OCR Interpretation

Shenandoah herald. [volume] (Woodstock, Va.) 1865-1974, March 07, 1902, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026941/1902-03-07/ed-1/seq-3/

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FRIDAY, MAWH 7, 190s.
I 'toled at the Po?
stock, Va., as *eJ
E. l?. Newman, Pres.
The Shenand<
Ifflco. at Wood
??slass matter.
a. Coffman. Casn'i
.National Bank
Organized, 1872. fte-Organizcd
Deposits and Collections solicited.
Satisfaction guaraied. Discount Rale
I*er Cent.
Shenandoah Valley Loan & Trust Co.
-sa WOODSTOCK, VA.-**-*?
Money loaned at 6 per cent on real estate
Dr flood collateral seen ntv
ts received in sums Bl tia**-' orOTi ,
and interest allowed, "ti >ame.
1?" For uatticular* BaMfSBS the Company
nt us tanais OBaor. or call nn J. W. Bberly,
anni (i. w. windle, Minbun** F. s.
Penojbackar, aft. Jaukson: or s. K.
Hoover New'Market. Va.
J 1. TRirLrrrPres. K.M. Lantz. Vice-Pres
Merchants and Farmers* Bank,
*. C. lants. J. H. llepner. G. W. Minniel
J.H. Kuby and E. P. Koontz.
Tavbnner & Hacsehmas, Attys,
Accounts solicited and best accommodations |
<aranteed. Hours V t
D. P. MAUKCDKU. Casr'r.
Special Rate*
Obituary i - I liBes free, over ?
ines, 2 cen* e.the cash to ac
pany the COOT.
Tributes of Respect
ftc, Scent - loe*
?es of festivals bj churches, band*
>t other assoclst db and all nolie*
of making mon
ev, five cents per line.
'oner than
on . barged I
thing at Lix k
n field ll K Kl IBBSt "ti ol
The P
? ten ne** pb
rn s V. ?? h greai I |
ae re obi
F iv and the robins haye appeared In
Baan ters before
j W. Hi.
Amoi g the sar claims tallowed
- bf the i i ls one
' Kuly for d
ol ol ps il In for the
il F. F Bowman's
The entertainment in Irwin's Open
Il r the ben
I . 5
- .? arv.
bricki Sc lb al
.". llepner killed \ P
ch. | months
a fi ll weighed " >S
Mr. JnowW. Baker brought to tin
lasl week s branch
tree, In full bloom.
Kv ? - ?? tin at F. .-'.
nw nmii's Friday March 7th. .
Messrs. Henry Jenkins and Wm. j
- imlay
I -
lt ts proposed to call the nesrtowi
? st Kew Market the '-Rouss Opera I
Hoon Blnee when did New Ms
tune a suburb of Winchester!?
Rocking er,
jost re
thers, they will
Dr. N< T. ' ian, will
t the G i.Mo
All w?.rk
If j ; ut your stock In
cone it:' - 1 at
K. 8. Bowmans
R If 3 ihem
i r. 8 cated
Satur lajf si
. Il irry H. B ikei
for $1''. - i pelt* iBl Bats of a
fins ti ? I ling, cottages, mini
of laud.
I am parin . 1 an*l
young. ? eke.
Married at the home of Mr. P. fl !
Rinker, Riukertoc, Va., Feb. 17th, by
Ree. II. Ditsier, Mr. Lemuel A. Whit
f il .ly county, W. Va., and
I D iotas, of Sh*
: * of clothing
. be handled hy K. S. BoWSBBB.
Mr. John Mi . of Cumberland,
Md., ' of Kdinburj, Va., and
\ lie Mytinger, daughter ol
1 - Mytinger, were married al
Romney, W. Va. Mr. Mytinger was I
native of, and raised in, Woodstock.
ii sdqoaiters for rabi is at
Glenn L. ckl .
Mr. It. Schmitt ra ide aline display nf
DOO quinine pills, iii his show window,
1 -t Thursday. hut on Thursday nigf t,
tjhe floods came, the rain dei and
"he water driven in by the high wind
| royed 2,000 of them.
. New cakes just received, Ice creams,
t lUH'ltte ice creams, queens mix ca
)? mon crackeis, graham wafers. All
strretly fresh at Rode tier's.
A gentleman living on the river, made
preparation for the flood, hy taking the
wheels oft his hue-j-y to prevent its going
away. When he saw his I ugi*y Moating
down the riv* r, he was surprised that it
could move without wheel;. Ile bas the
wheels, but the buggy is gone.
Remnant *ale at F. B. Bowman'*.
heiriMning March 7, plenty of good
ha r ga ins, come at once.
Special?a good grade of H rto Rico
molasses at 22c per gallon, 6c quart at
>V . II. Rt .deffer a.- ll it don't please you
/cur mor,ey back.
Ohsa. T. Holtamaa i reappoin
I r ul Lui
Mr. P. L. Yates, of llairisonburg WI
in town, \u>l Friday.
