Newspaper Page Text
4 CONTENTS OF INSIDE PAGES. SECOND PAGE: CONTINUATION OF **TRACKING THE TRUTH.” A NAVAL HERO. THE TRAIN BOY. A WAGER. SOME NOTED LIARS. RUN BY RULE. A STORY OF A LACE VAIL. A MAN’S TWO PHASES. THIRD PAGE : MASONIC MATTERS: What Can Wo More l Forms; The Scottish Rite In Elmira; What Is Masonry—ls it Christianity 1 Putnam Lodge; Independent Lodge; Obituary; The Late Mrs. John Hoole; Strlners in the Orient; Templar Notes; Clambake on Bergen Hights; Personal; Goodly Opinion from Over Ute Sea; Labor Exchange. SIXTH PAGE I TWO. IN CUPID'S TOILS. old zach Taylor. CELESTINE. IN A CONFEDERATE CAMP THE STORY OF A HYACINTH. HUMOR OF THE HOUR. INTERESTING MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. SEVENTH PAGE I NO PERFECT WORK BUT GOD’S. tADY FREDERICK’S DIAMONDS. LIGE PEAKE’S BOMB. EK GUERILLA MOSBY. A WONDERFUL VISION. THE NEWPORT GIRL. OUR WEEKLY GOSSIP. ’TWAS EVER THUS. THE PIOUS OLD FELLOW. ana Washee-Washee. —We cannot tell you how the Chinamen put the gloss on shirt bosoms. Our advice is, do not use the Chinese gloss if you find out what it is. That gloss destroys a shirt bosom in about two washings. But the following is an excellent starch for making shirt bosoms glossy : Procure two ounces of white gum arabio, pound in to a powder. Next put into a pitcher and pour on it a pint or more of boiling water, uccording to the degree of strength you desire, and then, having cov ered it, let it set all night; in the morning pour it carefully from the dregs into a clean battle. Cork it and keep it for use. A tablespoonful of this gum stirred into a pint of starch that has been made in the usual manner, will give a beautiful gloss to a shirt bosom, and to lawns, either white or printed, a look of newness to which nothing else can restore them after washing. It is also good (much diluted) for white muslin and bebbinet. J. P. M.—We stated last week in an swer to your question that no man had ever been re-appointed on the police more than once. We received our information from what we imagined good authority. But the following letter proves that our statement was wrong: To the Editor of the New York Dispatch : Dear Sir.—l saw an answer in your paper of Sun day. August 29, in regard to the number of times a man has been on the police (re-appointed). You answer “once.” Now, 1 wish to inJorm you that 1 know a man that was on the police three times. He was appointed by Com. Henry Smith once, and twice by Com. Bosworth. So you see he waste, appointed twice. If anybody doubts this statement you can refer them to me. T. P. K. This correspondent sends his full name and ad dress to us to be given to any doubting Thomas. An Old Beader. —The following are the “ storm signals ” displayed on the Equitable building: Red border with black square in centre —cautionary against approaching storm from any direction; white border with black square incentre —cautionary against winds expected to be in a northern or western direction, or off shore. Weather signals: Red globe within a white border —higher temperature; red half-moon within white border lower temperature; red star within a white border —stationary temperature; blue globe within whlt< border—general rain or snow; blue half-moon within white border—clear or fair weather; blue star within white border—local rain or snow; blue square within white border—cold wave. Veba.—-Most writers have supposed that the word “noon” is derived from "nona,” nine. An almanao printed at Antwerp in 1530 spells the word “none,” and this suggests, according to Edwards, that the term originally meant •' none,” UOtbing. After the clock had struck 12. the cyclo Was complete, and there was nothing to count. At the expiration of the first hour one could be Counted, in another hour two, and so on. It is more than probable, the. efore, that “ none," or as we call it. “noon,” originally meant the time when Sone or nothing could be named as the hour of ths •y. Postal.—lst. Newspapers can only be pent to regular subscribers as second class matter The paper you desire to mail will probably not cost you more than a one or two cent stamp. 2d. Tran* •lent newspapers cost one cent for two ounces or less. If over two ounces they cost according to their weight. Bd. By reading the postal laws you can obtain a clear understanding of them. We be lieve you can buy the postal laws from W. Reid Gould, in the Sun building, Tom Bbown. —St. Helena takes its Dame from having been discovered on St. Helena's day, the 21st of May, 1501. It was taken by the English from the Dutch in 1673, and was held by the East India Company, by a royal charter, until 1833. It was actually in the possession of the com pany when the Emperor Napoleon was imprisoned and died there, but was ceded to the government for the purpose of his occupation. Ambitious. —We have read your short story, and found it without merit. What little plot there is has been worn threadbare, and it never was particularly worthy of use. Your knowledge of grammar is small, and your excellence as a speller would not win you a prize in a spelling bee. If you desire to apply your talents—whatever they may be—to literattire, considerable more schooling will do you no harm. Scrap Book. —For a good paste that will neither decay nor become moldy, mix clean flour with cold water into a paste, well blended, then add boiling water, stirring well up until it is of a consistency that can be eas ly and smoothly spread with a brush; add to this a spoonful or two ot brown sugar, a little corrosive sublimate, and abor t half a dozen drops of oil of lavender or other suita ble perfume. Theresa.—“l wrote to another paper asking what was the meaning of my name, Theresa. The answer given wae: 'Theresa is the feminine o. Terence, which was the name of a Latin poet.’ A triend tells me that the answer is incorrect. Wil! Vou please enlighten me?” The name Theresa is from the Greek, and means “carrying ears of corn.” Dick. —The candidate of the Repub licans for President in 1872 was Grant, and of the Democrats Greeley. The former received 440,73 b votes, and the latter 387,232. The Republican can didate for Governor at the same election was John A. Dlx and the Democratic Francis Kernan. Dix received 445,801 votes, and Kernan 392,350. Two OF a Kind.—The execution o Michael Barrett, concerned in the plot to blow up Clerkenwell prison, at Newgate, London, on May 26, 1868, was the last public execution in England. On Septembers, 1868, the first private execution took place inside of Newgate, being that of a man named Mackay, for murder. Abel.—John Brougham, the actor and playwright, was born in Dublin, Ireland, May 8, 1810, and died in New York, June 7, 1880. He was a very pleasing actor—especially excelling in Irish and eccentric parts. He was, also, one of the most prolific and successful of recent dramatists. Morton House.—You are correct in your assertion that Jack Cade, the “Kentish rebel,” was born in Ireland. Also that at the head of an army of 20,000 insurgent yeomen he entered Lon don and held tbat city in capture in 1450. He was killed in the same year in Sussex county. James L.—We know of no better ex ercises than [smart walking and rowing. Exercise, however, of the healthiest kind can be overdone. Match walking and race rowing are more injurious than healthful. Be as judicious in your exercise as you are in your eating and drinking. Constant Beadeb.—A boy born in the United States, whether or not his parents were naturalized, is eligible to the Presidency. Andrew Jackson, seventh President of the United States, was born within a couple of months after his parents landed in this country. A Constant Beadeb.