Newspaper Page Text
Local Matters. Local Matters. TIME TABLE---Dayton & Michigan R. nmvii (writ. I cintNii north. VlirlitKxp.--l:2i) . m. I V-p'it Kxp... .a-i a. Mail l:Mf, M. Mail f'f'al r. m. Vruijibt 601 a.m. I Freight .07 p.m. Wood! Wood!! Wood!!! Any nniount of oo 1 wood wanted at thia office on (.uWiiptiun. Now ia tlio time to brin-i it in. All kind of fruit, nAett and Ir'sii pota 9, fowls, corn, nuts, liny, ixml in .act ul- niotU any lii t'v.lo of ruluco u1m Liken on nubstcf iption. Proclamation by the Governer, Appointing a Day of Thanksgiving and Prayer. State op Ohio, ExriTtivr Drr autmhnt, j C'ulA'MHrf. Nov. 1, Hit. ( Fursuant tn th request of the General AMUibly of this State, anil in accordance to mv own n-je of gratitude to Almighty God tor the bountif ul mer cies which ho has bestowed Uon the people of 0., I do hereby dosi-tnate an I set apart Thursday, tho 2Hh day o'f November, imtmit, as it day of thankv givintf and praise to Him, for (ho itioa'iinnblc priv Flipes of our civil and religious institutions, for pro tc.ctinjt our horn s from the ravairos of Wiir. nod for the m inifuld blessinc, individual awl social. which Biirrnunl and support nss nu t 1 respectfully mp upon all people that tin y refrain from tlieir usual enipturin-ntH onthatdiy, and in their p'ncosol public worship, and in their houis, with irrateful acknowledgement -i offer fervent praycrti ourlleav enly Fathor tlmt Ho imy continue to rem niber us in Ins to -rev; remove tho calamities of civil strife which afflict the Nation: restore concur I between the States: cimfirminp an I perpoiu itinp our piliti- ml Union, and s ourin-r to us an I to our posterity the jtrivilipos and advantages wliich distinguish Christian people. In testimony whereof I have hereunto sot my ban 1 and rinsed the Great Seal of the Stnie of Ohio to D3 affixed, this the 1st day of Noviinber, in tin year of our L'-rk I"-!, of tlio In I pint loom of tho United State the B5ih, and of tho organization uf Ohio the 5lMi. By tho Governor: By William Dennison. Admuson P. Kusskll, Soc'y of Statu. A War Speech in Perrysburg by General Ashley. PERRYSBURG, O., Nov. 9th. 1861. Hon. James M. Ashley - of both Dear Sir: A number of our citizens parties, in this place, have expressed n desire to have you speak here before returning to Washing ton, and tlio undersigned unite in requestm; that in your tour through this District you will favor them with tin address 0:i the subject of tliu "Great Re bellion." If you can come, please name the time and acquaint us at your earliest convenience. JOHN W. BAILEY, and Others. TOLEDO. Nov. 11, 1851. Qestlesikn: In reply to your f.ivcr of the I'tii inst., inviting me to nddrvt-s the citizens of Wood county on the subject of tho "Groat Hebcl'ton," 1 have to say that I will bo with you on MonJ.iy, ' Nov. 18th, if that day will suit you. Tliu U the only day I can givo you in Wood county except Saturday n ;xt, when I po to Tontopany. - J. M. ASHLEY. To. John W. Bailey, and Others. To. John W. Bailey, and Others. Perrysburg. Ohio. The meeting will be held in the Court Il nise, on Monday evening next. I.ut thero be a fcran.l rally of tho friends of the Union. Marriages in Lorain. The marriftges over in Lovain county sconi to be illy-adjtiHtt'tl unions, jivi!ii from tin' v'ny divorces are (rrtiiiti'tl. Tho Deinoi iat givea a list of nine divorces granted ut the IJreaent term of court. Leveling Off. During; the jiast week, Dr. Pock ha-f bail workmen engno-ed in leveling oft' tliej;iioi; d leading to tho prn'ii-reeeiviiij; ofii.'e on ti.e Inink aliove the warehouse. A lare inun bcr of binian bones were du up with the earlh. Tax Duplicate for 1861. The abstract of tlio tax ilupbcate of Woor county, for the year lff.l, will be found oi tho fourth pa;e. Ta:-!iyers should settle their accounts with the Treasurer before tho 20th of December, to save tho penalty which is attache 1 to "dolinrnts." Postal Meeting. We trust tho friends of the dally ma route, between here and Portage, will not fail to attend the, suggested in last week's Journal, at BoTinj (been, Saturday eveninjr, Nov. lfith. Let the friends tn"et together, compare notes, and see what can bo done. Wo republish the call for the convention to be held at Toledo, on Wed ncsday, Nov. l'Jth. Assult and Battery. But one of the eeveral eases on tho docket was disposed of before the adjournment Court, to-wit: Jelb'rson Fair, eharjrod will nssnlt and battery and an attempt to comm. rape upon tlio person of Catherine I .inline was adjudged guilty of the former and ae quittod on the latter. He was sentenced t ten days in tho county jail on bread tint water, and lined one dollar and costs. TnEKB is no cse about any other Sale' ratus except 1J. U. Do Land & Co.'s Chemical Sal eratua. It is just tlie thing that every'good house keeper needs. It is unadulterated, and is perfectly healthv and nutritious, and gives immense satisfac tion to all who have used tt It is also unili rm quality and in its results, wliich is a very desirable, quality in any chemical compound. It is manufac tured and for sale, at wholes do, by the proprietors at Fuirporl, Vonroe Co., N. Y., and fur sale by J. Hitchcock, I'errysburg. Croghan Regiment. The Fremont Jtlusseuynr says the enlht me"nt8 for this regiment arc going on rapid ly. Meetings continue to be held over county and are well attended by the peo ple. Their camp is fast filliii,e; up. Several companies tiro there, nearly full. Tho tents are being put up aid the ground leveled Everything looks