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SHENANDOAH HEIUI1 IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY UNO, H. SRABILL ' -8UBSCRIPTION $1.00 Par Y*arf INVARIABLYJN ADVANCE* Co^mu^aUons of a private nature charged for as advertising. THE HERALD JOB 0PF.CB 1B complete rn every respect. Work done on short notice and on the _*. ?.at.n>hle terms. vm Q2 WOODSTOCK, VIRGINIA. FRIDAY, JANUARY 29,1909. NU 4 Shenandoah Herald Advertising Rates Advertisements will be insert? ed at one dollar per fc^uare ol ten lines or k-us, lor tue ni bl in sertion, and 60 cents lor each subsequent inaertioii. atST Quarterly or yearly adver? tisements by contract. ffjr Unless the number ot laser tlons ia marked upon the main Beript, advertisements will u< pi iishi'd uatil lorMdi'Hi ai d Cfcejg accord! n/Iv PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. U WILLIAMS. WM. T. WILLI 4Mb CD 1LLIAA1S & BROTHER, Attorneys-at-Law, WOODfilOl K, VA. Praciioe in all the Conrta >t Shenan? doah and adjoining c. u .liJS. 'nj'8" pren.* Court of Appeals, eua mtbe e, u cu aau Dlasnas Cum , ot the Unit^i Bl ?f-Q? .? ??,? ool ?SST Spacial attention Bleats the col lectio i of claims. __ s?atlP?'???y M.ta Walton, Collection K. U.Newma Department. w. l. Nkwman. " ... Notary Public \YALTONA WALTON, Attoi neys-at-Law, WOODSTOCK VA. I'rnctice in State and Federal Courts. Oar SD f, 8. rAVi.N.NLu J. M. U .1 nKWMAN T\A\KNN?K & BAU8KRMAN, Mtorne ys-at-La vt*, WOODSTOCK. VA. J nb 21. i*3-lv. I IOU EL BORDEN Attorney-at-Law Beana praotteein ISIS. Owner aaC Maaaaex of 1i ? - Juatmenl Agency, estal Lit bed IMS. ? * ? uandoan Co., Virginia. Tiav li'Uo?ivr |*"t li. BRUMBAC K IITO.1l! AND COKNCELOR AT LAWV c^* 0 - . ?? k, VlRGlXIi. ',l eondjtioor, Merchantje anc Far m<. rs Hat k building. -oe. K B.WILLIAMS W'oodstock, - - Virginia. e MMONWKAI.HI'S ATTORN KY FOB SEKNAN;k)aH COUNTY, w mattee, irket every Saturday. yyi. .i. ii s^ioot, naving located ri Wooostcck, can Le found a* ;. nee on North Muhlenbura treat, tba late- reaidenoe of br. j. L. Cami *?oen ni t professionally eaaai au*. -3 -lvr. D li. D. I) ?'ARTER Office ^^.* u - th Mah E> \Te~^ .-tfPOCK, VlRAlN'lA, HTSj-'daJ attention giver to Sui *erv. Phone Call 38. 'ulv30-tf [)U .! Li RUSH, WOODSTOCK, VA. Bal ibliehed in 1889. Ofllee liam ssseei. Terms cash. May "^~lyr. qi;. W. S. CLINK, Hisident Physician Sjr Calla auawered tay or ok ht. O^ and residence North Mai Steel. Maroh 4?t QK.T. K. LOOKB? Resident Dentist, O.nci Main Sr., Woodstock, V Ctr ' MB "'i. either and cocait is-d for paid tceettraotlonof teetfe. Deo. .16?1 BERBER SHOP. Cou kt St., Woodstock Va. Warden Fravel* Prop %W Prompt attention riven to ali cusi a^ers A Share of the public patrons^ < ti! WOODSTOCK GARBLE WORK! WOODbTOVK, VA p Monuments, Tombs and all Kli of Comsterv Work Lowta! jr. as Vallee, Give ic. c U. SNVOEf ~T N. DAVIS & CO., rn l mil bk WOODSTOCK, VIRGINIA We have? over one hundred valuable proper or sale la Virginia, embracing larre a nail farms, Town Property, Mills, lin and Timber lands, store stands and stock merchandise. If yon want to aell j rop-rty quickly- price <t at a rta*> g9*1" send tof us.and we will do th * ?rite tor CatalO^Me nov. ac Farms For Sale An rx eel lent Farm cf 135 acr* land, ^ood buildings, well wat and fenced, 3 miles from Kail f I'rice emit S4,000. Ad excellent small farm of 27 a of good land well watered, good and good new dwelling with bay dow and all necessary out bul id 3 miles from Rail Road Price 12 A good smsll home of ll acr line land, about 100trees of fine f good dwelling in good neighborh 4 miles from Kail Road. 1 $1060?all on easy payments. A io J. N. DANIS A GO., Estate Agents Woodstock, 1 *IVU %//?