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Perrysburg Journal. HYMN FOR NATIONAL TROUBLE. HYMN FOR NATIONAL TROUBLE. TUNE—Old Hundred. Gresf God, inspire the, patriots heart, And nerve the hero's arm with power J Inks thnti, we pray, our country's jmrtv Tn this her dark nnd twlng hour. Then our rmrrint fathers ni1, Their councils nnd their battles K'i,r Until nation we worn made, A glorious (Minn sanctlll d. A Union fonndsd In tho right. Tho snored, itiWn rights of men; Oh I give us wisdom, grunt us might. Tho priceless treasure to miinUin, Unserve to us, we ask wilh awe, The sense of justice, reason, right, Religion, liberty Slid law, Our Constitution, Union, might Thy Wo, unceasing, ever flow To heart receptive of its power, Alleviates grief, relieving woes, A healing balin for saddest horn. Christ "Ood with us,' in merry bring Thy blessed pcHre, in its pure reign, Set up thy kingdom, he our king, The power nnd glory thine Amen. THE HAUNTED SHANTY. FROM THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. Tho Icv'h burneil liri jlitly oti (lip Imnrlh : every o.ijoct 111 wio loom coiihi lio neii more ftr lo8 ilistinelly : nolliing, wad out of it luo;, nothing disiurlio I, yet the rnflom almost nil 'ink tunler tin- roll of an invisible drum, beaten by invmiMo IiiiihIh t Tin Hleejaors toHHvd rosllessiy, uinl n ioci groan, us if in nonii-ili eutn, came from t!n 111:111, Utterly eoiifotitulc'l an I was, ;ny "sensations aere not those of terror. lvdi nioiin'tit I doubted tny nouses, ami cadi moment the terrilie Bound convinced nie anew. I do not know how long 1 mil Hum sheer, stupid niiia'.'.onieiit. It m ly have been one minute, or fifteen, before the di iini. pimain overinv J1c-n.1l, through the Loanls a ruin. ooiiun"iK o.l it nlow niarclt nronnd tin shanty. When it luui tiiiislied the ins I, and iva.-i aim, it cotn nicnciu"; the hccoipI round, I shook eff my (stupor, and determined to probe (lie. tnys tery. tltionitii; the door, I advanced in an oppomte direction to meet it. Ann in the sound Bussed clone benide my lieu I, but I ;ould Hco nolllilie;, touch nol'iinj;. Ag;a:ll it entered the nhinty, and I followed. I ulirrcd up the lire, castino- a sfvorer illiiiuiua tion into the darkest coiiieix: I thrust my linud into tho very heart of the Hound, I struck through it in all dircctionn with a Htick (dill 1 hiiw .lolhiiijv. touched liolhinr. Of coui'Me, I do not expect to l.c believed 1y half my readers, nor do blame them for their incredulity. So astounding is Hie virciuiiHtiince. even yet, to inv.sell', that 1 nhould doubt itrt reality, were it not there fore necessary, for the name reason, to doubt every event of my life. At length the Bound moved away in the direction whence it came, becomini; iiradu nlly fainter and fainter until it died in the dintunce. Hut itiime'l iately alb r wiirdn, in the fame iptarter, came a thin, sliai p blast of wind, or what (seemed to be sueh. If one, could only imagine a wwill, illicitae Htream of air no thicker than a !ele;raph wire, produeinjj; a keen, w hi' lbter 1 it, li in itH pannage, he would understand the im pression made upon tny mind. This wind, or sound, or w hatever it. was, seemed to nil iko an invisible tat;.',et in the center of the room, and thereupon ensued a new and worso confusion. Sounds ns of little plunks lilted lit one end and then allowed to tall, tdammiii upon the door, hard, wooden cluspH, trashes, and noises of spliltine; mid unappinir, tilled the shanty. The ronedi boards of the floor jarred and trembled, nnd the table and chairs were jolted off their feet. Instinctively, I jerked away my h''s, 'whenever the invisible planks fell too near them. It never eiune into my miu 1 to charge the family with heim; Hie authors of these phe nomena: their care and distress were too evident. There, was certainly no other hu man beine; but myself in or near the shanty. Iy senses of Right and touch availed me liotliiuj', and 1 eonliiie I mv attention at last to simply notin;: the manifestations, without uttemptini: to explain them. 1 bean to ex perience a feeling, not of terror, but of disturbing uncertainty. The solid ground was taken from beneath my feet. ftill tho man nnd his wife groaned and muttered, us if in n, nightmare sleep, und tho boy tossed restlessly on his low bed. I would not disturb them, since, by their own confession, they were accustomed to tJio visitation. Hcsides, it would not assist 1110, and, so long as there was no danger of pcrBonal injury, I preferred to watch nlone. J recalled, however, the woman's remarks, remembering the mysterious blame she had thrown upon her husband, and felt certain that (she hud adopted sotno explanation of tho noises at his expense. As the confusion continued, with more or l'sn violence, sometimes pausing for 11 few minutes, to begin again with renewed force, 1 ieit an increasing impression of somebody else being present. Outside the shanty this feeling censed, but every time 1 entered tho door 1 fully expected to see some one landing in the center of the room. Yet, looking through the little windows when tho noises were ut their loudest, I could dis cover nothing. Two hours had passed a way uince I first heard the drum-beat, and 1 found myself nt last completely wearied with my fruitless exertions ami the unusual excite ment, lly this tinio the disturbances had becoiuo faint, with more fre.ptcut pauses. All at once, I heard a long, weary si:',h, so near mo that it could not have proceeded from tho sleepers. A weak moan, express ive of utter wretchedness, followed, and then camo tho words, in a woman's voice, came I know not whence, for iliey eeemed to be uttered close beside me, and yet far, far away, "How great is my trouble ! llow long shall I suffer? I was 'married, in the night of (iod, to Kher Nicholson. Have mercy, 0 Lord, and gio him to me, or re lease me from him !" These were tho words, not spoken, but rather moaned forth in a slow, monotonous wail of utter helplessness and btoken-heai I cdness. I have heard hutniiigriel express, cd in many forms, but I never heard or im agined anything so desolate, so surcharged with tho despair of an eternal woe. It was, indeed, too hopeless for sympathy. It was the uVtcrance of a sorrow which removed its possessor into some dark, lonely world, girdled with iron walU, against which eve ry throb of a helping or consoling heart would beat in vain for admittance. iSo far from being moved or soi'tened, the words ' left upon me tin impression of stolid apathy. "When they hud ceased, I heard kiio'Iut , Btgh, and some timo at forwards, far off, re treating forlornly through the eastern dark ness, tho wailing repetition, "I was married in tho sight of (iod, to Kber Nicholson. lfavo mercy, 0 Lord !" TIuh was the last of thoso midnight marvels. Nothing further disturbed the ni.'lit except the steady sound of the wind. The - More I thought of what 1 heard, Die ino.e ' Wftg convinced that the phenomena uvio connected, in boiuo way, with the h'.Mui v ...o,. 