Newspaper Page Text
.cafi Mm My. VOL. XV. PERTIYSBUBG,' p., "'FRIDAY, NOVlfMBlB 29, 1SG7. NO, 31 IS POBI.ISnKD KVKRY FBtDAT MORNlSO BY OULIXGElt & TI.UMOVS. TERMS OF SUBSCRirTIOX. Three months ...... 60 Six months tl OO Oo year OO TERMS OP ADVERTISING. One square, one insertion -$l 00 finch subsequent insertion 60 Business Cards, nor annum 8 00 Administration, Attachment, Dissolution, Ex cutor. Redemption and Road Notices 2 00 MarrUgs Notices 50 D.-atli Notices. -Free. The space occnpleit by ton lines, or less,of this li-ed type counts one square All Transient and Legal Advertisements must be piid for in adranoe to insure publication. l-if Attorney are nsi.n rrsfomstsmi for all advertisements hamlod in or authorized by them, and for the publication of nil Sheriff's Sale notices, tke writs, for which they order out. JOB PRINTING. Wo are preparedto execute all Kinds of Job Work, such as Posters, Sale Bills. Programmes, Inrititions, Cards, Labels, Pamphlets, all kinds of Blanks, Ve., in the moat satisfactory manner. . The following are the rntes for Sheet Bills i X 3haot Bills, per 25 ?2 00 .. .. .. 50 2 50 14 inn s on yx 2? 2 50 14 .. .. . .. 50 8 no .. . ..- ..inn a so ys ion 5 nn Full sheet -.100 8 00 Orders will bo filled at short notice, and upon he in'nl reasonabletcrms. I'rintititf of every kin 1, wliotlier job work or advertising, which is done for nny association, oci;tv, public mooting or political party, will he cbirged to the person or persons ordering the game, who will bo held responsible for payment. 01ILIGF.n Jk riiu.uo-.s, Publishers and Proprietors. " BUSINESS CARDS. StYEVIN & UIIOWN, ' Attorneys and Counsellor nt I.nw, and (ienernl I.aiul Ajrei ts. Land bought and sold j taxes paid : titles exam ined, iV.c. Extra bounty, local boiiutr, back pay, pension, etc.. promptly collected and paid over. iT" Office in tbo Caurt house, Pcrrrshurg, Ohio. ', . PERRYSBURG MEAT STORE. JOIIX Ct. HOFFMAN HAS removed bia Meat Store to tlio building re cently oecupiod by the Hardware Store, on Louisiana Avenue. An excellent quality of Meat Ualuravskcpton hand.ti which ho inritestlio al tentionof all lovers of a Juicy Roast, or a tender Steak. 1 . Porryaburg, November 6, 1805. Sxxi B. C. F.DERI. V. ; .SURGEON DENTIST, FEUIlYSntTRGf OHIO. S7?"Chfirgcs mulei-nte, and all work warranted. f570ITice over O. Beach's SUirc, on Louisiana . Avenue. j. 11. reiiv Attorney -nt - Law, HAS rosnmjd the practicd of bis profession, at Pjrrys'mrj , "bio, whore he will give prompt attention to all lej-al inisinff-is entrusted to his care. Olfice in the Bank building.. . 7zz WILLIAM II. JOXE8. JJHX A. SHANNON JONES Sc SHANNON, KEAL ESTATE AGENTS OFFICE OVER KREPS'.STOllE, 4fln Vcrrvsburc. Ohio. A. McMAIIAN, (Late Brovct-Colonel C. S. Volunteers,) "Wni Oletlfn AgoUt PostolBce Address East Toledo, Ohio. ALL Tlonest Claims against the Government can bo collected. Many of the late olliccrs and soldiers of the army, and also widows and heirs of deceased officers nod soldiers, do not keep well Informed of the laws, relating to them. All claimants for whom I transact business are promptlv informed, by mail, of any laws affecting thorn. "irgPNo charge uiado unless cluims.are successfully prosecuted. . 43ix ' JOHN A. SHANNON, Attorney and Counscllor-at-Law, Office in Phoenix Block, up stairs, Perrysburg, Ohio. tSPAtteulion given to the collection of Soldiers Claims. 44" GEOltGE STRAIN, ATTORXEY-AT-L4.W, Pbrrysdp ro, 0., WILL ttend to all buainesscon tided tohis care in tha several Courts of Ohio, Military Claims will receive particular attention. Also Insurance taken at reasonablo rates. Office Now Hardware Buibling.up stairl.ror BOt of Louisiana Avenue and Front street. Wx F. & D. K. HOM.ENHECK, Pcrryaburgr, Wood Co., O "Attornevs-at-Law ; Notaries Public! Conveyanc ers; 'Collecting Agents; Real Estate Agents; Having large quantities of Wild Lands and many Improved Farms, for sale ; Agents to Pay Taxes, and redeem lands sold for taxes ; also, to purchase lands aud investigate titles. War Claiiu Agents, To procure the back pay and bounty due to rel atives of deceased soldiers ; To procure pension for those entitled to them ; To procure for soldiers liberated froui prison commutation of rations w hile they were confined, etc, etc 8x ROSS & COOK, aURNTS FOR TUX METROPOLITAN INSURANCE-CO. Of New York City. Rates as low as anv good, first-class Company, Business solicited. Olfioe, corner hi Front-street and Louisiana-avenue, Perrysbui?. 29 J. F. & S. II. PI11CE, Attoi'noys-at-Eaw, Perrysburg, Wood County, O. WE Have large quantities of Real Estate for sale 1 attend to Tax-paying ; also, procure Sonnies and Pensions for Soldiers. All business promptly attended to. IS INSUltEl INSURE 1 INSURE Willi THE FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY, OF DAYTON, OHIO. THIS Company has fairly earned the right to aolicit the patronage of tin citiuni of this louuty, having paid $5,700 in Losses in the county witliiii the last year. Rates as low as any reliable (Company , Losses equitably adjusted and prompt ly paid. J. A. SHANNON, Perrysburg, O., 41 Qouul Agent for Northwestern Ohio. f, y. vnii:iiiiii-l A; o. Dealers in Anerioan S; Italian Marble and Granite Stone, 'o. 290, suruur of Suiuiuit and Cherry, TuleJu, 0 1 4fMulluuieiits furuialiuJ to order. Address by U-ail uf otUrwUo.j . i'ju ' jtEAL ESTATE AGENCIES. JAS-, W. ROUS, - ARHIR COOK, ' ' II.lKRf . ROSS HQS & COOK. AHSTKACTS of TITLE. OFFICE 1 Corner f.onlalatfa vrntir nnd Front Street, Prrrrbiirr, Ohio. WE bare the only set of Abtrnrt Itonk sow in Wood County, cofrlaittina; a complete Impxx to all Lots and Lands therein. l-if Certificates of Title given npon reasonable terms. ?" Also, Agents for purchasing and arllifig Real Kstute, getting up Tax Titles, paying Taxes, iVc. Sl3. Business (olicited. ilii GKOROI WRrinRLL. V. I. EBKRLT WEBDELI, A F.BEKLY, GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Perryaburg-, Wood Connly, Ohio. Will buy and sell Lands, examine titles, pjiy taxes, redeem Lands sold for taxes, &C, &c. I4f Oltice in the Court-house. 