—This inquirer wan.ts to know when 'a noted character, known as Indian Ned,” was shot and killed in a concert sa loon in Broadway. We do not recall the occurrence. Perhaps some reader may be able to supply the 11- formation. W. McK.—The population of the earth is estimated to be: Europe, 318,434.000; Asia 834,707,000; Africa, 205,679,000; America, 98,495.500; Australia and Polynesia, 4,031,000 : Polar regions’ 82,000. Total, 1,461,428,500. F. B.— We have asked the Masonic authorities of this paper if there is a representative of the Grand Lodge of Sweden in this country. They do not know. You ean enter any lodge in that Country in the usual way.| 8. M.—Your liver is out of order. You should at once seek the advice of a good physi cian. By attempting to doctor yourself it is likely that you will soon be a candidate for a wooden Overcoat. J. A. H.—No body of colored men have as yet received a charter from the Grand Lodge of Masons of the State of New York, hence all lodges composed of negroes are considered clandestine. Y. H. Prum.—We have been unable to learn the dimensions of the largest schooner afloat; but have been informed that there are four masted schooners of a thousand tons register. Veteran.—The veteran was entitled to the bounty under the equalization act. But at this late date he will have to put the matter into the hands of a bounty claim agent. B. 8. M.—Your questions are so blindly put that we do not understand wbst yon want to know. Be more clear and we win try to give you the information you seek. Jane.—Cross eyes can be cured. Any of our best surgeons think nothing |of making such cures. The cost is at almost any figure from SSO upward. J. W. C.-r-Jack Cade lived in the time of Henry VI., who reigned from 1422 until he was deposed in 1461, The Kentish rebellion took place in 1450. 1 T. B. V.—The name Orion is pro nounced thus, according to Webster’s Dictionary; “ O-ri-ou "—the accent on the second syllable. BknS.-“I was born on the 27th of May, 1360. Will you please inform me on what day of the week the 27th fellV” On Sunday. Eailboad.—There are United States Secret Service Officers, there are City Detectives, but New York State has no detectives. Arbitrator.—The salaries of the worn: n t< a'hers in our pubLo schools range from S4OO to $2,000 a year. E. Canter.—We have never known of St. George, S. 1., baiog called Casino. Jldu toll Jfepaicjj. NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 5,188 G. TO A.l> ADVERTISING IS TWENTY FIVE CENTS A LINE IN THE NEW YORK DISPATCH. Owing to our large edition we are compelled tn go to press at an early hour, hence ADVERTISEMENTS CAN NOT BE RECEIVED AFTER NINE O’CLOCK SATUR DAY EVENING. To Masonic Advertisers. Those desiring to advertise in our Masonlo columns must have their advertisements n our office BEFORE TWO O’CLOCK on FRIDAY AFTERNOON. No ad vertisement can be inserted on the Masonic Page attar that hour. The NEW YORK DISPATCH has a larger circulation than any other Sunday Newspaper pub lished in the United States. MOKE PLAIN TALK. Democracy is a failure in this city. It does not give us good government, and it does give ua a big debt, big taxes and big thieves. Tam many Hall used to be blamed for all the muni cipal corruption, and the Democracy undertook to reform itself by turning out Tammany offi cials. There was a change; but there was no reform. The transfer ot power from Tammany Hall to the County Democracy only substituted one gang ot thieves and tricksters for another. We got rid of a lot of gorged leeches and were left at the mercy of a lot of hungry leeches. The Tammany plunderers were driven away ; but equally unscrupulous rogues took their places. Nobody can say that Thompson, Squire and Flynn were any improvement upon Tweed, Connolly and Sweeney. They have less brains than tbeir predecessors; but tbeir hands were as large and grabbed as deeply into the city treasury. They gave us less for our money ; but they stole the money just the same. The old leaders of Tammany were impris oned or exiled. Are tbe late leaders of the County Democracy in any better plight? Some of them are in jail, where a great many more of them belong. Some have tied to Canada or Europe to avoid arrest Some are cringing be neath criminal indictments, and must face a judge and jury in spite of their efforts to avail themselves of the law’s delays. The Tammany robbers and the County Democracy robbers called themselves by the names ot their fac tions; but they are all Democrats together. Their disgrace extends to their whole party. Tbeir failure is a Democratic failure. Commis sioner Purroy, posing as a reformer, said to a Times reporter, in a recent interview, that he hoped every one of the malefactors in hie party would be punished. These are brave words; but what do they amount to practically ? What is the use ot condemning one batch of rotten fruit if you pluck more rotten fruit from the same tree ? How are the people benefited by punishing the malefactors of the Democratic party when the party produces nothing but malefactors ? What can the public expect from either wing of the Democracy when one is led by the gentle Purroy and the other by the es timable Dick Croker? The two Democratic factions are like the pot and the kettle, which called each other black. The city has had too much of both of them. At every new disclosure of rascality some persons lose their tempers and begin to talk about the necessity of a Vigilance Committee, like that which cleared out the thieves from San Francisco. But New York is not yet reduced to that extremity. We have a third party here, which holds the balance of power between the Democratic factions and could save the city if its local leaders were honest and capable. These local Republican leaders are really to blame for the continuance of Democratic rule. They throw away tbe Republican votes ; they waste or steal ths funds subscribed to elect Re publican candidates; they are hand and glove with tbe worst Democratic plunderers, assisting their schemes and sharing their spoils. As soon as the Republican party in New York city kicks out its Johnny O’Briens, its Barney Biglins and its Jake Hessians, it will be entrusted with tbe work of reforming the government. The people are ready to trust it now; but they are not ready to be betrayed by its present local lead ers. If there be no quicker way to turn these rascals out, they must be starved out by with holding all contributions toward the election expenses. The failure of the Democracy leaves the city ripe for a Republican victory. The best men from the Democratic ranks would join our party to make a sweeping reform. Only the local leaders can prevent this, as they have often prevented it at previous crises, and we should begin tbe good work by drumming out such rogues aud traitors. AN EBA OF EARTHQUAKES. The old earth, in whose solidity everybody has such confidence, is apparently dissatisfied with the present state of affairs on its surface, and has given things a general shaking up. Shocks were felt, last week, over the greater part of this continent, and more returns from distant quarters are coming in daily. Charles ton has been laid in ruins, and it seems that Malaga, in Spain, has also suffered. A Boston scientist pooh-poohs the disturbance, because he did not feel it ; but all other scientists agree lhat it was the most widely circulated earth quake on record. The explanations of its causes are various. Some philosophers con nect it with volcanic eruptions ; but, unfortu nately, all the prominent volcanos are as quies cent as Wall street. Others hint at a change in the configuration ot the earth, and predict that the Atlantic Ocean is about to become a desert. In that case what will become of the water ? Which of the two continents is to be doomed by the receding waves ? We warn people not to settle down too comfortably for the Winter after smiling at these theories. What has come may come again, and the shocks and the rumb lings of last week may be merely premonitory to a really terrific upheaval. Those pastors who occupy, to-day, the pul pits which they should not have deserted dur ing the Summer, will find the earthquake a text for interesting discourses. In the Bible, which they profess to believe and from which they preach, natural disturbances are fre quently ascribed to moral or immoral causes. We are told that, because of the wickedness of the world, the Almighty sent the deluge and the fire from heaven and the tempests and the earthquakes. The philosophers of Sodom and Gomorrah would doubtless have traced the destruction of those cities to electrical pheno mena if they had been allowed time to take and make observations. Now, we know that the world is almost as wicked as it ever was, and why should not the same spiritual causes pro duce the same natural effects ? All of us will acknowledge that other people need a shaking up, and why should we be surprised when the shaking up occurs ? It is true that the earth quake did not exert its utmost force in localities where it might have been logically expected. But, if this general principle had been carried out everywhere, as in these two instanoes, why was not England rudely shocked ? The British outrages in Ireland and tbe Orange riots in Belfast are enough to provoke the most quiet Globe. Prince Alexander, of Bulgaria, was shaken out of his throne and then shaken into it again ; but this was due rather to Russia than to siesmetio influences. Since then the Czar has started a diplomatic earthquake of his own by a letter warning Europe that be intends to complete his father’s plans and keep an eagle eye upon the East. It was a shock to Queen Victoria to see the brother ot her son-in-law thus bounced. It is another shook to see the business of Parliament obstructed by the shrewd tactics of the Home Rulers. Our city rogues were shocked by the shaking up of Squire. Our politicians are more shocked by the Don-political appointment of General Newton as Commissioner of Public Works. New Yorkers are shocked by tbe triumphs of the Boston yachts. American oarsmen are shocked by the easy victory of Beach, the Australian rower. Slugger Sullivan was shocked by being knocked out by the laws, both at Hoboken and Brooklyn. Society is shock ed by the second elopement ot Victo ria Morissini Hulskamp. In short, this is an era of eh'jcks and shakes, and, if the earth feels like quaking under its load of w ckedness and wee, we uro not going lo object. ' n tbe NEW YORK DISPATCH, SEPTEMBER 5, 1886 contrary, the Dispatch will be published as usual, no matter what may happen to this planet Home Rule Tactics. —The plan of the Irish campaign in Parliament has been tersely stated by Mr. Parnell in his amendment to tbe motion of Lord Randolph Churobill’B motion to take up the supply bills. “The necessity of measures to ameliorate tbe condition of the people of Ireland is so urgent,” the amend ment, “ that the House declines to afford tbe government the usual facilities until the Irish question is decided.” This is obstruction ; but it is obstruction with a definite, statesmanlike purpose, not factitious nor merely mischievous. It is the same policy which Gladstone advocated in bis election orations when he declared that Ireland stopped the way and that Home Rule must be granted before the ordinary business of legislation could proceed. Tbe long debates upon all sorts of topics; the interruptions, calls to order and personal recriminations ; the fre quent divisions and the constant baiting of Lord Randolph Churchill, the Tory leader ot the House, are the tactics which Mr. Parnell uses to force the government into doing justice to Ireland by preventing it from doing anything else. Of course be is beaten in every division by the combination of Tories and recreant Liberals; but he gains time and clogs tbe wheels of coercion, and thus Home Rule is made as indispensable to Lord Salisbury as it was to Mr. Gladstone. The Sea Serpent.—There can be no more reasonable doubt about the existence of a marine monster of the serpent species. Ho is not now seen in remote seas by frightened and solitary sailors largely given to yarns, nor does he appear in the surf off some watering-place, where the sleepy bather, dazed by the cham pagne and lobster supper of the night before, is ready to see snakes on land or witer. No ; he is haunting the Hudson river. He is crawling around the burned bull of the “Daniel Drew.” He is being sworn at and swotn to by scores of reputable residents along the river hanks and by fishermen who live near Washington’s Head quarters, at Newburg, and could not tell a lie if they tried. Under these circumstances, the capture of the sea serpent, dead or alive, is a mere matter of a few hours, more or less. Un less our young men have lost their energy and pluck, he will be exhibited, alive and wriggling, or dead and stuffed, in a Bowery dime museum before the end of the week. Catching the sea serpent is better fun than jumping off the Brook lyn Bridge, and will result more certainly in fame and dollars. It is easier and more excit ing than going West and killing Indians. After a Sunday passed in prayer to the God of Bat tles, let our brave boys go forth, to-morrow, and bring back the sea serpent or perish in the attempt. Either way they will make a popular sensation. Is Squibb Insane’-Not a bit of it. He is about to show his sanity by following our advice to tell all he knows concerning the thieves who infest the City Hall. Some of these rascals have taken fright and are rushing around to convince people that Squire has lost his mind. Their scheme will not work. His mind is almost the only thing which Squire has not lost. He has lost his office, because his associates betrayed and abandoned him. He has lost his money and is now almost penniless while some of the fellows who grew rich by robbing the city through contracts with his de partment are boasting of their millions anil aspiring to distinction politically, socially, and, no doubt, religiously. But he has not lost his wits, as the plunderers will discover when they read his revelations. Let him tell his whole story fully and squarely. Let him give names and dates. Let him describe how, when he remonstrated against cor ruption, his fatal letter was brandished to en force his silence. That letter was more terri ble to him than the Scarlet Letter to the erring dominie in Hawthorne’s romance. But Squire can now win a fame equal to Hawthorne’s by publishing a true and particular account of his official career in this city. His ready pen will lift him from immorality to immortality. Pigmy Officials.—Little Secretary Bayard, ot the little State of Delaware, and lit tle Governor Hill, ot the great State of New York, are quick to get under cover when the voice of the people is heard. Little Secretary Bayard dropped his Mexican policy, like a hot potato, because he was laughed at. He did not wait to be reasoned out of it or argued out ot it, but be was simply made ridiculous and dodged back into his hole. Little Governor Hill was scared by public opinion into approv ing the action of Mayor Grace in chopping off the head of poor, deluded Squire. He did not want to do this. He wanted Squire in the Aqueduct Commission. He wanted O’Brien and Flynn and all the other manipulators who could manufacture votes tor him. But public opinion was too unanimous to be defied and so Hill, against his own will, committed the only creditable act of his career. These two little men are fair samples of tbeir party. They have a great deal of wisdom when other people tell them what to do. Their little eyes are fixed on tbe main chance ; but they can ehut their eyes and jump Jim Crow very nimbly when the peo ple give them a boost in the rear. A Bigot is a Crank.