OCR Interpretation

The Weekly Perrysburg journal. [volume] (Perrysburg, O. [Ohio]) 1861-1???, September 19, 1861, Image 4

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026193/1861-09-19/ed-1/seq-4/

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Perrysburg Journal.
Nora I fTjJr,
Xnr witty,
TTilty sn.l pretty n' profit fun hrl
She' the' complo tcit
Of girls, tlio iicitest.
Tin- bri. litest nn.l tuvoelfatt
Cut n'uc'd not for mel
Nora, hp mill "mi!
Unrv, why w ill ynu
flu tvittv nil pret'y as prct.r ran to,
c i rur an I an slender,
So bnulgby and tend -r,
So mvort in ymr p! n ler
AdJ yet not for me7
"I Don't Complain."
"Im it pooT,rnis('rnol' oioatdro,"
Mrs. Fiiife-itUcr, to n t-yiuj nthi-tiu;' ti''"' h
ior, "und ulvny expect (n he. N'otlrnc
pOCB vijlit with W. I never mioi-'Vileil in
onythinjr I iiiidortook. mi') never plia'l But I
don't complain!
"Fits! l l int, I tlon't nupi rK5 Uiov-'u
any woiiuti that over innl'i wont what I have,
in'tho way of niol;ncn!. I i! iti't. fuij pose
thetc'fl nny disease you over hoar 1 of, hut
what I'vo'lta I or c-xtnoto 1 to have, lnv'ori I
1. Lust year I hat the erysip!an nnl the
lirown croi nii H, nu.1 I cxpfct lVo-ii my ferl
in'p that I'l l in a ionMiiii'iio:i now. Bai I
don't complain.
"I licliovi? thoro nev".r w,n a f.imilv nvrr
nard to "et ulonp ilb thin mine. Hion'V
nlwuy. fomot!iit,;T t.r pay. Tho I'-iy.-i u,c' tn
fi-xlitiiitr itt 1 ; i o strc-tUaiiil I ear their rioting,
ami I iiave'cu to in 'ml. Tito -,'itln 1 n"t
help me a U'.t. Tin-re'-', i-'.irih .t.i'ie r.'i? is
always froltin; ami I'lii-iit'la-ii, nlvmt roni"
tiling or n tin t . I doa'l Know w h') '.ho t.il-..s
after, I'm sure. Vhaloer my trnulik- .tre,
I never complain.
"I'm always elea-in h mi. . anil it hurts
inn ilri a.ll'iiily , and tho moi t 1 elouti it the ilo
tier it lodUn. Hut I il-oi't coiiiplaiti!
"V. eiyho.ly takes a l anla:.ro of mv Whip
n lone wi low, met I ean't heip pi-u'df. -They
don't pity me, not t'10 least. Ma' I
don't complain
"lintel to l". liev in lumm frieieL-lop,
hut 1 don't now. I liii iw 1 haven't ot u
friend in the vco:U. If 1 ha I. I tdmuM l,o
6i;rn to loo liiiH. My oluhliT'i d"n't cai'o
anything ahont me. they nant is toe.' t
us nuii.h out of :;ie as they can. But 1 doa'l
"They nay that cveryho ly wan born for
fiomo jiinpose. It'a my conviction that I
wno burn to be a martyr. Bui I don't com
plain! "I never expect lo ta':e any comfort- in
living. I never get a tuomotit'B n ut. I'm
on my feet nil day, and hall ihe t'mo 1 ean't
Bleep niirhl-i. iiut 1 don't eom))!ain!
"Very )i'e!y you won't son i no nqriin. 1
fool I am lia tiio lo t-- any minute. Ii'h hard
to leave n young family a'! I thomsolvcri m
this 'valo of teais.' But if it ahoni.l happen,
I shan't complin!"
Mrs. I'iiifeatlKT Mopped to take a pinch
f r null', and her friend, lnnMing into t.ara,
cxclamod that, "nhe vas i!n' lon;;-nu)!'i ringo.-H
vwiUiau niiC cvor did nee."
Sickness of Three Month's Volunteers.
lillteel s.
Not a few of the. t'inee. month'' vobudiierH,
vho returned in such high healtu a tew
weeks ago, wo hear of now as threatened
with (serious Mrknei-rf, havin-c pains in the
rones, ehum, an-l Rcver;
cipiet'-t typhoid fever.
fric.vU attrihuie lo la!"
taken rata their coiit,tt
three mouthii' camnni' n.
ly the opposite. If i.s I
to be sohherd that is tin
il nympionm c! m
Thia (hey and their
ot heeds of diM'ai-e
'Jions ilniiiv tlieir
1 1 is in laet exact
it N' lPy leaviiig ell
'. can -o of ! hi.-i i.icl.-
IICIS i:l ahlio: I ill! the., i;a-,e,;.
r.i.r, tlio health of the i , i . -1 1
! I.. I V
lie.ivly all cases, woaderfully
' I'eiae
; and
gavo thoin Klroiig, iie.ilmy appotit
t.li,u, Willi I'laiu too'.l uiel i
cpen air, ma le them von lei I
epin;; in I no
v lo'iutt.--!il'o
wu.H fa
ipmem, and
1 he uaicipl.ne ol tae t.. !. I .im !
vorable to every physie.il :ievel-
po line a Ho,i oi mea w.c naiMiv i ver n'-en.
Ihit how has i I bet n v i; h t in'..;- men tam e
their liiseharge ? 'I h"V have all had ready
money in their pocket--, fi.ll tduity logo
xvhe,-e they p!ea-e,i, eil and diinka- l!ny
pleaded, an. i be idle wlc n they plea.-c-l.- -Their
appo!i',e.; ae.pia. d by r -ll'-de'd al.have
but l.ttle diiiiinislie.'.i'Ut have folk wed them
inloamoie nc.leut.n-y life. If a certain
Amount ol niitriimmt ia digeKted into tlio
nys'cm, it wiil h ive, in k-hiio way, to be
worked out of it by phy.nc.d hard ia'oor. or
it niii-it uud Will generate. di.s.-a:v. 't here
xviih m my a pale faced lawyer and hard stu
dent, who lushed from his ollieo I" the field
nl hauio, a man oi s,n none ana muscle.
but worn down with d.-.peo
were m;my ed'iors of newspa
rlerks in oIlieiM and cty Mores,
cut and found the Lou, lit of it.
enne back new men phvsicaliv,
ia, Then
pets, many
w!in went
They have
their bote's
cl'ithed widi niua de ami their syMonn lillod
with poo l w.um heahhy blood. Indeed, it
liar, been reui.trUe.l that those woun-ied re
cover With a mo aslnai.e.iiii'; rapidity, tie
cattle of the healih of the MeUm.
Hut it- i equally clear 'hat the Midden
chaiv-o ba.-lc tt ;aui to uld hab ts is a tar
ruoi o j'cviloui matter. If they coald eontiue
their appetite within its old limits, which
they cannot, it would nill be doubtful if
they would not reiiuire. at least double their
former oxcciso for the net three months.
to kc-p theni in anything 1
.11, 1
o!f of
Without i
the he
decayed matter
take jilaee, and
iunetv lone bun
tb.r.uiA'ii 1
thi.i ia the real
real 1 a c 0 ol
re Iths of the w ol
! case:.
of fever.. It is flsclo;
1114- nil dane-cr and c
io tali; a!
aire to c,
nt avoi.l
nlarion. Tiie caune. of diseiv-.e iseen. ial'v
one; it is, perhaps, in cmst i;wa
1:1 internal
the uan!
td excrcu-e. Or. m other in dances, D
uni t .strained indu'.;-:ence in the nicepc-s oi
the tablo after a niiuph'i- ilut l-u- three
montliM. Frco remu t of ihe bai-rooius, lo
pethVr with late hours, ii regular llep, and
nil emts of jv.Khmt ex'.-e-ses wUi,-U the
tamp lil'c icstrieted, c.e laiise.-:, all or any,
vUieh would abuiidaiitly account, tor twn'e
lis many cases of I'lsea;... amo:,"- the three
montI-..-i' volimUers as have yd been heard
The best way t .- prevent fevers praeth--tt'dy
in neaily ail these eases, wuul.l l,e for
theHO men nil lo return, at any uitc, for
three or six tiuuttliH longer. Tiu- would
help tO (ill OUt KOItie of tile skeleton re.u'i-
Uients ilaring that time, r.,n!, ut.td odn r re
cruits were ready, to li'l their piacei-. 1;
wiuild be all the bet',ei' thai their liu.o-i 1
service shoe id be expiring, ntH. ,y vUi ;,t
ddTfcieiit dates. There really n mori- secu
rity of life mid he.ilih, taleii'as a 'v hole, lor
tho licit three or six momhs, to ell ihe re
turned volunteer in the army than out of it,
especially now that, under MVcicihrn's viu
niand, li-pmr in 110 elfev ta-a'dy banished from
tho camps, supplies are so per'.eotly arrang
ed and all license is cut oil.
An Afff.ctix;, fraitr. The followlie.; m
count of a heart rcti Jili"; circumt: ittco
extract from one of our exchaneef. Koad
if you can:
Wo once saw a man in 10ac,pnzini,',it the
ry licavctiS, with u in 1 w.X..aia! a" - -if
yiitois ill tiie; oilier. c cn-leav -u u; to at-
tract inn auuinm tc. i:i z a
.... 1. I I ... ,..'! . " .
ui u paper
-w o iicu uur sijryciaiui to a yoiiii:; int
m that ot the country who h It in at taS
of Jeratt outcm. Ho uiuppcil the fa-el
tols from hi trS 4Cs' with the!"li is 1
whom U rcaJ; 1 left mv home 1 1 my friciids
kuow of my dcoirju. i had sO tho of
girl who refu'efd '2 libit) 'A mo, lu.t Kiiv.led
upon another. I ml madly fr'tntho
KouBe, utttrmg a wild ! 2 the 0, ot love
(Qpid), and without replying to tho ?.' i t
friouils, camo licro with tiii f unil-
of pibtola 2 but a . 2 my XinlChe. Mv cauo
ban no in ttiia l"
40tudo and 'iboarnjice 11 rerjuiied vnt
iuch j wjilXitig ciiwUitiKtaticeii
ti"iU',Am n. T.-irmi r f. N. Bench, M 1.
