Newspaper Page Text
OCT. lO, INfil. Till JIMA1. The Unity of Purpose. Tho election 1ms fiuielly uhih1. The Vnion ctuiilitliitr-s in tlii enmity nre elected irithnnt opposition. Party ilitlVrotirrs lmve i .. ......i ... I .1.- ' ..i ..r I. '""f'l ' , " , ' ', '" i icd. Snxli an election diij'htw never laToic . ruosed within tho range of our observation. Plousing indeed would it he could Me ever Witness sncli nnity of .ir,..,Ho ...,d notion. 1 ' " .. i Our business transactions, our p.ditiotil 1 our Hoeiiil enjoyments, all Wonio , jimiKnifteant compared with the importance j and magnitude of tlio eoiitliet in wliiili we , two now engaged. I The geornpieal extent of the Imtllo-fiold i extending from Maino to Californin; the im-, mennc population of .T2,0n0,0l involved in I thin, (no called) civil sliile; tiic almost J incredible ninulier of 1 .0110,0110 of men now being equipped and disciplined for ; mortal conflict; the vast utvuniulution ol ! warlike munitiotiH, mid the important politi-' cal results which hiuwt In' developed by thin j var, places ns at this time in a poni lion : vithout parallel in the liinlory ol the woi Id. ) The issues of this contest m e also extending; the question is not ''shall the African con tinue to be the Muvo of the white: man." Tho question to be answered in th'.s conllict 1h, I'nion or Iiisiinimi, or, in other words, ibIuiII tho inalienable ri;;hls set forth in Ihe Peclaratiou of Independonce, and guaran teed by Ihe charter ol the Constitution of these Vnited rMtiteR be perpi tui.ted? Or ahull a tyrannical oligarchy entail on us the worst form of feudal jjoveriiineiit? Disguise it as we limy, this is the issue. Arc we then prepared to meet it? If ko, let itH coiifide in Iho government; let us avoid let ns silence traitors; let us cultivato a spirit oi patriotism by word and deed; and above all let tm not forget Him, a-Iio holdu tho destiny of n.ilioi.s in his IhowIj mo to Kiie.ik. and 'who in h.ikI Iribulatious upheld us. 'J'he impulse which this struggle will give to human liberty to republican and constitutional government, will bo felt in tinio to come by untold mil- lions. Not again will such another trial pass over us, until the light of civilization wanes, and the darkness of national corrup tion obscures political vision. : NoW then it becomes the duly of every citizen to uphold and support the Admin , istratiou. Certainly in government ever had higher claims on the respect ami confidence of its subjects. Might months ao, on as sinning ollice, it found the people of the free states divided in opinion, and split up by faction. The navy had been designedly scattered to the most distant seas; the small army had been divided and placed in posi tions in which weakness, corruption and treachery would decimate it; the national armories had been plundered; the national treasury was in a condition of insolvency, and each departmental ollice tilled with mis creants who regarded their oath lo support the government, as would a Thug or a Se poy. Such was the condition of things on Mr. Lincoln's advent to ollice. AVhat then is the present state of the ease? The people of the free states are united I'opublicans and I'cniocnits march shoulder to shoulder, to the battle, and their cry is the "I'nion and the Constitution, it must and shall be preserved." A navy of some three hundred armed vessels have been lilted out, and now guard the Atlantic coast from Ma ryland to Mexico. An army ol nearly live hundred thousand men has been raised, equipped and disciplined, and are now near ly nil ready to advance on the enemy. Arms, ammunition and military stores have been accumulating in large quantities at various points. The treasury has been replenished ttnd its credit established, with a skill and readiness only surpassed by one example in modern times. Itesults all but supcr r.nnian have thus been accomplished, and nhould the conduct of the government in the future correspond with its aels in the past, Mr. Lincoln and his Cabiuefwill command the confidence of every true hearted Ameri can, and the admiration of all civilized nations. Let us then with resolute hearts and hands tmpport the government, and w may anuuipaic u pcoly ami glorious In-1 Ullipil. i Fremont in the Field. The attention of the country is now rivil td upon Missouri. From its commence ment, tho war drama there has been of po culiar interest. Camp Jackson, Itoonville Cartilage, Springlicd and Lexington, will intervening tragedies only less thrilling, have m succession absorbed and intensely vxcited men's minds. All now feel that in- tercsts of Incalculable moment hang upon the success of Fremont in his present move-! incut. The rebels have gained advantages that have flushed them with unw onted hope, but wc believe their hope will be short lived. Though without the army that should be at his command, there is still every reus fn tu tii-lirvi llmf i:..n I-r.-imtiil t.