Newspaper Page Text
5ffiY Z "1 A. r ft V . 'ill WWW .... I 'i I .1 VQL. XVI. PER'RYSBURG, O., lHIDA.Y, JUNE 26, 1808. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Three months, .i A..'... .'j...'.w.J;..... AO Six mntlii tl OO Vat year S OO - ..TERMS OlDVEUTISIXa, . One Square, on Insertion t:.... ....... .t.tX Wl Kuch subsequent insertion ................ SO Business Cards, por annum S 00 Administration, AUnobisent, Dissolution, El- . . ' ecnfor, Redemption nd Road Notices.-.. 1 00 Marriage Notices ................ ......... 50 Death Notices V". ?. The apaee occupied by ten lines, or less, of tbn tie type counts one srt,nre. a . "'All Transient nd Legal Advertisements must be psld for in advauee to insnre publication. rry Attorneys are nSLD RSsroiMlSLS fof all advertisement banded in- or snlhorir.el by them, and for the poblioation of all Sheriff Sale notices, the writs for which they order out. "; i JOB I'RINTINO. We sr prepared to execute all kinds of Job Work, inch a rosters. Sale BMIs, Programmes, ftrits tions, Business Cards, Visiting Citrd. Wedding Cards, Checks, Labels, Pamphlets, Hill Heads, blanks, etc., etc, In the most satisfactory manner. 1 The following are the rates for Sheet Dills: ij SheotTllIts t2 On 40 14. I M lOO.Vj-: k i 1 J. i u. 00 13 i .. 2 50 o ii'ni :; : : .,.... .i... Joo k 3 50 100 ...... w. 0 100 Full-sheet Bills 09 Orders will be tilled st short notice, and upon the most rensonnble terms. Printing of crery kind, whether job work Or sdVertisine, which is done for any association, society, public meeting or political party, wid be charged to the person or persons ordering the same, ko! ht held responsible lor psypicnt. onL, & rinnoss, ' . Publishers and Proprietors. BUSINESS CAEDS. PEItRYSBURQ MEAT STORE. , . JOHN . HOFFMAN HkA removed his Meat Store to the building re cently occupied by the Hardware riloro. on Louisiana Aronue. An excellent quality of Meat 'rf ilw. f tr.ttt nn hand . 1 1 which he invites the at tention of all lorcrsof a juicy Roast, or a tender Bieaa. I'efryibure;, November 8, 185. Sit ;Firo Insurance Agencj". : , JOHN POWERS, PEltltYSIll'KG, OHIO, la Agent for that first-class Insurance Company, LOUILLiRD-Ncw York. Capital ' ......M9,033 3" Parties having buildings or personal property of j 1...: ... : .. .:n : ... 1 1. ... - est to giro.-me a Sail. . JOHN POWERS, J8 Agent, Perrysburg, 0. 4. .sr.- ciarriL. . . , a. s. avud aiAI'PIGL AULI), House 'arid Slih. IJainting, .:c il chaining,- . Glazing and Papsr Hanging. RIT0P One door cast of Journal Office, Frunl-strest. ; I'oiTj suurg, O. . 'JOHN A.1 SHANNON, lltorney and CouuscIlor-at-Law, Office ia Phoenix Block, up Htnirs, .r . ri r . .e'rr"l'U''S Ohio. r7Atiention given to the collection of Soldiers Claims...'.' .-.-.! ' ,, ; ,,..: . Hzz , GEOUQE STUAIK, ATTORN E T AT- LAW, PtRaYSncito, 0., T TTILL attend to allbuflinessennfidsd to his ea re VT In' the several Courts of Ohio.1 Military : 1 1 1 .: , ... Viaiius win ruueiYD iruuuir Biiuniiuii. , Also Jnstiranee taken at reasonable ratal. '' Olfice New Hardware Building.up stairs, ror Her of Louisiana Aronue and front street, lis -H- i; ; r 'r : i ' i '. .- ? nORlOR g. BROWN. 1IYRON O. BROWN Hull . Prairie Elevators, Proprietors; also, Dealers in Dry Coods,Grwcerics,Boots,ShocsAc. 1" Cash 'for all kinds' of Drain. '' ' 1 , t.ti r ... ,.. UULL PRAIRIE, 0. J. K, Hoan, Fremont. J. M. Hoar., Perrysbnrg. -'Wj;-kv& JM- HORDi T''; ATTOUNK1S..I . .Peiri j sburg, O. Office lu riieonix Block 35zi ' Dr, W. F. EMMETT, , Snpg eon" Dentist- Pcrrysburg, Wood Co., O. ' U. K reps' Store, on Lonislitna venue. Dental work executed in Uold, Sil ver and Kybbet.' Troth extracted without pain withont the use of chloroform. N, .A full set of Teeth on Rubber' for f 80. All work warranted. Refer to Peck A Hamilton, rerrysbury. , v,-,.j ,-t r, : r,- U 6,000 cCdf ds- of Stave : Bolts ... ..... "W"-flL JXT 33, , ; ! Jv ilie Slcv'eas' Skve Sanuf.ictiiriii,? Ctiiiijiaiiy, j . PERliTSBirUG, OHIO. ZV" 41, ft" I tlrKlOirt of OH AS 8TEVES3. 0QWU1N,G .GREEN HOTEL, w 1 ISAAC CLAY", Proprietor, "; -BOWIiINGGREEN, O. THIS House has lately been refltte and refur nished, and the Proprietor will spare no pains foaaafca th Uy ef.Us yuests comlbruble. ttat ., J. F. K S' n. PIUCE, . , V.. -.!- 11 1 ( ' ' " .'-.Till ' ? AttornQjr-at-Xiavy, rtrhArki Wao4 CTiHtjr, O. WE kava large quantities of Real EnteU .for bSalejaiteoj Tax-payiag; also, procure Bonntiei aa Paanioos for Suldiera,.- !i .m All batiaeaa ereatptly aUtrnded to. n ,, 3A ItBliuT" A VtiiY Proprietor, ... BowllBff; 3r, Wm . "JOT. 4lf!'HT't"ll hn 'il.' moderati (Wl , ,..'.; , ' CifHii line of nackasoniiecte wita the Acoom- inodatton Train at Haakma, goiug north and aoulb, aoa at. iuMWK.uj ; nuu, uv u iralD, ...iw ..4 .,..11, . auiuir 1 ; .Ttirmus.v.DAVis, ; ' -M'biviri" engineer' 1 Deputy CountySuPTeyoi, :,U?;test4, oitio.;; W tUti U any Ooty Officer. - -43s y'Z:i. Q. BRADLEY, . 'Physician.,, a ud burgeon. ...-! . i i i . . , .J OFFICE aver Q, Usach'a Store. , Resident- Mm. Houston's. truot-slreeC Perry sbutj VV'f . 41m . . i' - -: ''-i'' .-x . ... ....... : Miscellaneous. JAR. W. BOOS, iSnitR COX.K, B1.IIRT . Host . KOS & COOK. . w ABSTRACTS of .TITLE. . ..