OCR Interpretation

Grand River times. [volume] (Grand Haven, Mich.) 1851-18??, October 12, 1853, Image 3

Image and text provided by Central Michigan University, Clark Historical Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026466/1853-10-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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When a main refuses to pay ft debt araonj
the Mormons, they 6end' three officers callea
vhilllers, who take llieir station 'in front of tho
debtor's house, end) witlia jack-knife and a
Lur.dlo o'f sticks, and whittle, away, day; after
day till the delinquent knock under. It U Raid
that tho remedy e!dom fail.
, Uraml IIav-n Mm Wet. Lumber, 58,00 n 10,00;
i . ) rj 0 o nn. KiiliiirlpM. S 2.00 a t 25: Wood.
$1, aTi,00; Shingle bolt, i,00 a 7,00; Flour,
$.5,00 a 0,25 ; W hr at, 1 ,00 a 1,05.
Oct o Stlirs. C. Walker, Dalton; President,
Crawford N.C.Walton, ; loop F. Dutchman,
Schrs. Illinois, Burko; rionccr, MeNamara ;
sloop Enterprise,
1 Schrs. Hunt, ; A ermont, Nelson; Lizzie
Throop, Clidcsdell; 7fi, Andrew; Reindeer, Flood.
5 Schrs. Dexter, Scott; K. llcndcrsou, Peter-
7.' Brig Enterprise, Miller; schrs. Lady Jang,
Keyo; New Hampshire, Warren; Warren, ;
Keindcer, Flood; C.Walkcr,Dalton; Illinois, Burke;
L. Throop, Clidcsdell; Arrow, ' .
Oct. 2. Sehr. L. Jane, Keyo.
U.E. Stewart, ; Dolphin, Clidcsdell.
n Schrs. Keindcer. Flood; Warren, ; C.
Walker, Dalton: L. Throop. Clidcsdell; Illinois,
Burke ; Plonccr.McNamara; sloop Enterprise, .
7. Schrs. Gazelle, Ferry ; Vermont, Nelson ;
Dexter, Seott; E. Henderson, Peterson.
A Public Invitation to nil- who MtiAVr Pnlii.
If there is a man or woman who arc now suf
fering pain, wo care not what the cause may be,
wc guarantee that Radway's Ready Kelief will give
you ease and relieve you entirely in a few minutes
after using it. Call upon the agents, whose names
you will find in this paper, and if you arc suffer
ing any acute pain, wc will warrant that Kadway's
Kcady Kelief will 6top it before you leave the
store. ,
It will cure Kheumatism after all other remedies
have failed, and is the only sure cure for Neurnl
gia. It will cure Sick or Nervous Headache, and
stops the most painful throbs in a few minutes.
It will relieve the most distressing pains of diar
rhoea, cramp, f pasms, &c. It is the quickest anti
dote for chills and fever ever known. In all cases
" ask for Kadway's Keady Kelief.
Perrt Davis' Pain Killer. Every day af
fords new proofs of the peculiar effects of this
, preparation. In cases where a disordered condi
tion of the stomach, liver and bowels, is combined
with great debility, nervous weakness, and intense
melancholy, its effects arc most beneficial and
wonderful. See advertisement.
I74.RRY & SONS arc now receiving by Kailroad,
. via. Chicago, their extensive assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods which they offer for sale at
low figures for CASH. Wc shall have the largest
stock that wc have ever brought into the market,
and invite the attention of customers generally
to our great variety.
October 10, 1853.
Ladies' Fashionable Hats.
LADIES will you call and examine our variety
of Winter Satin Hats ? Feury & Sons.
WE now otter for sale a very large assortment
of Keady Made Clothing from which the
most fastidious may be suited; Call and see.
Ferry & Sons.
Shirts, Drawers, and Wrappers.
Flannel and Knit drawers,' and Wrappers, and
Fine Linen, and Hickory Shirts, can be found at
Ferry & Sons.
KOSSUTH, Hungarian, Union, Plush, Denver,
Jockey, and other styles Hats and Caps, are
for sale at Ferry & Sons.
rpHE DKUO and VARIETY STORE has been
X newly fitted up, and newly filled up with
choice Goods suitable for the season. I have just
received a splendid lot of seasonable Dry Goods,
Mich as Delaines some at one shilling per yard
Hosiery, Satin and other Vesting, and many oth
er articles.