Pt tii'iie of n "f icr of n.itc I in lac almvo
raw liv l'i cl-i k pf ll.e com I of p'ltniT) n iK-:m in
Wee.l'cf iin-'v. Uliie, nml l ni.' 'lnectcl iiinl .t,-,irr-o.t
I "ill oi'.r t'.r sili- t ('iil'lii: v.(!-i" nt llic dm i
(.f'lt,.coiitt liousohi lir 'hloTln iVt eraiiily,ni
Katm-.lav, t)etcl,n- fell, I .-'ill,
v iw-nn Hip h'iiit-1 oi' 1 2 in. nu t i p. m. "f .iel d iy
III-. rnlliOViiip il-'url ,1' "t l.lii'U Kliil t. ivlll'ill-i, t '-wil:
In-I it la Hie nov-iel r.Tvvsliurjf, " "'"i ei'ini'V, -'
.Ne.'K I.'.'.'. 1 1. t . 17(-, rpi-rii-!1 1 nt ?-'.0i; lot o. 3?,
tu'i iii.'."! nl "II I .t'.j :- t'elil tiioni'l lli CH I
nl out luM No.' t0 mikI iS.I. fppi .line I f JiP.
li. i-,. lit. 1 i-.ii, niuriu.
IiomiB A Tvi.-. ally,
m;r.l;'i"8 Sai.I'.
P..!. r Vnimcil v.. Ak-Jin't'-r r, pr nslnsin.
I' v virtue of im order of .ilo Is.kv.-I in tlm '
ct.ii1 1 1 v id? rlei K nt inn r . an in eoinin m eicnn m
V 1 i-iniitv, Oliie, nnd Ij in" dir-el "I im I d"liv-
i-rc.l, I wilt rtlVr for ml 3 K pn 'die Vendu" nt llie
l.ioi c( liie cnuvt. Uwisc ia.tUii-tiovii of J.'on jrlnir.
Wood tulllllV, Ullio, i ll
H.nui.l.iv, (Mulicr !i, "'''I.
Iielwrrn 111.' Iiniirr. uf 1 1 I. in. M'l 2 p. PI. U thfit
d IT, I lie fell.xviiiu ili:eidn'd l.inri . nil. I ..n.'li"lil l.tn
ivii: Tin. I,. r:ii--u t ini n l' r ".' e'. li'-n t'.ven- l.ip
S iierili i I' -,ii,;-e 0 e; -1, in i e '.I leiiuly, Pine, Cen
t.iniiiii.' It'll ii i-irsi tii'ire or I'""-
c' . t I- IIIT-l II f-l IV
i. I'.. ci; 1 r.o, . nerui.
r,-eK, 1'iircr ,i .Inir-oN, nth.
Aitftiiyl i", HM 1 i'" .'.J:l Lu
iu:uii r
("le nire t) Smiili v.i Win U Trn -:'d do el nl.
Hv viroi" of 'i-i ni I t of .! i i-.ii.-d in lb" -i!'ii
i-;oir' 1.-V the i'I'-i k "I Hie e nil i el i-ninnc n p.-ns ei
iVocit i-mml v, '!iie, na I to in" di reeled nut deliver
..I, 1 v.ill'-dlfl I- for tcile fit piil!i'i v-rt.bii nl l! del
d i in; c. ui t lii-'ie in I'.'i ' v.-.l'iirg, Wei.d euunly,
Pllie. mi
S'.-itnr.iay, O-lolj-r ll'tli, l-;i"l,
lvtT(.n t'ic In ari of 11 1' 'rl-ii '; n. m. and 2 p. t .
il tli.it day. Hie l.iil'.M i.ie luid i t-'ii ni-'iii., .,-it:
eiiii i:.'h' in!' ifivi.l.-i iin I tln-ee feet ciii'.li "f I'ln n iv
corner ot tic . ' , ef X'-i ti"ti tiuiiili'T I H, t'oviediip
nmnlier ., iieilli ol imiim n unit . I 1 1 ensl in Weed
e. Ulily, Mil. ; tle-nei' l inilliec e e t I'l re Is : tln lie,.
S"inli M.i r "Is and tin ! ." . taeiii e west 1.1 rod.:
tlieiiee ll'Ttll l.ix I'.'ts nil I tlin el- l'ee (.1 llie 1 ici' ol
I. -i.-ii naiit. Api iui...'.l nt 1 1 ,ir.:.:n.
(t, K. tiCYKU, Sheriff.
Ilnluii: ,t Tvt i n, nt I
Sej.l. ItHIl, l--i'.il -U'ivtija PC
William Ihuiiiiein vn. ll.e
Miel I SI
is of Ahuri"n Hidlini,
i . et rd.
.I.dm rai-r-ll, im 1 M.iril.n
Ann lv.-l!iiei, J-' t t 1 1 i . t Kullaet
iir! 1, 1:1 wife,.'nliii
C-I.li:l A. le. Hue',
WiMi.ii.i lli.llins II nii.-t A. Il'illiii-i :.:el Marv I'..
li'iiluis, I in' I'lel Iv n tin I In-ii-i nt law of Aliii'i'in
Keilnii, I it.-uf U'.n.d eiiioiiv. d. cen.'.ed, and Vne'.i-
a d Sh'ill r ivill tat;.' n.ii.ee In it on lee l.'lli d.iv of
AiijmhI, ls,'.l, Hi" pl.ii'iiill', William II. mini in, Ide.l
in l ie Clci k'. elleie ol Pel i'"in 1'of e niun n pi 'as,
..I Woo I en., p.. hi i p..iti'iii,tl'i'oiii"el ami pre r or ol
ivlin ii is to ei'i'i-ei i na err-ir in Hie if'M iifli -n nl
vet mi l.iii.t.i as 4,-'- t'-Tiiii in jhu deed uf .Iplin A.
Iell , :i s iiilniini -iralnr of (li" e.-.t.ie I' ill" s mi At
tn i'o'I H.i.pna to pl.iinlill'. S.ii I pelilion av. ia lii.it
Ihe I in Is iielu.illr ii'li.-ili-"d mid Hol-I to plainlil)
hy i 1 Kelly lis sueli ii'lnnni: traloi-, were llie ensl
half of I li" nori.'eeii.-,! iUi'r!et' of seele n tliiny-two
,;):.') in owiv,ii 1 1 1 i n ! i- I'nii" (li n-.i'lli of i.ii'i:e
niiinlier tweh i. I If 1 eu.U in W'.u.i eu-.:.ily, Phi.; ;
Imt fhnt i:iid lands iv- i-" enonei.ie ly d. M-i-ilied in
.-Mid a Ini iii !i .I'.-r'a d", l . a tlie ea-.t half i f tin
noi'lli ive.a ipi a t -r '!' nai I i i-iion. l'lainlill links
to h ue said eriei' con ei'led in paid :i liiinii.-irator'.',
ileed. nnd n!an in n due.l tVoin pl.onlitl' to said Mn li-
.i.-l SIiiiII't, Hiid idsn in a d I Icon : ai.l Mi.'linel
Siiatr I to nic Willi-Mii !' Iin?. 1 ' t i 1 . 1 1 , t s lire
iiolid id that unless Ihey eilsiver or iteiiiur to s.iid
petition "il or before ll.e l'.lili .lav o Peioher. I : (' 1,
Ihe same will Pe t.iki n :im eolile--."I. nnd a deeiee
lll.iv Peetlleli'd aee.'l'linely. I'ol'.u; ,V Tvi.cn,
August Mi), 'i'. - l'''ip''v.',n.'i. I 'I -i nil ill'.-, aoys.
.nrirr pf r im i .i.
.I.iiiiv.h Ainrl lire vs Merrcl M Toun;'.
Tlie deleiidant, Mei rot i-uiifr will lakenotiee
tliat on li e Mill day of Aueiet, Is'.'.l, t lu jdaiiuilV.
.lain. -s Ai ni.t ii,e. tiled pelilion in hv'hI eocri
-il'aii't bun, t obje. nnd i t-.-n ei- of wl.irh " ti
lien i i t-i oh ii) jmlcare.it ni'iiir.st I'm il -feii.Iai.t
'-a- the am-" l.t .if In n prenn-.s.n v n ..los i-T 'eiil",l
.ei I dehv. red Oy slid defend ml .i plaint ni', and
al..o tor 11 bid ine-' du" upon 101 account told b. in;:
I'm- ih" r.e ver.il s-1 111 1 1 I' one 1 111 11 I red and tea dol
1 ir- w en intetesl 11! the r ile ot I -11 ; DP per 1 1. p,.-i
leiiio.i lieiii Mar'li IS, IS;',S, and if sev. a liini.liid
.tod inn Iv- a. 1 Did d-.ll.iiN '. -.1 1 7-lna 1 w itli in-
I '." .: t'11, in .ianuarv '.'."1, I e .n. at tin' r.ite ol t oi 1 I a 1
..'i r -,il. per anniiin. and of nixtv-on.. p.. Imi ilol-
I.O-. (?''. lll-lllto wu, inlere.,1 loan April
I'laiiitdV a! ei seeks to roller! s. n I Mini by Ihe 111 1 of
llie piov.'. ioual remedy of all 11 lila nl, an I lia-; ut-
'aeh 'd t'l" follow in-; 1 m 1 s a'i 1 I. ueui-iil .-. ol d.'f.'lel-
ant, P. nil: -t ' ,. n.l 1 I en urn 1 i-li the wed p-u I
.f liver tra-'t intiidi r ei;'hli ) m the I'leled
S :e. 1, 'a-fi e. ul il,,. loot el the I'.lpi l.i of lie' M III-
II iee liver, in W no. I com it v, 1 1 loo, mid bounded us
I'ell.nv : (bi l!-e :;..iuh by Hie eenler of I Ira '-sy
; 1 011 llie .e.( bvll-e HiM lineot sai l l i'er
tr i.- ctriC'iT ei:;hl v c;C) 011 Hie north by tlie M.111-iiii-e
li.er, no t on tiie 1 .1. I by a line drawn patall.-l
to llie we.. I line ol s 1 d river traet iimn'o'-r eiehty
at a di-tieee of eij'.lit chiio-.. 7 ' lad. 1 easierlv
thereof. A I ai a rii'ld of pnblii- w.iv . to 111 said -I'J
s i0 iii'i-e.n to tbf I'imtv-hIuu'i; nnd Oreeon reid
al'iiot the rou'e MUM-ved an I rep .ft '.I lor a county
road to the e.iiiuii..-'on of , od c. unity, l.y W'A
bn:'ion, '-iirveyer. Said pen: 'il will be answera
ble 0:1 tlie .-t'l'i 11 I .lay of December, lefll.
