efmoat pronicfc ST. CLAIKSVfLLE, OHIO: Thursday Mornixo. Lec. 18"- Local Notices. Diaries for 18T1 Wt i wiU opn their nan al full assortment about December 15th. "if you want a Ural class set of teeth, come to the office formally occnpied by Dr. Fisher, above Hoffners Clothing Store. See advertise meat. 5Iore Light! H. West Son have jut opened a large aiisortment.of lamps and lamp goods, whlcn lhe will sell at low ngnrea. Young men .desiring a practical business training will find DUFF'S MERCANTILE COLLEGE the oldest, the most reliable, and permanent institution of the kind In the United States. Circulars can be had by addressing the prin cipals P. DnlT A Sons, Pittsburgh, Penn's. declo-2w . Th Orient Argand Burners something new WESTS. at T, St. Lewis has just received a lot of Fine Freuch aud Aineiicao rerinmery. DIthrldge Flint GUM Lamp Chlmineys will not break by heat, all kinds and sizes, at decli-lw WEST'S. " FL'RS.Fursol all kinds at decliJw CTBOLL Honey, Glycfciiu and other flue soaps veiy cheap at .L WIS 1RUG A BOOK STORE. A FULL, assortment of Purs for $2a at UecliSw C. TitOLL S. J JL t.m.1 .is on 3-' JtSi! CM, "isvirngj, Hair, lo.u, iiat, aud S c . uasse joet panod at dccliiW LEWIS' Lltb'li STOKE. A FULL set or Fitch Furs lor ilti at tmmm c.TBOLL'B. l,ressUsg, Pocket, Fine, Kound Combination and Tuck Combs. A good assortment at declaiw LEWIS' DRUG A BOOK STORE. STRIPE and Plaid buawls at C. TROLL'S. Queen's Own Powder, Opera Fearllne and Opera Rouge for Lbe complexion, at deo'jl'w LEWIS' BLANKETS, White and Gray, at deoloJw O. TBOLL'S. The annual meeting of the Belmont County Agricultural Society for the election of officers will be held at the Court House, at St. Clalrs ville, on Monday, January 2, 1S71, at 1 o'clock, P. M. By order of the President. ALEXIS COPE. Sec y. A Friendly Notice. As I have been out of the printing business for nearly four months and very few persons who were indebted to me for advertising or job work done while I had the Chbosiclk. taavs called to settle their accounts, ; desire to say to all who know themselves indebted to me, that I am very anxious to have their accounts set tled at once and hope they will call and attend to the matter without further notice or delay. In my absence from town my books are left with the present Proprietors of the Chron icle, who are authorized to collect and receipt for all amounts due thereon. NovlO-tt C L. POORMAN. Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing be tween Estep and Foster, in the practice ! medicine, is this day dissolved by mutual con sent All persons in debt to the firm are re quested to call and adjust their accounts at once The books can be found at Joel Elliott s. W, EHTEP, W. FOSTER. Loydsvllle, O., Oct. 22, 1670. oc27-6w Oskarsu lsfpaylng C A S H for beef hides, calf skinsand sheep pel s, no3-2m Town and County News. Standing Offers. To'any old or new subscriber paying $2,2(5 in advance, we will send the Chronicle and the American Farm Journal one year. To any new subscriber we will send the Chronicle until Feb. 1, 1872, for $2,00. Two months free. .f Mr. J. H. Close of the firm of Clone, :' Eells ik Co.. now has at his farm, one half mile west of St. Ctairevi'le, O., a number of Imported Sheep just landed direct from Englaud and Scotland. All interested in the improvement of the much sought after Combing Wool Sheep are invited to calljind see them. 4 "Williams, at Warnock's, has a con tract to furnish 700 turkeys for Christ mas. - Gold closed on Monday at$l:I0J. The United States Patent Laws, with instructions how to obtain Patents, is the title of a work of 112 pages, sent to us by Munn & Co., S7 Park Bow, N w York. ' It also contains the official l'ules, forms for patent deeds, hints on selling patents, 150 diagrams of mechanical movements, and a large variety of other useful information. It is a book really worth having, and can be had free by all who will send their names to Messrs. Mann & Co. as above. - Examinations will begin in the School Hall, on Monday next 19th inst., and last four days. Public School exer cises also on Wednesday and Thursday evenings singing, declaiming, fcc. Rev. Ferguson is to be here. The following persons received certifi cates at the last teachers' examination held in Belmont : For eighteen mouths Miss Nancy Lowry, W. S. Myers and John C. Parks. For 12 months Miss Jane W. Evans R. L. Farrar, M. B. Kirk and M. F. McKirahan. For six months Miss Clara Help bringer, Miss Rebecca Helpbringer, Miss H. E. Carter, I. A. Coffland, T. M. Tbomuson and Robt. West. B. Q olden Wedding. Mr. Joel Walker and Mrs. Mary Walker of CoL.-rain township celebrated the fiftieth adver sary of their marriage on Monday. They have eight children living and all married but o,pe; ' also nineteen living graud children. Mr. Walker sent in his subscription to the Chronicle on the 6ame day. May they live to celebrate their Diamond Weddiug. From the Ohio State Journal we learn the following: On Friday last some boys found a sack of Burglar tool near . Nelsonville. A further search revealed the dead body of a man near a camp fire. A company of burglars had been en camped and it seems evident that the murder of one of their number was the result of a general quarrel among them selves. The dead man was recognized ai a former citizen of the county - - Horse Killed. On Tuesday of last week one of the wheel horses in Simp eon's Bus.while at Warnocks was kickec by one of the leaders, aud died in a few hours. As usual the kicked animal wai the best of the two. Uimcluville is to have a Buildinf Association. Capital Stock $150,000. . The new M. E. Church in Dennisoi is finished dedicated and out of debt It cost $18,000. Remote cause Rail road. Part of the Jail roof was blown on r2 ; ing the storm .ast week. Wf apologize for the bad appearance of the outside of this insue. We were making some improvements upon onr power press and did not get thm finish ed. We intend to do much better work MB, Postal Cards. A Bill has been in troduced in Congress to adopt the postal Card System. These cards will cost a cent and will be already stamped. They can be used for brief messages. The on ly difference is that Postmasters will understand a large share of what is go ing through the mails. Love letters aud money must go under cover. ' Railroad Meeting. There will be a Railroad Meeting in the in terest of the propose . Belmont and Toledo Railroad, held at DUNN'S SCHOOL HOUSE, Ulnon Township, on Saturday evening, Decern ber, 17th. Speakers, K. E, Chambers Esq., and Col. C. L. Poorman. Let everybody attend. s From several ef our exchanges along the Road we learn the death of Fred Henry, Couduclor on theB. 4 O. R. R. a short distance above Bellaire. He was caught by a wheel while detaching caie and terribly crushed. He died next morning. His t w. ii 1 nesville. We call attention to notice in another column of two Farms offered for sale by Phillips. Gressinger & Lewis' change of adver tisement. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company has bought the Hempfield Railroad, east from Wheeling. The Company has now the old "Pittsburgh and Connellsvilie" transformed and ex. tended into the Pittsburgh and Cumter land Railroad. This Hempfield road is to be completed from Wheeling to join it; then the disiance from Wheeling to Cumberland will be about fifty miles shorter than by the present route by Grafton. Unintentional Canine Suicide. The Athens papers give an an account of the untimely fate of a dog which was chasing sheep on George Tippey'e farm in that county a few nights since. The dog had a strap round his neck and in attacking a ram this strap became en tangled in his horns and the dog was found next morning hanging to the ram's horn, dead as a herring. Mr. Isaac Askew who has I een on a visit to his friends in this county for sometime, leaves this week for Kansas city. The lates patent applied for is a Rea dy Acting Dog-Tail aud Gun Attach ment. The gun is strapped to the back of the dog and the trigger attached tc the dogs tail. Only pointers can be used for this purpose. Pensions are now paid quarterly in stead of Semi-annually. The Obituary notice handed us by J . M. will appear next week. Simpson's new Bus was brought out on Monday and is quite an improve ment uponshoelf of two months ago. It is handsomely painted and the new spring arrangement made our ride over the road on Monday much shorter than usual. Charley is proud of the New Bus and we don't blame him. The Washington Chronicle is to be sold. Forney and Grant can't agree. Mr. Dawes moved a reform bill looking into Forney's printing bills for the.gen eral government. Grant supported Dawrs' movement and thus became Forney's enemy. Weather Signs The old sign that the weather of the winter depends upon that of the first three days of December, if true, will insure us a pleasant winter season. Some signs indicate cold weath er. For instance, a flock of Geese was seen going South (toward a corn-crib) a few days since. The Cows' tails are full of burrs. A lady made her appearance, last week, in the very comfortable and con venient dress called the American Cos i ume. The boys on the streets manifes ted considerable curiosity and were not very modest in way of doing so. But, as woman is woman's aeveres' critic.the boys are not alone to be blamed. Several of the former were among the curious. We do not understand why this dress is so universally condemned. It is certain ly more neat more conducive to health than the lengthened train they call fashion. Let us have some American Costumer for a change. Under the laws of Ohio dealers in in toxicating liquors are responsible for all damages accruing from such sales and may be prosecuted therefor by the wife or children of the purchaser. The ow ner of the property where the liquor is sold is likewise liable. These provisions of the law are being enforced at Mans field and Zanesville. 100 car loads of coal pass over the Hocking Valley R R daily. The first coloredRi publican was sworn in as a member of tbe House, yester day, to succeed Whiitemore, of South Carolina. He is a bright mulatto, of good appearance. Both his parents were sla ves. From the Guernsey Times. Tb? ia.e electior drove a distracted Democrat in this vicinity into the fol lowing 'soliloquy, which will reflect somewhat upon ..he intelligent idea the more deluded of that party have of citi zenship: ' Jes'so that dam ttth amend ment done it. Next year they will have the 10th, and let the infernal Chi nee vote, and after that the 17th, and Zahniser's ducks will be driven up and voted." Poor fellow! the news ought to have been broken to him more gent- y. Brisk Old Gentleman. Mr. Ed" mond Johnsor , of Henecaville, aged 7 years, gave testimony in Court here one day last week, after which he walked home, a distance of teu miles. From the Democrat (Tuscarawas Co; we learn of the terrible effects of th a or in on Monday of last week in New 1 Philadelphia. About half of the roo of tli e Buckeye Planing Mills was torn off and carried away. The Board-yarc was tumbled up in wild confusion. Mr A. T. Raiff and wi.e were returning ( . town when the storm came up. An oal I tree was blown across their buggey , fall r ing between the dash-board and seat s After.much trouble Mrs. R. extricatei herself and hastened to a neighborinf house for help, by means of which Mr Haiti' was taken out, but with a brokei leg. . i Dr. A. P. Powual of Sand Hill, Ky . was drowned Dec. 5th, while in the ac of being baptized. He was a convert t be Chrietain Church. It is estimated that $300,000 worth of coal was lost in the Ohio River during the month of December on account of Bridge obstruction. Roll of Honor. In our first issue in January we will commence the publica tion of tbe names of all advance pay ing subscribers. Swindlers. Our exchanges thus de i scribe a brace of swindlers who are no operating in this Stat-. "Four men have lately been driving quite a profita ble trade in horse flesh throughout the State of Ohio. Two of them go in ad vance with a horse and buggy, sell tbe horse, purchase a leas costly one, and start for the next town. On the follow ing day the other two arrive in hot) aaste, inquire