OCR Interpretation

Belmont chronicle. [volume] (St. Clairsville, Ohio) 1855-1973, April 26, 1855, Image 3

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026241/1855-04-26/ed-1/seq-3/

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The Chronicle officii had befell it-
niovoti to 1 lio now
masonic ni,i, nun.niiKJ,
A linv ioors cast of I lie Court House,
find u few doors West oftlw Norton
"he rlgtifh wnl'tnnotl geir-lon oftlm Dels
tui I CfHihi) Teatliers1 In .iituir.u ill bo held
m Lridville, cotiinifncitift mi Tlilii dae,
Bitty 3d at 1 o'h ik, I'. tti.
Will not tho Toadiere of the County nt
tcnd the ipprniehftlg ic?ion anil make it
one of profit and interest! Hoards of BdtlCt
tion, Local Directors, nnd friends ol populft
Kdiiciitioti are cordially solicited to be pres
ent, and llnttiiko in nor tli'litiprntiotit.
gtg&r inmw, will meet in tile school holier in li e
j". klsn Went end.of fib?. CtbtttSrlMX, on8sturilif
Maj Ith, 1 851, nt 10 O'clock A. M.
liv or,l,r ill' the ! ' . :
I) ft, T. CoWI'.N, Clerk,
tegj Bishop MclLV.MNE will preach
J" St.Thomaa' Church in this pUcu
on Tuesday, Miy 1st. 1833, at 11 o'cleCX, A.
(tIfany of our rgaders have ever felt
any feu fi that the talent lor Poetry was be.
coming extinct, we Tecl confident that the
follow ing will reassure, them. They have n
"brunch" of the Pierian fount somewhere
"out West," and the author of the following
baa drank deep of the inspiring waters. Ilia
lips have been touched by u live coal from
Xhc altar of Inspiration aid the only regret
tVo feel is that his name is not given. We
publ b verlnxtim r,s wo would not mar the
beauty nor the harmony ol the lines by sub
jecting them M the vulgar rules of Orthog
raphy and punctuation.
Washington Iowa feb 13 1854
Dear Miss
On Valentine day when we w are merry
Witch was the lourteenth o' I'tbimry
The lots was cast and I drew ymi
Which fortune says must prove trow
I 11 be yours if you II be mine
Aar.d I choose you for my VolcDtitfa
With thee hcpide me oh my love
Thv soft eyes fondly meeting mind
I II cease my fortunes to reprove
If thou wilt be my volentiuo
The blue bell by the meadow riil
Its no' more fair than thow
With thy downcast and thoughtful eye
Tbv nnrr and ffpnlle brew.
fpWo Invite attention to the Advertise-'
tnent of our young friend J. M. Hubbard , in
mother column. Hi mock is entirely new,
and must be good us it has been carefully
Ci "Our neighbor intimates that We" do!
not write our own editorials.
"The Scriptures say "He that detclvtth
maketh a lie."
fJ-'j-On Wednesday evening of last week
a verr interesting astronomical phenomenon
was observed by many ol' our citizens. '! he
moon, niter keeping company with the planet j
Venus for an hour or more, and travelling j
along quite cosily with her, was so ungen- ; l
tlcinnnly as to pans between us and her fair
face, causing an eclipse ol that brilliant j
planet, for fifteen or twenty miiiiitta. when he
stepped aside, and again proffering bis arm
they promenaded down the "bluu ethereal" j
lor u abort time, until the hand that guides '
them both in their mytterious wot dcriuga Sep, j t
erated them, and sent each its lonesome way. I
QirThe Wi stern Va. Agricultural Socio'
ty awarded to Duniel Steenrod, Esq., ol
Ohio Co., the premium for the best scro of'
corn. The yield was 101 buahelu. A good!
yisld for last s icon. There was no compe- 1
1 am composed ol 12 letters and gin the
answer to enigma of tho Chroi icle ol lust (
My 4, 1, 6, 10, I), 3, is what we all love.
My 9, 7, 0, 1!, is part of a ship.
My 8, 3, C 2, is one of the points of the
Mir . a. w. is a nreservinor substance.
frThfi Messrs. J)upont,in Delaware, are !
manufacturing pOTA'der for the French army
in the Crimea. Oner of their mills exploded !
u few days ago, but no aeriviis damage was i
tlone. '
The millers of Zanosville, on Thursday
last, reduced the price of floor to, for super 1
fine JsJC for extW ,26- The consumers (
in St. Clai-avilie would hail with joy a re
duction in Una staple article.
BALTIMORE, April 21.
N. O. papers of Suuduy receded, J Iiu
Delta says that Secretary Many il'US tele-ji
graphed to New Orleans lor proof uf i!. Am- j
erican eitisefllhip of Etruuipes.
The records of the -I'll District Court siiowj I
that Francois Batrampeg arrived at New Or
leans from Cuba ir IB 14, being then a minor, u
Proper atepa being taken, he acquired the
rights of citizenship VO coming of age. '
I'he Picjj'i ne professes to have reliable
information from Havana ibat tbe decree is- 1
sued at Madrid directs the Captain General
in tbe event of a Fillibasleniijj E.vpedilion.to
street all ufthe Americans on the Island, not
excepting the U. 8. Consul.
A terrible aceneot ulurm occurred at the (
St. Churles Theatre in consequence of tbe !
alarm of fire raised in the house. The w ild
est confusion ensued, several were injured in
ibsir bssta to get out of the building.
Lt Tuas dates announce tho rewva! ol
jfpredatl'M by tbe Indian.
frWV Qod the following article in the
Wheeling Wsttetts of Ibt I Till Inet.i and si
it Is in relation lo one ol Ike b -st Iftsltgvd
torea west ol the mouutiiiK we ly it be
fore our readers. They will 'elwy find
Messrs. Thrrnfion .J Pallet tun at h u i in
ready to i ' jnuiiodate. i
The Book Business.
We tnke the occasion of the forty ' wi o
the partnership ol Messrs. John If. Thomp
son fit I. II. i'attersoti, nf our city to cull
llie nlleiilioli of deslurs mid cim'.oiii' . loi
book i generally to tho advantages of Wheel
ing, ami the cciiliar sdvsntegeS thev
sees for the supply of a)1 the demnnd iti their
line. Thu book business in our tity was, ma
ny years sgo, maitei oT no litfle linportnuca
Ir nil 1Kb lingo Ib'bl fo bp supplied by tlt'i
necessity Its! Misted fi i a largi? portion ol
the we.tarn merchants to make this I point.
I As other avenues opened this trade diminish
ed until the field was limited to a very small
circle with a feeble demand. At lint lime,
some ten yoars ago, Mr. John II. Thomp
son, who has, been raised here, mid lo the
business, Commented earnestly to gather up
the f cattereil fragments ol trade, and to sup
ply the demand. Steadily and liberally, but
unostentatiously he has continued to keep up
with, but not in advance of the deftiendthui
moling himself to supply all the wauls by
u lair system of trade without oveiruning I, is
capacities by ii surplus stock, srrd yet never
disappointing customers by a loo limited sup
ply. It lias worked well both lor him ami
for ll.e public, until the trude is now larger
and far more profitable than over, before.
Purchasing at the best rates and Mr ith it
suuud judgment, he bus been able lo meet1
the wants ol both the wholesale and retail
trade to very great siitisluction.and establish
a business beneficial to all parties.
At this point he bus united wi'.b him, Mr.
I. II. Patterson, who, has been successfully I
engaged in the drug business until he has
acquired a high reputation aa a candid and
lair business man, both hereand through eas
tern Ohio, and they have taken the store 117
Main st., recently occupied by W. T. Selby,
Esq., which is decidedly one Ufthe best store
in this city, where they will hereafter do
business with an enlarged capital trade and
Their 6ture is about one hundred feet in
depth, the rear portion thorougl ly lighted
from above and very high, while the front,of
SO I fit fifty feet depth, is divided into three'
stories, giving them abundance of room for
business, and furnishing, IS we have said, u
superior and rich establishment,
'J'tieir buelnesl has been extended largely
and ttill partake mainly of the following
character, lor which they have full arrange- '
m nte of the best haracter,and for which tbey
are admirably adapted. They will supply
dealers at wholesa.e with school books, lor
the schools of O., Penn. ami Va., with mcd- I
ioal, law, she 'logical, tOlOUtiih), miscc.lane-
ai:, and blank books, o. the best make, and of,
all varieties. AJso with stationary, wa 11 pa
pe, window ap 'r, transparent binds, and:
variety goods. These will ulso be furnished
inali their varieties at retail.
Thuv also supply dealers with a full us-
sortinent of standard remedies, medicines, lin- j
Intents, &c., which will ensure to them all I
they want in that line. Wo have no doubt
that with the arrangements they have made,
their business wili be Immense, and they u ill I
find it equally profitable and popular.
The public, have, in thsir paat, a aura uar-
suty that their business will be ftrmnnrntA
profitable nut) honorable to customers, and that
is all the pubiic ask to secure il.
