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6 IN THE SUNSET. BY HELEN MAItION BURNSIDE. The day is fading, the west is glowing With tints, whoso glory brings back to m 3 A fair, fair haven with white sails going Over and over a sapphire sea; Oh I far, fair haven—oh ! sea bird flying, . I fain would borrow your bold, brave wing, To mount and soar while the day is dying, And follow the red sun westering. Oh I sapphire sea, set with gem-like islands— Mine eyes with longing will weary sore, Ere again I see the corn-crowned highlands Which guard and girdle that shining shore ! In coigns and clefts that the woodbine covers Are fairy places 1 knew of old, Where lips—-ah, haply the lips of lovers— Have told the story that once I told ! Fair and quiet, and brightly tender, lhe low light gilded the wood and lea, For day was dying in royal splendor As we two stood by that western sea; The soft wind scattered bright, tiny pieces From beds of cloud where the sun reposed, And sent them sailing like golden fleeces In amber skies ore the twilight closed. The lovely day was so long a-dying, But came at last tho euch mting hour When gentle Zephyr, with long-drawn sighing, bhook the scent from tho woodbine flow r. Then o’er the dusk of the oaks and beech s The young moon mounted her throne alar. And lit with silver the gray s a reaches Lying beyond the harbor bar. Ah, Love’s sweet words will again be spoken, Like those we breathed on the fragrant air, And Love’s sweet vows will be lightly broken, As those have been that we uttered there- And still the boats will be, wing-like, flitting About the islands that gem the bay — Oh 1 human hearts are so long forgetting Tho bliss and pain of a bygone day ! A DARK MEMORY. BY CLYDE RAYMOND. “What a miserable, dreary day !—as bleak and cheerless as -as my lite,” murmured Marion Kirby, the last words sinking to a husky whis per as she turned, half shuddering, from the window where she had been standing—she know not how long-watching, with a sort of gloomy fascination, the depressing scene with °Ult was a Spring day—a day in which, in the Very nature ot things, should have been lair and bright and full of brilliant bloom; yet it might have been late in November, for all one Could tell from the bleak, chill winds howling dismally against the pnne, and the black clouds Scurrying threateningly across the leaden sky. A true type, as she had said, of her own life. It was a sweet, sad face that you saw as she turned from the window—almost colorless, save for a kind of inward glow that seemed to warm, without flushing, the delicate, creamy skin ; dark eyes that you landed held some strange story of their own in their passionate, sorrow ful depths, and beautilul red lips, proud, yet oftentimes wondrousty pathetic. She began pacing up and down her room with a slow, thoughtful step, a worried, impa tient look on her fair brow. “ I cannot stand this long period of waiting. It may be weeks before they will allow me to resume my school, and all that time I must be idle—nothing to do but think—think—and too much thinking will drive me wild. No, I must go away,” and a troubled shadow settled on the sweet, white face. “1 will godown to some seaside town where 1 am not known, and try to forget myself in watching the gay lite around mo. Then, by-and-by, I can return to my du ties here, or”—with brightening countenance— “better still, possibly I may secure a place as governess or companion with some one who is going abroad ; then I will strive to forget the old lite amid new scenes and busy toil.” A faint color came into the pale cheeks and an eager, almost hopeful light shone in the sad dark eyes. Yes. she would go. That would be the surest way to escape the bitterness of her own thoughts. /he had come to this place a stranger, months ago, and had taught the village scho >1 with some semblance of content, throwing herself with a kind of feverish energy into her work. The school bad been a great success; but a contagious fever having recently broken out kmong the pupils, the little brick school-house had been closed indefinitely, and again the dark shadows of unrest gathered around Marion Kir by’s heart. ‘True, she might have found work enough to keep her hands and thoughts busy had she Cared to play tho role of village nurse. But she had no liking lor the part, and she felt only a feverish desire to get away to some new field of action. w , Having made her decision she felt happier al ready, and hastily donning a street toilet she started out tor a walk, against the driving wind, to quiet her excited thoughts and to begin some preparations for her departure. There was a half smile on her lips as she went down stairs, and meeting her landlady in the parlor, Marion gave her a pleasant greeting. It was coldly returned, and the girl could not tail to notice an unwonted stiffness in Mrs. Gra ham’s manner. “ Going out to get the latest news ?” the lady inquired, with a sickly, iceberg sort of smile. “ No,” said Alarion'calmly. “1 am not much interested in the village news, excepting that which concerns my pupils. lam so sorry we had to give up our school,” she said, regret fully. “It isn’t likely the school will be opened again,” returned Mrs Graham, snatching eager ly at the chance afforded her tor unburdening her mind. “It won’t with my consent, anyhow —until we get another teacher,” she added,with a malicious sparkle in her cold gray eyes. “What do you moan, Mrs. Graham?” de manded Marion, speaking quietly, with stern repression in her low, tense tones, while a deep red spot began to burn vividly in each pale cheek. “Explain yourself.” “ A body would think you hadn’t any need for an explanation, Miss Kirby,” remarked the lady with a virtuous sneer in her sharp voice. “ But you can have it. 1 suppose you know that Miss Samantha Parkinson has been away, making a long visit to some of her folks in the western part of the State. Well, when she happened to mention who it was that was teachiag*our school down here, why, somebody that had lived in H burg”—Marion gave a 7 slight start, al though she had known what was corUing—‘‘‘told her just who and what Miss Marion Kirby was. And it seems,” went on Mrs. Graham, waxing more and more unfeeling m her virtuous indig nation, “that she was anything but a fit person to teach our innocent children. That she was jlr. Theodore Courtney’s ” “Hush 1” That one word fell in low, clear accents, inde scribably stern and commanding, from the pale lips of the girl who had stood listening to this tirade like au impassioned statue. It brought the woman’s tongue to a sudden stop, and she almost cowered before the blaze of those im perious dark eyes bent full upon her own. “I know what you would say,” continued Marion, her slender form drawn up to its queenliest' bight, those red spots burning fiercely in her cheeks; “butjit is as false as slander’s tongue itself. True, I lured by a handsome, unprincipled scotiadrel into a sham marriage; yet I stand before you new as pure in heart, as stainless in the sight of God, as you are, madam. The moment 1 learned the truth I fled from him in horror, and have sought in hard and constant toil to forget that one mis erable blot upon my life. I have done no will ful wrong, so it matters naught to me what you or your little world oi gossip may think or say-,” she added, turning away with an impatient gesture, half contemptuous. “In any case, I should not have remained here. This enforced idleness has become soidisagreeable that I made up my mnd an hour ago to leave the village. I was just going out to make my purchases. I Shall leave by the earliest train to-morrow.” And with that proud, graceful dignity, so natural to her, she turned and passed cut of the room, leaving Mrs. Graham halt-ashamed of her harshness, and wondering where, under the sun, they could ever find another teacher for their aspiring olive-branches, so faithful, competent, popular and successful as Marion Kirby. “And this is what I must expect from the wojrld at every turn,” groaned the poor girl, along with suffocating heart and ting ling cheeks; “ sneers and insults and mere. Jess condemnation for a ein not willfully committed. Ob, God, how bitter it is to bear !” The seaside town which she had decided to visit was a busy, attractive place, though not one of the most ultra-fashionable resorts. Marion did not think it likely that she would en counter any of her old acquaintances, so she watched the dazzling scenes around her with a certain sense of enjoyment, though she took scarcely any part in them at all. “All are strangers to me here,” she said to herself, as she stood alone by the sea one even ing, watching tho green waves foaming mur murously as the