for the two that have left, la am that they have sold a horse claim j a as theirs, gain possession of the ani- al, and start off to nractiee theswindle elsewhere. Wheeling Tp. Locals. The Wind Storm of last week was terrific. Workmen returning from work on the fill of the bridge, state, that partridges suffered themselves to be taken by hand, and that rabbits would run up ti their feet for protection. So violent was the storm that it is supposed the stone along the line of our new pike would have been blown away, had they not been held in place by heavy pike tax. Altheugh fences and timber were: blown down, corn fodder blown away tiling blown from the roofs aud tops from chimneys, yet we have heard of no one who sustained any serious in jury. Jacob Holloway has sold his mill (formerly known as Dunn's,) to the Dinsmore Brothers. The wooden structure spanning Wheeling creek at Dinsmore's Mills, and which has caused so much specu lation for a year past as to its design, will be used as a bridge, and workmen ire busy making the "fills" to enable the traveling community to reach the summit. Our Town, (Uniontown) contains 180 inhabitants 1 church, 1 school house, 3 dry goods stores, 3 groceries, 2 smith shops aud one carpenter and repair shop, also 1 gunsmith and 1 shoe shop. Our merchants sell goods as cheap as city merchants, and our mechanics are men of skill. Our social condition is a little "shaky;" what with pie trouble and other "onpleasantness," no three families agree on any one thing except the time to dine, which by common consent is 12 M. The Railroad Committee met last Saturday to arrange their subscription books. Our citizens don't nibble at Railroad stocks so freely as was expect ed. They shrewdly argue that if the road if a paying one it will be built by the Company whether they assist or not. They also fear that if stock is taken the Company will CAUse it to de preciate, buy it up at a discount, and then re: p the prol-ts. They alse oppose being taxed, unless the pike is com pleted. Mr. McLane, the contractor on our new pike, has accomplished a large amount of work with very little bluster. He work3 quietly but persistently. If he bad n t been detained from various causes, one would have been surprised at the result of his labors. Mr. McLane is a gentleman and a good citizen, and the men brought among us in his em ploy are also civil and industrious. The pike is daily growing in favor. While we write, a little child ol Rev. W. 8. Moffltt is supposed to be dying. Elder Jamas Henderson is lying very low. Trustee Hoover had his hand badly crushed between two pieces of timber, one of his fingers was almost severed from the hand. Rev. R. G. Campbell President of Franklin College, still preaches to his Urited Presbyterian congregation in this place. Sometimes he tells us of Jesus' love from the foot of ihe Cross, at others he expounds the law from tbe very top of Mount Sinai, and his orac tical sermons cause us sinners to almost shake in our boots. He is determined that although hypocrites do find their way in the church, they sna'l walk con sistently with the laws of the church while they retain a certificate of mem H. H. MARRIED. DICKERSON BROKAW. Dec. Sth, at the house of the parents of tbe bride, by Rev. J. P. Caldwell, Joshua L. Dtckerson of Harrison County, Ohio, and Miss Mattie Brokaw of Bel mont County, O. GRAD GREGG. Nov; 23rd, by G. M. Kemp, at the residence of the bride's father. Mj. John C. Grad and Miss Maria Gregg, both of Belmont County, Ohio. DIED. KIRKER Dec. 11), Robert Ja nes Kirker, at the residence of his father in Smilh Township, aged 2d years. Allegheny Cattle Market. Cattle, The run of cattle was not quite up to that of last week, still it was .considered heavy. The- market was not an active one and prices ruled lower at the close of the week, with a dull prospect for tbe incoming week. There were, however, but few cattle lelt over. Following the railing rales of the market at Its close: Extra steers 36 507115; good to prime ..; IS, common to medium $4 7jo 25; bulls stags and cows S-Sowai; stock steers Sl4 50. Hogs The offerings were heavy, and. they sold briskly at a Hiut the same ruling) in the arlv part of the week. In the eveut of tiie weather becoming cooler a brisk trade in hog3 is anticipated for the coining weeks. Follow ing were the ruling rates; Extra Philadelphia 6 75s7; good to prime Philadelphia, Sii()ii; good to prime New York, fti5ub7j; rough to common and light stock hogs, not quotable. Sheep were in plentiful supply, and sold rather heavy -t quotations. There are those, however, wlip think Hie prospect lor the com ing week is lair. We give tbe fr Mowing as the closing rates of the market: Good o p: imc, $4 503; decent to fair, S3 dwai; mean to com mon, S.'K3 1; foot rot and scalawags, by the head, .; 1. Pittsburgh Produce Market. From the Pittsburgh papers of Monday. APPLES 52 75 f bbl. BEAN J SI 75(gS2 bus. LARD 15c ft." BUTTER Fresh 2830c, DRESSED HOGS S-4. EGGS Scarce at ol(gJ3. I KAUS 4HKc. FLOUR White wheat, $8 8387 00; red wln ' ter $ 5b'76: Buckwheat $6 HH 00. 1 GRAIN Wheat, red SI 15ii 20; while $1 3fta 1 35- Oats. 4U$4Sc; Rye, 80S5; Corn uew, tKhis 70 old at7.VBS0. GROCERIES Coffee. Rio. 22, prime 2120; Java 26c; Sugars. Orleans HJi12U; Cube ,IUJ( , 11 W Molasses, S090c for Orleans. HAY 810al8 V ton. HoNKY-agi85cts. POULTRY Chickens Q6rt 9 pair; Turkeys f 811 56 or 1413c ? t dressed. POTATOES 9551 for peach blows. New Time Table of C. O. R. in this County GOING WEST. ) Accom. Mall. Fast Llue. Express, Bellaire. 4.50 PK-, 1:45 A. St., S:00 a. K, 11:35 a.m. ' Neff's 5:05 fcft . Glencoe.5:18 Wai nockso:28 mm . Lewis' 5:10 8:43 . Belmont.. 5:50 2:30 8:47 12:20 r. M. 1 Burr's 5:55 8:52 l Burton's.. 6:02 8 s Baruesville(i:15 2:55 :13 12:45 ' OOINQ EAST. 1 Barnesvllle9:05 P.M. 10: 15p. M. 3:45p. M. 4:10A.M. Burton's... fcU 10:27 Burr's 0:25 MM Belmont... 