Newspaper Page Text
Kdltor. P. J. OKI.INUKIl, " ; rEituvsin iu7, oiiioT" ynih'Ar. . .TTTTToctom-r j:., 1 867. Titans - it per Year, In Advance. THE SENATORIAL DISTRICT. r Tlie oflluial returns of votes for S'atc 1 fi'tialors iri the Tliirty-tliirJ SotiAleiiul Din . Iriet are as fnllowel COUNTIKd. 3 2lfii, 2I7D, SMI, 2tlrt: 2IIU; insi, 371IIT :flU! 2MH rH.'r iw inn er.2 1M 1S4 2 MJ ll.ll l.'.ltl 'Wood- -Lorn-'.. Fulton i Henry- n. . wri! vir.'i 2oij 220 V win iu - I h l I V liiVil, tllUI ; ; Oontv's majority over Hunt, 485 Hai.l vdi Bkuwm, 4JC. '! . nin innnn iHdi Mini , Tin Uoiiiblicaii f into Senator from llio .. Hie counties -uf Gsllin, Lawrence, Muign, aftil Vliitnni was clccteil ly o majority of ' ten in a totnl vote of l.99!i. Tlio necessity , of polling ovory Republican vote was nevrr better tlltintrntcif. Aa it ia claiiixnl these enmities polled a lnrc;e Munlier or Demo cratic votes cf tlolilitfnl eiti.cnaliip, tlioro ia Villi fear of tlio scat lining succcrsltilly contested. ' : Tlio Semito willstutid: 19 Democrats to '18 Republicans. TiiVn, Stkk.ns hits two iinportnnt meaf. , lire in preparation for the cnnsiilorntion of Congress in Novcnibor. Tlie first is a p;ei erul impeachment law, defining ofT'ii' upon which an offioer limy be impend el. and ciprcssly declin ing that no nllicor shall continue, to exercise tlio jiowois of bin office during trial. The second will pro tido that no Sltito eli ill have power to pro ' Ji'bit citizens of the United States, what . ever their race, color, or religion, from vot ing for IYesiilent or Conpressnnen, This li-.V, If passod, will establish impartial suf .liaa throughout the Union. Tint full oftioiul returns in Pennsylvania give L'iiarbwood (Ui'uioorai) only 770 ma - jority. His election is likuly to bo con ' tested, for gross frauds perpetrated in some dozen or more Copperhead couulii'B. Long beforo Hatks' 3,000 majority in Ohio is oi phored down by his opponents, Judgo Wn. i.i ms will bo seated upon tho FoiinHylvu ma judicial bench. ' Dkmocrath: "gains" in reniiBylvania aro expluinud by tho fact that their total vote ' since hint year lias fallen off Mix per cent., ' nd the Republican voto ten per cent '' 'and this hllows to their "gains" tU full i .count for their enormous illegal voto in samo dozen or mora oouniioR. KtTfiau. the llepublieau vandidato to fill tho CongreHsinnal vacancy in the Xllth dis ' tiict of Pennsylvania, is defeatod by ouly 108 votes. Pknnison, the Democrat eloctod last year, bad '2,000 majority j this shows reut Uepubliean gain. t i 'i i .,m i a-i m bvicRV county in Nebraska, so lar ns beard from, has been carried by tho Uo- )niHcans. Tho Democrats last year had majority in every one. Is that the reaction - our Democratic friends tell about T ' . Thk voto of this Stute at tho last election Vus larger, by eight thousand, than that ol any previous election. Hayks' majority is ( about 2(6r0. Greenbacks—New York vs. Ohio. Much of tho Copperhead gain i'l Ohio is tuidoubtedly owiiui to tho avidity with which a great many knaves, and some lion CKt but misled men have sr-iiwd upon (he Vullandigham proposition to conflsrste tlie put lie ilu lit, ami tlicrcuy avoid the payment of both principal and interest. Wo have heretofore called attention to the radical difference between the attitude of the Do ttiocrnc? of Now York un I Ohio upon this (liioslinn, and we puldisU i lsxwliere an edi , loiiul fran tho New York M'orltt, tho lo ul e Domocratio nowspapor of Now Yolk, in via oil it takes tlie position that tue priuci iml of tlte live-twenty bond, us well us tin interest, is pavahlo in uoll, and' tliat i would be a violation of public faith to force Itieir redemption in cuirency, So, while tho Comierhea In of the West ure attracting votois to their staudurd by their advocacy of repudiation, the Now York Democracy resolutely oppose them In the recout Democratic Siale Convention of Mew York, a resolution was offered favor of the State taxation of Government bonds, but it was summarily laid uiioii the table ; and on the proposition to sponge out llio uationul ttolit, tlio ew lork Dxinocracy are at direct isuuo w ith their Western al lies. Weak kneed Republicans who have suf fered themselves to bo seduced into the support of Copperheads by the delusion o paying the national debt without taxation may comfort themselves as best tht-y can Willi the conscioiiMiese tliat they have been cheaply sold. India napolii Journal. i m . ... WruT the Democrats mean by tliepollirg Ot lliignl liegio votes in Uiiio muilIi tiny W .l lly talk of as 3.0li0 aro the votes Ineu of mixed blood, in whom the blood the white race preponderates, and who ai voters according to a deciu un made by 'he supreme t ourt of Ohio, w hen it wan Dei t emtio, tvervw Here ho mi ne of eluetioii try to depi ivo these persons ilieir legal riht, ami democrats try ton timidute Ibem to keep them from the polh One of them who votes whero the Demi crats preponderate, does it at the peril liis life. When was constitution or law any obstacle to a Djiiio. ratio inuonty T The Enquirer proposes that the Democratic nit jemy in the Legislature ahull overthrow General Haves' tlectioii upou the liberal estimate that there must have been