Newspaper Page Text
Perrysburg Journal. P. J.OHUMiKIl, "V YAiMU I V. It A V IU Wily OHIO. KW n A.T ....... a r (just its, i ant. TERMS $T per lrar, hr 4dTncf. OHIO UNION STATE TICKET. For Governor RlTTHEflFOrtT) B. UAYF.S. Lieut. Governor.. ..JOHN O. LEK. Hiiprems Judge.... JOIIS WELCH. Anditnr of State. ...JAMES H. (KIDMAN. Treasurer nf Stale. .IMIlNRY C. WARNER. Attorney General... WILLI AM H. WKST. r,omplrc.llor(.fTrrM MOSK.-( R, HHAII.FT. Hoard I'oWi Works PIULIP V. HEttZlNO. , ' For ihc Conrtitutionnl Amendment, "YES." WOOD COUNTY UNION TICKET. For Auditor JOSEPH B. NEWTON, TreaiMieev OM: H. VAN- hf.A I.TIM. Commreainno-- JOHN ROSsRf.f,. 1'roaociitiflg Allnrtary. ALKJCANllER DROWN. Recorder... ..TEPI1E MKKRV. Coroiwr OHARLKS C. DAIRU. Union Representative Convention. Tlit Union Representative Convention of Wood and' Ottawa Counties will moot In Convention at KianrKOff ATURDAr,th 34th day of August next, et 1 o'cloik I'. M., for th pwrpos of nomf. nating eindidate for Represenlstlve. Th basis fjr representation in laid Convention will be one delegate for each one hnndred votes east for ffm, n. Smith "for 8oercUry of State, tn 1888, and onii delegate fur etch fraction of fifty roUia, which will give to said counties the following representation i ' A'i. of IVfce. Velrnate. Worn! J, W Ottawa fl2 0 EDWIN TOLLER, fWnnna V. tt. CWi. PkasYSStnia, August i, 1867. Proposed Amendment to the Constitution of Ohio. TH STATU OF OHIO, . Omits tmi fr.n.T or Ht.ts r, WTLIJANL llENKYSMlTil, Secretary or Utat of th Slate of litodo hereby certify thai th following I trn eopy nf a Joint Ilrsolutinn pit mil by the Oeneral Assembly of the Him of OMnnntha 6th day of A nil I, A. It. 1867, Ukon from the original rolls on 0!a In this o(Uo. In testimony whereof, I hare hereunto subscribed 'my name and affixed t lie great aoal of the asm.. State of Ohio, at Columbus, the fllh day of v April, A. I. 187. WM. HENRY SMITH, Secretary of State. A RESOLUTION, Relative tn an Amendment of the Constitution, j providing for the Extension of tlie Elective Franchise. Retained by General Amemhtu of th Slat of Ohio, throe-Arthe of tho members elected to earn House auroelnir thereto, that it he and la hereby proposed to the electors of this Slate to rota at the ni'xt annual Octobur eli-ction uion the approral or rejection of the following Amendment, aa a aubili tut for the Orat afctlon of the fifth article of the Conntitiition of this State, to-witi Erery male clllten of the United States of the age of twenty-ono years, who shall have been a resident of the State one year next preceding the election, aud of the county, township or ward In whioh ho rosidus sncb time aa may bo provldod by law, except auch porsona as have borne anna In support of any instirrvctiou or rebellion against the (lovornmoiit of the United HtaU'S, or have flod from their places of residence tn avoid being draft ed into the military surrice thereof, or hara desert ed the oiilitary or naval service of snid Govern ment in time of war and have not tubseo,ucntlv boon honorablv disehareed from the same, shall have tha qualifloationa of an elector aud be entitled to vote at all. elections." , , ... Kl). A. TARROTT, . , Sptaktr of vum of Hmrnmtntittt, ANDRE (V O. MollURNKY, Prtrident of (At hnt. Passed 'April 6, 186T. 60s THE UNION PLATFORM. The Republican Union party of Ohio In onuven lion anaambled. deolare fnt, That one of tha great lessons of .ilia wsr ts that the American people art a nation, and not nierelr a oonlederacy oj soreretgit sua tuavpeuu ent 8tatea. A'-con'f. That our existence as a nation is based on the great principles announced in the Declara tion nf Indeper deuoe, and vindicated by tha I'roo- lainatino of t-maneipalion, the Constitutional Amendment abolishing alaverv. and the spirit nf Hepublior.a Democraey and justice whioh under lies tne recensiruction policy ot ine .ivin ana tuio Congrons, which w hereby fully endorse, end which we demsnd shall be carried lutu complete effect by every needful act of additiouul legisla tion. raii-ii, That while we always cherish and defend tha American srslvmof loeal and municipal pur poses, and a national government for natioual bnr- peaea, and wlille wears unaiterauiv opposed in all attempts at centralisation and consolidation nf nowar anvwhere. we hold that iiberlv and hu man rights constitute our great national boon, which loral or state org aniiallnu must uot allow to Im abridged or taken awav. ' Wat; That imbned with the spirit of true De mocracy, and believing that tha powers necessary for tli purpose of attaining the enda of the gov ernment ought not to be reatrioted to a privileged clans, but ahould be vested la tha whole peoplo without unjust or odious distinctions or qualifica tions, not equally attainable by all further, be lieving that theaa aentimeuts are iu atriot accord ance with the spirit and tandenoy of modern civili sation, w place ourawlvea on the simple aud broad filatfoi in of impartial manhood sulfrege as embod d in the proposed amendment to the 8talo Con stitution, appealing to and oonAding In the intelli gence, justice and patriotism of tha people of Ohio to approve it at the bat lot-box. yUi That the American people owe a debt of lastiug gratitude to the brave soldiers snd sailors who, in the late struggle for our natioual existeoee, e nobly fought for our liberties, and for the pri vations, siiSiiring and sacrifices which they en dured ; and the loyal men of Ohio kiereby pledge to them and the widows aud orphans of thoao who fell iu the defcoo of tha Nation, our sympathies and aiibeUotiel support. SUA. Thatwa approve and endorse the military administration of cur distinguished felluw-oitisen, Major Oeaerai Phil; 11. Boeridan. in Uiuiaiana ana Texas, and sledgv hiui and the railiurr com menders in the aeverul aatlitarv districts of the hnuth th'i cardial support of the Union nwn of Ohio is their efforts to pmtect the loyal people of tha late rebel