Newspaper Page Text
iclmont (Uliramk St. ClairifUIe, OMo, May (0. Local Matters. TAX PAVING. TUi; H(MKt4 Attn NOW H'llS fur Hie tnrtit of fhft June lnnullmui of taje for I "ft... The I tint of halilinf ilia next Uriri of Court hnvlittt tttf-u rhmift-i iroin May to June, liters will !. great ffuK durt te the taM rittya of eoilnfiinrt. Prof bavin taip- ui pf will rav ihcmieWet ttm anfl troiilileaiidaeonmniotlatt ma by paying durnift I la mntuh or erifly In it rt. 1 IrBveth- Aiftfa after Hn coHretlsn, and ut bars Hit,- to enable my coiIoiom in enft-rce tavmm of de limit! in iaii prrpamttiry to turitl Uia nfficp. over to tny uocamori kartca the time en not lie extended AMOA OI.OVKIl. Trea-urer aytO Uaiiiioiit Count)'. Ohio. Heacock's Saw Machines, BV W Licit two horse,, i mnti mid two bo) a can. in ,ne dev. cm rnuUit wnotl io supply a cook stove a whole year culling logs v.ryitnr In si.c frurp. four Inches io ilirt e and a half It-el thick, and from twenty to fa IV feet in length. They ure exc, llrnl lor cutting shingles and cooper iiirT One will do the sswing of several families. There is not in lurm use en v inure labor vine ma eni'.e Price 70 to S7S. For sal- I t K Wit. KIN. Cadir. Ohio. I him also for sal rUHF. 1 I'AI.I AN BLE. myl7-lr Time Table of C. O. R. R. FOR STATIONS BELMONT COUNTY. AeTWASP SOUSS. wfrAno no van ASSIVa. lsavb. PH. A.M. t. U. A. M e is " ' 10 4 ' Bumamut so iw tM --HM BmtTOH'a 4 614 7 " 1101 Huea'a Mill 1 UI 4 1114 Hhi.xokt 10 6 0' SSI 11 S3 l.twts' Mill ' 6 01 ts XU II. cl Wsnsnca'a (10 4.W W- 1l4d OL.scoa 6 37 til V4 11 S4 Nxrr'a -isma 5 Sir, 40 Br.Li.Atav S 10 (Oil C. & P. RAIL ROAD. TRAINS GOING EAST. TRAINS GOING WEST Aiiivn . AW A.M. IN 10 40 6 IS -10 Si) , 07 10 S r m. 4 05 4 IS 4 'J I r.m. 0 40 w. . A. ii at Bl L IK ha oo mat MabpS'vi'.i, Ml 7 37 7X0 10 la KNoTictTo Subscribers. .fiff of our lultcrtlrr whn lud their pnitr.r mnrkrtl th H on t!ie margin, after flirir name, wi'l underttnni lht their unhncriplinnt nrt about tut. ami thnt the art requested to renew. All paper are itapped tetun the tubtcrip (in expires. p in As WILL bo Men by a notice in onr adfor tiling enluinns, the peeple of Bamo-villi are ninting in the matter nt' hnvin Turn piko conitruotci) frjin the N itinnal Rihi). at tl.'nilrynl)iirir, to the M mroe County line, at Malaga. Good for 'ha' I tim cun't our f'rirn U in the South p rt of the County meet uaat Wernocks with pike? Col. Blair, Resilient Engineer in charge f the Nntionul R ad, a man ofgiest rx pprienne in Htioh things, nays it will oox' aboat t4 O K) par mile tn lay out, grade, anl tnacadiiiii) tai!i in thin C-iinty. O' esirro, ir an old road is adopted, a great atving in the matter of gradinj? will le affected. . Who cannot see that these roads will pay for their constructive, by . fOririg an in crease in tho value of property? and that all our great thoroliKlifures nlmuld be nine dauiixi'd 1 They would increase tbe Tain of real estate, fAarl biiiin-as into new life, and promote the social intercourse and hap piness of our people. II w hi our. a T . . Sabbath Schools w.Biuifwti Coun Tr. Mr, William Alexander, Secretary ot tbe Belmont Count Sabbath School As ociatton, has preseO'ad us with following abxtraot of his report to the Secretary of the State Sabbath School tjniott : Bin. of pertotis in th Vo. b -tw- tn 6 sad 21 veur nf Kge. ,Ni. cifS. S in ihiCouitryilO I'pi .14 4:? out. nf 16) -"Ni. of S. S which are littld only a ftart of the y-ar of officer' and teaolier- rnrtdled.. 'fit f adults over 21 vertof agn " .. No. nf children enrolled. ,.. itwnj attendance ot nflWrv ad teach i r jtirtmjjreaMeiirf'irtCfiot' chiMreu and - a-lnlt!, ',. No.'wf foliimisn in thti Libranei ' S. S which dutrihtite paper. 3S ftK4 413 3,419 445 2 741 7.830 15 Conrntrations by the s. s. tor all iurrnvts 11,399 95 No. of S. which bold ii. fi. prayer or tea'-hertt' tnee'ini 9 Mo. of Conversion during the yoar 123 'te T the at 'lent V ihm -1. bet K. ,t I. 'iet II. An-trew Hat FiifALk of tbr Cadiz Bank Rub bert Three of the party who wera en gaged in the robbery of the llsrrison Ns tional Bank at tCadii.. were taken to the 1 ' penitentiary hMt week. We are told thev entered a pie of guilty. Two of then) were serirencedtWrteen yearn each, and one eleven. They give their name as Richard Roe, Bi3 'O'ConneH and Andrew Jones. Two of them sueeeeaVd inelippingnff their iron while on the way ta Cnlambus. and , jumped fmtu the cars, but were speedily rto ,ftur d. Two of the VOtrbrrs wro atill at large, with eoo-idera1 ! of ttte onney. t 'uv Mrs. IsABtt.Lv Barnes, wife of Mr. George W. Bruiia, f St. Clairivillo, dii-d on Tussity m noing of last week, and wa buried oti Tburaxdsy. Mrs. Barnes had lieen nick about two year with a lincering consuuiptiorh She Was a aaember of the Prei.byteriri thurch, an excellent wo nan, an I hf hiss will Ix keenly felt by a large oirol i nf rlsties and friends. ' A MO oak "-Toe Cadu bank robber who was wounded in the affray bear Lagrange, at the time of the capture, gives his name as Clisonc y Dewey I The scamp i not atikfied with stealing the tooney of the bank, but even (pprnpiiates tbe ostua of its President. jlft- JOBN 8.jOcha, late4 of St. c, -will, has located at Sedatia, Mo., whe"he itend.toPAh- Wa wish bim great suvw m'tL-. ' ' ' " is iurrVfovihg, and ha . PR ESTEP'S healt S hAf pfoftssioo, has rei-umed the practice . rt as .k Whaelinc Intellw . Ws harp fr ' at iom ar, y. . ,,h .h.far. boufhltho.aei4ai-oa. "T, ; tBTkaaJln Tnc nt Minn of tit Court ot Common Plea for this County ootnraenci'i on the 18th day of June. The following Grind and l'etit Jurors hive been drawn i " ORAltD Jt)ROR4, . W. R. Vsnpelt, I't aw Township. R M Wilkin-, Richland John Lmlii, Wheeling . Arohibiild Mnjnr, foleraia Kersey Kirk, Flushing