many as 3,000 negro votes. And it umoied (bat there is a bit of money mean ncsa in tins intent or political knavery, vMiutch as the project was first invented save the Democratic bets wliicli, upon Hi Kuiimrer t menial ui t election ti lunu'h. the bad luvestud ou Thuruiau. t'i"ciii U'u Mtlle. "How do You Like It!" . Biicli was I lie inquiry made liy a ran ullandicbaniinrr, the morning after election, of an aulive Union man. V It all right," replied the latter, " and I ansure you, continued h, " il you have game the election, tho jirpttbliawi w.ll not temtt to fli-t your capitol. or kill your Hot rnor. I lie Loppei head ttiuiiclit ol I'ein uei alio Knights ot the (jolden Circle, ill '03 and walked away meditating on tlie pat liistory of hit party treaton and aU &i inn Jleputliean. - Thc insurgent are still flocking into rpal territory. Qiliisers of the Italian srmy rust all. they can intercept. An baliu Admiral bos gone O Rouau waters witb sight ironclads. THE REVOLUTION IN ITALY. Operations of Garibaldi—Reported Revolt in Rome—Petition to the Pope. A special osblu lelcgrahi, dstnd Kloreiico, Ociniiar 1U, ssys the Intent dis itttti from JjniHii territory 'describes tho siluntinp as more serious. (Jutihnldians are daily crush ing the frontier, and marching to joonts where the insurgents ivndcr.vous. Many of thS iiihiiblTnttl and Tilhers in the Roman torritory aro going over to tho insurgents. Tho Insurgents have captured the town of Orle, fit teen miles east of Vitertm, on tho right bunk of the Tiher, whii:fl gives them possession of 4he railroad at that plsrm, and they buvo severed communication between Rome atid Florence. Kopoits from Papal sources at Romn gUe neeounts or defents of the insm cents, by Papal troops in tho Held. The Italian press Mini people almost nnnmmously cfamor lor the occupation of Rome by tho Italian Government. Victor Kmmiit'el's u(!lcprn continue to arrest Cat i Imldiflns, as they attempt to crons the frontief. Adiniral Robolti, of the Italian navv, tins mustered n royal squadron of ight ironclads, which bo will lake to the Romnll waters. London. October 18 F.voning. D is re ported that a revolution took place in Rome last night, and Unit prreat excitement pre vails in Florence. Rumors nro thu -silost that I'linieo and (lalv inteinbtd to arrange or the joint occupation of Home. . : . I'aih, October, 20, All the ofllc'n.l ionr- mils of Haturdity uonuur in devlaring that( within' twenty lour hours Italy mnrt an nounce her determination cither to support revolutionary movements, or faithfully exo. .mlo tho provisions of tho .September ton- volition, and Franco must decide for peace or war accordingly. FiiiiKNrie, October 20. A depntatio consisting of members of tho Roman Muni. cipal Council, niul headed by a Senator of Koine, has had an audience, with I opo rius IX, a which a petition, signed by 1U.0O0 ili.pus of Romo, was preHoutud, praying his Holiness to give bis consent to tho oc cupation of Romo by the troops of King ictor hmauuol. . CONFLICTING ACCOUNTS. London, October 21 Kvenine;. Ac counts of ii (lairs in the status of tho Chili'ch are conflicting. Telegrams from Florence represent Mmiotti (Jaribahli ns not only maintaining his position in Roman territory, but that his cominiuid has been reinforced, and is hourly cvowing larger. On tho other band, dispntches, originating in Romo fl illy contradict these stivtiiineiits.and asset t that Mount li, with nil lus followers, has Hud from tho I'hpul dominions, uiul aban doned tho attempt on Rome. ' London, October 20 Important official dispatches have just boon received from runs, In relation to Hairs lu Italy. It is announced that Italy positively pledged herself to enforce tho prosecution of the Septevjbor treaty. The Paris Pilrie Bays the r return troops were so poHted tliat they ooul. I have been marched across (ho Alps At a moments no' ice. Hits decided tho step of the Italian' Government ; nnd it is accepted at Paris as rendering French. in tervention unnecessary, and tho J'roncii expedition has, therefore, been shandotiod. 1 he insurgents, in consequence ot Una rin looked for attitude of King Victor Umai.ncl, have evacuated tho Pohtilicul torritory.. SITUATION CltlTICAt Tin Now York lliii'dtil't . special, dated Florence, 19, P. M., says tlu situation of Italy toward Roma is still oiuburraasiug nnd critical. Tho Dalian troops on duly on tho frontier lino havo been reinforced, and tho ollicers acting tllidor tho King are making increased efforts for Ibo satisfac tory disuhargo of their, instructions, ., , . PAPAL VICTORY. u Reports have boon recolvod in this city, from Rome, dated Friday evening, which i ay that u llerce battle look place between ti.u revolutionary invaders nnd tho Papal troops, the previous afternoon, in which the soldiers of the 1'opo retook tho town of Veroli, tho tiaribaldiau. force sustaining a heavy Ions. . . .. PROCLAMATION BY GARIBALDI. Garibaldi has issued a proclamation, which adds to tho prevailing excitement, llo exhorts tho people of Italy to perse vere In their patriotic struggle, and bids them hopo that national honor may yet be redeemed, .... ANOTHER VIEW OF THE SITUATION. A cable special says a French Minister bus assured the