9:3f 10:40 4:05 4:33 Lewis' fc HC19 , Warnock's 9:52 10:57 4:21 1 Gleucoe 10:02 UM 0 Neff's 10:15 11:17 Bellaire 10:30 11:30 4:50 Conn ubial Felicity. Nothing tends j more to connubial happiness ihau cheer- ful and heal by infants and children, j Mrs Whitcomb's Syrup is the great children's aootb ing remedy. . - Reliable and Safe. Dr Henry's , Root and Plant Pills are mild and pleas- J ant in their operation yet thorough. See d advertisement in ano her column. i r A SAFOPAHD.-One or two does of Dr. Henry's a Root and Plant Pills If taken in time will ol- ten prevent a serious attack of sickness. del-4w Diseased Lungs are Greatly on an Increase in this Country. The sud den changing of weather has done much to give rise to Consumption. But their are thou sands of cases who uri.ig It on by their own im prudencesuch as wearing damp clothing.and 1: going from the warm room into the cold air, e checking the per pi-alion, which causes irri- i' tation of the Lung, and then matter orph'egm t will collect, which natute will try to relieve a by coughing it up, to prevent pustules frcm j forming. It nature does not raise ihe matter with ease, and s:op this inflammation, -tubercles will soon form, and Consumption will soon lollbw. Allen's Lung Baisam will cure and prevent i-iousands of Consumption if it is onlv taken in time. For sale by all Druggists. Deci-w ERRORS OF YOUTH. GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from o Si. Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and F all tbe effects of yutbful indiscretion, wiij, for t the sake o suffering humanity, send Tree toali h who need it tbe recipe and direction lor making A the simple remedy by which be was cured. a Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's c experience can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDKN, nol070-ly No. 42Cedar Street, New York. j Those who are sick, or Afflicted with any chronic difficulty, should j without delav wi.te for Dr. Hamilton's New -j Treatise, sen; free to any address. R. itONID. S HAMILTON, M. 1'., O. Box o.Uoi (ocZJ-ol) New York City. j To Consumptives. The advertiser, having been pe.-.uaneutly g cured ci tha dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known lo S his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all t who desire it, he win send a copy of the pr- I scription used (free of charge), w.'th the diiee- tions for preparing and using the sam-, which t they will And ascnE Cube for Coksi'mptios, 3 Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. t Parties wishing the prescription will nlease li address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON. a 165 South Second Street, Williamsburga, N. Y. d nol0'70-ly New Advertisements. Notice rO all persons interested In the Navigation of the Ohio River. In the construction ol the bridge over the Ohio River, which the Bal- . tlmore and Ohio Railroad Company is building (al Benwood.) under anthon'y of an act of Congress, it is necessary temporarily to ob struct the channel by false works. Th is Is to give notice that after lhis dale all spans, except the main channel span, will be CLOSED. This span Is near Ihe middle of the river, and is 325 feet between masonry at low- J waterline. JAMKi L. RANDOLPHS ! Chief Engineer Balto. and Ohio R. R. 1 dec!54w I Bank Notice. ' THE Annual Meeting of tne S'ockhoiut -s or the First National Bank of St. Clai.sv!'it-, -Ohio. will be held at its Banking Rooms on Tuesday the ICth day of January, 1871, at 2 o' clock P M for the purpose o electing 3e ) Directors to serve the ensuing year. J By order of the Board , dec!5-td H. C. WELDAY, Cns. j Two Farms for Sale. ""pHE FIRST contalnlLg about 140 acres, situ- 1 aled and adjoining the town oi Mt. Olivet, Belmont County, Ohio. Tbe House is a good Stone and Brick building, 6 rooms and hall, with good cellar, good well of water; a!so a j first-class Barn with basement, good Orciiard, w'th all other necessary out-buildings, con venient to School and Church. About 35 Aces of timber laud, with plenty ol Stone coal. Within one mile of C. O. K. R. Sa d farm ss in good repair and under high state of cuitivat :on. THE SECOND TRACT con ains abort H acres, adjoining the first tract, hasa Ivo-s ory c Frame House, 8 rooms and Kitchen; lso a r good Frame Barn. About 50 acres well set li 1 grass, with 4J4 foot vein of Coal. Bank open S and in good ordar, and about 2 miles No -th of c Barnesville on the Depot Road. 1 said farms -for sale on reasonable te .is i Possession given April 1st, 1ST', or soone ,i t desired. r For further particulars call on or address tne i undersigned at Barnesville. Ohio. j ELWOOD PHILLIPS. e WM. McNICHOLS, OilER PHILLIES. Dec 15-3 w L A. BUMGARNER. ADA CADY. ( New IVEillinery Store, s '.OPPOSITE WELD A TS ITA LL, , TERY many ladies are availing themselves of our oiler relative to Millinery and Fancy v Goods. We havejust received a large assort- went of Hats, Velvets, Feathers, Flowers, a Ribbons, Laces, Collars, Ac. We give partic- S ular altention to Dress Making and Cloak -Making. Also instructions given in all kinds of Fancy Needle Work, Oil painting, Crogon, India Ink and Water Colors. Funeral and Bridal wreathes of wax flowers made to order. All work warranted satisfactory. declo'70 -Agents "Wanted To make J80 to $200 per Month by selling GREAT FOTUNES, And How They Webb Made. By J. D. Mc Cabe, Jr. Profusely illustrated and beautifully bound. Tne most uuiv rsally sought after book Issued for years. It shows how a poor school master made $40,0 0,000; -how a poor half blind sailor became a great banker, a butcher's apprentice the wealthiest man in America, an unknown mechanic a millionaire In seven years with many more such examples; how energy, talent, and patient industry have always met with success whan properly exer ted; how money can be made honestly and without sacrifice of principle. Send forcircular Btc.j and notice our extra terms. EHANNA FORD CO., Publishers, 177 West Fourth St., Cincinnati, O. decI53w GEO. TT. BOYD, SURGEON DENTIST. Late cf Mt.Pleasant, Ohio. TTAVING rented th9 property immediately XI adjoining the National Hotel, will perman ently locate iu this place. The Dr. comes with the experience of six years in the Denial busi ness ;and unexceptional Irecommendations. Please Inquire at the office