4 ,luu jie.ou ius vi e call mm Kbe," and did not doubt that ho was tb. Kber Nicholson, who for some mvbteriuiiH crime, was liaiinlod by tho reproaehfid jrhost- IVmld murder, or worse than mur der, lurk behind thcae visitations If It was tiBuJeHs to conjecture; yet, I giving my eulf up to sleep, 1 determined to know e'v orything that could be known before leavinK the shanty. My rest was disturbed; my Jjp Ijiujch. pleijaed unpkaaanlly on the hard beiehj mid ever, aow and tttcu J uwukc witU u Htoit, licnring the snm dcfsptdi ing voico in tny dream. Tho jdaco wan always quief, ncv-ortheless,--the disturbances having cesiHcd, 11 h nearly as I could judge, HlHHitono o'clock in the niorning. Finally from sheer went i ncm., I fell inU) ndecp stumber, which lusted until (Uvlipht. Tin' sound of pan and kef. (li'H aroused inc. The woman, in her lank blue gown, was bonding over the fire ( the 111:01 and boy had ahcioty gone tint. As I rose, robbing my cy s, and shaking myself, to find out exactly where and who I was, t'n' woman straightened herself and looked at me with a kern, serutiniiiig gae, but said nothing. . i "I must have been very hound uslcep," said I. "There 's no sound Hleepin' In rc. I)on't tell me that." "Wed," I answered, "your shanty is rath er noisy; but, as I'm neither seared nor hurl theie's'no hat in done. Hut have you never found out what occasions the tioise ?" Her reply was a toss of the head and n peculiar snorting interjection. "Hugh !" (im possible to ho represented by IcIIcih,) it 'h all hr.r doin'." "Hut who is stif?'' "You'd belter nsk him." Seeing there was nothing to be got out of her, I went down to the Htream, washed my face, dried it with my poeot-handl;crehicf, an I then looked alter I'eck. lie gave a shrill whinny of rt gnilion, and, I thought, seemed to be a little restiisn. A fresh Iced of com was ill the old basket, and present ly the man came up with 11 bunch of hay, a'nd cm euced rubbing oil' tho marks of Peck's oozy couch which were left on his Hanks. As we went back to the shanty I noticed that he eyed me furtively, without (taring to look me Hill in tne nice. ,s 1 was apparently none the worse for the night's experience, he rallied at last, nnd ventured to talk at, mm weil as to, me. !y this time, breakfast, which was 11 rep etition of supper, was ready, and we sat down to tho table. During the meal, it oc curred to me to make 1111 experimental re mark. Turning suddenly to the oil man, ! asked, "Is your name Kber Xicholson ?" "There !" exclaimed the woman,"! knowed he'd 1 eel I it!" lie, however, Ibe-iliim; 11 moment. and then becoming more sallow Ihan ever, nodded first, and then as if that were, not sullicicnl -added, "Yes, tint's my name," "Where did you move from ?" I continued, falling back on Hie fust plan I had formed in my m, nd. "Tim Weislern Ibsrrvc, not fur from Hudson." 1 turned the conversation 011 tho compar ative advantages of I Ihio mid Illinois, 011 farming, the price of land, etc., carelully avoiding the dangerous subject, and by the t i 1 m breakfast was over had arranged that for a consideration, ho idiould aeeoinpauy me as far as the Blooniingioii road, some live miles distant. While he went out to catch till old horse, ranging loose in the creek-bottom, I saddled Peck, cliiipped on my valise, and made my self ready for the journey. The feeling ol two silver hall-dollars in her hard palm, incited down the woman's aggressive moo I. and she said, with a oicc the edge whcrcol was mightily blunted.-- "Thankee ! it's loo much for sich as von liao. ' It'll the bchl you can give," I replied. "That's so!" said she, jerking my hand up and down with a pumping movement, as I look leave. I fell a sense climbed the rise again bcfoi e us. I 10 wind strong, of relief w hen we had and hail the open prairie The sky was overcast and but smne rain hud fallen during the night, and the thetu adves again. ' The loilds hit I lifted ir was fresh and iahi, li ce- ,il , I deb ill order ut no chill. We rod- slowly, of ne on ill. mud was deeper than ever, crated what coitisc I should lake, to draw f'-oin mv eitide the expli;- nation of the nightly noises, shrinking whenever his wife r subject, convinced me that a iiroaeh would render him uhv llts evuieiit fel led to the gridilal ap aud uneasy; md, on the whole, it seemed to surprise iiim by a sudden assault, bet incslrikc to tin heart of llie secret at, niiec,-- I thought, and the details will come of themselves. While I was thus rcllecting, he rode ipii elly by my side. Half I in ning in lln sad dle, I looked steadily at his lace, and said, in all 0 iriieid voice,- - "Kber Nicholson, who was it to whom you were married iu the ni;,hl of (Iod?'' He started as if struck, looked at tin im ploringly, turned away his eyes, then looked back, became, very pale, and finally said, in a broken, hesitating voice, us if the words were forced from him against his will, "Her name is llachcl lOiutuons." "Why did you murder her?" I asked, iua ,4ill sterner lone. In an instant his face burned scarlet. He re tied up his horse with a violent pull, slra'ghtetied his shoulders so that he appear ed six inches taller, looking steadily at me with a strange, mixed expression of anger anil astonishment, nnd cried out, "Murder her? H7i, ahf's lirin' mur .'" My surprise tit the answer was scarcely less great than his at the iptesliou. "Yon don't mean to say that she's not dead?" I asked. "Why, no!" said he, recovering from his su 1 leu excitement, "she's not dead, or she wouldn't keep on troiibliu' me. She's been liviu' in Toledo these ten year." "1 beg your pardon, my friend," said I; "but I don't know what to think of what I heard last night, and I suppose 1 have tlie ol I notion in my head (hat all ghosts are of persons who have been murdered." "t)h. if I had killed her," he groaned, "I'd 'a' been hung long ago, un' thcre'd 'a' been in end of it." "Tell me the whole story," said I. "It's hirdly likely that 1 can help you, but I can understand how you must be troubled, and I'm sure I pity you from my heart." 