fine. John Hlinii, Esq., this place, is raising a company for regiment, and bus already obtained some forty men from this county. Burned to Death. t On Sunday morning last, in Toledo, a namod Caroline i?heaver, living in tho fami ly of Theodore (Southard was burned death. Tlie Dlndii given the following ticulars of the horrible afi'u.r: The girl juat kindled a tire in tho stove, when a child of Mr. S. desired her to dress it, and while so engaged, utid standing with her back tho stove, her clother caught firo, and probably made considerable headway she discovered it. On ascertaining ,that her clothes were on fire; tho girl to an inner door and called Mr. S., and turned and ran. out doors, calling for Mr. S. followed the girl out doors with quilt, with which to binother the llaiues.aud tho neighbors, uttractnd by her screams, Bought to afford relief, but the wind blowing baud, and tho tlames enveloped entire person as she ran about tho yard.and tlio uul'ortunuto girl was buriied almost a crisp before they sucoeoded in extinguish ing the flumes. fiMany negroes are believed to Veen drowned in the Rappannoek and livers in their attempt to eecupo to federal lines. Letter from Camp. C&xr Wai'swortii, ttRtrs. ) Moi,.nn Co., Kx ., Oel.iUt, U.l. - Fntrsii fVMi.rv : Tiiiiikii.;; l'lobab'y y0n Imd tot reeeived any news from t ie 'J 1st fi'noo wc left Xieholasviile. 1 thoiyht that I Would betake to myself tho ta.-k cf i;iviiio you i nfoi'mntion of our wbeto.i'iouts and how we eauie lure. On the nioiiiinp of the 1." th of thia mouth we (struck tenls ut Na h olasville, and took tp our line of march nnrl proceeded ns far as Lexington, ut vbicb ;daee W lnilted, iiie!;i d toiiti, ntul li-niuili-ed in camp there fcvcifil t'ays. Tho wonti er le'no; warm o-.-r rnivcb to t!:at place was a pleasant one, I cii.g vainily f.icetcill y the most et!tin:!;'astit: elieciicj,' wherever vp earuo. On the. 1 (Uh the ve;r 'meiit was coi, Inetcil to the ciinetcry ot that place, ( .no ton) by our I'oUucl, and viewed the 1 eauliful iiiontnnci.t ot Honorable IU-nrj Clay. Sioccbe8, nuitablc for the oeeasiou, were inade by diil'erent individuals, after which wo were aaiu marched to our camp, wiicb wan beautifully located in the "ft a to Fair (Jrountli. We left r.e.v:i;iton or die tnoniin;; of the 18;h, with but lew sick and nl 1 elated with the hope of bavin;? a brush with the enemy before many days .ihoul 1 passu over our Lend?.; for we v. eie is. .'united that we tdiould have a oo.l of tefitino; our (ihting quuiitics and roviu whetlier llicy were uJbe.sive or volatile. .St, II we remained in perfect ignorance of mr (leHtination until we were on the inarch. v0iir ollicers think it is not pokey to let ev ery person know the inovcnn nt'of ar': 'nent and I coinniend them.) when we found we were destired for Olympian irpi inj',:-. We matched 14 miles the first day over a macadamized road, when we encamped for ihc night, llcsuininy; our march (he next moi'ima; at loeloc.i, reached incnesier at y o'clock, where wo had a oo.l sitl-st fi lial dinner served out. I hero saw the beauty of the position which Company A kolJrt in the reiriment. We weie ina: e!n d n regimental order to tho table Co. A, o ourse, getting at tho head, .and the rest o co'.npan:eH JolloWiii1.'. WeweiO two ilea deep on each .side of the table, then ot bcim; room enough for tiinlo tile. Wc were laced to the rii-Iit until all tlie compa nies nan tunvecl, v. lien we weie cominaui.- to front itnd tiot to touch auythino; utd the M-ord wh given. Oh, if you could onlj have seen how some of the m fliers ran tel -ed their lips and rubbed their linker's end.-, von could have imagined how ilu-y loneed to taatc of Home of lire nice d t'.nties in fioiil if them custard pies, for ii.j'auce, a:. el loilc.l chlckcii.t. At. !a ;t tin? word v; t. iiven, unci tn.ic oi ihsai.pcarnnce, i.o J une lost ever d:s;ippe;red in f;o s'n rt a pact uf time as did thooo eatables no compariiioii whatever I At the head of the table, auo about the lenirtli of two C'lint ani . l;, the:i was as much provision es there was for tin o:ner eitfsit eoiupanie.-i. Aluiuiiydi there ';u c:io,,:,'h for all, vet it was let e.iualiy di.-.- tribuled. The ladies thoVK'ht, as 1 was in- 'ortned afterwards, they mi abtvabmct tor d.nt.U) liieii, but they found the r nrst:d. iflei d We inarched cihi m'.k-s ao.i e.tiiiped ab'iut fix o'clock.' At i.i; o o'ebscl. x (ie-:1 iila'.ioii of lad . came from Wiucbe - t hue horse which ibey had raised 1 it to om i tcr w by contribution and presto f .a:::u:i. lie Jiov. I., n. hw.i.i.ct. an loar nfrorwardrt, a me-:; vo;-er ro le into caiini wiin orders ior the I n.o-ii-l, 1 mm or iel's etiaiioe.l oc.r route. i ac i.oio:.eI lia in W. the off. cf this girl to had to ha.1 be fore then help. a was her to have James the intended to have had ns remain in camp over Sunday, but after receivino- the ordet we had to march at 7 the next morning. I. being Sunday, tlio te.iiuboV holiday, they swarmed around us like bees, offering to c irry our muskets, etc. We reached Mount Sterling at: ld1 o'clock, and as we passed through, the. inhabitants left their .house and even their churches to gaze: upon us. Hearing we were coming, the whole country for about 15 miles around was there. Tin color of black was king look any way you wiho.l, yon could see l.othing but black black. Still fiom among murky churls tbn' hovered by our side, thero would now and then appear a ray of light present1.! j: itsel. in the shape of a fair straight haired dam