Tirr. MT.TIToDiatS AHD Tin; REMOVAL or'
ffCOE I.ORlxu. It is said that when the
news reached the Meibodlst Conference, in!
session at Chelsea, Mess., -n Saturday, that .
the addreps lor the removal of Judge l.iring, 1
lad passed the House of Representatives, the
vhole body, some three hundred strong, rose
n their feet and gave three cheers. Baiton 1
On the 15th Inst., at Providence, It. I , ol
Pyphoid fever, Qeorgt Barhmir, youngest son i
ll M is. Elizabi lb Harbour, formerly of this!
iluce, In the loth year of his age.
On Monday, Ike 18th, at the residence of
ler brother. Mr. Hugh Anderson, in this,
llace, Mrs M.mv Dixo.v. aged about y8 yrs. j
Eggs, io. Butterrao Flour, 10,60. Han,-1
10. Shoulders rit. Sides, 7- t'orn Meal,
16, Sugar, 7 i.i"!. Cofloe, 14. Molasses
n.W ill Oals, 37d 10. Clover Seed 5,00. '
rimol iy scarce 8,8033,50. Dried Apples!
i,oo. Nails 8ulld 4,7. Buckets 25 Salt'
icr barrel 2,55 Lard Do. Potatoes $ ! ,75.
Dried Petehes tl,75.
April 21.
Flour fair demand 700 bbls. sold at l),5Q.l
Corn 80.
Provisions uncnangrd.
Hulk meal sold to a limited ex ten ' at fi 1 1 1
, for shoulders und sides.
oOO bbls. prime lard 500 kegs do at H.
Butter dull, l6alio.
Clnversped 5,50. i .
Molasses, firm at 111!
Active enquiry for sugar and fair qualities i
re held at Sc.
Coffee dull.
Eastern Exchange J. j premium
April 21.
Fl iur, Ohio firm with sales of 3,500 bbls; ,
Southern, sales at ll ( .,;,; ..
Wheat linn, while 2,70.
Com trille higher, with sale3 of 12 fi 'i
;ushels mixed at I , It.
l'urk unsettled, sales of 600 bbls. old iness
t 10,'91i6,a7.
Reef l'lrm, with an upward tendencv, uil- '
ack.'d CijicHgo at 14,75al5,05.
Laid fii.M, saies of keg lall,35, and bbls
0. 1jetOfif,
Sugar (ii'iu, New Orleans 4ja5j.
Molasaes &tm at 87aS0,
Linseed oil firm ut 85.
Cottun uiarkst has recovered its previous j
1, dine and is active, sales of 50,000 N. O 1
nlrdiiiig St 10.
Stocks firm. Monty unchanged. Erie
50. Indiana 5's 84. Cleve. &. Toledo 73.
Reading 86j Canton 27. N. Y. Central i
14. Cumberland Coal Co 28 J- Cleve. Col. 1
1 Tin 1033 Louisiana fl'. 90. Virginia
It'tSU, I', nn'.i. C. ., C'tfiig4, Missouri
l-K T o... OV IMJ
! trl'i.ii akOUlUttWt7. Tl.io..t Dlssales, !
'Scklna . iflh, an4 lh i sfl Is ol unptudrnt hss i
Mjrreartr, no msotclA Ml vsr asdhi diieosersat
which hss i lluti'.d sech sutis as Cartel's 4'Bawrlsh I
i RPttutS
Throsl rlfsnisra srnduord by sslirstlnn Hatting
Coagh, HnweMal An" SitariS, l.iv.r IMwsjsi' u
ralgis sad Haeosaallssa, bssssoW Usee talhivsll and I
eared In a wonderful manner, by lbs gteat strifeVi
, "I Ilia Mood, CarMr's p ., ith tiiattss
ThscaseelT. II ffsotsay SHins shnold sniisfy 1
nny win, d.iulil full fen the Atfrnl mid HUaj
p tniphli i toui lining nun s, win, i, ill asieuns; yuu.
Ben larViilSenitw -Mstch.tfl Ira
i nyTTie Vesi avalenaa ihatesn bs Kddn lin rV
Vorol th. tfllcaeliMsnsss nl HiNtand'a i. riioiii IH I
Ftefs, prepared hyMr.C. .M. (aeksetr. i ike tntrs
e,-di iii.;.i den i loi ibnni ton" sll paU rn tin I
Uniuni and nniiirUjtn ihrri insy ! Ii v r.ihliSiuii 1
i prwnurd slid twprssenlgil as Ion; aoilk) ol a hi.
i oral psironsis, fi wu leal eenauaiocd fcs remark,
that Hss sasl aanikef ui lesstiM uisn srhJl arhlth His
worlby doctor lins hsrn lumof.-d. hf porsnini 01 tbe
highest eharaeter sod raspsctsbiliiy, who found it
necessary to have rscourso in hli preparation, is te
lini 'ay tufliti nil) t'Ohfttusive, thai a mors sHseiual
I renierfy lin lbs shnosl Imsssdiats r.-liui ol usaie al
Bieivd aiua ihatdiraiul nuisauy, ilvspaasta, beanos.
cr men disss versdi tfoa ailvsrrlseinsut.
May 89, 1 .4 -Bar.
W iv Millinery.
.Miss prfsciUn 1'. Alcmtidor,
KR8rBCTfULt.Y ihnnuncei to the Li. :
tir. al St. IVairsnUki riclulty, thai iha la
u tsans lo carry na tlm IliZiaary fmiifiicM ok
Anm 'l It vaiiaui l.tai , . ,.-.v.!. nj,jl
y5t '' "' '" iV- '?p
WiF ISSlieS i0 l. IVia i.i (kStfS ii
Ttlnnnfns ami in.iku.t lienii.i: at the vef lalast
Itvfes, and al sary rMifnalda allcss. Iter rsoiitsnas li
at ill.- I at Hint ui hi. tVsirsVlts, in ilia !inue ,,i plr,
ioasps ilatlar: iiss'l 'i:. , ,.ti: .',,,' Itr'aUrocsry 1
Hi. Ciairsvlfla, A rll M,U, lai. pd.
Slat of Ohio, Bt 'm.'ht VttUntyt SS,
P"OTf(E is hereby frivrn that the follow-
itit-ii BCeouilU anil VOUeJMVi in my Hilt c lur irUtttDinl
tu WiU
Jm!ih fwlintm, fiatriliftn r the minor Uuin nf IVH
1 1 it id OrMis, d6cns )
VV.slJlAtQ Mi. Avnv, RjiV nl Jiin' Me Avoy. iIitM.
.Mary Vvi k in.-, DUtrdiatt or OiiOrge, ffalltitttl, Julia:
Ann Ami Wild in Parklnvi
UhrUUwlMC QIf ltirfQttrttlfisi uf lVilllamChatrUr, I
John A , iWNifatJt, RhMMior atut BliMhtrtliOaljfihtr. i
harlwi IsVWffc MccrdlM of I. indict .M. Biiwtet. I
'I'liiniiaK UtlttiUllngf. (iiiitiitiuii ui Tal-ittitt Hi al '
Tr.o firoi three above uninctl ftccoutitfl will Ira fir liearirtfl '
und feflttlettMnt oil IhelHat, and ttitt tlui. last on the Mil
a ay i ii May' nott
1A VIII 11 VRRI9. TroUtt Ju.Le.
Aj.ri! M. I85S. I
"'S' S'l0' S ',;t,s;
kw .onther & Shoemakers' findings, i
r I "UK nndersion. d offers for Sale, lo the
J ciilzanaol w. UlalrnvlllS and rii I o it v In thu raom
mimerly occi.riiiiil by II, M. II, t'layland, a lj .loarj '
aaat al Msrlatia 8irost,atnliiaarlji OMiotlia thu ot Of-1
lice, an tntlrt y now ami Sit clucteil itot k ut
Hoots, Shoes, Huh. Capo, L ather, ami Shoe-1
maker's fn-liiiju.
mo atook baa basil caraftifly nlaaiad lis an sspsfianesd
lianil, anil wa will tsi riant nil our artf claa to ua ortlis
lu.-t it t .anil 'o u.r.r llteui at rauana I.: print.
Ail ikimlt ol . wii.,i. v produra, and ; I ajeau ra 'stn
ken l-i asclland, rfl Inn ui.ii ilu,orrt urlcca.
J. .:. in mi m:r.
A;ril 'Jii, If..,.",,
'I'n the Supervisors 61' Komla of Uttth
laiiil Tp. Bmout Co. 0.
ynr are hsrsHy niiildr I tint inn will not lia allowad i
1 i.iinp, ntatnni I., ti- ,1 ,y. i. trurk un Ilia I'liblle
Krauts ISTtOM TOwnalAp, fui leperii Irndlna lilt than
aiflitorian paiidt aacli day. Al.o, ynn, who liavniint
lUSil yonr Honda with the ''p, t o rk 'n required by law ,
arc n .pi, -i..i in ,ii, tn nt once.
Hy ordsr ol Tritktaas nrln
Ui-t: Jl, j.tV-OI'UVEU, Tp.CIrk.
Apiii te, lass,
DisHolutiou ui' Piirtnoriihip.
V OTJCE is hereby oiten thai the Part
1 narahlp hftretofhrn psistlns ii'tw. i n Ilia undr.
Otssd St ItnSk Wll, Bnl ivCounty, nino. nodur t'l-!
firm orl. M. Stcwsri Sc Co. "u diatolvad on tin li.i1,
dst of April, is.,",.
loAtt M. etewsrt is SMthorixad to eollscl u! claims
line -a d Arm, sad It to pay ai dvttianda asainst Ilia
tamo, icr. J . M. s I'MWjtllT,
ApriJC, IFMi V, llOl.l.iilV.rV.
