Newspaper Page Text
V , V - 1 , X I: s CHAO. It. RADCLlFFE, ruDLiaiiKni; B.ldwhi, La Cotwtt, Michigan. TERMS Or BUBftCRIPTION: be copy, on yewjfl J. One copy, aJx months, 75 cent. On copy, three month, 40 cent. Advertising rate mad known on applica tion. ' - " ' ' "r" ' '""' v ."-...,,'-1,1t;. -4. " ' '-.'' v .".- :'. r. . jeiere'..V.-. ,..(,''sviwv,v,-. .vv' I - " J - 7 '"J-.. . - , . " IbW V- V- . I M ' "1 ATM W M r A . : : : " T" ... " ' : .-S.fc ft5 W C.H. Sweetland, II. D. Fhy.iclan and Surgeon, Chase, Btlch , I , .. Dr. II. B. Peok, Dentist, Ileea City., Twenty-four years practice. Onlcc; over the 1ewl ry atore formerly owned by, Hubbard Tho's Smurtlrvralte, : Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Real Estate and Insurance Agent Office in Court House building, Baldwin, Mich. Money to loan. Beardsley & Judkins, V LA.WTTEH8. - - - IIEKSEY, MICH J, Q. Patterson, A TTOItNEY A 1 LA W - Heal Estate- and Insurance Agent., Reed City, Mich. Millinery. Urt. K. S. Patterson, Upton avenue, ReeU City, Mich. : : A. W. Jenkins, M. D., Homeopathic Physician & Surgeon. Office and residence on blosson Avenue, Reed City, Mich - Chas. K..Badcliffo. Tf trT Fublle. Will attend promptly to all business f ii trusted to hi cure. Address, liald win, Mich. , . iVillage Lots : ;: FOR SALE! -' v ' 'at - - ; 0 BALDWIN fcvEVART! tr itlnustial 'Inducements to tLbsa who want I ; A HOME! ).; For Prices and Terras, apply to WM. L. WEBBER, . TJIUSTEE, EAST? SACflNAW. MICH. VVOWVAA, & DOUGLASS, : ( t . - Mannfiwtnrera of the Griiisal si ciiy Gemrtae ; .; feTAB , PUMP. A !vPcrcddn Ircn Cylinder Pump! - tTirra Purnp, Wood Eave . f v . Trough, Tuoing, &o. j ' Alio, Slannfacturer of the . , .. -Champion WINDMILL Tower for lumpinK ami Turning Light Ma jy' ,chinery. : . . . AU our Wlndmllld are wnrrantad. when tnperly rwittip, to fctay and do what we elxiin lor them 2 Aend for Illustrated Catalogue and priors to ? ; j I POWELL & DOUGLAS, ; . 1 ' ' . Waukegun, 111. AtpAtt tEK In roar own town, mid no cap- L, UU lUlnkea. sou citn give ine nniuenn The lMt opwrlonitjr emr ion unouia try titwi viihont rxnvn i fwt ftr tlion wllltnsr to ork, .ihinir elM nut 1 1 rou te for vourxkir hat yvn eo V.n at the bnMnef offer, ho rom to explain lirre. Yoa can dyoU all yourtlm or only your are tint V thu bnomeoa, find, make (mat pay for t Trry hotir thai you work. Women muka aa much men. rnd for serial private Unna and par llrnlam, which mall free. $SOnlfltfree. Don't emplaln of hard time w hil Ton have au-h a chance. Addrcw, U. JIALLKl'T A CO., Port and, Maine ( ' " " i , , 'i ! I . j VOLUME VII. BALDWIN, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1880. NUMBER XLIV. HOME STAKLIOUT. ' . ton . ; ! JUIHT0, : AtaWl, ; 2VoVr, A jrrwAfia' gtudtnU, and all who raad book. othe i ad. T.Ma raor book In lea apac than air tU Rlat M a flnear touch JiislablAal heltrbtdeired-lachBbelf I 1ft Inch r r, Loldlntr a act of AppletnTa Oyclpjnapdl. U f Iron, It cannot warp or wear out. BeauU illroniameaUd, makln(A haadaotnand novel 1 Tl iira of lorka t etaea for floor hold a. fl. or 4 tier of fc.oV a dcalred. Ped for deacrlptlT" price llaa., f ad Scwiie'or our New lwmi AtaaCA-riiiOara. with over J-O llluatraUou of Ldoaatioual and lsnf ii ai tirl. , - f DAnrn, raiTTA co., fcrboel firtUbera, l Dealer ta rerrtblr la ta ' ttot ad CUtldvery 1IN ' hcAtd" tUs res ali school suppum, ' JJ6UCrJCk..HwYrlM About 200,000 pounds of ice were put up in Baldwin, thU season. The wtittther la flealii warm and rainy, this week. J. I). Garland has been appointed nostraaster at this point. The .change la expected to take place, next week. ' The regular social for benefit of the Episcopal churclij this (Thursday) eve ning, at thellall. Regular meeting of North Star Lodge No. 1820, Knights of Honor, to-morrow (Friday) evening. 4 J. J. Tanner and II. L. Dickeraon, 0 Chase; and E. J. McLaughlin, of Pino ra, gave us a friendly can, luesaay. . By reason or a press or matter, we were obliged, against our will, to omit much of our Nirvana letter, this week, An Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John BallihL'ef. of Cherry Valley, died Sat urday; aged fourteen days. The editor's sanctum was honored with a pleasant call from Bishop Gilles pie and Rev. J. B. Pritchard, Tuesday mornlug. Rev. Wm. K. SillCnce Is expected to hold religious set vices at the church, at luj a. m. and 7 p. m., next Sunday. All are iuvited. , We are in receipt of the compliments of Hon. Jas. M. Neasmith, Commis sioner of the State Land Office, in the shape of his annual report for 1870. Mn Russell,' of Crown ; Point, rind., lias been spending several days here, visiting his relatives, the family of Em- raett Coon and his mother and sisters. Bishop Gillespie was in Baldwin, Monday evening, and cotiducted ser vices at the church, assisted by Rev. J. B. Pritchard. Four children were sprinkled. The church was crowded. Attractive and interesting to child ren are tne terms to be annuo 1 to Golden JIour$, published by Hitch cock & Walden, Cincinnati, O. Terms, $l.UO per year, post-paid. ; ' . Arthur's Home Magazine for March Is brim full