—The Indianapo lis AVws has a dispatch from Columbus, in the State of Indiana, which informs us that Mr. J. M. Threlkel, a Deputy Sheriff from Hot Springs (Arkansas), had arrested in Columbus (Indiana) Mr. J. S. Wills tor breaking the Sun day law some time since in Hot Springs. Mr. Wills was, we are informed by the dispatch, ar rested on a requisition from the Governor of Arkansas. Thus far in the history of this coun try Sabbath-breaking has been a misdemeanor, and on misdemeanors letters of requisition have never before been issued. When the Prohibi tion party get in power in the Nation, requisi tions will be issued more readily against a man for selling a glass of liquor to a thirsty soul on Sunday than for the capture of a murderer or highway robber. We have never known an out and-out Prohibitionist who didn’t think it a greater crime to sell liquor on Sunday than to set fire to a tenement house in which one hun dred people were living. Your bigot, whether in religion or temperance, is one of the sort that never can be understood by men who are not cranks, and a bigot is always a crank. A Hearty Endorsement. — The sug gestion of the Dispatch that Recorder Smyth should be promoted to the Supreme Court hae been heartily endorsed by our contemporaries. The Sun says: “ All the Judges of the Court of General Sessions have spent a portion of the Summer out of town, except Recorder Smyth. It is the general impression that if he were to get the nomination of Tammany lor Supreme Court Judge he would win easily.” But why should Tammany Hall be allowed the monopoly of this excellent nomination ? Why should not Recorder Smyth be nominated by both factions of the Democracy and endorsed by the Repub licans, like Judge Brady and Judge Daly ? His record is so admirable that a unanimous elec tion would be creditable to all parties. The beet way to keep the Judiciary out of politics is to unite upon a deserving judge whenever the people have the opportunity. We agree with the Sun that the Recorder could be easily elected, but we should like to see him take his seat in the Supreme Court by unanimous con sent. A Very Hard Job.—lt is a proverb that if you scratch a Russian underneath tbe outer cuticle you will find a Tartar. It is not a proverb, bnt it is true, nevertheless, that if you closely scan a Mugwump you will discover a lover of English Free Trade. These gentlemen proclaim that they are, have been, and always will be Republicans, but if the party doesn’t make such nominations and adopt such policies as they want, they will kick and defeat it. They slightly aided in electing Mr. Cleveland Presi dent. Do they not feel proud of their efforts ? Isn’t he a fine specimen to occupy the office held by Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Grant ? Our Mugwump friends are trying hard to boom an Adm nistration without a policy ora principle, and to make a statesman out ot a stomach. They’ll get sick of their job before the ilee of 1888. A Lively Ookpsb.—The New York Daily Times, Evening Post and the rest of the Mugwump papers inform us that Blaine is “ a very dead cock in the pit,” that he has ceased to be of political or any other interest, and that his friends might as well bury him at once. It these statements are true, why do our Mug wump friends become bo infuriated whenever the name of Blaine appears in the columns of the newspapers T If Blaine is a corpse, why do the Mugwumps wish to defile his memory ? It appears to us that Blaine is about the liveliest corpse that has ever scared the little wits out of weak-brained political eunuchs, known pop ularly as Mugwumps. Wo are of the opinion that two years from this Blaine's enemies will find that he hasn’t been buried. No Worse Luck.—How did the peo ple who live on the top stories ot buildings ten and eleven stories high feel, the other night, when the earthquake gave this city a gentle shake ? From the appearance of the streets in their neighborhood the flat-bouse dwellers didn't seem very happy. By the accounts re ceived from Charleston it wasn’t the one-story houses which were wrecked. It may be tbe misfortune of New York to some day receive as rude shocks as Charleston did during the past week. If so. we trust that the owners of all the tail-tower buildings will be living in them. We wish them no worse luck. a»a The postmaster of this place, although he is a Mugwump, says that the position is good enough for him and that he doen’t mean to resign until requested so to do. We think he is pretty solid, lor every time President Cleve land catches a fish, the genial postmaster lies about it, and either swells its size or its quan tity. At the last returns be was three lengths ahead of even Cleveland's record. The Carbon County Prohibitionists have expressed a desire to have a joint debate with the Democrats and Republicans regarding the liquor question. They may inveigle the Republicans into the scheme, but if it’s all the same, “ two is company and three’s a crowd,” and when they get through they’ll find the Democrats around the corner solving the other side of the question. Late Summer tourists are beginning to arrive in Mauch Chunk. These are the peo ple who have been living in their New York back yards all Summer, and they stain their faces a deep brown, spend all night in pasting rural resort labels on their trunks, and then take the first early morning train for home, thoroughly exhausted with their “long stay at the seashore.” That earthquake that shook you New Workers up the other night didn't reach Mauch Chunk. That goes to show that you should mend your ways and be good, and pure and true. The good and pure and true are never chastened in that way and no danger comes anywhere near them. The Mtuch Chunkers have passed resolutions thanking us for being here. The sea serpent has been seen several times on the Lehigh River during tbe present season. Those who are willing to swear that they have seen it, say that it is about seventeen feet long and has a head like a beer keg. They dwell upon the latter part of the description to such an extent that members of the Prohibition party get vaccinated before joining in the de bate. A female suffragist says that voting will not make women masculine, and that all they will have to do will be to cast their ballots and then return home to tbeir household duties. How the deuce are they going to do that if there’s any excitement at the polls and the poli ticians take them around the corner and set ’em up for the girls. We hear that Sergt. Bates, who car ried the American flag all over the country, has been secured as an attraction for the Wild West show. Bates is accustomed to •• carrying the banner” and we trust that none of the Coman ches, Sioux, Pawnees or Kickapoos may serve him up as an Indian meal. We are gradually getting square with the Canadians. One of their cashiers has em bezzled and scooted to this country. He was arrested in Boston during tbe week. This is hardly fair as they never treat our embezzlers, but take them to the bosoms and other things of tbeir families. Frank Murphy says total abstinence can only be secured by a personal and individ ual appeal to those who drink. That’s very true. We’ve always noticed that total abstain ers generally approached each other in that way before they slide around the corner. A celebrated Salvation Armyite is called Ashbarrel Jimmy. We don’t know whether this is because of his previous occu pation or his personal appearance. When we gaze upon the average Salvation Armyite