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M. W. JOHN W. SIMONS, P. G. M., Editor. Advertisements for the Masonic De tabtment, to secure their insertion, must bo sent in by TWO O’CLOCK, P. M., Friday. THE OLDEN DAYS. Among tho most interesting features in the historic footprints of Masonry, is the record of its existence and progress in what are termed the Mediaeval ages. It was at this period that by mingling the culture ot the imagination with productive industry, it gave a poetic vesture to the prosaic arts of civilization. It addressed itself to the higher faculties of man and thus elevated the practical by connect ing them with the spiritual endowments of his nature. In nothing is this more manifest and no more convincing proof of its truth can be required than those glorious and venerable monuments of the past, the “religious struc tures ”of the times to which we refer. “It was only,” says an intelligent foreign brother, “by devoting the noblest gifts to the highest purposes, by the union of art with religion, which formed the spirit of Masonry in the mid dle ages, that such wonderful works can bo produced.” We have wandered in the wide area and climbed the ancient arches of the Col liseum; wo have stood under the graceful dome of the Pantheon, and wonderful though the effect of these buildings be, yet the impres sion they make on the mind cannot at all be compared with that of the so-called Gothic Cathedrals. Wo can only explain this, if explained it can be, by the spirit which raised those ancient edifices, which spirit is most singularly embodied and illustrat ed in the distinctive character of their stylos— we moan the round and pointed arch. The one —wide, stretching, solid, and massive, it clings strongly to the earth and guides the eye hori zontally to what is about us. The other —slen- der, high, aerial, it strives and points upward to what is above us, and leads our thoughts to higher things. Truly Masonic, it symbolizes and spiritualizes tiil it has transformed the most material of things—heavy, ponderous stone info a permanent melody. That is what our an cestors in Masonry did. In their times the in stitution was a reality by which men—wise men —lived and worked and did well. It is still good that wo honor it. It is still right and proper that we erect new temples, wherein its traditions may be duly honored and faithfully observed, that it may be handed down pure and nndefiled, as we have received it from the fath ers who wont before us, to tho brethren of fu ture generations, and that thus its destiny may be fulfilled. Nor will wo suggest that Masonry is not what it was. The High Hand which guides the destinies of this world knows best what instruments to employ, and for us, there fore, it will also be best, still as worthy Masons, to ascribe all gratitude to the “Most High”— still to do faithfully the work appointed us, each in his different station, conscious that—be it high, be it low--it is equally honorable if honor ably filled, equally a necessary link in the groat chain of social existence. COMMANDERY NEWS. ST. JOHN’S, No. 24 (OLEAN). This gallant corps held an unusually inter esting conclave on the 13th inst. The order of Knight of Malta, together with tho degree of Mediterranean Pass, was conferred on a num ber of Sir Knights in a most impressive man ner. The most peculiarly interesting feature of the evening, however, was the presentation of a Past Commander’s jewel to Eminent Sir Calvin 8. Stowell, at present and for several years past the Commander of St. John’s Com mandory. The jewel is set with diamonds and pearls, and is a chef d’oeuvre of art in itself, aside from its pleasant associations. The pre sentation was made by Sir Knight Charles Brown, Generalissimo of the Commandery, in a very pleasing style, and the jewel was received by the Eminent Sir Knight in a manner that proved him to be, although completely taken by surprise, yet still equal to the occasion. At the close of the conclave the Sir Knights par ticipated in a magnificent banquet. We take especial pride and pleasure in re cording this pleasing event, for the reason that Em. Sir Knight Stowell is a brother of our old and highly esteemed frater R. E. Sir Frank L. Stowell, Past Grand Commander of the State of New York, and also a Past Commander of St. John’s, and wo are pleased to see the present Commander “ following in the footsteps of his illustrious predecessor.” DE WITT CLINTON, NO. 27. This commandery having decided to keep open the doors of its asylum during the Sum mer, in consequence of the overflow of work, have made arrangements to prosecute the same with dispatch, yet with care and precision. The Order of Red Cross Knighthood was con ferred at the conclave held on Tuesday evening last by E. Sir Juan B. Arci, and on Tuesday evening, the 30th inst., the Order of the Temple will bo conferred. The commandery has completed its arrange ments for tho pilgrimage to Rochester in Octo ber next. It goes via N. Y. C. and H. R. R., leaving the city on the 10 o’clock train on the morning of October sth, thus securing a day ride along the noble Hudson, through the Mo hawk valley, and over tho sixty-mile flat, pass ing through the cities ot Utica, Rome, Syracuse and Lyons. Tho rate will not exceed twenty dollars, including meals, along the route, hotel while in Rochester, and the return to Brooklyn. There is a possibility of a rebate even from the above figure. Tho following Sir Knights of this command celebrated in a quiet way, St. John’s Day, at Baron Osterman’s, by giving a fish dinner: E. Sirs Juan B. Arci, Samuel T. Waterhouse, John Z. Johnson, Theodore E. Green and E. H. Dicky, also Sirs Wm. Bryant, George Claflin, James Lewin, Mortimer Casper, John Guthrie, George Hugh, Charles Koos, Geo. E. Ewen, Eugene Monyoa, Charles Fagan, A. C. Henning, Robert Dickie and Isaac Simonson. Speeches and song enlivened the occasion, and E. Sir Arci, received at the hands of those present quite an ovation, including a handsome bouquet of flowers. The Commandery will parade on the occasion of laying the corner stone of tho new Hall of Records, in Brooklyn, on Tuesday next, and assist Clinton, No. 14, in receiving their guests and doing escort duty to the emergent Grand Lodge. Sir Knights are requested to meet at their Asylum on that day at 12 M. MONROE COMMANDERY DRILL CORPS. Tho day we lubricate, 1873 vs. 1885. As we failed to hang up our dry goods in that city on the 17th and 18th insts., we did not get para lyzed, but Rev. Sir C. L. Twing received a chronometer which did not “ whisk ” until ho had left the City of Flowers, and then it seemed that a wooden spigot had taken the place of the pocket time-piece, which sorely puzzled the dominie. However, the Rev. Sir Knight said, “ the affair at the lake was a most delightful one, full of pleasure and solid comfort,” and after the drills the drill boys of the corps en tered the sports of the field with zest and enjoy able recreation. E. Sir George F. Loder inti mates that something about the locality was painted red, not forgetting the proboscis of many who unwisely came in contact with the power of Old Sol. Sirs John A. Davis, Sam Carter, Thomas Glidden, Frank Vick and a host of others hung up their unmentionables and were sent to hospital quarters in consequence of undue exposure to the rays of the holiday eun. The Dispatch renews its special regards to these gallant Knights, and sincerely regrets not being present to partake of the hospiality of Old Monroe on that particular occasion. TRENTON, N. J. The dedication of the Templars’ Asylum with in the new Masonic Hall, which has been in process of erection for some time past, brought together over a thousand Templars on June 24th. Among the commanderies present were Hugh De Payens, No. 1, Jersey City ; Damascus, No. 5, Newark; St. John’s, No. 9, Elizabeth; Odo St. Armand ; St. Elmo, No. 14, Lambertville; De Molay, Phillipsburg ;fCyrene ; of Camden ; Corson, Long Branch; St. John’s, No. 4, of Philadelphia; Lancaster, of Lancaster, Paq Hugh De Payens, Easton, Pa,—all of whom were entertained by Palestine Commandery of Trenton. A large delegation from St. Elmo, of Brooklyn, N. Y., were guests of Damascus, No. 5, of Newark, and a large delegation from Co lumbian, No. 1, of this city, consisting of Sirs Charles Andrews, John Russel, Curtis Betts, Samuel Morton, William K. Brown, George Graham, James Fuller, and Henry Krewolf, were guests of Odo St. Armand. We are indebted to Sir James Luker for the above items. APPOINTMENTS. M. W. Frank R. Lawrence, Grand Master ot Free and Accepted Masons in this State, has made the following appointments: Grand Chaplains— Rev. John G. Webster, Greenbush; Bev. Charles W. Camp, Kingston; Rev. W. Collyer, New York. Washington E. Connor, New York, Grand Marshal. John A. Davis, Rochester, Grand Standard Bearer. Washington Mullin, New York, Grand Sword Bearer. Horace L. Greene, Fort Plain; Henry J. Smith, Brooklyn; George Hayes and Levi Sam uels, New York, Grand Stewards. Ephraim W. Richardson, Brooklyn, and Charles R. Fitzgerald, Buffalo, Grand Deacons. George H. Raymond, Grand Lecturer. Herman G. Carter, Grand Librarian. George Skinner, Pursuivant. John Hoole, Tiler. District Deputy Grand Masters.