Newspaper Page Text
) V , CHAS. K. RADCLIFFE, Z'iriiLiZsxzjcxi; .7 V r Cyv ' ;--8,-:ffi,Hd : v. . .. -t-v a.- w ij 13 hi VTI r 1 " v'-.tfi iajL.' . rT . W . )l 1 . i. kl HI gm4.u uv v. v. P p 6Q NUMBER XLII. . 2. P3CT c - ----- m r ic: kr- - Variety Works. p ng 5 ? All ! K a in ' if i i . . a llALtwiM, Lake Cocwtt, Michjoak. TrililB OK SU-DSCKIPTION: One copy, one yw,'tlM. One copy, six moutha, 73 cents. ' ' On copy, tlirce montba, 40 cents. Advertising rates made known On application. VOLUHE VII. BALDWIN, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1880. HOME STAHLIQHT. 0. H. Sweetland, M. D. Fbyvlclan and Surgeon, t'lioso, Mich. Dr. n. B. Peck, Dentist, Reed City. Twenty-four yean' practice. . omce, over tne jewel ry sior formerly orned by Hubbard. Tlio's Smurtiivraite, Attorney at Lhw ami Solicitor in Chancery. Heal Estate and Insurance Agent, umee in uourt House building. Baldwin, Mich. Money to loan. Heard slcy & Judkiiis, Z-AWSTJETtQ. - UERSEY, MIC1I J. Q. Patterson, A TTOHNE Y A I LA II', Seal ; Estate and Insurance Agent, I Reed f?ity, Mich. Millinery. Mrs. K. 8. Patterson, Upton avenue. Peed City, Mich. A. W. Fonklns, $1. D Homeopathlo Physician A Bilrgeon. Office and residence on Slosson A venue, Keed City, Mich Chas. K. Radcliffe, Notary Public. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to bis care. Address, Ualdwln,Mlcb. . Village Lots FOR SALE! AT BALDWIN 'rlr . ::. and ' EVART! Uuu8uf1 Inducements to those .who want , A HOME ! tor Prices nnd Terms, apply ta WILL. WEBBER, TRUSTEE, EAST GAGINAW, MICH ; ' POWELL POUGLASS, , . ' ""Manafttcturerofth ' OrisjBal aiii only Genuine STAR PUMP. Forcelaia Iron Cylinder Pump! Starm Pump, Wood Eave Trough, Tubing, &o. Also, Manufacturers of the Champion WINDMILL Tower For Jumping and Turning Light Ma . . v ; . chinery. . All oar Windmills are warranted, when pioporly put up, to May and do what we t taiin ftr ttiem Hend for Illustrated CataloRue and prices to POWELL & DOUGLAS, . Waukcgan, 111. IjJg A WKEK in Tnnr own town, and no cap UUU Hal rlnked.. You cn give the butnncsi a trial without cxcnM The beet opnoMnnlty erer f fli-red for tbo-e ailllng to work. You ohould try nthlie eliHi until yon for yonrelf what yon ran r?o at the bailnvs w offer. No room t explain here. Yoa can drvot. all yonrtlmr or only your pnr tint to I ho biiines, nnd make treat pay for every hour thut you work. Women mak an much n men. fml for special privMt trrni and par-tk-ularn, hiob wemall free. $5 Outfit free. Don't tv.iiiplntn of hard time, whll) ron have inch a rb:u. Addree, II. IIALLKTT CO., 1'ort aad, llalne. , t , . . i T:e J:::::sc nVCLi::3 Cocx-Case. ; . . roa , ' Jhrrefmf, BtuAnU, - y . aud a!l who read books. . Ttrlil3 more t ool 1 In toM space than any other Hetatea m m finrer's touchV-helres ad j able at heights deriiWlFrli shelf is 18 inches e rr, )uUin a et of Appleton's Cyclopavlla. T ,if Iron, It cwmwt warp or wear out. BeanU f Tornainentd. making a handanmeand novel j . a i f furniture, Bits for tahle bold 1 or I x cf txwfcs : slj for ftoophold 1. 1 or 4 tiers of I . i derived. tid f'rdcsfr!ptlTO price IWt. 1- . ,."craiirorouf NawlLUwnTiDCTU)Ofa, v i ovf l 0 IDustraUons ot Educational and a. f , ::4in:n, rn4TT & co.t ' I mI r-r:.:..-, as4 KesUrs la rerytklag la tas rrw.i a1 Matliraerjr line, ; :.:,v.uc::tr.rjrrtf:2, lit A lit Cnus4 CUKew Terk Rev. Wm. E. Billence and family ar rived here Wedueadny evening. Social for the benetlt of the Eplsco pal Church, Thursday ovenlog. Rev. Wm. E. Silleuco will hold aer- vlcea at the church, next Sunday. Hon. E. L. dray, of Newaygo, was In town, Wednesday, and gave us a call. Owing to a variety of causes, wo are one day late In inning the Stab, this week. . . II. S. Sawyer, of Ellsworth; and A. S. Randall, of Summit, gave pleasant calls at the Star office, Wednesday. Regular meeting of North Star Lodge No. 1829 Knights of Honor, Friday eve ning, Feb.13th. The rain, Wednesday night, made a clean sweep of the snow; and lumber men are again depressed in spirits. Bishop Gillespie, of the Episcopal Church, Is expected to be at Baldwin and conduct services in the church, Monday evening, Feb. 23d. Guilford, the phrenologist, was in town, Wednesday evening, and lec tured to a small audience in Court House Hall. We learn through a note from Mrs. J. J. Hanese, that John Kirlland, one of the early settlers of .Elk township, this county, died at WlUiamston, Jan. 28th, 1880. Monday and Tuesday were fine days for putting up Ice, and the chance was improved; but on Wednesday, before the harvest was fairly over, u storm of rain stopped farther operations. While in Kalamazoo and Grand Rap ids, last week, in company witli Sher iff Ovlatt we visited the Jail at each place. They ' seem excellent institu tions of the kind. Sheriff Gates, of Kalamuzoa, and Turnkey Walter Gee, at Grand Rapids, have our thanks for kindness in showing us round. The Outline states that u move has been made towards ferresiug out the miscreants who placed the obstructions on the track of tiie logging railway, near Evart, a few months ugo, result ing in killing the engineer and lire