Newspaper Page Text
4 CONTENTS OF INSIDE PAGES. SECOND PAGE: CONTINUATION OF “A BITTER UUP.” THE LITTLE SCHOOLMA’AM, LODGE BUSINESS. LIFE IN A SHOOTING-BOX. IN TEXAS. A HUMAN OSTRICH. LOST IN THE STORM. WORN OUT. THIRD PAGE: WASONIO MATTERS: Perpetual Jurisdiction; Very Pleasant; Made One; Personal; Independent Lodge; St. Cecile Lodge; Kane Lodge; Copestone Lodge; Empire Chapter; Polar Star Lodge; Commandery News; Officers of the Grand Chapter; Gxsms; To Understand the Truths of Freemasonry; Laws, Regu lations and Landmarks; Order and System; Truth; Swearing; What is Mascnry; Labor Exchange, SIXTH PAGE t WHEN SHALL I DIE ? A WEDDING GARMENT. feUMOR OF THE HOUR. <IREAT REPENTANCE. SOMNAMBULISTS. BEARS AND GROUND HOGS. APPETITE A PHYSICIAN. HOW TO WARM ROOMS. HSS ONLY CHEW. INTERESTING MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. SEVENTH PAGE: BUILDING UPON THE SANDS. THE OAKLY HALL TRAGEDY. ROBERT TAVERNIER. A TERRITORIAL TILT. THE BOY SHAKE. HANCOCK AND SEYMOUR. FIGHT WITH AN ARAB. BIRD MIGRATION. AN UNRELIABLE WATCH. OUR WEEKLY GOSSIP. Golconda.—ln the oldest records of the human race mention is made of gold, and like •ilver It was enumerated as an element of riches. Throughout the Old Testament there are frequent allusions to gold and to flue gold. It was beaten Into thin plates, cut into wires and even worn with threads of linen for the sr*cramental robes of Aaron. It was fashioned into breast-plates with chains at the ends of wreathen work of pure gold; and it was used as the setting of precious stones. By other nations it was made into gods and idols, some of gigantic size. Aaron prepared a golden calf for the children of Israel, which Moses burned with Are and reduced to powder; an operation which might have been effected by first melting and beating out into thin plates. In building the of Jerus alem the quantities of gold lavishly employed by Solomon for its furniture and decorations implied that it was largely collected, and (hat the ancients had access to mines of great extent and richness. Atahuallpa, the captured Inca of Peru, agreed to .bring together for his ransom in the space of two -months, articles of gold which would fill a room twenty-two feet long, seventeen broad and nine feet in bight. When this was done and the gold melted It was found to amount to 1,326,539 pe50s de ore. The commercial value of the pesos according to Prescott _*was equivalent to $11.67, making the sum total $15,480,710. The source whence the Phoenicians and Israelites derived their’ immence supplies of i <gold was the land of Ophir, a region still of uncer tain locality, Onee in three years the fleet of Solo mon completed a voyage to it and back. It is fenerally presumed to have been either the East Li dies or that part of the Southeast coast of Africa tolled Sofala by the Arabs. The auriferous charac ter of tho desert steppes of Gobi was known in the time of Herodotus to the inhabitants about the sources of the Indus; and to this day are to be seen along the southern Ural the works of ancient mining operations, supposed to be those of the nomadic Scythians. Ethiopia and Nubia also ■were largely productive of gold, and the ancient mines discovered by Belzoni in tho Zabarah mount ains are supposed to have furnished the Pharaohs of Egypt their abundant supplies. Thus many auriferous regions appear to have been known at different times as productive as those of the present period. While the gold of the deposits continued abundant they were vigorously wrought, and each district furnished in its turn the principal share ol the product of the world. In the time of the Ro mans the precious metals were not so abundant, though rich deposits were worked along the footoi the Pyrenees and in some of the provinces border ing the Alps. Strabo (B. IV., chap. 6, sec. 12,) refers to the statement of Polybius that in his time the gold mines near Apulia were so productive that the value of gold was reduced one-third in Rome. Spain, too, had its deposits worked in ancient times along the Tagus, and the Athenians gathered their supplies of the metal from Thessaly and the island of Thasos. In the middle ages the art of working gold seems to have bean little practiced. Tho richness of the known mines was comparative ly exhausted, and previous to the new fields, fol lowing the discovery of America, the attention of metallurgists was directed to vain attempts to transmute the baser into the precious metals. It was estimated that at the time of the discovery of America the gold and silver in the Old World, ex clusive of the more or less unknown regions of the East, was reduced to about £34,000.000, and the sup ply no more than met the loss by wear. The enor mous importation of gold and silver from the New World soon made up the deficiencies of the old mining regions, and reducing the value of the metals in comparison with other products, caused mines that had been successfully worked to be abandoned as unprofitable. States.—lst. The Etruscans were the first who adopted the eagle as the symbol of royal power, and bore its image as a standard at tho head of their armies. From the time of Marius it was the principal emblem of the Roman republic and the only standard of the legions. It was repre sented with outspread wings, and was usually of silver, till the reign of Hadrian, who made it of gold. The double headed eagle was in use among the Byzantine emperors to indicate, it is said, their 1 claim to the empire, both of the East and the West. It was adopted in tho fourteenth century by the German emperors, and afterward appeared on the arms of Russia. The arms of Prussia are distin guished by tho black eagle, and those of Poland bore the white. The white-headed eajle is the em blematic device of the United States of America, is the badge of the order of the Cincinnati, and is ■ figured on coins. Napoleon adopted tho eagle for the emblem of imperial France. It was not, how- 1 ever, represented in heraldic stylo, but in natural < form, with the thunderbolts of Jupiter. It was . disused under the Bourbons, but was restored by a J decree of Louis Napoleon (Jan. Ist, 1852). 2d. The present flag of tho United States was designed by 1 Captain C. Reid, the gallant Commander of the General Armstrong. Our flag originally bore 1 thirteen stars and thirteen stripes. As new States i came in the number of stars and stripes was corres pondingly increased, pursuant to an act of Con- < gress passed 1794, This was found to be impracti- , able; for. as tho States increased, tho width of the lines had to be lessened. Beside, there was nothing I in tho device to recall the original confederacy of ■ the United States. To return to tho use of only ' thirteen stars and stripes would be inappropriate, J because the device would give no hint of the growth < of the Republic. Captain Reid proposed to return to the original thirteen stripes as a memento of the 1 original union, and add a new star whenever a State was admitted, as indicative of the growth of the States. This suggestion was adopted. A flag with this arrangement was first raised over the hall of Repre sentatives at Washington, on the 4th of April, 1818, at two o’clock in the afternoon. At that time the Senate Chamber and Hall of Representatives were separated, tho centre of the building not being completed. Resolutions of thanks to Capt. Reid ' •‘for having designed and formed the present flag < of tho United States,” were offered in Congress. Tho dimensions of the United States standard are as follows: Regimental flag, six feet by six feet six inches; storm flag, ten feet by twenty; garrison flag, twenty feet by thirty. H. Atkinson. —The original Ravel family of pantomimists made their first appearance in this country at tho old Park Theatre, on Monday evening, January 16, 1832. Gabriel, Francois, Je rome, Antoine, Jean and Madame Ravel, were the “family.” Gabriel was born at Rouen, France, 1810; Antoine at Marseilles, 1812; Jerome at Vicenza. Italy, 1814, and Francois at Vienna, Austria, 1823. Jerome Ravel played Jocko, the ape, Sept. 16, 183 7 , at Niblo’s Garden, upon the occasion of the Ravels’s second visit to this country. They again appeared at Niblo’s from December 19th to January 7th, ’59. In this latter engagement only Gabriel and Francois wero in the troupe as representatives of this wonder ful troupe of pantomimists—whose equals in their special line of work have not been seen since upon our stage. There is no record either in the bills of the theatre or in the history of the stage here or in France, that Gabriel Ravel ever appeared as Jocko. Antoine played tho part once or twice in France, upon the occasion of the illness of Jerome. Vets. —On the 19th day of July, 1845, a great fire, second only in its ravages to that of 1835, broke out in New street, in the vicinity of Wall, and burned in a southerly direction to Stone, laying waste the entire district between Broadway and the eastern side of Broad street, and consuming several million dollars’ worth of prop erty. The explosion of a saltpetre warehouse, in Broad street, gave rise to the vexed question, “ Wil! saltpetre explode ?" which furnished food for some research and much merriment for the savans of the day. J. S. B.