OCR Interpretation

Belmont chronicle. [volume] (St. Clairsville, Ohio) 1855-1973, October 24, 1878, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026241/1878-10-24/ed-1/seq-1/

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fP eltusht (fiwraiflc
Crrry Thursday Morning.
XT. A. HUXT - - - Editor.
Single aabecrlber. par annum, tt 00 I
Six moiiU,ll 08. '
Three monUia. Wota.
U not paid within six months, tt M will be
"acted of all yearly subscribers.
of the National Holal
uln.n.1 Lodae. No. M. P A A. M. maeU ev-
f Wednesday night on or preceding the fall
St. Clalnvllla Chapter. No. IT Royal Arch
Jessie B. MEYER, Sec'y.
Belmont Council, R. and 8. M., maeU on the
F D. BAILY, Rec.
flUopa Commandery No.M of Knights Temp
oieeta jn toe nrst i mwiiv
F. D. BAILEY, Rec.
Busiaess Cards.
tAOarnew at Late. Hi. ClatrteHle, Ohio.
a Offlea Oral door east of tba Coon Houae
Mtrre IT. IJ instead.
Aleomai & Covn$dor at Lam, BLOmrmOO.
WPartlcnlar aUentlcn given to collections
and tba settlement 01
D. 1. T. COTVES,
Lme. 8L ClatrtciBe, Ohio.
Ka-Offio on norm aide oi Main Street, a few
doors eaat 01 jutujmb oh .
tOFKICB on corner. opposite Bt. Clair and
national nuwjw -
. v lv rii lJilll
w. a uTua
Attorneys, at Law.
. W. Corner Fifth and Walnnt Street, Cla-
laaatl.O., Joonston bomuiu i
M-Pctlce In tne United Btalaa Court.
Mar 17. 1877 ly.
Attorneys at Law,
Uinoa, rtt-weet Cor. Main Mariettas U.
EL Clair- Ut, Ok?
FFICK and Keeldenoe, over West's Drn
All work wan-Jited Toap l.s-p'd
WH. PASOOAST, Froprletrtr
R S. & A. P. LACEY
Solleltors of
Patents and Clelmp,
t PraoubalB tbeaoprema Ooort and Coortoi
blatmaT and appear befbreall the DeparLnenu
Promptness and satisfaction given in all busl-
tartment .WA8HIN3T0N D. O. sep26tf
And tre removal of his
Hals now prepsied. In bis new quarters,
one door west of the Chronicle offlea, to man
ufaolure Suits toOrder
In th:Latert styles and at reasonable ratef
Transient Cutting prompUy attended
Especial attention given to repairing and
cleaning old clothes. Satisfaction guaranteed
ta.US3r ; , ' ioHlt HAQtJE.
and 7 " Dresser,
; Under Nat'l Hotel, St. ClairviUe
Curls, Braids Switches,
and Wigs, ::
Prepared In ha Laten Styles and Mi ahor
noiloe. HAI tpreparrd at aOc per oaea.
tt at Asaaaans,
-! J. B. COTTtaf
Anion 43SIH
r bhswts. x2
ftEALIN EXCUANOK.and ony Coin, Ooop
Depoalu In money raealvad Nearest paid
lal dsooslts
aers of foreign bills of exchange,
a oaral banaiacbaslaaas - ybj
TS now prepared to attend to hla official; du-
' ues. ana wisnes ail persons auareasing ninr
famish Township and 8eolloq where sm
Teyr to be made. Fees 85 00 pa- day.
At lisp rJUUlalrsvllle Belmont eo'qty ..
CAP iTAL, 100,000.
ssr Bank obeo from a. k. until t r. . Dl
onnt dr Tuesdays, at 10 a. a. Money reeelved
on deposit. Vol leollons made and proceeds re
mitted promptly. . Kzehange booghtand sold
Dswtiii Conard Troll, David Brown, Joseph
Woodmanaaa, George Brown.
.j as it. x. wwxa. rresldent
HO VabDAT Catbler.
Jilkiis I'liiiiluii? Cj'y
fbtaxJry it iiaoHtn Stwp Work of all ktndSoUottetl
Fanners of Belmont C.n
Tha Bellalra ManafaetorlnKOompanypropoaes
to aall yoo a
rjiovvirzc machine or
Combined Mower & Reader
with either
Side Deli-err EaRe or
Dropper Attachment,
ana warranted to De equal to any in naa.
Ws are also doing a general
bBsinaaa. Mr. Mathew Beaael la in charge
Jhe Fonndry.and Mr. James B. Moore of the
Maonlna Department, men of character and
ajTWhy net patronise a home tnstltntlont
rorDeecript! ve Catalogoe of Mower, Reaper
aW., Prloes. Certifies I ea merit. At. address
OX Pooah, Ba!lalre,Ohlo,or
. p80t ffiecretary. Wn.CBiij.ti
A. W. AxoBBaoir. Pres. Bt. Clalrsvllla
Brass: Band Music.
THE BT rf,ATlD7n... raiUMW Biwn
s i Tni.. :at.iCi".rt . . """"
rAnvfraparadlorarnlsbgoodMaslo at rea
toabie ratea and nn AhAvA , a, , ...
r,Tt otdey fcobooland other aeleb
V"??: FeJ,.hfbltioBa,PolltlcaiBBdot
- CHAfl: E. HUaaES Pres
Established in 18X3 .
XSTew Series Vol. 18-TSTo 4-1
fif Sitiiif
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati &
St. Louis R.
Time Table East and West.
MAY 12, 1878.
Trains leave the Pandla Depot, foot of Elev-
entb street. Wheeling. W. Va, near ruone
landing, dally except eunaay, vJuminuus uiuv.
i follows:
Thro' i-X. Fast Line
1 07am 47 pm
Mixed Ft.
17 pm
6 24 p m 7.52 p m
6 00 p ra 35 p in
9teabenvllle 8 a m
Pltuburgb 10 00 a m
T 4o p m .