-ill uii, ...It. -I ' ly achieve a series of incmoi'uLle successes and in cfXcct end the war in that Stale. That such will be the result is as certain any human event in the future. The enemy lias repeatedly shown himself to be almost immeasurably inferior to our troops, and has thus far gained what hu has by avoiding , ... ngni.aiKi in icngin pouncing m ui'inonso num ' bers upon a conipartive handful of our men. This being tho enemy's plan, it would seem to have been policy to draw him in force! ililil ill.) nti.rii.r i.f t tu.a..,. .....1 .1 ...... "i.v.iv, v-a .-iinouuil (lie! llllinmil-j , . . , . ,. .... and wipture or destroy him.;des ., . . . . the paramount interest felt bv l remont . ; tho security of tho west and the prosperity , ., . , , . , , , of the country, ho doubtless feels that ', . ... ...u u.i iviinu Dii lit. iiin.ini , , , ... slake upon the chances of his success. liordo of great and smull critics have broken loose upon him, and all men are waiting coiulcinn or honor him by the high and cre standard of failure or success. How vr heroic and wise his exei lions, should he fail, ha will 1, niimiirml- m1.....i.I he only stumble on auccess, the world auiicely Bilfliee to contain his praises. Fremont in the Field. U. S. Treasury Matters. The statement cast of tuo transactions tluj Treasury in September, shows tlie recalpfu to bo nearly $17,000,000, mid (Usbunu.(iit about $11,00,000. lemund - notes sent West; last week, amount to three fjiuirtcrs of a inillionj on hand reudy, jmd a half million. Two days' payment iiow exceed any of a whole luuuth before the war. . . Three More Regiments From North-Western Ohio—Inducements to Volunteers. !.((,... Let there l.e im. I.chIMwv in thin mnM,.ri (l0 (.(,ln,rv rnlls imd let pntriotM r'soutl ioiutly. We urn infoi-iurd tlmt mi order Iiiih ln;en nUn'iied for ultinjr into onnii nthl sulisisliiip the si.lili.;. s Hum tnis ' ed. Let the li icikIm ol the I'limn and ( on- tit,ni.n conic to the rww.-Finday .. pcrnlions, ,-rnonian. The above rem'nda iih ll :il there are two ,,,or irinieiim in Hu: m.i tii-wist, now ordered to till up one at Fremont, and one nt Toledo. This may seem ii Ini tfo draft, v(ft r wmt Iiiih already l.een done, hut we tiri. fnH. i my Wl. l.eve it can lie done, , r,Hi'o too, If heeossurv. Therefore, having the lualeriul, we wish to tmlnuit a few indiieeineiilK, drawn from iiiillientic houi'ccm, for llie coimideratiou of our young men who may not have carefully invPHtigat. ed the subject of eiilisting in tho United Slates Army ; , vll' uoii-coiiiiuimsioiilhI olhccr, private, inu cenflorionsiicsH; : Hi,'il,n 1,1 ',il'"',,r w ,1" ,,I,,,,M Bcrvico ! "r l'"it''d Elates under this act shall be ! I'"''1 ut 11,0 n,le l,r ''''.V cents in lieu of j HubsiHlence; and if a cavalry volunteer, ' ' wenty-fivc cents iidditiomil ill lieu of for- ! j j i ! I j Tn FirTY'SKVKVTB Heoimknt. F.fTort nre now making here to recruit the 57th ifgimeitt. Colonel Mnnnoii linn olituincd mi order to tlmt e licet. Tliere is now fiotMl elmiii e for our put riot ie eiti.eiiH, who mvp not Vi't enl Mi'il. lo do oinHhiiif i'nr (lieir eontiii v, in her hour of iieeil. A iimn- her of H'inuim me ut work KCtliiii; up coin- l'.inicK : nml n h l ip d( ninii'l ldr liooi'H iimr ' ... ...... . .. very ri cm, tno Nooner inev ni o miaou me Suppose a pnvalt to have served one year, and that, being the end of the war, his account with the government reduced to a vanh ralualion would stand about thus For 12 uimillm' iy nl $1:1 per umiitli fl.Ml (10 J' fir " " Tor " " For lloinilv ler clelliiiiK .Tt 41 HO " " r.'.tinim: f2 III (10 100 III) For grunt of 11(1 acres of limit (in prospect) Vllllll'lt, hiiv nt inn on Tntid fer tin year $f.02 on There are other considerations involved which we have not enumerated in the above MnUnieht. The net of Congress, approved July '2'2d, iHtil, provides (lint "Kvcry voluii- age for every twenty miles travel from his place of enrollment to Ihe place of muster, and when honorably discharged an allow ance at the same rate from the place of his discharge to Ihe place of his enrollment." Moreover, in regard lo pensions for the wounded, and provision for tho widows of soldiers killed in battle, and in every other essential particular, tho entire volunteer force is placed upon an equal footing with the regular army. Should ll future progress of our nation al affairs, during Ihe coming fall and winter, induce an overwhelming enlistment of re cruits, to such an extent us to insure (Ins termination of the war, within the period of three or six months from the present writing, it must be borne in mind by the soldier that his bounty of iiflOO in cash, already provid ed, and I (ill acres of land, which will prob ably be granted at the coming session of Congress, will remain Ihe same. The liber ality of the (ioverumeiit to its armies is un equalled in the annals of the world. Above all things a lofty sense of patriot ism should animate (he ranks of the volun teers. There are considerations in reference to the protection and preservation of our free institutions far above the measurement of gold, lo inspire the I'nion soldiery. The war is upon us there is no time for supcr (liloiis controvei sy. The position of the 'iiion armies is purely defensive ; occasion al reverses, of course, must be expected; they are incidental to all wars; but victory is certain in the cud; truth and correct polit ical principles are invincible they are bound to conquer, It