Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XXVIII.___ RICHMOND. VIRGINIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25. 1812 - 126 IIV ALBXA1VDKR NOIELKY. TERMI. IVMCIlfTtON to lUo DAILY Wlltfl to (my Hubert oe*t •.<« veer, aud lor a «d»>rt*r period, at Itir rata of §10 • /car. both payable In advance. WUu avid by mall 610 AoVutTMIKU—F**r one aqoarc of fifteen hue* (or la«a) ••• WMimon, fg coma;two Insertion* ti I2|: this* ineer %'1’* **v*r Y auccackling nurnlo-v U cants. Tbrlcq a week, locauta for ea.:< lui*tu*>n. .. . Tw coa vreok, Cx*t inaerUon 75 cent*; every a«icceailln| bUffUon U) ceuta. ' Otic# a werk, first kneertloo 76 cents;ovary neewdinr la«onl >ii AOcenia. Tianaiem «>d«urt‘arra uuut par to advance. ■ he of insertions of Advr>rii<*cuanta must l t* aotekl on the Mg., or they will be tiMvrtOkl until ordered to bo s:*h ;>s«1, sikI chargedace unit ugly. my-UiJ« r« to atop n ut aiao bo In wruing. Anunal Advertise re are charged 66^ (or twoaimarca, and la that proportion for ailvertweuronts of givaicr laugtli. oa •opt Aurrtoneora and Lottery dealer*, who are charge <1 •luk (paper Inc hided.) JCT-Tlre COUNTRY WHIG la nulUthed twice a week, «To« ««tay* and Friday*,) at tve doflar a pot anmnn, iwyalde la advance. FOR AliVEfll I^hNG- 76 cunta a aquaie, (or leaa,) for t*»e ft rut Insertion, and 5ti rents forearli rotitinuance. BUSINESS CARDS. IlKOkVN & TAYLOR, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Richmond, Va. I.UDWKLI. II BUOVVN, BD-VIN \|. TAYLOR. JO- Oflkc on the South aide of liie Baal i. ftu.liiii.jiit, Aug. 1. 1812. au R JAMER EVANS, llir.A luura above tho eoriMt leading 10 Mayn’e llrblge, M.ln .treol, he. on hand a com uni supply of Ibe iww f.*bloUAbie CIIOCKKRIT, CHINA. PLAIN AND CUT GLASS, Fancy Hardware, Cutlery, Plated tod Britannia flood a; WUl mid Mahogany Framed Manu l, Flcv aod Toilet LOUKINfWiLAHKF.S: A*TRaL MANTKI. AMI *TaM> lamp*. Lband. Hera lor f.'linrchra and other Puhlio Ihiildmg*,*lahriia and lltranitol**.. and a very f^uerfliuvri iin-ul of tlou,e-K ootMtif and I anry Aruelea. if!’! and Mj'.og.itiv Portiait Fraioc. made at abort uoflcc, and looking Ultw rlatra fuiulatied ol every alee. hY" Ho la determined to ael| at a advance above the linporhnv pure, and e iri.e.tly invttn III. customer. to give bhn a call before rmrchiudrig elsewhere. i. IT WILLIAM U. HUTLEN, IMPORTER OF VUI.WA GLASS ASH QUEERS WARE, MAIN ,TREAT, _3 door, above the Bell Tavern. PEYTON JtilINHTON, "* APOTHECARY A .V l) HRLUOlST, rocctaioa to __ LVill.L. II*IIN*1<)\ A LVI.1.1 SMlTli, UltlNKKll A MOllHIM, ~ LATE SMITH U PALMER, At their Old Stand, Eor Main Street, Marrkt Bridoc. Bot.kaellera, Stoilouera, Healer, m Huale and .Musical In auniiiirnia. tO- Blank Hooka mamifaelured lo any given pattern. And every variety of Binding careulcd in tho belt man* n"r_da 0 COMMISSION BUSINESS. TbU will inform the piddle, that I shall devote the whole of inv attention lo the RAl.KS OF Al.l. KIND* OF PRODUCE. fCY” Office oppoaite Ibe Reran Tavern • 10 u H M l»ANI>RII>rjK. THOMAS I* O K, •UIUL COMMISSION MERCHANT, WIM atfcnd la tiki of rt sir, MoUiici Ant Tobacco, an-l mil other Articles entrusted folds cere. lUfAdvanrcs made on cnnsiennient* tu II A I, KXAlfuBU OUT At, & CO., i -Ipolheenriel and Druggiltt, Mdn street, on the Ituna of the Eagle Hotel. “UAVESiPORT ft ALLEN, A UCTIONEERS * COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner of D and lath Streets, Alien l to sales of all desctlptionsof property,anJ make advances on consignments. J E WATKINS It CO, fashionAiu.K hoot ami fihif. healer*. Opposite tlie H iiine of E««le Hotel VIRGIN IA CLOTHING MORE, ■T HOOPER & GRAFF, Neatly opposite the IJeM Tevern. BOLTOX & HARRISON, DRUtiUlSTS A.YI) APOTHECARIES, Corner alwiTe the Banks. GRKTTER It PEAKE, DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS Five deers helow the Hell Tavern. R U DU VAU DRUGGIST AND APf Til EC A R V, Corner below the Rinks. P. H. TA VLOIt. MUSIC STORE, Oppositetho Ranks. J W RANDOLPH N. LO, ‘ BOOKHELLEilN A N It HOOK I1IN PBltd, Main street, Rlclituninl. ' WAId.ItK ftTiioIisos. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, H street, Shari,,- II.U, hTUfOUee, llr»t corner beow the ItepoL_ ^STARK in CO., " Dtdtrt in Ready Made Clothing, __Opposite Eictmnco Hotel. 01,0 UUAlMOM ChUTIHAU RTUlilt, BT J. BRANNAN & CO, Next In the Franklin Hotel. THOMAS TIfKinK, l.nparter anil M inulacturer of OliN*. RIFLE*. PI*T<Hat ANl) FoWLINO TACKI.H Mam street. Richmond. Vo. f»7iuTliYinijton & co.. Wholesale an I KstJll Healers In Uools, ifhoea, Trunks, Lestliei, I’,per. Carpet U,y>. Ace. Ac. Ms •i»i.>n lion r, llichiDon<l, Vit. W ILL! A iVl (iOR DON] COM VISSIU.Y ME R CHAMT, mn ottlee on t.'ary Ft reef. " J It. t:lJ N \ I Nt.llVM, Cry Good* Metchini, neii doer above Mr Win. Mitchell’s Jewelry Fiore, Main Htrcui. TjU DA onM VER9 & COY, Wordcaale and Iteisil Healers In Hon.a, Fines, Travelling Trunks, Fat pet Bays, Vslieers, Ac., Main street, Kiehmond, Vs. J V Vi /Li S A. I’A TIK.V O N , COMMISSION .MERCHANT, RICH MONO. VIRGINIA. WILL glye prompt attention to sales ulsil kinds of Pm* d ice and Merchandise convened tu Ids e ire Ftoro on Cary ..(reel, adjoining Merer*. Caperlun A Crump, net 14 INLOBS BUUTHBK, Aurtlonaerc and Lninmna on Merchant*, M«in atracf, op. ignite llie Dell Tavern, xttcn ! to s«»r« ol Properly and Mere hum I iz^ of ovary dearrt|*lion. Advances made «>o consignment a_no 8 RlcflMON 1*. FUKUKUICKrthUR.I AMI) ru i oMa< KAII. KOAl> NORTHKUN ANl> MUJTlir.nN LIKH U R E. I TL Y ItfCREAS E I) E XPE 1)1 TtOSf! 'pllK public ar« roapciUfutly informed, ibat with lha view I. of enabling Trav-ll-rs io»<kn advinugeof tho new null •mngamont north of Washington, ao aa to rear!) PhiliialphU o.i the mebtoftbe diy on which they leavo Richmond, tho aar* will, on and after this date, leavo tlio Depot at It tali mmol at t| A M. Travellers leaving at tfiia hour, reach Washington by P M, Baltimore at 6 I* M. l'tiila.1*l{ihU In Ih* tours# n| the night, an I N-w York early tho n*»il day, making tho trip touwaen Ricfimoo *and Philxletphia In 22, and between Itirhmond and New York In Si hours. Arriving in U iHimnrr 21 Hiurs in odriner of posse n g*re Ay /Av /2»e#r and fl ly Boats, nml in A>if York t 4#ff to Big Hours before tHete but Trash Italttmnro.^ 'I Hi )M Ail HJl.AfiI*, in 9ft Riiperlnien iinr Transportation GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION IIOI’XR. rpilK autonrlhere Siam .-wiit.i ttie.waetvea together A under the f rm of Waller * Tiioniaon, fir the pur poae nflranmctlng a fleneral Cin-n-aal.m Htttm'aa. Having been long engaged la Mercbandl.e, and under Minding the general routine of huMneae well, (beg can with e null detire offer their eervleeiloiheir frtenda and the nub ile at large. They mean to heatnw tlielr peraonal and un divided attendee in the aale of every article en rnatod to llthlr car*, and in ■*( respectfully eollell a .bare of public patronage, eepoelallv In die vein of corn, wheat and tobac e*»; aeaurmgtnelr Irlandatbat nothing will be left undone, which human energy, alclll and Intngrlty can arooinpltah, In obtaining the high eat price* hr their produce end mak Inf punctual return. for the mat. BJr- Office (Iret corner below the Depot. U»OAW WaI.I.ER, WK B. TtlOMflON. They nvwt reopoctfully offer the following iinemiMii RirAmvnd,—Meaar* Kent, Kendall A ttwa’rr, and ffapt. n-tij. HheppirJ. C!hnrloUrt*tUt,—Allan It Mr-tlruder, B«i Seoltivlll*,—Meaara Hta|kea, Tyler A t'o. I.aunn, — Merorg Uuarlea Ar Kent, end 1 M Higt-y, Bap Amrlln, — MetaraJ T Jeter ff I'd PTuronon,- M-aara Hl,ap. bertla f Lfathtoltf.