Newspaper Page Text
FARM AND FIRESIDE Dalr) iof* rallad?. T.**H. HOSKIXS, M. D. There have been great advances in the stud}' of the seien tifies of dairyiig, during the last ten years. Large credit is due to a number of enterprising men, whe have devoted both money and, time to the investigation of milk and its products, ami also to improving the methods of breeding, foeding, and handling dairy stock. If I were dis* posed to criticise anything these inves? tigators have dene, it would be the haste some of them have shown to be? come instructors before acquiring a mastery of their subject. To this we owe much buiklibg with 'untetupered mortar' that has not endured ; and, worse than that, the diffusion of erro? neous notions among the people, harder to be overcome than a simple, teach? able ignorance. Anxious to avoid the fault myself, and yet desirous to point out what I am thoroughly convinced arc serious errors, I shall touch briefly in this article upon Sviuie important practical points which have been mis-stated and misundcr? stood, and about which the popular mind is yet adrift. I do this with some reserve, and only after more than fifteen years of practical study, joined to careful closet investigation of bo tit, the chemical and physical sides of the ques? tion. The public arc often at a loss to decide, where 'doctors' and 'professors' disa?rcc; yet I believe that I shall make the points I touch upon sufficiently plain, and shall support my statements such good reisous, that most intelli? gent and well-experienced practical dairymen will agree with my conclu? sions. Alii IX CREAM. Fog some time it was thought (and el.urns to carry out the principle were introduced) that tbe passage of air into tlie cream during the process of churning promoted the separation of the butter. This idea is now exploded, and the churns are found only in garrets.. I allude to it merely to show, in the light of what will be hereafter stated, how far away from any true conception of the facts the minds of many must ,have been when such a theory could have had currency, ~ ?WHtHKS IN THE CREAM. Not unfrequently the correspondence columns of [agricultural journals con? tain queries headed, 'Why Don't the Butter Come?' or something equiva? lent, in which the writer details the pain? ful efforts of hours, and even days, over a lefractory chornful of cream.? Most inexperienced persons meet with this trouble; and not a few, also, who have made a good deal of butter, and made it well, when all natural con* unions were favorable. The idea ex? pressed by some that the cream was 'bewitched,' is the last resort, the world over, fot the explanation of un c?otapt*ebcadod natural phenomena. It is only in the clear white light of science (knowledge) that the witch becomes totally invisible. She and the ghost are alw a vs best seen in the dark. TEMPERATURE IS SETTING. As lately as seven orjeight year* ?go it was the universal teaching that proper temperature for setting milk was in the vicinity of CO0. The best authorities agreed that at a higher temperature the i nflk would become sour before all the cream would come to the surface, while at a lower temperature It would never rise at all. When the Swedish method of setting in ice-water was first reported in America, it could hardly obtain serious aotice. so contrary was the received, notions. .Now, it has been abundantly demonstrated that cream swims fo the surface soonest in milk cooled nearly to ..-?point of great density, or about 40?. This is, in itself, a great advance,? probably the greatest single step that bog been made in butter-dairying. Yet it woo not made by Professor, but was blundered upon in practice. 'IHK "CURRENT" THEORY. Some minds have a ?great londuese for najstifyiog plaiu matters. If one should see a quantity of apples goiug over a waterfall, it would never occur to him that when these apples reached the still water below it would be neces? sary to "create currents" in the pool before tlie fruit would float to the sur? face. The fact that apples are lighter than water would be considered a sum ? dent reason why they should float upon it ; and ?s it is a rule alike of philoso? phy and common sense that wlieu we lave a perfectly satisfactory reason for any occurrence, it is folly to seek lor any other, we should never think of a "current" theory. Having ocular evidence that a current submerged the apples. and that