8 .daunt Otonicfc St. CIa!rstM, Ohio, Ma 7. Ail oniannlcuimt tatauJea to intertlnn in Ik t r PW baaimx relating to Ih offioa, hould tmmm1, "Iwun Csao'ataia, Bi CwuuWvrUa, I I AN INFAMOUS ARTICLE. AN INFAMOUS ARTICLE. [From the St. Clairsville Gazette.] "MY LAMENTED PREDECESSOR." Whether used ironically, with Lifter Mr asso r lofty rnpyrio, no Isnmats en be or sntisstiv It strikM chord in evsry keirt, and to thn tn irslist would be siitsct ftf absorbing interest t bV tennins the dffor cnt emotions produced on dirT rent resrlers. To the thtioirhtless end indifferent It nisbt produce ft r-ros. lsusti;-to the eioiied partisan, scorn ind IneffuMe contempt; t the fond psrrnt, thoughts of lost son; te a widowed end homeWs mother, the endearments of home end the fos tering care oft kin I husband ; truh" patriot end ststeswisn whe labored to eff'et the (Written Jen Compromise, it in rresnsnt with Aim Mlnmitv. dcflfttfd end ruined con try. friehtful. civil, horrid war. It reminds them nfnnnortnnitv aniiined end neeleoted nftR fond hnnea entertained that the President eleot would spesk one worj of comfort, that he would ponr oil on tne rnnUi water : it remind them of the hanrry wolves that bed collected t the Capitol to fatten en the ptihtio pre? : of the Ann nntTadino- amid of the Mlhlio mind tn hear the fnrthenmin speech of the Vramifl in the V S. Senate, under the de lusiv hope that he would propose plana of ocommodatinn. but like the rniden apples of Sodom, proved to he dust end sehe. We are done with Lincoln the Allwiae hat summoned him to the trsnd sssize. and we leave the Inture historian, in calmer tines, to chronicle the events of his admin istration in line of I Irod. The rebel, tn their exultation over their victory at Bull Run. mutilated tho bodies of the fnllnn Union soldier, And made, from their bones ilnjrs and ornaments to decorate tlioir own per sons.as they danced in fiendish joy over the unbtirled forms of the dead sol diers of the Republic. Tho Christi anity of the world stood aghast at the terrible spectacle, butln its sad " and humiliating lesson learned the true character of the rebellion and its ad- rocates. The editor of the Gazette, In the In terest of that rebellion, labored for four years to incite the bitter and re lentless feeling that culminated in the Assassination of President Lincoln, and now, while the patriot hearts of the Nation, are bleeding tinder tho ter rible affliction, and the Nations of the world, Appreciating the great loss have sustained as a people, are send ing messages of condolence and sym pathy ; And, before the tears of vene ration and love that have been shed ever his untimely grave by the patriot And Christian have had time to dry, this same editor, with a fiendish malice that would disgrace, a devil, calls upon hi followers to celehrato the anniver sary of that murder, and, as if his to abnse the memory of the dead was Insatiate, he enters the tomb Liberty's martyred dead, to disturb resting ashes, and from its mouldering bones make ornaments as offerings that insatiate desire. A hody snateher who, for a price, robs the grave of acred ashes, has some respect for opinion of the living. A Ghoul, lives and fattens npoa the carcass the dead, perpetrates his work in night, that he may escape the gar.o men; but the editor of the Gazette, with a malice, described in the books as .the evideace of a heart total ly devoid of social duty and fatally bent upon mischief, seems to have respect for the memory of the dead the feelings and opinions of the living. A TERRIBLE CHAPTER OF CRIME. Antolne Probst, tho murderer of Deerlng family, is to be executed Friday, Jane 8th. He has made a onfeasion. He says he first murdered the boy, Cornelius Carey. Ho then over to the house, and, by one pretext and another, succeeded in getting Charlie" and Mrs. Deering to barn, one after another, and dispatched them. He then returned and took chlldre out to the barn, ono at a and dispatched them with the MS. After describing tho murder of melius Carey and Mrs. Deering aud children, he gives the following expla nation of the killing of the Infants, Is unparalleled In the annals of crime; "Ths I want star te the hoas sad Annie and told her that her mother to aaa bar ia tha stable. Hh did not word. Than 1 took the little baty; uj mi ,u Hi 1 1 v pill n i K pu aids of ne. 1 )afi the Huh. bahy on ths orner at ynq io into ths liable, playins lbs bay. Then I went to lbs aame wbsro I killed ths others. Shs around lor bar mother, who was in the She did not say anything. I knocked dowo at lb first blow, and cut her earns as ths othera. Then I want hack f ot toe little bahy and struck it on the tha same plaee (hers. 1 hauled tbeni ths sams rlso. " Ta CouMerato Democracy of County met la small numbers oa Saturday, and selected John H. Heatou, 4tM Barton, Geo. II. Umstead, UTCollins, Thos. H. Morris, fcalon, Win. B. Klgar, aad II. M. Clayland, to represent them In State Cententlon at Columbus. ; - But two or threa Townships - cprcu&6d. Confederate Democracy frhoai " play) om" io thli County. CONGRESS. THE HOUSE ADOPTS THE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. . of its to its the that of the of law no or the on full went the the tttno, same Cor Iter whtch took say s took ,...,p- first in place looked hay. her