states, ana to secure tn organisa tion of loyal and constitutional govaruineula In aid States. tS-wtaaV, That w fully endorse and approve the administration ot our present Uovernor, J. t". Cox, and extend to him our hearty thanks for the faithful and ab'e manner in which be has diacbargrd bia otHeial duties aud sustained the credit nd houor of our noote buu THE SENATORIAL CONVENTION. A w go to press the Sonstorio.1 Conven tion is iu session, aud our rtport of it pro ceedingi must be deferred until next weak THE SURRATT CASE. Th (rial of Si'riatt caioe on Saturday an end by th discharge of the jury, which after forty-eight hours' conference stood precisely a on tli first ballot, four for con ' viction aud eight for acquittal. After th discharge of th jury, Judg FisHita called attention to th outrageous conduct of th Attorney for the prisoner, Mr. Bram.kt, who, during the progress of th case, bad committed a personal assault on tlit Judge, and announced th dismissal uf th At tor riey from th bar.' Mr. Dradle declared sN th Judge' ttsUiuent war false ikI shortly afterward sent him a challenge The affair orrated inteuae excitement Washington. Ohio la. sound ss a nut politically ah finnncia"riy Her Stst dsbt be been luinished instead of increased, aud her tire; indebtedness is lest than on per cent on hpr taxable property. II or Sinking Fun will exhaust her indebtedness iu lour years RxrusuCAM mass uisetingt are now progress all over Alabama. Tha total istrutioo lo the But is 112,400 Of lb number th black count up 65,700. DISMISSAL OF E. M. STANTON. General Grant Acting as Secretary of War. The Correspondence in Relation to the Change. Knr two woeki past mny tonantional minors hav flaalied over III ootintr from WasHington, pcrtititiiiig la (lie lVcsiilent ml lr Cnbiiiet ofrioers, ami each sttcooed. ing day Kve birth to loin new movement on the politicnl oliesn board. On Hi 6tli of Augtiat, the fitlluwllig correspondeno parsed between lb 1'residonl and Secre tary of War KkRri'TiVB Manfmw, I WAaiiiNOToH, AtiKtint ft, 1RG7. riiblicooiiaiduratioiie of high char acter constrain rr to nny tlmt your ranigri lion aa Wucrotary of War will bo Acoeptod. Verjr tcapectlully, ANDREW JOHNSON. To Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Sec'y of War. To Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Sec'y of War. WAR DEPARTMENT, Aug. 5, 1867. Sir Your note of (his (Jul hai heon re ceived, statiutf that pttblio conaiderntiont of high character conetraiu yon to ear that my reaiKiiAtion aa Sourelttty of- War will be acorptod. In reply, 1 liavo the honor to any that pttblio coiiRidurationa of a high char Bulnr, coiiHtiain in not to resign tho office of th Bacretiiry of War, before the next mooting of t'migrc. Very reaieot(nlly ynnra, EDWIN M. STANTON. To the Prctident. No further aation was Inltun by tho Pres. Idont until Jho 12 tli inat. In tho moan time all aorta of rumor were afloat, one of th most improbable of which wns, that tho PrcRidont had expreaxod the determination to roHigu hi pnaition and lot the Radicals run tho maohinory of th Government to a iii t tliomsolves. No fmtrt are entortuined, bowevor, in that line. On the 12tli IiihI., he aont Soorotnry Stantom an order to dolivor hit portfolio inio the hand of (Journal Grant, atatiilfr that tho lattor would act aa Secretary of War in the interim. General Grant whs also Instructed to entor at once upon the duties of the olli jo, with which he complied, and notified Stanton of the faot. In thin pomtion of affniri, Seuretary Ftanton yiuldud, nndur proteHt ngaifiat tho legality of tho whole proceeding. The following la the substance of tho correspondence that paused betweeu the President, Soorotnry of War and General Grant, on tho 12t'u ; JieilNSON TO STANTON. Sir Dy virtue of the power and author ity vontod in nio, as President, by tho (Jon. stitulion and luws of tho United Statoa, you are hereby aUKpeudud from your ollieo as yocrolary uf War, and will ceaso to exercise any and all functions puruining to the same. You will at once traimfor to Goo. U. 8. Grant, who has this day boon author ized and empowered to act as Sooretary of War, mi interim, all records, books, pupurs, and other public property now iu your oustody and nhargn. respectfully, ANDREW JOHNSON. STANTON TO JOHNSON. Pin Your note of this dote hits been re ceived, Informing tne that by virtttd of the powers uud authority veslod iiryoti as Presidont, by the Constitution and laws of tho United Slates, , I nm suspuudud from oftiue as Suoretary of War, and will cease to exercino any and all functions pertaining to tho same ; and also directing mo to at once transfer to Gen. U. 8. Grant, who ban this day been authorized and empowered to act as Borretary of War, ad interim, all rec ords, books, papers, and other public prop erty now in my custody and charge. Under a senno of public duty, 1 am com pelled to deny your right, muter the Con stitution ond luws of the United Slates, without ti e advice nnd consent of the Sou a to, and without legal cause, to euxpeud me from office as Secretary of War, or the ex ercino of any or all functions pertaining to the same, or without such advico aud con sunt to compel mo to transfer to any pomon the records, books, papers mid pttblio prop erty In my custody as Secretary. Bui in asmuch us tho Genoritl commanding tho atmitis of tho United Status him been ap pointed, ad interim, and hus notified mo that be has accepted that appointment, I have no nttnruutive but to submit under protest to superior force. ery respoctlullv, yours, E. M. STANTON. GRANT TO STANTON. Sin Inclosed herewith I hav to trans mit to you a copy of a letter just received cm tne) rreaidunt ot the Unite states. notifying m of my assignment as Secretary ot War, and dirooting mo to assumo those dulioa at once. In notifying you ul my ac ceptance, 1 cannot lot the opportunity pass Without expressing to you my appreciation t tn aoai, patriotism, nrmnoaa