8 SOam
7 46a m
S 0? a m
7 85a m
10 85 a m
8 30 p m
narruoorgn watpm
Baltimore .
Philadelphia 8 00am
sew l orx swam
Boston 4 zo p m
Pnc. Ex Fst Line. W'n Ex. Mall
Leave ".
. 7 07
8 30
12 Uuk
11 fie
. 2 13
8 40
I 33
8 00
4 47
Dayton .
8 00
8 14
11 28
12 8H
1 10
6 80
10 00
1 us
8 00
11 15
12 55
8 80
Indianapolis II 28
St Lonls . . 7 S
Chicago , 7 50
h 56
Trains leaving Oolambna at 8 40 p m and
6 26 a in, ran dally.
Through Chicago Express leavea Colmobos
dally except Sunday at 6 40 p m, witb sleeps
Ing oars attached and arrives In Chicago at
i w next morning.
Toe "Pan Handle Ronte" la the ahortes
anlckest and moat comfortable Ronte to
uolnta In Mlssoorl. Arkansas. Texas, Kanaaa.
Colorado and the Western States and Territo
ries. This Is tbe Route by which yon make the
fewest cbauses of ears, obtain the lowest rates
n Houeebold Goods, Live Mock, Ac, and 2)
pounds of Baggage Free, on Every Colonist
Any Information about time of trains, con
nections. Lands In tbe West, price ol Single
Heand Trip or Colonist's Tickets, do. cheer,
loll, famished by calling Of on or addressing
JOB. M. BELLV1LI.E, Ticket and Emigration
Aeenl. Wbeellna. W Va. or W. L. O HUIEN.
General Passenger Agent, 210 North High St,
uoinmDue, u.
Rates always aa low aa tbe lowest.
Gen'l Manager.
Gen Paaa A Tkt Agt,
45 Years Before the Public.
Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint,
mnnu akd skx headacm
Symptoms of a Diseased Liver.
PAIN in the right side, under the
edge of the ribs, increases on pres
sure; sometimes the pain is in the left
side; the patient is rarely able to lie
on the left side ; sometimes the pain is
felt under the shoulder blade, and it
frequently extends to the top of the
shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken
for rheumatism in the arm. The
stomach is affected with loss of appetite-and
sickness; the bowels in gen
eral are costive, sometimes alternative
with lax; the head is troubled with
pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy
sensation in the back part There is
generally a considerable loss of mem
ory, accompanied with a painful sen
sation of having left undone some
thing which ought to have been done.
A slight,' dry cough is sometimes an
attendant. The patient complains of
weariness and debility; he is easily
startled, his feet are cold or burning,
and he complains of a prickly sensa
tion of the skin ; his spirits are low ;
and although he is satisfied that exer
cise would be beneficial to him, yet
he can scarcely summon up fortitude
enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts
every remedy. Several of the above
symptoms attend the disease, but cases
have occurred where few of them ex
isted, yet examination of the body,
after death, has shown the liver to
have been extensively deranged.
Dr. C McLane's Liver Pills, in
cases or Ague and Fever, when
taken with Quinine, are productive of
the most happy results. No better
cathartic can be used, preparatory to,
or after taking Quinine. We would
advise all who are afflicted with this
disease to give them a fair trial.
For all bilious derangements, and as
a simple purgative, they are unequaled.
The genuine are never sugar coated.
Every box has a red wax seal on the lid,
with the Impression Ds. McLANE'S Livek
The genuine McLank's Liver Pills bear
the signatures of C McLanb and FLEMING
Bros, on the wrappers.
Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C
McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Flem
ing Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being
fall of imitations of the name Me Lane f
spelled diff-reutly but same "pronunciation.
. aa Mttd far m yaar, tha Staadara Rased far the i
I vara a xaacr comtfimlnt; Cawiaraadg, Kdt H4
a , avnd mU 4 t a feasant af tha Liver, lead :
"Bwtlerr uar nuiaaraa atea. Urar CaapIatDl i
wataa aamaallad fa ta att wart ."-Wsa. Asdreva. 1
F Tfcar aavwaawad awaaWi af doll smrtla aasnr Mlia."'
BaMaMw. " I oaa pisamMaai tleUr Lata Pilla 1
J Tk. Adcasaa. Big sVaaaay. ftaaMakr. rrtaa a. a
(Bac. tVat4 by all Draf and anaDtry Stat aaaan.!
a . pklhw m tF.. rraaj-a. nttaMnra. ra.
National Palling Mills
AND .. .
ManufkctTirers of
Doors, 8asb, Shutters, Frames, Mould
Ings, Brackets, Palings, Stair Rail
ings, Ballustere, News, nnd .
Of every description and Jealers In
Lath, .Joists,
Frttme- Timber,
JFir Brick and
Builders' Material In General
THURSDAY, OCT. 24, 1878.
GtSTAr Wallw, the most eminent of trav-
eling botanists, died at Cuenca, Ecuador,
last June. In 1860 he was commissioned by
some very eminent Belgian horticulturists to
gather new varieties of plants in South Amer
ica, and for eight years traversed vast dis
tricts in that couotry, making subsequently
an excursion, at the instance of great Fondoo
firm, to the Phillippine Islands. He died in
a hospital, worn out and poor, in the cause of
science, having given to European horticul
ture not less than 1,000 transatlantic dovbI-'es.
The N. Y. Herald says editorially : The
cryptographic system which it sets forth is
too intricate and complex Uo permit a sus
picion that it is an invention of the Tribune
as a whole, even if some of tbe alleged cipher
dispatches have been interpolated into the
great mass which bear on their face mark of
genuineness. We do not allege that any of
the dispatches are surreptitious, the probabil
ities being the other way on the prima facio
presentation made by the Tribune. They
seem to fit Into each other so perfectly, and
they so tolly with, tbe well known events of
the period, that there is no reason to doubt
the general authenticity of tbe dispatches.
Unless it can be proved that the alleged cipher
telegrams between and including those dates
are fictitious or have been incorrectly trans
lated, their publication must ruin irretrievably
every person who had any hand in them.