throat and head in to In the'U.S. House of Representa tives, on Thursday; the discussion on the Report of the Reconstruction Com mittee was brought to a close. Many of the Union members wished to amend the third section, which provides that those who v luntarily took part In the Rebellion shall not exercise the elec tive franchise until after the year 1870. Some proposed to insert in lieu thereof that such men shall not hold office. Mr. Stevens (Union) called tho pre vious question. Mr. Garfield (Union) hoped the pre vious question would be voted down, The Honse divided, and the Speaker counted Yeas, 90; Nays, 59 tho "Democrats" almost all voting aye, In order to prevent any amendment of the joint resolution. Tellers were de manded, and ordered, tho result being the same. So the previous question was seconded. On the question, "Shall tho main question be put?" the House voted by yeas and nays, the result bo ing Yeas. 84 ; Nays, 79. At this time the galleries were crowd ed, and as the vote progressed the greatest Interest and excitement was manifested by the members, some of whom stood together In groups dis cussing the chances, while some were more actively employed in arguing the consequences, ana trying to eniorce their views upon others. The Demo cratic members, generally, carried out their policy, which was to prevent any amendment of the joint resolution. Mr. Farnsworth (Union) wanted to know whether, at this stage, 'a motion to recommit with instructions was in order. Tho Speaker Informed him that it was not. The House then voted on the pas sage of the joint resolution, and it re sulted, Yeas. 128; Nays, 37. The following is the vote Itt detail: Ysas Msr. Alluv. Allison. Amea, Antlersnn. Ahhy (Nevada.) Aahley (Ohio.) R'iker, Bnldwin, Banks. Barker. Baxter, R'stnan. Benjamin, Bidwe'l, Bmham, Blainn. Rlow.' Bontwnll. Rrnmnal. Rrom- well. RMfklnnd. Bun'lv. Clarke (Ohio.) Harks (Kanaaa.) ilh, Conklin. Cook. Cnllom. Dirlina. Oivia. Diwes. Defrens, nlnno. Demine-. Piin. Pnife, Donnelly, Tlririra. Dnmnnt. Et-klev, Kpitleaton. Kliot, Vnrnawnrlh. Forrv. O'.rfiplH. Orinnell. Oris- wold. Hardintr (HI..) H 't, Hnyea llendnr- wm. rw.tr t . IL! an, ll'tfov, llminea. unnpr, niner'", Hnt'bard (Towa. Hubbard (W. Va .) Hub bard (N Y..) Huhhell (Ohio.) Hullnrd, Jamoa Humphrey, Inpersoll. Jenokes, Ju lian. Kann. Kelle. Kelno,Kcham. Kuy lipntlull l.iflin. f.awrence, (Ponn..l Law renna (OhinV Loan. Tjonevear. Lvnch, Maratnn, Mnlurir, MMndoe, McKes, MRnnp. ; Mnranr.. ' Miller. 'Man-head. Mnrrill, Morria. Moul"n. Mvers. Newell, O'Neil Orth. Paine, Putteraon. Perhara. Pike. P -.nt. Price. Rindall (Kv .l Ray mond, !. (Miaa..) RieetM".) Rollini, Sawver, Pohenck, RenBeld Shellaharser. Snaldins, Stevens. Stilwell. Thaver. Francis Thorns, lohn L. Thomas, jr.. TrohriU, ITpaon. Van Aernam, Van norn (N. Van Horn (Minaonri,) Ward, Warner, Waahhnrne (Maa..) Waahhime. (Ill Wsahhnrne (Tnd .) Welkcr. William-, Wil son, (Iowa.) Wilaon (Pcnn..) Windou), Wnndhridre and febnyler Colfax I2S. Nays Meaara. Ancona, Bergen, Byer, Chanter, Coffroth. Dawson. F.ldridee.Finck, (.'oiahrenner. Onodycar. Orider, Hardin, (Kv.) Harris, Latham, h Blond, Marahall, MeCullniivh, Nihlac.k. Phfilp. lladford, Randnll (Pa.) Ritlcr, Rnirera, Rnaa. Rous- r,, I l ' Of. u :.L U . this last Jas. Wm. B. the war aeau. Shankhn. Sitreave. Smith, trauaa, Thr, Tavlor, Thornton Trimble, Whaley, Windeld. Wri.ht-37. The following is a copy of the meas ure, as It passed the House: A JOINT RBHOLUTtON proposino AMENDMENT TO TUB CONSTITUTION TIIK UNITED STATES. Ua it reaolved by thn Senate and Houis of Repreaentativea of (he United States America in Conreaa aaaenibled two-thirds both Houses concurring, That the follow ing an iale he prnpoaed to the LagiNlatures the several States as an amendment to Constitution of thn United Slates, which, when ratified l'y three-fourths ef said ahall be valid as part of the namely : Ahtici.c , Suction 1. No Stat make or enforoe any law whioh ahall abridge tha rrivilrgoa or immunities of eitisens the United Statea, nor "hall any State any peraon nf life, lihurty and property without due procaaol law, nor deny to pron within ita jurisdiction the equal of ths lawa. ' Kko. 2. Repreaentativea shall he appor tioned among tha serersl R'ate whioh ho included within the Uni'in ancording their reaped iro numhera, containing who's number of persona in each exoWina Indiana not taied. But when evar in asv State the elnotivc (ranchiste bs denied tn snv portion ef its male oitianns not leaa than 21 yeara of e, or in any abridged, smept for psniaipation in Rebellion, or other crime, tha basis of recantation in auoh State tdiall be reduoed in the proportion, which then umber of mala uiiiaena shall bear tha whole number of male oitiitns not leu than 21 years sire. Hen. a Until the 4th dav of July. all iteranns who voluntarily adhered to lata iniirraellna. iviiia it aid and comfort. shall bs stoSided from tho right to vote mnmhsrsnf (Vnrea, and for eleotora Preaidtnt aad Vice President of the States. 