of interest to its many read em. This periodical Is one we cheer fully recommend, and it is afforded at Jlhe low price of $2 a year. T. S. Ar- thur&Soil) ptfbl tellers, Philadelphia, Pa. ' . ' . The March numbed at LtpplnrotCa Magazine contains another of those in teresting illustrated "Summcrland .Sketches," beside various articles that go to render its attractions complete. ibllhed by J.Jl. Lippineott & Co., ndladelphia, . at $1 a year. The i'ircnotogtcal Journal for March is an interesting mimlcri To every one, aud especially those who love to make human nature a ctud.v, (Ids peri odical is of great value. Published by H. R. Wells & Co., 737 Broadway, New Vork. - ' ' We always class the National Ttepon- itory among the purest and lest of ladies magazines. The March num ber is an excellent one two illustrated articles "West Point Military. Acade my," and "American Art." Published by Hitchcock & Walden, Cincinnati, O., at $3 a year, post-paid. , Wm. Eaton, one of the first settlers iu Chase village, has disposed of his property there, and removes, this week, with his family to a farm near Old Mission, Grand Traverse county. Mr. E. is a good citizen, and wq regret to see him leave the county; but wish him success in his new home.. . . St. Nichola for March contains Al fred Tennyson's .child-song,. "Minnie and Winnie," set to music. The short stories and serials, the illustrations all go to mako up a choice number of this charming child's periodical. : Pub lished by Scribncr. & .Co., 743 Broad way; New York, at $3 a year. . The March Scribncr has four illus trated sketches, to-wit: "The Tile Club . Afloat." "Peter the . Great," Cham," and "Success With Small Fruits." Besides those articles, we find the serials and shorter sketches, filling the number with interest aud attraction. It is a good Investment of money to send $4 for Scribncr'' 9 Month ly, one year. Scribner & Co., publish ers, 743 Broadway, Now York. The veteran hunter and angler, Sam. Howes, yesterday, brought to town a fine lot of pickerel, which he had cap tured with hook and line through the ice in one of the lakes a few miles south of Baldwin, .One of the fish, three or four feet long, found Ita way to ye edi tor's table, and the verdict of the fam ily Is, ho far they have progressed In devouring the huge creature, "It Is just splendid eating!'! ' . . J . A brief viiit- to" Chase, last Friday, showed us the town wide-awake and go-ahead for Easiness.' New mills were being erected; tho old - ones were busy , aud additional sidetracks were being put in by theV.'& . p. M. Stop ping at the McGInlcy House, con vinced us that it Is kept as well as any In this part of the State, 'n fact, so In viting to the weary . trailer - that Lee realizes that he don't imve room enough' to accommodate a)i.wbo would patronize him. . We areptased to note the growth of our sister towb, ftud sin cerely wish for its continuance j v 'Kink ita. Ay1:, NihVANA, Feb. 34th, ld$ -; Ed. Staki On Sunday lust, ReV.rj Case,' of Reed City,' preached two of fU most powerful sermons I ever had th good fortune of hearing'. Mr. Case has ft style of delivery at once clear, brusk. pointed and convincing; with a hearty, genuine orthodox ring to It; born of ft well grounded faith, and forty years devotion to the service of the Master. , Mr. Lee Ferrinstoii la quite Jaw with pneumonia. ...., U. Tell. j ' .- 1 ' t . Railway Smash ut. From our cor respondent at Nirvana we learn that at about 12 o'clock Tuesday night a spec ial freight train bound east broke in two about three fourths of a mile west of that place, aud the rear of tho train consisting of the cabin and four other cars ran back down a heavy grade, striking another special freight follow ing. stuasuing tne cabin car aud a car of wheat and demolishing the pilot and headlight of the engine of the rear train Fortunately and marvelously the men In the colliding cabin car were unln Jured, though badly shaken up. They must have been asleep, and did notdis cover the situation until tho shock awakened them. . The engineer of tho rear train discov ered the danger, and Was backing his train out of the way when the cars bore down upon him. Tho track was cleared In time for tho morning mail east. Weather Report The following weather report was prepared and furnished by Let tf. Cobb, of Yates township: IKeu Feb. 7am 2 p m Vpm Average Wind Hun 15 -fit 39 36 K Mun Id 19 50 44 Turn 17 41 61 45 Wed 18 .10 22 it Thur 1 7 Jtt 7 r'll 8 80 29 Hat 21 28 2S ..22 BJ ' SB V BW H W V NNV V W Wekly average, 2 above ero. Dtnotea vunuble. Rainfall for weclc, .80 Inches. Baowlall, V lncltua. $: f oooiSSti Having tho utmost confidence in its superiority over all others, and after thousands or tents or tne most compli cated and severest cases wo could find, we feci justified in olfcring to forfeit One Thousand Dollars for any case of Coughs, colds, sore throat, influenza, lioarseness, bronchitis, consumption, in its early stages, whooping cough, aud all diseases ot the throat and lungs, except Asthma, for which we only claim relief, that we can't cure with West's Cough Syrup, when taken