunkford. 7"ihis will eert.dnlii look eari yi'd I in re The Defense of the City—Fortification and Entrenchments. ,.lst,( ,liggin!r extensive trenches and btlild him, j j,, Kl.c.x wrus un,l fui tilieatioiis at liunier iutance, outt ,.,M.n p,,in(s, commanding the weslern, southwestern ;ind southern entrances to tho l ! 1 I j I . ' j t Some hundreds of laborers Imvo been busilv at work for ten days or two weeks ,.,,v , A'"''" ' , -"vest of ,',;Vvetlc Piirk Mr. .lohn Horn has been workiu-ahoui. o:,e hundred and fifty men (I,,. ,' .ii" iist. They have nearly complete I a trench of nn irregular circiimfereii'-e of eight hundred feet, by nine feet de- p and seven lo nine feet wide. A long Ihe west side of this exl-. nsive trench has been thrown up a uoii I brostwork of earth six tV-et in height. l-'iv. (M-poiniders and soinu smaller guns are lo be plautc 1 on this earthwork. About forty workmen were eiuag ' 1 h re yesl-'riiay lo hustm the compiet 'o:i "!' these works. A number of guard, were statoned around the place, but visitors were freely passed inside. EulrenchmeiilH similar lo these, have justi neon commence. i near ine i. annum i iiui en,, corner ol Clark avenue and I woiily-lourlh street; others are being rapidly completed in Ihe immediate neighborhood of the Marino Hospital, encroaching a little on the grounds of Mr. Woernor's residence. Three quarters of ;i mile south of Lafayette Park, on the fi'ravoir, road, extensive brestworks have been thrown up and mounted wil.U heavy c union. The objeel of these defensive preparations are probably to render the city safe under a much smaller body of troops than would otherwise be necessary for its defence. MII;S J PuThe rebel cause is rapidly sinking in Missouri. Fremont's sumy bus become terror to die Secessionists. NEW ADVERTIS'MENTS. e,i -brought . : ,, I ,1 ! .1 , 1 1 1 j .. of - n i j i ! I I j in ; nt ' all i the on i the to iv- lU ll ir ion; ;ok itig; w'UERIKF'S SA I.E. O (Jeorgo H Smith va Wm H Trncsdalc ct al. T! v virtue of an order of sale issuod in the above c.iitsc hy thu clmk of thu court ef common pleas iViioit coiiiny, Ohio, and to mo directed and deliver ed. I will nlt'-r fur sale nt public vendue at the door of the court house in lYrrysbiirg, Wood county, Ohio, on Saturday. October Iflth, ISIil, between the hours of ll) o'clock a. in. and 2 p. in. el it.iv, tne lollowuig I in Is teiiem -nts, to-ivit (.limi,.,.m.l,,r n , ani ,i..v t;.;.t sout, f the n-w comer ot the s-e 1 of section tuunher HI, township imiu'vr a. north of imhto number 11 east in Wood county, IMuo; thence running east I t rods ; thence south six nils and three feel: thence west 13 rods: thence leaih six rods and tluvee feet to the place beginning.'d at I .iitl.t.":?. j O. K. UUVER, Sheriff. ; Diiein: &, utt'vs. ! Sept. Mill, - 1'1,'vj.-?:! flil. 1AI.K ()!' UK At, KSTATIC.-lSv virtue of order of the prehnl.1 curt of Crawford county Ohio, 1 will offer fur s lie on the I2rh dav of October, I Stil, be tween 10 oYlrck a. 111. and 1 p. in., the lid- ;. I lowing d 'scribed binds siln.ile in nod county, to-wii:' .,' of the nei; of see. 27, lp. :!, 'n (,r nUi )f tl :lj ,., , ruii ,., a:lvs s:,joto ,,laee on the premises. Terms. ' . cash. ' in north s t!,. It. Mill'tli ill r.llitr.. 11 li.l s il.. In 1 nbiee un (he premises. Terms. ', cash. ' in one. and '- in two yvars, .villi interest from dav of sale. .1. S. lilSIXtiElt, adui'r of I). Avers, dee'd, and guardi 111 ol .M.u v Avers. Sept. litli, I.Siil-llhvl ROAD NOTICE. Notice is hereby given (hat (lie Coninussi'iu .:rs of Wood countv have . . : granteil an order lor a view and survey ot a nro I'jjsed conn v ivad coinni-ncing on the line between 1 " ood aa-.l 1 1. mcoek counties ill the post between sec- 1 o'""s .'l.ian-1 ::i. llloeia two. in s lid Co.; thence north '" -m Nation line six mil 's and there to tcrininate; :1 11:1 1 MM I I In' l 1 V 11-..,. 11 11 I iii'V..!-! .1' n il I 11 int., .1 1 . , ,. , 1 house it Jonathan Myers en the 1 1th day nt October : next. ,0.,J-, '.'-'-'-'-, l'lincipal pet r. Sen:. ;, is.'