Newspaper Page Text
I'd I lor. V . i'i:iiiiYsiri itu, oiiio. riiioAY. ucTonna is, 1 867. F. j. OBr,i,;, - TiUIS $2 per Vrar, Im Advance. IOWA. There is no ilincomit on Republicanism in Mil n ill u lit entrrn ?lnU. Fifty seven conn. 1 c givo aUnfon majority of 24,079. Fnr(j' ,vu pouiiliui are yet to licar from, wbidi will swoll it to 30.000 or mm. INDIANA. Cofipeihoatiism. linn tnado no Advance in tli'o gallant Iloonlcr State. In many locnl itiea llio Kepnblioun Vote lias tip en largely Inrrcaf eJ, anil in oilier Republican major' ' Jtici have len given for the first time PENNSYLVANIA. ;' ; The Pennsylvania Legislator stand as ' fallows : Senate, 20 Ilcptiblicana to 13 , Democrats Hons, 65 to 4.1, making lie- publican majority of 17 on joint ballot. A Pennsylvania line a Sonatnr to elect In place : ef Iki'AKl.Rw, Democrat, tlio lima of a Sena . tor, from Ohio will lie balanced. The Democrats' have elected for Supreme " Judge, FiiARswoon, by about 1,000 major ity. m . e m Trie question of Sehstorabip is already nndcr discussion by the Dttiincrnay. Judge Truruan appears to be the favorite catnl late, but I'knpi.rton, Kannkv and Jkwrtt bare many friends. Vaixanhkiiu hns few supporters. But they will not get rid ef Cr.rMKKT so easily. lie will prove to be their Old Man of the Pea, and ho and bis ' jparty wuc.t evoutunlly sinli together. Kotv that the Democracy have a majority In the Legislature, we presume their first enactment will be to spell negro with two ' ff'if tlio next will be to enact a law for the ' npecinl benefit of the fair - daughters of 'jOliio.'who, in' 18C.1, called for 'protection nirainst negro husbands ; tlio re-enactment of tho black laws will come next in orclor ; land, to be consistent, they will of course, ' to away with negro equality in tlio matter , it paying taxes. OHIO. . The Republicans buva (looted Goucral IIivrs and the entiro Bluto ticket by a majority of about 3,200. The Legislature 1 I'euiocrntic by a majority of 8 on joint . ballot 1 in tho Sennto, and 7 iu tho House. . . Wo give the oflicinl voto of tho follow- ing counties, on Governor und the Amend- ' loont! ' '' AURMDURVT. i t,i . . . Cnrtfnrd.... 1 Onyshng. tlx mi tlnn - ::. J.lluM Miami Morgan ReVito.. .. . ,! Wood .'..... TTnyt. Jhrmnn. 4V 1.4H2 1S.11 3.2 1 It l.R.H ' 2,1'UO s,e8 7.8.H 20,7 118 2,D2I 2,884 2,:i(l 1,0118 19,11(11 a.HIl . S,.Vil 2.4P.1 . 2,327 . a,-' in,:i7 - ifiii , 2.HIU 1.M5.1 ' S.5S.1 " 1.SII0' ' In Wood County, the Domocratio voto in r'.l8GB, Vas 1,633', nt tlio ,1.1st election, it was 1,800, being a lulling off 38 votes. Tho ...illrpublioan vote, in 1 8"G. was 2,783, and In this year 2,420 being fulling i IT of 303 'titee.' In Lucas County, tho Republican '''Yois in the same lime, is 319 vote, while the Demucraiio gaiu is 31 votes. Take the .two counties together, and we liud that the gam of the nomocracy has boen but thir. teen votes, While tlie loss to the Republi cans reaches 712 votes. And, it will be found that this is 'tlio caso over the State. The Democracy owe their vietory to the prfthy Vif lazy, iudifTeront Republicans liot to any actual gain to thoir party. They .. Lavo polled their full strength, and bud none to spare. 1 DEMOCRATIC REJOICINGS. ' t. The Deniocraoy of Bt. Louis showed thoir rebel proclivities and priuoiple iu a moot unmistakable manner tl.a other evening Yhsy mot to eelubrato their recent viuto vice iu Uliio and rcuiiaylvania, ,(' -. Most of tho speakers were opsn-ipoken rebels during tho war, and edified thou ' beiircraby tho vilaat denunciation of Now Englaud, and tlio applioation of the loweal luihbta to some of the most distinguished Generals of the Union army; Shkkhian . particularly, was roundly abused and called . '! wluflut, " the cireu rider of tho Ehoti . avidoall Valley," ti) The payment of the publio debt in green , iacks was .openly advocated, and two ol tao Bi'cakers declared in fuvor of absolute repudiation. Much was said about the - payment of taxes for the elevation of the ;' liegrb and the degradation of tho white man, and the present government of the Southern State wa declared to be four 1 tim8 worse thau tho rule of England over "' Tielana . Tho moat violent abuse of Congresa, Rud , Icalmm ami tlie prmaiploa of qmil justice to all men were the sentiment mout ap ' p laud 0 J Mildly Put. The Cbirego T) ibmu thus mildly statu the cfl'eot of llio vole 011 the 8lh whereby the glaring inconsistency ia indcfiiduly ' continued : ' ' ' Tlie people of Ohio voted lust fall, b 42,000 majority, to enfranchise the colored Jjiiiomsts 111 the tetisl iSt.ites.. wlulo thev liave refused by an equally luge majority 10 enirauuniso the lumttul of llxekn - thair own Mat. However mcouaikWtil the latter vote may be villi the former 1 ineir reoorfleu incision, and no power tint niemsoivescsn reverso it. I hey deemee tttieoeswary to the safety and perpetuity 1 of the Union to give the ballot to the colored supporter of the Union in tho South a well a to tho disloyal while elo went ; but they concluded that it was not iecesary to enlarge the franchise in Ohio where a part of Hi colored men sre l ready voter. I hi is the true interpret ' lion of tno rote 01.0 year ago upon th ' question of Southern reconstruction, an if ih vote last Tueiduy on extudii-ir the tr j-wi BUUlBge IU UIIIO. TllK ILiytou Junrmil say a that aeveuly tave invalid sold in a in the Soldiers' Home iu that eity asked to bo tnkeu to tlie pulls , iua iuy might vote lor ll.iyes. Evert man ot liiera allowed murk ol ui vioe, al . moat every, one being minus s leg or an arm. Tho gentl Democracy received thvm very much a their brethren in Richmond mould, had tby altuptd to vote in thai pity. V nty you badu't lual both