1 think he fell relieved at my proposal, glad, perhaps, alter long silence, to confide to another man the secret of his lonely, wretched life. "Alter what you've hcerd,"said he, "there 's notion' that 1 don't care to tell. 1 've been doubt - but tiod knows there never was a man worse punished. "1 told you," be continued alter a pause, that I come troni llie csteru lieservc. My father was a tni.ldbu' well-to-do faimcr not rich, nor yit exactly poor, lie's dead now. lie was always a savin' man looked after money a ciYn loo sharp, I've often thought sense: howsovcr, 'tisu't my place to judge h m. Well, I was brought up on the' farm, I i hard work, like the other boys. Kuchcl Ivnnioi's - she's the sunio woman that haunts nie, you understand -she was the girl o' one of our neighbor, and poor enough h was. Ids wife was always sicklv-like an' vou know it takes a woman as well as a man gd rich farmiti'. Si they were always .scrimped, but that didn't h'tidei Itaehcl from bciti' one o' the likeliest gals round. Wo went to the same school iu the winter, her and me, ('(isn't much schoolin' I ever got, iliouh.) an' I had a sort o'uaicral haukeriit' alter her, as fur ba k as I can remember. Hie was dillcrcnt tonkin then from w hat she is now; an' me too, for that matter. (TO BE CONTINUED.) I of I. M - (i R O V i: 1 N S T III' T A.M NORMAL SCHOOL, MA I'M E E CITY--. OHIO. Tin Fe ll Term of (he second year of this, lustitu a v. ill commence on MONDAY, AI Cl'ST 20. Tiie lo-liiution U furnished with a full corpse ipiahiied tud i xpei icuccd Teachets. Arrangements are made for vxlciiii and sysu in.iue roms Classical and Scienliln.' Kludy. . Clause Vdl hd'uiod for thuoa who are pivp,irili", (o teach (he ou ming whiter. A cnusii of Lecture will be deliv ered on mibj, els of inter, t und importance to teach- .loiuj in e.Kid l.uudii's. or room .lor ell- Ill e, i heebt. in-araing cm ). etaami d on vci v liberal lenns: For tnrtlur pairti-ul.irs ue cU-ciilae, r-addii ss Principal, . , j, ,y. HJF1 T. Aiifeii.,1 H, '01 -11m 3. Waaiucv Citv.O. K of of be MEDICINAL. CURE NervousHeadache CI llv til" nso of these, periodic nttneks of NenynitK of Sick lleiidnelie m.iy bu prevented; and if taken at llie cimiiiieueeiii sit of an attack iniiiiediiity relief fluin pain ntnl hiekness will lie olilniiiod. They seliloin fail in removing the Nausea and Ileiclii'clie to which feiniiles are so sulijcvt. They act gently upon tho bowels,- removing (VstivencKs. Kor l.ilernry Men. Students, Policate reniales.iind nil persons of's.' lrntnrv lmliits, 11 icy urn valuable as a Laxative, improving tlie appetite, giving tone and vigor to tin digestive organs, and restoring tlm niitiuiiTcliiittieiiy mid strength ol tho whole sys tem. The OKI'IIAblC Plbl.M are the result of long investigation anil carefully conducted experiments, having heen in use many years, daring which tinr' tho have prevented anil relieved a vast amount of pain an I suffering from Headache, whether origi nating in the nei vous system or from a deranged stale of tlm stomach. Thev lire entirely vegetable in their romposillon, and uiiy bn taken ut all bill's with perfect safety willimil'miikiiiir iinv clnmire of diet, ni l thu absence of aiiyiliiigi able'tustc naidias il easy to udmiiiis- tor tliuin to children. It KYVAIUv OP COPNTK.IilTdTS I Tlm guniiine have five signatures of Henry C. Sinldtng en each llox. Hold by Druggists and all ether Dealers in Med icines, A Hox will be sent by mail prepaid on reccipet of tho PItlf'E 25 CKNTS. All orders should bo addressed to HKXKY (!. SPAbDIN'ti, 4H t'unAii Stiikkt, Xhw Yoiik. " Tney go Right to tho Kpo.." INSTANT ItKl.tiaM STOP VOCtl Col lllI I ITRII'V YOt'lt HIIBATII I SHTKNUTUliN VOl'K VOK IjI s p a t ALDINfl'S Confections T h r AUK (1001) FOIt CbKlifl YMI'N, (iOlll) l'OK MXTUHEKS. CIOOD l'DH ITIIblC SPKAKKKS, (iood rou SINOKU, COOl) Foil CONSUMPTIVES. lil'.NTI.KMI'N CAIIIIV SPALDlNfJ'S TIIKOAT CONFECTIONS. I.Am lift AUK lllll.KI! 'Nil WITH SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. Cllll.millN CIIY I'Oft SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS They relieve n Coueli instantly. They clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to the voice. Thev impart a delicious nrmna to the breath. They are delightful to the taste. Tin y are made of simple herbs and cannot harm any one. I advise every i iie who has a Cough or Husky Voico or a bad any diliieult v of the Throat to get a package of my Throat Confeetions, thev will relieve veil instantly, and yon will agree with nie that "they go right to the spot." You will laid ( lii-iii very useliil and pleasant while travelling or intending public meetings for stibiag your rough or iillaiing your thirst. If you try one package 1 think I am sate in saying that ever afterwards con sider them Indispeusihlc. You w ill find them ut the Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. PUICK TWKNTY-I'IVK CENTS. My signature is en each package. All others are counterfeit. A package will ho sent by mail, prepaid, on re ceipt of Thirty CeaU,. Addrcs-s, II EN 11 Y V. SPALDING. No. 4S CKDAll STUKKT, NKW-YOKK. The follow ing endorsements of SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, will convince all who sutler from HEADACHE that a SPEEDY AND MIURE CURIi IS WITHIN TIIKlll IIKACII. Allll' ir TmlimiUliillil '('l'Clllliil'elf(ill Mr. SrAI.IHNU, thry t4jl'iiltl ttwitu iti'timhtr ftrimf'tt Olf tjlcttry ttf'thi truly ttri' utijiv ttitvorrri , Masonvim.k, Conn., Feb. 5, IStll. Si'Ai.niNd. Mit. Sir: 1 hive tried your Cephalic Pills, and I like them so well (hat 1 want you to send nut two dollars worth inoiv. Pai l of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave u few out of tho liist Imx 1 got from you. Send (la 1'ills by mall, and oblige Your uh'l Servant, Jamms Kknnkdv, rVoiii f'l KftimiVr, AoiyiA', Co. Cephntie Pills accomplish the object for which they were made, vix: Cure of headache, in all its forms. yrum the fiVinamrr, X'trfulk, 11. Thvy have Itcen tested in imav than a thousand cases, with entire success. Veal titr Aaiormt, N), (Vole, Minn. If you are or have been tumbled with the head ache, send for u box, (Cephalic Pills,) so that you may have them in ease ol an attack. fYom the AJfrrtiurr, I'ruriJi lur, ,'. . The Cephalic Pills are said to be a remarkably cll'eolivo remedy for the headache, and ono of th very best for that very fivijueul complaint w Inch has ever been discovered. Vu (A ir(r A', li, (,wrttr, ( AiYoio, . We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and his unriv alled Cephalic Pills. 