man. Two brothers named Rex ford and Mrs. Ncviiis wife of the deceased engineer, have been arrested for com plicity In the terrible Crime, and the examination was to have Taken place, last week. The February r.unitier of Bralnanl's Mutiinl vrld contains a large amount of interesting and instructive musical reading, six'new pieces of music and a fine full-page lithographic portrait of Mile Marimon. This is the oldest, and Is one of the most successful musical periodicals in the country, and is af forded at the low price of $1.60 per year. Publishers, S. Brainaid's Sons, Cleve land, Ohio. As M'aa intimated In our last Week's issue, William Samis was taken to the asylum ut Kalamazoo, 'last Fridaj'. Under the management of Sheriff Oviutt, as his friend, the Journey was accomplished without undue excite ment; and it Is to be hoped that with the care and appliances for treatment where he now Is, the young man may soon be brought out of his "great trou ble, and be again "clothed in his right mind." it is only necessary to show his pabt history: Ho was originally a doctor, but whether because the graveyards In his vicinity had all been tilled, or for tiie reason that he wanted a better chance to air hU natural egotism, he adopted the newspaper business. At first he was a Democrat; and while In that company, made an unsuccessful effort jto obtain printing of tiie annual tax sales by offering a bonus to the An ditor General. Meeting with a decided refusal, his hobby for some time was "Dirty Bill Humphrey' and Its varla tlons. In 1878, he-forsook the-Demo cratic ranks, and started in pursuit of the. Greenbacks; but it appears tha they were ever fluttering tautalizingly Just beyond his ruby nose; and after a few months he abandoned the chase when, flop! and he cajne down in the Republican camp like a flea in a crowd of elephants. Where ho Is now, It is not safe to say, for we have not heard from Ludlngton for twenty-four hours But In any event, we bei; of the citi zens of Baldwin not to abandon their property Just yet; for we tell you he's not dangerous, when you once come to Know Dim. Weather Report The following weather report was prepared and furnished by J cb. I'obU, of Yates township: '.' m Feb. 7 a m 2 p nv V p m Averagn . Wind From the Osceola Outline. Aiyice to tie ftnnj . Niryana Items. Nikvana, Feb. 10th, 1880. Editor Star: Prof. Guilford, of Grand Ledge, has been giving a series of Interesting lectures on phrenology, and "sizing up" the cranlums of our townsfolk. Mr Bush, our railway agent, has re turned, after an absenceof three weeks. Another Sabbath School Concert will be held at the school house, Sunday evening next. A project is on foot for building a un ion church, In the Spring. "God speed the right!" Uo..;. . A Little Co (al) e Dirt, At the request of a citizen of this place, we make mention of the follow ing copied from the "What la It?" pub lished byone Cole, at Ludiugton: - l4 Among these Is Baldwin, the county seat of Lake ; county; . and which Is the largest place between Lud lngton and Reed City. It 'has a kind of black spider look, and a brief excur sion through It will readily satisfy one that it is an uninviting place to live in. If one will spend an hour In Baldwin and then return to his seat in the cars they will never appear so friendly-to him. In fact, one will never bo . more happy to receive their protection, 'or more glad to bear tbo clatter of the car. wheels bearing him away.' Tiie truth is, that any one stopping at' Baldwin will be disappointed) this ': will make him feel homesick, and create a wish to leave at full speed." " ; We wish to say to those who are un acquainted with the author of the above attack, that the only, reason - why he yet remains outside of, the; asylum ,- at Kalamazoo Is that he 14 harmless per fectly harmless; and his friends never cared enough for him to ,scpd him where he could not make a publlo ex hibition of his crazy freaks. ' The above Is but a mild dose of dirt which the poor old man has thrown at fi lend and foe alike during his checkered career. In fact, It really seems as . if he . had turned and doubled so many times Iri bis pursuit of popularity that ho Is un able to tell where his friends are. It perhaps cannot be denied that Cole has some brains, but it Just as evident that ho has not cocacsn str.Ja enoth , to give his knowleds practical c fleet for tho benefit cfh!."lf or anyone : To explxln to cur cltleus how l.'ttls weight liia ascrtic:: have, Wt Ulleve Cedak, Gladwin Co., l Feb. 3d. 1S80. f Editor Outline: I am a reader of your paper, and have been favorably impressed with the apparently fair and Impartial manner in which your paper lias ueau wuii puuue questions, regardless of local squabbles or nettv Jealousies, which sometimes (and I lear too often) ellect the local press. In u recent issue of the Reed City Clarion I noticed an editorial which. undoubtedly, the young man who pre sides over tne destiny or that sheet, meant to be cutting, l rear, at the In teres t of truth. The substance of the article Is, that certain "old fogies" in Lake. Clare and Gladwin