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, J- vvmixstunu, omo. rRAY;;....,.llTlnIl.' ; !;?, TKiUH - $2 per Tear, In idrsncf . OHIO UNION STATE TICKET. Election Day—Tuesday, October 8. tW Governor. RCTIIE RFORI) B. tlAYKH, Lient. U vrnor .... JOHN C. t.KK. tupreme Judge... .JOIIX WELCH. 'Auditor f Stato.... JAMES II. UODMA. ..TrMrcrof Htat...hllNK Y C. WARNKK. Attorney Oewrat... WILLIAM II. WKHT. Oompfrnllerof TreasMOKE.S R. HRAILEV. Board Publio Work. Pllll.ll V. 11EU7.INU. I AHKI M. CORKY, f JAMfcH 0. HALL. -II. I,. WOOL). Senators . Bepreseotaliv. '" For the Constitutional Amendment, "YES." WOOD COUNTY UNION TICKET. 'for' Auditor .WKKPrT It. tfKWTOX. Treasurer..: W.O. H.V KI.AKCCM. -Coniaiissinnnr JOHN RUSSELL. I'rnsociUihg Attorney. A LKTANItliK HKOWN. Recorder ftTEI'IIEN MERRY. Coroner. tllARl.E V. BAIKD. Amendment to the Constitution of Ohio. "i Tit STATU T OmO, J , , Orrims nr Tin Htrm-r.iiv or Htati t, WILLIAM HENRY SMITH, (Secretary or Htst of the Slate of Ohio, do hereby certify thnt th following ii a true copy of a Joint Resolution passed by the General Assembly of the Htale of tiinon the Hh day of April, A. D. 18(57, takeu Jrm the original mils on file In thin oMee, In testimony whereof, I here liureunto subscribed I-.I-.T name and affixed the great seal of the i State of Ohio, nt Columbus, tho Slh day of vApril, A. I). 1H!7. WM. HENRY SMITH, Secretary of State. A RESOLUTION, Relative U nit Aaendaotrt of the Constitution, prtrrklrng for the Extension of the Elective Franehise. llfevteed by the Oeneral Afrmltf of the Slate of fHio, hree-flftht of tho member elected to cacti Ifcnr. agreeing thereto, that it be end In hereby proposed Ui the electors of thli State to Tutu at the iwxl annual Outnber election upon the approval or (ejection of the following Amendment, as subsli fnte for the tint section of tho filth article of the 0nntiMlnn of this Stale, tn-wlt ) 'Kvery mule eitlien of the United States nf the aca of twenty-mis years, who slistl havo been a resilient of tlie Hlute one Tour next preceding the election, and of the county, township or ward in which ho resides inch time as may be provided by law, except snob persons as hare borno arms in support of any Insurrection or rebellion against tho Oovwnnwnt of tho United States, or bare fled from their pktcet of residenoo to aroid being dm fl ed into the military survioe thereof, or haro desert ed the military nr nral scrrics of said Govern ment in time nf war and hare not subscquentlr bmn hnnonililr dHaehargnd from tho samo, shall bTe the qnitliflmthiiMof ut rtevtur and be entitled to rote at all oientinna." - ED. A. PARROTT. Speaker of the House of Representatives. ANDREW G. Passed April 6, 1867. THE UNION PLATFORM. heRi-puhlioan Union party of Oliioiu oonron tion assembled, declare ' Fir it. Tint one nr the great lessons of the war that the Aiarrican people are a nation, and not mend r a confederacy of sovereign and itidi'peiid vnl titatee. .:, , -.V-aoJui, That our existence aj a nation is based on the great principles announoed in the Declara tion of Tndcperdcnee, and rindicatod by the I'roo lamation nf Emancipation, the Constitutional Amendment abolishing slnrerr, and the spirit nf Republican UemnerHsy and Jwetlce which under lie tha rtMwnstructinn policy of tUe SVtli and 4lMh I'ongreia, which we hereby fully endorse, and which w demand shall be earriod1 into (omplt'to rDvct, bf every needful act of additional kgiala tion. TlkUl, Tliat vrhile ire alwaVielicrlsH'aieildoftmd the American ayetcm of loeai and munioipoV pnr ynses, and a national government for natiuiml pur poses', and while we are unalterably opposed to all aUompls at centralisntion and ennsolidutlou nf power any whom, we hold that libertr and hu- man rights coustltuta our great national biMin, which local or statu organialion must not allow to be abridged or taken away. JWA, That Imbued with th spirit of true Pe moontev, and believing that the powers neoeassry for the purpoa of attaining ilia ends nf the gov ernment owght nut to be restricted to a privileged class, but suimld be vestod in the whole people without unjmt or Odious distinctions or qualillra lions, not equally attainable by all ; further, be lieringthat these seiitimaut are In atrict accord ano with the apiri aad tendency of modern oivlll aalion, wo place ourseWea on the simple and broad platform of impartial inunliood sutirage as ouibod d In the proposed amendment to th State Con atitiatioq, appealing tn and con tilling In the lutein geM, juatme and patriotism of th people ol Olilo to ipprove i at the baUnt-bm. JTijVt, That th American people owo a dobi of lasting gratitude In th brava soldiers and aailors who,fi the late slrujrgle for our national eiiateuce, si nobfy fnught for or liberties, and for the pri vations, mhV-ring and sacrifices which they en dured aad the loyal men of Ohio hervhy pledge tu them aad the witlowa asV orphans nf dioa who fell ut th defence of tho N.rtiou, our syiupalhie and substantial tupixirt SUA, That we approre and rmlors tho military administration of our distinguished' feHow-citiirn, Btajor Ocoeral Phil. H. Sheridnn, in Iinlsinna . an) Txa,d pledge him am) ttra mtlitafy coai- Msndvta in th several military distriote of the Houth th cordial support of tlrer Uiwoir men of (Mini tn their efforts to protect the loyal people of me late rtJiwi ntaies, anu wi secure ine organnu ttoh of loyal ud eoostilutiunal governumewin aaM HUtes. . Ateeal, That w ftilljr endorse and appnva nf theAitmintstratlon or our present Uovertmr, J. n, Cnx, and extend to liim our hearty thanka for th faithful and able manner in which he has dis charged his ofticial duties and sustained llieertdit anal konor or our nobl ntate. UNION MEETINGS. . Th following icr'tei of Union ' meetings liiiTe, heeu arranged by the Coutrnl Cum millet) to take placo in the aeveial