—McAdam’s “Landlord and Tenant,” on tho point to which you refer, says : “A tenant, unless restrained by express agreement, may, without the consent of his lessor, assign the lease itself, or he may grant underleases for any number of years, less than the term for which he holds the premises.” T. F. H.—Harrigan and Hart’s Thea tre, on Broadway, opposite Waverly Place, was not built on the site of tho Olympic Theatre, The Olym pic was at No. 624 Broadway, while the new Theatre Comique, under Harrigan and Hart, was at Nos. 728 and 730 Broadway. L. L. L.—lst. Try boiling your meer schaum in coffee, placing a piece of linen at the bottom of tho vessel in which you boil it. 2d. We do not know the exact bight of Senator Mahone, of Virginia. 8. B.—Address the American News Company, No. 39 Chambers street. They will give you the desired information. W. E. M. —Your communication has not reached na. It you will write again we will endeavor to assist you. Company “D,” Seventh Infantry.— We do not know the name ot the firm to which you refer. R. J. W.—A cow can be led through the streets of New York without a permit. J. B.—Address General Franz Sigel, Pension Agent, No. 398 Canal street. Mrs. J. M.—The article can be pur chased at any first-claas drug store. Constant Reader (2). —The office of Harbor Master is a salaried one. J. K.—We do not understand your question. Be more explicit. Brooklyn.—Any jeweler will give you the desired information. D. A. G. —Third avenue is a portion Of the old Boston road. W. E. M.— The salary of a civil justice is $6,000 per annum. W. A. T, —“G.” would, certainly win the wager. ■ Jltto fork NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 21, 1886. TO ADVBRTISEUS. ADVERTISING IS TWENTY FIVE CENTRA LINE IN THE NEW YORK DISPATCH. Owing to our large edition we are compelled to go to r presßat an early hour, hence ADVERTISEMENTS CAN NOT BE RECEIVED AFTER NINE O’CLOCK SATUR ; DAY EVENING. ( To Masonic Advertisers. Those desiring to advertise in our Masonic columns ; must have their advertisements n our office BEFORE TWO O’CLOCK on FRIDAY AFTERNOON. No ail vertisementcan be Inserted on the Masonic Pago alter t bat h our. Tile NEW YORK DISPATCH has a larger circulation than any other Sunday Newspaaer pub lished in the United States. STRIKES AND TYING UP. A practical oar-driver defines tho difference between a strike and a tie-up to be thet the mon who tie-up simply stop work, while the strikers are ready to prevent any work from being done until their demands are conceded. We had ex amples of both methods of coercing unjust em ployers on our city railroad routes, last week. Ths drivers and conductors on tho Fourth ave nue and the Forty-second street lines tied upas a protest against “ trippers.” Those of the Eighth and Ninth avenue lines struck for shorter hours and higher wages. All were suc cessful. Tho railroad companies succumbed, almost without a struggle, thus acknowledging that the men were in the right. But why could not this acknowledgement have been made without putting the men and tho public gener ally to so much inconvenience? The grasping and grinding corporations which oppress workingmen are as mean and deceitful asithey are greedy and unscrupulous. There is an old saying that corporations have no souls, and the managers of corporations appear to get rid of their souls when they accept their offices. They have to bo watched like sneak thieves, and no dependence can bo placed upon their promises. Only a fortnight ago tho employees of the Fourth avenue road went on strike, and the company agreed to their terms. But it was immediately discovered that the company was evading the agreement. Instead of allowing the men to do a day’s work at fair wages, the superintendents employed and paid them by trips, carefully regulating tho number of trips so that the men should earn ices money than ever. It was also noticed that those who had been most prominent among the strikers were being punished by tho allotment of the fewest trips. A tie-up was the result of this swindle, and again the company succumbed. But how long will it be before they attempt to cheat their workmen in some other way ? The only radical remedy for tire wrongs of the laboring men is by law. Make ten hours a legal day’s work and make it a penal offence for anybody to require any longer time, except by special agreement and at extra wages, and thou workingmeu will be comparatively safe and comfortable. At present the drivers and con ductors are obliged to act as detectives upon the officials of the railroad companies so as to keep them faithful to their pledges. A driver must- watch his horses with one eye and the superintendent of his road with the other, or he will be swindled out of hie dinner-hour or a third of his wages. A conductor has to divide his attention between the passengers in his car, the people on the sidewalks and the officials who are trying to cheat him out of his pay or into doing overtime. Such a state of things cannot continue, and it will ultimately end in more serious troubles than a strike or a tie-up, unless the Legislature interferes. Every company ought, for its own interests, to take the best possible care of all its em ployees. Its officials should be anxious to see that the mon are well paid, comfortable, not over-worked, and reasonably satisfied. As a mere matter of policy, to say nothing of the great laws of humanity, this is best for the company, because then all the employees will be honest, efficient and attentive to their duties. But the most of the railroad corporations in this city were conceived in fraud and developed dishonestly, and their managers cannot get rid of these traits when dealing with the men. They would like, if they could, to have their cars run by slaves, whom they could flog into working twenty-four hours a day for their bread and water. They come as near as they dare to this system, and the strikes and tyings-up are the protests of freemen against their tyrants. That is tho reason why, despite all the inconveni ences of interrupted travel, the strikers always have the sympathy of the public. In tho Legislature are members elected by the votes of laboring men, who promised, be fore election, that the wrongs of this class, the bone and sinew of the country, should be re dressed by law. We intend to insist that some of these promises shall be fulfilled, and we give notice that every member will be held to a strict accountability upon this subject. If the laws do not protect the laborers, then the labor ers must protect themselves, and that means a social revolution. Be warned in time. THE MEN AROUND THE CORNER. There was quite a dramatic scene at the Police Board last week. Detective Moran appeared, with his lawyer, to defend himself against the charge of blackmailing Harry Hill, the keeper of a disreputable sporting resort. He was con fronted by a country constable named Smith, from Flushing, who declared that he was ready to swear that he had seen Harry Hill pay money to Moran. As soon as he saw Smith enter, Mo ran hurried out of the room and sent his writ ten resignation to the Board. The Commission ers accepted the resignation, and Commissioner French declared the matter closed. We do not see it in that light. On the contrary, the matter seems to us to demand an immediate and im partial investigation. If we are ever to get at the real truth ot tho current scandals about the police, now is the opportunity. Moran is a vicarious offering. He has been sacrificed to protect the men behind him. His fear of that old sport, Harry Hill, is absurd. Constable Smith, of Flushing, is only a gro tesque side-show. What reliance could be placed upon the evidence of such a notorious fellow as Hill? What sort of a constable must Smith be to consort with Hill, visit his low tav ern and swear to his story ? Moran has admit ted more by his resignation than either Hill or Smith could ever prove by their testimony. But the parties whom the public want to get at are the men around the corner, who have grown rich upon the blackmail collected by such agents as Moran from such lawbreakers