*J A^iieves nour ala g*prtvwr*fr'~L* thfaattvual/c i. Impossible to be Well It is impossible to be well, imply impossible, if the bowels are constipated. You nust pay attention to the laws of nature, or suffer the consequences. Undigested material waste products, poisonous substances, must be removed from the body at least once each day, or there will be trouble. A sluggish liver is responsible for an immense amount of suffering and serious disease. Ask your doctor about Ayers Pills. He knows why they act directly on the liver. Trust him. jrC.AyeTCoTXoweilMau. C . H, WM listorlin Grote ?..irv wu Ithnitt afraid t" i. - ff In .-' ? ? \v:is j Uer ! *\ cr v. I ? without il lt : \ Smith ?r lord In his ? l Oo !:.Ue' thom both BO I IB n p ?;. Sartorial Monstrosities. There are men we weet every day wb ? ? such Bartoiial linen io Bim ? ' ? ?'? ?i>alr. We have t<. such monstrous combina? tions as brown l??>t?< and frock coate, silk bats anil lounge suit< and frock c-e>nt> and bowlen, and wc are even nerving ouraelvea to tba expectatlou c.f seeing a kihee] highlander In a silk "topper.*?London out ti it cr. Practical. "A young man baa telegraphed me he baa Jual wedded my daugh? ter." ??1 ? | d practical man." "1 pruess he is. He wired me col ? " Kanona t 'it v Independent. A HAPPY HOME ls one where health abounds. With Impure blood there can? not be good health. With a disordered LIVER there cannot be good blood. TatfsPills revivify the torpid LIVER and restore lt* natural action. A healthy LIVER means pure blood_ sae Pure blood means health. Health moans happiness. Take no Substitute. All Druggists. MARKETS Woodstock, Va., Jan. 20, 19 (Corrected weeklj bj F. s. Bowman. Wheat. SI Oats. Corn. Potatoes.. Sweet Potatoes. 1 Turkeys.,. Chickens old. '* sprintr. V-S* s.,. Bitter. Bacon, Side and Shoulder_ Hams. Lard. Onions. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. 00 .66 .70 .7-> .00 .11! - .OH .51 19 .12 .lo .11 Sales days foT Live Stock are ag follows: Mondays-:iheep, Hogs and Cattle, Tuesdays?Cattle. [All Live Stock sold gross weight."! Baltimore 'Jan. as. Cattle?Receipts for the week anded* ;?c BOOB unlay were ;.;ji head, against r.F;* he?d l;**t we ek; 71 car loads on the market. Steers, troe.d tt> choice butchers, $4 50 to JU 10, others, le -1 to $4 5"; Cows, fl$oto *\< 75: hulls 0 ?3.7'j:Heiter.?,#3.'J5 to ?4 90; tresh Cows, $2 to$55 per head. Hoga- BaoaiPta for the week ended at r.o->n today were 24 7^5 head, against is/x.2 noad last week.Fair supply today and mode-rate demand Quote: Westerns it jo tc> 6 85 others, $6.25 to roogaa, j- * to 6<*>. Sheep and I Hint _,?Receipts for the week at n' un to today were 10,239 head against 7 ?-2 head last week. Light supply and fcc.r demand, ejuote- Lambs, $4.75 to ' 2- Sheep. $a<o to 5. ?. Calves--Receipts for the week er.Jed at noon today were head, 5*3 against .'37 head last week. Hair supply today and market firm. Ouote: CommoD to best, f$<*. to 8.75. FOR SALE*?A comparatively new live room dwelling ar.d lot on Nortn Muhlenburg street. 1'iioe very low to quick buyer. Apply to J. N. Davis \ ( ??., Heal Instate Agents, Wood lc*. Va. a Monroe Funkhouser, AGENT FOR I Mutual Fire Insurance He is usually found at Office Wood stock, Va Dee J<? ?0] tf. the Clerke VHS OF VIRGINIA, I kim BHEN, CIRCUIT COURT, | Tn Vacation Deoeaeber 1">. ! H. I). Punkhoui I npli. aGAUfftl I In ('nance: y ABOS Byan and ott Defts. 