Win. Tarbet, I'ultncy Miohael Dnr.4ey, v Alexander Oruenlee, York L. II. Ureon. j Joltn Ctle. Wsrtnti R. M. James. Kirkwond Anlrew King, In- n A. H Caldwell, 1 w ' lsauWabb, Washington PBTIT JI7ROR4. Oeorge W. Green. York Township. . Richird Crawford, i'vasa V. H Dunn. 1'ultney Philip King, Wnyne Hnnry Taggart, Onion Reece Bnrry. Pease J.ihnS Anderson, Richland John M (isrduer, I ttr M. H Murphy. ' j Wrren Joel Hunt, Wavne Ai'-eit ). KiOtt.' Pease J. H. Colemnn. Mead Tm JAtti On Tntl iy Ut Mi'tnn Cr nen'er, of Wayno Township, wni lodged in i til on a charge of rspn on th person nf a Mrs Williams, of the astni township. The circumstances under which the crime was committed wera as follows : Carpenter oharged Willism. tbe husband of the outraged woman, with frequent erim inil conversations with his (Carpenter's) wifa, during his absence as a soldier in the srmv. snd the ohsrge, report snys, was we loiinlfli. Carpenter had threatened the lit of Willism. and Went to his house .for the purpose of executing his threat, or in rveng perpetrating the crime he finally li-t. Williams, on the approach of Car- n'er, ma le his esoipe. an I left his wife to tak care of hersulf. n.rru.m, aniJ he homo, turned the children oat, and ac- eimp'inhed his brutal purpote. Whi n tho effort was made k arrest him he resisted, snd fired a pistol shet at the nffieers, who in return fired at him, wound him in the arm, near the elbow, after winch he submitted and was broacht to jsil under a strong guard SlONOR Mor.IKR TLis Msaioiari. or s'eigbt of hand performer will give two en- '.ertaintoen'B at the Court House.on Wednes- lay an i Thursday evenintis. of this week seems to be well spoken of by the press i rever he has exhibited, as a wonderful and dextrous ncrformer in l,utffAam.; tnd prestidigitation. Of his performances he Lucerne Union, Wilkesbarre, . Peun.. siys : RtONOR Molier. Thia gie.ian clood s series of hs wonderful enter- sinnients on nsturday night, having astnn hed our cnmuititiiiv durinir that ami ihul wo previous evemnrswith iheIrn;n. ni fricks snd the cleverness of his entire xnimtton. inednub e heanVrl "S1,i. ' which the Signnr di soribes ss " a bend with a body, or in'eltttfenoe without a soul. " A wmUU 1 m s : "ii'w iuoea very muctt to the UMititnt nt the audience, is a wnnrler r rwti. II is mot eii(w.riil i ,,.;n. 1 1 w. . ' ...... - va wlYla ' tf'cks ofledg. rdemain, sleight' ........ 4Vn.; m rijuii many pertortner unn xniiiitei m v iiKesntrra, not ex- ..viii,ir iiiti minnun nius. oignor oioher eaves nere on a ."Southwestern trip, ami we have no hositaney in saving that wherever exhibits he will be sure to please his au dience. .-.....-n at mr wi the the Tn ShWep Shearing at BiiJio.vt i follow. tig jtiemiums wertl awardod at Sh iep Shetring, on the Fair Grounds, Belmont, on last Thursday i . . Ctmii, Flreee. hnck a- d (Ireco, S yr oM Mi lion . . and Kii;tiid, Im pre 5. SI .Miller. 2nd pro. S3 liiwk anil B-ece. iyr. old, K. Uroom. hall, lt pro. W. I'ulmrr Vnd pre. SI hurk ami Hrecn, I r ol.l, Al. W. I'ulmt r. lt pre. a.t 100 l0 -lit .US S.1 13 14 IS II I' Snd pri. SI , 80 to rouiiniiiee. Jnneph I.oprr. B. Nicholi Walker lo.epn tvorton, w, vv. (irrgg Bl, oi. ra and (I re .1 yr. old. Jr Milliier 1st T.'rn 5 rimi. h'red. S ill prr S-t "I ewe and 3 "ee. i yt old Thoiuio Fre '. l.l prrt 0)5 a J II. Do.e. Snil pre SI' ewe and fi -f re. I yr. old. J a J H. .Olo.e. I m pr.a- H. Paliner Snd pre. S'l 77 84 K4 71 in 10 SS it 3 WalBOn BS Comininee Wl.h. M I.. Canard, 1'iyor. Klinore Philips Sml llealea. on aniar kHKAUs. Rmiih. Fail Rirliland. O.. tat pro art 1 .itMepi nnn. nennrynniiri;. u.. Snn Coninittee Oliver Taylor, J. H. Clou. Tho. Lodge. 1 I w Worth Conhidkkino The last Gtxetto. oitmmeoting on the faot that certain ladie Wheeling have learned that they can goods cheaper here than there, and enrne to St ClairsviMe to do their "shop, ping.'' while our people daily crowd to Wheeling, says : ' We do not know the reason for this strinue state of things, onless it is the fact hat the, Wlieelinir ineruhsnls generally ad I'eriise ihuir bnsinesH, and ours generally" This fact is worth considering by the mer hants of St. Clairsvi'Ie, and ever? otln r oroniinent town in tbe County. We tie hve, if our merehatit would advertise. their business, and employ tho clerks to sell them, they could dispose, ot double thatDono( of goads they are now selling. ami Ho d'-cele. ami the op'-ratiou. Tar. signing of the petition to the Com missioner for tho pike to Warnock'a i progressing rapidly. Over one hundred names have already bsen signed to it, and here seems to be no opposition to it. Th t petition will be aoted oa at the June session nfths Commissioners, and, no doubt, the building of the road ordered. the ly and Th. man who was brought to til last weok from Bellsire for stealing a skiff turn ad out to bo a orsf y ram, from tbe Lunatic Asylum, who had been sent home temporar ily under the ear of his friends, and hsd soaped. He was discharged on kabeae and reniroe o tbe Avlmn. x. n I Th Time TaUle of th Central Ohio R:il road has been chanted, to take effect on Monday, May J4. Wt have not yet re ceived a' c'opv of fbV new Table. Y. also and lor Rbv. S. SKioruiKD.ot'Mu-kingum Coun ty, a splendid orator, will deliver the oration the' Masonic' celebration eb the 23d of JW, at 8. Chrusvithj, - ' - with i i "u i TucniM Examination eo 8sturd'ay, l&. May 2, at the nsaai puce. I ' Graduated at Duff's Mercantile College, Pittsburgh. W, A. Birobsrd, Warren, Ohio, Bsrkley Cooper, fit. Clair.ville, Ohio. John M Funk. Tiiusvillo, Pa. J. N. Mrlnth. llammnnil.ville, Ohio. Wm. J McKesvet, Allesheny Cuy, Pi Win. A. Cstitpbrll, Cambridge, Ohio. Robt J. Wilson. Pittsburgh. James T. Ltmbie, Tallyesver, Pt. W. A. Oill. laud, Kskntstown. Pa. Oeorgo