Col. Forney sends to the Press of Phila
delphia an engaging description of 11. Gam
betta. "Tbe man himself, " says the Colonel,
"is the impersonation of self-poised resolu
tion. A large, short, square figure, with a
fine head, a Hebrew nose, one defective eye,
yet a bright and inquiring face. Such is Leon
Gambetta. On the mantel was a good biouse
bust of Washington, and on the wall some
boxing gloves and short rapiers, as if for ex
ercise, perhaps fcr preparation. Dressed in
de.:p black, and neatly dressed, with a strong
ncivous hand and a suapely foot, he pointed
me to the sofa, and took his pLioe at my side,
holding me gracefully by the hand to seal his
spoken welcome. He was looking at my card.
and then began a fire of questions in French,
which were rapidly translated by M. Simon
in. He bad heard of me, he had read some
of my writings; he knew many of my friends,
especially Charles Sumner, of whom he spoke
as an exalted, superb, magnificent Democrat.
'Ah, yes, he was called loo soon. He, at least,
was the friend of France.' "
Hon. Roscoe Conkling.
L. D. Ingersoll in Washington Republican.]
I am, and always have been, a great friend
and admirer of Senator Cobkling. ne is
surely the greatest orator now in the Senate.
ISot one of our public men has been more ar
dently devoted to tbe Republcan party than
he. And yet outside of the State of New
York he does not seem to have any consider
able following. It is true that in everyStute
in the Union, surely every Northern State, he
has earnest friends among the best workers
and thinkers In the Republican party, but not
where does he seem to have many adherents
among the masses of the people. In this re
spect he occupies a position analogous to that
so long occupied by Daniel Webster in the
old Whig party, who was always believed by
the best thinker? of that organization to be its
greatest and truest representative man, but
who never could come anywhere near a Pres
idential nomination. Senator Cockling has
little popularity, on which account I doubt
the possibility of his ever being a Presidential
candidate; but I am among those who believe
that if, in politics, the selection of the fittest
were a universal rule, be would be tbe next
President of tho United States. I also be
lieve that in that case we should have an ad
ministration true to the principles of progress
and universal liberty, political, civil and com
mercial, and which administration would be
beneficent to the country, and great in his
tory. We are not making this sort of Presi
dents so much as we were, and I am afraid I
s tall not get my candidate as early as 1880.
BjI, year by year, the people are occupying
a higher plane of intelligence, and I do not
despair of seeing the great New Yorker Pres
ident of the United States yet.
The Vote by Congressional Districts.
The true test of the contest in Ohio was the
vote for Congressmen. The Republican ma
Jority over the Democrats was 11,059. The
Republicans carried six districts by a majority
over all, and the Democrats carried seven dis
tricts by a majority over all. In these districts
the aggregate Republican majority was 14,84.0,
and the Democratic majority 0,130. In other
districts tbe Democratic minoritie agirregated
9,665 and tbe Republican rmnoriUe 1,457.
The aggregate vote in tbe several districts
compare as follows:
Districts Rep. Dem. Others.
First 13,756 12,03(5 447
Second 12,914 11,940 533
Third 14.3.V) 15,437 442
Fourth. 15,879 10,822 1,196
Fifth.- 12,848 14,670 2,711
Sixth ...12,073 16,110 2,544
Seventh 11,278 13,183 7,893
Eighth 14,982 16,237 845
Ninth 16,798 17,788 1,783
Tenth 12,345 12,579
Eleventh 13,997 15,355 1,104
Twelfth 14,566 13,493 670
Thirteenth - 11,827 11,950 1,329
Fourteenth .12,0G8 14,350 2,491
Fifteenth 11,039 15,617 1,839
Sixteenth 15,489 14,255 1,366
Seventeenth. 17,253 14,575
Eighteenth 15,330 12,641 2,793
Nineteenth........... 17.106 7,553 3,148
Twentieth 13,081 ' 7,271 7,012
Totals .....277,924 266,86-1 40,159
It is thus seen that with 277,934 votes the
Republicans elect nine Congressmen; with
266,865 votes tbe Democrats elect eleven, and
with 40,152 the Nationals, Temperance, and
Socialists elect not one. Taking another view
of it, the Democrats, with a mi nority of tbe
popular vote, elect eleven Congressmen, and
the Republicans, with plurality, elect only
nine. Had tbe apportionment law remained
unchanged in other words, had the State
been apportined according to voting population
tbe Republicans would have had thirteen
Congressmen and tbe Democrats seven In
any way we look at it, therefore, the Repub
licans gained largely upon the Democrats as
compared with 1877, and Ohio is now a de
cisively Republican State. Good for Ohio!
Cin. Gazette.
It Is said that a bit of cotton pushed
into the ears will prevent people from
dreaming. This, we believe, only ap
plies to casps whore a man dreanw that
tbe persons In the next rompnrtment
is turning: up tiU nose with a view to
securing; an appointment in Thomas'
Sesatou Blaini proposes, for greatr utili
ty, that the Oat greenback be labeled one
dollar on one side and one thousand dollars
on the other. When flat money becomes the
currency of the country there will be little
use for bills of tbe denomination of one dol
lar. A note ef this value will then hardly
purchase the salt with which to cook a beef
steak. The cost of the beefsteak can only be
The (White) House that Sam
From the Albany Evening Journal.]
This is the House that Sam missed.
This is the Job to capture the House that
Sam missed,
This is the Rat that bossed tho Job to cap
ture tbe House that Sam missed.
This is the Public that smelt the Rat that
bossed the Job to capture the House that Sam
This is the Partyt that cursed the Public,
that smelt the Rat, that bossed the Job to
capture tbe House tlmt.S-m missed.
This Is the Cronin with crimson horn, J that
fooled the Party, that cursed the Public, that
smelt the Rat that bossed the Job to capture
the House that Sam mied.
This Is the cipher 'bout Oregorn, that was
sent to Cronin with crimson born, that fooled
the Party, that cursed the Public, that smelt
the Rut that bossed the Job to capture the
House thai Sum missed.