we teel sorry for the average ash-barrel. Mauch Chunk has a law and order organization which has recently shut down upon tbe sale of liquor on Sunday. As a result all the grass is suddenly disappearing irom the formerly unused back streets and half tbe back fences are getting shaky. It appears to be a question as to whether or not Envoy Extraordinary Sedgwick got loaded up to the muzzle when he arrived in Mexico. We hope he did. No man can be ex pected to speak the Mexican language until his teeth float. Bayard should now go to Mexico and get loaded down with honors and loaded up with other things. It makes a man awfully dizzy to cross the Rio Grande, and Bayard isn’t a stranger to head-ewimminess Bayard darned sight. The clerks and clerkesses are now petitioning for Saturday half holidays all the year round, and they should have it, too—at least the clerks should. There’s scarcely room enough in Sunday to work off a pay day head. Another United States quartermaster is in trouble. Which leads us to presume that the reason they call them quartermasters is be cause they generally give the government about a quarter ot what it is entitled to. Five hundred and ten Mormons ar rived at Castle Garden during the week. If they continue to come at this rate diapers will go up in value a hundred per cent, and we’ll have to issue the directories in volumes. Grand Army men are having camp fires and reunions all over the land, bean soup being the principal ingredient, ami we trust that we may be excused from suggesting that this is why they blow so much. We notice that innumerable Summer hotels are burning throughout the country. This is probably due to the fact that the land lords want to get a chance to skip before the waiters scoop in what’s left. There is plenty of trout fishing in the mountain lakes in the Mauch Chunk region, and local hardware dealers say that the de mand tor bait, pocket-flasks, and corkscrews was never so emphatic. The oyster has again arrived, after having produced and suckled the baby oyster, and every dod-gasted idiotic editor in the coun try pulls the old “r” joke on us and booms the price of chestnut bells. Gen. Newton has appointed Lubber Smith his deputy and the papers are howling thereat. The general probably didn’t want to be biased in his appointment and opened the directory at random. Miss Lotta Barrels has been elected President of the Boston University Kapps Kap pa Gamma. It would necessarily take a lot o’ barrels to surround that name. A London paper informs us that the Prince of Wales is growing moral and fleshy. The former is probably due to impotency and tbe latter to cocktailism. Thousands of emigrants from Italy are daily pouring into the city. This is a good sign tor the coming monkey crop. A local clergyman objects to moon light picnics because there is too little light and too much picnic at them. But then the same thing occurs in the average parlor every night, and the clergymen usually get their share of it unless the newspapers are italicised liars. of GOSSIP OF THE WEEK. The new drama, of American life, entitled “The Main Line." to be produced on the 18th, at the Lyceum Theatre, will, no doubt, com mand respectful attention. Ab the name impließ, it is a drama of the railroad. All four acts take place on one spot. In the first act the spectator is supposed to stand at one side of a little way-sta tion at the junction of tbe main line, and a branch road leading over the mountains. In the second and third acts the opposite side of the same station is seen, and in the fourth act the story is continued inside the station house. The last act takes place ins heavy snow storm, with the line blockaded. Trains arrive, but can get no further, and the pas sengers meet in the station for shelter till the line is clear. Several curious stage effects representing incidents of railroad life, will be introduced for the first time. The new play was written by Henry C. Do Milte and Charles Barnard. The cast includes Jaok Mason. Charles Overton, Raymond Holmes, Frank Kerrington, Oliver Jenkins, J. H. Fitzpatrick, Etta Hawkins, Dora Stuart and Lillian Richardson. Frederick Warde appears in Providence to-mor row night and during the coming week, to be followed by engagements in Baltimore and Wash ington. He reappears in this city within a few weeks. Mlle. Rhea is acting in Halifax, where she has been cordially received by large and fashionable audiences, and tbe fair actress has been made tbe social lion of that aristocratic old town. This is her farewell tour of the United States, and after the present season, Mlle. Rhea will not again be seen here professionally. It is her intention to play her farewell engagement in this city in May next. Miss Lilian Olcott is busy with her rehearsals of “Theodora," at Niblo's Garden, and will have tbe play all ready for production on the 13th. The scenery and costumes are said to be magnificent, and the young actress will spare no pains to make tbe representation a worthy one. In the hippo drome scene, Nubian lions and tigers and other realistic effects will be introduced. Miss Rose Coghlan opens her season September 27th. Her repertoire includes “Twelfth Night,” “ As You Like It," “School for Scandal," “ London Assurance,” 'Masks and Faces,” “Lady of Lyons” and “A Scrap of Paper.” The company will in clude Frederick de Belleville, Charles Walcott, A. L. Lipman. Mrs. Charles Walcott, Miss Clyde Harron. Mrs. Charles Peters and Miss Maude Peters. Miss Coghlan appears at the Globa Theatre, Boston, Oc tober 25th. Mme. Janauschek will open her season September 30tb. at the Chestnut Street Opera House, Philadel phia. Her repertoire will include “Meg Merrilles,” “Media,” “Henry VIII." and “Marie Antoinette.” Phil Simmons and Altred Joel will have tbe tour in band. This will be Janauschek'e last season in America, and she will end it at the Boston Park Theatre about May Ist. The following is a complete list of Mr. Edwin Booth's company for this season: Charles Barron, John T. Malone, Carl Ahrendt, John T. Sullivan. Charles B. Hanford, Owen Fawcett, H. O. Barton, Francis K. Harte, E. Milton Royle, Volney Stearnes, Walter Thomas, Mrs. Augusta Foster, Miss Emma Vadecs, Miss Sarah A. Baker, Miss Kate Moloney. Mr. Oliver Doud, stage manager. The full company for the production of Gunter’s play, “A Wall Street Bandit,” at the Standard Theatre, Saturday, September 25, has been engaged. They consist of Charles Wheatleigh, W. J. Fergu son, Robert McWade, Charles Bowser, Frank Losee, Atkins Lawrence, Lysander Thompson, J. H. Far rall, Misses Georgia Cayvan, Sadie Bigelow, Fanny Addison, Marion Russell, Lesley Comstock, Edith Bird, beside a dozen children headed by Tommy Russell and little Bijou Fernandez. A rare and delieate compliment was paid to Mar garet Mather in San Francisco last week by the public presentation of a volume of poems compiled of verses dedicated to herself by the authors, who united in this graceful tribute of esteem. The arrangements which have been in progress for the production of “The Hermit of Cashel” opera at the Metropolitan Opera House, for the ben efit of the Grant Monument fund, are completed. The opera will enlist about 350 persons in each rep resentation, it is stated. New scenery is in prepa ration for the transformation scene in the fourth act. The soloists will be from professional and amateur circles in thia city. The opera will be given for one week, beginning Monday evening, Oct. 4. Rehearsals began at Metropolitan Concert Hall on Saturday last. Mr. Nat Goodwin has a host of friends in this city, and about one hundred and fifty of them have invited him to a dinner, to be given at Delmonico’s next Saturday, as a token of their wishes for his success in “Little Jack Sheppard,” which will be produced at the Bijou Opera House September 13th. A large number of distinguished people have prom ised to attend, including Governor Hill, Col. Robert Ingersoll, Hon. F. S. GibbS, Hon. Jacob Hess, Judge Churchill, Dr. F. S. Robertson, Samuel Carpenter, Arthur B. Chase, James Buckley, T. Henry French, John Stetson, Andrew Dam, Stillson Hutchings, Dr. Charles Philps, Ex-Gov. Bunn, E. G. Gilmore, W. E. Conner, W. R. Haydon, Ex-Gov. Curtin, and many others. The affair promises to be a notable one. Last season Mr. Frederick Bryton made a hit at the Windsor Theatre in his play of “Forgiven.” He reappears there September 13th, supported by a much stronger company and the management look for a succession of large audiences during his engagement. Mrs. D. P. Bowers and her company, consisting of twenty-five persons, left this city on Friday evening for Pittsburg. She inaugurates the new Chalet Theatre in that city on Monday night, with “Lady Audley’s Secret.” The sale of seats for the opening night is already very large. Miss Bertha Welby’s company consists of Messrs. John Hazlerigg, Julian Magnus, H. A. Blakemore, Louis R. Peters, Horace De Vernet, Charles Atkins and Misses Zelda Worth, Fanny Forrester and Ida Ward. Miss Welby is making extensive prepara tions for the production of the new play, “ The Martyr Mother,” which takes place at the Third Avenue Theatre September 30th. Mb. Neil Burgess opens his season at Mrs. Drew’s Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia, playing a new version of “ Vim,” in which a combined com edy and specialty company will appear. Mr. Bur gess played this version of “ Vim” for fifty nights in Boston last season, to big business. The revolv ing stage, with new improvements, will be re tained. Mr. Eugene Tompkins, manager of the Boston Theatre, is to produce next week “ Kit,” with a se lected cast, and has engaged Mr. Ed. Lamb for the part of the Judge. The third American tour of Mrs. Langtry is attracting considerable attention, and the entire London press coincide that the famous Jersey Lily has improved so much in her ability to portray passion that now she cannot help but attract as an actress as much as she did first as a beauty. Her first appearance will be made at the Fifth Avenue Theatre on Monday, October 4th, and her first bow will be made as Pauline in Bulwer’s “Lady of Lyons.” This very familiar play was revived by Mrs. Langtry during the last London season at the Princess Theatre, and the excellence of her acting, the strength of the supporting company and the superb stage pictures presented by the beautiful scenery and elegant fittings and the magnificent costumes worn by the star, made it run for one hundred nights to crowded auditoriums. The scen ery for the play is being done here from the models used at the Princess and the performance will be a notable one. Mr. Chas. Coghlan accompanies Mrs. and will be the Claude, while Mr. F. Everill, Mr. Came Stevens, Mrs. Charles Calvert, Miss Kate Pattison and others will be in the cast. M. B. Curtis, “Sam’l of Posen,” has returned from his California ranch and is preparing for his next starring tour. He has a new play called “Caught in a Corner.” written for him by Mr. W. Y. Shaw, a prominent Cincinnati journalist, which is said to be very amusing. Of course Mr. Curtis will be the man that is “caught in a corner,” in other words he is a speculator in wheat, sells short and has to cover at a loss. Mr. Curtis will be sup ported by a good company, including Miss Albina De Mer. Fob several months Mr. May Morgan, the well known artist, has been painting a series of mam moth pictures of the chief battles of the late war. Last Monday evening Mr. Morgan’s “Diorama ’ was presented in Cincinnati for the first time, and made an instant success, and has thus far attracted large audiences. The “ Diorama” will be seen at the Star Theatre about the holidays. The management of the Grand Opera House, Brooklyn, have been quietly improving tbe appear ance of that theatre, and when the house is opened for the season next Saturday night the patrons will find that some important changes have been made. One of the chief features of “Clio.” which w.ll bo the opening attraction, will be a tii-w La a t I.*! i.y Ade.e Corualba, which U** been a gieai sucixsa London. Robert B. Mantbll is expected back from Europe to-day, and the rehearsals of Mr. John W. Keller’s new play of “Tangled Lives,” will begin on Tues day. Daly’s company gave A Night Off,” for their second appearance in Paris, on Friday night last. The audience was fully as representative as that on the occasion of the company’s debut, and was much larger, the theatre being full to the upper galleries. There were many more French faces tn the house, the audience being nearly half Parisian. The company closed their season last evening. The Dixey-company made their farewell appear ance in “ Adonis,” on last Friday evening, before a crowded audience. Bouquets were showered in profusion upon the members of the company. At the fall of the curtain the audience sang “ Auld Lang Syne.” Dixey was called before the curtain again and again.” The agitation of the deadhead system of our theatres Uy the press of this city is a etop in the proper direction, although they have as yet been wide of the mark as to the real cause of the abuse. The fault is not found by the local managers as to the number of seats given members of the press, because they have good sense enough to know that they get the benefit twice-fold. The real abuse is in the indiscriminate distribution of printing and lithographs, which necessitates a bushel weekly of deadhead tickets and often necessary papering of a house to give it the appearance of success. It is well known to every manager in New York that as a rule a person once a deadhead is usually always a deadhead. Every newspaper critic of standing whose review of a performance is likely to influence the theatre-going public is entitled to his regular seals on all opening nights or first produc tions. We doubt if any paper, as mentioned above, has ever been refused seats at any theatre in the city. The broadest and most liberal views are expressed by the management of Dockstader's, where the press, even the most obscure and uninfluential, are to be entitled to every courtesy and have all the seats Its representatives desire, beside many a hear ty laugh, and, if dissatisfied, will bo allowed to carry their seats homo with them. It is said that the sea serpent, which occasionally makes its appearance at popular watering places, has at last made its way to the Thousand Islands, where it was killed last week. In its intestines were found a huge poster of “ One of Our Girls,” and a sheet of press notices extolling the talents of Miss Helen Dauvray. This is probably not the exact truth, but, at all events. Miss Dauvray is up on the St. Lawrence gaining more strength for her forth coming tour in Mr. Howard’s successful play. Mr. Joseph Whiting has been engaged to replace Louis James the present season in “One of Our Girls,” and Mr. Sternroyd’s original part will be taken by Frank Rodney, a leading actor from London. Wallach's Theatbe.