3 "11 VALUABLE REALJSJATE FOR SALE. fTHE undersigned having established a Real Ks--1 tate Agency in Perrysburg, offer for sale tho following Real lis tato, situated in Wood Countv Ohio: 0 In lots In Perrysburg, with good House, Barn Orchard, Well, Ac. very desirable. Cun bo had at a bargain, and on liberal terms. A Fitrm of 120 acres, in section 10, of Plain Township, under pood cultivation, with 300 (mil trees, good buildings, and well drained. Two miles from Tontogany. An Improved Farm of 1(10 Arr.'s, in sec tion 34. Plain Township.; 90 acre; n.ii'.er cultiva tion, and nearly all under fence ; a largo orchard, and good well, together wilii n good frame house and barn. A Farm rontninlnir ns Acre, in same section, all under fence mostly improved ; orchard, good bam and largo house, with good frame house in course of construction. The N'E. of tbo SR. M of section 23, town i, north of range 10 east. Good House and Orchard. All under fence- UNIMPROVED LANDS. T. yt se qr section 35, tp 5, range 11 80 acres. N )4 sw qrseo 3, tp 5, range 11 80 acres. S!) Acri!, ill lection 4, Cel. .jr Township, well timbered with black walnut, white wood, Ac. 80 Acres, ill section 10, Liberty Township, prairie. 40 Acres, in section 16, Milton Township Lot No. 8. 80 Acres, in section 12, Honry Township timbered. aOO Acres in seotinn 11, Portage Township; hcarilv timbered. . Twelve or fifteen choice TOWN LOTS, in Per rysburg. , , . . ,. . l? The above Real Estato will be offered a low raU's, on terms tosnifr-the purchaser. SI.EVIN & 15ROWX, 4 . '' Real Estate A gents, Perrysburg, 0. Cheap House. SMALL FRAME HOUSE and two Lots in . Perrysburg ; title perfect ; for gale nt S273, by HOSS A COOK; J FOIt SALE. FOUR desirable residences in Perrysburg. Price ranging from $1,200 to $1,800 ; 'for sale by RO.SS & COOK. BARGAINS I JTREAL ESTATE A KmVI Fnrm of 43 acres, more or less out-lol 21:1 one mile acuih of Perrysburg. A very desirable location. Possession nt nny time, on lease or saie. For Snlo, cheap, in prompt pay or in pay ments, a new dwelling-house mid lot 110 feet front and l:i:l feet rear, of in-lots Kos. 3!)3 aud 400, Per rysburg, Ohio. 100 -acres of land for salo cheap, in Warren county, Illinois. In-iots Nos. 35 and 30 for sale in Phitipps' addi tion to Toledo, Ohio; at a bargain, fn paymeuts if desired. Also, a business lot in Pes Moines, Iowa low. 80 acres, it seqrs c 21, Middleton, good land, at S10 per acre in payments. 80 acres, n no qr sec 30, Webster, ditching paid for, at $10 per acre in payments. 100 acres, uv qr see 29, in Portago, good land, at $0 per aero in payments. 80 acres, w sw qr sec 27, in Lake, at a low figure. 80 acres, w sw qr sec 5, town 3, range 10, in Henry, at $3 per acre. A number of line iu-Iots for sale cheap in Per rysburg. - Desirable lands in Laporto and Steuben Co'a, Ind., for sale at a bargain. 300 acres of tax title lands,, in M'ood County, for sale cheap. 1 will show my lands with pleasure, and in sell ing, will make payments to suit. J. HICKETTS. Perrysburg, February 8, 1867. 41iz NEW GOODS I NEW GROCERIES! ' NEW STORE-ROOM GEORGE BOETSCII, HA VINO purchased the building formerly oc cupied by the Hardware Uore, has thor oughly repaired, repainted and remodeled it in an attractive stylo, and filled it with a stock of Groceries, Produce, Provisions, Notions, &c., Unsurpassed by any other Grocery Stock in Per rysburg, comprising, in part Teas. Spices, Coffee, Sugars, Sirups, Canned Fruits, Soaps, Candles, Hread, Crackers, Can dies, Tobacco, Cigars. Wooden Ware in vari ety, the Produce of the Garden, the Farm, , and the Dairv ia short, almost every Article and Notion that enters into the healthy Economy of the Household. XW A cordial invitation is extended to House keepers and all others to call and judge for them selves of this excellent stork. GKOItOE BOETSCH. PerrysTtturg, November 27, 1800. 31 AN EXCELLENT OFFER TO TflE SUBSCRIBERS OF TKE PERllYSBURG JOURNAL. The price of Harper's Monthly Magazine is $4 per agnuia the Perrysburg Journal $2; we will furuiab the tw- for $i 2i. The price of Harpe.-'s Weekly is 4 per annum the Perrysburg Journal ti ; we will furuish the two for 5 25. ' The price of Harper's Barer is 4 per annum the Perrvbburg Journal t2 ; we will furnish the two for ti 25. The price of the Lady's Friend ia 92 50 per an num the Perrysburg Journal is 2; we will fur nish the two for ti 50. The price of the Saturday Evening Post is $2 50 per annum the Perryaburg Journal $2 ; wo will furnish the two for 3 50. Tha price of Oodey's Lady's Book is (.1 per annum the Perrysburg Journal $2 ; we will fur nish the two for ti. GROCERY 3TORE Family Groceries, AT Reduced Prices. rI"HE undersigned, having recently purebasud I the Urooery Store, on 1'mnt-street, formerly occupied by Anion A Sheets, take this method of informing the citizens of Perrysburg that they will at all times keep 00 hand a full supply of almost every article ueeiled by families iu the (Grocery aud Produce I.iue, which a ill be disposed of on terms that shall prove satisfactory to all. Ther are detei mined not to be undersold, and are coutideut that their stock run not be surpassed in variety or quality, (jive tbeui