This Is the Tilden all tattered and torn, that
sent the Cipher 'bout Oregorn, to Mr. Cronin,
with crimson horn, that fooled the Party,
that cursed the Public, that smelt tho Rat
that bossed the Job, to capture tbe House
that Sam missed.
This is the Marble all craven and shorn,
that toadied to Tilden all tattered and torn,
that sent the Cipher 'bout Oregorn to Mr.
Cronin with crimson horn, that fooled the
Party that cursed the Public, that smelt the
Rut that bossed the Job to capture the House
that Sam misscd-
This is the key as sure as you're born just
see the Tribune dated this morn that shat
tered Marble all craven and shorn, that sent
the Cipher 'bout Oregorn to Mr. Cronin with
crimcon horn, that fooled the Party that
cursed the Public that smelt the Rat that
bossed the Job to capture the House that Sam
Typegraphical error Tor Pelton.
tSbcrt for Democratic party.
XPatoii for Proboscis.
Another Chapter of Fraud!
The Scheme to Buy the South
Carolina Board.
The Tribune of the lGth publishes the third
chapter in tbe history of Tilden's fraud ex
ploits. South Carolina is the scene, and
Smith M. Weed, of Plattsburg, New York, is
the chief mourner, after Tilden. The pith of
eight of the columns of the Tribune is the
following :
The first returns from South Carolina in
November, 1876, gave the State to the Dem
ocrats, but within a few days the aspect of the
situation greatly changed. It soon appeared
that the vote on Governor was close, and that
Tilden's vote was considerably behind that of
Hampton. So uncertain was the result that
on the 11th of November, four days after the
election, General Hampton leh-grapbed to
New York that bis own majority was about
1,400, and that of Tilden somewhat less,
while Governor Chamberlain at the same time
telegraphed that, after giving the Democrats
everything that they could plausibly claim,
the Republicans still had a majority of 3,200
on the Presidential Electors, and 2,100 on the
State ticket.
The fact was that returns on their face
gave a victory to the Republicans by a pretty
close vote, but In two counties, Edgefield and
Lausens, the fraud, violence and intimidation
had been so flagrant that there was little
doubt the Canvassing Board would throw out
their entire vote, and this would put both
Hayes and Chamberlain very far ahead.
The chance of Tilden's securing South Car
olina under these circumstances appeared so
slight that when Mr. Marble, Mr. Wbolley,
Mr. Cole and the other eminent Democrats
dispersed themselves over tbe South, the pub
lic apparently forgot to observe who took
charge of South Carolina. Several eminent
Democrats, however, reached the capital of
South Carolina by the middle of the month;
among them weie Senator and ex-Governor
F. F. Randolph, of New Jersey; Senator
John B. Gordon, of Georgia; Montgomery
Blair, A. H. B- Stuart, and Captain G. N.
Fox, ex-Assistant Secretary ot the Navy.
But it was to none of these gentlemen that
Mr. Tilden intrusted the real business of the
campaign. The person selected for this deli
cate duty was Mr. Smith M. Weed, who has
long been one of Mr. Tilden's closest political
friends, and who figured conspicuously at the
Syracuse Convention as foremost representa
tive of the victim of fraud and champion of
On Moadsy, November 13, the South Caro
lina Canvassing Board perfected its organiza
tion, and the same day Mr. Weed arrived on
the field of action. The promptness and evi
dent relish with which he set about tbe affair
upon which be had been sent, must have sat
isfied Gramnrcy Park that he was the right
man in the right place. His first dispatch
was :
COLUMBIA, November 13.
Henry Havemeyer, 15 West Seventeenth
street. New York : Am here. Things very
much mixed. Intend to count us out' If a
few dMIarj can be placed in Returning Board
(to) insure What say you? Give news
from Louisiana, Oregon, Florida, Weed.
Colonel Pelton answered :
November 14.
Smith Weed, Columbia . Telegram here.
Remain with Hampton (in South Carolina)
and exhaust every means to prevent trading.
Tbe expenses of what you do will be met.
Keep fully advised often. 1 ' Dehmarrt.
Before receiving this. Weed telegraphed :
COLUMBIA, Nov. 18.
Henry Havemeyer, New York ! If tbe Re
turning Board can be procured absolutely,
will you deposit $30,000 ? May take less.
Must be prompt.
Colonel Pelton's reply to this inquiry ha
not been found, but its nature is plain enough
from Mr- Weed's rejoinder of November 14,
saying the parties were to report that morn
ing. Weed's movements began to excite sus
picion in Columbia, and bis position grew un
comfortable. He proposed to hurry matters,
and. then to turn over the negotiations to
somebody else. He says '
Henry Havemeyer, New York i Nothing
definite yet, but working. Tbiugs mixea
here. One party claims Hampton party are
tradine off Tilden. I don't believe it. Pro
ceedingsin Court don't seem to disturb Cbam-
berlaiu party, bhall 1 increase to oU,UOU, 11
required to make sure ? Select a good man to
send down if required, as that is the only
way; I'm watched, and if it is as well I think
I better turn over the mattei here to Gover
The answer this time was prompt and posi
tive, for Gramercy Park, too, was becoming
NEW YORK, November 14.
Smith Weed, Columbia ! Telegram here,
You can go 50 if necessary. Perhaps the use
of "future prospects" for some part, but you
must see that trading Is not done, i aouut
whether you can trust it to person you name.
Kennedv and others should be able to assist.
When do you thiak you can reach conclusion?
Keep me advised. Telegraph what the ma
jority is on Tilden. Friend will go through on
train, leaving here at six ta-nigni. nee mm.
Arrangements for getting the Board certain
seem to hf ve met with entire approbation in
New York, although with characteristic cau
tion Mr. Pelton's principal urged Weed as
follows i
NEW YORK, November 16.