town ihipai throughout the county, unj will be i. J Jr eased according to the programme ar arjged bplow. The townshiu cointnitlooa ill aeu to all necessary arrangement t HA8KINH Sittnrday evoninjr, Poptctn er ?1 Oencral V. 3. Slevtu and W. II. Gor- lilt, Esq.' CTSTAR Tuesdajr evening, September, 51 D. It. Austin, Kan., Gen..!. 3. Sieviu aiid Cgptatu J. M. llord. rrtEErORT Thureiay, at S P. M., S p teniber 26 C. Y. Everett, Ets., aud Cap tain J. M. llnrd.. EAG1.KVK.LK ThnrBilay evening, Sep Unibar 26 A. M.C'ory and C. V. Everett rKMKERYILLB ll.ursdnT eveninir September 56 Geneial P. S. Slevin and t'aptmi) J. hi. llord. rORTACF.YIIXIsv-Fiiday afternooq ceptctnber 27 Judge J. K.. llord, of Krec inuiit. Hon. Oclavins Water, ol ,Fultou General. P. S. Slevin. C. V. Everett, and other. . BOWLING GREEV Friday evening. FepUoiber 27 lloiu J. M. Aahler aud Judge J. K.. llord. HOUSEHOLDER S CORN ERS Saturday. 2 P. M.. Septerobrr 28 Hon. J. M. Aehluy and C. V, Kverett. PERRYSBCRG Palurdny eveninK. Pep linker 28 Hon. J. M, Aaldey, Judgo J. d llord and C. W. Everett. Let these meeting be largely attended. The speakers appointed will bo promptly iin band at the time ipeoiflcd. Other appointment will be unulo for the . 'eeV following. By order ut the Union County Central Committee. E. TULLER, Chairman. ' m -m Thr appoiutment of A. M. Corkt for lowliig Oreej), ou the 26th inet, baa been withdrawn. UNION MASS MEETING! AT PORTAGE, Friday, September 27, '67. Hon O. WATERS, Judge J. K. HORD, General P. S. SLEVIN, C. W. EVERETT, And others will addraaa the meerhiif. Ael thtt be the Grand Rally nf the campaign. ORGANIZE! ORGANIZE! There thnulii be a regulurly organized Union Club in every townnltip tbronghotit the county. In some of the township, we loam that such Clubs are already organized, and In other Ihcy aro forming. This is right. No more cfllciont organization for the campaign cotlld be desired. Indeed, we have reason to know that the Union organ ization is more active and vigilant in every portion of the county, than it is in Porrys huig Township. Here there is an apathy mid indifTorenue exhibited en the part of a few who have hitherto imagined themselves te be the bone and sinow of the parly, and now they look as though they were expect ing to see tho dissolution of that party, the hoavens full, or Bomo other appalling CftlaMrophe, on account of lltviv lethargy. What asnrpriHS thero is in store for them. lint we digress. Our only danger lies in over confidence. We must work, steadily porsvering!y nml unremittingly, if we would retuin our supremacy in the county and the State, and keep our majorities uu diminisho'l. To this end, a thorough or ganization in every district and villngo n necessary. Clubs should be organized in every locality, and work zeal ously and earnestly until the election, lly this plan, and by this plan only enn a full vote bo obtained, and an overwhelming Union triumph. Republicans! Union monl arouse your selves 1 The sympathizers with, and the aiders and abetters of, rebellion and treason have challenged us to Ihe combat. Lot us not decline it ; but lot us moot and coniuor them. Up and at thorn I , , TO-MORROW. To-morrow the Democracy of this county aro to moot at Howling Green, to plnoo a oounty ticket in the Geld. They have boon laboring burd for weeks in waiting and watching" for something to turn up." Well awaro of the fact that they are in a hopeless minority in the county, they have been on the alert to tuke advantage of any dtssen sions in the Republican ranks. To this end thoy have sought to bring out, what tliey are pleased to term, a " People' Ticket," to be composed of both Republicans and Demo crats, hoping thereby to secure ono or two offices to their parly, if no more. Indeed, il is a very nico little arrangomont, for they have nothing to lose by the operation. What their euccexs has been, wo have not tho means of knowing. All kinds of rumor have reached our ears, but as yet we do not believo they have found single Republican willing to ancriflce himself to their wishes. We don't believe there ia a Republican in the county silly enough to tako snub a bait. Whatever tickot they may get tip in opposition to tho one now in the fluid, it is doomed to an overwhelming dufcat, aud the Republican who would Bulfur lii numo to go on that lickot imty just write himself on the roll of political suicides. ' HON. GEORGE H. PENDLETON. This profound scholar and accomplished gentleman, but bitter partisan aud intense sympathiser with the rebellious element of tho oiuntry, is advovtised to addrcHS the Democracy in PerryMburg, to-day. Mr. Penulkton advocates what he calls the pay ment of the United Stale 6:20 bonds In greenbacks, and he will undoubt edly elucidate hi proportion to the entire satiufuetioq, atk-aatrctf all those who are admirer of Vii.r.ANwiAa, Thurman & Co. Tuis proposal te pay the national debt in greenback,, is-only smother name fur Repu diation, ltianot atv open, simple refusal to pay the debt,, but mean evasion of its obligations. ' And thia m the doctrine prouchod by, Mr. PaNDt.ifosr. . 