a sail betire purcliabing rlsuuh'-tv, aud OU may be certain of securing good bargains. JO.S. HII.DKIHtAXD & SON. I'enyjbur, Jiuuary 21, ti7, ilYit X to a C ai the the 1 of be-'n On JL is to will aud call she he all HASKINS AD VE RTISEM'TS. Ho I For the Cheap Ready-pay Store! Haskins, Wood County. T.tEAOI.ES A CfSNIXO have on hsnd a large and varied slock of Merchandise for the Kail and Winter trade, and now idler superior induce ments to all prompt-paying customers. Their Ooods have been bought with especial at tention to tho wants of thbj comniunitv, therefore. they most respectfully invite an examination of the quality and prices of their Ouods, promising all, good bargains. The following comprises part of their stock 1 Pry Ooods, Groceries, Boots and Rhoos, Hats and Caps, Farming Tools, lrugs, Notions, Stationery, Wooden Ware, Tin Ware, Stono Ware, Glass Ware, Hard w are, Patent Medicines, School Books, Ac, Ac, Ac, Which will be ao'd for Cash, or IN EXCHANGE, Pornnr or nil iltnn.i. wa wmit TCntva. TlttHof Ltml. Uoomviix. Feathers. Old Urns. I oniHr nml Iron, Paper, Rags, or almost anything you have to sou. ureenoacks not reiuseu, FKAUUiS & (XNNINT.. naskins, N'ovcmber li, lSli7. 4.1x HftSKlNSPLOWFACTCRY. rPIir; subscribers having fitted up I nn establishment fur the manu facture of Steel Plows, are now pie pared 10 supply the Farmers of Wood county with the very best STEEL PLOWS, awl Two-Shovel CULTIVATORS Having had -many years' experi ence in ni.iuuf during Plows in Mit chell A Sons' Plow Factory and other works, we are couhdcnt we cau turn . out a . . Better Plow than any in the County REPAIRING, Done promptly and in tho most thorongh manner. IW All our work warranted satis factory, or no salo. I'.El'ASS & DEBACHKH. Haskins, February 20, 18157. 4;ZK MEAL' FEEDS HOMINYMILLS HASKINS, OHIO. AMES & WORTH are prepared to do custom Grimling for the Fanners of Wood countv more promptly than any other mill iu this vicinity. Always ou baud and for 'sale or exchange for Grain, Coarse and Fine Meal, Chop Feed and Flour, r AMES A WORTH are alwavs in the market buying all kinds or Grain and Farm Produce, nml paving better prices than any other market iu Wood countv. SURD WHEAT." J AMfiS & WORTH, of Haskins, Wood coun ty, O., ore prepared to supply the Farmers of this county, and the surrounding counlrr with the OlclM'tUvd Ton- tVlicnt, For seed this Spring. This Wheat commands from Millers for tlouiing. ubont Fortv or Fiflv -nts per bushel more than other Spring Wheat, d has a tinton reputation as a hardy and largo yielding kind of Wheat ; and being im'Kirted from Northern Iowa, tho change from a more northern climate, ns all experienced Faatners are aware, win improve me quality anil quantity promiccd. The Farmer ha 1 better pay two pi-ices for this Wheat than sow tho wheat raised in this country. We are alsrfiiriMiared to sunnlv tho Milwaukee Club, raised in Wisconsin. All' those who w ant heat ol us will please notify ns ns soon as pos sible, so that wo can make our arrangements for proper amount required. Wo are also prepared to sell or loan Flax Seed, to supply all the Farmers in this county. Haskins February 15 1867. iizz MISCELLANEOUS. 33 33 3ST T" O DO" ' o PINE TKEE TAE TROCHES, For tho Immediate Relief and Speedy Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, Sore Throat, Bronehitis, Tickling in the Throat, Catarrh, etc., etc., ete. RELIEF OBTAINED IN FIVE MINUTES. 1)FW.IC Speakers and Singers will find these Trocljes invaluable for strengthening and clearing the voice, and allaying all irritation of Throat and Bronchial Tubes incident to vocal exertion. As they contain no Opium or any thing in the least injurious to the most delicate constitution, they cau be taken as freely as neces sary. Slight Colds, Couch. Hoarseness and Sore Throat, which rcadil r yield to the Pine Tree Tar rocties, slioulcl De checked immetliately, and be fore the inflammation reaches the Ilronchial Tubes and Lungs, which would produce lironchitis and Consumption. The valuable medicinal properties the Tar of the White Pine Tiee are aluiust uni versally known, and is regarded as one of the best remedies for all diseases of the Throat snd Lungs. It soothes and ailays all irritation, re duces inflammation, and has a peculiar and marked beneficial effect ou the Organs of Kespiraiion. Tho White Pine Tar, when refined, possesses these val uable propertiea iu the highest degree, and baa combiued with other valuable ingredients to form the elegant and convenient preparation, known as" Bknton's Pink Thks Tah Thocuim." Observe the fac-similo of the Proprietor's signa ture on the wrapper of each box, without which it cannot be genuine. , . U -nUn'i Pine Tree Tar Troches are prepared only by C. 4). IIFNTOV, Chemist and Druggist, 1.111 anTlll Detroit-street, Cleveland, O. For Salo by all Druggists. Price ti Cents. 4n PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Fifth-atrtet, east nt the Union School-house Perrysburg, Ohio. rpnE undersigned would call the attention of the people of Perrysburg and vicinity, that she still taking Piotures of the (lest Quality, of all aiies and kinds, from lie 4-4 sue, or Isrgest, down fiie smallest Ambroiypes and Oems ; also copy ing from other pictures and enlarging them in copying. Sh will finish up Pictures in India Ink, or paint in wt'r colors 111 the most approved styles) also furnish frames and Cases of all kinds sises that may be required. She would respectfully invite lur friends te and aee what their own arLil can do before going elsewhere. It will cost you unfiling if you cannot be suited. All she asks is to show w hat csn do, and feels confident of giving satis faction. Mrs, NICHOLS. N. B. Jfo pictures tak n on Sunday. Perrysburg, April 8, 1867. 