-... , a; ,OfH'. Crnrr l.nlt A vrn" 4 rrnt Street, frrr"aT !. i- WE bar the only aet f Abstract nook now ia Wood County .containing a oowplet Ihmx to all Lots and Lands therein. l-rf" Certificates of Title ri ran upon reasonable torms. ' ' HAlso, Airsnts for t)iirchasintf and m-llinf Real Entto,(rettiDg np Tax Titles, paying Taxes, fie.. ci l , 'v -. v - - - ITMH'tt "(lesirsblo residences in Pcrrrsburff. . Trice ranging from $1,200 to $l,S0fl i "for sale by ROSS A COOK. IOA ACRES of choice land, 3 miles south of 7 Pcrrysbursr, on Perrrsburjr and Fimllsv Road, and at erossing of ood county road well drained; 10 aires nnder' ciiltlvntion; 40 acres of prairie and npuniiips, and balance timber. I'rico VIS wr acre, or (20 in payments. 80 kcre of excellent land near Milton Cooler, on (rood county road, W mile frmu railroad j (food house and other farm buildings; 40 acres of pood timber and balance in prairia and auder cultiratirn. Price J 1.400. cash, or tl.AOO in rSTmcnts. For further particulars, inquire of HOSS & COOK. Business solicited. - ... SIj's ; m aumee: vaCleyj . LUMBER YARD. Sash, Door and Blind Factory. Planing & Moulding Mill. On the Dock, loot of I.onlalanat-Avo., PEHltYiiBtilG, OHIO. 'IHIS establishment is now in successful opcr JL ation, aud we are now ulfering for sale,, . j Pine Lumber; Country Xttmbcr t ... , Pine .Shingles;' . Pino, Ash, White and C.uton-wixid Flooring) Piue, White and Cotton-wood Siding; Sauh ; . . . Doors : Winds; . . Mouldings, Ao. Our facilities for doing business are such that Our Prices Dely . Competition ! Wo receive our Lumber direct from the Pineries. We work Seasoned Lumber. We use the best and latest improved Machinery. We work only the best Mechanics, whereby we are minbled to offer to all these who nro building, or anticipate building, superior advantages. . Orders solicited fur all work in our line,; and contracts made for ' Furnishing' nnJ Building IToiisfs Compleff, Country Lumber Pinned and Matched. Country Lumber Planed and maij into Siding: Strictly Primo Country Lumber Wanted. PECK,' LEES & CO., Proprietors. ' I'errysburjr, October 25, 1S(7. 38 Xi. slack:, (, Tontognny, Ohio, ',. ' ;'.'' '; ' ' rRaLBK. in .'. ' ' . i ." ' . '. PURE DRUGS & MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS & DYESTTJfFS, Glass: & Glassware, .P13RFUMKHY, : : ' FANCY ARTICLES AND .NOTIONS, Pure Wines and Brandies, . - t'- For Mpdicai piiroosos') . )"( , ! ", PATENT MEDICINES,.: ETC. fYeiy, flpjj assortuicnt of j FAMILY'' "GROCERIES, As low as can be purchased for cash.'1 n,i . c...; "..i.i i : i j :.:. -i ' uuuna sun oiacionory, Wull and Window Papers j - , -A Pons, Pencils, Superior Inlcs,' And all other articles usually kcH by tTrufjgists PICTURE F? AMES & MOLDINGS Of the newest styles and at the lowest prices. Tbs above, articles hsve been bought low for Cash, selected with great care, and will be war. ranted as reprcsentedaud sold at the very lowest cash price. XV PHrnielaas' Prescriptions Care fully Compounded. - " " N. n, Likewise Agent f.u- that sterling Insur ance Cin))Mny4ke Hartford Fire, of Hartford. . Tuntogaoy, February 14, 1808;. , ;,y t ,42m Mllinpry. and Fancy, Gooses.-, MISS ABBIE FOWLER begs leave to Inform her old customers and the publio gonurallv, tlut she has removed her Millinery Store to the corner of Second and Elm-strreta, one square be low the Avenue, where ahe, will keep constantly on band s fine assortment of . Millinery aitd Fanty Goods, which she will take pleasure in selling at lower rates than any other firm. The latest styles in the market received weekly. A'so, Stitching, Dress and Cloak-making djuie to order.. Ladies, please favor me, with s eall, ,' lui HOOK AGENTS wanted " . t'OH llOWt.ArtU'S n.' Or n'isr'rr,: AS A BOLDIER AND STATESMAN.' An accurate hisfory 'of bij Military and Civil Career. In 1 Urge octavo rol. ncarlv 860 pages, fisely illuatrnteiU, Agents willed iai Hie took to sell at.U.0 rseqt time. ,Tbei Inrgnf nmmit unm given. i We employ so Qwtnl Ajatt; n& oGTer txtrit inducements to canvassers. Agents win SJe uie savantags oi ooaiiog UrMUy an us the Publishers. For descriptive circular and terms, address 4. H. BUKK ft VO.. To FnblisherS, Hariford, Conn.j .7 F. JOHNSON Sf OO.V1 11 Pealers io all elasaes it" V" FRESH. ANDJ ALT FISH. TXTE are a) all times ready to snpply our ens ji.f ,mer un Ujs beat article, is tbs, jsiafks , "...."lAfip'fcDwist PBICJI... j B' i ad fair ayatess of basiness, w bops to Staa nioraaMd patmtnags. ... ..... ' ! L.t?lZJT,ou Wa Crook's Old Rtors, jjtj!g",yabisra;.. -, ... .... m" AFT3 oZgTaid.irela, airuny . fur &lo. in suwa to am. b , . 1 EaASGK HAvtliit TOLiDO, 1 , . J31 oumnt-jiirBi tij.' 1- IQUORS and CTOAtN of (he choicest brands X' to be "baif st the Saloon of C. LEAK.' SCHJICRIPTIOM price of tbs Jofuwit., Two Dollars s year, In advance. . ,f..-.A ,j .v.uii ,-. 1... ij i ,Y . j :, U , . ' ' is ns The Castalian Fount. WATCHING FOR PA. Three liHIe forms in the twilight uray, Scanning the shadows serosa the way i r Httlo- yes- fear Mark, two bin' '' liriniful of lore tad Uapninets too, 1 Wafohmg for Pa. - . i .- ....... May, with her placid sad thoughtful brow,.,. Oentle 0ce beaming wrtta lore just now t ! Willie, the rogue, no In Ting ami gay, Stealing a. kiss frun Im sister Hut-- ' J ' i I Watching lor Pa. Ketlie, with her ringlets ef sonny bar. Cosily nestled between the I wis 1 Pressing her cheek 'gainst the wirrdnw-pane, Wishing the absent one home again, ' ' : . 