your d m int! k Borry that other lag wta left" " ftty the rebel hadn't killed Yon."khouted the VylUiidiLfhsiiiiuci us Ihsvotersua were leaving the poll. Comment i uiuiuoctsary. ' Tum Pope is alarmed let the Italian Gov rrmuoiit may yield to tho popular oulory, ami order lis tro p to tAii posstusiou of bom THE AMENDMENT. Ohio has decided against Manhood Suf frage by a majmity of many thousands. In this decision she exhibits to the nation and to the worhKthe epectacle of a great commonwealth that gives her voice and influence In favor of enforcing a principle in her sister Plate, that alio refuse to adopt for her own guidance. By a majority of 42,000, one year ago, she acquiesced in tho enfranchisement of the colored Union mon of the rebel States, and by an eqnnlly large majority, this year, she refuse to enfran chise lliolew ontoied citizens that may be found withiu her own border. It ever a sovereign State has exhibited a record of inconsistency so glaring as this, w have not yet learned the fact. , The quostlon of Manhood Suffrago lias proved a most torriblo bug-a-boo to the entire Deruoeretio parly of the State, aud even thousands of wonk-knesd Ropublioims have allowed tlx mselves to be frightened at the scarecrows that the mvrbld imagina tions of those opposers of equal right and exact justioo to all mon have conjured tip. And these aaiuo faint honrtoJ Republicans, whoso fucts blanched whan the party, to which tl(y profess adhorence, took, this grand'strp in advance, have changed thoir whining tone to that of croaking, and with a great assumption ot wisdom and pro fundity, and an air of wondrous condescen sion, parrot-liko, rehearse an " I told you so i " "The pnnplo woro not preparod for it i " or " We had too big a load to carry." This is not the first time, by the way, that we have been made painfully apparent of tlio fact that oorrcct principle, Justice and Truth have boon burdens far ton lion vy for some to carry. We are ready to admit that the effort to engraft Manhood Suffrage upon our funda mental law has been mainly instrumental iu our defeat this yoar. In (tie same man ner the bmunomntion rroolumation was nllowed by the most alarming political lifoats all over the country. In Muine, Massachusetts, Michigan and Wisconsin our majorities were reducod more than one- half; I'misylvania was curried by the Democ racy and a U. S. Senator gained by them j Ohio gave thorn 5,000 majority anil four lean RproHuntativ8M in Congress a clear gain of sivon ; in Indiana and Illinois the Demnc- raoycarried both branches of tlio Legisla ture, two-thirds of the Representative in Congres, and gained a United States Sen ator in enoh and New York aud Now Jersey gave tho Democracy large majori ties. These dofoata everywhere may be Miiid to havo boon tlie diroct result of tho edict of Emancipation, yet that immortal paper is now enshrined in the hearts of the people, a one of the most precious of all the rtsults of tho war, and a worthy and fitting companion to tho Declaration of '76. The defeat in Ohio, iu 18C2, of the Union party, by a majority of 6,000, was followed in 1803, by the largest majority evor givon the Republican party in this Slate, and if we are ' ready to Improve upon the lesson, taught us in the reooiit (dootion, we shall achieve a triumph in. 18(18, more, complete nd overwhelming than any we have yet bad. We are not discouraged by any tem porary suocesses of our adversaries. We are stroi.g in the conviction of the right eousness of our principle. Theso are ased on the rock of immutable jualico aud as ctrtalu as Cod presides over the destinies of nations, that certain will our principles eventually triumph and Man hood Suffrage become the guiding rule of the Republic, defiant Democracy and milk Mid wator Republicanism to tho contrary notwithstanding. . . , There are those in the Republican rank whose hearts are mom In sympathy with our opponent, than with the party and the priuoiple to whioh they profoa ad herent. Thou are the camp-followarHi who have no higher irnpulio than that of ai-lf interest. ' Ncvertheloes, the mighty current ot Itepublicanisui is gathering in volume and power, aud, notwItliHtaudin; t'le eddy of 1867, will sweep onward, over every barrier. Wo shall march on to final victory without erasing aletter of the great principles Inscribed on our banner. ' We are fighting the great battle of Humanity and Justice, recognizing no distinction of color, or caate, or stature, and iu this battle there mint bo 110 skulking, no turning back. Let the ranks be closed up, tho contest re newd, and, relying upon the justice of our cause, press on to final victory. The Prospect in New York. Information from New Toik is to the effect (here are no divisions among the Republicans regarding tho State ticket ; that even tlw Thuilaw Weed party has bung out the Republican banner from iia heailnnui lers on 1 weuty -third street, aud are working for tho straight ticket. While leading Union men do not hesitate to say that the. elloet or lh late elcutiou.1 will bo depressing iu tho Slute, yet tiny bheve the Democratic louses tiom the enormuus vote of last year will equal those anticipated in tho RpublicAU vote. Fever at Galveston. An ex Union 0 fllcer of high utanding, late from (ialveslou, gives figure which show the ravages ol yellow fever to be tinpre. cedentud. At the time of tieiieral (111(1111' funeral, of 27 othVcr .01 1 437 men oil the rolls of (lie baMalion stationed there, only 4 ollicors and 21 men c oil I be obtained on escort duty. Th fatality among id I citi- r.ens has hom very great, some of those oarriod off having lived through seventeen season of epidemic. Wendell Phillips on Temperance. Wendell