Mr. Luther Killer of Marshall Wi
visiting hto*mother, Mrs. H. T. Johnson
Mr. Wiuiicld Liggett, of Harrisonburg
? -ck last Saturday 01
Mr. Wm. >. ; . eh returned ti d
I ft in Forge, last Satur?
day morning.
Kev. E. B, Northes, G M. rlsltec
Ashby I. : . No. Bl. LO. O. F. Issi
M lay Dight.
"h Kidd! i ishington, I>
C., is visiting hil - lei Mrs. M. Y\ .
-. d N nth Main sti |
Mr. Wm, B wen left ob Ti
' take poi his tann,
near Wheatfield.
? J- 8. s was visiting hei
lather, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Fletcher, ol
Harrisonburg, last week.
F. M. Bird, of Mt. J
Mia. J. 1>. t Jrabill and
Mrs.? M. Fra*wi, last week.
Mr. Geo. R. G . the efficient
Supervisor of Johnston District paid ns 1
pleasant visit leal week.
Mr. Bcnj. Sutherland is in Baltimore
this week buying his spring stock ol
cloth .
Mr. Joseph Bauserman, who has been
confined to his ho - 'tue dav-, >
be out and attend to
- .
M* ears, II .?? haver an 1 Henry
Est* ]>, 1 ry, left fl r Henry, W, Va,
>| r friend ex
tlicm to return in a few days, but lu
this they :
-. J. II. Wc!S f the Met)
Clim. Dr. P. D. Stephenson, of the
/terian Church, concluding thal s
Food wool I I for their
. hangi 1 pulpits, la.'t
Sunday night.
'ihe telephone wires have been In bad
shape since 8atut day's sleet No com
ronni* in be bad with Woodstock
B pole is down in that tOWd
None of the wires leading our of
iburg ls working well* Maasger
Knelsley has been doing all he could to
restore 'he service but the other
telephone people have not co-operated
with him, and In consequenc ? verv
little bal been ICC ?inplishnl.?Strasburg
News, Friday Feb. 28th.
The Editor of ib- was evidently
mit rmed. Mr. Knelsley always does
irt, I ut the statement that the
'?other phone people were
uol o-operating with him,'" and "hat
no communlcati >n co 1 had b llb
Woodstock because .1 pole 1- down In
to*****." were not coi reef.
I. al the lower end of Woo 1
hl of Friday
or in tbe morning of the 22d. This
-sole was rei ired ? ts pl ac*
ly morning, 22d, while
m Was -til! breaking the vi
\ ? Istock. Early
S 'in lay morning a gang si
[rom Woodstock togo as far as Strasburg,
f uece?arv. They found out at thc
Brook thal communication was open to
Strasburg, Mr. Wickham, as SOOO :i> hi?
ed the heavily laden poll
:'?? went Up the road SS I r
1- the Meera bottom- and put up poles
ind connected the lines, to thal 1
\ - ni ?ut fr m New Market
t up all the poles thal were down
ibove those put np by Mr. Wickham
md hil The full line was lr.
: an 1 restored, as far as post
- turday. No work was done on
The delay at Woodstock w;;s caused
m in. w iii si experience than
VIr. Wickham, who in an effort to r?
;tore the main line upon a pole where
here was a large number of tangled
ted the main line with the
nuki pie line running to the river. The
Ines were gone 01 r s number of times,
lefore this mistake ares discovered.
I ? Cai rle! I danghti 1
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Magruder,
>? morning, ol '
hst dreaded ? romptlon, which
ntracl . isl oler while tea
? ?
Her gentle n I high religious
to all thal knew
bel 1 Bat?
ch 111 tl.e :
Tin - rtainmi nt,
Irwin's < ?
? i 1.
More Snow.
Snow commenced fa] ing last Toesdaj
ibout 2 r. M. and continued until
Wedi h. a ben it bad
reached sn average depth of about lil
iporate 1 j ? evaporated
iprioou, prunes etc, al Rodefli
[0 Spite of wi I gi - . robins snakes
inti the wt athel bureau, the ground hog
'till holds tbe first pla* s bs b weathei
dor i-or live weeks hiv
ion this year held good.
Call ? . Big berg
. f.
our big readj ide clothing wi 1
irrive Map h 1'?. din Cl from fa<
p iy 1 their prices from $r?
S. Boa man.
Mrs. Henry Tusing was drown*.
- *. : , -? Kriday, She and her
lasbaad were < rosslng a sa
? ? ?? un winn tia- tugs bloke. Mr. Titting
iras dragged ut by the 1 Bes, but bis
Mite v. pi doun tbe stream and
1 row ned
Taint brashes of every description
from Oie cheapest to the best at F. 8,
Mr?- Alice Wildon has applied for a
divorce from her husband who is now
serving a tenn Ifl tbs v'i'ginia pcniteu
i-iry, for burglary. The divorce will
Wy be granted at the next tenn 'if
the circuit oom t. Rumor says that the \>
not very particular shoal her name, as
BBS pKSpOBBS to ? hinge it, as soon as
.. mber I carry a full and complete
sb-ck ol all Binds "I fossa B it the
..west prices. Glenn Ko, ke.