counties. have published nothing of "fraud" and "general mismanagement" In said counties for two or three weeks past; that the public would rot;ct suc.i things unless tiie "howling" was kept up. The article states, further, that no frauds nor olllcial corruption existed in said counties: and that the worst class of people there, were tlioso who were trying to maUe the public believe that n bad state or allalrs really existed. Ibis, Mr. J'htor, is the substance or an article which 1 find in the Itced City (.'avion, of a recent date, which is certainly false, and intended to create a iaise impression, so far, at least, as concerns uiudwiu county, and the writer, If conversant with his subject, iuut have known as much. .So glar ing have leen the frauds perpetrated by the local politicians upon the tax payers ofUladwht county, that an as pociutlon, comprising among iU mem- lK-rs wonie or the prominent men of the .S.iirliniws, hj been formed, with niu pie fund.", to prosecute smd bring t; justice the offending p.trtie.-. At the present time three thlierent sulw are pending against the ex-Co. Treasurer whom the Hoard of bmpervHors lias declared a defaulter to tiie amount of over f 0,000. Ho is, also, charged with forcing county orders to the amount of several thousand dollars, and also witli stealing a county order of $2,000. Two or three cx-otllcials are, hIso, laboring under similar charges. These are matters of public record; yet the nice young man of the Clarion informs the public, through his personal organ, that such tilings are lubrication of "old fogies." Tills young man should bo more careful how he makes such state ments publici for it may work to his disadvantage amoilg those who other wise might be led to think differently of himself and paper I have noticed that for some time past this Clarion youth has been rather disposed to throw flings at his neigh bors, and those he felt disposed to dif fer within fact make personal mat ters of many little things which concern himself and the public not in the least. I am disposed to overlook much of this, in consideration of youth and inexperience. At a Certain age boys feel wonderfully smart more so than as they grow older; and time may improve this young man, providing he is true and honest to his moral convic tions. And tills reminds me of how he started out In political life, with his advent In Reed City. Before he came there he was a red-hot Democrat, Just graduated from the ollice of the Pon tiao BUI Jjstert schooled under the fostering care of William Nesbitt and Herbert Kelly. After he struck Reed City he was a good Republican, and could publish a Republican paper. How this sudden change came about has never been explained, and perhaps never will. But the fact itself Is a Just ground of suspicion egulnst the morul convictions of the youngster. Of course, I trust he is now a good Repub- ean; in ract a better one than lie ever was a Democrat, and that no motives of policy will ever induce him to acain change his polititlcs, at least so sudden ly as at nrst. 1 admire the boys pluck and energy, in trying in several things to imitate older ami wiser heads. and trying to get up a notoriety. But ue should not ko so far as to get out or his depths. "v enem large may venture more. But little bouts should keeuuear shore." applies well in his case. Boys sometimes with a false idea that it makes . them appear manly, will slant their hats on their heads. smoke, swear, and assume large pro portions. But as they grow older, they learn that It takes more than such things to make a man at least one that is Intelligent and respected. So. In time, I trust that this young man of the Clarion may lenrn that it takes mote than personalities, slang and wise assumption to constitute a news paper editor. , ; . gladwik. Soil Duller a Positire Guarantee Tliat COUgus, coius, consumption, hoarseness, asthma, whooping cough and particularly croup and all throat andtun7 difficulties can bo cured by Hamilton' Cvvgh Enlnum. If it falls. return tne empty ironies ami we win nrouinflv refund tb nrirp nald. Sam- 1rt tmtt lu 91 oiit j larrro iiT fift fftit. Sold by w! A. Burn'am, Baldwin, Mich. Daughters, Wives and Mothers. Dr. Marchisra , Utorino Catholicon will positively ' cure female weakness, such as falling of the Womb, , Whites, Ceronlc Inflammation or Ulceration of the Womb, Incidental Hemorrhage or flooding, ; Painful, Suppressed and Irreg ular Menstruation, Ac. An old and re liable remedy. Send postal cord for a pamphlet with treatment, cures and cerUricatcM from phyMlclnns and patients, t: JIOWAIlTH A .HAIi LAUI), UTICA N. Y. Sold by all DruIsta per bottle. Hun Moti . Tttes Wod Thur Frl Hut i 8 17 13 19 i 13 1 i 2 . 17 . 