L Ri, New t'astln, p. 1. W. Wsllace, Polsnd. Ohio W. If. Sellers, Hi. Thomas. Pa. George M. D. Knox, Tixkilws. III. M. J. Collotiy, Coehoeton, Ohio. Henry (J. Matthews. Pittsburgh. D. R Mclntire, Allegheny Co , Pa. JimM II lOhoniiliiira P. Jihn Wsldron. Parkersbtirg. West Va. Wm. Gillsirhor. Birniiiivhsm, Pa. M. K Boysel, Tsrlton, Ohio, llenl. Thomas. Birniinrhatn. Pa. O W. Beaty. Steam Mill. Pa. M iN. IVitkiiatrick, lirondhead. W 8. Bebout. Clark. Pa. A. S. Bnbuiit, Clark, Pa. W. 0. Cravin. California. Pa. Thus. 8 Meyer. Phir.ii.sbiirs. Ps. II. A. Wsrne. Mnnnnusbela Ciiv. Pa. W. J. Barnbiy. Pomeroy, Oliio. A Dienst. Oirnrd. Ohio D W Ptvno. Btilletf. Ohio. W. H Stewart. FairfieM. Inwa. Fred. Fleininv. Birniinlisiti. Pa. !. U'sHIpv. Munrnrville. Pa. Robt. Gallowav. Connellsville. Pa. C. C. Lobi nirier. Brmldnek' Fii.Ma Pa Thomas Self. Hinine. Ohio. W R MoCaha. Vsnoefnrt P. V. Wheeller. Upper Sandusky. Ohio. All or Whom nsssed the llsnul earehin xam nation oi the College satisfactorily, "in win no aouor nerestter di.tingmsh themselves bv an hniinrl.l nrr,r1ni.nn business. Each gradaste wss awarded the oeauuiui uiploma or the College, a a ere- uennai ot nis protinieney. or his industry, and ot his exemplary deportment during ns cutirso or stuov. MARRIED. r.Aiii,ii.'i-v VAXWF.LI.. On Ihe d iint., by Rev , innn . ai llie re.inenre of Ihe bride's father. Ill Guernsey Cniinly Dr. Thomas Knifl-sui, and Miaa e"Kr'!',B iBAwen, iioiii oi liueriiaey County. KINNEY-McKIR A HA N -I'n the fid inirt . hv th. ..m. ' Brneville. Mr. Kli-ha Kinnev and Mi.. Nurci sa .... niinnaii, own 01 Ilia Vicinity of UullDOIlt. BARNES-BANMSTKR. On the 10 h (, ly ihe aame. ii Barneaville. .Mr Ahel C. Ilnrnea and Mies n , ' .V" B"via Bannister, all of .ci mum i suuuy , of Commercial Matters. AllhBBy 1,1 T ocic Harkit-May 10. f!AiTi I'd. m...l.. .I...:. .i . pnetl. neing III ejtcsa of last wn.-lt ; hetiui e.titnaled a. "r vtvjt-h was writ in. from 750 tn WKI head The ranrkei etlnbib d a better feelinir : prieea wer1 hnrher. I he aalea were more lib erat. im- market was vi.lled by a ntlrhher of ilrklefs ....... ,.,i ne nmie. nence the alea were larir.. iimu inr some tune past. Hmotiult e ill the aitureiale Ij , iir.ii ui i, inciters atl'l Inreannp, Th. -.1.. r . rrnrii.o tr f. m on J., Tne rales of . ZT T-fn ; choice to extra. 7 S601 isr cwt. At Ihe close of Ihe mark., ,1.. am. were pretty bare. The market ruled in favor of linos. The season helm. mi Ln. ... The r-al" were eonfined lo lota to supply the wants nf ei,V luil. Iih.. A f.u. . i . - ' '- M-ni-. niiiv were Ul.poaed ol. ortcea rantrtiia- from 69 00. SO .5 tn 8:0 0 i et rtiiaap.- 1 he market wa. firm, with a fnird. moitd for i- "i tor eztmri. ,.k'. mr lite nesi OI reasons-. Ihe niwk. in . . . - iiiii iHrtre limited The rates for shorn were S 110 to OS 75 a. r! i "'-'"'nwMat Ike usual ndvanee. abont m -onerinrawereiivm. A few hend wi re disposed of at SS SO to 4 00 per bead, aa per sue and eotidiiioik 1 ' p Balilmoro l.lvo Ktock Markat-ltla 10. v-ATT,.a ,ne ntterinirs of beef cullle at the Sii. l.tveWoctelea roiiliunevrry liKhl. the receipts .inee la.t Thursday folt.; tin only 1-0 head, of which VOI wI".''ni CHiao US It-ail fr .m Prnu Ivania. ItiS heart front Maryland and SO head from Ohio - ..,.... ,,,.. .uvnureti ttte supply not meeting the item. nil ..til . ... ..... C i.... .. . -?s- uiii,. nut tne exirnorilitidrv "'"""i me avera -e oi rates is accounted for by an eri r qnaliiy nt th- rattle on ante verv few SK'l'".""'"""'0"1'1".1- Wi"' exeeplion of .'""i""""' ,w "-itiiia-ioii iniicitera. the entire i i 7 ,n" i uy naiiimore Dulchera. Hales Oonitnoii cattle, r 100 Bi gross Wj)(7 a - ...i?.t5.o Hons Whh liehler receipt, and a fair inqtiirv. prices have tnniermlly imttroyed for ho-a. anil close .'iro,t. . ... u , lu ,,ri,un ran .-eil irntn i:ic to Hfc. net. and a few extra lots were plnci'd at 13c. Shkkp M irket liffi,iy sUi,,!i..,l. ami prieea In per ft lllirher. antes of pom-non to prime elippetl aheep beitie maile at ftia.Jc per to aro.a: no wool sheep at market. . we New Advertisements. Flour! Flout'! rinue r 1LST RE !EI VF.D, tfOO bh Extra Family , Flour. I or .ale by L uiyl7-lm COOK A ROBIVftON. CHESTER WHITES. WILL SKILL a few weeks old PiOi, if oallsd for soon. 1 They are pure bloa i and from hntce stack J. T. 8 UIOI.PIF.LD. "Si : , . . . Itarut.ville. Ohio. rXT-Cainhridire Times at d Wnotlsfield spirit ropy .1 eks eat-li. and seuil bills lo advertiser Dr. Chas. E. Sanderson, runmriniit ur Bellevue lluspUSrl, New York. Late Senior Nurrrpon to Kings County lloHpitnl, Can auaiu bo consulted at New Philadelphia, 3d. 4tlt .lit ii, Ultnch-ville. Demnster llou e. mh and 7th Cu.hocoil Am-riran II use. Hit, and bth. CaJii NaiioiiHl Hotel. Knit. 11,1, ami lath. ft. t:lairsville, Johnson lln se lilih. Mlh hi d ISlh Wheeliii. Oram House tilth 17tb a id IBlli. rlt.iilhfield. Hnlei. Ilitn and -Jtilli. rUrulienvilin Hi. Cnnrles lloie. a.t. Olid and 81d. Ktchiitnud. Hotel. iii.tlnih anil Huh. I'airo ioii. Hit nu t i House gilt xVih and 30lli, Oneida, Urower's lintel fllst. 