We will sell the guaranteed ''Satis?
faction Brand'' mens, boys anti hi
dren's ?lothing. don't fail to see then:
before buying elsewhere. F. S. Bowman.
Ginger snapps 5c lb., water crackers,
5c lb., uneeda biscuits, 5c package,
oysreretts, le package, fresh at W.
lt. Rodefler'a,
Storm and Flood.
On last Friday night the ctessi ai
heavy rain which prevailed from ll
ne to the Atlantic risked this se
ibm rat tn* 'ihe North branch i
die bb* nan h>ah Wis within ls inches *
tlie high witter ma-k|?f K70. Mu edi asa
agS BTBS done to lands and when vt
the corn had been left in the bottoms,
ari lcd away. Mr. 1*. M. S. Bin
?f I ;. JaeaTJJOO lost, it is ?,aid, about W
bushels. A great deal of fidler wa
carried away, 'ihe water at tVlllo*
Grove ran over thc turnpike. Thc iroi
bridge at Mt* Jackson was moved, bu
ot -wept away. The iron foo
bridge mar Uaw kin-town was calita
down the StreBBB. A number of tel*
phone poi ea were blown dowa and ii
-onie ca-es they were Washed away
Communication has been opeoe
between Stra.-hurg and Mt. afackson
Above Mt. Jackson the loss of pole?
weie much greater than along the linc
fi om Mt. d ackson to Strasburg. Tin
bridge aeros* the Shenandoah, al
laverton, on the Southern road w ia SQ
much damaged hy thc Mood that train
could not cross for some days. For.
tunately no one was drowned In thli
county, but there were some very
narrow escape*.
a.? . a? . ?aaa?
A Narrow Escape.
Messrs. Harry Hollingsworth and
John Robinson attempted to cross the
river last Saturday night, when ic wa
verv full. \\ hen the boat reached the
current it was upset. Robinson succeed?
ed in reaching a tree, and by diming
to it, lie kept himself above the raging
il od. Harry Hollingsworth was washed
down a short distance when he succeed
ed in grasping the limb < f a ttee. 'ihey
gave an alarm as weil as they could
which was fortunately heard by Mr. A.
R. Hollingsworth. A DOB fire was built
of straw and fodder on thc bank In order
to locato thc position of th*' sfmosl
droa oed boys. Mr. John Smock brought
b - boa! an i at the ri.-k of their live-,
parties rescuedtbe boys tue at a time.
John Robinson was almost ezai
when taken from the tree. Mr. Holling*,
worth's neighbors promptly answered
:lie ead for help and gave highly valued
.Mr. Danner Appreciated.
Thc Equitable News, a monthly as?
surance paper, Issued by the Equitable
Life-Assurance Society f New York,
i its February number kai a comply
nen:ary notice of Mr. Frank W. Daune-,
general agent of this company for North
karolina and Richmond, Mr. Danner i
i Virginian, and h is been a resident of
:: ti mond for more than : . Ki
ess ll nm-, for few v -
nen hs ? inplUhed i ? much in such
i sholl tim ?
l ie- Equitable Ni n ? - -;- ?? "A
?i to in -t <-f i ur ?
er i- the - - manager for North
aro.ina, with headquarters at liich
nond. Va, Mr.Dannerhss been with
he Society -i;. .but it wasonly in
1899 that he became th< msnsgeroi his
iresenl field, and in the comparai
hort iii. lil ce then he has built up a
dos! successful agency. Each year,
nider his management, ha- shown a
pery handsome inen se over the pre
rious year, ami nless al, signs fail, his
Very much
; lhan that of 19 ?1.
?*Mr. Danni r i.- a mau of trreat energy
ind push, a thorough student of the
is of life-insurance, a ^r od or
finizer, and a large per- mal writer BS
well. In fsct, bc does a scry
personal business all the time, lie does
mt believe in a-king any one el-.- io do
inythlng that he would not do himself
md is a con-taut example to agents ss
o what can be achieved by ;-? i .-tent,
ndefal thougbiful.and intelligent
.i.k Danner i- one of the j
nen who have come rapl ly te 'li I
_ -be past h a -!l ! he li
Hg.**?Richmond Dispatch.
Mr. banner i> a native of Woodstock
its .i. '.v. Danner.
$100 REWARD $100
The readers of this paper will be
I to learn that there ls at least
me dreaded disesse that science has
-sen al are in all it- -*;;^' s ami
hat i-Catarrh, lia!!'.-Catarrh Cure ls
be only positive cure now known pi tin
iitd'n al fraternity. Catarrh being s
on st itutional disease, ree Ires i con
titutional treatment Hali's Catarrh
Jure i- take!) Internallv, acting directlv
ipon the blood and mucous surfaces of
h.- system, thereby destroying the
onndation of the disease, and giving ihe
tath nt strength by bidding up ihe
t'ltutiou and assisting nature in doit i'
ts work. The propriet rs hare io much
iiith in its curative power--, thal thej
Iii r one Hundred Dollars f<?r any
Itat it fails t<? eiiie. Send for list O'
Address, F. J. ' iii.m.y a CO.