50m NEW JEWELRY SHOP. AI.DLKT CIMYLIUCT, nAS opened a shop iu titu McKuigbl building, on rVonl Street, oppojiu the Kxi hauge, whne is on paled to r.pair W aulie.i and I' lock a, r.uJ do niliet work iu his line, 10 a biitisfuelurv ininuer. I'Uargts raoiiAble. ii The Castalian Fount. HOW TO PUNISH A WOMAN. BY JOHN G. SANE. St. Michael and Lucifer, meeting 0110 day, Fell into an angrv dispute; Tho' thev argued tiie caso in as civil away As if 'twere a chancery suit. Tho matter in question no trivial game ('Tis a plausible story, at least,) Was which ot the two bad the righlfullcst claim To a lady quite lately deceased, A woman of fashion, who, standing aloof, Looked on with a sorrowful face, While the rival attorneys by balance of proof Were trying to gettlo tho case. With a linge pair of scales the trial begins, Hut her virtues are many and great, And fairly outNise all the' follies and sins That iitvs as the opposite weight. St. Michael, delighted at winning tho prize, Laughed out in tho merriest way ; "Nay, tarry a moment I" Sir Lucifer ctles, 'Just look at this bundle, I pray. ' rto pleased to examine these changes of dress The dnmo was accustomed to wear) Ten sumptuous gowns, you'll anrely confess, Wore more than her lad ship's share I" "I scarce understand ron," his revcrenco said, ( Vnwilling 40 have it appvar That ever a notion had entered his head PcrUiuing to feminine gear). " Of course," said the fiend, "you aro modest, I know. That weakness is one of mv own I Yet. see what the matron has lavished, ft r show, 111 costly app.tru uiono. " The half of this fin TV, wasted in pr'de, Would have decently covered and fed A score of the neighbors who sickened Slid died for lack of clothing ami bread. Then into the b.ilancJ along with the sins, Tho ponderous budget was cast ; Tim virtues go-tip and Lucifer wins St. Michael is beat.'U nt last. "Alas," said tha Saint, " I must fairly allow The woman was greatly to blame In this matter ol raiment but pray tell mo how Yuu mean to dispose ol the ilamc T" "Why, thus," saiil the liend with a comical frown, " 110 yon lancy the penally small r Let her have every morning, another new gown, And think herself ugly iu nil." "Most exquisite, torturer!" Michael exclaims, ' I seo tint, your reverence knows (Onolh Lucifer laughing,) much nioro about dames. i Than you're willing to havo ns suppose." "Oo to !" well, I am rather reluctant 'o nanio Tho region from whence ho had come; 'Twas hardly so civil, yet 'twas tho same As if Michael had told him " Uo huiiu." " I will," said tho Bond, though I've never a dearth Of business, wherever I go ; For government m.ttters, the gravest on enrth, At present aro managed below. NOT ALWAYS SO. Wo wcro not always thus apart, . Such weary miles between each heart . Yon dulling love of mine! When Slimmer sweetness filled the sir, When skies were blue, liko maiden's eyes, And gold, like maiden's hair, 'When winds I y bonnd in chains f flowers, And Natnro smiled through nil tho hours, Tucsu loud lips until ered miue. I seo the honey fate stores up Tu mix in some more favored cup, I tnsto the gall 11 drink, And I nm sick with envious pain; fevers of doubt consume my strength, And poison every vein, . . "Kor others, life's delight." I cry, " But onlr hurts for you and I :'" And then 1 pause and think. Wo shall not ever parted bo By mocking land and cruel sea, If, on the shnros ot Time, Fate's baleful power must hold away, " Let ns be patient ;" God knows boat " Wo trust linn," will wo say, And, for our laith, at Heaven's broad gala We'll meet to never separate, You tnrling love of mine! Selected Miscellany. A MASONIC FUNERAL. In June, 1831, a steamer wended its way tip the MiauisHippi. Twas in the gray and curly morning, end listlessly the curling Ninoke from the eleatn pipe! Hunted away over the still, culm air. lliu noisy rumble of tho water wheels, plowing through tho inpid ciiriont, grated hnrrlily 011 (he car of the sad hearts on board, tor the " dark messenger ol 'Dentil " hovered there. The sunken eye and hollo check lold but too' well of Unit insidious toe Cholera. And the many little mounds scattered, along tho river hank, pointed to the lone gruvea of tho western traveler, who Bleep far from homo, victims to that feaiful econrgo. No loving bund to wipe the death damps from their brow, or Leur to their loved ouch tho I.ibI ead tokens of a f.ilUei'H undying love. At' this early day, comparatively few Gtonniera pliud thin mighty thoroughfare, and the pioneers of the l.ulo town hailed wilh joyful pleasure every one that ucured the landing, liut consternation . issmned tiie plat oof joy when it became known that four of the passengers wore dead, aw.iiling interment, and another dying. All weio to be left 011 shore. A litter was hastily prepared to convey the dying man, and cnefully they removed him to the only ho t l the' litllo village of J,a Crot-se then boasted, lie was birtly conscious, but a powerful Btiuiuluiit tevived him, and rally ing his sunken faculties, he asked if there was a member of the Masonic fraternity present. Fortunately Ihe two attending gentlemen and tho physician ull belonged to that Order. "His dark eve flashed" with an intelligent and thnn'rfuf expre sion: he faintly murmured, "Thank God, I shall not die uluue," and then iu broken accents, he told hie inouriilul story. How ihe 4 mania" to visit the great West had taken possession of him, and against Ihe fond it moiistiancea of his devoted wife, hu loft a beautiful home oil Ihe banks of Ihe Hud-, soi , and Iwo beautiful children.