't Watching for Pa, 1 Oh I bow they girt at the passera by, r "He coming at laat," thev gaily cry; "Try again, my pets," exclaims ninnima i . , And Nellie adds, " There's the twilight star . Watehing lor Pa." Jck onda and smiles a with bnsy foet ' ' He lights the lamps in the busy strert ; That sweet little group he know full well May and Willie, with golden-haired Nell, . I ' Watching for P. ' Soon Joyous shouts from the window steal, And enger patter of childish feet, Oay music now chims throoph the hall; "' '' A iiiauly volro reispomla to call "Welcome, la 1" THE TRAITOR'S DESERT. FROM MOORE'S "LALLA ROOKH." Oh 1 fi.r a tongue to curse the slave, ! Wh.Mc Irpnson, like a deadly blight, Comes o'er the councils of the brave, ' And blasts them in their hour of might I - May lire's iioblt siud. cup fur Mm Be drugg'd wi h treacheries to the briiuj With In pes that but allire to fly j With jovs that anii.h while ho sips, "' ' , Like Dead Sua fruils that tempt the eye, . Hut turn to ashes on the lips. nis country's curse, bis children's shame, , Outcast of virtue, pence and lame, May he, at Inst, with lips of tUnio, On tbo parched dusort thirsting die, " v While hikes, that shiino in moelery nfgb, Are fading off, untouched, untssted," Like the nure glorious hopes ho blnstod I And, when from earth bis spirit dies. Just Prophet, let the dumn'd one dwoll Full in- the sight of Paradise, lieholding Heav'n, and feeling Ilelll . . m . . . GRANT. BY GEORGE H. BOKER. As Moses stood upon the flaming lull, With all the. people gathered at his fset. Wailing in Sinai's valley, thore to meet The awful bearer of Jehovah's will, So, Grant, thou stand'st amidst the trumpet's 1 shrill, i . . And the w ild, fiery storms that flash and, beat In iron thunder nnd in leaden sleet, Topmost of all, and most exposed to ill. O, stuod thou firm, grcnt leailcr of our race, Hope of onr future, till the times grow bland, And into ashes drops War's dying brand; Then let us see thee, with beuignant grsce, Descend thy hight, God's glory In thy face," And ilia Lord's tables safe within thy hand! BY GEORGE H. BOKER. Selected Miscellany. ONLY FIVE SHILLINGS. ' She now a very tiic'ly, rntid Mrs. Whar ton; " renlly, very nicely imlnctt.' "And if you Imvo uny work j'oit wmh done well aud, clieiiy,vl Wctil.l sidviao ",nil.tb, etloy her." , . . Mrs. VIiailon was Hitting before a bright Pre of cool,: in lief crimson . bilk ruorning wrapper, witli her glossy hnir Bmooth bh satin,, and her : pretly lnuuU loaileil .with rich rings, lying in her hip. She 1 felt that ahe wait doing a charitable dood itt employ ing; a poor deserving soldier's Widow, and a still greater one lit recommending her to hor friends. ' Il is so enny to bo a good Christian un- rle'r'flOnin 1 Well, I Hindi certainly' Rort'd for her," said JU's. Marvin., t ''TWhnt did you tell me her nsmo ahd address was ? " ' " ' " Oh, she is called Mrs. Lpg'ftoH, and she lives in a big mmdy house in First avenue, e back room in Uiu third story.. Heieia the address;- ' " ' - T:T'r Mr.jMarTin. efitred 11) ' details In. her little., pearl-bound tublrls, mid look her le'Svc, intrriially convinoed that Nih. Whar ton was a " good Samaritan " and of the vely.igBl'Bfcla8B.!' , , () ) Meanwhile the latter ludy was gazing dreamily Into the Dre, and wondering what toilets w.jiiU ha most , appropriate, (or the morrow evening's soiree. ' "There's my greon satin," mused- Mfs. Wharton, checking off the various garments on tine tips of cr white fingers.; ' but I've worn it there blready.' And theros my Marie Louise bluo' silk, if the Hkirt was only gored a little mors. The' lomon col ored brocade is not becoming lo me I'm sorry I bought it. And., the grenadina got rorn-at Mrs. Armyii's., My wine colored silk, with the ruby set, would look well, if that odious Fanny rainier hadn't got one just like it. And the purple velvet don't look wt-II at night. ' Uh, dear! I really think I must have something new. A rose col ored tisane, or a white India muslin. " My wardrobe iaiaatting dreadfully boliind hand. Dear mo! Who's that? How you startled me, 'Mrs. Legget t" "I beg your pardon ma'arnj T"nm snre," sail the sfrnder,- iliSek looUing little) aeaui sirens, rustling softly forward in her, .gar. men Is of shabby well worn blucK ; '' but 1 knocked twice and you did not answer." " Then you should knock- louder ; next time," said the irritable fine lady. How ever; now, that you ore here,, you might as well sit down. Good gracious, how wet yon are pojtfv ly dripping:! " . " Yes, in am; it rums very nard, and I hav no nn.brellft.' " " : "" V N'o umbrella I Dear me, bow nlkocking! Well, did yem brlngiiome those things T" 1 " Yes, ma'am; here they are." And the seamstress produced a neat packet front beneath her shawl. ; " I hope to goodness you didn't get them wiSHlKMhey aio tolersUjti dry. IWW the bill!". u Ten dollars arid fire shillings, tna'am. "Ten dollars! Isn't that high. Mrs. ' Leg. get)?".; said, Mis. Wharton, discotitfttec)iy. " 1 worked eleven days lailUlully on lliem ma'sm." . 1 .'Li j l i 1 A .1 Wall. I supfcae I i rmuit f.y yon what yon ask," said Mrs. 