ana sonny with which you hav ever ttisoliutged th utios oi secretary ot var. lour oliedient servant, , - GRANT TO STANTON. U. S. GRANT, General. In accordance with theso orders, Goneral Grant quietly took poHssssion of the War Office about poou, on tho 12th, not even the clerk in tha office knowing of the change. JOHNSON TO GRANT. of Sir; The Hon. F.. M Stanton having been this day suspended a Secretary .of War: you ate hereby authorized and empowered to act as Secretary ot War, i( interim,' anit will at once enter upon the uiKOhargo of too duties of the office. The Secretary of War has been instructed to traunfer to you all the records, books, papers and ntbor publio property now In his custody and charge. rHeeituiiv, yours, ANDREW JOHNSON. STANTON TO GRANT. to Ginkral: Your note of this date accom panied by by a copy of a loiter, addrossed August 12, by Ihe rresnlont, appointing you Secretary of War, interim, and in- oi muig in of j our acceptance ut the ap pointment, baa been received. Under a sen of publio duty, I am compelled to deny th President' right, Under the I tws oi th United state, to upend me from nlhoe aa Secrelury of War, or authorize any other persou to enter upon tho discharge of th duties of that oflice, or to requir m to transfer to you, or auy other person, books, records, anil paper, ami other putilio prop, erly in my official custody aa Secretary of War. But inasinuoh tt th 1'r-sidenl lias assumed to suspend toe from oflic at Soo retary ( War oof iNfertKi, 1 hav no alierua live bill I aubnait under protest to th tu perior fore of th Presidont . You will pleat aooept my acknowlodg. ment of th kind term in which you hav notiliail m -t your acceptance of th 1 res ident's appointment, aud tuy eorJial roip roratiou of tho aeiiltiuents expreseod. I am, with ainrore regard, trulv yours, . . EDWIN M. STANTON, Seer alary of War. di ej Tmt New York Medioal Colloga for Wo men will begin their Filth Annual Teim,of 20 week, at the College on 12th Street, I wo door east of r ourth Avenue, the first Mnn dav in November. Addrens th Dean, Mrs, 0.8. hosier, M.D.,361 Wat 34th, N. Y. or th Secretary, Mr. C. F. Walls, car Fowler and Walls, IN. Y.: i reg Pong discharged soldiers tnrt sailors Philadelphia hav called a meeting Saturday night to express their condemns tion of tha Presided for removing Mr, Ctsoton, The Tin Discoveries in Missouri. Tho St. Louis TVmss gives sums aeooun'a of th recently reported deposit of tin In Missouri. Several thousand acre of land huve recently been entered In Madison and Iron counties, npon which th owner hop to find tin lands which have heretofore been considered a almost worthless, be cause of their hilly, rocky character and their remoteness from river and railroad communication. These land hav been en tered and purchased by parties respec tively from Detroit, Bt. Ixinis, Chicago, Wheeling, Pittsburg, about la th order named as to quantity, U. K. Booth of De troit, taking the lead. Th 8t. Louis par ties hav three Cornwall miner at work exploring with very favorable results. The '' tin fever" ha assumed contag ious form, and overyhody has th " attack." Farms whioh could have been bought a few week ago for len or fifteen dollar an acre are now eagerly snapped up at from one hundred to llire hundred dollar nor acre ( and if the investigation, now being made, results satisfsclorily, some land we know of could not be purchased for one thousand dollar per acre! The Irontoo Jlfai$ter say : Cornwall's glory has departed. Th United Stales is no longer dependent npon the Old Win M for their snuoepans; fur in Southern Missouri there Is tin enough to supply her kitchen for a million year. Mir people are (airly wild about tin. One hulf tlie'populrt lion own tin mino and the other tinlf are trying to own some! Every body has a piece of tin ore in his pooket, and there is scarcely a blacksmith shop in the country where ladle aud pant have not been coated with tin. Our towns are full of jauntily dressed in dividuals, who, having made fortunes in the eastern oil regions aud other land spec ulations, nre hero looking after tin. Blow pipes protrude from pocket as frequently ss " bnwios do In Arkansas, farmers plow up green colored rock, and nnhitch the team, for they have found tin. Discus sions on theological and pnli ticul subjeots all merge into tin. Everything is tin. Men drink to tin. There bus boon a tin wed ding. Ohio State Fair. Th State Fair of Ohio is to be held this year on the sain grounds which were oc cupied fur the inhibition last year, at the oity of Dayton, in Southwestern Ohio. The days for which the Fair it appointed are from Monday, tho 24th, to Friday, the 27th of September. At this exhibition, competition is open to th world exhibitors are charged noth ing for entry fees; no exhibitor' tickets will he issued: single admission to th grounds, 2& cents; no carriages or persons on hotses nre ad mil ted, The prcmiumsare largnr than usual. Stallion 1st premiums Mi all chissos are 9!(). Sweepstakes on horses SI 00. First Bull premiums (Short burnt.) 8A0. Sweepstakes on Bulls 8100 and .")0. Sweepstakes on Herd 8100 and 8.ri0,on Cow 850. First Sheep premiums 830 and 815. Hweepstnkes on flue and long wool sheep 850 and 825. Leading premi ums on Swine 820. 