Smith! Weed, Columbia ! Last telegram
here. There is, undoubtedly, good ground
upon which a favorable decision could be
had. but to be consistent and sustainable, it
would and should iuvolve electing Hampton
or else it would be involved in inconsistencies
imoossible to sustain. You must be satisfied
that action upon which papers issue is justified
by facts, and all trading is prevented. Try
and make .(one) portion payable after the
votes are (cast), and another portion after the
Dual result. Doubtless good iuitb is intended,
but there should be sumcient guarantee ac
cepted. These conditions are very important.
telegraph result and what you want done.
Mr. Weed replied i
COLUMBIA. November 16.
Henry Havemeyer, New York i Telegram
received too late to answer last night. Don't
quite understand. Do you want me to go to
the home of Stearns, Florida ? Board, late
last night, demanded $75,000 for giving us
two or three Electors. The interceder will
want something besides, think ten thousand.
What shall 1 do? Get no aid from the
Hampton party, who, to say least, are indif
Mr. Pelton's answer needs not one word of
comment 1
NEW YORK, November 16.
Smith Weed, Columbia i Your telegram
here, should be willing to accept Delieve
if Chambflrlain and. Board unite to prevent
trading, and expense was made dependent on
final success of Tilden in March, am inclined
to think Florida best soil. If you can fix this
contingently, or leave it open safely or in
reliable hands, you had better visit Florida
immediately, see that our friends remain;
can't get others to go. Give me the exact
condition to-night. C'apL Lieutenant Anna
Weed answers i
COLUMBIA, November 16.
Henry Havemeyer 5 Telegram received.
it looks now as though the thing would work
at $75,000 lor all seven votes, tlave sate
man to bring stuff on, receiving telegram in
morning. Think now I will meet him witb
party at Baltimore. Could not make it de
pend on Marc'j, but would on regular certificate.-
of tbe Board and other officers. The
exact status is, that two of the Board have
agreed and are consulting with the thirc,
which is a majority, and will report to-uiglit.
They set stakes, and 1 assented, but can with
draw. Portugal telngraphed me to-day to
spare no cot-t. It's late for me to go to Flor
ida, but will see and telegraph to night
Pelton answered '
Telegram of thirty-five (words) here. Full
telegram left before 2 this morning. Speak
when received. Charles Thomas Jones, Cap
tain Anna-
Unfortunately we have not found thi-t (full)
telegram, but the nature of it may be inferred
with perfect assurance from the alacrity of
Mr. Weed's rejoinder:
Telegram received; (will) see parties instant
ly, perhaps two hours before answer; will try
and get conditions.
Smith Weed pushed his negotiations zeid
ously, and finally telegraphs:
COLUMBIA, November 18.
Board have oeen securea. me cost is $8U,uou
to be sent as follows: One parcel of $65,000,
one of $10,000, and one of $5,000. all to be
$500 or $1,000 bill notes, to be deposited as
the parties accept; and given up upon note of
band of tiamptou(t. ., state ot south Caro
lina) being given to Tilden's friends. The
three packs should be sent without inscription.
and to-night, unless you receive a telegram
from me countermanding, shau try to secure
everything by tho plan of deposit. The
friends of Hampton and (Bavaria) are here in
force and I fear their money and careful
watching and intimidation of the Board. For
God s sake let it go if you can. Be safe in
Florida or South Carolina. Do this at once,
and have cash ready to reach Baltimore Sun
day night. Telegraph decidedly whether it
will be done.
No doubt Smith Weed did get the "definite
answer" he desired before 8 o'clock, for he
broke out in the following exultant dispatch:
Looks well now. You must have money at
Barnum's in Baltimore, early Monday morn
ing. 1 go at 10 to-night.
Weed arrived ia Baltimore November 20,
and New York November 23, but the action
of the South Carolina Court spilt the milk and
Tilden's chance of buying the Board was lost
An Auriferous Meteor.
From the Yuma Sentinel.]
A remarkable specimen of meteoric iron,
more like steel, has been brought in here from
the Mohave desert. It weighs about a pound,
and carries free gold, of which nearly a dol
lar appears on its surface. It is not magnetic,
and has successfully resisted simple and com
pound baths of acid. In this respect it re
sembles specular iron, but in no other. One
of its surfaces shows a fracture that reveals a
crystalline structure, the color of which is a
steel gray, tinged with yellow. It has defied
the best cold-chisels in the blacksmith shop,
and has not broken or chipped under heavy
blows. If its composition can be imitated,
there will be produced the hardest and tough
est alloy known.
'Them are people who live bjhind
the hill," is an old German proverb,
which means that tbere are other folks
in the world besides youiself, although
you may not see them.
Anxiety is the poison of life; the
parent of many sin, and of more mis
eries. Why, then, allow It, when we
know that all the future Is guided by a
Father's hand?
From the Yuma Sentinel.] BOB INGERSOLL ON POETS.
From the Yuma Sentinel.] BOB INGERSOLL ON POETS. He Arms Himself with Burns as
a Weapon Against the Church.
When Mr. Bob lngersoll came upon
the platform at Checkering Hall last
evening, he struck bis favorite atti
tude, with the thumb of one hand un
der his Wfiifctccmt and the forefing-er of
the other assailing the audeinee, and
observed: "I find, ladles and tjentle
men, that we differ as much about po
etry as we do about religion." There
was a general smile of satisfaction and
a great deal of encouraging applause.
Then Mr. Ingercoll asked it to be un
derstood that whatever be said against
the poets whom be might arraign we'd
be said entirely from his own stand
point. "There Is no poetry worthy of the
name of poetry," he exclaimed with
vigor, "that is not born of the heart.
Give me the poetry that is natural; I
do not want tho word-pninting of the
mind. 1 have read your classic wri
ters.full of sublime thoughts, and have
found them unnatural. I have read
Dante. I have went down into his
hell and crawled In among his snakes,
but I didn't enjoy it." Solemnity and
stupidity are twins born of supersti
tion. But" he added parenthetically
"I will give Dsnte credit for one
thing-rhe was the first poet that ever
had the courage to paint a Pope in
hell, and that was no small thing to do
in his day. And there was Petrarch.