I have an assortment of Crockery and Glass
Ware exceeding in size, variety, und quality any
thing ever seen in this village. Tea Trays, a vari
ety, Looking Glasses, Knives and Forks. &e.
My stock of Groceries, Confectionery. &c., is en
larged also, and will be continually added to du
ring the season of navigation.
In the line of Drugs, I am receiving new sup
plies every few days in order to keep my stock full
and perfect. I only ask my fi lends and the pub
lic generally to call and examine my goods before
thCV XTO elsewhere to IMinhnsA thnir minnli Tm
rest I will venture. Selling for KEADY PAY I
can sen at least as low as my neighbors. I will
take in exchange for goods almost any thing the
country produces except promises.
Mill Point, Oct. 3, 18 53. L. M. S. Smith.
fS ILT Edged Note and Letter Paper, and a
cnoicc supply or otner stationery, at the
-drug and variety store, Mill Point.
L. M. S. Smith.
rpiNTED Enameled Envelopes, a new article, at
hic umji uuu vunery srorc, jhiii I'omt.
L. M. S. Smith.
PAPEK RAGS. Clean linen and cotton rags
wanted in exchange for goods, nt the Drug
.n.l ir.l.i.. Oi - It'll . . .. 3
iiu onvij' oiuru, iuiu i oinr. Jj. M. a. SMITH.
TJADWArS MEDICINES, at the Drug and
jlu v unciy oiore, miu roint. j M. S. Smith.
npiIOSE Looking Glasses have come. Call and
. fccu mem ai me urug ana variety store, Mill
I'oint. L. M. S. Smith.
O UGARS.1 A new supply, cheaper than ever sold
m jmiii roint, oi tnc quality, at the drug and va
Tlety store. L. M. S. Smith.
North Kent Nursery
ONE and three-fourth miles north of Nash &
Hastings' Sawmill, Sparta, Kent Co., Mich.
I have at this young establishment, ready for
sale this fall or next spring, a few thousand
Flrat Itntc Apple Trees,
'comprising many choice varieties, which I can
confidently recommend to those who think speedy
bearing an object, as many of them blosscmcd in
the nursery last spring, and some now show fruit.
Look at them gentlemen, they arc just what you
nt- Wm.M. Wylie.
Sparta, Septum JllOflm.
PORK and G. R. Flour for sale in quantities to
Sim purchaser, nt the warehouse formerly
occupld by Gilbert & Co.
June 7, 1633. Henry Martin.
IADILS, the most fashionable Shoes in the
j whole est are to be found at Henry Mar
tin a Cheap Store.
ID GLOVES of extra quality, for sale by
11. Martin.
,fQLl3'H0TELrby W. R. Barnard?
The proprietor has recently refitted thl House,
and is now prepared to f urnish good accommoda
tions to all those who may favor him with a call.
Carriages to and from the boats free of charge.
Grand Rapids, September. Jb5.'l. f 115 ly.
LIST of Letters remaining in the Post Office at
Muskegon, Oct., 1, 18.VJ,
Abray Luke Magoon Anron
Adslt Abraham Mason M
Drown Joel ' Morris Antolne
Harrows Willis Mark Peder N
Harrows Stephen Mowers Levi
Dennett Dinah Marker Malkel Hansen
Killings Alonzo Nattall .lohos
Drown I.orcnzo D Orien Lewis
Uoweu E C Ollsen Nils
Carson Win Owens Hugh
Campbell Maleomb ORiley James
Christen Chrlstensen Ordwav Lafayette .