Popo of the aid of Fi ance also, that tho French Hoot and troops Intt I onion to-night for Koine: utsn that it Is rumored Garibaldi baa escaped Iroiu Cuprora, and is iu Italy. Good! ol vl ol ol It Is reported that General McClellsn la soon In return to the United States, and bo made Secretary of War. We say good for- the country , because had for Johnson and bis poliov. When McClellan .ia up- pointed, nil of Johnson's aggressive plans will como to u stand still at once. The Fall season is upon us ; MoClelluu will look around, when peremptorily ordered to push things, nnd come to the conclusion that his forces need shoes and over-coats ; nod be will set about digging ditches and pre paring to go into winter quarters. Then, again, all legend, trulition and history go to show that whenever a wicked leader, in an boor of great extremity, has sought aid by raising a dead man, it has been tho precursor of his own overthrow. King Saul, in li's soro distress, had tho Witch of F.ndnr raise Samuel from the grave, with tho ienu!t here rel ited : " And Samuel oil to Snul, Wlir hmt tlmu dis qnlrti'd mr, to bring m nr T And .iul snsiroreJ, I .in sore ibsirosiwil , f ir tlie I'liilintinr link, war against in.', snd lied is departail from mo, and minwi-r. Hi meet uioru, nritlier by iropbeis, nor by dream. ; thorofoi'o I havo called lime, Hint llmu ui.reat inuVe known iiulo mi what I shall do. " Then said Samuel, Whoi-urore then dost thou sk of mo. ei-oi-ir the Lord ii departed from thoe, sod is beonne thine f nemr T " An I the Un-d h.itb done to In in, as h spake by Die ; for the Lord li.ali lent t'.i kiusdnin nut ot lliine baud. auJ given it to 111 y ueighbur, inn D !d i " Iteesnse thou obeyedst nd tho retee of the l.oKO. aor exeeutodtit his th-rre wrath uMn Am ilek. therefore lulli the L au don this tauij unto thee this day. " Moreover tlie Loan will Ui deliver Israel witli thee iuui"ttie hand of li Philistines ; and to mnmiw W thoe and thy sons 6 with me i the bosu slim s'ikII deliver the host ef Israel into the baud of the Philistine. " itow very similar to the esse of John soul He has departed from the ways ot the Lord, who line turned against him. lie bat refused to execute tierce wrath upon the Amalekiles, but bus amnestied them, lliaraisiig Mot'lollan from the dead, will be very apt lo be followed by bis full ing into the hands of tho Philistines, and 1 bis beinif succeeded by some Radical David. A'liM'i Cliff. Waiting to be Asked. to is Tho fo'lowin pn-tty (I a ly il iMtratrs the position of the business mail who does not advertise : '' Why don't you deal with me!" said a cloan-llsted tradesman to tiicnl Hie other lav. lie ico'y a ch 'lartoiiatic : " Yon have never invited tuo, sir. 1 have looked everywhere lor invitation in the shepe of an advertisement, but loiiinl none. I never go where I am not invited.1' A raus ol SKID havioir been recently ott'erct, by resiousiiile arlies, for tho Lost joke, it was awur.le I a-ni deoiJe.l tliat the best jolto of Ibe ae w is VailiinliKliaiil leaoliioj; a crowj of re turn. I veteran sol iiers Ilia true nieaiiinir au't correct .Urlnitioii of ilia word loyalty Colum'.u Journal. A rooa Ii islimaii who applied for a oense lo eell ardent spii its, be inn questioned as to liis moral fitness for the trust, replied, "Ali I sura it is not iimvU of a ohiiucter Cist a uiau needs to se 1 ruui ! " SUMMARY OF NEWS. ; FoaTMmrft General Il indiill lias laid lhatj. he iott'iiiU to take the stump next year fur tlio Republicans, , Oi'tK i, returns havo been received from sll tie cunnties in Ohio but fonr Ueneisl rptain RonKitT Lincoln, at tho ne of 2., bus been aduiiitud to loo bar of the United Stales Uupremo Court. . - It is reported that General (inribaldi has escaped Irmn Capture, nnd that ho left the inland an board of an American ship. ' R W N ro B C EM P. N r s of ifluiiters, reJruHo.l in Franco and Hpuiil. lor tho defense of the Popn, have Arrived in tho city of Rome. ' Tub trial of Simla Anna, by the Mexi cans, has resulted in a eonviotlon, and lit) is sentenced to banishment lor eight yearf. All middli) , Florida is- under water) whurvis, bridges and cau-iuways washed away j crops drowned, and general ruin taring many planters in tho fsco., Thk Government of Canada bus received pilch intelligence in regard to Fenian move ments that secret instructions have been issued ; o post' commanders throughout the Province , . . - Tiin.Nc'w York Erprem says tlmt pri Vtto all vIpoH from Europe speult (if , 'War us imminent, nnd tho purchases of lard un I flour by tho French Government in that market tend to strengthen this-'beliuf. ' ' Til k is In progress, ot constnlo ting a railway from Fort Wayon to a point six ty ui'los noi Hi of Grand Rapids, Michigan. The road is to bo completed in 1809, and ultimately lo bo extended to Mackinaw, Tiir poor of Chicago nro reaping much benefit on' account of rivalry between the Orthodox aiu Unitarian Young Men's As sociations, euch of Which are striving to accomplish more Christian Work than the other. ' , . , , Cincinnati is alarmed at the prospect of ft coal famine this winter. Tho low water has prevented shipments from tho .mines, and llio prospect lor an early addition to the almost