8a 4. Neither tha United Btatea anv State shall aaanma or pay any debt ohliaatinn already incurred, in aid of ths aurraation. or war asainat the United or any elaim for oomprnaatioe for loss involuntary aarviee or labor. Sao. a. That Uonres shall nave to onfnros, by appropriate legulatlon, proviaiona ol thlaartioie. The Senate has had under considera tion an amendment to the Post Appropriation Bill, offered by providing that no officer, whose confirmation -by tha Senate required by tha Constitution, shall any pay until confirmed j unless cot&tnlssloned by the President during the reoess of tha Sonata, - The amendment was voted on Friday, and waa rejected yeas, nays, 23. All the so-called Democrat, and Mossr. Cowan, Dixon, DeoUttie, Edmunds, Fesscnden, Foster, Lane Kansas), Morgan. Norton, Poland, Sherman', Stewart, Van Winkle, Willey, and Wilson (Unionists), voted nay. Mr. Henderson (Union, of Mo.) has drawn ap a bill, effecting the same ob- ect, which will undoubtedly pass. THE MEMPHIS BUTCHERIES. . On the first- page of this issue we print pretty full, particulars of the re cent terrible butchery" of unoffending blacks, by the " reconstructed" Rebels of Memphis, Tcnn. We have read carefully everything In connection with these atrocities, and we can discover no other reason for them but hatred of the blacks and of the cause to which they were faithful through the late war. If one of them was found dressed in the uniform of his country, it served but to increase the rage of the beasts who were hunt ing them down and slaughtering them like cattle. Even the Teachers in the Freedmen's Schools ladies of culture and refinement, who had given up the comforts of Northern homes to assist in educating these unfortunate people had to flee for their lives, to escape the fury of a brutal mob. There is no trouble, we say, In dis covering the animus of tills aiTuir; and the ' reconstructed" Memphis Rebels will prompted by a fear of retarding the work of their reconstruction " try in vain to make the people of the North and the Government believe that It was discountenanced by the better class of tho peoplo of Memphis. Every Rebel paper in Memphis excused the rioters and murderers while engaged in their bloody woik. The details are sickening. The 4th Ro;lmont Regular Cavalry arrived in Memphis about the close of tho riots, and has since patrolled the city. Gen. Stoneman has organized a com mission to investigate the cause of the riots. Gon. Fiske, of the Freedmen's Bureau, has also gone down from Nash ville to look into It ; and we are tn hopes Justice will be done, both to the poor blacks and their brutal porsecu tors. ; ' Gen. Fisko has ordered that the col ored churches and school houses be Immedintelv rebuilt, and that tho C09t be levied on tho city. ) . AM Or of of of tho Tub livln hsv a heroulesn tsolr before them s country to regenerate a nonatitti tion to reatnro. la tb P-mocratio party master of the poaitinn? Can it aeeompiah this stent work ? .We have hosts to con tend with SS numerous aa the frnga tnd lice of Egypt, potent for evil, sad bnt on mSa. chief. Are we readv for ha work ? We have "Moses" snd his "rod" w have the prestige of manv a gloriona vintorv bsve our invjne'le name, and above all have our STANDAHn OF PRICIPI.ES that will outlive the march of tints. St. Clsiraville Gaxette. Yes, and you have the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise, the Kansas Ne braska Bill, the Lecompton Constitu tion, the Dred Scott Decision, the Inau guration and encouragement of the Re bellion, the Riots in New York and else where In resistance of the draft, and the responsibility of the blood shed, the lives lost, tho treasure expended, and the debt Incurred to overthrow Rebellion yon inaugurated, in the terest of the slave-driver, for the over throw of the Union. If with this record, this "ancient renown," yoair "standard of principles' does not "outlive tho march of time," and secure to you an eternity of fumy, the wicked need have no fears future punishment ANOTHER VETO! aball of do pri any pro tection The President yesterday sent to Senate a message vetoing the bill mittinz Colorado. Ho assigns reasons tfiat the people are in no need of a States and, finally, that its adinls sion is incompatible with the publio interest may to the State, aball way tba rep auoh Hon. Houacb Maynard and W. B. Stokes, of Tennessee, will speak for the Union enuso at Wheeling Monday night next -We presume many of our pedple will avail them selves of the opportunity to heartheso distinguished champions of tho Union causo. ni m, 1 l "My Policy." 1870, tb for for United nor or in State. el power the Office Mr Trumbull, la re eslve Without the suthority of law President Johnson, among hia earliest acta or reoon- truotion, ordered the sale nf Government railroad snd railroad running stock, and material to an enormous amount Southern men, nn ored it ; he directed Quartermaster in charge to turn over property, and take the purchasers' navable monthly, uo t two yeara: value of the property thus nominally hut in reality given away, waa probably $200 000.000. Ofoours the notes, thev fill due. were not paid, and it never intended thev should be paid. Th are under protest here to million. Government holds chattel mortgages propei ty, all in llnbel hands; that has oonauiaed ia Urge part; n P'rt haaebansed hand; and ths nalahea ol whioh ia in defiant digard af,the eoqtraot ot chase. Tha Pra(leat reluses to permit proceedings to compel payment, or to ooyer pnaaeaaioa of any portion of this men amount of th piihlio property. . Osw. Santa Anna, ei Kmperorof loo, is io New York. Tha Tribune say is opposed to Maitmtllian. ' on 10; -AN elderly tuan, with $10,940 la pookat, wss picked up inth itrsst of toe, fnasy, orunn. Qin. SouoritLD Is to leave Europe lata tonairy ssst Bataray. GENERAL NEWS SUMMARY. 