--John M Kneed ant Willtam M Hutton, E*ja- #Vl*'l*b*«'#,-(ltlwlel Jolmaon ami Alexander Walker, Etta. f Jr nave, Meaara Knee t A T i eon am AwAaeaf, — W.n M vv.fl -r, R,t| ftaraffn#,— fiapt. ft .diet! O. Holton, Dtnlel Dalarnell amt William W. Tennint, K«qa. Ihar tfidmaa —flen. Philip Aflrp.and Hint Chart", II. Braaton md/ro'naAurg,—Dr. Robert P .Walter, and Meaar. W W Ve,.t*,io an 19 letf ‘ 7. BttANNAN k CO’S Of.W DDKIItllll CI.OTHINO ITftHIt, A>t|oinine John Kar'ey’e tlniofl Coffee Motive, nod K. it. Jen kina’ Dry Qoode Store, Main at. WR would embraoo tbla ant .ortlM tty and inethndol making It known lolbnctlMleiia of Rlchuinn-I. It* vl rtnltv and the Htate, tfiatwe ronwantlg keep on hand noth in* of *11 kind, and more eapar.lally for the current an.I ap proaching aeaaona, winch wn will veilat reduced price* for oa*h. We rogpeoifulty Inalle all to cull and Inepect our •lock, whether Urn* went the good* or not. All *oo hraobt hr n* that or* not pjeaeo la every reaper t, meg be returned and the money refunded All go.tda warranted._tf V K It V eiPBRHIIl 01,1. WINK* •in PIPKH, t|T caaka and half qr eaake “ Newton, Oor aIt J .ton Murdock * «'o » n-o-.t old Madeira vt me a portion of the vintage of l«lk, imported direct Iron* Ma delta III qr caaka fomar'a Ane ol!HI,errr, Palo and brown, ffnreato lip I R THtriT.rr * HOW A M.W Alt I ICl.K -KI.Ksll IlKNOVA’i i,KN. F'Wai.lHII llalr filovec and Httapa, an art'eln wiitel,, on i account of thalr duraMflig and • Air leneg, are faet an peraedtng the eomumvi F eah Aru-h Another lot Ina* re* eelred and f r aale. B’tl.TuN A IIARRIHON, no » Corner above the lukl. NOTH'!•:. - ■ The Pnwhalan Rum Packet A fuu.peny In coonertwu wiib CT'r in I o’ r^r * * ,-°re,e line from Halil m "r l» Philadelphia, will lake pl.« f... (1C. " P*a.«»»e.s UvioiigU lo Pl.lia.fct. „ *’“**.“*‘‘7 lo*,lni place lo the sicvun-r Hulutabue, on Wofc., i,, .cn,.., „ iUu*. |.,ek.w.llairi*e In Pula delpl.l* uu Il.o following M,i,inlay ,» truing. »« >3 I.DUI.AM PRESTON A «». Agent*. FOR BOSTON. Iffll The NORTH HTAH, Capt Ntikervoa, new load CUD hig and tievlpg c.inat feral.In engage.I will here nil ai p""uJr.,,«j!11, , fw I might o* passage epady ua (award • I riciirll | \\ JiAlf t»r to _ iiu *_ im rwm> t eon, Foil I’l II Li A OKI,PI 11 A, ’r* TMK regular packet anhr I.AUUANtiR. T P Crowell, roajlnr, haring pari of her cargo . ..rag'd, will have despatch. Tor fivt.hi of the bil.iiee, or pas^re. apply on board at l.e.irr's vahall to _ JtME* FISHER A i-ON, or "<• do_WM ROWl.ETT. Foil BALTIMORE. * w[we The ael.r AMANDA, Capt Travel a, now loading, tlHl will hare • lapalch. For freight or laa.age, apply ^*.<w board, or to | J2JL__ _ Jab fiaher a min. KJS LONDON, (7*e l oad ml Bermuda Hundred,) JSFv The A I coppered brig CAHTIfAUE, Captain a|XW Knipp. bavmg half her rargoready, aha will bo off without dt lay. Ful fieighr. apply to reW_CHARLES PALMER. FOll blVAHI'OUb. fffJC The A. 1 II triple HBNKKAl. WILl itlllRE. M/fr Nickels. maa'cr.uow lying al llimdroda. Jtinlafvt f. sigtn. apply lo Maawe I Ti .ae*, at Merer* hF.KK, CAHKIK A CO’S. FOR SALK, Liverpool fine seek Hall, landing from the et.jve ship, in: Iff If uyt FOR NKW TORK, il.» regttlar)packet hr?t 1 ael.r T V st V \ II ty It A , Smack, nuater, ■ having a part ol ber cargo . ogage f, and will meet with diapalch F"i l.ellaacacf freight and pae**ge, having gojil aeconimntlaiwna, a 'ply lo 'he uM**«r »n h-er.l. al Ludlaia'a whai I',or lo WILLIAM ROWLETT, u. II ISt FOll PHIL A DELPHI A. wnre The regular parkei »ehr II a Kill KT. Capt Hand, "■>» ready to load, will have all possible diapalch. For ft eight cr passage apply on board at l.eaier'a Wharf,to Jan KISIII.R A SDN, no k Or WM RoW'I.EfT. FOR POR 1‘S.MOU FH, ( N H.)OR porF~ LAND, (\lain«) yfK Tin* *<*!ir AMEI.I Kn»by, nuatrrji now r uly >|»I1 to r« ctive fio ^hifor cWier of ih«? above (>i«ccf. Apply to master on board, or to boo RANKIN A WHITLOCK. FOll NE IV YORK., f The tegular pmckrl ael.r RICHMOND, Chej NfT JfY'er. inaater, having a pan of her cargo engaged, JHBMfcaii I wl I meet w i:> dirpalch For l«laure ol freight and passage. Lay cj goo t aeeotnniodatlona, apply to the master on board at Ludlam’r Wharf, or to no 7 —IV___WILLIAM ROWLETT. FOll ThE DISTRICT, (By way uf Norfolk ) The packet achr ELIZA ANN,Thomas, mil' r-t r jt> ‘er. l.av ng a pari ef hot esign engaged, and XaSflfcvrtll meet with dispatch. For balance ol Height, of 30« tibia flam, apply lo no 7 7. WM. ROWLETT. FOR PHILADELPHIA. rtTTC The regular ivaekei aehl L'NION,Page Crowell, (Fill Maaier, litving pan ol her carao engaged, will l.avo w i.Tlr. dirpalch. Apply ou l- ard al Le-icr's Wharf,or to Jai* A SUN, or no 3WM ROWLETT f OK IRKS I l IN, jrUy The Hue new hiig VULTURE.Cgpt Walker, now loading, will liavo all nostible diapair ii For freight ' ' or pi»apply on b >ar I ■( Ficken’a wharf. JAMES FISHER A SUN. FOR NEWBURYPORT OR PORTSMOUTH, aShK The fine achr EaOLE, Captain Yealon, now aJ»B B rca Ir to load, will lake freighi lor etilicr port.— Apply to nill J FISHER A BON FOR CHARTER. _a I a The new copper faa'cned Urlt JEFFERSON, Jfj H Dyrr, meeicr. will earry ehoni 18 »i bbla dour, \Am£L now at Rocketla, ready lo receive a reran Apply m oe27 CHARLES I'Al.MER. FOR NEW YORK. fgpi The packrl eehr .NASSAU. Capt 8am”. Hear inSa born, now loadliif and bating conaiderablo rn ■ raged, will liave ditpairh. For freight or paaiwge, apply on board at LudUin'a Wharf, nrto no I”_JaS FlnllKR A BON. FOR CHARLES TON or SAVANNAH. rfje The flr.o artir ItEUWINfl, Sleeper, tnaater, iHI R having a part of her Cargo engage i, wi!l have dev *•—■ patch for either of the ahovo Apply to utaMrroii boayil, or to ItANKIN* WHITLOCK. Bo 19 _ ~~ NOTICE. umt after the 35c h of April, our triweekly lute of Koala to ijMtthburg, will leave Kiclmun 1 amt Lynch burg on M m«u9 Weihiotday soil Friday, at 8 o’clock, A. M. by fb,M«rr«(tgQmcnt. wearc env te-J lo* lion wiili the Western Htaxc* out ol Lynchburg. Our HcottsviUc kl->4ta will run 4« usual on Mon Uy, We Uiesifay uni Fritlav cvsni.ig •» < P. M. A* to ttte imh*«. nience ami expc'lilion by tTiis m«i(o over all other# going West from Riemnon l or the vicinity, wc Mhali not say any thing, but refer px»a*‘ngeia sn«lothers to t!lose who have travH'ed on our Boats ■i»2J~tf boyd. rdmomia davenport. fOg R KM', The comfortable an<l tuium lions Dwe on Main 5'reet.At pirsent occupied by David Bar. Apply 10 no lo grettera prarr. FOR KENT. Anew Uii.'lt Ifnuan wph 0 room,, en Union Hill. Apppiy a! ILe b:nr« of BAKER * THORNTON. ji 9 If FOR RE.NT\ And possession Riven on tlie lil January next, v. n.ien tenement m ar the Pciillentiary, ■ he occupancy of Mr A J Kuhn. For e., apply la il * nl.tGTT. Fok rk n t, MTIist cottas* real ienro situated on If, near 3rd *trret A vary desirable lealdence for a genteel family — Pour,»b>o given iaimedtately. For icriua, etc. apply to tin* 3—I fTHOM Ad POE. IfOK KI'.N I , MThe llouaeon Main direct at preaent occupied by Orrm A Morllng. P iaaeaaiou given on Hie 25th October. WASHINGTON GRBENIIOW. ap 27 2a«ta FOR-HUNT, MAnd pna»e»«ion givpn Imnirdialnly, llir Rooms over Hip atnre of ibe anbacribrr—lliey aro in good order, an J well suited lor a email family.— Apply lo WADE XV. WUOI.DMIUUB. oc 3__ 3 doors below ths Bell. FOR RENT VERY LOVVT IM Two large llo-mialu the M'l.euco lluitding—Ihc Rolun la. undone room in Ibe upper Mmy —aui table for Printing Ofil -.on, Binder,,, and rariotia purpura. Enquire Al this Office. in 29 if STORE FOR RENT, MThe eligible Htorr nriitoPlI Taylor'a Music More. Furlnrms, apply to rHTATt0m FOR RENT, r|HIR l.oute lately occupied by the euhgertber at a Oro 1 reiy Btoie, lor which rurpose the Ilonas la well ar ranged—Is alao well situated for any mail bilalneas For leruia, apply lo_oe 21 __\V M IIAUUIBON. f aNTiINO Iruin achr l( »e, Capt. Pncocker— I J Ml hid* Apples, oifT-renl kind II firkins Uoahen lluller 19 casks Cheese son hnahcla Mereer Potatoes J5 bile# prime Hay, all el which will be sold low. If taken from the ve-eei, at Picked', wharf. O I J.AHF.d PIBHP.R A TON rA 1*1 K* el I'l.Hl'Ml C vlllll III It IIP - We ' .V.. . i .| J openn I a M of t te abort- very superior flatter Hoots, of die latest fashion,which we will sell low for csali illIIAII MYK.RB A CO. oc. 15 fsahlonablc and cheap Root an t Bhnn It. tiers. TH K BXPKCTA'ST.T'Noral by MlraV. I a sulhor of Nan Dari ell, Q tlct Husband, Ac., juu rub llahad, for sale. oc. If! BMITII, DRINKF.R A MORRIH NEW AND CHEAP CLOTHING. KKKA A CO. sre now npenlnt «n lerolc.a per Man chester, and taresinboaf Columbus; einoce whlolt are the foil twin* floods, via: Hearct o*cr and Ftock Coats Flushing do do Pilot Cloth and Asphalunn *|o PANTS, PANTS, PANTS. 150 pair superior Bs'tlnef, cheap !