815 and 81. Sweep stakes on Swine 825. Plow teams 820 and 810.' Poultry in popular classes 83 and 83. Swoopstukos $10. Tho Fruit premi ums ore liberal 830 nnd 810 for display and varieties ; Easays--8lOO for best re port for local agriculture in each of the counties of Delaware,- Boss, Seneca, Sum mit and Washington, 825 for reports of ac tual experiments in uutlurdraining, in any part of the Slate. Besides these leading prizes, a liberal scule nf gonerul premiums is nfJerod in the usual departments of live stock, mechanics, manufacturers, fruit, vegetables, domestic fabrics and fine arts. The FlornI Depart mont is abolished, except for boquet and basket of flowers for table. The Johnson-Conover Conspiracy. It appears that Sanford Conovsr applied to Johnson for a pardon from conviction of perjury, and that he made a bid for it by offering to Johnson that he would testify that Ashley and Bu ler tried to suborn him to tostify to circumstances that would im plicate Johnson iu the Booth assassination. It appears that Connver promised, when there was nothing to drive him to do It but his own volition, that he would furnish evi douce to the Congressional Committee that would implicate Johnson in tne ninrdor. He tells of their inducing him ; but all th:it we know is that he assured thorn there was abundance of testimony tn that faot, and that he would pi ounce it, Hub he tastines to. We repeat, all that we know by Conovor's testimony is that he assured Butler nnd Ashley that thur was plenty of evidenoo that Johnson was accessory tn tho murder of Lincoln. He testifies to this. Th Court believes a man when he is confirming bis own crime ; but docs nit credit hi testi inouy against others. The case is to dot poiata .that it suggests the inquiry, has Johnson taken this miserable mean to an ticipate th Judiciary Committee and turn suspicion from him t Ar th ciroumstau cos that have been revealed by this Coin inittee to damaging that be leela it neces sary to head off the ganorsl verdict by this conspiracy T Cincinnati Oatette. Age of Masonry. . We find an 'tern taken from a Glasgow paper, stating that St, John's Lodge No. 3, of that city, has recently celebrated the 800th anniversary of itf existence, it hav. ing been created by a charter front King Malcolm in 1067. We should like to so the muster roll of that Lodge, beginning more than eight centuries ago, and running along with th age to the present time. What kings and kingdoms hav risen snd fallen since tho gavel was fiitt tounded in in the l'.ast. . How the world hat changed aud what progress has been made lu eeienc and art. Eight huudrad year in th lift' timo of a tod 'c ! LITERARY NOTICES. Tha family Trtaisri,- Tbis is Ihe title of a Religious snd Literary Monthly, tdilad by Wm. T. r, D. D., of Xenia, Ohio, and publiahed by RoeSHt Clark Co., 6 J West Fourth street, Cineinnsti, Ohio, at $1 per annum. It contains i neatly printed pages, ntled with literarv and relisious contributions from eminent diviue aud other writers f merit and ability. Good "torlc. ol tn We hav received th Initial number of a small qu arto, appropriately Illustrated, and containing 100 pages, printed la large clear type, and leaned by Messrs. Tuxsos A FiRLns.ef itostou. "Good Stories" Is th title,and under thit '.he anterpriaing publishers propose to publish, la cheap and at tractive form, a valuable ollsctioa of Short Sto ries, Tatea and Sketches. Th need of tuoh a col lection bat long been fait i for while numerous eol leetiout of poetry have bee a made, no general repertory of good stories exists. Th publishers do ao intend to limit this eolleotioo lo English literature It will embraoe, by competent trausla Uons, th beat sad eaotl obsraotoristis short stories of sll languages. While having la view th idea of making this collection valuable ss a repertory of ohotoe fiction, the Publishers have la luiud tha great need ot the trawling publio for a class of reading that shall auawer for amusement In th r it-car tad ea th steamboat. A Urge volume or long story nfUn becomes wearisome to the traveler oa eceount of tha disadvantages to which he It subjected, while th type of many volumes renders lbs raadiug of ibrni impossible to But a few travelers. I Oooo Btokiss all of the difficulties ar ovaronni. Kaca auatber ts a small quarto, appro prtately illustrated, sad easy tn tha hands the stories are eliwioe, and demand not to eoutiaaous attention j th type is large aad ean easily read, aud the prioe, Fifty Cents per another, will ptaaa Cooa Stosix wilbia the reteb of all. K. t will be issued la August. AJdrtea Ticxxoa & FitLta Publishers, Boavoo, 1bIobi of VTklt anal Colored Masons. Th New Orleans Republican says that through th energetic labor of Mr. Eugene Chassaignae, who it th M. P.'. Sov.-. (Jr.. Com.', of th Supreme Council of th Ac cepted 8cotoh Rit for Louisiana, several colored lodge of that city hav already fused with Id white ones, and ar now working harmoniously under tha austiicet of the Supreme Cuuooil of which Mr. Chss taignao I th head. Th Suprema Council has adopted th following resolutions l Whrriasj, Masonry I essentially pro gressive, that It mast b always marching forward, battle against all prejudices, in enlightening th ftflil with great princi ple of liberty, eqnality ana fraternity ; whereat, all th Maaonio Lodges maybe widely opened to our MM.'. BB.'. visiting BB.. of all nations and races or colors! lie it Rtiofoed by the Supreme Council of Lou isiana, in th nam of th sacred and fun damental principle of our B. Order, That all It tnbordinatt lodges be and are ordered to cordially and fraternally receive all duly qualified visiting BB.'. without any distinc tion of any race or color whatever. De it further Rttolvtd, Tiiat the Supreme Council Jjnlds it an honor to be th first 8upreme body in the Southern Statet of America (o acoompliah that aot of tuohsm phatio jnstio. i -a Thormaa's Popularity Pouth. A veteran soldier of th 73d Ohio Regi ment related in our hearing, a few day ago, an Incident that occurred on the campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta. He says that while hit regiment retted tor a few minutes at Etowah, in Georgia, he had some conversation with a rebel lady. Her first inquiry was about Judge Thurman, of Co lumbus, Ohio, the present candidate of the Copperhead Democracy for Governor. The lady was outspoken in her praise of the Judge and hi family.. 