they came to the sur? face where the current abated, wc should tii-lied. Now, tlie bntter globule, though 11 i.? too small to be seen by the f.kcd eye, to to the milk in which it swims what the apples in the case sup? posed were to the water. If we keep the milk in a state of agitation they do not rise : if the milk is at rest, and just in proportion as that rest is perfect, they swim to the top. The most rapid separat ion of cream takes place in that apparatus where the milk is quickest re? duced to Iho proper temperature and most rigidly held there. Whenever you hear one of these "current" theo? rists holding forth, you will always lind that he has a "new patent setting can" in the ante-room, which ho would like to show you. Remember the oir cliurns, and eschew him. THE ANIMAL OIK>B. That the best butter is now made from cream raised in closed, and even in submerged cans, is what the boys call "a sticker" to those gentlemen who have long and learnedly held forth upon the pernicious "animal odor" in milk, which required the an?et careful ventilation to bo rid of, and which ab? solutely ruined the flavor and keeping quality of the butter when retained. "Various ingenious way? of getting around the stubborn fact aro resorted to. It is hard indeed, after having ex* plained bow tbj? "ikIqi" originates,! I what its chemical formula probably i and how it looks or would look win isolated, to find it disappear, all once, like a will-o'-the-wisp. LN'odou there are "stinks" in milk,butuodouli also, they arc got there from filthy hi. and teats, filthy hands, foul air, ai the like. Pure healthy milk has not ing in it that needs to lie removed I ventilation. Ventilate your cow stable keep your cows cleau, give them go< food and pure water, keep yourself ai your surroundings clean while handln the product, from the udder to tl butter-tub, and you will never be troi bled with the "'animal odor," Aneth ghost has been laid, another "witch has disappeared. WASHING BUTTKR. a\buudant experiment has shown thi the natural flavor of butter cannot Ij removed by washing it with pure wate Careful manipulation, with the cr?ai and everything else just right, will mal good buttsr without washing. But tl extra troublo is wasted. THK "UKAI.N" OF BTJTTEX. When the butter baa "come," an appears in little irregular mass?e, froi a piu'shead to alarga pea in size, the tiaie to draw oil' the buttermilk an wash the butter in the churn. This re moves most of th? buttermilk. Aftt being then gathered and removed froi the chum, werked, washed aud salle on the butter-worker at the proper ten pcrature, we fiud upon beaking it, thi it has a granular look. The mai seems to be made of little pari a slightly glistening appearance. Thi is called the "grain." Tin particles are partially kept apart t tilm? ef water, (after salting, this wati becomes brine1), aud the peculiar tcx ture thus imparted to the butter is test of proper manufacture. Ovcr-chun or ovar-work it, churn or work it at th wrong temperature, and the grain i gone, never to be restored ; aud with i is gone a large percentage of the selllnj value of the butter. Enough wate (brine) must be retained to produce tin: appearance, with distinguishes "butter' from "grease." Consequently thi mest perfect grain is obtained by wash ing in the the churn before the butter ?i ?'gathered." THE BUTTER GLOBULE. To these whe know nothing of th< micrescope aud its revelations, a worli remains hidden ot which they can ban little comprehension. To the nakci eye milk appears a smooih. uniforu fluid. To the eye aided by the combi nation if magnifying glasses, called i "microscepe." (sser ef little things), i is a translaceut fluid, in which floats : multitude of shining globes, and thesi globes are butter in its primitive state We do not make butter when wc churn although we say so. When the pro cess of churning has becu continuel until we can see little particles of buttei in the cream, we say "ike butter hai ceme," and the next proceeding (alte: washing) is to "gather it." But. ii reality, churning isa single process There is no difference between tin "coming" and the "gathering," excep that the latter is visible, while the ?ai? mer is invisible to the unaided sight All that we do when we agitate crean in a chum is to throw the lutter glo? bules strongly against each other. 