ac cording to directions. Sample bottles and 00 cents; larije bottles oue dol lar. Genuine wranwrs only in 'blue. Hold by all druggists, or sent by ex press on receipt or price. JUlirs c WEST & CO., sole proprietors, 181 & 183 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ills. Soli Oilier a Fositi7e Gnarantee That coughs, colds, consiiiiintion, hoarseness, asthma, whooping eoii''h and particularly croup and all throat and htnfi difficulties can ho cured by Hamilton1 VoNfh Jiatntim. If It fails, ivturn tho empty bottles and we will promptly refund the price paid. Sam ple iotlles, j eenu; large size, 60 cents, bold by W. A. Buinam, Baldwin, Mich. Daughters, Wives erd Mothers. Dr. Uarthisl's Utorine Catholicon will lMisitiveJy cure female weakness, ffuvh us falling of the Womb, Whites, Ceronic Iufiaoimatioit or Ulccratlun of the Womb, Incidental Hemorrhage or flooding, Painful, tSupprfHscd and Irreg ular Menstruation, &c. An old aud re liable remedy. cim postal card rr a pnmpnlel, with treatment j cures and cei tilicates from physicians aud ndici.ts, to HOWAni'lI & BAL ,AItl), UT1CA, N. Y. Sold by all Drugjrisfs $1.00 per totlle. $500 ZlswardI We will pay the above reward for any ease or Liver Complaint, Dyspep sia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Con stipation or CdstivencHS we cannot cure West's WKCtablo Liver Pills, when the direct ions are strictly com plied with. They are purely Vegeta- tie, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, contain ing 30 Pills, 25 cents. For sale by all uruggists. lieware orcounterreits and imitations. Thegenulne manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST & CO., "The Pill Makers," 1W & 1X3 W. Madison St., Chicago. Free trial packages sent by mail prepaid on receipt or a 3 cent stamp. ' . Mr. John Sciimsyuk, the proprietor of the Chilton, Wis, Volksbote, u pro gressive German weekly, gratified us wltn the following: ....... With pleasure I add my testimonial to the many already given in favor of ST. Jacohs On., which I had occasion to test personally. I suffered extreme pains In the baclc of my neck, which were almost unbearable. Having heard of St. Jacxmm Oil, I dispatched oue of my men to the nearest drug store, procured a bottle, and com menced to apply at once. rlhe pain subsided, and on tho next morning I was all right again. ; A "Balm in Gileai," ; If you are sick with that terrible sick ness, that most denresslmr disease. Dun- pepHt(f, you will find a "balm In Gil- ca(" lu the use or .ixmnciee's ureal jjiMpeuHta (jompouna. li is the exper ience and testimony of all who have used this remedy, that it conquers the disease and restores the patient to strength and vigor.. Price, $1 per bot tle; sain pie bottles, b cents, bold by W. Allurnam, Baldwin, Mich. L A. Carpenter has a stock of hand some engravings and chrotnos, with nice mouldings tor framlnir:. and you can se'euro those pictures to adorn your Itome8,.at very reasonable figures. , Horlo b Tcur Own Doctor, , Use rdrmclce'i Blood and Lioer Pu rifier, u pleasant' toilc, u ' gentle anti bilious purgative, a great restorer of vi tality to the sluggish and diseased sys tem:-' In short, a sre cure Tor all dis eases of the stomach, liver and bowels. It is made from the choicest plants. Relief guaranteed or money refunded. Price, $1 pef bottIe;, sample bottles, 15 cents. SoldbyW. A BUrnam, Bald win. ' ' ' "t ' . . i T of niMdinf. n(,nr Uloern-a nr,fAnnr".rr''T. lllint.ltahtn.n pBiAn4leHipa,al'tl Mil Kemedr ( t 1 II itniinHlilrlUf,our Moa ! ion iwiaini in i T. M 1 a bnttlo. SoM b ED., 416 trrmo Slrt, I'tnl Pa., Sola Propriotnr. OTtON WntrpT nk9tll,UytlUr print inkU, l4UriUSs1nu,rn.,ltto,Hit. MArifm.m. mum AUeution. A cough,a cold or a sore throat should te checked at once, u allowed to con tiuue. n, ncrmauent throat disease is If Ifitnilnti'a Cflll Ti-ftflht'H reMch dlroetlv the seat of tl disease and give almost immediate re JUT. or pubiie spcaKers, singers, an those who overtax the voice, they wl render articulation etsy. Price, 25 cts per box. Hold by W. A. Burnam. or ah Market. (Corrected, weekly.) . Baldwlh, Mich., Feb. 20, 1880 Flour per bbl 7 00(7 50 Wheat per bushel 1 2.' 1 40 Potatoes, new 50 to GO Pork ier lb; ....... 8 to c Apples, Dried per lb 10 to 12e Beans per bush...., 1 25 to 2 00 Onions u Turnips " Itye Timothy (Mover " Buckwheat 1 60 to 2 00 " 25toS0c ." ..i 00 to 75c 2 50 to 3 00 .- 0 00 " 75 to 100 Shingles per M 1 00 to 2 00 Lumber " " common.... 6 00 Com " bush CO to 70 Meal " cwt 1 50 Chickens dressed 8c to 10c Fresh Beef per cwt 5 00 8 00 Eggs per doz 18 to 20c Plaster per bbl 1 50 Butter per lb .... 22. to 25 Cheese " " 15 to 18c Wood -" cord stove length 75 1 00 Feed ner cwt 125tol 50 JJrlck per M ii ot. Lima " bbl 1 50 Oats " bush 45 55c Hav " ton 2200to25 00 Salt " bbl...... Oat meal per lb 1 75 50 GIVEN AWAY! THE Phrenological Journal I widely known la America aud Europe, huvlutf oven before the reudlnii world forty venrx. mm rMu-tinvinir a niuce in niruinre ex- clunlvelv its own, vlas: the ntndy of HUMAN NATUIIK in nil lis nlitimw, IncluUlnir I'lin-n- ology, l'hyaiognoiny, Ktlinology, riiyaloloKy, etc., toK.