is too late in the day for Ihv rebel conspirators to erect a govern ment upon Ihe exclusive basis of slavery. The leadi rs, in the start of Ihe rebellion, made a sad mistake in natural philosophy. They built up the delusive dream of the Southern Confederacy upon the false suppo sition that a white man with a negro upon his back in the slave Stales, was equal, in commerce ami arms, to the free men of the North. The mistake was fundamental, and will prove fatal. In every possible view that can be taken of the rebellion, it is an unjustifiable outrage upon the rights of man and the cause of civil liberty. It is impos sible for a slave government to arise on the n,js r ,ir Constitution, without a coin promise and important forfeiture of its prin ciples. The contest is narrowed down ton simple proposition, to-wil: shall the (ioverumeiit and Constitution of the United Stales be subverted by force of arms? The negative answer will bo written in history bv twelve hundred thousand hnyoncts. 'o hi. iiii'ii,'" Explained. j i ! i as " i . . . I arinv stores and niiinttions. and was protect round . .' ., 0 ! ed bv the ,th Misnoun regiment, t ol. Mc- m t . ,1, ... venson, and l.ith Illinois, Col. ymau, ', .. , , . , . , former ot which was ordered to inarch he . 0 . - , , . ' iNiringtield, but iti consoouenco of tho total in . A to sc- The St. Louis Di'iifn-rnt has an article showing why (ion. Lyon was not reiu'oreod, and states Ihe entire force under (!en, Fre mont on the 2d of August, including Lyon's command ot 1,000, was ltl.'Jl.'i, of which 12, ft. "ill were three months men whoes term of enlistment w is just expiring, leaving an ac- 1 tu .1 I'.,.- ,r T'.o i... .;.... 1 1. ............. 1 111- t so i .yon ha I men, the balance. UM, being thj; total strength Fremont's available force. At thia timo Cairo, ll'.rd's Point and Paducah were me n kee l by accumulating rebel forces and the President ordere I Fremont to ta!e all his available troops to reinforce these points, , ', , fur winch service only -1,120. liii ' 900 St. Louis Homo tluards could be raised. Holla, the terminus of the Southwest branch of the Pacific lUilroad at this time was the ilenot of a lar-'o and imIiiaLIo oiiaotiu- 1 ' , ..... ... 'absence of transport. ition, it could not move. The article also shows a distribution through- j out the SUte of constantly disbanding three- i ........I I . .1... I. ...I.. LV... I iiitiouiB Hum, an. i miyB anor uiu iMiuu riv- inont was thoroughly cxhouorate I from blame by the very men now the loudest condemning him. will of total the two i Br'Tiie three Kcgiuiciits from Northern Ohio are now all in Kentucky. The 14th, 1 t'ol. liteednuin, as already known, entered that State on the '27th ult., nnd when heard from was on its way to Camp luihiuson. The 21st, t'ol. Norton, left I'amp Vciiiiison and crossed the river at Cincinnati in ihe nl'tcruoon of the 2d int. The Col. Urtelley, left Camp Dcnuison and crossed the Ohio to Covington und took the oars, the i ovington ami Uiungton Koud' in lot ojioou ot the same day. 1776 and 1861. Now that the fall cloction is over it can no longer be cliargod, we presume, that wo ere making ft huge cry for tho Union canne in order to "dietract the attention of the people from tho local interents of Wood county." We may premise, however, that Individual! who circulated thia story knew it. to be (also at the time. A friend In the South hat! sent im a paper, in the interest of tho rebel cniiso, which in a lengthy article tries to make it appear thtttthe revolution of '(Band the rebellion of '01 are in principle Ihe same! This idea has also been expressed by the I'uyton JCmpirt and other papers of alike character, in Ohio. Now, while we nre willing to admit that tho colo nists rebelled against their government, and tho secessionists have revolted against theirs, we can seo no more similarity be tween the two than exists between a lamb and an rhinoceroM. Tho revolutionary war of the early settlers, waged for liberty, hadH its glorious fruition in the very government which the rebels are seeking to destroyi In establishing their government our ances tors made human freedom its foundation and keystone, mid it is this government the rebels are trying lo destroy, with a view to construct a new one, in which slavery shall he the controlling element. Washington and his compatriots undeniably fought only for freedom, but. Jeff. Davis ,v Co. fight to perpetuate and extend slavery. Tho rebels talk much of their rights, but these are Ihe rights which aristocrats always claim those of domineering over inferiors. Tho right or wrong of slavery has nothing to do with our present statement of the case; what wo insist on is tho simple fact, that in the principles and spirit inspirim; them, the war of the colonists and that of the seces sionists are utterly and diametrically hostile to each other. How, indeed, could it possi bly be otherwise, when Ihe rebels are war ring against Iho very govornineiit which our liberty loving fathers established? The men of '(! made war because they were re fused the right of self-government. Their war secured to them and their children this right. Is it a right? If not, the revolution