1 the cream is too cold, we may do tbil forever and produce no butter, for tht same reason that we cannot work but ter into rolls, or prints, when it is to? celd. The globules are too hard U stick together. They merely rattle against one another in the churn, like peas in a bag. If the cream is toe warm , we can churn them together and then chum them apart again, because they are in too fluid a state to hold to? gether against the action of'tha churn, So po butter comes in cither case there are "witches in the cream." Thi true exercist, in such trouble, is a thcr ?meter. MOKE MYSTIFICATION. The mystifier?? have held high carni? val on the butter globule. Nearly all of them (I do not kuow an exception among dairy'professors') declare that it has a shell, (as the German philoi created aa elephant, 'out el the depths of his moral consciousness'), they have as much trouble with it as they had with the'animal ?dor.' Some tell us that the creaai must bo kept until acidity is dsvelaped, in order to weaken the shell. One has said that the churn must he sc constructed as to have a grinding ac tion upon the cream, for the same pur? pose. A good many have seen the shell, net only upon the globule, bul after it has been ruptured and the butter has escaped. They describe it as accurately as they described the "yellow oil.'or as the old lady described the ague which the doctor made her throw up with a dose of lobelia, sin- Baid il ?looked for all the world like the yelk of an egg.' And yet we kuow that wc eau make butter as easily from sweet'eream as from sour. Wie can nuke butter as quickly by ?.haking cream in a plain pine box as when agitated With the most scientific dasher ever invented. Wc know thai at the right temperature we cannol carry a bottle of cream a few milt s in a wagon-box without finding butter there at the end of our journey, So, far. we have common sense ternit inaccurate science. If we go further, we shall find thai while 20 years a^-o all physiologists thought they could see a mi ml,: the little globule (and nothing is mere easv than to deceive one's sell' on this point in uning an imperfect instrument or a good one unskillfullv,) -now, more than half ol thosr who bare - the question with ability, declared it to benaketl. It is really a difficult qncs tion to decide. lioth Optically, with the microscope, and by the m chemical tests the highest manual skill and the best mental ability arc re? quisite in the determination of this ftp parently simple problem. Hut tin wri? ter hopes he may say, without egotism, that thoigh 'only an ordinary M, J). and farmer,' he liften years ago, ami several times since, has repeated, with [many variations, a great variety oj tests, both on the optical and chemical side of this 'membrane' question, ami concluded each time with a firmer con? viction that the butter globules swim :lare naked' in the serum of the milk, requiring forcible contact only, at the right temperature, to cause them to ad? here to each other and form batter. Whe? he began this study, he was Bot aware that a single prominent scien? tist held any other view than that the butter globule had an envelope. Now, he is happy in finding the majority upon his tide ; and he looks, in a few years, to see the point demonstrated, by some ' ' Ingeni?os experiment, so that there can be no longer any dispute. Practically, It la akeoay proved, since the practice of the dairy would not be at all modi fledby the demonstration referred to. [to.operations are conducted exactly as though no envelope exists, and with i results. Home D?pariaient. The following come frem house? keepers of exp?rience and judgment, who have thoroughly tested and ap* prove them. 'Boston1 Brown Brsad.?Ooe pint each of Indian and Rye Meal; 1 cup o? Mo?asses; 1.' pint Milk or Hater; 1 teaspoonfnl Soda ; 1 teaspoonful Salt. Steam three hours, and then place in the oven and bake until well browned. Gipsy. Pudding.?Cut Male sponge? cake ?uto thin slice**, spread tlieta with currant jelly or preserves, put two pie* ces together like sandwiches. Fill a di.-h with these ; make a Boft custard, pour over the cake while hot, ami let eool before Serving. Pop-Overs, i pt. Flour: l pt. Milk; 2 Eggs. Eggs beaten to a froth, mix quickly, and bake In bot buttered cups, Serve with hot sauce. Coffee Cake.?One cup very strong Coffee; 1 cup Butter; - cups brown Sugar ; ?'; Eggs ; 1? pint Flour ; H tea* spoonful "Royal Baking Porder," (or | teaspoonful of Soda, and 1 do. of C. Tartar); 1 cup stoned Raisins ; } cup chopped Citron ; I teaspoonful of Nut meg, and 1 of Alspice ; J cup of sweet Milk. This wii make two good- s.zed loaves'. CRULLERS.?] quart Flour; cup Lard aud Butter in equal parts; 1 cup Sugar; I 1-L* teaspoonful o? 