Sold by druggists, 75c, Toledo, O.
Hall's Family Kill- ai*- the b*
Mr.( bari' - Kline, *: ?? it will bc re
minberc-l, ihot the two Miller brother ,
?u Christmas day, was tried before
}.. .if .-. .-? - tturday.
er hearing the evidence and tbe
.rgument of Council, the Justice dis*
uissed the ease ami discharged tin
W. W, Kogan, Bsqr . appeared tor tl s
'oniinon wealth and M. L- Walton. K-*j >
for Mr. Kline.
'Ihe Miller brothers lave recovered
'rom the wounds which they reeelfed
CO K. 12th VA. CAV.
We publish hy request, in Isthla .-ne,
i roll of Co. K. 12th Va. Cavalry, as
cut in to u^. Thc first ci mtnaBder ot
his Company wai Capt, Israel I'.
vinkcr, who wi- killed In Frederick
?onnty, in the -u nu.er td l-n'_?. Aft*-r
hat time, the company was commanded
?v Capt. Geo. Urandstalf. Wt: have
irinfed this roil. (>n good paper and
viii furnish it to any desiring if, at ?">
? per copy.
D. II Bl l preach at Hoon r's
School II ? M n- Bf N in w Passage in \
Sunday alght, March 0th.
K.v .1. F. .Mienk, of Woodstock, will
-.reach in tbe Lataerafl church at ^t.
Luke, the llrd Sunday of Mardi, at I0|
-/clock a. rn. nnd in Ihe Lutheran church
fit Fa'uview tbr BBBSB day at .'I o'clock
p. rn.
Practically Starving.
'?After using a few bottles of Kodol
I>v ipi p-ia Cure my wile received pei feet
aud permanent relief from a severe and
chronic case of stomach trouble,'' says
J. R. Holly, real estate, Insurance and
joan agent, ol Unromb. 111. "Before
u-ing Kodol I?y?p*psia Cure she could
aol cat an ordinary meal without in
teB**C sulTerlng. Baas \* now entirely
eared, teven] physicians and many
ri moll. - had hilled to give relief *" You
d "it have to diet. Est any good food
you want, but don't- overload the
stomach. Kodol I)ys.?epsiB Cnre will
always digest it for iou. L. R. Irwin
I r
rel i. "
In atty, tli. ire
rately well at this base.
Since the SBOW BBI gone. OBI
find tl ? ks*t*klBg lal.
had a heavy rain last Friday
Bight lt wasted t*fce wheal lands snd
roads very mitch, <>::r road coram!.
sioncr and overseem will have rheir
hands full t? **et tl PO ls IB good
Price of esTars are still rum bli m*, bal
the bei - lees*! lo be tumbling to the nea
condition aid are laying more than
T.voof our* xten-ivc Stock nisei -
a big dispute over their pig . I
contended thal bis was the iauamst.
Bets were offered, but lbs money was
not pur np. Finallj thev decided that
each ihould keep hil own, and a* to the
sze, each could believe ashs pleated.
Mr. Kl. Ba.t moved lr sn Mr. G.
Harry llaun's house to Mr. Milton
Sherman's hoots, one day la-t week.
Mr. Jack Bacey moved into thc hoii-i
Mr. Bmoot vacated.
Mrs. John VV. Baker believe, in feed
Ing chickens live or six times a day.
She went away from home, one day
li-t week, after giving Mr. Baker charge
ol the chickens sad Instruction) hov*,
often he was to feed them. <>n bei
return, die calle.1 Mr. Baker up and li*
frankly ackBOWledgi tl, that he had liol
fed them at all. Later she came in
with her egg- and had more than on
any day this vvlnter. uNo Wonder' . -aid
Mr. B., "they had time to lay."
Mr. Wesley Miller ls sick at this time.
Jessie Kacey, sob of Mr Luke Rice j
b-ft a few daysage tO attend school in
George Weaver who lia- beet!
ed for a number of years, is BOW quits
A flock of wild ge ie pasaV d over on
the night of thc 27th. They SW med le
be lo-t.
Mrs Barbara Whetaei, willow of thei
late Martin Whetaei, died las! Fridaj
morning and was buried on Saturday,
at Columbia grave yard, aged 74 year-.
Kev. Mr. Tabb of thc I*. Ii. Church,
conducted the funeral -erv;-. -.
Mr. Wm. H. Rscey, who has been
giving hi- chickens special attention
this season, %%s? t.t t?? Woodstock, on
la-t Tuesday.
Mr-. Lizzie Racey, wife of Mr. Howard
;; ey, who lived at this pl ice, but la
now living near F iron Pa.,
a very --vere --, has
io i un- it i- f- ly Insane,
and ls now in an asylum.