ary fathers were wrong. Hut if it is a right, what is it except the right to govern, and the justice of the government to popular majorities? The fact demonstrates that it is a war against a government of majorities against the only principle in wdiich Ihe self government of any people is possible. Our fore fathers rebelled in order lo establish a republic, but the rebels are trying to sub vert it. Tho former believed that a popu lar form of government would secure liber ty to the citizen, but the rebels have discov ered that the liberty they seek will never be conceded to thciii by the people. Tho grievanco of tho colonists was that they were not represented in tho ruling power. The rebels do not complain on this point, for they admit that the slave stales had a larger proportional representation in Con gress than Iho free slates, liming tho his tory of the country they have wielded a con trolling power in tho government for more than two-thirds of the tiinc;und not until they were transforming the Union into a slave and cotton copartnership, did Iho other members of the firm seriously remonstrate. No! withstanding the greater deference paid them and the superior representation allow ed them, when they litul they can no longer rule the nation, they rebel. The American revolution was a war of Ihe people against an aristocracy; but the southern rebellion is the war of an aristocracy against the peo ple, in the right ol sell-government. Honor to Ohio. A Kentucky correspondent writing from Frankfort to tho SVoc Journal, says: Wo can never repay the gratitude wo feel toward Ohio for her promptness in rush ing to our relief. All honor is duo to your gallant State and your bravo soldiers. When the war is over, and the rebellion crushed, Kentucky will take pride in expressing her profound gratitude in sonic appropriate and durable form she will erect some monu ment to Ihe bravery of Ohio which will glit ter in the sun-light of Heaven, and inspire all coining generations with admiration for the people who coino to defend her in the hour of need. Hef"re this war closes these two states will be bound together by indis oluble bonds. All past animosities will bu j forgotten and they will emulate each other only in acts ot kindness and brotherly love. We are all linked in one destiny and must rise or fall together. We must have but one constitution, one llag and one (Sod. The Election. The elcctiou in this county, on Tuesday, passed oil' with remarkable quietness, and the number of votes polled does not reach one-half the usual number. In this town ship, last fall, the vote was something over 100, while in no case this year does it reach more than 181). There were several reasons for this lack of interest at the polls ; the principal of which was the fact that there was no local opposition, and then almost ev ery one felt as though the Slate Ticket was safe without their vote. If the vote in oth er counties approximates anything near the sweeping majority given for the Union Ticket, in this county, Tod's majority in the State, can no', fall much short of 100,000 ! From Fort Monroe. . to , of in last liek the Four Monkok, Oct. 7. The steamer Ex press met ly iireeinent, this morning, the rebel steamer Nortlunnlei'l;inl, with a tliitf of truce, twelve miles nliove Newport News, which brought down f7 wounded prisoners, who were released yesterday ut Kiclniiond, captured ut Hull's Uun, They report that there are about 5,000 troops in Kiclniiond, that the rebel tirinv on the Potomac is sup posed to number over l.ilt.tHHl, nml tlmt up- prehensions of an attack on tho sea-board i causes the greatest anxiety. - I. .- i I . i . . . t i owcriui naileries nave oeeu creciou long James river, in anticipation of an ad-! vauco of tho Federal urmy in that direction. I lie ui'iuainent lias been removed tioni the steamer Jamestown. The prisoners did not see the Yorktown. The troops at lich inoiid were composed of North Carolinians and t.onrgiuna. Covei nor lirown, of (leorgia, has recalled tivo regiments to defend tho State. Tho re bel troops were sutlering greatly from the want of medieiiiH, clothing and certain kinds of food. Articles cut otf by the blockade were bringing fabulous prices. The wound ed prisoners were released for the reason their wants could not bo supplied. They have Wen obliged to sleep oil tho floor during their imprisonment, 1 1 on. Beauregard was ut Manassas and Jetf lavis returned to Hichinoud Saturday in feeble health. Speculations were rifo to his successor. - Seventeen tif the released' prisoners, who ' are unable to go home, have been sent r .1... i O.I !..!,. I ll.t..;i ,i 1IIU .ivt 1 1lllb lll'n'UUl. feDauiel Hurler, of Herlin, Krio county, son u tho late David Hutler, one of the old- eHt residents of that county, committed sui- l-ido on rwduiday uioiuing. . , trX-Me pork was (M0 per barrel, and hay $50 per tun in New Orleans. ?fc.Th6 New England Btates havo only about forty-five thousand troops in tho field. is?The regiments are still streaming to Washington trom the New Kngland, Middle and extreme Northern plates. Bt5u.Col. . (Jibson regiment, when last beared from, was at F.hzcbethtown, Kentuc ky. J'ajrOriv. Morgan, of