-thcT wlh "T1IK WflENfK OF IIKAI.'l H," and no 'Xieno will bo Hrol to mako it tiie ut'st punucaiion lor general cir culation, tending alwuya to niaku men better physically, mentally and morally. I'MrentH lioiild read the Joliinal. that they may better know hor to govern ana trniu tneir i-hlldren. Youinr rx-ople ahould rend tho JoUh.nAI. thut tlit-y may make tint moxt of theiijHclvoH.' To eiK-lt HUDHenoor is given int Phrenological Bust. Tlila ItiiHt is made of Plaster of Purla. nnd ao lettered n to nIiow the exact location of caeh ot the l'h penological OrgiuiH. Tim head la nearly urH-mr.e, una very ornnmenuu, aesfrv ins ii uliu-e on thu vntct-tabln or inuntel. In parlor, ortlcf, or study, and until recently has Hoiurora tiiik, wiiumn uiuHirami Key which HccoinpnuieM each iUt, und the nrtl clea mibllshcd In the Journal on "I'l act leal l'hn-nology," will enable the render to become n auccHNt'id Ktudent of lluinan a tare. One of Iheve heiuU ahould lio In the hnnds of ull who would know 'HOW TO HEAD CHAUACTEIl." TERMS: The Jocks AT. la now piibllrdied nt 5"- h yo:ir (hnvlug been mluccd from ;), aldglo nuiiitMTs cenlt. When lh PiciiiIuiiih iiiu wnt, ."i ceii t h extra must Im received with cncli aubs-rlptlon to pay ostngoon tho JorrtNAt. nnd thu rxncfixind boxing and (nicking tho bust, which will !' wnt by express, or .No. , a smaller nl.e. will be wnt by mull. ioM-pnl(l: or we will Hend Ihe new book l'riiiuum.llow IDKlll't'ATRTlIK USEMMWAXU AKKKCTIONS. Send for descriptive cireu I :ir. is.'nn nmouiii in i" u. urueis, iniuiHon iow York, or In ItcalMerud letters. 1'oNUign ftannw received Airent. wnntod. Send ten ccuU for HjH'clnicu number, l'lrmlum LUtu, to., or t-nd luldres? on poHlnl ettrd lor n back number, ns stonple, which will be writ free. AtHirvus, S. It. WKLLS & CO., Publisers, 730 Jiro(ulivat iVct York. V! have nrrnogod for CLU.'tniNfl the Pit ren- OHMJ1CAL Jot'KNAL nnd Pieinluin, as alxirc, which will Ik furnlfdiod lt)i the Lake Coun ty St ah for $1.25. SheiUPs Sale. nY VIItTUE OF AN EXECUTION Issued out of and under the wnl of the Circuit Court for tho County ot Oweolu nnd Htate of Michi gan to mo directed und dollvci'-'l tOMted on t he Will day of December A . P. lRVO In favor of John C. Ford and ngnlnst the goods mid chat tels and for want im-reoriucn to ou muuu or he landx nndtPticmentsof MnrUT. Cliascnnd nil. tin. Lincoln. 1 Imve levied UDOn all the right, title and interest of Jullettn Lincoln, one of wild defendants in nnd to tho follow ing dvseribed real enMitri situated In Township No. is North, of Itanife No. 14 West. Luke county, Michigan, described as follows, to-vitt All that tract or parcel of land on the East One-half of Houtli west One-fourth of Hectlon No. :Ui, lying south of tho Flint A Prro Mar quette Hall Hood; pnd also, five ncres of land on the north sldo of tho above numed Rnll lload; the same being on tho nbove named One-fourth 8-ctlon No. Mi; comprising all that tract or parcel or ian Niiuaiea oet wecn thenoove named iihu itoai anu wntu is known aa Kinna Creek west and south of the snwmlll now standing on the nbove named Creek, which I shall wll at public vendue to thchlghrst bidder at tho frontdoor of tho Court House In the Village of JJaldwin, Lake county, Michigan; On, the Thirteenth Day of March A. T). 1', at nine o.clock n. m. Dated this iwth day or January a. h. iwu. OEOIUIE OVIATT, PhcrlfTLuku County, Michigan. Notice. . .IT. H. Land OrncK, Herd Citt. Mich., January l'tth. inmo. Comnlalnt having boon entered at this Of. flee by Adelbcrt Thompson against Horatio N. I'row for abandoning his lloiuestead En try No. KOiT, dated Aprlli5th, 1574, upon the N. & H. E. H und N. K.M of H. W.H Hectlon att, Township 1S North, llango 13 West, In Lake county, Mlchlgun, with a view to the cancel lation or hum entry: tne smci parties nro Here by summoned to appear at this Olllee On the Second Day of March 1880, Atl2 o'clock m., to furnish testimony con cerning said allrged Hbundonment. I'DWAHD MfEVRS.KW, itgisier. W. 11. C. Mitchell, Receiver. Probate Order. Btnte of Michigan) County of Ijike J At a session of the Probnto Court for said County of take, holden at the Prolwvt Ofllcu in the VlliHgnof Baldwin, on Wednesday, the Sstn dny of January A, 1. Ihmi; iTesent, waller A. iiurnam, juage 01 jlto hate. In the matter of the Estate of George W. Jtrown,an insane person; on rending and fll tnt the petition duly verified of Augustus Towner, guardian, praying that he may Im licensed to sen win rem ewmia or snin nisnne person for the purposo of paying hi" debts and expeuwN; , It is hereby ordered that Moiulay, the Eighth Day of March oext, at ten o'clock In th forenoon,- at sold ProbnteofTleo In the Villngo of ltaldwtn, bo Lppointed for hearing said petition; ana that henextof kin of said Uoorxe W. llrown und all jiersons lutorestrd In snld estate appear le foro sa)i I Court at said t ime and place to show causey If any there b, wuy a license should not ue granted to snii gnannan 10 son reaieb tat as prayed for In snid petition. And it Is furl her ordeml that a copy of this order