sel, seemingly for the especial purpose cheering the poor soldier on his weary way, but this diil not last long. We were but short time in inarching through the village-, and liono followed us but the blacks, and they out of curiosity. Every little while you could bear one of them nay, "Maw, Mussa, leb me carry (hit gun." lie would tret the sun, and walk by the side of the sol dier to whom it belonged. If be would ha to get behind, the Rohl'er (having extra eye out for his own individual prop erly, and feeling it was not entirely nafe.) would urge the n.egro on. By-anJ-by Sam bo wishing to be rd'eved of bis burden, w ml 1 purposely fall back and refuse to keep up. The result would be be would lose burden. At night when we encamped, we coul 1 see what tho inhab'tants called tho mountains. They resembled large dark clouds in the distance, a.? they reared their lieads above the horizon. We were informed tlie next day that we were to throii,h MeCorm'ck pas; the only road over the mountains for thirty miles each way. Wo were also inlorined the 3.M Ohio re. had passed over the rea l we were then travelling, about fdx hours before. We course were rejoiced to know we bad com pany.' The next day we mu le the pass, and a nico place it would have been for the ene my to havo made a bold 6tand. f.00 well disciplined and armed, could have kept back 10,000 armed men. Notwithstanding it is called a pass, it is a road over tlie mountains, and a long weary ono it was. of tho hoys declared while ascending mount i.u.t5. that they had rather rl.o than turn by that road. 'Die mountains crossed, we encamped. The next morning we took up our line of march. But before cUrtii an order was issued for each Robber to his knapsack. A great many of the hearts sank, within them at this in'.el ligence, They thought the march l enough, but to carry what they mutd have, they thought it v as hard indeed. Conse opiently a great many reported on the list ! the balance toiled on, resolving to ir die. At 10 o'clock we came- upon Ihe and S3d Ohio regiments, and encamped them. At two o'clock a battery of art and 200 cavalry came up. At five o'clock part of the buttery with the 2d Obi , march ed for 'West Liberty, where they had a brush with the rebels, killing 27, an 1 taking 50 prisouerB. The next morning we ad for thia place, tho 33d being in tho They of course reached this firt, anl t-t pww'n:i of tV twn.wherol a-.t ih-ty. i IS ei oea"e, to refher w't'i t w? have hc': i i t'Ts n:n, there bven in ue H.ckt.c h i:i t..e iet;icict at y ot'aer t'..n.. However, the f'ch me lap id y recover i riol v e intend mo', ii g as hmoii a.) c.i:i be tr.itw; oi te 1 to ii' . The Z'JiA Ohio tame in, l.kev.'i-.o a part of a te;i:ii.!i;t. The U: t named l eiment has pine on in tlie direction of Pi estonburf:;, where it 's said the rebels are well fo.tit'ed. I do lepo th.ey are, for we are " spo'liii f.r f. lih'." t vV-i'l en deavor to keep yen poiL'-i m to our where l.,a.i a. i A. C. S. "Men Wanted." Men wi'.S luir'.s ni Ir.w'a a th dr aims nr. slMtjr. Tiiev are wamel no. Tnair cneitvv cidis for tiieiii, ami matt have lliein. Th y are wnnto.t for t!io b itde. (I 1 1 t.i fg t with sword nn.l .iber,.in.l b iy.met,.i:l.l role, m I tlie j;rjat b.o.m ii.g c omen -to dig eiiireuc' nti an I buil I f.r tilieations to m ike loui m irc'.ies, ua I to risk t'.i' ir lives in n great sti urglo to defenl mid preoerve the country of th ir birth an 1 their hop s. Fighting m.-n arj wantel m.'n strong of framo, and great of s ad. Itiin Ire ls and thousands of tli.'iu r.rj wan. ; 1. An on 'my as ua cra.d iui as It pan Is, an t as lesperateas -.Ir owning in n, is in oi ueieg oar Nition'a ua'ty, g'orv nnl exit-viae. II is s -eking to overthrow tho G ivernm at n.d d i.sli til r public into wirthbss fr ipn -.!, to f -o I nil ambition th it is ni hi i iti.ible as A -ath, nn.l ua d'abt Ileal as sin. Wo must tii lit an 1 fepel The si'jtv of our h mi -s -our .1 i.ipiii'S), s:euri ty and pr ni a po ,io th ju-it pri le w feel in liavia ; a gl ri ai.i nation is wortli pivs.rving at all li.u ir Is - reqalres us now in times of p.-ril, to Lib r an 1 light an I st ike. our live fur , v.r country, i: J u.ii'.r, an 1 the p av-'to'uy of in j;rea: li ss, ita p over an 1 its lib Tties. Wonted - !i:n. traeand bravo. Our Oen ;rU, niw m irchiag t loin in Is t 'the fi :!.' w i:C tii ai i.inil.i l.l re. Patriot, e lu a- in a with their heal is i'l ti e right place, an I wiii c in fiee danger ia it ni 'st t irillie forais. Strorp m.-n wiio love fr'el.-m oil are willing to fight an 1 to die f. r n cans; in whi.-li their own welfare mil that of their posterity sr.: involved. bet tiicin com i up tii w are wanted imm;diately. J 'l.iy is uan.'C 'ssuy, :inl mv p'o e dis i.sttvu.l. [From the Napoleon Northwest.] Fatal Arcii.u:xr. l.i liberty t-jwiiship. Henry county, mi Taos lay l e t, :u; a younx inaii named Michel! was shoo; t-.j,- at a nark a I'evolxer, one of the charges was a,--c.iicididlv i.ii.c! a god, tiie bid! etitorinij ti e hea of thr.t t;i., in'.l cl ng; a Wound he cannot pes l,ly i ('cover, if ready dead. The boy we.s ye r, s nld. Di;ov;.NrD. An l.' Tc." Hays, oiic of tin; sect on baud rnu 1. wasdrowjo- l in 1 1 i . canal o i Friday" a wife an;! two c of the little sun of Mi ward Dan.o .'; , ti om veil, i h be is ten al ei,,,l.t -10.1 iehokis i on the la i at X.ii'.ilc.i la st. Too diseased icavi h t i. . i x 1 W ; s e' 'i'.ie ns of Niivth-w . .Man. i aa 1 u .lern .Mie.iig t ioli.s an at of new M ii I Ih.ii c C'-ttve!itb' ni Ohio, Northern ! .ii, in. r.'it .1 ia t.i i et i mtes an. I Po..: O.liec. . of a -p-Mt an his go i inetit o' woo live on er n t ie several lines d r.i t.i tnhi ting .it Vol do, ,. i- r -quo-to 1 1 ia t. oy 1.1 g in s or ot i M-wise, at t -liege 11 ill. in '.ae city o 'i'ole.l '. on 'l'a -s I iv, tue I'JU 1 iy of Novin i r, A. 1. IS '.1. ut Itl oh 1 k a. in., for 'toe pur. H ae. of re eonir.i...i ii.ig to the Post i'.ii 'e 1 ; irtm ni. sue. c.iaai; s n t ie uiatl -take as t. 0 piv.