Cain A A & Co '2 Perry Cteorgo
Chalcfour Leon Parker William
Caswell George Phillipps Jeremiah F
Cooper J cfierson Pratt Lriah
Carh Win Porter Win
Degrnw Augustus 2 Putsehere Abram
Dickson John Rowlinson Edward 2
Danforth Clinton Reynolds Floyd
Dobson William Roberts Jorm
Kdkart John George Kico Daniel II
Emerson Charley 2 Kengal John
Ferries George 4 Sebcrger Henry
Fellows John M Skinner Lathrop K 2
Fevers Joseph Stonogc Thomas
Grout Louis P Symes Samuel
Glover Nelson Saggstellcr Michael
Gardner Samuel Spragg Edward
Ilamill James Soijue Joh!i Sen
Hunter John Swin James
Haines J P Sliepard Elijah
Hinehinan Joseph D Studii'ant Martha
Haskins lavid Tinker W C
Ilalvcrson Ambrose Thompson D
Holvcdt Neil Nelson Thorn W C
Haynes J II 2 Venue Antoine
lloye Nicholas Vnught James 11
Himilbcrger George Wallace Hugh
Hawley Walter D Wood Alonzo
Hopkins Lorin Wait L F
Hcndrick Webb John
Hodge Levi S Wood & Fenner
Johnson O P WMlison Mary
Johnson Walter Warren C G
Jones William Wheeler Fidelia
Jacobrin Gulbrund Whitney George
Karlin John Drown Levi 'J
Kent A D Crowcll Irving O
King Gilbert Douglass Mr
Lalor llridgct Davies Wm
Link Phillip Griswold Wm D
Lomis Cornelius Stronaeh Joscj)h
Lhman William Kroshmers Girsand
Mann Ji J J Langlais George
McConel Joseph Lhmarm Wm
Muller Matthias G. W. WALTON, P. M.
Dr. S. B. Noble, Surgeon Dentist,
Office In Irving Ilnll, (iruiid Knplris, MUU.
A. Van Dusen, M. D.
Oflleee, (ailHus' Hnltdlitg, W nliii.fcton xrteet,
Grmul Haven, Mteli.
JM7MITClTELL $- 7:7)., Forwarding and
Commission Merchants, Fire Proof Urick Ware
house, Nos. IH'2 and l'Jl South Water Street,
Chicago, 111. Goods received and forwarded to
Grand Haven with dispatch, and at the lowest
figure. Cash advances made on consignments.
HENRY MARTIN, Storage, Forwarding and
Commission Merchant, Grand Haven, Mich.
Grand Rapids Iron Works and Plow
BALL & UAUCOCK. Manufacturers of Steam
Engines, Mill Castings, Plows, Cultivators,
Potash and Cauldron Kettles, Hollow ware, llox
Stoves, and other eastings of all descriptions. Al
so Hill s Patent Governors.
The above articles will be made to order on
short notice and most of them arc kept constant
ly oti hand.
Wc have also several Lathes in operation and
with them one Screw Cutting Lathe of the most
approved pattern.
Any thing wanted in the line of Machinery or
Repairing can be had at our works on fair terms
and warranted to be as good as the best. A select
and full assortment of patterns on hand.
115 lyj Damkt. Hall,
Ciias. P. Hancock.
Grand Rapids, September, 1SV1.
"VfOULD respectfully inform the citizens of
V Grand Haven, that they have just opened a
New Drug Store in the building of II. Griffin, op
posite the Washington House, where they will
keep constantly on hand all kinds of Drugs. Med
icines, and perfumery, &c. &c.; also all kinds of
good Liquors, such nslJrandy, Port Wine, (Jin, for
medicinal purposes, together with groceries of all
kinds, of the best quality, and various other arti
cles, such as arc generally found in drucr stores.
Grand Haven, Sept. li, 1 H-'yi. " U'l tf.J
170R SALE the south-west quarter of sec. 28; the
north-west quarter see. 'SI, and the south-west
quarter of see. all in township ! north of range
1 4 west, in the county of Ottawa, Mich. Pine land
ami Well located. For terms inquire of 11. Pknn
oykh. or address O.J. Stoi:h,
f lwll2. Gencsco, Henry Co., 111. .
1853. Grand Haven and Chicago. 1853.
fIL The Steamboat LONDON, Capt. Geo.
J"at F. Drown, will run to the above
named places, leaving Grand Haven every Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock.
She will also ruu to Muskegon every Saturday,
weather permitting.
For freight or passage apply to
J9 U-6 J c. R. ALIJEE.