- The tears ran down hie wasted cheek as he remem beted how long and pleadingly she be sought him i.ot to leave her. telling him she had a pieaenlmi'iit ill would betido-him; she could not be reconciled, end clung to bis neck until the hour of his departuro, al most heart-broken. Bho bade him adieu, saying, " we shall Tcver, never, meet again." l'rophetio woni. u Dear fi lends, 1 have ten thousand dollars in currency on my person, which I wish sent to her. Oh I my brothers, by the mystery cf our holy Cider, break the news emly to her. Tell her, alii till her while this poor brain 0 ling to 1 eat on, uti I fond heart ton tinuid to beat, its warmest and best pupa tions were for her. Tiie remembrance of her sweet gentle fans will go with me through the 'daik valley,' and light my way to raiudise ; and tho proudest legacy 1 tun 1 eipi- Mh to her, i the hoimr of oiire being tho wife of a Koj'ul Arch Mason. It roba deali of its bitainess to know my broiheis with m in this dark hour, tu feel they may go with me to tiie brink uf the vjiey,' and sfn inkle- the never dyui 'Acacia' above my bleeping dust." He tli ttd Mb ei lunt tAhaufclii ii, and " his mind wandered. Again ho flood in his boyhood's homo, and received tho ap proving b 1 1 1 1 1 .3 Loin Ins proud old lather. Unco again he strolled 011 the beautiful and romantic banks of tho " Iliglilat.uV," and clasped tiie Lively form of his beautiful girl wife to hi proud, warm breast, breath ing in low, gpiitlo Ioiicr, thoso loud tntir muring nl love that lloaled away in har mony. Then came from hi dying lips the beautiful word of tho I'salmist, ' I am tho resurrection and the lite, sailh the Lord. lea, though I walk through the valley mid shadow of death, 1 fear no evil." " 1 nnline, darling. !nl yon put out tho giisf 'ti si dark. My poor, dear wife, amino I ami the erhn ol that fotnl name wa watted beyond the " dark river," whose Rilcut hanks the (lying man hnd just crossed. Tho angel of death bad beckoned his soul to t1 nt fur-ntf clime, where ho may enter the ' Grand Lodge," the holy of holies, ami understand tho impenetrable mysteiies of the great Eternal, Unpidly tho news spread of the stranger's death, and his desire to have a Miisonio funeral, which would bo tho fust that had ever been celebiated in tho litllo hamlet. Tho litllo church was filled to suffocation, and ns the solemn procession entered, robed in their spotless wh;t badges, em blematic of the pure Order to which they belonged, decorated willi tho beautiful sprigs of living green, bearing the remains of the stranger brother, a feeling of awe crept over me. Alter Iho beautiful and impressive service for the buiiil of the dead had been rend, and a brief retrospect of iho mom nl ill occasion which had brought theiti tegollwr, the Coflin, which waa ("trown with tho enlly spiing (lowere, was borne away to its final resting placo. There was. not otio dry eyo in tho house. F.very pulso throbbed with grief, for that poor .bereaved wilo and thoso lender in fants. Oh! how my heart went out to that little band, for Iter, ns wilh slow funereal tread, t'.tey boro her husband to the tomb. Tho baud played a noft. sweet funeral dirge, and us the notes lloaled on the culm, pure air, beai tug tiie, sud tidings, n.othought I could heur tliu sorrowing wail of anguish I10111 tho broken heart of that poor wile, and the cry of s:ony front the lips of that loved sister. T!io forest tree in their fresh robo of green, waved their lliiik blanches to and Iki, na if bowing in silent grief at tho tuournlnl procession, us it en tered tho newly made cemetery, and placed Ihe bier beside the fresh-dug grave. Then ciitno Iho sacred and holy words from Iho Chaplain, breathing of faith, hope, and charity, the Tiiune three rolling Iho stono from tho sepulchre presenting Iho dead oiio " arisen, unnoiiited, renovated and purified." Beautiful faith, tho glorious cf fiigenco that can never die. Thou followed such a prayer as 1 never before heard. It was not a prayer, but the cry of a miked soul for the bread and water of Heavenly life. That G.01I would pour bis precious balm upon the ufllictud wife, comforting her iu this her cruel bereavement. Thoso strong proud men bowed their heads und wept. Tho eloquent sympathy manifesto! by the clergyman, passed with 0 mesmeric inlhienco to every heart within the coiu pus of hia voice, Thup, then tho ancient order of Masonry iirosu before mo in ull its solemn, silent grandeur. In profound and cliifoxic illus trations, its nolilo and magnanimous code of laws are grander and moro lusting than those of thu Roman Senate, which have been, for ugea, tho standard of tho world An order that ia iuapprotichublo,' but In its silent mystetiea moves an army of ' ministering angels," whispering hope to tli do; paii ing, consolation to tho sonow ing, and redemption to tho last waking to tlio soul ol the pour widow t song, thrill ing with almost seraphic joy, whoso mnaic will chimo through her heart forever. When hIio feels tho sombre shades of death's shadow creeping over her threshold, to steal from hor fond embrnco all Ihftt lcu deis life a charm, all, all that makes a sunny spot to her in Iho wido, wido woild, then comes this angelic band of brothers, pour ing into her broken heart thoso sweet words of comfort, that can only bo foil or expressed by a Mnsnniu brother. They push away, with their gentle hands, till the thorns that intercept her pathway. They think for her, they act for her. They are Father, Mother, Bister and lirothrr. Oh ! the tuliaiuniiic power of kind words uttered