OCR Interpretation

The Weekly Perrysburg journal. [volume] (Perrysburg, O. [Ohio]) 1861-1???, October 10, 1861, Image 4

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026193/1861-10-10/ed-1/seq-4/

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Perrysburg Journal.
Kow, while our soldiers are fighting ur battles,
Kuch t his post (, " he Clln' '
Pown among rcbola ami contraband chattels,
What arc you doing, my sweet liltlo ni.m 1
All tha bravo boys under cnnva r. sleeping,
All of them pressing to miircli itli the vim,
Far from th homa where their aweothesrl nre
What are you wilting for, sweet litftte m m T
You with the terrible warlike mustaches,
Fit for a colonel or chief of ft chin,
You with the waist made for sword holts nnd sialics,
Where are your shoulder straps, sn oct little man?
firing him the buttonless garment of woman I
Cover his face lest it freckle mi l tnu t
Muster the Apron-string nar.U on the comin ni,
That la the corps for the sweet little man I
Give him for escort a file of young misses,
Each of them armed with a d.-.idly ratian !
Tbey shall defend him from laughter and liins-s,
Aimed by low boys at the sweet little innn.
All the fair inaldi n.i itliont him sti ill rliiKt r,
riuck the white feather from bonnet ami fan,
Make him a plume like ft turkey wing duster, -
That is tho crest for the sweet liulu man I
0, but tho Apron-airing Guards are tho fcllowa I
Prilling each day since our troubles beg in,
Hail lie your walking slicks 1" "Shmilder umbrel
la V
That is the style for the awcol liltlo ninn.
lUro we ft nation to save T In th.' (3 r-t place
Saving ourselves Is (he sensible plan,- -Surely
the spot where there's shooting's the worst
' place
Where I can stunl, says the sweet little tna-i.
Catch me confiding my person with strangers :
Think how tha cowardly Hull Runners ran I
In the brigade of the Stay-at home rangers
Marches my corps, siys the sweet little man.
Fucli was the stulf of the Mal.ikolV takers,
Such were the soldiers that scaled thn llediin ;
Truculent housemaids ami blood-thirsty Quakers
Hravc not tho wrath of tho sweet liltlo man I
Yield him the si -fa-walk, ye iiursc-y nnidens 1
Satire nui pent! Rrldget, and right about! Ann, -
Fierce as a shark in a school of inenhaddenH,
See him advancing, the sweet little man I
When the rod flails of the batllo-fiel 1 threshers
Ileal out (be continent's wheat from its bran,
Whilo the wind scatters the chaffy sceosliors,
What will become of our sweet little man ?
When tho browti soldiers come h ick from the borders
How will he look while his features they scan?
now will he feel when he gets marching orders,
Signed by his lady love? sweet little man I
Fear not for him, though the rebels expect him,
Life is too precious to shorten its span t
Woman her broomstick shall raise to protect him,
Will sh not fight for the sweet little man 'I
Now then, nine cheers for the Slay-nthnnie riin;;crsl
Itlow the proiit lish horn and beat the big pan I
First in the field that is fnrthest front danger,
Take your while feather plume, sweet littlo man!
Artamus Ward among the Spirits.
[From Vanity Fair.]
My n-,ilntr in morn hurf ein.y on new
fannied tdour ubout SperrelH, Sieireto.)l
.Sirelen in held nitely & -1 or "i lono; liiirod
1'elleiH litia Nettled here nnd K"ie into lite
Bperret lii.ni exi looHh ly. A tilemt v;ih
mtido to j;i't, Mi h. Ward In eniliiiiU inlo the
Hnorrot bi.niz but the aleml I'aled, 1 of the
lon;j; bared fellers told her hIio w.i a ethe
real erectur & would niaUe a Hweet mfji
iiin, wliereiimn hIio nltaet him with a niop
bundle & drove him out of the house. 1
will hero obfiiitve that Mis. Ward in a in
valerable woman the partner of my g;o h -Hie
shairer of my tiorii rn. In my uhntnnie
nho wnti-hia my inleieHlH & lliino,n w-itli an
K.ighi Eve and when 1 ret urn hIio weleonis
mo in al'eetionato Htyle. Truly it in with u
iiH it wa with Mr. and Mm. lii:';om:it in the
l'lay, to whit
2 soIch with but a single thawt,
2 harts which b et as I.
Mv nabiiiH inioiu-od me to alh-n
a Sper
Wlien 1
full il -
retooul Sirt le ut Siiuiiu Sui.lh'H.
nrroc 1 found the east room ehoek
elooding alt the old mauls in tho tin
A- the lono- bared fellers a Isei'. lien 1
inent in 1 was Biilooted with "In nr i imis the
Venited man" "hear emus the hoiev bedi-d
nnbeleever" "hear euniH the nkolVer at
troolh." etsi ttery, etsettery.
Sen I, "my li ens it's Iron I'm he if, & now
brill on your SperretH."
1 of the 10110; iiared fell -rH riz up and sod
lie would Htate a few remarks. lie hoiI he
was n eritter of intelleek & was ir.ovitu on
to ti tlole. Sum men had bijv;:er int ft Ifi bs
than other men had and they wood nt to
to tho dole the soonerest. Sum men was
beeats & wood never git into the ( lole at a 1.
lie sod the Krth was material but man wns
immaterial .-mil hens man was dilVet ent from
tho F.rth. Tho Krth, ooiil-ntio 1 tho speaker,
resolves round on its own nxeltro oiiet in
21 hours, but uh man ban t g,o no nxeltree
ho cant resolve, lie sod tlie etlie."eal os
Hunco of tho koordinate bratudils uf super
human natnr beeum inettytnorfiisned us in in
rorest in harmonial eooxistunee i'i even
toolally anty humanized theirselvis - tun
ed into reglur sperretuellers. This was ve:
Hiftenisly app'ii'tded by I ho euuipany nud b
I iu-.iko il a point to v( along as pi, as -ui'y
us possible, 1 sung out "bu'lv lor vti old
The cutnpanv thou drew round the table
tind the Sirkle kmuinenst to go it. Tin y ax
ed mo if there was anybody in the Serret
land which 1 wood like to eonvearse with. I
nod if Hill lompkins, who wasoin-o my pai t
Jier in tho show biznis, was sober, I shood
like to convarse with him a few periods.
"Is the Sperrot of William Tompkins pres
ent?" sod 1 of the long, Iiared elia s, and
there was three knox on the table
Sez I, "William, how goe it. Old Sweet
ness?" "Pretty run", old boss." be replied.
That was a pleasant way we had of ad
dressing eaeh other when iie was in the llesh.
"Air you in the show bi:'.nin?" sez I.
IIo sed ho was. lie sed he and .bihu
Itunyan was travelin with a sidi show in
onnection with Shakespeer, .lonsou Co.'s
Circus. He sod Ole linn (ni-.-anin Mr. l!-.ui-yan,)
Btird up tlie unimils groiin 1 the or
pm whilo ho tendid door. hvas.'.iunaUy
Mr. Itunyan Rung a comic Hon-.;. Tliis eireu's
was tloiu middlin well, bill shakespeer ha-1
maao a great hit with Old Hob K;,l! 'y, and
Den Jolison was delitin the people w i't'.i his
trooly grato ux of hossmatisliip without sad
dul or bridal. They was reUersiu Dixey's
Land and expected it would knock the je
flo. Bez I, "Willinm, my luvly friend, can you
Ry me that 13 dollars you owe me?" lie
Haul no with 0110 of the inottt tremenjiu kiiox
I ever experiutmed.
llio birelo Bed ho had gon. "Air
gone, William?" 1 axed.