'Wharton, opening her purse aud slowly examlnfng its compart ments. " Dear me! I have only ten dol-. lars. I suppose you coul4 not change a check T".. . . '. "1 . Mrs. Leggett smiled bitterly. "Nq tiia'arnl oouli not."; ,'-t ' Well, then, we'll call it ten dollsrs. wont wet Vive shillings Isn't much either way. and ten dollars Is alt 1 havs." - " Five shillings is a great deal to m, Mrs. Wharton." "J ? : ' " ' Tbe lady's snooth, fcrpw cpnlractl, I have given you. a. great deal of work, Mrs-Leggett" . - " I know it,, ma'am, nd.I' am very much obliged to you for a your kindness." "And I should be sorry to have so trif fling an smo'lut as five, sillt(nga separstd wow'5' ''!' Mrs.'Lfggett was itilont, she did nof kuqw wliut lo Say ij -.1,1. t tl 'I .... ... L..i I. . ili'i liui. J ".. Tall it Ion dollars," said Mr. Wharton, tossing the money into the Ian 'of the sol dler's widow five shillings doat signify. and I recommended my friend Krs. Mar. vin to employ you, only (his nwrnu.g. "lHnk you. said the poor woman faintly, as ahe took the money, felj eg in wardly that she was defrauded, yet per fectly swaro that she had no means of re dress. And nhe wont forth once more .into tho rain and tempest of the dismal November morning. A short time afterward Mary, Mrs. Wharton's maid, entered the room. "Ma'am if you pious" here's tho hows- paper boyhe says master to'd him you wouin pay the bill tins ween." ' How snueh is it, Mary " .. ; "Five shillings, ma'am.". How provoking I I bavn't any chance in tho house." " Ilo aays he has orders not to leave the home until he is paid." " lie is very impertinent, said the I .dr. coloring up, ruid, for tbo first time in bet pet tod Sybarite life feeling the waut of live shillings. ' :' Mrs. Unrenco Filvrgefsl.I was the next person nt.nonnrcd lady of tho utmost style, whose acquaintance Mrs. Wharton hud just succeeded in making. . .. , . . ". ion win stare at my being out in tins storm, my dear," said alio, limiting grace fully into the apartment ;" but 1 am raising a five shilling MtiliHoi iption for a poor inuhi cinn vt ho has iunt broken his arm. Of course- I msy depend on yotl T " Airs. Wharton colored. " I will sond it round in the morning ; " M Tliat won't do," said Mrs. Fifzgrrald. shrugging her shoulders. " I am deter mined to settle the bitMiitpss to-day." ' I niir very sorry, said onr mortified he rotne, ' hut I havo not got it." , Mis- Srj!ernld bowed coldly Evidently tho did sot believe tho protestation and Mis. W'hurton saw her outer her coupe and drive away, with tho comfortable con sciousness that she would bo invite.) to no more of Mrs. t'tsrenoe FieGerald's delight fully exclusivo parties. " Mis. Wharton." said tho cook, " there's tho boy at the door from the fruitrries lie has su illegant pino-apple Mre. Tepper sent around." ' It will be the very thing I want for dessert." said Mrs. What toil :" how much is it?" " Five shillings, ma'am." "Tell him to leave it Bridget, and I'll oil and settle to mtnorrw." , . He says ma'am, Mrs. Dallon wants it, if y don't havo the money handy.. Pine apples doesu't go beggiu' this seasuu of tho vear." r " Lei M,rs. Dallon have It, then ; I will never buy another article of Popper." Mis. Wharton was considerably an noyed.. i "To think five-shillings should be so useful t " alio muttered to herself, taking up her portfolio.. '.' ' , .' A lioll-fiuished letter lay thore -one to her sister, who was the wife of a clergy man with a flock of litllo iehildren' round her, Tho Inst words she had written wero. " I sond yon five shillings to buy a (loll for tho baby, my littlo namesake. " ..." How provoking !". she exclaimed., "1 onn't even finiuh the letter for lack of tho everlasting five shillings." . . ; dho leimod back in the velvet cushions of her chaif, and drowsily watching tho blaKO, and listening to tho patter of tho rain against tho window, fell fust suloep. , .. . - Whore was she I lu tho spectre boat of Charon, gliding across the river Biyx ) arid as the bark touched the shores Of the other world, . the ghastly toll gatheror ex tended his hand relentlessly. " Your fare, if you please, ma'am." Mrs. Wharton had her fare ready she handed it np, eager to pass through the gates, where she. could see the musical wave of the palm-trees and the sparkle of the glittering tides that flowed beneath their shadow. ; ' ' ' -' " Short by five shillings, ma'am short by the very five ebillings you cheated thd P'Kir soamBtrcBBC'out vf. You 'cannot 'en ter:"' ' Mr. Wharton drew , a hundred-dollar note out. The grim Cerberus Bhook I is head. i '-n i'I " If you had ton thousand, it wouldn't do 1 Nothing will serve our purpose but that particular five shillings.". Charon turned -the boat briskly round Mrs. Wharton was iust opening her lips to titter a, vild cry of anguished pleading, when she woko up. "I have been,) dreaming," said Mrs. Wharton, looking round the cozy room ; " but dear tie, whijt a frightful tdrenn) it was! Those five shillings will the re cording angels really set them down against me in the lut'.er-day accounts?," ,, fclio shuddered ; somehow the live Shil lings had assumed perternaturally large di mensions! " Charles I Charles 1 " ! How welcome were the footsteps of her husband upon the stairs f ' 1 ...... "Well, what Is it?" " Have you five shillings? " " A dozen, if you want them." ' But J only want five." ' ' - f He gave tlient to-' her she - rang the bell., i . " t -' ,..v John, V want yon. to put on your India- rubber clo;ik,unl tako tins money round to Mis. Lot-got t. -Toll Her II Is w bat t-owe hr." John departed" "and Mrs, Wharton breathed more freely. ... - " Perhaps they will let me get into the gates now," she suid, dreamily. " My dear, "what do you moan T qe- Riaiided. (lie sarouishod hnsbatirlt I Mi l i And Mrs. Wharton told him the story of her day's adventures aud the dream that had closed them.) .' '. ;t,;, " Helen, said. per. husband gravely, " let (Lis be a lessou to you uever to neglect the just dura of the poor.: 'Five shillings is not much lo us to them it may be the last frail bulwark between them and 'star vation ! . , ;. : lint there was no danger of Mrs. Whar ton forgetting the lesson sire had received. A Good Character. A good character is 'tp. A yonng1 marl wb a fires foundation fa to lhe artist who proposes to eroet a, building en it be can welt build wiiu saiety, ana an wto nonoid t will have-confidence in US solidity helping hand ' will never be wanted l but lei a single pari oi una vm uoicii, auu you go on a hazard, aiuid doubting and die tiesi, and ten to one it will tumble dowa at last and Mingle all that was ever built' on it in ruin. "-'Without a good character; pov erty is a curse with it, scarcely an evil. Happiness can , net exist where it is not a frequent viaitor. Ail tliat ie brigbt in tb hope .of yeuth, all that ia calm and Useful ii the sober scenes of life, all that s eoothing' In . the vale of years, centers tii and is derived from good character. Therefore, aoqaire this as the first aud most valuable good. ' 1 . .