—!, George M. Williamson, Newtown, L. I.; 2, Frederick S. Benson, Brooklyn, E. D.; 3, John Kendall Dunn, Brooklyn; 4, John F. Collins, New York; 5, Wright D. Pownall, New York; 6, William H. Andrews, New York; 7, William V. King, New York; 8, Sheldon B. Shaw, New York; 9, George W. Robertson, Peekskill; Id, Marvin E. Deyo, Ellenville; 11, B. Grant Havens, Jefferson; 12, Isaac A. Allen, Hoosick Falls; 13, John W. Whitehead, Port Henry; 14, William B. Howell, Herkimer; 15, Horace White, Richville; 16, By ron G. Strough, Lafargeville; 17, George W. Chapman, Canastota; 18, F. Delos Shumway, Otego; 19, Henry T. Dana, Cortland; 20, George B. Davis, Ithaca; 21, John N. Macomb, Jr., Branchport; 22, John Alexander, Buffalo; 23, Daniel F. Cridlor, Hornellsville; 24, George A. Newell, Medina; 25, Albert Jones, Buffalo; 26, Byron L. Kimble, Gowanda; 27, Aquila Rich, New Brighton, S. I. German—E. A. George Intoman, New York. French and Spanish- George F. Heidet, New York. PYRAMID LODGE, NO. 490. This lodge celebrated its twenty-fifth anni versary on Friday, 19th inst., by an excursion up the Hudson to Oscawana Grove, and a mer rier party or better conducted affair never left tho hot docks of the city to enjoy tho healthy breeze and beautiful scenery of the great river. A fine saloon steamer and large barge were ly ing at the foot of Twenty-first street, ready to receive the many friends ot Pyramid, and both were needed to accommodate the anxious ex cursionists as they came on board. _ The music was under the direction of Prof. Noble McDonald, Jr., who, though a young man, wields the baton with an artistic skill worthy of a veteran leader. Theodore was “our caterer,” and he had’prepared ample means to satisfy the hungry souls and thirsty mortals with all the good things usually needed on such occasions, and at very reasonable prices. The Executive Committee, under the lead of W. Bro. Brown, assisted by Bros. Kennedy, James Thair, the Junior Warden of the lodge, and oth ers, had the general management of the affair, and deserve great credit for their efforts. The young folks are under{great obligations to the Floor Committee—Cicero Sims, Robt. H. Clark, John A. Ritchie, William J. Kennedy and sev eral other good dancers—who kept the ball, or rather the dancers, rolling all the time in the merry maze ot the Terpsichorean art, while the palm belongs to the Reception Committee—Bill Hall, Matt liitchie, Billy McDonald, Joo Nash, Jack Spence, Jim Aitehmson and Charley Bald win. All I these are old hands and know how to “receive” and treat strangers. Many dist nguished craftsmen were with the party. We give the names ot only a few: Fred dy Davis, ot Tecumseh; Frazer, of Americus; Pinkel, ot Uhland; E. Loewenstein, of Eastern Star; Weekes, of Hiram, Ac. The sail up was very pleasant, and when once landed, the well-filled baskets were brought forth and invitingly spread tables were pre pared by nimble hands. It was our good for tune to be seated at the table of Mrs. McDon ald, the handsome wife of William J., and we were well taken care of, the only hard thing to do we found was to get away from the good looking ladies and the good things on tho table. Owing to a misunderstanding, the anniver sary ceremony had to take place on board the barge on tho down trip, instead of at the grove, as was originally intended. As usual, W. Bro. McDonald acted as master of ceremonies, and introduced Bro. Sharkey, the oldest member of Pyramid Lodge, who addressed the brethren with a few well-timed remarks. Bro. Quinn treated the assembled guests to some very fine songs, among others tho famous “ It’s English, You Know,” Ac. W. Bro. McDonald then intro duced W. Bro. Loewenstein, who was present at the institution of Pyramid Lodge. Tho brother said it was true he was present on that occa sion, and although this was twenty-five years ago and he was then a Mason, you must not infer that lam an old man. The institution of a new lodge is like the baptizing of a new baby. You see a lot ot people going in to your church, one of the party carries a bundle of white clothes; you follow them into the church, and after the minister has mumbled something and has sprinkled some water on the bundle, there is a yell, then several more yells, and then you hear the name Eliza Jane or Thomas Henry, as the case or rather the gender may be. Now youffiaturally would like to know what will be come of Eliza Jane. So it is with new lodges ; you naturally watch them. I had not many acquaintances m Pyramid twenty-five years ago, although to-day I am proud to say some of my best friends are among them. It was said that this lodge would not amount to much ; that they will be too clanish, too local. Well they are, like the trees in the forest—they shade and pro tect and help each other, and as to being local, both the lodge and tho locality, has spread and increased most wonderfully. I have been told by an esteemed member that he has twenty-five of his own family on the boat with him. I would give his name, only I fear to offend his good wife, for no mother or even grandmother is willing to be called old, so I forbear, yet it shows very good for Pyramid that so many sons follow in the footsteps of worthy sires. Too often the rising generation is anxious to get away from under the eyes of their fathers, and if they do join the fraternity, go elsewhere; not so in Pyramid. I find several instances where father and son sit side by side in tho good lodge. W. Bro. Frazer was then introduced, and said: “Bro. Sharkey is the eldest and I am the young est member of Pyramid Lodge, having just been elected an honorary member in that lodge—an honor of which I am very proud—and I sincere ly trust that we will all meet again twenty-five years hence and celebrate the semi-annual an niversary of Pyramid.” Tho feature of this part however was the ad dress of W. Bro. Ritchie, who gave a most suc cessful synopsis of the history of the lodge, first describing the various meeting-rooms, then tho different Masters and other officers, and going into minute details which showed that the W. Brother is thoroughly familiar with everything pertaining to his lodge. They have made 638 Masons, affiliated 28. The present members in good standing number 264, of whom 5 are of the 9 who came from old St. John’s Grand Lode. 126 have died, 106 have dimitted, and 178 have been dropped. The rec ord of charity will compare favorably with any lodge in the district, $9,458 have been given away in the last ton years, and over $2.5,000 have been expended for charity alone. Verily a rec ord to bo proud of. Another feature of which Pyramid may feel proud is the many very good-looking ladies— but here we tread on dangerous ground. Where all are handsome, whom can we specially men tion ? However, let it be remembered that there must have been some five hundred beau ties in the party, and it is impossible to mention many. We did, however, notice Mrs. Quinn, the handsome young wife of Bro. Dan’l, and daughter of Bro. Ritchie ; Mrs. Halbert, who belongs to a race of Masons —her grandfather was a member of Mother Killwinnie Lodge in Scotland; her father, husband, brothers, in fact, every male relative is a brother Mason ; Mrs’ French and Mrs. Spence, both ladies exerting all their charms to keep their loving husbands by their sides ; Mrs. Glassey, Mrs. Frazer, the two charming little girls, Misses Tessey Frazer, Misses McDonald, and Miss Baldwin, the pretty daughter of Bro. Charles H. The want of space forbids ns to express our admiration any further in this direction. The party came back and were landed in good season and in good condition, every one feeling gratified at the very pleasant time had, and only regretting that the clay was much too short. Success to Pyramid—long may she wave ! Palestine Association. — This associa tion, composed of members of Palestine Lod"e No. 20-1, will entertain their friends on Julyltb’ in an elegant water excursion to Spring Hili Grove, on Long Island Souiid. The grove lies about midway of the inlet leading from the Sound to Cold Spring Harbor, and is a beautr ful spot for the whiling away of a few hours amid the foliage of a splendid belt of timber in addition to the niceties of still water bathin", fishing, etc. The friends who love enjoyment away from the din ana noise of the citv which usually reigns in the city on this glorious day, will do well to join Palestine Asssciation on this occasion. See advertisement in another column. Poi ab Stab Lodge, No. 245, will con fer the Second Degree on Wednesday evenin'- July Ist. Visiting brethren are cordially in vited. NEW YORK DISPATCH, JUNE 28, 1885. PERSONAL, 111. John M. Miller, 82°, lately of “ My Maryland,” who, as our readers will pleasantly remember, has been an “ occasional” contribu tor to the Masonic department of the Dispatch, has changed his domicile to Rio do Janeiro, Brazil, to the fraternity wherein, and especially to our Illustrious Brother, the Emperor, wo commend him as a craftsman worthy alike of their love and fellowship. Bro. M. promises us from time to time items of Masonic interest touching his new but distant home, with which we propose to regale our myriad readers. M. W. Bro. Frank R. Lawrence, just elected Grand Master of Masons of New York, was made a Mason in Excelsior Lodge, No. 195, New York city, and was elected W. M. in 1876. In 1878 he was appointed D. D. Grand Master of the Fifth Masonic District. In 1879 he was chosen one of the Commissioners of Appeals, and upon the death of Bro. Judge Suffern, m 1881, Chief Commissioner, bis fine legal attain ments especially qualifying him for this im portant position. In 1884 he was unanimously chosen “ from the floor” Deputy Grand Master, and now has been elected Grand Master for the present Masonic year. Bro. Lawrence is a leading member of the New York bar, a gifted speaker, and a scholar of fine attainments, and ho will reflect credit on fhe administration of his office in the high station to which he has just been elected.