1st and 'Jd OP P.VKRV M'lVM. A p-rmnnent cure warrnuti-tl in ilia lollovvitia; raaea. Hern a,(R iplur ); strain. nt is (Nuint l-.jes) j Uiaeased es anil iniuls. Kitlarre.l Veins utnl Tnuaila. Ify Hare I. in Fistula l.aeltryinaii.. Finuln in u,. al' kinds of Hirers l)r S. remnv,- all kinds ol' deloritli I'-s. atrai.'h etla l-roo',- it Li bs. Club Feet and luiilly ael Frnrtiire-. O erntia for tstoui- in tba liladiler Oalariiet. Pteryiftuin. Krtropioii anil Kulro.uou. lusrtrt. Olass Kyn- nientica in iipintara ice anil moVfifiHitt with natural eye j reslnres lost pars by Piaslic 0ietn lion, and perforins every known vnnely ol Surgical tree frmn tin u Diseases nf the tar Kte. Throat HVart. Liver. LutiEs stomach Kidneys, r-ki.i as wi-li as (scrofula. A- htaa firnvel. Neuraliria ami Rheumatism cured in vary ot,. slinata stares. Onilre. (swi-lla tteekl: cured without Iodine and Kulawd Veins. Pile., and Fistula ithoul knife. i"a' eera and Tumors ol all kinds successmi lemoned Un-s-m ol I e Hit,. Knee, and all olh r joints cured with lit ponniirm-ut to the patient aa lauuht by ihe i-elel, rated Prof. r)ara. of New York Biw praclite.l in Ihe Hoip tals. . All tarns of Female Diseav-s treated with entire sne ers. Leuenrrhea. Atnenorhea, tlymonorhea. I' c-ra-linn and t'rolanau' fieri diseases htineno eo aid rrd iffirull of cure, cured usually iu front f iui1 to twelve weeks Dy.pepsi i and Consiipition. ea.ilv and speedily re m tved without the a a of ph) sic and that e.o.m n at well aaalistiusiedisea-. flasiro Ouaiteintjs. com tto ly called Liver Com, ilaiut. Dvape aia. Ae , all'-uded will pain i lha side aad -houliler. iliiiua.s. rol l leet. ens uvebowi ls and a yellow, spotted, or faded skin is easily eured and with little, expense Tul.ercular or llmnchial Coiisumpiion. (exreis in last .la(r) succe a fnlly irealed by an entire u.w pro -esa. veeanlly dis. covered by an em uent Kuro ieun Pki aieian. ami nw ireuaiv 1 .mployed 1 1 thaN. Y. Hosp tals with s'uec.-s haretofor unknown. Prom lana experience m me N noeruiai., aavtiur matflsin two ihousand tio-l mor tem axaiainalions. wa can in all ra-ea paint out th xnct orvan nronran dtaeased and probaluliil-s of cure Dr . i a araduaie of one of the first hUdieul Cnl letea in the Uiinad S'ataa, la also a craduale of th. N Onthalmic (Kyeand Kar Ht-kool of Medicin and Rurtrery. is endorsed by Ihe ae ValeiKiue Moil and by lha ablest Aurtreoui and Physicians of the city, haa been iu the constant praenee of his profession seventeen years with unparalleled euei-e-a. CHaos Rs stttssi-a. I'oas ipatio- Faia Public Lectures aiven on various subjects connected with HyaieiM), Diseases, their Csums aud Cur, Physi ology. Ae. etiuale Ijetarea. 0S0 .00. For a Conrsa. evi 00 Private iAcmres to'Physieians upon rcaiu dtseov. cries Ih ledioal Rcteuce, Auseulation. and Perou-satan, Kyamination ol ihe Fluid, of th Human Body by Chemical Tuts. Dab ot Ois jlftcrostfuM, OpttWeJasoaph, ah rsasohahl. lensY . ... . Dr. S will visit anueal esse, tn Consultation with aeataoi Pavstclans of (ood standi ns. auU7-lax flue j-HH and and Fain Ki'S1! yountt w ill olT'-rnd, tn tor Hank. A a'tmed- may at M.V oars MB New Advertisements. New Advertisements. SAI,KI) PttoroAI will be received liy il.e ,. reel', of ih I'm, Tiw me Miviaa i'oaesT, vniil IRIDAV TIIK 1ts OKMAV, lor boring an Mil Well m ihed.rHli n( t0 riiinnVS feat. The w.ll will I Inreiednn i be i rT.ofXtni. trt lines. The Company w iS fnrm.h ontii.e mul lm,i. rtlitfieMMl .nelV will k. IMunni L, u. LnkLI m. fomianre of the ennlrael ma ran i,a ani to " as. Eaten, ra , Treaaurer of By order of th Director, i . .. D fc. PAVIS, Hee r. slorrlaloaTii O.Maf 14. 191. m7 A Choice Farm for Sale. I wll.l, RPM. at pnaaie la at br-ln. Il.a Pa mi ;;i nirawooa i own. nip, anown a tba " Skott r arm. " 'I'hit la one nf the lie., f,,.m. in La v.Mk., . he Cnmiiy ennlaina IHS Ai-rea. l.m aerea elenred an.l n rra-a or under eaitWaiion. ITha balanco ta wall Tliere are on It food Ram, with Wlin n FOTH1 level rnail In lh. n.L m..A i. . anil mlnpt. d ,r, a-oek or ernin f rnvriiif. r , iiiriiiri p r;ii-m:,r. or inlo'iimiioii r-lativ- to ariea I term., ra, n tl. ...I A u: , n ' . ... , -" .. uii ,n- i.iiii. .. mile IXortn M.,..i.inM... ... ..1.1. l:.. .... , ". . Morri-lnwn Brllnnnl Ca . Ill, in. n'Vl?:1'" THOMAS McrAl.L. ROAD NOTICE. T'LF:Ri.o.!l.,:7 ?, m.rli h"' 'rne.Tiiie nn Al tR!AV. MAY lltrii ism ., u -.i..i. . lo lake the neeeaenry .lep.i,, ,ve the Mtaie lloail rnn mull fnnn lhe National Koa I neat llemlrvaliurir.ihrniieh .1 - ., - -.. . . ,7 1 " eiv,ue,i ot April sth. I ral. on peraoue iniereated In Una eiu.-en.iu. .... l....,. .. iih , iti-it.-i I, r.'1'hn r , PT J.'W. WARHkLu mylOH i 1 II.K'LLlMl.' A. CARD. 1'HR nidersicned. hnvnnr sold hiaenlire interest ine urua isnn-e lieretrti,,.,. ,ini..u i....i... . .i. ii'iiminKgi , I . At J.J I ii'keri.iu n h . I. "ii. intw nas me wiiii . it,,....., .i. ... Ihe firm to lie mnuediale y settled up a,ll par ous auowi iv them.elves I nlehled to rhe old urn, .l urgently reijueaieu to cnil anil set le at one- W. T. I'lLKl.RI.NO. H.Brm i'oiif"nowivrinla mi lereai. it shall be euiarued. redtlea' and nnrr...rf The eilirna of Sit. Clairsrille and nfl.e riii .... ert;y anait n-to km elnas Urug "lore, in ail that is e.veiiiiai in niaae 11 .urn. . ' . riaviua received a ilMrnl natrnnaeai l rt.. n-r ho.te not onlv o have it euntiutiert l,ut l....t.. um luniir. ,t ., . You ran alMva find aveivthin,. 1,. ,k. r,.... tti.. .. J.J. Pirkerill:'a. lid thai, loo, fresh Ltd pure which win sen nt inn Lowest ,-asa I'rtci's. Particular atleuiiou will ba nal in fillir At ay 17, U i. t. riCKKKl.N'O. SECOND STOCK pic Spring & Summer Good ittfeiX TIBOBIVBD HV Y Watson & Greasinger. i . DRY GOODS, ISTOTIONS, Boots, Shoes, fcc. Further Reduced Prices! AlsoBradley'? Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirts and Empress Trail. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MayI7,ltiSe. " AGENTS Wanted FOR OUR New and Beautiful Work, TIIK IMLTORIAL BOOK OP sANEO DOTES k INCIDENTS OF THE II. BKI.LION: Heroic, Pitrintic I'olitiod, Romantic, .. Ilumnrou and Tragical. Kplenillrlly Illnsf rated with orer 300 Puruall.aad Utsallful aCagrarluge. WORK, lor irriiial hum r tender pathos, .tart boa- iuter..i. ami attractive b- uaiy, .lauds neer.esa al. ui.' amoiiK nil iu ruiiiHitd( r. I'ue Valiatti and rave Heart -it. Ihe piclurciui-ainl Hrinnalic. the Winy Marvellous, he IVinler and Paiheiie. The Roll ol ami 8 nry amp Pi. kn. Spy St I. Ilivmiae. and Hiartliiia Su prits. Unitrteiliil FUcunea. Fu- ous Word, and Heed, of Woman, and the wnnle Pan orama o llie War are here ibriiliuxly and etartliititit liortruvrd i t a ina-leriy tnaiiiirr. nt e bis..rie I and rbinuinu:, r icrinn it the ino.i ain'jile. bntiaut a d rewdHbie b ok I ml the wa haa called limit. Ih-a'itcd otliceia and snidnis leucrrs, energetic ineit. and all in want of profitable employment, find tins the best chance to niiike money ever yet Send for circulars a,id see our l rins Address. . NATIONAL PU IH.ISHIMI CO . 17 Im lAt West Fourth Rt . Cincinnati O To Stone Masons. PIOPORAL will lie r. reived br the FIRWT NA TIONAL RANK OF ST. CI.AIRSVII LK. OHIO one uioiitl, from lb. present lima, lor buildiitf a SI'ONF. VAULT forsairi Itank. ' Sreci6catiou. will b fiirnisherl. on anpliralinit ai the . H. C. WF.LDAV, O.s'ii-r Maye-l-ee. reylO-li NATIONAL TAXES. I I. PKRSON8 INTKRrVST:Dsire hereby notified that I will bh al th. following places, at the times when - . Returns of Inoomo, Applications tor License, and other National Taxes, h. made otherwise they will hav t. b. report, i my office. in-IVJment. (IhMrvnaroely : . . . sr. CI.AIRSVILLli. the Wth, 17W and 18th day of IstS. . a . . (JI.K.NCOF. Mp.dav aflrntoon. th. tlstdav of M.V. l.OYDsVll.l.K. th. 01 and SStldaya of May. ' MfiRRISTOWN. th. S4th and iMx d.ya of May. FI.USHINO. the SO h and 30-h days of May. HKLMON'P MBhn iNO HOUSE, (PlushW Tovra hls.) lha OM day of M.y. . And at my offio. iu Belmont nn Mondays and Salar- o, eacn wees, io reeetre nsySA, .4 OlhSlr .nocihunents for AILiar To Jiiablns' arfll k. V WS. . AlsOllZOf. MJIXIAV 1.1. rl-9m 9d tk-ruMa. 16U. Pin. ( Ohi ahiiix u.ifl. r it a two amry KweL JyOejTL li"S llon-e-two larre lariim rtteh KtilSLxJ r.u ot ehnire fruit, an it i. a"d-rlai'l f i N jT-'iaTf with a , no l rein o' eoe , of aree-e .l Zii2Fr ll i ailnele'l williii. . mil.. ..f iw. ...'isaon - a ; 1 A ine Stu n wln-re l five Ihe than t St. Shop liuue in ralea his Heel He. Fait-rs lb-si p. rute fir your JtP JulnSA rnilK X pr (avor of Mais t Itch! Itch! Itch! WlirATON SCKI.KIinA rt- DITf-limXTVVIT " "! by I II. WIST S ro Miss Prlscllla P. Aleiandcr OSJ MKTS, RlBBOe AMD TRIM WlSJUg " aimn. aviea ana variety. on tefma to an it e.erv . '. """'. "bela altopra- eiinirni iiiiq C'Hfl.nitKSJ'a ROISETI AMD II AT a, with neitiiiaat and diapalch, which cannot fail to pleaac .o.e in th room lately oacypied by L P. Hoffnat, t Llair.ville. ' ,fl) a, u ' iiOydsvlllo cademy. fiW-M.Ty'- eorome,..ingh. PIRST -7. It-I-KKAV Clo) OP APRIL. l-S a. r"'""" ,'l'vaiil in advaneei Primary TVpartment S. i Alva..jed tlrparimenl 07 SO. lauanliug e (0 - ' i-' wrra. - , Ktodenta ailm tied any ffm. d'arlnf the Term, and -rircn ar.oinnifiy. Thoae de.iring' room lor aclf J " " '"i me.e eariv apptieation. I II. PI, A I OMAN," wlnek afurat great advamair 10 .li,'iia. " Oeeaainnal IMTRKS nn .......'a. ,j ...j aehwl vevernrnent will be given ,i, j,,, ,n, ,,,WI. l ew Ktxrj, era .njMiied. but a auictc npl auca with llie.e i. retfinred. o- ;rie "fiorn" In of alout Ci4 ror lurther information, addre.a lie. i, n. ItAIVP.S mars-flni Irydaville, Relniom Co .llliH Spanish Jack, Kentucky f,i-- if n. win tauu lorih. improveitie it of .to k the pre.eul Moronr. siutri.ner ami L'.ll . ih. ...i denre of Ihe S mtlrs North af lleallsvill. TK.HMS. I'oiu.urees This is the bes Jack (and is in the be.t eoitdi'ionl af auv in Itel . on or adjoi tinr ro iunes. I will not move n:,n nir ihe pM-aiises tuear Beailsvii'e 'r,,.roer. i . f:K AisTL'H MoriKfcl .tlc.tlulion'N I reeh Valley oil and Mineral lompsnj, NOTICE is hereby eiveti that hooka are now open to receive suhscripftons to ihreaptial stock of tlte . t r-- nil and Mineral Cmtoiv" : iniciT, aiuocs a Biai.on and ten. trevtlle. Thisrnmpany has secured leases nn LftW acres of ...... .in ..ii-.tannna i.reea ami us Mouth Fork, secured for Alien years for oue-etifhlli of the oil and loiuarals iwjauy. or aroiliin rent. A C. RA.MA'.F. HIRAM MrOAITfillEY, ,i7,,v',.,,Kuv.'?.,o..., c.rpon.tor.. - mi.1,1 li.ll.lULK. DF.NNY II. BIAIHSON, No7r'':.!! '" ,",'' vn '" 'f-ekholdera nf Ihe FI.LilHNt O.I. t UMP .NY.hal,ere win I- in-eti , hrul at th SOU Slf. IllJl.KK. in FIX'SH- ir!' ?-J?.""k r " " ,h- """ ' t-'"1" ioink (MAIL I UTS. lor ihe rurpti.e oi eliettuir Kireitor. and transuding such oilier bu.iuess aa uiuv be deemed u.. cessary. BaMKI, H'll.t.OWAY. JA' IIH KKaNMON. Isaac hoi.lovvaY. i i C HI IIDI.I.iUVaV, J P JUDKIVK. Kt:SKY KIRK, . , J tVl. BA1LV, April IS, t. id , Corporatora. Always Patronize the Best I Never Retrograde ! The Thorough-bred Horse, WILL HE Kt.PT at my .utile, in St. Clairsville. for the seaistn uf 1808 AaaT'i'or the improvement of horses, for acn anu every purpose. none can compare with the horouch bred tirc."Oa Ailtltetiticaled Pednrtee. Ra. iur Calendnr. and Troltiua Records. l ii ue seen at illy otnee. Those who prel r a iira le horse. jaill find a vera- an. perior our by Invincible at tlte mine stable Pr- J. Al.KXANnf;R T. BICKHAM'S New Boot, Shoe, Hat and LEATHER STORE SPLENDID ASSORTMENT in Patterson' Block, St. ClairsviHe, OhidL - IIAVK JUST RI-rrUKNFDFR'lM THE EAST with a larire aud well eeleeteil sto-k of Hon islin.....H Oaiiers. for Onus'. Ladies . aud Children I have also Hat. of various kinds, together with o.n!e rather. French ami Phihnl..nliiii Cull' KkoT. ' nil Dressed AJortcco. Kid .skins. T.mniin... I.ii... tahn. Fintliitirs and Notions. All nf which will be sold low lto not farvel the nlace. Room iu PatLer.mrs llmlit. fo.mrrly occupied by S. Wiley. ! - . -. J. U1LKHAM. WHEELIXG FEM.1I E COLLEGE. rllK auccess of this Ins'itution has cxeeedod th. wartne.t eneclatio a of us frieuda. NunkM mi leuta thus far this year Kiel. muueiiis received at a y time, and charged only bom ate einrtine . For information, adi'ri'sa mrjo am L. C. IaDOMIS, A. M. M. O., Pros L fAktl., AtfTJatf prr r s ai. i MJ .want . Agent, r Ui sell our ixpbovid Oil Sewini na Alachines. sd V.rranled lirce new ktutls. I ud-r and unner feet! years Above salary or larje commissions paid ovt.r maclii nes sold in the United Stales for lees Mo. which are fully licensed by Howe. Wheeler A Wilson. firnvrr A linker. Minuet Co. ant) UueheluVr Allothei cheap mitchiitea are iiifrineeinenl and the or user are liable to at ran. fine, and imprisoii ,T"L .f '.rru,,"r; Adtlrcss or call upon M.nw a lark. Huldeford.