'raw tfie Stmthrra VWViW'.t, .Yew Orltmvi, Lit. Try theiid vou (but aiv alllicled, and wo are sure that our tcxttmoner can be added to the already numerous list (hat has received bonctits that no oili er medicine can produce. Miimi thr (ittzrttt; hiifiiort, oicfi. Mr. Spalding would not connect his nniue with nn article he did not know to Hissess real merit. rVo.a (A f Woacrci'o, (nt'iitnatit tftio. Suffering humanity can now be relieved. li-r V single bntiloofSH.U.DIXO'S PREPARED li LIE will save leu limes its cost umially.iii-; SPALDING'S PRIU'ARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PR F P A U E D G l.U E ! SAVETHlTpiECES! F.CONOMY t DISPATCH! iif "A Stitch in Timk Savks Xink." j. J e a ; i , Mil , f mili T ) U lo'l'l'-n. even u. well regulated n m ' ,, ? d' suable (o have some cheap and Convenient way lor ivpairinir lunuture. Tovs. Cioekei,v,i.e, ' SPAl.DINO'S PRKPAHKO OUT. meets all such emergem ies, and no household can Mllel'd t'l ha w ithout it. Il i Always r.uulv. nn.l to the sticking point. ' " I'SKFUL IX KVEUY HOUSE." N. It. A Bnisli aecompanuseaeh Bottle. Price, 25 cents. Addles. HFNRVC. Sl'AULDlNG. Xo. 4S Cedar Suwt, New Veils. caiTtT' n. As ceii.iin luipiiucipled pei-sous hit attempting! to palm oil" on the unsuspecting public, iiuit.ilions of li iv PRKPAIil'.D Gl.l I-, I would cuaiion all per sons to cxmuine beloiv puivhasun ud oc that lull ii.iiue, PACLDL(rS PRKl'ARED (iLUE.dJ s (.a (liH ,u nide a upper ; all i(!ai aio swiudliuij couuicifvits. , 1 v.vrfc 9 B t , " , no I j . 1 i ' ' 1 ! LEGAL ADV'S. C l.'OL'XTV. OHIO I. It Hovers vs .loh 11 Knox, The said defendant, .tolin Knox, is hereby notl- fled tloit said plaintiff on the I'd day of .Heptcm. er, JHiil, tiled til tlie clerks oltiee ol smd nnirt, bis petition ngaiiist nun! ,loiin ixnox, selling r rtli Hint snid hnox, on tlie i '.la day of March, Is 17, c.c( nt t nn I delivered to Juhn Davis, bisiii.n tjrnge bi'iid on the s'i n-w' f of seetion 21, tp 3, tiertli n( r nigu HI cast, 111 Wood county, O., containing Ktl licres of land for $1 -'a, p iv.ible in one year after ilntej that said liiorlg.ige Itead was (inly usslgued to pliiintitl', who is now the owner thereof, and that plainti1!' is tho i"in r and toil ler of n i,ix title mi said land nnnninling to I -IIS. l-'nless said itefoad mit Knox answer .1 lid petition by the Istdav of No-. vcialier,, jii'h mclil vill be taken ngafust It i til for tlie Nam of i!h interest on 1 2 0 from March 2litli, IstS, and for an or hr to sell tho laud ubove descrilicd. Pun k ov Johnson, September 4th, 1H!U 18w;Sl,fi:i. att'vs. I) tTl'H LKTTI.NO. Notice is hereby eiven that nn the Hth dnvofH DctolHT next, nt the limine ot .lolni II font, in t'crry tow nship, I will let to tlie lowest liid'h r in separate . I ..r .1:.. I. fc" .i ! - Sections, i ll! inasingiM Olicn o. t i, eoioineie-io near tlm center ol section i in sni.t township, at; station 30 of the original survey of the Fori tril (I tell ' so culled; thenou nmlhoasU rly through said section to the east lino (hereof, terminating about HO rods south of tic) northeast corner of tlie same. Said drain is dividod into 17 sections of 21) rods eepting the last which Is It) rods long. Width of bottom K feet, bank slopes lbj base to one rise. The excavated earth to be reip ived at least 3 feet from the bank slopes. The work to be completed to the acceptance nf the enmity commissioners, at n time to ho agreed uion at the day of & do. Sale to coiu uuiico a, ten o clock, a. In. ADDISON. SMITH, Auditor Perryshurg, Sept. 7, lSiil- llhvi. ClODTtT Ob' COMMON PbEAS, WOOD CO?, J OHIO. Charles W. Hill and Charles Pratt, plaintiffs vs. Merritt M. Young, defendant, Tho defendant, Merrotl M. Young, will take no tice that on llie loth day of September plaintiff tiled against him in the court of coninu a plea of the county of Wood, their pelition, tho object nnd pray er of which is to obtain judgment against tho de fendant lor the sum of two hundred and thirty-two 77 100 dollars with interest from February 20,' 1 '1), on nn account for legal services rendered and money paid out and expended for the defendant by the jilaiiitilf. l'hiintiU's also seek to collect said sum by the provisional remedy of attachment, and have attached the following lands and tenements of the defen hint in said county of Wood, to wit : 411 and 81 Kit) acres olf (he west p ut of river tract number eighty, (Kill in the t'nitel States reserve, nt the font of the r.ipids of tlie Minim e river, in Wood county, Ohio, and hounded 'is follows: On the south by the center of (Ir.issy creek, on the West by the west line of said river tract number eighty (Mil) on the north by the Maiimee river and on tlioeust by a line drawn parallel to the west line nf said river tract number eighty (WM at a distance of eight chains, 7Ja links easterly thereof. Also n tight of public way thirty feel a l ie, from said 10 and 41-1(10 acres to (lie Perryshurg and Oregon roa I along the route surveyed and reported for a county road to the commissioners of Wood county, by N, Minton, surveyor. Said defendant is reonired to answer said p 'titioa on or before the K.'l I day of November II "xt, or judgment will be taken against him by de fault. ' Hil.l. ' I'll ATT, pblilitifls. Toledo, Kept. 10, 1,il - IMaT.sii Oil. M ASTER COMMISSIONER'S SALE. 1! .V II Thornton vs Charles C V.aird. lly virtue of an order of sale issued in the above c:ise by the clerk of the court of comiin n pleas in Woi'd enmity, Ohio, and to in directed and deliver ed, I shall expose to public sale at the door of the court house, iu Perryshurg, Woo 1 coiiniv, Ohio, On (he 21IH.I day of October, I K0 1, between the hours of IU in. and 2 p. m. of said day, the following described lauds and tenements, to-w it: a brick bail ding adjoining the north end of the Maird Ifiuse, ami fronting on Louisiana Avenue, in the town of Perryshurg, ami the land upon which said building stands, it being n part of in-lot num ber three hundred and eighty-three (:ls;l)in the tow not' I'orrvsbuig. Wood county, Ohio. Apprais ed at fl.oail.' l'ETKU l'.El.b,' Master conmi'r. Cook, I'iiici: A .Iounson, attvs. Sept. 2t, lsiil--21w,i;;.i 0.'. ' jyYTON A MlllHJAN II Al 1, UOAl). 1 I SHORT LINK TO CINCINNATI, DAYTOX INDIANAPOLIS ,v. Lot ISVIL1.K. On and after Sunday, May 12, two Trains will leave Toledo daily, on air'u al of trains from Detroit, Jackson, and Miehigaa Southern Railroads: at 10:2il A. M.- -arriving in ih.vtoii at i:lt0. 