*" do No 3 ,lo do 99*1 do lilack sn I Fancy Ca*vimere do VESTS, VESTS. A scry latgo and complete asaorintenl of sea»on,ble Vesta, or Mcttno. Caahmeret, snpetHoe li'a-k French Casdinsr, black Bilk and Batin do, Velvet do, Ac. The largest aasirtmcnt of Rhirle and Drawers Bratfa. Cravats, Half Hove, fllores, Suspenders N II Take partientar notice, H >ys' CMhlng in great vsrlcly, all of which Is entirely naw,_ov id KKBN A c«. ' ] 11 >' •'HIKMD'R mill, 1*1 I I The Tsak and other Poems, by Wot. Cowper, with engravings l.y t'l.tncy, Cushman, Ac, from lb swings by John (lilbort, elegantly bound, fay sate. »« I"_BMiril, DRINK F.R * MORRIS. ( MVITKid < KmRK.IIN V l INTIII V Wam/'NC, on VynKI.RCr Mini F.I.I.ANV OF Iff I. TKRA IIIRK OK URK AT BRITAIN -The Beptewiher and October Nos received at the Hook-tare of Bend A Drink It A Morris Thla work Is leaned monthly, wdh an,-erh »*»TiboIi'i«tiinPnt« — Tikr 9 a y**f. « o«*f |Q (UltRlIlKI, CAMCORM, /"IAI.IOOKb, assorted r) '*lltle a and patterns, avery arga sod Complete aamrttneal—Ju«t opened sn l for eila kl te.bK-.edprices, at J H CHNMNflHAM'B '>f 17 _ Cheap Caa', Dry il m,i, Karl, CHANDELIERS. f HAVP. received anma heandful Chao.le'lara aultal le I for Churches and o her public hull im*a. and wilt sell tlwm low «*e 14 Jan RVaNB, Main at. 8ACR SALT. TEA, CHEESE, fce. RBCfllVINO pas the eeSooner Rlchmo-.d, and dally si. peeisd by IM Csilietlt.e Wileos, from New York 3»v>rk* flus Bak IW to |E>»1 pounds of rioaheo Cheese Rice,(Jmi|>owdcr Tea, AI.rv.n t«, n >n and Applca, far sale low RORF.R r llll.l, no 2 At ._Main arceef, A PPI.Rt ANDIIK.HRINtm >11 I Andes' and .*• Z labrador Herring*, 'nst recetyad and for sale from hoard the BohrUqlon, Capl Paine, at Pl-ketf. Wharf. •• » JAR riSURR A BON RIl'HMONO, KRR|)KRI( KHIIIfRU AM) POTOMAC RAIL-HOAU. C*mpUtt»n ,fiK« *»„.» „ Atfua Crti 'T'llE Hi • norm rrcilcrl'kaLuit and l*otnioie Kt I Rna.t k. < otiq'aiiy l<o>rt>y aniirxiner ttM'ili* Uj.I Hal will he *••** irantponation in krqUl. Creek on Tl.ure.ler. ihe iriti maCetit,*iiiao«! after which «Ut*- iha ara^.ua wiliccan. canra>e*l whole dfUMi I eiwcen ■ ' htnoml an Ws.Mo,fr>o,at all seasons of the yaar. by Ru'lluK iMml 8.* <iub>a:a, (ihr Staasnhoftl Coitpsity beirt provnled with oJfccJire <e« t«,a/a to Lttu open IV '•aruutt n da. in ( Me hardtot tttahtr in »ei nfti %> |. *v »ug lit. but ml at 6 A M. preeue jr, instead of «| is tero'c. l*ro. ami rrurKtni tn V u»<i Hu t.mote in la bun, or iliim iliao it I unit la adnuct ol lltfl llm r ami IUf Uot l. Instead »f i*yiu« ihdr fare a* lo Fredericks p»iif o ijr, art I afterwards mi board the Potomac Steam SSJ! lake tick, u at tli< Kail Ho*’! Office boil 11 or Wa«hinct<>n *ud Baltimore. The lata In tills way will be lean than ii pei J separately vo dif lereui p»ni ms olthe ro«t*o. Whoi« farcti« W«'iin|hn.,.....10 lb to HaUluurie* .. !>• t • Philadelphia tby Perk * Lore*• 1*104 ortho altcrnm. u rsl* ros<J hue fmtn fUtfimore).tl2 No cltarie for etdtdren under 3 yeara of ate; others. ua« jrlce ,e*n °( H#f ttMli Pflcc* hall .c „ THOMAS SHARP. no 8o|ierlnteo<leot of Tran5|.ortaaon. KiniUO.NI).PRRDtVICKHWIRfl AND POTOMAC ANU >4>|i|KA KAll. ROA1M CHANGE OF HOURS. 0N *5'lln*r ,hl." hour Of Icavln* for lire North V > anil WcM, will to rto’clrrk. A M. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. Alnd Tram for f\rtlrrirkobur g I .rivet daily at..........6 A M. Arlive* daily at.... ........t* P m! Mail Train for ChurlotlenUU, awl f.jnch burg. Lcaveididy at. A m. Arrive* dany p M. FARE. Fare lo Iti! luiorr................tlO 00 Fare iw Waat-iDAtou................ ........RIO Fart to Fredrr*e»«tmrf.. .....5 00 Farr to Kharlutlrtville...............6 tO Fare to l.jttcliour*..,.7 00 TIIO'i* Alt A IIP. no o tSapcriutei.dentof TrauaportAtioa LOUISA HAIL-ROAD. LINES TO CharlollctclUt, Staunton, Lynckburg and tki Vir etuis Springs. PARE TO LYNCHBURG REDUCED TO &7. NIOUTTRA VRLUKO A VOIDED-ANDOREAT. T__ L v INCREASED EXPEDITION. UK public ire hereby mf"t *u.*i (tint uudrr in arrani.. •nmt between the Bathos I Company nod Kt*go Line, (he I axe from Richmond to Lynchburg, will be 87—and to CharloBcsvdie lO Tavsengera leaving Richmond hv the Railroad, at 6 A. M , reach Che Junction to breakfast, and thence proceed together with passenger* at the J jutP-n fr«.in the Noith,on it.o Louies KaisiNx*! to ti jrJontvil^, and Uxenco, n-aetuiig CuarlotfesvUle hv i 1 M, and Cocke's (13uiiles We«t] by night. Leave Cocke's neat morning by day light, cross tlxc blue RMf« at sunrise, and arrive at ftcaunion by 10 A M. The O or an lone Uur la ives H a union at 11 A M, reaches i * *•/ night,ami there neat morning at avdight, reaches the Wir.n ripring* to breakfast, and t-aUaafuxrsi.. Dmner, sn Ipasslnz the White rftlphur at D I* M. arrives at Lewisburg by 7 I* M. on the 3 i dav.j* hours sooner than tht route by Lynchburg. The w!iota egpriisc U le-s, and one trip in the week is tito daya sootier. Tt.u Natural llri lge Line, leaves ftttnntnn on Tuc-s lays, Thursdays and Saturday a, (on the ail emu to days, ex tras will b«: furnished) si II a M, rr xct.cs Lexington by mght. Leave nett umnilng at lay light, au l arnve at the Natural Bridge to Breakfast, where passengers ran remain tiixiil sfier Dinner and reach Dibreli** Springs by night. I.eavo next morning after bnakfast. resell Callaghan's to Dinner, and the White Sulphur Hpringa, by G 1* M. avoidtn* | tu<hi travel entirely. 5 j The r«»a !* are splendid, In the summer and fall, and the I team* and roaches were never as fine heretofore Theso Luxes are the Maui M i l kout. *. axi l Twiaensers I have preference over all othe a at any point. _LYNCH HU RG MAIL LINE. PAi)ir.NU£K-4 lor l.)octiUnig leaving m the Cars uti rtiu.lijrm TucvUy. an 1 Tburi.Uys, v <k M, reach (hiarloitcavill- the name .lav, an I Lvnehbuig Ihe pi'll ni iruing ai 10 A. M. In IJr.'txfn.t, In 3't Anura from Bich mioimI. i>n this mule Pruenn'ii leave a p inilvt aa«u ranca of no detention uuder ar.y etreuinaune s. TIJOVaH .-IIaKP. Je®’ Agent of Trant-poitation. iEIJIA S'HtK IHSL’UAMCM COMpAIT OF IlAUTFOKn.t’ONN. AORSCY *T KimtMCKD, V*. IilllH Company *a< inrorporaied in (hi-year 1318, with a perpetual charier amt a capital of rAUl.OOu, and In. anrea ag duM lues or dair agr tiy lire on dwelling, «"r.-v, mimittrturlu* esinbltalunent*, hooschuld furni ture, and luerriutndixc in general, on tho moai favorable terms. Any lottea wlalch the Company may siieuln on riapica ukitn b! Ihisagnuey, will be ad|U»tetl with promptitude ami liberality. Applications for Inanranee or the renewal of poHclea may be made Id Ihe subscriber who haa been .fitly ap pended Agent for the City of Uiclatnund and vicinity. . ,, .. »• BAl.mVIN. A cent. I* B__Uniter Ihe Exe.bAtife Mote!. C A Li i)T RICHARD D. SANXAY, BOOK-BIN !>K It AN l> R I. A .N K BOOK MAN1 ! ACWKKK, PRFSRNTSMs rrepcit.i to hi* former customers, and •ckDowlcdgcp hi* indebtedness to them for their very liberal patronage for the last ‘21 years Ir b«» l-cen hn misfortune, By a train of ttilai idea iurl deut to Boili merchant and manufacturer, t*» logo the ava.l# ef the h »u period a! <*.trd to above; «n1 in tits dcteriniua* L'on ■•■fte out Justice t > his creditor! Be rurrendrred til* aU, teen the "morltir. + fools of his profrssiom ” Hy the kind aid of a few friend's, Be tias Been cnaBlrd to procure fools suitable for the prosecution r.f Hook Hindu.g in all Its Branches, an 11« determined By H*s oirn manual 'M'thunsto present work imaurtiUfkcd, in point of B*aiity and durability many chy. 12c with coi.Gdco. c call* upon Ids furmer |ricn<.’s an I patrons (or t'leii custom nfihe general quality of Ms work and materials, Be need only refer to tl»»» that they have Been use in vansus Harikint I net 11 ut loot, Court Officea, Pubic Associations aud *<»eicii*4 throughout tfeo t*uto U,r a f or ns of years. *nJ f «ren, ss far as learned, general sarftfketV n. Relying npt»n the kind feeling* sf those for whorn he haa so long and so fmthU'ly worked, ho trust", in MltllUod to their own custom, they wdl cicrctso (heir influence in re commending :Bcir frB*n<*s. o: i Hot k* re Bound, and Blink Rookf furnished, ruled to any pihcrn an I bound in aay dcfftraMo style. To my old r ustomera and ihe public generally, I Beg leave to say. tliatiheyran bo furnished wth r*iaiionery of etery description of a very superior qualify, and at low prices, by Mr A. * I, YON*, diatloner and Honksel er, who occupies the Store uuJer my H ndery. one door below the China and (J'asa Store of Mr James Hvanv, Ui ;him>n t, Va so lit d.lni Hamo foii t« v. \ h t ii < >\ \ k,' Opposite the Bmiks. 