"liiiyther," he replied, nud 1 know d it wax
no use to puisuo tho mthjoik lurder.
I then culled for my lather.
"How'e things, daddy?"
"Middlin, my sou, middliii."
"Ain't you inowd of your oiluru buvT
"Why not, my parent,"
"Hocuwz you hi'.vo gone to wiitin for
iioonepapeiB, my hoii. Jlamebv you'll lon
all your character for trooth and ven-.u-tet t
AVhen I helpt you into tho show biznis'
told you to dignerfy that there pel I'euhun.
Litterutuor ig low
Ho also atatiil that ho w,i tloiii utiiMiiu
well in tho rilanit LiKties & likcU it putty well,
tho' the el ii ui t wo rather warm.
Whon tho Birelo utojJt tliry uxej me what
1 thawt pf it.
rVa I, "niT frendi I've U inl" the ultow
W.nia now goln on 23. yrnra. There n nr
tikil in tho Conatilooahnn of the Tinted
Slate which ae,z in r-ffoek that everybody
m;iv think just na ho darn plca.on, & them
i mv rcntimetila to a hue. Von rlowtlis
lielcevf this Sperret doctrin while, think
it is tli die inixt. Jitsf so nnon ;i-t n man hc
n re-hir out A mil Snort el MPl'iT he
l;ivi-.i oiiw ivk n, .e i.i'" iih.iv
over his fine A omiimni" h npiingin
t ItV-
in nut of ollli-r 1'ople. M
eti nil I'll dick
liMiinr.oH ho em find f p,ive round ehoek
t'hll of bin winds. N' iii L-.u the wninuili lolKs
.V little thldn-ii & dertlroyin the ploi'o of
mind of ever, fniiirlo-' h" onloi q. II ' dm t
do i dbody no guml ,V is u tliss to society &
n t'irit on liosteHt iietile h corn lu cl h.irrim.
Ailnnt nil VII hii.V nnowi ine ooeirni in
t co, 1 ini'mf ny I'm relur iierlivHioiuil
Hunr-t riH'ieiN--!hi'in u- makes n lii.nis ,-,n
it in tdiowt the niiit orni-iy Ki t of en-ftea I
-vi- eiikoiiiileiod in toy life. So nnyin I bnt
on mv Mirtoot nml went liotne . . .
l!i'.-.iii'fl,li;y i otifM,
K Wuller W'iislniiloii !m li;ii.:ui,ii RO.l-i-ei
nf U-Mieral Viin!i-nj:t'ti.d'.i'd ill (Jreenock.
Hooll.uid. on (lie 11 111 nit, ut fie ngo of 81
Vitii h. N r. Il'iclniiiiiu w.m liiitre I in (ien
eil V, lin ,t'i.i'. n nil -i ul ll.i-iover, (now
MoitIhIowii.) Now .Ioihov, on the tho
foil, th du.V of .1 ni invy, 1 777. un 1 Kosoiunko
and I, ii.iyVtte wore (ivcHent at tho eereinooy.
Mr. It.t''!i:inaii hoI i i 1 1 1 1 v liiMimo a aer-
'iin in llic I'nilt d Si, ill .i N'.ivy.
lir.iuri's sai.i:.
tleour" II Smith vs Win It Trnesdale et nl.
Ilv i inne of no order nf rule i.-ioi in the above
cause bv IIim clerk of tho court i f coinni"!! pleas of
tYoo l count v, Ohio, mi l to me direete,! Hint ileliver-t-,t.
I will olli-r for sale at public vendue nt the door
of th" court house in I'errvsbnrg, Wood county,
Ohio, on
Saturday, October IHth, IW.l,
belrtern thn hours of ID o'clock a. in. and 2 p. m.
if that 'lav, (lie follow ing lau Is t -lueiit. to-wil:
comircm ing H ro Is nn I tlir.-e feet s ailli of the n-w
corner ol the s-c 1 , of section number It', township
niimhar f. nortli of rantfti uumber 1 1 cast in Wood
eonnlv, Ohio) tlirnco ruiinliig east Id rofU Ihcnco
soil'li six I'"l and thr -e feet; llicniv west III rods;
Ibcnee north six rods an 1 Ihreee feel to the place of
beginning, Apprais -il at f 1 ,oa l.-l l.
if, I.. i i I i. H, niieriii,
llotan: A Tvi.kh, nlt'v.
Sept. I Dili, IH.U - Hwj: nt'.
IMer Schateiibcrrrcr vs. It. W, .tolmson et nl.
H y virtue of nn order of sale issued in the above
eioise liv (lie clerK ol the court oi ceinnion picas ot
W I eonnlv, Ohio, and to lue directi'dand deliver
ed, I will oiler for sale nt public vendue Ht thu door
il the court house in IVrrysbuig, Wooil county
Ohio, on
Moiidnv 0,-tnbcr i'lsl. IKII1,
between the hours of 12 ochick a. m. end 2 p. in. nf
ul nay, (lie lolloit ing I. nuts ami leiienienls, lo-wit:
the soiiih-ivesl ,' of the north-east '4 of section I.I,
t iwnship number I, north i f range 12 east, all in
Wooil ciaintv, Ohio: remaining u acres. Apprais
ed at $ I :u:t. (I. I-'., (il.i Y !: 11 , Sheriff.
,1. I, tiiiKHN A Son, attvs.
Sep'. 2 lib, I Mi 1 -21w.'i:l .11.
1 II K U I F F ' S S A I. K .
Full ir & Co. vs. Willinm Fcnrnslde et nl.
lty virtue of an order of sale i. sued in the above
eau'ie by the clerk of the court of common plena of
Wood eonnlv, Ohio, and to me ilirecleil nud de
livered, I will oiler for sale at Public Vendue at the
lour of the court house in the town of I'errysbiirg,
Wood coiintv, Ohio, on
Monday October 21st, I Mill,
between the bonis of II o'clock a. ui. and 2 o'clock
p. in. of that day the following described lands and
tcnoni"nts, towit: The east a;, of the south-oust )j
of section ll , township number live north of range
number ten east, containing 120 acres. Also the
West half of the south-west of s
tit, town and
range as above, containing fc'.l acres in nil 21111 a
eres. ipiaiie, at JlDllll. (i. F. (iFYF.lt,
.1. II. TYMiii. pit IP's atty. Sheriff.
Sept. 2 llh, IS'! I - 2lfif!l.fi.'. I
II 1-: It 1 F F ' S' S A b F
Charles W, Wells vs. Tin inns M. Carey.
1 1 v lirlueofa Fi Fa judgment issueil in theabove
cause I, v tlie clerk of tiie court of common plena of
Wood eonnlv, Ohio, an I to me directed and deliv
ered, I shall oiler for sale ut public nuctiiai at the
loi r of (lie court house in I'errvsbiirg, in buhl
fount v, on
Saturday October 2lith. 111,
between the le oils nf II a. in. and 2 p. in. of Hint
lay the follow ing Ian Is ami tenements, to-wil: 1 be
ast '.; of the north-west I. of see. 2!', township 3.
north of range number (least, containing HO acres
ill in Wood county. O. (I. H. (if YF.lt.