by sympathetic friends in the un mistakablo tones of disinterested friend ship. It helps tho poor, lone wife to pitnh her weary wny through all Ihe realms of Thought, to tho llouso of (Jnd, Beautiful iu 1'octiy, and to breatho iu softest numbers thoso delightful dreams of pcacu Ihe mystic brotherhood teach by their uuble, gener ous aud sterling virtues. Nono may ever know tho deep venera tion and almost holy awo wo entertain for that august and truly -wonderful organiza tion, which traces its honored and aucicut lineage to tho gruiid temple of Solomon, being a cryslulizaliou of worship. They point her weary heart to llmt beau tiful land dressed in living green, and tlio hosts of the redeemed walking therein. In siikness, poverty and death, they throw a mantle of sympathy and love around her, shiilditig her louo heart from thoso grim monsters, want and woo, mid opening to hur woman's vision, an exalted, noble and generous view of lifts, by stifling tho cry of anguish that ia wrung Iron) her lacerated heart, bidding her hold sweet communion wilh her ''minted dead." Iler children are their especial care, to counsel, advise and befriend. ;' And thus the stranger brother was put away to slt-op, far from the beautiful homo he lovod so well. No gilded funeral car, with richly caparisoned horses, bowing their plumed heads, or a long line of ele gant carriages, lillod with mourners, fol lowed his regains to Ihoir last resting tilacp. but a little devoted band ot " Ma sons," whoho warm hearts poured a precious libation upon the " Altar" of their sacred principles, moro precious moro acceptable, because unknown. "He fell among them stranger, aud they toolt him in ; nuked, and thoy clothed him wilh the bread of Heaven." A beautiful and touching letter waa re ceived in due time, from the poor wifo, fraught wilh so refined expressions of woe that sngeU might weep with her iu her great affliction. Hut blessing, forever blessing to noblo souls who cared for her poor husband, aud followed him to the silent tomb," Who can look upon them but as a divine Order, implanting thoso true principles of Cbrislian thanly iu tho hearts of all T Toki ow oue as s worthy Lrothtr, en dears him to all. Ho may command their time, Ihoir pure. aye, thoir life almost. May the true beauties of Masonry fhrive in every heart, and every Mason o'Milate their beautiful and holy teachings. J'hen shall their days be crowned with blessings, and from tho bosry ineuntuifi peks of a well spent hfo their souls sha' stretch thnnsilves into that higher and futffer life, shall takh a climpso ,f iho Cily of Pap. phira and Jasper id Gold, and a.? tho light comes streaming through ihe open dour of Iho grand temple, revealing Iheoighty secret, thoy shall hiar the ccUali.i bells pealing forth the joyous welcomr," f'ome, tome, tome, jc ILkocJ ol my Father.-' A MASONIC FUNERAL. A Portialt Drawn in Chalk, by a Radical Tailor. BY GRACE GREENWOOD. "Show m who lias been engaged In these con spiracies, who has tired upon our (Ian 1 who lias given instruction to tnke our forts nd custom- honsea ami oia-k-yanla, ard I will show yon a froiVui. Were 1 Vresidcnt of the I'nited Slates. I would do as TboiuSs Jrll'erson did, in lxilrt, wilh Anrn Uorr. I would have them arrested, and If convicted within the meaning and scope of the eoiistitnlior, bv the efrmo (.W, I would ex -entc them." .Iion-fie Jotiim,in tA I'nilni iNniti ,1arr 1, 1X01. " 1 believe we must leave the kllllne out, when all is done." A'nta'n .Strntiow, He Kail,, Mid- tnttimcr Sight't ihrtim. In my opinion, a certain distinguished representative of 'our craft is but a so-so lout iirynmn. Alter running well for a time, lie is taking back stitches. Ho is Under taking to mend cur national breeches with shoddy. He is putting new pockets into our national coat of iinn, for foreign in sults, find patching its grand bullet hole with old Coiifederalo gray. In trying to ninko over tho grand mantle nf tho groat l'resideut, to tit bis shrunken proportions, he lias clipped it and snipped it into a mon key jacket. 1 suspect ho is going into tho old clothes business (tliisaumo Mr. Moses). Ho has sponged out his old honorable rec ord, and ia no longer ft cewlit to onr cloth, llo'll not give the rebels tho hasty IhsHnij they deserve, but is bent upon carefully binding up their wounds. Ho ia nut tho man to end oil- llicir thread of lifo with a slip knot. Ho has sat loo long on a nnrrow bench to stand firm mid erect on a broad platlortn. In my opinion his stories of great sacriliucK lor tlio I'nion aro cut out of tho whole cloth. He can't make mo swnllmt Inil of that kind. Ho is too well used to turning his cont. Ho isn't, sound on the goose. Ho will make a cabbage garden of tho .Presidential grounds. He would extinguish Liberty's Torch wilh his thimblo. Hi nenllo turns to tho north polo. 1 would there were anolher needle in the seat of government to prick him on to duty. I confess I don't ndiniro his round about Policy. 1 don't liko his habits. They uiu too loose or too tight. I don't like his meiisures, ho don't lit his situa'.ion. Thero is ton much seeming about him. llo is a po:ir fi.'lcr. He overcasts our fair sky wilh doubt, mul dii tH it wilh lightning. He Kocj s tlio nation in ie(rs, (as Mrs, l'urlingli n would say ). 