— Keystone. Bro. Isaac A. Moran, 14°, lately mine host of the Alleghany Hotel, is sojourning at his beau tiful “ cottage by the sea” near Long Branch. “ Uncle Ike” has happily purchased the privi lege of enjoyment in its most liberal sense, by never denying it to others at any time during his popular and successful career. “For he’s a jolly good fellow, So say we all of us, so say we all.’’ Bro. Frank H. Bascom, 33°, Montpelier, Vt., will accept our hearty congratulations on his preferment in the grand bodies of the juris diction in which he is such an enthusiastic and intelligent worker. We are very confident he will faithfully perform the new duties com mitted to his charge. Bro. W. H. 8. Whitcomb, Burlington, Vt., was re-elected Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter of Vermont, an office he is in every way qualified to fill. Bro. Sir Farber Herschell, Q. C., M. P., the Solicitor-General of England, is a highly esteemed member of the English craft. Bro. the Earl of Huntingdon died on May . 20th ult., at h:s residence, Sharorogu.e, Kings county, Ireland. He was born in 1841, and for some years had been Provincial Grand Master of the midland counties of Ireland. H. Clay Sales, falsely claiming to belong to De Molay Commandery, No. 12, of Louisville, Ky., has been in Harrisburg, Penn. He is about five feet six inches in bight; weight about 135 pounds; dark hair; red face, with mus tache. Look out for the imposter. Bro. the Lord Mayor of London was present at the constitution and consecration of George Price Lodge, No. London, on May 27th ult., was elected an honorary member thereof, and responded to a toast offered in his honor at the banquet that followed. Bro. Nicholas Espenschied, of Normal Lodge, the distinguished artist in hats, has furnished us with an article of great beauty, which is the envy of the gentlemen and the delight of the ladies. Bro. E. will please accept our warmest acknowledgments for his thoughtful and timely courtesy. R. W. George Snyder, P. D. D. G. M. of the German lodges, has recently taken the splen did establishment at No. 67 Barclay street, where he will be happy to greet all his old friends and extend a hearty welcome to new ones. We have enjoyed his hospitality and know whereof we speak in saying that Uncle George’s heart is as large as the universe, and that he keeps “ the latch-string eternally out.” Brio. Edwin Bouton, 32°, with his famous yacht “ Fig Leaf,” entertained a large party of guests on his beautiful craft during the grand aquatic procession which escorted the French ship-of-war “ Isere” and her precious burden, “ Liberty Enlightening the World.” Commo dore Bouton dipped his colors to the goddess most gracefully, which courtesy the French commander acknowledged with native polite ness, when the goodly company “ spliced the main brace” with enthusiasm, and gave hearty cheers for Bros. Bartholdi and Bouton. R. W-. John Hodge, 33°.—It is personally gratifying to us to note the fact that this dis tinguished craftsman “ is not without honor in his own country.” His friends and neighbors at home, upon the occasion of his return from tho Grand Locfye, honored by a unanimous election as Junior Grand Warden, turned out in force and gave their favorite son such a greeting as rarely happens in this selfish and unfeeling world. Bro. H. has nobly earned the love which thus comes to him, and we can but add the hope and belief that the early future has in store for nis well deserving still greater and higher honors. 111. Charles Roome, 33°, Deputy Grand Master of Templars iu the United" States, has succeeded to the duties of Most Eminent Grand Master, that officer having been appointed by President Cleveland to an honorable station in a foreign country. The interests of chivalric Masonry will be safe in the custody of Sir Knight Roome. Capt. Wm. Fowler, Past Master of Metropoli tan Lodge, and “Custodian” of the “Thirteen Club,” invited us on Thursday last to a trial drivo-ou the Boulevard behind his “fast crabs,” recently procured for him in Kentucky by Bro. Clement Al Burtis; the day was delightful, and tho sport most enjoyable. Alter a brief rest at “Judge Smith’s Tavern,” we turned cityward, and “dusted” many ambitious trot ters eu route, but when opposite Bro. “ Tom ” Kearn s elegant establishment we collided—lost a wheel, and wore taken in and handsomely “done lor” by that Good Samaritan. God bless him. Bro. James W. Connell.—Among the recent promotions in the Brooklyn Fire Department we note with pleasure the name of Bro. James W. Connell, of Acanthus Lodge and Constellation Chapter, who has been appointed foreman of Engine Co. No. 9, located in Graham street. Bro. Connell is an old fireman, having been an engineer iu the department for the past sixteen years, and as his promotion was in strict ac cordance with the Civil Service rules governing the department, it was undoubtedly based ou merit alone. Engine Co. No. 9 is noted for promptness and efficiency at all times and un der all circumstances, especially in the Eastern District, where the members are well known and are great favorites, and with Capt. Connell at their head we predict for them a continuance of the good reputation which they now eo des ervedly enjoy. Bro. F. Frederick, of Euclid Lodge, Brook lyn, has been called upon to mourn the death of his daughter, Mrs. Louis Lutz, who departed this life a few days since, after a somewhat short illness, her ailment being a lung trouble, which developed into a rapid consumption. We sincerely sympathize with the afflicted parents and sorrowing husband, and trust that they may be enabled to bow submissively to tho will of the All-Father, who does not willingly afflict His children, but sometimes in His wisdom calls a loved one away from this world to form a stronger bond to draw us to the Better Land, “where the wicked cease from troubling ana the weary are at rest.” R. W. Edward M. L. Ehlers, 33°, our inde fatigable Grand Secretary, has furnished us with the transactions of the Grand Lodge of New York for 1885. A most agreeable surprise. This dispatch is in happy contrast with the slow-coach days of no remote past, upon which we tender Bro” Ehlers our congratulations. "THE MASONIC GUILD.” Referring to the above named institution and others of a kindred character, a distinguished brother, who is the Master of one of the most prominent lodges in this jurisdiction, and is also connected with various Masonic and other beneficial associations, recently mads the fol lowing remark: “ I think that every Mason ought to belong to eome such scheme. Nay, more, I believe that the necessity of enrolling in such organizations ought to be constantly preached from the East in everv lodge. What a great saving it would be to all our lodges were the life of every brother insured iu some of these institutions.” Here is food for reflection. Think of it, brethren, ye who have the financial interests of your lodge at heart. “ What a great saving it would be to all our lodges 1” There are very few lodges but what have felt, financially, the loss of a brother, who had neglected to provide for his family in case of his death, but who trusted to his lodge to do for them what he himself should have provided for when in the enjoyment of life and health. When a brother declares (as he should) that he is “ not influ enced by mercenary motives,” he should show bis sincerity by striving to ths best of his ability to prevent the possibility of his lodge becoming the bearer of a burden which he him self has the power to provide against. We think it behooves every to belong' to some such institution as the one whose title forms the caption of this article, and we do not know ot any which is based on more equitable principles than the one referred to. A. A. SCOTTISH RITE. The Consistory of the City of New York, Scot tish Rite, will hold its closing rendezvous for the season on Tuesday evening, 30th June, at the Masonic Temple, and not on Monday, the 29th, as announced last week. Much attention has been given to the second section, which will be presented with all the accessories incident to the time and the scenes intended to be faithfully and historically portrayed. The first and third sections will be in eveniilg dress. We will be present specially in the fourth section—that of the festival of fruits, flowers and gurgling streamlets. Eastern Stab Lodge, No. 227.