I'uNKi.iSiX M atiihiis pit IT 'n atlys. MierilV.
Sitpt. 21th, Miil 2lvj?;i,l I.
Iavid Smith vs. Wolcolt & Minkler.
Ilv virtue of nil order of sale issued by the Clerk
ol the Court of ( oininon Pleas ol Mood county,
Oliio, in the above cause, nil I to ill directed nnd
delivered, 1 Hill oil r tor sale at public vendue at
the do-a- uf the Court House, in the town of I'errys
biirg, Wood eountv, Ohio,
Monday October 2Slh, IStil,
between the hours ut I nnd 2 p. m. of sni 1 day, the
following lauds an I tenements situate in Wood Co.,
Ohio, to-i it: The north pint ol the west lj of the
north-east . of sec. I, township I, iierth of range
east, hounded and described as follows; begin
ning 2 j rods west it in the north-cast corner ot said
west ;.j ol Hie nortli-east 1 , ot sunt section on tlie
section line, thence west nlong the north section
line 21 rods, thence sooth 2tl rods, thence cast 2t
rods, thence north 20 roils to the place of beginning,
coiitniiig II acres i t land more or less.
I'lTFU 1IFI.I,, Master Coiu'r.
Coin;, I'uiiT .v ,lotisso, pltll "s attvs.
Si-iit. 2 Ith, ISi'.l- 2lH.i$4.:t:l.
K K I F F ' S S A 1. F
Peter Scbalenlierger vs. Tt. W. Johnson et nl.
Ilv virtue of an order of sale issued in the above
case by the clerk of the court of common pleas o
1 oihI eonnlv, Ohio, and In me itnvcted ami itcliver-
ed, I will olti r for s ile at public vendue at the door
of the court home, in the low not' 1'ei rysbuig, Wood
couuli , nino, on
Saturday, November 2d, ISfil,
between the hours nf 12 in. and 2 n. in., of said dav
tho following; lands an I tenements, tow it ; The
s-nith-west 1 .,' of the noitli-cast i4 of neiii.m lit,
I iw uship miniher , north of range 12 cast, nil in
Wood county, Ohio; cult lining III acres. Apprais
ed at si;i:i:i. o. i;. (il l itcrut.
i. i.. liiiKrx.v mis, ntlvs.
Oct. 1st, lsiil 22-;"if: ill.
ON'T HKI.AY TO I'l'lilFY TllK 111.001).
1) K
V E A V E 11 ' S
CANKKIl A NP SAI.V mililM K Villi1,
For the Cure of
Canker, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofulous Dis
eases, Cutaneous Fi opticus, Sore I'jcs,
ninl every kind of Disease niising
from mi impure state of
the Flood.
Tin nut Ptleetive lllnoil Purifier of tUv
Nineteenth Century.
It is the prescription of nn educated Physician,
an-l all who arc alllicted with any of the nboxe
n lined di-ieascs, (ihoiild Use it without delay. Such
letters as tlie follow ing are often recciied.
Jeronioville, Ashland Co., Ohio, Nov. 20, lKilO.
Messrs. .1. N. II milts .V Co., Cincinnati. Ohio,
li. ii'leiiien : 1 deem it a duty as well us a
pleasure, lo inform y, u w hat Dr. Weaver's Syrup
an-l Cerate has done for me. and hope that this let
ter in. iv come to the notice of persona similarly
alllicted. In the year IS'iO I was attacked with
letter, or some kin bed disease, on both my legs,
which rxtcudad until from my knees lo my feet was
one raw sore I consulted and ol lained medicines
an-l prescriptions from nearly nil the physicians in
this i iciuity, but obtained in relief, l our agent at
Ibis place, Mr. Hoffman, rctv in mended ine lo try
the Sirup mid Cerate, which 1 fortunately did, and
am now a some I ami w ell man ov their use.
With great gratitude, 1 rcinaiu. Yours trulv.
JOHN WFlllHAl lillT.
Mr. Weiibiugbt K ing a Well known gctitlcmuii
ol Astilamt, makes tins uilorination most relinlile.
Hy taking ihe Syrup n directed, it will drive the
diseases from the system, ninl when once out on the
skin, a few application of
and von have u permanent cure.
The C-rate has proved ito-lf to We the lsst Oint
ment cier invented, .ni l wheiv eiieo used, it bus
never been known to l.iil of etl'octiiig pel iiiunent
cure of old sores, tetter and ringwori,., scald bead,
chillblains nnd frost biles, barber's itch, chapped
or cracked hands or lips, l-lotehi y or pimples on the
face. And for Sore Nipples mid Nuv Eyes, the
Cerate is the only thing required tocuiv. It should
be kept in the Iioum- uf wiciy family.
Price uf Sirup 1. Cerate 24 cent pi r bottle.
i V Direction nccompmiv each b.-tile.
t ifl bv inist medicine il, alers.
J. N.ilAltKIS.V CO., Piopiietors, for the South
ern and WiMci n Males, Cineiiuuti, (hio, to u'huui
nil order miui be iiddnsscd.
Sold wholesale nnd retail bv Peck .t II e mil ton,
Perrysburg; Fivlcriik Rosiuuer, Freedom; H. Itur
ritt, Maumee City: 11. II. Miner, Toledo: W.
MiH.re, S lvanis;T. Duniel. Toledo: C. V. William,
Toledo; A. E. Jerome. New Wetlkldi A. J. tinrd.
! tier Ji Co., (.i ill ad. Jw ti n
w v CURE W
4 iii
Hv the us- of tiiese, periodic attacks of , Nev,voit8
iifSlck Ileadacl lav lie liroveiitcd; and iftakoil nt
the L.iiiinK'iiceiii-viit of an attack immediate relief
from pain an I sickness will be obtained.
They seldom fail in removing tho Nausea and
Headache to which f.-mah's are so subject.
Tlvy set g.-ntly upon tho bowcls,--removnig
For Literary Men, Students, Delicate romales.nnd
all persons nf's'"leiit.irv habiU, tle-y arc valuable ita
l.nralive. Iniiiroviiig tho impolite, piling tono
and vigor to the iligeslivo orgnns, and rcHUa ing thu
natuinl elasticity and Ktrenglb nl llio wholu ajs
The CF.I'HAMC am tho result of long
investigation and ciirafullv coinlucted experiineiiUt,
liaving been in use iiianv years, during which time
tlio have pruvouteil anu reiicven a vasi niiiiiiuii ui
unit, unit MiifferiiH- from Headache, whether oriifi-
nating in tlu neri-oiis system or from a deranged
state of thu stomach.
Thoy lire entirely regulable in their composition,
and may Im taken nt all tiin-is w ith perfect safety
wilhnul'inakiiiL' nnv cbaniro of diet, nud the nbseiiee
nf nnvd'wiiL'recalik' taste renders it easy to adminis
ter Ilium to children.
Tlio penuine bare (lvo signatures of Henry C.