'TMIF. aubaetlher la constantly meeivlng from the relr , orated *»nufaclor7 of Nouns A Oi.astc New York •Inaitil and Plain PUno Pune a, po».-«inS ihc latest Im prove manta, audthat delicacy of tone), an I aweclncas nl tone, sopecnuny.othfj, manufacture. Cotistanilyon hand a I ityr assortment of Fltdee, Flageolets ( Uiionrtts Guitar a, Violins, Vi. d.incollo* Aecordsona, Musical Re tea Horns, Bugles and Trumpet* Fifes an I Drums Guitar, violin, Harp ana Piano Fort* String a of gone, rlor quality • “ Piano Fort cStools and Co* Cll KIP Mime, .ki collar t It >n of Mu«u ever ofTereJ for Mfe in this Plate may ne selected from, at the storo of the auh jerlber.who la now enabled to sell at the Phlladal,.. i» and New Xork wholesale and t vail prirea. Those purchasing to sell ass n w.tlhe furnl*„ed upon belter terms than they t an find f Nowhere in the State. m «»*non rej aired, tuned, let on h»i*, Am* tnkrii1!) •■change. p. H. KJt* PIANO FORTES if every description repaired and tuned.—Tuning l.v the year, If ri-qnire,!, hy Wile LtSM Kaanstvo, whose l< ng experience and abllpy in mvnti. fact tiring end tuning Piano Fn'tee, justly entitlea hint lo ®Tcfv f‘■t'fideuee. Guitar*. Violins anti At:tr kiiur :j«;r ed. Violin Rows haired. "rtlera left aa above will be punctually alien led lo either in town or country. DAVID W ALOIS'S pabhionabi.e Boot ANI> SHOE EMPORIUM, tfel Grateful for the very lihetal ps'ronsre f'J I be ht« receive 1 for Ike II years that he \ I ^ .ha» qcen In huslneas, would lender hi, ■■MHB^0O*tni-ere thank* m a genet IA hopetby renewed efforts, together with w*«»w the Superior faeltitle* ha no v has, to rrn der entire satisfaction to all who may patronise him. listing just returned from Ihc North, wnere he pur chased new l.tsta,of the latest French Fashions, together with* very rairnstve assortment of Calfskin, Motoeeo, etc , which he etu c.mAdentiy recommend ss the l est he hast »r had, al ‘ of which he will take groat pi,saute In making up to order at the shortest notice, at redtiecJ prices to correspond with the time* An assortment #f Roots and Shoes, of eveiy deseripf on, of hla own manufacture, always on hand Those In want of any thing In hlaHne, would do well to rail before pur. chasing elsewhera. N II Wanted Immediately, 3 or I Aral rare workmen, ne I* Am REDUCTION OK PKICRM. E B. M PI.HOY-TAII.ON, I? Streef, Bit, ckoe flill,(nrst door m Swan Tavern,> REBFF.CTH l.l.v thanks biaettaioirers and the pi,idle. for the hbetal pattonage heretofore eaten,led, and lie would suggest tolhove ,lee,too* nl r, uaultmg tconomv in dress, lo give him a ealt.aa It Is hla determination in ftilnra lo re Inee Ms pneea.'i per eenl from his turner rates tor eoeA Notwithstanding ih,e reduction in price, le will gnaraiMre tlivl any aiuelea aeot from hi i establishment nhsll he rqnnl lo tha best to |*o!nt of atvle. wotkmanship and quality llo respectfully solicits a rbare of rubhc p.nonage, and hopes by attlcl auentlen b< business, to gne satisiartlon In tllwho may fk*,,r him with Ihelr or ten Re-t tot,i* of the country are invited to rail with tbetr rna tom; by so it,leg lb* ran bi aeron modeled by havtrg their goods made np le superior style and al a price which esnoot fvil to render •arlefaetton. so 9* d3m ^CAftFB, sfAIIFA -ForGentlemen—iuaf received O «nd fot a*to, *| the Exchange Clothing More, H_Opposite Rxcbtrge Held nbOUIMFtt fllFF.eb. kl la,ge he,eg c, Herkimer I I,eeae, superior qnal.ty-for sale t J A li XWlNATOM. SxrfP bihm a An»ly painted-Mr gate k,w wo 11 vng in EfnTACR A BOM. SIIO.XH AMI. MfVRR. |« hhd, prime F.,„e B Use Auger F> bags prime green fobs Octree M*> nags Porto Hi. o do 0*73 Foreale by LEW 14 XVROB. , »i:tojii)Hi;riM,Y ok »hy uooim. NOVEMBER. 184*. Rll JEN KIMS would lovita the alleouon of those • wanting Uiigama In la'I and winter Or; Uotnla, tu ex amine the follow tu* Oaads, now opened, and which will be j r*> n off at fmf lar|«ina> Motiihn do Isalnea, all price*. f(.m, a*, cents, 2a. 2aid la. and l.i*her—the aaaoruncul of the** * .ods la vaxr ci’leu Mpieces rich fall and winter Kills lonadma b-lkfa, Hhnwls. Scarfs, Mantillas, a’l price. Irom i«t| low tulhn rlcheat aritela luipoiltd 1 mer.;A .ncr MSSJf1**1 Oi r*Hc- *J: price, from «f any d«tcii|Hiou, HlllflrKj il.rui nul wnty chn«i> t>* join* and f.'d Fur ait urn C'*llc.-»«* ai C, 8,13. I^cca, l«anJ30c'» V.lotlia, <;*»*itn»rc* and Vr»tinx« f'boap atiil^trid red FiaimU,Un«fia •knrama* rlai timg uf *11 kin«l« U « iuid WitUiicy dii i o«*«ro H'.aukr?*, c«>t|on an I woutrd Fringe* Wtutr ant eolM Oora«t», atlk *u I r nt >n Umbrella* lMo-ka, (llotci *n«t Mrmicty cj *li k n-i* Merino, f"trun «od «lk biiwruand Hhirta M*noo. aim, nano, u««»h*ir ar..i co.Iuq Cravat* Hi'k Mina. Ion* and short, white and '.belt silk Mutr and Clove*. wft|,«vorjr article lobe found In it.* Dry Uoodad*. partmenr. Kauy of the atone have been pu.-chased at auction at a (real sacrifice, and will be Sold oiracc-ir'UnsIr. bv whola •ale nr retail, at ' ' *W>T<_R II. JKSKIKR.' SCRIP FOR *. \\ ^ have flO (kki of Jainea Rieer l*CTlp ws wiah to et ’• ctiincn for Honda Those who hav* toll* I-* par will Eld It to their interest to make tht tatcante, a* lloads , will Dot pay tolls._. rKV A Co. LOAK kVUAIl A%U Cllkfclk -- 3d boxes Wcolecy A Woolley's boaf Pufir 32 ears* prime ('hears Sfibarrels Tar— reccitinz ai.<j for sale 1 Wortham. McaitUDFR a co. Missies' ktPKHIOIl MOIKICCO A MKAIi SKIS ncOTKF.a. (CHy Min Ofsecure.) A riNK assort then tot these superior ant heautihil Hboea lor Mine-, w-rrsnico not to rip. for sals ebesp. i 'l l> HI I.IIM.IU ..Vi.' Men i II . TO KAKMEKS AND COS8UMEKRGBN> EltAM.Y. SPPF.RIOR RICHMOND MADE BROOUES. WK haveir. a to re **ooda>a<.innentorRlebu>ou.1 „t2c lioturs, R-jsscu and UUck. of prime qusloy wl.ieh we will II very l->vr. N* e invite Fariaet s ,*nd purchase is einerai.y, wantli.: a heavy ami well ma la utlele to *i\e u'*e»IL I> BULLINfSTON A CO. n° *_ Mmuoii lloit-r w ATT — b sacked Uvei|*«(t fciue-i **it, drily ci O pc<*to.l ,mr »cl.r Edinburg. Hutch hiiI be *oM luw fur r*A>i fruuilbe Hbatf. Q€t <3 _ WM AVPRI»«(m. Jr. DOUBLE AND Si.NGLE GUNS SELLING OFF AT REDUCED PRICES. HAVING deformin' d to ieduce uiy extensive and *upe rtor aaa»rtc.| ati ck of Gan.-, tilde*, Fowling Tackle an.i tacre Goods, ui.ny o! which are mv own Manufac ture and lui|>oitalion, I will, from thi. day mail my Block ta reduced, cell at aueti price* aa will induce coun iry Merchant* and the iovcta ol fi-U apart* to embrace Hie preacnl oppcriuully of supplying ilirmaelvea wiU, any xrLcis *'ptru»iotn*io me above line of lnitturM TflOS | \ K I' R J <•*»»* above Bell Tavern, Mam at. Richmond, Va. _ee 8 ’ SUPER 13 a7<T1CL^: S BOOTS, SHOES, W7D ^g TRAVELLING b. TRUNKS, CAUFE L BAGS, Lc.—Wholcialk and Retail. I1. ^"btcriber baa recc.vel Lit Fall and Winter stock < °La,ir* elected by l.tin»c!f at the tnanu Ue lories, comprising the lsrg>'«t and rao.-t extensive ***'»rt moral that he M ix ever ti« rotnforc f,ad, aud boagbt al very luw prices. an«J v. ill be to! I at low at such articles can be t»>ugti! at in Now \ »;k, Pltiltelf lptUAw or Bfiiiunore. Mv mK k comprises in i art a* follow*— FOR LADIES. Ladiet* besu’iful C uter Bong#, :hick »>lev IJo Jo jjiik Quilted Walking shoes, extra article D a do * t'ddh u*o Lace lluxkicf, bound with letiher Do superior french M >roeeo ant Hi i walking Shoes ■J . *°. ^'*l»kin walking B Wx. bound with leather I-estucr u*l*in* •■iboex, with ami without heels Du • me French. Kui and Morocco Drcvx 8iii>pcri, FUm and Tic » rt Dt> Fine White and Blue, Blaek Hatln shippers 1>3 !*rtioclia lxcf walking Bbocs, thick io!ei Do Chamber t*;i,.pcrs !!’