—This lodge worked the Third Degree last Wednesday (17th inst.) to a very crowded house. Among the many distinguished brethren present and assisting were R. W. Bro. Paterson, who pre sented the working tools, W. Bros. Ludwig and Davis, of Tecumseh; Freeman, of Mechanics’ and several others, all helping. W. Bro. Du Bois delivered the charge, and after closing the brethren adjourned to Bro. Metcalf’s, on Ninth street, where the good things set before them were enjoyed by all. This lodge meets again next Wednesday (July Ist), when another good time is anticipated. Brethren cordially invited. FREEMASONRY AND RELIGION. In the last issue of the Dispatch appeared an article copied from the Victorian freemason, entitled “The Revised Version of the Bible and Freemasonry,” by Rev. Bro. Wilson. The arti cle shows the reverend brother to be a learned man and a deep student of both the Bible and Freemasonry ; but we must take issue with him on some points which he either enunciates him self or quotes with his full endorsement and approval. The learned brother makes the bold assertion that there is no true Masonry without Chris tianity—all others are spurious. Referring to the lambskin, the badge of a Mason, ho says that it has direct reference to the doctrine of “ the Lamb that was slain;” while the fact is that Masonry has never gone further than to refer to it as an emblem of innocence and as a reminder of that purity of life and conduct which we should endeavor to attain. The reverend brother says further, and en dorses the action, that “ the Crown Prince of Prussia has just informed tho Grand Master of England, officially, as Grand. Master of Prussia, that no maq who denies the Lord Jesus as the Saviour of men, is allowed within the four walls of a lodge.” If this statement is true, it is going as far in one extreme as the Grand Lodge ot France did in the other extreme by endeavor ing to ignore tho Supreme Architect of the Uni verse. Masonry is not a religion, as such. Wo are told that “it is a sublime system of morality, vailed in allegory and illustrated by symbols.” Wo are told that “it is so far interwoven with religion as to lay us under obligation to pay that rational homage to the Deity which at once constitutes our duty and our happiness.” It is not religion, but is simply interwoven or connect ed with it to a limited extent. And while it be hooves us to resist any attempt, on the one hand, to eliminate the Supreme Architect from the system, we are equally bound, on the other hand, to resist any attempt to incorporate with it any of religious belief. If the sentiment attributed to the Grand Mas ter of Prussia is to be indorsed and approved, what is to become of those brethren who are Mohammedans, Jews, Buddhists, even so-called heathen ? Yea, more, what is to become of those brethren, such as the Unitarians and others, who, while calling themselves Chris tians, yet do not acknowledge the actual divin ity of the Founder of the Christian religion ? It the rights and privileges of Freemasonry are to bo confined to Christians—who, according to statistics, comprise only a small proportion of the population of the globe, and in some coun tries are not found at all, while Masons are found—what is to become of the rest of the in habitants ? Where does our immovable land mark of the universality of Freemasonry come in ? GREENWOOD LAKE. This beautiful sheet of water, 1,200 feet above the level of the sea—situated partly in the State of New Jersey and partly in New York, distant from Jersey City forty-four miles, via the Lake Erie and W. R. R.—is not only picturesque in its surroundings, but very attractive for the disci ples of Izaak Walton and seekers of health and recreation. The lake is about nine miles in length, running northward and southward, and varying in width from a bait' to one and a halt miles. The hills rise nearly perpendicular upon each side to a distance of 800 or 900 feet above the surface of the water,while the depth of water in tho northern portion has an average of sev enty feet. The southern portion of the lake, which is in New Jersey, is more shallow, and the hills more receding. The margin of the lake on the western side is studded with pretta villas, hotels, and a beautiful club house. Rev, Dr. Deems, of the Church of the Strangers, built a small cottage church upon Lime Rock Island) at the extreme northern end of the lake, and, from exterior appearances, the church seems to have srown into disuse as a spiritual home for tho faithful. On Tuesday last Progressive’ Association, composed of members ot Progressive Lodge, No. 354, of Brooklyn, E. D., spent tho day upon tho lake and its shore attractions in the most approved pleasurable recreation; in fact, the visit was superb in every point of consideration, and so far outstrip! the hum drum water picnic about the metropolis, as to leave no earthly comparison between them. The two hours rail road ride each way simply added to the in structive amusement, while the six hours spent in the varied amusements of the lake and the grounds ot the hotel was grand and invigor ating. The dinner served at IP. M., the menu of which was made up :of chicken soup, black bass and’pickerle, fresh out of the waters of the lake, roast beef and chicken, pies, puddings, cream and coffee, was elegantly prepared and promptly served as tho following named persons who were present readily assent: W. Bro. Alfred C. Squires, wile and daughter; W. Bro. George C. Oram and daughter, R. W. Charles Pickett, wife and daughter; W. Bro. W. J. Spence and ladies, and Bros. James Knight and wife; William McKee, wife and lady friend; George Crane, wife and daughter; John Parker and wife, Charles Botbwick and wife, George W. St. John and lady, J. C. Kingsbury and wife, J. V. Meldowney, Sr., and wife, Charles E. Steck, wife and sister; J. V. Meldowney, Jr., wife and sister; William Green and daughter, William Crane and lady, David H. Riley, wife and son; F. G. Steck and lady, William Kettler and wife, George Sammis, W. H. Wood and William Bragill. At nine P. M. the company reached home without a mishap of any kind. The committees were übiquitous and untiring in their labors for the comfort and 'convenience of the party, and deserve well tho encomiums that were passed in recognition of the fact. The Dispatch is specially indebted to W. Bros. A. C. Squires, Georgs Oram (tho Master of Progressive Lodge), and Bro. James Knight for the amenities of the occasion, while the re mainder of the ladies and gentlemen compris ing the party were very attentive to the repre sentative, which made the excursion very pleas ant and enjoyable. The committees of Masonic bodies who have not made their arrangements for a family ex cursion would do well to visit this lake and fol low the wake of Progressive Association. The officers of the association are : William J. Sponce, President; A. C. Squire, Vice-Presi dent; George T. Crane, Secretary, and John Y. Meldowney, Sr., Treasurer. The Progressive Associatiorins composed mainly of members of Progressive Lodge, No. 354. PIATT LODGE, NO. 194. At a regular communication held at their rooms, Masonic Temple, June 18th, the Third Degree was conferred upon four candidates. The work was performed under auspices ot W. M. George W. McAlearaud his accomplished Senior Warden, A. Mason, with the assistance of his associate officers. The interesting feature of the occasion was the presentation to Piatt Lodge of the original Charter, granted to them when No. 16, under the jurisdiction of St. John’s Grand Lodge, which had been in tho possession of M. W. John W. Simons for many years, and afterward came into the hands of R. W. Bro. Barker. At the request of M. W. Bro. John W. Simons, R. W. Bro. Barker made the presentation. Another interesting feature of the work was the filling of the office of S. D. by B. W. Colo Veloni, P. G. Lecturer ot old St. John’s Grand Lodge, who in his old fashioned style, exempli fied tbo work. Among those in the East we noticed the fol lowing distinguished craftsmen: R. W. Bros. Dan Sickels, Robert Macoy, Andreas and Col lins. W. Bro. Barber delivered tho lecture in his usual able style, and Bro. Russell, S. D. ot Kane, worked the Second Section. The W. M. of Shakesneare Lodge, with a large delegation, by their‘visit, formed another mark of the appreciation in which Piatt Lodge is held, and coptemporary with them was the presence of W. Bro. Glynn, of Scotia Lodge. At its next communication, to be held -July 2d the lodge will confer both tho First and Second Degrees. Brethren of sister lodges are cordially invited. ONE OF THE TIMES YOU HEAR ABOUT. On Wednesday, June 24th, the brethren of Germania Lodge, No. 182, their families, guests and friends, had a most enjoyable time. They took steamer at 8:30 A. M. and headed for Col lege Point, where they arrived in due time Prof. Loesch and members of his band discours ing not only sweet but good music during tho trip. Henry Breunich, the W. M.; F. Berg 8 W.; G. Arras, J. W.; J. Garthe, S. D.