TliE Sloop," "Flying butchman,"W. C.
jEj Milnk. Master, 15 tons burthen, will con
tinue the rest of the season, making trips
as usual between St. Joseph and Grand Traverse,
touching at all the intermediate places along the
coast. For freight or passage apply to either of
the Warehouses or Steamboats in Grand Haven.
June 27, 1 STrt.
Those NEW GOODS have arrived
AT 'The Old Brown Store and are being sold fast,
at prices that give universal satisfaction.
Wc shall this week receive another lot of those
cheap sugars, and fresh Tea at 50c per pound that
cannot be beat. 101. Gilkkt&C.
SCREWS, assorted No's., Tacks, Brads, Front
Door, Chest and Padlocks, Butts, Door trim
mings, Brass and Japancd Lifting Handles, nt ,
. Ferry & Son.
HIO CHEESE. A fresh lot for sale at the
warehouse formerly occupied by Gilbert & tlo.
II. Martin.
C1IRCULAR SAWS for Loth and Siding Mills,
J t Ferry & Soxs.
rpEETII I TEETH 1 ! Preserve your teeth by np"
X plying vegetable tooth powder, nn excellent
article of which can he found at F. & Soxs.
Muskegon Tailor Shop.
fTMIE undersigned has opened a Shop at Muskc.
L gon, and Is ready to do nil kinds of jobs in
tho line of tailoring, from coarse to fancy, at pri
ces which will cause no murmurs or complainings.
People of Muskegon and vicinity, your patronage
is solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed. fi0tf.
October, Ib'r. L. K. Dkvelley.
For tlir rntlre erMlirntlmi of nil Puln.
One twentyflve cent bottlo will do more to con
vince you of Its efficacy, than all the ad--
vcrtisements in the world 11
Physicians say that Davis' Pain Killer is one of
those nice little articles which Is calculated to re
lieve an immense amount of suffering incident to
human life. Its action on the system is many
times like magic so instantaueous the pain in
gone at once.
For the almost miraculous extinction of pain,
no medicine was ever discovered equal to the Pain
Killer. It is used in certain cases externally and
internally, but never eternally, like too many prep
arations. Full directions accompany each bottle.
Ferry Davis' Pain Killer almost immediately
cures the following complaints, viz : Chill and
Fever, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhea, severe
Hums, Dyspepsia, Painters Cholic, Piles, Roils,
general Debility, Coughs, Headache, sudden Colds,
swelled JointsCramps and Spasms, Rheumatism,
Pains in the Rack and Side and various other
complaints, in fact it is a PAIN KILLER I ,
JYotlec to Ienl-r In lali Killer.
The name of Pain Killer belongs exclusively to
the Proprietor of the medicine. That right has
been recently sustained by a court of law, and
anv person found selling an article by that name,
and not of the manufacture of Perry Davis &
Son, will be prosecuted.
liewareof a " Pain Killer" manufactured by ono
Andrew J. White, Dull'alo, N. Y. It is a base coun
terfeit, and all other preparations In name of
"Pain Killer" that Is not manufactured by Perry
Davis (y Sons arc spurious compounds calculated
to deceive the people. Duv of regular agents, and
take none but Perry Davis' Puin Killer. You will
then get that which will give you every satisfac
tion desired.
CCP Principal office for the sale of the genuine
Perry Davis Pain Killer, iu the southern and west
ern "States, No. 7, CoMegc Duilding. Cincinnati,
Ohio. J. N. HARRIS CO., Proprietors.
Riinckerhoff& Fenton, Chicago, wholesale
Agents ; Ferry V Sons, Agents at Grand Haven;
W. G. Henry, Agent at Grand Rapids; also for
sale bv all principal dealers iu medicines through
the State. lynlOO.
Uncle Tom's Cabin Second Supply.
rpHE first was sold before I had time to a'ver
JL tisc it. A few copies of this wonder of the
world just received at the Mill Point Drug find Va
riety Store. Call quick if you want one they go
off "like hot cakes. L. M. S. Smith.
HKCKER'S FARINA, Pearl Rarlev,rearl Sago,
Tapioca and Arrow Root, at the Mill Point
Drugstore. . L. M.S. Smith.