as Hill. Who are they? How much have they divided? These are the questions which everybody is asking and which must be answered sooner or later, by the Board of Police. The accused detective having been allowed to resign, and Harry Hill to continue his busi ness at the old stand, upon temperance princi ples, the only sufferer, thus far, has been Cap tain Murphy, against whom there is not a parti cle of evidence. We have taken the trouble to investigate Captain Murphy, as the Police Board shirk this duty. He has been a captain for sixteen years, and is still a poor man. That is his best certificate ot honesty. He lives in apartments in an humble little house, in Henry street. The whole house would rent for about S7OO, and Captain Murphy leases half of it. His modest little wife wears neither diamonds nor sables, and keeps no carriage. His children attend the public school. All his surroundings indicate honest economy and homely thrift. Evidently, then, he is not one of the men around the corner who have em ployed Moran to levy blackmail for their bene fit. If he were, he would live in a very differ ent manner, and have a villa in Connecticut and own plenty of real estate. Yet, without an apparent cause, as if to divert attention from others, Captain Murphy has been disgraced by being removed from the precinct in which he has made an excellent record, and banished to the goats and marshes of an up-town station. Was this done because he could not be used as a tool by the men around the corner ? Was it becauve ho refused Ito do their dirty work ? Are there not men on the force who have not done duty half so long as Captain Murphy, and yet have saved for- NEW FEBRUARY 21, 1886 tune# out of thoir Balaries •? The matter can not be considered closed, at the dictum of Commissioner French, while these questions puzzle the community. This is an era of in vestigations, and the sudden resignation of Moran furnishes a clew that may lead to start ling, if not unexpected, developments. Should the Police Board decline to follow it up, the Legislature must take it in hand. Let us know the whole truth about tho men who have charge of the lives and property of the people of New York. ■ iim iiw i ii ■ i ■ 1111111 11 ■ ■asaegßaci The Chinese Question. —Our rela tions with the Chinese are assuming important proportions. The people of the Pacific slope are almost unanimously resolved that the Chi nese must go, and are mobbing them and burn ing their buildings. The Chinese at home are retaliating by outrages upon American mis sionaries and other foreign residents. The Chinese Minister has reminded our Govern ment of our treaty obligations, and hinted at a big bill which we shall have to pay tor dam ages doue to tho persons and property of Mon golians, It is very clear that, while we have a treaty with China, we should comply Bdfupti lously with its provisions. It is equally clear that this treaty must be rescinded be'ore wo can adopt any legislative means of sending the Chinese out of tho country. If the people of the Pacific slope havo not the patience to wait for Congress to act, they must be taught to ob serve order, and if tho Chinese try to inflict outrages upon Americans, they must be pun ished. The subject is very difficult to deal with, because the Chinese are a degraded race and do not come hero as bona fide immigrants; but the general principles which we havo recit ed can be applied by ordinary statesmanship. Yankee Superstitions. — New En gland, which ueod to prido itself upon intelli gence and culture, has recently developed all sorts of queer cranks, and has on hand more ghosts than all the rest of the country. Last week there were two curious instances of su perstition. A Connecticut woman had a foot amputated and buried. For days afterward she complained of pains in the artificial toot with which the amputated member was replaced. At last the foot was dug upandiound to be tightly bandaged at the toes. The bandage being re moved, the woman declared that her pains ceased. Near New Haven, last Thursday, four weeping women stood beside a grave while the body of a young and beautiful girl was disin terred. When they took from tho graveclothos all the pins used by the undertaker and untied all the knots that confined the shroud, they stated that they had been haunted by the ghost of the girl, and that no soul could enter heaven white pins or knots remained in the clothing of the corpse. Yet tins is the nineteenth century, and New England is a civilized community ! Last Week in Congress.—The Fitz •John Porter bill, giving him pay and allowance for the years he has been in disgrace, has been passed by the House of Representatives. The Education bill, in the Senate, has been de nounced by both Republicans and Democrats as “ grand larceny ” and defended by both Republicans and Democrats as necessary for the development of the negro race. As there is plenty of money in the Treasury we are de cidedly in favor of educating all the negroes and overybody else. It is a good idea to teach our future voters how to read and write, and it may prevent many dangers to the country. The Judiciary Committee of the Senate has denounced the President for not giving in formation about removals. Of course, all such information ought to be open to Congress and the people. No official should be allowed to pull down the blinds in a free government. The rest of the week was passed in discussing silver, about which the representatives of both parties seem agreed to disagree among them selves. New Jersey Taxes.—All Jersey men are in mourning because of the decision of their Supreme Court that the State tew levying special taxes upon railroads and canals, is un constitutional. For over twenty years New Jer sey has made the roads and canals that run through it pay most of the expenses of the State, and now the taxes collected during all this time will have to be refunded. This is hard, very bard ; but if it results in the reduction of rail road fares and canal tolls, it will be a blessing to the whole country, although New Jersey may temporarily suffer. Alter all, it is fairer that the people of a State should pay their own taxes, instead of levying them upon other peo ple who happen to travel across its borders. The companies have no interest in the affair, since they simply add the amount ot the extra taxation to their passenger and freight charges. New Jersey has been like an old German baron, who demanded money of everybody who passed through his territory ; but this feudal system is now out of date. Artifical Limbs.—The Military Com mittee of Congress have reported adversely to the proposal to renew the artificial limbs of maimed soldiers every three, instead of every five years. The report states that “ the life of an artificial limb is five years or a longer period.” This is a singular phrase, and re minds us of the fancy ot some of the veterans that their wooden legs are really alive, and can feel twinges of rheumatic pains. It would be a good thing if Congressmen could be supplied with artificial consciences, warranted to last as long as the limbs of the soldiers. Common sense, which has very little to do with Con gressional action, suggests that the case of each veteran should be decided upon its indi vidual merits. If he breaks or wears out his wooden limb in less than the regulation period, he should be supplied with a new one ; if not, why waste money upon a new limb which is not needed ? There are jobs in everything now a-days, and the artificial limb job needs impar tial scrutiny. ~ A Deaf and Dumb Wife.