- . , ..... . , ii, I, i a i -" '-so Tin , astrologer in whnt F.ugenie 'pfits' predict war between i France and America, in eoiiseqaenee of , which tier UvshftudLwiJUoss b.U imperial, Vd, ; , t , x ".ii.'M i i-en ic xi.-.i ) viii J "VEILED HELL." The Mirabolant Sand of America—Fire Springs Valley and Pass of Hell—The Veiled Infernal Regions. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Com- mrniul, writing from the " HcaJwatore of the Yellow Slone, Montana," givee tho fol lowing dccrription- of the "Valley and Pass or Hell," in that Territory i And liorr, from the spot on which ! stand, with my ooinp.iiiions on this explor ing txpedition, tractng my notes, I drink in the views, so weird, so passing strange. that even in my wildest dreams never aught like this was seen. As daylight was dying on the Yellowstone hills, the sun melting down into ttio verge of tiio I. on ion, shooting his slanting tays far into tho gloom t.f grotesque dill's, and lingering upon the lot tier ;viiks, converting thmr rugged surfaces Into pnrplo and gold, tho islutid'S In the river swell buhl' and beauti ful in tho rosy light, whilo yonder distant cone-like hill stainie sgaiiMt the sky a con spicuous msss fringed with fire, lhe gi eantio moiinlr.ii s to the west cast their shadows far down into the silent valley nt our cot, w hile me silvery 1 1 iniwatone Uows on its whispering way, breaking the sombre aspect of tho plain with tho line of its gleaming water. in tins valley nl mysterious wonders' have been visible from' time Immemorial,' of which tho mo. bilo Saxon never heard. The Indians,, in the vioiuity, lull us it has ulwuya been thus. . ".' Out of this plain, or valley, nil her, which extend over an area of filly miles, issue a million sharp jets of bluish white lliime, interspersed with fitful putli f pearly vapor, which sail upward in end less turbinated convulsions, until reaching a high altitude, they '.dissolvo and become blended wi'h the llucluatiiig cloud winch hangs over the valley, as if to.-shii'ld it from mortal eyes. The plain is dotted with ia .unieiablo humps, from whence these va pory nnd fiery columns are emitted, lu their formation they resemble miniature vol canoes. Fire-springs like these may be found in China ; aud tho geysers of Ico land me but results of voteanio action of the samo nature, though of greater lores aud power, than the hot springs iti the valley of the Yellowstone One cannot help thinking that fiercest fiiea rage some where bolow tho external euvelope of the plain, to thus fan and force flames above the surface. . A sntlumun and a stieu.'if, connected with our party, ascribes these igneous streams to gases escaping . from a "veiled hill." . - ; Anothei speciality of volcanic, action may be observed by a closer investigation of the conical hills which loom up from tho surface in every direction. Though there are no deep craters in their summits, it is an easy matter to detect a gentle Dol low in each, more or less deep, covered with crumbling particles ol lava-like rock, The base and sides are , also thiokly strewn with the like porous dopoaits- some vf vei y large sizo, like enormous ciudcry cakes, the . refuse ol a foundry lurnace. A sul phurous odor is iti tho atmosplioro, remind indiug one of our companions of bis expo rience of a choke-damp. ! Surrounding tho entiro plain ftro lofty calciferoiia rocks, eroded and skolotonizod by notion 'of rains or shilling bodies cf water, which now bear the appearance of inverted pyramids, ; prisms, and -various configurations. - Besides preparing iit7i4, which lay piled in heaps at tho foot: of the cliffs, frequent toirints had so corroded and dismantled tho rocks, that one . wquld imagines . destructive fire had raged and burnt up a city .by the quantity of fallen columns which lay scattered around in the most indescribable uoufueion. In the in terstices . f . the debris , there : bubbled numerous salino springs, and continuing our - examination further., wo discovered hot-wator springs, from whanoo vapory columns continually ascended. ' On testing the warmth of the water with Fahrenheit's thermometer, tho merctlry, which stood previously at eighty degrees,' shot up to ono hundred and eighty degrees.. . Tho tread of . our horses', feet sounded hollow, while the noiee seemed to reverber ate along the earth like an echo. Net a blade oi grass .was to bo scon, ox'coptiig along the margiu.of ihe tiny streams. :Tho whole aspect of 4he plain, wss arid in the extreme, uhastly reitcs ot annual tire liter ally covered the ground ' along the stream. This, was evidently caused by. the -gathering of the biiQ'.iloes in tho full to crons tho Sweet Grass, where- they luxuriated for n season, protected, by tho iing bills from the bleak