* *,vcr very warm $ comfortable !h» Btip. IfnrU and hound IndU Rubber ttver Fhocs D » lb-xtjttfui Fatent In.Jja Rubber Over 8r»ner, extra quality . rcui* riraM jr nea» ml hauoaomc. good abape. FOR GENTLEMEN. Gentlemen’* Superior water proil Bo ns, manufactured cii retfjy fur the subscriber in an cttri *?vic( r»y those celebrated maker*. J Mi'ey * roe, of Philadelphia G.'Mtieuirn's xupenor Dr» a* Boot*, nude a* above Do heavy ***ter proof llootx at $7 and $4 Do Cnncclf Hoot*. Mout and dive*, good Do stunt kip an t calf pegged H on, a prime article Men * and boy* stout hetcy water Bools sewed and pegged, a aupciior article. SHOES* Gentlemen’* Cuo calf D;«sja Shoes, m«.!e by J Miles* non. a beauttful shoe Cent’cmen’s superior water proof shoo*, nuJe by J Miles * mu nuilml.1'uieu’*11 °® c*1! B-xKee*. stout and light, 6 different Cenileiuen’* »lout ralf .a 1 perged Mnnroa*. all qualities Men * and hoys'heavy a:*vreJ *ud pegged Urogans, very he.vy and atom, large sue* 1 >U-oV and Boys' hnavy »cwci Richmond made Urogana. warranted i'>od, very tow pr'rc* MISSES’ SHOES. Mtiaxea'flu* decay. Kid an I Mo rt Ippcra •in in> do walking H.Wa do do Lee ami strap Uoutcea do lit dree* lace Boots do do rt*al*k:n walking rthoes do do leatlicr do do do Uu India Rut her over rtli.-ea, very neat BOY’S SHOES. Boy’s fine Calf Route do do Kin do do do Calf Bomeaj d. 'to Kip aevved.nd pegged Brrtecs. firetrale article •lo heavy u-wed Oootcea, very strong do over Shoe* CHILDREN’S SHOES. fill! Iren'* Coe fan-y colour*'! nailer*, beautiful do do leather .trap rtltoca do do leather ankle Tie. do tlo Mo Bootccn do do Mo ankle I lo Slipper* do Red >h Bool. 1 KA\ T.LLINu TRUNKS. Leather (Iron bound) TiatcMtiig Trunk* kun'iinj bt*cr Leather, wit nnti and shapct, made rery strong TRAVELLING BAGS. Hiiinv, Tmkey, Brussel'* super.or Carpet Bart, all s.ecs and shape*. BEAK SKINS. Large and small Dcarakln*. suitable for coveitn* Trunk* and riding on To the shore assortment of flood* I would particularly "•I”® ktloiulon „| those wl*!,i. f In buyaipeiti ml beau tlful good*, »•.timing them lhal I will take great pleasure in •to win* Iliem the moat estertfve an ' largest varlrir of fiord* in *sy l!n- that ha* evtti been in Richmond, ai.d will *••11 lieni at such prices and on such lerinaa* cannot fail top'caae. kIMl'CI, FltTNKY Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Roots, Rimes. Trunls, Cat ret Bag*. go Main it one door above M.nrs. Mob baril, (lardner A Co, and nearly opposite Mi Win. Mlteh ill'« Jewelry tl nro. no 5 nfHHINUit- list hain-ia Nog cut Herrings—IVt do No g. Row do, recently Inspected, for a-to. _LKWItS WEhB. ij’IIKl.tlt l-A( I.H Attn i.DhiNIld —A hraniltol av* >rl i toentnt Engl'sh and German Thread Lacra and Edg Pass, for tale veiy low, by KENT, KENDALL A ATWATER. COMMISSION MU8INK8S. JWII.L attend to ttie aalt of all kinds of produce, and so. lie It a patronage front my old customer* and friend*. «»■ ft »f__ A M DANllRIDtlR. i F Ro?fS who ca'LTat Keen a co s GO AWAY EMPTY ! LITE have, by this week’* arilval*, aitrleJ to ottr week * V the following g .1 la, whi,we .ITcr c!ica|i for caali . Renter Frock end Oeer Coate. 7Wof the eboarn vgrtou* st*ea»cdrrleea, cheep. Hres* anti Frock Coat*. 110 ofthe el*ove made ftore cloth* that are troth, end net Mlfn nor moth rjicn I’attl* erd Vest*. f'asaimere *nd Css- net Pant* from gl to g|Q ItIO very auprilor t**tln Vests Just mad# up e dog single n tll Preneh 1 aas iner iio—They ere a very tiipcilor eri ele and will wear well Under Simla and Drawer*. 2S do* assorted of Merino, lamb’s Wool, Cotton Knitted, abater, an uneotnim n article, tuperlor Canton Flannel do—every *t*e Htock*. ILavorn*. Co'l*r*, Searfa, he. ♦KTO worth of fuvnt«hin# sonds, romprlalog every thing from a night cap to a iwlr ol aorta IT y~ Call of I Ac ,»f Itey Ator ng tnelilulon »f wo W___ Hlk A Cf>. G 1.1111-. s fit 1 11 and 1 few (trims ef tlile Rutter which we toll aelilosv 10 r!o»e tt e eon ■Igmnenl no If* J H TRIPLETT A BON L'IVk 'Itsetia Mon 1 it gt,e, n, >*t enprovrTl A pattern* lOO tou* Pig Iren, vsrlo 1* brand*, fnraite he nolA J R TWIPId TT A ROM. CkllllHJ Mil.t. PtOftllti VAMWw-Mmo O lh*a*sort«d Flo*. Rom 5**to IO*u — |n store tor sate. •n r. gw 'kMKd A PATrERtIN IlKO-VN .>-111.K rIM,s.~ “T 1,'XTRA Heavy Hi unawn-k'.ng* la Virginia Mtont do Dover, lAwrenee, and other good aiyte* A 1.80, It*) hale* Ratteise* flood*, manufactured In Pel# shurg •nd believed to he the bed Wheeling* made I* -ha country! for aa e by the pleeo or hale, very low. oel? KENT KENDaI.I, A ATWtTI R BACON ! BACON I I BACON??! Fit'll \l k LB* Cheep Bacon for eale by hUVAs oet il OilBTTRW 1 rrikr. I OR CAl l OH *l ,| HKt.N I S W«| RING i*H(>Ei -- A very hand* ma assort ms nt of the** superior ansi handanme Whoee in Wore, 10 w ,tch we went I invite the silent ten of t*>e I a. IP s l» BI'LLINflTON A CO, *’V * ___Mao stem U„n»*. CKU.tR CAWAlR—A convenient artte e, wun a nest O flul»h-ku sale BO II J \V RANDOLPH. w. Co PARTNERSHIP. »Tfv*t l!*? «««rciM«d wUh hlmaell find fJi V.?.LL- ,,u of of LytU. Jokn cJTi , *1*,?.?* ,,,,,Cllr> un iat the Arm «f U A Y I,OK A A Piir iei:» iv •S.'.’V"' ** “f ™lh,eu"« the t.K uu an.l *r\rlilEf \RY *• fV> wH! km wn ,nlt ** .«^.h.d W One rW .b.„„ ISTKT,^ ** •he nJuSI*-—7 ,*,lleU lb« P«t»on«*c of out frlendj aad JH-T? ' P*~>«« ouraolroo in keep con Ved .’L" V-k** *,frVbo ‘ ' WC ' 'elected etOCk nl (Iru'a, cr .»it,.'7, b,** «“« '"■'•ul'Molt and Ratal) at ihe T'.. ^01?'?.* •‘ ""‘'f *'M t» faublulij eaeeute I and , ™ *2?L,o,n!l0* aid be paid a. ah tune. ;(,e pfo. acili'Clonan I RetailBtulneaa. J-IHN CIAYKOR JOHN J. lAKI.U T°.n7f_J; ,,TK,J~ Uie ef the firm nf /...(I, John,ton A m Iheftcie^Vu**^*'1 UUn”lf ■*« « AV NOR ell a thanatla^r * ^ reader l fully anil ',*1 po'mnaje of |br uuiceroua friend* and euatoraerr,,,'i M H“ Ltc" 00 !'** bl» I’learura than h:a katarew, luriri*ht, former nrnt-i „n, to .tree and aerommodaie. b»*in Iba confi.leaea hereuj.ora accorded him by an ln«ulgont public, ni l nn t.n withheld from him in tl Joi7L7i'i,2?,ton’ h* r*n ***ure all. Dot their fulire "DIN N EF O R D ’ s~ PATENT IMPROVED PEESII GLOVES AND STRAPS, for pionocmg a konUSy .laic ,/• /a, lyhoa *, rnelion. mm- rxok of tearing ike akin »T*n-»reat »a ue of ibe llcrae hair Renovator, aa a tha X rapeotic ateot wbeeaerbed to ibo human body, la now !r.oTC‘.|k°°",“ 10 "S« who haa paid the lead alien, SSJSAJSCSSai.* “,lon of ,he a.T.o® *"f 'rt*;r • Iront -re. of thePatent Fieab Glove* and “‘•“'•'■'ured By Mi Dmnefnrd, are that, he a pe m :b',,*-*ieb •« ty employed in then menu ti.hel:r,fl.^Tn,',VV',*'r"e *>">“«'•' hWd.c ular to the wirfacc, thereby rciaiernt the (lability lo tear It a ,C3e,,> runiplalnt afainat the ordinary kind,) itthlinl-*,*1!! U'‘ta r;;*<r' 10 1»«- »« the aume lime fuaihi* .VJJ' I tocr,. cf frlctt-ui to be much more etTee t lally performed; they are, ,udeed, a pocibeo luxury to use, onn from !L#lr ••lutarv *ifrcts. lb« innumerable het of peraera ef the hi*l.eel ",U'* *7 u,in: the RaOA.-au.rr, «l»-* a^dil I-*^emletoeo miy b- menrtooed—A|r »lJ,.n7V.7r' r !>l"! '*•»!«. "trCl.arlea Clark a. Mr .^o^TcTdTb^0’ “d Dr ^eoek- — whllh r.rA V. n ‘ ^ u n " 'WP'kW fo torture "rai,w.n7.T“ “rT oa»h* 1J *h "'•,h* -’Nnton <•' t’ »t • w-utber of toe Proieas.on, W. SuVie'^V f“ ’v‘l f’^'f'hto, theUotl *e “ ®ur*eoo*,Uetorar in i-urgcrr, Ac . trust hare Its due >k.iSS’* *V bl4*fct,,r* Bnrtbolotnews tl .™ ' “• Oefoher, I ~1I: Person. wuo keep 1 I’1**!’•”> men m rub and comb the u tea or three .kU'* ",pl' *e 10 let'ktn* a: the good cendf. lad.mrod1 “k.**4 biUf-*P*fao« ate psniouisr in icgarl F. ,°*a ’*ln here »( r Hi ler t o es’en ire aur taea-.f IMi caplllaiy ne. e.-tk.-edthr important clflnt performs to ike Amti_a! ecs-at ay. w- may.perceirc how an; ..erirgeinent* of tta function. meet produce enr. reeponj.t.g cfleeta opon tile whole bode, fcor the pur poee of tustorfn; u.e luuetiuS of me skm, mint means bare been employed, as irteto n wti'u the hind, the nae of }b* ** ."h. hro V e c '• hut there I-a been a nor! recent Intro Iwuon, I mean uh.rey made of Horae hair, which sy th-traetiou on the.u. fare of the .km irriesaeathe Hjw of the bWJ In lha capillaries thus estt-altslitfl ’he general eireuUtlm, and greatly faci luting the' reinoval of local oompla tits, the result of irdunMIoa, incre-res the sserctiooa an J exoretto.-s. irnitovra the aupcllte and to Ff?