Phillip delivered a lecture on temperance in liostou the other evening. He said, " May God d".tsh Unit parly to piece which until I nut stand sate with Ihe temperance cause in its band." In tlos ing be exolaimed, " I'll swear if there is a y to do it, if there it faith in man, and strength in the Government if not now, then in th day of onr children these old street of liltton shall be .if vn lor weak men to walk in." Coi'NTitsrKiT seven thirty boiul of the issue of June, 1865, have been discovered. Th chief cUrk of lb Treasury first tie leutl them. Tbvy ai (nxmiuiweii the best cnuutei feit ever uiaila of a llovtn iiieut security. The amount I. as not U n ascertained. They hav pusard Ibrounti th bauds of Ih chief banker in New Yoik, and cam tu tb.t city Irom l'lltabur, Cleveland, g riiigleld aud other Weoleru citio. ' . -. Th telegraph Inform u that th negroe of Kiuhinnnd ai d sinayed at tb rult iu Ohio. We should think so. Va lindi,; haio vote, but a maimed soldier ut African descent, nu matter how great the eaoiitio h may Lav mad fur bia country, is, iu Oiiiu, lb u same " dd nigger" lie alwav was. V do uot wuuJvr that they aie diaiuaycd. SUMMARY OF NEWS. Turks were thirty-one deaths from ...... . tr .... . t yd low ievr 111 Meinpms last wecK.- ' Knoi.axo snd Ireland both onntinne ill a state of alarm about Fenian matter. Tn White Ilium lobbies are now thronged with Copperheads aud thoir rebel allies. Ths Chirsgo Journal any tho Democrat admit that to them, the rutin 11s fruniHJhio look little llayuy. Tub Kmsas Puciflo Railroad and tele graph line bus reached Hays City in its progress westward. MRNnTTt GARiflAt.nt baa been commis sioned by hi futber, Generalissimo of the insnrrectionarv forces. TnriKi! small inlands of tho Feje.e group have boon added to the United States. One of them has a good harbor, . A s ra no kmrnts have been fully comiileted fur the election in Virginia on the 22J iusL, and it will not be postponed. Wintrr wheat having proved a good crop- in Central Illinois, the farmer ate put'ing in more than usual this year. Somk . of tlio rampant Virginia rebel have driven Freedmen's Itnronii Agenti away from the violnily of Harper's Ferry. SErnnrARV MfCni.r.ocB expresses tho opinion that Mr. Pendleton's plan for pay ing the S 20 bonds in greenbacks is, sub stantially, repudiation, and that it will not bo adopted. fyrn. Grant is now busy preparing bis report to Congress as General of the Army. If he remains Secretary of War till Con gress meelH, ho will propare a short report for tho President. Tub Now York Day Booh takes courage from tho results of the Oolober elociion ami now declares that ' the Lost CutIt must bo won." Booessionism is allowing its hand onoo more. IIoFfMAV, the last Dnmooratio candidate for Governor of New York, made a Hpeeclt reoently in which ho denounced tho Pen dleton greenback proposition as but litilo better tlinn highway rabbory. It is a truthful statement of the Moston Trtnitcriit, that tho losses of the Repub licans in the elections of the last woek will bo aa much to their ultimate advantage a-i was the first Bull Run defeat to tho final success of the Union causo. If was generally thought in Paris on Friday, that all ltul Would follow Gari baldi in the effort to restore Romn to Italy, and that 'Victor Kmaimcl would soon pass tho Rnmaii border aud proclaim the Papel territory a pin t of his kingdom. A Richmond dispatch says! O'ltsido tho Republican party the election nows has been received hero with great pleasure, and the boards have been crowded nil day. Tho colored people seem to bo particuluily dismayed ut the fate of the Amendment in Ohio. Tuit excitement about tlio Fenians in the North of Kiin land is utiuhated, and the Government continues precautious against an outbreak. Another dcttuhmcnt of reg ular troops, undr nrdei s, leaves by rail road for Cumberland, to garrison Carlisle Castlo. TllK bodies of John Wilkos Rooth, Payne, Alscrodt, llarruld, and Mrs. Surratt, tho assassination oonspirators, and of VVirz, the Andorsonvillo jailor, Kuvu all been removed from their burial plaaca ami buried in 0110 common grave in No. 1 Warehouse, in Washington. Mr of tho ''Party of Action" in Florenco, sny the insurrection will soon break out in tlie city of Rome itself. I hey say prepar ations for this pnrpouo bio complete, aud the lenders of the movement in Rome n o acting in concert with tho invaders in Yiterbo and elsewhere. At a me efing of the Union Club of Colum bus, Saturday night, a resolution offorod by Attorney General West, was adopted, that tho Union Club of ColuiiibiiR concurs with, and responds to tho Unionists of Mitrvl.ind, in tho recommendation nt Gen eral U. S. Grant aa thoir candidate tor next President. Tim Lubenon (Ohio) Star says : " Two members of the society of Shakers on Tues day voted, thoir ballots only containing thu wurds, "For tlio Constitutional Amendment, Yes.' They considered the question in volved iu the amendmont one of principle and of riioIi a nature that thoy were justi fied in voting." Fkroimand IIoffmax, just re'oawd from tho Statu Penitentiary, returned homo to Canton, to find that his wife had procured a divorce. He laid wait for her nt church last Sunday. She saw him and sooreted herself in the belfry. lie followed ami stubbed her in twolve place,- inflicting nhastly wounds. She wiil probably die. Tho villain was caught. Tiikrk ia excitement in Baltimore among tho colored people of that city, caused by a report in ireueral circulation that Governor Swann is going to disband thoir military crganizations, aud take all thoir arms from thorn, under tho plea that the public peace i endangered. The colortd peopl declare they wiil not givo up their guns unless thoy are actually forced to do so, as most of tlieui are private property. Daniki. of lh most wealthy and respected citieens of Clarke County, wn murdered at hi residence, i.bont hve milo from, Springfield, tm-Thursday livirr.. ing. of last woek, by burglar. He received a shot through hi heart, 0110 through hi leg, and several other wounds. 