winds, which,, with the, fqree of simoons, sweep evor the northern ptairies, until the severity of the season and 1 he scarcity of grass ' warned them to,, leove, when they found their egress prevented by the deep snows in the pusses, md they must have perished from hunger and eohh leaving their bnnos to, be picked by hun gry wolves, snd to be bleached in the sun aud rain. t.. , .. - No language can give any idea of the fearful desolation rtf this wondertul valley. It struck our hearts with a nameless dread. Not a wolf infested the chambered cavities of the clitls j . not a buzitard , hovered over the vicinity.. All was silent in this Valley of Death. One of the party of explorers bestowed upon it tho significant appellation of "Ilell.V ; ' '"'." . . ' ,.,., . , '.. It is a rich' field, however, for , tho geo logical tatant, and though famous travelers love to describe the' splendors of Alpine scenery, dwell upon the classic; lji(;li8 of Olytnpus) dilute upon .Lebanon," Mourit of (J lory, and foster iheir inuiginatioti among the Scriptural liioimians of Judah, Ihero are grander scones, by far in this liow-boi n world ol, ,0ur"rrv"il .valleys, far. , more idyliie than any old Europe can limsl. and rivers vf greater depth and larger volume. travelers have descanted long enough up on the stale end melancholy inanities of ihe ,X)rjent.. Let hjm that.,' suffers with ennut, and. the oui . tliat Hankers alter vitalizing realities, travel In the borean regions ot the Uppor Jellowstone,' and mighty mountains, savannahs of exoesding fertility, and Valleys clothed with Kdeu loveliness, will bo ?en sjde by 'de with a olain teeming with diabolism, from which yon cannot emerge save through the "Pass of Hell,"" ' ' ' ' 11 " '" ;' ! Through eflch. i' pass did we grope onr way. iu almost, proiouna i osrkness, , as pight had set ia hng-befof e we entered Uie lonely defile. Why . this wild, gloomy ravine, flanked by lofty perpendicular walls, here huge bow liters finrig topphtizly over, sod down which a current rushes with its shaking footstep, skould be called by such au wniiious name, 1 know not, unless it is that we are In the nabil of ascribing such darksome places um'er -the jnrisdicrioq ef the Kvil One, . So many abuses bare been heaved upon Iiiid every sin laid at bis door that it is Mine Satan should write his rtsions'ranee upon hie prison bare, ' H"Mi Pl'nshoi 'betna renneafed toad. Jtcos the.fethodist Copference at one -f iLain. raemil aitti.ica. said: I' finer, h . la sitveru, silenoe is Kulden.-aaya the proverb. 1 ao not Happen iu novo any ennui mange about me this pioi ning. Will rod accept tuegou?-: GRANT AND SHERMAN. The Magnanimity of Grant and the Testimony The Magnanimity of Grant and the Testimony of Sherman to Grant's Greatness. llenersl Obant, having born appointed Moiiloimnt (J oner at, was ordored to Wash- mgten. . Immediately before setting out on his journey, on the 4th ef March, lbCi, he sent the following private letter by Col . BAPSAt', of his stafT, who was dispatched with instructions to licneral SnsRiiAN l 1kab Sukkman: Thd bill reviving tho grade of Lieutenant lleueral in the nrmy has become a law and my name has been sent lo the fcxMiuto foi the plaoo. I now re ceive orders to report to Washington im mediately, iu person, which indicates a ciuifiimalion or likelihood of confirmation. 1 start iu the morning to comply with the order.. While 1 have been eminently suc cessful in this war, in at least gaining tho cotiHdeiice of Ihe publio, no one feels more than 1 now much of this success is duo to the energy, skill, and harmoniously putting forth thut energy and skill, of those whom it has been my good fortune to have occu pying subordinate positions under me. There are many ollicere to whom I ho so re marks nro applicable, to a greater or less degree, proportionate to their ability as soldiers, but what I want is to express my thanks to you and Mcl'herson, as tho men to whom, above nil others, I feel indebted for whatever 1 have had of huccocs. How far your advice and assistance- have boeu help to me, you know. How far your execution of whatever has beer, given you to do entitles you to lhe reward I nm re ceiving, yon cannot know ns well as I. I fool all lhe gratitude this letter should express giving it tho most Haltering con struction. The word vm I use in the plural, intend ing it for Mel'horsnn si.. I should write to hi in, nnd will Bomo day, but starting - in the morning, I dn uot know that 1 will find time just now.. ' no if to to YoUr frioiid, .i.i. The Magnanimity of Grant and the Testimony of Sherman to Grant's Greatness. U. S. GRANT, Major General. Gen. Siikiisan received this lotter near Memphis on tho lOlh, lo which ho Immedi ately replied: ,. , DMar Gksrrai. i I have your more than kind and charactcriatio letter of the 4th inst. 1 will send a copy to General Mo Pherson at once. Yon do yourself injustice, and ns too mnch honor, in assigning too large a share of the merits which have led to your high advancement. I know you approve the friendship I havo over professed to yon, and will permit me to continue, as hereto fore, to manliest it on nil proper occasions. . l'uu ore now )'isliiii(ilon's legitimate mccessor, and occupy a position ol almost dangerous elevation ; but if yon can con- tiunorts heretofore, to bo yourself,' simple, honest hud uniiretendinK. yon will eniny through life the respect ami love, vf frltnils and tho homage of millions of human be ings that will award you a largo share in securing to them and their descendants a government of law and stability. I repeat, you do Gonorul Mcl'herson and mysolf too mueb honor. At Belmont 'you manifested your trails, neither ol' ua being near. At Imnolson, aNo, you illustrated yonr whole chanwter. 