WTor sTlb, 1
I )l',IMi iletiron io move West, the Sub-1
I tcrlhai arluM rrir ,o,l will 'oil the I'nlowliu :
ilutc rlUuil Ileal t:tato-
ISO -k -KV.S Ol' LtNO.
iHtuate In Richltnd Townthip, MinnnlCe, Ohio, and !
null,.' road leadiua f'oai l.oydtvilla uitlw L'ehtral Kail '
BOSS, patSS oar n ol m 1 1 Rll iiiilr. In, iii pSfll place. Mill'
Aeiet at i leared Land la a (ood itals orenltlvatlon, ,
and toinr ill Acres of lh it I it grata. Thars is mi Hit!
tarm idaiitlfnl tnpply if WOOD and UOA I., ami pev
or railing sttsaais si tv.i i;u in oven Hold sn Ilia
Titers lion the nlaas a Oral rate P IBM IIOUSR rtirn
latodfoi two I'.oinlov, ir nouetaary, and til older ue. t
",'"'" WMnea. ieha lar2c tilplll) nlslnioat
'jVSJS story kind ol PBDl'P I'llKEH adapted in tbe
.5, . innate. A noun W 151.1, OP WATRI1 In !!..,
nnaaa KHclini Ihio-.andn noted rtprlpis or clear cold 1
spsrk'ins water within thirty ttSpt nttho iloni
An iMirtOii wlshin( lit pnrcHaSe a Parm would d
wen in call si m v boute and Jndan for u cclvct, ami I '
llio termt or Sah win lie made scominodatlug.
l win tell iha altive preoilsSa on reasonable isrim
ami tre peseosslou irs'xl Pali,
Kob. IS, lUSil W.M.IAM CASH. ,
FOli T11H IIAIllT" " i
I jSE Wrighl'a Ceniiine Kalliairon, for,'
preanrvina and -mtiirliif the I in hair, This
valuable proparatlnii pfevonui IWdiicta and falllliinir ol , "
tin- liair,(lvitittreiilli aiulviifiir to Un. root, prodocct
abrUlisHl arowth, reinlart It ton and may. reuiovei '
Uandrun, koept n i im i srey, are. Price Ue.
par bottle. Por ah by I .
April 18,'U. A.tl, MARTIN Aro. J
.war - irsx Tn z. N
Statu (.(' oiiio, Bolniout County', s.s. '
cot ut or com Max PMBA&
Civil Action. A 1 1 nt hmeiit. ,
BliSapStk Orr, ritoiiiil.
Thoiiiai Binith, UcrendanS,
V '' 1 O t; Is h bp ilven io Hie dofSndanl in ' V
a im aMe i ast, wunretldoi oui artbe blateol Ohm ,.
iita ..'i,i,,,n i,i,,,.,,ii,'d oiiiM',,,,,1 Court iii laldi I
utioa .. IwiMirafaaid plaialln7,ia rsnOvar a ludiuwni I .
ti.aint thu taiddercadanl i..r S,tsiapdliiisretilliera- b
iii iMii Ja,y I, SSS,ad thai the id dereiidaiit lire, n
i o rod io aiiawvraald paUtiou on orlforSatitrrtay,tln : k
lih ilayuUuue, UU. n -i rov. rv i
Apul ill.lrtSj. Alfy tor PlajMl'itr. ti
KoTioti Wpautihok. "
Kiln p. Neess, Dsujaadaat,
against j
Ranjaaiin Neess, Maarp Uootva loMBbaaaai aal it' '"
i . ctiaUuStl io. .i,', klatthaw L'larkaad fart', hit ;
Hit.-, Jamaal . Moors, .Mm ll. Moure, and Ann i
Hlosta. Jul';.
ON Iha 12Hi day of April, lSjj, iheun-!
dsrsifsad Died In Ibntllark'a Offlca ol iha OtHirl
til (.otnuioti PJiiaa, wll'eJinoaitiauaip, in the sasia of
Uluo, pctiiivn.la utiit.li ..,,! n n, B0 ,. I
ina.dcmaouiiunial parui ,d,.0 , tl.ai,,u,rl ,
M iaiulol win. a Jam. Uoor, decsassd, died aataad
I.. HU. pan u. teaioil IS, Town.liipT. Bsnss -I. tit! '
tie intti.l iMunty, and bounded .. loilotm, l ,,,
loi im .lini at ibo aaslrs rssMaoctlaa, and mnaiiu
Uieoce iiorilieirUca Doi' i pir, tliasea South I dec,
I. i ll., ;,i,' . ii.oi.. . Vi.ni, fli ,(,..,. vVeal 1411 poot. V
lliiiceh'orih2dej. KatlSptdet Ihrnoa Norm ;,n df.. v
bsal a Ml iniltit, .a. ii.. ..,u, i,ia. rYaal H4& polct ,
ulua puu.eollieaiuBin,toaUla4a3l Acs unwa el n
leu, at follow One haUol Mad land in aatd HlUt H.. ,
ue umih ihervol loan i ttid deAnidaaia. Pmija nln
llanrj . and Ann, a id i. lauth io tin. i,i, Uii.i and '
ivibi. sad oueleuihstitald t'ltrk and wife, at Huts! 1 "
eiuhcr leroi 0' '"' fdurt lor laid r, applitalii o
win boasads fcr susrdor fur melt partiiwii'. ?
ApnilJ.'-iov. B.u.PupVW,iitAtfy r
V'J' our loatance an Attachuieiit waaC
Hot rity itt H frnrn the docket of William Tld- '
.all, a Jutico of the Pet 1.0 of Kirkwood Township- . ;
ielnionl Coiinty. Ohio, trtiatl the crTeott of Itttl ti
aimer , a nuri resident nf said uoejitp, for the eura ol w
oneteen Soltare aadCTcoutt ill
Apt d 10th, J0fl
CAfa dkjoiiiui aaxMUNi dpi m,
Veaa' Vmrt far eai'a) ( unnti,.
Maiion Inflatthi AdnialStfatai nf J.,a A.tlslnss,
HesessSS,S'id I'aimp M lltir.e. AdMlalSWatlll
: '"in Bald b. earth T. Haissj Mthlealh nsi
iMepaise lltinse, Umisillalaei Rsiaia flsrass.
ttMtOi i; enmplel: Rett Contract.
' I JIi above ii:iicii D fend a nil wil tuke
J pef I'.et a letltian bse lif eh Died Sa-alnsi thsm
iptht'l t i f:.in oi ilia touiiti oi gflmesi sn t
tethdar- sislsrsB o Ml, i,y i. , hasdAd
Hitnleuststsnd Adutlutttrslris, aaltinj forth ,n tub
HaaaS, that SS Ibebtbsaeol Jar. J1, anameleol
saissataat erss esa ntedbyri Inhn a. HsiheSi
Hss'd, ana the ttid ftephen B, llaadeteton, lot inetale
ami vet sacs oi o itata i t :i i rem ii I
Dig part "i im IVo ::. in i- i-.ii 11 i:t.t loiiitmi,
ihtt fitpiiS IS 'aillatt ttat lupleleav'hfl ei I Html
dii-i ' pe'itidnsH pi no tar. ir.lv In l : l ,
. umpire, end i.tltp oOlllii pnillS 4 01 Id ontrSrl,
that taid prtltlnn will bs bctrd on Ihi ' i dti n April
A. H. ofM ll. I. IIATt'llKIt, Adailbi.iritnr,
Railh, PANNV M II AIM i'. A 'm'r.
I VH l olio, ftlM.MOrVt ni vrt ,
Protiaii Co o 1 1 jot totid t'tjinhj
Msblea n tfatchr-r, .MfnlkretrMot s! Retort CMIiaal
Lie etlid.
rebiyn rtesrts, RIISsHsth Chstraat, Nllfsi Chatfarit
Phsla Battsitliwait and iashuafistisrtlisrsil in..- lias
band, MiHsn f'barttbt, Rar.hei era ith end (llrska
Huilii. hel bashStnf, Mey r'nilltnt. RlhTalictli Klnesp,
KiihtaltntllMttfsal, Itdia M tilotiSf as! Itthn auu'"'
ats bsr nneasasl.
Ptlitim to totnpltti R..ii ffontraU.
r I IIK above nained Defendant will tiks
a nolif, thst s Pstltlpn was file. I asslnit lhso,os
ll.- JVtl. do -I March Jl. Ii. In the rrobStsOouflol
t!i Uonnly ni Bslmnjot by IBs sbsiss lisaisd AdtfilsiitrS
lor, tatniiii inrih in snksuiass I bast as ti,etii, sayai
Aprit.A.II 141, an articbj of asrs(MShl wet ctrt.ic.a
by IBS Hatd ll dun l.'ha rani. In n , and the SSId Oi Ideal
11.,,-t" hf the eaaahsl ctraveyaaas oi cSftata prSmMSt
in.-(.' n ' a tad, uaiap aparlol Iha south wsst aaartsr ei
i r . S7, In ItrWHSlria 7, idi.ite 4, contaiunnl 40 nrrea;
that bohtls IBs lonirad wat taniplnted taidCbalfaai
died, tSId p.titmnei yrn . lo. aatholiti le lul.'y I OStplelS
id talry out the pravitUmS of taid eomrtet.