-,wiit wiuita o. ueo a et.ions ileia.oi t. A I. ego pr.-p- r.ion of the p. res .-nt m ill rout. 'a were es' toll oie.l piier to tae (." -cstruetion of r -.ilro iiia n.nv vliiisf at To!. -an : a number o. ihe lnu'e i, c i rry i 1 1;.1.- w ehiy in hi-., rea .. ito ilier ulr it Is. an 1 oi are of er s, ro.ol nr.- prat t.c il!y u ideas, u oile t u "-...a , i. i,.i.,.i', are m uv x ; nsive until tocy .a t ill i be. A r i.iie.d eiui'-g - is iimeli n -e I -rl in my !i..:ri t. nil I tee 1 i.ters an 1 p.-ti i -as s -nt in i -r. in t ie .1.1 i -i i : i : i : -li.-.trict i ia Mie.ogau anl In liana ..ri'iu inc ia e.-nem ling l.i U l::.e ca.mgej al e .11(5 ( Itl.u.. l'.ee.l l ill til.'SJ .t .t :il ldiring toe piat n.i) y ir.3 I luvi' --.'cm'.' 1 tile p.t.-s ige of a ninii jer ui .1 -1 ? ..t ...iil;i no v I'oMf. ia lay lUtriut out :.te r..B. Oiii e l'ep ir ui ac e. a uu.ler .1 gener .1 I :w t a y .l ive .1 r. got to lo, d to put s rvifj (.11 m 1-J thai o'.li of ta.s o, u o.le im.i.M I'.ai: s an I Poii O.lle -.1,1.11'. ei. n r oeen ImeonUiKie, I id! -g t : -r, t r .1 lily .1:1 m lily Ii ive O.-ou aa !. a le I m l .10 k'y lini:.s alilj.-.t.liiL .d, t-i t.u J.'.'re it incoa-.'eaieiice to til piiohe. It wool 1 s 1 'ia thai tiie I -par' in nf have not can preoen l.-.l til it tin diiiri.'. of e untry ecinprisin) 111 1 a of tne iOtiC'.agr Did ritof Lilian.. ..11 I a 1 ii'ge i irt 01 I,'...- 2 t ngr lli .triet 1 Miciiip.iu, t -get in r witii ouroivti 0 Mij-r soon d i'i.s a'iei, lias uier -as '-I ill p 'pul itiou .din st I ll.i' I an 1 tout live t r nix ii 1 s o, r iiir 1 1 1 iv - o 'en built oil t riii'uating at Tolo to .since tlie lid shin .ut of m st o. t 1 pi'.-aent U1.I I r. lit . 1 o ne -e-.T limes ci't.-d attention . f t 10 Post" Depir! meiit t 1 t,.es fai l ., anl during the r-eeir, .i:;.r session (f 1 pr.-p s: 1 to tho I'ost.e. ct U jiii r.d a tiioroup-li ciiango in eu r p '.it dy ar r.iiig. uiea s in U...I par! of toe turougli wi.ieo life laili-o.i-ii pass d t -nil n itiug ut 'fid .to. J sn; il all in ii r .1. i l u mino- jMf.iHel wi iinv of h d 1 r.i.i is . .hold I be .liseon i.aie l : tint! mi ni roiis cross routes s. nail, I he e...t .iblis.iod a-oui rui id to railroad at eonveni lit .lis. tnees, so as s ipply th 1 people who live tie! ween the s If .c of railroads Wneiiev jr possiole v. ilaiiv, and with weekly 111 ids, wit. unit 111 iteri. illy ,ici'-j,is'nig the cost t--Uoveriiinear. Tne Pos 111 is'er Gnien. essured me that if Knell a eii mgj could be effected the Department w. ul I adopt it ns soon as Congress by 1 iw .iic.iori.e-.l teeiii to do so. ' I therefore r eoniiii .-a 1 all int .Teste! fg 1 1 go in their sever d li caiiti s an-i appoint si me 10111 peteiit person 01 per:; ins to pr-paro mips 01 then respect: v.- coiiiitie.-, iesign uing 1,10 toiv.i hap lines ant giving Ihe pojnil ition of each, the. I -C it i .11 th.: present mail I't-utes .Old post (oliees, the prooi e l new rout -a, witn M ill an 1 e. 111? y i'..a 1 1, al.,o, t!i e. si of the l.i til s rvie in toe present r. ires an-1 the e-t:m lie t erst 1 n tiie propos 'd ii.-w mm -s. together with sue.i inform itimi as will rudily sii' ilself to basin ss 111 ;n, so wiiai p en!' an -n com t"ft ;tlier, ropreseutinpr the aer-tin of roiinti y int ended to be emorac -il in this fab, bus iness eoiiiiiuttees In ill too various .nstrie s, eoinp.iring maps, etc.. 111 tv easily iijtrjj upon sue 11 l' 'li '1 id pi 111 as will seen:'-: e 1 uier d -sir - I sui'irest lor convenience; ,m I uniiorinrv t.i 0 1.1 location of the pies i:t 111 ul rou'es anl offices be traced on the m ips witn r U lin w, tee pi-op ..s rout 's iiiiil new post i tlie s wi h U lin . an I St an d ct-iin'y roads by Unci.- liuui. It will un I not- u dv be tle.--ii-.iblo tout so far as practicable all nos't ollices now es: iijl.s.ied an- ul 1 be ret tin-il tlieir pivs nt tocitimi. If smn o.-n.-ral plan as ties: iv i a.lopte I is ajjre eit u ion ny t u . 011 v -nti. ti h iv no duubt '"f set an. 10' 1,1 n.-e.-fs iry l.-o ill. ny Con, -res:', an I of tlio prompt at'ion of t ie l'i- O'lli-.e I) -jnr1 111 .nt in put'ii';e: tiie nee led sen upon tne 11 w routes. la lois ivav ta: 111 ih in iy be c.irriel o.-i ta-rsJ-back from any point initio. I on t .ese re'lio ols ill 'th T all I b a.k ajjain tlu 11.. rt day, 1111 1 in a instances oac'n t-x dn t.u s mi .- day, thus s "jiiriine, il d.y 111 ills in 111 my places and tri-wei.!;iy mis over all t ie n ".v r lit es, w.iere now there r weekly mails or no 111 ilsntnll. 1 all are iiiuroiited iu t lis 111 ilt. r id ae: r-'inpdy - nil poit 111 isters w ill "ive lois r.iio.,evl ell an 1 not permit th ir p st olli:es to b - r'i.-coii-ue I by 11 jrl ctiiipr to a't -n i the Convention iu p or by -uhsti lite, an I that he 11 -w-.papi. will pueiiili tnis n itic ami call utt -mi. n to it e.ti- JAMES M. ASHLEY. 5th Congressional District Ohio. I concur in too ab c.- r eeoiinn 11 1 i'i"ii for a C WILLIAM MITCHELL. 10th Congressional I District of Indiana. ADRIAN. Michigan. Oct. 7. 