D'liiui: 'J'vi.mi, att'a.
Sept. I, ts-.'t- t!t,v.'i?7 7ti.
ITvdl hliil'IMi
N. Tee i.-i b.-r -bv riven t'la! en (tie 1 I'll dav of
i.s li.-r bv
':! ie 1, at the Imeie of ,l,.bn I! 1 ord, ill Perry
l" n .Id p. 1 w .il I .a t 1 the Lei e: t bidder 111 .-.'-pat' ii"
S'Tiii'in, I!-. 111. il.ii'A of iliteii No. O'l. 1 oiiiiiieiieiiie.
near the cei,:, !' of sceileii 1 ill s lid t.OMellip, at
-u iiion ot llie iiriii,.il .survey of the per I ditch,
v ailed, tli 'iiec iiortliea.-d 'il tia-oueli sai l section
10 the ea -l lei" thereof, tor nun t tins about SO rods
s null of Hi' n"ithea-.t corner of I ho :.ini". S ii-1
dram is di of. 1 into 1 7 M-eiion, of ". vods e iel.,ev
ceplm;: Hi" last win. -a is in rods loii;v. i 1 1th ot
hiitloiii d I"ct, 1 aid; slopes 1 i. base toone rise. The
exeivaie I c.iviii .. be renioied at leas; ; feet I'll an
Ibe bank si, -pes. Tu work 1,1 be eoniplei, d 10 1I10
aeeepianea of i'e' einudy eeuiini-.sioni-rs, tit a tinu1
1.1 be a. reed upon it I llie day of sale. Sale t.. com
mence at t 'ii ii'ilcck, a. m.
IVm siiiiri:. s-pt. ,, imi p.'wa.
yiN T Dl l.AV
TO I'l Iwt-'V T!!K ltl.OPO.
1) P.
W F. A Y F. i: 1 S
AN'K SAlT Klilt'll
1'er lb" Cure of
.-Salt Uheiiin, liri sipelas, Scrofulous I'iii
ab.'.--, I'liliinoeus l.riii.iioiii, .S'l'C liven,
nnd I'vciy Und of IVca-a' nrisin;
fioiii an iieenri' stale rf
the bleed.
iiin'l vtlce;ivc Itlixul Pniilier ol (hv
Nineteenth ('intuit.
s tlie prescripli "ii of 1111 cducaicd t'liVM. ian,
ail who me iiilheted v.uli aui ot ;lie ab.oc
d de-eases, sb ad.l use it williouldi lay. Sueli
s as llie t'ol ! 111" are eti.11 reccucd.
1; 1
n 1 1111
ie'l. o
He, A .bland Co., Ohio. Nov. '.M, l!"-eO.
Mesr... .1. N. II r.iiis Co., t 'illciltll.lt '' . Ohio.
ti ii'lcin-'ti I dceiii il a diuy as well us
-,! i ie..-, I., t.if.-i in on w hm Dr. Weaver's t ap
.no I C.-ia c has done ler me. mid hope t'u.lt this h t
!.-r in, iv come to the not ice i f pcr-ens suiol.ulv
.it'iiu :c i. In Tie year l-v.n 1 Has ai'.iik.d w ih
t"it -r,.r some kin bed diM'.ise, in both mv hvs,
wl.i -,i e!i r ia l mud li . ill my Laic. ;. to mv lee! was
.lie raw s.. . 1 e. iiMitied an I oi-taini-.l ni dicines
and pi-.-N.-i ipiious ti .-in u, .u ly all tl,,- j.hy--:. eaio.
this v o ii.ity, bu: nle mi -d no tv ti f. Vein ac.-u, ,ii
ih.s place, .Me. II ll'oi.iii, r, e, ii.iueit.le.l Lie lo trv
I toe Si rup and C. cue, u t.i. h I I. itiu.aa ly did, and.
! am now a s ain 1 an t w ell man I y ih, u u.
I With nt, at r.UC.ude, I r. in on. Yours triilv.
j John w i:iKi;.i'(.nT.
I t:. eil h ii'c.l.t I -it :; a well knew o eviol.-icui
ot' A sl.i -. 1. i; a;- - -;:,'... ;': ie it;, ei m t i I ml K ,
l;vtii..."j I'l'Sucp; -, r-,-. i. n c. :',! ,1: lie ii
d: sees, s Ir.l'.l l! e si v.elll. and W hi II I I H'e nu on ihe
I ni, u t.-w applie men ot
I I d: V f v V I i 't'l: t IT in:
mi. i you nave a permaiieiil ceic.
The C.-rate has piov.-d itself to We the besi (lint
mint t-cl' lai.i.ti.i, and wl.vre eiuv u-e.l, n h.,
never neon kn.oiii to tail et iilei":e.-a nr. in
ciu'eof old . res, teller and nee. w oi i,,, Maid laud,
chili'. lain- nnd ir's! bd. s, barber's itch, chapped
or fi.ul.cd bands or lips, blotelies or pimples eu
fa.'.'. And U r Sore Nipples and Soiv -yes, the
Cerate is the only thin,-ic.pnr. 1 to flirt). Il.seeuhl
be k- pi in the heuse cf every I'aii.ily.
Price ef Syitip 1, Cerate J i fciil.s p..i lol'.lc.
i ' 1 'in f tii .n ae. ( ti-. any each boiile.
Sold bv most in, dieiuc dciilcrs.
.1. N. llAbhls A CO., I'ropiivtei, for the South
fin und Weslrru Hales, Cii-oin:i,ili, Ohio, to win
all orders must no undressed.
Sold wl.ele.saU and rami by Peck .t; H.-milteii,
P. ti vsoiiij: ; l ie UricL !i.Mii::cr, liecd. in: H Pia
ret. 'Matnnee Cut; D. il. Min.r. Toledo V.
Mooi-o, S Iv; nia;T. DanicU.. ToK-.l. ; C. I . YVilliunu.,
i.ledc. . K .leivnif, Nf,v Wtalliild; A. .1. Card
tier .V Co., C.ilcud. wtvi'
1 V H It Jen me t F.dsoti F,lvrds.
A wait of athict-niiuit w.t th.it day lo-siiod hy
W. Pt. Joint, Juat-.eeof thu IY.tCt el' 1'biin t'wp..
Wood eotui y, Ohio, against the gondii mi l eb.ittel
01 tiiiii x.usoti I- .HV4I i lor tlie ttiiii ot tony-uuie
Uolliirs nnd ueveutv Lve cnU and I went
pr'bable cosU.
5.pt 4, lll -lvi
IL It. JKKOMK, j 1'tl'.
e. 1
CURE '07
T.v tln nn" nf Hied", reiiadic ntt.iikfl of Ncuvmis
of Sick Headaehn may be prov-mt "I: nnd if taken nt
tin. i-ointti' ivi'in Mil of im ntlu k lintn iliats relief
froin puin nnd biektu km will be el.talned.
'I li y sel tiim I. id in rciimviiiK tlu .Nuuneft nnd
HeailaVhc to v liitU lVai,ilei nrj bo milijcet.
TIk'.v act K'.uil uijn tlie buwuln, ri'-mnving
l'oi J,ilei,iry Men, Knulentn, lelieiti' ri in.ilen.und
nil per oiiS "'(ie lentar.v liabUi", tluy aro l niu.iUea:,
a I.n-rative, iniproviiifr tin) n;ipcliti;, f'ivir.fi t :
mid vi'.'.ir to tlm (lifnli0 nrpauH, and r utoi inp tin:
n iliual il.ieicily and mroiiKtU of tlio whole ejs-
U"fLe ri'l'lIAt.IC riLI.B'nr the rerult oflenp
lnvcMif,'-'licu nnd carefully cuudnrled txpi'iiinents.
liaviiift been in liv; many yn.irn, during liie-ti tim
llm liae ir..veu.... unit relieved n vast iini.iunt uf
pain lllld ml fel ine; Irom llfad.ielic, wlicllier ol ii
liulhip in the iiurious gy.-.leui i T lioiil a deranged
fltllte of lie: f t. 1(1 n il,
Tlioy nr.' entirely vegetable in llieir pomp'silion,
.ind ni'iy be tnken' nt all times wit n perfect Hnl'etv
ii'ii'.ut ni.ikin,; iciy elianc' of diet, and tlie nbM uee
r f aiivdii i;;i "able taste render il easy to n.lmiuiM
t'. i tin-in to i oil Ir-'ii.
UKWAlilC OK rOUNTbl.l I-'.IT.S!
'J'iia Kenuini.i have fn'O uigiiatiu'e.-i uf Henry C,
i I'lis.' on eaell llox.
Sold by l)ruj.'ej:il.- an 1 all cither Peal -rs in Med
ici ie'.
A ' x w ill bt i-iit by in id prepaid en recelpet
of the
I'HICK i'.'i f TNT8.
All orders fhou'.d hi n I dressed to
11 (.'i-i'Mt Siiu-rr, Nrav Vonit.
" Tnt'J llil.t to the Ppol.'
t n s r a Nr nn.iut I voca cuftat I
t'fr.irV YOCR lUlfMTII I
iirr.N Jiiti:v yol-u voivCl
s r
A li 1) INK' S
C o n f o c t i
o n
opod rnrt rbbitovMr?:,
tiOOl) I'Dit IdiCTlMtKlia,
good nut rtMii.it; stkarers,
GOOD 10U CO.Kl.'.irTlVES.
orsTt.r.Mi:N caiiky
lAiuta aiie nrt iomep with
cuit.miKS cr.v roa
Tlioy rolierc s C'mjth instantly.