Now York, lias re commended Tlitirsdcy the !Mlh day of No vember as i day.f thanksgiving and pray er. ., , ,,. iJ'ajMlcnry A. Wise, ami his son, O. Jen nings Wise, have been indicted for treason by tho (Irand Jury of tli federal court at Wheeling, Va. &Tjy(J(i. MoClellan is not yet SO, (Jen. Fremont is under 48; (Jen. Lyon wai about 44; (ion. Itutler is 4.1: ien. Hanks is 44, and Uen McDowell is about 40.' rO-.An occasional correspondent writ'eg to the New York Pout from Washington says; "I'onot be surprisod if you hear short ly of three rebel cities being laid in ashes." J8aVTho Postmaster (leneral is absent from Washington., , Has his business any relation to tho controversy between his brother and General Fremont? Aft)" Flank fort dispatches niako no men tion of the reported shooting of Ureckinridge, tho Kentucky tratior, juid wo are fearful the intelligence, is not reliable. J(ti-!t""(iilTt. A. S. Ileinent's company went into the camp of the ft.'ith Pegiinent nt Nor- walk last Week, making tho fourth company raised at FoHtoria, a town of some 1,200 in habitants. fltrA recent :Lcavojnvortlt paper says: "Front gentlemen of well known character belonging to the nine counties on our bor der, wo gain inl'ormarion wh eh show.! that nt least, one hundred slaves leave Missouri each day for Kansas." Cy'"Therc is very ureat enquiry tliough- out the Northern' Press, why there is no opinion of A Horny t'Jeiieral Hates, defining the construction to be put upon the act of Congresn for confiscating slaves and other property of rebels. .. WLQult seems that the Texan rebels are procuring immense quantities of arms and munitions from Mexico. Wo doubt about the i'lim'Httity of those quantities: for in the first place, Mexico has not. got them, and in the next place Texas could not pay for them. llTA-Tlio last advices from the extreme South signify that the rebels will be needed down on the coast very soon and that New Orleans will soon have an opportunity of having the grass removed from her streets by marching thonsausls. AWty-Tho accession of (Jen. Sherman to tho command of the department of Kentucky, is vcrv probablci" We regret to be informed that the delicate health of (Jen. Ando son wi 1 not permit, him tooii'diire the responsibilities and anxieties of the positoti. Bfeiy-.Iames II. Clay, the renegade son of "the gallant Harry," was captured by a boy not. over sixteen! Although alone in a buggy, he was armed with two double shot guns and two navy revolvers. But the boy overawed him and he gave up without a shotl B5U'fhe rebels did not attack Henderson, Ky., on Thursday night, but fell back into tho interior a short distance. Cannona ling was hoard in the direction of Lock No. 1, on Green river, where Indiana troopsare station, leading to the supposition that there has been a fight at that place. Sf The lines of the opposing armies around Washington are beginning to resume the position respect vely held by them before the battle of Hull Uun. Our troops have made a reeoiinoissance sixteen miles out on the Alexandria turnpike with resistance, or even any largo forces of the rebels. 1ML1,. Frankfort dispatches state positively that Zollieoffe.r was ret.'cating from London, in Laurel county. It win supposed to be his intention to fall back upon Cumberland Ford, a naturally strong point, about fifty miles from London, and lit'teen from Cumber laud (iap. n3uTwo changes hive been male in Jeff. Havis's bogus Confederacy Cabinet since its formation on the (Ui of March last. Hobt. M. T. Hunter of Virginia has been made. Secretary of State in place of Itobert Toombs of Georgia, and Hi'axtou Bragg ol Louisiana has succeded Leroy P. Walker of Alabama, as Secretary of War. Bf-SA.We shall soon hear of the gallant ex ploits of tho Indiana volunteers in a now quarter. Tho Twentieth Hegiment, which bus been stationed at Fortress Monroe, has cone to Furt llatteras. We do no tdoubt that the Hoosier boys will light as manfully within sound ot the ocean breakers as among the mountains of Western Virginia. BUX.Tho Cincinnati Commercial has a dispatch stalinir that General KoynohU I hursilay ma to areconiioisaueo with a torce of live thousand men, from his position at Cheat Mountain. He stirred up the rebel army and had .a soveri! artillery skirmish with them, losiuur about ten Killed and eleven wounded. The loss of the encniv is ist'inat ed by their special correspondent, who was on the spot, at live" 'hundred killed and wounded. Thirteen prisoners were taken, and a lot ol horses and a drove ot cattle tell into our bauds. The roeonnoisaneo is des cribed as a complete success.. B3)Tlie N. Y. Journal of Commerce says that drafting will not bo necessary in New York State, as was feared would be the case. It is ascertained thai twelve regiments are now nearly full, and will be ready to march within a fortnight; and tho other regiments are filling up so fast us to leave no doubt that, they will be complete at an early day. Notwithstanding the numerous expenses incident to every stage ot the recruiting service, only a trifle over two-thirds of the Sfil.OOO.OOO appropriated by the Legislature has been expended up lo this time, and it is probable that there .will bo a handsome lialauce in tho treasury after the second piota has been put in the field. -; j its to - -- m Dkthoit. Oct. It is'belivetl the charge iigainst Col. llankin for breach of the neu trality laws cannot bo Mistaiucd. In any event, his arrest bv Canadian authorities will not impede the prompt organization of tho Kigiinent ol utneers now rendezvoused here. Our thirty recruiting ollicers now in the Northwestern States are actively ut work, and upwards of ,"00 picked men havo already been enrolled. Bfe-iV-The Fostorii. AVim says Col. Mongol) is meeting with excellent success in tilling j up the ranks ol the ;7th regiment, at t amp Vance, near Fiudlay. 