exhausted etock, is tho rev erne of fuvoiuble. ' Hon. David His at ix and John R. Frond' , foriueily citizjnH of Ohio, havo both boon unanimously lioiniimtod by the R ipubii -an Coiivenlions of Craven and Chowan conn lies, ill North Carolina, ai dolcgatC3 to thc Ciitiktitiltional Convontioii. A nrw I'leotrio light has b 'en exhibited in New Yotk, which wub so bright as to light up tho whole bay. Tha Inventor, a Frenchman, claims to be nbl'i to light up tho city with It singlo lamp more completely than the gas companies can do. Tnic Washington lnMlignccr, of Mon day, bus a savuuft attack on Gen. Sohoiicl I, charging him with nil soi ls of fraud and villainy iu making the registration in Vir ginia. The object, of this attack is lo inlln onco Virginia to voto against tho Conven tion. A .NEKiiitiouitoou corresponont of Ihe Geauga IAwatij, sayB that cows bought thcro lust spring for Iroin ?.)0 to $75, are now selling, on ncomint of tho drouth, for 8'J.". He says tho cheeso factories will soon havo to tuispoud; opui'utioua for. want of milk, , ... : Tine vnridui Grahd Orders of Misons In Ohio, at the recent annual meeting lo Gin l inimti, elec.tod Ihoir presidine ollicers ns follows: Grand U'livunpment, lleman Klv Grand Council, Gharles ' Heown j Grand Chapter, George Rux j Gruud Lodge, How aid Matthew. i ' ' Mr. Y()RT, who was stabbed by her former husband, Ferdiuan I lloffuan, at Cunton, a week ago, last Sunday," died on Saturday. Hoffman waa in jail at that place, and on Muuday night Mioceeded in committing suicide by bangiu. Both were buried on Monday. SiiMR one, wdio, a few days a;ro, ex'inmod frnm the recesses of the Surrogate's 0!h e, in New York, the will of Tom Paine, proves by extracts from it, that tho author. of "Com mon Sense" and the " Ago of Reason" firmly and dovoiilly lulieved in the existence and Omnipotence of a God. Onk of (Tie most terrific snow storms ex periem-eil iu Ihe While Mountain region in many years, begun on the evening ot Sep tember 29, nnd continued w ill) great vui lenco throughout tho night. It seemed at times as though tho wind would (ear the Tip-Top House from its foundation. Tim polftical situation at Galveston is as bad us can bo imagined, hostility to Northern men increases in bitterness daily. They are socially and politically ostracised This conduct ot citizens bus helm so out rageous ns to make tho most conservative of ollicers stationed thero strong radical'. A Occident occurred at the Iloosuo Tunnel, Mass., on Saturday, by which thirteen mou were cither killod out right or giitTooaUd to death. The g tsoline works, at the m'ou'h of tho shaft, exploded, and binning fell down the shaft, burning the whole gang working at the bottom. Tho bodice will noi ho extricated for some days. , , A lkvtkk from Stark County, in - explain, ing how the Democracy Carrie I that county says :' " lu Stark County every man i Was visited whether bo ooiil-l voto or not." Re publicans won) I do well to take a leaf from Ihe Democratic book in this particular. a man does not vote, lis may inllnence ihn volo of another man. In the future, leave uo stone unturned. Tint ImU'ftumh'nt saysYhf John R. Cough thafhn ws fifty yevrs old in August, lie signed the pleik-e October 30. 1842, in Wo:, cester, Mass. January 3, 18.VI, he delivered his first temperance lecture. Ilis original terms for a lecture was ; now he charges ?2(t). De lias already accepted 16 ca'ls for the e moii of which will pro dues S.ld.OOO. Mr. Gough ha accumulated a handsome fortune, A CorrksimndrxT writes from Topeka, K tnsas, as follows: K.usa River but toms iu the vicinity of Topeka, the capital of tho Stute, cannot be beaten Ihi. year. One farmer has commenced buskin-.-, un thus lar his corn has averaged ll'i hiHhcU to the acre ca ling one and a h.t'f nusliels of ears a bushel of com. lie has over f. r a -res that will average one hundred bush el., and hn is now acltiug it for silty cents per buahol." Til Cincinnati Enquirer runs U( at tho' of its columns tho nam of ll-n. ,, ii n A ., ,. ... (iKoiuiK II. FkndlktoN, as t'lo DcmocratiO for Hie next rr-aulnucy. a an I Ii. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ikr.iiiinx row divuuc i:. Sarah Baker, plaintiff, vs. laxt County, Ohio, Christian Bakrr, defendant t. Jc' ourl ol Coui.PlesS' The said Christian U.tker. whose uukuowu to pUiniil)', is hereby isililiod, tliat Karaa Baker, pUin'ilV, a r. ni.tenl of Wood Count r, Ohio, did, ou t'ie 17th day of OctoU-r, A. 1. 1S17, filo pitiliou in ih ,'ouil of Comon Pleat of sal.1 conn, ly, selling forth that she waa, on ihe i&th dar'of Aiiitual, A. O. ISej, at Toleilo, Ohio, married said On Lilian Baker. Thai said Chrinliaa llaker baa been w ill ml t v and w ithout caue absent I'imiii said plamtmror a prrl.Hl or more than three yeara la-il naili lhal onii fhristi in lt.iktr. Jr.. ia fh inllil itlfitliriii.. nf aailt : .nil oruriiitf lli.l she may b divorced lix.ui duteudaut sud fVa cus tnly ot aaid Chritiau llaker, Jr. Pelea.lanl is sImi noiiliol thai depoahiona will takrn is sii.lcaae st tho oille. uft'harles C. Starr. N.Sanr Piihlir, st Tobdo, Lucas County-, Ohio, Monday, th ISth day of December, A , I'. 