1861. the le- pri pi s - - 11 important on.', an I c :r li tti y e ucur ai the t ro cane- s. 1 t lei'.-i't re red linn -' d -1 all who -I s 11 -w i'ost (liliees an I 1'. si l'.oads et:ibli,ii..-d 1 r ones c .n'iau j 1 as at pr nt w i hin toe liuii:sof tuis District, to attend c i l Ct lu eaiion. F. C. BEAMAN. 21 Congressional District Michigan. The Growth of the United States ard sick do 2 1 by llety a Has bj.11 ab ut per cent, per annum, while increas: of the Mexican Most ui 1 Lilian at h is b fn m JD to 3D perc. u ., show n'; itu .-sfmiti- n iucr -aoitiff pi pulariiy ot titU invaluable aitiele. has 110 d aibt sivo I'ri' a half iirilli' 11 in liorsjs and C at'b ab no: wihle t( r lailii.ill 11s bmis s, sdlf joints, rheiinntism, 'tiu, cuus, l ui'iii, bit caked Lr -usts, 4c, it noutpi d. Di I you ever bee it trio I witli' til eitaer 111 n or b 1 ist? It should lw i va kept in every house an I st tble. Accident id I'r. iii;itu-.f s is etlica y. L'utbi par'.i- an 1 buv 01 u 11 j but r 'sae.ct.ibl. do dors. See every bottla has t -j s'pn.cure of D. S. lS.irn.-B, ioior, an I G. W. W -siur.K'k, cnimist, anl preeiutiomrv w- r U, "TraJj" -Mark" in two of thu Foderd Curi-.-n-y. r ll at 25 M) ota. anl 91 p r bold , bv ill rs-3etibl d(ler tnr u-rliiait th tiabittljle glob;. Mil bv Vr.r.s HAMILTON, Perrysburg D. S. BARNES. N. Y. ad Auce. place CtelfEvery ono should be a Mil'scriber Tub rirmivscuHtji Jot-iiyAL. Hospital Stores Wanted for the 21st. Regimen. Col. Norton. Til Cm; '.ua, I'd i.-r tsUtrnwr, an I tMitpeen Ames I. ive s ie. a r ii.-at for H spit d f-teres, c mis-.i'.nf oi'ae.e'a .ir.ii r.s Uo eiuraeiit cannot Jet aupply, for tiie o a ft of til : sick uii.1 WouuJel sotdiei of Ihe 211 K. f t. Soe ar. ill. ,5 ui s tr-e led arc sht-e!.-, hulf-wi-l'di, pill, w-eas si ii :s an tlrm. is, ;l .u-jju aii J lo se.) t v.vels, fruit )i'ep.riid, c-. Hired mul (hi.-d, j-npo wine in ? mill bottles, strep. d tint, old linen, bin .l itres tUee and four incl.i s wi !e nod f. r to si feet lone;. r He 1, an I any thio tliut will add to th c tii'ort of the siek. It is ep ct .J that ail who hari frien Is rnd ttrt f' ien Is to the ii sr in nt will ci n ribnte a litlle. Tho Ciitpliiii a it hutfe-n htvcniinjt reopomibl-.' for thulr aj piiea'.it 11 snictly to too siek and weanid e.l. Tho "Yi. 11 !h of tlie respective c n:.pnle can ae I ct s. ir. pi ice an 1 14011 to receive ci n'.rilr.tioiiH aa I p ick them, an 1 iho ark pes inn b- f.n warl ed to ('P. -v. II. C. Skinner, t'lml l.dn 2 1st R (.:'. 0. V. M.," when he makes known thu pluca of en cniii mellt. The boxes rIiouM lu plainly nnrUod mJ cn orse l ''Iliispitat Stores." I-'indl.iy, I'osti riit ni all newspapers in botuil i f the Ui-oiiuent please copy, xr.w goods, m;v t'.vrrr.nxa. etc., AT S II Eli WOOD'S. Ev.rythiiv rich, nr., mil be uitiAit in Millinery, hi lies' ruraishing Coo-Is, bieej, llmbroi lelies, Drosi .111 1 Cl il; 'I'rhnaiiin-, tiloves, H '.si 'ry, Worst e Is, Chenel '. W.i dju Yarns, Worst J I patterns, Slippei p.ttt Tiei, Wors'c.l work, cte. Dress an 1 Cloak in ikiog ia all its v.iiiousbM ich s. Cutting aa 1 liaaiu 1I011 e to 1 r hi cn short no de.. I'at. ins for till tlio latest d ail'.ns for cloaks, 111 indll f, decves. aprons, sulks, etc., etc. U Vlhi AN; VLM'i IddlAfUED, colored auJ ires.e I Into any of tii-. fasniotiabl 1 ',olpes. Tricing for all kin la i f eui.noi U-ry on flannel, 111 -l inos, silk, velvet, etc, I'inking, stitching, limit ing loiie to or.t.r on short notice. Please call anl examine our assortment of n.'W, for wj are coal lent we c.111 please all who favor in with th :ir pi'r Miace Mil. A MRS. -dl-iltWOOn, OoiiO-3moU 111) tiummit rit., Toledo, 0. I'o i 'efly Icy. The follow! g notice o. 'i.'.i'ayed. or n'ol n' we insert by request, merely adding Jonathan Andre beats up older is bereave ment 1. he a ph losopher. No r pes, dull 111, stiycha ne or cold icaim mr 111111,101 a loss so triiiuy. Ann il. za, you are bad y tooled in Jo. 111 l'axini, the 'cultivator ma. .' I'.ty you wasn't leased common scum : i ASS TilKM AKoUM.--Ti i- is to no-. fy all l tii rsoiis tp diet narij. rinu or .i-icstilij;- my w: e Ann l.lia Aiuii-e, on my aceou it, as 1 woi p y 11 I bts -a her e m.r vei.njl aft 1 lids late, o.ivine Ijlt my lied au 1 joar 1 ivenou any c.uisj of plow e.u.o.i v.-i. le.t ill toe l'uiu,i mv in ( n I .(..-,( i'aX 11: t:ie ''euUiv it 'I- 1:1 m." hi 11 '-J leaving 1.1 -y nave o . 11 s -en ia llel!e u :,, where t ley o s . e l lis m in en 1 wife. l'ois I'nxon is quite a c p i i 111 t .e tilinl: liae: I ohng llu .-eCoii I 111:11 0 ti.i.i c ni iiy w.e se wi.e h i s nye I oil' wi n nun a la-t tiv.j 1:11 is. 11 11 is a l' .."iil wife living li v.-.o n'o, 111 ii ,na. f-i .i 1 PiS'ii is ileoe.t 1 v my . i.t v j a-J ri ego, i x fe j! on j or t .vo ine.i ligli.'nf a I n' coin -lex on, an 1 i( a, pivaeiit ei iced in t .r iioiy for a C n'n c iltiv itui. o. .v..icii I 0 ii ta: p.U.n jj. A y p is 11 e iptie'l ii" ,11 I ret ruing the .iteei.ive.s will ,oe eiv ltit'.i.rni t- jy 11. n- , o r t.i ir troitol , as I have 1.1 ma i- ,-v : s.o tneni. Ho i', 1'ixi.u yi u'ro ft rump. - 7 'lo'.o i.;i l 111 It ma paper., please eo, y. .U. 1 il.kl. A.WJliE. Neu- Cl 11 ben, Oe'ob i'., li'.l. CG-Two reb. -la capture 1 ut Bu is Blull' a ..4 Loin Lie C.;...t.i. IV s n:, at W .;iiiu mi 'fitiii ay night. "I it'ier- , n:l;i tain. b -eliiie.l The followiiifs is an etirae! fr. 111 a let! or written ov in e ; 1 i.or u, 1 12 ip'.iat ui.iuvii to tlu ".J.ura.d ..a I M ; 1 'po .r" ( ', ((.do, an 1 speaks vd 'on s in i'.u-., r of w-i-1 l-r iinwneil m lieine .'-Ins. WiN.