—Mr. George Pancoast, a millionaire, has a daughter thirty years of age, who is deaf and dumb., Mr. Pan coast engaged a “rubber,” named Van Dorn, a young and iine-looking man, to give him the massage treatment. Van Dorn thought the deaf and dumb girl very bright and attractive ; fell in love with her; learned the sign language in order to tell his love, and, after a brief and silent courtship, they were married. Now Mr. Pancoast seeks to have the marriage set aside upon the ground that his daughter is of un sound mind. Until further evidence upon this point, people generally will think that a deaf and dumb girl must be rather shrewd and clever to secure a young and handsome husband. It is the old rivalry between love and money, we presume; but how many husbands will envy Van Dorn, whose wife can never talk back nor hear what he says when he finds a button off? Newspaper Enterprise. — Our self lauding contemporary, the tinted annex of the Herald y has again been guilty of a master stroke of journalistic enterprise. It will be remem bered that when the nation was mourning the loss ot the late General Grant our mendacious neighbor sought to advertise itself by gloating editorially over the fact that the paper had been the first to give to the public the sorrowful tid ings of the great hero’s death. Last week they even eclipsed that record by publishing with flaring headlines tho death of the genial mana ger, John Rickaby, illustrated by a cut of him from the pencil of their clever artist, De Grimm, who was at the time “ doing ” Florida. Just think of it! And this was printed and given to the public two days before the lamented mana ger passed over to the “ silent majority.” What shall such methods in journalism be termed ? Like a Sneak. —Sir Charles Dilke will not resign his membership in the House of Commons. He has so declared to his constitu ents. We could appreciate his position—think ing him wronged—but he allowed the woman to bear the entire blame. If he is innocent of the vile crimes charged against him, why did he not go on the witness stand and deny them ? Bud Sir Charles Diike will never amount to much in English politics from this time c<it. Englishmen like a man. Sir Charles Dilke has ■ p rmi-.i0.l a woman to suffer alone for his and Ler mutual cii.uo. Ho has acted like a eaoak. The March part of “ The Young La dies’ Journal” is an exceedingly interesting and entertaining one. It contains a complete new story called “ Daisy’s Dilemma,” various short stories, well-selected miscellany, and sixty fash ion engravings of the latest Parisian modes. imd Ms. POOLAAIBY’S LIVER PAD. There is ones again trouble in the Poolamey family, and a liver pad is the cause of it. For some time past Mr. Poolamey has been wearing ti£ome-made liver pad. The doctors told him never to take it off under penalty of death, and Mr. Poolamey was as careful of that liver pad as ho was of his gouty leg. The other morning when he arose, his wife noticed that it was gone, and she questioned him about it. He hunted around his carcass, imagining that it bad probably sauntered aronnd to see how his back looked, but ho could not find it. Then he turned as pale as a bucket factory. “ Where were you all night the night before last?’’ queried the suspicious Mrs. Poolamoy, “Eh? ”ejaculated Mr. Poolamey, who wanted to procrastinate io order that he might bo the thief of a few minutes’ time to think. “ Where wero yod tho night before last ?” she shrieked. “You didn’t some home until break fast time, and then you said you bad been hunting up a murder case.” “So I was,” replied Mr. Poolamey, who really did not remember whore he had been. “And do yon have to take your clothes off to hunt up a murder ease?” she screamed. Now Mr. Poolamey knew in the innermost re cesses ot his heart that journalists do not, as a general thing, take off thoir clothes when hunting up murder oases, but ho could not ac count for that missing pad, so ho said : “Eh?” “ You beard what I said very well,” she yelled, “aud I want you to account for that pad immediately.” “ Maybe its slipped down into my boot,” he tremblingly suggested. “ Slipped down into your boot, eh ? It would almost fill a dry goods box, let alone a boot. I made it myself and I know that you couldn’t button your vest up around it, and have had to travel around all Winter looking as if you were' warm. I’ll make it warm enough for you if you don’t account for that pad.” Mr. Poolamey was in a dilemma. He didn’t know where he'd been the night before, but he was positive that ha had done nothing morally wrong. “Where in thunder can that pad be?” he ejaculated. “ That's what I want to know inside of five minutes I” she ejaculated. Just then, as Mrs. Poolamey was preparing to go to her mother’s, there was a ring at the door-bell aud a friend entered. He had a bundle with him. It contained the missing pad. There is now joy in the Poolamey mansion, and the happy pair once again use tho same toothbrush. Mr. Poolamey had been so loaded that his friend bad taken him to have a Turkish bath, and he had wandered off and left his pad in the bath room. There is a moral in this, and also a “point er” for men who go homo without their liver pads. SMALL CHANGE. A lecturer recently said that he once saw Gladstone kneeling in the street beside a street-sweeper and praying for him. He didn’t say whether Gladstone was on the side where the boy kept his pennies or we might imagine that the cable had made a typographical error in spelling the word “ pray.” A Dbtboiteb, who, at ten, was in the House of Refuge, and has since spent most of bis time in prison, is now preaching the Gospel. Be must have the bulge on the deacons and elders after the congregation has been dis missed and the cards and collection are brought into the pastor’s study. A South Carolina editor has set up a newspaper office on wheels, and issues his paper in a different town every day. This may save a great deal of shot, but he must miss the pumpkins, strawberries, watermelons and eggs laid on our table by the most respected citizen of our village. Canon Fabrab’s book, “ Farewell Thoughts on America,” will soon be published simultaneously in London and New York. Lucky he had time to think. Most men who carry as much money away with them as the big gun did, scoot away without turning around to even look back. The chestnut crop appears to be plentiful. So does the worm crop, A great many more chestnuts would be sold if so many worms didn’t go with them. We could never, for the life of us, imagine why chestnuts should spoil their chances in life by being so fond of worms. The Avtagagdlivitt Nalinginarmik Tvsaruminasassnmik Univkat is a Greenland publication. It’s a cold country up there and probably the name has become frozen into hunks. As soon as it thaws out we’ll interpret it and toll our readers all we know about it. An Asbury Park druggist has been accused of selling liquor in quantities to the residents of and visitors to the place. Now we can understand why Asbury Park is such a famous resort for the folks who wear white neckties and. Presbyterian pants. A Canadian claims that he was cured of deafness of eleven years standing by being thrown from a toboggan, head first, into a bank of enow. It stirred up his dormant brain, probably. He’ll be deaf again as soon as ho tackles another tobog. A local cigar-maker was recently ar raigned for bigamy. He was about to marry a third woman. He gave, as an excuse, that neither of the other two knew how to cook his victuals. They knew how to cook his goose; however. One hundred Syracuse men have formed a society, the constitution of which pro hibits swearing. The first time the chairman renders an erroneous decision, that society will be busted higher than a theatre-hat. A New Yobk lady who has nine chil dren and no husband, is suing the alleged fath er of the two last for their support, and insists upon him marrying her. She probably drew straws as to which man she’d haul up. Bogus butter is creating much com motion in domestic circles. Tell you how to discern the difference : If it is baldheaded, it is oleo; if it has full side whiskers, it is No cook wili eat bad butter. The letter-carriers want the eight hour law to be made applicable to them. Now give the messenger-boys the same show, and we’ll be sure to get our messages the same night they are sent. A learned contemporary informs us that a patent shut-up theatre hat has been pro vided for female wear. If they could only pat ent a few shut-up actors the world would wag its tail more freely. , A local female had her husband ar rested for spending all his money at poker. That is purely a woman’s game, and they know how to play it, too, if you give ’em time to spit upon their hands. Evangelist Sam Jones has tackled Chi cago and has opened in a hotbed of unholiness —a skating rink. If the band should ever start up Sam may become a backslider, and may be without the ’ell. An Omaha woman, who got up in the middle of the night to attend to her canary, was shot dead by her husband. First time wo ever knew that breeohes-pookets were called “ canary.” Snow-shoe races have become quite popular in Chicago. When a girl can’t afford to purchase a pair, she goes out with her Sun day slippers on, and nobody knows the differ ence. It is said that Laura D. Fair is to marry a San Francisco journalist. We would advise him to provide himself with armor be fore he promises to love, honor and obey. An Indian boy, who was being edu cated in Milwaukee, died, but refused to be buried there. Anybody who talks about the untutored savage hereafter, can leave the room. Wb see that Sullivan has written a new opera. He’s getting up in the world. The last we heard of him, lie challenged Paddy Ky an. We always thought