8r.ttATOR 8niRMVi(. lately said In debate that it was evident 'that thare muat soon bs a revolution in ths mthnd ol nisnasin lbs telegraph lines of ths etintry, whioh were now niakinit immense profits, thoir annual receipts qiiallin , the enure coat of the lines. Kxitertenea . has t-nown tnst wa we the in in of this mode of communication . waa ohesper, and required the employment of less capital than any mode petore jinnwn. v itntn s year or two, the (aHflffrt.ohargea mint . be greatly reduced, pi-rbapa by the Govern ment aaauniina tha control of all the lines ! in whioh event, thatea would diminish as poatal rates have diminished. Ths New York Supreme Court has deci ded in the E P. (Jhriaty will eaae. that Mary Miller waa the mistreaa, not the wife of'Ohriity, snd henos that the will male to her and other persons as executors, waa nun and void. The property ia thus left to hia wife and children.' The Court also decided that he wa inaane at thn time he jumped out of tba window, snd hence was ineempe tent to make a will, especially in favor of a person who, it is alleged, he wedded after ward. About $150,000 worth of property are involved in hia will. A NBW telegraph com nan v whioh waa in corporated by the lat Pennsylvania Legis lature is about to ijiiild an inlepemlmt line of telegraph from Pattaburgh to Oil City, with connections eastward and weBtwaril with other independent lines. The enter priae is said to have grown out of the exor bitant ohargea of the consolidated Weatern Union and United States lines, snd the principal eorporators sre men largely enga ged in nil operations.- Thn line will extend from Hittatinrgb -40-OU City, Titusville, Fitbole snd Tioneats. DuaiNfj a recent thunder storm in Tennes see, a half mile nf telegraph wires were melted, and divided over the whole diatance into small fragments, irregular in shape, and manv nf them no lsrgsr than a btn'kahnt. or a small riflu hall. Fragment were found along the whole ditnnce, and would not. if nut together conneotedlv, make a wire thirty feet in length. . The g'a-n inultnr wi-rn fined, and ths poles were shivered into tragtnents. Tub Lieutenant Governor of Nevada re cently went on S ''le Frolio snd came to grief. B'ing ex nffkio Warden of the State Prison, and in that e-tnacity h iving recired a lot of nnw uniform clothing for the on viots, he put. on a auit and went into town. B'it he was immediately - apprehended. taken before a ju-ttioe of the peace, and sent to the prison a an escaped conviot TtiE Presbyterian Oeneral Assemblies, both old and new schoil. will convene at St. Louia nn the 17KUit. i.Oia thousand dole- gates are expeo'ed to bs in sttsndsnee. Misaiaippi packet cempaniea, and several main railroad lines, have agreed to convey the delegate at half. fare. ' K religion eon ventinn. cilled hv Dr Bieckinridge, nfKen tneky, will meet at St. L mie at the same time. James Robinson, the New York circus rider, waa aevHrely injured a few dav ago while rehearsing hia new act. in whioh is to iiimn from his horse, while going full a eed. thronirh a afage coach. The New York papers think that thn taeertain'y t .,,.1 -n i! ; l. i:. tne loal in wuicn ivjuinsou imu urea uii neck. IN rnsponse to Gov. P if ton a appeal behalf of the auff -ring poor nf Alabama, the War IJ'Pirtment h ordered that sup -11 be sent immediately to thar S'ato sum .iie.nt o relievo the entire deatitut population The S'inpH" are to he Utusd through the Froedmen s Bureau. Oov (laa. or South tJaroltna, has ex nrnsnd hia opinion regarlinc the teaching of freed people. Hehilieve it ia good the State. . He l't the . teaehers shall protected in their d'liies, and that the pre udme against them snd their occupation is disappearing. O Mahont has resumed his position Head Centet-of the F-niana. and his resin- nation has rwen aeentei1 by Stephens. O'Mnhonv'slaat offioial set was to remora Iviilian troin the Treasuryship of the Broth erhood. It ia said by the Washington specials that it seem to be agreed among the memebrs nf Cnngre to take a reoe from about first nf July toithe; first r.F Ontoher. and than continue in teuton until December. Tub Nw York Tribune foots up bank win lings an-' emhezilementa from May. lttftV to IWv.xln at about ,I64. 000. hesiile $3,472 000 of what it calls vulgar snd violent robberies. the ad as Col. on iron to the the notes, the sold a waa The on been used pur i I Mat hs his Bo- for JrFr;nsoN Davis waa Indicted for trea son on Wedn'srlavchv.th Grand Jury of Uni'ed States Uisfnnt Court, now in aesxion at Norfolk. "The Court has aUourned meet in Uiohmond uj June. Tna Dotroit Tribune, sfter s thorough vestigation of thn flood it ion of wheat in S'ata is oomne'lcd to conclude that the crop for I860 wil) fall below average yield ot past seasons. Til largeat amount of revenua paid th British peonle in anv one year $370 000.000 The amount which the pen pie of the United States will pay this Will bo $540,000 000. Robert J Tirr-aNT. a hatter or Franoisoo. paid $VK) in gold fur the choice ot aeat n the nceaaion ol