Btbl petUhin w .n nt-h ai l on Ihe tioth del nl April,
IB. M. I.. liA i i iu;it,' At, for !. ..
sSrs. attention.
II . J. w.ni.nvcn, af at. Clalrtviiia, Ohio, and .
al traUh.KtS.., o lVashihtn , t). C., have asadi a.
ransstnSttts io i nnrni and the services of nas
8 pi tf.n mnai ahhiand tspsrlsneeduriraynrs
oi tn. i Puldii l.tiidelntli lltiited Hlatea.to
wa dirset the l.oratlon of l.snp Warraiita; and
rrf ro' i: i r n ,i ii. pycrtiil apditsihisi loi
-S24p !" u,,,3 'aiiil,entiona,dtc.
IB, fi 'in., nhct mtp Iceentlttrdlo l.snd War
raid, I iiaiont, c r . or who Wi.h Land
Warrthli l.of ated, i an apply to M J v
, J i;i.or.i, at St. Chirevnle Ohio.
''J April fith IS.55, 1855.
Bu Btonlns.
1 Kill. I. EXTRA ijSTlNfl n.Mtl'ET
Rasters make, at (nnidl) BTn Ml'. A THO i ('
rkJ HARrtELS n. o. moi .--sr.-
17 Just ri i 'd and (tor "tie hp i. I I . I .- o
April H, 'St.
mtf and fur tale by Mp. (S JJ ) J.TIIo M I'MuN
HOOKS ft - WALL tim
WbcrliUK i'a.
Books, Stutionnry Wall Pnper
Aaanti ror all the iraputar
I'niiiti Mcsticiiirs,
Pormerfy kept by (J.tC II. (ATTSIIBdV A CO,
Ko, 33, .:.,nroe
wpril IJ. IS3.1,
U'E are now in receipt of our Spring
Htoth of
Willi Pnper,
l'itli:(tiiin 1 l.ic ifihi .tl'l Itlli't itfai'n'ifn ah n
It. in i u.f Citfiri ii .'iin- :.t wliicli we mv in t:.c ntlriii'.ti
Of IliOfO ill mil.
Tff1ilifffl P.tTTIeRSOtf,
IV, Slain striact - a' .u r yiitti
AprlM?, T-:.'..
T. i Mim & w.
'. .-. u. rsjEasJtaal nTifial sa -v,
' ntfo Si. rinlrita'llle, .
flELk Books, Stationery anil
Also nil kinds of
117 Ifitibaal price ptid for y.in.l ti.-au Rags JJl
Apt II 15.'..
( or) LIVER OIL A freab supply of
Kasllton, Clark Ot C'o's. celebrated C. I,. Oil, just
'SSeivedhy A.U. H4RT1N OU
April IB, 1833.
Worm .Vie':ir llropa.llie :-si Veruiintpa for da
ustyiiif and espslilng worms now In use. rorasle '.' 1
A. L'. 11 t ii J I N & CO, ,
.pril h IMS.
CjlRINT AND NAG EE, would inform lite
I. public tint ibcj heve jut in mv. d ibtir stock "i
SiirlUH ikuil SHiuiiki'r ClolhlsiB,
t'hirli Ihep oflbr at aslreiaely low irlssi forCaan. j
Thelrslock cnuiiirieee nvery variety of 0lothtCatai'
ivro, Cathttiarvt, 1'wesd, Joave, Alpaca, and i.iian
'oats .
Batln, Bilk, klarasilhia and I.IBea VeaOi, Qlack and
ancy Caeaiun ro Paula, I.lneu, lin au,i ditta u Do. i
our Hioik oi ruiii-, tlseelinsree, Tsalinal and Trim
lings, in unuaiisiy large and vary cheap. To Ihoae hi I
.ant nl a gtmd sdli wii would esy, Jtttt slop In and .'tain
iisnur stock at pieie grioea snd ymj will Savs amns, by .
ii doiug,
Q 7 Ud for tale at tp. IV. ), TIIOMmoN'S. j
liLTW f KK Till;
tig. Si Kichts aiirtUiiuw !oIIiIiiks
ll TUX' III illMIM'Mt I'll Ml IIHMl.hl K:iIi!I'1j IMltllPtlt! t'l
tin: neiiiiiiiii x i t-iil' nl t tic Moit loam ui
t'lio hai j'lrl itMiiriifil Immii tlir I -i Willi a Inter nn ;
iriiiM-i't Ol I'M 's'iimIs, noch n Califtitp, l.antih, !'
Mii t. ttardurag Mk . gtpauctii and omlilcvcii J
irn tni nf aSin, Uroiiuali at ai ,wwt v raica. A Ui$i i
il odtiaipailil HraMl UoHUvtai, l.tilirii iiraw - Uisei
uuiioia aa4 Satis Honnit uialiiihifii i' ..".if of ali!'
Illtttf "I I'll' IllOlts bltailriU r.l U'i
at art M tiij lifauiuul SJk Mantila 'r nitinnu r , '
l latt.H ft Ir. .l.ri, n nl at l.i.if Imca (ittui. - M
otijin i4tnet. mi k i an! and oaalify f Maalinsg anil
i that in aacaaaary In tba Urj Uowta fiaa, etMaief iimn 1
fC lirfurr. I '
Aha a ia avsortniant nl Ki:.rtiiV IMUE I '." 1
UJNjO-llai apa, Boots and tfhoei, rioths.. (.'ah- . 1
rrrp , 'aSKitiiHU, Latfulll CloUti ii it KiikU ill aSainiiit i '. 1
tat i" fi'' pK'cc. ; i
.ij'fii v, viX
West Ah'xantU'i . l'n.
I "'HIS iiiti.Utfo.1 if iiuai(.'d iii Wii.-hiuj;- 1
tmi, L'i. Va , lc$u4 Its iJjiitl ofMsOij oil TuuhciIj. :
larrb iii, wlib itaiiarhiji pio j-rna Tin location i ;
laasaut ami 5aayttitiit. itw Society m !hh1. Poard j
U it ion A'i'l l.lglit kVI,Wi, Wwiiioi tkiioiovi t
naaioa uomnioaat!! tlrat Wciinifiiay in eMay.aiid'toioa i
. iaxt 'l lnii uliiv iii Hfpii'nisjMT. Cikia illicit piviinf I
i Hi r inikj loativii tttii pa firt ray apply la lo ilia t'i in
.Itiril lis. jj. ! ,
9S HAWAII l.;:
I 'HBasvieraiiTMl lost a VQCKE V HOOK'.
I. on. the nibintt., either ! M. riairtvllh-. nrsni
in road loading to Bautou &. Ho.','. Factory on W hoolii - .
roog, I
The Poekot Bnnk rnntalned 480 In good hank !ihk in,
t and 10'k and 1 1 r!r,lBr Bill n one ol ihe Washhiyon L
ity Baaga. Jtat.ocoiiUiasu a siteos lor SPt&S on stal
n.nre Bank, and eome va'uiblt pnnera. Itis above re-1
trd will x hivoii for he Pocsot Book and conitntt hy
rj nndertlgued mho rttiilao I mile north of the afort, I
id Faeioap. and i lasleseortn ofPi riairsv.lip.
Af!i;illi,l:. tVtUtidsM tTK't At I '
an si Bsapssk i ,
IT. CLAiRSVILLE & WlifcELlis 3,
17 III.: pafli CuiliatitM ier)
, mom i. -r ISai lays nsasfraid at 7 t'elsCSi
Betainitis, isaegs VVBsasissst H s'tiotk, P M. saui
mrtMi keilts.
; 1 1 V e'k y B X a ?. L8.
1 AT mr iTat!'i in Pt Ciaitatii'r. 1 am ptfparH f- t
nigh, st all tun' i, iir.t4t tat batnrH M ln dh't I I
l.a'l.. vvi'.Mir . !'.,. ii'rivif. Kirtitif inrtniii-
1 4nidir1atail uu i"i! t - t rnu h ''It. Ma
hfal In I'M 8BI Ctrl - f4n,
P I i'Vfi
MdlblnviloiH Ai-.i'.'J It, ' s iy
I ) EliPECTFL7.LV Biinouwcti that li lia..
Is ,. lodolSuuTSi HlKit: fttanelatterg la the
SApt sR
I io s aoniMioell . sn Ustsd wfS
; i,I hn 1 "l(ti -. ;a. Iltl.'i t'f fl'st nu a:'. . f f I rim..!
-: ! Ii '.' . i!,;a (.'-.II ."Jsir-;. ife utyuy i. bttl ti.
laaaioi iforknientlsltfH tvoitt .1 wtv-r : ii waaf
W Hf DOt ia liHl M1lt Ol IpOetflJnf, but lit
1 lniittf tt my ilit Iii ork irflf i.'j&.; or(t (vorab
. v, tin anv a:-., i tstaatlaaDifMie
Ht tmUttt a ihataof p atMaiinl liofeatofifi ir
lira taiUnKUtja io Ui nko laay favi bita tritli t.t.r
j om.
Bt. CNaJtsvitf , Ap$iZ Iftffc
T'ttlw cri1.. r J I've i llfiinn f oVftaita.