1. M. ll-IO P. M. arriving in Dayton at TiliO A. M." Time from Detroit in Cincinnati 12 hours and 40 minutes by each train. Ci-mccting at Lima with trains on the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne &. Chicago R iihii.ul for Cre a'ine, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Southeastern pients. Ciuineets at Sidney, with the trains 'U tin Hell, t'oataiae Line for Indianapolis and the Southwest, and at Pkptannd Dayton for Colum bus. 2f"Xn Change of cars between Toledo and Cincinnati. KA1IH AS LOW AS BY ANY OTIIIMI l;OCTH. For tickets apply lit the Ticket Olliee of the Michigan Southern Company. R. M. SHOEMAKER, Sup't. D.ivt.m, O. M. SHOEMAKER, Hen. Fr't and T'k't Ag't, To ledo, Ohio. TVRMS (II VEX AWAY! 1 A. ' Mr. Win. McXim proposes to disposonfliis lands in this county at a merely nominal price. He will sell the south half of the north-w.-st pcir (er.of section 20, town ft, range 10, containing 80 acres, for live hundred dollars. Said land has been thoroughly dUehed and drained at an expenso He will also sell the south half of the south-west quarter of section Hit, town fl, range 11, at the same price. Eno,uiro of II. H. DO DOE, Attorney at Law, Per ryshurg, Ohio. Also for sale a large number of Town Lots, both here and in the town of Millgiuve, with and without improvements, together with several valuable Farms. 11. 11. DODUE. Perryshurg, Nov. 10, 18.'9. H OWAHD ASSOCIATION', PHILADELPHIA. A ltenevolent Institution established by special endow meiit, for the lelii f of the sick and distressed, nlllicted with V indent and Epidemic dis 'uses, and especially fur the cure of di.ieases of tlie Sexual Or gans. Medical advice given gratis, by the Acting Sur geon, to all who apply by letter, with a discriplion of their condition, (age, occupation, habits ot life, Ac..,) and incases of extreme poverty, .Medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other diseases of the Sexual Organs, and nil the new rem edies employed iu the Dispensary, sent to tho nlllict ed in sealed letter hive lopes, free of charge. Two or thri e stamps for postage w ill be acceptable. Address DR. J. SK1LL1N llOl'OHTON, Acting Surgeon Howard Association, No. 2 south 'Jth street, Philadelphia, Pa. llv order of tho Directors. CEO. FAIHCtni.D, Secretary. Jan. 1, '61. K.RA D. II EAT WELL, President. Vsr J . J liRYANT, FOLSOM, STRATTOT Jk FEI.TOX'S MERC AN I ILE COLLEGE, Cl.KVKl.AND, OlIIO. One of the Eight Colleges of tho "NATIONAL CHAIN, located at New York citv, Philadelphia, Albany, HufT.ilo, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago and St. Louis. ! Scholarship purchased at this point gvod for i colleges. UUItATKS'f INPI CKMKNTS IN TIIK TNITKU 8TATK. For full piirtieulai'S of our extensive culhgiau; 1 course, cniluaring all branehes pertaining coiumer ; scieucedhe union of Cleveland colleges, ilh ' thorough corps of teachers and lecturers, and twe ' practical and cxpereueod resident principals: th uatioiiel chain system, all', i ding far more and betle advant'gi tlnui any single, ivdaied oehool can pre . . I . l . . . i . . , . . t i , i :. icnaio. i Liiuiai nun I'l-iiiiuicuiui x oniuaiisuii w , liy , , . ,., Am,1.u,l Artists. whuL Uwt ,v taking premiums al all the fairs ; ' - , Till', t Ol.l.iaiE HANK at w hich students do business in handling money leaking deposite, dismimtiiig note-., drnwing ivtes. draw ing cheeks, Ae.ahe GREAT KA 1 1. HO AD SET, embracing lieWeiiinr, freig'.iting, station business, cullies of Auditor. Cashier, sVc, the only iMinpleto set vet iutnstueed; Hi vunl A Suallon's Text Books, la be used iu connection with manuscripts ; their i. ............ 1. .... i:ui l- : k ......;.... n.. , va I IXl'.-l'lllj;, III. Ml ,,,, t.ti; o'ui.u liilon iieiug a.'ii pago, llieir I '.iliiniel'el.n t an iua lions 3)0 pages.lmtli puhliahed bv lvisuuA: Phiiiuey icw loik: their I i v Amos Dean, L. L. D., I'mlessor of Law in the Cinversilv ol AlbanyyiUuj.iiUuhcd bv D. Applotou V Co., New Aiiuivss, lor enlaloiaies, cue lit a in or inioriua tion of any kind, two poslaue stamps enclosed, 1 01. SUM , VELTON, Cleveland, Ohio. . - Soptenib. r, 18U0 2ll. . . . - lt-fy-.ll kin-Is of 1'lankn "continually kcj on ) m nd iuul lur b.ilc ut iho Joumal Oilke, . all j t SEWING MACHifiES. n HEAT M I'BOVESIEKTS SEWINQ MACHINES. THE EMnnR SHUriLK MACHINE r ATKNTKII I'KHIIfAllV 1 llh, lSI',0. SiilosiiKitn, 510 liroadway, New York. This Machine Is constructed on an entirely new principle of .Ii i'!nnism, possessing many rare and Miluithle Improvements, having la en cx'iniined by tlio most prol'oiui I experts, sn.l iiroiKainced to bo simpliritv and perfection combined, 'J tin follow ing up. the principal objections urged against dewing Mnclmii's! I. t.xcessm lnlieilo t 4. Incapacity to sew ev ery ilcrf.ription of iiiHterial. 6. A disagreeable noise while in operation. the operator. 2. Liability to get out of l.rdef. 3. Expense, trouble, iV. time ill repairing. lliK l;inK Skwinh M ACIIIXI! IS KXEM1T FKOM A I.I. TIIUSl! OII.IKCTIONS. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, makes the Lock or shuttle stitch, which will neither rip tior ravel, anil is alike on both sides ! perlorms .. V i. f, Vi ' . , - ; """ 'ritti mi- iiiii'ri ..iiii.'niiv lllll.'.llll, llll rtr.ttf.n lit..... na .111, 41. f-... l... ... .t.A cotton, linen, nr silk thread from the coarsest to the finest number. Having n ather CAM nor COO WIIEKL.aml the least possible friction, it runs us smooth as glass, and ft is EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS MACHINE I It requires (illy per cent, less to drive it than any other midline in market. A girl of twelve years ot agj can work it steadily, without latiguo or in jury to health. Its strength and woniikiifci, simpmcitv of con struction render it almost iinmissilile to trot out of order, nnd is (il'AHANTEED by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to call una examine mis unriv.ineii machine. lint in a more special manner do wo solicit the patronage of Merchant Tailors, Dress Makers, Hoop-skirt Manufacturers, Corset Makers, Conch Makers, (Jaitei Fitters, Shirt nnd llosom Makers, Shoo binders, Vest and I'antiiloons Makers. I Tf"Iteligious and charitable institutions liberal ly dealt nith. PRICK OF MACHINES COMPLETE No. I. or Family Machine. $15 00, Nn. 2. Small sized Manufacturing, .