'Baking Powder' (orSoda 1-2 teaspoonful, ('ream Tar? tar? teaspoonflil) ; 3-4 pint Milk; 2 !;_:_-. Flavor With Nutmeg. Sift Hour. sugar and powder together, rub in the lard and Imiter, and add the beaten . nd milk. Mix to a dough and Iry. Washington Cake.?2 cups of Dutter; 3 cups Sugar; 4 cups Flour; 2 oonfuls of 'Boyal Baking Powder'; o Eggs;l cup Milk:l cup Stoned Raisins; 1-2 cup Currants; 1-i cup chopped Citron. Flavor with Nutmeg and Cinnamon, cue teaspoonful c.u-n. Spoxoe*Cake.?-G Egg?; 3 cups powdered Sugar; 1 cups sifted Flour; 1 teasooonful Soda; 2 of C. Tartar; i cup cold Water, a pinch ofSaH. Tn? LaBoavroBT of un: sy-ti-.-j.??.. wach Is the Isl ? lyttatta, in wlilcli or tain bi\ ' g on. TbtM result m tho prodactiea of that wondertal vivifying Sgcnl ..lll.ll ill a; i.l health rushes laden wll uts ef vltalit* tu the rei - tern. But when thestum;.rli Is SI Ull.psisljzsd l.y il;. msnufscturs is carried on Imperfectly, the circa .h and sluggish, and tb? s; suffers m consequence. Moreever, Indigestion! reacts upon tho llTer and h i snng th? flr6t sluggi.ih anil the lat; i. The Ijr.i.ii I ' -,viui,jiiiv, and ?ick ho.-iil .UI.1 ncrv ins symptonis are engendered, Uostetter's Btemach Bitten reforms gives permanent te:,, regular... . . iwell anil livir, sag sumiros complet nourishment and iacreaased rigor of the tyttna. It i> till .' as well a? the in ?I sfflclsn antl-dysj Kr.i i' Yocn Lives aul bus word off many distressing coni splain'.s, by using 'Swayne's Tar and Sarssparilla Pills.' Care sick or nerve ous headache, dizziness, billiousncts, bad tasti in mouth, dyspepsia, inward all complaints of the stomach and bowels. They act gently, with., oui pain or gripping, and do nol I ? the bowels costive, as is the case with many oilier purgatives. Sold at 25 cts a box by Dr.D. D C autre, Wood? stock. On '. De ,i? me, I'm Gei un? Geai II a : i: I'w.i iN'i. ? V..u have only to use ''London II nr color Restorer,"the best and mo-t cleanly article ever introduc? ed to the American people, is entire? ly harmless and tree from all impure ingredients that render many articles ul noxious. It thickens thin bair.stdps its falling, and restores the perfectly nstura] color. It is nicely perfumed and so elegantly prepared us to make il a lasting hair dressing and toilet luxury, J. .'.. TYKES, A PROMIS 1 SI CITIZEN, Wilson, N. C writes: ?*'<>iir ti i yean ago my wife's bsir commenced fallinj t very thin ond turned gray,but after using "London HairColoi Re storcr*' tho scalp became healthy, the hair stopped falling, the color was re? st ?red, and is now growing beautiful? '* ^ " *. Is i bottle o] ?fl the lall dozen h\ nil pn mini nl druggists In Woodstock l.v Dir. D* 1?. ?"ai.hh rtuizers ! ilizers ! BUYTHE ANCHOR BRAND. MANUFACTURED BY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. This fertilizer was used in this county lasl year and the result proves conclusively that it has no superior. It was tried Ly the Bide of some of the best brands, audit has proved itself A SUPERIOR PHO.?PHATE. It drills easily. Few brands arc equal to it, in this respect. Farmers w ?siting to purchasi an ? At Low Figures ,vill call on, or address th?' under? signed at Woodstock. EDWARD BUSHOXG. June 5?3ffl0. BURN HAM'S STANDARD i LI.BINE WATER WHEEL WAS>SA1TTED tho BIST and CHEJES?. Also. MILLING MACHINERY. ?FSICi: 2IS;:iS AMU, 20,1873. Puaykltt* Tttt.' N. I . Ul'KNUAlI, Yotm la. Ma\ 211h.-6m. IMPROV! YOUR STOCK. FOR 8ALE, o thorough bred Smiili down Buck i?, ?_' years old Price 125.00. AImsIxS-I Southdown Buck Iambi lur silo low, Will bo if.i'ly lor delivery 1st nl June s .. DANN ER. Apr. M.h?ti. IlliTPOf TwiucH, Ooftts, Finli Boo!? S M*] UM the l?r?e!it a.?ortii:iiit Intmii. ?un- 12th-tf. B. SCHMIT r Advertisements. HIGH PRICES CONQUERED!! The enemy in full retreat and Zack Chandler could not be consol? ed over the depart tire of Ulysses, because he (poor fellow) had not heard that R. M. LANTZ & CO., IDD?TBUBG, VA., are selling such extraordinary bar? gains in the shape of C uns i m erect. Worsted*. Suiting*? Flannels. IJ iiens. C'ottouailes, dre Prudent Housekeepers and Provi? dent individuals should profit by reading R M. LAHTZ A Co s advertisement, for thc-y will learn that for SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, TOWELS, TAHLK CLOTHS. SPREADS, TABLE LINEN, and other family requisites No Better Place to buy from can be found in these parts. Tli.iuLfui to our customers for past patronage, we hope by strict at? tention to business and fair dealing to still merit their confidence. Country Produeo taken in exchange for goods at ?