O.N the BOtlida ui M rt'i. A I 1
Ihh l'iniai CMrtal flloal roaMy, Ohio, da
I tlarad ioaaitatal Ctaa BawaM,aVad. lo I . i -i
afy . HtaolroMt. t.VrH 'iwrd tin n lri: n quired "j ; .
oui liMit tlalaia ataiaai ia Miaii laika atttdaraiin d
ftn diHutVaiK O, l.ilDiM til III I lit flat (rOM Lt l1Hlg k
ataMhNM ti, im Ibay n .11 bal i a latii od : paj itnat,
H inniifOitf i ko i . ..
AHfU'f 't fc'kB'l It 'Ilflll dtt-'.l
I Si. CfauatrlllW, Mr.I U, I i..
Estate uflira ClAU(ler,tWftT
OTICfi id liureby given Mat .. Bt
i 1 1 Wihai baatiaaa daly aoolirttd and qat lifted
1 t'i ProttatM Catfrt uf ilioont Obio l4siilMM)lfa
lorai itie Ksiatt ui Ud UbajodJaf Dacd, ie. o: taid
rum ty.a
ah tlo knaartai ihcmMlvaa IwdaWad loaaM Vnta'.r
ata raiatatad lo aiaaa witacdtaia yayiaatyaad tltoaa
batrlai aiataai mtiI p'oMat itiaM daly aiiihaaiicttcd ni
aatiltaitttl taitliia na yaai u na tlitu data
Ii iKfilsVUN U IMM A.V.v, Ad .. "
4ptU 19 i-.'5.-:tt.
,Slm;il Notice t Army Ofttcer bvl-
diors, Volunteers. Tcaiuters,.N-
val Officer Soatnon. Marine! ami
Navy Cleric, and their Surviving
Widows or Minor Children.
f 0 I are now olitlejto I Land Vr
Taut i'r MV aafaa; and K j aa ive already r
I aeivad lo -if -ii a rt-a, yon jtr- aiitHM d ; an ad Jit urn al
qnatitilyaiaal loo kcraf Wbatttai you daajrn io
' n'-ii n nu- out w aarama1 it ii iniaotiont that tin?
aarnu la oroautfil m Ithoai d!Uf, a Ilia fraat Hum I tti
vt tVarr.kHin wlitcttfwitl ba tbrwn Mpan t:t'? ma fa at,
' iiitisi mwh aiattr laity radaica thati ratals !". :'i-i
llilad IVarVaaii a? raiiNattH to apply lo JOHM
i.l i NUifTON , Vo. ViT. Broadway, IVtw York, who
. ha aoeli arraa raittanti drlthtlie tfaparlwent &n piniiin
It I to osipriHtofo Watraata withtlie irnsi poaaltda delay.
Thl afapltl an, ir- rci)aired lu utatu hi" ti.titu-, ami
I raaldanro, Itiflodiiin loM n(cuuntj ami stale; the com
I pan y g ttateiitaad war lie larrad fw, ami ih MpCaiti
oi hi euutpan, j wtirthai Iha appll cant entltti j i.r vol.
I uhtearvtlg and oo what day an.t yaar, a:..l tvr Wehal
ti in ; w hethcr ii ho? etrai faea Ived any tVarrant an.i
if w, far imiv many a retsand w hat haj hacoma u( facta
r Waitanie 1 1 Ihe eialwtatit lertrod In t lie navy ,hta ittatc
i man! ninat be varied oriitog lo tliw Cacti ! the eata,
f II a widow'appHthe mutt in additiou, eire the
I place and lima of her ruarr lafcYthe pama tuA ri!t a:
I title u the paraon who per for mad the caremqny ,toatli
i ei Willi iha time ami place m her :i iahaadi deaths
I i'n racoiviug tueae facta, Mr. LlVinfaton ..u n-!
I to the applicant, dui) prepared, and feasiy tttt rxecu
t is ii . oil the ueceaeary paiiare, with full iiituucliona.
; 1'heaa paptr, aft r lit in d duly executed tnia) tai taturii
' ed to .Mr. iiltitiealoa: wberoupotl t!"- rertiiii n ill he
i 'ihiiiiuci!. fini t'Sthfti the VVarraat Kaaif, or tn uiouey i
I tliereior, aa may lw daaifotL cau ha forwards in t; '
j appli a:a itr hia altoi naVo '.': i r irriaoitdetila.j ho
FpranafetiM uaaaa f t.in . aifd Naarard ihCnj to the
; unuerabjucil, wtll ba (ibaraHy dealt with,
i Mai n all the necoaaary bfauk Forma, and Iteiait fa
i miliar with tho rtufri mtinteol iha law, ind Ui n
I laiigemi :u i Pinf iituph n. applffatiti can avoid much
" I l4oi uig 1 1st un y iti J 1 1 1 .-. i u lii'.i. uj l;t Dthei k. if.
Addiaaa all comuHtuicatjni '.j
Jil I.l 't KQt I V,
Coiumistiunat for cM Uu itataa,
I5 Uroadwdiy, Jv : Vorit.
UI I I Ht ' ! H
j llbti.M I., Marty, fectatUtfy nfiaia.
! (Ion. J- 'i. L . . . Li-;.M ol U"ar.
Hon. I.t'. i i ' i 'i ,". t rdtary i tn. wavy.
' I l.i.i. Jauieaflnthrla, 8aet etary 6Itha Taurr.
I ll.. i Kotart MrUlellai d, Beetotai ol Ma Inferior, i
i Jou Cbtlali Uuabtac, Itlotrnay iierak
Colonel lohii J. Ahari, Topdj;rapbical Biuttneer, ChI
tt .1 siftit-B Army
i.t 0ii, s. H. tpnjj,
I t'wione IF. S. IVttoii. Thir-I Wiillory,
And Public Oattcera aaneraili
April IS, IPSO,
Executor's Notivo
VT UTfCK In fi iy given lliat at the ru
Ll liatcfimrt for lb Im fi t t'otiniy, iii- underabritad
were appoint! ti ami qoallllfil aa Exeeotur 61 ih Batate
! 8tiwd Hinitn, lateul Reluioui County, Daceaaert.
All tlio'n iudetited 1 1 btn i-:b'.- art- r uoatad maka
Imniadiate iaymeiitj and those havittM ria,iii agaiaai
idiil Batata are notiflad to preefnt Ibfrp i"i gatilemant
w iuila one yoai CruiitiJiMi data.
JAM El tVKlH a!.il
-l,iril 5. PsW, BseaVtora.
1 LL persona In want uf t'to above Mtticlc,
V will phtaae take ntttire that loo Buheeribar
nat racaivta aaopptv "i the very haul quality in nel
HMa inrli hjo ia aeltlnn t Win Cling pricaf, 3,1W
l "r in :, ei it i h atorc in St. L'fairrvllle.
r. s. - inr:ii lot i.M'nf 9aH ui Sack', 'r Butter and
Ta'ile iis-.-is.-t revefviil i-y IUIIR JEl'HUN.
N-.v.vi i5f
Sheriff's Sales.
Marx Qraffi
i . .
ri.tiiW s. Baroi ft L
IV vntii-'.f nri iii.I-i irSa'r io m dlfieAad frpmtlM
I ) t'uurt it inmuiou Ph a- ( flelaionl Cuuut . Obi's I
WiMuil'oi toi Halv t l uhtic Auction mi
ifuuiiay, tbo I4ih tity bf 31. y, Btyt i
balwora the iioursi oi M o'eloalr, A M. ifcd 4 VrJock V. 1
M., nt aaid day, alike uai rfosii uf tin i'oui t Mmtae in '
rt. Clatravilleg in h.hj outtty. th" ftiltuwinc dracribad ,
lautlaj ami lanamanie, BitiMie, lylNf and oania initio
Manly ol Uahuoni and eltaf a of Ohio, the lime lyini ad
joiaina the tiiwa "t ! 1 1 r m raid eoanly . bVlvc In two ,
iarolii oi laud daai i ihed ? i ftj low 9, the llvat pa'fi 1
tba one eanvayad totbaeaid Baa, hv oi.i Hiram Mi '
Ma.h.uih daadaaaring data the Ivtb day l rVreml:ar
IMI an'i Rocordai . betn ihat Pittt ' 'yina tikt f hoi
aermbov lit ia tii aaid lawn nl neflair, and 1 oupdd u 1
ihe Basil by iha Ohio Rlvar, Weal by H aler utreet, being
irii paol on iVaiai ai" f-t. 60 1 cl on the lOr trend rynnhui
fraw tka 'di'r s-ioei to Wafari l KWer, iha utbi't 1
tan bvina Ike lawia hail bp a ceveyjid in lhc ,1i'l !
Ham kyVobarifJ O'Kellaiul dny Kttordcd beina li 1
rtsftly i;.i ..I i.ot s.i l in ih town o Hi I air, eeinj
hi feat on the rival :il M) I'-'t the eaiua 'i which ihe ;
.ml liiiii fr.d .n ttf , Warclmiin , lunmiiK f-r th1 :
Jul Water etreot hi tka Klver, and yotnii tUe o? bet ,
ifirr-i so rout byad by tbe Mid Mcjlrenanel n the watei
n ivii - i mota parlKuUi defer ibed 111 aanj dd of con
tt v alien
dnetttT'aOflce at ft rtairariita. An'M!?iiaM.