1 was not near, and (Innoral Mcl'herson in too subordinate u cutmcitv to influence Vou. . Until you bad won DonolHon, t confess I was almost oowud by tho terrible display of anarchical elements that presented them selves at every point ; but. that- admitted a ray of light 1, have followed siuco. I be hove vou are as bravo, patriotic and just as the great prototype, Washington as un selfish, kind hearted and honest as a man should be, . but the chief cliai actciistio is Ihe simple luitn in success you Have al ways manifested, which I oan lken tonoth ing else than the faith a Christian has in tbe Saviour. ' This faith gave yon victory at Sliiloh and Vicksburg. Also, when you have com pleted your best preparations you go into battlo without hosilalion, as at Chattanooga no doubts, no reserves; and I will toll yotl it was this that madii iih act With confi dence, llfiicw. wherever I wa$,you thought of wis, anil if I got a light place, you would help me out, if idive. My only point of doubt was in yonr knowledge of grand strategy, and of books of, science and lnutory ; but 1 confess, your wmmoti snuxe. inppncd uu IHefe. . ,. Now, as to the future. , Don't stay . In Washington. Come west ; take to your self the whole Mississippi Yaller. Let ns inoko it dead sure, and I tell you the At lantic slopes and Pacitto shores will follow its destiny as sure ae the limbs of a tree live or die with the nmin trunk. - We have donb lulled, but still much remains... Time and time's influence are with us, We could almost afford to sit still and let those influ ences work. . Here lies the soat of the coming empire; and from tho West, when our task is done, we will make short work of Cliur lesion and Richmond and the impoverished coast, oi the Alrautio. ' i ... - I a I . of it It Your siucero friend, ; " WM. T. SHERMAN. Remarkable Geological Formation. The Pacific States are not only rioh In the precious ores, but they furnish valuable aud. curious contributions to geological science. . A vein of very curious rock has recently been discovered in LI Dorado rinuuty, California, which has failed torieit from soientifie men any satisfactory explut nation'. " SUbs have been taken out and sent to Sau Francisco, where they bid now on exhibition, ;; i . , i Its peculiarity is that it represents land scape drawing wrought by lhe band of Mature of years, perhaps, before the advent of man upon this mundane sphere. ' Mountain scenery ' is here por trayed On Ineffaceable tablets by a peerb-ss drawing-master,' representing, in vnrie gated colors, bold and rugged peaks rising one above another, and descending in long rolling' ridges of hilly country. . Barren rocks, trees, and matissnita brush in pro; fusion give variety to the pictures, but nowhere is to bs found that essential if qui site to a complete science piuture a moun tain stream. And here it would seem that even so matchless an artist as Nature baa actually blundered. ."'"., Ajiulher singularity of , this rook Is that the pictures extend . through the entire vein, so that, cut in any direction, it can not be destroyed. - The coloring is of a dull, heavy character, consisting mainly . of grades- of red, yellow and black seen at a Iti lie disUnoe they, resemble merely ruJe outline pencil .drawing. No geological savant has favored, us with an opinion us to tbe ouuseand manner of their foriustioo, The action of water and reUeotion iu some as yet andetined way ia the most plausible hypothesis advanced. It has given rifte to a Photographic Landscape Rock Company, who design ill if ping to the Atlantic States and Europe samples for exbibilion. There ia certainly no ' deception about it, audit may be justly classed a the eighth wonder of the wuild. '.,;. ... ' ' ' ' ' "' . rt . ' yyii.iANnifniASi says he i iirnud of his war record, and, uotat ail sensitive' about it.' ;' in of of of In of for he ; .UJ aw 4 '-'! ' .. -. 'J , ; ,. I Leap-Year Privileges. This being Leap-year, we copy the follow. by Cost O'Lasis, for tbe- benefit vt a.dy r4r s- . , , ; , j ; ; ( ; li is Lesp yeaei . t)f which fuel I wish lo inform the ladies. There Is a division of opinion as to th right ef a woman lo vote, but Ihtra nan be question ss to her rtfcht lo s husband slio ion get one. " ow Is Iter time. .. . I But w vuhl advise young ladies not ta. rash. Allhotliill it is Lesn-vear. von had betlnr look before you leap. ' ' 1 Id cause if you get a hHahamr and ha don't suit you, yon caa't change him Tor a hotter otio,i at least without j going to. Chicago. Iheienre severaf considernlinns to ha observed in the Selection of a husband. I.' oks are a- matter nf tnrto r riiisi erst. plexion and eeWsof whiskers may be left individual taste. ..... They are of less conseuitence ' iluui'dia.' position and peuuniary resources.. . ,. ) i iirtieuiiii ly the resources. , I wouldn't ad viso any young woman tdl marry a man who would expect her lo ae-p-. port him. It is not ft fair thing on tho old ccnfla. man, who has been looking forward to the. mat ringo of Ins daughter as a happy it-feastf from milliner bills. - Nevor disnppoiut your parents. . - t Young ladies .need not in.iniro loo pari ticulaily whether ;ho loan of their choice belongs to a lodgo which meets four nights a week. . ; i 4 She will find out after they are married. r Husbands, like olhor domestic anhnnls, when caught yonng, can eoinelirnes bo trained to do a goml many tisvlul thingst They hnvo been known to. cet . ui in - tlm mining nnd light the firo when the 'gill had gone away, , ..... ,i ,.r lliero are somo professions not edvuiublo matry into. - . Suuh as editors, for they hover get rlcb.' Or reporters, who aro never home al nights. -...