'The glorious north west don't intend tlmt tho disgrace of draft ing shall be attached to her skirts. EttV'Carit. Harry S. Smith, formerly Tiffin, was taken prisoner nt tho battle Lexington, Mo. Ho commanded a company of cuvalry belonging tho second Illinois reg iment. Dfk..Major Hums, who lias had charge l S. I onmiissary department at 1 liiciuuatl, has been appointed Hrtgadier tJeneral I)""The Kentucky luniks are responding liberally to the Mate call Mr money. J-i"Sinoe the war "commenced tho rebels have taken sixtv.four prizes valued at nearly three million dollars, and our navy has tak en fifty-two, valued at two millions, which leaves a million in favor of the piratical side. Iho seizure of southern vessels northern Ports, under the confiscation act is not, however, reckoned, which amounts to at least two million dollars, a consntcra bio portion of which will accrue to the Uov eminent. BPk.We have reports of a fight in Hath count v between the I'nion Homo Ouards and the secessionists encaiutted there. The secession camp was broken up, tho baggage tents, &e., were taken, and thirty, of . their, i l. ill --i' l .Ai. ..V : ..!:....- tiuuioci .iueu. i lie nviuucaiuiiB ai c uui v, 1 of of m - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. '0 ARMS I TO ARMS ! TO ARMS I Thn unrtcmitwprt hs boen dulr ernnmmsioned nd atitliuritcd to raie a Company (if Volunteer f.r Hi six t - .va; i a;ata r eodikst 0. V. U. S. Infiintrv, to go Into omip at CAMP OL1VEH, mar Toledo. T am nhitinnorl nl IVrrvubiirir. ami am aiitlinmcd to imiHtor In rocniftn fnt ss thy enlist, and tliey will tlierefnre oVhiv Hnticms and I'.ir from the tim of cnlia'inciit, and fnrni(!i('d with MiliHistrnce until H'-nt into rump. As Kmm as tivo or sit men hare beun riiliMU'il their unitenns will bo ordered, ami for evorv S or 8 moil thereafter that arc enliRted. No lutler Inilneemnnts could ponsililv bo oll'ered to Yiitinir Men to Volunteer in tho UVfcnKO of the ' STARS AND STRIPKS," And aid in atiMaitihig THE CONSTITUTION AM) THE UNION The nnv is from $13 tn $21 per month and $100 llimnty nt tho rlimo or tne war, It is also expected that ench volunteer will receive 100 nrrea of land. Active tnenn nro bi-iiiu taken to fill this regiment rnpiillv and it is tlionirtit it will be got ready to hike no the line of ninrcli soon, if you arc anxious to serve your country voluntarily, and avoid being drafted which it Is ennicstly to bo hoped will not have to Lie resorted to m tins state. Walk Uii and 1'ul Down Your Nam! 2d Limit. JOHN 1). STAFFORD, Penynhurg, Oct., 18(11. Recruiting Olllccr T 0 ARMS! DON'T WAIT TO I(E DRAFTED Tin) undersigned lias been duty Commissioned ant authorised by the. Ailjt. Oen. of the State of (lino, to a company ot oluntecrs, lor the Sixty-Seventh Regiment 0. V. V. S. Infantry, to go into Cnmp at CAMP 0L1VLR," NEAR TOLKDO, OHIO yi: I nm stationed nt l'errj shiirg, and nm nuthorked to MCHTER n HRCKI'IT.V AS FAST AS TIIKT ENLIST, and lliey will therefore, draw ltaliniis and I'ny from tho tune ot enlistment, anil lurniHlied with suDsist enrc until M or more mon have enlisted when thev will be sent into Cuuiii. As soon ns live or six men have enlisted their uniforms will be ordered, and for every live or nix men thereafter that are enlist ed. No better inducements could possibly be oil", r- I to Young Men to Volunteer in the defense of the STARS AND SIR 1 PES," And ni l in sustaining THE CON.S'IWIUTION AND THE UNION. The nnv is from 413 to $21 per month, and $100 ltounlv, at the. close of the war. It is also expect ed that eseli Volunteer will receive 1GJ ACRES OK LAND ! Active means nro heiinr taken to fill this Regiment rapidly, and it is thought it will be got ready to take up Hie lino of inarch soon, if you arc anxious to serve your country voluntarily, mid avoid being drafted w hich it is earnestly to be hoped will not have t" be resorted to in this State. ff-i?"