—Manager Me- Caull’s Company on Monday evening last gave the first performance—of the latest addition—in this country, to the long list of good, bad and indifferent comic operas, which have for the past few years been produced upon the metropolitan stage. This—the latest—bears the title of “ Josephine Sold by Her Sisters.” Aside from the interest oc casioned by this initial representation of an opera new to this stage, it was made somewhat notable as being a medium for the reappearance, for the first time in many years, of Emily Soldene, who gave a lively, not to say enjoyable, impersonation of Mother Jacob. It is scarcely necessary to allude to the painful, but suggestive fact, that she is really considerably less youthful than when she first dawned upon the dudedom and chappies of this “ blarsted country.” There were two debutantes included in the cast— Miss Louise Parker and Miss Eugenie Oudin—both of whom in their lyric efforts were tfye recipients of tegerved favor from the large audience which filled fhfi theatre upon this occasion. Mr. De Wolf Hopper and Madame Cottrelly-were hilariously conspicuous respectively as Alfred Pha raoh and Benjamine—the latter interpolating her always welcome song of “ Comes a Bride ” among her numbers. The music cannot be said to possess, throughout, the charm of originality, and the li bretto, however lively, witty, or humorous it may have been in the original, is in its present condition not particularly bright, and at times is dull and flatulent. Whatever of merriment or point there wm on this first night in the text or in the action, was due to the inventive cleverness of the two principals, Madam Cottrelly, under whose direction the opera was produced, and Mr. Hopper. Extended consid eration of this last venture of Manager McCaull will be given hereafter. People’s Theatbe. —A striking tea ture of the production of Herne’s “ Minute Men,” to be presented at this house to-morrow night, is the scenery. There are five acts in the play. The curtain rises upon a scene at Roxbury Hights, near Boston, in the Summer of 1774. The second act re veals the interior of an old New England home stead. The third act passes in an old French fort m the Wilderness, near the Mystic river. The fourth act shows a rocky cove on the coast, with incoming tide, and in that act occurs a vivid reproduction of the battle of Bunker Hill. This is one of the fea tures of the play. The fifth act brings every one back to the old New England homestead, with its log fire, with dried apples and herbs hanging from the wall and the old housewife washing dishes on an old mahogany table. The cast is said to be strong. Mr. Edmund K. Collier’s engagement at this thea tre closed last evening. During the week he has impersonated but two characters—Jack Cade and Metamora—both of which were made memorable in dramatic history long ago by Edwin Forrest. But few have attempted these performances since Time rang down the curtain of Eternity which hid him— the grand original—forever from our sight. Mr. Collier, in reviving these plays and presenting himself—and let it be said—with all due modesty as the exponent of these characters which differ so widely in their nature—aroused an enthusiasm in his audiences and created a more general interest in his effort than he could have anticipated. His portraiture of Metamora deserved the imme diate favor it received upon the occasion of its first presentation on Thursday evening. At times—and notably at his entrance in the first act—in the scene in which he confronts the Council, and in the final act, he vividly recalled, not only in the majesty of his bearing and in the method of his speech, the presence and grandeur of the great original. There Jwas nothing of intentional imitation in these notable instances; had there been, his acting wou|d not have had the natural force which made it impressive. To-day there is not a young actor upon the American stage who will as surely and as speedily take his place in the list of the few, the very few, eminent tragedians of our time. Of his company, with the exception of Miss Sara Neville, who possesses more than an ordinary share of crude talent, little can be said. SHence is some times a mercy. Especially when the mantle of charity is not within reach. Star Theatre.—Mr. Lawrence Bar rett made, last Monday evening, his reappearance upon this stage, in the presence of a numerous au. dieuce. He repeated his admirable performance in “Yorick’s Love,” a work which he has made pleas antly familiar to playgoers by frequent repetitions in past seasons. On Thursday he came forward as Cardinal Riche lieu, on'Friday evening as Hamlet and last evening as Cassius in “Julius Cassar.” Mr. Barrett has not been seen here in Hamlet for many seasons. In this interim he has, in many respects, in his interpreta tion of the text and in method, revealed so material a departure from his original ideal of the melan. choly Dane that extended and proper comment upon his present performance is necessarily de ferred to a succeeding issue of this journal. During the performance he received many recalls and was greeted with unusual manifestations of appreciation by the audience of bis conception of the character. To-morrow and Tuesday nights and at the Satur day matinee Mr. Barrett will be seen in “ Francesca da Rimini,” Wednesday night in “Hamlet,” Thurs day in “Richelieu” and Friday and Saturday nights a double bill, "The Merchant of Venice” and “David Garrick.” Windsob Theatre.—“ A Prisoner for Life ” was the attraction at this house, during the past week, and was witnessed by large and well pleased audiences. The company, headed by Miss Frances F.eld, a capable actress, was a good one, and the scenic effects all that could be desired. To-morrow night and during the week Manager Murtha will present “The White Slave,” one of Bartley Campbell’s most popular plays. The piece will be given with all the original picturesque scenic and mechanical effects, including the steam boat exposion and the drifting of the lovers in the swift running waters of the Mississippi River. The cast will be a good one, including Miss May New man. Maria Hiltord, Fred. G. Ross, Frank Foster and Charles T. White, the veteran minstrel, who will be seen as Job, a colored preacher. Buffalo Bill’s “ Wild West.”—As large as ev r. and. if anything, each day increasing, are the thrones which crowd the grand standsand every ava table portion of the grounds to witness this extraordinary revelation of the real.ties of i t ionuei life in the West. Never before uaa »: y ion thoron Jr y cap urel the | iviuui’-ir:. «ud • ’ itr*>; "t pa.- ic interest I tin*-- <■ . orig cl ty the Hop. Wui. F. Cody. Boole's New Theatre.—The new thea tre which John F. Poole has been building on Eighth street, between Broadway and Fourth ave nue, is complete# and will be opened to the publto to-morrow night. The houseris a perfect theatre in every respect and has-» seating capacity of six bun* dred in the orchestra, four hundred io the balcony and seven hundred in the gallery and an excellent view of the stage can be obtained* from every seat. There are four private boxes, holding six persona each, handsomely furnished and draped in old gold plush. The front of the balconies are of ornamental irpn work by Nicholson and Galloway, in gold, and the ceiling bas been elaborately frescoed by Sura and Fay. The seats of the orchestra and balcony are roomy and comfortable and are upholstered in old gold plush. The gas fixtures are in keeping with the decorations. The floors are covered with a rich crimson carpet of a damask pattern. Tbs stage has all the modern improvements and a com plete stock of new scenery by Joseph Clare. Th® dressing-rooms, carpenter shop and are outside and adjoining the main building. Th® drop curtain bas been painted by Mr. Gaspard Maeder and represents a morning in the Alpe> “a copy of a well-known work of art.” In the building of the new house Mr. Pods ba® paid special attention to the means of exit, which are seven in number and unusually ample for all emergencies, and to the ventilation, which i® per fect. The front of the house has been materially changed ; the windows are of stained glass and the lighting will be done by electricity. It Is the inbea* tion to devote the theatre to first-class entertain ments of a light order, such as oomedy, burlesquo and comic opera. Mr. W. J. Scanlan, the efferves cent and musical young Irish comedian, will be Cho initial attraction, opening to-morrow evening in an elaborate production of his'picturesque Irish " Shane Na Lawn,” which will be given with en>- tirply new scenery, by Joseph Clsre, and with a strong cast which will Include a number of well known actors and actresses. Poole s New Theatre is centrally located and can be reached by the Broadway cars from Central Park to the Battery, Fourth avenue cars, Madison avenue oars, Third avenue cars, Lexington avenue cars from Harlem to City Hall, Third avenue Elevated Railroad. All within a few feet of the door. Popular prices will be the rule, ranging from 25c ts. to SI.OO, with a good seat for 50cte. Matinees will be given Wednesday and Saturday. Niblo’s Garden.