- . . . Or politicians, who are not satisfied with one wifi Uil aro always getting wedded to their country t and , like most bigamists, abiiHe both their wives. But ns tho great object is to got' a hriJ and, und as the supply is limited, it ruoy not do to be t. o particular. A Corporal's Guard and a Snake. Before wo left Dinignl, a' occurred lo su Knglish i.theer, commandinB: small out station in this district, whiqlt may bo considered not undeserving of record. Ho was early one morning takirtg his customai v ramble, befnm tha uil,, hail attained a sufficient Olovatinn ' in tha henveiis tri drink up tho freshness of tho' dews which glittored around, When npmr passing a small ruined building his atten tion was suddenly arrested by tho appear, anceof something with which his eye did not seem at all faiuiliur moving in tho deep recess of tho ruin. Ho approached' jt cautiously, fearing, as ho Could not distill guish tho object very eloarly, that it might bo a tigor, or Somo other auiinnl equally, dangerous. Upon cloeo inspection ho djs., covered it to bo uu immense snake, filling with its voluminous folds tho whole recess.' Ueteiiiiined at otioo on its'destruption, but knowing that ho could do nothing s'liglo. handed against a cventnre ftt once ho active' and so powerful, ho made the best .f hi way ta ll.p guard house, and ordered uslf a. dozen soldiers o tho spot aimed with muskcls'olid havihg tho" bayonets. ,Tliey' mado no objection to encounter so tliiust:al' an enemy j oh the contrary, they wero ploased at the thought of the sport, and, being iormed in line, advanced steadily ton attack as Boon as the. word of command was givon,. and simultaneously translixed. tho 'mdnster with their bayouots, firmly pinning it against tho wall. . Being so roughly disturbod from Hay slnmbota, the enortuoua creature uncojled.; itself iu a few seconds, and such was its prodigious strength,; that, with ono mighty sweep of its tail it dashed five of its assailants to the earth. The Bixth, who was near its head, inuintaino I his position.' nnd still kept his terrifio adversary against"' tho wall, adroitly avoid his poudcroits tail by stooping or dodging," circumstances requirod, until theHnimnl,' exhausted with pair and exertion, lay tended at full length updn the earth almost r inotionloss;. r. . . . .i'-ijv.,:' -ii rti Bv. this time the Hvs anl.lUra mtm . been struck down, having rtcovered their 4 eci, wvuiiueti uie vanquished suako with . the butt end of their niuskels, uppn the ex trcmitv of tha tail uilinra ilia i,,n..i.i :.. ' w lilun. uin,illU the vertebral is less Arm, thus disabling bo completely wss soon dispstched. measured imworda of nfiv (.... ;.. l.,ii. t . ., . ;-.-- --- .VV. and wits full three in cirf.iiinf..rniinn n,..: ental Annual. ' ' ! " The Useless Young Men. Tho Harrisburg ' Union proposes a )etr 1 charitable institution, in the form of a State ' asylum for useless young men. The class ' has in view as propor inmafen of;sitch nsiinm, it says, "Have no Visible means 1 ofsupports' still they bung on they veg,' tote, they ,kuop above the ground, lu sv oorbiiu literal sense, they may be said to live, move, and have a being.. . ,Ttey lounge) . ollicea, prome.iiade the streets, appear at' social amusements, play the gallant goud natuied ladios aud attend to the ire,, lap-dogs. Their more quiet , and ni'.' driuoiistrntive life may bo described as an intermittent torpor, in which meals, iigai a, 1 drinks,' hm) sleep m irk the' changes.'' Their existence would be a mJ-Rtery,' biif for" their bearing relations' to other substantial people, known ns pa and maj,r ' better half.' who are able to1 iriake provisions for the waste and protection of their bodies in ' Ihe way of clolhing ami food.'-' I ii despair" doing anything1 .else with them, the" Union recommoiida the establishment of arr-i asylum. " Hsre," it aays, ' they oould culti- vate their u.usiachea, part their hair, and practice attitudes, Iu this resort with, a littlo enforced exercise to keep their, cir-. culation in a healthy state, with dolls to .' play w ith as compensation for the absence ladles' society, these useless young nun' eonld be sttpporfod with ease and comfort, and all industrious people wontd' be will- ' ing to ray ihe expenses of the institution' rather than bear painful solicitude in regard the welfare of these euperflous morn hers society. When provieioa has been made by the; Slate, for idipta, for insane, r poor, aged, and crippled, is it not astound-, ing that asylums have never "been erected a still more helpless olass,'' Mt-nonT.r-.Few of ns appreciate itieeaory.'i Were it blotted out, the. whofe past would gone, and, Ihe future i could not be recognised i aM this is done by the past. ' We would indeed be destitute of'all knol-" edge, for knowledge is what We go from the past .and if forgotten, why, we cannot know it. The whole pasta blank, whit i world it would be childhood lorgotteu.ouc t summers mid. autmuus and the tui dur , "priug. Wo would uot reijto the saoe , any mure. . . ""' . , .. ; -; -------i, . , .;.Y,.r,fl'.T'.V 1'? (tillloBt jywpl, kll'o.Wtt. , f, ,.'