! shall be at Wood vi lie, Stonv Ridge, How ling (ireen, mid Fiviuont to receive recruits during the coining week. Walk Up and Put Pawn Your Kama! 2d Lieut. ARTHUR E. PIERCE, Perryshurg, Oct., 1861. Recruiting Otlicer. )L01VHI PLOWS I PLOWS I The subscriber has just received the sub-soil, or MICHIGAN DOUULE PLOW. It is a plow that every Farmer shou'd have. With it he can turn under and irct rid of sward, nil kinds of stubble and roots of corn stalks, leaving nothing but a nice fresh soil t cultivate, for breaking up W I L D PRAIRIE LA N D It is invaluable. It puts tho sward six to eight inches under ground, and gives you a soil us good and as easy to work us your neighhoi's that has been tilled i'oi- years. He has also the U I I! S C Y L I It II K R P L 0 W Very strong nnd of light draft just the thing for Supervisors, or for all kinds of heavy plowing. MITCHELL'S &. SONS' ROAD SCRAPERS, Second to none others made. Hav, Straw, Corn-stalk cutters of tho vcrv best manufactures, wan anted to give entire sntisfuction, and will save one-liulf the cost of wintering stock that it will cost to winter them without cut feed. Last, but not least, is the IMMSJI YVAlliK liKAVYKK. Ho would call the attention of nil in want of a "tip top" pump, to this Drawer, ns it is undoubtedly the best tiling to draw wnti r with in the county. It has only to bo seen nnd tried to be appreciated, and what is hotter than all is that itis cheap, and there fore within the reach of both rich nnd poor. CALL AM) M-.E 1I1K.M. D. KREPS. Perrysbnrg, Oct. Mb, 1881. Notice to Tnx-I'nycrs. I will be in the several townships of Wood county, Ohio, fer the purpose of receiving taxes, ns follows: At r rcepon, Montgomery township, on luesuav, Oct. l.rth. At llernard's school house, Perry township, on Wednesday, Oct. loth. At John llaird's, lilooui township, on Thursday, Oct. 17th. At John Davis', Henry township, on Friday, Oct. I8lli. K. liKAItAM, t o, Treasurer. Perrysbnrg, 0., Oct. 1, 18lil. 2-'v2. pOUKT OF COMMON PLEAS, WOOD Ky i;ui!.Mi, umu. James Armitage vs Merret M Young. The defendant, Merret M. Young will toko notice that on the 30th day of August, 1861, the plaintiff, James Armitage, ' tiled a petition in seid court against him, the object nnd prayer ot which peti tion is to obtain judgment against the defendant for the amount of two promissory notes executed and delivered by said defendant to plaintiff, nnd also for a balance duo upon an account and being for tho several sum j of one hundred and ten dol lars with interests nt the rate of ten (10) per ct. per annum limn MurchlM, 18iH, and of seven hundred and ninety-six 7-100 dollars ($700 7-100) with in terest from January 25, 1800, ut the rate of ten ( 10) per cent, per annum, and of sixtv-ono 10-100 dol lars m 10-100) with interest from April 29, 1861. 1'laintill also seeks to colWct said sum by the aid of the provisional remedy of -ittachment, and has at tached the following lands and tenements of defend ant, to-wit: 41) uiul 81-100 acres ofl'tho west part of river tract number eighty (80) in tho United States reserve, nt tho foot of the rapids of the Mau mee river, in Wood county, Ohio, and bounded as fallows : On tho south' bv tho center of tlrassy creek, on the west by tho west line of said river tract nuniucr eighty (U) on tne nortti Dy tne jiau mee river, ami on the east by a lino drawn parallel to the west line of said river tract number eighty at u distance of eiitlit chains, 7'X links easterly lerenf. Also u rich! .of public wuv from said 49 81-100 ueres to the Perrysbnrg und Oregon roud along tlie route surveyed nnd reported lor a county road to the commissioners of Wood county, by Wel lington, surveyor. Said petition will be answera ble on the second duy of Novi-mlicr. I8H1. iioiii,b i vi.rit, uu ys. Sept. i, 18(51 -18w5$7 76. AUMKltS, LOOK TO VOI R 1XTERKSTS 1 GRAIN DRILLS! GRAIN DRILLS! GRAIN DRILLS! The subscriber is now ready to furnish Farmers with cither of tho two best Grain Drills in use, and vill warrant them to uivo entire satisfaction. 1 hey will sow Wheat, Rye, Harley, Oats, buckwheat, 1 Ins, Heme, limotliv. Clover, Millet-wed; also, Gum, Peas and Heans eiputlly well It is, perhaps, the only uiicliiiio a rainier can use that WILL PAY FOR ITSELF 1 in the increase of yield, over and over again, in a year or two. 1 Im ve iiliim liincH of testimony Rhowunr that the ncreuse of Di illinir over broad-cast sowinir, is on un averuge from three to live bushels ht acre, and the ditterence is often much greater, nut taking the lowest estimate, (S bushels) if you put out 40 acres, it will givu you increase of 120 bush els, which would pay for two Drills. Call on me it you want a Drill, in pruterence to buying or a strnnirer that vou mar never sec ncain. ana if the Drill don t prove Rood, H will cost you all H is woi (li to Kct your money back. In audition, 1 keep tlie very best makes ot Steel Plows, Subnoil Plows, Harrows, Komi scrupers, Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters, Clwver Ilullers, Horn Rakes, Horse Pitchfork. Fanning Mills, Sewing Machines, Sugar Evaporators, Cider Mills, Tnernaun r uiiurns, Cider Presses. Threshing Machines, of Pitt's Celebrated Manufacture, and in short everything a Fanner needs on his (arm to help him through wiih In work and put money Into Ins ooeket. I). WREPS. P, S. I have just received Gibbs A ltro.'s Celebrated Cylinder Plow. This is undoubtedly the best plow in this county or any other. It lias received the First Premium at every Stat and ('utility Fair where it has been exhibited, for its good work and easy draught. t all ami see 11. -u cuargv lor noon inn mnia. 1. KRKPS. Pcrrysburg, August, Oth, 1801 RniS. JOOD COl'NTY. OHIO, COURT OF COM MOM Pl.KAS. Susannah Taylor vs Edwin F Tavler. The defenduiil, Fdwiu K. Taylor, will take no- tie