'Hie objed of this suit i> to elivid that part of the lands of which Joh Ryan died seized and possessed know the Lindaniood traet, aroona tho* e-ntitlenl thereto. lt ap}>eariny hy ullidavjt that thc <h f end ants .1 oil ii Ky an and Thomas My un are non-* ? te ol this State In ttaarefors ordered that 111 ? -\ <1<? ai near within fifteen days after due pul lion of this notice in the Clerk (Moa of our said Court, and de> whi ls nee**aaai v to protect their intereate (.HU. W. MILKY, 1). Clk. for IA. B. WI-NI) Kli, Clerk. Jan. H.?4w. W. W. Logan. House tor sale. A seven room house on Muhleohei street. It contains i??ven tooma, bath room, caller ano-. baseine kitchen. Apply to s ?a* Cl HBOCKl!fc A Reasonable Excuse. Bridget," s.-iid .Mrs. Bubbuba stern "braakfaat ls hall an hour late lin." Vis. mini," returned Hridget moeit ?What excuee bare you to offer? W know 1 told JTOU that Mr. Bub* bs muet catch thal early train, and actuality at breakfast is absolutely seaary,*1 said the hu\. 'Sure .1:1' Ol oTerahlep' meallf,*1 said ?Idget "That is no excuse.'* said lhe mls tmm, "1 gare you an alarm clock ly yesterday." 'Ol know that, mini." "I Md you wind it up?" "Ol did." "And didn't lt ko off?" "Sure an' it did that. It made n tar? die n'lae " "Then why didn't y<iu gel apT* "Sure, mini." responded llrideet tenr iliy. -it waa that t'lmr that's made 1 the throuble. Ol ni'. ? r ahlep' a Ink nil night waltln' for it to go off, f whin it did ni was thai tolred Ol ?uldn't move."- Harper's Weekly. To Cure Wrinkles. "1.00k nt a paralytic if yon think Tinkles Incurable,** said a beauty doe* >r. "On the side he is paralyzed all is wrinkles disappear. Though be he Sty ?>r seventy, his profile on that ide is the profile of a youth. 80 the aralytie shows us how t?> cure our Tinkles?namely, hy keeping our ta? ni muscles atm. If we keep our faces 1 perfect repose, never laughing when be comedian Binga his best son-,', nev* r weeping when wife <.r sweetheart ies. we will have no wrinkles what vcr. The skin wouldn't wrinkle if lt rere not exposed. Thc' skin cf thc ody is much disturbed Ly action <<f he muscles underneath as at M. ? el this ui kin Not being ex used to the 1 -1 Influence cf sun an<3 rind, lt bas not l"st tbe < v. and thc Instlclty ->f childhood. And that'; vhe-ro I come in with my creams an<! inguents and n " ? New 1 ir cans Tlmee-Denn 1 Taming Patti. Patti was t?> sin}: on a certain dati n Bucharest, hut at the last ? die declined to leave Vienna, lt wa ?>ld; snow everywhere-: she wonli not rNk catching her death of M. Bchurmann, the Imprei :iir until a brilliant Insplrntlo fame to him. Quickly he telegraphei t<> the :\el\ ai ::t In the Re nlan capital: "At whatever cost rat! must recelie an oration at Ba I station from the Italian aristocracy Send nu* Ly return the following vin *Th?' members of tl. ? Italian anil 1: 1 manlan nobility are preparing t< Mme. Patti a mts Iflcenl rcceptloi The' ministry viii ie repn d Pn ilona, tor?-i,es ? ri band graph the hour o ' ni rival.' " vance agent tarried out this i tlon. and when the telej to him over tia- wires arrlred in V enna it was handed to patti, with tl desired <-nV.-t. "How chsrmli murmured. "What tin:" do we -tart' His Wonderful Invention. Australia, as ls well known, fested with rabi its. a most destruct 1' and multitudinous pest. Not long 1 a ? .an Invented thc following plan: Yon gO e.lit the' lie-lel ffum Will the rabblta are to be removed Y saw down a tree, and on th.- slant tl ? stump y< 'i 1 alni a I Then you keep very quiet, so that \ rabbits will come back from their ht rows anil feed as usual. When large enon rh number has collected j clap your sharply. 1 will he e-!e- tri -. The rnbhfts will hr lu linste fc*r their I nrrows At le! ,.: ? i- - 11' > to I i '.ike thc f. r \\'< hole 1 i make for it. Invar :, bc a 111 C 1 -h his brains < nt. T process, rep I 1 ften ew ugh, ? I to exterminate the rah forei er. The rep ;??