He wrote delightful things to a girl
named Laura. And who do you sup
pose Laura wm? Why, the wife of an
other man. All pretence; all pretense.
Not a throb, not a thrill of the honest
fervor of the human heart. There was
Milton. Magnificent wrlterl I read
'Paradise Lost.' I read it once. 1
don't intend to read It again. He may
have been sublime, hut he was not a
poet, beciune no man can be a pool
who does not write as he feels, as he
knows, and ns he has experiences.
Sorrow is not sorrow, grief is not grief,
wheu they are not felt. Milton put
epauleta on the shoulders of God, gave
us a btittlt) of the angels, and repre
seated the devil as an artillery officer.
Thul's pretty lively lor the imagina
tion. But it isn't poetry. Where is
there in Miltou a line of deep, of splen
did lovo. He gave us the wooing of
Eve by Adam. Why, Adam might
have been a member of tbe British
Parliament, so far as Milton 6bows.
After reading that courtship read the
courtship in the 'Tempest,' and you
will see the dinerenee."
Then Mr. lngersoll branched out In
to rhapsodic indignation over religious
poetry in general. There was too much
terror and horror and misery in the
alleged poetry of religion to suit him.
'Calvinism,' he said, 'is the world with
poetry left out and hell left In.' Then
returning to poetry as differing from
religion, he said: "A real poem Is not
imagined, it is lived; it blossoms nut of
the heart, livery body talks about Tom
son's 'Seasons.' What did Thorns- n
know about the seasons? He used to
lie in bed until 2 o'clock In the dsy
and then prate about the weather out
side. The classic writers were not poet-;
they were literary merchants."
And finally, as repr- - nling his Ideal
of poetiy that poetry which broke
away from the chain -I.issicism the
lecturer singled out Kohi rtuurns, 'the
second poet of the world ' "The first
man who brcke down the wall of the
classic models was Shaken pea re," he
said. "A poem diire not be a lengthy
theme. A poem must be full of broken
lights, darting in from unexju-cted
places. Take jour learned thinker,
vour heavy orator; he hammers along
the dusty highway of his subject, ti
ring himself and his auditors. Con-
trust him with the wanderer-poet who
breaks away from the beaten path to
pluck a Mower here, to wateh a butter-
fit there, to listen to tne music ot a
babbling brook. That's poetry thd
poetry ol digression; that s tne poetry
of Bums. Burns imbibed his poet's
nature from his mother. There never
was a man of genius who didn't have
a wonderful mother! This with great
emphasis to loud applause. Itdoes'nt
make much difference who his father
was. Laughter and enthusiasm.
Burns did not believe in the Church.
He lived wilh the aristocracy on one
side of him ami the Church on the
other, and he hated both. No great
poet ever believed in religion! Ex
citement in the audience. No great
poet ever ran! No mau with a great
and splendid heart ever cau! Burns
had a grext and splendid heart. I hate
Prehyterianism. I hate Calvinism.
They teach the doctrine of a cruel Gk1.
If 1 could turn that chair into a hu
man being, could 1 have the light to
torture that human being, and say I
had the right to uo so because I made
it? No, rather should I, being respon
sible for its creation, love it and pro
tect it. And that is what Burns oe
lieved when he turned from a religion
that preached a boaven up there that
he didn't want, and a hill down there
that he didn't deserve, to a religion
that found a heaven among created
things Here and Now.
Mr. lngersoll then read several of
Burns' poems in a strain pretty much
as though they belonged to his lecture
for the corroboration of his own relig
ious views,occasionally breaking away
from the dusty highways of his own
oratory into the babbling brooks of
rhetorical fancy, with ornamental and
ex xlted gestures.
Then in a great state of mind he
made a general swoop upon the false
claims of the imagination in painting
as well as poetry, and referred to pic
tures of angels as girls with nothing on
but feathers, at which tbere was some
hilarity. Bnt when in the course of
summing up Burns' latter-day me ne
said, 'He chose the tavern instead of
tho church, and I honor him lor it,"
some one hissed and several people
went out." N. Y. World.
How Artificial Ice is Manufactured.
St. Louis Post.
One of the greatest luxuries of mod
ern times, which has become almost
a necessity of human life, is ice," and
the qnestion of its production and
manufacture cannot fail to be of deep
interest to the thirsty millions who an
nually consume such immense quanti
ties of this commodity.
Until late yoars nature has held a
monopoly in the production of ice,
but owing to tbe uncertainty of the
crop, and the difficulty of transporta
tion, that inventive animal, man, has
set to work to improve upon this
somewhat slow and old-fashioned plan,
and tbe result is seen in a variety of
machines lor the manufacture of ice.
The general principle upen which
all machines of this kind are based is
that heat iniy be utilized to produce
power, of which the steam engine is an
illustrvion; even so power maybe
utilized tor the abstraction of heat.that
is for the production of cold, and as the
steam engine gives a cheap source of
power, the only question is about the
proper means to effect this conversion.
Tbe evaporation of volatile substances
by tbe heat absorbed, and apparently
difi'.ppearlng during this evnpnr-ttloo,
furnishes the most ready means to
produce an artificial refrigeration; but
in order not to lose the volatile mate
rial, and to use it over and over again,
it Is Inclosed in air-tight vessels, in one
or more of which U is forced to evapo
rate by means of an exhaust pump
driven by steam power, while in oth
ers it Is condensed by the same pump
and restored to its liquid condition,but
as tbe evaporation produces great cold
and converts the vetsels in 'which it
takes place into real refrigerators, the
recondensation produces as much heat
and raises the temperature of the ves
sel in which it is condensed. But this
heat is easily disposed of by means ot
an ordinary current of cold water, af
ter which the luiquid is again ps83ed
Into the refrigerator, aud thus, by re
peated evaporations, the temperature
Is held down to the desired standard.