IONN f ICUUt.5.iUaiiiT.
Arii 12. Ittglg j.Tj
JuMpb Bcutl, riLiiitiif,
Daniel Campbell. Defendant,
1 V virtue of a l nr-Ior uf.Sa'u iij 19a lir.-. til from t Ji
pronatn t'oirrtof Oeiitoiil taunt) 1 an.! mtdJ
iiut u ii 'n to tlia '.'o iitof L'auiaM 1 i'l iveofeai I aoo ity,
wulofal l" j!eat piiidil Aue-ioti, ..i
NondlVt th - I US Jay nf M.j. ) "..',
Mt.oin i!irii.u"? Ifa'cltHkiad M. an'i 4 afalnck y
vi nf abi d4v ei iha from r n;r o r u IJoari llouae) IV
.t. Ci i'vvi 1. . hgjjtgyonl 1 'on ni . uhi't, tiie raaltabie In
.ti s r ' of V iuiel Uf inpi'ei1 in and i 1I10 lobcn'tM dear r I
utC aita tena'hicinfr, eitaiati tvini aiia heian hr
uniy -f P' '.r.rni a'lil but, n! i 'liici. and btniuded
l!or' town: Ipattof f.at ruuibi.r 0, in i", iii o:
giriaapArt In ealf CftunAyaf Beltnnt, vhh !, ippdr
r iee ilieicuntaasjsajnnf; beln hr k.-,ine prapany
.11 ,;'. :..; at id Lar.ii Camp Wal now t Midl , A?
3ral at t3lfl aj tulject toamortufe in favo. a
UsAae K-.'.',ainon. 1 tntn about $ia4.
fflwriirilJiT.ee, 5'- Cierei;:a. J!p i! It '53
4;.:t: IMIi
rjKAVr-V Ma "ir.' vintjjpjfjpl9 l'T'
I 1: Miail'sr, l'ir ut. f I;. v, JlrnoUi
KtKar a SJs).i lisai I rV, WatiaHM Jacist
B, Urure ami nrrfi l'ark (Ju.,
V .iin clsn irf rj ,rr gi, utd.j, .rn,iho
l Court ot 1. n pi -.. gelmuat l.'oatitr ijihu 1
I srin om I ews M kjsrtMlt Htsiiaaos
MtnJuty, lit wth itf stss) A, 1 lB y5,
IseMsaatskebatroei la ...eiofi- a m gad intoek,
I f. sj. '.: csiS lay. gt tiM rreutdvii artssUosrl Mouse
. iii t. n, .an tmrrtr.tke isimn il , geei rl
llssejsaas gi'd'lenssssais, Sileale leiag aad Mug is
llie ;. nl nj MlRi lul .. id .! I - gg ,i
n.' detrnS S t. fo'fi.K 10 y. ii Mas I.-.'. Motnbal
107 ai.d llal, il,e ,t.:i ol Main sirs. ; la ti..- la n .,
innate IHe.Hi tis irn.,,,r ol Rein.oiit, and Al.o aw
Merita larastsi CIS'iit,.iisaa i,,a; a aslngLin ike
I '""I ' Mitiiy ! to 'n ml sod Bute ol i iliiu ut, I idSJd
! '.,,. ,..,., ,...,., j,,,, . jj.. . fu
IP v. 'tH f.-i Ro iHgii.miig --t ife, ,;., ,1
i siuiie pit i. u ,i. 1 1,. rll. ,i.,t. ., tmln r-eo the ,v. to
sad Hiaik htlTse ol taid fle-.i.c ,. iwatg ..ti, ;,
rt'Sel l .o , lo ajfeioe, Ikaaesfoais I i IV. il 1 1
iigsio a k'.'.i, iio..o J.nnii v. k .j i botaaiiti
laSOSS. Iheote sW 11 Ks.l II u -I I . He. vis e If
I'egihoirig, tontalaiss one gtrelll da, mors or stse,
gulf all thg NachiMoii aad 1'iataiss Ibsreoaio SoMiag
tag. s
(bsr.es OAicS, 81 c irv,ii. slarck ttik IsfH
iKM w.ajtwHn J '""-
Ttkomtl i, K. ii.e,
V.i;:..m HaltleM.
i .. Pa-Hum.
V i ieSas oi en ., .ir.,r (arS rn bis .! r: ! : got
il Cuiiri ol i"i."i.i. iiuiu;i..i Cookit.u.H . I
s ... v i H .- sl I'.-i,. UktluS.oa
, Si ' lay. lh 7V fU$ O fay, .1 J) js.,
latereeoibe boots of leo'tksefcij V gad I o'clnSk t
' ' ' al i loi .i.i., or tbe Poor! Iloass la
"' ' teeiMe. loeeld C'Mtoir, II... i;n,t,t Jt.. i,i . 4
lti.lt t .1 Managing, rtioSlg l,lag .-: i,r,- u, ,..
Luonlsul Belaiooi aod stale it;i.,-. ai.'i i .ui.n.i .1,1
I destriie-deafolicisrstotrii Hiiusi' in ibe ua afiT
1 tioirsviiio,ia sale ....o,iv, ibo saate kgiag 1 ',1 gigbie
siiie gnd a tttlg tteeltarrot wide oH a 1 iloos llie east
stag or bos 1 ..' r gtabtf otic on -..: tomu tlai oa
orhicb srs srsslad a I .out dwe.fiog Oouag aad nitm
boildikea. sad a Tauaen tstaHi.l.oieRt- tbe rondiUuot
1 ibe e: ..v.. Si . , eg eg .'.Hr.ar.. Uaw4bird or Ihe
saiehHS aioV.v In head .,n ibsdaeoftlale, rn Mbitdla
one rear aod rtat.u.ird in tors .. -.vii inlarggton
the delgrred paytoa
S.'ie-.S'. DBee, st r'lsirni'.-. April tk is.j
Habl 14 Qtegg
Jj.ii. K. Pesler et al.
Pm tit ion.
I IV rirtuc ' an Execution tu me ilirei led
I ir n, t: 1 -'i 1 1 CuianoRDeU d HeUnonl tV
''. I will oiler :-.r Hal, el Pobllg A'. oa
Monday, th :n day iff AftU, A.D.
iy. bstgreeatbslaMitaaf Ifta'aloei . .. v s. 1 ,clo;k
r. ;.i 01 tent ift ai ii. iroai u( w.-. , uu., u ,, M
in ii. Ulairaeilte. in tai.t (.,.U!,!y. ti" luikigrias
deetri od landi aod loaenieiite to irli; mtwutlsltii god
1 lig i ll umy 1.1 Ruin 1 t-i Ktata :. Obi 1 tn.i
, Soon led ens Seoiriho.i e. Mloerg: Tkg rsl Irael is
vn j.trt 01 toe oreet nt'. ul aotiu 0, j. aratl ip 5 aad
! raogo i. bagiooiog tm Ihe ean.r oollig half Hag Ertweesi
sag gad (Ibat letbe iaaded AI.uk: Uregg at Ihalinsg
' ol oiabiog big grill sod Klephen Uregg at a stooe 10,
laoriojeese .Mttrt'i ao. ratiniag Ihencodoe greet let
parebee to . stake on toe line betaaon art isi.a (said
i ner Uregg etoretald tn.i Sliarp't ttllia lime ol li.a trill
I atoreeaid) tlienee eritb tiw said lios bSlag Ibe section,
eaat lOSperebeota aatakeboltig un oortli cornel
ol the lands ui JohnOrert. thence aorta 79 e aa.1 .t
son bag, so a stabs t,in,f Msia llparebeetoi .Ik,-,
llieoce north if, : .i g garcbeg 10 a etaks. lhapco 1
entllhTJo ,a.iva percbet lo 1 poet ilo.net goutN BT
- rati it) pei liceloapuaiuotba t:,.rra..i ball t 1 ...
iae. Wins the sooth tratt cornel nf the Uai mr lend ....
tcri'ied 10 John Ursgg as. alnresaia, thence wii
ball gsctsaa Uu aadraogg ol akopiieti ..r g, : ,-t. ttia
. tnut.i to tbe i .a.-iu! kagiaaiBtT, eootaioing one hnhtred
.Li..-, one roealatd etht poles, 4. torrered o.ari.ed sad I
;.iar.f,l bf J., ,tha Sua-;,.,:, uiSllnb dee .,: -.-.t tlh
oiootii v. U: le IS ' 1
Also 1 .t ni pgrrsl of land in te. lion N'u c. lusra- j
'b-p K.i. 1 tad reage N . 5 I "sinning tt tbe ,...1; 1 weet !
corner of said teclinit'ft ltd, lletnee iiortb 131 perstaml
to a .t ne, tlience rem perches in a elouS. thaoge I
sonUi i n imrcbea Hithe.outa ling of seid seitlon to a I
none; tbeoce west ttesa sail rine ti percbet to tnc
I wsce ol tsginaibs cuotaiiung SO an., tern r sand!
i U peubeaj coutalatintla aliong baadi ol and :ti :
gi-rnaaiHsa l..:t. Tlia gliuro,.rSttitet eilt ie euld I
sohki t o. the dower ! list ball itregg t t tel oil
f t 1 tu j' lo Uielite titletl oiJohu K, letletio
Q11 sag rdorta part.