1867, belwerii the hours of 10 A. U. sud 10 P. M. said day, sad eoutiuue fruia day to day uutil taken. Dodos k Ttlim and Asasa Cook. Attomsva for Flaintilf. r.rrjburtf, Oatobsr Si, 1M7, Sflt BOOTS & SHOES, OF lbs best cuttou mikes. !u varletv st UCACnS. , ' ; It I y ia In I be on j or I ennimry, eno.inrnjrernenT itel rrlun.lljr. snl will nt bead I t""'1 1'10 n'ki."K bi,s luor agreeable, nspful i and Ineratire.- n tadles, UentL-tnm Clerframen; fJohnol Tvich ciindiilate crs.'arnieis. .Stmlunts, a4 all ulheM who dov JEW ADVERTISEMENTS llook' AfcntH Wauttcl ' To sntlrit of.lirs for a New Illuslrstti) TTTT TI TV T f T T m.T Jl TV (.'-'' - --ffOSTLltTS IN ONI TOI.fc. LJita by Ir. ', Smith, ClnssicA Iiasumier of tlie L'mrerHity of London. rpFR f)?ctinniirT emliodies tho resiili of the most X reeoirt lulr, rsKi'.irck KB 1 fnVntiirntiia, yf about shit.r-itt'a..uf tlAi iTloUei4ini'nlncl ailraneed lliblicul srlmlnrs now living. Clergymm f J Tlwm (1fmnmistmnsTifpYt)To It, and re(jard It ss the best nrnrk of its kind in the English IrngnnRP, nnd nna which ought to be iu the lisniU of ererf llillu hi tbs land. ;'" 1 i' In circtilnliiiK this work, sir on In will find s plcns sutdoj oiilluilile i'BipkiriiMii..l Tbesmnerousob- ijeclioiis. which are usuaM eim sjiilvrod insvll'mr ' ' I il . . . ' i ii . .. oroiniirj numi iv I o tan uni wn n THIS. Jllll on Ills seas energy. nr wanted to qssist. iu .csnvsssinK every tivn Sil I e'liintV III Iho country, 'to wbom tli" iliOBt liberal iudueumeuts will be ottered. For particular ailib-estt, NATIONAL I'tJItrdSHlVd CO., S8f 14a West Fourth Simet, Cincinnati, 0. MAUMEE VALLEY LUMBER YARD, Sash, Door and Blind Factory. Planing & Moulding Mill. On llio Inek, !- of lUoulslanns.trc., ri.ttiivsiii iiu, onto. IHI.- otalililininl Miin'Vln Nneesssfiil iipcr L fltion, nnd iv o uie now (lil ji-iiig for sale, rine I.uinliL-r ; Country Lumber- inile- I'inn, Ah, Wliiif an I Cniten-WiSod Kleotiiig ; l'ine, White an J 'iiit"ii-wooit Siillilg j ' ' i .: i i i . tiash t i .ii.- ' .... . -. !, ,:- lleorst i.- ' , , Winds . . , Mouldings, Ac. Our f.u-il for doing buiiess uo such that Otir I'riCes- Defy J'oiuju'l lOoti ! Wo recivr our Luni'ier direct fiom the I'inuries. Wo Work Seasoned I.niiihiir. 1 Wu use Ihe bst nud latel improved Maetiinorv. Wo work only tlie bent Mochan'es, whereby o are.en ibled to nll'sr to, all tlmsu a houiv building, or anliii ilu bnildhKi sop -rior silvnuNi):es. . Orders s ill 'iteil lor all. work iu our line, suil e.iiitr.icta uia.lj for Furnishing aal B'jilJiii''5, Ct)ar,).:te, Country t.ninbjr I'laiieJ and lntcl)fd. ' Country Iinibei- I'lanod and ni.idj into SiJing. Strictly Prime Country Lttrnbcr Wanted. ! PIJCK, LKK3 A CO., Proprietors. , 1'errysUurg, October 25, 1807. 20 PUI3LIGSALE.;'' rpiIK undersigned will otl'er-at l'ublio Sale, at - JL,. her residence, in Purrrsbiirg, on - ' H.TURO.VY, Novemhur 2, iaf.7. ? the folloning ernonat property, embracing in rout, tho follun-ing articles : ' IT Heilsieads. 2 Patlnri Mliives, 1 Kg Carpet, 1 I'atent Churn. I Clock, and a varii ly of Iluusuhold utensils, lou numerous to nieiition. .' - " I li.iveago id siiulu Bugge Harness, which Is offero I at pi'irato sale, hi any one desiring it s'so s'niii 8 or t) gallons of excellent Cnmint Wlno. Salj to coininonca st 9 o'clock A. M., ivhon turnii u ill be in tile known. Mils. AWUE HOUSTON. Feirysbiu-jr,. October 18, UU. ... ; 23b lial. NUTlCt:.' Calub O. Miukler, plaiuiilT, ) The Stiitj of Ohio, vs. Wival County, s: Oeo. W. Lnnib, .lueob Staht, f In tho Court of "S. Caroline Staid, ifefeml'ts. J Coinirrin I'lvas. Th said Ueorjiu W, bsnib. a non resident of Ihe Snit-j of Ohio, and M'tinse. present place of res idence is .Miniieap'di.s, Mhiiieyta, will take tiolicu that on the liUh day of Sepleinber, A. 1). ld)7,lhe pi lintill' lil.'il hia petition in the Coiu(of C nininn I'leiis of said county, setting forth that at the No vember Term of: said Court, A. 1811, li el taiinid a judgment njtninst said (itiorj;o W. Lamb, Tor the sum ol' $'.'17 40 and $125 18 costs of suit, ivhicli jiulnu lit is in lull force ; tliut the caiil in debteihiess, upon which said juHUicnt was taken, iv. is contracted bv said Lamb sud due to plaint tl' piior ti Mar 3 i, 18ISJ tliat at that date said f.uinh fraudulently conveyed bis mid vshite to one S. Caroluie St ill I , for the purjiosa of bin Jejinjf and deli anding i'l linl li mil ol luss.iij claim ; that the real estate so fran lulenllv conrcyed is the (ie J f t'ie no i of serlion 2:1, ton n 4, range 12 east, in Wool County, Ohio i thai said S. Carolina St ihl mi iv holds the sauio in secret and frsudulent trust ii ill ooiitideiice. ss tho fraudulent truntee of said U, W. I.tuib ; tl at one .ti e b Staid, also defvudaut, is the husband of Slid trustoc, an 1 that thu said Lamb has no other property out of which s.ibt judicmaiit on be realised ; nd praying that the deed of conveyance fr in said Lamb to auid S Car olina Staid b deelai 1 via 1 sad be au.inllj.1, a id said lands be declared the lands of thu said Oeoi'KO W. Luub, and that the same be ordered to be sol I, nnd the proceeds applied lo tho payment of said jndpnn nt, with interest and costs. Dcfcndai.t, Ucni'itu W. Lamb, is noiirled to ap pear nnd answer or demur by the 8th day of Jau uarv.MStia. " llOOOK :TYLKn. Alt'ys for IM.ilntilT. rrrysburr, Ouu.ber 34, Itl7. -3nftl2tl ; Lt)l,ll-No. 00. ' WU! be snld nt pnhlle sale, st the House of AVil ) in in IU.'st.,in Center l'mviisliip. Wood t'cnintv.on FKIDAYi the 1st day of November, 187, to the li.w .