Prof. Faraday first discovered tbe li
quefaction of ammonia by mechanical
compression. Prof. Carre applied it to
the absorption of heat. He invented
a machine for the manufacture of ice
by the combining of mechanics and
am moniacal gases. Air has been re
peatedly tried for the last thirty years
or more, but without economical re
sults, it requiring too much fuel. Sul
phuric oxygen has been tried, but the
changing it from sulphuric oxygen to
sulphuric acid by gettiDg air or water
into it destroys the machine, and it
has been abandoned by all who have
undertaken it as a failure. Carbonic
acid gas has experimented with, but it
failed: others also proved detective,
and experiments with other gases pro
duced no practical results. The only
two practical results that are used now
which are not subject to change, and
have no action on tbe metals they
come iu contact with, aro ammonia
and i-hymogene. The only objection
toammouia was the hih pressure re
quired to liquefy it, but that has been
overcome to a great extent by tbe in
troduction of improved machinery. ,
The method of ranking ice has been
improved very much since the first in
vention was brought out. Then the
ice was made very porous and vastly
inferior to natnral ice; now it is made
clear and transparent, in blocks weigh
ing from one pound to one ton, at the
ple.tsure of the operator of the ma
chine, and it possesses one-fifth more
durability when exposed than tne na
tural ice.
The first successful machine introdu
ced into the United States was a small
Carre. It was smuggled through tbe
blockade Into the Confederate States,
Thrn several tceiitlHtnen in New Or-
1. au bought the right of the United
SUtes from tbe French Inventor, and
built six lurge machines in New Or
leans, which aresdlliu operation. The
firsi successful ice factory erected in the
Uuited States w-ts put up by Holland,
Montgomery & Co., at San Antonia,
Texa.-, In lBtiti; capacity 1 tons por
day, cost oi machine, $48,000, One of
the members of the firm, L. 1 Hol
land, has continued to experiment in
ice machines with gieat success, and
machines cm now be built at much
less expense than the original. It
would require more spice than is al
lowabie to attempt a full description of
an ice machine. The great objection
heretofore made to the artificial pro
duction of Ice was the expense of its
manufacture, but the improved machi
nery above referred to has overcome
that obstacle, as Ice c-ui be manufactu
red at the rate of one dollar per ton,
and, the average selling price is
tweutv dollars per ton At this rate It Is
plainly seen that the manufacture of
ice by all large large consumers, sueti
as brewers, packers, etc, is much
cheaper than cutting, transporting and
storing the natural article, to say notn
lug of the immense advantage accruing
from the certainly of the quantity nev
er giving out through unusual length
of intensity of the heated term.
More especially is this Invention a
blessing to the unfortunate dwellers
beyond a troptcal sun. In South Amer
ica, for instance, the immense expense
of transportation and great waste by
melting causes ice to be an almost un
attainable luxury, just where it is
needed most. The erection of these
machines in all the principal cities ot S.
America cannot fail to be a success.
Mr. Ctowell, late master mechanic ol
the S. A. It. K., builder Meiggs, has
recently purchased a machine of JJ. u.
Hidden, of Philadelphia, with a dally
capacity of t wulve tons, and is erecting
it in Lima, Peru, where ice sells for
ten cents per pound. He proposes to
sell It for five cents. The cost of man
ufacture will be $20 00 for tbe twelve
tons, or less than two cents a pound,
The machine Is run by water power,
In tbe cause of suffering humanity,
success to the ice machine.
Does Machinery Rob the Laborer?
The complaint that machinery robs
the laborer of his only capital is entire
ly unfounded. Machinery never les
sened the amount ol work to be done,
though it has constantly changed the
character of the work, rne laoor-sav-ing
machinery employed in agricul
ture is almost entirely the product of
the inventions of the past thirty years.
In no part of the world has the intro
duction of such machinery been more
general or more rapid than in tbe grain-
growing states oi me west, ine re
sult is shown in the census reports.
During tbe ten years ending in I860,
the larin bands of those States increas
ed in number more than fifty per cent.
During the next ten, In spite of the
losses of the war, the increase was
about thirty per cent. During the
same twenty years, the population of
the country as a whole increased only
67 Der cent.
When Walter Hunt invented his
sewing machlue in 1S3S, bis wife pro
tested that it would throw all the sew
ing women out of employment, and
Dersuaded him to suppress it. Howe's
and Sinner's and no end of other ma
chines have come since then, and yet
tbere is work for women to do. Not
withstanding the thousands ot family
machines in use. the number oi per
sons earning a living with the sewing
machine in this country is to-aay
much greater in proportion to the pop
ulation than was tbe number of tailors
and sewing women before tbe inven
tion of the machine, which a recent
pretended labor lover has classed with
the steam engine as one of the two
worst evils that ever befell mankind.
In noting its influence upon labor, we
must not forget the 20.000 or more roe
chanics employed in our sewing ma-
cnine lactones, ana tne tnousanos oi
others engaged in mining and making
the iron, cutting and sawing the lum
ber, and in transporting and preparing
these raw materials for tho machines
and their cases; nor the men employed
in making the machinery used in the
construction of sewing machines, and
In transporting and selling tbe finished
product. Counting these, the inven
tion appears in its true light .as a great
Belmont County, Ohio.
Socond Natardav of November.bt Clalrsvllla.
Flrat 8M unlay of Dnreniiier, St Clalravflle.
"wind Saturday of Jannary, Barnesville.
Third Saturday of February, fit Plalravllle.
First Baiurday of Mnrch. Brruport.
Third Hatarday of Msreh, St Clairsvllle.
Second Hatarday ol April, Relmont,
cond Saturday of May, Bellalra.
First Saturday of Jane. Morrlstown.
Fourth Saturday of Jane. Ht Clalrsvllle-
At close of Institute Id Martin's Ferry.
Ruminations begin ai o'clock. A. .
Pi om ptneaa Is expected.
Testimonials ol character are needed If an.
oil can I Is not known to tbe Board, and certifl.
-are. of "neesa In teachlnc are allowed thel
dne weight. I Chas. R. Shrcvb,
; .Ex. Board, i R. ALixixDn,
I J. M. Ya&sbll.
creator of labor; and the average wages
of the persons directly or indirectly
employed .by the sewing machine is
doubtless four or five times that of the
old time sew ra.