“F’lli • U'.'out Lit, ’a pel'o-n atbe part of aserciaa. In fie I. 1 think them of -rest Ivor.-A' to i« ,fe In ‘i-slth. by keeping t era in health. .t,d of easer.fUl aerriee in t -o motins health In tara. Js." Just reu. to-i an J for aa'e by 0lJ *u__ Al.BX. DCVaL * CO. _SPLENDID NEW YORK EDITIONS! ■T>HE eomple:- Parp-al Work, oi Racrt Burst,. with X fciplanator) wid«lo»artA1 <>tl; a„,| , |4c, of t.ja author: l.y inner Currie. •] L'.tu l». embossed gin. The eoturlete Poetical «o-a»oi Wiliiao Co taper. Bay., including the Hymns a-. I Tr-..slan .ri from Me. la tie t.uion, Milton etc., and A lam, « 8acr~! Drama from the Ital anof Ch. Uitl .ti| Ar.rtr-lnl.wtth a Mcuietr of Ike au thor : By the fLes'd H&Ubkli *. The Boos of the Ns.y. mrr. iris’ng s general History of the Mstlne. and particular accounts of all the rnoai eelobraied Naval Battles, (ton the Declaration of ln.Jepen.wj.ce to tit* present (uat compile | from me Lest authorities: By J Pros’, a M, with a.i Append,* splendid ly etubelltshed nruh numerous w graring* : Ur W t.rootce, nil portra.-s on steel ol riming united Naval Commanders. . la one v The Life, Times tad Chsrscterts-irj of John 11 mya.-i. author of the Pilgrims Pmgrcts: By Robert PI Ctori’f :ho Lxperuue«:aJ C** dcr, 4 c. H' '1*' * TU' °f Holy Tida, and other ioeuu: Ht ihc author of CoojrtnecsVirj au. Ac. Gem*, frem Ibc Worki cl Traxellrr*, iM:;j;ra(itc of ▼artoa* paa-af^s in Holy gevipiure, nuhluhe l i:o<4«r luc lifet'iK»n oi ihr * ou!in.ri«o «i p nuini by liie tV»cietv,for protuocitii Chrinc^uknjc j.^c, i; ixlraie-i with 100 ex ((utsirc fiiiuv nfs, Iv Lectures to Young People: W SPpragun, D D. with an In’.oductary Ad iress: By t* Miller, D D. Prof. Them d«ii:ioary, Princeton. »;T»\e 5°t^or. Gilt f*r IW3, l!1ti<r*fa<l with 10 l»‘rhly finW»#d bound Bu,-orbU In Morocco. d oung iora, a Ta.a of it.c Last Century: By Jef fry* fay lor. 1 ’ An Outline of the Argumen: against the Validity of Lay. Btidism : By Re.’d J D Ogllby, A M, Prof Theo^c£7; P. Kptseonal Church. ’ The Gulden Grose, a choice Manuel, ccntaleing what is to l'f be icecil I ractl#ci! ami l*»"Mrert or Praye<! l<»r. to winch itadJol a Ciu.dc for the Pcn*teut FrVival llyiuna: Br J V D. Lord hilltop of D.wuan I tonnor. Tales and Illustrations : By Charlotte Elisabeth, chiefly Intended for younf pervnna. 7 Little Coin and .Much Care * Bv Miry lluwitt „rT!r<''1"' Housekeejilnj. » Tale : By T B Arhnr, author °' 1*1 Nlahtr wtm the Ws.hing’. nians.Ac. n/e' eLtle tn derriee, ac ntioustlon of U:tle*>>:n, Much Care. 110 13_SMITH, DBlNKCttA MORRIS. MRDiC/Ui UGOKM. T 'Y B>Nnoi.i*H rail Offer to students and ••ti ers all •/• theTest Books snl many o’her valuable Works,ai tn.vltraieprleea. Tlie f d!owrtn* is a |tsrhs! hrt. Eberlee a Practice, N ue*. Children an 1 Tberipeuhcs Deweea Prsetice.C.’iiidrcn. Females sn l Midwifery Dung oron’s P.iyslo ory, D.c’ioosry, Medical t<iuJent. Medical Intelllgenerr, Therar.eutlcs and New Remedies 1 * *°»"'hiy. Nenes, anJ At .rica OUver*i Hivoo'.'fy Liston's, thioeer-s. ‘ abernsthy’s. Dmln’s, Hunicr’t and n .riiral Cir»i r.arv Horner’s. Meekel's. AndrallV Beciard s. Biondin's. Bay I- Pasion, tt.Si't’ end Parson's Anatemy Stokes and Bell's, Cullen's and Gregory's Practice ^Veloeafe, Magner'a, Meigs aud James', Burns’ Mid Tweetfes' l.ibrsry of Pr.cfleal Medicine Bst:leu,Lowia,riawycr.Atii.siror«and Bii-seiuon Ferer Turin s Dixertor's Guide; Benin and flope on the llsari; t.'Mirriiioli on Fe n lies; Turner, and Lirbigs Plia dr.lUM^e.lClmic.Or.enoa the Suio; Lvonee on the CCP~Bookbinding in superior stylo st , „ J W RANDOLPH'** BO 1ct-tionsry and Music Store. Msio Mr-et. JAMES ft GEORGE WINSTON, Commission M rchents, HAVE on consignment,and olTsi ibr sale— 3ltftbl* Uerrlnfi W lull ilo i,'aiii.ty Roe «(• 15 bbli Praeti Rrtrdy Ifl do OI I April <t<* W d» Cider Viuenr tV> Northern 1\ titoei 1U do Rruil Bufir 10 (dull Triiiedid Mr a.i•<*« 10 qr ca«ki Cicdy Ma loir* Wioo I plpell!t| >U Inn, 10 ycara ol*1 l tulf pipe French Biatidy A do lmlta:i«n do 2« 13 lb Loses Cuupnvvder Tea 40 ft lb ib do i]o h half cheat! Imperial an J Younf Ur»>u u*Oi Ihi Cotton Yarn, No 4 to 10 U*»J julr Yarn K»rbi ■ I- IT'iei 2j (lo Mn«c«l Wine 5W do aavor'e l Cordials £0 fit* Crew’s *u«f 2Sffaiton*Vi. Hoary, in Dau»l ohu# l^cwls Ihirjr Clic?ja IK) bfica do Jo 60 C|» L*fd lft> h«f • Java. Uinrru and Rio CofT?# Id boxes A Loaf Augur HO lt« Fraitera £•* bb'a llv.lrunlic Ceuieut V7 tbhi Potarnrv D0,ui» *W»rr. «*f every grade of qualry 13 bujlicla Chill de*'T Wneal *4) gross r.x*ie‘s Marking A full assortment of Mahogany, flair Cloth Cm led flair, ' ene« r’a, 4 c l6utU»fe<tO-k Plank, for T«.!»acc# D.xea %.(■*) do 1x4 Simla an I Joist 4»'.nno In n.*rrlvig and v larh Plank cV.eMi 8hmglea 10,(10 feel Ann Plank Order# fur any description of Wove W*re eteculcd will dispatch. Meal drier*. Coet». Rand Wrreew. A r. 4c. nr 77 llUTTKK " J, *,tr J'*ai lo h«a<l. which we willaell at WA to 14 cams.— Call on ua. ™ n___CRCTTPR 4 PF.AKR. I SUPERIOR CLOTHING .«r JOHN SI . OR E M * S FASHIONABLE CLOTHING STORE, I Alain Slrttl, oppcoite Alt M Pupal A Ce't Drug Si ore E. B SPENCE, A • i n T, WODI.O rrtpertfiillt inform hi* cuatouiiirt *n I the I llldlt' genri ally, It *1 he h*< |u*t T f»ito<1 . full •• airtment of FathloniMe Winter flotilla,. the uiatrrtal* of which hit* t ern pntchtaad thl* Fall, in me ritiMof Poila delp' la end Newt York f„r CaBII. and rnimificturrd In the elte nl BaMmore tt the fashionableeatabliabracnt of John %t Orr:n, corner of Meikel and Chatle* airertt It I* tin nrcrteary to any any thing further, <">n’y lo Inimmmu * part ol my aramlinrnl.* ** the -lyie an > quality ofbta tn«ke I* wrll In wn lo the rltnen* • f Virgin a. My aMoilnient ronatata In p*ri of— Raster an I I'tlol flolh Fror k *„ I Oter Coat* Bel,.r nn.f Jointlllr do do do O m an i Cum,#t Cloak*. ptrt of them Mrlnm.h etyl. Rtip W rit of Fog landCloth, Pie*» and Froek font* Me-llnm ilo do do Pantaloarto| plain and fane y fatalmere, tarluiia «rlea •n t qualities Ve*t*ol V, Itel, finim'rr, Merino, Bl ;k aud Basin M'rnmgftiwnaan I Robe* I Inen an t Potion Bhlria I*n Bo*. tn« *n l follt'a Flannel, tainM* * on), M -tlno, Bbiker BMrt* »nd l*r»w ert, ro* kn llandkeicMefa. fr.-td». n-arf*. open Tie*, and Blocks, fltotes.Biisronder*. hall lloge, Ae. Also, Bair pie* of tha m rat fashionable Doth*, fa* Imor a in<! Veamgr, which I ssill m ik e lo or let In lha moet fktht«na Mo it anner and at tha afcortert noileo. Tli* a Iran'of ihn pnrehttaof ihete lion It will ent hie in* lo orll great hoe gat at >n CI.OTHI.\ll. ai ,| I re •peeifully Into* the pwMte to rail and e tan. me tot them • __ no IS AKI'HEIFS TEMPRANCB TALES. NO, * The fold Waior Wed-ting NnkThe Rum Bellei'a t>ratio Frice tj rente each y no IH A B I.YONit » RINCSI I MM.I m. JrBT opened tn sesnrimert of Btlk Fringe*, all color! Fine drab and black Alpaek'a Rich atrlprd Motitaellnt Rich twin ttrlped Pariatans, andrirb fgored «tlk* ALSO, A lot of Monaaelln* at 9B cents, a (real bargain and irrnt de.lrat'f# (nod*, will he sold cheap for real- by no I*_W If 1 11 HI* II AN * fO. ’I'KN I«rre’e1 l-ler V|ar.» • i 'W. A no II JR TRiFLsn * SON, **w karjiiutajik,>T. _ THOMAS 8. RIDDICK. R Trv.hV.Y tnfL'rm" 21'>■>'< «h« pubpe ,** «bM to hi, taboo t>,n ,n h .root ^olu!*“o‘*d k| U**“ W“W’ fvr “l* P“ I'1'*': of Cwui HAT BUSINESS, •h. i!?*. *‘L'- uP*°*S an uioniawi of Cua and Cop* of he huo Mam York«rlo,«n<t inton l. kocpiocoabMol« conatantaud lull -ucHr of ol! ante loo lu his 1.00. rior i^lrr H " x»xn”( «»«k n..w 00 l,*od-...P« •kx. II,.' a. XT*'1 2Ut,“- Rui*«. Brueh and Mnlo •a*** Ilka. Al«o. Oitar, Fur -*—■ —* u(1.b 1 Utfolll?h5ffoJ*l?,rC^t H* h.mSSfb? ieU any* bTanJ Im.kkIw*** £ 'V^Mlowaa the* ran be pure be*-.I | m» >»r etabllaHn—t in h# c»*r. ae l» off rt>T. auvirniiri is cootiaiiiy retiring aupp tea from these mi«ritth« superior quality of [erf ice* luwrumenfa, In ail re la duly a* auwldrcd by ally increasing demand far hem. To tl.oee uot alre^tlf mrnuaint .. 1 wirtj t '.