'Ii- condtbong ol the aaore ltra mie third of tin-1
puicbati .1 ooeir . band - iba day "i iaie. on. toir.l 1
tn est retr god one third ia i. geara srith mti ic-tl.n, j
I lie doierrgd paj niaplo.
." 1 . nl 4 . olico. Mgi u 00; IR5.1
,, , , 'OllJt c. KluilOL.-t. Mliciiir. t
' v : I, I- :.',. ;, hi. j
BHKftlFl 'S SATsli.
J nrij.Ji Ptklrid ni.J
v. .
I.3C rcrktiid uUiera.
In Va Utiun.
liV virtuo;ufanotaVr ofXalelnnie r)ircT1 f:omth
Cooit vf Cun.nmn ri n Belmont Cttonti ,0110 I j
Wtiotte) lot cJeeV at l0Wit Vi tjoq on
Ml ittajft tin 304 day of Apr it, A. ). :
le.'i 1. between lioori oi ibi .'.:. k A M.and'lo' lock
1' .ii. 01 end day! at the Um door 01 iae outt lloute, I
fu i.'i. i.its.. .!. . tnaaid Ougaty, .. Uttim ,un Lantfaj
and iri.fint-iitB) 8ituaog itgj an,; heiaa in the Coauii 1 ,
Melnioiitaudaftaiaol Ooiuan4j beaiiidod and deavriaed :
aefoltowetnwlt; i'lHer tract baiua1 llet a aatarter.ol I
aectJon 91 Tp. hand I ahgit'l, containintj .w I lit a . it
iccorUiua to gait-ut iaeued hri. ;, ?'J4 a.id tu which
relnreuco te bare uiaiie. Section tiact boina Utejaaj
ijuiirii r nl the U c .;r ol Sei tiwii iii. M . 6 Ami K;u;- 1, '
cobwaiagsWsW.lwajt.reei. Tatau tirt lein the n e 1
yr.olha tiejr.o( rfeetlon -U'i and kaat,ed,oei 1
la.miu 10 core e injure or ir-. poiiaftj 'met Isaiua tbe
II i- le.i'1 (. lue ) U . ..i v Wol K. 4, nl To. j, nn I
UtnineHI atrea utiPi!irlee. I n ut lead )eiud a pari
ol CI B t Lstiiel pftOsi . IV. qiiait.-r of S rii n No 17,
in LV anil Rouge 4, miteli ioa , ten j more .i lea!
tft it u trastl littn; tin nc tr. i.t tilt a r ,r. o eecstfl M'p.
fipu Jianfi 4, coutaikaiej PQ 0.1WJ avtm VatfaK-rn '
iratt Wiiuj ton acfee ofaotial braadtb -t ui ibe wool
end uf the n a oj. ofihan wqcofclee. 5, T 5, and R
4. Ctoittu tract boiua thu aeer, ol aec .'4, To tTand
tt. I, inutaiiii 4i ". ti. IMO ecfea. V:m 11 u 1 veiua 1.,
two iarcet; etUttcal lieiwfl u nart "i the weal ball 01
tin a r i ni : re . 1 , I'.i .) ,-,,,.1 it 4, tuutainiug 15 ecrte
andSnd ratfl Uaiuj-tbii ;.- i audoi the weal balfol tin? i
u ejr, ii aec Tp j ttud fLutM I, contai-ting 4V acree ;
Ktoreof laea.
Bnvaavw taact hatnf Wh waaf half of the nw or ai
km. Hu, tin ." ami R 4, Coutailifus i' acrei - '
JWaU ill Watt 1 1 mr lit -e rj. i f tl-. l; t, 5u
tp. Sand R l.aoittaininf 10 .i' loo ncyee. Tmibtumth
i ret i belay Hie n w jr ut ih- tu rr eie 80, ti. land
leny a I ruolatalnf tv lat.1t4i if tea, PoieTtJTii t acl
l. i n mm ni rrjinl t t. n.itfi ntTuf' il. i:..it:, M.rt u1
Uateaet half f iha nw. ai nfac. it. ranse I a:,.i (
j. Lote Wo i -v Qeed lt are ap,rafco Juintlj tu the
Mini'.: ItOiVend Will he oM together one tract -Lot
.'-. i:i laaifiaiead it liW- and win 1 1 . otfl aa "ii.
Iran, l uu m f hi") ,i, at hn,.mi r.i ht Itie lUiii ..i
pdetlh, and Will N -s i i us mi.: uu t. Lod r tnd 9
an-a(i t.nsr'.J t . um' n f t!Hrt)-ai..l if, Ikf aold ae
MM tract. Iotaefo.lau4 appltlKd logi.ther at
the ii in r.i jMiii nn;l WiU be eold aa .- ti a..i. j ,.t fth,
U, ieaji.ivaited at 1 1 aod will bceold aa one tract j
mm! l...ti. i. i. pprataadai fU0, a i wfim aold ae
one tract Tie above deecribrd land ami tenements
w til i ' aold llean ! iha powvi ('te wi4oWi on tbe fo '
kwlh conditions! (ie-tbld in bond an the day of
,-ai". i m. -third i" -nit yht, and m Hind in tfl " raw
iv hh knteteai an in .lefi-in-il pavmi s from ijtc 'lav 1 1
$kt. t her;!.': i , Marhatn lsav
etOH i f. MCUOLhgCff riff
Mat-h?9.Vi eJ9.ni'
fteatoa B. Ktniiarls
J .! ne Kepnard. et al.
In Partition,
DY e,rtgg ofeu oidai "fStl. 10 m rlic-te'l l.om il".
i ooi oi Copiwea l"' ti of P'Jmr" i c'oaal i . iijic.
I til cifiti f.o iij.'e a: Public Avs'lsw oa
.Von.,ii tht 100 day of Ap-i', A. T.
00 Pgtsrcsn the hour i of lPo'-'ock M ced n'clo-g I
!'. M . ol satil dty, tt l.;s ! onl ocor cr p ('prTt 11. .ute
in et. i.'le4jviilg,ia 'aid rnaiv, tite fillo-v.ng Sssetr-'l
otd I. tnd. awl icniincn-r . amitie Ii ir; and te me in the 1
i Vuni "i licin".,-.i sad atais al i iie siol ciouihii.-J an.r '
e cincdts oiu.stn.vit. elaagpottid'aVglloll Na
), lownghlpr.ead Ranga x b" innhtg for the atntg at i
be .v. B- cuinc-i oi aaid sogtioki, laasiag grrtH llie Kaei
iminlari Ihsreor, li.T polMla a pott .V. K. cnrnri of'
Joj.'iih Qibkniit land, Mlaaea svHk eahlOlsgoai land ''ie I
leu foliu.intj ,o.-r .-. f.h s ii uin. IV go nolae to a!
,i...t.oli.iiirn d ;." h pare bag to a guar i.ec on oi e
if tue kiorlbsrn a uiidarlw nf Haeaa Me.tr a'ft laud.)
iic-H . aoathidi a t un grHaS ve aowotid iit-ic. I
in; - Wasporcb e-o a' traits pVgJaut," hence i
Ik SI ietcbss lo gBccrb tie, thence N It. v oi 4
saicliei io a white IValpai, shknrs w, iji It ,
to . n iii'r . 'it. (liriicr N8TOKPl i .-i, at o. ' ..
nisi. lo-'iitc ?::. ivioapnu. ibetics B Ha'penh
' " " P-J's"! i'-ginain;. Ceuielalaa i')d AciVg u
pgrchse 'no' a oi irgg,
y. h. Tbs widows IgsMinedeiggg to t,kawag,erl
c I ian-" hie iclgga.rtsr dow.-r fn tiia,me ud
Iba rieiuitet W te ic!d liee of irccn.rrlrte cfietc:
ebe.-iJVOP.; V-rrMhrJOt.h lags !
,, . ... J'lllV C Ml'Ui.-lS'. Star i.T
Mg'tt ro. its, tt R
q mvi,i r r) ::..-. .'fjai hi j
O reload eif I r r.'j J 1 TJOIS'T 9 v' ,
t, . ,r jy i
I Lrtfjjuiiirrai. .s.vuc-
ll,l,,f ,r.v. Mc'Jrser,
, '.' io mag S il-( si ii.
IJ'i riilas A m, alias . cmi :. la k die
I, f rssigd rrm i t il , eauoog , , p..
rilrfit i;nnt,, tioia.lwflaira, Uk-Uc r.,;
t "H. tin ,
Mvndaiith, -M.-r a, nf May, A. ) ivjl,
tlw.fn the I r. of 0 oM.,,, ,, m .,, , ,
, cloi k, p, m.i.i ta, ,i .j, ,t it c (,,,, i , ,, .I t.. ra,
Hm.K lei rl. I la.it. ,:i,, m gaang. 1kg f djtlgSi j
I lends ....I .leneaieaig, SHntle iiiaji' Ind Mfe ,,,
. tti.l .. enntg nl B"lmont, f,,l State f (Jii.c, ,aadsl
I enV .1 hi i gs gilhiwt io tn U'lSt ni., Isn.j
... inii.t Imrn ..I Moillio.,il!a, Pet oiohl Ooaai,
.i. Aggratee. ei geiMjtik t '
1 Ittl ' "v.1, l'i, .e)ej
. , ,; , I'SMMi hlwfSi.La, t,a,iir
I "i il IS. I . . a r, ii
(ktt4 Witaottitiah (autu
f j 7
gVcary oppptite At StupttttiHt
J:llIlJi;!; WllEKLIXG.