SkaMimr un each llor.
field by Druggist nil I all other Denfara In Med
icines. A llox w ill be sent by mail prepaid on recoipet
of the
1'KK'E 23 CENTS.
All orders should bo nddrosaed to
18 I.'kh ah Stiu-kt, Nkw Yoiik
" Tncy go Right to tho iSpol."
rt'UIKT YOt'lt llltKATII 1
a t Confections
T hr
noon foh i,i:(;tukehs,
(1001) FOR SINtil-its,
cmt.miKN rn v rim
They relieve a Cough instantly.
Thcv clear tho Throat.
They give strength and vnluino to tho vnicn.
They Impart a delicious nromn to the breath.
They are delightful to the taste.
They arc made of simple borbs nnd cannot harm
nny one.
I advise everv e no who bus n Cough or Husky
Voire or a Had lireath.or nny dilll Milty of the Throat
to get n package, of my Tliroat Confections, tbev
will relieve you instantly, and you will agree with
ni" that "they go right to the spot." You will find
them very uselul and pleasant while travelling or
attending public meetings for stilling your cough
or iillni ing your thirst. If you try one package J
think f inn safe in saying that ever nfterwnrds con
sider them in lispensilile. You will lind them nt
the Ilruggisls nnd Oealer.s ill Medicines.
My signature is on each package. All others
are counlei l it.
A package will be sent by mail, prepaid, on re
ceipt of Thirty Cents.
Tlie following endorsements of
will convince all who suffer fiinn
" ' that n
.UfA'-w T sttmoiiitttti Hvivtiiioi'ouV, by Mr. SpAl.lUNO,
Vwji 'Jiiv iiiii JfnmoWo pronj oj tic fjhrin i
tiftlitH truly Mruntijiv ifwooivri,
MasoSvii.i.k, Conn., Feb. .1, lfiOI.
Mil. SrAl.MNd.
I have tried vour Cephalic Fills, nnd I like them
so well that 1 want von to send nw two dollars
worth more.
I "art of these ni-e for the neighbors, to whom
gave a few out of the Hist box 1 got from you.
Send the Fills by mail, and oldige
Y our ob't Servant,
J amks Kkkskpy.
fVuw lii' '.'rujiii'KT, Xir'ilk, "i.
Cephalic Fills accomplish the object for which
they were iiuide, vi.; Cure of bcadacho in all il
'om t.'ie e.i-iiiaoir, -Vur''A-, I i.
They have been tested in more than thousand
cases, with entire success.
V-oim t'tr Vwi'rmf, (Vo,,?,
If you are or have been troubled with the head
ache, send for n box, (Cephalic Fills.) so that you
m.iv have them in case of un attack.
Fiitiu rt- AJr -rfiVr, 'niri'iA-iKV, It. I.
The Cephalic Pills lire said to be a rcmaiknbly
eft" etive remedy for the headache, and one of the
very best for that very fiviiii-nl complaint which
has ever been discovered.
from lh ll'tWrm A'. iwtl(, ( AiVi.;o, .
We heart il v endorso Mr. Spalding, and his unriv
alled Cephalic Fills.
Voi.-i tAc .s'-MifA.ra ',i'Ai'Mi. r, X ir ( 7con, I.n.
Try them! you that are nfllicted, nnd we are sure
that our lesiimoney can he added to the aliviidy
numerous list (hat has received Unetits that no oth
er medicine can produce.
Wiwi ihf fi'frii-'te, Ihvriifi'irt, f.itra.
Mr. Spalding would not conned his nnnio with
article he did not know to jsissess real merit.
Yoii tV Cowfucmu, CiiiciuimO', rVu'o.
Suffering humanity can now be relieved.
tcfA Mingle iMittlu of SHAI.DI. NO'S PREPARED
1,1.1 E will save ton times its eost annually
1ST "A Stitch is Timk Savi.s Nink." j
As accidents w ill hanncn. even in well ive ul.iicil
lainillcs.it is very desirable to have koiii cheap ni
convenient wy for repuiiinj; Furniture, Toys,
Crockery, .vc,
ni' ets nil such emergencies, and no household
kMi'id to lie without it. It is ulwai s ready, nud
to the sticking Miint,
N. R.- 1 ltmsh accompanies each Rolile. Price,
25 cents. AiMivni.
No. Cedar Street, New York.
As Certain unprincipled persons are attempting
to palm off on the unsuspecting public, imitations
of my PREPARED liLFE, I would camion all
to cxauiiue U foiM pui eluding and see that
full uame,
is on the out idi) v, rapper j all others are indiing
son the
chilrt of common pbkas, wood
; county, oiiio.
I, U Rogers ts John Knox.
Tha ftaid defendant, John Knox, is hereby noti
fied Hint said plaintiff on the lid day nf Septem
ber, 18U, (Hod in the clerk's nfliee of said court,
his petition ngninst said John Knox, setting firth
that said Knot, nn the 2-t!i day of March, 1HI7,
ctecuteil nnd delivered to John Kavis, hismortgnp"
bond on thn s' j n-wf of section il, lp 3, north of
range 10 cost, in Woo l county. O., containing 80
acres of land for $120, payable In ono year nfler
date; Unit said mortgage bind was duly iissigned
to plaintiff, who is now the owner thereof, dud that
piaintiji ts tlie owner aim iioi ier ot tnt title on
said land nmoomiiiff- In (I :(. Cnh-ss said defond
nnt Knox answer said petition by Hi- 1st dav of No-
vomlier, lsiil, tiulgnient will nc taken against mm
for the sum of $2:i.l. with Interest on $120 from
March 2ilth, 1KIH, and for an order to soil thu land
above described. I'mcK A, Johnson,
September 4th, 18Gl-lHw!4,&:t. nlt'yn.
Notice Is bcrebr given that on the 14lh dnv of
October ne.tt, at tlie house of John Tf Ford, in Perry
township, I will let to the lowest bidder in separate
sections, the making of ditch No. 41, commencing
near the center of section 1 in said township, nt
station 30 of the original survey of the I'ord ditch,
so called; tlienc; northeasterly through said section
to the enst lino thereof, terminating nbout HO rods
south of the northeast corner of the same. Snid
drain is divided into 17 sections of 20 rods cach,ejt
copting tho Inst which is 10 rods long. Width of
bottom H feet, bank slopes basu to one rise. Tlie
excavated earth to be removud at least fl fact from
the bank slopes. The work to be completed to the
ncceptanco of the county commissioners, at a time
to be agreed upon at the day of sale. Sale to com
mence at ten h clock, a. m.
Ferrysburg, Sept. 7, IH0I-I9w5.
Vj omo.
Charles W. Hill and Charles Pratt, plaint ifl' vs.
Murritt M. Yoi.-ig, defendant.