-U'Wd .SojiaiNti Sviiri' ion cini.iii'.!:.'; ri-.'i-'i'-UNii: "W'se! an a Iv T'is -m lit in your C iliimas drs. W'i 1 ,1 iw'd S-'-.t 1 i-;jr S .-riri. ' N-av wo 11 v a w rl ia fiv.-i-of a iii.ea'! ill ) Heine b.-iirj in- li e, o:U w : feel e. ina. II I to y t-i . tu rj.i I .-is, t .et t -lis is to hum in;.; wi: it.vvl: Titiltl) IT amp ctiiir it T) ii'-: all ir ci.MMi. . 1: is, prohaoly, m i nf t ie in .at J.-'e.i-j. til 111 liein of too day, be c ni:, : i: is ae of tne ' s': an i t.i' s : of y air re 1 lcr.1 wao nave Ijibtea can't do better than tolav in supply. 4J-ly. VV is ?!r.. W tiyJo-iv ! I ', I !' 1. -10 to al, !i er o! s As this qu ns'.ion is frequ-iidv asked, ivi will .imply : i.v ta it s.te i i .1 I . Iy , li ft r up war Is t livty'y .- irs, Ins untiriii iy (lev t jd lit.-r liin and ;al eiits, as a I'.-m lie p.iy-.iei.I'i an I nurse, principally oil iiij.; ciiil li'eii. .Sue lias especially stn lied the cons. notion 1111 1 wants of this numerous el niS, o-ii-rilly ui'. ri loiie I, or cn el -s.sly ti'e.ite 1 by the leiiiiv in tin mtnv ins'uiees: an I as a result t hs elfort. an 1 pnctie.d knowl eilje;.:, oblain :d 111 lifetime s;iiitas 1 nil's j anl p ivsieian, sh: has t-i in. 1 on le I a So Hh'nifr .syrup f. r eiiii Ireli t ' -thine.-. It operates lik 111 itfic idvliie rest all 1 he,d:h, 1111 s, in r 'over, .sure to r -jinl it : 1 1 .' b uve's. Ill con s -qn -nej of tnis!-', .Mrs. Win low is b .-roiiiiiip ..oil l-r.u,nvin:.l as a benefit; .r of her r ice ; chil '.-.-.-n c -rl lin'.y tl-i rise up an I ol -ss h t : especially is Una t ie c ise in t .is pi 1:: . Vast tpi in!i ies of th d.ioriiinj; Syrup nre daily sol I an I used here. nis pot l tu 11 coin n ni rem n it, "1 Ii 1 1 r U.ier 11 I on .Mrs. Winslow's .Soothine; Syrup for ehildr n, t!i 111 t-i have the unit : I a Ivicoof tlie me liiculty of the city." We think .Mrs. Winsh inis ilium .rtttliz : I li 'i' 11 on. by this in v .1 lu ible arti cle, an I wo sine .'rely b li-eve'lii -us tn Is of ciiil lren have been sive I ''run in u irly (.'rave by its timely us :, mi 1 that millions vet u iboi n will ire i s b -n-elits, an I lluile in c.iltine. her blesse-1. No MOTitKK Inns li ieh irfe.l h :r lu-'y t-i hor silif rine; lil'.la n in 1.11--.pinion, it'll i I sii h is (riven i1 the beii-tit .Mrs. Wi isl-'w's Sooihiiur Syruo. Trv it, in th -rs - TKV IT SJll', L es' Visi'lor,.N.Y. City. l'Jllll is tiv I. T 0 V K M A L E S ! as t ley will briii'; 0:1 111 mt.ily pon uUr.'.v. W an: 1 w.i 1 11 ive been lieap- pnnue 1 01 too 11,00; .t ier 1 uls e 01 piioel.ieii oioi 1 nee in lie. C'..e.-jJIU ill's Pills doinj? all i- sent 1 1 do. Sot iC :. I n -re is one c n ition ia the fern desys- t m m w. aeli .-lie ntH ejn-iol iw t o.eii witaoui ive: .1 i'::i;':.iA'.l itC-'l'i.T. T ie c ni li-ion referrel , isVK'l'l'.' CV -111 U.iUi..-iult,MISC'.ltiUA(.K. is toe trreji .t :olJ t :il leiicv 01 t:ee nuluiuj to ..... .1. , .v, T M 1' O It T A X T I lilt. CIKE-sKMAX'S 1'ILI.S. f'r 'iiare.l by C irn.-liu-i (i.ieosein 111, M. I. Now York Cilv. 'i'lio'eoin'ni it'nm of inpre lieuta in la. se are the riiultofa loop: ill 1 exleii dvu pr ictieo. Tiuy ar.- mil 1 in their op Ti'i.m, md eert lin in c-irraetiln;; nil n-i- -!-ni 11.1 infill -M :a .'a a .tioa i. r 111 ajj oh 41 ruction i, wii.ther fr 111 coll or ota a'wis : i j ne 1 1 aeae, p tin tho si le, p tipit. ition of tiio be whites, all nervimt aU'eeti m 1, hy sterics, fitieue, ' p tin tiie back an I linu t, &c., li Uui'hed t leep, wnieh 'uvi ie fr -m int -rrupnon of 11 itur . in 'I'o Ma it id eii Lauiks.- Dr. V, 1 i-seinui's Fills 1 ; ine.'.lu ibl 1 ut wit.i i n j t ; ice ! to 111 w..o tout a tion, 1 son rena 11 an d r ol 1 the ill an. I It lyenr ui1 nums.sueh !m Pin d fun 'lion 1 to a 11 inn il 011 liiion.that 11 repr iluctive power of u .lure caiiuut W.irr 111 :d purely v -jr d ible toil floe from in;; ia.iu i ni i. Explicit lic-eti an, witicit ue t'i l,".ee.nii liny inch but. I'.'iej SI. Sent in iil "a aid ni'is 'd t.i Dr. (ia-i dim L. Cii.'j.seiu :i . -I Ml. I'.nt-olii .:, X -iv York Oi'y. ' rS".i I bv 'me Jlni--::!-:' in ev -rv town iu c.'s. " U. li.'tll TOIilN'-j, (i ti -i il A-tjiH for ttio L. ri., N . 11 liraalway, To a' i mi .ill oi' 1 'Ti i'iiiu! I b: .1 I li'esj: 1. For a.le bv I'ayst UA.'-JtL'ru.-.'.I'oi-ry.-.bin''. 4.'-ly P. v. P. FARE'S Pr.ICKLY PLASTER'. Tbey Liipart Sovuth ; liiey Anniiiil ito Fain. I These d -li-r ,tful plasters yield readily I' irk's ito the 111 ili' n of ihe ho Iv, nbviri) ieispi 'al'itl jr.1li.111 an 1 l.aow oil' all tao oll'.n.iivu I'oi us jcojf dlate I of the system. l'rukly H hey shoul I hi nut for all C. rta-ters ;P lias. Faiivness Dyspepsia, Colds. .' b'.iliipti.iu, It n-iiiii uialii, I'.-iiule Weak Sold 'iie.-s, etc, Taey r -tain tlieir active nil !erties n-h jii other Fi.iat rsure u.d ' lle ilem ' where appli ' I p iin can K't exist, Fr 111 f.iiu dy s i'.ul I have t.ieui. One s;zj 1 to ijsj cl-i'Ii, thi-.-e sUjs on 1j ith jr. Sample Diiue.-., hv 111 01, "a r e :ipt o ' 2 j c jotK, It S Ii VLtXES. tfj 4 1 j Park ltuw N. April, liU 4Jly. MARKETS. Perrysburg Market. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY F. R. MILLER & CO. me dallions cts., ii . to Wheat Pin--Tallow !b--Rye3ou Corn tu Oa is J bu r n.itoes 1' on - ie jv U tra l !U , -402'-S . ... 8e Biic 213i2.