the appearance of Elwio Forrest ia that city. From nffiniil dofinmenta which have placed in the hand nf Secretary Seward, ftot ooraea tn lignt that Santa Anna ia adherant f Maximilian's Government. i-.' During) s late trial in the Circuit Court st Pontian. Mioh.; 1 to vitia'e a leaas, Judge Oreen deoided that the absenoe ot a stamp did not invalidate te ttneument OiKOAOO telegram report winar wbeit aa very nearly a failure in the Northwest, while white snring whest will be abundant, uo , injured hereafter. Tn gold ernn of the world will probably resnh $.V) 000,0(X this year. Previous 1X30 rh vrat;a annual yield waa lesa $3t 0(10 000. THR ricaynne thinlcs mat ths population nf New Orleans i now "three four times larger than it was previous te war. Tn oldest newspaper In Amerioa ia 0i-.)te. aad Chmuirtle, publtahed in N Hampshire. It baajust oomploted it year. - A tmt.R girl died very audTenlv in Ronn dout. N. Y.. a fuw days ago. from aheer hsustion. produoed by jumping the rope. RiPORTS froi California Indicate ths orop of noreals will sxoeed thisyesrtbst fsny former yesr. . -. Tub trial of Col, Jesquas for murder mean nf an abortion, bgao at Louiavill Thursday. Tui average arrival of emigrant at Paul. Minnesota, It about three hundred par day, CONrsotRAT einigranta ar returning from Moiioa They bring unfavorable report. ' i Tbi laroous'trettlait 1irs Dexter told at auction n Wodnaaday for $l4,0oa Fode hua4rd aei sixty dollars la liquor Iiesaa OiMbnrc lad. at in for be ss ths the Th body of the lste Preston King, Col lector of the port ot New York, was dis covered on Monday in New Yoik bsrbor. Mr. Kins, it will he remembered, commit ted- suicide last November, but although strenuous exertions were made to recover his body at the time, they were unnocfM fill. The body waa not so mneh bloated, nor so decomposed a it would have been tessonahln tn expect, from tho long time it had remained in tho Watoj. A VEST daring robbery occurred, Satur day, in New York. The eashier of s Isrge earpet bouse waa knoeked down on Forty third street, snd robbed of about fourteen thousand dollars, which he was about to use in paying off the hand. no was knocked down, but sfter his- reeoverv sv nnh s description of the scoundrels thst it is hoped they msy be arrested, I HE Municipal fours till which hsa hren before the Tennessee Legislature Tor scire time nasi, ia now a law. The Hn on Monday sdnpted the Senate's emenrfments tn the original measure, by a vo'"of40to 20 Its provision apply to Nashville, Memphis snd Chsttsnnoga, much to the disgust of rebel sympathisers in all those cities. the to in thst ag gregate ths by was year Nan first Orst been the an to than negro or th the -w 109th ex that by oo St was th A PACirro Pnersv; ''The latest nw from Monfnni is doleful enough thousands of men vainly prospecting for digei'gs; nothing psving over two dollar per day, men eormtsntly freezing to death; te four dollar per pniinrl ; flour thirty dollars per hundred; men living on breed and wstei, or venison straight. " Thr Supreme Conrf of Missouri hsa lust rendered a decision f importance to per sons using, the teleeraph. It helij that telegraph c.impanv hsa a right to prescnt-e the conditions on whioh its linasshall hensd. snd ia responsible for no errors except these arising from gross negligence on the pert its employes. Tn Orrville (Cal l Rsoord hints thst certain n rsnns hive disoovr-l a veritsble) dim"n l mine somewhere in th vininttv the Tible Mountains, tn the West o the Meaills valley. Tha specimen ere aii bavn been propounded genuine by those engaged in the diamond trade of San Fran cisco. DuRlva the bombardment of Valparaiso the American Minister. O -n. K'loatrii'k. en horse hack, rode through the city, amid the burning ahIN from the Spanish fl- and the vociferous cheers of the admiring Chilians, enennravinp the firemen in their efforts to subdue the flames. It is stated that wi'hin a month sfter the opening of the N-w York State Inenriate Asylum, over 1.500 applications were made by wealthy parent fir the admission their daughters, who had contracted intem perate habits from the us of liquors fashionable parties. Tt ha been officially reported tn Oenersl Howard that 0nrN Fuller'nn snd Steed msn w-mld hardly listen to tho testimony a Union man or s ng'0. nnles c.harg were made against the Freodrnen's Bureau while every rebel complaint is carefully tened to. OMR of tha Philadelphia churches erected in the wall of ita vestibule a table, whoreon i inscribed the name date and place of the death ol earh of membi-r who fell a victim to rehel bullets or to rebel barbarity during the war. Mr. S. S Baoww. of West Oilena. cently shipped to Chicago, from his farm. ninoti fire he i ! off! ctttle. which averaged in weight 1.190 poni-l each and whii-h sold f ir $11 "JO oe.r 00 pounds, live weight. lie was paid f 7.009 tor the drove. SoMRofthe R'ltnhlieans of Conosptiout have, presented tn Col. William B. Stoke. Congressman oet from Tennessee, an Snencer riflu a an acknowledgment his efficient services during the rcecnt do cat campaign in the former State. Thr St. Paul (Minn 1 Pies say thst aggregate of lumber em this ?ear is almost equal to that of the three preoding lt is estimated that tha Upper Mis sissippi will end down this spring at seventy five millions