10 2i 19 J 11 " M 1 4'-i ' is! v b K M N V B W H W Weekly average, 15.8 above xcro. l!ii)tea vunubltt. lUdnfnll for wK! JW Inches, -buowiiill, V Inche. , . - - . . R. B. Sheridan, the Hersey Merchant Tailor, has been nttlng the editor wp a new rult.,.. Wo can testify to Sheridan's skill in fit ling gnrmc properly; anu7also,.m furnlJung ex cellcnt materials and doing good work In the hundreds of suits he litis fur n 11 led to gentlemen hereabout there i not u slouch Job to be found, but all fit with ease and symmetry. Onoeola (Jut line. . Ill II v cut II. B. Sheridan, MERCHANT TAILOR, Hcrscy, Mich, Alteiilioa. A cough, a cold or a sore throat should be checked at once. If allowed to con tlnue, a permanent throat disease is of ten . the result. Jiamiuowt uoug, Troche reach directly the seat of tin disease and give almost immediate re lief. For publlo speakers, singers, and those who overtax the voice, they will rentier articulation easy. Price, 25 cts per box. Hold by W. A. Burnaru. L. A. Carpenter lias a stock of hand some engravings and chromos, with nice mouldings for framing; ami you can secure those pictures' to adorn your homes, at very reasonable ngures. SBIBBHBBaaBaB9BBHQaUBMUJSEBaBBBBaBBaBBaBaaa GIVEN: AW A Y! THE Phrenological Journal Is wldrlj known In Aincrlen and Europe, imviutf been m roro tne rending worm roily yeitm. ami oeeupyinar a nlucu lit literature ex clusively Its own, viz: thnitturiyof HUMAN Is'.Vi UlU'J lit nil its .lin8"h, including, ritrcit oloey, l'iiysioanoniy, Kthnolosry, Pliynloloiry et.. tov titer ulh T1IK K'HiNCK Or HIvAl1 II," and no cxpt-iiu will be spured to mukn It llio bwt publication for iif-iiend cir culation, temlltiK ivIwh.vk to make men better pnvMiuuliy. meniully nd morally, rnroiim slioulvl nad tliu Jol'k'ai. that tliry limy iM'ttcr know how to Kovurn und train their children, lounir ih)d1o should read Hie Jouknai thut they may tnako tlto most of tlientHClvcH. To each Kubisorlbcr in ulvtsu the Phrenological Bust. This bust is made of fluster of rails, and so lettered an to hhow the exact locution of each of the l'hi t'tioloi'Icnl Organs. The head is nearly lifc-sUe. uud very ornamental, dencrv inn n place on the cntcr-table or mantel. In parlor, oltlce, or Ktudy, und until recently bus soiaiorri j ins, wiiu ine liaistiated Key which accompanies euch Dust, und tint nrtl- el.H published in I he Jotn.NAl. on "I luclicnl l'hrenoloy," will enable he reader to lee(nno n sucewstul Mndcnt of Human Nature. One of these hi-nd.H Nhould be In the hands of all who would know HOW TO ItKAP rUAR.(TEIU" . TFTIM: The JorasALl mw published nt t-i a year thaviux Itii r.diK'i'ti from it, slJi. liiiuiberK M cent. When the I'romlums tiro Mill, v'tceniM extra must bo received wittieuch subscription to iuy i-ostaKeon the .lot Ksai, mi l th cxtcii-i' ol boxing and packien the llust. whlcii will Im rtent i' express, or .no. it. n .nmll.-r mu will h.i M.llt Itl- 11 in 1 lriwl.litll. or we in nr-ici tne new iiook nvmiuni, now lit r.OCCATB T5I K 1' K 1 .1 .1 N J H A N 1 .Vl- KtCTIONS. nJ lor d. MTlpt.lve eh-eular. Mfiin umouul la i u. in tiers. Iirutl on Mw York, or in lU-gistoied J Uen. l'o.stiiKe stumiM receiveil. Aircnn wimtiHi. heti.l ten cents for apeelmcii iiumix r, l'n iii!niu liistx, etc., or K-nd aUdi-r-ss on p;stul card tor a Ivtck liuinis-r, us tutmple, which Ni'hl j sent fret. Adttrrss, -" S. It. WFXLS & CO., Ptibllsers, 73'J Jiroadtcct't, -Veto York. M'e have arrneged forcxunnixn the Piikc.n- oukjical Jocrmai. and PiTinltiniH, as altove, which will be Airnlslic-d lth the Lake Cock- TV 8TAit for $..2.!S. Sh(?rI!Ts Sale. BY VIRTtTK OK AN EXECUTION issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the County ol Oisceolu and Htttte of Michi gan, to me directed and delivered tested on the 21th day of December A.D. 179 In faorof John C. Kord nnd nnlnst the goods and chat tel!! and for want thereof then to bo in ado of the land and tenements of Mark T. Chase and Jullt tin Lincoln, I have levied npon nil the I luht. title find Interest or Jultetta lancoln. one of said defendants, in and to tho follow Inn (Itfsetibed real ckUiIo Hltuntedln lownsliip No. IS Kortfl. of ItniiRA No. -M West. IjlUe county, Iichluau, described ut follows, to-wit: All that tract or puicei or land on tne l-jtst One-lialf of South west Oa-fourtli of Hection No. :HI, lying south of the Flint A lJere Mar inette Kan lioiui; una himo, nvc acres or und n the north side ot tlm alnive nanuxl llall Itoad: the same helnz on thn above uamel One-fourth kieutlon No. 30: comprlshiB nil that tract or pafcrl of land situated between thettlHtvu named ltnil Itoad and what is known as Kinne Creek west and south of the sawmill now standing on tha nlwvu liuiued Creek, which I shall sell nt public vendue to thtt blithest, bidder nt the front door tit the Court lloilse in tho Village of Baldwin, Lake county, Micnu;au; On the Thirteenth Day of March . D 1ha. at nlno o,clock n. m. Dated litis 'Mth day Of January A. D. 1HA0. UEOHOK oviA'rr, Shoriir Lake County, Michigan. Notice. Ui B. Lakd Ofkick, KlCRO ClTVj MICH., January loth, 1W.) Complaint hnvinit been eutercd at this Of fice by Adelbert Thompson HKalnst Horatio N. Crow for abandoning hi Hoincstewl En try No. 11027, dated April Kith, Id71, upon IheNi H, 8. E. li and N. K.i of 8. Wj Meet Ion ;J0, Township ID Northi Itnnge 18 West, in Lake county, Michigan, with a view to the cancel lation of said entry: the snld pin t ls are here by summoned to upiH-ur nt tills OfTlco On the Second Day of Marsh 