he had a fist for music. Just because he couldn’t obtain work, a Detroit man’s wife poured his ear full of hot water. If it'd been hot whisky, how blame soon he’d have turned over and fooled her. Ouit old friend Captain Coffin is writ ing a series of sketches entitled: “ Blockade Running During the Civil War." The captain still carries his gunboats with him. Kossuth is still alive and is living near Naples. So is the hat ho invented, and some of them look as if their owners had been wearing them ever since Kossuth was hero. A young lady was recently arrested on the Bridge for singing, by a Bridge policeman. He hadn't an oar for music, and thought sho was lost and was crying. Tub police claim that there are no bouses of ill ropu to in the city. They’d ought to get the countrymen who visit town to give them a few points. The missing Aidermen have probably gone to hunt up some frosh Jersey milk for Jake Shark. Or, mebbo, ho told ’em to choose it. Must. T. R. B. Elliott has taken to tho Dr. Mary Walker stylo of dross, only she wears an apron. As a bustle, probably. W« saw a messenger-boy’s nose run the other night. The Irish question—" have yes ony terboacky?" Wrld (ft GOSBIP OF THE WEEK. L. R. Shewell’s vivid and successful melodrama. “Tli® Shadows of a Great City,” was given at McVicker's Theatre, Chicago, during the past week, the scene of its original production, to crowded houses. Miss Myra Goodwin who has been on the road for nearly thirty weeks as a star in Edward E. Kidder's "Sis,” will shortly close her season and go to Europe for rest and recreation. Constance Hamblin will play the part of Made leine Marteau, in George Hoey’s now play of Van tour. The part is said to be admirably suited to the lady's powers. Ada Dyab. who has not been seen thus far this season, will appear fora week at the Criterion Thea tre.'Brooklyn, as Belinda in •• Engaged.” She plays in support of Mr. Hilliard who appears as Cheviot Hill. The death in this city of James H. Paine, the brother of the late Robert Treat Paine, the well known astronomer and meteorologist, will give rise to a thousand and one reminiscences of forty years ago, when the deceased was the financial writer for the Boston Post, and the musical critic of the Saturday Evening Gazette. His life in New York was a mystery to his friends, and his death equally so. In his day he was, with the exception of the late William H. Fry, of the New York Tribune, con sidered one of the most able and most reliable musical critics in the country. He suddenly dis appeared from the scene and sphere of his useful ness, and was almost forgotten when the tidings of his death recalled him to the memories of those who bad known him. Mr. Rudolph Aronson has arranged with Mr. Maurice Grau for the appearance of Mme. Judic and the principal members of his company for two Sunday night concerts at the Casino—February 28 and March 7. W. B. Moore, of the Adelaide Moore Company, is in town. Miss Moore is resting this week. J. B. Polk continues to meet with abundant suc cess in “ Mixed Pickles.” The new business he has introduced is everywhere received with hilarious welcome. In the present style of shirt-collar a young man of fashion may be safely trusted in the gilded halls of pleasure. An entire corps de ballet could not turn his head. The Carleton Opera Company chorus girls dis play more fleshing to the square foot than any com pany on the road. Dion Boucicault follows Judic at the .Star Thea tre. Dora Wiley will head an English opera company, which is being organized to perform “Martha,” “ Somnambnla,” “Fra Diavola,” and “The Bohe mian Girl,” beginning March Ist. Mr. H. S. Taylor has taken the entire second floor of No. 23 East Fourteenth street, from May Ist next, and will open it as a managers’ exchange. He has already rented desk room' to Messrs. W. R. Hayden, i Al Hayman, Colonel Sinn, H. C. Miner, J. Charles Davis, Chapman and Sellers, Ferd. Berger, Milton Nobles, Frank L. Gardner, Harry Mann, Berger and Price, Charles and Thomas Jefferson, and George Clapham. It is settled that Kyrle Belle w, with his bang, bell and beauteous brow, will not remain at Wal lack’s next season. Negotiations are concluded by which Osmond Tearle returns as loading man, and he will sail from England early next May, prepara tory to resuming his former position in the Wal lack stock at the opening of the Fall season. Tearle andT his wife, Minnie Conway, left New York last May, and went to England and begun a tour through the British provinces, and since then he has been playing with some success in various cities in England. He was not unwilling to come back to the metropolis, however. Ballew will probably return to England, unless some manager or female star can be found to pay him the large salary he asks. Modjeska, It is quite certain, is to have a new leading man next season, and she is under stood to prefer Maurice H, Barrymore as Vander felt's successor. He and his wife, Georgia Drew— sister of John Drew—are now playing in London. It is possible that Bellew may have an offer from her in that case. Lawrence Barrett is to be Edwin Booth’s manager next season. Next, Clara Morris will be managing Modjeska, and then—who will manage the Count Bozen U and “Freddy” Harriott ? Whoever wrote the notice of John Rickaby's funeral services which appeared in the Evening Telegram on Friday afternoon last, recorded a de liberate and intentional lie in asserting that—“ Du ring the services suddenly a scream was heard, and a lady dressed in heavy morning fell to the floor. It was Miss Helen Dauvray, the actress for whom the dead man was manager.” Such falsehoods may be the proper sensational food for such a generally un reliable paper as the Herald's pink domino, but it is the sort of unhealthy pabulum which would speed ily bring starvation to any sheet—having ordinary regard for decency and truth. “ Engaged” will be presented simultaneously at the Madison Square Theatre and the Criterion The atre, Brooklyn, during the week commencing March Ist. At the latter house Mr, Robert C. Hil liard, who lately made his professional debut, will be seen as Cheviot Hill. Mr. H. P. Hewitt, who originated that popular catch phrase, “ It’s English, you know,” and who wrote the song as It was first sung by Mr. Dixey, has written a song for Miss Lydia Thompson enti tled “It Depends on the Way it is Done,” which is expected to achieve a very great success. Miss Agnes Elliott will play Mrs. Butterscotch, in “Tho Guv’nor,” with the Wallack company, in Chicago, this week. She is a capable actress, and her performance of this character will, we trust, be received with the favor it will surely deserve. Miss Olga Brandon will play Minnie, in “En gaged,” at the Criterion Theatre, Brooklyn, during Mr. Hilliard’s forthcoming week. The part was originally played in New York by Minnie Palmer. Stab Theatre. —Last Wednesday even ing Mr. Lawrence Barrett revived “Francesca da Rimini.” There was a large audience that ap plauded with great vigor the actor’s familiar and picturesque impersonation of Lanciotto.the Hunch back. During the remainder of the week the at tendance was all that could be desired. To-morrow night Mr. Barrett begins the fourth and last week of his engagement, with an elaborate revival of “ Julius Caesar,” when he will again be seen in bis famous part of Cassius, assisted by a good cast, including Mr. W. E. Sheridan, who Las been especially engaged for the role of Brutus. “ Julius Caesar ” will be performed Monday, Tues day and Wednesday evenings. Thursday night Mr. Barrett will be seen in “The Wonder,” and “The King’s Pleasure;” Friday, in “Yorick’s Love,” and “David Garrick;” Saturday matinee, in “Hema ni,” and Saturday night, closing his engagement with “ Julius Caesar.” The Casino. —Never, in the history of the Casino, has a production drawn such crowded houses as has Johann Strauss’s “Gypsy Baron.” At eight o’clock each evening the box office has been sold out, and for the next three weeks the sale has included very nearly the seating capacity of the house. An extra matinee will be given to-morrow (Washington’s birthday). Of the performance and of the opera special and deserved comment is re gretfully and unavoidably deferred until a later issue. Whatever it may be necessary hereafter, as a matter of justice, to say in reference to the compo sition either of the libretto or music, the representa tion of the cast, the propriety of the costumes and the scenic settings—it is in order to record that no first-night performance on this stage has run so smoothly in every respect. Grand Opera House.