1V shotild be glad tudoed, to eoe our bonds retired at the lowest possible rate of interest, but every such arrangement must be made on the bukis of the strictest observance of tho public faith. The crodit of the nation ia it great safeguard in the time of war and peri). We cannot afford to tarnish our honor and faith. But Mr. PKNni.RTo.v and his colleagues discuss this matter in such a way as to show that they care nothing about any pledge of Government laith. l'hoir appeals are to self-interest and to the sordid instincts of tho heart. But we do not be lieve they can deceive and mislead the American people thus, for it is apparent to the thinking and intelligent that this green back proposal and all this talk of taxes and debt ar only intended to pave the way to repudiation and national dishonor. THE AUDITORSHIP. In another place will be found the card of Apdmon Smith, Esq., of Terrysburg, who announce himself as an independent can didate for County Audi tor, " in compliance with the wishes of many long-known (fiends of both pclitioal parties." He may with propriety exclaim, " save me from my friendx," for the time ia not far distant, when be will see the folly of thia ill-adviaad step, and will regret that he complied ao easily " with the wish" of thoit, " many long-known friends." We so through this movement cut, dried and sugared as it ia, and shall give the matter due promi neuce and exposition in our next issue. We will say right here, however, that the Re publicans of Wood County are not to be caught with that kind of chuff. THE AMENDMENT. that existed a few months ago among; Union men in the southern portion of th Stato, the Constitutional Aniondmnut, ha disap peared. This opposition bus been dissipated as much by tho violence, and shallowness of Copperhead loio a by the solid argu ment arrayed iu favor of a measure founded, in the very nature of things, upen equity and right. Gkniial Csaxt has, within the laat two or three day, expressed a tear that thrr is trouble ahead. One gentleman who talkad willi him, says he manifested great solicitude in speaking of the potaible and probable evut of th next thr month. JOHNSON vs. JOHNSON. The Ohio Slate Jont'nat aptly brings I ito juxtaposition Ihe two proelnrnations rr eently promulgated by Hi Aocldeney, at Washing ton. On was issued on the .11 of 8oitembcr and (be other on the lib; four days aftorwards. In their statontents-onn-corning ono important fact, they flatly con trrdict each other. . The proclamation ia sued on the 7th inat. doclares thnt ' Wnf RSASi flurs now txlsts nnorgsnisud armed reaiatanra nf misguided citirens, or oihrrt, to the sathm-Ky nt the United rUate In the" Ptates of Oeorgla, Smith Girvlinn, Virginia, JVrfA Ciroi'in, Tenneaaee. Alnbamr, fronniana, Arkansas, Ml' sissippi, Florida and Twos, and the laws can be sustained and enforced therein by the proper otvil' euihority, fttafs or Federal, and Ihe pmple of said Htates are Well and loyally disposed, and have conformed, and. If permitted to do an, will eonform In their legislation, tn the condition of affairs grow ingnutof the amendment In th Constitution nf the United Htates, prohibiting slavery within the limits end jurisdiction of the United Htates, and Wrkhias, Thtrt no longer ttittt an reatonabU round tn npprehend within the Stales "which were Involved in the late rebelliim, sny renewal thcrenf, or any vnlunfut mufaaes by the people of said Htstc-s to the Constitution and law vf the United Htutc. From this we are led to infer that poaoe and order reign tliroughout. the South, and that no resistance is offered to the au thority of the United States by the lato rebels, by '' misguided citV.ous, or others;" aud that " (here no longer exists any reason able ground" to apprehend any such re sistance. Truly a great change had been alluded in period of four days' time, for iu his proclamation of the 3d inst., we road WflRSRAS, imjitdimenU and ohtruelnnt teriottt in their chnnteier, have-recently been interpose d in th Htates of AWA Carolina and AnntK Uarolinn, ninauring ana preventing, tor a timo, a proper en forcement therein of the laws of the United Htates, and or the judgmenta and decrees of a lawful court thereof, in disregard of the command of the i'res dent of tho United Htates, and WhRRKAS, reafonnnfa and well-founded appreen roa exitt, that such ill-advised and unlawful pro eeedings may be attempted thero, or elsewhere. On the 3d inst., the President saw imped iments and obstructions, serious iu their character, preventing tho enforcement of the laws, but on tTio 7th he saw nothing of the kind. Tlioro scorns to be no method in his madness, or he would have a lit Mo care as to consistency in tho etatemont of fact. From every Indication, the Tenth Diatrict will roll up an overwhelming Union major ity in October. Everything is cheering. The meetings are largely attended, and an earnest enthusiiiHtn is everywhere niani fostod. V AU.ANDHitiA.M and Pkkdlktoh are both in the District to-day, and they will add votes to the Republican cause. Soldiers! Soldier of Ohio I In the Capitol of Col umbus aro preserved the glorious banners which your own frauds curried through the torm and llama of a terrible four years' war for tho Union. They are torn by the bullets slid shells nf rebels, blackened with the smoke of battle and the pitiless winter storm, and soma of them stuiued by the blood of their brave defenders. Your valor has crowned them with wreaths of victory in spite of tho sympathy, aid and comfort given Ihoso you fought by Thurni in Val landighnm and their pr,y. They are sacred relics to you and your noble State. Are yon ready to have them transferred to tho treacherous party which vili fied yon. denied yonr olvil rights when in the Held, and gave all possible moral aid to the enemies of your country f Do you want Judge Thtirman end lady, who, whilo enter taining their housefuls of rebel prisoners, had not a word of sympathy or a crumb of comfort to send to tho brave boys in blue who languished in the hospitals with wounds aud disease do yoti want such per sons to bocomo the custodians, of those laureled banners? Citizens of 'Ohio 1 do you want those glorious flags, baptized with the blood of yonr sons and brothers, placed in such keeping? Do you want such a party to become tho custodian of the honor of your State and the safety of your country ? Answer on the second Tuesday of next October. Delaware Oa telle. The Impending Revolution. That the rebels in around Washington contemplate an attempt on tho part of tho President to prevent the assembling of Con- grosH. thero is no doubt. All