1 here were evidences of a despsiate Birugle. Ilia murderer robbed tho rooms of seventy or eighty thousand dollars' worth of Gay. eminent bonus, and made their escape. Schuyler Colfax on Impeachment and the Duty of Congress. Sneaker Hot, vat ha written the follow ing; letter to the Chicago 'JYibun : 7'offf f'litor vf Ihe CAic.) Trihiint! Your telegraphic; correspondent at Wons tor, Ohio condense. my long speech tber last Tusday into the follow ing li.ilf dozen linns: " In regard to lmpochmeiit, Mr. Colfax said ha lnuxinulv eountud the dnva till Congress would again nietl, whan Andrew Johnson would ! bronulit bufore th 8nat for hiieachineiii ; snd lo rejturd lo lb threat ailributd to tli l'rwident that he would prorogue t ungret, he aaid that Mr, Johnson d u not attempt ;t, fc.r well ha knew tli end would ha that hia leet won) I dsuc upon air whiU tha luw-mskiojf raiwer would anliiiu to perform ila luneiioiu. Thra suutiinanti r rswtvad with graat applauaa." That wit pretty lie ir what I said ; but as, at a tuuo like this, men who are in pub l; .1....:..- . i. :.. itw ma living iu juo);nii mi iiivii T pOHiiioii. may l ak tmui spaeo r column lo s.iy tbut I counted th dnya till I'oiiKres wuuld eaiu meet, becsn in twenty day after that lima Kdwin M. St ni ton would go b-uk again to tht War Do partineiit in spite or the m.ilignunt I'rexi dent who sought to exnel him from the position in which he had served the coun try so faithfully ; that when Congress re sumed iti legislative authority, tlie House, in accordance w ith Ihe dem ind of the loyal masse throughout the Und, would ba re quired lo place the ('resident before the tribunal provided by the Constitution, to dele ud himself tlixre from Ih charge of !'sisteut usurpations, and persistent vio alums of tho oath which reipire hitn-to take earn that the law ahull ha l.t'ithfully rtecutod j and that, while I did not balieve Mr. Johnson dirod to fulal th threat against Culture now bei.ig maJa by hi Washington org ins, apparently in bis n one, yet whoever did data to duatrny th leg islative department of th government by rsvolutionary force, whelhsr President, Cabinet, Milliliter, or citis n, would ba tried (or hi tre.isou, and puuiahed like a tr ti lor, with hi (eel. not likv tli traitor of Ilia recent rebellion, mi lbs e.irtb, but in the SCHUYLER COLFAX. Tn Cincinnati Gotttte, speaking of th turbulent soenos enacted by tho jubilant Democracy on the streets of that city, during the 31 hours succeeding the election, ays " it was like the lime told of in Scrip lure, when the devil, who had been chained for a' thonsan I yours, was let loose lor a season. Pandemonium was iu our midst." Id Philadelphia the Democracy jubilated over t'jeir success. At the Democratio headqiiartors a rebel soldier was put up to makes speech,, and bands of exuberant Demoorats paraded the streets, making the night hideous with cheer for General Lee I Intoxicated with suooess they betrayed their real feelings. Tub wonderful Democratio reaction in Maine dwindles down, as tho accurate figure come in, to infinitesimal preportioi s. Out of tlie general Stale officers they have not one ; of the Congressmen they have not One J of 31 Slate Senator they have only three, and id 151 Asseiublyiuou tliry muster barely 43. Qi;itb strong detachment of troop have ben sent to Baltimore in sxpsctation of trouble there. LI T Ell ill Y NOTICES.' Dninoreat' Vaunt America. This lively little publication not only holds Its own, but grows belter and better all the time. It ia full ef stories, pictures, toys, puizlos, and good things of every description; snd Is deservedly a favorite with the juveniles, from tlio" biff brother" to the baby. " Auntie" or " Grandpa " Could not do bettor tinm send a yenr'a subscription to "Young America," si a " Holiday Uift." I'rioe $1 50 pjr annum, with s premium. Address, W. Jenninos DlMORttT, 473 ltruadway, Now Vurk. The IMamoiid r&lcketta. IIleak Moras. The ninth vul 111110 of tlieeliarm ing and popular ' Diamond Edition." Those vol umes are so neat, compact, the small trpe so clear, the pnper so porfect, tlio press-work sovon,and tho binding bo firm and yet delicato in taste, that wetiave never doubted their popularity since we handled tho first volume. It is an edition remark able for Its compactness and beauty. Now that Dickens is coming to tills country to lecture, w advise our friends lo road him up at their leiaure moments. These littls volumes sre ( lien p, and one can purchase them al they are is sued and not feel tlio diminution in tlie siza of his piirso. The illustrations continue to bo of the same artistic character as in the first volume is sued. The cost of each ml 11 1110 of h beautiful Illus trated Diamond Didkens is only .! 50 ; plain edi tiiin125. It can be procured of any b'tokaeller, or ilt bo sent postpaid by thu Publishers, Tick iinr Si. Kiel Is, hVsUiu, ; . ls NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW GOODS! NEW GOOIS!! f CHEAP, CHEAPER, CHEAPEST. Call at once upon F.K. UlILLHH & CO. Buy Print at 10 to 12Je Merrimack lOo. Ho j flrovra Sheeting at 10 to 15c, the heaviest 4-1 at 18 to 20c. liny lSlmclwd Mmlinatl2; to2Jo; the beat 25 to 30c. - Buy DeLaiucs, beat make, at 25o. Everything else kept by us in samp proportion. GOODS ARE CHEAP, WERE BOUGHT CHEAP, AND WILL BE SOLD (HEAP. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! Wo moan -what wo say. X. It. To enable ut to sell at small profits and compel successfully with Uading; merchants, w adopt rrom mis uum aa our mono, CASH OR READY PAY. No Goods will leave our Storo unless settled for, except by special agreement: . Look for WceUy AtmouufcuicuU anl Prices. r. it. mii.LEit & co. Perryaburg, Octobar 18, 1807. 85m NEW BOOK STORE. HAS Just received at the New llook-storo, large stork of Books, Stationery, Window Shades, Paper Shades and Rustio Similes. Ilia Kuatio H luduw Shad la the bent thing uacd lor that putM. AUa. ' ... Music, lllank linoks. Note and TCl5W.i1?,B'v geiher with Wall and Window Pape.i m all styles, grades and prices, toiMher Willi a g'K'd assortin nt of School Uooks of All Kinds ai-so School Cards, Hull lfcmks, I.ead-peneils, Alhums Photographs, Vi dins, Violin Hows and Pridges, all gridea of Violin Strings, Picealoes, Flu'es. Ao. I also keep on hand a good stock of I'll'Tl'RES and IMCrL'llE-FllAMKS, and will cul tllasa and niaka Pram 'a to order. Persons desiring to pur chase anything in my lino will do well to givo me aeall.mV motto being (Jniek Salts and Small Profits. No charge for showing Hoods. C. KINKPEIXKR. I'errysbur-, October 13, 1S07. Sin ylt ltlt l'l SALE. James Peiuber, i va. Lavi Wrtinore. 1 In WMid Common Tleas. llv virtue of an order of sal issued in the above causo hv the Clerk of tho Court of Common I'leas, of Woodl'ouuty, Oiiio.aiul to me directed and do livorvd.l willotljr for saloat publio vendue at the dmir oft'na Court It iino.iuthe town of Perrysbui-g, Wood Counlv, tlhlo.on MON l A V, Novuniher 13, 1S67, r lletweaa tha hours of 10 and II o'clock A. M., of said day, the following described property, to-wit: Tha northeast quarter of aactiou 1Q, luwnsUj. ranita IJ. cono" " "'.irf derrees. east VI '.' fca fYuiH".X set in a rock at tha mouth of th vri uianen oi rotiagu iviverasq wiinv!Miu ut willow tree li inches in diamateri north li deg. and V0 minutes, wejt bl links Irom pt I Itxnca south 7i degrees, west 401 ) liuk ; llienoe south 4 degrees, etti ii chsiua; thence north Alt degrees AS minutes, east HI links ; thence north J degress, aat 15 links, to th noiul of beginning ) eoouiuiug 1 17-100 acres. CIIARI.E! W. EV:U-s, Sber.r. T. J. Was, Attorney for I'lsiittia. Purryaburg, Octobar IS, 157. Jic$S 60 yUr.ltlFl''!) S ILE. Edwin Reed, va. la Wood Con mon Plea. Uichacl U. I'ihIJ al , Hr virtu of an ori r of t ile issued in the above eanso bv Ihe Clerk V th Court of Common Pleas, of Wood tniiiy, fliilo, mid ii me direrted and de livered, 1 will off -r for sale at public vendue at Hi door of the Court House, iu the Iowa wf Perryaburg, Wood Counlv, (Mno, on MONDAY, November 18, 1SIIT, Detween Ihe hour of tend o'clock P. M., said day, lb following described property, (o-wil Tb northwest l( a section 30, township 4, range 10. containing ISO acre; and lh.aat iart of the xuihweat K of aaid soction 30, township t, range 10, couuiuiug 80 acres; snd lb uortlmest 'i the southeast W of section 30, township 4, range 10, containing 40 acrv all situated in Ike couuty ut ood sud Stew nt tlliin. fltAKI.KS W. E VERS, Sheriff. J. V. V S. U. Pan s, Plainlilt ' Atlornev. Pcrrytbuif, October 10, IsJf. tint 7 0 &; of I of NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A. .B. rmAMPNKT. CHAS. WRIOHT THE NEW DRUG STORE. CHAMPNEY & WRIGHT, DUUGOISTS,' niOENIX BLOCK, FERRYSBUHO. FRESH ARRIVAL OF DRUGS AND MEDICINES WE have larjrely incrcaaed our rbrmer stock, and now hure tlie pleasure of presenting1 to the publio ono of Ihe finest assortment of Oooas, in our lioe, ever brought to i'crryshurg. Our stock of LIMI'S tV LlltlP TItl.lI.liIXGS Is most eoniplute. Also, NOTIONS, FANCY ARTICLES & TOYS IN OR WAT VARIETY. We would call especial attentiou to our wall aeluctod line of Clocks and Baskets of I very Style. Paints, Oils, Varnishes & DYE STUFFS. Patent Medicines, H.iir Restoratives, Fluid Ex tracts, Machine Oils, Horao Ponders, etc; in fact evei ,vthio(T that can be found in a Well-asso'rt.'d Urojf Store, together with a complete assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. We have secured the sorvlccs of Mr. E. N. lli.l'R, so lonfr snd favorably known i this vicin ity as s gentlemanly and ohlifrinfr salesman, anil a practical and experienced Druirriat, and we confi dently antieipatu, by close attention and a proper regard for Ilia wants of the community, to merit a turiro sharo of publio pntronape. We extend a cordinl iimtalimi to all our patrons and the public generally to call and examine our Uonds, which we will sell for cash at as low fig ures as can be had anvwhiT in Toledo. OHAMl'NKY ft WUIGHT. rerryaburjr, October 18, 1887. lax Improvement of Road in Middlcton aud Pcrrysburff Township Apportiomneiit of Expenses. NOTICE is hereby gircn that the roinmiltee appointed by tlio Uoimnissioners of Wood County, Ohio, at their .Tune acssion, 18117, to view and apportion to tho lands to be benelited thereby th egtini.Mod expense of improving the County Road, coinmciicing at the snulhern terminus of Ho ul No. 2:10, ns numbered in the lload U.xord of Wool t'ounty ; tlicnce-nnrlh ti the northern ter minus of said mud ; thence east nbut 811 rods ; tin-nee ii"nh following the route of li-ud No. 201 In llio Hirer ltoad, and thero terminate havo tile I tliuir report in llio Auditor's Olti o of surl eouiitv. Said exiones of improvement aro ap portioned to the following lotsf land, situate in snid C'liiniy, viz : Hirer Tracts sixty-four 14, tixty-fivo H6 snd sixty six rtfl ; all of section t liiteen 1:1, the east hall' of southeast quarter of section fourteen 114J, tlie northeast quarter and enst lialf of southeast quarter