Tliey nhinr (ho 'l'lirmt.
Tlioy rive treni.'th nnd volumi; tn th voie.
Tliey impart a delicious room to the lue.itti.
They nr dehplilful to the t.iste.
Tliey ore nia U: of simple lierlii and rinnot htirm
nay one.
T advise ivervnio who has n Cmipli or llu.l;v
Voiee era H id Hi'eiilli.or 11 nv dilllcultv of tlm Throat
to net n pao'cairo of mv Throat Confeeiions, ll-.ev
will lelicv
e vi 11 i 11s: a nt I v, and vmi will api-ei' with
Pat "lb -v pi l ie. lit lo the spot. 1 oil wid lind
tiieni very n 'tut nnd plea cm! white tract tlinir or
aOen-li'"' public iu"i'lin;s f.-r s'dlien- your eoueti
or :ill-iyin(V veur thirst. ' If yon try cc package. 1
tliink I ion fiv'.i in fayiiut that ever aflei-war 1,; een
m ler 111 "ill 111 li p uisible. Veil will laid tlieui nt
the Drues; is!.-, and Dea'er.s in Medicines.
l Kici; Tvt;M v l' ivi: cknts.
My s'cii itui-'
is on one
h p:ii'ka(;e
All ethers
ure eouniei ti it.
A paei.aee will Iv mait by mail, prepaid, oil re
ci ipi of 'Pliirtv I'eiiio.
Ad-lnas, '
The folliiwine' etidorseinenPi of
siALi'iN(rs cuniAidc fills,-
will oonvinco all who mi:T. r from IIKARACHE
Hint a
ih Minus r 111:111 mtAcn.
U hic r'.'oitnmWs ireremiWioiW? 1 M. SrALt'INO,
o'(.'ii H ull 'i. nroic i.neei'Cio
M vsonvili.k, Con:;., l i b. 5, lSt'l.
Mh. .SrAi.rtsci.
I have tried Miur fcrilinlie l'i'ds, and I like them
so well lint v. ;.nt you to sen. I mv tw o dell ir
worlh inoiv.
1'art of ihese are for the neibb.ir.s, to wlicm
gave a few out ol' llie lid be 1 eol from you.
Send tin Fills by mail, and oblip:
Veur ob'l Servant,
Vo'i tie I'rami 'r, SurfM, la.
Oplialio l'ills aeeomplish llie ebieet for ulueh
uu-v weii! made, vU: C uru of headache in all 11.
;'oruvi. '. en fV Vttvmnrr, ,Vj''
They have been te't.'d in moiv
f.ises. wiili ciuilf Mieccss.
lhau a
From l.'e A'ei.ierei, ,t. (fouj, Minn.
ll'yoti are or have been troubled v itli the htsd
aclie, send for n b.i. (V-plia'.io Pills,) so that )eai
may have them iu ca&.i ol an .ut.iek.
I'r.im Cii .l.iYit.'vr, V.m'.cne.', Ii. I
Tho Cephalic Pills aiv said lo he A remarkably
effective remedy for ihe he.t.l.ieli", nn.l one of ibo
tvry best tor that very frcipient fomplamt wliieh
hurt ever been diseovi red.
'. f'.c II", .(. i n ,', .'. i! wit, , C'.iV.i.re, i7.
We bc utilv eu loise Mr. Spaldinp, and bisumiv
.il'.e.l Cephalic Pills.
.''eel t' $,til ! ii 'ul'oi'iii-r, .Vie (Votm,
Try tln'in! ou that are afflicted, and we are sure
that our te-limon.-t fin ablet t- ihe aliva
tiuuieri us li-t thai has received Iv iie:'..s :lu jto eth
er medicine can produce,
f'."irt ffiiiCtc, lhnriiycl, 'ma.
Mr. Sp.ildiiii; would not c inieci his nam" with
article he did not know to posses', real merit.
"on fV C; ..umreini, t Vi. iioin.'i', O'.i'i).
FtitV. i in buni.init.t can tuny be relieved.
I '; A t.i'i'lcliot:leef SHAI.DINC.'S I'RKPAUliD
t.l I'K will kv ten tunes us co-t aanuallv.
PK Kl'A 5Ef) ULUK !
l'luTl'ARKD GH'l" !
'A Snrcn t. Tivir Savi-s Xisk."
As aeeidents w ill h tppen, even in well rofulitied
liiniiiics, il i.s very desirable In have soui- cheap and
ecuviinent way ..r npuiriii. Fitrni'.tu, ley,
Crockery, e.
SPALDINfi'S I'lU I'AKl'l) GI.l'i:
ue cts nil sueli emergencies, and no household
alii i d to be without it. It is always ready, and
ie. the stiekir.- point.
X. P. A Urush seeoinpiiniesi'utU Uottle. Prioo,
IJ cents. Addu ss.
Xw. 4S Cedar "Street, Xitv Yolk.
Ail eerttin ittiprinciphd persoiii tin" ittteinptiui'
V p.uni on en ttto iinsusp.vtin, lutblie, unit ituun
ol my IT.l'.PAUl- D til.1'1', t wonhl cunti. ii ull per
Holm to examine tx icrv purehasun' and eo that
lull name,
l-VPAFl.DlXU'rt PKKPAKEn (1LFE. rtl
It. oa the rut ni la wrapper ; all other nr mdltiig
N'orier. wood co., oino, oouux vi
Motion to revivu ju hpiunt n 1 orJer of iulo on
niorlf ca('i.
iturjr Janj KiUnn, rxeeut-ix if Jamog rilpcn, dec,
VS. (.'hail 'M .Nilnhmi! et nl,
Clinrl.. N.helinir w ill I ike n-itiro licit ld iintiff.
Mary .lann l ils ui li -d Iut 1:1 tion in .n-l r.oiiri en
the Hill (lay ef Autiiil, l""il, nskiuK Iiinl to allow
Cause, If nriy ),e lime, why a crl on ,iu:l;;in uitaui
order of mile thereon, iiiel -r 11 bm riosiire nt in nt
pre recovered by dam I -'.I' n u ov dcreesed. n
f,' iin d liim lor t i" sum of four thoennl fifty .'. 1.
l.tM mi l (ifiy eenn uul cetn of miit, nt the .f ine
torm ef t'u) district eotutef i ii I f r.nniy, (or the
year IMiifl, tin I remanded to Vcl common pl.'ar,,
for dual execiuion, wh.i.in lie- K itne reinaiiiii in
full foien nnre'iei-ved hii I 1111. iti.-li el Hle 'eid 110! be
revived in tlie n oil ' ol plaiu'i'i', .Mary .'ane I'ilj ni,
m liia duly npp niittc d qmldi 'd nnd (vc ii-jr e.x-'C-utiit.
nn I ilvit if Ri I ( am : be ir t r'uxvii by th"
2U!li day nf Oelnln r, IS:' I , tin! find iudj;ni'-iils 1111 1
order llier..illKli.r w ill yiatel rt-vive I.
S. Jl'.I'l'i.h.-.ON.ait y for pl'tn.
Auioist lOlh, TUIj-ltwOij.'Ji.
mi t. v(iT:rf. wiinn ffi rttm cni'tiT
VP ft)IMOX l'l.I.AcS. i'l-. 1 1 Uo iOJii
Sii'-iniiali Tavli r is F twin 1". Tuvler.
E'.bvbi K. Taylor in b'M :br tiotifi--; J t'liat on "10
19th d.av of A n'yiist. HUI, tli said Susmnab Tay
lor liljil linr pelilion m aid rourt aaitisf bim. pniy
ini; fi r.i divoreo from the said ivl.vin I''. T.iyler.anl
for tii" custody of t'ueir two eb.l'b. a, Mora 11. toi l
D.iirilla A., nnd for r '.iS'-'tiaide aiinv ny 1 n'.ha. inp
for cans", adultery of tlie 3:1 1 1 10 hvia I". wit'o one
Sat'uli I-h (,'nopi r, iibout the I-'oni't'i of ,lulv, H1'!!,
in il'.inins ooui.ty, nnd 11 ee.nt 11110113 livinir wub
the said S.irali K, Ci". 'r in a state of adultery
from said tone until about llie liist of May, '.Sill :
nnd Hint siid p-'t ii-m wid be 0 r hearing nt the Oc
tober I'Tin, 1 St I . if si id roe r.
ScsANN'MI Tati.oh, bv S. dni Tf RSOV, her tillv.
Au;;n.it I'J, Di'il Hi.vCM.O."),
-ioi'UT oy roM-iox ri.EAS, wool)
I, II I'oters vs .Totin K'i"t.
TbfRaid defend. 111', .dibit Kmc-, i-i li-iidiv nr.ti
fe d tli., I f ai l pi tinliff on lie' I d ie ol Septem
ber, I i''.l, lih'd in th" clotk'.s ' ll'n.'e of nai I ooiirf.
bis pelilion nrain-.t .--ni l .'"Iin Knur, pottle' firth
thai sail Ktior. nn tit- 2'tt!i day of .Mach, 117,
exeen'eil nnd d.-ivet-"d to ,),,! i 1 1,1 via, hi, toi t taer,'
bond on t In: a ' n-w ' of s -e' ion !' tp .'!. ti'Ttn ol
rane.j ID e.i.-t, in V ,od n)o, ::v, O., containing e1'
acres of I ml for ?' I in, p.-.y.il.le : y-sir aln-r
dale: thai Fiiid mot t;';'i.'" bond was duly n:;'';"ii"l
to planed!', a lm is now tin' t-ioicf tln-reol', nnd Hun
plaii.'id' i i the on nor nu I 1.1 I -r of a w li:l en
s'i id land n inouiitin;' to .f 1 1.!. I t lesr .s:-.i. del', n !
ant Knox in-over s ii-1 j.eliii u by tiie Is1 .lay of ,Vi
v iiiber, 1 '' ! I , iiidei.,"iii dl t iken a.: otis: Imu
f-.r the sum of 'tsn.'t, uit.li inter.-;! on SI'.'U fr. to
March :''ih, Ist't, and for an ord T to sell (tie land
above d" e ribcl. I'iiick .v. .Ioii.n..un.