The defendant, Mcrrelt M. Young, will take no
tice that nn the tilth day of September plaintiff tiled
ngninst him in the- court of common ideas nf the
county of Wood, their petition, tlie object and pray
er of which isto obtain judgment ngninst the de
fendant for the sum of two hundred nnd thirty-two
77 100 dollars with interest from February 2S, IH:iO,
on nn nccount for legal services rendered and money
paid out and expended for the dofendnnt by the
jilaintiir. PlainlilTs also seek to collect said' sum
by lite provisional remedy of nltachuieiit, nnd have
nttached the following Ian-Is and t Mienients nf the
ilel'eu bint in said county of Wood, to wit ; 411 and
8-1-100 acres off the won't pari of river tract nuni'ier
eighty, (D) in the United States reserve, nt the
loot ot the rapids of tue Miiuin :e river, in Wooil
count v, Ohio, and boiinde.l us follua s; On thu south
by the center of Orassy creek, on the west by the
west line of s.iid rivcr'tracl number eighty (80) on
Hie north by the Maiimec river and on the east bv u
linu drawn parallel to tho west line of said river
tract, number eighty (80) at a distance of eight
chains, 7j links ca.-itnrlv thereof. Also a right of
public way thirty reel wide, from said 4 St and 81-100
acres to the I'eri-vsburg and Oregon road along the
route surveyed and reported for a county road to
tho roniinissioners of Wood county, by N. Minton,
surveyor. Said deleiuhint is required to answer
snid petition on or before the 23d day of November
noxt, or judgm -nt will be taken against him by de
fault, llti.i. &. Fkatt, plaintiil's.
Toledo, Sept. 10, ISO I - 2l)wli$7 00.
R it H Thornton vs Charles C Haird
Rv virtue of an order of sale issued in the above
ense bv the clerk of the court of common pleas in
Wood county, Ohio, nnd to me directed nnd deliver
ed, I shall expose to public snle nt the door nf the
court house, in l'errvsburg, Wood eountv, Ohio,
On the 20nd day of October. ISO!,
between the hours of 12 m. nnd 2 p. m. of snid dnv
the following described lands and tenements, to-wit
n brick building adjoining the north end of the
Haird House, and fronting un Louisiana Avenue, in
the town of I'errysbiirg, and the land upon which
snul linu ting stuns, it oenig a part ot in-tot num
ber three hundred nnd eighty-three (383) in the
town of I errysburg, u nud county, Ohm. Apprais
ed nt 1,011(1. 1'KTUlt Mil. I,, Master coinni r.
Cook, I'ihck ,V Johnson, attvs..
Sept. 21, 13l 2lw&3 65.'
& MCUICiAN H All, It OA I)
i.8 m
On nnd after Sundnv, Mav 12, two Trains will
leave '1 oledo daily, on arrival of trains from Detroit
Jackson, ninl iilielugau rvuiturrn llailroails: nt
1(1:20 A. M. arriving in Davton at 5:30. P. M
11:40 1'. M.nrriving in Davton nt 7:3(1 A. .M
Time from Detroit to Cin innati 12 hours nud -10
minutes bv each train. Connecting nt I.iina with
trains on the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne A Chicago
Railroad f"r Crestline, I'it'sbnrgb. Philadelphia nnd
Soulhenstern points. Connects nt, Sidner, with the
trains on the Hcllefontaine Line for Indianapolis nnd
tlie eiouuiucst, nnd at I uiiui ninl Dnytou lor ( oluin
j rt'No Change of cars between Toledo nnd
For tickets iipplv at the Ticket Ollice of the
Michigan Southern I'onipanv.
I!. M. SHOEMAKER, Sup't, Davton, O.
M. SIIOF.MAK.ER, (Jen. Fr't and T'k't Ag't, To
ledo, Ohio.
Mr. Wm. McKim proposes to disposenf his lands
in this eountv at a merclv nominal once.
He will sell the south half of the north-west quar
tcr.of section 20, town ft, range 10, containing 80
acres, for five hundred dollars, Said land has been
thoronghlv ditched and drained nt an expense of
lie will also sell the south hull of the south-west
cjuartcr of section 33, town 6, range 1 1, at the same
Kiupiire of II. H. DOlKiE, Attorney at I.nw, Per-
rvshurg, Ohio.
Also for sale n large number of Town Lots, boil
hero and in the town of Millgrove, with and without
improvements, together with several valuable
Farms. II. II. DODGE,
l'errvsburg, Nov, 10, 1859.
A lleiievolent Institution established bv special
endowment, ha' the rein t ot the sick nnd distressed
nlllicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases, nnd
especially for the cure of diseases of the Sexual Or
Medical advice given gratis, by tho Acting Stir
goon, to nil who apply by letter, with a iliscriptio
of their condition, t age," occupation, habits ot lifi
Ae.,'i and incases of extreme lmvertv. Medicine
furnished five of charge.
Valuable reports on Spermatorrhiea, and other
diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the new rem
edies employed in the DisK'iisary, sent to the alllict
ed in sealed letter invelopes, free of charge. Two
or throe stamps for postage will bo acceptable.
Address DR. J. Sivll.LIN HOl lillTON, Aetiug
Surgeon Howard Association, No. 2 south Hthstivet,
Philadelphia, Pa. Hv order of the Directors.
(iEO. FAIRCIHI.li, Seeretarv.
Jan. l.'rtl. FZR D. IIE AT WELL, President.
Ci.kvki.anii, Omo.
One of the Eight Collcp's of the "NATIONAL
CHAIN, located at
New York city, Philadelphia, Albany, ltull'alo,
Cleveland. Detroit, Chicago nud St. Louis.
Scholarship purchased ut this point gwod for till
For full paitieubirs of our extensive colli giak
course, cinlaacing all branches iertaining comiuer
cinl scieiice;tho uni,o of Cleveland colleges, w itli
thoiMiigb cia ps of teachers and lccturci-s, and two
practical and expoivncod resident principals; th
nation 1 chain system, Htl'inliug far more and U-tti)
advunteges than any single, isolated school can pre
tendto. Practical 'nnd Ornauientul Fennianshii
taught by one of ihe best Ameriean Artists, wbosir
specimens are taking pivmiouis at all thu fairs;
at which students do business in handling money
nn, king depesue, discounting notes, draw imr notes,
draw ing checks Jtc.Uho URE AT RAILROAD SET,
cinbraciug ticketing, freighting, station business,
cutiies of Auditor, Cashier, Ac. the only complete
set yet introduced; lo mill i Su-allon's Text liis'ks,
to U' used in contieetion with m inusei ipis t their
thisH' works on Itisik Keeping, their Counting House
edition being 320 pages, their Coniiiieivi.il CmIcuIii
lions :UH1 p ige,lH th published by lvis,,u Phimioy
New York; their Commercisl Law, written bv Aino's
Dean, 1)., Fi,fcssor of Law in thu Cuivcrsity
of Albiiiiy.nnd.pulilished by D. Applelon vV.Co.,NV-w
Address, for catulogues, ciix'ulars or inlbrnia
tiou of unv kind, two pi.stag stamps eiicloncd.
FOl.SOM A FELTON, Cleveland, Olnu.
Septcnilier, I Still 2lly.
fcjT-AlI kitulii of Munks cruitintially ki
on Imml tnnl for 6alo at the .loiu nal Ollice.
SalesliSiln, il 0 lti osdiray, New York,
This Machine is consti noted on nn entirety n -w
prinriple of Mechanism, possessing many rare and
alunbls improvements, having been cusmined by
the most profound experts, and pronounced to be
simplicity nnd perfection combineii.
The following are the principal objections urged
against Sewing Machines:
1. Excessive fatiguu to I 4. Incapacity to sew cv
the operator. I cry det Jription of
i. i.iainniy to gel out inalerinl.
ot rritor. a. A ttisagreonlile noise
Expense, trouble, & while in operation,
time in repairing.