that deputations will be taken In tins actum by the tduintitl at the ottice of William .etcher, in the towu of Went I'nily, Williams county, Ohio, on the 1 7 tli dur of October, ltwi, between 8 o'clock, s. ru. and V u clock p. ni.,and will continue from day to dv thereafter umil finished. S, J t H EILSON, ' "aeld, D)lU, 20n3tl st'j. The ed ing of In ut GOODS & GROCERIES. ET TUB WORLD BEAD. FOR THE BEST & CHEAPEST GOODS 00 TO THE STCIK 0T W. J. HITCHCOCK. NRW floonti raw ooonat NEW (IOODS I NEW oooiml ur.w (i on ns I kbw uooim KEW goods! mw raiciat mw mice NKW r RICKS mew rmcRsI KIW PRICIMt nkw r rices! HEW PRICKS t largest stocks of goods evor off ered in this market, embracing an endless variety of articles STAPLE, FASCY AND FASHIONABLE, In the selection of which no effort has been spar to render it as attractive as possible, Is now be opened nt the CHEAP DRY GOODS STORE W. J. Hitchcock, on the corner of Front and Lou isiana Avenue, Pcrrysburg, Ohio. QUALITY is the REST TEST of CHEAPNESS. Inspection and Comparison will prove that for va riety, elegance, richness, cheapness, beauty and quantity, tins stock Is unsurpassed by any now ot tered in the West. LADIES' FASUIONARLE DRESS GOODS! this department great advantage may be obtain ed by close cash buyers, from the fact that the goods are boughtfor cash' directly of the eastern dealers and manufacturers, and all imported goods arobo't just what it costs to import them, hence he can atliird to sell goods at MUCH LOWER PRICES than goods are generally Bold, which is an item nf great interest to the people of Wood county. A silf tlicient in ducement, we take it, to make Perrys bnrg ihe trading point. HEADY HADE CLOTHISO t In this department, we have the largest and most complete assortment in Northern Ohio. Made np according to the latest fnshions and in the most sub stantial manner, warranted to give the very best satisfaction, or no sale. HARDWARE, CROCERIES, &C. Those wishing to purchase anything in this line will find it to their advantage to pay my Store a visit before purchasing elsewhere. The attention of the publio is respective! v invited to my extensive stock, feeling assured it wiil be time profitably spent. Sr"Produce taken in exchange for goods. W. J. HITCHCOCK. Perrysbnrg, January 2d, 1861. P RAND OPENING OF VJt STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, VVOODENWARE, HARDWARE, Farming Tools, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC. Ladies' Dress Goods, New, Chaste, Ricli and Elegant Patterns, Just received by A. G. WILLIAMS & BRO. Sugars, Amber Syrup; African, Rio and Java Codecs, Layer snd Seedless Raisins, very nice, Prunes and Currants. GLASS, DYE-STUFFS, SPICES, Kerosene Oil. Tea at 60 cents, and $1 tea for 75 cents; try it. Prime Live Geese Featheis, Retailed from $1 V H P Mackerel and Cod Fish, Looking Glasses, etc. CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, New Spring and Summer styles, Strong and Cheap for Cash; for sale by Williams. GOODS AT SECESSION PRICES FOR TUE LADIES. French Printed liarcges, very cheap. French Printed Organdies, beautiful designs. Gingham Lawns, Printed Lawns, Printed llril liantcs, all entirely new styles. Mourning Goods, Embroideries, Bcrego de Lainet Summer Dress Silks, Linen Lustres, VaWncias, Foulard Silks, Marseilles, Lawn Robes, Organdia Bobcat Grenadines, Challies, Counterpanes, Napkins, Doylies, Damask Cloths, Ruffling, Edgings, Moreens, Flannels, Lace Veils, Cotton Sheetings, Dress Puttous snd Trimmings, s bandaom assort mcnt, all new. Bonnets and Ribbous, Misses' snd Childrens Flats snd Hats, Parasols, ths newest snd richest set; Shawls of every description, Mantillas snd Raglans; please call and examine be for purchasing elsewhere. Fish ! Fish I A good supply nf all kinds con stantly sept ou nana si our store, I if" Produce taken in exchange for goods. m A. G. WILLIAMS & BRO. 2od door (rota ths pott tffics, HIGHLY TMORTAtlT. G RAND A I R I Y A t o r SPRiNO AND SUMMER GOODS I A T "HEAD QUARTERS!" PERRYSBURG, OHIO. My stock is new and well selected sad embraces the best, latest and cheapest stylet of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, ALL GOING, GOIXO CHEAP FOR CASH! CLOTHS, CASSI.MEKKH, VKSTINGS, HATS AND CAP s. All of the latest and very best fabric. BOOTS AND SHOES, and CLOTniNO MADE TO ORDER on short notice and WARRANTED TO FIT. A GOOD ASSORTMENT F GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, always on hand. (I1 f I am receiving this spring the largest stocfc of GROCERIES ever brought to this city, which I intend tn SELL VERY LOW FOR CASH. FLOURs keep on hand PEARL MILLS XX FIOVR, which always gives tlie very best satisfaction. COFFEES: Java, Santoas snd Rio. TEA: Imperial, Black and Young Hjsno. - SUGARS: Crushed, Co fire Sugar, Coromoa to Prime. TOBACCOSi AU hinds fram Twist tn ths finest Cavendish. In thort, every thing usually kept in s wholesale and retail dry goods snd grocery stere. Tba Highest Market Price IN CASH OR TRADE, Paid for prod nee of sll kinds. NOTICE. Persons bringing in Corn will take sotice that it must be irst thoroughly clessed. The 'Emms Hoestosr" is mw receiving grsul regularly st ths Perryaburg Dock. WM. HOUSTON.