«sr iriMi ;iaenfs. |! may be mi^i’ifliwiii to ur that M rv ar~ an lo aali perneulir re . ~j ■ 1 ' »ff*r-i :.j *« ep-iif la IMA (auob Jeci «a dcMraula, asper«Aj'y when diatant fiooi clcn or wnafa mnrraara eellom tn be rar* with,) having rot only Ac metalbe pWu and all the otMern improvements, but jj»|jjfa>ailcie€% caoCuUte-I to give g teal atreogthand A (Pf ruefee la wt.’icj nnrhlee tha purchaser to e* c '«r;e w* kutniucat iuij time wtiiiia one year, vlxuld It pr*»va defer>it'. A ’*cw P** to return In tlu* city, will be kept In tnee one year *‘riu**t r* aige: a..« tnoae *. u*s aam mto tee country packed without charyr. Punoa tuti^J, let on blfa, &&U taken In rirh|>**( , M P. II. TAYLOR. _1 __Vial* **|ern. opr*»*if* the ft-nk IMITATION ’eii C»»ch-t.-A anaeu P*"ol itm 1 ah vr.of auvetiorq’uiUy^nrciredper cchrT-iaruo. lj K M WIRTON. I~ASAI. «UAT nAMF GLAkHKa-J.irt re i r .?*'*?*} 1 <,U»,I,P •* Lemp Uiataea, to fit the Lamp# for Unal Koij. •1L’8 JAMB* uvaxa L A31 fc* \V ten - Lam? Wick of all »•*-». for Canal ■f1 A»iral Lamps inter »uu’a Imp,pa. A.,tar Vampa, Lard l.srapv, and aj o* ,rr l.*r ,|,e in use— for aalc "** James evans, n° Ip China und Ola" Main iirsel L.OAK Ol BRuivS SCO Ail, A BID SPtlCS Oil,. 1>E.'T I-rufSttfir— Co»i.-.t.ri do do AJ PUpfiel s*t Croir an i P f.tro do IP,aci.c 1 ajjnti rtratno.1 Kuarm <» i—for sole. "O 19__ _W M HARRISON INUIliiJ-<irooa« l arraeca. F land,nx Horn •’miner Colnabtis, f.*r sale low. no 9 I* _«vMri* A. PITITAON. VF.U.1 KINK CALK BOOTIfKn_ A’ W« have I uiop'n.-da !-t of th-above very fine Calf O°ote»a, tbiirk ahar.»* and belli— thejr are extra Cnc, and wn. beau. J cl,»sp, f >r cv»b. JLOAH MYERS A CO.. _oi *d _ Fsal. v naiile Bvut anti Shoe Deal era. t107. ! BOZ!! ?OZ •! j DICKFNe’ NEW W.rRJI—AMERICAN NOTES for xenersl elrtnUi* a. in ratnnhiet form, with a Pur Halt uf ihc auteur, at -i cents; for sate by no !« AS LYONS. riSITlD hTATKR AI.MAJAC, r complete » < kphcu.eilr for Ibfl—euisUliitr t Sun’s rlatn, and sal •.’.ij. tables of L-t-tn Ic, Time. Ate for Krixinreta.C* rtaue afii? Ppp-iisiion of Tuned S*.a*ea, ORlrers of Government. Su e Debts, As. Br Jsbn Downes. For sale by Pn li_ J W RaNIHiLPII. T'tlP. PurlrersMp bert t-.fore exlaalex batween Jus-ph Maru Jr. VyiliUin U Archer, is diarolved. Ail btnme«» tierenf ire cnnS Ic ltd the fir.n of Xrri & Archer, will receive the joint a’leciioo of us both uoti’ eerofitial „ JOeiHI MAYO. F8 Jtf_ tVJl B ARCHER. I.I.UP PLAlbTKK. ‘^nn Tons very superior, just arr.vcd t-'r Brl« Ben • *' l’ l oiaind nr.hrEliza Ellen, from Port’and and for aair r d ,ar, either the whole or in kHz u suit purchas era «■ e wtnh to tell It at the wharf. n 1 |r--0’ _J R TRIPLETT A SON. 1543 ANNUALS. THE Gift. Frirnd’f Annual, Prmr. lalnp’a OJormx, and Rcliemu* Souvanierf. r 1SI3, a!i with fine eturavlnxa and heani.r-illy bound—received by Of gi _J W R ANDOLPH OL.U OOVIiiKN MR.NT JAVA CUPKUS Tr-A. !if. I l\ BAGS fine Oi l Java Coffer a U superior 11 P anJ Younx llyaon Tea Half and quarter bb!« No t Mackerel. Preserved Uinjcr and Currants-received per achr I RKhmoud—fi r Mir. no 3_Av m Harrison. s’! 1’t.l.iOH riANO FOIlffc.— I have rercutiy received U a I la no F trie surpassed by sou • to the enr of Rich mun . for qnliry of lone, superior workmanship, and beauty of ipj'i *:*! is fur aale a gre+i Uarfiio. 1 / l ^ »PP‘icwi)D be mad*. aud can be *eer» at iLe ttoie of the Btibiciiber. jaME* KVan# no 16_Mam #cr«el. HFaDICF-D PRICED! ' VTE«Tj§ ? VE^T* '' VEl<Tl»,!! offirac quality Black t*a v tin. eilk an i t »<re, just received by the uoder kifne«l aoil told at the low price of |5 and no abatement. _£.° *?__HTAHR4 CO. R\ E WHISKEY' - 3) bhlv. three year oM Kye Whl«kcy,ju«i received for rale. no 16_JAt* A GEO WINSTON. TwO HUiinilKi) MDKS iodTIQ.I <Uma*ett BOLE I.KITIICR juat received, by a^hr Yuaearora, and tor vale by na IS JOHN N. GORDON. la. *•.N Oln P«rk KTCUTLKHY —I am uow V.J n{Widuf a very tupenor iu i exitn»tve aeacrimeat of cutlery—<coB*ir4.u* of i*'tke% pen, chrk, prumoi, aport c.i*ti*ar. 1 travel. o* Knives, irnuntcd In si’ver, i>eaiL : iv'ry, buc* and torto te t.aot!!e«— tiianufactured by the &***'* *“*•£■ * Utor«c Wooatcaholui A ^or. and Jorra.han Crouka. uo __ THOM Aft TYRER. LHLilia ro.N S I'A l LNi- LARD LAaIPS, T For burning Lsid Oil, toird or Lump Oi!. liLeL Immiw not only answer the ecunotalcxl pumoac of Puroinx Lard Oil or Lard, bm they ere wellcale u Utedforburnto* the poorest Lamp Oil, tne beaten prevent, tng it frein berominx tionxea'ed, and ren Jerj It very IP,id. in wh en ata'e it win hum as freely as s^nu OIL The luvenlor havlii* trieiltbe exporltnent ( n presence of wit ne.vsea) cf plaeto, a Lamp in tee. mixed with sail, in which .tatcltbotnedfirejy.tiav ii v lies uncy In reroumi-n Jtnx them to sum ea well in Winter as in Futnmer. For sale wholesale or retail by wjj p HTTIJER. nu **_3 door* a'mve the Boll Tavern. N BW BOOK*. ~ ■pilRSTprinelplaaoi Natural PUiloaophy, belux a familUr X Introduction to the ui it of that aelenee, for the use of Pchoolaud Aeadetniea: By James Rrnwtek, LL D rie,f-de«nii»a. or the h story ol Kstharme Ran lolph By the author uf ‘The Only Daughter” Atnenean Notes f. r x^nersl cireula'ion : By Charles Dlekene—forsala by no if. j w RANDOLPH. r IBRARY OK »K t.KCT NOVELS -Self VJ l»eve>t,on. otlli. Hitiory cf Katherine Randolph: Br the author rf the Subaltern, Ac . Bern* No 9 of Ifarper'a ' no 16_ v a | wvh T s llAMrt auparior Aiueoiaile Bacun, raesivad and r tJ f r sale. n" j »»_J. II EUSTACE A RON. I'LIIAKS, OVERCOATS, AcT F.i'Kaerr do'H t'f Starr \ Rl'PERIOR asaunment ol Cloth Cltiak*, at prleea va JX ryicx Irom t-i iu »35 received and 'or sale; also Over-data. AA utrr Frock Coaly, Ac. Ac at reasonable prices, (hr cash. HTARR A CO, . nn lw Opposite Evehanxe Iloteb I MB parinerahip heretofore et-sim* between me uu: I d*re (ncd, under K.e firm of A;, lei eon * Ward, in <1 yi ■'•ii.fy. Virginia. NtwYoik and New Jeiiey t» llii* day dlacolted. Ail det.ia due said film, and ali ri.'Mna Y,ai">i u.e Mine wud b, inumi I an.! aeule.1 by ... f1.. * »anl, • bn will condone (he Imalrea* of \\ ood L uttmg,Ac. aa heretofore, or. bia own accouot OJA ".I'KReON, x, _ . „ , . HUBERT C A ATARI*. SNew Y..rk, Nr.»en,ber;th. I<na, no H .llwrli wwaATnmTjr'AiiruANiM k-. i c.,.tsk, from New Br ifordand pure, for sale by LI OLAW. PRExTONAOO. pLAITKH PARIS >na Lump P aster Faria. * ®f superior qua Ity, for sale deliverable oa the kaaio) nnl?_t.PDl.AS. PRR-sToV A CO. MlTiUCf “ ' ' PH TAYLOR ha® jn« rerefted a large rnlleeflon of •J? tf ’ •u,t’.nd »™rh air ilie f. Ilowioc Tr* M*on o'er fh© inonmain t« bMoiine Th« MM Aim Ch«ir ) • Th© Gtmblor'* Wife > by RumbI] A Li'i on the IVcin Wjff ^ On yonder R ock Reclining Oh Twine ra© « Rower I cannot .lance to night l>nn(, long ago On! *k© m© Paek to Rwi»*©r!tnd »**•« of Rtwci The farrier Dor© Meet me in the Wi’taw Q!en Ol I him u and due friend# Rpringtime ol year ta coming The Fireiuao'ttk ng ) Rfilp Ahoy Th# Moa n la twaoung o’er th# Laka My own one _ Mertell1«i Hymn l/HKBII TKAI . . Cl Young Hrao* end A, ut fin a and naira fine qu.llty, for eala. , ** ” , . _H. M BY HI ON. K*nE , Cl* UaOKH, HO. 1. isip»,/*d direei?. eai H.rwillf'1" fc’r“'* b/ 1 W R»*ooLPII, Maw m. Rob ow.n f ruaoe. wrfh plate®. B, Oianrllle ■*'»••• Robmaont«tw do Cor.nns par Me ‘aiu Pe Btael, w.ili pla’ea Oil Blaa, with pi.iea r Mob ire, complete, wHh note a R*r lnr. no, do oier.iolr La Fentelce. do, do do aud no* ra Tclrmaque, wuhpliicr Le «•**, complete, w.ih plate, p*r th4,*ubrUrW' I*»n Qivb.-ttr, with ptt'.r# Maitarfi Otttn, rcmalffe fieemla nr X H ** ,»•©.»»© V ays fur Cuger«r fknbo Roringcr, eonipirt© F^ufei Vi»g|t,ie. v.fh| htea Rain;, Ibb.e porMda Menmde *d. ten. iC.itianl R r^ 7r. M*ST t, ” <5 :,W Tseen'e Jrr.iaalem prlleree Ri Mr*Fr> and orhoy works M lie Ralcar' '■* l’*,# a°r*”< •"*' *"*«ne if raw. let p,r B uvenlr. dr releel- 1.**® par Mail d® OrnUa Ia Mi rated* par Kk rUnel D«n:«’© Inlinefju»r«h© Qoeibe'* Wenbrr, fauaf. el Ttiearrn Mentor'a* .)• Ri, »v..h l*a Marline's Voyage en 1/Orley.f, * vnla Prove - l-oa an.l N nrelle iar K nene Weil be Lea deut Cailatie. pnr F Boult* YnNalre'a Charle# Xllth Lea.inui Ama Fah.'ea o..i M Time*, will, pi.iea Abee lain -lea, Qarrou'a an.l Oeur.ieeile’e Bog Jargai par V lingo n>u«i Ho. a will be publinhc.l co.wi. ••I' J AY RAHPOI Pit KKY TO DWIK.H* AI.UkllM A.lrni.,.. lb* cla.einei, a an.l aoloti -iw of (),« .ju.etlnn, with . odociion of eiamplee—just published and (n, M|« by *° 14 I W RANPOLfII. SUFKBIOR ARTItl.l.s! DM?K l%? 