be published five succossl re weeks pre vious to saiu nay 01 ncnring, in me iak b CoeNTV Htar, a newpater prlnUd atld cir culating In said County of Lake. . -YVALTEB A. IICHNAW, (A tro copy) i udge rf Probate. THIS PAPER FSX&TttXSSSl A(lnita Burasu ( lo Rpruus S I ), wwr irTt i i n g iJUV X ou tract, tuts be nJu for ill OltK. rf ' j Curr 1 ttU f .! Ic ne t 4f Sn.1 for Jsmpl, t ( f ttrsor. "r cor Air"rtrtiftiA , , ,t ho o -r If k fcM - - c r ef prlra, t. 14tta. fj y.Sl iV lullll , Vim).!,?!!,. kA I ' 1 ' lnr BlMl,U'rf.hir.i LV - i Llr.ultiB Vrnfl JC-rfy Mr ! imm,, if l Viid la ftmir d ii.. I, A with nnrll.ld. - on ktrlT nW Tr.MM OS Lxhtlltr" lot of n1lm .o (a . ftl mU1 awl.pi OS rifiot IwoKi'iMp. A fx x.M.trJ itiI ifrr rllf rotiMn.4. t 4fM ti CX , lit Un4 Blew4 14, INtMM, Uh. K. B. iSheridan, ' MERCHANT TAILOR, Ierscy Mich, Keeps constantly on hand a line ASSORTMENT Of CLOTHS & TRIMMINGS and Manufactures to order, , in tho Latest Styles, and Neatest, most Durable Manner. . LONG EXPERIENCE in the business enables him to give the best of satisfaction. Oar CIoMms: List , We will furnish the Stak publications named below, at the following fates: Peterson's Magazine Scientific American Ilurper'8 Monthly u Weekly " Bazar Detroit Tribune Hcrlbner's Monthly Kt. Nicholas (Juvenile) Wetern Jiural American Agriculturist Saturday Evening Tont, Farmer'ti Ileview Young Folkn Monthly National Weekly Wide Awake Uabyland Chicago Daily News " Weekly -Michigan Fanner Tolelo 151 ado rhrchological Journal with the one yearj .3 00 4 2; 4.70 4 4.70 3 00 4 70 8 1M . 3 00 2 GO . 2 75 2 80 2 -2r ' 2 GO - 8 00 1 75 3 60 2 00 3 00 3.00 3.00 Michigan Pine and Farm ing Lands. fttXT fZSX UA&QXrZTTS tt 3 230.000 ACRES! OiTercd by the FLINT & FERE MARQUETTE RAIL WAY COMPANY. ' Six Hundred Million foot of PINE'TIMBER, Well located on Prre Marquette, Little Man Met, Dig, aiid Little Saubtc, and Mliitc.Divcrs; nud on the line of said llailroad. For Plata, Estimates, and further In formation, addrenH, WM. L WEBBER, . Laud (Joniniiwslouer, '. EAST SAO IXAW, MICH. Highest Medal at Vienna and Philadelphia (HI E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. 591 Broadway, New York. Manufacturers, Importers A Dealers In Velvet Frames, AM, GrajtaODes, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, ENORAVrOH, CHItOMOS, I'ilOT'UltAPUS, And kindred goods Celebrities, Actresses, etc. uu Photographic Materials Wi aro Ilcndanartcrs for evcrythlnir in tho way of STEHEOlTlCONH AND MAGIC LANTEllNS. F4ich style is the best ot Its clais In the mar ket. nctuitlful Photoirrarthlc Transparencies of Statuury anl KngrnvinKS for the window. . Convex uinsft. fliannmcinrcis oi veivei Frames for Miniatures and Convex (Jlass Plc-turea. 00 Catalogues of Lan terns and HUdes. with di rections for using, ou receipt of ten cents. p-'i8 imos SECURE HOMES! 500,000 ACRES Splendid Hard Wood Lands for sale by the (jrand ltapids & Iivdiana R. It. Company " 30,000 ACEE3 INLKE 03Uil tf ! STRONG SOIL! SURE CROPS! PLENTY OF TIMBER!. : NO DROUTH! RUNNING STREAMS! PURE WATER! V". HEADY MARKETS! GOOD SCHOOLS! . Michigan Offers Greater Advan lagen to Intelligent fanners of Small Means than either the West or South! TITLE PERFECT. Bend for fcsmphlets English or German. Address, W. A. HUGHART, ' ; ' Land Commissioner, Crand ltupid.M, Mich. Variety Works. ' Dlactvfunltlilng. Oun, Pistols, Spears, Soldering, Brazing. Tool iuadfand tenixrtHl. Wotal Turning, Scroll Saw ing, Wall Bracket,' ' Pictured Frames, Patterns for CawtlugK; Violins made or repaired , Machines repaired. All Work Warranted. L. A. Carpenter. Baldwin, Lake County, Mioh. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. TRADE MARK. The Great Eng-TRADE MARK. nia nemeayt is an unfailing core for Semi nal Weakness Hperniatorrlica liupoteiicyjliid all other 1)Ih- eascs that fol KtU'. lU fl Ml' Of Memory, Universal LasMltnde, Pain In the Hack, DlMineNS of Vision, Premature Old Ago, and many other Dlrta that lead to Insani ty or Consumption and a Prematura (I rave, Pull parilcularM in btir tmmphlct, which we denim tu wnd free by mall to every one. rVTlie Kpccillc Medicine Is sold Ky all drlia gists at per package, or six pnokuges for.'; or will he s-nt free by mall on receipt of the muiiry, uy iWKirenNiiiK TIIK GHAY MKDH INK CO.: No. 10 Meclianics' block, l)fcTitoiT, MICH. "Hold In Tlaldwln bvalldruindMn.andeve. ry where by all whilesale and retail dealers, LEISURE HOURS - A Magazine of Choice Literature for tic People. PUBLISHED MONTHLY RY ' . W. L. MERSHDli & CO., Ill Broadway, N. Y. The publishers of this Ponular Mnir- a.ine liuVc determined to give inore good, interesting and instructive read liier matter to HuW-ribera than ran le obtained anywhere for the same price; tney nnve, tnererorc, engaged a num ber of regular eon (ribu tors well known to the public, for the year 1RK0, who will present through tho columns of the Magazine, Original Article, con sisting of Biographies, Travel; ISatural 1 listory, works of Fact und Fiction.etc. etc. Xotwithstandinir tho Increa.seil out- lay of money which this renders neces- NHry, tne subscription price or tne mag azine remains the name. Our Tehms. SI a year or 50 cents for nix months We send a trial sulwription of tlirco monlha with a handsome premium for 30 conts. Agents wanted in every town. Steady employment and good pay. x-or luiuu-r paiiieiuara ana agenia terms, wend stamp to the publishers, W. L. MEKSHOX & CO;, 111 Broadway, N Y. THE.BEST PAPER!. TRY IT! BEAIT1 1 FULLY . ILLUHTHATEP. 