1 would set him to nmking corduroy ; he Is not lit for our ducks (dux); ho needs bm ki am in his prin ciples ; he wants ill iiliug ; he has less heart than padding; ho hasn't a soul above bot tom ; he faces both ways ; ho is full of plat itude $ ho doesn't gather wisdom from ex perience; he tacks ami dims; bis judg ment is warped ; ho duu'l list to good ad vice ; ho would emtio iho Nop over, us, with bis yard stick for tho scepter; ho wauls men of his own pattern to follow tho path ho chalks out ; ho Waxes saucy , but it lie don't mind bis eyo in threading his way, he'll raise the choice of the nation, and got hemmed in, and pressed on all sides. . Ha needs to bu slushed, (o bo gored, to bo pinked. If Iho fates should ho inclined to cut him off with his own shears, I would say cul away. If fortuuo wero about tJ undo him, I should say ' let her rip." j 7(iru such a man I Tunnel Under the Atlantic. Tho Church Union gives tho following particulars of a wild undertaking that of running a tunnel under Iho Atlantic Ocean, in ' order to connect tho Old niid New Woilds together by means of a sub-iuurnio railway ;, , Tho- moBt eminent engineers, ' both in F.uropo and America, havo been consulted and (hey draw up a report which repre sents that this stupendous scliimo is per fectly leasiblo and only require timo and money 'to carry it out, while Iho cnpilal, al though stupendous, will bo forthcoming. So far us calculated approximately, it will cost livo hundred millions of dollars. Plenty of capitalists aro reudy to engngo in this marvelous undertaking, and a.t soon us tho plans uro arranged the money will bo advanced. The proposed plans aro in themselves tho wonder of this skillful nge ol engineering science. To rtlato them iu detail would be simply impossible at pres ent, but a few of tho Ivudiug points may be glanced at in order to give tlio render nn insight into tho wonderful results already arrived at. This undertaking will occupy ono huiidri d thousand men h-ilf at each end of the terminus, and .supposi'tg the obstacles to ho of such a character as are expected, it will lako full thirty yoats to accomplish the work. When complcto it will take about six days for ordinary trains to travel be tween, both points and three days for ex press mails. The syst:m to be adopted for tunnelling will be of tho latest improve ments in drilling rock, each advance of the drillers bo followed by shields of various dimensions of strong east iron, and each succeeding one being (inner than tho last. Powerful st'-'am engines will push forward these shields as tho boring advan"0S, until at Iho lust the largest nod most perfect tube will be placed with rails properly fixed for operation. It is propc.ied to light the cars wilh magnesium light, w.hilo powerful en gines will drive tho air tin ouch tho tuuiiul, inducing a froo circulation, the supply bo ing regulated by various eontri vam-js at certain distances. Tho electric light will bo used at interval on the track, Dup"ts will not bo required, as there will be uo stoppage. The points of union, both iu America and Furope, are iu courso of debate It is generally conceded that tho shortest ronlo will be the cable one, viz : between Newfoundland ami Ireland. The soundings already taken to lay tho ca hie telegraph are of the greatest use, and havo enabled tho operators to lay out their map of tho bud of the Atlantio. Tho wire will bo laid through the tunnel and exper iments are in progress to connect tha com munication between tlio running cars und tho fixed telegraph, by which means imme diate information cau be sent to either con tinent by tha passenger while traveling. Thus, while tho billows roll abovo and the monsters of the deep aro sporting or fight ing, ns the case may be, men. women and children will bo rolling rapidly underneath, and aftor brief trip will find IheniKclves on the shores of other nations, without Ihe dangor, fatigue and sickness of a long aud dangerous sea voyage. ; . m i i Onto is now the chief wool growing Stale, having C.fitl8,or'2 sheep, out of 3'J, (J50.797 in the United' Flale. In lHliti Ihe live stock of Ohio was valued at 151, 000, 0U0, which is greater than any other State except New Yoik. Ast Irishman who was near sightnd was about to fight a duel, and insisted that ho should stand six paces nearer to his au tagonibt than tho. latter did to him, aud they were both to fire rt the same time. fnvi.ojj baa a tree 2, 1.'5 years old. There is duciimul.tai y evidence that it w,ia planted in tho year 'isi U-fors Christ. 8omr relics of (lie J utlU of lh, I'ainiii, in 1813, wei t i-xliiiiiitd j;wt b;U v I he ia b tad biUgo at Muoice. ,. t THE METEORIC SHOWER. The Display at New York—An Interesting and Brilliant Spectacle. Excepting a before rrmniked, an occnt ioi al and fitful Hush ot light acrow the hori zon the mrlcot ;C dis lay did not really com mence before hull-past 3 o'clock in tho nvniiing. At precisely that lioiir a meteor of a gu-ciiish blue color, and nboot the siw of a star of the first nisirnitnde. ahot out " from the direction of Iho constellation Leo. lighting np the sky with a long train of crimson fire, and traveling in a northwest- cily ilirection. It bail scarcely faded from the sight when anolher and cqnully brilliant, ll'oijgh not quite so large, cumo speeding across in its track, and it was followed by fourteen, ol snui'ler magnitude-; one by nnv, in quick succession. At this moment heavy cloud drilttd towards the north, and for somo minutes the spectacle was par tially lost to view. That the meteors wcrs railing rapidly, however, was plainly evi dent. From all points where the clouds were thin occasional ones Unshed out, and Ihe frequent lighting np of the clouds as Ihry passed ovir mado it apparent that they wero falling rapidly. At ten minutes before 4 o'clock the northern sky ngnin be-' came clear ; a thick and almost impenetra ble, cloud passed over the moon, partially obscuring its light, and thus