It has a s'raight needle, perpt-ndicular action.
makes the Lock or shuttle stitch, which will neither
ip nor ravel, and is alike on both sides t performs
perfect sewing on every description of material,
irom leather to ttic linest flansook muslin, with
otton, linen, or silk thread Irom the coarsest to the
finest number.
Having neither CAM nor COO Vi HEEL. and the
ast possible motion, it runs as smooth as glass.
unit it is
It requires Ally per cent, less to drive it than nny
other machine in market. A girl of twelve years
oi age can worn it sieauiiy, wuiiotii tatitriio or in
jury to health.
lis strength anil woNDKniTi, siMrt.ieiTV of con
struction render it ulioost impossible lo get out of
order, iinu ID UUAKAMLbU ly the company to
give enure siiiisiacoon.
e ri.'spccllully invito all tlinsn who may desire
to supply themselres with a superior article, to call
nn 1 examine this unrivalled machine.
Hut in a more special manner ilo wo solicit the
patronage ol
ill ere li
hunt Tailors, Dress Makers,
Hoop-skirt Manufacturers, Corset Makers,
Coach Makors, (laitei Fitters,
Shirt nnd llosom Makers, Shoo Hinders,
Vest nnd Pantaloons Makers.
-77Religiius and charitable institutions libcral-
Iv dealt with.
No. 1, nr Family Machine. S45 00, No. 2. Small
sized Manufacturing. $00 00, No. ii, Largo sized
Manufacturing, $75 00.
Wc want ii gents fornll towns in the United States,
where agencies are not already established, to whom
a liberal discount will be given, but wo make no
consignments. T. J. MuARTHL'R & Co..
510 Email tvuv, New York.
iVugnst 20th, 180117. '
ri RE AT
' oi'
Well known to be the best for manufacturing pur
poses) No. 1, standard Miuttlo Machine, formerly
sold nt sum. reduced to isyo
No. 2, Standard Shuttle Machine, fonnerlv
sold nt $1110, reduced to , $75
Singer's Iii'Mer .V "llnehioo
Is the best Machine in the world for Family Sewing
and Light Manufacturing purpos. s ! Price, (witn
lienuiier,) and beaiitilnlly ornamented,
The Nos. I ami 2 Machines are of great capacity
and application for manufacturing purposes.
Our No. .1 Machines aiv especially ndaptea to all
kinds of light, and heavy leather work, in carriage
trimming, hoot and .shoe making, harn -as making,
etc., etc. They are of extra size, with nn arm long
enough to take under it and stitch the largest si.e
dashes. Ther." is scarcely any part of n Trimmer's
stitching that cannot be better done w ith them than
by luind; so, too, tlu saving of time nnd labor is
very great. The tunic ot these machines is
Inches long, nnd the shuttle, w ill hold six times the
usual quantity ot thread. ine large maclune.
work as fast as small ones.
We would ask for our Letter A Machines, the
special attention of Vest Makers and Dress Makers,
and all those who want .Machines torti-rftr mainline
lurinii mn". They embody the principles of the
standard machines, making bke them, the inter
locked stitch, and are destined to he ns cclcnrateil
for family sewing nnd light manufacturing purposes
as our standard machines are tor mamitacturing
nurnoses m crcncrul.
Wo liavo always on hand, H.'mming Ouages.
Silk, Twist, Linen and Cotton Thread on Spools,
best Machine Oil in Bottles, etc.. etc.
We m iiml'ncture our own needles; nnd would
warn nil persons using our machine not to buy nny
others. Wo know that there lire ncdles soli
the most inferior qunlitr, nt higher prices than wc
charire tor the best. Ihe needles sold Ijy us an
manufactured especially for our machines. A btnl
nr?,Ht mint rnmhr the lirxt mni'ltiur nlmnxt iw"''.
Our customers may rest assured that all of our
I'.ranch ollices are furnished with the "genuine nr
tide." In case of small purchases, the money may
be sent in postage stamps or bank notes.
"Correspondents will please write their names
distinctly. It is all important that wo should, in
each case, know tho Post Otliee, County and State.
t-c;'"All persons requiring information about
Sewing Machines, their sizes, prices, working ca
pacities, and the best methods ol purchasing, can
obtain it by sending for a copy of
Which is a beautiful pictorial paper entirely devo
ted to the subject.
! ?"We have made thn above REDUCTION IN
PRICES with (he two-told view of benefitting th
liublic and ourselves. The public have been swin
dled bv spurious machines made in imitation of
ours. The metal in them, from the iron casting to
the smallest Piece, is ot poor quality, their m.ik
ers have not the mentis to do their work well. They
arc bid away in secret places, where it would bo
impossible tii have at their comm md tho proper
mechanical appliances. It is only by doing n great
business, nnd having extensive mnnutaeturnig es
t iblishinonts. that good machines can be ma le
moderate prices. The best designed machines.
RADLl MADE, are nlivnvs liable to get out ol ol
der, and are sure to cost considerable trouble mid
money to keep them in repair.
The totalities to be looked for in a Machine are
Certainty of correct action nt nil rates of speed
simplicity of construction, great durability, and
rapidity ot operation with the least moor. iua
chines 'lo combine these essential qualities, must b:
made of the best metal nnd finished to perfection
We have the ways and means, on a grand scale, t
do this. Tho purchasers of Machines, whose daily
breed it may concern, will find that those having
the above qualities not only work well at rapid
well as slow rates nf sliced, but last long in the tin
est possible working order. lJur .Machines, m
liu uh, w ill earn nvu-o money with less labor than
any others whether in imitation of ours or not. I
fact, they nrs cheaper than any other machines as
gift. ""l.OCA!, AfiKNTS W ASTEH.,,4-3
1. M. SINCiER & CO.,
408 Ekoapwav, Nkw Yoiik.
August 20tb, 1801-17.
lis simplicity in operation is such that a child
ten years old can use it with ease. Its several parts
being constructed on philosophical principles, it
not liable to (ti t out of order. It makes a strong,
vhistic and durable stitch. It sews from two com
mon siMiols. mi l makes hut little noise.
Ail w ho contemplate buying, or wish to see
best Sewing Machine now in use. are respectfully
invited to all on N.H. CALLARD, in whose Tailor
Shop it is now in pr-ictu-ul operation
J. H, GREGORY, Agent.
October M. l.ao-2.ry.
Siisannab Tnvlor vs Edwin F Tai lor.
The defcndiini, Edwin F. Taylor, will take
tice that deposition will Is- taken in this action
the pluintitl at the otliee of William Letcher, in
(own ef West Cniiy, Williams county, Ohiis on
1 7 ill dav of October, 1W1, between S o'cloik, a.
and V o'clock p. iu.. and will coiuinue from day
duv ttiercatter until mnslieo. . J r.r I t.Kfiu.-i,
Sept. 10th, lsl-2Uw3$l C8. att'vi
JfiCA yew
fl M 1 T III
Wonld respoctfullv Inform tho citizen of Wood
coitntr that be has permanently located himself in
ItowlrnK Orcen for tl purpnse'of pnw-ticing Medi
cine and Surgery. In addition to a rugnlar courde
of study, Mr. S. has made himself acquainted with
the special mode of distingnlshing diseases by nn
examination of (lie urine of the patient na practised
bv the late DR. I)ELANHAF(iH,-ind fornll Chronic
Discuses w ill ray unhesitatingly thai by following
Mr. I)' practise' in such cases, he has had better
success Ihnn from any other method nf treatment.