35th YEAB. The Scientific American! The HoiteJtTine Amrhican Is a large First Class Weekly Newspaper or Hlxtcvu rages, irUitd In the most lK-uutlful stylo, profumtly utvmuiea wun ijnenaiu Migrat ing, t prisniliiK the ncwcut Inventions and the most recent Advances In the Arts and Hclenees; Including New and IntereNtliiK Facts in AKricultnre, Hm-tlcultiire, the Iioin, Health, Mudlcai rrogroHS, Hoclal rW-lonoe, Natural lllslrv,Oe oloay. Astrdnomy. The moat valuahlo bine. tical parx-rs. by eminent writers In all depart. meuui ni ncience, win oo lounu 111 me ttoieu tlflo American. Terms, per year, 81.00 half year, which IIH MKl.'H JH)Mlile. JJINOlUlll IO AgCnlS. Hill gle cnjhlcsi tMi cents. Bold by all Newsdeul ers. luntlt by iostiil ordct to MuNN A Publishers, 37 llirlt How. New York. T5 & PTfTT'T'C! 1,1 connection with the m4Ui Am. Scientino Amerlesn Messi-s. M unk A Co. are Molicltors of Ameri can and Foreign Patents, have had M years vxucriviiur, anu now imve me iariOHi esian llshnivnt ill the world. Putenta are obtained on the lHst terms. A (.pwlal notice is made in llieeUiKNTIr lC AJIKUK AN of all In ventions patented through this Agoncy, with the name and rcsldonAe of the Patuntce. llr tho immeiiite circulation thus given, publlo hiu'iiliuu in uirccieu 10 ini meriis ni ine new mtiHand sales or Introduction often easily Anj person who has made a new discovery ur iiiTi-iniuii, cuii HM'cnum, jrtt qj cAarge, whether a patent can probably bo obtained, by wriflntr to M ukn t Co. W e also, aerd frt our Hand Book olHut the Putent Laws, I'aU nun, u fin a, 1 1 Hir-.,uirK, tneir ouHis, ana nuw procurcn, wnu ni u is ior prociirinir ad vnceson Inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, ' m UJMXi & CO., .17 Park Bow. Now Vork. rtranch Ofllce, cor. V A 7tll Mts, Washington w n- . GUIDE to SUCCESS! WITH ' FOR FORMS -"S is tiV l'All the liest nhslnessahd Roclal CSulde and IIandnHk ever published. Much 1 1 in latest. It tells Itoth sexis comDletelv HOW TO 1M KVKKYTHINU.inthebestway; How to 1h Vour Own Ijiwyer, How to do KUHlhess Correctly and KucccKfully, How to Act InHo ciety nnd in every part of life, and contains a gold mine of vuiiou Infui hiatlon iudlstH'iisa- Die to an classes , ror constant reference AOfcNTS WANTf:!) for all orspare tlnm. To know wny iiiisiKKiK oiukaii vame ana at- tractions im-IIs bt-ticr tlilin any othcrt apply for terms to H. 11. KCAMMFXI, A CO We pay all n f Igbt. HI. I.UUIMt 11 U. NEW for AGENTS. OK( IJOW PUICEI) il FAST HELIilNO represented In ohr new OltANO MO.MUINA T1UX PKOS'K Tl'M lVOOKj by sample pages, oiuiiiiiKH, iiiimimi iun t-ii-, t kiiii, aiit'iy nnd KureiKV'eHs for cnuvuNserN. All actually U ...... .... II..... ........ u i ..... t All ii't-iKmn jHiio Djr in. $UnH TO t0000 A teAR.Arfttems 4r la (flJUU your own locality. No rlU. Wms do' ss well ua men, Man v nisks more thsn th snisnst stated abuve. Ho out run fail tm mU meney fn.f . Anirnii rn fin tha itnrli Vna Baaka from B0 eenM to ji an frtir by devoting ysar nln?n slid Nimr lima ta tha famine. It eots nothing to try tha tninc. Nottitnj Hk 11 for inon.y nisKin evr ouerrd bttui-. HslNe plcasunt mid stnctly lionorsble. Risder, If yea want t" know nil sbont tiia brt nnring kslsets liefors the public, rnd your addren and wa will end vou fi II OMrtlrnhir sad nnvnla terms fre. ample woi tli $" sIm, frre: yoa cs tsen mtka aa your mind foryosrrlf. Aadie, GEORQB SUN WOK & CO., Portland, Main. BEST 111 THE VOHLDI JOmtSTON'B SARSAPARILLA mi mmw, mum, And for Purlfj-lnc the Dloocf. It has been In nso for BJ years, and has prerod to be the best pret oration In the nmrket for KICK 1 1 1 A 1 ACi I If-, 1 ' AI M IN T11K PUK Oil BACK, LIVER COM pi.A ik r, riMrixs on iius face, dv lEi'blA, and fll Diseases that arise from Disordered IJrrr or an Im pnreblood. Thourauds of our best people take it and giro it to their children. Thy rlrlrnj prcwribfl It dally. Those who us it once r acorn mend It to others, It is made from Yellow DocU, Ifonff ros Sorsa pat Ills, Wild Clicrry, BUlllngla. iandelIon. famfrss, WinUrfraan, ass other well-Lnown valoable Iloots and Ilrrba. It is strictly vegetable, and can not hurt the most delicate oonstltnUon. It Is one of the best medicine, la use for Herniating the bowel. It Is sold by alt responsible Anifnrfsta at one dollar fop a quart botUa, or six bottles for five dollar. Those who cannot obtain bottle of this modk-ln from their dmrzlst may send lis one dollar, and wt will deliver it to them free of any eiiarges. V. JCrrrTC I CI, l5u.tiren, ' M UShno Ave., 7aon iar 13 a. V-XT. JIB. AMD Bl-GARB. GODA , Wlilch U the aams tiling. Impnrq alratos erDI-Carb Hod1 fwh.chttliaaiuethliic)lsort.sMgnt. lr dirty wltti color. It mar appesvr While, essimlneft