2 ^ WHOLESALE AMD HET.ifL! Fa lul Wuu.r smelt of Bout, ou t Zl***' •Bd pSaSm tlino Nortb. H»«rr ro.lue».l pile**. {.' eou*Pr1"«*"0«l,f iho «'» ?" VL*'”*T* »"'1 •MTtnwnii or Boota Uhl HTmai „,r olforodio Ktchmonil.wl will l-o wltl •• low •« ouch «o» la eoo hr bonaht w lor ia tor No >o ihl.... •_ ttSSF-“wsAK’St» POR OKXTLK9l£!V. i-^ni f\v«trr pro f U»o«t. esnrroiir (or us. In «n tunn.i superior sr*|* by eel.: rued manufacturer, J W.lee oV>n »( p'l.iilaifJwZ Do kip and pe«ed Beats. a rood arllete eupcTm b°M' **'" **«•■ «« «J hi?y-,.,T _ . fcllOE* Gei.Le.nrn a Hr* ralf drcehoea, made b» J Milan & Boo. eery aepertar aud preuy " J ""•* * -ET^ST Wft’,ot P'°°f "here, tna!i by J flne^f^nrn' •It?'* U***y **WCd wperi .r and Ur** ,. jto ilo. Terr good . b"/»’ h'»TT kowed Richmond nude Br wa t.7 »*fJ and «,U oaT.ld' chc!^ “d b"“* B,0,ue, » ““>« «*eelhro- ertele. and , . .. PORUDIR*. Ioj1.ek> b-ttnulol ratter Rocta, both,hick and it,in cheap1 n b.ja.Ue I waUin* Bhoea, aoperajr amt LstJlet* <So French mopecco tsr« RuiUn. Dn au,.-r*o, Kreoe. moro£?, mj kU „ a treat tan. ty, and nf r-e Utt»t »rji" "'•‘•"’B *&•’«». La.Ura’ fine TaUim *alk tt.-Bhot a. bound ».thi.„k . »err pretty and cheap oounj with leather,'ae^ekinat tl. I l?| art t | <a ia^;^;* K>b—' — "Dier^cekbrat«i kW**1 ,rCUCh Tiea. eery Mc“v. mSke-C 10,1 Lt“* bUtk ««■ **PP«T< of J W «» -“..TESSErf' “ ““ ^ “n‘:«'« •»« mo nay Tsar U-iief tre»cmrgOyer-<H.oe*,a great Ttr1ftr fto nkm' “a5- “*J bjUD J ,,Ml“ ™bl>" D*.r iboc. ’iaf-r « "*7 »<£. an l MINSK* SHOES. Maneifiticdreifl tidau<lu»»fuecu binoera I>o «lo (1o Wa’kuig t?h-'s>« * p > « o Ucfin-H*'rji Mootrp, 1K> do DrfM lacs Bot>u Du .to Walking Shoes, vary good revest mV^' **■ ,ro“ ‘ha.,, to th. cheap' d“ '*** * Jbb*r «rT ntal and „ . BOTS> SHOES B y. fine Calf Bums Du do Kip <lo Do do c%,f So 'tree Do do Kip sowed do, first rata arilele Do Kip rigged do, goud and cheap Do heo* • tewed Bootees Do Oeenhoee n,, CHILDRENS* SHOES. ^ fi£ '“y W Do t*o do Ancle Tie Slippers Do do Leaihar Ankle Ties Do do (to Scrap tftheea Do do do Bootee* .. .TRA'EhLIJIO THBkKI Hard Leather (Irna Frame) TrasetlmgTrunks ltu,i*ll*od BlarI: Leather, ail riaeatud shaiM-a h!, » •treog. and will be *ol.l eery che.u ° »*>ap«e, made « XKAVELtlNO BAGS Tnrkcf' Htnekela superior Carpet Page all I . "!d »«> he sold for leu money th2 J To .eh^>?,t“for *ny othc‘ 11 ><*« '» RThmSod. 7 te.m. StSUJSi Z'XlT°" Vk- R»r"?n.**1::IllnfrlJl®<:,ty’ ,n "*»*•>< »hea Fall an l ,7 filer supply Ol rihoea and Bool*, mod inteodinrTo the cuh for th. .a, aresecured that it will be to ibir lot*/ eat 10 fire ua a call betbrr purchasing plieahera w. . . , . o. . J E WATEINS4 CO. Wholesale and retail dealer* (n Boo-s, Fho. s. Trunk*, t^rpet Bags, Ac. Ac., at ibeir old and eatabli.t ed wand’ Mata street, opposite the Rums ol the Eagle Hotel jUfc'^roccupted by Samuel Pd££ Jq J PEASE it SON’S ~ ' —' T compound iioarholnd candy. *[1^ P feeant medteine is formed l,y a combination of twenty fire oderetit ingredient* ail celebrated lor tho cure ol CoM.. Cough* an I Pulmo£,, CtoSTpU^^Md hj ua eowbiii.bon, if oue of these articles should he u-ed neper.Wy.aed .Phrd no relirOw ih. Kwmct ol H,\L hound they ere *o .tnatgamat-d,that the benefit of tTo whole it expei tenced in one compound. °' “* A'.out tt.reo years soil a halfaj >, Hdsar irie wx« fr.r btoogh, before the pubhe I, wx7heralded wt*h “ fr“ etous aanouncement of it* trerit or yaiur, but a wu tJJrol the Pr°l>r,et‘?r* h» the eomtiiuiiiiv, to uand by Utetr derision,at regarded tu beneficial ii fl tence. Timk dectet « hati been •ttaiand ta a manner almost unrxreeted. The unsought aeknow.edrmonl of it* wonh ha* proceeded epon.aneuoaly from thousand* who here praett/ahr eioe iie .eedttsbeurfi athrougtHmt the country-and whyVs It jel Because tbe trial uf pa qualities to C Mi c„L'f,!* r:av,o’‘ ,ot tbe Throat, asthma. i£m cv.n plaint, and all disesee* leedlns to Consumption h. e,v-n tta ralue that no other aioulii medicioc lima e»er reached Complaints of tbe Laag, are ih. moat "ngrroi. Die same lime me prere>n,„f »n tfiua.e*. Our efim.b* te mo,t peculiar— t, change, soddenly from.xtVTf.T IVcrn'/he eh tt, eol'lorf* from wet to dry.and It la frcm^tlie change to the ehmaie tbnt ilutue* are apt to VV hen the btood l» In an unhethhy state, and the eon.u tmi m naturally delicate, if a cold ret* ,o and no irnmedm o reuaf ta«r« pUcc, the chtners *re allnfether ikaioat th.» patient attacknt—it U when rrmr*« tlkVn in .Km. I’.e,« I* checked and hfe used T^?T no“S«, “ bitt may not be rulfcrrd to go such a lengib th.t n.. men. erne nr physician in the woil lean use'he attacked This should he remembered by all-tbe mfrty for rife i. m be prepared In time. At the fire, .T.nptlm. cf . rw Cawjfk or Chttlueoo TllE (*LARlFik[) rase * *»«, M'i\KHol Nl> < ANDY ancuM be ftcelv u»nl,acce n».c£ to tIJrection*, and in every wh^ro ti \% me taken "15 pntpernme .hewd^ £"** -,H be b,os.n“p •Mealed W* fed it oar «luiy (otuiprcM ihia ui*on ma,» oee-.ll remedies 6.- tmien'.n fm. Lmeo"' exeh pneksgeof Ihe genaine Prate’s II arkn*** r-.T is signed i Pease A Son, 13 Ihe,.Ion nttee, do’. l wholesale and retail al maoufacrnrer’s'pi we* bTV“ k' _JLC Id No,. Agent. ,n R.ehm^OTeT,^. .NKw music t'ok the piano 1’oute. 11 rocelved, above 111) pieces *n i balled* |.« ,1.. ,,, -- 1 W.rT,",U.r w.C|?,a ’°’7I'CO"<“<lr’« "Dsilons ftond.aur Jtt£2S2/VS£Xi'"» ufE““ Ktu/oM*hnch* ] These beaotlful melo. hurt'll O’Don. ebew’s tride ! e The Son,,, Dsj.olold ^ j bTr^TN 0JX etT* °f Athl°°® ^,bof 0(NsiMcen M^otu. Brown'^ «°’ or lh« Msrinar’* K.rew.ll, by V U Oh no. Fee no, forgotten thee, by C E Horn Tfie Mother’s Ruth* b, J ACirtxo Dream not of ni* by C R Hu n Oa how *weet, by J Toe Dream, by I P kn gt,t 7 m. V. lu mi- iin^cc, by J II The Forsaken On#, hr O F Co'e 7 " The Mualeal Hu*hrui.t, hjr Vattolloe Tf»e Haunted Bark. bf do nidfrtrndeMii ir je friend* I P Knight gSaswasss >.sdr asrrttxvws®; I hsre left my nallao Mountains, |.y V.n.lebui. Rre.k my Me.rt. 4 c by C /euLer ai'i7 ? yulr.* fr • farntl'e air by C P White Mias Lucy Long, tel aaaeoUthnn 7 . . J10 y»fl««k>n# by Viatack t* Fiirprlre *»!nj; mili'.lre, by do Ntehaille 0-i|l0p«.|y quirk Wet. do Midsummer Night Dream Wain Carolina Marrh br K F. Itimo Aileh Wa'taby O Bleaencr of *'mc *■ The New Poleh, Mazurka, l.y A Fluke with many Other pieces, (oat published. Iwethcr mu I, the large roek ofMusle n„ hint, r-nd„. the "rut mw[|*,'**"T*’ ,*‘1 *,U b* of eliber wholesale or *2JJ_ fmitii, drinker * morris KALI, imported CHINA A: Ql IKENSWARR 8FLLIMJ VEKV LOW* IJY ih* ship Harriet Rockwell, Inal srilve.L a.M.d m « presto,. receipt. I am pt.cad to ^4252?^'^ amt erminan llng et-ek nf Queenaware an. f 'l.ina 1 GERMAN, FRENCH A^D AMERICAN GLASSWARE. TtUZftSttSL "7.7" oS^»7£sSM£S! The above l).«l. hare been pure based at ear. !„r rates tertA ar-nry | *n*MU* u, aell lzllltHi.a ai> My old and pnectual pay ing (rlanda are Invited » bur on the ostial rtedtt. Wg F Rl'TttR 7 ,f '»donra above tba Sell Tavern, JUST TO HAND, |7!FTT sacks User pm! Salt A7 I boi*« No I Lnnf ettfar I'qr raaks AM Win# in tibia Orleans Mnlaa*,* 10 do* Pair.te I B cken Ml bbla Flour, a, me . f mpailor qua.l y I# eitM’i a laTndtl'a Hvns. eery nlra I bane* Huh A Non a kNia Vap I | p« It l.' n. Mn.i, b and ‘i Wr"»«' hi an,| I r*p* Wh bar t *» h'*t 4-E¥i2*I*rp**h of li;n , mtif 0i ( rr^«,p K »i»-Ofi .p, Kufa • 1 7 E** k.unihihc i»•!•«• t hp#.«, P*;>, *r. *fvirr« And a fliiri of oihrr r-wbfwi mirkpraiit io»«ni»i|i »».Kh »ni h-r.M!..w. for P#°,w no I BAKER A THORNTON'S, Mmket, \1 H**-Towi»sh-nd*i Net* lnMe#*n#ritm_ V S7"1*" * W "ASDOITIlV mg11.*4---Rboksore Pni^nPaa.'.^.V* ”* '•'t* ■**■*■•*•« »» *•! and U ,W*' **•••. •* • S«SU aalvaeee cn the <aetoi y L J P POMPS, __Mam afreet fNII.TCHINA TRa -WaSK. is t it-s ol », bA, 70am' INI ■ . K.'s '■ tWSINIartiste, Just spewed ami *>r .ale lh.**Fb7 _ J P PlMiti, ' 10___Onpeelt# R n Jantlna' |VOH vary low. if imme q.ia «,.pi. i,„ r in vie. go loads ofANTIIR ACITt tNiAl. nf i, be« I'talpy Amjy Itlhe R. F. A p H 7 ORt., * nor 16-U C W MaCMIRPO, Treae'r,