8h said that the Confederacy had one friend in Ohio, at least, tried and true, in the person ol Judge Thur man. She said that she had a ton then prisoner nf war at Camp Chase, who ol ways epoke In the highest terms of praise of the conduct of the Judge and hit family toward him and hit associate prisoner of war. Was ever a mother of a wounded or sick Unicn soldier known to bear testimony to the acts of charity of Judge Thurman aud his fam ily t We guess not. Hardin Co. Rap. Cotton. To the 13th of July, the receipts of cot ton from all points in the South, from Sep tember 1st of hut year, were 1,869,000 onlot. Hie IJopartvjent estimate mails in October of last yeur, was 1.835,000. This estimate, furiously attacked from all quar ters as half a million hab-s ton high, proved to be very near the actual product. Though not Biiffioieinly high, the crop nf last year would havo produced from 2,500,000 to 3,000,000 bales. The present crop, under equally favorable oirciimstaiicei, would do as well. What the actual rosult will be il is quite (oo early to determine. , Sevkral of th President's prominent supporters, and one member of the Cabinet, havo earnestly urited upon him the wisdom of erasing his opposition to the reconstruc tion I w, and. tho abandonment of his pur pose of removing General Sherman. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CENTRAL OHIO CONFERENCE STiiMIN-iLXt.T, JIAl'MEE CITY, OHIO. ' I MI E Fall Term of this Institution will eoro 1. menceon WEDNESDAY, August SI, and continue Thirteen Weeks. Superior facilities are afforded in the Common nd Higher English Branches and in the Claseics. Mutents received at any time during the term. For Circulars, etc., addreaa the Principal, RUSSELL II. POi'E, A. M. Maume City, August 16, 18ft 7. 16d NOTIOH. t A Lb those indebted to Anion & Soheets will take notice that their scoonnts ar loft witb , L. Fowler, Esq., for collection. AMO.V . 8CUEETS. Perrysburg, Ohio, August 0, 1907.' 16b JHEHIFF'S SALE, irst Nstionsl Bank, Fremont, Wood County Common Pleas. vs. John Uribben. Br virtue of an order of sale issued in the above can so br the Clork of the Court of Common Pleas, of Wood County, Ohio, and to me directod and de- irereU, l will onvr Tor sale st publio vendue at the oor of the Court House, in the town of Perrrsburg. Wood County ,Ohio,on HU.NUAf, September IS, 1887, Botween the hours of 1 and i e'erbek P. M., of uid day, the following described property, to-wit: The southeast quarter of section thirteen 131, township four i, range ten 10, saving and ex cepting therefrom so much thereof aa is owned by the estate of Joseph Middletnn, by John Elder and Adam Hoas. Also, a part or tn soutn part or the weat half of th southwest quarto.' of section eigh teen 181, township four (41, north of range eleven 11 east, supnnaed to oontain twenty-one acres mora or less, an aituatea In wood county, Ulnn. IJUAKLta W. KVt.Ha, Sheriff. J. K. At J. M. Hosd, Attorneys for PI'fT. Perrysburg, August 1A, 18A7. 16eB S?IIEUIFFH SALE. Norton Reed, 1, vs. . ( In Wood Common Pleas. Michael B. Todd at at. I Bv virtue of an order nf sale issued in the above eauae bv the Clerk of the l!ourt of Common Pleas. of Wood County, Ohio, and to me directed and de livered, I will otrr ror aala st public vendue at the door of the Court House, lu the town of Perrysburg, wood wouniv, unin, on MU3UAY, September IB, 18(17. Between the hours of IU and 1 o'clock P. M-. of said dav, the following described property, to-wit The northwest or section SO, township 4, range 10, containing 100 acres) and the eaat part of the southwest Ki of said seotiou 90, towuship 4, range iv, containing: v acreat ana ine normwesi V oi the southeast W of section SO, township 4, rsng 10, containing 40 acres all situated in the ootiuir oi rr ooa ana otme ei iinm. CHARLES W. KVERS, Sheriff. J. F. k S. B. Prios, Att'va for Plaintiff. Parrysburg, August 10, 1807. lOt-ST 50 , TTACHMENT NOTICE. J. K. A J. lit. Hord, Before Robert Comstnck. J. vs. V V. Plain Township, Wood William H. Gill. I Count.. Ohio, f)n tha 8th dav of AimiiaU18A7. aaid Jostles of th reae issued an attachment tn the above anil lied oause for the sum of Seventy Dollars. . i. K. e M. UORD. rsrrysburg, August 8, 1807. . loo Agricultural Implements. FLAX SEED. 1,000 Biiskels Flax Seed Wantt! Th highest price will be paid at THE AGRICULTURAL STORE. Cider Mills. Thee Mills sr nut ooly warranted lo be well made and wall ttuuhed, of good material, but also to do well and thoroughly lb work (or which they ar Intended. Full direction will accompany each UiH for making the most deliokioa eider. Cane Milla-The Victor. Th most eouplat Milt I the country. Cook's Evaporator. They hav is variably give tlighM satisfac tion. , Eureka Cutting Box a aaiveraal favorite. Wood Uilla-Lma, Norwalk sad Eclipse. Cora-Shelters- Star and BurraH'e Iron. Buckeye Cider Mill; Buckeye Grala Drill, Imn-beau, Cast snd Steel Plows. Whaal-barrows snd Road-oorapar. Farm Bell snd Waabiiig-aeacbiaes. Wall-pumps and Waier-drawera, Churns, Reels n neaia, at. Hepairs for ail suruuwi. You will ehjo tnd at tha Agricultural War buM lb largast slock of CABiixirr runxirvnc la th county, sogather with a Urge slock of Cabi c-t Turntug and UruoBa-baadle. WILLIAM CROOK, reevysburg, July I J, IS?. las NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE GREAT NEW ENGLAND REMEOYI DR. J. W. POLANO'I VHITE PIHE COMPOUHD. THE WHITE PINE COMPOUND CURES. r Bore Throat, Colds, m j3S Coughs, Diphtheria. WCi Bronchitis, 8plttlng of v-f Bleod, aad Pnlmooery i Aifeotiaas gsaerslly. It Is t remarkable Rem edy for Kidney Com plaints, Diabetea, Eiffi- enlty of voiding Crlne. Bleeding from th Kidneys, Bladder, and Gravel. "It was early In the spring of 1855 that this Com pound was originated. A member of my family was afflicted with an Irritation of the threat, attended with a disagreeable cough. I had for some months previous thought th-trt a preparation, having for its basis the inside bark of white pine, might be so compounded as to be very useful in the case of tha throat and lungs. To test the value of it in the ease alluded to, I compounded asmall quantity bf