\1 -. 1.- vi 9b' 'mi!. ? ? ?
borne grave yard. g . . She w
in her -:; . R* \ i. Ramse]
Mowrey and John Byman cot
the lum-r - Bhe bad ten *
eleven chlldrei . - f \\ li m are ll vi nj
e zee pl John who ?
nattle of i b incelloi ir le, S ? s
lent woman and greatli b
by a large circle of seq
Mud, mud, mu I, f it, if y
don't believe it come t*> thli . i and
Let us turn out and ? OUI
nv, L. Spiker retured fr m
Washington, on Saturday last, having
. visit to her dan liter. Mr<.
' \ \i She ?? ] - - high water a I
'. sb.- . ed lo
i So b river li
I?. F- S; ted a trip t
Washli gt 3 ' lay but al ai don?
ed the trip on account of tbe bridge
bell g gone al Riverton.
Our public schools close in oi
A number of patrons expn ? I thal
bool (anno* be i un _ . Mr
0, B. Hann has con ducti '1 this <
with ni iked success for the j.-i-t IH
Our hustling buggy men, Messrs J.
W. Salim and G. IJ. Hann contempts'e
a pushing lesson. They alu adv h.iv m
in w and secondhand rigs on hind. We
wish them pucci -
Mrs Kney Tapii \ hss been spending
sometime wirti ber sister, Mis. Ann;,
vb near Woodstock.
Mr. Kevin Keller expects to move ti
ohio shortly,
Our vet- ran horse trader, John W.
\V'-'\? !toi . ti ? led his fine bs f ?*? ding
'or. a. -.rim for' I? ikota J
Both parties gol the beal of it.
Mist Katie Ma] his li ft fur Harrison
it, w here ihe * \\" *?*?
to learn millinery.
Mrs. Mary Stum mel with a
painful accident leal week, while itoop
stove. She accidentally struck the
of her righi eye on the -barp corner
of tin-hot -tove door. It vv\- thought
ibe in :, but she is much
better, \.
The Lhesapeskc Western C*a**apany
desires to commonicale with respoosl
ble parties who an* i quipped to peel and
de iver tao hark in quantities of B I
? ord- and over, fro.,) the Company*!
propel ty to the Chesapeake Western
tollway or Tram Roads, near Stokes
ville, Va., during the coming seatto.
Supplies and feed can be obtained ju
the i Company -tore.
For particulars, address, ot i .
the Harrisonburg offle . *>r Mr. ll. R.
Warren, Supt, al Btokesnllc, Va.
Noah After the Hood.
Pleated the lir-t fruit, the grape, the
most healthy of all the pro hut- ofthe
Bpeerajtbc >lde*rt rn inc grower lo tbe
r. -.. bas vineyards of the Portugsl
Grap*' from wh Ch hi- wine- are fully
matured by great BSJ8 and vain able for
weakly peraoaaifl hoi weather.
Elisabeth Slurman was born A. V.
1819* departed this life Mandi Kt,
aged Bl years aud 1<? inonihs.
She was married to Levi ^herman In
1815, for ?:} years tb?.y iived BJ man and
wile till being separated by death of
h.ir husband.
For nearly M years ina BBS 1 Bl B B
conaisteal member of the g. h. thurah.
She leaves 1" children and H great
kjrand children, to mourn ber
h. r. Maury,
J. Rykan.
a stsaf^BB* ? **??> T-??? ai
I'mi'l l%?-?-|? ll ?*,<?<? rot.
Tatt pl*mini work of I?r. Kind's Ww
Kif** Kill- is dally Bossing to iii<bt. \
BO h Krantl remedy for Liver and bowel
troubles was ever known before.
Thusar.ds bless them for curing
fttipalion, Sick Headache. DlllonaBBSB,
.laundice and Indigestion. Try th-in
25c at B. Hchraltt's drug store. ' i
March Nh, IMS.
A great big fnov J ..
Mr. .In i, '.V. Lohr of this place closed
tate to Mr. Luther Swartz.
ls the property he bought of Willis
I I red. The consideration was
I 14 acres. Mr,
Lohr informs as he expects to move to
ihiagtOB, I). C., and try a bte i i
'>. w. Msphtt'whohasbecBHyiog
with his dsnaha i, Mi-. Mollie Sibert ol
ti.i- plans during the winter, died on
Tuesday evening, the aili, at 7 o'clock
Mr. Maphis had -illy been contine! f
bb room a few daya. His trouble wai
G 'ntis and Bronchial aiTectioB. lb
d about71 years. Thc funeral!
-t rs tots were COndocted at the house on
I B I lo k. Kev. Wheeler, bis 1
r officiating. Mr. Maphis wai j
rnember ol the Methodist church for al
Bomber of yean, Be was an upright
Rev. I>. II- Rhodes preached at Zion
chnrcta OB last Sunday morning.
M IS Do na Farr is visiting thc family
>r Mr<. Mollie Crabill, dec M.