ol Dr. Robt. Alex ander. no24-tf W. FOSTER, PHYSICIAN AND BURfSEON, Mjyd8ville, Ohio. Office and residence fourth house from West end of town north side of Street. no24-3w Repellents. BLACK, BROWN, GREEN AND STRIPED WATER PROOF CLOTHS. Velveteens AND MORE OF THOSE HANDSOME I1EFFS JTJST RECEIVE O Gressinger& Lewis. New Advertisements. New Advertisements. i Valuable Home for Sale. rHE undersigned oilers for sale th. Ml lowing propertr-al priva'e sale 2' . miles West ol ridgeport, 1 1 ol a mile fgom the National load, outuiuing7aud l-10iicres of land, good Lil, well watered. The improvements con is s of two comfortable dwelling houses, and 11 necessary out buildings. The land is un erlaid wltii 6 loot vein ot coal and a good bank :i working order, w:ih a good run of custom, here Is good frnit consisting of Apples. Ciler ies, quinces. Anyone wishing to parches tbe love property can addeeeBthe uudersian- d on lie p.tmiHS or Bridgeport, Belmont County, Hii.V. ACTION BAKER. Dec. 8, WJ-3vr Scientific American FOR 1S7I. TWENTY-SIXTH YEAH, Tni" splendid weekly, greatly enlarged aud nproved is one of Ihe most useful and Inter stiii ' journals ever published. K very number i beautiful lv printed on line paper, nudelegan ly illustrated with original .-nrav':igs. repre enting ir i!rrn"iu.- JleeeBaw ' Jeejeayfae, -Vaiu.-jaeturer, chemistry, P7ioto7t o."'.v. AimmLpm I, AgrUulturr, EagiaterUtt MWW and Art. Fmmcrt. Merhmua. Im :i': Enoineera, Chemuti. .Vauufactun r.. id Ptamm of Ml Profeuiontor BeeTWW find the SCIESTIFIC AMEBIt AS OF GREAT VALUE AND INTEREST. Its practical sungeslions will save hundreds f dollars toevery Household, Workshop, i-nd aciorv in the laud, Ln-ides atlording n t on inual"source of Valuable lastroetfoi. The ditois are assisted by m.in- of ihe ablest meriean and European Writers, and Laving "eees toalltbe leading scientific and Mech.ini il Journals of the world, the columns of the dentine American are constantly enr.ched rith tbe choicest Inforinatio u n OFFICIAL LIST of all the Patents Issued is rublishod Weekly. The Yearlv Numbers of the Sclent tie Ameri in make TwoSolendid Voiuuiesof nearly one housind Pages, equivalent in siza to Fuur housand Ordinary Book Pages. Specimen Copies sent tree. TERMS S3 a Year; rl.yj Half ear; Clnbs oi en Copies for One Year, at tUSS each, s.'Va), rtba solen 'id Premium to the person who rms the Ciu:. consisting of a eopy of the plebrattd Steel Phite Engraving, ".Men oi Pro ress.'" In connection with the publication of the cientitte American, the undersigned conduct he most extensive in tbe world lor procuring ATEM's. The best way to obtain an auswer to iheques lon Can I obtain a Patent? is to write to ll'NN fc CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y., who have ad over Twenty-live Years Experience in the usiness. No charge is made for opinion nud dvice. A pen-and-ink sketch, or lull written escrlptiou of Ihe Invention, should be seut. For Instructions concerning American and :uropc"an Patents Caveats Re-Issues Inter renccs Re"ected Cases Hints on Selling stents Rules and Proi-eo.iiiiBs ot Ihe Patent iffice The New Paten; Laws Examinations Extensions Infrlngenw uts. etc., etc., send for nstruelion-Hook, which will be mailed tree, n application. All business strictly confi ential. Address, MUNN i (XX, Publishers of ihe Scientific A meriean, declo 37 Park Row, New York. Jlttmchmeut P.'eton Hughes. Plaintifl, against Thomas M. Hughes, Defendant. BEFORE David Hawthorn, J. P. of Colerain Township, Relmont County, Ohio, On the hirddayol November, A. T. 1S7 , said Justice Bsoedan order of Attachment in the above ctiou for the sum-ol One HundaBd and elgbty hree dollars aud eighty cents. Said ease si! it hearing on the 31st day of December, -.at PRESTON HUGHES. TiiminilriUor's Sale of Personal and Real Estate. WILL Oder lor Saleat Public Auction on the premises, cne-hall mile Wc t of Warnock's kal .oii, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 3rd, ls71. letweeu 10 aud 4 o'clock, that part of the Howev farm,'' now occupied by Margaret A. roang, containing 1 1 Acres more or less. Also On ihe same Earm.on tbe same day, at .ubiic auction, aboutiuo bushels of Corn iu Ihe aib. and a lot of Hay iu the Siack. THOMAs 11. NICHOL. Adm'r decS-3w of Jonas Atkinson, Dec'd. A Clergvman, while residing in South Ameri a as a mission. ay, discoveredasafeandsiiuple emedy for the Cure of Ne. vous Weakness. Sarly Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and iem ual Organs, and the whole train of dis rders brought on by baneful and vicious hau ls. Great n mbers have beeu cured by this loble remedy. Promoted oy adesire tobenctit he afflicted aud unfortunate, I will scud the ecipe io n.-eparing and Uaiug this medicine, n asea;ed'envelope, toany one wooniedsit, It-eeadfceen Address JOSEPH T. INMAN, i.ation D, Bible House. Nw York City.; "WANTE13-GENTS; tlh Canvassing ISook. X AXSlSli For iCrfV ireat and popular work, "Befoke the Foot .ights; a Nn Behind the Scenes." Descrip ive of the Theatrical, Lecture and Amii.se rient world in all their branches, trom Puppet hows to Grand Opera; Mountebanks to Meua eries; Learned Pigs to Lecturers; Burl esq ne ilondes to Actors and Actresses. With ileflec lons ou the Morality and Immorality of imusements. Being truthful and moral, as Fellas sensational and amusing. Sales im mense and unpa-alleled. Canvassing book nd Circulars fkee, by addressing PAI'.MELEE ; CO., 181 Race Street, Cincinnati, O. j I S SSsxisBC F MT--I - L'J c B r - mM eh S s SB qo E x l-H .2 & 22" 3 a n 1 r-e-j a u 1 1 2 a sco H I .5 W eg. 0 a ft g 53 5" aj O - 2 3 1 2 o J " ' C Vi SfS - ft P2 CSS O "I en t- 1 1 i gg f BOOK." FOR THE MIXLIOXf J APrtrmnCoinntlortolW ftaOIffe.lBproatielnfmiIpTaiUa,4ioiia. S.oriif. " BOIDOTia SBBMSSA) SSSSSSStS. SitefatSriMUon for IhoM who r. marrted, orcoDWmpl"! WlfcSl 11 ii book SMS ooght f.H'H " ssi bck DJ ttj, not MM SSBBBSh bont the 60UM. . I Adlrcu Dr. SSS' Phboukj, ho.13 Sit "1 . 