< do not h there are ina rabblta left in Anstra Twin Place. One day an < '<! sn fl found the lara rlllage :?t the w??r fnir very absorbing at length ??? mi< In a young man Standing near " powerful ni e to watch." I may say I should he hotter on't was a tr I d. My jof ??d it's truth i fad that 1 <' n't featly know wi .Ia\ ?! is h"re ls lt?" i ' 'he young 1. tn. with assures! oui' t < f * nc ti ho enos a Utile fl Mo ha!" A rp .11 Mal in; lt Crcicr. ; illy bad mel witt ? hr mi ther bad pron I w he .1 tr lt. The reniova ? d lu il 11"' ?? 1 to he 1 ra a bk h Jean arah ? "i'm afraid. Jean, 1 ran*1 gel bead "fT" said fae mother. .' r. ( t i with thc Ufl au Inspiration as she enid: ? Merer maud, iminiaaa. just take A Teaser. "There \>* ? . 1 t on which ."> nn Interest''" "V ' nh|e< 1 H thfl wll h it ls dirie nit to keep up 1 ?? "The n . < ' my house " To the Point. Elderly Aunf I supp, se yon wo v ? I it tie Han*, why I left v a ati.niptly In thc lane. I saw a nt and. oh. kew 1 ran! linns? PW I get hlm?-FllcgemIe Blatter. Seeing the Scenery. "Did your wife enjoy the Swiss scen? ery r "I don't think she saw a hit of lt She was kept so husy adjusting t<i camera,"?Cleveland Tlaln Dealer. A man that ls young In years may he nhl In hours if he has lost no time. ?Bacon. The Cause. Wife?What was the matter? I thought yon would break down the hons... Hushand I dreamed I was trying to put on my clothes in the up I>er berth of a Pullman. Life. Reached Too Far. "Yes," said the bankrupt, "I lost my fortune reaching for an Ideal." "Very Interesting. And what was your ideal?" "A bigges fortune than I had."? Philadelphia Ledger. Desirable Contributions. Bulzer?Pennster told me that the best magazines were clamoring f'>r his contributions. Knolorham -No woo* der. He writes full page ads. -Llppln eott's. Ambition, like a torrent, ne'er looks back.?Ben Jonson. The Bloom on the Egg. "I know these eggs at least are freah,M said the yOUUg housewife. "Ai I took them from the basket a white bloom, like* the- down of a peach, came off on my hands." Her husband, a food expert, .rave n sneerini: laugh. "In that case." he said. "I'll fe.r-'g ? my usual morning omelette. That bloom, tay dear, proves your ol'-'s te be a year or so old?maybe four or five years old. "The bloom, as you so poetically call it. ls lime duet. It shows that tin eggs ure- pickled. Lim.- dust, which rube off like flour, ls the anreat test we have for pickled I not un wholesome arti. le. hut not to be com pan-d whh t'a> rj w laid sort."?New Orleans Times I lemocrat "El from drink "N. way Still.' Wi tnlni glad nie I and -Chi KC from A gOI e' (Wo "A warn "N Holli appe Mc will have Ima 7h' 5om *S -\ mat City If lane rem which we The Riddle. Here la :i strange riddle ? i.. v ..j- mel l?efore. It ? frlei d from .Jh.msi. India: hy o. Add two thin ? e | I Here ls the, r: C LENSO. c loo. L 50. irds of TEN. SO : ? I Ile I.-talon S Changeable Names. Toni Belle ls i i ?-?s::'* !.??" . the names of Bonn Marni That's nothing Why. I don't e-v.-n know what ;... i wi wi1! h.- a year from now 1' Transcript. The Process. "You are a pr. pp boy. Tom my " "Well, I ought to be Pa ta!:e-s nv '?ut in the fl ps m. thr- e. or four times a week " Har p?r's We. kly. Carving Scissors. ?*i thought 1 k. . w nil about ada flory." said Hie man. "I had seen tall* ors" I , - for .utting heavy cloth. dr-n-. . : re for cutting filmej fabrics and lace and still other s> | tor .utting paper, Unger nails, grape* vines, all kinds of metals and even fur shearing sheep, but In spite of that wide knowledge of actaeon I was puz? zled when 1 saw the large, peculiarly shaped pair of scissors lying in the ?ho weal " 'What are these scissors for? I asked the clerk. "Varying meat.' he said. 