Our country roada leading to thli
point, are in an almost impassible con?
dition. Tho road commissioner, Mr
Bockman. his been out viewing tht
different loads, and we suppose he win
be able to get them In shape at an early
Chas. L. Swartz ofthe firm of Swart/
a Headley bad been indisposed the firs
part of the week.
A good number of our boys tried u
lip tish last week, but they absolute!*,
Messrs. Oms. Beydler *% Frederick
llatnriek left this place on last Wedne,
lay for ll iM illinois. They both han
mcceeded in getting good j
ihe good reed organ like the Mew
nan Kros. or Schulz is a never endin;
ourceof delight in the noose becaut
heir tone quality is highly musical
lair outward appearance is a delight t
he eye, and their construction I? a
olid as -kill ran make them. There sn
Bid by A. G. Shaycr, of this placr
with the aiti.-tic Newman Bro
o. Pianos.
.Mrs. Green Salim who lives aboiu
*lf mile west of this place is nov
nralesceot from an aggravated ca?e
' erysipelas.
The American Peril as some call i:
is in truth become a bugbear In a.
lits of Europe. The tremendous
of tb:- country DBI
irprised and is fri-*hte*}lng forelgi
leturers simply because tl,.;
ere, u--till are absoluteh
ral or our resources, and j
ay h.- - lid tin* .v.- haye hardly mon
au .-nt- red up io a beginning in tittil).
?r iatematiooal comp* titloo
Tin- children of Mrs. Mollie Crabill.
id move in tin- h UM of Mr.-. Hofl'inai
til - i: i - .
ii wea ou the
1 ? UB day-.
? use to talk of fooda 0
??minder om
no? i.ii---!. ihu wa. arel
I la-t week, quite a damage t
1 ir-, kv ?.
Mareil 4, 1902.
Ph ity of rain and high water,
ie farmers will loon begin to prepari
? ir ground for corn,
Mr. w. m. Lichliter is reported to I ?
un- what better, at this time.
Mr. Jacob Lichliter is very ill.
Mr. Joseph Rickard returned hom
from Borden*, factor).
Mr- W. Good -rill il tit for Wes
irglnia lu a few days
Mr W. * . O'F aherty returned la
'??k. fr.-m Frederick county, where ht
d been visiting relatives ami friends
.lame- -ays that he will tie Die?, tl..
1X1 :iue- bc goes -parking.
ira. Wm. Dingi - snd A. J. Burnei
??e tin - of Mr. Milton Kidenour.
few day- ago.
MISS Vernie ShithYtt is visiting reh.
i'CS and friends near Cross Roads,
Mr. Wm. Bhipe and wife were tb
itl of Mr. hi. R. Smith, the tir t oi
i- 'A eek.
Mr. G. R. Oolladay pureba ss I tann
;<? horses a few days ago.
Rev. .1. H. Haby filled his regulv
?t bundajr morning.
C. J. Culler, i- very ill, at thi
Mm,. : enough to carr
me of Susan Bbl] e's -oin b/bj t f,-v
Rhts ago. (ona. iu .;.
1 ll week, while the creek wa- \ei\
gb, Mr. Will Good wa- ero-.ing iu ;
at, with three pupils, Mi-.- Nellie
town, Virgie Tuvlor, ami Perle*
lillis.-tt. 'ihe boat began to -ink in tht
Hip water and he rescued them bj
irrylog one after the other to thc shore
?? had to arry tin in al out one huudiec
ards, The boat was within a foot oi
ro of the deep current.
In two weeks, Kev. Haley will preach
- last sermon in this conference ye. r
e would welcome his return.
I ase ?d our roads are almost im
Mr.'I). J. Walter, who aaa kept fr* rn
uray bv the high water, is some what
Miss \ "ia Lichliter, *>f tin- place and
r. (hiles, of W. Va., were mai ned
k bj Btv. .1 Howard Wells.
Mr. C. I. Callen wili soon sell out and
. to i har..-. Town, where he has ini
oyment. OLD Fuck .
Mothers' Club Banquet
Th.- Mothers1 Club held a 1 anklet at
? ? residence Of Mr. M. Cnftinan, last
ne-dav Bight All the delicies and
ih-tantiaN of the season were served
i - v .-lieut style. At this meeting, th*'
others permitted their husbands to
sae. with them. Those who were
resent enjoyed the occasion v?iy
I can save you money OB your suits,
1 to Ba, Glenn Locke.
Sick Headache?
food doesn't digest well?
Appetite poor? Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
It's your liver! Aycr's Pills
are liver pills; they cure dys?
pepsia, biliousness.
25c. All drm-glsts.
j,, aaa. ,..... ? . ?'..'?? ???-?? ??.? pa asa***.
Want your mnuatarhe or bearii a beautiful
brown or rich biara* Then usa
so era, o. QaiaaaiTa, oa a ?. x.u a co.. *.*??>?,_?i m
From Calvary.