ot fxet. Tiik. Committee on Agrioultnre will ceed in a few day to discuss thn expediency of removing the D iparrment nf Afrlcu'ture. tn O'ib orth Western a ates. Judge Inw- rence will d Irers ths Committee in of the change. Hartford. Conn , has had only fifteen different town clerks since the town fuuiid"d, in 1635 George Willis served sixty four yeara, John Al'en thirty years, and Hes-.'kiuh Wylis twenty-seven er. Ma. Georor Peahodt is staving his sister at G- orgetown, near South D Mss. He declined a former' recep tion which waa tendered tn him tiy a mittee of the oitisens of South Danvers. Am asportation ha been formed in Saline County, Mo., oa'led "The Honest Men' League, having for ita nlij -ot the hunting down nf horse thieves aad others of same family. Thr Hartford V, on rant announces the contract for tho construction . of Gettyanrgh monument ha V-en awarded tn its designer, Mr. James G. Batteraon, that city. Tub regular packets from New York Liverpool and Havre are all filled, the beinv engaged in advance by families to hi trope to upend the summer. Tin United State Consul st Halifax, undi'r data nf M iv 7th, write that cholera has entirely disappeared from quarantine station It that pla.e. Till military foree now in Virginia sists f fiirtv four companies of regular troops, numbering in the sggregsto two thousand men. A CHCRCtt In Henry County, Indiana, was burnt last woex tteoause a colored gyman had preached there on the invitation of the congregation. In the spring election in Michigan twenty-six Counties, the Republicans msde a net gain of seventeen supervisors. Col. Jacques, who has been on trial Louisville fur murder, was on Monday The jury did not leave their There are about twelve hundred ia the frettdmen's village on the Arliog ton eoltte, (lion, ice s old rseideue. ) Two more deaths from the cholera reported at quarantine ia New Yoik Monday. Thare were bo new oases. A arm of 129 miles was reoently made th Miohigan Central Kiilroad in hour.) and forty nine minutes. One more death from cholera occurred th New York quarantine, on Sunday. new can were reported. A Woman ninety yeara old was brought bo tors th ti t n Polios Court last for assault aad battery. . Secretary McCutxocn visited Fortress Monroe on Tuasdsv last and had aa with Jeff. Davis, Tin ohnlr ioitmnt Ls quiatin io Ntw York. Tb disstM has naarlv at quarsQiio. . bract foods msy bav dsoliosd, bat ri in hsop skirU t lb strai tt quit surtlfog. UNION STATE CONVENTION. Wednesday, June 20th, 1866. STATE UNION COMMITTEE ROOMS, COLUMBUS, O., May 1. To ths Ustos Vorini or Ohio i a of of to et of at Th annual Conveiill in ot tha Uiiinn Tarty ot Ohio will be lielil ill Unlumbuaon Wi-ilufwlav. tiw well day ol June. 1-SMI lor Ilia tra-i-aetioii ol tiuin ami ihe nomiiia inn of eaadidaiaa on Hi Union litkal (or Ui followln ollirra: Herelury of late. Jml- nl ihe Snpri-m Court. hi i.-. m M..M..I nt Piil, Hi, trnraa. Tl. l.aaift nl rnrr Hiitiil inn 111 lhia ('oilVailtiOtl Will he one dolrirale lor evi-ry livi- hnmlrrd voiea ral for konl, r i nr r.irCnvrriinrln anil one aililitionnl ileli-i-le for any frarlioi,ol iwo hund eil ami fifty ole ana upwarn. anu uraiiniiK "'"t" ,'ii'"j " - -Iwo ulrale. 'I he ilelritalinn will atarnl a follow -. ;We omit the table. The whole number of deli-gale to lf chosen la 4t. Balmor.l Coumy is euliiled to 7. KD. Chios Thi s veral eountiea ar reqnaslert tn hold their meet in for the aeleelion of del'jaleaon HSktttrdSty, . V. ft!. Atmmr .P .1 11M We invilK yoiiVearnrai nil-iilinn to thi" call, and hej you will kiiH up deienal'i who ehall truly repreienl th wi-hea and bel illleret of the Peoplo. Fire yeara an the U-'iou Party wa or(tanlil oil the all-important 1ml niinnle platform of the preaerralion nf the Union and (io ernmi-nl. Tn it thr loyal aud earnest men of all partial everywhere ralliaJ, and liara vr t,.i. aualaiiiil il Five yeara of earnem eo-operation and lahortoether hare made o friemla. and tawcht u many valuahla eona which werhall do well neer to tnrijet. They have inuxht us that iolenl party pirH and loiter parti ami feelinaara areal evil-, and 'end loinialeml the Juil me nl ; that, while we have tha r-o er and pHlriolinn to crmh n (treat and wicked Hehcllion.wr ne.-d the eier eiee o' charily anil forbearance to overcome paeMon and nr. iuilice: that elernal vieilance i athe price lih-ltii" thai every -lepol onr pro :re. in ihe recent iel -trui'gle. baa been marked bf the Inner of Drviu Pmvid-'iice. Is the work for wliic-k we Joined hauda compiled? True, the war ia at an end. anil we rejoice m ihe return of pence; but the -am notilicnl iirea and real na tional queatioua are b- fore the cmiiilnr no, that have lirred inen'a inmda and henrls for aeveral year pal and new and important qne.liona. invnlviiiir the credit and character nf our liiveniment. i I oire ami abroad. mul he actled and e-laldi-hn- . Fo- what have I brave men of our country periled life and torliliie. if nnt ihnt a free neonle'a iriiverum'-nt and Ihe inteirriiy tt the Union ahould be maintained and perpetuated, and die ritflit and doc rine nf aecee ion forever abami wed ? Th..e cannot be fully nccnmtlihed without the uni led clforta of Ihe Koorl the wie. the loyal and iru hur,,i mi, of ihe ntnte firmiv atunftinir loreiher. thev have done for five yeara