through Maryland aro the traitors organizing and arming lor that . expected event. In this emergency the country looks to General Grant. No man living bears the weight of responsibility that now rests upon the shoulders of Gonoral Grant. It may be come his duty to stand in the gap, and to maKe cnoice wnetner he will go with, the Executive or with tho loyal people. We cannot bear to contemplate such a dilemma, but me signs ol the times warrant the gravest apprehension, for we believo the country Is in imminent peril: and that Grant, just how, is the man who must be looked to. That Grant is true to the Con gressional policy, aud to tho loyal senti- mentol the land, wo have no inoro doubt than that ho was true to his ti.ig in the darkest day of the war. Cleveland lleraUl. A Democratic Victory. Tho Domocratio victory in Maino consists of twenty-four Republicans to seven Dem ocrat, in the State Senate, and a Republican majority ot more than two thirds in the House, all the Mate otuccs and the entire delegation in Congress in tho hands of tho Kopublicans. and amaiority nf about 11.1)00 on the popular vote. The Portland 1're.ts says that without any effort or organization they nave carried the election by about tlmir average majority. There was no cam pnign, and no canvass. 1 1 1 let does not sound well for the Republicans of Maine but it is a queqr Democratic victory to bring out mummy roosters upon and keep them stai.ding for day. But thia is the age of small Domocratio expectations. Cm- cui hu(i Uaielle. The Congressional Majority. to The Democratic victory of one Coneress' mm iu Calitoruia, and the Republican ga'ii of one Reiirraenturrve in Nebraska, will leave the IIoukb with 147 Republican mem ber to 46 Democrats. With more .than three-fourth of each House of Congross Republican, it will take many such Demo oratio victories to disable the Republican control of legislation, or to make a surTloient Northern Democratic, contingent for Mr. Johnsons Southern Congross. And this event, reminding the people what the party is that ha carried a Northern State, and snowing them tha gulf Into which their upineuess may plunge the country, will be likely to arouse an activity that will pre vent any spread ol tin inloouou Cmcin nati (Jazcttt. It ia now elated that the President will endeavor to avoid a direct conflict with Congress, by issuing hi instructions to re open the regiatry lists, and postpoua the election in the Southern States, iu the form of a strong tuggostiju aud not a an imperative order. Gcnkkal IIkairkoaso was dined by a hundred of hi triend in New York, Tuo. dty night. IU said that talk about another rebellion wa elisor nonsense, lie said that all parties should support th Govern ment, and give their uergie to building up th Uuion. mi ii i Ths President' exposition of h view regarding the registration ia tha South ahow that he ia determined in his design to make war ou Congress, Mid serious conflict Ix'tweeu lnuj aud Grant i uot impossible. Democratic Calculations. Th Columbus correspondent of th Cincinnati Commercial mnkos public the figuring nf the Copperhead managers of ths State. Thoy intend, if possible and upon tin point all tlivir atrongth i being et peudod to carry a majority ' of both branchns of tho Legislature, and they have selectod the districts and counties which they have marked "doubtful," and fool qnite confident of carrying. Among the Representative districts we notice that composed of Williams, Paulding and De fiance, and of tho Senatorial district upon which they have cast greedy eye the Thirty-third is prominent. They have se lected these points for their hardest work, artd inslriroted thetr fuglemen in each to take advantnge of all causes for dissatisfac tion, local or general, and to bring every agency they can command to bear upon the one p int, the Legislature. In the Williams, Paulding aud Defiance District they depend upon the npatliy of the Republicans ol William and Defiance and an nnfortnnate division in Paulding, and the Thirty third Senatorial District thoy hope to carry by. dint of hard work and tho indolence of the Ropublioaus. Not to lose a point in the game,- they forced Jus. 0. Haley, one of their nominees, to deoline the nomination that Henry lirown, of Hancock, a more ac complished demagogue, might be put upon the tranktand all the diffeionoes of opinion, all tho jealousies, heart-burnings and dis appointments are being industriously man ii ulated, with a view of overcoming the. 1.300 majority of lust fall, and Betiding to tho Senate ono at least of their two nomi nees. Do the Ropublicans of tho Northwestern Districts appreciate the importance of the eloctioti this fall? Do thoy understand the catiso of this intense anxiety on the part of the Democracy for success? and why they are willing in all the doubtful coun ties, to trade everything for mouibors of the Lgial iture ? The object of all this work and trading is the election of Val lnndigl ntn in the Senate of the United States in ih ) place of Wade. Tlmt is all there is of it. Thoy desire, abovo all other earthly thing, the elevation of thoir great lender during tho war, who from his Canadian homo directed their movements aud dic tated their policy, to Ihe Senate of the United States, iu tho place of one in all particulars his opposite. To this end tho Democracy of Ohio nre putting forth a greater effort than ever before Binoo the or ganization of the party. To this end nre they fomenting divisions in our ranks, and bringing in petty sido issues to didlract tho attention of the pcoplo. It is for onrselvos to say vhcthor this financiering shall be successful nr not. It may bo that the action of tho Ropublicans nf any one of the counties will docido the Senatorial question, whiuh is really tho im portant inHiio this lull. Every voter He el ires when he deposits his b.illot his proferenco for Vallaudighani or Wa'te, n directly as though it iiad the name of his favorite prinlod upon it. Shall wo, through indolence, npatliy or indifference, permit Ohio to bo represented in tlio Senate by a man exiled, and justly, for disloyalty to the Govornnicnl? Blade. ' ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Constitutional Amendment. . THR STATE OF OHIO, ) OPCICS OP fllS SKCHKrARY of STATS. f I, WII.MAM Illi.VRY SMITH, Secretary of Stat? of the State of Ohio, do hereby certify "that the following is a true copy of an act therein nnru j'1, pissed by the Ueneral Assembly of the htate ol Ohio, on the 15th day of April, A. I). 