of section twenty tliree TA, nil of sections twenty-four 24 and twenty-live 2.", the east half of ill east half of northeast quarter and eitst half of southeast quar ter of section twenty-sit 2rt') theeast half of north east and east hall of southeast quarters of sect Mil thirty-five 35, and all of lection thirty-six phi, in town one 1 United States Reserve ; the exat traction anil west traction ol section thirteen 1.IJ. the northeast nuarter. east half of north went, vast haft of west half of northwest quarter, southwest Quarter sjjd southeast quarter of srclimi twenty our 24, all of section twenty-five 26, and tho north a ill of section ttiirtv-six 10, in town six 0, range ten 10 ; the-west hall of section eight teeu I KS ; the wetl half of northwest quarter, the went nail of southwest quarter, the north part of the eaat half ot northwest quarter, the south part of the cast half of northwest quarter, west of road, and tho eaat half of southwest qu.irter, less two aeres) of section nineteen 19, the northwest quar tor of northwest quarter, the south quarter of northwest quarter, part of north half of southwest quarter of northwest quarter, west of mad, and the southwest quarter of section thirty f.'IO, the north west quarter snd south halt ot southwest qii'tricr if section thirty-one 1311, in tiwn four r4, tint ed States lieguiTe; the west Traction of section eight een 18, the west half of the northwest fraction. ami the southwost traction ol section unietoou 1 1 vl, in town six II, ranjro eleven I I. find report will be beloro the Commissioners of said Wood County, for hearing and tlunl action, at the Auditor's Ohio of said county, on FRIDAY, tho 8lh day of November, 1607. S. Ji. I'ltlCK, Auditor Wood Conntv. Perryaburg, October IS, 187. 25et 1 7 Storter Road Improvement ia Lake Township. Apportionment of Expenses. NOTICE is hereby given that the Committee anpiiinUd bv tha Commissioners of Woo I County, Ohio, at their Juno sestion, 1807. to view and apportion to the lands to ba benefited thereby the estinvitad expense of Improving the county road commencing at the southwest corner o;' section thuty-fira township seven 7, range twolve f 1 21, in aaid countv, and running thence noith'en the a-'ctioii lino uniil s ml line ci oases Ce tar Creek, between sections two 2 and tlirvo 3, sf sa'd township, aud there terminate have tiled their report in thu Auditor's OtUoanl'said county. Said expanses of improvement ar apportioned tu the toltowing lots ot lauil, situate in said county, vis: Lot No. four 4,. south and west of Plauk Rosd, and southwest fraction, less three acres, of section two 21. the southeast quarter of section thrae 3, me norinwcsi psrioi nonneasi quarter ana nirtn uast part of northwest quarter, in Hesorve, the west part of northeast traction, the east half of northeast quarter, anl southeast quart r of section ten 10, the west half of section eleven 11, the west half r.f section fourteen 14, tho east half ot section fifteen Ul, th east half of section twenty-two 22). the west half of section twenty three 2;i), tho west half of section tweutr six (2A),the east hall of section twentv-aaven (27), (lie east hall of section thirty-four (34), th west half of section thirt.r-nv (35), in township seven (7), range twelve (li), the nn thwest fraction and southwest qnartor of section two t2), and north end of noi'ihaant fraction, south oait northeast Iqnarter, aud southeast quarter, of sodino. throe .- A c.u.U. . '.- ft . riiniTR tvvel va 11 2 V fcuiu report wrb buiore tho Commissioner:, aid Wood CouuW, for hearing snd final Setion, the Auditor's Otllee of siid county, on FUIUAY. the 8th day of November, 1Si17. S. 11, PKICK, Auditor, Wood County. Perryaburg, October IS, 1867. 2ie$13 50 i:o.vD lmniovEstM in liishtv iqwmipT ' Apportionment of Expenses. MOTICE is hercbv given that th Committee ap i 1 pointed by the Coniniisaionere of We. id County, Ohio, si their June seesion, 18H7, I view and ap portion to th lau la to benefited therebv the esti mated expense of improving the Conntv Rosd com mencing st the fin Hay Turnpike, en the line be tween seetiotia tweiUv'-four (21) snd twentv-fiva (2a), in Liberiv Township, said i ountv: theseedue west lliree (3) miles to Ui Liberty and Millonville ExWosiou Turupike, there lo Urmioate htve hied their report in the Auditor's Ollice of said counlv. riaid expenses uf improvement ar apportionkd Ihe following lanla. ailuale ia said county, via: The south lis If of the south hs'.f of southwest quar ter snd southeast quarter of section twenty-two (23), Ihe south half of section tweuiv-thra (23), the south half of sevtion twtntv-fourt 24), Ihe north half of section twentv-tive (25), the north h.lfof section wenty-ix ( 2ft), mid the north half of sec tina twenty-sfeo(27),iu towusbip four (4), range fle-ven (11). cah.t reoort will bo before the Cnromissianers Wood Cosntr, for hearing and im.k actioc, at tlie Auditor's OtHce of aaid county, ou FKIDAY, the 8lb dav ef November, 1SHJ. S. B. PRICE, Aaditnr W'aoi Ceonlv. Perryaburg, Oolober 18, 1807. Sic J 10 James W. Ro,') va. Ia Wood Common Pleas. George W. Oill. ) By virtue of au execution issnod la the above aaeeby the Clerk of the Court of Common Pious of Wood County, Ohio, and tn me directed and delivered, I will offer for sal at publio vendue, the premise of the defeudaol, tt Milloo Ceuter, Wood Oountv, Ohio, ou TCKSDAV. September 2, 1M7, Betwa Ihe hours of 1 and i o'clock P, M.. of said div, ihe following d.