enabling the. watchers to view with greater distinctness the aisco ami brilliancy of Ihe meteors. . The display was now a most magnificent one. The meteors shot out from Leo in all direc tions, and wilh remaikable swiftness ttuvtled across the horienn. Sixty-lhreo-weio counted in ono minuto ami ten seconds, of which three were of extraordi nary sizo and beatify. One of these of a greeiiish hue, and followed by a long train oi i no same color, traveled in the direction of Ursa Major, aud as it was disappearing1 in (ho northern hoi iy.oii apparently burst, lighting up the sky for meat distance on i.ll sides. It was now utterly impossible lo keep a correct account ol the number , falling. Eight, ten and twelve sped on- , winds on their erratic course at tho samo moment; ecnrcelv disappearing before oilier of equal splendor took their nlaccs. fortuity twenty minute they continued to tall w ith me snirie rapidity, during which nine, exclusive oi inoue sfreuriy mt-iittonca tin eo hundred and thirteen were counted. This number, however, was not oiie-fifih o! (hat which really fell. Not los, per haps, than tilteeu hundred or two thousand unlisted irom Leo . during this space, of , lime, so (hat it was utterly impossible lor ono person to keep anything like an ao- curate account. At ten minutes past 4 o'clock ther appeared in smaller number, snd gradually d-creused bntil tin J sveri ged ' not moro than three or four each in no la. At twenty two minutes oust four o'clock tha largest and undoubtedly the most brilliant meteor that lias been seen for many years ' tume riiKiiing ocroFS tiie ky. It radiated irom i.eo, ami toon a Uuect northerly, courso toward Ursa .Mujor, followed by long Irnin of o yellowish red hue, which spanned tho horizon from its point of sp pcaranco to that of its disappearance. This meteor 'was of the same greenish blue color u as the others, which preceded it, and aa it pussed over about one-half of the cours traversed, it seemed l burst, ond then the spectacle was really beautiful. Apparently' hundreds of fragmt nt of an blood- red Cnhir hril:H (mm it mill Qf.utfam,! in every direction, whih) it continued its courso toward the north, no longer wearing its greenish blno color, but of ono uniform and beautiful blue. The panorama it pre sented wtiR exceedingly grand, aud must huvo laRled at least three minutes before the varied colors disappeared and Iho tire-' lit skies resumed their wonted serenity. Meteor after meteor now followed iu rapid succession until about twenty minutes be fore 5 o'clock, when lliey ceased to appear, t-xacpt at intervals of tun or twelve seconds v....- .1.: , ,n.. .1.. touii. wo-fl nun iiiiimicr Kinuuuiiy un crossed until 5 o'clock, when two large and brilliant ones, with long trains, shot out to gether, and wero lost almost at tho samo moment in tho northern horizon.. Numer ous i-mil! meteors came afterward ; but Iho grandeur of the spectacle bad passed away, Tho gray mists of morning and the No- ..I. u.i I,',,, nun wu. Tiling mt, , iicig and Ihe cily. It was therefore almost im possible to do more than occasionally per. ceive Iho Hashes of light which evidently came from thoso of great brilliancy ; and as tho morning advanced even these bo camo lesu and less die tinct, until they were linully lost to view, and the meteors in all of their grandeur, remained only in tho memories of thoso who had witnessed, thciu. JV. 1'. llcnd,L y - and Brilliant Spectacle. The Suffrage for Women. A number of gentlemen have signed and published the following document; ' To thn Voters, of the United Stales '? ' j In thin hour of national reconstruction, we appeal to good men of all parties, Iu conventions for amending State Const it u- , .l. i .. i..,....A . ....... C. .....ft none, in me jrj;ir,iniii o w o jr umir, mm to Iho Congress of the United States, to apply tlio principles of the . Dvclatatiou of independence to women. Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. The u iu r..,-i, nf , .ilium, t rr.n(Yi i lltnli.rn l-A- public is suflrago. Mere tacit acquiescence is not consent; if it were, every ,:cpo!iMn might claim that its power is justly held. iSullrnge is the right of every a lnlt citizen, inespective of sex or color. Women aro governed; therefore, they are rightfully eu lilled to vole. ;' Tho j roblein of 'American Slatesmansh ip is. how to incorporate iu our Mistitutious a guarantee of the rights ol every individual. I lie soiunor. ib easy, uubb government on the consent of 4he governed, aud each class will prelect itself. It. F. Wade, U. S. Senator, Ohio. Win. Spngue, U. S. Senator, R. I. Jos. v. rnye.u. o. Senator, rvevaua. Sam.O. I'ouiei oy. U. S. Senator, Kansas. E. G. Ross, U, S. Senator, Kansas. Sid. Clarke, U. S. Representative, Kansas, f. (. Crawford, Governor, Kansas, ' J. M. liroomall, V. S. Rep. Peiin. Oeo. W- Julian, U. S. Rep., Indiana. II. D. Washburn. V. S. Rep., Indiana. Oakes Allies. U. S. Rep., Mass. J. M. Ashley, V. S. Representative, Ohio. Win. LouridgA, U. 8. Rep., lows. R. E. Trow bridge, U. S, Rop., Michigan, ' John F- Hiiggs, U. S. Rep., Michigan Robert Collycr, Illinois. . -, Wendell Phillips. Massachusetts. Samuel h. cewi II. Massachusetts. T. V. Iliggiitsou Rhode Llund. Geo. Win. Curtis, New Yoik. Henry Ward It oher. New York. Geriilt Siniih, New York. Theodore Tillon, New York.' ('ilviu E. Slowe, Conrecliciit. ' ' Dudley S. Gregory, New Jersey. ' (!eorg T. Cobb, New Jersey. John Y. Foster, New Jersey. .:,r,ua I. Ilnvett Vew .lor.m- ' '.. K. rani.'biiin, New.teisey, t'hailes Robin!!, Kansas. y.tliiUitl . Wliul. lvilllK.'Iri- YdNiji'Mi and esvrt thy renl in'; bilking v Udcin.