SepteiTibef Itli, IS'tt -- l.s l,:,:t. nlt'ys.
it I t'll Id' TTl.Nti.
Notice U hereby piv.-n iii.it I will rc-.vMI nil the
uiifinislie I wet.- on tlit'i;. ,; i and 11, at tie.
several time? and pluees in (bllowx. to. wit:
Dileb No. 2 Sept. ii:, Jsiil, ul iliilion Center.
" .115 " I'l, ' " W -.tii 1.1.
1 I " 2a, " " ) O A ery'.t.
at each place p. eononenee ul In o'cl -i-k, a.
in. l':ceplion w ill be in i l-.-in favor of dcliii'ia ni
jobliers who will Rive palisfact-iry iissiu ani e In llie
County coiiiiiiisMunor.-i that lle-ii' respoctivo jabs
will be fiuiolied by it laipnl.il.-d tin.".
A t.fi WM .k;Mint, auflitor.
Auditor's Olliee, Wood c''.intv,0.
Ai.eii.st 10, lis'.l - ir.iva.
AVION A iCliI;.VK II AH. ito.u.
8 8
j'-.-'T'.-.r i
T.y. ?
IX Id AXA rni.is A I.ol'l 'II, I.E.
0.1 and nl'li-r Sunday, May I'J, two 'I ruins will
leave Toledo daily, on arrival of trains from Detroit,
Jackson, and Mii'l.i'-.m Southern Itailro id.-: at
10-20 A. M. an i- in r in Dnvton at ."-::n. !'. f.
'.'Ill I'. M. -- era iie.; in Day ion at 7. ill) A. M.
Tune fr-in D.'tt m. lo I'iaeienati lh-urs an-l. 4'"1
minute:-' by eaili triin. t'ouiveiia!;- at Lima with
trains on ihe I'm onirirh. I'l. Wayne A l.'hici'pi
Railroad lor Crestline, Dittst.-nrxli, I'liiladelpliia mid
Soalhi'.isl 'Hi ioitit:!. Conn 'cts at kidney, wilh the
trains "ti the Hell 'fontaine I.iue for Indian ipolis and
t ie Southwest, and at l'lipi.t and Dayiou !'. Colum
bus. 2('.'"X'o Chang-J vC rars he I we. 'i 'J'o'e.lo an
CiiK tenai i.
FA UK AS 10W AS UY .1NV OTlIltR UOl'Ti:.
I-'or tickets apply at tlie Ticket tMliie. of t lie
Mivliiean :S(iit'neru Cone.. any.
K. M. SIDI'.MAKI-F, Sitp't. Dayton. 0.
at. SHot'JiAKLl'., C.eii. l-i 't ami 'i'Vt A't, Tr
ied.., Ol.io.
,t A It lid CIVKN AWAY!
Me tVni. ATcK
in this c- ueiv nt
lie i. ill soil th.
m prop':es t ' fl;rpo..-of his lands
a melt ly i'-'iu::nl pi u-c.
M'Utii iiail'ol ih-.-ii jMo wi':! e.ur-
ter.o:' .-'en-n (on n a. i-'nee la
. (own a. l-'nee 1" e nt.; iuiof cd
ai res, for live hundred iloliar,-;. Said land iias Ie eo
!'..orr.:ii-h!v ditched and drained al nil ep -lee
He '.vi!! ril'-.o sell the v.-tilh ltah" of Ihe s lUh-u-,
ijuarli r i I'sceiion 'J'-i, tow n i'-, r.itii;.- II, at Ihe .sauie
laniinre of II. H. DODCr, Attorney at Law, IVr
rysiiure, Ohio.
Also f-.r pal.: a larprc nnndi r ef Town L. ts. l.-f-th
le-reatid in tiie town of .Mi lie, rove, with and without
lie.prov.'iniiits, together Willi s-'V.'ial valuable
r.irnis. ' II. II. DOIMIK.
1'. rrysburp-, Nor. 10, lt.'-0.
A Benevolent Institution ratal. h.-hed by spoei
en l.iivnieiit, for llie lele.f ol the sick and ('.'.blessed,
allhcted w illi 'irulcnt and linideiuie ilis-eis-ef. ino!
especially lor tin: cure of diseases of thu SeMial Ur
1,'aiis. Medical adi iea piven jTr.i'is, lo the Aetini; Pur
f eon, to ail w ho apply by leiier, with a ilisenptu n
of their condition, ,:i(:e, . ceiipatii ti, halala ol lite,
Ac.'l and in cases of extreme poverty, -Medicines
lui nisi, i d free of eb.ire;,.'.
V. ilu.. Me reports on Sp-'i'ii-i-itoi-.-h.va, nnd other
diseases r l the Sexual Oi ...in-:, nnd on ihe -lew rem
edies rinnlot ei in llie Dispensary, -ni ki (lie allott
ed in sealed let'er invelopes, free ,.f el:ar". Two
or three st linos for post-ape w ill be aecepi ible.
Address 1,'li.J. SKll.ldN HOl'till TON. Aciin
PnriTeen I! iivar-1 As oeuiiion, N". " south '.'ill street.
Phil i.lolphia. Pa. l!v oi'-ler of t!:e l.'iie, I. .:-.-,.
Clio. 1 AlUCtlll.D. Secreiarv.
Jan. 1,'iil. i:.i:. D.IIKATW:i,l.,Pr
I. 11 A X
S T 0 V E
r. n o v x & ii v x t ,
At their ell stand in Perry.sl.iir!.. Ohio, have nn
hand, and let sale, an endlees varielv of c l. l , vale
!lanfin in prices to t-tiit tlie wants cf nl,
from $1 1 to fta each, fnruislicd in t'.u) most
substantial in inner, wi'.h either Tin or Cop
per furniture.
ON 11 IVIl AT A1 T. TIMfS,
SltlYi'. I'l P I-,. SIDY I''. Vl'llll HE.
J"j?".loh Work, in all its forms done to order.
AN I'liD, ni exchauee, Cash, Corn, ID.les, Fur,
Pchs, ha-.-., ,,x. ol I Iron, Ae . ,x e.
Pfrrvslnirc !ev 3d, looO if.
('I'. ....
. . . .,
', r i s -. '
m-m. 1-
Ml'.KCAN'lll.r. I'OLLV.Gi;
Ci kvi:i. tsn, Ohio.
One of the Fi,-I 1 Clle- s of the "NATIONAL
CHAIN, I, cue I at
Xev York city. Plida lelphia, Alh tnv, Ptt'T.ilo,
I level.llld, ilCUMlt, t iliea-,i itn.1 M, I.OUU.
Scholarship ptirili.tsed n it. is point P". d for
IV Ue-es.
finrAiKsr ispi cKMrMs in tui: i'sitid fTArrii.
For lull paiiieul irs of our rxtcnsive eolh-ciat.
eourse, embraeine: :ill liranches s'r'..i'ninu eotiiin.'r
eial srhneed'ne union ef I lcicl.otl collcecs, wub
thorough eerps ol teachers and loonuers. and twe
pr.t.'tieal unit c.vneiviii'ed 1, sid. ul prm; ipals; ill
niition.'i eu.iin sysiciii, ii'i-a .nn- i.ir laore euu neue
advanti ees then any Mn,'ie, isolated sci.isil caa pro
tcudto. l'laeiieal uud Oiuaniculal P--i.::i.i'.is:.n
tin-lit I v one of :!:e best Aunriean Ar'is-s, w!ioj
speemu us me takin- i mnmis 111 nil the laiib ;
flt whieli ntud it s tl.i luttiivst ill h.ir.dl'.ei' in.-'tiey
liiiika-j depissile, discouiitin- ii"tes, dr.iw 1 1 - n-te's.
di.twin-cheik 1, Ac.-hetiKi AT I! Al I.KOA D
ciahr.ien f tick, tan, frcihtiiiir, ' ;.-t le.i.sin. -s,
entries 1 1 Auditor, t a..l.iei-, s 0. the i-tv f. inpl
et yet into . laced: p..-v.u;i A S:i at'. n'.s t'. t Do.
tebeusediuci tiiu ui.il with tn inuscrtpt j ; tln
three wciks en li s k KecpiniT, tiieii Ci u.itini House
edition U-isifT ;t;-,l p.i-es, their Commercial t'.ileula
tiotts ,V0 p.ir. -.i.. bo;; eiionsbed by Itisoncc Pbiiia.y
New Y. rk: -h.-ir fiuiiuerei.il Law.wrdlen l.y Ames
Po.in, L. L. IV, PivioKS-r of Law in the I'nivcrsuv
-f Albany, uu.t j ul-iished bv D. Appleton f o.,New
Yei k .
Address, for rat.ilocues, circulars or inferm.x
tion ef n v kind, tw apost.uv tdampa viielo.'i.sl.
10LSOM 4 l'llHoS, f Wv!and, O'aic.
VepteiuUr, irvil 21U .
( R
UI I M 1' II 0 V E il E N T ,S
I'.MriltK S-iUni-F MACHINE
I'Air.:. rim fi;niiVAHY Mtii, 13u?.
Salesroi m, elO ',ru, J rny ,
ThU M leliine is rAn:;i uete.l on n eidirelr lt'iw
principle of M 'cbanisin, pn.-oe-.'ssi'-jj many re re nni
Tulnabe.1 impt'.iveniv-n's, liaviaj. been iMani'iie.l by
tin! 1110.1t ;-. ihauid ftpertH, nu I Uroinmaced to bo
Himplo.-t'v and P'TiVetion 1- ui.-iuod.
Tlie f I'ow aer are Hi- priti.;;) il fdijoetioiiti urgid
npMillsl SeWllif' .MllCllllleli
1. l..ee.s.sive lnl:guu to
i. Itl.?:i tl"ity tnsetvev
irv 1! r ait, lion til"
toe op'.-rator.
". I.iabiiity to (jet rut
of or l.r.
E.rpi '-.-.(.,, trouble, i.
time in repairinif.
lliatel ial.