It Is but a little while since a metro'
politan pater of high rank pointed to
the shoe business as furnishing a forci
ble illustration of the disastrous com
petition of machinery with men. The
truth is that while within 20 years,
not less than 85 per cent of the work
done on factory boots and shoes hi-s
been turned over to machinery, thete
are to-day more men at work in shoe
factories than then, and more than
would be employed except for machi
nery. It is but another illustration of
the old Industrial paradox. During
these years of rapid progress in inven
tion, tbe cost of materials has advan
eed, wages have nearly doubled, and
tne quality ot factory boots and shoes
has been improved 25 per cent: vet the
cost of manufacture has been so much
reduced hy new and improved machi
nery that American shoes have not
only excluded the foreign made from
our martcet, but have successfully In
vaded the markets of the whote world.
As a natural consequence, many more
shops are. required not only in New
England, but throughout the Middle
States and the West; more workmen
are employed in shoe factories; higher
wages are paid; and a great multitude
of other men are furnished with em
ployment in tanning the additional
leather used, in packing and transport'
ing and selling the additional product.
and in making additional shoe makers'
machinery and implements. James
Ricuahdsos; Scrlbner for November.
. e .
Ciioate's Irony. Nobody at the
bar ever equalled him in paying iron
ical compliments to the judges who
blocked his way to the hearts and
understandings oi juries. Judge Shaw
was specially noted for the gruff way
in which h interposed such obstacles.
and Shaw's depth of lezal learning
was nor, more conspicuous than his
force of character. "Tisn't so. Mr.
tJhoate," was a frequent Interruption,
when Shaw was on the bench and
Choate was arguing a case before him.
Cboate's side remarks on the judge
have passed into the stereotyped jokes
of the bar, and are now somewhat ven
erable. Oue is, I think, not commonly
stated In the exact words. '-1 always
approach Judge Shaw," he said, "as a
savage approaches his fetich, knowing
mat ne is ugly, out leeiing that he n
great." Of Judge Story he once re
marked,'! never heard him pronouneo
a judgment in which he did not argue
the case better than tbe counsel on
either side; and for which," he added,
with a twinkle in his eye' "he migbt
very properly have been Impeached."
He delighted in gravely joking with a
judge. Thus be once asked that a case
might be postponed, owing to bis en
gagement in another court. Tbe judge
replied that the case was one In whicit
be might write out his argument.
With a mock solemnity, which it al
ways seemed to me no other human
countenence could so readily assume,
he replied, "I write well, your Honor,
but slowu." As his hand writinir re
sembled the tracks of Wild-cats, with
their claws dipped in Ink, mdly d.tsh
Ing over the surface of a folio shiH-t .-if
white paper, tho assembled hsr could
not restrain their laughter. Indeed, it
is affirmed that he could not decipher
his own hand writing after a ense whs
concluded, and bad to call in exerts
to explain it to himself. He congratu
lated himself on the fact that if h fail
ed to get a living at the bar, he mul l
still go to China aud support himself
by his pen; that is, by decorating tea
chests. Edwin P. Whipple, ia Har
per's Magazine for November.
It is a common complaint th.tt tha
farm and farm life are not nppreiUti-tt
by our people. We long for the mo.e
elegant pursuits, or tho ways ami
fashions of the town. - But the fiinm r
has tbe most sane and natural t.ccup.
tion, and ought to find life sweeter, if
less highly seasond, than anyotiie.
He alone, strictly speaking, his a
home. How can a man take root hit J
thrive without land? He writes his
history upon bis held. How oiai.y
ties, how many resources he has; his
irieudships with his cattle, bis tean.,
his dog, his trees, the satisfaction in
his growing crops. In hisimprovid
fields; his intimacy with Nature, Willi
bird'and beast, and with the quicken
ing elemental fore s; has cooperatioii-i
with the cloud, the sun, the season-,
heat, wind, rain, frost. Nothing wi: I
take the various social distempers
which the city and artificial life breed
out of a mau like farming, like direct
and loving contact with the soil. I:
draws out the poison. It humbles him,
teaches him patience and reverence,
and restores tbe proper tono to hi
Cling to the farm, make much of it,
put yourself into it, bestow your heart
and your brain upon it, so that it shall
savorofyou and raitn.tr! your virtue
after your day's work is dune! John
Burroughs, in November Sen bner.
"Sponging" on Newspapers.
Every man thinks a newspaper a fair
game. If a society or any body of men
get up a concert or ball, or any other
form or entertainment, the object of
which is to put money in their own
pockets, or, if the proceeds are to be de
voted to charitable purposes, to add to
their own glorification, they become
very indignant if the proprietors of
newspapers do not assist them with a
series of gratuitous advertising for sev
eral weeks before the event takes place.
These men, says an exchange, should
remember that literary men, in this
practical age, work for money as well
as for fame principally tbe former,
however and the business manager of
a newspiper, if he wishes to keep on
the safe side of the ledger, conducts his
charge on tbe same principal as the
bead of any other business establish
ment People who are getting up a
ball would feel ci-iary of asking a pres
ent of a pair of gloves from a merchant
on that account, yet asking and expect
ing to receive a gratuitous advertise
ment is a similar demand. The editor
of the Marlboro (Mass.) Journal stated
the case very plainly when he Inform
ed his readers that, "We long ago
adopted the plan of charging our regu
lar reading no'ice price for all editorial
announcements of entertainments to
which an admission fee is fixed. We
make no exceptions to this rule. In
the way of new topics, we freely and
gladly insert sketches of all entertain
ments after they trve become matters
of history. It is on-ly the preliminary
work, looking to tbf drawing out ox
increased patron, -eftvoi the public for
which we expect com, easation." It .
costs money to conduct a paper, ami im
printing omcos must have support. tnt
same as churches or charitable Institutions.
At the foot of his Drofeesion--tha
chiropodist. Boston Com, Bulletin

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