the medicine that 1 had been planning, and gave It tn teafpoonful doses. Th remit was exceed ingly gratifying. Within two days the Irritation of the throat was removed, the cough subsided, aud a speedy cure was effected. Soon after this I sent some to a lady in Londonderry, N. II., who had been suffering for some weeks from a bad cough, oocaxioned by a sudden, cold, and had raised mucus sttsitked with blood, Bhe soon found relief, nnd sent for more. She took about ten ounoes nf It, and got well. 3. B. Clark, Esq., editor of the Man chester Daily llirror, in ado a trial of the same preparation in the case of a severe cold, and was cored immediately. He was so highly pleased with the results, and so confident of siioeces attend ing Its sales if placed bnfm the public, that he finally persuaded mo to give it a name and send It abroad to benefit the suffering," "XVatfiTionlftla. A wry large. numlr rtf ntjtnrtuvt Uttimmiialt hart already hern received fin IVijruVniH.', Cleraymen, Ahh thecarut, nnd, mle.d, Jrnm all cluster t"n fr-c'iVv, apah. inij m the mott flattering Itrmt of Iht M'latt 1 Vn Compound. Dr. NICHOLS, f Nrlh.HelJ, 17, nt: ' " J. Una" the. White line Cbmnawul tn be rerv efllra ruins, iM tnty in UQh$ and other put u'c ajfrctitm, but alto in afivii n nf the. kiiiuejt, dtbiWy qf tht ttomaeh, and other kimtred ortuns.n Bex. J. K. CHASE, nf Rumtey, X. W, writr$: " J hare far yo- retarded your White Pine. Cbm- pound at an invaluable, remedy. I can truly taujhat t regard it at eren wave e.ttioaeimtt and vatnable than ever. I hare.iutt t iken (As Oimpuund far a mid, and i woi-A-i eAarmtMty." from Jimss J. Ilorr. . BRADPOHP, X. II, frplemlxr, MO. Dr. rot A XD : hi the full f IS;,7, 1 tank c rery via nl eald, which brought on a very tevere O'Htjh, pain in ihe tide and lungt, and rairing bland. I iva't tiltn ver oody a.fflicted with that bvublefune disease the Kidfe Complaint. tir the three yrnre patt I have been vrrif much troubled with y throat and lungs, clocking up and raiting an immense tight, with a bad cough a fler raiting blood. I felt that my time here must be thnrt unless i soon got relief. Ihis Spring, I was induced bi try your White Pine Cbmpnund, though mg faith in it irattmatl But. to my astonishment, liefnre I had token tuio bottles. my tough wot better, the kittney trouliU also, and I cntld rest niyhtt without choking up and raising to much. J have tajcen nearly three oowtt, and am Jetting like a uiel) man. I would add that my fathers familu it inclined lo consumption, my father , mot lur, and tmi titters Amine iiedwithit. The White Pine Omnoumf. advertised at lennth ir our columns, is not only at to ill name inriling, but it o highly approved medicine. Dr. J. II'. iVund, the in ventar, hat the con,fUlenot of Ihe many who know Aim, a corfldence wiieh he enjoyed while laboring usefully many yean at a Daptitt minister. Hit experience as a mf ferer led him to make experiments which issued in hit Mdfoal dijootwy. Boston Watchman and Railoctor. A VALUABLE tIRDICIXE. Dr. PiianTi Whits Pine compound, adrertited in our columns, it a success jus attempt ro eommne ana apply the mntieal virtues of th White Pine hark. It hat brm thimiuahlm tested .- tht people in thit city and vicinity, and the proprietor mat Mimonials'to its value from persons well known to our eitisent. We recommend Hi trial in all th se cases of disease to which it it adapted, tt it for tale by ail our druggists. New York Indopendout. The White Pino Compound A manufactured at the NEW ENGLAND BOTANIC DEPOT, 106 Hanover Street, B Hoo. QSOBQK W. 8WXTT, M. B, Proprielor. Vi7 West &. Truax and Dooley Ilros., Wholo- ssle Agents, Toledo, At Retail by all Druggists.- lGzi PERRYSBURG AND FIVDMV Plank IXoad Improvement. APPORTIONMENT OF EXPENSES. NOTICE is hereby given that the Committee appointed bv the Commissioners of Wood County, Ohio, at their June session, 1307, to view snd apportion to the lands to be bene fJtod thurebv th estimated expense of improving that part tnp county roan Known as tho ferrvsourg and riudluy 1'lank Kond, lying between Indiana Ave nue, in the town of Perrysburg, and the south line of Middh'ton Township, in Wood Countv. Ohio. have filed their report in the Auditor's Office of sid county. Said expenses of improvement are apportioned to the following lots and lands, situ ate in Slid countv, vii : In-UiU mo. u, 10, 11,12, 13, 14, 15, In, 33, 34, ii, on, 37,38, 3V, 40, 57, SS, SV, CO, 01, 62, 03, 64, 81,82,83,85, 88. 87. 88. 104.105. )0. 107. 108. 10, 110, 112, 113, 123, 129,131, 132, 1.13, 1.14, 137, 15', lit, lii, ia, 15, l.tV, 1H0. 161, 175, 177, 178, 1711, 182, 183, lf4, 109, 200, 201, 202. 207, 208, 209, 210; Out-Lots Noa. 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 32. 33, 34, Si. 33, 37. 38, 48, 49, 50s Ne Survey-Out-liOts Nos. 238, 2:17, 238, 239, 240. 211, 242 and 243, in the town of Perrrs burg; (Sections eighteen 18 snd nineteen 19 and west half of northwest quarter and West h southwest quarter ot section twenty-nine 1291: Sections thirty f 30 1 and thirty-one 131, and west half of northwest quarter and west half of south westmusrter nf sootion thirtv-two T321 in town four HI united states iteserve ; cast hall or northeast quarter and eaat hnlf of southeast auartorof sec tion iwesty-iour zj, east null ol west hair or the northeast quarter, h ilf nf northeast quarter, an I southeast quarter of section tweotv-five 125 ana su oi section iinrir-six l.ioj in town one l u. a. iteacrre i bast fraction ot section t nrtoon 13, northeast quaru-r and east half of southeast quarter of asctiuu twenty-four 21, northuant quar ter and southeast quarter of south went quarter section iweotv-nve (zo J, and ail or sectKin tlurtv Six 361 in town six 16 ranee ten flOl: all of seo tiou one l in towu live i range ton 10J ; Lot three 31. east side of lot four 4 and west side lot six IB, sootion seventeen flT, fractional sec- lion eighteen 18, section nineteen 19, weat half ot section twenty 2111, west hall of section twentv. nine 291, sections tlurtv 301 and Ihirlv-one f3il me normwesi quarter ol suction thirty-two 321 town six 8 range eleven II; snd all of auction six Bi town tire 51 range eleven II. Said report will be before the Commissioners said Wood Countv, (Vir hearimr and final artion. ai tne Auditor s umce oi said oMnty.on WED.NE3- PAl, tho Sth dav of September, 1887. 