-scrilwt pmtiertv. to-wit I One snau of Uay Horses, the property of U. Hill. CHARLES W. TYEttS, SheriJf. Perrysburg, O-tobor 18, Isdi. xil3 lOJ lli a oeliliou wilt be presented ti the Cominis' sionera of Wood Oountv, Ohio, st tiioir leeember term, being the 1st Monday ia December, 188.', asking (or the locntioa of s couuty road, a follows: beginning st Ih northeast corner bt the south east quarter of section 19, town 7, raige li, ruo- aiag weal en the half seciios I Re of ee'lioo Iowa 7, range 13. lot lie weal township l.uevf Lake lowQsiitp, au tber tcruiisala, A PETITIONER. UU Toship, October II, UJf. jd of to of oa W. It, MERCHANDISE. FALL GOODS AT V. Js HITCHCOCK'S CONSTANTLY AERIVI1TG A FIXE STOCK OF FALL &' WINTER GOODS THE STOCK WILL BE FULL IX ALL, DEPARTMENTS. CALL AND SEE THE NEW STOCK AT THE STORE OF W. J. HITCHCOCK. Perryaburg, September 28, 18S7. 3zi Tlio Perrysturg Flour Mill rS how in first-rate running order, with a full L aopiilv of water, and farmer ean depend uprm Imving all work attended to promptly, and satis factorily. Having a new snd complete arrangement ex pressly lor grinding Buckwheat, we will be en abled to grind large or small quautities st any time. JAUES P. AVKIUIX. Perrysburg, October 4, 1807. . 21m . J. T. SWEET, Dresser and Glover, Will Dress and make up to order all kinds of Furs and Skins, Ladies' Fura, Capes, Cellars, Muffs, Berths, Cuffs, ic. Gents' Furs, Gloves, Collar, Buck Gloves and Mits, from the heaviest working glove to tho best fancy. r . . rST Speeial attention paid to Repairing LA D1KS' EUKS. . . . Corner of West Boundarv and Front-street, Per rrsburg, Ohio. Address, J. T. SWEET, Bex 23, rerrjsuurg, u. - a-uz A.J, GARDNER & CO., DRUGGISTS, Olle.itl, Wood County, Ohio. YUR advertiaements, for a short time past, have J been in a demoralized couditiou, and badly antittereit. We protnisea a cnange. Here it Head the items, and utter reading, if you want wall.acranirid store with a frnn't .'1 onif in at tiXTtuNER A CO'S MAbOKU AND INDIGO. We have just re ceived another lot, and a primo article. you want any thing in tho way of DvaSTCrrs, don't go to a dry-goods store or a blacksmith shop, but to GARDMEll A CO S. LOOK OUT. Certain parties are selling what they call sa " illuminating oil." lieware ii,aa it is nothing but tfoWiue, and Very danger ous, being highly inflammable. Buy only Car bon Oil, that is warranted sot to ignite aoder degrees. You will find it at . .. UARDXER A CO'S. MEAT'S-FOOT OlU-Sow is the time i ' grease up yoar harness, before tlia fall rains set in.. The best Oil is Neai'e-font. GARD.NKIl A CO. have a genuine article, and much superior to Tauner's Oil for alt kinds of leather. OTKICTLY PURE LKAD constantly on hand. O tVe guarantee our tttVKy pure lead to be lbs. lead and 10 lbs. oil in the 100 lbs:, and it the cheapest, as it witl g i over more surface and last longer, than the cheaper Leads. Also, lad in small cans. GARDNER A CO. IF you are inclined to aAiiHe, and don't want go to GARDNER & CO'S. snd get a bottle either Arer's, Jayne's, l.ant's.Christie's, Hurler's, Osgood's, or Mott's Ague Remedies, and if these fail, thev will put ap the Frbnch Aovk Rkmkdy a euro Ihing. GARDNER A CO. OTrt stock of MEDICINES are pur. We bay no second quality, and our prices ar governed br any other Drug Store, except for similar quality of goods. All pun Medicines ar high, but we shall at 11 s low as they can be We buy for cash, and we (hall seH cash or ready pay onl$. One of the Ann has been engaged in dispensing and selling drugs sod nied icinea tweutr years, and elaiins to nuderatand th business, and you can rely on having your recipe nd prescriptions correctly prepared. Give u call when ia wtat of anything ia oar Una. GARDNER A CO. Gilead, Octrber 1, 1887. 4n M1LMNERY AND LADIES' FURNISHING STORK.-Mrs. X. K. Uf.SSENQER wUhes to inform th ladies uf Mauinee, Perrysburg vicinity that she baa removed ber ktilliuery Store to the large snd couiuiodious building, known the Urisiuld Store, where she may be found with a Sue Msorlnieni of Millinery Uoinls, of the latest atvles also a tine variety of Dress Trimmings, Velvet Ribbous.Kid Uloves, lloeierj, Comets, elo., elo.; sUo, particular alteulioo given to I'resa Clusk-maUug. Stampiug aud Machine Stitching done to urdor. 341 Ms. 5. t. MESSENGER. DRY GOODS. BROWS and Bleached Ebaof sad ShHUipa) - Denims I Hlniws 1 Tickings t Coltoaade, Ac A, st PEACH 9. to If of to U0 is to, of mot a for a as RASKINS ADVERTISEMTS. IIASKINS1 IIASKINS! II1SKIN3 UASKINS! IIASKINSI . 1IASKINS K KEW STORE AT HASKINSI A large snd complete assortment of lry Oooda, (groceries, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Farming Tools, lrngs, Notions', Stationery, ' Wooden Ware; Tin Ware, Stone Were, Glass Ware,' Hardware, I l'aUtif Meillcfn'os, Bcbool Uooks, Ac, Ac, Ac. Our Goods bsve been purchased at tb lowest cash prices, snd purchasers will find it to their interest to give us a call. ' IN EXCHANGE, For any or all of theso, we want Eggs, BuUerj Lard, Uevswax, Feathers, Old Brass, Copper and Iron, Paper, Rags, or almost anything you bav tat ell. Oreou backs not refused. FEAGMJ3 & CUXNIN'Cf. Hasklns, February 20, 186T. tit HASKIHS PLOW FACTORY, fJflE subscribers having 6tted up . 1. an establishment for the msnu- ' facture of Steel Plows, sre now pie pared to supply the Farmers of Wood county with the Very best STEEL PLOWS, and:. Two-Shovel CUL TIVA TOns . . . i .Having had many years' experi ence in inajiuf-'cturing Plows in Mit . chell A Sous' Plow Factory and other works, we aro confident wo can turn out a Better Plow than nny in tho County REPAIRING, " ... Dohe' promptly and in the most thorough manner. t-vF All our work warranted satis factory, or no sale. HKt'ASS & D.EBACllElt. Huskins, February 20, 1807. 