I lit- I fi.U.il'A k-iannt l.otiton,
. I. ' o.ooelaiientlnii r'vee him con
of pic as.,.. ,., p em i.t, asibo l.a' mg mia t are
;.. I end pfcthree warrSMSd te SaSSes. Wa wooid call
siital t, ,gn atari . -r llrnae wanting Miniatures of
i liildrgn, at Ho. Itlbt uioA Iteurtkl gaasaa.
' i.s..'".'.nlrllrd.c ns.raosa,
CIVIL Atjtioir,
TaBfcll l, Mkttio,
llirmn Suii'S.
'J IIG il renasa -l Defeialgggi wit take
a b ' sib iht id da) ol4pril,lSg,thsaba
named plalnl.fl ate i i petition ageiSet Mai la ti.eU.m
inon I laaalonriof it i.l tjouiii, aakiag to ui.jt bie
J"' " ' srcsil leeeflasrstariand la lbs, tl.pert
ol si . n, Tp. tin tell ooare, to the ptgaMbTsf
allS.Cal :..'.. at ti o. ivna-v I, ISgl, iba haJaasa
...i!.. ptirthiegei bteo.i said Ian gmn u,e defen
aaat IoiIk plaintld at Meignea ..I Peter Oliver, l lie
1'lto.in! . ... ... lor a jadgmaniaad deisrge sesi rd.ngir
i Nevll.isgg ah ,i,!it..'i fliacticnsal i. .,. n
" in Sal cae. b, P. T. CS)vySi,
l ' ; ' Att'g at Haipiiir.
( '-tapETiao, rTTi. cloth, a. a
gpbndid etSriggi of lo g.y t'arnstia and
, Matting I grpcting god J an t arp.it rt,j Clnthtnlall
kind, .t n pr,g, ji ,.'gai ...s ir ,; iin'e
'" 'I'"' l;i'. '") oil!, hen tSi.gide of I ,
'Jiu-a 3 ttifiLowo.
It i. .1! K it V .
D R yob K K S'
coMPutto sraer '-r
lot t SgttpLSlg SSSB Si
roog Ha, '.,!.!.. Iii I u.-ujsn, AM!mt,
s.ot at.:. STnS i.r:. oc jiru.iirni mici.e i
C (SIj 9PTI0X,
Ttlffl SfeJifllna i i reoniriietfdodby mn f th. Ugh'
at etamllna in wor roautry: M 'OR L van m; Rita ,
I'lUthar IMaarti V .'..-m, Lew.. Ea 1 re,tf.ni
nited Htatej PROF. r Ci X HOIC. lUltOetWld
Itt Mat K, OHM i iii.i.i. fnjNl., OAtVIN IV
KTAKHUt-llKaa., ef llinelokatl H.M.WJL8QM M .
I . ir dl i.r.'. Jibi -otn.i v. Oho; II K. DRAKG
rirucuat, a 1 1., uitiac IfV. j LBV ISO N, K.Q , Udi
if. UUitat) and Naval Hrnjn-. Niv Vuik.
RaaoTihaii atdaaotrtanta wkl e4tnvahad ratttiliniat)
is'ii .Mii- ui pamj ;'t fore.
Poi -aJ.-
J tv. (Jotatixt, H. Olaleee lie
H dlmi-ai. .r.iMji:.
' M " Mi-rrH.i-.. n.
Haiaeh Hsvraw a, lajjaliettle,
M i a rt i Irowji i.
J .s astRoim Bhoua
j i . Qauann . j etoienQti
i H"mtmnt, fattife He
. AM. i '. f.n L Mtt
II. H. .'.fi.- l, '.li !, ;lt
WkP.v.Bt '! Ti.,. d-.
i i , IHmiih v. iumef xfui.
I v .v ' i- , ( 'eatine
j . I; Mi :r- Ban idiv jr,.
t- ii ry v M.fi. i,'.; t'i-,',itll.
W S'U l'k lJls.
v. Mtt.aa iVfhtar, bmaHaa
Wan . . v's 3 i
FOli ItKNT.Oll S,1.K.
' I 'UK HilMtSrd Farm (Jrisi an.! Suva Mill,
a on WbSoiingOaeli, 3'ho kSIIIS or Farm mil bo
....I, ii rented, tepatglniy lldoalrod. im teni.s t;'p'y
:.. ii I. Ii-... ii...... ..i I. a p.-an, i't. tnabrsville o.
.V..j j. ii.
' ' 1 1 1. I , i it sin Inoal taiiedl ansorti..onl
I ol llafi eterodi ed to iba public la ai
dip. I, 1 RIJI P Jr.VtGLl '4.
D H. S T 1. 0 B L E N
V J L E J. I XI M B M T .
It;t(.-isji. rtttd l it. riiui i'tUv.
titliJ S l-.i-.i '. hts hrei btne need only a? ybe pnvata
L i it Iptii : aa t niiueiil fhaician. It (iai
acid in ti'iw.we) itMrtre then tiyiit 99nt iiinng trie
n'hwle u wbieti iiuia, althuuajl 1 1.. ft m a crt'ai
niitni-t r i.; race it hj ut, IS any iMlRfco. bean)
hnow ii to fail,
M.f.. i i .vii.t U i.brc lrn effectaal tu'ri,l
by thti laiininii nl, hare 1 4 en mre ttiau thirty y-t
ataudius. inaing f a intflietnf v. i i.i-..',-i. ine conaint
erablerata7e upon tii'- ietaatss Theee U unit cue
fiaeei. !'!--. . i.'.i,iy in ii. ssftusisil thir mritilk a
iiitisi ul luordrec at .ia:--. i:ji-.-i hnjiaa n-hi rant, tftaaa
cart too. Hi ii tin r couitut be t i d- uf tMa( ttincoiiaec
lad wrlb ethei dieeeeee, whiah will n-.t, ba f'trc-.d .u
ii l lorr ti,: ve-i etcetad aowai - ll ! rnti,lriey
H'Rrranfed lo are, . in.it. uil duettiuue aiu ttriTtly
Mhiwitle Price Rl. . .
Pulil isy A C. M a u rt , to.
sfiile Aacutilur Ueiu.ui.t Co.
It.Cajtirat ille4 A;.i 1 ft, IrM.
J jib s W. Wuru.vd
P$ :
Thu ui aa Unidhuw.
htvU A ti n. 'AUrr.'P.i.
T nT iiis4aice a" Itiei'tttirrii w -a i mord 'tt tfi"
im, ,y, if nl .Vnfit, MVS, kyieaae Msii a JnatJre of
the eae, 'I Warren Tntfiii iiu. it-Ju.m.i c" ii.,afainit
Iha tioprty and atnnti . i TooQuta DradehaWg a
a-uireenlent ol etid diautjuind Sla'av far the mm t
itl,?0r., u,' i a iiiste n bandauaeea i ol O't. fai whicn
mini, with inteTeet, I n it iieoeeod to yatj fe)4daaent( hv
(oraeeid Juati . J tMKfl W v' A TIT It
April 19 h, i
I I 'HE rl i r' ' pit't'ufe a bit 'h
.l!iaSu:nv. Ti Fail's JC
Whf dVvw it al Iba Weto and "f i r'eirarlfji, a lea
r of in? sazkitk riTlttsn npHi nte
haeiniipiamyon hd atdfu k.'B ai iv IwaUnjMtflaaa
I laigaaMMtih' tit nf Hn me, eel l'titiila nfaSonnat
Jni.u ins, lin Ivdiui i carrfall)' " erte4'ijvk aflVow
tri. r'ii' u'ar atitfirii' pei' t t luted io trim
rl'tfl and utahiaaeVnnHc.tntbi eary Utrat nT!ce, mi
ti vai y la , i icci-.
bt. Cl tiravtf'a, A pr. Iff, V'"
:ct" d1 : intsr o'.vL .
. C. MARTIN sV CO , A?rril fo!l
t ie ilotyilig j hitt'ai ra;..u. ':..Jikiaet.
Jt aeS Tt'Lily l, d. cities.
llcJUsassl'iHasad ke iniloje.
Ter ft. :.' I i"i stiller.
Mfg.. .ti Moscaug gSggiggggjg,
! gii..i. traK an g.
'ItoMs't faastlae Mri.mcnt
kali's gssagil
To - ...no's 4r
Handt dn
itaysail'. V.'i rtarg ettitrai i.g
v.-'jttr-. B.l;t..i Will Cherjy.
ileugll.nn'e rtp.o. k.
ilonlH:td'UeiMSO Mtit. . 00W
Btrdopo'g woi ... p. nt '
Ay si's Cbs'rv bsutoral
I' ; t".1.'? - m;u;o. . .
Psiabtopl Ve,:Sie TiH.-f. t.
"V.-ii.t i Sa-ja.roB '
T-.-i.:-. ?:t5i :fPtr,ti-. .... . ..
.'. ,. Ii' . Vw.

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