-Maiiie ot arNovfto Hros.lwsv. New or., .so. x.a, warier m, rinladelphia. Pa : No 14 lard s hlock. Cbieruo. III. ) No. 170 West Fourth Cliuliiiiali, O.i or .No. a t-naulih.,-. t',.l,.., Buffalo, N. V. jalt-ly HIGH PRICES VETOED ! JOHN MILiLER RF.SPFCTFULI.V inlonns his friends and the pub lic that he has removed his Root and Shoe . lo the silicon room af the National lintel 91 iHiposile tbe Court Hotfs-. where he will ron-f iji to ma'tiifaclure loord -r all kinds of work" VeSai. his line of business, uf the Ihmi quality aud work innnship. limit, and Shoos repaired prnmnily and at reduced acennlance wi-h the lim-a. h. proposes to fall in prices He will make thC Fri-iich tTalf Sewed Ibml lor HIS SO Footer, do. ,to. do ,io 10 i0 i French Calf Peered Koot ...l... In 40 do. ii--. ' no. do o on I'mlinry Calf Hoots, sewed II l Foolers tlo. do do. do ' OS Country Calf Hoots, peered q an Miters tto. tin. do. do S 00 riip itnnii.- s iji iiiary Kip Hools.' 7. tt on Cosrie iltads . 7 m, All other iwork iu proportion ahead a id .ive orders aprlllj JO.IN M1KI.RK Tiisrsriisra. you want repairiuaof any ki LINK done prnmnily and resoui iu Ihe TINNINt, nisonabiy. i-all.oA Hl'tiH HARMIa THE SHERMAN HOUSE. HUGH PIcSEIcrY, Proprietor. Adjolnlnc the Bank. Bloekv oppAsU t)h Htranc ttU liriluccf Uridfl;pri. O. . Froprirtor nwectfully aniiomicv thai h hua nilru utauew and h npeurd a I1uue Inr iht a corotioiNiiou ot'thc Iravplliitir putnlio. aii'l that h will ho pmii t staler to tlia wants of tho who inmj him wuh their cutia. l&pttfl,,UV HARRIS' NEW TIN; SHOP. . ALL PERSftrfs, arrciall)' lho shout to commenoo tkV Housekeeping ! ! ! wiH 4nd an extellent assortnieiitof TIN WARE AND STOVES all kinds at HARRIS'S TIM SHOP. North .id. ol street, a few door. East Mroei, 8c Clairsvill.. Ohio. - - Wjf T.-FrV. aiTiidad Mjnrd DOM Apple, ltd 100. kMd ol Cablwxe, ai WU. 8. HUTCUINS' w 1 , . ij-ai WhoatMHl aud Rahul Ciecry aiora, tmaftfan. A im. aajl I ol . of of B be day tit w of the and Mil MnJ said one and next the of "M of dowe the 0. said of T'lj'o 1 Jaities aaid , high liable over It Legal Notices. COX7IIXS FOR lOOG AM ORDKR IMf.VDAIliltY io the order marl, at Sleale-nvilM- .fnrnif 1 ISB.V Siine le ,lme irir Holding Lnina In til. r.laaiB Juaiia,! AieirM, n. Uluo, lor lb. I ear I9VO. Vmendatory Order. VVe do h.rel.y order ill at th Summer Term, of ihe Conrta of f;amnKni Pleaa. in the Heeond fnb Dmaion oi ihe rUrhik Ju.lieial Idatnet In Ohio, .omiimie in .T'T' '"""i' m bt Kub-iiiviatua aa touowat BKI.MO.N T. June I-. M). MONkHi;, Jul. .11 Hlf) t.fKM.NMKT. A(M 1. 14 Aaai2aoaviii. hie ISih day nt April lX. K P. 1;V ,. . WILLIAM Kl VNOX. J... an(ea OI 10 Ijrlilb Ja,eial Lhauiel of Utn. Tea tt nr Onto. I I. E C. Rion. Clerk of the .. . ., nt I . . , i.i!.t:n,.IT M Iroun and m. ...a r. ". """" rn as in " .n... i, . le-i.oi eeruty mat the aliove is a Of the Clerk of sa,.l l.ottuty. " I l 'it ""imony whereof 1 hav herem wl mT a a hand and aau-ed Ui. seal of said Court to be an,X"d. iron at Cainbridf., Ohio. thi.1tk dsy ? April 1st p.. rk.iisi. Clerk Ouemsey Cotnuion Pleas. Btits ot Onto. I . J. R. ViTcrttti.t. Clerk of'nt tn SJTT aa J lite t otirt of Common Plre.of aatrt I'oiiuty. hereby certify Hint the f,.r-,..(n r is taken and correctly coined from the Journal of .aid rrrurt " . Uiiue.a my sirnaliire kill tee seal of sai I. a. 5 Court, at Hi. I.'lair.vilie, in said Coainy this s mat day ol April. 1-tvl. . i. H. SirrCHKLI, Clerk. April rt. ijrn w , Belmont Common Fleas ioinC.8i.sel JIIAHIXirrK HIKI.. of thi . . " . .1-' '"7"' WtMjalmc. in IherAtat CRarlaae Risaal. lot Weal Vrftn a. is notifi-d h. JoatiC rsisse l, on Ihe fisitlavof April. I -sW. filed lit. petition in Ihe nthre af the C'lrrk ol a., it ... m..A lor .S d Ceumy ol Helmnni and State of Ohio eharrmr ,.i. ' i.nii "I'm who adultery with on llrown Kennedy aud diver, otin-r persons o him uiiluowu. and askiux mat b m I divorced from tint said Cbarlott ai'iei. Maid petiilon will sfa.-d for hearing at th next term vi eel. vvsn, cearimenving Jain) 1-f h. twin Ji HV c HlsEL. M.yj.e .. fT "".hisAtf,. Belmont Common Fleas. Rachel A. Asters i ISAAC ARIKRS who has recent. L ly .one In the Stale of Illinois, is Isaac Artera. ) uo'ifi-d that Rachel A Anrs did on in. i "in uay oi April, tvio. bi. her peiitlO'i III Ihe office the Clerk of said Court in and for said Con ty. rharir litK the .ai I Isaac Artera wit , extreme cruelly and rrosa li'ltlrcl of duty as a husband towards the said Kai aW - Artera. The ot.iect and prayer of sat I pettitou is for ....w.. c .i.nii mm ..w nners ior ins C'l.tOU)' ol .ef v....... inje-n n r. a tn ior anin-i'iy. aid prtition will stand for heart: at 'he nert term said Court. R WtlK.I. A AH I'KHS May . W4, Bf P"" 1'UJ" Belmont Common Fleas. IIM PAJlTtTIGN. George 8. Latham J TAKRII-rr U fiARRFTT will J- AA. take antic, that, on the lutn Harriet D. Cisrreit Jdayot April l-a3. the undersigned filed a feiinou in the Court ol Common Pleas of ttei mom County. Ohio, wh-re tlte same is now pendintr. de maudiiix paruiiou ol the following premises, situate in the Township of Kiusluii. in said Coun'y : The West half of the Northeast quarter of Flection ,o. b, Town aliip No. 10. Range 0 containine acres. Also a certain other tiact or parce, of land, brine; psrtof the Northwest quart r of Xretion No t. in I own. slop No 10. iu Usui- . and b-inr ibst nan oi said quarter section lyinx Fst of the eraded road from toe Cut . inrer :it,e it me top oi tue hill wn're the r ad skrs out from Ike said rradrd road to t!,e faw Mill of Kamuel Dunn: and lylnr Ijtst of said road; and l-onnd'd on lite West In the two reads aforesaid : n.i ih. N..M1. I..