8k Louis, Ho. Hotioe to tie Afflicted and Unfortun&ia. f Ibre applTto to t notorious assets who sdrerttss !a ."hlirp.riT?r .tl soy r'ii"l"V:Iii tutu- work o mstler whst jour dueu. is, or how doptor. Slsssses mentioned la his works. OOco, No. 12 S. tirrtt eirsot, between Msrket snd Chssnnt. St. Leolt. Mo. , A. Rare Collection. ROWLAITD'S BICHPT3. - llsls Arts. HMBWJM So comprising TslnsbH lntormstioo ror ererjooJ j. SsutbVmslllftwsirpostMelfor Pl'TT CeoU. Addrris K ioBMAJIDY, MoTn North Klhlh Sk St. lull, Hs. DSAKT8 COLLICTIOSofnerreonhnndrdrie!pl loVisksni Brsndj, sjl kiudsolVlne. Uln i. Ale Bser. Ordlsis, Bunarlor Cider, snd much other userul lnmrms sloa for tbos desllng lnor msnufsoturlng sn? ol IS shsTS sllhsrfcrthslrsdeorhomoust. South mstl(rroorposls;e). for Trtj Celts. AdnTjss . 1. HOBMASOY. No. HKbnh EUthth St.. tt-Locll, Mo. Sny lie and I'll Do You Good. BOOT AND PIAUT BT CLIAirsmO THK BLOOD und ms L w Id, the Lirer snd Secretive Orjens to I I r hssIthjuctlon.lhcssr'illscuremsnTCOmplslBU J La whlehltwouldnothssuppossdthcTCouldresch w J such us Esadacus, Pais iu thb Sips, fltsi- I OS on c ns Bins Aim Hit. PriKm. L; run I ssn. BursuuATmi. Nutualoia, Lon o 1 HQ Aroxrru, Bluous UrsSKTEuy. KiosuT Aroc- I rVl oars, Conrrr-ATIOU, Dusil.it, Fs.uus ow aix . CJ UUBUBS, DlunrSSA. Jaooicu. und olhrr sju I CQ drsdooujplslnuurlstDSfrooiulowstslu of tus oodyorobstructluuorlurunctlons. L -J Bins frsufrom merccrj uod othsr wLsim OS thTOuanksMulltliuessudundsrUclr. 5S cuisuuess without rcrdto diet or buslnns, JJ fh. UuirifoTtictl bj UrussUU und IXslurs la he.ua uorywhsrs. Look to yoitt Children I The Great Soothing Homed. Win 1 Crmaeollo sud wrlplK In the PRICK 1 Lr, umrw MRS. uMnesconTutitonsstidoTUr raiTSOlO'8 dlseuses luoklcat tu 2J5. mSB itr anon und cMMrua. CENTS PRICK WRS. j fjnrM Dlurrhceu. Dysestery QP4 AnTCOHM snd Summer Complslul u, ilul- i?L hYRlP. dreuof ullsuss. , 7,7. u,, .mt Iufunu sud Children's Boolhlui K.ms.!r, f,'dSir.r, bruusht on b, MSMn or .u, other o.u rrsnund be w Oruftun Msdlclue I...B Louis. ". tldm in ixt rafoi-'s Notice. NOTICE Isbereby civen. that In tne Probal i'ourt of Iielmout County. Ohio, tbe untler signed was appoinleil and nnelllifl as Admin islratrator of the estate of Marian Reynold? dee d, late of said County. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immedia e payment.and tlssss having claims against s lid estate are request i to present them within one year Irom thi date. CH5. C FOWI-EU, Adm'r. deS-3w of the estate of M. Rey uidds, dec'd. For Sale. I WILL sell or rent my Store House on Mail Street, in oneof tru beet buslt.css location: i;i town. Foi, particulars enquire on tbeprem JAMES OSRORXE. decl-2m St. Ciairsville, Ohio. BDILDINGLDIBEB James ITicoil & Son, HAVE built a large addition to their SaT Mill, and have put iu an entire new set o Machinery, of the newest aud most approvet style, andare now ready to dress and luanu factureall kinds of LUMBER AND WORK REQUIRED FOI HoL'SE BUILOINO. We intend to keep on hand a regular suppl; of Ory Lumber; also, Shingles, Hash aud Doors StsT- All orders promnry attended to. JAMES NICOLL & SON", MarlO-tl Bellaire. Ohio. PSYCHOM AN( Y. Any lady or centleiii.u can make Sl.uoo a month, secure their een happiness and independence, by ohtaintni PSYCHOMANCY. KASCIN ATION, or SOLI CilAKMINlr. ! paa.-s; cloth, lull instrue tions to use this power o er men or animals a will, how lo Mesmerize, become Trance oi Writing Mediums. Divination, Spiritualism Alchemy, Philosophy of Omens and Dreams Brigham Young's Harem, Guide to Marryjgo 4c, all contained in t his book; luO.WJOsold; prici by mail, iu cloth Sl.i), paper covers SI. Notice Any person willing to act as aj;eut will re ceive asamplecopy of the work rer. As in capital is required, all desirous of genteel em ployment should send lor the book, enclosing It) cts. lor postage, oT. W. EVANS : CO., 1: South Sth St., Philadelphia. Administrator's Notice. "VOTICK is hereby given, that in the Probatt -Li Court of sBelinont Vouuty, Ohio, the under signed whs appointed and qualified as Admin istrator ot the estate ot John O. Berry, dec'd late of said County. All persons indebted to said estate arc re ! quested to make immediate p-.iymut. am those having claims against said estate are re quested to present them within one j c;t: Horn this date. ;C. W. CARHOLL, Adm'r Novltt-3w " of John O. Berry, dee d. STONE & THOMAS, i Hfcoud Slock of Fall & filter Dry Mi Immense Stock bought at lowest point tha goods ha vegoue this season. Great bargains la . LYONS BLACK VELVETS,! FINE FRENCH MERINOS PAISLEY I SHAWLS, ;WOOL PLAID FINE DRGS-s GOODS Bought at great Bankrupt Sa eln Hew Yorl The largest line of SHAWLS, CLOAKXNGS AND CLoTH SUI' GO0DS.T Sever oflVred by any one house in the city. Full lines of CLOTHS, CASSIMEBES, BLANKETS, - : MUSLINS, PRINTS, tfc, Ac, at lowest rates, Plther Wholesale or Ketnil Ladies' Furg and; GENTS' G-LOVES, . at very low rate3. Ffrst Floor, GENERAL RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Second Floor. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS AND WIN LOW SHADES. Third Floor, PIECE GOODS, BLANKETS & NOTIONS, Cellar, COTTON. YARN, BATTINGS AND CAKPIT CHAIN. ALL GOODS BOUGHT FOP. CASH. Prices guaranteed as low as any house in th trade" STONE TAOMAS. Sign of Golden Bee Hive, 171 Main st. 3STo Hiambii"-. Any married person enclosing one three een stamp address Ii, M. D., Wbeelimt, West a. Box M; will receive by return mail Infonna tiou worth $1 CO. nol7-ln FINE WATCHES. Genuine Oroide Gold and; SILVER WATCHES te, $7, $8, sio, sin. ta u Sao The European War and extraordinary Mon ey Panic, during the past season, has induce us, in order to make rapid sales and quick re tuins to throw our vast Slock up in tin- publi market, at thirty lo ihty per cent, beluw waafiisaf ,'riecsor Cash. READ THE PRICES. Fine Oroide Gold Cylinders, regulated ai warranted iperfeet time-keepers, usually ;so. at SI2 to $15, AT ONLY tS EACH. tiie;best QUALITY CYLINDEBS IAT it The Dun'ilc ljctra Hi Am v,lei n- a very snperk quality, regulated and warranted perfect tinM keepers equal in appears ace and for lime t tUO'Soid Watch. -s. AT ONLYJHI EACH. 1'he Eonbte Erirn Jt-jim daM Oroide dotau jeweled lerem, linest Nick.