paat. Ignoring M ta.uea. and all anneal- to paator and prejudice, let meet in council reaolred 10 atand by Ihe nrinrtplna which nave raided ui diirinr the no-t yeara oftnal. and noininalr fot oHica then who have artvocattd and toavhl for them : nd with the true apirtl of palrtoia anil Divine lilein. ncc a aud vieiury win na certainly follow our banner in p-nce aa they did m war. Hy order of the Suite Central Committee. Very truly, your frii-nila in ihe caue ef tire Union, RUSH R. SLOANE, Chairman. WM. E. DAVIS. Sec'y. WM. E. DAVIS. Sec'y. Union State Cen. Com GEO. B WRIGHT, Chairman. JAS. WILLIAMS. Sec'y and Treas., State Union Ex. Com. STATE NEWS. and it re he ele gant of i the na sons. least pro favor was seven with in tow, com the thst the of to bertha going the the con about cler in have st ac quitted. aeats. freed men ware on nn tore st Ho week, inter view down as d tb tiasss Thk Salem Repolilii:n say: The Wbeat, so laras are have been atile tn learn, ihrtiu nut ti ilumhiana anl M ihoninii (Jo llities. nrnmisi'S much better than was sn'i'iiat"Oj a t'uw werks saO. .Tha lute f ivuralile weath er has started it to iirowinii finely, andtiiany Qi-Msthar were reitardeil as wurihlesa nnw Hhuwina evident' ul a paynift crop. Should the weather continue I'avoral.le. farniHrH will yet receive very lair return tor tht-lr tml. Stephen LKooErr, says the Stenbenvi'l G iscite. who is known to our reader aa old offender, was arrested in WheflinK Monday last. He has recently stolen ever- al horses in Harri-on County, lor which will he retained in the Wheeling f ill until called lor by the authorities ot this state Barnesvillk, B.ilmont County, has the aoetie rt-o-ftitlv of several liur Uric rihhnrirts. On Wedtiesduy nitrht the forti- offioe at that ulaoei waa entered and robbed The letters in the buses for ditriliu'ion, the mail out ur tor W o-iil-B I I. were nfljd of their oontents.' L-iss unknown. Itt Meigs Ctmntv the wheat crnnja repre sented to be o had that it will prove aluioat an entire lulure 1 lie larmers are Dlnwinv up their wlvat 6. Ms. snd either -owing them with ats or plantms corn. Meigs n it tininri of a fruit growing County, but little is izpected. The Zunesvillo Courier ststes that was strui-k on Friday, almut 4 o clock P. on the McDniald farm, owned hy the Wood hury Coiii'ianv. A good stream of oil tinues to flow, with nn abundance nf and all neoeeaary indicatiuns of its being Bret ulase well. The Cadis Bank robbers are said to bi en rehel soldiers or guerrillas. There were six of them. A purl of ths money siolrn, amounting to ono hundred thousand dollars, was found scattered nn the ground where the tobberswere arrested. Tub Pdinsville Telegraph ssys that wheat orop nn the ridges in that County ( bake) at this wesson ot the year l inked Bier than n'iw. The h ie. Dispitohsiys the same thing of that region TlIE T iledo Commercial eaya thai 14 uiishels of potatoes w -re ahinpo-l (rnui I d i to Cleveland, last week. And bushels have been shipped tn that from laledo since the nrst ot January, One of tha improvements af the day railway travel i the opening ol ode tains on the trains. These are in operation upon several of tbe roads leading Cleveland. The Marion Independent say tbe crop in that Count v will be raiher slim. Tuscarawas and Columbiana County paper sav the pruspect u improving lu those Coun ties. . Tn Chillicothe Osxntta say a a greater breadth of oa's has been snwn in Ivins Coun ty this year than ever bo fore iiiany farmers having sown tneir wueai neias in oaia. The Cleveland Herald ststes thst young man uieiitnuird in ibat paper a day aiiictt as lying f ir so long lime trance, died on Saturday evening hint. A NUMBE'l ol th farmers in Rosa C -on'y ar trying tbe experiment ol giowing spru wbeat upon tb uwitw io wniort the tail lug waa trusco out.- 0LY two Ohio regiment now remaining in the rmrvice the JUto Infantry and Cavalry. " Da. A. B. DaAKB. of Athens, Athena County, oomtuiited euiuida on rudsy, 4th.- Ltis, psoumary etnoarraiwiusot. The Lorain County M.iw av th effirts for ths new end twment ot Oberlio C-illege are meeting; with good ailooes. IT i antiounosd that there are now students st the Uno Untver-ity at Athens, 60 or whom are retnrned soldiers. ' O" Monday, M ty 7ih. a train wss put the New Liabon Braooh Railroad, and make regular trip. Trains are now running regularly on Nsw l.ubon Branch ttU ttoad. - Til 2Mb Obi Iafrntry RsgiuMitt Mt aatr out. Administrator's Sale of Real ... . ...Estate. , ' JM PVRUNCP. ota order i-.nt.d hy"- tm ' M hate Conn of It -lniuin C umr. Ohio, I UI sm tjt ili-, bi pulilte ho , ,.n ' . Saturday, May aa, mb, hriwrsn Hie hmim ol Id o'elwk a n and i iiya Ihr nremiw. ilia iMInwM d-orilwil eihi, ultuan - iiiim,..!, 01 iwimmi mhi Plnta nf INno. ia Ivliir in P. a Tort-ii.inn. I , aid Catimy : brwt Bart ot S- cnon :I4. I'p. S. R ai--i: nuini, ,a ..... . " '."". ;''l'' a iraei bf alutui II ai-ro. off Uia Nnrta ami inermi. wmcn in l-vt waa -clol in sun laliL ami wra a pa-tiir n.-lrt, nnd h rli wi pold ar iM andr.iirn-il Mny IS. IHIl in nm:,r nksaalrfa. Th ' tract n-inaiiiinir. roiiialiim I i arn mora or leas, an brin tlia am iraci now wtmpl.