—The Kiralfy Bro.’• are playing to a succession of crowded houses at Niblo’s, and the old play has lost none of its attrac tiveness, especially when the drama is supplemented by the best ballet these famous organizers of ballot have given us. Mile. Qualitz and the •• Mikado ” ballet are the hits, and they are both redemanded nightly. There has not at any time for years been more curiosity to witness a now play than there seems to be about Sarden’s “ Theodora.” The famous author considers it his chef d’ceuvre and has given Miss Olcott ths most explicit directions as to the staging of the play. An excellent company has been secured and th® original costumes, armors, etc.; have been imported from the Porte St. Martin Theatre, Paris, and are described as being the most gorgeous ever shown here. On Monday evening, September 13, we will have an opportunity of judging for ourselves about the merits of this historical, classical drama, done iu a spectacular form at Niblo’s Theatre. The Casino.—Only a few weeks longer and “Erminie,” one of the most successful of th® comic operas presented on this stage must be with drawn to make way for the Violet Cameron Opera Company, who sail in the steamer “ Aurania” next Thursday for New York. The 150th and last repre sentation of “Erminie,” Saturday evening, October 2d, will be known as “floral night” at the Casino. Not only is the house to be beautifully ornamented and festooned with flowers and trailing vines, etc., but pretty little miniature baskets of roses, with uniquely designed cards and ribbons attached, ar® to be presented as mementoes of the occasion. Mr. Rudolph Aronson’s orchestra will be increased to fifty musicians for the “floral night” and final representation of “Erminie,” and a programme consisting of entirely new compositions will be in terpreted at the promenade concert on the roof gar den after the opera. Thibd Avenue Theatre.—To-morrow night will occur the opening of the regular dramat ic season at this theatre, with the production of “Youth.” All the scenes in the play have been newly painted by Gaspard Maeder, and the effect of the martial scenes will be enhanced by the appear ance of Company D., of the Seventy-first Regiment, and Parmenter’s drum and fife corps of the same. The transformation scene and panorama in th® second act ; the convict prison revolt; the embark ation of the soldiers and departure of the troop ship. and the battle of the Khyber Pass are tableaux in which Messrs. Maeder and have specially displayed their mechanical genius, and with the flesh and blood addition of the gallant Seventy-first boys, an attractive performance is as sured for this week. In the company are King Hedley, Agnes Proctor. Mary Mills, Graham Craw ford, Harry Woodruff and W. A. Paul. Fifth Avenue Theatre.—To-mjrrow evening this theatre, which during the Summer season was given a thorough renovation and re decoration, will be opened for the season. The in augural attraction will be Mr. Joseph Murphy in Marsden’s popular Irish drama entitled “ Kerry Gow.” Mr. Murphy’s engagement is for two weeks. It is pleasurable to know that Mr. Stetson has re turned Mr. Charles N. Schroeder to the front of th® theatre as his business representative. Mr. Joseph Murphy, during this engagement, will be supported by his own company, additionally strengthened, and the drama will be illustrated by entirely new scenic settings provided by Mr. Stetson. Gband Opeba House. —With the per formance of “Richard III.” Mr. Frederick W’arde closed a very successful engagement last evening. His performance of Damon, as well as that of Vir« ginius, won for him especial and generous recogni tion from his audiences. To-morrow evening Mr. Charles Hoyt's coucen. trated extract of hilarity and rollicking inn. "A Rag Baby,” will possess the stage and delight the crowded audience which it will surely attract. Frank Daniels and that “ dorg” will once again be on hand and be welcomed accordingly. Matinees on Wednesday and Saturday. Baek Theatre.—Ned Harrigan cm tinues his “Investigation,” everything is lovely and the goose of profit is elevated to its loftiest alti tude. At least Mart Hanley says so. and he is th® particular individual who ought to know. And Dave Braham will endorse the statement. In the meantime Mr. Harrigan is giving careful rehearsal to his new comedy, which is soon to succeed “ In vestigation.” The scenic settings are already painted, and “Ned” is positive that this latest work is by far the best and most perfect he has yet placed upon the stage. Theatre Comiqub (Harlem). —Direc- tor Josh Hart bas made quite a number of des.table improvements in his cozy theatre, such as giving the floor a greater incline, which affords au unobstructed view to the stage and ail parts of the theatre. Th re are new exits, leading out upon 125th street, should necessity require it; new iron staircases leading to the balcony and family circle, and additional stone and brick walls beneath the stage, front and b ick. The preliminary season begins to-morrow even ing, with the Hallen and Hart Vaudeville Combina tion. An attractive performance is nominated in the programme, in which is included Fred. Hallen, Miss Enid Hart, Miss Jennie Yeamans, Miss Julia Wilson, Harry Kernell, Lester and Williams, the Russell Brothers, Fox and Aukon, McAvoy and Hallen, T. E. Miaco, Thomas Rooney and Eugene B. Sanger. The second week of the season will bs filled by Ada Gray, in her new comedy drama, entitled, “ A Ring of Iron.” The popular Irish comedian, Mr. Joseph Murphy, will inaugurate the regular Fail season, commenc ing September 20, at Hart’s Theatre Comique, and “ The Kerry Gow ” and “ Shaun Rhue ” will be th® attractions. Bijou Opera House.—On September 13th, Messrs. Miles and Barton will inaugurate the regular season of this theater, with all the ceremonies incident to the momentous occasion. Dixey is here no more, but Nat. Goodwin is here. Le roi est mort—Vive le roi. On the evening of the date afore-mentioned, Mr. Nat. Goodwin will take bis place upon the now vacant Bijou throne, and commence what, let us hope, will be a long and prosperous reign, with bis “Little Jack Sheppard.” If his reigu is not as everybody hopes it will be, there is one consola tion—that it will not be his fault. Koster and Bial’s Concerts.—After a week of minstrelsy, Koster and Bial will cl ®i their stage for the return of their burlesque com pany, who will revive to-morrow evening the suc cessful burlesque. “Venus and Adonis, ’ in a recon structed form. Songs, dances, marches, everything will be new, and the introduction of acrobatic specialties, among thorn the well-kn >wu Davenport Brothers and Messrs. Leroux and Wilton, the hori zontal bar performers, will aid var.ety to iui® amusing periormance. The usud conceit will take pl ice Suu 'ay with m entire change ol programmer