5. A ibsaTe"Hldo noiae
wliilu in i..i-ra;ioii.
Tun Eui'iM; .-i-.wt Macimni; is rxkmit thom
At t, THKSR OI'.tlCTlON.-:.
It hill ii R'riiipltt needle, pi:rp..-n lieu'.ar nct'on,
makes t:Te i.vik or kIiu!!i: Mil' li, wbh h wiil neitliur
rip ir r rav !, an-l is iilii.e. en both side. ; p' r'orms
peil'eet S"wii;n- en tvet v description ef material,
fri.ni lentlier to tlie lint Nuih'miM nuisliti, nitb
eotl'in, lim n, or ailk thread from tlio coar.suiit to tiie
bti"'it number.
11 aviop neither CAM nor COO YVJIEI- Iand tlie
Fast p-saitdj Irictioa, it runs as buioolti t.l.isr.,
l'il.i'lCAI.T.V A XOIsnr.ESf? MACHINE I
It ie.uiri .-'. (illy per (rut. lea to drive it than any
oIIkI' machine in market.. A pirl of twelve years
i f ttfT'.' can work it oteidily, without faliguu or in
iurv to health.
Its ''r-'tili and won:iifft, ptMrr.triTT ff en-
strm tion r-nder It almost iirpos -il le to fret nut of
enter, nnd is LAKAM 1-. f.D by the company to
fciva eiuit'e ti.itlsiiu ii"ii
Vi'e ivspeotlullv invite nil tlins',.. who may desire
l-i s lipid y llietns dves v. i:!i a siipir.,r .irliele, to cull
etc! e-.-atetne lin'l unrivai'e 1 ni lebiny.
1 tut in n laor. special minii.-r do wc solicit the
Jeitroniife of
Mcichant Taiior?, LreM Makers,
Ib'op-.si-.ii t lanufacturora, C'ort.et Makers,
(:oeeli Makers, (j.iitet l'iltcrs,
Sl.trt im I Dosoin f-ij;er, Plioc Itinders,
Vest n li. I Pnutal.'ons Makers.
?T'.':"It'diTiou3 tin I ch ii'!p.iblo institutions libcral-
lv dealt, w ith.
ri;ii:i; F machine's, roiri,F.i'F,
.No. 1. or l'.'iinily Maehin". $ la 00. No. 2, Small
si, "d eillt'.ltl leillt'int:, Z')') CO, au, ,i. J,,ll'l;(! fciZL'U
M inul'.ie'.ili-.lio, $7a IM.
CAiu nki-s in i-. Fitv VAtttn-y.
Wr v.-mit ap-eii" f. rail towra in th" l.'nited Slatos.
w-te-i'e a i. -n.-ies are n' t alreaitv I'.-.tal lisbrcl.to wl.ern
iilib-rai d-se. unt Mill be uiven, but we make no
ie.it,s.eiimeid.s. T. .1. McA it I'ilUK tVi Co..
:"I0 Hroadv.Mv. New York.
AujMi'it I'.lth, 1'ttil 1
U -oi'-.sl.N'G
l.U ik ( OMl'ANY'.S
M M 111 2 S
Well known to be the bent for in inufaeturire pur
Xo. 1. Star. 1 .td Slmttl.l Maehine,
s 11 at i'.i.l, i-' I'icejl o
No. L St:r lirl Mint tic Machi'ic,
Sold at i'lUy, re.iuco-t to
f irm-'i'y
Hii'K"r' l.i'tier -V ASaehiMrt
Is tie- best Uacniiie tn i.i" ".vorld lur I' .maty Sewing
and I,ii.;lit ..l.iiiiU.'.clurn.i purpos. s : l rn:e,(wi
belnuier, and te'ioitil ullv ornani.'Tited, SoO.
The No-.. 1 and 'i .Me.ehnics are of i-i- eit. capacity
and iinnlic.it, on bu inamu.ictoi i"' nun
tlm- No. it Muchiiic.-i at',: especially to.'.ip'ed in alt
kinds ol li'rl:t. iitul heavy b aiiier work , m c.irrini.'e
triniinl'io , boot and shoe ni l k ii'ir, harneso m ikinp
etc., et.;. I bev are o extra .s.z.", v. nli nn anniotio
etioiurh tn I ike ini'lcr it and 5tit"h .he hu-ce.-.t siz-
da -lies. 'J it' re is seareely any part of a Trimmer's
stile luinr tiiat cannot be I. iter 'ioi.e w iih them lhan
bv bau-i; so, loo. tho saviue- of tiine and labor is
v-'t'v ereat. 'i he. t a 1,1.' of those ni it hines is
iiu.lie.-; I tn, and the si:u!l!e will li- Ui six limes tin
usual nil. unite ol thread. 1 ho lareo macume.s
wink :;s last as sin. ill ones.
We would ink for our Letter A Machines, th
.special attention of Vest Makers nnd Dress .Mai. on
end ail those who want .Machines rl iil m.iaio'uc-
le.-.'ii. '.ii' ioj- v. Thee eiabodv the principles of the
standard machines, m ikiof; Ida; theni, the in
looked stitch, and are desluied to be its, celebrated
for t.nuilv sew -my and bent in.iniitaeturuur purno-j
as our .-standar t in.icliine.-J are. tor mr.nut.ieiurit.p,
put :-i s in e-.-neral.
'a'eh iie always on hand, H 'mmiiij Cu.iffos
S !!;, Twi-i'. Linen' and Cntii.ii Thread ill Spc-ol.-:
o st Machine Oil i'l i!"l lie.-., elc., ( te.
V - in oiuiaetiue our own n. e lies, and vr.ul.d
warn nit i" i sotis nsii'i' our maehiiie nut to buv any
Pih.ts. .- kn.ov tie. t Uiel.: are nc.'.ih.-s sold ol
tho m.'St lntei 101' iU u'tv, :-.t bt;'her pre-es toen tvo
eh.iro-e for ii;u I.'.:,!. ihe n'edi.-s sold 0y us; are
ni.o.ui'.iet'ii 'd eyi.eei.illy for our niaeliiues. A bad
mailt m i'i '.' ! '"'' i-i'.v.i'ae "(if-t hsJ-ss.
Our ci'i-to i.i-i'j nie.v iv-si :ia-er."! Unit nil of cur
'i ;i:i;'i clh-a.-s are i 1:1 .us';. e i witti lie: "enuin.- tir-u-'o
." hi c;, c ' !' sin i-i p't: ch.is ti. ll-.c money nviy
) .-tritl. in pest I.'-.' tj;:i::i;- or b .i'.k notes.
I .'"(' -nvseon joins w ill pl-use w rile tle ir nun
lis i.a'liy. Il is all Import. nit that we slioul I, in
eacli 1 a- '. know the Post O.l'i Coiniiy and :5t ite.
iiV'Ali p.;r.insi r.-oiunii infot ni ui-'ti about
Si 1. ui;C Meclii i. s, heir siz . prices, working c:.
ii.e ii-', and the 'ne.-: iivtlio'U of purenasin-;, can
obtain il oy s -n.lin;: b r a cvpv of
I. .M. S1NGLR ei Cti.'S GAZETTK,
Wi ic'i is a beautii'ul pictorial paper entirely devo
ted to the subject.
t;)rU'o h.-.ve mtdc tlie'abova Ii FPUCTIOX IX
PUh'KS with tlm two-l'id-l iewoJ' tirncfidiup the
public and ourselves. The public h;o been swin--d
-l bv spurious liiaehitu-s luade i'l imitaiioit ol
ours. Ti e metal ill thorn, from the iron castintr to
the smallest piece, is of poor quality. Their m lit
ers have not llie lil.'.nis to da their work well. They
aro hi I away in secret places, v. in rj it would be
impo.s-ible f-i bate at their command the proper
uiechaiiie.il appli.inees. It is only by d ainj; a pi eat
i.'iis'ui.-s:;. nnd bavin,: exieitiive iiianuf.icturiii!' es
tili'.ishiiieiits. thai cood miehin-'S ran be ni t le at
ni'ider ite 1 i-ie.-s. The tieit d si
lt A PLY MADIi, nre al -vavs liable to tivt out ol
dor. an I n-e .sur- to cost eon-idcrabli' tr.iubl
nioiiev to la-op them in r.-nnir.
The i;uali:n-s lo be looked lor in a Machine nre:
Certainly d Ci rivet netiou at nil rates of sp.-eil.
s mpliei'-v cf c "Usifiti tion, er-al dnvibilily, and
rapidity 1 f operation w itli the h its! labor. Ma
ck, nes to coii.oin.' these . ss- ntial onaliiies, tiran be
made of the lies: tic.-.al mid luiished lo pert'.-eMoti.
W e have t!'..' ways mid iiieaus. 011 n -raiid stale.
do this, 'i he pin chasers of Machines, whoie daily
l.f -ad il may ernecm, v ill t'lid that those bavin
tiie above (.utilities not only work wall 111 rapid
: well as slow rales el sp' e'l, Inn last bu - inthe im
i estyi-isMble vi kitiff order. Our M acuities, o m.i.?'.
I hi r, will earn in t- money with Kss, labor than
I anv others 11 bother in imitation of ours or not.
f.et, they are cheaper Hum any othc r r.iaehmcs as
pi;l J.i?i.CAi. xnr.NT.s VAxn:u. ,,-tyj
I. M. SINCI'.li A CO.,
laS I'.uoAroT Y, NrwYottK.
Au'ttst t'0:h. V3t51-- 1".
I , .. V.N
-V- . .
. ; - - afr.-"-
-- - - - - .:....,'
1 linretiiis or woe'cvt.tvsiiir fsriRi-Assrp
liY ANV M Vt lllNi: I T IANLH',V(.-Tl'UFP
Its sitnp'ieitv in opei.it ion is sueli that a child
ten years eld can us- il with case. Its several parts
b. it'tr is'i n.-tcd on philes.'pbical principle, it
not liable to L'et out of order. It mikes u Mrone,,
ctas'ie and I'uribte stite'n. It s-w., I'rcin two Cotll
taou spools, and makes but liti'ienoise.