$00 00, No. 3, Large sized .wumiiaciuriug, sw.i mi. CAIIINKTS I.N KVKIIY VAKIHTV. AVe want agents for all towns in the I'nited States, where agencies are net, a heady whom a liberal discount will bo given, but we miika no consignments. T. .1. Me A I! Till' It & Co.. .tIO Jtioadwiiv, Now York August 211th, 1HHI17. "I It EAT VI llEDCCTIOX IX THE PRICE Olf & COMPANY'S SINGER STANDARD MACHINES. Well known to be the Lost for manufacturing pur poses: No. 1, Standard Shuttle sold nt 5110, reduced to. Xo. 2, Standard Shutlle sold at $100, reduced to Machine, form. rly Machine, forni.ily if i a Sitcrcr's Tj ; Is the best Machine ill th and Light M.inur.ieliiriii' r A r,t:ie!ii.0 ivorld for Family Sowing purpos s : 1 nee, ( wito lieminer,) nnu lie.uitilul'v ernameiileil, .U. I he N'os. I and 2 Machines are of great capacity mi I nimbi-af ion tor tuauuiactunog purposes. Our No. .'I Machines are especially adapted to all kmas ol light and heavy leather work, in earring, trimming, boot and shoe making, harness making etc., etc. They are of extra size, with an arm long choug h to tako under It and stacli the largest si. l i -lies. There is scarc dy any part of a Trimmer": stiteoing that cannot be iietier ilone w itli them than by hand: so, too, the saving of time and labor i. very rival. The table of these midlines is 24 inches long, nil I the shuttle will hold six times tin usual ouautiiv of thread. The largo machines work as fast as small ones. We would ask for our Letter A Machines, th special attention of Vest Makers and Dress Makers, and all those who want Machines fur li-tht coihc tiiriii'i jutrmi,-. They embody the principles of the .standard machines, making 1 ke tlietn, llie inter locked stiich, and are destined to be as celebrated for family sea ing and light manufacturing purpos 's as our siandard machines are for manufacturing nurnoses in ir"iieral. We have always on hand, Hemming fimiges Silk. Twist, Linen and Cotton Thread on Spools, best Machine Oil in Pottles, etc., etc. We manufacture our own needles, and would warn all persons using our machine not to buy any others. We know that there are needles sold ot the most inferior ijuality, at higiier prices than we charye tor the best. 1 lie needles sold ly us are manufactured especially for our machines. -4 Lutl limUc mint 'i.l(er thv h-st hi lr!:ittr uttti'i't uxilinlt. Our customers may rest assured that all of our llr inch ollices are furnished with the "genuine nr tide. Ill ease et small purchas 's, the money may be sent in postage stamps or line's. Vvf "Corrct'.pouden's will pleasa write their mini distinctly. It is all important that we should, each rase, knew the Post Olliee, County and 2'"''"A1I persons removing iufonn iti. n about Sewing Machines,, prices, working paeities, and the best methods of purchasing, can obtain it by sending tor a copy ot I. M. SINtiEH &. CO.'S C.AZETTE, Which is a beautiful pictorial paper entirely devir ted to tho tuiojcct. IT W I I.I. UK SUNT Ull ATIS. '..-"Wo have made the above REDCCTIOX IN PRICES with the two-fold view of benefitting (he public and ourselves. The public have been swin ill d bv spurious machines made in initiation ours. The metal in them, from llie iron easting the smallest piece, is ol noel miaul v. Iheir mak crs have not the means to do their work well. They are hid awav in secret places, where it would be impossible to have at their command the prope mechanical appliances. It is only by doing a great business, and having extensive manufacturing es t iblishinents, that good machines can be made moderate prices. The best designed midline HADLY MADE, are always liable to get out of or del', and are sure to cost considerable trouble tun money to keep (hem in repair. The dualities to be looked for in a Machine are Certainty of correct action at all rates of speed simplicity of construction, great durability, and rapidity of ma ration with the least labor. M chin-s V combine these essential qualities, must made ol the nest metal and mushed to perfection e have tae win s nnd m "litis, on a grand scale, t do this. The purchasers of Machines, whose dail broad it may concern, will find that those having the above oualities not only work well at rapid well as slow rales of sliced, but last long in the tin est possible working order. Our Machines, oi(iio 1, will earn more money with less labor thnn any others whether in imitation of ours or not. fact, they are cheaper than any other machines as glfl. ; ',7 LOCAL AUKNTS WANTUP.J ; I. M. S1NOF.R fi CO., 4rS Rkoadway, New York. August 2Qth, IKG1-17. M OORE'S PATEXT THIRTY-FIVE DOLLAI DOUBLE LOCK STITCH -:t'::r - it- FA.M11.Y SEWING MACHINE IN SIMPLICITY OF DFION AND I'llKCKCTION OK WOKKM VNSHIV CNSl'ltr ASSKO BY .VNV AlAClllNE V FT Al AN L F AcilU.ED Its siniplieily in oh ration is such that a child ten years old can use il with ease. Its several parts being constructed on philosophical principles, it not liable to gd out of order. Il makes a strong, clastic und durable stitch. It sews from two coui nion spools, an I makes hut little noise. All w ho contemplaU buying, or wish to see b si Sew ing Mac'iine now in use, art) respectfully invited toall on X.H. CALLAKD, in whose Tailor Shop it is now in praciieal operation. J. B. GREGORY, Aaent. October II, If 00 -Saly. a-! o iiAi.K OF REAL ESTATE. Bv virtue of ' O order of I ho pinlMiU ionrtof Crawford county Ohio, I w ill dfr tor sale on (he 12lh day of OeuiUcr, lbiil lil, U'twet n 10 o'clock a. m. ami 4 p. in., the i ing de.-crilk d lands situate in W.xkI county, wit: lh neVi cf (lie lie1., of sec. 27, (p. 8, north lw to- i ot range 12 also llie swti ol tlie m !4 u( j at, p. 3, uoitli of nuigo 12 afi rvaid. Suit-ui , l.,ee , the premises. Tei ms, ';; cash. .: "rn'ou., ! nn.l ; tnrw.i vcar, ivith inleivsl (com day of J.S. KISUgKR. aslm'rof D. Avers, dco'd. and gualian of Marv Avum, , Sept. Cth, Ifcol 1V4V . . ."..-) m:4Sv ill . S Rm:2fTL w v r - : ' v- ! : t. of to at be In is the an Col- O., )jc. take MEDICINAL. D R 1) S M I T HI Would respectfully Inform the citizens of Wood county that he has permanently located himself in Howling (Jreen for tin puriswe of practicing Medi cine and Surgery. In addition to a regular course of study, Mr. sf. has made himself acquainted with tho special mode of distinguishing diseases by sn examination of the urine of the patient as practised y the late Pit. Hf.iji 11 A i, Hii.aiiu tnrall r l ironic iiseases will sav unhesitatingly that bv following Mr. D's practise in such cases, he has bad b tter suecesfi than fnaii any otherincthodol' treatment. Among the diseases which Dr. f. professes to treat successfully may be mentioned the following, ti7i: Dyspepsia,' lavir Complaint, Consumption iu its ral ly staves, Diseases of the Spleen, Asthma, Slat ting of the blood, Palpitation of the heart, Htiennia- tism, White soA'olling, Dropsy, Ssctvlulmts Diseases, auiidice, rcmale t.eniiilaints, m all their varied inns, bow i-oiirits or Melancholy. Fever Sores. fleers, Ac. If patients with nnvofthe above or kindred Chronic Diseases will send some nf their urine taken in the morning in