tT ilaelf, but ta co?iPAuiio -with ciiuncn S CtrS AIISK AlSDIIAMME5tt' liltARU trill their the dlflTareisce. Bee that yoa Self ratns sd lak In whlto Hdi ehoald be ALL. (I I MIL Alt lJtlTAff CIC9 ustd for fond. A srraplsbnt savors ti of the ee-ttiptrsrlte ralrt l ('ii-'nt brands ofrortai Mlarstnals ta dUsdrs aUnwottsro'intul of esck kind wlta abontapint of w-tar (hot pra.'orsrt) in cl plai-aa.,.lrrl"gii' lsliistU n-asUl dissolve. Tha U I l s -iow s i sol u ol e li. t I f r 1 n t b a I n fsnoa fMd will ba shown erier raiilins s me tweuty , miu'av.s or s vi.n ., by tha i.i U ntrnoe or ! -rnt en si d the eMnUty o.'fl-silng flociy ' mi -tarspfr.rMurr itij-wlUy. ; - . . lie snr-inndaflif t tbna k Ovs Floflssa 1 Ralc-ni-e s il -" C""' rie 1 en the r-sgihi -i I'.l set tu )--r sad rUltat u d a. ) 1 1 ni - o 1 1 Jd i ' -. r w U V., in pr alr-cm.-e to D.-l:ni Vowdtr, -.T.a tsauty 1U 'T'ee ee trfnn4 p-isi for viluiV.a laronas caawirasaasxafaily. , , . . '!iw rm to YCiTtCRccr?. 10,000 at SMXI4 si est its, r vhih 1 I mtk. Dutkcy. flit OUrfinnt,WamuUl te trf fi.M. A44rM arUk Mama, Or 4, ft. Tablar, IU Lai Ma. inrAAMONTHi Aoxirra vAiritsi - i.tihSI 7aalllit rtUlralal.,Wrl4iaaam UUUU ruiv. A4.jlr BR3WS(j7bPlwsua .If you want the People to know you aro ;, 4oing , BUSI N ESS , and prepared to glre tlieiii tiOOD I5AUGA1NS then AUVimSE! V ' Slierifts Sale. BY VIRTITK Or AN RXECUTIOX issued nut of find under the eit of the Ircuit Court for the County nfOsceidualid State of Michl- ran. to me directed and dcllvcn d tewled on the lit Ii dnv of July A. D. 1X70. In fnvor of Hlineon linni ami ajninst inegorKisanncnai- tels and inr ;vunt in -reu Uioii lo tt inaue or .1.. 1 1- ....I ...... nr l.'llhn ll .In. tho dcfcjuhin: then In nanicxl, I hnVe levied urxn all the Hubt title an l Interest of faldde fenduht in nnd to Hie following ilescrlljed real estato situated In the Township of Plno ra.lounty of like and Hlaio of M U-Ulun. to wit: Tho Nortli.Nist Quarter of the Not tli west Quarter of s.-ciloiiTwciiiy.fouij whh'h I shall sell at pnbll" Vendue to tl highest bidder at the front door ot the Court Houe In the Vll- Inge of Itahl win, Mike connt , Michigan, On the Tventy-Kemith Day of February, A. D. IS. 0, at nine o'clock it. m, ' " Dated this 8lh day of January, A. P. 1W). Ji:OK(JK OVIA'IT, HherthT Lake touuly, Mich. Choice Flower and Garleii Seeds. stnAWnKitnuxj picaches, &c. iTW Sorts Mail. i Plants ot the newest tnul finest 1m irovel Horts, earerully Dackeil nnl pre unretl by mnil. My ellwtin of Straw errifa look the flrst premium for the best Collect Ion, nt thefrreat howof tho aiuss. IJoilloulturnl SKlety, in lloston. I Krow over liK) vurietie, the moft com plete collection in the country, Includ ing all the new, larjro American nnd Imported kinds. lVicexl descriptive Catnlojfue, Rratln, hy nudl. Also, IJ'ilh, Frlilt Treea, lloacs, Kvergreens. Cliolce Flower,' (larden, Tree, Ever green, Herb, or Fruit Heed a, 2-") packets of either for by mall. CP The Truu Cape Cod Crdnbcny, 1 l)e.-it wnt for Upland, Jjowlaud, C or (inrden, by mail, prcpnid. f 1 per KH, $VJ p-r 1.000, Wholesale Catalogue to tlie Thine. Agent want el. ' R M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur tci'lcs ami .Se'tl Wiirchnuse,;Plymouth, Maw. Established 1842. Frof. It.rrla, ftf man yaraef 4y, alila4 BT ahfaw Inal rNMitk an4 ltprlinat. toaMlwr th pniM kalalnihatrMttnaiiti fs larfa uumbr of ta... aadat hi. (ra, ha. ! inmMfil in famfman41n( as Wt Aim uiMMD tut tha asoarsa ae aummaa anowf WOI5E1I A AMU I 1 'IIAiDEITGv LEUCORRHEA, xy rinor Hint :,Vi?Nw Thl.Q !, to rrrvalmt among It bi( liilit dadarttona by vbr.trlant. Ita drain apoa lha tjwtrnt la ao astaclaa and e.blliutln, that ant Aniattraa 4riaiaa srarapidljrhacnmluf s "rca el InTaltSr.- Iiwaaabla al ftrodurliisf BmIIImt o(T.(wlr,or taurine. Ufa a nlaa ara Vraf. lUrrlf Va((nal rMtll.a d.imrlara InjiKdlclna, to Ilia aral af lb a diMaM, and It. InlliMaM aavrtad at aaa. arinnnf aa Immrdlata auommii . T affl. Thaarpllfatloa af Ilia ramadlaltiMWd j-mi fuln 6r nplMnm.a, and do aet lnr.rf.ra Hh Ut wr. Binarv SunalM and a auurMaflilai C Ircwlar art aa IN arf-llr (lain a ,,.!..., aafor.1 ariid jTlII'Jih'lf o4 riiMdf sal up In m plain aa al Ibraa ' Si Ma. ,(aoatS ialMilwaantb.uiek. a n t lima VralaPtl la, aa aU laria JZi go r land .lamp for a pamphlai irrtaf " iMlf.ana niH.iniii n, i linaatharaafhlr sractlcaltraalMwaaiaia (land li af Pi' appllcal dradtln bataCS raiMlf, icaiton, i, Thla pamphlH aloa (la aa.l fo any ladf la raathly aractlcal traat! by piataaami la d.llaata r. sv ha bar.. U saaUK. if dlaaaaW frof. narrU Taf lsat Nailltaatas ataslaea Sly best HAnr.:3 r.rrrzDY cD-rratptn. VIerkel ssd Jt tta. tTt LOUI, MO. GinPETlTEQ GAUD Or any rssar kind, yori aaa Bis Uurtf Wi asr Pr Hmfttim aa that It will aut JJtt IbSn J Var, l ha loath will all ramala of ii pi.a and ahna. a)7V aM rttaXI af f v.) laana fH of tha I nttd Mtalaa. Illuatraiail Ciraiilara . tJH A -nt lnwi r "t-mm at ' rwUi.v. Jii Lwk,fc.iM. -Va kawa hnJ-f ft l-"a f-"TI ayj salaj ml kacl.ta a-hgavi tttf ; ..i U -e C -f H. 50,000 ACRES of th , FLINT & MABatJtxin EAILWAY COKPAlirfl LAND GRANT, - - - ? In Laka Couuti, Vlichlan. art iioir FORSAL?:! Also, " 50,000 ACRES ; ' 01 ald Company s larnts In ' , , MASON AND OCEANA 011 TIES! in the '. .: FAMOUS FRUIT BELT! Of Michigan. . ..' Apply, In person or by mail, U wm. l. WEnnxX)' Land Committioncr, East SaginawIIleh. patents; To Invcntot-s & Man ii facta rert, ESTABLISHED, 1M3. - - GIL140RE, SJIITH.