-’g" Schmidt, J. D., and genial John Kircher, chair man of committee, assisted by F. Suder, Char ley Schumacher, Ph. Scherer, P. M.. and Chas. Gross, in fact, each member of the lodge acted as a committee of one, and all were untiring in their endeavors to make everyone feel perfectly at home. The younger portion of the company indulged in the light fantastic until the time of departure, when ail re-embarked without acci dent and returned to their homes feelin" bet ter for the day’s outing. Our thanks are due W. M. Henry Breunich and his efficient aids for courtesies extended. Long live Germania, No. 182 1 TARRYTOWN, N. Y. We received last week the following invita tion: “I am directed by the Master, Wardens and Brothers of Solomon’s Lodge, No. 196, to invfte you to be present at the ceremony of laying the corner stone of onr new Masonic Temple. The stone will be laid with Masonic ceremony by the representatives of the Grand Lodge, State of . New York, at 4 o’clock P. M. on Thursday the 25th inst. Fraternally yours, ’ “Morgan Pubdv, Secretary.” The state of our health prevented personal attendance, and the nearness to publication time prevents our giving particulars of the event, but we will endeavor to give a full ac count in our next. QUESTIONS—THOUGHTS— IDEAS. C. W. S.—We have received a communication referring to the years of service of a deceased brother, in reply to which we would say that tho word “consecutively,” alluded to in the com munication, was probably used inadvertently. Fbateb—Will please remember that we do not notice anonymous communications. Old Inverness Kilwinning Lodge, of Scotland, has minutes dating back to Dee. 27th, 1678. The London Freemason of May sOth gives a full abstract of these minutes, together with the charter of confirmation granted to the lodge on Nov. 30th, 1737, by the Grand Lodge of Scot land. MASONIC MENDICANCY, , BY THE LATE EUGENE VATET, 33°. No single philanthropic institution, in great cities, is without its drones—its parasites. Freemasonry, considered as a benevolent as sociation, could not escape the common law; she owes aid to her members stricken by sud den misfortune—by unexpected want, she owes them aid and protection, no matter to what country they may belong, nor on what soil they may be placed—everywhere, in short, where they say by sign or word, “ I am in need,” “ I am in danger.” This duty is faithfully discharged, and it can notbe said of the order that it succors only its adepts, for it has never failed to add its mite in aid of great misfortune, wherever occurring, or its co-operation in every benevolent work. The obligation to assist members of the great Masonic family carries with it the necessity, on the part of the lodges, of a strict observance of the rules of admission. Forgetfulness of this fact results in grave evils; a blind and lame proselytism turns the initiation into a mere pastime; the large number of lodges in great cities, their unavoidable and often fruitless ex penditures, induce them, in order to procure money, to pass, with any thing but severe scrutiny, the claims of the profane presented to them. Hence we find some men in our lodges incapable of understanding the philosophical instructions of Masonry, and others who are a constant burden on the fraternity. Among this latter class there is a type worthy of a passing observation—it is the traveling mendicant. It is a matter of astonishment how he came to be initiated—sometimes, in fact, he never has been; but he has found a friend, an accom plice, or some simple soul, from whom he has wormed out enough to answer the generally too careless questions of a lodge committee; ho is the bearer of a diploma, purloined from some honest man, or skillfully altered to his circum stances, and he is never short of certificates, given or indorsed with too great complacency. He resembles the incessant wanderer, in that he seldom stops, and then only long enough to gather the passing tribute of lodges and indi viduals. He proceeds straight on, for his jour ney has no particular end; his diploma is from a distant State; he was about to go thither in quest of a situation promised him, when, at the moment of starting, news reached him that the place is filled; now he is going to some other place, where a brother has told him that another brother might, perhaps, recommend him to a situation. “What kind of a place?” “Can’t say.” “ What can you do ?” “Oh, anything.” In re ality, he means to go nowhere, at least with the intention of stopping; but he is ever on the tramp for Masonic charity; he goes around the United States and across them in every direc tion where he has reason to suppose he will find a lodge. On the highway he perceives an inn, on the sign of which are certain cabalistic inscriptions, meaning nothing to the multitude, but which our Champoilion straightway de ciphers ; he enters unhesitatingly, makes sun dr/lnotions, displays his papers, and partakes of the bread and wine of brotherhood. A letter of recommendation,, given him in a moment of weakness, is a mine in which he will delve for years. Sometimes he assumes to be a political refugee, and under thia disguise his harvest is abundant; in this character, however, he does, not beg—he demands ;he will write to the edi-' tor of a patriotic paper, hundreds of miles away, announcing that he is on his way, and direct ing a poUtico-Masonic subscription to be opened, that the proceeds may be in readiness for his arrival, and so on to the end of the chapter. There is no phase of character, no degree of misery, to which these people are strangers ; and, it may be added, there is scarcely an act ive Mason in the land who has not mot our hero in one of his characters and paid tribute to the support of the Masonic drone. To put a check to the practices of these Bo hemians, there has been established, in the city of New York, a Masonic Board of Belief. The primary object sought to be obtained by this organization is a greater degree of discrimina tion in donations to applicants for relief. Ex perience has taught us here that, however good the intention of lodges may be, they are fre quently—too frequently—imposed on by such impostors as we have sketched above. The cursory examination that can be made in the ante-room of a lodge at work, is clearly of no use, so far as guarding the brethren against imposition is concerned; and the inevitable donation is always in proportion to the hurry of the committee or the lodge to bo rid of an im portunity that interferes with the regular pro gress of their labors. In the Board, on the contrary, there is no other business to attend to, and every case, therefore, undergoes the severest scrutiny, not only in the session of the committee, but by the aid of members living in every ward in the city, and ready at all times to make any investigation that may be required; the result of all this is carefully recorded, under the applicant’s name, in a book kept for the purpose, and always referred to in any subse quent application. ’ Another object sought to be attained is centralization—that is, instead of the various lodges being so many open purses, at which every comer may freely help himself, there is but one, and that faithfully guarded against the unworthy. This institution—for so it is worthy ot being called—is doing a great amount of good, and merits, as it has received, the fostering care of the Grand Lodge. We believe, however, that its warmest friends do not claim that it is yet perfect, and we, there fore, venture to suggest that a renewed effort should be made to shut off the Bohemian by yie introduction of a substitute for money do nations; let those gentry understand that the current coin is no longer to be obtained, and their importunities will, at any rate, be greatly diminished. In the French benevolent society, of which the writer is an officer, money is rarely given. Arrangements are made with trades men in the city and vicinity, and, after investi gation, the really deserving are furnished with articles of necessity with a liberal hand, yet in such a manner as to encourage self-depend ence, rather than a continued resort to charity in any shape. Charity has a greater work to perform than giving either bread or money. To shame the Bohemian, to encourage the timid unfortunate, to cheer the despondent, are among its attributes, and worthy the attention of the true