1867, taken from the origin il rolls on tile in this oflico. In Toatimnny Whoreor, I have hereunto subscribed my name and afllwd tho Seal of this olfico, ssAi,. at Columbus, the 12;b day of September, - A. D. 18K7. W.M. HUSKY SMITH, &-eary o Slate. AN, ACT, Relating to a certain proposed amendment tn the constitution, and the tmblic.ition of this set. Wukiibas, The genoral assembly of the State of iimo, tnreu-nitns ot the members elected to each house agreeing thereto, have proposed an am m I inont to the conttitutiitn, to-be submitted to the electors for their approval or rejection, at the elec tion lor senators ami representatives, on the second Tuesday ol Uttmier, in ii ; then-tore, Section 1, Be it enacted bit the General A'lemMu of (Aw Shtti of Wi, That the electors of ihe btiU) Khali rote upon said proposed amendment at the general election in October, 18l)7, as heruiu pre scribed, vis: Thoae voting for tho amendment shall put upon their ballots tlieso words: " constitu tional amendment, ye." TlviSe voting against it shall put upon their ballots these words : "consti tutional amendment, no." Sua. 2.- A return additional to the return now required by law to bo nude, of the votes cast at such election for state officers and senators and representatives, and' also for and ngainst the said proposed amendment to me Constitution, all nil be certitted and made by the clerk of each county to th Secretary of State, within ten days after Slid election, and witliiu twenty days after said election, the governor, secretary ot state ani attorney gen eral ah til open said return i and count the votes, and ascertain whether or not a majority of th votes casi at oaio election nave Deen oust lor aaici pro- fiosed amendment j and if it appears that a major ty of the votes cast at such eleoinu have been east tor said proposed amendment, the governor shall make proclamation thereof without delay. Sec. 3. Th secretary of state shall cause the proposed amendinunt to the oontlitution, passed at ttie present session of the geueral assembly tn bj published in not less than one newspaper in each oounty of the state whore a newspaper is published, until the seoond Tuesday ol Uolober, 1XU7, and he shall also cause this act to be published in the same manner for two weeks next preceding said eleotion. , , " StO. 4. The enstof publishing this aot and the said proposed ameudment to the constitution in each county, shall ba paid out ot the oounty treasury in me vounijr wnuruin puuilguvu. ano. o. nil aot anati take enect immediately, . r urrvMuocit, &Haktr prt ten. of the IIihm of Kenreeentatii, AKUKKW O. McliLlt.NliY. President of the Senate, I'assod April 13, 1307. Zlo JaIlntlFF'S S A 1.13. Jacob Aokeruian, i vs; Joseph l. Weiae et al. Lucas Common t'leas. liv virtue of an execution Issued in the above oanso by the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, of l.iie.m Oounty, Ohio, and to me directed and delivered, I will oiler tor sale t peblia ven- dii", at the door of the Court-houso, in Perrysburg, uuto, on TUESDAY. October 21. 197. Between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock A. M. said day, the following described properly, to-wit The south half of the northwest quarter of smj tion 24, town 7, l suite 12, in Wood Count v, Ohio. CHAULES W. EYE US, Sheriff. Perrysburg, July IS. 1S07. 12c$7 Improvement of County ISod. Mooting of Viovrora. XTOTICK is hereby given that the viewers and t engineer appointed by tho Commissioners vt oou unutity, unio, to view, sarvu.v aud uiak estimate of expense of improving, by ditching and turnpikiug th following county road, via: Com nvneing at the south line of Middleton Township aid connty, at th point where th Old Findlay Plank Head crosses said line i tbeno south on said road to a poiut near th southeast corner of the southeast quarter of section twelv (12), in Plain Township, said counlv, where tha old ditch aaid road terminates, tne road petitioned to be Ira proved being that part of th Old Findlay I'tank Itoaa, embraced wiililn Ihe point above given- will meet no Tubal) Al , I lie liih day of Ootoher, I8i7, al th northern terminus of th above de scribed road, being at that point where the Old r indlay Plank Road crosses th south line nf Mid dleton Towuship, for th purpnae abov slated, lly order of Ihe County Coiuaiisaiouer. S. B. THICK, Auditor Wow) County. Terrysburg, September 20, l:. ileti id jTrACunrzxT notice. Alexander Brown. 1 Before Robert Comittock. vs. P. Plain Township, Wood William II. Gill. J Couutv, Ohio. On lb IVth day of Auguat, 1807, aaid Jostle in rear issued aa attachment in Ih abov eiiti tied cause tor th ama of Tbirty-fiv Dollars, and niteva miliar prvHMluta eoi. ALEXANDER BROW!, rerrysbnrg, September li, 187. He TF Ta want nun EXTRACT at l.onwnon 1 don't bay th it is not good, and short . ... no w vuuu.mii o ana get to euoie of of nn nf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -Sheriff's Proclamations ti . . pflR Eivetors of Wood Connty, hereby X notified to meet In their rtpotiv TowaJ hips, on tlie Second Tuesday of October IVertf That being the 8th day, between th hours of six o'clock A. M. and six o'clock I'. M., at ths usual places nf holding elections therein, or at such places as the Trustees ttrarenf miy designate, and then and there proceed by ballot tovi.tefor suita ble persons to nil the following offices to-wit! Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Supreme Judge, Attorney General, Auditor of Stat, Treasurers State. Comiitmller of the Treasury. Member of file Itoirdof I'ublio Works, two State Senators, one Ktste Representative; County Auditor, County Treasurer, one County Commissioner, Prosecut ing Attorney, County Recorder, Connty Coroner. And on the Amendment to th Constitution those voting for th Amendment shall put upon their ballots these words, " Constitnional Amend ment, Yes." Thoao opposed to it shall put upon their ballots these words, " Constitutional Amend ment, No." The Trustees of esoh township are required, on the day of eleotion aforesaid, to select good, jadi ftiona persons, having tho qualifications of elec tors, to the number set opposite the nam nf their t'Wns'iip, to serve a Jurors for the Court of Common Fleas, for the year 18118, to-wit ! Perrysburg, 18 j Troy, 4; Montgomery,? (Bloom, 0 ; Center, 6 ; Washington, 8 ; Liberty, 4 1 Jack son, 2 ; Milton, S i Lake, 6 I Perry, fl ; Freedom, 4 Portage, 6; Plain, 7; Middletun, 6 Henry, S ; Weston, 9 j Wobster,4. Given under my hand officially, at Perrysburg, September li, 1H7. 21o CHARLES W. KVERS, Sheriff. Cider Mill in Maumee City. rpriR undersigned Would roRneclfOlly Invite the X attention of the pilhlle in l'errrsbdrg and the surrounding country tn the fact that he has made snmo very essential improvements in his Horse Power Cider Mill, and is now prepsred to manu facture Cider for those desiring it, on terms as rea sonable and satisfactory as can be obtained any where. For any one getting two barrels of cidor or over, I will pay tlio bridiro toll, and under that amount one-half tho toll. Thankful for past pat ron a ire, a continuance of publie favor is solicited. E. BOYER. Maumee City, September 10, 1867. 21b IEUAL, NOTICE. To Anna M, Oelss, Caroline Geiss and Peter (leiss, whose places of residence are unkuown,are hereby informed that Jacob Croll, on the 18th day of September, 1B7, filed his petition in the Clerk's Office of the Court of Common Pleas of Wood County, Ohio, against them and others, setting forth that Anton Geiss, during his lifetime, bill now deceased, sold to said Croll tile southeast of the riorlheaxt and the northeast of the southeast of section 32, township 6, range 10, 80 acres of land in said county ; but by mistake deeded to said Croll tho cast of tho northeast li of said section. The object and prayer nf said poiitinn is to require the heirs of said Austin Geiss and his Administrator to make and execute a deed to said Croll of the southeast of the northeast i and the northeast ', of the southeast i of said section to plaintiff, tho land intended to be con veyed by said Ueiss ; and unless they appear and answer or demur by the 25th day of November, 1807, a deoree for said conveyance will bo asked for. J. F. A S. H. PRICE, Attorneys for Jucob Croll. Perrysburg, September 18, 1867. 2lf 9 25 TTACH.Tf.ENX NOTICE. Sarah Bullis, Bullis, ") Before Robert Coi s. . Plain Towuship, If. a.ll.J ty, Ohio. omstock, .1. P. vs wood Coun- William On the 22.1 day of Auiriist. 1857. said Justice of the Peace issued an attachment in the above enti tled cause for the sum of One Hundred Dollars. ' SARAH BULI.IS, per J. M. Houd, Atfy. September It), 1807. 21c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed and qualified as Administrator on me estate or jscoo M.verrioier, deceased, late nt wood ununty, Uhio. All persons interested will govern themselves accordingly. JOHN i E AG till. Administrator. Perrysburg, September 10, 18o7.' 2ld li EGAL NOTICE. Jesse S. Norton and James Mur- ray, partners, under Ihe firm- name, The Perrysburg Bank, Wood County plaintiffs, )-Court of Com- vs. I mon Pleas. John Vnn Blarcnm and Ilenry I lluskins, defendants. j The defendant. John Van Illnronm. wlmsn rnsl- dence is unknown, and Henrv Haskins. whn ia a iMi-it-Biutoifc u, una oitim, win taae nouce inai, nn the 13th day of September, A. O. 1807, the said Josse S. Norton filed a motion in the office of the Clerk of said Court a motion, in which he alleges that the said plaintiff, cn the 11th day of June, A. u, iaoo, at tne .mi no lerm oi said lionrt. reoovered a ju.igment against said delendaats for $212 60, with 10 per cent, iuterost from said date; that said judgment is unreversed, unsatisfied end un paid, but lias become dormant, and that said Jesse S. Norton is now the sole owner of said judgment. Said defendants are required to appear on or be fore the Uth day of November. 18B7. and show cause why said judgment should not be revived in tavor ol said Jesse S, Norton. It. II. PIKE. Plaintiff's Attorney. Perrysburg, September 13, 1887. 21f $10 50 UEUIFfr'S SALE. James M. Hawes ct al vs. -' Jesse S. Norton et a I Wood Common Pleas. By virtue of an order of sale issued in tho above oause bv the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, of Weod County, Ohio, and to me directed and de livered, I win oner for sale at public vendue, at me aoor oi tne iourt-nouse, in tho town or rcrrys burg, and county aforesaid, on MOMDAY, October 21. 