- 1....... Isaac Clevituxer and !nmue Oarreiti on -the l ast by auds ,,i Jamea Allen; and on tne South by latuts of Wtiliam buiilep and Hcurv Bethel : coi.un, mm .V, .... more or less. Makiu' In the agkrrr tie 1 lo acres ef i.i... in same uiiirr or less, The anilersiyited d man. Is that partit on be ra'ide of said premises, as follows : To the uudrrsu;tied the equal ut.iliv.ded four-kfths thereof; and lo the said Harriet (iarreil Ihe euual uudivtdrd one 4.lh thereof And aMhe.nrii term of said Co tit an aopiiraiion wiH be inaile by he niidersinueii for an order that partition may mad. of aai ! premi-ea. or such oU,er order as war ranted by the statutes iu such ea.e. ObXiROK H. LATHAM, Aprino.ISM.Jw ByP.TAU.A.,h,.AV. Belmont Common Fleas. T JftJUfcTITION-. Levi Donna j mo Kliz.hrth Hardman and ' " va. J I Jeee . tah Hardman bar bu- l.ydia Donner. et at. ) ' and and Joshua Jjomi... who re.toe in m-tl County, m ike State ol Peunsylvo ma. Henry fJouner. Mary Saiterthwait and Kcward Sailerthwaitrier husband. Holomon Uoiuier, Rachel ouiier. leud,l Fou:k and Lydia Douuer widow ef ?amuei uoiuier. dec a. of Kelmoul County. Ohio. Vou and rai-h of you will take notice that nn the 7ih of April, a V . I-1. the und'rsiKiwd filed a ptiilion the Court of Comnfon Picas of Helmoiit County Ohio, .ere the same is now pending, deinandiuc panion the following- premises, siiuale in said County, ami descrilied as follows: Helnr part of Section No XL Towitsbip No. 7. Ran.e 4 lieuiiiniitti for the some at Northeast comer of a lot awned bv Weudrl Foulk lormerlt-OWIIed br Sabiua and Charles tVillinm. llieuceN xdee K. 17 -8 poles to a stone: thence N. dec W. 17." poles to a corn r of said Wendel Foulk a lot. and in Kliralieth Mitrhnrr's South line: thence t dec, W. 17.fl poles-in a slake ; th-nce S. den t l'.1 poles to the place o( begmniuxi con tatniiiK two acres of land. The undersigned demands that partition Im mndc of premises a. follows, to wii: to tne undersigned eiuhth psn thereof: to F.lizalieih Hardman and husband. Joshua Donner. Henrv Donner. Mary Sal lerthwai' and huslmiid. Solomon Bonn -r, Rachel Don ner and Weudcl Foulk eaor. one-eieh'h part (hereot. t. I.ydi. Donner in the whole. And that at th. term of said Court an application will lie made by undersigned foi an nfder that partition may lie made said premises and tbe dower of the said l.vlia as- I 'n- LEVI IXj.NNLR. P I au.was. Att'y for Pel's. April Ii. l-OO.-tiw AMANDA HARRIS and Samue Hur ia her kua liattd. Williams 11 and J. hn Wit m Ol son her husband Per tii.ud filass. Wasbui. on Olas., Sandfnnl Olas.. L-i- r-t a Glass. Alexander Olass. John Ola... and the children names unknown) ol Wil jau (Unas deceased, w.ll lake nnliee that, nn ,l,e tilth H.v February. 1-SW. Marearet Olnsa filed in tlte Court of Common Plea, of Belmont County. Ohio, her opinion, apaiust them and oihera. prayiin an assuTitnieitt of to her aa widow of Aaron Glass deceased, in Southwest quarter nf See. 111. Ram, a. Township and in a tract in ihe Northwest quarter at liie s.tne aerlion comainiiii 135, acres, more particularly de scribed i. said petition, and hetng the lauds of which Asrnii Olass died seized Said defendants are required tn answer bv tie sd day Inn. iteii. MAROa&P.T Ol ASS. April IS, iBoflJJw itduiiHtttralor'H Notice. riCK is hereby given that at Ihe Probate Conn tor Belmont County. Ohio. Ihe uudersiinied was ap pointed .ml qualified as Administratrix nf tbe estate ol C Taylor, decea-etl, late of said County. All those indebted in .aid estate are reuursiedtn make immediate payment : and those havinr claima acainat estate are notified to present them for 011. year from this date PXIZAUETH TAYLOR. Adra'rx. May 3. 18S0. WAVTWH.-Jresis. Male and Female at ITS to (ISO p month 10 sellthe Celebrated Commoii Sense Family Sew ing MachinePrice $18. This Machine will do all kinds of work equal 10 the priced Machnn s. and is the only prsclu-ai and re. Cheap Sewing Machine 111 th. world. Send for descriptive Caretilars. Ad. trees SF.C MB a CO, I'hiea.o. III., or Cleveland. O Pri.'ripal, No. Custom House Place, Chicago, .aprl CijdcstlnleWnsIiInCotiipound TUP. ereal ol.jeet so loot- anurht after whtrh would make the most laborious of woman, work cow parauvely easy and combiueihe . Tlnaj ! LiSOR with th. great aevlata rCLOTHBS, th. Wash Board or Wasliiug Machine, ha. at length beati.ccouiplialied with IPerfect 3 a 3 1 -t . Th. great raaAi.aof hit ooiiqairii' aaa teat he without Rubbing, Bleaeht eery white, and positively improve the t durability of the fabric washed. " . Prio. SO oonu a But'. Try it. For sale by " ' ., i- H. WKHT CO., aoB.1 Si. Clairsville, Ohio. HOME INSURANCE CO., OT JTEW YOHK. CasliCapl(al.............$2,000,000. Assets im 1, 1360, $3,44l,820 Jos. Yoodroffe. Ar se a a f , PLiUMVJirL owe . A are that on wilt of J. I he will as and w . and are able Iit-ceiion. TO I MISS NANOY B. PARIS. rpHANgpi'f. ffjrt Past PAVtma, wld i, , ' 1 Inli.rm her eiiMnm-ra and the mm. """"JJ" A ttpl.ndld AtaMmaual f Benuft TrlouuUtgg, fo,i.i.'in ,f pmwr.Ra Rintiov :..i:..3u.-,s,mXi!. e.r.