-o 20 JJw 80 Clorer fBed VbufS.JO Vl'.nri"(brl ii II inn "0 lb 8ioullersly?ltj F-mluv U lb Ejj;;rs loi Fa ith -r lb U Gratin Hi.iV3i- hilt iibrl qiBn;im-j 1 -,. GOODS & CROCCRIE& J E T THE W OliLb Ii K A I), FOR Tfir. flE3T & CHEAPEST GOODS 00 TO THE iTctl b' w . J . HITCHCOCK. xkw noon 1 m:w coornl JiKW ooois I new ooonsl NKW (iOylisl NK1V OOOl'SI NL'Vr OOODSl nkw rulers nkt rRtcrs kkw ri'.ior! KBW rtiU'l:l nkw ricr! tti-ir raiciwt The hrgjst stock -i of pooda ever off ere J In tlU uiai kvi,'g auenJios vuneiy of axticlts STATLE, FANCY AND FASHION ABUC, In the seli-cti( 11 of which no eTort his beeu npr eit to ren.l. r it as attractive as posiblo, is now bo ing epenjJ at tiie CHEAT DRY GOODS STOKE of W.J. ITitelieock, en the corner of Front anl Loll Uiuui Avetiuo, l'enybur.;, Ohio. (JL'ALITY Is the FEST TEST cf CHEAPNESS. In aecti "ii an 1 Ooiii;risoii will iirove that for va ri tv, ulefrinco,, clienpn -si, baiiuty and iU.uit'ty, i ns siock ii unsiirp,H(ieil by any now ut .1 fed ill tat! Weat. LADIES' FASHION AELE DKES9 000DSI In tldi d.'Dutut nt ft at n-lvnntolf e) lnnv bt obtiln :l by t lose casli buyers, IV 111 the Met that the-joods re b leelitfor rash' llirortlv 0' the rnst.-rn d idlers an I m na uctm-or. nml all imp i ted (luoils are bo't it .inst wi.a; it rosm tuuiipoii 1. 11.11, hemic ho can ifl'ord to .oil foefs at MUCH LOWER FEICIIS "diaii (.om 's are ircn r iUv sold, whic'n ii nn item of irr ent int -rent t - the. people of wood coun'y. A suf diei -nt in tlueein lit, wo take it, to m.ilio I'errys burg (As tr iOiii(r point. I! HA D Y 31 A M' CIO THIXO I Tu this d epartmen', w li vc th 1 ir- -st and most nin'ol -t ii-g r:m nt in Northern Ohio. Made up terorlitiff tot 'el itest fn.s ii ns and in the ill stsub-tinii-il iiiui'i 'V, warranted to givo the Virv best s itis. action, or no sale. HARDWARE CRO'ERf ES, &C. Tl o-j" 11 iiliinp totiurehis nnrthi"p in this line w It fm 1 it t ' their intviint (jre to p 1 v mv Store a visd h ror ourehasii'i- els 'Whore. Th-.' attention oT the oittUc i( r?seeriive'v invite ! t" niv ot 'isive .stock. feel ii assui od it will be time profitably spout. of r in a of so of 11 1 It -'.leu mv l ical w ', ol I.i!?"l,ro.luoo. taken in cxehanp" for prvds, W. ,T. HITCHCOCK. reiTysburc;, January 2.1, ISO 1 . taey pr.i tine. Sticll r Tills iviiiji t irt, nre resist any t by 111, the d Ii A - I) ) I JJ MING DI STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. HATS, CAPS, loots, Shoes, ClOtiiiNo Crockeiy and Glassware, V 0 0 )K N V A R I', , 1 ! A R D W ARE. Fnrminjf Tool1, (iROCliRlES, PROVISIONS, ETC. I.tullcs' Wrrss IJoo-ls, Now, Chaste, Rich nml Elearnnt raltenm, Just received by A. G. WILLIAMS & MtO. S: g:ir?, Amber Syrup; African, Hd- and Juva, Layer and Seedless Euisius, very nice, Prunes CurranUi. GLAS. DYE STUFFS, SPICES, Kerosena Oil; Tea t 00 cents, and SI tea for 76 cents; try it Piimo L'iyo Gccpo Feuthcis- 1'ictailed from $1 t lb upi Muclieiol and CodFisb, Looking Ulasscs, etc. CLOT. II NO, UAT.S AND CAPS, New Winter styles, troug aui Cheap for Cash; for sale by Yillianls. ironic Coll Al' pro)! Iiy I Every -11 sent Y. 'Wi loilOc 8e 4.1e I"e 260c iVS M.75 GOODo AT SECESiSION I'll ICES FOR TUE LADIES. French Printed Ilmvgcs, very cheap. Freud Print :d Oipindios, beautiful debtptis. Giuiiuni Lawns, 1'riutod Lawns, Printed liril lianteK, nil tutirely new styles. ilouruinR Goods, Embroiderius, Derege dc r-nminer Drebs r.ilks, Linen Lustres, ValonciuB, Foulard Silks, Marseilles, Lawn Robes, Organdie Robes, GienadirieH, Challies, Counterpanes, Napkins, Doylios, Damufrk Cloths, t rtufflitig, Edginps, Mircons, Flannels, lce Cotton riliettiups, Dress Buttons and Trimuimps, a bwdsoma all n'ew. Uonocts snd Ribbous, Misses' and Cuildrena sod Huts, Parasols, the newest and richest out Bbawla every description, Mana'dos and Rsglanst please call and exsnitne imrcbasiuK tdsewbtre. Fisn! Ftsul-A pood supply of all kinds stantly fcapt on nana u-t our store. JiJ'Troduo taken in eachanpe frr goods. A. O. WILLUJIa &. BRO. ?nd deor fim the jwt cR HIGHLY IIMPORTAWT. AND A ft ft IV ,V I, 0 F W.SrEP. Q00D3! A.T "HEAD QUA II T E It S ! " rERRVSBL'RO, onto. My itnek la new and well gjlectod nd embrace thu best, latest nnd cheapest tylo of STAPLE AND FANCY PRY GOODS ALL 001NO, 00INO C II E A P .V 0 It CASH! CLOTHS, CASSIMEKF.9, VE.STlNU.s, II A T 3 AND CAPS All of tlio latest and verv bc ;t fabric, and DOtJTS AND SUORS, and CLOTHING MADE TO OP.DEti on short notice and W A It R A N T E D TO Fl A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES OF ALL KIN OF, always cu Laud. I am receiving thia spring the largest stork of GROG E R I K ever brought to this city, which 1 intend th SELL VERY LOW FOR CASH. F L 0 V Tv i keep on hand TEAltL MILLS (X FIOUE, which always pves the veij- best Batisfactiun. Java; COFFEES: SautoSi Rio. TEA: Imperial; Stuck and Voueg lDsou. KL'GAKS: Crushed, Co(?t Sugar, Common to Prime. Lttincs, Veils, assort ment, Flat of be for con ' TOBACCOS: All kinds from Twist to the ttnest Cavec'sb. In thort, every thing usually kept iu a wholesale . and retail dry goods apd grccery sure. Tlio Highest Market tnco IN CASH OR TRADE, Tat-i for produoa cf all kinds. NOTICE. Persons bringing in Cro will taka BMje it must b first thoroughly cleaned. Tba "Erotna Uouatoo" ia now raoeiru-g rufitlarly tba Pwrrysburg Pock. WM, nOUSTON. 'i,'- ' ..7. f r' ij m 11. KoivousHeadache cu 1 J -r -v a el O ft -i ,. -a iTt! r Z-, r-K Py thn U3i orthM, p'.'riodie r.ttjcV n Nerrrtu nfrllck II n I ioIij niiy oj prrvct.tjd: nnl I ' -at th c 11 tn oeim.nt of an attack item, lito t lef from pai t .iii.l iieki .si wi'l be obtjlnet. 'ih.