Nov.2. . "2 J
1)ERFUMERY of all kinds Cologne, Day Rum,
Lubin Extract, Oil Lavender, Dcrgamot, Cin
namon, Cloves and Peppermint, Ox Marrow,
Rose, Dear and Amber Oil, to be found at
Ferry & Soxs.
JENNY LIN D and English Laid, Letter and
Cap Paper, large and common buff Euvcvcl
opes, white do., Steel Pens, Lead Pencils, Wafers,
Quills. Blank Books, Copy Books and Pocket Di
aries for 1853, at Ferry & Soxs.
TNSURANCE. Marine Insurance on cargoes
bound f or Dull'alo, can be obtained at the lowest
rates on application to Gilbert & Co.
Agents for the North-western Insurance Co.
WADE & Butcher's superior Razors, Magic
Strops, genuine military shaving soap and
lather brushes, at Ferry & Soxs.
BOOTS & SHOES, in great variety, including
Ladies Gaiters, half do., Polka Ties, Kid Ties
and Slips nt Ferry & Soxs.
KENTUCKY RIFLE,' V. and canister Pow
der, I. HH.. and No. 3 Shot. Bar Lead and
uu. lVrcussion Caps, at ierry & fcoxs.
"IKIMtV A- SONS, nironts for Railway's Ready
.1 Medicines, Wistar's Balsam Wild Cherry, Dr.
Guvsdtt's Yellow Dock and Sarsanarilla, Osgood's
India Cholagognc, Dr. Vaughn's Lithontriptic
Mixture, Phienix Bitters, Davis' Pain Killer,
VrtTwr r.vtnwt. l):ilWs Snlve. Serihner's Oak Oil.
Wright, Molfatt and Brandreth's Pills, together
with other patent mciucincs oi tnc uay.
DECEMBER is upon us with his icy fingers,
Gentlemen I provide yourselves for a cold
snap with one of those Petersham or Felt Over
coats that arc to be found at FERRY & SONS.
Notice to Contractors.
TITE will receive proposals till the first day of
March next, for the construction of two and
one half miles of Railroad, running from the bank
of Steam's Bayou, on See. 5, to the centre of See.
1(3, In T. 7 N. R. 15 W. The ground is favorable
and material very convenient.
Each proposal must be accompanied with the
name of at least one responsible person as surety
for performance of contract. Plans and specifica
tions may be seen at our office.
Grand Haven, Feb. 9, 1853.
Good Books.
" Give attendance to reading." St. Paul.
" Wisdom's trays are ways of pleasantness, and all
her paths are. paths of peace." Solomon.
Rev. Wm. C. Comfort has just received a choice
selection of Religions and Miscellaneous books,
which he will sell at New York Prices, at his resi
lience or on application in any part of his circuit.
All the Publications of the Methodist Book Con
cern furnished to order, and also the works of oth
er publishers which arc kept on sale at their con
cern, lie is also agent for the Methodist Quarter
ly Review, Christian Advocate and Journal, North
western Christian Advocate (of Chicago). Sundv
School Advocate, Missionary Advocate, Ladies'
Repository and National Magazine. 91
A new supply of Bibles and Testaments just re
ceived. Oct. 1853.
"VTOU can buy sixteen pounds of Sugar for one
X dollar, Tea for fifty cents per pound, as good
as is usually sold for seventy-five cents. Men's
Thick Boots for two dollars and most other goods
proportionally low. GILBERT & CO.
May 13, 1853.
('1 OLD and Silver Hunters' watehes.just receiv
TT ed by Wm.Prelsser.
OLD Ear-rings, Finger-rings, and Broaches,
just received by m. Preusser.
REVOLVERS and Powder-flasks for sale by
Wm. Trei'sser.
.INS, Bows, and Italian strings at
GROUND PEPPER and Pimento, by Ihc pound,
nnd warranted pure, at t lie Mill Point Varie
ty Store. Nov. 2(5. 72J L. M.S. Smith.
CASH will be paid for warranted No. 1 Shingles
by ltf Gilbert & Co.
ICELAND MOSS, a delightful medicine for the
sick, and makes delicious puddings for the
well, at tho drug store, Mill Point
Dee. 8. L. M.S. Smith.
QUGAR. A prime article at G M cents per
O pound. , H. Maktix.