-'ash Prices. R. M. LANTZ& CO., May 2-J-tf. Edinborg. f TAliDWAlIK : HARDWARE l bave now a large and general ?toek HARDWARE, CUTLERY, TOOLS, CHAINS, IROX. NAILS, CHURNS BUCKETS TUBS, Scythes, HOES, RAKES, etc. ? ,1 with care trom tue mamkai' u k h -. '.?.h ?sli I -let il in- pleased to - how to all in wanl of auch goods. l :'.i? receiving NEW GOODS every week, and -hall try to keep all goods in my Hue. that aie ni-esl? '1 hy my customers, and the public. .Iny 8?ti. QEO. BAILY. T?? tttruij et Us l?tk C.mtmrj. Barham'a Infallible PILE CURE. Mimilaeian-d hj tin Biaism":??' "-? ? ?vi?,u.:. H.?Tw fall, to nrt Mf.ll.?!?! ?r I'll... wkra ? ?v? I. MMltik. rrlr* LI.? in ? bou lit Iritl?I.l. fiar? I ??nul cat ?ipUcall?? May. Stli?ly. NMMALSCHOOL The Grammar School, conducted last summer by W, W. Logan, will be con? tinuetl in the summer "i 1878 as a Nor? mal School. Instruction will be given In all branches In ugh I In the common schools, Un' Higher Uathematlcs,Tbeory and Practice <>t Teaching, by text ?inif recitation, and in the Natural Sciences hy lectur?'. Those desiring it may study the languages. Some ??i the advantage? ol this school arc, thorough chemical and Physical. Apparatus, a Teachers Library, and the excellent Library of the Y. M. ?'. A. of the town, to which stu lents will bave free access, Instructors W. W. LOGAN ft. 1) IIA1S1 IP. BonrJ In private families can be bad cheap. Tuition for term offi weekStbeginning July IStb 1878, In advance 85 For further inlormation Apply to \\ . W. LOGAN. Woo?ttock, Va. PUMPS ! PUMPS ! ! I am now prepared tu make anil put in tin1 ???il lime Fravcl Pumps These pumps have been tiled lor near? ly a century, an?! are loundto be more ?tiling ami cheaper than any <>f the low priced pumps which havebeen Intro Ail work guaranteed to give satis? faction. We pul pump? in 'veil- and cisterns f>i any depth and guarantee them 10 an? swer the purpose. Piping furnished to order. Give mea fill. tV" Address mo al Woodstock. GEO. 1!. FBAVEL. May 15th?ly. % ; j r i i ? FAIRBANKS TIE STANDARD OF THE WORLD Over 300 Modifications. TO THE REQUIfiEMENTS OF EVERY BUSINESS FAIRBANKS: & CO. I66BALT^QRESt,B,-UTIM0REM.D I rpUE ORIGINAL PUR1 I .NORWEGIA? COD LIVER OIL This Oil unlike othersti not the Ishj ; rancidtdlssgreeahle, nnelllngand worse, tasting article, bul ns a onto, bland, ir?-li Oil, ukthautnny atfmliture. eaetl* accepted ami retained by the must delicate stomach, end possess a.I tin medical properties ami emcttc* in to a much greater d^rw thanauy other COD LIVER OIL makes it most valuable for patici ta "r Invalids rerfuirlng the use ?>t COD I.IV Kit hi I.. For-salc b? may 10-ly. H. SCHMITT, DrOggtSt PRESCRIPTION FREE! For thi. ?I" ? -ilv ?'n r?-?.I '.?Vinliml W ?lakiie??. Vn?t MantMMM .?nil nil ?lifir-li-n? lirought on t>7 (ndls i'n>tlon nr exr<*n Anv Imint?! bin the ?ngre dlenu. itdrlrna. Or. W. J4QI IJI A CO., ISO Wrnl ?Imth Htrwt,, O. May. 8th?ly Railroads. Im the bent route to i i nein nal i and all WcHtern titles. Oa ?lid ?fter February 3d 187S, P?ttetig<<. Trains will run ?s follows: Februry 3d, 1S7S. I Mail. Exirii-.i. Richmond. ?_j f 9 UO a m " Oordoiisvllle.If 12 M j) m " t 2 10 " " Htannton.!t 4 25 " " Goshen.i t r, 1C " " Millboro'. it fill " " Oovlngton. t 8 40 " " white Sulphur.iMO 15 " " HintoD.. .i I'JIia m '? Kanawha Fall?. .. . 4 ?7 " " Charleston. fi 20 " Arr Huntington.' 'J W " " Cincinnati (8taamar .1. Lvo Cincinnati, o. * M.. 7 15pm " Cirnlnnati, I. C. k 1... 7. " Cincinnati, 0. II. k D, V 00 " " Cincinnati, L. C. * I. 8 10 " Arr Louisville, O. A M. MM Might, " Louisville, L.C. &L jl2:r. Rlgbt, " Nashville.|7 35 am " Memphis. :i :i p ? IS St a in 1! IS p ::l New Orleans Indianapolis, I. c.k I,.'., ?'. M.JU/ Chicago, I. (;. k I,... Chicago, C. II. fcD.... Peor?a ., Iturlitigtoc. Kcokuk. Vincennea . St. LonU. Nedalla. Kansas City Lcavcnworth. Atchison. St. Joseph. ?imaha. Cheyenne. Ogdi-n. Kalt Lake. Sacramento. San Francisco 8 00 pm 11 '.'0 " M II i il 2 10 " 348 " III? " 0 00 " I 7 II " IM " 1 0" [i m J4. " i 5 0<i " H (?I a m '?7.10 " ,. | ,.n .. ''7 30 " 7 HI " ; h n ?? it to ?? 