setting sun pierced them with his golden lancee. “I might escape the shalts of scorn and malice, and mingle in some of the pleasures about me, it I were to take another name. But no,” lifting her dark head with a gesture of queenly pride—“ I will not hide mv identity like a guilty thing. I have done no will ful wrong.” “ Miss Marion I” murmured a deep, strong, pleasant voice, just behind her. And* turning, with a violent start, she saw a face that just matched the voice, strong and pleasant, and very handsome too—the face of Elliott Morrow, whom she had known and cordially liked in the old days, before her awful trouble. i Marion shrank back involuntary from his out stretched hand, the hot blood rushing in a crimson tide across her pure, proud face. “ What have 1 done to for.eit our old friend ship?” he asked, impressively, smiling half gravely, half-playfully, down into her changing face. “ Won’t you shake hands with me, Miss Marion ?” You—you know the story of—mv past,” she faltered, in tremulous tones, making no move to greet his smiling request. “ Yes, I do know it, and honor you none the less. I know that in heart and purpose you are as pure and blameless as the stars,” he an swered, his deep voice thrilling with an ear nestness and truth that brought a new look to the dark eyes watching him so doubtlully. Marion laid her little white hand in his strong clasp, with only a look and smile for her an swer. She could not speak just then, the sobs were too near her lipg- But she knew that he understood her, for he drew her hand within his arm, just in the old familiar way, and walk ed slowly up and down the beach, talking en tertainingly of this thing and that, just as it no black shadow had drifted between her and the gay world of which he spoke. Ab the days went by he was o'ten at her side. A thousand delicate little attentions and pleas ures she owed to his thought ul riendship; and at last she realized, with a great thrill of shame and terror, that his presence was becom ng tar too dear to her—nay, that he had already be come dearer than all the world beside. “He could never be more to me than a friend,” she murmured, burying her flushed lace in her hands. “He pities my sorrow and tries to br ghten my lonely, ruined life, but Uve !—oh, no, no, no ! —that is not for mo I” IgAnd a storm ot passionate, bitter sobs told how precious, how sweet was the love, the very thought of which she must banish from her heart. In the midst o'it all—her sweet, unconscious hopes and her black despair—another strange thing happened. Poor Marion 1 it looked as if fate had taken a wh mto play the most cruel pranks with her broken heart. “Call up all your courage—all your pride— for you will need it,” whispered Elliott Morrow, as they sat together on the piazza one lovely morning. “He is here—you will see him in another moment.” Marion looked up with blanched cheeks and startled, horrified dark eyes. Yes ; there ho was—Theodore Courtney ; he who had wrought her ruin-holding the ribbons over a span of dashing grays, and just then turning a curve in the magnificent drive leading to the hotel. He .capsht a glimpse of her, too, as she sat thflfie, in her proud, sweet loveliness, by Elli o'tVs side, and she saw a dark flush sweep over his'handsome, dissipated features. From that moment, the old, half-forgotten passion was re-kindled in his breast. He seemed bent upon again winning the lieart he | had cast aside, but Marion would have none of his attentions. Yet, though she scorned and I loathed him now, a certain stubborn pride, in born and uncon uerable, made her resolve to stay and defy his power, rather than to fly, as if she feared it. But there comes an end to all things, and one evening Courtney found her alone, standing be side a great rock by the sea. It was the first time he had found her thus, and, ere she could turn away, he had caught her slender white waist in his strong grasp, and declared, in a torrent of passionate words, that he loved her again, more madly, more honestly and truly, than he had ever loved in all his ire before. “Only come to me again, sweet Marion,” he pleaded, in his old, beguiling way, “and I will make you my law.ul wife by the holiest ties ot Church and State. Trust me again, Marion, my love—my wife that ought be be,” he added, softly. Marion turned upon him, her dark eyes flash ing fire : “Coward, unhand me !—let me pass I” she cried, in low tones full of passionate scorn. “'Thank God, lam not your wi e I Better my burden of loneliness and shame than the world’s respect with your li e-long companionship as the price of it. Release me, sir 1” “Perhaps you think to marry Elliott Morrow —an unsuccessful rival of ’mine in the old days, I remember,’ he suggested, sneeringly, as he fell back a step, his dark features livid with rage and disappointment. Marion's beautilul face had grown white as the gown she wore. “No,” she said, proudly; “I would darken mo good man’s name with the stain you have put upon mine. Go! your lips are not worthy to breathe Elliott Morrow’s name—the name of an honest man.” “And a m m who will deem it far more hon ored if you will consent to share it with him,” cried a clear, ringing voice, and at that instant Elliott came around the big rock and confronted them. “It is well I chanced to be near, since you seem determined to annoy this lady, sir,” to Courtney. Then, turning to Marion, with the long-repressed lovelight shining in his hand some face : “ And what is your answer, Marion, —before all the world ?” She answered, as once be r ore, only with a look and smile; but it was an answer which both men clearly understood, and, with a muttered curse, Theodore Courtney turned upon his heel and strode away. A few weeks later they heard of him once more just a flash of the wires, telling all the world that suicide's bullet had ended his way ward, reckless career. Thus passed away the only shadow in the skies of Elliott and Marion Morrow, who live in the sunlight of a happy love. strangeTuels. MOST OF THEM OF A COMIO CHAR (From Chambers’s Journal.} In the old days of duelling, nearly every one was affected by the mania—soldiers, sailors, statesmen, actors, and even members of the learned proiessions were ready at all times, and in fact in all places, with sword or pistol to settle a difference or to wipe out an insult. Drs. Woodward and Mead fought under the very gates of Gresham College. Dr. Woodward’s loot slipped, and he fell. “ Take your life,” said Mead, lottily putting up his sword. “Any thing but your physic,” retorted Woodward; and thus the desire ot these two disciples oi /Eeculapius to let blood terminated. AH duels, unfortunately, were not so blood less as the last. Dr. Millingen, in his “His tory of Duelling,” states that during the reign of George 111. no fewer than one hundred and twenty-two duels were fought, sixty-nine com batants were killed and ninety-six wounded, forty-eight of the latter dangerously. The list of fatal duels is capable of almost indefinite ex tension; but there is perhaps as much material in the more agreeable enumeration of disputes that have had a comic termination. Madailian sent a challenge to the Marquis de Rivard, who had lost a leg at the siege of Puy Cerda. The marquis accepted, but sent with his answer a case of surgical instruments, insisting that Ma dailian should first lose his leg, bo as to place them on an equal footing. The joke stopped the duel. Many duels have been prevented by the diffi culty of arranging “ the how and when” of the business. In the instance of Dr. Brocklesby, the number of paces could not be agreed upon; and in the affair between Dr. Akenside and Mr. Ballow, one had determ ned never to fight in the morning and the other that he would never fight in the afternoon. John Wilkes, however, was one who did not stand ripen ceremony in these little affairs of honor, for when Lord Tal bot inquired how many times they were to fire, he replied: “Just as often as your lordship pleases. I have brought a bag of bullets and a full flask of powder.” One of the funniest duels was that in which Sainte-Beuvo was engaged. It began to rain slightly, after he bad taken up his position, whereupon he called for his umbrella, and open ing it, held it over his head with bis left hand, while with the right he held his pistol. The ex postulations oi the seconds had no effect upon him. “It is all very well to be killed,” said the fa mous essayist; “but 1 object to catching cold in my head.” There is a-atory told of Perpignan, a literary bohemian, having an encounter with Charles Maurice at five paces. The former fired and missed. The other, taking deliberate aim, said to his antagonist: “ Well, now, before I send you into