18S0j at 12 o'clock m., to furnish testimony con cerning said alleged abandonment. r.OWAIUI nTF.VKNMOS, Kegtsttr. W. 11. C. M1TCHKL.L, Itecclver. Notice. t Land Okkjcb at Hkkd dry, Mint., ) January 14th. isMii. f Notlco Is hereby tdven that the follow! nir- nninsl settler has filed notice of his intention to niakellnal proof in support of Ins claim, nnd secure nmil entry thereof ttt the expira tion of thirty days from the date of this notice. viz: . i hnrles Hoce. of Kden. Lake count v. Mich.. for the H. Hection liH, Town 1U North, of ltsnge M West; .ind names tho following tut ids witnesses, vl.: Oeorgo W.Uurner.of Kdeni und Oeorgo w. Mills, of Kden; snd Ihjuuj I. Uarucr, of Eden, Lake county, Mluhlgrtn. bUWAIW BTEVF.SSOFI, UCglSlCr. Notice. Land Orrica at Kkd Oty, Mien January I tlh. lH). not e in nerebv mven mat l ie following named settler nas u.ei notice oi nis intcmiou to makn Unal proof in suport of his claim, nnd secure Miml entry tin reofnt 4hn expira tion f thirty days front tiie dale of this no tice, viz: Levi W. nolyrn.of Cherry Valley, for the R. W. Kl of Hection IH,Town Is North, llungu li west; tutu names vne nniowing as 111s wn- 1 esses, vi si aioci 1 1.. Alien, or (. b'-ny v Ki ev: and 1 lark Alberlson. of Wrblsirt nd James Mk Mtlnhy, of Webber, Isike county MICIllgtUt. v r-DWARli BTIOHHWH, - iwaistcr. Keeps constantly on hand a ASSORTMENT Of CLOTHS & TRIMMDiSS ,-$ .- , ... , v aDilIanufncture8 to order, 'in tho Latest Styles, and Neatest most : Durable Manner. LOlfaBXPEEISNCS in the business enables him to give the best of satisfaction. Oar Mki List We will furnish the Htau with the )ubIiea(lons named below, 0110 year, at the following rates: Peterson's Magazine 3 00 Scientific American . 4 25 Harper's Monthly . 4 u Weekly 4.70 ." Jfausar 4.70 Detroit Tribune 3 00 Hcribner'n Monthly 4 Rt. Nicholas (Juvenile) 3 W ebtcru Jtural 3 00 American Agrieulturltit 2 60 Saturday Kvenlng Pot, 2 75 Farnier'i Review 2 30 Young PoikK' Monthly 2 25 National Weekly 2 60 Wide Awake 3 00 Ikibylaud 1 7, Chicago Daily News 3 60 " Weekly " 2 00 Michigan Farmer 3 00 Toledo Made 3.00 Phrenological Journal 3.00 Michigan Pine and Farm ing Lanas. FLINT & PEBE MAEQtTETTE ST. r 230,000 ACRES! Ollcivd by tho ' FLIHT & PERE MIRQOETTE RAIL- : WAYCCMPAW- ' Six Hundred Million feet of V PINE TIMBER, Well located on Pcre Marquette, Little MnnMec, Jiig, and Little Saublc, and 7iitc Elver; and on tho line ot Bald Hailroad. For Plat,' Estimates, and further In formation, address, WM. L. WE333H, '' Land Commissioner, EAST SAGINAW, MIC II. Highest Medal at Vienna and Philadelphia E. & H.T.AKTHONY &. CO. 5f)l Broadway, jVctt' York. Mauufactuiers, Importers & Dealers hi Velret . Frames, Albums, Grauboscopes, STEREOSCOPIC AND VIEWS ENurtAvras, ciikomos, I'lioT'oitAPas, Andklndrtd giHtds Celebrities, Actresses, etc. w Phot'graphic Materials i We re Headquarters for cvcrj-thlng In the way of STEUEOPTICONS AND MAGIC JANTERNS. , Each uti le Is the best ot Its class In the mar ket. . , Beautiful Fbotrwtphlo Transparencies of Statuary and Ennvlm;s for the window. Convex Itluss. Mimiuitctuieis of civet Frames for Miniature slid (Jon vex Ol l'lo-tims. , . 00 Catnlbiriiesof lanterns and Hlldes, Mlth di rections for uslngi on receipt of ten cents. 7-aHoinos . ff JOHKSTOK'S anhtnz Lauds' For Halo. A rare chance In Lake eonoty. tlajr lo(un toll; 34)Tes, In pnroels of K) seres or more. Piico, 1-1.7 j per er. NO tdvaneo fwytnout required of Hctual setilers. Trn rears' time art veil if dlred. r'r descriptions, fcc In qnlre at this office; or addn-ss i : C V. THOMfsoit,; ' , , , Victory Cornersj ' iMiuvin lo., Mlcll nA noriTH! x:t:tj tfirrrrr SARSAPARILLA iiTi?. mmu mmm, And for Purifying the Dload. It Las been In Ufa for SJ years, and has proved to be the bst pif paration It the Inr.rVct for Hit K UttAAlH , VAV1 IN THH MDK t).t BAflf, LIVER tOM- i-LArs r.i imi'LEh on Tiik dvh- Ji-ai.lA, 1 UjV.v, ira cu license inai arise ficnt a binordered Llvor er an 1m purel!o".ct TUeuiAmli of our beit people lake il and rlre It to their rliddreu. I .iv 1 ielans prewTlba It doliyi Those rrho uo U oiita recommend H to others. It la matle from Yeliow boclr. TTonffia raa BarsapaHUa, V.'i f.?etTy, fOtUlnjIa, liuiriMllna. PaKsafr-s. Wlufortri-eon. and ether we a known valuaMa lloots and IlerlsL It is strictly vegetables and can not hurt t!i mott tlelicaro eonsUttiUon. It is one of the bent medicine la um for'nellatieft tho bowels. ' It is sold by all rotvonsTbla dnjrr'st ft ore dollar for at quart bottle, or mx botilrs for flva dollars. Thos who rannoft obtain a bdttte of this nicd!( ino from their drolls mny seed us one dnllar, an 1 wa wUl Ucliver it to them f roe ot at J chaiv. SECURE HOMES! 500,000 ACRES or Splendid Hard Wood Lands for sale by tho Grand Rapid & Indiana 11 It. Company. 