philanthropist. It has also been suggested that the influence of the Board might be beneficially exerted in obtaining employment for those in need of it. For this purpose a book should be kept in the office of the Board, where employers and those seeking employment could each register their names and addresses ; no employee to be hired without the recom mendation of the Board, and, of course, none to receive such recommendation without the Board being in possession of the fullest evidence of the applicant’s uprightness. Other details will probably be suggested with the enlarged experience the Board will have gained as it progresses with its labors. The subject commends itself to the good wishes and active assistance of every Mason, and we trust the present year will see a Board of Belief established in every large town throughout the Union, and an active corres pondence knitting them together in the prosecu tion of their benevolent labors. AN UNHOLY AMBITION. The times, Masonically, are not propitious for the encouragement and advancement to sta tions of honor and trust of merely ambitious persons, who, in most respects, unworthy of consideration, are selections not lit to be made. Where ambition is so selfish and unholy as to seek to thrive on disintegration, on the aliena tion of other and true men from interest and the general work, making their successes to be built upon the-’r own vanities and the enforced withdrawal of the regard of better and really influential brethren from the active work—all such ambition should be re buked, and the persons cherishing and nursing it should be told, with a pronounced emphasis, that they are not of the kind that is wanted. Not only Me the times not propitious for the advancement of such persons, but it will re quire the best judgment in the brethren of the Exaltation; the nicest discernment of what is proper to be done, and of who is fit to do it; the most generous recognition of the general broth erhood, and the absolute silencing of the de faming and maligning tongue—by which unho ly ambitions seeks to soar; for, however much brethren may be assured of and rest happily in the consciousness ot their personal integrity and honor, the time comes when the assaults of vicious tongues employing sinister and damning Insinuations for the merest selfish ends, are re sented with the active, honorable contempt of good men, active in such form, place and influ ence, as will consign the selfish and the vicious to the punishment they deserve. It must needs be, however, “ that offenses come”; it is also said, “ Wo unto that man by whom the offense cometh.” It is also “ expe dient that one die for the people.” It is further said, “ Judgment must begin at the house of God.” No judgment can come upon Masonry, for, like Divinity, it bears a charmed life, and its soul is truth itself; but Masonic brethren, in their “ most improved estate,” cannot well bear without a sense of indignation, nor suc cessfully resist, the processes of disintegration which may go on until brethren will either cherish hostilities or lapse into indifference to the institution, its grandeur of principle and its greatness and majesty of work Masonic Re view. ENVY AMONG BRETHREN. Envy is a vice especially characteristic of mean and narrow souls. It is an ignoble pas sion that carries with it conscious degradation, while it brings in its train a multitude of evil results. It is aptly said that “An envious man waxeth lean with the fatness of his neighbors.” Envy is the perpetual tormentor of a man’s life. It leads him to encourage thoughts and feelings that can only bring vexation of spirit. “ Envy,” said Socrates, “is the filthy slime of the soul; a venom, a poison or quicksiver which consumeth the flesh, and drieth up the marrow of the bones.” Surely there is scarcely another passion to be more dreaded and guarded against than this. It is a vice that is altogether out of harmony with the teachings of Freema sonry, and we can hardly think of a worthy craftsman as subject to the base influence of such a passion. But human naturd is essen tially weak, and not infrequently this propen sity manifests itself among brethren, producing results most unpleasant to consider. Envy is born of meanness and malice, and it breeds a detraction and dislike of those who at tain a superior place by their endeavors or good fortune. The envious man is pervaded by a strong feeling of aversion against those of bis associates who may rise higher than him- self. To succeed always appears to be a sort of crime in the eyes of those who fail, and they who cannot climb will put forth their efforts to pull or to hold down those who seem likely to rise. The envious Mason is he who will praise only inferiors—who criticizes adversely the brother that seems likely to attain a posi tion higher than his own, and disparages merit which he realizes to be of superior quality. Despicable as this vice is, and harmful as are its results, it is often seemingly the controlling tendency ot men educated in the principles ot a broader and more generous regard—men who have pledged to each other their faith, and among whom the pitiable jealousies, rivalries and envious feelings that represent a low order of life, ought to be wholly unknown. What can be more unlovely, more un-Masonic, than the exhibition too often seen of petty malevo lence expressed in sneering words spoken of one who has attained an honored place by rea son of his abilities or his merit ? And yet we have to notice such an exhibition very frequently now within Masonic organiza tions ; forfthere are those who can never think well or speak approvingly of those who seem to surpass themselves in any way, or who are advanced beyond the level which they occupy. Poor, envious souls I They deserve pity as well as condemnation. They are consumed by a passion Which abates happiness and binds the life to very low conditions. They may do the work of detraction and succeed for a time in obstructing a brother’s advance; they may even destroy reputation and obscure the noblest character; but after all, the worst they do re acts upon themselves. They become more nar row in their thoughts and affections—more sel fish and resentful, until haying their minds permeated by the spirit of envy, they fall into a most wretched state, and become objects of compassion to all who judge them as they re ally are.— Freemasons’ Repository. Park Lodge, No. 516.—Park Lodge will go on its annual excursion on the 22d of July, and the cards aro out for it. Roton Point is the spot selected for the festivities, and there are some unique features to be introduced, which may prove very interesting. Park Lodge has a glorious reputation for hospitality, under the Mastership ot W. Bro. Cfegier, and all who contemplate going need not fear but that they will be well cared for. A large number of dis tinguished brethren intend to be present, and it will be a pleasant excursion all around. McAdam will furnish the music and the com mittee will furnish the fun and jollity. Taken altogether, the excursion will be well worth “ taking m,” and to all having fifty cents to spare we would say “ Go.” Bunting Lodge, No. 655, will confer the M. M. Degrees on Monday evening, June 29th, at a special communication. Brethren of sister lodges are cordially invited to attend. Palestine Lodge Association, SECOND ANNUAL EXCURSION JULY 4 tli, 1885, TO COLD SPRING GROVE ON L I. SOUND, Barge '‘Harvest Queen” leaves 23d st., E. R., 9 A. M.; 86th st., E. R., 10 A. M. The steamer leaves foot of Dock st., Brooklyn, at 8:30 A. M. Tickets 50 cents, and can be obtained from the members of PALESTINE LODGE, N<x 201, F. & A. M., or at the above landings on the morning of the excursion. William H. Heathcote, WATCHES, JEWELRY AND DIAMONDS, Masonic Jewelry a Specialty. No. 31 PARK ROW, WORLD BUILDING (opp. PostOffica) and No. 184 CHATHAM SQUARE, above Worth street. MYSTIC SHRINE BADGES. WILLIAM H. GAMMON, No. 43 CHATHAM STREET, (80 feet north of Bridge entrance.) Price, $8 to sls, GENUINE TIGERS’ CLAWS, Warranted 14-carat gold. N. B.—Goods sent to all parts of the United States, C. O. D. DEHTISTBT. DR. B, H. DUPIGNAC, No. 159 BOWERY, five doors above Broome street. Forty-five years of active practice. A Specialty: Artificial Teeth, $4, $6, SB, $lO, and up. Repairing, sl, and up. Gold Filling, sl, and up. Clean ing and beautifying natural teeth, 50 cents, up. Open Sundays and evenings. Lady Dentist in attendance. Annual Excursion. —Pioneer Lodge, No. 20, to RIVER VIEW PARK, ON THE HUDSON, JULY Bth, 1885. Boats leave Broome street, E. R., at 8:30; Thirty-fourth street, N. R., at 9:15; 125th st., N. R., 10 o'clock, prompt 66 RobL Freke Gould’s History of Free- MASONRY.” The advertiser wants a brother to undertake its sale in New York and vicinity. I have also an opening for Balti more, etc. Address, by letter enly. JNO. BEACHAME, Publisher, No. 7 Barclay street, N Y. MANUFACTURER OF KNIGHTS TEMPLAR’S, MASONIC, AND ALL KINDS OF SOCIETY GOODS, NO. 133 GRAND STREET, CORNER OF CROSBY. NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER FOR .ILL THE STATES, Henry C. Ijanks. LAW AND COLLECTION OFFICES of BANKS & BANKS Nos. 3 JOHN ST. and I®2 BROADWAY. House : No. 131 East 127th st., cor. Lexington are NEW YORK CITY. ’ MASONIC DIRECTORY. NEW YORK. ACACIA, No. moots first and Third Tues days, Clinton Room, Masonic Temple. Twenty-third street and Sixth avenue. Howell Vail, M. William Boeckel, Treas. Henry Rabbage, S. W. Frank A. Hovey, Sec- James Guest, J. W. ADELPHIC, No. 348.