the other world, tell me what you are thinking of.” “ 1 am thinking that if 1 were in your place, I would not lire,” said Perpignan; and to this cool re.oinder he owed his lite. There is an anecdote related of an encounfer between a French dramatic author and his critic, the latter oi whom was a first-rate shot. After the author had fired and missed, the journalist accurately aimed at his adversary’s hat, and pierced it with the utmost precision; whereupon the dramatist flew into a violent rage, protested that it was unfair, and ex claimed: “If you had told me what you were gomg to do, I would have put on an old hat. 11 That a man should lose his life through mis pronunciation of a vowel seems hard; but such really was the fact. In the year 1718, Williams —a Welsh actor—and Quin were playing to gether at the Lincoln’s Inn Fields Theatre in the tragedy of “ Cato,” Williams playing Decius to Quin’s Cato. The former .entered with, “ Ca?sar sends health to Cato;” but he mincingly pronounced the name of Cato, Keeto. Quin, who gave a broad classical enunciation to the letter a in the word, was offended, and instead of replying, * Could he send it to Cato’s slaughtered friends, it would bo welcome,’ he exclaimed, “ Would he had sent a better messenger. ’ Tho Welshman was boiling with rage, and when Cato resumed with, “ Are not your orders to address the Senate?” he could hardly help replying. “My business is with Keeto.” In the short scene he had to repeat the name ten times, and each time it would come Keeto. Quin had to repeat it as o.ten, but delivered it with a broad sound and significant look, which nearly took the Welshman off his feet, and brought laughter from all sides of the house. When they met in the greenroom, Williams as sailed Quin lor rendering him ridiculous in the eyes of the audience. Quin said it was in the ears, and would have laughed off the matter; but the spirit of the Welshman was aroused, and would not brook such treatment, and so he lay m wait for Cato beneath the piazza of Covent Garden. Quin laughed as Williams drew his sword and bade him defend himself, and would have sustained his defense with his cane; but the Welshman thrust so fiercely that the other was obliged to draw his sword, which, without intention on the part of the wielder, passed through the body of Decius, and stretch ed him dead upon the pavement. Coming within our own day is the strange duel related to have been fought by the cele brated tragedian Signor Rossi. The latter, dur ing a farewell performance of “ Hamlet ”, at Casale, was interrupted by the talking of the court society present. In the middle of a sen tence the tragedian stopped, and turning toward a front box from which the greatest noise pro ceeded, he bowed and quietly said: “I shall not proceed bo long as you do not hush.” The public applauded, the interruption ceased, and the play went on. But afterward Rossi was met at the stage door by a young gentleman who felt called upon to ask for satisfaction. Tho tragedian made rather a long face, for he was expected on the morrow at Milan; so he ex plained his position to his adversary, and sug gested that, in order that the little affair might be settled as speedily as possible, they should go to his (Rossi s) rooms at the hotel and qui etly shoot atone another there. This proposition having been accepted, they went to Rossi’s rooms, and had just placed themselves at either end of the salon t to ex change three whoa the inn-keeper, over- 1 NEW YORK DISPATCH, JUNE 12, 1887. ; anxious as to his guest’s health and hours, knocked at the door, which, finding locked, he anxiously inquired if the signor was ill, as his light burned unusually late. “No,” replied Kossi. “lam going to bed. ■ Thanks. Good-night.” “ You are deceiving me,” persisted tho inn i keeper, perhaps enlightened as to the scene at the theatre. “You are certainly ill.” “Go to bed,” returned Rossi; “1 am putting out tho light; ’ and in a lower tone be added to his antagonist, “ This is the only way out of it —blow out the candles.” “ What! Are we to fight with pistols in the dark ?” “Not quite. Wo will each smoko a cigarette, and that will serve to guide our aim.” “ All right!” And so the duel was fought; and Rosai wounded his adversary slightly. B. BARW DILBMII THE CHRONICLES GF CARDEWE MANOR, BY LUCY FARMER. CHAPTER I. THE PRETTY MISS BULMAR. I th'nk that Mr. Barnes, our curate, thought much about Miss Alicia after her con nection with tho Haymann picture robbery. Sho had attracted him for a while, but his strong, good common sense, as well as his strong, healthy body and robust habits, soon carried him out of the “blues” he had lor a while fallen into. Not th it ho ever went about complaining -—not he; he kept his own secret, and made no appearance of any trouble; but, bless you, a woman can always see 1 After Miss Ratio was married our lives re sumed their usual dog trot way. Mr. and Mrs. Cardewo remained at homo all the Autumn, and Capta n and'Mis. Martyn-Henry came up. Then all tho talk at the manor -so I hoard--was about the new s pure, who had built a house near by, and whose two daughters were reported per ect ly beautiful. They were so accomplished be side; cold play duots upon two guitars—what Charley called genteel banjos —and sing togeth er a pair of nightingales, by the hour. Their name was Bulmar, and tho’squire rode to hounds. They had introductions, and soon made friends—tbe ladies were so good-natured; no af fectations nor conceit—and when tho vicar re quested the assistance of the two Miss Bnlmars for his opening concert in tbe Workingmen’s In stitute, they went and sang funny duets, until even Tom Maggot, the carpenter,’who is always grumbling, declared they did him “ a power of good.” “Charley,” said I, as wo returned home from the concert, “ don’t those young ladies sing lovely ?” “They do,” he replied, “and they look the same. There was one person entirely wrapped up in their music.” “ Wrapped, up! You mean pleased, I sup pose?” “Yes. Mr. Barnes is musical, and he had eyes and ears for nobody but them two young ladies —or one of them, perhaps I should say.” “ Well, Charley, and where's tbe harm ?” “ Harm, Lucy ! None at all. Mr. Barnes is a gentleman, a clergyman—and a man too—a real ma >, I call him, and does his work well. I wish ho may get one of the new squire’s young ladies for his wife.” “ Ah, and he isn’t the only one, Charley 1” “ Most likely not,” replied my husband. “It is rather a place to bring such pretty lit tle ladies to,” he continued. “ They’ll not marry here.” “ You’ll see, Charley. There’s another person has his eye on them.” “ Who is he, Mistress Wiseacre ?” “ Wiseacre, indeed ! Don’t be so rude, Char ley.” Charley stopped and stared at me till I was getting frightened. “ Do you mean that?” he asked. “Yes, I do,” I said, looking scared, I’m sure, for he did. “I’m sorry for you, Lucy,” he replied, “if you are t iking to puns like that ! Ha ! ha 1 ha I Well, it’s not bad—acre—rood-ha ! ha! Now go on.” “ I wish you wouldn’t go on like that,” I cried. “What do you mean? There’s nothing amus ing being rude ! But Ido mean there’s another —the vicar.” “ The vicar! Why, he’s a widower !” ex claimed my husband. “ Well, he couldn’t think of Miss Bulmar if he wasn’t, unless a bachelor, could he? Tbe vicar admires tbe ladies as well as Mr. Barnes, and, unless I’m in away mistaken, we’ll have a very nice double wedding in the church one of these days.” “ Rather awkward,” remarked Charley. “If both our parsons go off honeymooning at once, who will perform the services ? Well, Lucy, you sometimes do manage to scent out things ; and I dare say yon are right; but if I were you I would’nt say anything to any one—no gossip, mind.” A week or two after this conversation there was a grand party given at the Manor -a garden party. There was tennis, archery, croquet, and battledore and shuttlecock, on the lawns, with many other amusements. The whole country side was there, and a band from Weymouth. Tbe vicar, and Mr. Barnes, the curate, were there; Mr. Hemphill, Captain and Mrs. Arm strong, the Martyn-Henrys, and to my surprise and pleasure, 1 found Mrs. Morton Fitzgemld, who had been married in tbe romantic way I told you of. Of course, Squire Bulmar and his two daughters were present, and others be side. In the evening I handed tea round while some of the guests were playing at croquet, and some shooting at targets. The clergymen were both engaged in archery, and so were tho Miss Bui mars, to whom the vicar and Mr. Barnes were extremely attentive. Alter a while Mr. Verity turned aside with Mr. Bulmar, and I came to hand them tea. After that I came near tho shooters, and could hear their remarks. Mr. Barnes said : “ We are keeping well together, Miss Gwen dolen, are not we ? lam very glad.” “ Yes,” she replied. “ But why are yon glad ? There, I’m in the gold ? You tee I’ve deserted you, Mr. Barnes/’ “I am sorry for it, but I will try my luck when I get another chance. It is my turn next, I think,” he added, looking at her very in tently. “I shall not shoot any more,” she said. “ You can take my bow, Miss Arnott—l am go ing in.” Miss Arnott smiled and looked at Mr. Barnes. “That was a random shot,” she said, as his arrow flashed beneath the target. “ 1 thought she meant it,” murmured tho poor curate, and just then up came tho vicar again in high spirits, in his most smiling man ner. “Come along, Miss Bulmar,” he said to Miss Dolcie. “ We’ll have a match. Here, lend me a bow and a couple of arrows. Thank you. Now 1” Miss Bulmar flushed slightly and advanced to shoot. Her shaft pierced the bull’s-eye. “There’s a beauty!” she cried, turning to ward the vicar. “ All in keeping,” he whispered gallantly. “Dear mo, Mr. Verity, you are extremely complimentary. I wonder where Gwen, is gone.” “ Never mind Gwen—listen to me. Let mo tell you ” Then I was called away; but in about an hour afterward I was passing the dimly-lighted conservatory, when Miss Dolcie came out hur riedly. I heard her say, “ How dare you, Mr. Barnes—you ought to be ashamed ’’’ — and then 1 knew she had refused him. But she need not have been so very indignant. After all, a pro posal is a great compliment. But what about Miss Gwen? When Charley and I were in the garden, I told him something of this scene in the dark ened conservatory, and ho laughed. Suddenly we heard voices, and one said, in continuation : “1 think, Barnes, under the circumstances, you had better leave.” I gripped Charley’s arm tightly ; it was the vicar’s voice, and Mr. Verity resumed : “I must in fairness tell you that Gwendolen quite agrees with her sister—and me.” “Then I will go, vicar. I assure you-it is ” “ Yes, it will be best,” interrupted the vicar “ Things will turn out all right again, I trust. So cheer up, Barnes. Wait a while ; they will soon think better of it. lam extremely sorry, my dear fellow. There is nobody ” Then we heard no more, for Charlev rose and walked away as soon as be could go without be ing seen ; and 1 had to go, too. “You heard that, Charley?” I whispered “ Now, what did I tell you ? You see the vicar and the curate have clashed, and Mr. Barnes must go ! I’m very sorry !” “So am I,” replied Charley. “ I’m rather in clined to think that the vicar should have given way. He has had his turn, and Mr. Barnes, though only a curate, may be promoted some day. Still, I suppose, Miss Dolcie Bulmar is pleasing herself, and not her father.” CHAPTER 11. THE CURATE IS FORGIVEN. A Sunday or two afterward we ail, or nearly all, ot us were surprised to boar Mr. Barnes make a reference in his morning sermon to his approaching departure. He said that circum stances of a private nature had occurred which necessitated his relinquishing his curacy, and he bade us farewell in a very touching manner. I glanced round to see how the Miss Bulmars took it, but neither of them mad? any sign. Of chourse they must have known all about it, and I thought one of them might have properly stayed away from service that morning. How-» ever, the sermon was ended, and in a few min utes afterward we were all streaming through the churchyard and up the road and the lane.° Mr. Barnes did not appear. Many waited about, on one excuse or another, to question him; but he didn’t come out of tbe vestry, and the vicar went home alone for once. Alter a while the congregation dispersed. By next Sunday Mr. Barnes had gone, and then tongues began to wag. Why had he left? Was the vicar to blame? Had he superseded the curate or undermined him in the affections of Miss Bulmar ? It seemed so, for Mr. Barnes did not reappear, and the vicar was more than ever with tbe squire and his daughters. They looked as pretty and sang as delightfully as over- Miss Dolcie was radiant, but Miss Gwen was rather paler than she used to be. After a while the secret came out. Mr Verity had proposed to and had been accepted by Miss Bulmar—Mies Dolcie we used to call her—the elder of the young ladies. “ Poor Mr. Barnes! His love affairs don’t seem to prosper, Charley,” I remarked. “ His first sweetheart was arrested from him.” “ Wrested you mean, Lucy, I suppose?” “No, I mean arrested. Didn’t the young de tective take her up with the other Haymann people?” 1 retorted. “ Well, have it your own way,” replied Char ley. He always says that, when he gets the worst of an argument. “ I agree with you that Mr. Barnes is un ortunate—very unfortunate. Hal lo ! here’s Miss Gwendolen Bulmar.” “So she is. Whatever can she want with us, Charley? Good morning, miss,” said I, with a slight dip. “ Good morning, Mrs. Farmer. I dare say yon are surprised to see me, Mr. Farmer, but I have a favor to ask your wife.” “indeed, miss; lam sure we shall both be delighted to serve you,” said Charley boldly. “Thank you,” she replied. “Mrs. Cardewe particularly mentioned you, Mrs. Farmer, as a trustworthy and most 'kind-hearted person most discreet.” Charley’s cough came on so suddenly that ho had to retire; but 1 waited listening. “ Airs. Cardewe was very kind always,” I said. “She says you are an excellent nurse, Airs. Farmer, and if you could be persuaded to leave home for a few weeks, I am sure I should be very grateful. Will you see Airs. Cardewe? She will tell you what is re mired. Can you go now ?” “ Y r os, miss, I will run down at once. If I can arrange about the child, I will go with pleasure, if my good man has no objection. He will let me go, 1 say.” “ Thank you,” she said again, very sweetly, and off she tripped, looking like an angel in her pink summer costume and straw hat. I went to see Mrs. Cardewe, and returned quicker than I came out. “Whatever do you think, Charley? It’s Air. ; Barnes !” “What! Air. Barnes? The sick man? Are! you to nurse him. {” “ Yes ; ho has a brain fever down Winchester I way, and Airs. Jones said she thinks he’s en- ■ listed.” “Enlisted? Nonsense!” “She said he had got ‘ an army place with the artillery—a little cannon business.’ Those are her very words.” “You are a pair of stupids,” said Charley, with his terrible “guffaw” laugh. “ You ought to know better, I should think. He’s probably a Minor Canon at Winchester. Artillery, in deed ' Well, Lucy?” y Never mind. Pm going to nurse him at Airs. Cardewe’a and Miss Gwendolen’s special request, as I can be trusted.” “ Whew ! ’ whistled Charley. “Sets the wind in that quarter? I think roan guess some thing !” “Do tell me,” I pleaded. “Is it about the vicar ?” “No; wait until you come back. You will be home in a week or'two again, I suppose. You do manage to got away pretty often, I must say.” “And the money, Charley. “Two guineas a week ! v “That’s true. Well, you must write, mind.” Off i went next day, and found poor Air. Barnes in Winchester.' He was in lodgings and quite light-beaded; singing tunes and hymns, and occasionally Alias Dolcie’a guitar melodies, as well almost as she sang them herself. Then I knew he was in love with Alias Dolcie, and that she was going to be married to the vicar. No doubt that had given the poor young man tever. Two days after I had been acting as nurse, who should come in but Alias Gwendolen, to inquire and to bring a tew things from tbe manor, with Mrs. Cardewe’a kind regards. Airs? Cardewe had always liked Air. Barnes. 1 knew that. Alias Gwendolen seemed very much in terested in the patient, and even went up stairs to look at him for a moment. During the fol lowing fortnight she came four times, and must have spent a little fortune in railway journeys and cabs. He chattered a great deal at times, and one night, while 1 was reading by tne little lamp, ho quite startled me by calling out: “1 am bound to go. Vicar, I must go—as an honorable man, 1 cannot remain. Dolcie! Gwendolen! advise me!” I jumped up. Mr. Barnes was sitting up and staring about wildly. He had been so much quieter lately that I hoped and believed he was getting better than tbe doctor said he was. “There is something on his mind,” said the physician. “ Until we can remove the impres sion, we cannot expect him to be entirely well.” But next day —the day after he bad called for advice—be came to his senses. I saw by his eye he was sane; but be kept looking about him. “Are you--Airs.