Dering the recent snow s party of
huuttti- fi .-ni this neighborhood, while
hUBttng BB Paddy mountain, after a
dangeioui anti exciting encounter with
wld ?? it, or a mountain lion
as the Tic-blent of the *7nitied Statis
I ! d. "dgnsts i', i i killi d lt.
It prated to h?' -uie of Ih ? evt r
killel in this part of Use country, lt
weighed it* or IO Ibe. aud vhs as laige
as au ordinaly farm dos*. Un the hame
lay, on the bsbbs BKNintalB, the hunte s
found a very large leer, which had been
killed and partly devoured by wild Cats,
as could be plainly iiiferred from the
Hacks in the snow. The deer would BBfC
dresseJ about 800 lbs, la revenge for
- t, the hunters determined to de?
vour the wild eat. The cook dressed ai d
cooked ihe cat, or mountain lion, ai tl
the hunters eagerly devoured it. Al',
except the cook, seemed to enjoy the
meal. The skin with feet and claws of
the vicious mountain lion and the fen
of the deer, will he exhibited on Man h
court day bv J. W. Sheri A Uro., th
well known fur dealers. Huntkk.
Oi r beautiful valley after bein*,
almost blocked by the -now and cob
weather, was eur off from the out sid*
world by the floods which swept througi
it la-t week.
Bren Uncle Sam could not get tin
mails in and out aa often as the peoph
Mr. Perry OrndortT had a line hors*
much injiued by getting down under th*
BSBBger. With thc care ot a veterinary
-'irgeon, it is boped that the norse will
Some of the youm* ladies and gentle
iien of our valley ba 1 line Jsport COBBI
? ng hi.-t week. You know this section IS
rolling enough to afford rood coasting.
^ome experienced ri ry .-..-rion- tumble-.
nt you know that only lent spue to th*
Our school, under the management ol
dr. Jas. Art/, ot Alon/oville, i^ pro?
bing nicely. Kamm.kk.
Answer to Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Don't fail to hear v isa Tucker's answe:
? Uncle Tom's Cabin. Irwin's Opjn
louse, Friday night March 7.
?#*>????? ?? ?#?*?<*?? ?*?????>??
Oi\ Poor Paper.
t is worse to write on stationery
rhich looks careless, unattractive
nd cheap.
We have a pleasing assortment
f stationery and fine writing pa
ei which makes letter-writing
You will feel proud of your let
jrs if you buy your paper from us.
DEV porous
The Best Plaster for the Worst Pain
Kverybody knows that a Porous
'laster is the best remedy for a
"High or a cold, an ache or a pain.
Nearly everylxxly knows that
HX is the best Porous Plaster.
Try it! # The attachment will be
Woodstock, Vs.
Fresh (harden 5eeds.
Fine Stationery*
Pure Candies.
af ff ff f ??????*????>*
Tlie royalty of oyster**
-1 m is coming our way day
after day?the big*, luscious
NeW York Count*. Nt \. r
were bett s r favored,
plumper, more delicious
oysters. Send your order
for as many or BS few SB
you can lise, and learn how
good oysters can be. A
served at our tables at all
lloma in every trifle, and
just the way you like them.
Cigars, Xiparetts and
Tobaccos in great variety.
Be-an the _y? ^ KM Yoe Han Alwars Bsjegtrt
Jign itara
The Concert.
The concert of Hose Company No. I
,t Irwin's Hall, on last Friday and
laturday nights was well attended.
Nie net receipts amounted to about
leyenty-one dollars.
?'Hy Family Doctor.'*
Blue Island, III., Jan. 14, IDOL
Messrs. I I.V BROS, I I have bbssJ
rssjf Cream Balm in ray family for nine
fears and it has become my family doc?
tor for colds in the head. I naed it
freely on my children. It is a .OoeaBBSd
:o children as they are troubled more or
BBB Yours respectfully,
J. Kimball,
sludge for yourself. A till hize can be
hat) for the small sum of 10 cts .Sup?
plied by druggists or mailed by Ely
Brothers, m Warren St., New Yo rk
Full size, 50 cts.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dont P8jr tWO rxtr? piTlfltS VrhCa yOO hOjr ^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBJ
carriages and harness. Peal with Um Bsctory. Ga*, oaf lo**t**4 w aolesal* rat**. OttT ?7*4*,n. of
B4?llinj?tUre<-ttocij!it'>mers b ***Ytnff " rr'irr I ny rn In r rrrj BBJBBB flt *****
?y. W*quote th. . - tb* Urges-1 wbostaala JBBBSsTsSBltBB
1'lT.r y.?u an asHortmt-nt io <>mx*- --. w, W na arary porcha*a
we give thehnntdt-Jtguaranu-e. i> t ?.. tory,you caa return Um raalda
to US untl we will pay 'i"i0lji t ' u , i ?> ,
Save two
fur you on harness arel Other horse equipment
Write fur our free Illustrated catalogue lu which we
?-4. phtetons, etc., that hare
?aaa*oarfavetory fan t nlga ^rade. Don'.
waa until your netti Ih inure pressing; write to-day and
.e try )? u fur fut un* usa.