All w ie' eeiuenu.late bnyii:.;-, or wish ta see
h, st Sew in: Mad in-now in 11-e. are ivrpectfullv
in-it '.I to all on X.1I. CAI.I.AKD, in whose Tuilor
Sin p it is now in t'lvtefieal operaiion.
.1. It, LiKl'liOKY. Aeeiit.
(bt. b. r 11. I- nl -l- fx.
Deposition to he used in Wood caimty court
common pleas.
Marv A It trrseii t? .lolin .on S Ilart's'-n.
The d. :'en.l..iit. dol.n S ll..riis.-.n, w ill take notice
thr.t th. plaiiitut', Mary A 11 iriison, will ;,ke d.po
s.tions in this case l Peikeli's Spue jest ,-lliee,
tlin town of Cer.oi, Piekitway county, Ohio, on
2St'i tlav ef Si'i Under, I SB I, liet ve'en tie bouts
10 lAliH'k, . 111. and two o'clock, p, in. of said duy.
C. u. Piiu-t & Johnson, plt'tTe uttv."
Au'uct ;'4'h. lcM- UwiJ? 00.
i : 1
"mT T Ul
nn. J . 0 . s
Would respectfully infnim t':r! citirons ff Woo l
Wtnty Hot be hflti pernnnently located bim.;"lf in
liow iinij Oroen f ir tie.' pni poso ef pructicie.jr Modi
cine nnd SeiK'-ry. In addition to a rpul r roiirso
of sin ly, Mr. tS. ha.smn le himself aeipiainted w ith
the mw.-ei.il mode of ilislinRiiisiiinit dis(-Kes dy nu
examination ff titrin" of IVi patient n practiced
bv the late lilt. Dl'.hAMJAUtill.find for all C!irnir
! i jas'.-.-j w ill s-y uuhesilatinly font Ly fulle'vin;
Mr. D praeiise in Mich c.is. .s, ho lias bad better
sueeifs tlian It-eiu any ota -r neciei-t ot ire itiiuiu.-
Ainoni; the diseas-s wnieh Dr. S. ITofesses t'l tr-'nt
s'leeessi'ii'.ly may be mentioned llm follow ittji
JivMivivsii. Iiivtr Coiiit'laiir., ("or.sem'.iion
, vir:
in i's
early sMea, Dise'is "s of the Spleen, Asthma, fipit
tinir'ol' tin: Dl -od. I'alpli.ation of tbo heart, Itli'.uma-
tistn.W.iite Swillinp, Drepsv, .Serofulius Dis'.'as"s,
.'apitilic.', i'cin ilo (.'-itiplaia's. in ull tlioir varied
tonus, Low Spirit! or Melaneh dr. I'jver Sores,
I'le.'fs, Ac. Ifpntien!t with nnv of the ob-'Vu or
kindred Ciuvinic ilisenses will send some of their
urine takt-ii in the iiiorninj; in a clean vial, Dr. S. can
link'; n. .sali.-,i'aetci y dian.isis of tho c.iae livarly as
noil nsit the patient worn jiresenf.
Nov.l',r-.uO Ivt!'.
tooii ri.T.n tEn and blood i-ills.
Wicn Dr. llnhaek, the renowned Swedish Phy
sician, introduced his Woo l Purifier and Pills iut'
tlie I nn. ' Staie.t, he s -t lorn m plant icrnis 11u.tr
evrative pre..-rli.'s. T'hi.-i was years afro. '1 he ta. k
of ree- uiui .'o-lite.- Ihein lias sine: been taken out of
Ids hands. L'lilie'ntenod men. whose character for
sound jude-iuent unl philosophy fives their opinions
weight in Ibe renin-. unity, lin n tvlio rdworvo. i"f!"et
and make "nssitranee doubly sure," bt for- they de
cide, ere every where iippivtinj and ursine; il-.'e us,.,
of t'aese v :md.'l fill preparation. Al! who e. nfide
in tho wisdom nnd honesty of this claws, or who
!: ";- to iovc-.'i.-ati' for thiius'lves, nie now of one
mindon this important .subject.
The et idence. in tin; p-s tessioii c(- pr. Itobak
which is nt all limes accessible to the public, estab
lishes the i'ollowinjr:
Thst tho r.l.00V PUKini'ri aid EL00D TILLS
have been proved by an dysis to
contain no :,:tNi:r.AL ;
That they cure the almost universal complaint,
liYSi-nr-si t,
with ttnerrinp eert iinly, mid in a very short till".
That arhT all other medieine-i have proved usuLss
thev roliove i.tvcii cntri.AiT.
ttinl resLoro the health and stn:n;;th of tho lum-r-x.
That pick I'KM.tl.i.s,
who Imve lanpuiihod It years in helpless xve:ilc
m ss and despntultnicy, recuperate with almost m:ra
c:!eiis rai i lily und.T their invigeratin'; operation.
'Flint nil Sexual Disabilities are removed by tlu.'li
cordial andg-emly .slimulatin:.' p-r-'pertic s. That they
recruit Mi.vrrt:iu:i cOxstitctioss,
however, they may have been trilled with nnd
abused. That their direct tendency is to Portlier,
lib', nnd rcnd.ir it enjoyable. That cperatin;; di
rectly upon the poiscn'oi disease in tue blood, they
CAfsr soo:; to iic.vi,,
rnd di.ich-.rfre from tlie system every tai-d of Perof
-whether her .'diterv or iitherwise. That they
iiEcnfiT tiik ni::ui.!TATi:n,
and that (hero m no disease of the stemach or
bowels, the liver, the nervous system, the glauds
nnd musei-ls,
A1US1N0 r It 0 M IMPUniTTFS 0B
(ill SI'ChETioNS,
in wluch they do net give prompt relief, and, (if ad
ministered before Ihe very citadel of life has been
invaded.) effect a painles'- and perfect euro.
Pear in mill .1 that tin: Scandinavian Ll-iod I'i'ds
are endorsed by ttie cxperieiii c of thousands "1 liv
i! v. ho. lett-r. Affidavit, ir. edie.-.l vrks and word
of do ...11 it pre.chiint tlit-m to be tin: very best prepar ation
ever o!t red to the broken down victims of iil
hen'.ih. Il haunts disease throuplt every avenue
and utysn of thu system, and expel:, it thoroughly
and permanently.
No one can doubt their superiority nfterciie si net
trial tin y are u-t only heifer, but nisi cl'.Oaper
than any other Piils. for it talcs a li-s.s irituW-t cl
tiirni to pri' inc..: a t.t.Lter ciieci.
Pl-K-0 of the I'l-iiliei-, ?1 per hold.?, or fS per half
u.-z-'--ii. i ff lb- Fills, 2ec. per box, or 5 boxes f. r$l.
Kead Dr. J.obaek'.s special noiics ar.-.l cerlifif at-vb
pcblished from nme to time in this paper.
Dr. K.'s '-iedieai Aim in to and Family Advisor,
conteinini: a creat an: n".u cf va'cmbL' and intetvs
'.iui: injuieal itiieeniation can bo l.ud gratia of at;y ol
ids loo'ius throu,"hi.u'. tho country.
la dillienlt or cemplieu'.ed eas -s, Dr. Roljitrk may
bo t:onMiit':d n"rson illy or by letter, encicsillg one
ma nip lor a reply.
A NJ'.'.V AC 1'jCLK.
A new and delightful St'-m-iehie an 1 Cordial, fr
pivtn.? u n t to tlm Stout achi an:l for tha prevuntiun
of bilious complaints iaci.h-nt to tin Western coun
try. Try it.
As a nvrr.hoT drink, to asi'st dtc.-'tion and relieve-
l'v:-r.' nsi'a, it has n- eon-i'.. T rv it.
In II ivi.rit is superior tn all other Liit- rs. Try it.
The formula of thos . Putteis, now (1S-I ) the sole
property of Dr. Knbuck, nr:pinatetl wilh one of the
.-hie.;; and most eminent Medical Practionen of tho
West, and it is directly pr ediea'.edupon too wants
Western p .'ople.
juice i.iiijrs ueiivo 111 'ii stimulus I roir. 11 ie pow
erful tonic nature of the r ants and herbs of which,
they are composed, and ns tl-a y are, by .ilhiyinf:
unnatural cravintrs of the st. niaeh, directly prom
otive of TLM PFiiANCK,
the present prcpt ieter believes ihnt in makinp them
widelv k iown the piihlie welfare is subserved.
It will soon.be for sale by all of Dr. ttobiek's
numerous A-.iits, an t at Hotel,, &C, the country
over. In the meantime, orders will be filled direct
from Cincinnati in any .piantity, nnd at the lowest
rat 's. It is put up in Quart Do tiles, and securely
1 packed in one do, eases. Ililfdoz. sample cases
wilt, botvovcr, be packed and sent to any iiiluress,il
ietail Price, f 1 per bold.:, or six for ?5.
Principal Olliee an I Sale Hoom.-. Xo. 6, cast
Font to st., .'id Pnildin!' from Mainst., Cincinnati,
Laboratory in TI immoii ,st.
For .ale in Wood county bv Peek Hamilton,
Perryshurir : A.J. O.irine'r fi. Co., ttilead ; K.
Tumor, 1'ort.ip'c ; S. W. Whitimcre, T'ontcfranv
S. Clynu-r, Otseeo; II. P.. Atkins, New Wcsilield:
S. L. Itoiie-ht,,,,, p.iwlin: Given j lianks ii Paller
Kuii, Pciiiberville : A. Lansdnle, Freeport ; C.
Itrsend-.le. West Millprove; S. H. Fmerson; Inple
ville; nnd by drtnr-ist3 an. I mercbanis renerally
tlir.,t-.;;liout tii-I'nieti. 'til 40ly
Mt:n:E Crrr, Ohio.
Jr::0Mn Mm.. ay, Insiructor in Accounts,
Lecturer on Husiu-'ss Customs. Ac.
F. NVru-ir, Teacher of D. iible mi l Sinph Entry
F.ook Kertiitip-. Practical iiad Orm mental Pen
ill 'iiship, Pen Drawing. l'lourisl',ii:;r, Ac.