—Airs. Farmer?” he said, faintly. Yes, sir; I’ve been nursing you. You’ve been very ill.” “ Yes, I know, and talked a great deal of non sense. I dare say. Didn’t I see Alias Bulmur sometimes, or was 1 delirious?” “ You were delirious: but Aliss Gwendolen came over many a time with fruit and flowers. Airs. Cardewe and others called, but Miss Gwendolen oltenest. The vicar and Miss Dolcie camo, too.” “ Aliss Gwendolen came, then —alone, did you say ?” “ Sometimes, sir.” “ Did she leave any message ?” “ No, sir, she came and peeped in at you once or twice, and was rather anxious.” “ Really, Airs. Farmer?” “ Yes, sir, she was; and was most particular about everything.” “ When will she come again—to-day?” “Can’t say, sir. Shall 1 tell her anything ? You must really rest now, sir, or you’ll be off again.” He laid himself down like a lamb, and was as quiet as a mouse. * * * * sp * Next daj r Miss Gwendolen and her sister both called. Mr. Barnes was much better. So the time passed, until one day when the clergyman was able to leave his bedroom, and I was* thin king I had better go home again, Airs. Elliot, the lodging-house person, came in and said that the two young ladies and Airs. Cardewe wished to see Mr. Barnes. He was sitting reading m an armchair as they came in. 1 waited for a few minutes, and then went into tbe adjoining room for a short time, and as I was returning into the Aliss Dolcie said to the curate : “All is forgiven and forgotten, Mr. Barnes. The mistake is evident.” Then Miss Gwendolen bade him good-by— very kindly, I thought—and I let the three ladies out. There was something in this more than a more visit to a convalescent friend. “ All is forgiven and forgotten 1” What was there to forgive and forget? Something which Air. Barnes had done. It could have been nothing wrong, because i. so, all his friends would have avoided him; beside, ho was a gentleman and a clergyman. Ho quickly rallied, and I was soon able to re turn borne again ; but I had not fathomed the mystery. In three weeks we heard that Air. Barnes’s uncle had died and left him some mo ney. “ Now, Charley,” said I, “ he will marry, and the bride will be Miss Gwendolen Bulmar.” “ Why, he proposed to the other one,” said Charley, with a twinkle in his eye. “Didn't you hear that?” ‘•Yes,’l exclaimed, “I did. Do you know tbe secret, then ? Do tell me more.” “ I think 1 know as much as any one,” he re plied, “and more than some people. Air. Barnes, that very night of the party, you re member, proposed to Aliss Dolcie Bulmar, who at once refused him, and gave it him well, too!” “ What for, I never could understand,” I said. “ Why, for making love to her sister and pro- ’ posing to leer alter all! She was angry, I can tell you.” “I am suro Mr. Barnes never meant it, Char ley. I see how it happened. It was in tbe con servatory, wasn't it? You remember, it must have been. Yes. I Bed.” “ Very likely. Go on.” “Well, then, I can explain it. lie took Miss Dolciefor her sister! You know they alike are yery much alike when apart, and speak m the teiy same vay ! Yu j Jmay depend that be made a mistake in the dark, and Ivliss Gwendolen heard of it. So he had to go ’ No doubt this brought on his fever. lam sure Aliss Gwen is in love with him, as he is with her.” “I dare say you are right, Lucy. Toor Mr. Barnes !” “It was a bad dilemma, wasn't it? He couldn’t propose to Miss Gwendolen, and she wouldn’t look at him, of course; but when he was ill she came round quick enough. It will be all right, now, Charley.” So it came to pass. Air. Barnes and Aliss Gwendolen were sincerely attached to each other, and they were married after Easter in tho following year. He is now the vicar of a large parish, and has quite got over his dilem ma. Mr. and Mrs. Verity are still alive, and remain in the old vicarage here near the manor as happy as turtle-doves. ~AMAZED?~’ THE PESKYJfEW INVENTIONS. (From the Youth’s Companion.) Tbe discoveries made by scientific men and inventors daring the past few years have sur prised the most intelligent people, and it is not to be wondered at that the simple-minded and ignorant should ba stiU more amazed at the wonders thus revealed. A gentleman spent a night at the house of an old farmer, who, with his wife, had never been beyond the limits ot the county in which they were born. Amused at their simplicity, the traveler passed the even ing in describing some of the recent electrical discoveries. “ Well, well,” said the old lady, “ there ain’t nothin they don’t try to git up nowadays.” “No, there ain’t,” said “pa.” “What with their sewin’-maohinee an’ patent corn-planters an’ mowers an’ so on, it does beat all 1” “ Au’ I was readin’, not long ago, ’bout them cabling clean acrost the ocean. I couldn’t make no sense of it, but pa he reckoned it was some new way of telegraltin’." “ Yes, that is what it meant,” said the stran ger. “ Hear that, ma I” cried the old gentleman, excitedly. “He says, they do. Well, I jest don’t believe it s right. It pears to me like the doin's of the old Nick hlsself.” “It don’t seem natch’rel,” said ma “an’ what’s agin niter aint right." Highly amused, the stranger said: “Of course you have heard oi the tele phone ?” They had heard of it, but did not under stand. An explanation of its mysteries was be gan, which the old lady interrupted: “Now you don’t mean to say, mister, that they really talk by wire ?” “Indeed they do.” “Gracious I How far can they hear?'’ “ Ob, from fifty to one hundred miles.” •’ Wb-a-a-t! 1 don’t believe it,” said she, flat ly- “ I don’t, neither !” cried pa. “Now, there’s Jonas Hixon,” said ma. “He can talk louder’n any man I ever heard of, an’ they say he can call hogs two miles of a cl’ar day. He prides hisself on it; an’ yit if this tel lyphone thing is so, Jonas aint nowhar.” “It’d cut Jcnasup mightily to find out he was beat,” said pa. “So it would,” said ma. “ An’ he’s jest grit ty enough to go an’ hunt up one of them telly phone things, an’ see which kin yell the loud est.” “ Well, I’d hate to be within a mile of the place when they had their trial,” said pa. “ It’d be enough to bust one’s head op'bn to hear ’em.” HE KEPf iF GREEN. A PATHETIC STORY TOLD BY AN OLD ALLEGHENY SEXTON. (From the Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph,) “ There’s no grave in this ’ere place ’ll look purtier nor that,” and the old sexton retreated a few paces as he uttered his soliloquy and care fully surveyed his work. The mound appeared in strange contrast with its neighbors, inasmuch as it was well kept, symmetrical in outline and adorned with several plants in bloom, 'l he others were unkempt, and many were hi-lden from view in the tall grass, for this was tho spot reserved for thepau i per dead. This scene occurred in one of the Allegheny | cemeteries early in the morning ot Decoration I Day, boiore the living had assembled to pay ! tribute to fallen heroes. The old sext.n bad done his work well—apparently with more care than circumstances warranted, and the writer, who had wandered on the scene, was move I to ask him why. He seemed annoyed at the inter ruption, and for a moment his weather-beaten face assumed a harsh expression, but presently the tender look that was at first observed re turned. “All, sir,” said he, “ that’s a sad case, an’ I never think on’t ’thout almost cursin’ them tine men. Poor girl! she's better off now, ’cause she was deserted and alone.” “ It's nigh onto twelve year now since I covered up them two. Yes, two -her wee baby. Oh, sir, she wus a purty girl, an’ i’ll lay my life she never sinned from the time she first saw the light ’till I found her and her baby out on the road near my house yonder. Cold ? Why, sir, it don’t get no colder in this ’ere latitude, and ther wind blowed over them hills like as if a ghost wus a chasin’ it. 1 went out to look ’round, as I alius does, an’ I cum across that air gurl near the fence where she sunk down when she could go no further’. She’d took the shawl she had an’ tucked it ’round the baby—l ’mem ber it, sir, ’s it’t wus yesterday. I couldn’t be lieve my eyes. Sez 1, ‘ What’re you doin here? An’ with tho sot tost an’ pitifulost voice 1 ever heard, sez she, ‘ f’m not doing anything wrong sir; 1 am just resting; I wdl go in a moment.’ Wall, I thought authin’ was wrong, and I sez, “ Where are you goin’?’ An’ she kinder stopped an’ thought an then I sez. ‘ Alakes no odds where yer goin’, you’ll jess cum with me to tho 010 woman an’ let her take care of ye over night.’ Wei!, 1 almost carried her to the house, an’ the ole lady she put her to bed, an’ she never got out till wo carried her. “ Who was she ? Wall, sir, she never told us ! that ’xactly, but her father's some rich man ■ down in tho city, who’s proud. Why, proud ain’t no name fur it. She didn’t say nuthin’ till one day she found she wus goin’ ter die, an’ then, my soul, wasn’t it sad. It was this way, sir : She fell in love with a handsome man, an’ her. father wouldn’t let ’er marry him, and so one day they goes an’ gits the knot tied unbeknowns to ther father. She went back home as if nuthin’ ’ad happened, but at last she could keep it no longer, an’ she up an’ told ther truth. Laws ! but he was mad. He raved an'tore aroun’ an’ drove her from bis door like a dog, an’ wouldn’t let any ot bis fam’ly see her, either. Well, sir, what do you think this’ore husband o’hern done? He took her to some boardin’-honse an’ kep’ ’er awhile, all the time tryin’ to git her to have the ole man to take her back, so he could git some place to stay ’thout workin’. But he wouldn’t ans’er none o' her ’peals, an’ so that scalawag left that air gurl, his wife, ’thout a cent to her name. They took her to a hospital an’ her baby was born. They didn't know ’er there, an’ o’ course they can’t keep a person all the time, so they let er go. She didn’t have a soul to goto, an’ in wanderin’ kinder reckless about hap pened to come this way. “ Wall, sir—it was Spring then—one day her little baby died, an’ it party nigh broke my heart to see her. She ’peared jes’ like an an gel, an’ she looked up an’ sez: “ ’Kind friends, that’s all I had to live for, an’ now it’s taken, an’ I want to go with it.’ “ We could see theu that she wasn't long fur this : ero world. That evenin’—one o’ them qu et, restful sort—she called us around her an’ took our hands in hern, an’ we bent down to her, an’ she sez: ‘Good-by; God bless you fur this,’ an’ sir, her pure young life went out as calm an’ peaceful ez that a.r day had been beautiful. “ We laid the little baby on her breast’s ef they wuz asleep, an' we put’em down there,’ air, togethex*, in that air grave, an’ it don’t want fur no care as long as I’m around this place. “ J. took an oath when I buried my purty lady, air I’ll keep it if I live to see that man that cru elly left her. I said ef 1 ever met him I’ll crush him as I would a varmint 1” And as the old sexton turned away, some thing in his lace indicated that he would keep his word. TIIE "DETROIT SOLOMON. Disturbing the Peace —His Birthday — The Same Mary. DISTURBING THE PEACE. “Moses Johnson, you were disturbing the peace last night," said his Honor to the first prisoner out. “ I didn’t dun it, Bah-no, I didn’t.” “ You were more or less drunk, and you sat down on a cit zen s door-step and sang. You sang him out ot his sleep, and you sang him to the window, from whence he warned you to skip or take the consequences.” “I doan’ dun ’member it sah.” “ What do you remember ?” “ I’members dat I cum out o’do lodge an’ started fur homo, an’ I ’members dat I had an awful time to keep on de sidewalk. Somebody had run de sidewalks all ober de street,” “ Now ! Aloses, you were drunk.” “I can’t believe it, sah.” “ And you routed a dozen people out ot bed with your singing. I like singing, Moses, but there is a time for it.” “ i’ll nobber do so no moah, Jedge.” “I hope not. It’s thirty days, Moses.” “ An’ I doan’ git off? ’ “Not this time.” “ An’ i’ze got to go up?” “You have.” “ Den I’ll come out to sing all day an’ all night. I'll sing high an’ sing low ! 111 sit on de steps an’ warble, an’ 111 stand in de street an’ !” “Remove the prisoner to the corridor !” in terrupted his Honor, and Aloses was run in be fore he could finish his sentence. HIS BIRTHDAY. “George Schott, you were found lying drunk on a vacant lot last night.” “Vhell, mebbe he vhas so.” “Instead of being in the bosom of your family you were stretched out on the broad of your back. Your red nose pointed at the mid night sky, and your gurgles and grunts and snores mingled weirdly with the wild wind sweeping drearily in from Lake Erie, Have you any excuse, prisoner?” “ 1 liaf one oxcuse so big ash a barrel. He vfia? mv /ythday. ’ , , “ And you fforc . “ I vhas. I take file drinks or r, ®°suso I vitas forty years oldt. It makes me. fool foO good, and I lay down for a leedle slxleap." “ How about your next birthday i” “ Vhell, I drink some more peer, “ Oh, you will. Well, I shall fine you $5. “ I oxpect her, uud I pays der money. Here he vhas, uud she vhas all right. It do't was all dis morning, I take my hat uud go home. Oxpeet me next year at dis time, it I vitas alite.” THE SAME MARY. •• Is this Mary Williams ?” queried his Honor of a little stoop-shouldered woman, with one eye in mourning. “Of course it is,” she shouted. “Indeed you know it is. You know me as well as I know you.” “ Then you are.the Mary I have sent up three or four times within a year ?” “ Certainly I am. You don’t take ma for an angel, do you ?” “ No, Mary, I don’t. I presume you know tbe charge ’ ’ “ How should I ? All I know is that a copper tapped me on the shoulder, as I was going home, and said you were lonesome to see me ” “ How did you get that black eye, Mary >'• “ Ilan against a corner of the City Hail, sir." “ And what’s in this hottie, taken from’ your pocket 1” “ Some calls it catsup, but maybe you’ll call it vinegar.” “ Mary, you’ll have to go up again.” “ Who said I wouldn’t ? Tell mo some news.” “ It’s lor sixty days.” “ That’s me. 1 like to be a steady boarder when I strike a high-toned place. Sixty it is, Judge, and may the bald spot on your head never grow to tho size of a dishpau.” Too Much Sweetness.—lt would by no means be a bad idea to start a society for tho suppression of perfumery. Every public place where people are brought together, and especi- I ally whore women congregate, is almost sure to ! be rendered offensive to sensitive persons by the overwhelming odors which are exhaled from the persons and clothing of people who have supposed they were rendering themselves attractive’by the use of these powerful scents. There are many people to whom these odors art a’.war- offen.-ivo. gUtelLwm IMto. H ard Lines for the Squirrel. —Says the Kingston Freeman: This morning an odd combat was witnessed in Rondout between five robins, about an equal number of sparrows, and a squirrel. The birds were all arrayed against the squirrel. The fight, which lasted over an hour, was witnessed by William Van Valkenbergh and wife and several other people. When first discovered, the birds were chasing the squirrel irom branch to branch of a large tree. Each attack was led by a ro in with a breast redder than the others. The birds swooped down on the squirrel and pecked it witii tueir sharp bills. In vain the little animal tried to catch its enemies and defend itseb from their repeated attacks. It ran from tree to tree in its efforts to escape. Its feathered antag onists were always on hand, and pecked it un mercifully. Growing tired of continuing the one-sided contest, the squirrel ran down the tree, crossed the road, and a moment later was seen on the root of Mr. Van Valkenbergh s house. The birds espied it, and once more re sumed the battle. Down the leader of the house slipped the frisky little animalj the birds all the while uttering shrill cries. Across the street it darted back again, and up the tree whore the fight first began. Attack after at tack was made by robins and sparrows. In among the leafy branches and crotches of the tree ran the squirrel, seeking a hiding place. The birds gave it no rest, but kept continually darting and pecking at it. Finally it ran to the top of the tree, crawled out on a slender limb, and dropped on the root of Mr. Barber's house. It climbed over the roof, pursued by the birds. Down the leader it slid rapidly, and. running across the yard, disappe red from view and from further pursuit. It is said that s juirrels very oiten steal eggs from birds’nests and suck them. Probably this squirrel was alter eggs, and was caught in the act. A French Drama. —A trial involving a rather mysterious drama has just come off before the Rhone Assizes. The accused person was a young woman of prepossessing appear ance named Marechai, who was charged with having caused the death of a Greek sea cap tain. Marechai was met by the Greek, Garoia lo, in one ot the most horrible dens of infamy in Marseilles; a place, in fact, which was the re sort ot Levantine cutthroats and cosmopolitan blackguards of every description. Garofalo took the girl Marechai on board his vessel, a brig, which was lying at anchor in the harbor, and about midnight the sailors heard loud cries and groans proceeding from the cabin of the captain. There they iound the girl with a pen knife in her hand, while the Greek was lying on the floor, blood flowing freely from a small punctured wound in the stomach. Garo alo told his men that the girl wanted to murder him, but when the doctors who came to attend him pronounced him out ot danger he went back on his statement and averred that he had tried to kill himself. While he was ill, the girl Marechal nursed him, and on his recovery he took her to sea with him. During the voyage to Tunis, whither the vessel