—The regular communi cations are held on the first and Third Tuesdays of each month, at 8 o’clock, P. M., m lonic Room, Masonic Tem- P le - P. C. Benjamin, M. J. W. Sandford, Treas. R. H. Foote, 8. W. Wm. H. Innet, Sec. W. E. Matrenner, J. W. ALBION, No. 26, moots second and fourth Wedne.'days in each month, Doric Room. Masonic Temple. John Stewart, M. Edward Taylor, P. M., Treas. E. S. Cooper, S W C. Van Keuren, M. D., Sec. Jeff. E. Thum, j.w' ANCIENT, No. 724, moots second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Tuscan Rooms, Masonic Temple. Edward S. Post, M. H. H. Crane, Treas. Charles T. Dunwell, S, W. Clare W. Beames, Sec. Rufus Smith, J. VV. No. 232 East 33rd street. ARCTURUS, No. 274.—Regular communications of Arcturus Lodge are held at Miller's Hall, Nc. 202 F 86th street, S. E. cor. 3d avenue, on the first and third Tuesday of each months. John E. Wangler, M Charles Kurz, Treas. William Kurz, S. W. David T. Williams, Sec. Charles A. Stevens, J. W. BUNTING, No. 655, meets first and third Mon days of each month, corner 124th street and Third avenue, Harlem. Harry C. Harney, M. Cyrus O. Hubbell, Treas., Thomas A. Jasper, S W Z. T. Benson, Sec., Fred. M. Kandell, J. W.’ CHANCELLOR WALWORTH, No. 271, meets first and third Thursdays of each month, Doric Room Masonic Hall, 23d street and Sixtn avenue. Wright D. Pou nail, M Geo. W. Millar, Treas., Wm. M. Leggett, S. W F. W. Herring, Sec., Andrew H. Kellogg, J. W. No. 841 Broadway, N. Y. ’ CHARITY, No. 727, meets first and third Fri days ot each month, at their rooms. Boulevard and West Seventy-fourth street. Thomas Back, M. Charles Eisemann, Treas. H. P. Nieoahr, S W David Taylor Sec., W. G. Owens, J. VV.' 10th ave., bet. 99th and 100th sts. CHARTER OAK LODGE, No. 219, meets sec ond and fourth Fridays, at German Masonic Temnle No. 220 East Fifteenth street. 1 * James Y. Watkins, Treas. Charles E. Howard M Charles V. Pace, Sec., Charles H. Koenig, S. W No. 11 Spruce st., N. Y, Charles W. Ostertag, J.W. CITY, No. 408, meets second and fourth Mon days, lonic Room, Masonic Hall, Twenty-third street and Sixth avenue. Henry Muller. M. 11. P. Muller, Treas. A. A. Cauldwell, 8. W. Geo. H. Stokes, Sec. Geo. H. Pladwell, J. W. COPESTONE, No. 641, meets every second and fourth Wednesday, at 8 P. M., in the Corinthian Room, Masonic Temple. John H. Grant, M. Martin Kalb, Treas. William McFaul, S. W. H. T. Gibson, Sec. William J. Mathews, J. W. CORINTHIAN, No. 488, meets second and fourth Thursdays, at Grand Opera House, 23d street and Bth avenue, at 8 P. M. Oscar G. Ahlstrom, M. Geo. Stone, Treas. Fred. K. Van Court, S. W. Geo. F. Thornton, Sec. Thomas Bonner, J. VV. DIRIGO, No. 30, meets second and fourth Mon day of each month, at No. 57 West 25th street, (Arcanum Hall), cor Sixth avenue. Aaron Morris, M. IT. 11. Nestrock, Treas. John A. Sampson, S. W. William R. Oidroyd, Sec. S. Blant, J. VV. EMANUEL, No. 654, meets second and fourth Thursdays each month, Koster & Bial’s Hall, No. 117 West Twenty-third street. G ustave Baum, M M. Laski, Treas. Myer Goodman, S.W. Leonard Leisersohn, Sec. A. H. Fleischer, J, W. GEORGE WASHINGTON, No. 285, meets first, third and fifth Fridays of each month, at Eastern Star Hall, corner Seventh street and Third avenue. Adolphus D. Pape, M. A. 11. Bradley, Treas. R. Sommers, S. W. Jared A. Timpson, Sec. W. P. Kent, J. W. GIRARD, No. 631, meets first Friday in each month. Livingston Room, Masonic Temple. Thos. P. Clench. Sec. Chas. H. Luscomb, M. Julius Blankenstein, Treas. Peter CL Arnott, SW. Andrew Stewart, J. W. GLOBE, No. 588, meets second and fourth Saturdays in Livingston Room, Masonic Temple. James C. Hueston, M. Charles P. Craig, Treas. Reginald T. Hazell, 8. W. George G. Golliasch, See. George W. Knight, J. W. GREENWICH, No. 467, meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month, Grand Opera House, Twenty-third street and Eighth avemje. John H. Kocher, Sec. Ralph Mayors, M. John Geagen, Treas. Geo. M. Skene. S. W. Russell G. Burroughs, J. W. HOPE, No. 244, meets first and third Tuesdays of each month, Tuscan Room, Masonic Temple, Twenty third street and Sixth avenue. SAMUEL J. CAMPBELL, M. Wm. E. Lawrence, Treas. Alfred L. Ryer, 8. W. Chas. Miller, Jr., Sec. Isaac Fromme. J. W. HOWARD, No. 35, meets in the Doric Room, Masonic Temple, second and fourth Fridays. Geo. H. Fitzwilson, M. Alfred B. Price, Treas. Chas. H. Heyzer, 8. W. Horace Metcalf, sec. Chas. S. Ward, J. W. INDEPENDENT, No. 185, meets first and third Mondays of each month, at German Masonic Temple, East Fifteenth street. Arthur Flecknoe, M. William Hanna, Treas. Isaac S. Gilbert, 8. VV. George M. Johnson, Sec., John W. Hunt, J. VV. No. 91 Bedford street. JOHN D. WILLARD, No. 250, meets first and third Wednesdays of each month, Grand O; era House, Eighth avenue and Twenty-third street. William M. White. M. William H. Hawks, Treas. Waldo 11. Richardson, S.W. Thomas J. Drew, Sec., George A. Cole, J. W. No. 129 9th ave. Visiting brethren welcomed. KANE, No. 451.—Regular communications of Kane Lodge are held on the first, third and fifth Tues days in Doric Room, Masonic Temple. Joseph J. Little, M. Chas. A. Whitney, Jr., Treas. Thos. E. Stewart. S. W. Henry VV. Penoyar, Sec. CvrneUus \Vavd4i, J. W. LIVINGSTON, No. 657, moots first and third Mondays, at Tuscan Booms. Masonic Temple. Music by the Livingston Lodge Vocal and Instrumental Quar tettes. j. m. Purdy, M. Win- Scott, Treas. J. H. McCarthy, S.W. Wm. E. Green, Sec. A. M. Willis, J. W. LODGE OF ANTIQUITY, No. 11, meets the second and fourth Thursdays each month, Clintoii Room, Masonic Hall, Twenty-third street and Sixlli avenue. Adolph C. Wolf. M. Francis Vogel, Treas. Henry Steffens, 8. W. Isaac Simonson, Sec., Wm. E. Bergmann, J. W. Room No. 65 Astor House. MARINERS’, No. 67, meets first and third Mon* days eaeh month, at German Masonic Temple, No. 220 East Fifteenth street. Robert J. Poynter, M. Jacob Ewald, Treas. John VV. Ferrier, 8. W. A. R. Wilson, Sec. Henry Hood, J. W. METROPOLITAN, No. 273, meets second an cl fourth Thursdays of each month, (except July and Au. gut-t), Corinthian Room. Masonic Temple, Sixth avenucj and Twenty-third street. Louis Stamper, M. Thos. Carter, Treas., A. W. Ifoyal, 8. VV. J. B. Russell, Sec. James F. Hughes, J. WJ NO. 242 E. 25th st. MONTGOMERY, No. 68, meets in tho Doria Room, Masonic Temple, every first and third Monday evenings, at 7:30 o’clock. F. O. Woodruff, Treas. W. P. Werster, M. D. M. F. W. McGowen, Sec., J. Wesley Smith, S. W. * Box No. 68, Masonic Temple. Thos. J. Pardy, J. W. MUNN, No. 190, meets on the second and fourth Thursday evenings, at Livingston Room, Ma* sonic Temple. 8. A. Harwood, M. John Maguire, Treas. Joseph Abrams, S. W. Ezra B. Stockvis, Sec Robert Neeley, J. W. MYSTIC TIE, No. 272, meets first, third and fifth Tuesdays, at Eastern Star Hall, cor. Seventh street] and Third avenue. James A. Westerfield, M. James P. Snyder, Treas. Henry G. Edwards, S.W. George Smith, Sec., William Lathers, J.W. No. 354 Second ave. NATIONAL, No. 209, meets in Clinton room/ Masonic Temple, 23d street and 6th avenue, second ana fourth Fridays each month. James R. Canniff, M. J. L. Voorhees, Treas. David Newmark, S. W. E. Percival, Sec., Hugh Hawthorn, J. VV.i Res. 2070 3d avenue. . NAVAL, No. 69, meets on the Second anef Fourth Wednesdays of each month at Eight, P. M.. laj Clinton Room Masonic Temple. Matthew Hettrick. Treas. Washington Mullin, M. Thos. J. Keyes, Secretary, John J. Bar, S. VV. No. 312 E. 46th St. James Berry, J. VV. NEW YORK, No. 330, meets the first and third Wednesdays each month, Austin Room, Temple,Twenty* third street and Sixth avenue. John Jay Griffin, M. •. Chas. D. Shepard, Treas. E. B. Valentine, S. W, 1 E. W. Bradley, Sec. Vai Schneider, J. W.i OCEAN, No. 156, meets at Grand Opera Housoj 23d street and Bth ave., every second ana fourth Thural days of each month. H. C. Boniface, M. James Luker, Treas. Alonzo C. Brackett, S. W» Louis Fransway, Sec, P. J. Looney, J. W. No. 692 Washington street. PARK, No. 516, meets first and third at Turn Hall, No. 341 West Forty-seventh street. George W. Crogier, M. Charles Lehritter, Treas. Wm. W. Seymour. S. W. t Horatio Sands, Sec. E. Winterbottom, J. W. ) PERFECT ASHLAR, No. 604, meets first ami third Thursdays, in the Doric Room, German Masonia Temple, Fifteenth street, east of Third avenue. John B. Hunter. M. Louis Greenbaum, Treas. W. L. Darmstadt, S. W. Henry Willson, Sec. Edward Tucker, J. W. PIATT, No. 194, meets first and third days of each month, Composite Rooms, Masonic Tero*' pie, 23d street and Sixth avenue. o «« x „ George McAlear. M. Smith S. Eaton, Treas. Allan Mason, S. W. Wm. J. Jessup, Sec., Chas. Emmett, J. W. Residence, No. 11 Norfolk street, City. PIONEER, No. 20/ meets first, third and fifth Mondays, at Eastern Star Hall, Third Avenue, corner or. Seventh street. John W. Rowan, M. J David W. Higgins, Treas. L. VV Duessing, S.W. ? C. E. Duganne, Sec. T. F. Rudolph, J.W.) Res dence, No. 42 Scammel street. PRINCE OF ORANGE, No. 16, meets seconds and fourth Saturdays, in Doric Room, Masonic Temples Wm. T. Wardwell, Treas. Lewis H. Raymond. M. John F, Graham, Sec.. James B. Taylor. 