30,000 ACRES IN LKE COUNTY STRONG SOIL! ' " 'SURE CROPS! ,; . . PLENTY OF TIMBER! NO LtftOUTIl! RUNNING STREAMS! TURE WATER! READY MARKETS! GOOD SCHOOLS! Jichigan Offers Greater Advan (ages to Intelligent Farmers of Small Acans than either the est or south! TITLE PERFECT. Send for Pamphlets English or German. Addross, W. A. HUGHART, Land Commissioner, Q rand l'tapldx, Mich. . GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MRK.Tha Great Eng- lisn Remedy, it TRADE MAK. an uiilitlilni euro for Keml nal Weakness, Hpermaion lies Impotency.siul all other J1 eases that fol Before Takingtcn ,, Alto Taking. of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pain In the lutcK, unmiPMS r v lsion, premature i)ia A;e, unu many oincr ui scones mat una 10 lu.saui ty or Consumption and a Prematura (Irave. B Full rui iicului n In our nniunlilet. which we ih'slre to send free by mull to every one. Strxiw tspeeinc iMcuicino is sola ny ail di usr- fflsts nt 1 dot iiucknse. or six nackuves for t.-: or will be sent tree by mail on receipt of the money, wy iwuiu'msihh lllIiUUAY MKIiiriKR tX.. No. 10 Mechanics' block, Detroit, Mu ll. iKSTSold In lltildwln bvall druirirlsts.and eve- ry where by all wholesale and retail dealers. LEISURE HOURS. A Mum of Choice Literature for the People. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY w. i.. MEnsnoN &Co., Ill iJroudwiiy, N. Y. The publisher of this Popular JVfacr- nzinc liuye iletermlned to jvlve more fjood, interesting and Instructive read lug matter to fmbscribcrft than can be obtained anywhere for the same price; tney Iiuve, therefore, enajjed a num- ier ol regular contributors well known to the public, for the year 18jS0, who will present throuuh the colutnna of the Magazine, Original Articles, eon fisfingof Jiingraphtex, Travel, atural History, works or 1 act and b ictiou.etc, etc. XotwllhistniHHnjr, tiie Increased out lay of money which tttia rclidcra neces- Bary, the subscription price of the mag azine remains tho same. Of it Tiskms. SI a year or 60 cents for six months. We send a trial sulisci iptloh of three months with a handsome premium for 30 cents. Agents wanted in every town. Steady employment and good pay. I..- C.-ll.. . - .1 I I rur iui nit r jFitriieiiiiirM nini iienis terms, Mend stamp to the publishers, W. L. MI:flSHON A CO.. Ill Broadway, N. Y. A SKIN OF BKAlITtf Iti A JOY KOREVKlt." Dh. FELLX'GbURAUD'S Oriental Cream; OR MAGICAL BE A UTIFIKli; Kliclt a clear, trsnpHrrnt complexion, free nm I an, HiKf ki.i, or BlrtTti I'ATtwiEs. 'i ne"e qnnie les. ndtlnd to the Innorvncrsnd ntirltT nf Us biure- illei)ti. makes the "Oriental t'iiiiit'' hll lt piont- aent place hi public oueein its thn wi toiut com paiiioit. V Iikv Thousands of Testimonials proving this, hotii dUllnxiil-he.1 opestlc artists an i'iii's vtonms kiioiiKt nc ceuiitinii man liotild le diill'til. The 'luinisn fc- dlvlue-' lne s ehurm If m.t Irrc fnun srt tr Mutwh. 'ilia pnrpoii of the "iMlentnl Cream" Is lo accotnplib uv lit vtery in-ia (.. son wm.ui nana. aiito ltnulres fcnlitil's."" f r rcniovina uperiliios uuli itFtittitlr, wtlliint injnry. Mr.. Ji. i. J. not iiauu, is netia m.,k. x txdd ly tlrtiKuislv and fsnr-y ROotbrncB. . ItlS I'UlMli tiWtil III r-I ninwi' aad 1J:U MallKd PJ1TDK11 ia taa Tforld. a . Vi j urlt an B.aprejn.tlnet remoarison wna AXTa'her Had. UtKRANTm rRFK ri.OM l tIM Oil ANTTIIIMii L'HtlKALI lllllt aa warrapfeata frlre psrfset satlfarto. vfsfa a. , Sw H.Ttij C'ona. arrapfeata irlre psrfset satlfartoa. v etcr Utwr fvr CZAR B A K I II O lowben m otmi.ti kind. 18 THS DEST Is THG CHR APEQT BAST'S RID1NQ 8AW MACHINE. The XJZT TlllXiU UU1. Wia SAW srur sirs loa la mry MMLinh. ThfMllUrfH Ilk . W1fhtof thofr toe 4o i tba work, (ad for CtramUra and ACENT8 WANTED. lit V, A- IJlacksmlthlnir. duns. Pistols, Hpears Soldering, Uraziii!?. Tools made aud tcmpercu. Woh( Turning, Stroll Saw ing,, Wall Urackets," Ticture Frames, Puttcrns for Castings; Violins made or repuiretl; Machines repaired tt ut k it aiiuuinii ' L. A. Carpenter Baldwiil, Lake County, Mich 1 t ?-USfi AtArem 'itr .4ie lotto's rio .'I'irti'ilY lils t" our It fftt Mi imniadjrt) lIUf 4: sr owf Inna stxrMli.. in i wlt,ti'1nrdlnirrl J li 1 aol'J. tf . 1 O . 4 )A . !., I s.,o! Pm 't.. CA0T13- S rm "'' ' ft Hfek THE BEST PAPER! VTRY IT! BEAUTIFULLY . ILLUSTRATED. 35th YEAIt. Tho Scientific American! Tile BeiKNTiKiC Amekican is a in rge First Class Weekly Newspaper of Hlxteen Paites. printett In the most betMttlful atyle, prqfwUy illiintraUd trlh tttndUt enffmriafr! r presenting the newest Inventions and the most recent Advuuces In tin Ai tsandHclcnues; Including New and IntercstinE Facts in Agiiculture, Horticulture, tho llotne, Health, Mtidlcoti Iwjtivss, Social Holenoe, Naturul Iilstory.Oe ology. Astronomy. Tito most valuable prac tical puiers, by eminent writers In till deport ments oi science, will oe lounu lu lite bclcn title American. Terms, $.I.JJ per year, $1.80 half yen r, which memoes x)nuige. uiscoum 10 Aecnts. run ale copies, ten cents. Hold by all Newsdeal era. Remit by postal order to MUNN fc VO , Publishers, :i7 Purls ltow, New "i orlf. T3 li rflTI'T.T'TlC! In connection with the A JL Hill I U. Seientide American, MUMtiv 1 o. are nonciutra or Ameri can nnd reign Putents, have bad M years expeilcnce, and now huvo the largest estab lishment in tho world. Putenta tire obtained on tho best terms. A special notice Is made In theHCIKNTlKK? AMKHIfAN