was bound, a tem pest arose, and, owing to the work which he had to do, Garofalo’s wound reopened, and he was carried dying to his cabin. Before he breathed bis lust he told the sailors to beat the girl Marechal, and to throw her into the sea, as she was the cause ot his death. The captain’s cousin, however, who was among the crew, put the girl ashore and had her arrested by the French Consul at Sassari. At her trial her counsel contended that the woman had defend ed herself against the drunken brutality of the Greek. She was acquitted. i A Jealous Rival’s Revenge. —So | many unsuccessful attempts have been made to commit murder by means of infernal machines, that most people have come to regard these en gines as comparatively harmless. But that they can do their work with deadly certainty when all the circumstances are favorable, is proved by a terrible crime which has just been committed in Spain. A young medical man at Archidona was engaged' to a young lady of great beauty. Dur ng a visit to Granada, he learned that the lady was carrying on a flirta tion with one ot his friends. He at once re turned home and compelled her to give the rival his conge there and then. Two months later the doctor and the lady were married, and all went well. About a year alter the wedding, the doctor received one day by railway, from Madrid, a wooden box. He opened it, in pres ence of his wife, and the next instant they were both blown to pieces. The incident of the rival was known m the town, and he was arrested upon suspicion of having sent the box. The length of time which elapsed between the cause of offense and the diabolical vengeance, is — supposing the accused to be guilty—probably due to the intricate mechanism of the infernal machine, which, in the opinion of experts, would require many months to perfect. Eating Before Sleep. —lt is a com mon impression that to take food immediately before going to bed and to sleep is unwise. Such a suggestion is answered by a reminder that the instinct or animals prompts them to sleep as soon as they have eaten ; and in Sum mer, an after-dinner nap, especially when the meal is taken at midday, is a luxury indulged in by many. Neither darkness nor the season of the year alters the conditions. If the ordinary hour of the evening meal is six or seven o’clock, and ot the first morning meal seven or eight o’clock, an interval of twelve hours, or more, elapses without food, and for persons whose nutrition is at fault, this is altogether too long a period for fasting. That such an interval with out food is permitted, explains many a restless night, and much ot the head and backache, and the languid, half-rested condition on rising, which is accompanied by no appetite for break fast. This meal itself often dissipates these sensations. It is, therefore, desirable, if not essential, when nutriment is to be crowded, that the last thing before going to bed, should be the taking of food. Sleeplessness is often caused by starvation, and a tumbler of milk, it drunk in the middle of the night, will often put people to sleep. Natural Metallic Iron. —On the North Saskatchewan river, in the Northwest Territory ot Canada, about seventy miles above the town of Edmonton, Alberta, there is an in teresting example of naturally reduced iron. Along the river bank a lignite formation crops out for several miles, overlaid by clay shales and soft, argillaceous sandstones containing nodules of clav ironstone. These nodules are similar to others found at Edmonton, and proved by analysis to be carbonates of iron, containing 34.98 per cent, of metallic iron. The Saskatchewan seam of lignite has, at some time or other, been burned, leaving a bed of ashes, clinkers and burned clay, in places twenty feet thick, and now covered by a dense growth of grass and underwood. From this mass ot burned clay pieces of metallic iron can be picked out, weighing in some cases fifteen or twenty pounds. They have evidently been re duced irom the nodules above mentioned by the heat of the burning lignite. Most of the pieces of iron are much rusted; but when scratched with a file, they show a bright sur face. The observation is interesting, and to some may help to explain how primitive man originally discovered the reduction of iron ore. The German Housewife. — In the richest German household the mistress super intends the kitchen and lends a hand to the cook. There are dishes which she always makes with her own hands, because her Fritz likes them so. She may boast thirty-two quarterings on her escutcheon, and be very proud of her line age, but she has no nonsensical ideas about its being degrading to put on a canvas apron, lard a piece ot veal, make jams, or dole out with her own hands prunes that are to be put into the potato stew. She keeps her best attire for Sun days, and makes it serve on many of these festal days, for she aces not follow fashion blindly or in a hurry. Oh ordinary days she dresses with a plainness that wbuld fhe contempt of a French woman ; but, then, Lef culinary pursuits do not prevent her from be ing by far the intellectual superior of her French or Belgian sister. She reads serious books, that she may be able to converse as an equal with her well-taught sons. She practices music, that she may remain on a level with her daugh ters, who are trained to be brilliant pianists and she finds time to read the newspapers iu order that she may understand what her Fritz Ms to say about the topics of the day. L.» T est TR ‘ ?i Tenotism. —T h e chief French surgeons and medical professors have for some time been careiully studying the effects of mesmerism on the female patients of the Salpotriere Hospital, Paris, an 1 M. Babin ski, a clinical surgeon of that establishment, has just effected a series of experiments, the results of which would seem to open up a now future for medical science. M. Babinski tried to prove that certain hysterical symptoms could be trans ferred by the aid of the magnet from one patient to another. He took two sub ects, one a dumb woman, afflicted with hysteria and the other a female who was in a state of hypnotic trance. A screen was placed between the two and the hysterical woman was then put under the influence of a strong magnet. Alter a few moments she was rendered dumb, while speech was suddenly restored to the other. M. Babinski also effected temporary cures of paralysis in the same manner. Luckily for his healthier patients, however, their borrowed pains and symptoms did not last long, and they were saved from a calamity almost similar to that which befell Dr. Jekyl when ho swallowed too much salts and irrevocably became Mister Hyde. An Obliging Husband. —Says the Manchester Courier: Lady Arden complained of a toothache. All the remedies used on such occasions wore applied, but still she found no relief. At length she decided on sending to Edinburgh, a distance of fifty miles from Clydes dale castle, for a dentist to e-.tract the suffering tooth, and when he arrived she declared that her nerves were unequal to submitting to an operation unless she saw it performed on some one else first. The few friends admitted to the sanctuary of her boudoir looked aghast at this declaration, each expecting to be called on, but, after a silence of a lew minutes, and no one offering, she told Lord Arden that he must have a tooth out, that she might judge from his man ner of supporting the operation if she could go through it. He appeared amazingly discon certed, made a wry face and expostulated, but the lady insisted. The obedient husband sub mitted, and a fine, solid tooth was extracted from his jaw, after which she declared that she Lad seen enough to convince her that she could not und. r.;c a eimib r operation. A Humane Bullet. — An article in th© ZTnsere Zeif, a Leipzig periodical, asserts that the accusations so freely bandied during the Franco-German war, as to the use of explosive bullets, were largely due to the splintering which the ordinary leaden pro e tile undergoes in piercing the human bo- ly. Ihe hole by which it enters seems minute, but it wriggles and sputters in the interior so much that the aperture by which it makes its exit is four or five times larger. The damage done is sometimes so great as to resemble the effects of an explosive bullet, especially at short ranges* lor this reason Germany hails as a boon to mankind the invention by Messrs. Lorenz of Karlsruhe, of a steel-clad bullet of lead with a slight alloy of antimony, which, in addition to increased powers of penetration, gives a much flatter trajectory, and is w rranted to pass through our bodies without causing unnecessary discomfort. This is killing two birds with one stone. Jt will also kill two, or even