-sl restums'lilo bidders, sll ihe uutisished work on Hitch No. t'0. Soacili(japoui giveu en day of "'' Si 11. I'RICR, Auditor Woo.a Ceunlv. Perry sbnrj;, Ootobr 2A, li7. : 21 2i mToii i.iyrTiNa. N'OTICK is hereby wmk on flileli Nn gireu that all uufini.i'aeil i, 83, in Perrvsburg Town ship, on llilch No. fa, in Plain an 1 MulJletdii Ton nnhips, nn Pileh N . W2, in Montgomery anil Fie '.loin To eiKliip , Ml l)il"li No. VI, is and Perrystiiug Toiviiliit s, on llitoh Nn.lor,iu Lake Tou oaliip. and ou Ditch No, lot, iu WraUol an Mi.l Tou n-liips, will bo sol I at tho An ditor'a Olli oel tVoait Couolv, on WKDNKSDAY, llio itlll'i day of Delober, ts' the loiveat ruapoukiblo bi t. lets. Work to be in seeli ns. : t'ash p ii I for r .rk on section Id of Dituh No, 91, eouipriin I H ro U lien done, ,. 8. 11. l'KICK, Aulitor Wood Connlr. lVrrj-sburg, Ocioikt ii, ISoT. i2 NEW DOOK STORE. v. riMaiii:iM:u HAS juat rervlved st the New Book-store, larjfe stuck of Books. Stationery, Window Shades, Paper Khados and Ruatio Sha.Wa. . The hmtiu Window Shade ia Ihe best thitir "ed lor that purHiae, Also , Muiic, Blank, Note an t ltecelpt Biks, to gether with Wall snl Win low Hanoi-a of all styles grades sn.l prices, totrvllKT Willi a good sriui nt of School Boohs of All Kinds ' SI.SO . School Csriti)- IhiU llo.'ks, Lesd-penelU, Albums, Phot, frraphs, Vt'lim, Violin B.ov a ad Hriil(;i-, all irrades of Violin ritriuics, piei-aloes Klioes. Ae. I alw kix-iion kind a s.ivil st.tck uf I'll'TLKtH snd l'ICI'lKb:-Hl lt.S,.i l will rut lilassaud uiake I'mn-iM ur.l.-r. r.-r-ioiia deli in to pur chase anything in niv line will do wll to givs me ! motto Ik'hhi Quick Sabs and fraill Profits. No ctiarie fur sUuwimr U-'d-. t . UNkiUElSKH. Terryaburj, Oetuber 13, ISO?, u 7-ao noNX i Converted iota Nosf 5-50 6 prr frnt. Galii-bfirlng nonJs, A' CCOKDINU to Coveniment rule, on iuai Uue Tbuasand Uollars sadovur. V Par l-:(iire Ctinrses. sud deliver fres at rerrysuurg-. AiiH'.uam .Gpvornmont fiocuritiea n.HUlM sad S 'l.L lalnMl sllewv4 ea ilepwsits Exchange on New York oue-t.ulh per rt. prsuiieui. F..t. tlAtK HAN K K TlH.htui, , ANIlRKMf UKOWX C., 4 Ul Summit street Tulndo O. I a of NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Times Fixci fur Holding Courts in (he Third Judi i tiiil Mnt of (li Slate of Ohio, for tlie Tf , y: ,' " .looo. , 1l4 IT REMKMBKnEf). That at a irreetinif of J) Jndeanf the Ourt of Common Pleas of the Third Common Pleas Judicial district of the State of Ohio, at ilia Court-Louie, in the town of Ottawa Putnam County, Ohio, nn the day of the dad hefe of, Jot the purpose of Jisinjt the times nf hnhlhijt (Jie Tal-ns fef the Cntlris CT Cootmon Plesl and of Ihn district Courts in said District, for the yrar iseor We,tli ondrstirned, Judfres of the Court of Common fleas wjthin snd fur said District, do Uortoy ox ins limns l holding sai l Courts for the roar lH')Hin seek and ever county hi said Dis trict, ss follows t District Court. The several Terms nf the District Court In and for Mrs year sliatl commence in the severs! counties titers if ss follows, to-wit S . , In Willlanfit county, August 5. .. In Pulton County, August Ii. In Wood county, August 7. Iu Henry qopnty, August 10. Iu Defiance county, August It. , , In Paulding county, August 13." ' ' In Van Wert county, August 14. In APen county, August 17. In.Putnnm county August 19. In Auglaize county, August 20. In Mercer county,' August St. Iu Hhelby county, August 24. In Logah county, August 27, In Marion County. August 20. In Union county, .September 1. In Crawford county, September 3. In Wyandot county, September 6. ! In Hardin county, September 8. . In 1 1, in enck couuty, Septembor 8. Iu Seneca eouutv, September 10, Court of Common Pletvs. 1 And that the several Terms of the Court of Com mon Pleas, in nnd for the several counties nf said District, in and for said year, shall commence in the auroral counties thereof ss follows FIUST SUBDIVISION. In Union county February 3, May 4, October 14. In If irilin couuty January 20, April 20, Scp tcmbur Si. . .. . . Iu Marion county February. 17, May 18, Ko- veinlier 2. In Logan county 'JIaroh 2, June 1, November 18. In Sholby county January 0, April 6, Septem ber H. . ' SECOND. SUBDIVISION. In Auglaize county January 2, May 19, Oc tober . , . . ... ' lu Allen county .March 10. Jnne 1(1. Novem ber 17. ..... " In Morrwr eouoty January 14; May 12, Sep tember 21. . . . In Yen. Wert conntj' February 25, Juno 9, No vember 3. . . In l'liin im county February 11, June 2, Odlo ber 20. , , i TfllllD SUBDIVISION. In Paulding county February 4, September 22. In Defl moe county January 27, April 27, Sep tember 28. In Henry county February 10. May 4. Octo ber ft. ' ' .... lu Fulton county February 13, May 12, Ooto her 20. In Williams county March 3, May 19, Novem ber 4. In Wood county March 17, Juno 2, November FOURTH SUBDIVISION. In Seneea comity February 25, May 2i, No vember 10. . - Iu Hancock count v January 23, April 