-l works, nsoally .sol at S25 to 5 I I, Jieduc-tl to onigSVt Mich. SILVEIt WATCHES. Eilra Fine Solid Pare Silnr, Hunting Cast Cylinders, $s. . Jlist tjnalii't Coin .Si.'iv;-, Hanting Oesed, 111 jcweleu levers. Ksntated and warranted a cura.e timekeepers, ONLY ?li. The very Best (ja-iiit.'i Patent Lever and Chi nometer Moveni-iits, lull Jeweled, (la All Hie above classes ol WiHi-ih s are llun ingl'ased, periectly reanlated, and eaeb wi ranted by s-eela certincate for two years. Adgentsntn) Dealers oideiing six ol our ; Watches at a Mass, will receive an extra Wat free, maUingSeveu MS Watches lor at). No d count can be allowed on onr cheaper watche; All Orders fur Santo ITaseJkes, Ctsss issaas" be s, inadvance. Sen by Posl OiliceUider, Itegisb ed LsUer. or Bank Cneck, aay able to oar ora and goods will be sent by Express or in ltiv lered Package, prepaid titour risk. Orders forat lea-! six watches nr over, will sent by Express r. O. 1., by depositing s sin amount Willi express agent, or sending res encesas assurane'.' of good laith. Write ordt-rplain, slate kind and price Watch desired, inclose price as above dir andaJdros THE EMPTRK WATCB CO. No. UM Broadway. New Vori P.O. Beat 9sft. no:7-:li .Ittarliiiieur. ,lee l'.undy, Plalnlllf, vs. Jiuncs Hosier, Defendant, DEFoiiK .Limes laleeon.J. P. ofPtase Tos l ablp, Belmont County, Ohio. Said defi dant JanMS JfnSler, will take notice, thai tnettth day ol October, A. D. l-70. said J.i-i Is- lied an order d Atlaehmepi m above ent ed action for tbeanm "f Fifty Dollars nnd Ni 'v-one cents, and a garnishee noi lee served wlUtam Sharon of said County. Said ea win he for hearing " the lth day oTOeeeml A.D. lS7.l,oVI.,-lt, A. M;i. DKKInnar netsVSw Att'y fir Plaiiitii . 7 o' ill :i ixnaloi 's .Yot i te NOTIOB te hereby given, thai in the Prat) Court of Belmont Couniy. Ohio, Ihe urn slEiied was asp doled and qualim-d a- Adai Istrator with will annexed ..f the ealaU br no Hn ilin 'ii. de .1. hue or said County. all sersons indebted to said estate are 1 'estcdtoinnkelinmedlalf payment. and tti having claims sgaiBSl said eetate arereunea t. present theni within one year trom 1 l,c KDWABD It ETHEL, Adm'r iNo'vl7-:w of Abrara HnrTinan, dec New Advertisements. New Advertisements. New Advertisements, PI A NOES ORGANS. Weber Piano, Knaibe Piaso, EfflMfcRSON PIANO, IcCnIIOi HANO. MA 0s A IIAMLIN5 t! 0A.BINET AND METROPOLITAN ORGANS ' r AND OTHEE. ORGAJIS. l i I WOULD re-pectful!y inform the Musical Public t:o:t ! nSwS received Wholesale and Retail : l Agency for ; tie above Pniuoes and Organs, and can fnrnlsh parlies desiring an instrumen on ' as favorable terms as any gent in the s;te. My giiitrHiueesare from the Mannfactnrers direct and last forilveyears. i would earnest ly request any contemplating buying a Piano or Organ I to call .ni fir .-. Idresa tha undei signed. Ditalrg wholiye in Cities are not always the best rart'ti I to furnish insirnments, and iu proof I only ask a full comparison of Styles aiid Prices . Call on oraddress- .TZS O. T- TAlfKOaT, JTairslsrw ; .M;i.v-6'70-tf : HARRIS & FAWCETT, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON, i Give special ;attentlou to Tin Roofing, Keep for sale a full line ol C ;olt ing Stoves, Grates, Castings, Hollow 'Ware, Copper. Brass and Tinware. All kinds of JOB WOKK done promptly. . " " I Hiirhest nrice paid for old rags, copper, bad and iron. sr2r- CARROLL & GIFFIN, GROCERS, 1 And dealers in all kinds of Com itvy Produce. CORNEIt F MAIN AND MARIETTA STS ' - '- ' - - i Sepil'7v)- DR. GEo7PL BOYD, 1 tO. PLEASANT, JEEEEUSON CO., O. r i 1 VS Dl rmaiicntly cured upwards of oi) cases 11 ol -Nasal Calarrh," and ol her nose iliseas es during the last two years. The D.-.'s "Com mon Sense Theory of Catarrh" will be sent on receipt or two stamis. Address as above. nolO'7(J 6m Desirable Town . Property For Sale. rTTHE iindersign-il oflers for sale lier resi I donee adjoining the M. E. Churcli. Tiio 1 House mrntslns six r ooms, a samaser kitchen, ! e eniiil newer, and an eaesoeed porch, on the; porcii is an excellent well of water. Fences in gMd repair. I For furtber tntf tienlars call on or address k M. A. RAVAGE, no!0-tf St. Ciairsville. Ohio. . Tisaes of loklinf Courts j IN THE : Eight Judicial District of Ohio, ; For the Year 1871. 'The State of Ojho, Jkffebsox Cocsty. ) I DiSTitHT CocuT, Sempteniber Term. 1770. We, Ihe Judges ofthe Conrtof Common Pleas within and for ihe Eighth Judicial District, in ! the State of Ohio, pursuant to Ihe statues in i such cases made and provided, do hereby order anddirect that Ihe terms ol ihe District Conr ' aud of the Court of Common Pleas within the several counties 01 said District, shall begin at the hour of eight o'clock A. at. on the days and ! dates hereinafter nam-d, during the year 1S7I, to wit: DISTRICT COt ilT. Muskingum County, Monday, Augusts. Morgan County. Monday. September!. Noble County, ThTirsda- , September 7. Monroe County. Monday, Benseaahes n. Bctanont County, Wednesday, September lo. j Guernsey County, Monday, Seplemhei- Is. Tuscarawas l ountv, mday.8epli.BbH IS Harrison County, .Monday, September i". JeUV.-i'.Mn County, Weduesday.sept. 27. roMMo-s- mrsTi Hnafcingwai county, lanuary W, Aptll 2i, October HX Noble county, March II, JuneO, October 17. Morgan county. March 1:1, Jnne& uctober 11. Gujernsey eennty, April l-',July j.November 7 Lelmout county, February 1, May Hi, Novem- e ber I. Monroe count;-, Jailliaiy 17, May 2. Octolerl7. 1 Tuscarawas county, i ebmary 20, May 2J,Oc- ; tober3.i. Harrison county, February ti. May 8, Octo ber Hi. JeHcrson count y, March a, June -, Novem ber i:!. And we further direct that a certified copy of this order be iraninitted forthwiih by the t Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Jeflcr- . , son county, to the Cierk ot the Court of Com- ! - mon Pleas in each ol said counties, nad that it i he published according to law in each of said counties lor four i Ijconsecutive week.