three men at one shot, il they happen to stand in the way, A Curious French (’lock. —If we Lave to look to America for the production of ingenious machinery, says 'n ambers* s Journal. we still find that elegant and beautiful things come to us from our French neighbors. We are reminded ot this by seeing the description of a now form of clock which h -s recently been pat ented in France. The novelty of it is in the dial, which is made ot parchment, and painted with garlands of flowers. Among these flowers are seen two bees, which literally Hit from flow er to flower; but while one gets round the dial in an hour, the other lakes twM e hours to run its course. The parchment has no opening in it; and it puzzles many to understand how the busy bees can be made to move without any con nection with the interior works of the clock. Here is the explanation: Just underneath the parch* merit face are the ord n->ry hands of the clock, each forming a magnet. The bees, being made of light steel, readily ollow the paths of the un seen magnets below the parchment dial. Rackarock. —The various explosives which, like dynamite, owe their parentage to nitro glycerine, have the great disadvantage of le iving behind them, alter e plosion, unpleas ant and dangerous fumes, which produce head ache and nausea in those exposed to their in* fluence. In much-confined situations, such as the interior of caissons in bridge-making, much valuable time is often sacrificed in the endeavor to clear the limited working space of this nox ious vapor. For this reason, dynamite is now giving place to another explosive called Racka rock, which is free from the fault indicated. It has, too, some other advantages which are worth noting. It consists of two ingredients, a solid and a liquid. Neither of these is explosive in itself, and they need not be mixed until re quired for use. The s did is made up in the usual cartridge form, and is saturated with the liquid when it is ro uired to assume its ex plosive properties. Rackarock is as powerful as dynamite, but far more sa.e to handle. About Gloves. —lt is a matter of liis* tory that Queen Elizabeth, or “Good Queen Bess,” as English writers o ten term her, was the first English queen who wore gloves. These articles, previous to her reign, were unknown in a lady’s toilet, although the form of glove called gauntlet had been adopted by men. The gloves worn by Queen Elizabeth were unlike the ones in common use to-day, being exceedingly elegant and costly affairs. .Some were of kid, reaching nearly or quite to the elbow and trimmed with gold braid and fringe. Others were lined with velvet and las oned with gold buttons and jeweled buckles. Others again were of silk, gayly embroidered on the backs and fastened at the wrists with gem set clasps. For many years after their introduction gloves were scarce and expensive, but . ueen Bess soon had a pair for every dress, for she was exceed ingly vain and delighted to be arrayed in rich and costly apparel. Bishop Fowler’s Advice. It is said that Bishop Fowler of the Methodist Church once gave some advice to a conference congre gation in this fashion: “ Don’t say anything against the man who is to come alter you. A minister who didn’t bear this in mind was asked by his parishioners what k.nd of a man his suc cessor was. ‘Oh, Brother is a good man, but .’ ‘But what? If there's anything wrong that is just what we want to know. Notf tell us what’s the matter.’ ‘ Well, Brother is a good man, but the fact is, brethren, he parts his hair in the middle.' ‘We won’t have him. VVe don’t want a dude. Conference mustn’t send him.’ The appointed Sunday arrived, and with it the dude minister. As be walked up the aisle a broad grin overspread the faces in the rear seats. By the time lie reached the pulpit the congregation broke out into a roar of laugh ter. The minister was bald.” Death of an Executioner —One of the most original and best known characters of Cologne, the hangman, Leonard Lersch, died this month, at a green old age. He was an ec centric but otherwise good matured jack-ot-all* trades, who, during his long public career, had been a dog catcher, reporter, healing artist fol man and beast, detective and executioner. Ha had, moreover been the only one of his col leagues, who, on the strength of the Code Na poleon introduced and still maintained in the Rhenish provinces, en oyed the privilege of the guillotine in the performance of his supreme functions—a privilege which, in point of costli* ness of transportation, 1 >ss of time and extra labor, sorely tried his patience. For upward of twenty years he kept bis coffin in his chamber,, and in it a span-new black suit, iu which he de* sired to be, and was, buried. Radius cf a Lightning Conductor’s Protection.— The question has often been asked: “ What is the radius of the circle of protection afforded by a good lightning conduc tor r” A well known Gorman architect, Herr Schiller, has lately thrown some light upon the matter by the publication of facts, which came under his observation last June. A pear tree thirty-three feet high was struck by lightning, no protection being afforded it by a conductor which stood on a school-house forty yards away, or by another one, 110 yards distant, which was carried to the steeple of a church more than fifty yards high. Roth these con ductors when tested showed that they were in excellent condition. From these data, the con clusion is drawn, that the area of protection round a lightning rod is a space equal to twice its hight. Woman’s Invention. — Occasionally one sees a gleam of the sense of fitness in the most unexpected qu irter. A story is related of a bleak and bony old Scotch Duchess, who, not being able to secure a certificate oi ill health from the court physician, which would enable her to wear a high-throated gown, appeared at the queen’s drawing-room in alow-necked dress worn over her long-sleeve 1, high-necked meri no undershirt. The vigorous old Scotch wo man declared she’d not show her ancient bones —not for the whole royal family -and tis said the Prince of Wales upheld her. Comes of a Noble Strain. —One of the most efficient post-office clerks in the Union is employed in the Bainbridge. Ga., post-office. He is Patrick Fayette Henry, a great-grandson of the immortal Virginian, whose impassioned eloquence did more to light the fires of Ameri can Independence and inspire the genius of lib erty throughout the world than any other one cause. This great-grandson ot the immortal Patrick has not yet reached his majority, but hQ knows his business just the same. Another Argument. — The Depart ment of Agriculture at Washington, has'been investigating adulterations of food and drink and lias found out, among other things that our beer is adulterated with poisonous 'sub. stances which have a deleterious effect on the kidneys and are liable to produce Bright’s dis ease. In view of the alarming prevalence and fatality of that disease, this is the strongest !«inp<?ranCo argument that has been made tor some tfuie." ■ Electric Lights.— ln the Svdney,- Australia, lighthouse, is the largest elecfrio light in the world. It has a power o 180,000 candies,, and may be seen from ships fifty miles out at s ia. The next largest is in the Palais d’lndus trie, andbas a power of 150,< 01 canilles. The largest light in America is 24,030'candle p>wer. It is at San Jose, Cal. Don’t Wait Until your hair becomes dry, thin, and. gray before giving the attention needed' to preserve its beauty and vitality. Keep on your toilet-table a bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor—the only dressing you require for the hair—and use a little, daily, to preserve the natural color and. prevent baldness. Thomas Munday, Sharon Grove, Ky., writes : “ Several months ago my hair commenced falling out, and in a few weeks my head was almost bald. £ tried many remedies, but they did no good. I finally bought a bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor, and, after using only a part of the contents, my head was covered with a heavy growth of hair. I recom mend your preparation as the best hair restorer in the world.” ‘‘My hair was faded and dry,” writes Mabel C. Hardy, of Delavan, Ill.; “but after using a bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor it became black and glossy.” Ayer’s Hair Vigor? Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. Pimples and Blotches, So disfiguring to the face, forehead, and neck, may be entirely removed by tha use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, the best and safest Alterative and Blood-Purifier ever discovered. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass». Sold by Druggists: $1; nix bottl-s for 85.