-ri b Hi midaraiirnait. r-t,i mni-r wir nn o a Ifl-e Ol lWar. TfJI mine Known on nnj m nam. I ; be ai ua the MARV AVI TYt.oil. .n. Missouri Farm for Sale. 1.240 Acres in Dent County 400 Acren notlom I,nd340 under Culllvullon. THR nnhanr1 rr oiTern titan abovn Furm ftr Mlt tbr' the re u o 11 o ly Vmt he wiMirs to irnUtrk In other lMiiii. Tltrrti m on the flhova .rrm- n ifoo? nf w Km me tmi 0 lr W feM Crili ftod' -Fsiahl-utT all Rtftnplefv A dtmMe lnr MouW mtJ !' tiai tionfi NtiJ a tn(J Citern. I t witliin 15 mi t of Holhi iirht milrjiof ttfin. County mrni of Deuit mile from JnmeV Iron Vnrk 10 fmrn a dr rtavs Flotiriii-r Mill attrl CHnlirtfT MrpIiI te 'A mile from tb Lake Pnriiitr ArH-lemy, and ion ih road Iffldt n trow Ritlln tn Hitler. ViU. a wUIom it-rro uM purt-hntfra. For fnnher inlormaliou call on Tlioo (kalmm, tClair" till. (T, or on tha ubtcnliar on Ifaa pmni . aprtO w - L. V. IIVKR. FOB J3ALE. f OFFKR MY FAR V. miuat! one mile Soatliraat 1 Ml ot Crntreville, Uelmoiil Coanty. Ohio at privaM Tht farm com taint 140 Arrm ton of which are elear eil hiiI 70 m (rrt It i well waierrd. han a good two siory Frame Moaa. UtI feet, rood talitif , and all oilier uecusmry oti(luildtitr all nearly new a younr neaniifr iwmwui over iuu mas. aiao m Tanaty oi retr. t;iierrieiT riuin For .erm utoiif ol ihe auhncrlhr o h nrv in tat a, aprlillineoii(3f91perrn JAMF-S ;OUIX).N. House and Lot for Salo. , OFFKft FOR f tt Thmw and T to tou at (ilenctm. He I mom ('on ty. Ohio- The hont in new oue-f-iorv fruma wim two mom lt iid-r fence. uiHble for al pefn rfs-iri t loearryoii af inerltnnit ul bu iiieRs l'rrai raT apr5ff ' ; CHAKM 9 McCOY. Valtlable Town Property for sale. TIIK. f.AROK ItlliriC HUII.DINO on th Southweaa corner of Main and Markot Blreeta. in 11. Clatrv- villa, o.-po-lle the l.ewia Hoiim aiifl National riotw, and occupied by it. F. T oll and otheft, is offered lor 'I'hia i the mn.t de.irahle ;lSlnj ami loaua la town for htaaine-a purpoea ror terra apiy ooa va mart-U ' . H, C WEt.DAY. 3P. TWII.I. ISKI.I. AT PRIVATK SVl.K SO ARSa ort the Nnnb pan of my farm, adjoining- S CiairvV . vilfe. on which 60 acra ia a email house, elablo. ewnw I quarry, eoal and wood &akl tract ia well supplied wu' writer. For term, enquire ol deli !S Claimrille, Oluo. re out an on hr and and i and well M. con gas. a have the never IV, 6s5 nle 35B place in toun Iroui ths lei in sow 11th May initial 176 on now th kal 2,880 Acres Missouri of Land in for Sale. ai private sale the ahora- rTlll. tindrreiifned wi'l I landa. in :tM acre trne-a.' I'ric SI" per acra Pavin"nl to suit purchase r Thia land la Umbra liul prauie. A m. I-Jll Acre-in AdmaCouniv. Iowa, ag to Hie Ooinity Seat Qiiincy. I'rairic land. I or tin-trier inlonnuiinu. call on tne -uu-cniwr. ai a. , niurmville.O. (nol-in THOS. OSlldRNlt. Calkins, Griffin & Coa OBEPHLIlSr, omd. si. CAI.KIsii, i POSJ l. 1 ' """" UUHTISB, S. SaCalkins&C.P. Griffin- PrinciffaU of Cotntnerrial Dtpantnnt, f rmruaaaft . in the ?rtenee ol Account oiMtnerrial l'fW ud I.eflturern on ltuna 1'uiHNiia, ' Corrtf.pomltiiea fc.efco- C. H. Pond -1 Prineipal of the Telegraphic Dparimeul. an1 tuMnMar lor in rruclicai an I horene-.l Tele:- 4.itiin MewiHi UeguiraiitMi, Keportg. 4c. , o. L. E. & W. A. Drake Principal, of lha Ohlrotrraplne IVpartmanl. In tu hp'.rnan r emnanitiiip riatn, ifaciMal aud Uniartiomal leiHlrawiuy, CaaA r Maikiiif Lettering, ate. Tha eourM of alndv conaiftta of tINGfsR ANIV THUU.K KNTRV IIHOK-KKKIM Xi. in Mock and Par Hrt ip ela. wiioleaale and Relail Merebandrainc, oiniiiiaiioii. Cofnpnund romiaiy a d Join rtiMk Bust !!, Itaitkinff. Oonnn-rriai Pper. CoBiitrrial Lmw, iluiiieaw AntiitfKiie. iTt.eMiai ran man It ip, aia . at. A lanre Half ia nowfiiied lip for lite Teleifraohir la- pimrr.' ni ent'lii4vely. w tiers atWantMire will ba t-urel ai fritJt in anyihmjr eiarwlttur Inth Writ It in in tlia rare of an operator mi tiiic aip riet.ra, aad mi tlte best repulsiioii. ' 'lavm aro ihe atrur and patrons Be of the lialinff Telftcraph Oifieer ihrouliul tha em, anTATiOK' i-r ratiuaie ran reasin)- ne neeureO. The Tuition Pea ia only about ONK H M.F tha uaually rltaredi mmiur limiilulion; while ihe elieap lien, of livnuf. llie iiumrtHia edunat ittnaJ a) lvaiitarra mi thi; plaee, and the oota arativv abM-ne ol lauptaiUma lo vira. are imiHsnant eonaideriiiiou. . We do mot outtuirKS .iiuaiion lo our rra'"aatAav for it i bs-T'-iid lh power of any Coranrereial olIeM In irel mliialioviw lot all ti vradnatep, hul we no ouav tb lull ana coM'-wtim taUMMCiinu 10 oar Mttirtema. RawaMaEB, wa are not a I hi ' in any itody'aaUaia, neitlier du wo lay rlainr to o Asavm ft Uuuf m m "ptAUix' mm a yicai ol inircti04t. , f". ' ; . ... TsitMm ftr tke full t?our. hieludfnr Rune-M Fen inanehip Te ley ran Ui tiff rourae Hoia rombmed a. Teacaer' Couraa in peuniaiitliip ra To any w hnrm donhia awwaerfttng whwre le f fer Huiuea Felueuon, we a if on atwly on week viih u. and find we have deeived you by fafaa repre entatimra. a-k for tout itwioa feo, and it will b rrfsoaV ad. For full partieulmn, au4 for CaUVafttt and CiMHUr. ja'.Vly . FAIRBANKS ". TANDAIU';" i. ' 'W! Of ALI KINDS. Fairbanks, Ilorso & Co., . In SUPK.HIOH ST., CLKVKI.AND. WK AIM MAMUPACTUUR an S.l In e nd arehouw Trucka: ) awl Kapraaa Harrow-, Hj Ba and Cotton Pnaaaa, IVaia-anutMarar Ucan and rramaa, Uaiiar an4 MsnUaal Pnaaea, h. Ua anaa Ia luiv a. I w it.. ........ A ..... - . r AEBON CO, ahrsr a m aa ta rl -V aaevv KwaaJa,! C.v-f-