. Grand Haven. July 1. 1S53.
I AM co'nti mildly manufacturing and have now
m hand ROOTS and SHOES made from the
best of Eastern Leather, which I will sell cheap
for cash. All kinds of work made to order. This
market has never been' furnished with a better
stock than I now have. Now, Ladies und Gents, if
you want yood work of a fancy or durable quality
cull at my shop before going elsewhere. My work
is warranted "not to rip." . H. Mekhill.
Grand Havcti, Dec.20, 1852.
I7MNE SHIRTS, Hickory and Flannel do., Knit
: Drawers and Shirts, Socks, at
Fkuuy & Sons.
SILVER, Plated, German Silver and metal
Spoons, Rodgers Son's celebrated tablo and
pocket Cutlery, ut Feuuy Sons.
LL persohs afo hereby notified that wc have
the largest etock of Goods ever brought into
tins market, and tuat we arc prepared to sen wan
the cheapest. FERRY & SONS.
LADIES ICome and see our Droche and Long
Shawls, and a superior article of Mutllers.
GLOVES ! GLOVES 1 ! Kid, Lisle Thread, Silk
and Woolen Gloves for Ladies and Gents., al
so children's Mittens to be found at
BALMEK'S Baking Powder, at Smith's, Mill
Point. J 72 J ,
JUSTICE'S GUIDE. Tiffany's Treatise on Jus
tice's Courts, adapted to the laws of Michigan.
A full supply of this popular work just received
from tho publisher. A remittance of $2,00, the
price of the work, will ensure a copy by return
mail, postage paid. Address or call at
Howe's Bookstore.
Grand Rapids, Mich.
IDEK VINEGAR, a superior article, for sale
by Gilbekt & Co.
DRIED APPLES", a superior article, for sale
cheap, at Gilbert & Co.
Large variety 6f buck and woolen Gloves and
Mittens for sale at i . &. &ons.
ATKINS & Co s. justly celebrated V, cut saws,
can be found, now for sale at F. & Soxs.
EXCELLENT SYRUP Just the article for buck
wheat cakes, for sale at Ferry & Soxs.
OXALIC Acid for removing ink stains and iron
rust from clothing, at the Mill Point Drug
Store. J12tf.
1)URE Port Wine and Cogiiiac Brandy, for me
dicinal purposes, for sale by
June 1, 185:2. Gilbert & Co.
MUFFLERS, Italian and fancy Cravats, In great
variety, at F. & Soxs.
riWO thousand cords of seasoned Pine and Oak
X Wood, delivered on the wharf, at our steam
mills for sale cheap, by
f5tf. Hopkins & BKotiIers.
Mill Point, August 1, 1851.
ING1IAMS, Prints, Shirtings, Delaines, Al
pacas and Thibet cloth, at Jjerry .Soxs.
ing remedy for coughs, colds, asthma, &c.
For sale by Gilbert & Co.
(1 OLD PENS for Sale at
X ?ri?nTJkSONS,
I ENGINE AND BOILER. Eighteen Horse Pow
Li er a good one for sale.
5tf.J Hopkins & Brothers.
ROOMS, by the dozen, or single for sale cheap,
by gilbert & co.
nPlIE heaviest assortment of ready made Cloth
JL ing, Flannel, Knit, Hickory and Fine Shirts
brought into Grand Haven, can be found nt
Ferry & Soxs.
TTISTAR'S Balsam of Wild Cherry for diseases
T T of the lungs nt jerry & boss.
R. S. Sawyer's Fluid Extract of bark, a cure for
the Fever & Ague, at Ferry & Soxs.
L.JL X L XX XX man's Anodyne and
Homcepnthlc vials, at the Drugstore.
Nov. 'JO. f 72J L. M. S. Smith.
TOINER'S TOOLS such as Chisels, Squares,
Hammers, Hatchets, Adzs, Augers, Gimlets,
Hand and Back Saws, Chalk Lines and Screw
Drivor.4, at Ferry tf- Soxs.
HO ! ye Wood Choppers ! Turn In to Ferry &
Sons store and provide yourselves with nn
Ax Hunt's, Simmon's, Waters. Davis' or Cook &
Gunn's, as will suit your taste ; Turned, and Stone
burner's Delves also to be found there.