Columbus, 0.. P. 0. Bo* 1.2. M^^^^^^^
St. Louis, Mo., P. 0. Box 64. ? *<>??? ?lmrfe Strap
Bfrltfl tu ru ur. t ?aSei BatWjr *?"*?? Prt~ PSI
No. "sfl4 r.mrirjr. rri.e$*9.*o
witt, leather niutrt.r lop,
,-hij unlit fr-Jiu < ..liitnl-ua.
If you want Strictly
Call at my store. Mv line io complete?embracing
celery, chow chow, prepared mustard. A full line of candies,
Lo arney's pkge. and hulk. ^411 kind? of fancy cakes and crackers.
Full line ol canned goods jncluding canned devilled (Tabs,
(shells supplied )
aspa'ajzus. peeled peaches, pie peaches, pears, apricots, white
entries, sn!m"n.j Vienna rausage, potted ham, etc., etc, rolled
oats, croam of wheat, whestlett, Pettyjohn's and Ralston's
breakfast food, evaporated apricots, peache*. piunes, app
banana8, oranges, lemons, flaked rice, flaked hominy.com meal,
buckwheat flour, rice, hominy, halogna sausage, skinned haras,
regular ham*1, California hams, <u\q meat, chip beef, all sliced
to suit. Wash boards, brooms, tuMs, clothes pins, baskets, tin?
ware, glassware, quecasware. All kinds of soap and soap
powders. All <joods delivered promptly. Prices gijaranteeo.
Cooper Bros, Independent Red and White coal oil.
Special Premium offer of a picture ol yourself iu ralf* ?'. tn*
newest thing out. can only be secured through tue. s\fl io ten
samples, and get particulars. It is ihe most liberal offe* ever
made. Start today. Free ! Free !
Ebb?* All poods delivered promptly. Hardware, Queenswar*, Ga ?'? n
md Flower seeds,
A Reckless
I have determined to sell our ITinter Goods regardless of
cost tor the next 30 dr ya to make room for my .Spring stock
milich is arriving daily. Ji yuu want bargains call and see u<.
Blankets, Underwear,
Dress Goods, TrirY^rningSt
Flannels, Outiugs, Hosiery, sox. boots, ste. Anything you want
in winter goods. Don't mi's this <*reat clearance sale as it is
money to you. We are here to save you money.
Opp Jail
fuly 26-1 jr.
Don't fail to see our line of Clothing
Clothing Store.
mil's Baildiog. Opposite Ile Court House,
woodstock: "v^a..
An entire stuck ol new goods which will be sold lower tl a sb* If
worn goods bav* been bringing.
Mens' Mills, OverooatH, Taiit", of fine material, and ali ot the
latest style.
Good dress sui's from $6.00 np, lousiness snits from #*1 50 up.
Children's >uitn from $3.00 up. Meu*S Furnishing goods. QikhIb
that will please at satisfactory prices.
My gooda will be sold at short profit. Learn my prices sod ba
where you can lave money.
In all ite stages thara
ihould be cleanliness.
Ely's Cream Balm
?leanses, Soothes and heals
he diseased membrane.
lt cures catarrh and drivea
i*;iy a coid la the head
l?iickij. H_
Cream Balm ls placed Into the nostrils, spreads
>Ter the membrane and is absorbed. Helief is im
nediate and a cure follows. It ls n >t drying?does
tot produce sneezing. Large Si/-, 50 cents at Drug,
fiats or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail.
BLT BUOTUKRS. M Warren Street, New York
rVe Have Wood and Coal to Burn
First-claaa seasoned wood delivere.l in
mall quantities lo any point <>f4t*?wn on
ihort notice. The best grades of coal
il ways on hand, honest wright* and
jronipt deliverv our motto.
EL B. Chapman *fc Co.
10 head ol ewes and lambs wont
istray during summer from Columbia
furnace. Some of them have my name
n oar, Mine with end of right ear cut off,
ind some with one slit in right .-ar.
luiUhle reward foi recovery. J. 1).
tabill, Woodat*>ck. Va.
Bears the
(The Kind Yob Have Aewara j
Dr. K. J, Will. Veterinary Surj.
will be at Shenandoah Hoose, st ev-ry
court. All diseases of domsaaticaled sal
mala treated, by ths IsteaS approved
methods. I
Take Laxative Br*.mo Quinine Tablets,
All druegitts refund the money if lt
tails to cure. E. W. Grov**'* signature
ia on each box.
I am prepare-i to make nan-ess
of all grades, both heavy an1 li-rht.
team harness, boppy harness of all
styles, and everything* in the har*
? line
and oi the best material. Repairing
done on ebort notice, flamers
cleaned and oiled.
bi <;gy trimming will
havk prompt attention.
Call to sec ce and ? xamine tba
work before purchasing.
JbI? lMf ffootmniM. Tat*

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