.i- -la.vtsi oo. n U'Cll LETTINti. Notice is heivbv eiven that on the 1 lth dav October next, at the house of John 11 Kcrd, in Perry township, I will let to the lowest bidder in separate sections, the m iking of ditch No. -Cl, commencing near t!u center of sect ion 1 in said township, at itiiai :I0 of the original survey of the Ford ditch, ;) c.ille l: thence lioi-thrasH-rh through said section to the east line thereof, terminating about Si, suiuli of the northeast curnei- of llie same. drain is divided into 17 sections of 2il rods eieh.ex ceptiug ill- last which is 111 rods long. Width butieiu S f i t, bank slopes 1 2 has.' to one rise. excavated cutli l.i be ivmoved at least il feet toe bank slop -s. The work to he completed to accept on e uf the county ccniiiiio;.ioiiei's, at a to lv agreed upen at the day of sale. Sale to colli- inenee al ten o'clock, a. m. AIHUSOX, SMITH, Auditor S-'pt. 7. ISiU - ltlivii. Pcrrysluu-g, A TTACII.MK.NT XOTICK. 11 li Jet- in is K.Imiii Kdwards. A writ of aitaelmient was tliis day issued by V. St. John, Justice of tho t'eac-e of 1'lain V. nod c.nmiv, Oiiio, against Ihe goods and chattels ef said K.lsuii I'hl'.vards fur the sum of ,'i.riv-iiino dollars and Si-vent v-tivo cents an I twenlv dollars, pioh.d.le costs. ' 11. K. JKUOMt:, pl'llf. Sept. i. I.vit--r.i3 vJ IX CENTS REWARD. ttun awav from . k g residence of tiideon 11, unman, in liluoiu Wool county, Ohio, on the 2:ith of August, I Mi bey boy by tlu name of George. M.lchcrinon, ; tiueen years. When he left he was in his si vies. The returner will be rewarded bv ine, i cents. GIDEON HAMMAS. Sept. 2d, lthvH F O R T M Ell G S N V R S E R Y As the a'ason is npproaehin" for the transplant tug of lives, Ac, w e beg to call Ihe attention of interested to i nr l uge and well selected stock Trees and Shrubbery, Consisting- in part i.f Apple, l'eaf, IVarh, Cherry, Apricuts. Quince, Raspberries, ltlackberivs, Git sls i lies, Currants, l'i. '-Plant. Grapes, Ac. ll'-, . .. . .-. . I a j.. lie u. lie ii i in i asset un. 'HI ll j-ruil, I'l'naiucuiill given Trees, which we will sell ut prices. rOMEKOV roMEiiov i; niurs. (MUv , (, IVlTvsbu!V Hank lluil.ling, IVn-vs . . . ... 1 . . nil!', tUiio, I. ive us a call. ISnitt MH liT OK COMMON "pi.EAs" WOOD V.; on to. I.ama 11. Smith et al vs. Chas. W. Warren ct Cause uf Ejectin -ut. Notice is her. bv given l.eo. Walter Carev, j ,u,ir 1(, ,uv , Walter Cany, dee'd, residence in ; c.t ite of Micliigiiii unknown, that at the. May ,- .diourt. A. D. (Mil, at the suggestion' of ! deathofs iid Walter Ciirev.eneih-fend't in said T.tiien therein pen ling, it was ordeis-il that the li-g-.d , repieseiuauies oi s.ini ihiut iirey, uec u, ' u,,,u I'." ... ... ..-. .... ...ei. ... ine tu iv and pendency of said cause ; that unltss Geo. Walter Carey come and answer in said ef ejectment pcnilin;r as aforesaid iifr.iinst him Ihe 2'J.h of Oeuibor, I Silt, accrording- to law ut term of said court, Iritil. pl.iintills shall have piisu-isliiigg tin n in as the law reiuires, to jii.lguienl against him in said cause. Liisi H. Smitu et si. Gko. St.iin. attv. July 2I, I. GOODS & GROCERIES. j i i a of of nn ()., 'C. tin 1 ,li.t of j at , rods ! i of I The j from j the ; time 1 ! I 1 I S. ' twp., i ; i ' i the tap., a aged shirt six those of Plum, war CO.", al minor the term the cause Ix- ua said cause by Oct. such take r 7 TUB WORLD READ. FOR THE BEST & CHEAPEST Q00DS 00 TO THE PTCRfi Of w. j. iiiTCiicooK. new noons I NEW (iOOI'Sl KKW UOOI'g I KKv noons! nkw (i eons t n i; w uoona mew noons! kkw tricks! KKW rillCKR NKW rRlCKS KKW PRICKS t EW PRICKS I NSW prices! mew ruicts! The bufcest stocka of pomla ever off crcil In this m.'i ket, I'liilir.icing nn endless variety or articles STAPLE, FAXCV AND FASIIIOXAULE, In tlic 81'h'ctien of which no eflort hs been gpar- eil tn rciiiler it as uurncuvo as possible, is now be ing np.