—-Exit Nellie McHenry, Nat Salsbury, and “Three of a Kind,” with all the honors and emoluments of a par ticularly successful week’s engagement., Enter—James O’Neil and the undying and evi dently always welcome “ Monte Cristo.” When John Stetson, with O’Neil as the Edward Dantes in the cast, revived this, Fechter’s version oi the drama, the general opinion, managerial and other wise was, that before the first season was over, ho would drop it like a hot potato. John builded wiser than his critics and the professional sooth sayers knew. It has had a marvellous continuance of success. It is now solely in the keeping of O’Neil and before he drops it, or the public drop it, it will make him a millionaire. At least we hope so. The cast will be capably supported and all the original scenic effects will be given. The first performance will be given to-morrow afternoon. The regular matinees as usual on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, and Zimmer man in his new dress suit will be visible at the “ front.” Cromwell’s Art Lectures.—Prof. Cromwell will, this evening, repeat his admirable series of Illustrations of “Italy and the Art Land.” To those who desire to know the history of Italy and behold the glory of its past and realize its present condition, and in so doing avoid the ex pense of a voyage thereto, Professor Cromwell here offers an opportunity which should not be over looked. Marie Prescott—Comedy Theatre. —Marie Prescott’s lecture, “ Among the Stars,” has created quite a stir among those concerned in stage life and those who are interested in stage people. The advance sale has been very large, and her man agers say the house promises tube crowded with prominent people. People’s Theatre.—Mr. Frederick Ward© played an exceedingly successful engage ment at the People’s Theatre last week, and ho was received with much enthusiasm by large au diences. During the coming week he will play in Easton, Binghainpton, Scranton, and other cities of Pennsylvania. Mr. Warde appeared here in a repertoire of char acters which included Virginius, Damon, Richard 111. and Claude Melnotte—tho last named of those being the attraction for the Saturday Matinee. Mr. Warde has greatly improved in his methods since his last appearance on the local stage, he then not having emerged from the chrysalis of stock acting into the theatric firmament of “ stars.” He possesses a manly presence and a resonant voice. In Virginius and Damon he was seon to the best advantage. In Richard he was at times some what too pronounced and exhibited a tendency for ranting which was not required by or in keeping with the text. As Virginius, with tho exception of hi# closing scene which was lacking in artistic finish and the conclusion being too hurried—there were passages in which he displayed a degree of tragic power, an intensity of force and a comprehension of the no bility of the character, which were not seen in the late Mr. McCullough's performance, and certainly not in that of any actor since that “ palmy day *’ period when Forrest, Addams, Scott and Hamblin reigned as the recognised exponents of the 'noble •Roman.” The passages referred to were notably, the scene in which he is recalled to Rome to rescue Virginia from condemnation by Appiu*s Claudius, as a slave, and the scene in which he kills her to save hot irom a fate worse than death. His Damon was rugged and vigorous In expres sion, and as Claude Melnotte he wa-s not particular ly effective. The scenic settings were not elaborate but were fairly appropriate. Hi# support need# no special mention so far as the general ability of the company was concerned. To morrow afternoon and evening and for the week, Wednesday and Saturday matinees included, Mr. Milton Nobles, Miss Do’lie Nobles and their company, will bo the attraction, appearing in Mr. Nobles’s sensational drama entitled “Love and Law.” For the week following, “Romany Rye” is an nounced, Wallach’s Theatre. —On Monday evening last a new play, or rather a pew version of an old play, was brought forward and given its first representation. It bears the title of “Valerie.” It Is a reconstruction by Mr. David Belasco, of Victo rieu Sardou’s drama of “ Fernando,” which was originally produced in an adaptation by Augustin Daly, at his theatre in Twenty-fourth street The cast was represented by all the principal members of the regular company, including Mr. Lester Wallaok —this being his first appearance this season. The initial representation of this latest “recon struction” or alleged improvement upon Sardou’s work, was witnessed by a largo and critical audi ence. The various members of the company in cluded in the cast wore given a cordial greeting as they severally appeared, and Mr. Wallack was accord ed a reception which amounted in enthusiasm and sincerity to an ovation. He played with spirit, and has not in many seasons been seen to better ad vantage than in his display of the vim, brightness and rare artistic skill in his delineation of this character. Critical consideration of the perform ance and play is unavoidably deferred. It will be given in another issue. “Valerie” will be continued until further notice. Harrigan’s Park Theatre.—‘‘And now comes another—and, let us hope, there will come yet many another, equally as bright, cheery and crowded with the realism of incident and char acter of the life of to-day, as this same “Leather Patch.” “The Leather Patch” had its primal performance on Monday evening last, in the presence of an audience which left, alter eight o’clock, scarcely an inch of available standing room, with any chance of a glimpse of the stage, either in orchestra or Certainly Harrigan’s star is still in tho ascendant. It has not paled, and, as yet, neither custom has staled norage dimmed the infinite variety of his work. For this, hi# last effort, we are not in this issue permitted the space in which to give the extended and deserved comment already written, regarding its performance by his company, that of his own character—the Undertaker—or of tho native humor and hilarious incidents and action of the play. It will be given later on. It is sufficient to say that “The Leather Patch” achieved an instantaneous and decided success; that it will hold place as among the most finished and popular of the long list of works his talent as a playwright, his appreciation of public taste and his tact as a manager have brought forward since he first won his way to popular favor. The scenic settings, the business of the stage, the now songs and music by Dave Braham—in fact, all the components and attributes of this work making complete its local interest and realism—are as well contrived and admirably fitted as could be an ex ample of artistic mosaic work. “ The Leather Patch ” will be continued until the close of the season. Madison Square Theatre.—“Saints and Sinners” will be seen for the last time to-mor row (Washington's Birthday), at the special mail nee, and in the evening. Mr. Jones’s play will have had one hundred and eleven representations in all, and it has been profitable to the manager and pleasing and instructive to the playgoer. On May 3d Mr. Palmer will bring this piece out on the stage of the Park Theatre, Boston, with the present cast and scenery. Mr. Gilbert’s comedy of “ Engaged” will succeed ■'Saintsand Sinners ’ on Tuesday night, and this revival will be regarded as an important theatrical event,. To thinking persons who look beneath the surface,, “Engaged” is the strongest of all Mr. Gilbert’s plays. It is not a droll burlesque, but a >deep satire upon the frailties of human nature, and it displays the brilliancy ol the author’s mind. “Engaged” has always pleased its audiences, and will now have the advantage of an excellent and competent cast of characters. Agnes Booth will re appear as Belinda, in which character she made a hit at the Park Theatre, five years ago, and the part of Cheviot Hill will be represented by Herbert Kelcey, who is well suited for this type of elegant nonchalance and audacity. Bi.toj Opera House.