Among the diseases which Dr. S. professes to treat
successfully may be mentioned (he following, viz:
Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, Consumption in its
enrly stages, Diseases of the Splem, Asthma, Spit
ting' of the Flood, Palpitation of the henrt, Rheuma
tism, White Swelling, Dropsy, Scrofulous Diseases.
Jaundice. Female Complaints, In nil their vnried
forms, Low Spirits or Melancholy, Fever Sores,
Fleers, Ac. If patients w ith nny' of the above or
kindred Chronic Diseases will send some of their
urine taken in the morning in n clean vinl,Dr. S. can
m ike a satisfactory diagnosis of tho case nearly as
w ell as if the patient were present.
Nov. 15, 1800 2tf. - .
When Dr. Robnck, the renowned Swedish Phy
sician, introduced bis lllood Puriller and Fills into
the United States, he set forth in phiin terms their
curative properties. This was years ngo. The task
of recommending them bus since, been taken out of
bis hands. Enlightened men, whose character for
sound judgment and philosophy gives their opinions
weight in the community, men who observe, reflect
nnd make "assurance uuiihly sum, oelnro they de
cide, are everywhere approving and urging the usi
of these wonderful preparations. All who confide
in tho wisdom nnd honesty of this class, or who
choose to investigate for themselves, are now of one
miiidon this important subject.
The evidence m tlie possession ot in-. linhnck
which is nt nil times accessible to the public, estab
lishes the following:
live been proved by analysis to
That thcv euro the almost universal complaint,
with unerring certainly, and in a very short tiin"
1 hat after all other medicines have proved uselass
thcv relievo I.IVKK COMt'LAINT.
and restore tho health and strength of the Bufferer
who have languished for years in helpless weak
ness and despondency, recuperate with ulmnst mira
culous rapidity under their invigorating operation
that all Sexual Insauililies arc removed by then
cordial and gently stiniulatingr.rnperiies. That thcv
recruit siiATrF.nnn coNSTiTi rtoxs,
however, they may have been trilled with nn
abused. That their direct tendency is to lengthen
life, and render it enmvnble. that operating ill
rectly upon the poison of disease in the blood, they
and discharge from the system every taint of Scrof
ula, whether hereditary or otherwise. 1 lint they
and that there is no disease, ot the stomach or
bowels, the liver, the nervous system, the glands
,ind muscels,
in which thcv do not give prompt relief, and, (if ad
ministered before the very citadel ot lite lias been
invaded.) effect a painless nnd perfect cure.
Hear in mind that the Scandinavian Dlond 1 ills
arc endorsed by the experience of thousands of liv
ing who, letter, allidnvit, medical works nnd word
of month proclaim them to be the very best prepar
ation ever otleretl to the broken down victims ot ill
health. It haunts disease through every nvenuc
ind organ of the system, and expels it thoroughly
and permanently.
.No one can doubt then-superiority ntterone smgi
trinl they nro not only bettor, but also cheaper
than nny other Fills, for it takes a less number ol
them to produce a better cllect.
rnce ot tlie runner, 5-t per bottle, or per nan
.oxen. Ol the rills, zoc. per box. or a boxes lor tfl
Read Dr. Robaek's special notices nnd certificates
published trom time to tuna in this pnper.
nr. it. Medical Almanac and family Adviser,
containing a great amount of valuable and intercs
ting medical information can be bud gratis of any ul
his agents throughout the country.
In dilhcult or complicated cas"s, Dr. Rohnrk may
be consulted personally or by letter, enclosing one
stamp tor n reply.
A new and delightful Stomachic and Cordial, for
giving tone to the Stomach, and for the prevention
ot bilious complaints incident to tlie l esteru conn
try. l rv it.
As a morning drink, to assist digestion nnd re
neve Dyspepsia, it has no equal. I rv it.
In flavor it is superior to all other Hitters. Try it
1 lie tormina ot these Hitters, now (1 Sol) the sol
property of Dr. Roback, originated with one of tl
olilest and most eminent Medical Frnciioners of th
West, mi l it is directly predicatedupon thu wants ol
W estern people.
l nose Hitters derive tlieir stimulus Immthe pow
erful tonic nature of the roots and herbs of which
they are composed, and ns they nre, by nllnying
unnatural cravings of the stomach, directly prom
otive of TEMPERANCE,
the present proprietor believes that in making them
widely known the public welfare is subserved.
it will sooii'be tor sale bv all ot Dr. Koback s
numerous Agents, and at Hotels, itc., the country
over. In the meantime, orders will be tilled direct
from Cincinnati in any quantity, nnd at the lowest
rates. It is put up in Quart Rottles, and securely
packed in one doz. cases. I.ilt'doz. sample cases
will, however, be packed and sent to any address,!!'
Retail Price, $1 per bottle, or six for ?5.
Principal Ollice and Sale Rooms, No. C. enst
Fourth St., ltd Ituilding from Mainst., Cincinnati, O.
Laboratory in Ilnmmoii st.
For sale in AVood county by Peck et Hamilton,
Perrysburg ; A. J. Gardner Oi Co., (lilead; B. F.
Turner, Portage; S. W. Whitimore, Tontog-anv;
S. Clyiner, Otsego; H. R. Atkins, New Wcstfictd;
S. L. Houghton, Howling (Jreen ; Ranks & Patter
son, Pembcrville t A. Lans lal ', Freeport ; C. R.
Rnsend.ile, West Millgrove; S. 15. Emerson ; Eagle
ville ; and by druggists and merchants generally
throughout the Union. 'Ul -inly
Maumkk City, Ohio.
,Ti::tOMH Mrtir.AY, Instructor in Accounts, nnd
Lecturer on Husiness Customs, Ac.
F. Witbrn, Teacher nf Double-and Singh' Entry
Uook KiHMiing. Practical nnd Ornameiitnl l'en
menship, I'eti Drawing. Flourishing, Ac.
Hon. J. M. Asitt.KY, Hon. Ashku Cook, M.
Rk.ii.ky, nnd D. R. Ai stin, Lecturers on Commer
cial Law.
Rev. G. A. Aoamh, Lecturer on Commercial
Rev. C. Richards, Lecturer on Political l-.con-
For full course, time unlimited J25
Same course lor Ladies ,. I
For full course of Penmanship, time unlimited.
Flnrishing, Pen Lettering, Ac, ns par I'greement.
Good board enn be had iu this place fn ill $1.75
to 2.60.
i Ins institution is now peruinucntiv situated
one of the handsomest localities in North-Western
Ohio, nnd offers to its patrons unprecedented ad
vantages in the way of completing a thorough
course of Mercantile Instruction.
Our instructions in Rook Keeping, Commercial
Calculations and Accounts nre conducted upon
Counting Room System, tho object of which is
render liiesi purely practical, enabling the student
to i-nli-r ut oiuv unoM lh iliseb.-ii-ee of tho most
tricute business with comparative case. Students
who have graduated from this Institution have found
no difficulty in obtaining situations, giving entire sat
isfaction of their employers.