5. . t-KlUK, Auditor Wood Countv. Perrysburg, August 9, 1887. I5c$li fESSr:iGER'9 NOTICE. This is to give 111 notice that tw tha :iUt nf Julr. A. I 1867, warrant in bankruptor was iasuiid airainst lb estate nf Klias Uranan.of Middletnn, in eouuty oi ooa, and State of Ulno, who has been aujuugea a oauarupl on tiiaown petition ; that pavmunt of any debts and doliverv of anv rly belonging tn auoh bankrupt, to him, or for bi nsu, and III transfer of anv Kronen y bv him forbidden br law i that a nieetinir of tha creditor. of aald bankrupt, to prove their debts , and choose one or more assignees or bis ornate, will be held a Court of Uaakruntcv. -to ho holdun at No. Scott's Block, Toledo, Ohio, before J. R. clwigart, ivai., negiswr. oa tn list day of August. A. 1807,at 10 o'clock A. M. HJKACK I1ERTZLER, Deputy U, 8. Marshal, as klusseoger. D. L. Calkins, Att'y for Petitioner. au9bli PHOTOGUAPn GALLERY, On Fifth-street, eaat of the lluion School-house rerryaburg, uuio. - THK undersigned would call th attention of penpl of Perrvaburg and vioiuitv. that is still taking Pictures of th Beat Quality, of si soa and sinas, rrom tne - sise, or largest, down to th smallest Anibrutvpe and Oem t alio eonr- lug front other piotures and enlarging tbem opving. 8b will Sniah up Picture la India Ink, pami id mm ooiurs la in most approved sir will also furnish frames atiil Case of sll kinds sod sixes that may be rMiuired. (She would respectfully invito her friends all and see what their own artial can do before going elsewhere. II will oust you nothing if cannot be suited. All she ask is teshow sn can uo, ana leei ooundeul of tiring satis tariKwi. ias. IWt'UOLS. N. It. No piotures taka oa bunds r. Prvybrg, April 8, 18d7. 0ss t Cheap House. 4 RVULL FRAWK UOVSB aad two Lota Parrysburg tilts perfect I fr sal at ttUS A toy,. i. nf of in of the the ara at a O th aha all i or lea ; to you wbst in 174 ENTERPRISE INSU Of Olnoln Capital V - - Security . - . - "I Net Prollts, 1800 - ' THOS. SHERLOCK, PniiaUnt; W. B. CA33ILLT, Vic President; P. L. TEKPLE, The Enternrise Inenranre Company. with sn original capful of 11,000,000. The . : - A : - l : II in (LI 4 a. I . k . . r.. 1 1 ii l in n laniit-fli UVIUH fiw,.u " it nan iuiij and placed itself on an equal footing with Eastern Ohio, vis : nf a No. 1 Ohio Insurance. The stock energetio Western business men bene It looks Receipts for February, over $42,009 Receipts for March, over 03,000 N. II. OALLARD, MERCHANDISE. A. R. CIIAMPNIT. CHAS. WRIGHT CHAMPNEY &, WRIGHT, DRUGGISTS, Hood's Klock, Perry tbnrir. Ohio. 170ft Ring's, Hall's and Scovill' Hair Restora ' tire, call at CHAMPNEY ii. WRIGHT'S. TjOR good and reliable Goods, and allow figures X' call at CUAMrttKY. & WrUUUT'a. IF yon are troubled with Catarrh, call and get Dr. V. H. Seelre'a Remedy. For Dyspepsia. get voo s Dyspepsia vure. , CHAMPSEY A WRIGHT. IT" OR Oils snd Paint, Tarnishes, Ac, go to : CHAMPNEY A WRIGHT'S. HAIR OILS. We have Burnett's, Wright's, and all others. CnAMPNKY A WRIGHT. Washington Woolen Mills, NEAR REYNOLDS' MILLS, MAUMEE CITY, OHIO. ROBERTSON, BURRITT & CO. 1) ESPECTFULLY inform their friends snd pat- LV. runs in Lucas and adjoining counties, that they have on hand the Inrgost and most subetan tiul stock of WOOL.EN GOODS ever offered in Northwestern Ohio, consisting of - SINGLE AND DOUBLE SHAWLS, Plato and Fapcy Doublo and Twist Caa Bimoros, Balmoi-al SWirtu, Meltons, Tri cots, Ladies' Cloth, Plain and Fancy Plaid Flannels, alt-wool, Plain and Twilled Sheetings, Blankets, Jeans, Stocking Yarn, etc. Which Thpy Offer in Eichange for Wool or fash. Our machinery is all new and of the most im proved description. We are prepared to do Roll Carding, Carding and Spinning, manufacturing on shares or bv- the Yard. Wool for ftolln or Cardinorand Rninniniy muni ho tub-washod aud picked, iu order to insure good wora. Thankful for the liberal patronage received in the, would say to our old customers, and all others who may Bee fit to patronise us, that we have, at great expense, fitted up our Mill with the best mkchinery that could be got, and secured the services of skillful snd experienced workmen, so tnat we are enaDiea to do work in a style mtoerto unsurpassed In the country. ' IlUBEKTiSUN, HUKKITT A CO. Mnume City, July 24, W67. 13 GLORIOUS NEWS! Important to Ererybody ! GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES 1 N"EW GOODS! ton ing SPRING AND S.UMMER JRaDE, AT TDI PEOPLE'S STORE ! F. It. MILLER & CO. WE herewith snnounce to our numer ous frionds snd the publio generally, that we have received direct from New York and Boston, a LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK OP Spring & Summer Goods! Which we offer al reduced prices, for Ready Pay.. We have a full line of tha following; DRESS GOODS, Such as Silks ; ' Lawns, Poplins, Bereges ; Challics, Amures, Prints; Ginghams aud DeLaines ; Trimmings and Embroideries; ' Brown and Bleached Sheetings. Also White Goods snd Laces; Linen, Crash and Toweling; Flannels snd Linseys; -Blankets snd Bed Spreads; Denims, Stripes and Checks; Shawls, Gloves and Hosiery ; Notions of every description; Bradley's Celebrated Duplex Skirts ; ltalinorat Skirts and French-woven Corsets; Parasols and Umbrellas. A L Altai SRLKCTIOX OF Cloths. Casslmcres, SatUnets. and Tailors Trimmings. ova stock or Boots and Slioes Never wss more complete. We sell them Si per cent, less than before.' Clothing for ' Men & Boys, St per cent, less than ferxacrly. In Hats ami Caps. , W ean not b undersold. CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, LOOK- INQ-QLASSE3 AHD CLOCKS, A good assortment. GROCERIES AND SPICESA , SALT hy the Barrel or Sack. ly Com sod aarain Good and Price. 