7 ;i.i ? ? 4 ? p ? In M :i ':? i u tu p m tU40 ?? 7 85 a ni 7 Mi " 8 40 " 1 M) p m 2 lo " 145 a m IM '? 110 p 111 in v? ?' 12 28 a m 1 ;?7 " I 4H " I 13 " ? 'i . ,i i? ? lio " I 111 fl ? I 1 10 p in ' 1 111 " ? 3 85 ? ' 8 47 " i 4"> a m l.vo St. Louis. im ?.Ll An-Little Itock.; |00 " " I>rni?ou.I " Sherman. S Up m " Dalla?. ii ;;, ?. " Waco.? " Ucarne.I" " Rockdalc.? 415 .. " Austin.lOryl " " Houston.; 7 ;jn .1 " Galvcstun.i 10 10 " " San Antonio..j |00pn 1" .'ii " IS SI p 1 141 " i ] 19 " , 1 20 " j ?15 " I M " 1 :. M p m ii m : m 4-. - I 1 M i ?. t Daily except Sunday: utlior tr.iiti? daily. For information, taten ami ticket! apply to John '. Woodward ticket agent, SUnnton, ?a. CONWA? l:. HOWARD, i?. 1'. .* T. A. W. M. S. nni, Lngr. A: Suit. Clise cornice Ii in fir Front BoyaL arrive at Fmnt Boyal S.?9.P, M. l.-:ive Front Boyal 12,3? 1*. M. arrive at Woodatock. I.U P. M. SCHEDULE II. FERRY k VAI.I.I.V BBANCU J*. ?fc O. It It. Tahlncj Effect June. 10''', W78. NORTH. STATIONS " St.-iunton " llnrriHonliurg '? Ban Market " Mt. Jacks >n Woodstock '? Itraabttrs ! f 11' " WlnehaatCT ' Charhattnra " Hani, terry " Washington '? Baltimora 1 A. IL A. M. 11,11 T.4J 10 .". 1331 12,1' 12,15 .-...o 1,01 0.13 1 23 Ml ,30 I .VI i 11 0,40 '? ;. Ill 11,01 ! 5,3. 11 II 9 10 P. SI. Can at Strasburg ;nr Front i 1 in 7 1.' 1* M- tr.iiu paaaing w. . i-- k 1 1 'on Moinl:iy?, Wednesday? and Batnrda*? all other . trains daily excq t Sunday?. SOUTH. STATIONS : Washington Harp. 1. .-iv Wlncheeter Middlt-toWTj Strasburg Wo.jil?to. k Mt. Jack- ii Si-w Market BarrlaoDbarg -taUIibn A. M. A. M. P. M. 3,20 7.51 Ml |0,30 7.10 11,00 12,16 12.43 1,08 ?-?.:; Ml 3.41 4 1". ! :'."? 5,44 7,50 A.M. A.M. i', M. Paaaanffar train l.-n. ? - i; Boyal 11,21 a m. .-.rr:>. ? Strasburg 12 m. dally I v ; t Rand uectliii; with '? Train Paaalnj .: 7 51 a. 111. r en Monday?. VvednM trains daily except Banda., DPICKS ?so. * ?faltara, Nutmegs, Maoe, Cinnninoii, Cloves, Allspice, lVpiicr, Ginger, Turmeric Mustard Si ed, Celery Seed. Flavoring Extracts and Essences, Rennet Wine. Salad Oil, Gelatin, Isinglass, Sago, Cornstarch. Farina Unking Powders, Tapioca Cream of Tartar, Smla. anil everytftin** in this line ol a pur qui iliy .-uni told as ehertp u th adi 'terated articles B. SCHMITT Mi y IS?tl. Drnsfjrtst tVoodstock, OLD, TRIED, AND TRUE Peoplo arc getting r.cauainteil-oiil '.hone who are not ought to In.?with the wonderful tn. rlt? < f that great American Remedy, thu MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, FOR MAJT AND BEAST. This llnlmrnt rcry naturally originate ', ea, where Nature provide? In her laboratory Rich ?urprl?Ing antidote?, for the maladies of lurtJuI dron. Its famo has been spreading fOf until now it encircles the habitable globe. Tho Mexican Mustang Liniment la a WatchVm remedy forellexternalallmenisuf r.i.-.nandb.-:i?t. To ?tock owner? and fanner? It Is lirai A ?Inglo bottle often saves a liunian lii.rrr. ?tore? tho uaefolnc?? ?f 1111 .xeilleiit horse, <>t, eow, or sheep. It cures foot rot, hoof ?II, hollow horn, gro?'. ?crew-worm, shoulder rot, mang?, the bites and ?ting?of poUonou? reptiles and Insect-, ami. W rj mich (h-awback to ?tock breeding and bu*h life. It cure? every external trouble of horses, such a?lamcne?s, ?cratohcii, swlnny, spralti?, fouud.r, wind gall, ring l?>ne, etc., etc. Tho Mexican Muttang I.lnlim nt I. Hi? qvtekaal euro la tho world for accident? occurring In tho tamtly, In tho absence of a rjhysicl.,11, lock n? burn?, scalds, ?prain?, cuts, ?.tc, and for rheum? asm, and sUfncss e-gendered by cxposur-. 1" ir tltsilarly valuable to Miners. It Is tho cheapent remedy in the world, f.r It penetrate? the nia?ole to th? bone, and a single application 1? genera?* i-umclent to cum. Mexican Mustang Uniment 1? put up In three ?liesof bottle?, tho larger one? being proportion? ately much the cheap-*?. Sold everywhere. an. 3' - lyr. Take Notice. Allp?r?ons MaMad to me ?re roques ed to elo?e tbelr ?ccniitit? by ii"t. or otherwise,. na. 13?u. s.d. OaUurn Xo CO N S U M P11 ? 18. The advertiser, harin?: been per"i?ntly cured ol that dread dise???