—Mr. Samuel Oolville has given it as his opinion—it is so re corded by a space-stuffing interviewer of the Herald— that Dixey is only “an entertainer,” and therefore not an actor, in the legitimate sense of the word. “For this relief much thanks.” Now is Dixey’s “state the more gracious.” Inasmuch as a large number of the aetors now posing as stars are not sufficiently entertaining to attract more than such limited audiences as leave to the ‘count of the house” only a beggarly account of empty seats, certainly in public esteem, as well as in the matter of profit to the theatrical manager, an “Enter tainer,” must be a necessity to the stage. By all means let us have more of this sort of Entertainers, “if so be as how” the public enjoy their work. Suffer the little Entertainers to come unto us, for they are of the kingdom ol profit— specially Dixey. “Adonis,” tin# week and next week. No cards, Margaret Mather’s Lady Macbeth. — Mr. George Edgar Montgomery, late dramatic critic of the New York Times, sends us the following ably written and certainly just criticism of Miss Ma ther’s recent performance of Lady Macbeth at the Brooklyn Theatre, and which we publish with pleasure: ••lam convinced that Miss Mather, whose long engagement in New York and Brooklyn has at last reached its end, is the legitimate successor of Char lotte Cushman in the character of Lady Macbeth. The difference between the two women, not be tween their performances, is as broad as possible. One was large-fibred, masculine, of dominant intel lectuality; the other is youthful, beautiful and winning. Yet they are alike in this : Both have taken hold of the character in a vigorous, lucid, noble manner. Miss Mather’s performance is no ticeable at the first glance for original purpose. It is independent, fresh and surprising in its quality, an agreeable breakaway from tradition. “There is hardly a trace of old fangled notions in it, and th® new notion is not only charmingly con ceived, it is also executed with peculiar force and sincerity. It is, I think, unfortunate that Miss Mather did not stay long enough in New York to act Lady Macbeth there. Her Juliet won for her tho most intelligent audiences that she had confronted . in her career; her splendid and picturesque treat ment of Leah excited her audiences to admiration and applause; her Juliana, which was enchan tingly graceful to the eye, induced many competent observers to assert that Miss Mather had been born for comedy, but the New Yorker who found pleasure of one kind or another in watching Juliet, Leah, Juliana, had not seen Miss Mather in Lady Macbeth, unless he traveled happily to Brooklyn for that purpose. What is best, deepest in Miss Mather’s nature and art, is expressed—perhaps one should say, displayed—in her Lady Macbeth. “The play was arranged for the stage by Mr. Hill himself. This statement may astonish those who have been told that Mr. Hill is simply a man of business, the director of several theatres, and a special speculator in plays. As a matter of fact, he is a man of business, and also a man of literary instinct and judgment. He does what few expert critics can do—recite off-hand long scenes from the great Shakespearean plays. And not merely recite them ! Ho gives the meaning, the special significance— from his own point of view, naturally—of each, word, line, or passage. His reasoning—out of* “ Macbeth is perfectly simple and natural, and it is marked by a- curious mixture of common sense and imagination. A part of the * business,’ as it is called, is full of suggestiveneps. It would be an in teresting and useful work to point out the novel readings that Mr. Hill has introduced into his ver sion of “ Macbeth”—which, by the way, is based upon all the best editions of the play, beginning with the earliest. But I have not the space for this. The intellight playgoer cannot fail to dracover and appreciate them. As to Miss Mather’s Lady Mac beth, that is outlined with original feelin/ and judgment. In the sleep walking scene Miss Mather produces an unexpected result by falling against a chair and extinguishing the light which she carries; then, awakening suddenly from her dream-sleep, she totters and sinks to the ground with a shriek of agony. This climax is supported, in the opinion of Mr. Hill, by Shakespeare’s text and by medical theory. Without lingering, then, now, upon any of the details of Miss Mather’s performance, it may be declared broadly, and with assurance, that this is inspired by tragic instinct, that its effect is clear, powerful and dramatic, and that the entire imper sonation is one of remarkable interest.” Tony Pastor’s Theatre.—Tony is “in ” on the matinees this week—‘ three of a kind.” “Are you on?” The extra afternoon performance to-morrow, being for the purpose of patriotically reminding his friends—the roster of whom includes everybody in the city—and the rest of mankind, that it is the birthday of General George Washing ton and his little hatchet. Tony has in his posses sion a plaster cast of the original hatchet, taken immediately after it went off the handle. For the week Tony will make his regulation series of crowded audiences happy by a programme of bright entertainments, which includes among its leading features “ The American Four;” the Sisters Conlon, the English dancers; Ottillie as the Bar tholdi Statue; Leroux and Wilton; the Powers bro thers; Miss Eva Lester, Messrs. Leonard and Mul lin; W. F. Halbeck, the man serpent, and Messrs. Thorne, Melville and Maggie Willett in their laugh able afterpiece entitled “My Mother-in-Law,” in which the character of Tooting Shankey “plays it self a not uncommon occurrence now a-days in more pretentious companies. And Tony himself will be heard and seen in each performance. Daly’s Theatre. — “The Country Girl ” and the new farce of “A Sudden Shower”— which however is by no means new—will be repeat ed here until and including Tuesday evening. A special matinee will bo given on to-morrow after noon. For Wednesday evening the production is announced of an adaptation of an “eccentric comedy ” in four acts (from the German of Rosen) to which Mr. Daly has given the title of “Nancy & Co.” The cast will include all the principal mem bers of tho company. Lyceum Theatre.—Miss Helen Dau vray celebrated her one hundredth performance of Kato Shipley, in “One ot Our Girls,” at the Lyceum Theatre, last Monday evening. There was a largo and fashionable audience present and no end of en thusiasm. Handsome photographs of Miss Dauvray were given to thoso in attendance and numerous floral offerings were fpassed over tho foot lights to the young actress. “One of Our Girls ”is booked for a run of two hundred nights, after which Miss Dau vray goes to Paris for rest, and to secure new ward robes for Bronson Howard's new play,which will bo produced at the Lyceum Theatre next October. Miss Helen Dauvray yesterday wrote a note to Mrs. John Rickaby, wife of the late manager of tha Lyceum Theatre, proferring her a benefit, which was accepted. Arrangement# are now being made looking to that end and notice of the tiras and place will short ly bo made. A host of volunteers will appear. New Windsor Theatre.—A. M. Pal mer’s Madison Square Theatre Company attracted numerous audiences during tha past week and added materially to the bank account of Manage# Murtha. Beginning with a special matinee to-morrow, Washington’s Birthday, Mr. Louis Aldrich and his excellent company will appear in Bartley Camp bell's very successful play, “ My Partner,” which has always drawn crowded houses every where. The piece will be produced with entirely new and handsome scenery. The cast will include, in addition to Mr. Aldrioh, Charles Mason, John E. Ince, Charles Stanley and Miss Dora Goldthwaite. Hereafter regular matinees will be given every Wednesday and Saturday. March 1, Mr. James O’Neill and company appear in “ Monta Cristo.” The New Windsor Theatre has evidently entered on a career of prosperity, consequently Frank Murtha will grow handsomer and more picturesque every day. No cards. PirfM Avenue Theatm.—’The Boston Museum Company, Mr. Thayer and Charles Burn ham, supported by Edwin Booth, will be visible on this stage and toy with “The Fool’s Revenge,” on to-morrow and Tuesday evenings; on Wednes day and Thursday, with “Richard III.”; on Fri day and Saturday evenings and the Saturday Matinee, with “J. Caesar.” No first night seals for tho representatives of tha daily and weekly press will hereafter be issued, tho business management not having time to attend to such trifles, in tho ab sence of John Stetson. Third Avenue Theatre.—Tho “Bunch of Keys” unlocked and let loose a large amount of popular favor and patronage lor its management, last week, at this house. To morrow, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings Mr. Joseph Murphy will bo seen in the drama written ior him by Fred Marsden, and familiar throughout the country as “Kerry Gow.” On Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings he will repeat his performances in “Shaun na Khue.” Matinees to-morrow, Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. Comedy Theatre.