t all in vention put en ted through this Agency, with the namo und residence of the Patentee, By the immense circulation thus alven, public tuieiition isoirecica to tne merits or ine new patent, nnd sales or lutrodactlou often easily eOVtted. Any erson who has made a new discovery or Invention, cuu itsccrtnln, fnm tf charrj, whether a patent can piohutily be obtained, bv writ Ins to Ml'.nn V fo. Wa also, serri Avm our Ilnud liooti 11 boat the Patent Laws, Pat cntH, Caveats. Trade-Marks, their costs,- and how procured, with hints tor procuring; ad vnceson inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Putents, MU1Y1V et CO., j 37 Tark ltow. New York. Branch Office, cor. V A 7th Hts, Washington, GUIDE to SUCOBSSJ A ITU FORMS FOR IJUSINES8 ANI SOtMKTY Is IIY FAlt the bf st Iluslnessand Poclul (Julde and ilniKl-i'.oo'c ever puhlishetl. Much the latest. It lells tsitli si xes completely HOW TO DO KVKUYTIIIMJln tl.elH-st wiiv; How to Im' Yotir Own lJiwyrr, How to tio Ituslness Correctly ami Kueetiswtully, How to Act In Ho cleiy and In every pnrt of life, und contains a gold mine of varied inclination Indlspeusn- nie to an ciass.'s ior constant ret.Tenee. AOKNTS WANTKD for nil or spare time. To know why this hook of HEAL value and nt tractions sells liefer than nny other, apply for terms to II. II. SCAM MKLL CO., We pay all freight. HT. LOUIS, MO. NEW for AGENTS. OCA W PlUCrn mid KAKT RFXMNO ZjU l.OOKK UK Alb KIM)H are fully represt titetl lit our if Oil AND OMUINA TION PI IK I'M '1 lS HOOK, by Mtfftpto )Ccs, bliidiiiKs, illu;,tiittlons,ete. A kits t VHib-ty nnd Mire sneccss for canvassers. All actually M lshlnj; KMP1a)YA1K.NT, mSdrrsa for terms, Htanpahp Pt i!i.iis;itN(i 1 11., St. XXjlih, Mo. AtJ ireigiiis jaKt oy us. 0 50,000 ACRES eailwa? coiiPAinra LA1TD 0SA2IT, . In Lake CoUnb'l StlcMsah aM faow FOR SALEI Also, 80,000 ACRES Of said Cotnpuny'i IauU in MASON AND OCEANA COClfa TIES! tihcriirrt Sale HY VIUTl'l-1 Ol' AN KXIXUftON issued ut of and under the seal ofth irentt Oatrt for Uk- l oimiy of Osceola and State of Mlchl- fan, to ine diieeted und delivereil testctl on he llili t'a.v if .Inly A. 1. i.!. In favor cf Simeon Hunt and n.ilnst Ibt'KtxsIs and chat .'is aiiii lor M ini! t!ireoi lie it tt tie matte or he hinds n.ll t. li 111. lUs Ot Klisliti Dunnlna. the defend. int then lit nunn d, I huvo levied lionall I lie lulit llta-pii 1 Interest of said tie reminnt in iu iiu.owiitu; ( real estata Kitusien 111 tne low nsntpor Pino a. County of Lake and State of Michlimti. to. witi The Norlhenst Uuaiti r of the Northwest Quarter of Sectloii Twenty-four: which I shall wll at public vendue to the highest bidder at the front door of the C'outt House In the Vil lage ol rlaldwln, Luke count) 4 y ieliigati, . On tie Trri.ty-Ht tenth Day of t brttury, . Di 11-0, at nine o'clock a. in, Dated tills Nih day of Jsnn.irv, A. D. l"to. UKOHOi: ) IATT, SherlrT Itke lounty, Mich. SASlSALCUnSl LStrCG&r.SAcrWlta THB iw.t tv.v - v,,' ''t-u; T'Ot. IIrrl, flcr manr T-rof ndT, sW4 by hin lcl rnmrrh and fXMrrlniciit. n(rtlir wuH scrine fainvtl Intli trratntciitof litrft nimibrr tl ntri nndat il rar. lias at lt .urrrtdol In coniKuiidiii' an IN Ala lli.JI UjitLltDX lor ilia acourna ao einuiii sato WOMEU MAIDENS eii.i.Ku LEUCORRHEA, Tluor AltM f 'y-rNv OrXT II ITM Tv; llin alatar. ao rrlut auions t'eiintri, it but lilTU asdarttood by rli vtU-lana. I la drain upo Oia ayattm la oavcaMlraand d.'I.U,uiln(t, that vsr Alnaiitan weaian irartpldly Lromln(t a "rat al Invalidi. Imaiwbla al rrodiK-iiiff hvaltlif iifl.prlntt or Hijiirlnf ilfr'a p la a raa. rof. Ilarrla' Vaginal l'g.tllta nw drnarturc Is nirtllclna. A llioroiiKlilf miiniioa aciu trratuiatit, Appltrd tllrrtly to lh Mat i f Ilia dianar, and illtparlffv Influrra xeii4 at oaot, aruiliKHnf an Imnirdiata anolliinK and rartnratlT afTrrt. Tl r )l Iral Ion i.ftlia rtirwly la allnidatl with so bain or iiniilvaianiiuaa, and dora iiotintrrtrra with tlif nr dmary piirmiia ami aaaiirairilf. t Irrnlar art M Ui IKTlwlly plain nrclopra, aarnn-ly al4ln'niobaiatloi, andrrmrd put tip'liiutal plalii koaa t-l ail, with f ill dlrttlna inrlil. No. J, (nouhlO ta.l inOala.) 9 1 No. S,(annii(li llsatlroauntlia.t3io a.ilaniv( fliraa lronti anil ampia fur fura. tlctSln In Ihrra i raar) ;o. WliM ih bo Wa and a Imt tjTihf ana a"m 1 snic r:iia,aa aux'iiana inina niwrn ("aiKl.taiiintorapaiiipierl ait inn tun aariniimi m of a nidr, ail li:n.lrtrf by p'afra thmrlnf lia n aap'irnl on. Thla pnmpliktafon . wnrtk a ban 13 dirdiinwa llarotlany lady In dr'.lrato hrallli, ff briui llior.nialilr practlial trvatlicoS ti.Ia diaiaa A frof. Harrti Va!nil PrattllM ras hi ehta'nad Only I karris ncc.EOYCo.rrrG.cMtRins. elarkat tad itft 81. 8T LOUIS, MO. . 