-, CunsoD)] lion, by a simple ram* r-dy, lsaiixloiia to make known to his fellow suffer? ers the ni"?n? of enre To all who desire it, he ?rill aend a ?opr of the prescription SOOt, (tree of charge,) with tue direction? for preparing and us? ing trie same, which they will And a sure core for lli.uaiimptlon, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ac. Partie? wlahlng the prescription will plaase ?ddrea? Rev. K. A. WII.SOM, l'.'l Penu St., WilUanuburg, New York M. H REARDON, (roe i iii:.'?i.i:?: i.n PUBE Home 3In<lc Whisky BBAXDIFS, WIM.s. Etc., CHOICE GROCERIES Willott H'?'/ '. Bi ???? . Ire, k ..f Kentucky P?,yo Whiskeys? and I ' lVliisli? y ami Apple-Brandjr. Cal! ai. ! B I'll. NEW ST??K. A? TU IT PIlIC? a (al Spring & Hummer GOODS. h.: I . ii!?l a low flglll i'-. I) R Y GOO DS.GROC K?. IES <?v i*i*E>*sw v il i: Boots and Shoes HAI ??je. AU w ill bo sohl ? v. i y ioiv : Bool - anil Sho? - . ? ;?. Ca'.I and examine IL LOGAN ? : ".. E.-wt 01 U'el IT- Hotel. WootUtock. N TOTK r. I lu Woo i ; . .1 an '. iieiglib ?" iii^ I'ii?i < Iflleef?. have he? n placed m tin li.-.i: !- ol Hiram Bati.*ormaii l? ;.? i:?. i?!. :. ? < I r . IVi h onr pairoii* ;-si nriii. a it is neccfs.ii., thai the biisiiit -? of the old lii in sliou Id I i up. ct.lOtb, 1-77. J. II. URAB1LLJ CO 'po HAVE GOOD SWEET AM' 1_ Spptig) r.isenit*. 1. i] l'ail-;.- iSrc withi . ??! any kind use \Y.WX'.!;s VIRGINIA I'HEMII M YEAST POWDERS, bent ami ??11? a] n ! barmleso. giving von ". ith i??-- time, labor and il bv [1MII !'. I). I CM. W'M. J. P. S?UM A Go PRODU C?il NS, FLOUR. GRAIN. BUTTER, BGG9, POULTRY, GREEN & DRIED I RUITS And C wntrv I illy, si ? 1 Tat. i . .1 23 ?a I 1 FOTJTZ'S CELElUtAlED Horse and Cattle Powders. Ti.i- | | hrorMf known, will thcrouslily rc-invigorate broken li^-rn a:. 1 ?nw-?;.irit. il hor.-o., t.7 strengthening a:.d c'.caiuing Uia I?. is a ?-ur.s preventlveofall disease* o '.i,6uc!ias LlNtf GLANDERS, YELLOW ^f?. WATER, HEAVES, C0CGH3. DIS TEMPER, FEVERS, FOI LOSS or APPETITE ,r ?XEBOT, de. Ill DM improve the wind, ?ncrei?' 3 do gires asm - . . ?:? 1 transfonas tbe ml In.oa ?nc-1 wkinrj andsplrl To ktcperi ef Cots this propara . sluablo. It Is ? ?rentlr? against Hin! rpest, [follow Bon,etc. It baa been proven by ?etnal experiment to increase tho qaantltjr of mil!? ar.d ereim ttrenty p.T cut. and make, tlii butter firm anil iveet In f-s'.'.er.iiiir cattle. t| Fives tv-ra an anp. tit?, W??j th-.i.- iiiU-,*, acsl mak? tUctaUirire much fast?r. Tn Ml Bsnmt cf SiTiaW, lach ai O?!-,'.:, ClcersIS Dm Lungs, Liver, kc, thi} artic! a? a FocciCc. Hy pittin- from one t.-ilf a paper to a paper in a barrel of ttrill the aliove diseases will bo eradl? catM or cnti?ly prevented. Ifglvc-i la time, a certain preventive <u.?l care for tie II".-Cholera. DAVID E.FOUTZ, Proprietor, BALTIMOF.E, Mil. PniillirDni"' i';!s:; r.dPtorokci? por.; throOKh' oui t lie" 0 nitcu atatea, Cat jula ;su- : s..\ :. For -..'' I v ?!? ** Irwin ?v Son, ?' Va. Mm ! $2500 - ? ' us : u -. s. ij., bt. Luuia, Mu. OPIUM ST ALADDIN ki ;U?RSTY?!L OUSEAOlO 0;L IN USE. Warranted i 50 Degrees Fire-Test. v. ran v.nn** a colok. ; .: Ij ' s'..??.lorind. WILL KOT EXPLODE. HIGHEST AWARD Centennial Exposition ... ??! ir.inf.ic'Utro /.SO BIOB nRKTaCIT. . ':; '-.: uartaM Coapii?ii?. -On', cf Many. >. or DaiTtxoaa, ? .I i lio various oils ?told I take pleas? uslln? your " Aladdin Security si lU OUT hull?* y s. tir? trulv, ANDRr.W IV. Manufacturai bjr C. WEIT ?& MM, liait i moro. Try It, ana you ?111 uso no other.. Lara p fix hi m, TtOtttO, Ilraer? I'teilnesmp port?!* at Carter'? Dtiig atare. Sf*niT^n ' ""' ""fly '>?rn'''l I? !?**?? time? "?W / / / I it it can b?mad? in Hire.? in. ntliK *k\J I I I t.y any one nf either ?ex, in any p?rt of tbe eeuntry ? h , ih willing ?.?ly at Ih? employment that we fm ninli. f'.i! per ween in yonr min town. Ymi uted not b? away from horn? ?ver liiajli?. ^. jronr whole Unie to the work, or only your ?pare moment?, e hav? ?gent* who are making over t!0p?rday. All who engagn at once can Bake money f??t. At the promut time money cannot be made ?o ?ani'y and rapidly at any other liusinefi* It conto nothing to try the buslaea. Tenas and ?.?> outfit free. AiMron at once, II. Hali.?tt ft Co. Portland, Maine. Aug. In. 77-ly ???????????aaaaaaaaa.aa^?? i^^m.^?^???aa?]^ W OODSTOCK F 0 U N I) K Y -AND MACHINE SHOPS. DANNER & NEWMAN, - Proprietors. manufacturers of First-Class Circular Sau Mills, icb paitenUratl --..?and ?atista.-tlon gnaiantced. Mill Gearing and Casting?, ...