14, Oc tober 27. In Wvandot county February 10, May 4, Sep tember 21, In Crawford county January 14, March 24, Oc tober 6. ' i "And we (In fnrthcr order Snd direct that thesov eral terms of said Courts shall cominenco on the first day of each of said terms at eight o'clock A.M. Is Trstimonv WiiitBKOP, We Issue this, our or der, for the purpose aforesaid, st said Court-house, ou this llio Tenth Day of September, A. D. 1837. ' J. S. CilXKLI.V, . I A. S. RATTY, ' I M,,nof CHESTER R. MOTT.' laid Vvurt'. JA.1ISS MACKENZIE, J mtan.'t Plzntof IPood Comity. Ohio, who is hereby directed to publish litis old t lor three oonsccntive weeks in each of the several ii.'ivspapcrs published iu said couuty. Stats op Ohio, Woon Coi-ntv, SS : . I, UKOKUK WKIIDKLL, Cleric of the Court of Common Pless, of Wood County, Ohio, do hereby certify th it the above and fori'going is a true cony of the order fixing the times of Inditing Common 1 leas and District Courts in the Third Judicial l)i strict of the State of Ohio, taken from tho origi nal, now ou file" in this otHes. t . In Testimony Whereof, Witness my !!; A ,t hurl and seal 'officially, this 21st day ' of October, A. D. 1S57. ,: CEOUdK WEDDELL. 2rtb CI, rk of Court of Wood Common Plea: GOODS FOE THE MILLION ! ;'ET THEY COME! ill nre Satisfied that the Vlnce to Buy (Jooils Cheap tor CASH is nt l II, ill I LfaEli & CO. : ' , fjsrrysburg, ohio. , Buy Prints nt 10 to 12,'io; Mcrrimscks 100. Huy M.-oivn Sheeting at 10 to 15c, the hcariest 4-1 st 13 to 20c. ; , , Buy Uleached Muslin st 1H to2)o; the best Si to Mot - Buy DeLaincs, best make, at 2jo. Ilalf-ivool Kentucky Jeans, at 50o, Gojd Sattinetta, $1. All-wool Csssimeres, tt, l 25, tt 40. Come and see all Wool Blankets, st 11 it) to $7 pair. loiys Suit of CI. .thine, complete at 110, l2,tl5, $20. If you Wish a suit tf Clothes made to order, come. Kvcrylhtng clso kept by us in same proportion. GOODS ARE CHEAP, MERC BOUGHT CUEAP, AU WILL BE SOLD (-HEAP. . . i WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! Wo mean what wo say. '. B. To enable us to sell at small profits and compete successfully Willi leading uterchsuts, we cuopt trout mis date as our iuoiio, CASH OR READY PAY. No Goods will leave our Store unices settled for, except by special ugrveuaettt Lwk for Wtrlil) Aanomwfinfnls anlFrirra. I II. MII.LCU eV CO. Perrysburg, Ocu.ber St, 1307. SSix Jsuies W. Ross,"! v. v In Wood ComtaoB Pleas. Oeorce W. U ll.l , liy virKM of an xeetiio Issued ia tbe shove cause by the Clerk of tUeCoarluf Oomiuon Pleas or w.akj 1 ounty, IMoo, nu.1 to ine dirvcted dliverl, I will otTor for sale st nubile vendae. the piwuiises of the defeodanl, at ililtoa Center, n uoa iMnwr, nio, m 1 erraniV r ...... . a . c . Botween the bours of t and 1 o'clock P. 14.. of said dav, tlx kdlowing deaeribe t rupurt, tu-wil I One span vf bay Uorses, the pruptrty ol U. CltARLK W. tTERS, BherifT. Prrysbur(, October 18, 1SS7. JlbtJ ' aad un W THE HARDWARE STORE. PECK, HAMILTON &. 6& PROPRIETORS OF THE Mammoth Hardware Store, i PEnuvsuinG,' omot ' Art rraw offtiring to their many customers The Largest, Most Complcl, nnd Best SclocltJ STOCK OFXOODS. Cornprising every article in their line, ever brought to this market. The most of Our immense stock has been purchased direst from the manufacturers by ourselves, selected witb great care, sud adapt ed expressly to this msrket. Buying strictly for Cash, snd in large quantities, wa are enabled to OFFER GREAT INDUCEMENTS To those purchasing. Our stock comprises in pert . ' ' ' ' Rhelf Flsrdffsre; -. ' ITeevy Hardware; Saddlery Hardware; Iron t Nails; Glasss Wooden-ware . . Silver-plated Ware .Willow-ware i Tin-ware:-Sheet-iron Ware; Cooking Stoves; Parlor Stores ; ' , Mos Stoves; Sheet-iron Stores j -Ac, Ae., Ac. To Tlio'sb Building, We offer great inducements' in the vfay' of Nuils; disss: ' lAbY lltitt-ti Scix'rfs; . - Paints: Oils: Bash; l)unrs : Blinds, etc. To Mill Men. Mulev Mill Saws: Knglish Tested Oil Chains; Johu Uolhcy If' ilea ; ltuasia, Italian, Hemp, Jute and Ilotbery Packings; String Leather; Belt Hooks ; Copper Kivets, etc. etc. i To Blacksmiths. r Irou Steel ; -. - : v Ilorse-shnes; ' ' ' Horse -aUoc Nails Bolts ; ! Kuts j Axles ; Springs ; Coal i Mu'leable Irons j Anvils ; Vices, etc. ' To Wagon-Makers. ' A full and complete line of Hubs; Spokes;' Felloes ; Fills i Poles; Keck Yokes ; Pipo Boxes ; Cutler Stuff, snd Beut Work in general To Meclianica, i i "(A Large Stock.) Spear & Jackson and Wheeler, : Maiden k Cluunwu'a Saws; - tlsydote s Hammers; 1 liutcher's Chisels ; Sucll's Cast-steel Angers; --Jonninp's Bits ; it lint Paper, etc. etc To the Farmer. Everr Article Needed In Building-. Every Article Needed In Repairing. Every Article I'iti aboal year Kemi Every Article feed on year Farms. Every Article you Anticipate I'slnff, And In our lino, can be found at THE MAMMOTH HARDWARE STORE. To the Ijaclies. SILVER-FLATED WARK,SVC11 AS Forks ; bpoons i Knives t Cal.e Baskets; Castota ; Kapkin Kinos ; Cake Knives; Tea Sets t Ice Pttchcrs,etc. ' Tfesutiful Tfoilet Sets; Deautirul I sole Matt; Cooking Stares; Parlor Storrt j Dining-room Stoves i Tin Ware j Tubs snd Pails ) sli p-8ticks I Shovels snd Tongs Wssh-bosrds Lnnch-Bsskets) Market-Bsskete ; Indies' Traveling Btskets, anil , Kitchen Vlunaila iu geaursl. . - Our stock ia complete in every tfepartmeni, la offered LOWER TIIAN THE LOWEST! to iavniiYCobVi Thanking yon for Would invite yon all your psst -pstronsre, to exstnine tlie stock prices of Goods ! be found la Tho Mainn-atla laratvai'v Starr-, Purchased fbr the fall tintr of iSCT-'C?, PECK, HAMILTON 1 CO. Perry.berj, Oetobet 1 1, U1, ii aad we and MERCHANDISE. I CALL AND SEE :" v. . ;,-TB MAGNIFICENT STOCK Fall-and Winter ;(ootIs, Ttow arriving at tlie Cash Store of A.G.Willinii.s&Bro. We are now makinff purchases! the Kastlhst willensble us to place before onr customers ene ef the chniceat stocks of Fall and Winter Goods ever brought to this place, whieb ire will dispose oi siunpreceutnieuiy low ngures. ,p Our sleek is a large one snd well selected, with view to the special requirements of this stMioa of the country, snd we come before the public with the commence mat ' ' Wt CAN NOT BE UNDFRSOLO t i It would be impossible toenumerst artieWsand prices. To besppreotsted tbey meet be seen, snd an invitation is therefore eitetidcd tt the whole oommunity to call and see the besitrfeistylesnd quality of our ......( STOCK OF DRY GOODS. Whioh embrace sll the moat desirable qnall'.ies to be found in the market. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. We Invite the exnminaflon of the Ladies to our msgnilieentassortmentof DrcssUoods,amoug which may te louna . .i . 1 Silks, Empress Cloth, French Merinos, I'oplins, 'Alpacas, . . English Merinos, Delaines, Calicoes, . Lace Curtains, Cloaklugs, Ut'ched Shcetings,Ladie8' Ckith Aic. f GEKTLEMEM'S ITEAK.' Hats,' Caps', Shoes, . Satinetls',' . Cassiiperes, , lloots, Jeans,' Citllhs', Collars, i- , Hosiery, Cottonailes, Ac, Ac. OUR STOCK OF DOMESTICS Is full sn.l complete, and'iv'ill be disposed of at really Ucluc a Prices. Prints from ISyZ ta 20 Qents peryrJJ-'" . Brown Sheetings and Muslins 15 to 23 nta. Denims; Striped &' Ticks. Also, a gnod ass lr'titiei of Carpets & Oil Cloths. OCR TOCK Of CUTLERY, ' ' ' ' 1 GROCERIES,- ' ' . '' GLASSWARE, , ' i .:, . . Q U K ENS W ARE; . YANKEE- NOTfO'NS id, &c Is full and complete, arid can' noi be' surpassed in variety, ipislity ntrS low figures. . . . i t"0irr styles' are tno very latent, snd to Cash Custoroefs our prictas are the very hftvest. i K. IL We desire those of ohi- patrons -hn have un-ieltled accounts of the lust sear to rail ami settle thcni ns soou ss possible. A. G. WILLIAMS ft BRO. Perrysburg, 5'cli bor 22, 1867. ., f . . S A.' R. rilAMPSET. . CI1AS. 1VRIGI1T THE NEW DRUG STORE. OHAMPNEY &, WRIGHT, DltUGGISTS, rllOENl'BLOCK, rERRYSBUlSG. FRESH ARRIVAL OF DRUGS AND MEDICINES WE. bare largely increased nut fbrnr stosk, snd now have tho pleasure of ppusntiufr to the public one of the fipest nssnrtments of Qoedby in our line, ever brought to Ptrrjsbvrg- - -i Our stock of ... : . i LAMPS HlflP TRtM.HIWCS Id ranst complete. AIso NOTIONS, FANCY ARTICLES & TOYS . - IN GRBAT VASIBfY. We wnnld . call especial aitcntioa to) o Welt sclentt'd line of . j , . ...' Clotks and Baskets of Etery Styl. Paints, Oils Varnishes & DYE STUFFS. - Patent Medictrics, Hair Uestnra-trye'ft; Fluid Ex tracts, MttchOio trits, IB irs4 CDSrders, tw.p. in fact eveiy thing that can be found in a nell-atwort-d Drug 8 Sire, together with a complete- assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. YTo have socuivd the services of sir. E. Mt. BJi so Iom and favorably known ,iii this vicin ity as a Kemleinanty and obligitift salettratnyand, practicul and expertenoed DrSniit, Stuf ne Cnnfts ilonlly sntioiale, by close aiteulinn snd a pK(K'r regard for tl wants of thu community, lo merit a ircre snare t puotio rntromie. - . v We exteud a cordial uin'kalon fo sll onr pstrotni snd tlie publio (reiternllr in call snd examine our lioods, which we will SeM Sir cab at as low fig ures as e-sir kc haid anyirhere In Toledo. CltaMI'MC k WRIGHT. Perryslmrj;, Ootober IS, iBiil. 1 Agricultural implenieiils; t.OOO Bushels Flax Seed WattJedf Tbe highest price will be paid at i THE AGRICULTURAL STORE.; dider Mills. These Mllli are cot only warranUlil to- tw Well ma.lo snd well finished, of (rood material, tmt also to do well sad thoroughly the work for which Ibey are tnteiuled. ' t ' Full directions will aeoniPsny e-aib, Min M making the ssosl delicious cldsK ' dario Jttilis-The Vicitor. The most tomplele Mill in th cotiulry. Cook's EvnpcJrdtor. They baVe invariably given tke kighest sslisfae tion. . ftoreka Cnttise Bo s bniverBSl f!ynt-it(V.-J Wood Mills Lima, Norwalk a o.l Eclipse. Coru-Shellera- Star and Burratl a Imn. Buckeye Cider Mill; Buckeye Itraiu lrill. Imn-bi'ant, Cast snd Mteel" Plows. Wheel-batrroWs shd Road-scrapers. Farm Hells snd Washinsr-nacainrt. Well-punips and Water-drawers, Churns, Heels, Wheel, Ao. Repairs for ail ftiackines. j. You will also flud at the Agricultural Wsre- boeje its targeat stuck i .' CAUllXITT FUUMTUItU ' tn the coiiuly, I'ft.ither witb a lares stock of Csl Bet luruiug aud vroota baudles. i u , WILLIAM CROOK. PerrjsUbrjr, July JJ, 1867. t Iiv ,, J.K..UJSD, Freuiont, t J, Ji, Bou, Pterrjsbr. J, K. & J. M, jioim,'!." ATTattXETS.i...rrr3turs, . le ia Pbu-nii Block. sLl