-; and said Clerk of Jefferson Common Pleas shall forth with transmit to Ihe Secretary of State a certi- j lied copy of this order. Given under onr hands at Steubenvilie this 2otn day of September, a. d. i-7ii SBO W. Mc-ILVAINE, MUSES M. Glt.ANUE!., JOHNS. WAV, F. W. WlXllis. Judges of the Court of Conimou Pleas Eighth Judicial District of Oliio. ' I I, Oi.ivf.k Q Smith, Cierk of the Court of -! Common Pleas within and for Ihe couniy of 1 i Jefferson, in the state of Ohio, hereby certify that the luregoingTrnnscript is correctly taken and copied from the Journal of said Court as I lbe same rema'iis in my office. I Witness my signal u re and Ihe Seal of said Isr-Ai. C-onrt at StenbenviLe, iu said county of Jefferson, this Id davof October. A. D. '70. 1 OLIVER C. SMITH, Clerk. 1 Ci.f.kk's Office, St. Ci.Air-svn.i.E, 0., , Oct-ber ji. Is7i. j ! I,. I amfs B. Cami'Iiei.i.. Clerk of UM I'onn of ' iCommon Picas, r ftfilsaonl Dannty, olio, do " hereby certify this t4 he ibregosns Tian i ript is I etsj its I. ii thjii Ulan icenainMon Uelnsay offlee. ' J.s. B. CAUPBELL, 1 Clerk Belmoni Co. C uu. Picas curt. tl Nov. 10-Iw j J. A. LASH, 1 D L.. Under Grant Bocrse, Wlircllnc, w.Tev. JEWELEB t-l Offers a large as-orlmcnt if R ;; GOLD &.SILVER., .;WAT,CHTrES'! I Jewelry J Silver Ware WEDCLNC PRESENTS, FINE TABLE CUTLERY PAKLOK, office: and I'!n:Ni; room (aUK9G9s An examination of lite Mock cf :i- BLAPIKB AND Ot NTS WA Pi HES, 2J Is earnestlv s Helled. Opeelel bseUltles in the ill- Isaitl . Illiatnf vxtn imlncenu nta to as ritv red . in ihi's line. Hie watch are all acleelsd -.tl cure and an- ot -ii.ih makes and ip.a itles as ,se can be warranted to glee sollrc swriifhctAn to ir thepurcli.i.-cr. Also, a specialty In Spectacles! 'V.'i BaTtnatheagw-rtcy to the c -ic' rated spec I tacie. ManatVvrlared t J. V. spencer A Co. -,. I nrnetseel Opticians, Ken or. , ' persons r.-iii-ii: an incial half, will find i ',' ', , to their interest losee these guswna i, . I blwMrati d I 'alalogin.s ol Walthaaa Wstcl es ' I sent on appltcaUon. X I WATCH ii . REPAlRKD, ENGRAVING, 4c .1. A. LASH, Wheeling, W. Va. HINKLEY KNITTiNG MACHINE. 'iii- .Siiinjlcsi. Cheapest and in Use ! Has Lut Oh-9 iVeedle ! V Child can Run It ! DESIGNED especially for tbe use of families, anil ladies who desire to knit lor the mar ket. Will do every stitch of the knitting in a stocking, wideningand narrowing as readily as by hau l. Are splendid for worsteds and laucy work, TAKING FIVE DIEFERENT KINDSOF rsTiTCH ! Are very easy lo manage, and nol liable to get out of order. EvekyFam- ILY SHOULD HAVE ONE. WE W ANT AN AGENT IN EVERY TOWN TO INTRODUCE AND SELL THEM, to whom we offer the most iiber.il inducements. Send for our Circular ami Sample Stocking. Ail-1! CSS HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE CO., B-i -h. Me.; or, 17U Bread way, N. Y.; 11! Wabash Ave Chicago. 111. -epl"70-lvja Bit i School IS Seven and 3-IOPerCent, Authorized by Act of the Legislature of tbe Slate of Ohio, under a vote of the School Dis trict, in , il'io, S;w'. iM, and 51,000, having from one to twenty-two years to run. Semi annual interest coupons attached at the rate of seven and .i-10 per cent, per annnm, payable al the Treasnrcr's.Offiee in September and March. Valuation ofthe taxable property ef the School District, over SI.OUOJuO. Faith of the District pledged. The solid, substantial character of the security must speedily attract to these bonds the atten tion ol those having money to lend, who prize an investment which insures the absolute security of the principal and, liberi.1 rate of interest. ' Application can he made to A. W. Anderson, rrobate Judge, at St. Ciairsville, Ohio. For turther particulars, apply to E. G. MORGAN, President of the Board, Bellaire, Ohio. ag23-tf 3ii' -- t jSb PlmBtnL AGENCY OFFICE, EMPORIA, KANSAS. BITTS and Sells Lands, Town and City Pro perty, Locates Land-Warrants and Scrip. Enters lands from the Government, gives de scriptions of lands to non-residents. Persona in any part desiring inlormation. or business attended to, will lind It to their advantage to address or call ou A. N. HANNA, P. O. Box G-rt, Emporia. Kansas. Reference "Emporia Bank.' Emporia, Kan ccS'-if LOOK AGEJIT.sWANTED Por Anl otiogrimliv of john b. Sough. The most popular book now before the peopl We woulc call the attention, especially of expe rienced agents ami teachers, to this work. Exclusive territory givrf aud large commis sion. For particulars, address, JOHNSON b SleCLAIX, Un SB AliCU ST., Philadelphia, Pa. School Books! All the Tex! Ho ks sed in tbs Schools kep WEST'S. Siales. Paper. Pens. Ink, and School snd Of Oee iilelhnmu of all kinds. A completeassoit mcnt. at " WEST'S When in want of Pure Dregs, yon can get l.eiu at the Cheap Drugstore ol II. WEST Jt SON. Complete assort mtnt of Hnrcwars at the only IL.aiware Store In Town. Ei-T'S. Notice. 'lMIE Incorporeteil Village of Bridgeport, ! 1 Belmoni County, Ohio, linve made appli- rs'-..n by petition toIheCoiumtssionersof said ' Connty under an ordinance authorizing tho same, for the i nn xation tosaW Villagsol ccraj i taincontlgnobs territory, which is described itw ; ti.o peiition snd plat a follows: Beginning for ' v,:, contiguous territory at a point where the ' siuth -ule oi Bsmtaetl tHuej interseeis the lOhioriver: theme i mining with ttMM 1 llnool 'said sirect leMarien ftreet; tliencewlth ' tiie W.st line of Msncn stiect to the midd.e ot Indian Wheeling rrewk : thence up said Cree k ! toe point where ihe Last line of David Al len's H acre h i lnters.-. ts-said t reek: Ihenre with the East line oi DanrM Allen'a It acre lot south to the onth Una of an Alley, known and marked on the plat ol Kirkwco,! im Vu noa'i Alley; I hence with the vcih line of Kennon's Alley to nnolnl wbsaoMM line In frrsi -ci- lbe Ohio B:ver: i:.. nee w.th the Ohio River--the point where the hue Of thaSontb suuiol BennJll street inteisectsthcOhloKlver. beirg li e place of beginning. sa petition and aepl teal on will be for hear Ina beiors the Cosraiy CnsUsSSsseonsSsi at their : oOee In M. ClairsvUie, on theUetn day of Dw- I j , ul..-r. 1-70. st m. J. R. M itch atu Agent. mvHt-ow i Snnitil! "TajbcijitSii'.! Shsild t in ersry ficaily ia tio IM f?&zt and Im I I Itis wraally as good ml Eastera papio, 1 mmWBmWfinfimhmikm