617 St. Crttrlei Ettect. St. LofJi. Ho A rilar araduate nf two Madloal Co1l(ra, baa boan lonrkf piciai uaannmi otau Yoneroal.Baxual Jlsoooea Una any otW PtiV.lrUn l A Loiila, aa city paper ahow.and alfold raaldmti know. SyphUla, Oonorrhoa,010f)t, Btrlotaro. OrchitlaV IlernlN. or Rupturo, all Vrlnary SlaOaama and ayphilltlo or aCorourisl Affoctloaa of the Tbroat Bkla or Bortso), artrad with annarallalod Macao. Utiwt ackbtile BTlaclplaa. Safely. Prlvatal. BuOrtnntorrDOa. Bozual sahUllw anil TrimI tnnoy, aa tho taault of Balf-AVna lo ynoUi, araval aa- nN in maturar yrara, or otbor eaua, aad which pradtiao u of Ilia follow inf aifrrta i narvonaaMa, aamlual tnla tlnna, "ablllly, dlronaa of slfht, drfartlr (namoty, plmplfO ' oat Ih iaoav phyairal donajrvatraloii to anoarw of frtnala ton lu. Ion or luaaa, toa of oaanal powtn o- randrrlna mam cnrd. ro improper or unnappy, ar parnwnamir Conaaltatlna at oflano, or by mail fr, fend larasao. Whan It I tnoonmitant to I.H tho city t traataw at, artlrinaa ran b aanl by mall or npm rrarywh'ro. Car ,u mm. mniiMi aVara dnuht aatata U la frank It ataar4 - fiBohlat for Uta. 1 Suva dtrava, for bottjt Suaps. ti Pftf - bb&l l auinu'f f Wnua, 1 aUat j ant doth and oilt Mndlnr. aoaJod far 60ou Ih pnaiaovor OMrrrnry. Orrr tfty woadrrful poo ptioi irualo I TrV , artlcla oo thafi'loa-lna fuhtactai Who ana wiarry. wio ant, Why. Manhood, Womanhood, rliyaWaJ 4rrr. Who honl't tiarry fa..w lira and bappliMwa aay ba Incraawd. In rnralolofry f RrprodiKtlnn. and bmb Jnrra, 1 ho marrtad or rantarnplatlna marrlao (hnniJI Kd lt.thn kpt annrt tork an4 bay. F',ril ti , I im, i aa aha, but pap-0 Cnrr, tJ , V i fr- by tnaul pmmit r an-y( - in '-i. rr th r- f . - 4 V - v , l-4 I, lr-i.nirl y, 1 ... er !. A" 1 H I ) " r- , , a4 a i I'iaor- ti b t".!.! " T- r d AV m i aa. i r i n M , ft, Leal, C In tiitf FAMOUS FRUIT BELT! Of Michigan, Appjy, in iH?f7rt or by mail, k Letnd CommittHmeff East Sasinawf;uici4 IPIJUU yotir own locality. Ko rink. MTontoa 44 as well a men. Many inak mare (has (b afnoaal tated above. No one ran fait totuak Baoney fart. Aniniia ran Hn th nrk . l frutn W) cents to fit an hoar by devoilne; JW aT. .....pY -r-a'TT i tne ouaineao. , it eeatf noililnjj to try (ho btllansi Nmnlna like It M Dtonry rftitkinfr ever ofTbrd boforo. . Baaiaa) plraoant and strictly honorable. ftadr. U ro nefnrt tlio pnbllc rend us yoitr aAtiressaad wa will i "'"riiiM"Mii riTai irnin irow. aample worth 5 al-o; tree: yi-i ran thea tasko aj yttur mind forVooNolf. Addt.a, tJKOAUE irtNa w.. v., wiiiuiu, daainr. PATENTS. To Inventor &llanufacturert. KSTAKLIiSHKD, 1$C6. GILMORE, SMITH a CO., Solicitors ofFatents & Attorners at Latt American and Fcrlca-P?,t:nt3. No Vecs In Advance, nor until Patent is allowftL A iVrtaV Pretimxnary Examinations. Boeelal attefitlon iw-h ft.farT..aiaa fasea before the Patent Office, Infrtnaraeat nuns in win uinrent nuttes, antf Ml ll.igatiwt appertaining to Patents or Inventions. aSWirf Siamp for PamphM nf .Uef Pft, OILMOHB. SMITH & CO.. 029 F Street N. W., WASiiufntoif, Di C. AMEHIGAH EIPEES3 COIIPANT. Only t.fllci! nt lV.tlriU'lif nt.r, Mich. Ijocated nenr to utnl itorthcnst of tli tlcpot. x ' ' ' - OlWm ttOOKrf, for High 'way Coinniissionei'p, Ani Super visoi'8 oti Poor Fulul-printpt;. exprosi!?ly for use in Like cutin ty; can he hud nt' the Star of Hce. . . If you want the Peoj ilc to know you nre doing HtlSf NESS, aitd prepared to gla them OOD HAHOAtNH then AWVKUTKK! Do you take your IIOMii. PAPKIK v SCHOOL DLSTUICTOR. DEU BOOKS,, pri tied ex pirsly for tlso ill I-ak ; cimnty ;t this ofllcei 4 - TL AN It NOTIC KS for ConimlssioRen of Highways, at the Star ofllee " IhXniC NOTE BOOKS for nale at this office. PROF. HAftt..' flADICAL rOE BPIB1X AT0E2HOX edMiriALPAQTlLLtl irl aataavai ad ow aSi Kaa aad paiaa.ty adwaat ra nmmmf aai.aa 4 aa al ta of aoaafaol t ,m 1 taapoiowoat f a .nwi i pai baal af lb DiaaaaoT l a na apart n an tifatorw Doota. Piwt a. tha naaM.f ta atwaOad I I Tradw MaAy VZ-ata an !'.! aMi SMHU kadaf U a- .rA, aad rV a - vv-iHa amaiL 1 tfi SMtoo OloataV u.4 VroUioTaa d sa ao a laaai.aaMaaa m4 araalta ot baa al OB daa aat IM.rf.M wSh tko ordinary I aaaiaiaf ar ra.iamiv ifMI )na ta aa a rx.iiw wrMfead tnm aW alaak i4 4 nf ta drwlo awa Ih aaai tatiaf I t.tnh aad Manit Htry, nnn n Ih THaaak dIS narreu vBaiiT vorjoaal O loa to aootot', .i 4oj a th n i im lux old. afw aaall aapaayU( thi ttpaaaai ln parlrat awktial Tla-or. a bar a aa iaao 4 yaari. taord l-O aaa praatrthad r daw ta, Mb hat I'ltla Funail at UI. Pr sarlrat awktial Tltror, ohor M ba baao niit aW rt, 1 a M aat l tiaaaaa bat ko a a oard ird riaa, aad SI aw a praaaw lariaaa. V.0 ar ataall praatrthad l lha araahliai fead, a -a feoaa H oay paraaaOaai ra. Tr aw praalttal aWrMa aaaaaad aa a t paaitiaaty fmaroiHOO IM N wM ptaw Oart ! a 1'arU.j lb i( .fraar ibal il ha haw ta aaatal aa. kawd thaM.aa.Oi af aaatiaaaalaHi aa ta ti . aa W hi w 4 taa Maotcal raaTaaatM ta a Mm aaaat laSiail aiii.i pa , that wall daws' a raaaaria; aad vmf IMa vary amkat I kaw t ha th Of a pnd M wha taaan pray wo Y 't fews. 1 ha la M b. J O. 1. (aaoach t taat aaaath.) I ,f.rt ! i nl oaw. "' a a fa.Ha ar Ura aaaMaav .arid at. (law aar Ura aaaajtaav i im, Im aa baaat . ) r. a. B. t a aw caaaaj i . ll 14 aaa aw' trn I a I ) S-wt by o--t, a- i. t. i ...MaHlhavlVul ZZJtt; a la.-rr.av, rNwbU oa-d if lilaaanthMM, whlab wttl hmo V-o - ft that rf ta ha rad H ftH a--v i I Uftaa MS. davao at h-a. aaaat t hf f . . 4 1 Vhiat fid bwaaaaapt wow. b4 I in - L' .iL,? i:Ar.rj3r: z.