a clean vial, Dr. S. can make a satisfactory diagnosis of tho case nearly as ell nsif the patient were present. Nov. 16,1 two autf. B LOOD PURIFIER AND BLOOD PILLS. DR. ROIIACK'S SCAND1XAYIAX REMEDIES. When Dr. Roback, the. renowned Sw edish Phy sician, introduced his lllood Purifier and Pills into the Cniled States, he set forth in plain terms their curative properties, i ins was years ago, J he task of recommending them has since been taken out of his hands. Enlightened men, whoso character for sound . judgment and philosophy gives (heir opinions weight in the community, men who ons'-rve, relied and make "assurance doubly sure," before they de cide, are everywhere approving and urging the use of these wonderful preparations. All who confide in the wisdom and honesty of tins class, or w ho choose to investigate for themselves, are now of ono mind on this important subject. I he evidence m tae possession oi i'r. i.onacK which is at all times accessible to the public, estab lishes the following: FACTS ! That the T1L00D PURIFIER, and BLOOD PILLS have been proved by analysis to CONTAIN NO MINKllAI, t That they euro the almost complnint, nvscia'si a, Avi tli iin"n ing certainly, nnd in a very short time. 1 hat alter all other medicines linve proved useless thev relieve I.1VKK COMI't.AlNT, ami restore tho health and strength of the sufferer. That SICK KKJIAI.KS, who have languished for years in helpless weak ness and despondency, recuperate with almost mira culous rapidity under their invigorating operation. That ull Sexual Disabilities nre removed by their cordial andgently stimulatingpropertios. That they recruit siiattriihh constitutions. however, they may have been trilled with mid abused. 1 hat their direct tendency is to lengthen life, nnd render it enjoyable. That operating di rectly upon the poison of disease, in tho blood, they CAt'SH SOON TO IIUAL, nnd discharge from the system every taint of Scrof ula, whether hereditary or otherwise. That they llKCHCIT TIIK PKIIILITATKO, nnd that there is no disease, of the stomach or bowels, the liver, the nervous system, tho glands and mu.icels, All I SI NO FROM IMPURITIES OR OBSTRUCTIONS OF THE DLOOD OR SECRETIONS. in which they do not give prompt relief, and, (if ad ministered before the very citadel of life has been invaded.) effect a painless nnd perfect cure. bear in mind that the Scandinavian Blood 1 ills are endorsed by the experience of thousands of liv ing w ho, letter, nlli tavit, lneilieal works una worn of mouth proclaim them to be the very best prepar ation ever eU'erol to the broken down victims of ill- health. It haunts disease through every avenue nnd organ of the svstem, and expels it thoroughly and permanently. No one can douot then-superiority alter ono single trial they are not only better, but also cheaper than any other Bills, for it takes a less number of them to produce a better elleet. J rice ol the runner, 1 per bottle, or !?.) per Hall dozen.- Of the Pills. 2ac. per box, or a boxes forifl. Read Dr. Roback 's special notices and certificates published from time to time in this paper. In', u. s .Medical Alm inae and I'.iinuv Adviser, coiitainiii"- a "rent amount ot valuable and interes ting m.'.Ueal inform: itioa can be had gratis of any of las agents throughout the country. In dillieult or complicated cases. Dr. Ilobick may be consulted personally or by letter, eneli . ing one stamp for a reply. A NEW ARTICLE. DR. KOUACK'S STOMACH BITTERS. A new and delightful Stomachic and Cordial, for giving tone to the Stomach, and for the prevention of bilious complaint incident to the Western coun try. Try it. As a morning drink, to assist digestion and re lieve Dyspepsia, it has nu eipial. Try it. In flavor it is superior to ull other Dilt-rs. Try it. Tlie formula or these Bitters, I MOT ) the sole properly of Dr. Roback, oripinaMcHvith one of the oldest ami most eminent Medical Praciioners of the West, and it is directly prodicatoditpou the wants of Western people. These flitters derive their stimulus from the pow erful tonic nature of the roots and herbs of which they are composed, nnd ns they are, by allaying unnatural cravings of the stomach, directly prom otive of TEMPERANCE, (ho present proprietor believes that in making them widely known the public welfare is subserved. It will soonjie for sale hv all of Dr. Roback 'r numerous Agents, and at Hotels, ike., the country over. In the meantime, orders will be filled direct from Cincinnati in any ipiantity, and at the lowest rates. . It is put up in yuan liottles, iin.l securely packed in one doz. cases. Half doz. sainpl ' eases will, however, be packed and sent to any address,if desired. Retail Price, $1 per bottle, or six for Sj. Principal Olliee and Sale Rooms, No. 0, oast Fourth st., 3d building from Maiiist., Cincinnati, O. Laboratory in Hanimon St.- ' For sale in Wood .county bv Peck & Hamilton, Ivrrysburg: A. .1. (lar.iuer ov. Co., (iilead ; h, r. Turner, Portage i S. W, Whitimore, Tontognny; S. Clyiuer, Otsego; H. R. Atkins, New Weslfield: S. L.' Houghton, Dow ling (.liven ; Banks A Batter son, Pcinberville : A. Lansdale, Freeport ; C. II, Roswidalo, West Millgrovc; S. B. Emerson j Eagle ville ; and by druggists and merchants generally throughout the Union. 'til 10ly U 11 R AY'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Macmek City, Ouio. FACULTY. Jkiiomb Murray, Instructor in Accounts, and Lecturer on Business Customs, Ac, F. Wklcm, Teacher of Double and Single Entry Book Keeping. Practical ami Ornamental Pen luenship. Pen Drawing, Flourishing, Ac. Hon. J. M. Asm.KV, Hon. Akiikh Cook, M. B. Bk, and D. U. Ai stin, Leotuivrs on Ciiuimer-c-ial Law. Rev. U. A. Adams, Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. Rev. C. Kichahiis, Lecturer on Political Econ omy. TERMS: For full course, time unlimited $2." Same course for Ladies ; 1 For full course of Penmanship, time unlimited - -5, Klurislting, Pen Lettering, Ac, as par agreement. Good board can bo hud ui this place in m $1.75 to SJ2.50. This institution is now permanently situated one ol tho handsomest localities iu Xorth-WesUTil Ohio, and utters to its patrons unprecedented ad- vantages in the way of completing a thorough course of Meieautilo Instruction. Our instructions in linok Keeping, Commercial Calculations and Accounts are conducted upni. the Counting Room System, the object of which is render them purely practical, enabling the student to enter tit once upon the discharge of the m st in-1 trieate business with comparative east. Students who have graduated from this institution have found no difficulty in obtaining situations, givingtutirc sat isfaction of their employer;). COMMERCIAL LAW. ' Itt.