-., j i leu. Ar artet y of plows, vixi mdKewBan I . I '-th right and IefJ hand, the Danner Ir. Newman No. 2 1-2 and 3, ?hiebare 2 and3 bora? plow? ?lib li-.keudoru moild. ? ) dint, 1. X. I., and HllteHl Plows. Meat - ? a.i plow? reduod, TUE IMPROVED McGINNI8 FERTILIZER 8PRRAD1B, rvirsceu. The Eicel?lor Cultiva tall I ..filer, this ha? taken ? PAT. LEVER CUTTING BOXES. lice, Do r?, Blinds Sa..h ; Window Fraaiae, .. .- -..'.?: ?!:. ? I pat th' Maat. . m M ra-par .-**? . : .- in.p,tm?nt?. \\ vCH?NERY U ALL KINDS REPAIRED. M an-h 2A ? ?. HIGHEST AWARD AT THE ( EX TEXXIAT ; U'., Ion aofHonor and :' Merit, ! ' Grand Upright? and Sciifi\ PIANOS - Pianu?, '?: au inak? rs. I'ro 100. wc arc al?o i forth? Southern - of ihr nmua win mm: The best now made. a fnil ? :.-' i CHAS. M.ST?EFF, Xo. 9 X. Liberty Struct, Balto?ohz. GARDEN SE DS. 5 fen cent Papers for 23 eis a - .. aim. d?ctil? in tin - "?? t" ! 111."?!*. 'I III in,..'.su i,',: :! :?.;?%? i I lb rantee of the ir?hn.--, i urity und excellence?! their i roduct?. B. KS XKYY DEPARTURE REVOLUTION IN PiaiyipMe! i SAVE ALL (WMIMIOm am. Dl*l : III WOULD ;radbury pianos. i m. WE3ER PIANOS. .'.Mi THE Esiey Organs AT l'A< TORY PRH Send (orparticulars lo ?.ANDERS &STAVMAN. Manufacturers Agents. rife ? liirl-s Street, liallii'ior-. Mi. 111'.) l'cuusjlvaui? Avenue, Wa.hingtou, I?. 0, X. B.?A Sew ???inar? or upright Piai. 00, warranted. X.'T. 21-lyr. r.OI.SPI.ATI'.l)W %T? llls.i ,;.-? m the known world. Sample Wa.v\ Fret to ?mutt. Add-***?, ?V Ceui/ru * Co., Chkagt?. TRUSES. The Join--' Ventilated Trnsae? and Supporters ire the Kssiest, Safest and Best in the world. How in exhibition and for aale by Dr. D. D.CARTKK r good ridiug and work lioiae for ?ale, on ac? commodating terms, by S.A. DANNKK [u?t received a l?t of new ?hues of all kind? I b 8. A. I I evrv ?norable ami tlr?t tildreiat : It A CO., St. I..nils.M.? ? ?vil ????.?.'SI (Ho? .lamp fvi uwkoa unuin Wnmm^m??&? May 8th~ly. aadlarphla? baklt eared. aaloal. ai-.olat? .ion* tr. ?CLUfEDunr-i ..:. -.. .: ".' '?: -? Carriage Factory AT XErTMARHfT, TIR<;ixIa, tylea of Buggies, Carriages, Jsfgers, : ad -. ?si:., kc., at ?hurt notice, lie - but ?killed wo.kmen and turns off nothing but gnar inta? J |oka, He has a market f ?".factures at home and abroad ; and perse - ?- ? ?. ::aeu?i of inedera CARRIAGE BUILDING no at his place. Illuatrated eataiegaee m free to all applicant?, ? JuIIK Vf. CI.INF.DINST, June- .".', 'T?J? New Market, Va. Til H EXCHANGE HOTEL, WOODSTOCK V A. I'SDl'.R JEW MANAGEMENT. JI. GEARY, .. Proprietor. THIS wc'.I-kiiown and popular house has'been _hiy rejaiuted rapaparsd and refurnished and in now preparad lo faraiafe the beat acconuue ? t > all. Inder the H ::id a first elaa? Or eery an ? where a large stock of ta? VERY BEST ?nd ?hoapest goods can always be fouaJ. M . k i 11 ? iiday tioeds is complete in ?vary department embracing, Nil -, CAKES FIICIT9, FREXCHand AMERICAS l .?.MUES, ToTSand FANCY AKTICLKS in endless prufusslen. :? of every d???-ripti?n. PBACHEff CHEBUJE3, PSAR8.eKXK*fl PEA?, COKX, rOVATOlU, BEANS *t'. A'..sue stock Ol Marcus Bu?k? e?lebrat?d Bet ;:.e? and Brandies. Jackuline Buck's pur? ome-raade Jleantain dew Whiskey, and flaff 4 D'ea., ?-?'??-lur.wa Wkiukey. c. 1? '74-tf. .HE VVII?ON PATENT ADJUSTABLE CIIAII. ?.la ?H B HADING rOSITIOV "??'1th ??change?of Po?ltloa. Parlor, Library, Invalid Chair, Child'? Crib, bed ??r lounge, ?'.unbiain/beauty, lif htneaa, ?tr?ag??b ?inipllcity and comfort. Manafaetared of the beet wruught iron and rivets. Strong castors, made purpoeelv for the chairs. EVEUYTHIXOTO ANKACT 9CIWCE. Highest friie Midal Awarded at In? C?al?ania< Exhibition. Bend tor Illustrated Circular. Qaot? Shenaadoah Herald. Address Tl.o Wilson Adjustable Ckair. Manufaeturiag Co. No. 6til Broadway, Opposite Bond It. N. T March lf~lyr. A. J. BIliM.k !:. C. BOTD BARRaTT, Page Ce., V?. LoaadaaC'*., V?. Biedlcr Barrett (?FAKRAJ. COMM issu )N ICEBCHANT8 For the sa'e of Flour, liutt? , Eggs, ?ad all klada ?' luce. No. \)'.V2 J.ouisiana Avenus. washiyatox, D. a Liberal adranre? an eoaiigameata la ?tot?.' I.r.rSKF.WF.: Unto Jobnioa k St., Baakara \\a?hingun, 11, C.j F?b. IT?ly. Notice! Notice! MR?. IIF.M8TMIT ha-lug rwtoraad to Wood at.aik would amienuee ta it? citizen? and Tlclnlty that ?he baa aurchaaed la ??niiade!?hla a oata ?jlete ?took of a?.I tx>iug a practleal Milliner ?be ia prepare?^ s-ut the ladies with Millinery Goodi, a prepara?!* ., _Nk Also dress making eotting and fitting. |Pa?ar*a drafted in the Uteat dtxlgu? and diea? ?atltog taught by chart. ^\ April 17-ir. I ^Z^^^^^^T?(T$Mn, May, m%J\*j.