- , da.pateh. w, vw, wiiatj MBinat ' oMJ. NEW TIN SHOP ' Tin". lief M9raU ikatk Tin, Cppr tin Iheet tron Iter T I'LAirt-sVILLK. wher.'h. will happy to . "J modal, mem with auytkinr in kia tin. .1 Z eaaonahle lerma a7 IIUOH HAIR rLl-white rubber holler GENUINE MONITOR CLOTHS WfiLVGER MAS L FACi'URED DT JOH.f VOVXfi, ti, orlmlmmi nrluffer Man. Sclf-Adjusllngand AUJuslaWef THE BEST nillVGCR W WU. your fi nrrr nails I-. i. letter than tha "Amidoif WrinV er. lo ause the frame is heavier, th roller, lona.rlfii the .ame nH,iieyi.,heru!.lntri. .11 wlitt. ele.r to IS, shall, and more finnlv I..Ui,.A i. ,k. w..aUi roiler i. Letter and more rural. la and th. clothes sr. c,Z ried over into a bs.ket wiihoui ever falliur down into llie m asn tub. or louclonr the honna mi th. ..... n i these advan-a.'-s over a I Wrin rrrs. For .si. by nobl,b A SON, Hrida-eportO, SCALES I SCALES It SCALES I M MflaJaaaV E. HOWK.LL OONV JACklfsaaat, O. JylJ-tf. Howard At&nrtAttom,. PHILADELPHIA. PA. DISRASFS f th. Nurvout Remin.l, Urfnarr aaa Seliuil Sysienn new aud r.h.1... TT repon. ot ihe Howard Association sent by mail lo rt"iTd. '"'''"'''''" ' ehsrx.. AddruM, Da, I. ShlLI.IN Hi ILLICIT! aj. H.....I a .... .' VT . Soutii .Sinth stre.L PnHadciphta, Pa. Jy'l4-ly ' I9Cj& , MOTHI-AfiK.NT9 w.ntoA 1 for .IX kSTI.KLT .aw 1M-I.aa i.7j out Addr.s O. T. LiAHKV. Cnv R...I.O.. u.aa.iZZT ' -r Bny2r" "? by vraar k m H. 1. BAR EE. QEQ. 1. HICBOLA. liA.NCf ACTCREEI Off . , "Foreign AJiB Tornvt STONES. ' tro, &Oe Domostio jMarblo Monumpnts O.V KIVT AND ELEGANT DE8I0M AMD fj Superior VTsrkicanalilp Af mliM. Persons wlhin to ptirchaa. will tnd It to thait Aw' Urest to i . e aa en li before piuaiiasinjr .isowber. All work warranted feJ-.y" Mia "AHXEE y ILLE, OrOftV PHOIOGoJPL'IC GALLERY I (Now located in a, new and better pkaa,( CAN be ebiaincd likeieases of every style and pnoa. Pictr.ras of every kind framed to order, oa .hilt' lotice. Also. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALbU.MiS .Jid CAAUS PICTfRM ot celebniie. .ways on sal.. oui.oiog a lew noo-s v, est et the Treuurars l Clairsville. Rooms on first dour. Open in all kinds or weather.ray jil STATE DANK OF OHIO. Nolle So Is-Sto Kaldertv Orncs oar Tea Stats Bash oa Osrk fa Mi'J- CI,AITER OFTh"!? ii"if."vLL,ia riRb on the first day of Mar next, the Baneaara desirous .1 uxiruj ap iu Cireunuiui Umu as lass es possible. . All persons hold n said ."foie at rhe State Bank at Ohio are prnncsted in p.-esem As saase t any of the Brunches, withojt ro.'erenc. to th. particular ft ranee, issued the sains, and they will be promptly to. '' dermrd in I . S. Leul Ttiuler Nolea. When presented In suma .1 fine hundred d.llaraamt ' over, they will be redeemed, desired, ill sight drana New Vork a, par. and expreas charges pejd kg Uat Brunch to wnich such paokagc .re senu Uy order of ilis Board of Control.- J. ANDRa7p PraalderaV The Note, nf any of th. Rranraea of the Stau BaaK l rrdcenn-J as state-1 in the above of I'res. idem Andrews ai th oUiiie of die Fir4 Naiieual Baikk Hmlireport, Ohio. de-.l-i, JOHN' C WUUMAm Ceakcn. NEW SKIRT FOE 1866. The Great Invention of the? Age loT HOOH? SKIRTS, W. BRAM.F.VS New Paiettt DCPf.FX SXU TIC for double) SPRING SKIRT. 'IMItS IN V KriTIOif pnnsi.of Dttplei (or two) liptic Pure Refined Si.el Springs, iuaeniooslr braidrd tiguiiy Sud Srmiy togrtaer. edgeto i1ee, msking , toughest, most ffexibl.. cissue and durable Spntiy ' rveru! They seldom bend or break, like th. .tugie sprinvk and consequently preserve their perfect aud beautiful shape more than tv.-tee t.s long a. any Singus Spring Hkirt thatever has or ean be mad.. The won erlul Aexability and great com fort and pleasur. te .ny Lady wearing the Duplex FJIipttc Skirl be experienced particularly in ail crowded Assess. lilies, f Iperas Carriages. Railroaif Cirs, Oburch Pew Chairs, for end Hoase lAress, . ihe ' Skirt can he IniUed when in ose to occupy ejjosaU place, ra.ily and conveniently a. a slk er m tsliu dress. A Udy bsvingenioyed tlte Pleasure. Comfort end Ores! Convenience of weartiif lha Implex iJlirsie Sleel Spring Skirt for a single day will .aver ai-.rrv.ard. wils linirly dispense with their a,e. For Children. Missa. Young I .dies they are a.rrieriar te all oihera. 'l lie Hnone are covered with S nl ,lol.i. mVI thread snit will wear twice eg as U.e sing!, yard which la used on 5l Single fkeel ftooj, nf in. wU,,uH, w,, v,rry rsiriara eieo Steel, and twice or double eovered ,n nM.,.i ih. .... cring from wearing on" the rede when dragging dowe, a.atrs. alone steps, ele , etc., Wuick mer are eousuiHtlr. sub.ieef to whvn in nsa. All are rooJ ot the new and elcr-'nt Pc.Vi'trT.-iper!; are th t est qnaliiy irf every part, giving to tha wearer th. most ttracelui and oeriecl ahape posIt'te.gna giuin.'.iioinlily the lig'ti.-f. n-ost de'i.-afot tomi.rr.' and econoat'rsul Sr,rirf r samdri. . - WFsrS', UIUIM.PY f "ARY. Pr-frirtor." ef th and 6ou Manufueiitrrrs. W Oliamurr end and bl Rrade Streets. New Vork For sale in alt firsii l-.-a. More. In this Con-'Pf srl tl.rougimul Ihe Lulled Sl.tea .ud Canada. Havana dsL Cuba. Mexico,rSoulfl Atnenca anrl-the West Indie. eiu-Jtur lor In. D jpttx tillipue (or double) isrriM "tin. IU. at Great American Oiftv Enterprise. . . . AT MT, 5M3ASA.Tr.Jerferon Co.-O. cU-"" jng in Anrtl and, Uiliuasiu l "" Ml, MoiAltAJtrpf - . a ..rend IJuanbe- . w e.,u,v,i, rfuiy kx. ieo. - lor bat ol Phta. so E. u. HASaa) A Bene., Wt, Piaasaul, Jalorsoa Co., Ohio, aeyOla, 'PHI. .enuine Monitor Clothes Wriiurer mad and lac A vented by John Y.ounx.lne oriK, .,,""Jf ."S ruble-, roller, lo, ; V, rera,. i. Letter than Ih. -Ul. ver.ul Wrinjer. b.n,u.e , h . meStia" make II run h ird.todestrnv n,. ..n .- "1! 'I tneMu.T.10 Heal. Work. Comoan- sre see,, on hand and fumi.h kind o, Scalea, from the larv.t -Ratiroad Depot to tho smatf w-,. ...... ni.iv. - Iut IM, at manntactnvera 4