& CO., Solicitors cf Patents & Attornsys tUv Amcricaji and Foreign Patents No lees Ih AtlvancC) nor until a Tatentls nllowed. AJVr Preliminary KtaminalUns Bpeelal attention given te IhterfeieatM Casrs hafore the Patent (ifIWi lafrlhrasaaat Muits In the dinsrent Htatea, and ali liticaUesi ap)ertaltiliig to Tutents or lavnntlona. iSVwri Stamp for PamptitH q Sixty lfK OILMORE, SMITH k CO.. G29 B1 S'fUfcEi N. w.. C, Db. xmtm C17 CL fctrlfts tttttLGUUSllilZ X rafuUf araduaaaof two Mad leal Co I Ufa, haihiialaaaTf ogagca In IhaaDaclaltraatmantofall Vanaraa.1, a av-1 rndChroBloDlaaasMthaaaay aihar Iraitiaalaadt JSyphUla, doaorrbflaaQlaat, SSHctnre. Qruhitss. Harniai or susture. an. uriaary insaaea aJtl lyphUltlo or Mercurial Affections of tba laraal tkln or Bonaa, ara traatad irWi ryarall.ia4 soaaa,dl 8tMr. Priyasa. . Sparmatorrbaa, Baznai Dablllty aa4 Mra Uner. sa tha rarall of taiAAkoaa ta VoaifTailMl aaa iiiaj in maturar yaara, or otaaraaiiaaa, and which pi udaaS aniaa of tha Ibllowras aflacta , aatVoSaaata, aadirMJ aaila. Iiona, aablllty, dim Da tha Bwa, afivkt.aatiM Mir., nliilaa ohyaioal daeav. ayaratoa ta aoaMtr af fci.i.a. boutu.loil of 111 aaa, loot of sazoal Mrnr, atr-taadarlH marrlara Impropar or unhappy, ara aai 1 tuml. Conaultatioa at offloa, or by mall ftaa, aa4 tavtaadk whan it la mronanian to vuumaewy prraiaiin Edleinaa oaa ba ami by mall or tzpraaa ararywkara. Vmtm la aaaaa guaraotaad, Wbara doubt aslata HI fcankly atabii . riapbiM for Un, 1 6uap; for Wemst, I KMsf 6trmu, fu sots, a Stoaps 64 Hf. i, aMItWriflln. Bdadat fhaSak. marry, who not, why. Manhood, Woaaaaaaod riiy.l. daeay. Who aheald marry 1 llow llaiaad baalaaw tmvf balooraaaad. lla Phvaiolorr of Raprodurtto. aad aaaa 9 krara. Thaaa marrlad or tontamaiaUnf tnatraiaa ahaaj hMd H, thaa kept aadar lock and key? feaalar aamaaaaboaa, but paper eorar, M0 aana, S 5 rta. ST awal. rx tha apaady core of Bemtbal Weak aaaa. Laat I 'ubaadk 1 rematura Debility, KeryooaadM, PeapooJowT, C .W4i 4 bt Ideaa, Araralon to aoelety. Deartla Meaar, aatd a Dlanrdert brought oa by Seoiet Hablto aad rjimai. Alii drugTl.t baa the tntred tenia. Addreaa, DH. JAOQUC. nisatn4saUaia(t PROF. HARRIS RADICAL CU1U TOE BPEElf Af OliEHOX , . 1 iLix-aHcja"" "SdfaUNAL PASTILLE A ValaaMe WaaaT.adi a4 Waw Deaartaaa la Urn fcr.1 lalaaae, aa aadraa b. kU oaSin edbea. 1.4 haadf let WW taaaaf end Caaa at I ItieieMsiP end aeaafoal Baata I m pat ana a far. aaaa ilaaUMS taae am. fi a aad aaa,aj aL Vaalalas Xtlaa atorr Casta, ProataM OlaadLaad Vrotata. The eaf the HaaMay atteaeed wMJb ba aaia ar la rMlia.a. aad uu m.ulmil aaaKteJ t. . -7- ' A Maal Seat af Ike OlaMUe, aalla( by . mi lha H.mimm. im .llmmdmrn Ub ha aaia daea Bat lalarfara HS la. ardiaar araakaj at MM bw.kly dawlaad tad anaa abaatb.i, p.aieeaW a. taaaaaw dlate aaetklnt tad af aa epea tk aataal aad aeraeoa ergaaiaaiiaa erreeked Snaa aaH-abaaa at-d aaeaanat Ceyalee Ike drain S-aai Iba ayeien, raater1a( l .iik lad bound memory, reaM4af a. XMi I uei Blsht, Karrona Debility, Odnfbaloa or iaaaay Av loa 0 eeaiety. atn ato, aad 1. apaaaWaaaaj ad irm a lure old aaa a.aall. aeeMhaaylna UU traakititai rwmt Ua aaal.H Bexnal VUror. a-aaro a baa bees d.iaiaal m.mrm. Tkkl mxmmm ml bat BbMd Iba MI bt vara eaaae. aae eav h aew a araaeeeMd a. mat, Vt a V tea aiaeh la rbeaa traableai aad, aa pawy a ba. I a Maeei in, ana i lime a aay ainHmi 1 aeva a aa Keaaaaar abeet lab) Preyarallna. fraetletl ik alia .ailkd a. ta poalllraly raarantaa that S will (lea aatlafaitl t Dariaf tbe eif btyeart laal U bat bee ta fiaaral aaa, am b ' taeaaaed. e( tratloMaltlt t la It. ..lea, aad M laaew iminl by Ike MaJital rrefaaMea Id k Iba BMat MMeaat .. roi Siwoaatad ml raacbtad bad .artaf tkla kery palajaal a . it 1. IkaiMW.M kaowe te be Iba aaaaa e aatebl ailetra bt b aia. n aad apea wboat OTiaoka prey with Sab eaaleea SaakraajaMl Hi lee. 1 be Reayta pat ee la aeeieaM amebian) Ko, X, (aaeaib U but 1 BkMilkJ S Mo. t, et at eScct a peraataeat tare, bbletl li Wvera 111114 Ml Wax dk ('..tlaf aver Urea ataatbt. arlll atop , aad lain id ifr (a the went m ) 7. by aaaMVnild, kt atata Jrr.rr.rj. TmllTn HBOTIOAe IknyajaUkgi.iUiMiee.i fcaajr BACH BOX. . m .ad lar a IncrpUa rtaiyktel atrlaf la.likli.lO B Itlaalrttieat, wklab WOI eeertaee Ike aaaet iki,aiaj TV Ibal Stay tea ba raalaiad la aerlaat aabaed, aad II TA (Med fW Ike deeiet ef bfa, aaaaa kt fpakia. U I Seat Sealed tar aluap ta aay aaa. Said OMi.1 by F Market aaa lia tte. ar K39e y J mm mmzmm Tae puarT, n t a 1 Tr i pr. rp : ' zz? ad best BsktiAa row r -Lfi V' eieiiiaBJti!'-r--sr-- r i arraatst five rfft "'' 7 ABtUMtursd BT BliMaluj O .-.I, " - Lew LiftJt Coaaa. MiERlCAll EXPRESS C"!?,'!!. Only orthMt PkiMwIu Cl- ftle-hl LfK'attHl near to tad nurt-t:-. ci 11:3 d;-ct. - ' . 1