IGARS! "Jenny Lind" and the "LonoStar"
brand of Cigars to be found for sale at
1 PULVERISED Flax seed and Slippery Elm, at
. the Diugstorc, Mill Point.
Nov.2(. 7i2j L. M.S.Smith.
I CAN supply country merchants nnd others
with Epsom nnd Glauber Salts, Sal Soda, Whi
ting, Chalk, &e., in quantities and ot prices to suit.
Mill Point, Nov. 2(5, 72J L. M. S. Smith.
I CARBONATE of SODA, and Cream Tartar,
by the quantity at the drug store, Mill Point.
Dec. 8. L.SJSmitii.
S TAMPEDE MIXTURE. For the cure of Fever
and Ague. A cure warranted or the money
refunded. For sale by
Gilbert & Co.
MAYNARD & Noycs, & Davis & Blacks, superior
writing ink for sale nt Ferry & Soxs.
SUGARS, Teas and best Rio Coffee, In great
ubundancc.now offered for sale at
Ferry & Soxs.
Lumber, Shingles and Lath.
WANTED A quantity of good Pine Lumber,
Shingles and Lath, for which a fair ad
vance will be given bv the subscriber.
Grand Haven, Jan. 21, 1853.
RIED Apples, just received from Ohio, at
Fe r r y &S o x s .
1 XTARNICK & BRYAN S celebrated James River
V V chewing tobacco, by tho pound, paper, nnd
cans, lor sale nt J'Erry & irox8.
ICngnl Old Hags ft Clcnn lings! It
4 NY quantity of Clean Paper Rags wanted nt
1. this office. Subscriptions to the "Times"
may be paid in Rags, nnd Rags will pay for our
money, therefore, produce the Hags.
September 29, 1852.
O ODA, Boston nnd common Crackers, fresh
kj irom mu niiKcry, ui xjukhi w ciuaj,
TTOUSEKEEPERS! Ferry & Sons have everv
XX thing in your line : Iceland Moss, Tapioca
and Farina for puddings, Rice and Pearl Barley
for Soups Cream Tartar, Sup. Carb. Soda, Arrow
Root, Anise-sccd, Caraway-seed, Cloves and Nut
SILVER Spoons, a large assortment nt
Wm. Preiser's, Grand Rapids.
ANARY SEED for sale at the drug and vari
ety store, Mill Point. . L. M. S. Smith.
LANKS. Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds. Marriage
..-.:.'..... e... i'... v- ....i.. ...t i-
Wl lliumis, ttA-., VWi X OI Mill' hi mis oiucc.
. It. Ha H.
Radway'i Ready Remedies
The use if uliich will in all cases
Instantly top pain, quickly cure diseases and al
ways prevent sicuness.
KADWAY'S READY RELIEF, internal and ex
ternal, the moment it is applied it will relieve tho
sufferer from the ltiot torturing rain.,
Its Primary action is to allay Pain to neutral
ize tho effects of a diseased action for if there
was no cause there would be no effects, no discus
ed deposits or unhealthy irritations, there would
be no pain. . . .
Its secondary action is to remove the cause it
self and to relievo tho system from all foreign
matters, and entirely euro all complaints herein
EXTERNAL PAINS The moment It is applied
externally, it stops all pain. . ,
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago,
Tic Doloreux, Gout, Sprains and Strains,
Distorted Limbs. Paralysis, feuk uccaauiie,
. Painful Swellings,
Diarrhced, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera, Chills and Fever, Pains In the Bowels,
Cramps and Spasms.
A few drops of Railway's Ready Relief will in
stantly allay the most violent irritations, cleanse
the stomach from acid, check the most distressing
discharges, enliven and invigorato with warmth,
strengthen and Vigor the cold cramped and shriv
eled extremities, and protect the system from ull
miasmetic and epidemic poisons. .
R. R. Relief will stop tho most distressing sick
Headache in a few minutes. '
R. R. Relief will instantly relieve the suflercr
from the most excruciating paroxysms of Neural
Is one of tho most important discoveries In med
ical science, no sooner are they applied to the
painful parts, or taken into the system afllietcd
with disease, than tlfcy telegraph their pain re
lieving and health restoring influences to all parts
of the diseased body.