43.X MEAL FEED J HOMINY MILLS II AS KINS, OHIO, AMES &. WORTH aro prepared to do custom Grinding for tho Farmers of Wood county more promptly than any other mill in this vicinity. Always on band and for sale or exchange for Grain, losrse and rme Meal, Chop reed and Hour. AMES & WOliTIInre alwars in the market buying all kinds of Urain and Farm Produce, and paying uetttr prices thau any other market in. Wood county. . , SEED WHEAT. AMES & WOltTH. nf Ilaskins.Woed Boun ty, O., are prepared to supply the Farmnrs of this' comity, and tha surruiiiidin? country witb th Celeui-iilfd Te;i Wheat. For seed this Spring.' This Wheat commands from Millers, for flouring, about Forty or Fifty C-nts por bushel more than other Spring WI)eat ai.d has a tipton reputation as a hardy snd' large' yielding kind of Wheat ; and being imported from Northern Iowa, the change from a more northern, climate, as all experienced Farmers are aware will nnprovo the qnality aud quantity produced. The Parmer ha l better nav two prices for this. Wheat than sow the wheat raised in this country.. We aru also prepared to Supply the Milwaakce Club, raised in Wisconsin. All those who want Wheat of us will please notify us as soon as pos sible, so that we can make our arrangements lor tho proper amount required. e are also prepared to soil or loan Flax need, to supply all tho Fanners lit llos county. li dkins February la I mi. 4.5z MISCELLANEOUS. Ayer's- Cherry Pectoral, For Disease of tha Throat and Lungs, auoh aa Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, , and . Consumption. s I Prohahlv novor beforo Iu tho wholo history of medicine, has anvthing won so widely and so deeply upon tlie conliilence of niunkiiid, us this cxcclleut ronieilv for pulmonary complniuls. Through a long' series 'of years, and anion" most of the races or men it hits risen higher and higher In their estlma tion, ns it has become bettor kuown. Its uniform character and power to euro tho various alleolion of the lungs owl throat, have uiude it known as a ro liable protector against thoin. Wliile alaptcd t milder forms of disease and to young children, it is at the earn time tlie most efTocluul n;medy that can be given for incipient consumption, and the dan' gerous affections of the throat and lungs. 'At fc1ro vielon againit siuhleu attacks of Croup, It should be kept on huiid in every family, and indeed aa all aro sometimes subject to coido and coughs, all should be provided with this antidote far Uiein. . Although settled Congumntlon is thoniitit in cnrable, still grent nnmbors of eases vrhcre the dis--easo seemed settled, havo been completely emxil, anil the patient roatorad .to sound hcullh by tha Cherry Pectoral, bo completo Is its mastery over llio disorders of tho Lungs and Throat, lhat the most obstinate of them yield to it. ' When noth ing else could roach them, under tlio Cherry iec torn! they subside and disappear. Sltufrrt anil 1'uMio Bpvakw find great pro tection from it.- Asthma is always relieved and often wholly cured by it. i. Bronchitis is generalrr cured by taking the Cherry l"rrtoral In bnuill and fivqiiont doses. So generally are- ks virtues known tliut we need not publish tho vei tiilcatesof thoinliore, or do mora than assuro tha publio Umt it4 quulitiea are full maintained. ... TAyer's Ague CureT Sor Faver and Afrus, Intermittent Fever. Chill Fever, ltenuttont Fever, Dumt Aftue, I'eriodfoal or Bilious Fever, &o.. and indeed all the affeotions whioh arise from malarious, xuacah, or ntiaaruatio poisons. ' ( As its nnmo Implies, tt does CVrv. snd does not fail. Coutmiu'mr neilhcr Arsenic, (Quinine, Itinmnlh, Zihc. nor any other mineral or poisonous substance whatovur, it in noUKo injures anv patient. Tho number and Importance of its cures in the ague dis tricts, are literally beyond account, and we believe without a parallel tn the history of Airue medicine. Our pride is gratified by the arkuowlcdgmeiita we receive of tlio radical cures effected In obstinate cases, snd bore other roinerlire had wholly fnilot. lTnnccltm.itPd persona, either resident in, or travellinf through minanmtir localities, will-h pro lectcd by lakinir Iho AOVE CVBK daily. For l.lrrr Vomiitntiitm, arising from torpidity ef the Liver, tt is an excellent remedy, stimulating tlie I. tvr-r Into healthy sctivitv. For llilioue Disorders and t.lvor Complaints, It Is an exroUent reuimly, prtMlucing manv truly ro luarkublo cures, where other medicines bad failed. l'rcparml by I)u. J. C. Avkk & Co., Practical and AnnlvllcHl Cheuilata, Lowell, Mass., and sold all rouml the world. - 4 IRICE, 41.00 PJS JtQTTZE. ( SOID T Perk A tnitillton, Perrysburg ' I., llhick, Tonb'ganv 1 . A. J. Unnlner .V C"o O lead j Rusa A Atkins, Weston? ' ' 8. L. Houghton, Bowling Green, and by a'.) dealers evurjwhtrr. 18u GREAT 'PARGAliVs ! 950113 for Sale at a Great Sacrihce ! I WILL sell within the next thirty days Twenty one Wagons, st fnim It) to Sf per Cent, lower Uiaa can be purchased at any establishment her 01 elsewhere. They are as follows t 14 Two-horse Wegon btftv snd light T One-horse Wagous j and 9 Express Wagons. ..'.. 1 Theso Wagons ar warranted perfect in every respect, no I must bo (old within tho next thirty lay.. Tho desiring Wagona of any kind ar Invited lo call and examine the seme. JOHN BA&ER. rerrjsliurg, October i, 186T. tii ClToOl. EXAMrsTSsOTICETVhc Pord will hold tlieiroext regular essitiD for tb xaminaiion of teachers, t - Rowling Ureea, taday, Aovembcr 1, 1807 n esiim. rriosr, A'vceiuuar o. ni : 1 r Perrysburg, Friday, Jaiuyry J, 1S63; Kouachohlir' Coiuera, Fnd.iV, lobruarj T, '(8; Wesii H, rnaay, aureu J, laoa. Appbcaul need not apply for Special Examl Batii but are reipiested to atluud liie stated aeeilugs of the Hoard. Al lo rresHin!euce w ilk tb Examiner should tto directed lo tb uudereigueu, al Weslon, 0. 24 D. A. AVtUV.Cletk.