-y t-iUini fail in remiti:--- tiu Nuuaja and neadaeha to wuitli fjin ihs orj bo subject. Tli"y a-t gjntly ucn tin b-jwclu, removing Cojtivi-n-w. For Literary Men, Stn-1-.mts, Dclicat j Fomilcs.and all tnraotn ot'ai lent try hainls, th.:.T rj valuable ul a Lanative, tmprovnfi tlu appetite, pivinp Una an 1 vigor to tlu dift.'S'ivj urpann, anl rest-rinfr the natural elasticity an.t str.Tgth of lli whola sy tom. Tti CEPHALIC PILLS ar. th r:u1t oflon); Inrestipatioii an I ciritiil'.y cnluctj l experiui nts, havitui boon in tu m -.nv y ,'irs, durinp whieiitimi tlu biro pr-vntJil and r li jvo 1 a v.crt i ni iuiit of pain 1111 1 iiff -i i-!)e fr- m II 1 Ui he, wluth :r cl-'gl-It.ltinp ill the nervous syit-in i.r luui a der..tiged S! ito of t'u sti m ieh. They are entirely v pMi'd: in tlieir ccmp- Biti-in, anl iii.y b't.ik n'nt all tim a with p.r.j-t tafety withi.vit'm ikinr any cii.ine of diet, an 1 tha abs :11c f r any li ipre ibt j' taste reii lii'i ii to adiniuis tor tlieni to ciiil Ir :n. t'.EWAP.E OF C0"NTEItrEIT3 1 Tii 5 (ranuiiu lnvj fivj ai'rnatures of nenry C. spai Hep on earn l-ox. Soli by Druggists anl all ot'aar Djahr Li Mai ioiues. A llox will bs 3r.t by mil prevail on rjeeipet of tlni PRICE 2 CENTS. All orJr Hlieuld be al Irjsso i to HENRY C. KPALDTNS. 41 Ci.'DAii Stkki.t. New Tors. " Tncy g ) Uiglit to thu t-'po.." t."STAXT KCLtwrl STOP TOVB CiCCn I rfitirr Torn CUE ITO I liRTEjtiJTJiv'S YOfll VOIICl S P A L D 1 N G ' .'J T li r 0 it t Co n foe t i'o n s t - AIlC COCD FOrt CLKP.OYMFN, GOOD FOU I.EC'n'KFUS, GOOD FOIl ITliHC SrEAUI'FS, GOOD VOU SINGLES, GOOb FOR COXSUMFTIYES. OKNTIEHKN CAHI1V SPALDIN"' I'llllOAT CONFECTIONS. LAMES ARE PCLIO TFl)Wl-rn SPALDING'S 'I l!R')A I' CO -FECl'lONS. CIlII.tillKN C'UY 1 OR SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. They relieve a Coned! iiu'.ant'y. They clear the Throat. They give strength anl volume, to tho voice. They impart a doli'dmis ai'oiiu to the They lire ilcli-'litful to the t at-Ie. Tiny are inade of simple heiba tiui cannot harm any one. I a lvise verv eno tvl.o lei1 a Ccvjrh or TTuky Voice or u 11. ul lire, ith, ( r icv dillienlty of the Throat to p -t a pac'.i'p; : of my Th: o it C ntections, will relieio veil inslaii'ilv, and y, u wil' ecree with ir ( that 'lhey iro riiriit to tin: sp- t." You wi'l tin I them verv us fid an I pleas ml while travallii it atten-lio-e: public in j etiiu.'s for sliliirp your ci.iij.-h or alia vin: vmir thirst, If you try 1 iu paekii;j I think f inn r.'e in re, n if that tier n't 'i-iiiii'ls c- n- si lor them in-lispei'sihlo. You uill tiud tin mat tho Druj-'jiists and Dealers in M diciaes. PHICE TWEXTY-FIYK CKNT3. Jly is on each package. All others are conn erfeit. A p irlini: i will be sent by mail, prepaid, on re ceipt of Thirty Cents. Address: II K.NUY r. QF I.DI VO. No. 43 CliDAU STIII'ET, NEW-YOEIC. IS The following en lor.ieiiuuts of SPA LI) N't S CEl'il AL'G Pit LS. will convince aid who sulfjr fiom I1FADACIIE that a SPEEDY AND -llt.llE CURE IS WITHIN TltCltt URACIL Aftfifie T-imniah f-'re untidiri'il i.j) Mr. SrAI.I'INO, they nj'trd iiii ju i'i t, (',- jif f't (it, ji'ciiei oj tii t, wi tt'ijie iUci:ry. M.i?on'vii.i.i:, Con'n., Feb. 5,1331. Mu. SrAUUNd. .SIR: I havo trie 1 your Cipii die Tills, an U like them so wed that 1 want yuu to senl me two dt.lUrs worth 111 're. Part of tliesa aro for tiio neighbors, to wiitiu I gave a few nut of ta lirst box 1 pen li ein you. Send tlio Pills by mall, no ' oblipo Your O'j'i Servant, Jam::; Kksnedy. From 'te Fx imiivr, Xn'j'M, Va. Copliatic Pills tu'ei mplis'a tlie ob'eet fi r which thuy wore made, vizi Cure of luaJiche iu all itJ forms; Ffum rtc EauxU r, Xooi'.1, l'a. They have been .'J in more than tt thcusani cases, "witU cu.irc siiL-ee.-s. ... Fr.nn lie Fljuiocrat, U'. C!otd, Minn. If vou rro or have been troubled with the head ache, HJiid f ir a bos, (Cephalic Pills,) go that you may have them in case of an u'.t.ick. From tie Adcrrfwci, J'rorii:-nee, 11. 1. The C'opliabc Pills are said to be a s e'.mrkaUy effective reiru Iv fortao h ;.l 1 iche, 1111 1 i-nj of thj very b for taut very freiruert Ci nijiLuut wliicU has' ever been discovere 1. that graio) fi-t.n Ota Ulaieni i. il. (iisetlf, CUcaiu, III. Yo heartily en I ise Mr.'.-.aiid LUuuriv alloi Cephalic Pdis. From I'm Sti'.thini Pu'ji ul r, ,V Ci'L'"iif, Lt. Tiy them! rou t'.iasare allllet. I, an l we nra snro that oil- t est-111 niey cn be a 1 1 1 M th 1 already numerous lisl taat ins roes, vol ueU&U diut.UJ otU- or iiiodioino Citu produce. From th: Gvze'l, l cu port, Itrn. Mr. Sped lin? iv'-ul.l not connect ids intmi with OU article ho di-' u,l know to real ui.-iit. From t'lf Cbfi'.terct :l, Cineinnmi, 0'iio, Suffering humanity cm now bo relieved. " tTSTA sipelob.if.leorSIIM.DING'S PRI PARI D (SLUE will save t-n tim -s its cost ttnnuall,v. SPALDING'S PRlrARED GiUE! SPALDING'S PlTFpAP.ED CLUE! SPALDING'S IMtTt'ARED GLUE! RAVE TiliTPIECESt : " -ECONOMY I DISPATCH 1 rjf "A Stitcu is Timb Saves Nine." ,J-J A itcid lents will hivmeii. oven ill well r eruluted families it is van tl ..sir-able to lia'V si ui ) cheap and convenient way fir repnirijij Furniture, Toys, Crockery, ae. SPALDING'S PREPARED CLUB nioeUt all siteh emrpancies, and no honsahob-l can afli rd to b . without it. It u abvays ratay, iiuj up to tba stiokinp point. USEFUL IN EVERY MOUSE " !f. B. A Brush accoffipanicstjach Bottle. Prioa, UU' Aad,W1,hFNRY C. SPAELD1NO.' Ko. 3 Cdar Stxect, Ntw York. PAlTl N. As cfrt'Hn cnririncipled pert-na ara att"mr' to palm of on tho nnsatitpr rublie. ira t tjona of mv PRF-PART'D GLUF, I would o-citic-i all Per aooa to-examia Ufore poerobaaiip and Sv-a ttat lia fuH nain,