-etiid'1-s on this subject are delivered regularly every Thursday evening, by on? of our most promi nent" practitioners, giving-'uitr students tho most thorough instruction in this important braueh. PENMANSHIP. Practical and Ornamental in all its varieties, will ba taught iu the most thorough and cllicient man ner. The good old Spcucurian system is our stand nrd. TO PARENTS, We would sav. your children can here receive full thorough aud complete a course of instruction! as in any Coinim-rcial Collage in the United Stales, Ii'eo ironi cxposiire iu muse ietnioiou iiiuueuucs which iu large cilies they are liable to come in contact with. Life SehohirshiPs aro issmsl. Stndentscao enter at anv time. Diplomas awarded only Ui ri.fe j for suidenMusfur ' ollect that the vxy i st ruction in this u H I 111 IllilSMtl HI WnlM HM outlet 141 II 1 Mlc"( aVHihle upon graduating. R.-c K.,o.eofcon,.lcti,,,'acoii.'se of fns.itution is loss than half (hat illi V other. JEROME MURRAY. I if for full particulars scud for a Circular, Nov member Hih ISoO 27ly i O II WORK, Eexecuted with neatness and dispatch at the Ptriyilurg Journal Otlhw, - - . A"T!A S 2 SA o n VA pHAf?MACV. i i j j ! I ; i in ; I i to I j ! as I MISCELIAKECUS. JTJR. M'MILLEN, ciiEMicoPATnrc riiYsiciAN; ; ! May be consulted free of charge, at (ha following times and placus i ( Fostoria, Hay House, Tuesday. Oct. It, Nor, 19,. Fremont, K'essler llutol, Wednesday, Oct. Ut nnd Nov. 20, Toledo, Collins House, Friday, Oct. IS, Nov. 22. Berrrsburg, Exchange Hotel, Saturday, Oct. 2(5 and Xov, 30. , , , MY THEOIlY AND THKATMKNT Are new and dillerent from any one Iu the United Stiites.snd I challenge any one to pnidiirc tho ssmn success that 1 liuvo met with in treating Chronic Diseases. Mv theory is based upon the chemical operations of the body, believing diseases tu dcpcnJ upon a disproportioned condition of the Hnids of the body, whereby the solids lie come unhealthy bjT analysing tho secretions, blood, Ac, of -the body and (hiding out what is deficient or In excess siiil supplying to tho system what is wanting. 1 tin enafiled to cure often by a sninllaniniint of medicines, where the pntietit has been drugged with medicine for long years to no effect. Now Dysiicpsia, in the great majority nf canes, do dends mainly upon a disprnpnrtiond' state of tho gaslric or digestive fluids of the stomach. When this gostic fluid is piiiportioned properly, the food in thorongly digested and assimilated. Viewing Dy- pepsin by the rules of ("homicopathnlogy, nnd gfvinff treatment accordingly,! am enabled to cure 49 case out of 50. and 4 cases out fiO of Consumpation, As thma, Bronchitis and Larvngitia,and Liver Com dlaint, Piles, Neuralgia, DizV.iness orSick Headache, Nervous Debility nnd Female Diaesses in every case a cure, and other diseases proportionately, CONSfMITlO. : , t.S,"Df. McMillen uses nn improved Inhaling In' strument for the cure of Consumption, Asthuia, Rron" chitis and Laryngitis ; by this we can make ns gooil an application to the diseased Lung and Throat ns we could to a sore anywhere on the exterior of tho body, Dr. M. uses pure Clieniicopathic nnd Botanic Rem edies. He gives a mild tonic treatment which acta chemically, an 1 nssists Nature to five herself. Ono ounce, of assistance to Mature is worth a pound oi poisonous drugs to the disease. Consultation and advice free. Information in regard to my treatment and stic cess cull on, or write to: Mrs. S. B. Abbott, Portage, Wood county, Ohio : Mrs. Robert Jacobs, Englevill,, Wood cminty.Ohio f Mrs. Jesse. Hukell, Browns Corners, Wood'countr, Ohio! Andrew Civss, Millgrovc, Wood county, Ohio; John Cummins, Hassan, Hancock county, Ohio j ,T. A. Smith, Elmore, Ottowa county, Ohio; O. E. Church, Toledo.Lueas county, Ohio. All communications must ho directed to Dr. J. F. McMillen, Cleveland, Ohio. GIN" AS A REMEDIAL AGENT, THIS DKLICIol S TONIC ST111CLANT, epocially designed for the use of the Medical Prof, s-i n and the Family, having scperseded the so-called "Gins," 'Aromatic,'" "Cordial," "Med icate '," "Schnapps," etc., is now endorsed by all of the pronfiient physicians, transie medicinal qual ities ( tonic and diuretic) which belong to an old nnd pure Gin. Put up in quart bottles and sold by alt druggists, grocers, etc. A. M. BININGER tt CO., (Established in 1778.) Sole Proprietors, Xo. 19 Broad street, X. Y. For Sale be D. R. BARNES & CO.. No. 13 Park Row, and P.'D. ORViS, 102 Brosdwny, New York. Our long experience mi l familiarity with tho re ouir inents of Druggists, and our superior business facilities, enable cs to furnish them with choice Lienors for medicinal and family use. For sale bv Peck A Hamilton, Perrvsburg, Ohio.. Jan.21:!i,1300 3Slv. 2-1 r ;rr - V f .el"' ei, n s. t EMI-AXXUAL STATEMENT, XO. 102. CAPITA! AND SURPLUS, -5932,302.98. May 1st, 18(11. Cash and cash items Loans well secured 1 Real estate .'.. - 2020 shares Hartford hank stocks 2 125 " Xew York " " 1010 " Boston- " ; " " 607 " . other " " , United States and state " " Hartford N. Haven . n. bonds & stocks $70,588 78' .rH,253 20 15,000 0()' 274,8f9 00' 103,350 00 100,750 00 58,085 00 73,307 00' 80.700 00 . 36,750 00' 4,000 00 Hartford Citv Bonds- Conn. River Co. & 11. 11. Co. stock Total Assets -$032,302 98' Total liabilities ; 73,244 27 For details of investments see Binall cards and circulars. ' ' i Insurances may be cQiicted in this old and sub stantial company on very favorable terms. Apply to GEO. STRAIN, Agent. - . : Dwellings and farm. property insured for a term of veal's at very low rates. July 2ath, 1801 12nv3. . ' ! 1 euysbuig, Ohio. B u Dealers In Marble Grave Stones. Ac'' Orders respectfully solicited. Shop on Muin street, Foeto ria. Old. Agents for Perryshurg, John Yeager and J.W. Bailev. . i . ... 331r I O CONSCMPT1VKS, ,. , ., i,i-ii -j IW. a subscriber T fi'i ' IS . S?JP, ! cliarftelto al a desire , t he eo y of . hiiiPIJi j ",K 1,v. wl"cl1 ll WM cua'd of that WM dl8e j , . ... .-,.. A r. ...... lluniuinirJ "u reralw,,,,v", S ."'v "K al lection, he a.ncerely hopes w I of' try this Kec.iv. well saOstiea it tl.ey o so tney u IW llieiv l All qiiliauvn 'niil iuu ii-auib, . u for his. owu complete rcstiration, he is annous to placo In the diand of every sufferer the means jot euro. . Those wishing the reip with full dirwUooa, Ac- will call un or address , , ' Rev. WM.B. ALLEN, J . ; JwJ . ' ' . h'o, 3(1 John Strec!, '1r York, v; F-iAViyi l-r,1' . Fl! . .JT J. F, PRICE, Agent,, I M III f 'I S II , CO. ,-.-;