—Kellar closed his long and successful series of performance# with a matinee performance yesterday. Last evening Mr. Tony Hart and his company made their first appearance in Hoyt’s farcical three act skit f entitled “A Toy Pistol.” Tony was wel comed by a large find certainly enthusiastic audi ence. The performance passed off smoothly, and was evidently satisfactory to all concerned on the stage and in the front of the house. Special com ment is necessarily deferred. Eden Muses. —Thera was no day or night in the past week that this popular institu tion was not crowded with visitors. The special features which have more recently been added are the life-size figure’ of Gen. W. 8. Hancock; that of M. da Lesseps; the Pasteur group, and those of Helen Dauv/ay, Mary Anderson and Parnell. Tho Chamber of Horrors, the thousands of storeopticon views, the chess automaton, and the concerts by the Eden Musee orchestra, are among tha standard attractions. Special concerts will be given this afternoon and evening. Nirlo’s Garden.—Bartley Campbell’s drama, known as “The White Slave,” bold the stage at this theatre during tha past week, and will be continued until next Saturday evening. Notwithstanding the fact that this work has be come familiar here to the play-going public through its frequent repetitions in seasons past, it seems still to possess an attractiveness and an interest which will ensure it an attentive hearing from numerous audiences. The usual Wednesday and Saturday afternoon performances, with an extra holiday Matinee on to morrow, will be given. Union Square Theatre.—The run of “ Jack in the Box,” whiehjis now going very smooth ly at the Union Square Theatre, will not bo exhib ited beyond March 8, when, it is believed, the new comic opera by Solomon and Thompson, to be enti tled “Pepita; or, the Girl with the- Glass Eyes,” will be ready for production. The scenery, now in preparation for this piece will bo unusually hand some, and the cast will include Miss Russell, Miss- Stanley, Miss Cruger, and Mr. Harry Brown. The chorus is now being trained by Mr. Solomon. There’ will also baa ballet in the piece. National Theatre.—Mr. Horacft Lewis, in Mr. Gunther’s drama of “Two-Nights in Rome,” will be the dramatic attraction during the present week, commencing to-morrow night. He will be supported by the members of Manager Heumann’s regular company. The variety olio which precedes the dramatie performance, will include in its list of notables,, the original Shamrock Four; the Electric Three, vocalists, dancers and comedians; Mr. Al Filson and Miss Lee Errol,, the vocalists, and the Hindoo juggler, On-pouti. An extra holiday afternoon performance will be given to-morrow, in addition to the regular Ma tinees on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Special concerts are announced for this afternoon and even ing. Koster & Bial’s Concerts.—The first part of Koster & Bial’s concert to-night will be de voted to the “Fata Morgana,” a series of pictorial il lusions. Duncan, the ventriloquist, will chat with his laughable automatons,and Ella Wesner promises the latest thing in stunning clothes and new songs. Harry Morris, the eccentric comedian, and num erous musicians and singers, will take part in tho programme. There will be an extra matinee on Monday after noon, Washington’s birthday, on which occasion the new burlesque, “The Princess of Trobizonde,”’ which has been in preparation for a long time, will be given its first representation. All the favorites, including Laura Burt, Georgie Parker, and Sophie Hummel, will appear in the cast, ajid many new aspirants will seek Thespian honors. The several postponements have served to make the new burlesque better in every way, and it is expected to “ go.” Theiss’s Alhambra Court.—Mlle. Marliani and all the specialists and comedians who attracted large audiences during the past week have been re-engaged, and will be-seen and heard every evening. To-morrow evening, in celebration of Washington’s Birthday, Manager Theiss will give in the Music Hall a grand display of fireworks in addition to the regular, but more than usually ex tended list of attractions; The usual concerts this afternoon and evening. Theatre Comique (Harlem). —Kata Claxton’s engagement with the “Sea of Ice ’’ scored an unqualified financial success during the past week; but, just here we may add, Mr. Stevenson has made something of a mistake in assuming tho representation of comedy characters. There is very little of humor in his acting, and. in the cha racter of Barabas, he was, to put it mildly, a failure. This week, with a Washington’s Birthday Matinee to-morrow afternoon, “Siberia” is to be the attraction, and will, doubtless, serve to attract another series of largo audiences. March Ist, Daniel Frohman’s Madison Square Theatre Company, with Georgia Cay van and Benj. Maginley in the cast, will appear in “May Blossom.” March 8 th, The Templeton Opera Troupe will present “The Mikado,” in the most elaborate man ner, with a grand cast. The 150th performance at this theatre will ba commemorated on the evening of March 13th, with the presentation of an exquisite souvenir to-tha* lady patrons. Globe Dime Museum.—“ The Wyan dotte Triplets;” Clint Williams, the famous “Griz zly,” and his educated bears; Prof. Griffin, the fira king, and Mr. Ed. Atkins’s patriotic drama, entitled “Washington at Valley Forge, ” are the leading at tractions for the present week at this popular-re sort. A special holiday matinee will be in order to morrow afternoon. Performances are given, everyw. hour in the theatorium. Sacred concerts this after*. noon and evening. Many attractions aae- an? nounced as engaged for early appearance in suc cession by the management. Lee Avenue Academy of Music (Williamsburg).—For the current, week commenc ing at the special holiday matinee to-morrow after noon, Mr. Gus Williams will be the stellar attrac tion, opening in the enjoyable farcical comedy, written for him. and entitled. “ Oh. What a Night!” He will be capably supported by his own company. Regular matinees on Wednesday and Saturday. On the following week Bartley Campbell’s “Whit® Slave” will occupy this stage. Mias Field’s Musical Monologue.— Miss Kate Field will give her “Musical Monologue ’• —a delightful and amusing entertainment—at the Union Square Theatre to-night. Gould’s Sans Sovci.—The usual pro gramme of entertainments will be repeated here every evening. These include selections by the orchestra, singing and dancing, and variety special ties. The management desires it expressly under stood that the Sans Souci is closed always on Sun day. Theiss’s Concerts.—The orchestra, the instrumental solists, and the vocalists will be heard as usual at each afternoon and evening per formance—to which the admission is at all time# free. The orchestral selections for the present week will be more than usually varied. Special concerts this afternoon and evening. Farewell, John Rickaby.—The fu neral services to John Rickaby, the theatrical man ager, occurred at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon, at the Church of the Transfiguration. There was a host of theatrical people present, among them Bartley Campbell, Tony Pastor, John F. Poole, Louis James, Samuel Colville, John A. Mackey, Charles Fisher, James Lewis, George Howard, Walter Bent ley, Ed. Gilmore, Theodore Moss, Joseph Haworth, Edward Harrigan, A. C. Moreland, Miss Helen Dau vray, Miss Ida Vernon, Frank Sanger, Miss Blanche Thorne, John Howson, Harry Watkins, John A. Mo- Caull, Rudolph Aronson, A. M. Palmer, John. Don nelly, Robert Frazer, Steele Mackaye, Harry Ed wards, Miss Dora Stewart, Charles Gaylor and Miss Enid Leslie. Nearly all the leading dramatic critics ©f tho daily and weekly press were present. Fifty members of the New York Lodge of Elks attended in a body. The pall bearers were Brent Goode and George F. Devere, of the Lyceum Theatre; John Schoeffel, of the Boston Park Theatre; Henry E. Dixey, F. W. Pierson, T. Henry French, of the Grand Opera House; Bronson Howard, J. C. Gallagher and Robert E. J. Miles, of the Bijou Theatre. The usher# were employees oi the Lyceum Theatre. Music waa furnished by a boy’s choir of thirty voices, under the direction of the church organist, assisted by several musicians of the Lyceum Theatre. Tha cloth-coverod casket was surrounded with flowers. A column surmounted by a dove and inscribed, “ At Rest,” was the offering of Miss Helen Dauvray. Henry E. Dixoy sent a large basket of flowers, and two elaborate pieces came from the Lyceum Theatra Company and stage employees. The services were conducted by the Rev. Dr. Houghton, pastor of tha church. Aitor the services in the church the “ Elks ” paid the last rites of their order to their deceased brother. The remains were conveyed to the Grand Central Station, and thence sent to Quebec for interment, in the charge of Mr. David lUckaby, brother of the deceased.