-in'il ut tlio CHEAP DRY GOODS STORE of W , J, Hitchcock, mi the corner of Front and Lou isiana Avenue, l'errysburg, Ohio. QUALITY is the BEST TEST of CHEAPNESS. Inspection nnd Comparison will provo that for va rii'tv, I'h-piinci', richness, chciirini'ss, beauty and qimntity, this stock is unsurpassed by any now of fered in the West. LAWKS' FASIII0XAHLK DRESS C00DS! In this department great advantage may be obtain ed hv close cash buyers, from the fact thut the goods are botiglitfor cash directly of the eastern dealers an I nianiil'nctm erM, and all imported goods are bo 't at just what it costs to import them, hence lie can ulliird to sell goods at MUCH LOWER PRICES than goods nre generally sold, which is an item of ilicient in duevtnent, we take it, to inuko Pcrrys- irri.ii, ili.rMul hi flu. lir.filili. ,ui(l nmnlr A u..f- uuig inc iraaing poim HEAVY MADE CLOTMXQ t In this department, we have the liuvrcst nnd most complete assortment in Northern Ohio. JIade un according to the latest fashions and in the most sub stantial manner, warranted to give the very best sniisiiiciioii, or no sai?. HARDWARE. GROCERIES, &C. Those wishing to purchase anything in this line will And it to their advantage to pay my Store a visit before purcliiifciug elsewhere. The nttenlion of the public is respei tivelv invited to mv extensive stock, ici'11113 iissureu 11 Mill ue nine pimiiiiuo s)eni. Jiff "Produce taken in exchange for gonds. W. J. HITCHCOCK. Pei rysburg, .Tanuary 2d, 1S61. n u a n i) o p u nino ori STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, hats, caps, Coots, Shoes, Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, WOODEN WARE, HARDWARE, Farming Tools, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC. Lnaics.' Dress Goods, New, Chaste, Rich and Elegant Patterns, Just received by A. G. WILLIAMS & BHO. Sugars, Amber Syrup; African, Rio and Java Codecs, Layer and Seedless Raisins, very nice, Prunes and Currants. GLASS, DYE-STUFFS, SPICES, Kerosene Oil. Tea at 50 cents, and $1 tea for 75 cents; try it. Prime Live Geese Feather Retailed from $1 V Hi up. Mackerel and Cod Fish, Looking Glasses, etc. CLOTHING. HATS AND CAPS, New Spring and Summer styles, trong and Cheap for Cash) for sale by Williams. GOODS AT SECESSION TRICES FOR THE LADIES. French Printed llarcgcs, very cheap. French l'rintcd Organdies, beautiful designs. Gingham Lawns, Printed Lawns, Fruited liril liantea, all entirely now styles. Mourning Goods, Embroideries, Bcrego do Laines, Summer Dress Silks, Liuou Lustres, Valencias, Foulard Silks, Marseilles, Lawn RoWs, Orgaudie Robes, Grenadines, Challies, Counterpanes, Napkins, Doylies, Damask Cloths, Ruftliug, Edgings, Moreens, Flannels, Lace Cotton Sheetings, Dress Cuttons and Trimmings, a handsome assort ment, all new. Houiu ts and Ribbons, Misses' and Childrens and Hats, Parasols, the newest and richest out ) Shawls every description, Mantillas and Raglans; please call and examine for purchasing elsewhere. Fish I Fisul A pod supply of all kinds kept on hand at our store. tiTTroiluce taken in exchange for goods. A. O. WILLIAMS &. BRO. Sod door tsoiD the pout office. HIGHLY IMPORTANT. s, Flats of be oon stantly G RAND ABRITAt o r SPR.NU AND SUMMER GOODS t A T "HEAD QUARTERS! TERRYSBURG, OHIO. My stock Is new and well selected and embrace the best, latest and cheapest styles of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS ALL GOING, GOING CHEAP FOR CASH! CLOTIIS, CASSIMERKS, VESTINOS, HATS AND CAPS All of the latest and very best fabric. BOOTS AND SHOES, and CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, on abort notice and WARR-ANTED TO FIT. i , A GOOD ASSORTMENT GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, always on baud. I am receiving this spring the Urgent stock ( GROCERIES. trcr brought to this sity, which I intend t SELL VERY LOW FOR CASH.. FLOUR: keep on band PEARL MILLS XX FIOCRJ which always gives the very best satisfaction. COFFEES 15 in toss and Java, Bio. TEA: Imperial, Black and Young Hyson. SUGARS: Crushed, Codes Sugar, Common to Prime. TOBACCOSi All kinds from Twist to the finest Cavendish. In tliort, every thing usually kept in a wholesal and retail dry goods and grocery store. The Highest Market Price IN CASH OR TRADE, Paid for produce of all kinds. NOTICE. Persona bringing in Corn will take notaM tt it must be first thoroughly cleaned. The "Emma Houston" is now receiving gra regularly at the Perry sborg Pock. WM, HOUSTON.