8. W« No. 368 Eighth st. Garrett Roach, J. W. PRUDENCE, No. 632, meets second and fourths Fridays each month, German Masonic Temple, No. 22G> East 15th street. John H. Conway, M. Henry Bopp, Treas. Thomas Tipper, 8. W. B. F. Cortey, Sec. Isaac Brenner, J. W. PUTNAM, No. 338, meets tho first and third Fridays of each month, in Tuscan Room, Masonic Term* Pte- John Prentice, M. Joseph Applegate, Treas. Francis VV. Judge, S. W? Robert R. Bowne, Sec, James L. Kildare, J. W.' REPUBLIC, No. 690, meets first and third Fri-» days of each month. Doric Room, Temple, Twenty-third street and Slxtl} avenue, at 7:45 P. M, B. C. Williams, M. B. Brown. Treas. George P. Molleson, S. W. J. W. Stopford, See. Archibald George, J. W. ROOME, No. 746, meets first and third Mon* days, in lonic Rooms, Masonic Temple. Jas. VV. Godfrey, M. E. T. Simes, Treas. Geo. D. Emerson, S. W. Amos Brown. Sec. Frank V. Sanford, J. W. ST. CECILE, No. 568, meets the fixst, third and fifth Tuesday afternoons each month, at l;30 P. M., at Tuscan Room, Masonic Temple. Visitors are always welcome. Allan Latham, M. Henry Tlssington, Treas. David H. Agan, S.W. Laurence O’Reilly, Sec. Michael Sctilig, J. W. STRICT OBSERVANCE, No, 94, meet’s second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at No. 953 Third avenue, corner Fifty-seventh street. Levi Gibb. M, James F. Bragg, Treas. 8. D. Smith, S. W. Jackson Bell, Sec., Harry Hall, J. VV. Address, No. 1,035 Third av. STU YVES ANT, No. 745, meets second and fourth Wednesday evenings, Eastern Star Hall, Third avenue and Seventh street. H. T. Atkinson, Treas, ARCH. T. BANNING, M. Wm. H. Leech, Sec., Isaac Wood, 8. W. No. 9 St. Mark’s Place. Richard Raleigh. J. W. SYLVAN GROVE, No. 275, meets second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at eight o'clock P. M., in Livingston Room, Masonic Temple, Sixth avenue and Twenty-third street. Theodore Reeves, Treas. - Richard Kirby, M. Edgar Kirby, Seo. Wm. Madara, S. W. For. Dept. N. Y. P. O. Wm. Helms, J. W. TECUMSEH, No. 487, meets first and third Thursdays of each month, at Eastern Star Hall, Third avenue and Seventh street. Wm. Kemble Hall, M. James Stone. Treas. Joseph Hoffman, S. VV. F. E. Davis, Sec., DavidE. Alien, J, No. 351 Second avenue. ,»• • TEMPLAB, No. 203, meets first, third, and fifth Fridays in each month, at No. 161 Eighth avenue. cor~ ner of Eighteenth street. Geo. Ban field, Treas. Charles N. Jones, M. James S. Stitt, Sec. W. J. L. Maxwell, S.W. Thos. Loughrey, Tyler. Geo. W. Heimel, J. W. UNITED STATES, No. 207, meets in Clinton: Rooms, Masonic Temple, Twenty-third street and Sixth avenue, first and third Monday/. ' Q C. 8. HnwHV Treas. Jas. C. Baldwin M John Salt, bed., Wm. F. Walker S W Res., 89 Harrison av., Miles W. Goodyear J W Brooklyn, E. D. VERITAS LODGE, No. 734, meets every second I. M. John W Sokel. Sec. John C. Koopman. J. W. and fourth Tuesdays, at Grand Opera House, 23d street avenue. Dennis Redmond, M. I. M. Bic :ard Koch. Treas. Jas. N. Johnson, S. W. ZERUBBABEL, No. 329, meets second and fourth Tuesdays of each mouth, at Doric Rooms. Ger man Masonic Temple. No. 220 East Fifteenth street bathan Greenbaum, Treas. Solomon Littenberg, M. Se ?-’ Is^ac Greenbaum. 3. W. No. 25 Chambers st., city. Abraham Dennison, J. W CHAPTERS. ADEJjPHIC, No. 158, meets 2d and 4th Wed nesdays of each month, in Egyptian Room, Masonia T e C - Beniamin, H. P. «’r V ’ x^ jr T by ’ Tr ° as - R - G - Larason, K. Wm. H. In net, Sec., H. J. Emerson, Scriba. Res., 102 Sixth avenue. AMERICUS CHAPTER, No. 215, meets tho fourth Friday of each month, in the Egyptian Rooms. Masonic Temple, Twenty-third street and Sixth avenuo , Harry G. Kimber, Treas. Oscar G. Ahlstrom, H. P< Anthony Yeomans, Sec., Henry Kornahrens, K. bew York Post-office. John H. Ehnuss, S. METROPOLITAN CHAPTER, No. 140, R. A. M. meets the third Monday in each month, in the Egyn tian Rooms, Masonic Temple, Twenty-third street and Sixth avenue. E. Porter Cooley, H. P. J. B. Hunter, K. M. Silberstein, 8. B. Pyser. 'lreas. Wm. L. Darmstadt, Sec. COMMANDERIES. ADELPHIC, No. 59 (Mounted), meets in oou*' clave second Thursday each month, at Masonic Temr ple, Twenty-third street and Sixth avenue. m Wm. Wallace Walker, C- J. W. Sandford, Treas. J. O’Neil, G. W. 11. Innet, Rec. V. Mott, C. G. COLUMBIAN, No. 1, assembles in conclave third Tuesday, each month. Masonic Temple, Twenty third street and Sixth avenue. J m Charles A. Benedict, C. Alfred B. Price, Treas. Joseph E. Miller. G. Fred. W. Herring, Sec. Charles H. Anderson, C. G. CCEUR DE LION, No. 23, assembles i”n conclave second and fourth Fridays of each month, at Masonic Temple, Twenty-third street and Sixth avenue. ~ „ x m Henry F. Berkner C. Edwin R. McCarty, Treas. John Byers, G. Charles W. Sy, Rec. Thos. B. Inness, C. G. IVANHOE, No. 36, assembles in conclave third Friday each month, Lank building, Fourteenth street and Fourth avenue. James McGrath, E. C. Wm. D. Peckham, Treas. John Caunt, G. Wm. H. Arinfield, Rec. H. S. Sanderson, C. G. PALESTINE, No. 18, assembles in conclave first and third Mondays of each month, at the asylum. Masonic Hall, 23d street and Sixth ave.nue. James W. Bowden, C. Wm. R. Carr, Treas., Wayne Litzenberg, G. C. 8. Champlin, Rec., Charles H. Gillespie, C. G. YORK GOMMANDERY, No. 55, assembles iu Regular Conclave on the first Wednesday of each month, at Masonic Temple, cor. Twenty-third street and Sixth avenue. H. Hutchison, Treas. WILSON G. FOX. E. 0, Alexander VV. Murray, Rec. Geo. W. Anderson, G. Residence, No. 259 Humboldt Jas. S, Manning. C. G.’ st.. Brooklyn E. D. ANCIENT ACCEPTED SCOTTISH 'RITE. (Four Bodies.) THE LODGE OF PERFECTION OF NEW YORK CITY meets at Consistorial Chamber, Masonio Temple, on the first Tuesday of every month at 8 p. M. Charles S. Ward, D. M. Joseph B. Eakins. M. N. Ponce de Leon, Treas. Geo. W. Van Buskirk, S. W. Wm. S. Paterson, Sec. Geo. H. Fitzwilson, J. VV. No. 455 Fourth avenue. THE COUNCIL OF PRINCES OF JERUSA LEM OF NEW YORK CITY meets at Consistorial Chamber, Masonic Temple, on the third Saturday of every month, at 8 P. M. Steph. D. Affleck. D. M. Wm. J. Lawless, M. Edwin Bouton, Treas. Oscar G. Ahlstrom, S. W. Wm. S. Paterson, Sec., James M. Fuller, J. VV. No. 455 Fourth evenue. THE CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX OF NEW YORK CITY meets at Consistorial Chamber, Masonia Temple, on the fourth Saturday of every month, at 8 P„ M. George W. Millar, M. Seranus Bowen, Orator. Alfred B. Price, S. VV. N. Ponce de Leon, Treas. Arthur B. Townsend, J. Wo Wm. S. Paterson. Sec., No. 455 Fourth avenue. THE CONSISTORY OF NEW YORK CITY, S. P. R. S„ meets at Consistorial Chamber, Masonic Temple, when specially convened. C. T. McClenachan, Com. Charles H. Heyzer, Ist L. C. George W. Millar, 2d L. C. Joseph M. Leavy, Treas. Wm. D. Garrison, M. State. Wm. S. Paterson, Sec., No. 455 Fourth avenue. COUNCILS, R. S 31. ADELPHIC COUNCIL, No. 7, R. and S. M.— The regular assemblies are held on the first Saturday of each month, in the Council Chamber, Masonic Temple, Sixth ave. and 23d st. P. C. Benjamin, T I M. John W. Coburn, Rcc. Alex. Butts, D. M. Royal E. Deane, Treas. Fred. Kanter, P. C. W. NOBLES OF THE MYSTIC SHRINE. MECCA TEMPLE, A. A. 0., holds its sessions at Masonic Temple, New York city on the feast day of every Mohammedan month, of, which due notice will be given. Walter M. Fleming, Grand Potentate. A. W. Peters, Chief Rabban. Philip C. Benjamin, Assistant Rabban. Charles H. Heyzer. High Priest. Joseph B: Eakins, Director. Wm. S. Paterson, Grand Recorder. BROOKLYN. EZEL, No. 732, meets every first, third and fifth Mondays, in Adelphi Hall, No- 157 Adelphi street* corner Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn, at 8 P. M. Geo. VV. Powell, Treas. HerthbertT. Ketcham M. E. Perrott, Sec., Henry A. Taylor, 8. VV. No. No-nrand ae. A. P. Higgins, J. VV. COMMANDER IES. DE WITT CLINTON, No. 27, meets in assem bly on the second, fourth, and fifth Tuesdays of each month, at Nos. 87, 89 and 91 Broadway, Brooklyn* E. D. Juan B. Arci, C. T. J. Scharfenberg. Treas. Wm. H. Bryant, G. S. T. Waterhouse, Rec. Geo. B. Claflin, C. G. ST. ELMO, No. 57, assembles in stated con c ave first and third Wednesdays ot each month, at Hall, corner Manhattan and Meserole avenues. E. D Charles E. Stockford, C. Hemy A. Heuschkel, Treas. Valentine Hammann, G. James H. Whitehorne, Rec. Jas. L. Drummond, Q, 3