1887, . Between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock A. M; of Slid day, the following described property, to-wit: nit unaiviuea nan oi tsits numbered live (o). six (8), seven (T), eight (8), nitn (9), ten (10), eleven (li), twelve,(12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen (15 sixteen (10), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty one (21), twenty-two (22). in Block number one 1 1 ), iu the plat of subdivision of Taylor and South gate, nf out-IM No, one hundred and ninety-nine ( ID"), nn the river, in the village of Perrysburg, Wood County, State of Ohio. And also, the undivided fourth of Lots numbered one (I), two (2), three (3i, four (4), five (6), (tn, seven (7), eight(8), nine (9), ten (10). elt six even (11). twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fif teen (1j), sixteen (IS) and seventeen (17).in Block number two (2), in said subdivision of anid out-lot number one hundred and ninety-nine (199). And also, an undivided fourth of a fraction of said out-lot nnm'jer one hundred and ninety-nine (IUV), not embraced in said subdivision of said out-lot number nne hundred and rlinetvnlne ( 199), being all tha interest Which said Snuthgate had in sain out-ioi, or tne low Into which it was subdi- viueu. , CTIARLE3 W. EVKR3, Sheriff. P. A D. K. lloi.LXNiiscc, Att'vs for Plaintiff. Perrysburg, September 18, 1SB7. 21eU 7S JOHN A. SHANNON, Attorney and Counstllor-at-Law, Office iu Thoenix Block, up stairs, Perrysburg, Ohio. i IhET" Attention given to the collection of Soldiers fill T ARO. MlCHINE, NsATsroor, Tannsrs aid JU Co iu Oils, at UAKU.MSK CO'S CX LASS, of all sixes, and cut to order at J GAKOSER St CO'S. piCTCUEa framed at same plae. MLtll) EXTRACTS and all ths MEDICINES L reommenled Prof. Dodd's "Hr and Cattle Doctor," at UARD.Nk.ft A CO'S. "CR Store extends from th street to the Canal ' n.i w nav a iuii nne ni uootfs In ths Bray snd fin Stationery. Call at GARDNER A CO'S. color purchasing elsewhere, and if you don't Be - jw.i " ,.., IUI IT, Gilead, July 18, 1867. ' i .1, 4u A Fino JNQCIRE at l'iftno for Sale. McMAMAN'S BOOKSTORE. A C0MP,'E.T.S "'" f Pension, Justice JX and Legal Blauks ar to b had at lb New .,...... M. MoMAHAt. Ohoap IIouso. A SMALL FRAME HOUSK and two Lot. 1 errysburn j till perfect i fur sal at J74. T BOSS A COOH. TTACHWEAIT NOTICE, William R. E vs. tog, Before A. L. Fowler. J. P, T. R. Psriah, Said Justice has issued an attachment against lb aaid defendant, for $T debt and Hi probabW probe, bW WILLIAM 0. EtVlSO. Septsatber t, 18Jf. In ENTERPRISE INSU Of Capital - Security . - - ', k Net Profits, 18G0V . ,- THOS. 8HERLOCK, Wtfwl Vf, B. CASSILLY, Vie Preeidentf . . P. h: TEfcPLE, Tlr Enterprise) Iwndrnrifce Company, T8A6, with an original capital of $1,000,000. . Th pany In America, being IMO.MJ ti. It has fully nd placed itself on an equal footing with eastern Ohio, vis i nf a No. 1 Ohio Insurance. The stock edergetlo Westota business men j beaes it looks Receipts' fof feDfiiary, over $43,000 , Receipts for March,- over 03,000 ' . N. H. CALLAIID, MERCHANDISE. a. m. OHAMP1IKY. CHAS. WRIGHT THE NEW DRUG STORE. CHAMPNEY & WRIGHT, DRUGGISTS, rilOENIX BLOCK, PERRYSBURG WE would respectfully annohnee to the pnblic that we have removed the New Drug Store into the commodious rooms, fitted op expressly for our tlso. In the fhocnix mock (formerly tne uaira Bnilding), where w w:ll be pleased to see all of nnr old tnends, and as many new ones as may De nduccdto sir us their patronage. Our Stock is most Complete, embracing faro Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals Of every description. Paints, Oils, Varnishes & DYE STUFFS. FANCY ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. NOTIONS IN VARIETY. Pure Wines and Brandies fur Medicinal Purposes. WINDOW GLASS AMD PUTTY. LAMPS V L. tITIP TRIM. 11 IIVGS. BRUSHES OF ALL KINDS. Patent Medicines, Tl iir Restoratives, Fluid Ex tracts, Machine Oils, Horse I'owders, etc; in fact everything that can be found in a-well-assort -d Ding (Store, together with a complete assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. We hav secured the services of Mr. E. N. Blub, so lonir and favorably known in thia vicin ity as a gentlemanly and obliging salesman,' and a practical and experienced Dritfgist, and we confi dently anticipate, by close attention and a proper regard tor tne wants or the community, to merit large share of public patronage. uiiAsirnisr a wuiuht. Perrysburg, September 6, 18(17. ' 1 GLORIOUS NEWS! Important to Everybody I GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! rot tb , SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, AT THB PEOPLE'S STORE! F. R. MILLER & CO. WE herewith snnnance to nnr numer- nus friends and the pnblio generally, that i. we hare received direct from New York.', and Boston, a , LARGE AND SPLENDID STOCK OF 1 Spring & Summer G oods ! Which we offer at reduced prices for Ready Pay. We have a foil line oX Ihoi following t , ..lit ..-,' DRESS GOODS, . Buoh as Silks ; Lawns, Poplins, Bereges ; Challies, Amures, Prints J ' ; , ; Ginghams and DeLaines ; ' . . - Trimmings and Embroideries;' ' Brown and Bleached Sheetings.'; . t ' ; , ' . , ALSO ,,; ;,; t .. , ;,',, White Goods and Laeest . ... i-.-; Linen, Crash and Toweling,1 !: Flannels and Linseys) m ,.-vi i. i Blankets and Bed Spreads; ..- . i. , Denims, Stripes' and Checks;: .'--ti- i " Shawls, Gloves snd Hosiery; Notions of every description; - - ; ' Bradley's Celebrated Duplex Skirts; Bulmoral Skirts and French-woven Corsets; Parasols and Umbrellas. ...:v. a Laaai siLioTioN or tiotnst tsslmires, Sattinets, and Tailors' Tiumnlings. . era" stock or' - Boots fvndL Slioos Never was more complete. We sell them 25 per cent, less than beforo. Clothing for Men & Boys, SO per cent, less than formerly. In Hats and Caps..' . Ws oan not be undersold. CR0CKBRY, GLASSWARE,' LO0X INQQLASS3 AHD CLOCKS, A good assortment. GROCERIES AND SPICES. SALT by ihe Barrd or Sack t3J Come and examine Goods and Prices, .f IOcasii win a Pali tat PitOtowte ut the Highest Market Price. irWOOL WANTED.t N. B. Trots this data we sliall adopt the Iteady-pay system, so far aa practi cable, as We are satisfied that justice to ' our easterners and ourselves demands It. ' ' Ws Shall offer, therefore, " " Special Inducements to Cash Customer Tbose of our customers having nnset- tied accounts with us will pleas, settle op. F. R. MILLER & CO. Fertrsburg, April S2.1&67. .... J5 A. J. GARDNER & OOi, , DRUGGISTS, Ollend, Wood County, Ohio. OOK out next month for a cliaoee in this ad vertuwDwut. UAHD-NER 4 CD. IXDIQD Best quality at GARO.VEft'3 Prag-ators. DYK STtfFFS.