Lecturers on this subject are delivered regularly
every Thursday evening, hy one of our most promi
nent" practitioners, giving our students the most
thorough instruction in this important branch,
Practical and Ornamental in all its varieties,
be taught in the most thorough and cllicicnt man
uer. The good old Spcncariuu system is Our stand
We would say, your children can here receive
full thorough and complete a coui-hh of instruction
as iu any Commercial Collage in the Fniu-d States,
free- from exposure to those pernicious influences
which inlargccitiesthey ai liable to come in contact
with. Lite Scholarships are issued. Students
enter at any time. Diploma awarded only to those
who master thecotirseof study. Situations procured
forstudcutsasfaras possible upon graduaiiiu;. Rec
ollect that the expense of completing a course of
in this institution is less than half that
unv other. JEROME M ERR AY'.
' i tfFor full particular) send for a Circular.
November th 18rl0--27ly.
rO B
Fexccutcd with neatness and dislialch at
IVrrvshurir Journal Ollice.
rn "
Qj pi v
,5 j
111 I
the t
to t
struction of
It .' M M I L L E N ,
May be consulted freo of charge; tt the following
times and placet t
Fostoria, Hays Hons', Tuesday, Oct. 1J, Not. 1,
Frcnionl, Kessler Hotel, YVt-dnesdav, Out. 10,
snd Nuv. 20.. , , . . , . ".
T oledo, Collins Ifodse, Friday, Oct. 1ft, Nov. 22.
IVrrvshurir. Exchnmro Hotel. Satiirdnv. Oct. 2(1.
and Nov. 80. . '
MV tnttOtlV ANt THKATItfitCf ' f
Are new and dilli ivnt from nny one in the United
Sutcs.nnf I challenge tiny one to produce the same
success that 1 have met with in treating Chronic
Diseases. Mv tbeorv is bnsed upon the chemical
operations of the body, bclieviiiff tlisenscs to depend
upon a nisproport loneJ conaitmu ol thu lluiilsof tire
body, whereby the solids bo come unhealthy by
analysing the' secretions. Mood, if., of the body,
nnd fin-ling out what is deficient or in execs and
supplying to tho system what is wnnting. I am
enabled to cure often bv a small amounted medicines,
wncre me patient nas been urnggcu with medicines
for long years to no etlert.
Isnv .Dyspepsia, in the great majority of cased, de
lends mainly upon a dispromirlioned state of the
gastric or digestive fluids of the stomach. When
this gnstic fluid is proportioned properly, tho food is
thorough- digested and assimilated. Viewing Dys
pepsia by the rules of Chemicnpntbolngy, and giving
treatment accordingly ,1 am enabled to cure 49 cases
out of St), and 41) cases nut 50 of Consumpation, As-
iiiuia, in,ueiuii.i Hnn iairvngius,ann i.ivcr Uom
dlaint, Piles, Ncuralgia.Di.'zincss or Sick Headache,
Nervous Debility nud Female Diseases in every
case a cure, nnd other diseases proportionately.
consumption. , ,
??T)r. McMillen uses an improved Inhaling In
strument for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bron
chitis and Laryngitis j by this wo ran make ns good
an application to the diseased Lnng and Throat as
we could to a sore any when) on Hie exterior of the
Dr. M. uses pure ChemicopnthiC and Botanic Ri-m-
tdics. lie gives mild tonic treatment whlrh nets
chemically, and assists Nature to five herself. One
ounce of assistance to Nature is worth a Pound oi
poisonous drugs to the disease.
( onsultation nnu advice tree. ' '
Information in regard to my treatment and suc
cess call on, or write to; ,
Mrs. S. P. Abbott, Povt.-ic?'. AVnod comitv. Ohio
Mrs. Robert Jacobs, Esoleville, Wood com'itv.Ohio t
Mrs. .lessu Ilukell, Ilrowus Coi ners. Wood eountv.
Ohio; Andrew Cross, Millgrove, Wood county, Ohio;
John Cummins, Hassan, Hancock county, Ohio ; ,T.
j. cuuiii, i.unore, nuow ii colltuv, Uuio j U, fi.
Church, Toledo.Lucas county, Ohio.
All coinmiimcations must be directed to Dr. J.
F. McMillen, Cleveland, Ohio.
pecially designed for the use of the Medical
Profession nnd the Family, having seperscded
the so-called "iins," "Aromatic," "Cordial," "Med
icated," "Schnapps," etc., is now endorsed by all of
the prominent physicians, transic medicinal qual
ities (tonic and diuretic) which belong to an old and
pure Con. Put up in quart bottles and sold by all
druggists, grocers, etc.
(Established in 1778.) : Solo Proprietors,
No. 1!) Ilrond slreet, N. Y.
For Sale by T). S. 11ARNES A CO.. No. 13 Park
Row, and F. D. ORVIS. 102 Hroadway, New Y'ork.
Our long experience and familiarity with the re
quirements of Druggists, and our superior business
facilities, enable us to furnish them with choice
Liquors for medicinal nnd family use.
For sale bv Peek A Hamilton, Perrysburg, Ohio.
Jan. 2-Uh,"lSG0 381y. . . i
May 1st, ISfil.
Cash and cash items
Loans well secured
Real estate
2t2U shares Hartford bank stocks
2125 " New Y'ork." "
1010 " Huston " "
f)l)7 ". other. " , " .
United States nnd state " "
Hartford N. Haven R. R. bonds 4 stocks
Hartford City Ronds
Conn. River Co. & R. R. Co. stock"
$70,588 78
60,253 2fl
15,000 00
274.859 OH
103,350 00
100,750 0(
. 68,085 00
73,307 Of
33,701) Ol
36,750 (K
4,600 01
Total Assets S932.302 9f-
Total liabilities : 73,244 2
Fi r details of investments see small cards tin:
Insurances may bo effected in this old and sub
stantinl conipanv'on verv favorable terms.
A mdv to (iEO. STRAIN. Acreut.
""'Dwellings and farm property insured for f
term ot vears at verv low rates.
July 25th, 1801 12m3.
Dealers in Marblo Grave Stones. Ac. Ord
".' CTUI'I tlillv Hnlieited. Shon on Main street. Fos
ria, Ohio. Agents for Pcriysbuip, John Vcafj
and J. W. IJailey.
The subscriber will cheerfully send (free
chsre-e ) to aU who desire it, the copy of a Sim
EtxirE bv which he was cured of that sirs dise.i
Consum)tjon. tt
Sutt'i rere with CoNsmrTio..', Asthm a.Brokcii
is, nr tiny lung atiection, he sincerely hope V
try this Recipe, well satisfied if they do so they V?
be more tlmu sutislicd with the result. . Thaukk
for bis own complete restoration, he is anxiont-
place in the hands of everv sufferer the weantd
1 . : mi : , , 1: i.u t..t
cure, i nose winning inereciprj wiui iuii uixtjvii,
Ac, will cull on or address
Rkv. WM. S. ALVEN,
Jm3 No. t56 Jobn Street, NeYorl
the t
' '
J. F. PRICE, Agent, Fcrrysburg, Ohio.
I I ; '
1 U S II & CO., j

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