0 TrjTASIg will be Pial f r PUOOUCE sn tli lltghwsl JUatket Prlc. warWOOL N. B. From this dst ws shall adopt the Ready-pay system, so far aa praoti. cable, as we sre satialfed that justice to our customer and ourselves detnaud is. , . W shall offer, therefore, Special Inducemonta to Cash Customers. Thna of our customers having unset tled accounts with us will please seitlo up. F. R. MILLER & CO. Perrrsburg, April 23, 1867. - I its SCnOOLEXlUiPKBS'NOTICE.-TheBosrd will hold their next regular session fur eiamlnationof teachers, at Householder Corner, Friday, Sept. 6, IBtT. Perrvaburg. Friday. Ootober . 1807. Appfioanta need not apply for Spacial Exami nation, out ar reiuested su aitoau su ataie meeliiiES of th Board. A I loorreapoadene with th Examiner should be directed to lb undersigned, at Weston, 0. 60 D. A. AVERT, Clerk. HATS & CAPS. LARGE assortsaeat at i Q. BEACB i. I th RANCE COMPANY xiatla Olxlo. ; Sl.OOO.000 OO - - 3,000,000 00 4 ' - . 140,519 85 W. II. RICHARDSON, Srerevarji W. BYRON CARTER, Am't. Secretary f Oeneral Agent. of Cincinnati. Ohio, wss orraniiad fn f.h.n.r'r. surplus for 18S was greater thna any other Com- ..K.J !i L il. - 1 r . vr v . uuiiiict4 iu laws u I It. DHWIH KVV tori, Companies, snd snpplies tha want long felt la and management are in the band of wealthy and to tbs West for it Shsre of merited patronsg. Receipts for April, Receipts for Usy, ever f M,000 over 80,009 Kin Agent, Perrysburg, Ohio. MERCHANDISE. READ! KEAD! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! W. J. HITCHCOCK HAS again returned from New York City and other Eastern markets, where he nurchased a large and well selected stock of Goods, comprising Dry Goods, Notions, Ready-msde Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, Glass ware, Cutlery ,Qroceries,eto.,eto., In fact every thing contained in a general stock of i 1. .1 : -ii e l.:i. t T 1 . . . Merchandise, sll of which has arrived, add he im now offering at reduoed prises. I ine aoore siocx wss purcnasea ror cash direct from Eastern Jobbers, Importers and Manufactur ers, at a great reduction from former prices, and oan and will be sold at lower prices than any stock of a similar kind has been otfiired in this market for many years. THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT la composed of Dress Goods, a large stock, and every variety, at very low prices, Broadcloths, Csssimeres, Doeskins, Cottonsdes, Flannels, Domestics, Linen Goods, etc. ate. a complete stock, such as can be found nowhere in Wood Connty, aud at much lower prices than they have been sold in times past. The White Goods Department i very extensive) , in variety and low in prica. . Notions a large and well assorted stock. CARPETS I CARPETS I CARPETS t -.. A new sad beautiful stock st very low prices.- Ready-made Clothing. Everything in this line snd st prices that will. bio', out all "remembrance of a war. TIIE HAT, CAP, BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENTS. These sre cemposed of sn entirely new stock, the old stock having been entirely disposed of end their place supplied with fresh Goods, of new styles ami st much lower prices. You can not fail to be suited In these departments. Traveling Baskets. A large and well-selected stock snd at low prices ; Crockery, aiso a good stocx oi uiasswarv. Table Cutlery, Spoons. Pocket Cntlery, Shears, etc. Together with a general stock of . etc. GROCERIES AT LOW PRICES. I Will Sell for Cash The best Delaines tor 2i cenla per yard. Print ( Wamsutta and Providence brands) for 124 cents per yard. viner rrtnis irom 19 10 jv cents per yarn. Bleached Cottons 12Vi to 25 cents per yard ; a stont article one yard wide for 20 to 23 cents. lirown uoitoas Irom 10 to 25 cents per yard. Men's Saxony Wool Hats, I A good article for (1 each, and other grades at very low prices. Good Tons for $1 29 per pound, and manr other Goods very low.. In short, I am bound to sen Very Low for Cash, and I hope you will give me a call before purchai-.. ing elsewhere. , t y At the old stand, corner of Front-stxeot and Louisiana-ayenue, when I hop to see you all. W. J. HITCHCOCK. Perrysburg, Ohio, May 1, 1887. Sis GILBERT BEACH, , DBALSB IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, CORr-MEAL, v. HATS, & CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, , , BOQTS & SHOES, ' FLOUR, SALT, 'V NAILS, GLASS. Will Par Cash tat say Ctuantity ol - "STAVESi ' Perryabarg, Mareh 11, 188T. 46z Flour of AH Grades. . T Y lbs barrel or sack, for sat at " 1J O. BEACH'S. BOOTS 5c SHOES, Or th best castoiB-nutkes, in variety at BEACH'S). ' READM1ADE CLOTtliNG, X70R Men's and Boy's wear, at i? , BEACH'S. DftY GOODS. BROWN and Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings) Denims I Stripes) . 7 Tickings) ' Cottooades. Ae. A, at BEACH'S.. 7-00 noxisai. . ConTrtid luto Jfew r b-zh rj ntjr i rni. tioia-Dcariaa nvss ml 1 m stmt A AT - U . M mm, mm lla.l J. ACCORDING Id Government rule, on subu ef On Thousand Dollsrs snd over. We lv Express Ctsargve, and deliver fre at Perrysburg. All kind of Government Secnritleis Bought and 80M. Interest allowed Ml deposit. Kxchang on new- X ork oste-ientn arret, premium. EXCHA.NOK BANK. OP TOLEDO, . ANiRBW BROWN at CO., ' r .4 MX 8aaojii-trt Tutsda Q. FOn SAL.K, IVo Farms in Westoa Tp THE cast ) of th northeast U sf 8tKjn J J, snd th west of the northwest 4 nf settfon 33180 aorj ; 100 asm finder tiltivatioo)! good orchard, ounlalning 160 bearing tree) grnxl well; 40 acres good limber; S suites north West of Westo. AL0 v..--'-- - "'l Tb north U r tb sootbeaet U at aectioa If. eoniaiotug M acraa; 40 acre ar improved; goudl frame bous, etc.; tK mile south of Uilvad. Both tli above Farina ea be bad at bargaa.. For particulars, ioooir ef WEUUELL ts. EBEALVk tUal EsUte Agents, Par jsburgj, Qv