-If you want a good article, go to Git RPNKK A CO'S. The? h,,I,h io.rJ. ally their Maourh, lsmad, and all other articles in this line, aud scaaairrsa a good color, if you know bow to us them. . - GLASS FRTJIT JARS-Udch superior to Us for all kinds of fruit. GARDNfiH A CO. -TlQtA StRIXdS-Oenoiao ttaliaa. Bos Rosins and Uridvea. at GARDNER A CO'S. STRICTLY PURE LEAD.-Aether ha af Uad Just received, and warranted " ah irtlv par.." UARDyKR 4 CO. RANCE COMPANY, - siyOoimo oo - S.OOCCrW oo 140.518 85 W vr BTROM CARTER, A'r..r.r,r OVseraf dfClhcinnsH, Onto,' wiT drg'arilsej in Febrnarr. surplus for 188B was grea-fef than any other Com eorfiHied with (h laws oflffs 51a? r.f York, Cempaniet, and supplies tils' wabt lo"h j U la and management are in th bands of waalthy and to th West for its share of merited patronage Receipts for April, Receipts for Hay, over $6(1,000 1 over 80,0ud 10m Agent,' Perrysbtirg, Ohior MEHCIIANDISE V l: ) READ! KEAD! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! V. J. HITCHCOCK' -' HAS again returned from New York City aa4 other Eastern market., where b. purchased a targe and well selected stock of Goods, comprising Dry Goods, Notions, Ready-made Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Carpets, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, Glass- " ware, Cutlery ,Grocerie8,eto.,elc., "." In fact every thing contained1 tn a general stnet of Merchandise, all of which has arrived, and be ut now offering st reduced prices. The above stock was purchased for cash direct from Eastern Jobbers, Importers and Manufactur ers, at a great reduction from former prices, asrl can and will be sold at lower prices than any stoat of a similar kind bat been offered in this market for many years. TIIE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Ts composed of Dress Goods, a large stock, and) every variety, al very low prices Broadcloths, Cossimeres,' Itaearkms, CottoVKdesV ' Flannels, Domestics, Iiiten Goods, elee e 1 a complete stock ftoh as can be foood nowhere ht Wood Coonly, and at much lower prices than they have been s:ld in times past. The White Goods Department is very extensife iri variety and low in price. . : Motions a large ana well assorted stock.- CARPETS I CARPETS ! CARPETS f A new and beautiful stock st very low prltot. ' Ready-ma"de Clothing. r.a.,l...H n t,l . KnB . .1 . I Al , 111 . -v.j .,. .m.b mud .uu . lUM w m bloi out all remembrance of a war. TIIE II AT, CAP, BOOT AND Slibfe . , DEPARTMENTS'. , ,r i ocso urv cHrwposea oi an eniireiy new sxocx, the old stock having been entirely disposed of ana thetr place suontied wilh fresh Goods, nf new styles and at amcb lower prices. , You can not fail w uv suiiuu in inese joparcmenia. - - - Tiravelihg Basltets. ",: - aHJI'! ei!-75Cn A large and Well-selected stock and at low' prices r also a good stuck Of Crockery,,-. ... .,W;,., Ulasswsre, . v. 1 .. Table. Cutlery,"."; .'.' , '.i".,!.. , , ' .... ... .. Spoons. ... ,' ', ; .Mi . . ; !,,.-,...''. ,, Pocket Cutlery, '. ., Shears, etc, etc. . 'Together with a general stock of GROCERIES AT LOW PRICES- ' I Willr Sell' for Cash s The best Delaines for lb cents' pen yard. Prints (Wsmsntta and Providence . brand.V for cents per yard. ' ' .... I . . . a. . Anner r rinis irom i w xo cents per yarn,- lilMi-hnd Outtniia 121 in ?i rnl. nor .rl' stout article nne yard wide for 20 to 22 cents. lirowu cottons l roan t to t seats) per yaro. Men's SnxoiirtTool llatsi'u. A good article for '91 each, and other grades st sry low prices. ', 1 '"" ' 'a Coed Tons for SI 2) per powrid. arid mafif other Goods very low. In short,' I attr boirnd to sen , Yery LoW jfor Cdadi, and" 1 fjop yon will give me a call before ptrrehas .ti.'U'j '. 'iMt .laewfcwa.j i ! C 'i liJUi'I Louisiana-ayenue, where I hope to see yon 1. . , . , W. J. HITCHCOCK,1 . Perrysburg, Oliio,. May -H,' GUAU ait DRY GOpps,! f'j 'y GRppERIES, ' CROCKER Yf CORN-MEAL, -r HATS &" CAPS, - ; READY-MADE CLOTHING', X BOOTS & SHOES, FLOUR, ' SALT,' nailsv; ;: ':'' :, GLAS ' Will Pay Caih for any Quantity STAVES. "" ' ' ' 1 . . ' " . : 1 1 . ' ' Pervysbnrg, March 11, 1907 Flour of i AU OlracteB BY the barrel or sack, for sale t i O. BEACII's. Ll j BOOTS & SHOES, O t the best evatom-roakea, in vanelv al ' READY-MADE ; CLOTHING, 1?0R Men's wad Boy's wear, at - v. : . BHACH'B. 1 1 ' " ' 1 "' 1 " " 1 '" i'.i Washington Woolen' 'Mills,; 1 ' HEAR REYNOLDS' MILLS, '. n 1 MAUMEE ClTpiliol ROBERTSON, BURRItT - CO.i RESPECTItittY inform their friends and pat rons in Lucas snd adjoining mantles, that they have art hand the KrteM sad av'.st Biiostao tial stock of WOOl.ES GOODS ever Nurtliweatern Ohio, consisting of SINGLE ANO D.0U3H SHAWLS, Pkii and 'Fancy Doulla Tmt (is Btrtieres, B'aluiora Hklrts, Meltons, Tty coU, Ladies' ClotU, Plain aud Fsnoy7 Pluid FlarJitclA-.all wool, Plain and - 'Twilled SbtMtJitgs, BlanketB, - 1 Jeans, Stocking Yarn, . etc i ,. ., Whic. TLrx Oir a Lcbijt k Wol at (l Our wlachlrtoyy is Stl View aad of th. Bloat im proved Aeatnimtua. Yfe in prepared to do Hot! . CardidaT, Carding add rtpluaing.manufaoturhygcai abarea or by Wo yard. ,i..m Wool for Rolls or Carding anl ApUwrJnf mnmt b tub-washed aad picktd, ia order tu iiiakr. good work. ' - Thankful for Dm liberal patnnaf received ia ' Ih. past, would say U oar ol.l SustoUfSHs, and all others who may see it to itmtria as, that wa hav., at great expense, flud up oar Mill wilh tha beat awMUiaary that oomH be got, aud securmi tha aervievs uf skillful and eaueriunoed workanrn, so that we an enabled to dV) stork in a slyW hitherto. . uusfyaaatd io th. entirrirr. ROHKRTWX, Bl'RRJLtH A C. MatitDea City, J.fy II, mi. k