Hon. .1. M. Asin.KY, lh n. Asut:u Cook, M.
Prm.i v, and 1). It. Ai's'i'lN, Lecturers on Commer
cial I.mv.
Lev. O. A. Apams, Lecturer cu Con.msrcial
Uev, C. Picrr.tr.Pe, Lecturer on rolilictil ICcon
omv. TERMS:
For full course, time unlimited
S.mi" course lor L i lies
For full course ef Penmanship, time unlimited
Flurishini.', Pen Letterintr, Ae., as par nprecmeiit.
t.oo I lueard can be had ia this place from f 1
to .'.Jl.
This institution is now permanently situated
on" of the handsomest localities in X n th-Western
Ohio, and oilers to its patrons unprecedented
in the way of c.unplelin a thorough
course of Mercantile ltisttti'-ti-.11.
Our in fructions in Pock Keepirf, Commercial
Calculations und Accounts nre ronuueted upon
C-juntnu' ltfi. ni System, the object uf which is
re-ad-r tliem purely practical, etiiiblin) tiie .indent
to niter nt . nee up ni this dischai se t the most
business iili compiraiive case. Students
who have eraduat.'d from this institution have found
tiodilVti'ulty in .-ibiainintr siiunlions, giving entire
cf their employers.
Lee'ur-ets on this subject nre delivered regularly
every Thursday fveiung, by one of our mnsi promi
nent pr.ictiiiotiers, givinn'oitr s-udentu ih
ini-reii-li instruction in this important branch.
Practical and Ornn111vnt.il in till its viriet,
be tane ht in the most tin ronch and ctVn ient man
ner. Tiie good old Spcitf-'arian system is our stand
ard. TO r.MiFXTS,
We would sty, your children cop hero receive
lull ihor a'-li und c..:npl"te n ciirsj of iitstrueti'
us in anv Ct n ineri ial t'oil tirt: in the United States,
free from e.p"-ure 10 these pernicious :iit.ln,.nces
w iiieh in hi rec ci'i. sthey ale liable lo coin.- in ci.nl
with. Life Scholarships mv issued. S'lulcnfscan
en'er at nnv timi. lUplotnes awarded oidv to those
who nniHtcr thecourseofstiuiy. Situations procured
f r studeu sas firas possible upon gradtiatm. U
ct ll-r.t tiie expense of is in detui j a course cf
in this iiisututica is 'ess than half (bat
any other. JKKOME Ml II PAY.
t -.r'Fer full particulars send for n Circular.
N..vcmler ;th lSe(l--27ly.
Eexcentcd ith nctneRs and dispatch t
Perrybur(r Jouroal Ofho.
vantafics the
tricate sat
isfaciit'ti most
ell. in
struction of
M ' I t. L E li
May be consulted fr?3 of clnrjre, rt ft-.o follotrmg
times and places :
Foft"ri.i, Itiys II 'use, Tn sdar, Sept. 1 Oth. I
1'reni -in!, K'.'ssler II t"l. Wedn' n lav, 8cpt.Utb.
1 Itnoi-e. l-'lr.nre H'-iuse, Thursday, 'So, t. 2.
'I'olcito, C'jlbes Ileus'.', Friday, rfept. 13;
IVnysbu: ,-, E.t-lii!Ro Hotel. Saturday Sept. 21.
ir Tlli:0HV i.M) Tr.K.(Tll NT
Are neiv nnd did' i nit fi ia ar.v oau i:t llie tnited
s.an I I eb.iii -ii"e nnv one t - 1-ro luce the nsmi
success tl .nt I hi'; in-t with in troetirt(r.Clironi
Di ;".:s-m. Mvth 'cvvis base 1 upon tiie chemical
operitions of thb''dy, heHerifljf i!'?c.ises t" depend
iip' ii a di-proporti "lie 1 cendilion of tiie lluiJs of t!iC
i.'Tty. w iu'ivliy too Holt'li bo emu unhealthy by
Ru tlysiinr the serr-tions. hh'd, Ac., cf th hodv,
an 1 tin la p out wbnt ia deficient or in excess alld
mtpplylr.tr to t'nu fy-t'ni what is ".viintinp. I nm
enabled to cmti often bva fin ill nmottnt of medicine
where the patier.l has been drugged with uiodiciiKit
for loiip years t" tin effl.'Ct.
Now liysprpsin, in the ('rent ina'orifr ofcaso. . dc
iletids in '.imy up n a dispix prrtinned' stnte of thu
ir wti ie 1 r die-i silve lluid.i of ihe stomach. , hon
this castic llidd is proportl innd iijKTtr, the food is
tin .11 e.ojy digested nn I assimilnt'.-d. Vietvinp Dvi
pepsi i by the'rules of Chi inicopntl olegy, nnd giving
tre:itm"iit nceoi dinply,! nm enabled to euro 49 c.ism
out of 60, and IU vases out .''0 of Ccnsumpation, A
thmx, L'ronrhiiis and Laryngilis..-:nd Liver Ccm
dliint, Pil-s. Nenral-in.riizinesK orSick llctdncho,
Xervous Debility und Female Discuses in every
case a cure, nnJ other iliacasis proportionately.
JTfDr. SrcMilleii lis.., nn improved Inhnlinf la
strom -ut Cor the cure of O nsumptiuii, Asthma, bron
chitis and Lnryriritis ; hy this w e can make ns rrood
an application to the diseased lamp- nnd Throat as
we could t'j a sue anywhere on the exterior of tiie
Dr. Id. twf s pure Chrniicopnthic nn 1 Botanic Pem
edii s. II : jrlves n m'd.l tonic trcatm.nt w hich acts
cheiilic'il'y, and im.sis's Nature to free herself. On
rune-: ot as-i d. .nee to Nature is worth a pound of
poi.-;-etii".is (h ups to tile disease.
('.-nsnltation and advice free.
Information in vopird to my treatment and uo
Cess call on, or write to:
Mi. . S. II. Ahljott, Porhio , Wood eonntr, Ohio j
Mr-. K'.bei t.taen'es, Fat leville. Wood crnu,fy,Ohio ;
Mr',. Jos.se Ihtkell, Lrowns Corners, Wt od'eonnty,
Ohio: An heu- t ."..-::. M.l! r .ve. Wood c-unty, Ohio;
duhn Cumminx, llass'in. Hancock cimnty, Ohio ; J.
A. iimilh, J'dniore, Ottov.a crnntv, Ohio; G. E.
Chnieh, ToUd.-i.Luras county, Ohio".
All commnnieatiotis must' le directed to Dr J.
F. Mo.Millen, Clev. l.m.l, Ohio.
Tspechilty desie'iied for (he use of the Medical
I J Professi n and the Fa mile, hnvinp- seperseded
tho so-ra'.l, d Gins," "Aromatic," 'Cordial," "Med
icated," "?..!. napps," 1 tr., is now endorsed bv all of
the prominent physicians, tran-'ie medicinal tunl
ities (tonic and ditirePe) which bclunp tu an old and
pure Out. Put up in quart bottles mid sold by all
druf.pi.sts, grocers, etc.
A. M. PIXINOr.r. A CO.. '
(Established in 17TS.) Solo PlTijirietors,
Xo. 10 Frond street, X. T.
For Fair tiT D. P. PA KNF's A CO.. y. 13 pnr
Ko-.v. nnd r.'P. OUVLV, P'J Prondway. Xcw Ycrk.
Our loop experience nnd familiarity' tvith the ra
cinir 'menu of Driif.2i-its. and nu .superior business
facili'i.'.t. enable es to furnish thorn wi'.h choice
Linnets for medicinal end family use.
For file bv Pi ck A Hamilton, Perrysburg-, Ohio.
Jan. il.h.'lStiiV-G.tlv.
May lit, 1301.
Cash snd cash items
Loans well secured
Keal estate
i'oM sh.ires Hartrord bunk stocks
:-ni " Xew York " "
I. .U0 " Fostoii " "
" other " "
Fluted Stat'-s and state " "
Hartford X. Haven K. n. bonds o storks
II . irtlbrd City lion Is
Conn. F.ivcr Co. &. K. IL Co. stock
$70,583 78
6:3.2.3 ?0
15,000 00
274.850 CO
19:,,3c0 00
1U0.750 00
SS.'i.sft 00
73,37 00
39,700 00
S'3,7f,0 00
41OO 00
Total Assets $93'.'.S02 08
Total liabilities 7.i,244 27
F. r details of investments see small cards nnd
Insurances may be effected in this old and iub
Stfi11li.1l company on v.tv favorable terras.
Apple t OI-'.O. STRAIN, Ape-nt.
i-iV" Dwellings and farm properly insured for ft
I' rtn of vears nt very low rates.
July 25th, ISiH 12tu3.
'ef A
c 0
Penlcrs in Marble Ctrnve Stnns, Ao. Or-t
rcsneeifiillv solicited. Short nn Muiu Brreet, Fosto
ria, Ohio. ' Ascius for lVn-yshurg-, .lo rn YexgeJ
mid J. W. liailey.
The suksrrilvr will rl ecr'ttllv send (frrs e
che.i ere' to till w l.o ile.-ire it, the copy of a SliirM
I.'kcii'K bv wliich he was cured oi that Pins dise-l
Si th rers w ith Conspmvtiox, AsTUMA.Pr.ONCnrr
is, or uny lung affection, he sincerely hopes wP
try this Itecipe, well satisfied if they do sn Ihey tril
he nioris than sitislied with ti e result. Thnnkfii,
for his ow n camel, te rest, ration, he is anxit.u t-
idaco in tho hands of every sufferer the means t
cure. Those wishing the recipe with full dintotioDi
'tis V - .
. 4-Av y iyivl
l. '.fart "s - 1tf2
vIn.. ' . -:--eO :; ,-T,-:;sr."i
J. r. I'l'.ll'i:, .lj;.i.i, I'.-n.slii.ri:, Clan.
1 fill
r.i " 1 -1 mi
I el, .
r---- ' --ii
Ac, win cull oner address
Key. WM. P. ALLEN,
imt Xo. 61) John Sut, Nw fruit

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