They are prepared from the active properties of
Medicals. Nothing inert or useless enters their
Are prepared from the active principle of Medi
cinal Gums, Roots, Herbs, Plants and Balsams.
So that one R. R. Regulator is eqfial in point of
power to four or five of common cathartic or veg
etable pills.
They arc mild and pleasant In their operation,
regulating the action of the bowels, liver, skin and
all other organs. Ladies will find Railway's Ready
Regulators a friendly regulator of the female sys
tem. .
A popular gentleman in this city, well known to
druggists thioughout the United States, had not
enjoyed the luxury of a natural discharge from
the bowels for twenty-five years without the aid of
drastic purgatives, which had almost borne him to
the grave, until he commenced the use of Rail
way's Regulators. He first took four per day for
a week, then one every day until tho whole organ
ization became regulated. He has now his regu
lar evacuations, nnd has not taken a particle of
medicine for six months.
Purifies, Renovates and Resolves.
The moment the powerful Itcnovntor of the
Blood, and Resolver of disease is taken into the
body, it commences its work Of cleansing and pu
rification. Bones that arc rotten with poisonous nnd diseas
ed deposits, arc made sound and whole by its ac
tion. ' .
Blood that has become impregnated with cor
rupt humors and Voisonousiulmixturcs,is quickly
cleansed and purified, nnd made clean and healthy.
Organs that havo been deranged and prostrated,
nnd rendered rncnpaiue of performing their natu
ral functions, arc suddenly invigorated, strength
ened, and enabled to perform their natural duties.
Every organ nnd member of the body; it makes
sound, healthy and strong nil weak, diseased and
unsound parts,
In male or female Is quickly cured, and the debili
tated and emaciated made strong, vigorous and
healthy. Impotence nnd nocturnal emissions in
men, or diseases of either one or more of the gen
erative organs, is quickly removed, nnd the body
restored to a healthy nnd sound condition.
In WOMEN, the numerous complaints nnd nil-
ments which cast such gloom over their spirits, a
few doses of the Renovating Resolvent will quick
ly remove the most nervous, gloomy and depress
ed, feel healthy,' strong nnd happy.
The most obstinate case of Salt Rheum will
quickly yield to the Renovating Resolvent. One
gentleman who supposed that ins complaint was
hereditary in his family, and had been afflicted with
Salt Rheum since his birth, was cured by tho use
of a few bottles of the Renovating Resolvent, and
the poisonous Rheum entirely eradicated Irom his
fSCKUl' l IAM UIMiA',,
Diseases that have been lingering In the system
for five, ten or twenty years, where the human
body itself is part, and parcel of diseased matter,
where the bones have become soft nnd carious,
causing the ends of them to ulcerate. Where
Nodes, Bronchital Swellings, Tumors, Ulcers and
Cancers afflict the system where Syphilis In its
many forms, like a leprosy burns within the hu
man body, spreading its poisonous flame to every
organ of the system.
speedily resolved away all corrupt nnd poisonous
material, renovated the system, purified the blood,
nnd built up a new body with new and healthy
sold by Druggists generally.
R. R. R. Office, 102 Fulton street. New York.
N. D. Look for the signature of Radwny & Co.,
on each bottle.
Sold ly Ferry & Soxs, Grand Haven.
Johx Kexdai L.Tallmadgis
. Boots and Shoes.
1TAKK this opportunity of tendering my thanks
to the public for their liberal patronage the past
year and trust I shall continue to merit their fa
vor. I have just received my fall and winter stock of
Leather; comprising French Calf Skins. Philadel
phia and Koanoko Kin, Spanish Sole ank oak tan
ned leather, and English Beud. I um now manu
facturing nil kinds of work In my line, such ns
mens' Dress Boots of the latest style, ladies' wear
of all kinds. Gents., jf you want boots In tho
height of fashion mado of substantial material
call and see mine, and buy CHEAP FOR CASH.
Grand Haven, Dec. !.'(), 185ii. . .11.. Merrill.
TOPS at the Mill Point Drug Store" "
L. M. s. smith. ,

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