'With Bclssors of this kind carving becomes mere child's play.' "'I never saw anybody use them.' said I. "*Kob0dy does use them,' said tie clerk -'that is. only a very few. In Europe caning scissors are populai because they out right through meat. gristle, bone and all, hut lt takes a little practice to learn to manipulate the things, and nobody In this country has patience encugh for that.' "?Ex? change. the et sn y the P ncr Ki' me, er. r li Nat as hae by fro cn on y. >i on< of cot do sal lt au .. mj In av or nu A W ?1 D Ul lt. tl The Talking Pots. "Yee, these pots of mine are all right," said the potter. "They dont talk, though." "No pots d..." "Dont they? I*ook here." Ile took from the shelf a strance. crude pot daubed yellow and blue that had the shape of a duck. He filled it with water; then he poured the wale, out again. "Quack, quack, quack!' said tba pot distinctly. Every gurgle was a distinct quack. "There's art for yon," said the potter. "Every gurgle of that dink pot is a quin-k. Wonder ful Aztec art! And I have an Aztec pig pot that grunts like a pig and a dog pot that barks like a dog. Won derful chaps, those Aztec potter fel lows! I wish 1 knew their secret, im? agine an Aztec banquet." he said aft er a pause. "Pots Ulled, you know with v\iiie And every time JTOU pOttl yourself a drink 'Qnnck!' go the ducks. 'Bowwow" go the dogs. Regular frir. denionlum!"- New York Tresa. The Light of the Firefly. When man will attain the perfe< t vacuum, then the rude ether hlush of thc electric light hull) will give forth many times more light purified and heatlcHS. d Bealing, as the light of th'- -tars, punwtrntttlg as the sun An examination af the tl re fly when emitting flames or light shows I movements that cannot he under to menu anything el-e than vacuum prod ti' lng. Thc- lights ure alu in thc vacuum sack on the ha- k. lui mediately befoft emitting light the Inflect will flitt.Ti the I.-dy. draw th.* lega in. droop the hand, seemingly UaCtla : in all dire -Hoi ' with the relaxation COOM thc flame and light. The bodies "f the glowworm and flretly alway* are transparent when Ailed with flame The hhid crass or ether debris a plainly through the bod les Hen are cases of nature elealing with X rays-Chiiago Tribune. Same Old Jag. ?enezor." called out Mrs. JagWU) the tle.e.r abore, "hare you heed lng again'.'" ?. rn* clear," answered Mr. Jag* In the hallway below. |Xot again. '?Chicago Tribune. Reminded Him. Her?Haven'; you forgotten some. . sir? Restaurant Patron i'm you sp-lce . f lt. My wife told "t to apend any money fn illshly. was Jual going to give you a tip - N.-ws. ? sting . ur I- ? -i o ff..rn<v A T.i-Jn-} Pa?l. ri r f'" British runout wi:., va ^ admittedly a failure v as Ih?Ii ? < d by af bia < nd ii' v." oncluded one. "they to make him a poer!" ?" MM the other, with greater ;en; "they want t<> make him dis ar." Taking Chances. 'tier Johnny, your Lucie Henry he here f.-r dinner, and you munt your face and hands washed ll Johnny- Yes. mamma, buts'pos mmethln' happens and he don'i ?, what then'.' Exchange, Not So Exacting, o you're a butcher now?" ea," explained the former dn is clerk. "Tho ladies don't try t. ?h aparerlba or steak." Kansai Journal a chameleon becomes blind i ?? Its power to change Its hm* am nins a blackish color. Procrastination. \'hy la p aald to h thief of ti!:'. ' I the teacher. Cause it t eke s a fellow so long t it" answered th.' bright hoy o foot of tl a.?4 Chicago N Either Way. imltfa ! I it.* you borne I with nie. but we have And I'd Invite you hop... wp hut we have one.-Cleveland Leai low Marshall Field Mad- Money. 1 thc e:;r'> eighties, when tbe !';r lonal bank of w a was 1.. big as ll ls : ow, I pretty near 1 m] y OM chi ag brat ger halli! tn Cl Ile I mw a letter < ilit fi r I 0 from I " jo har my desi "(': i li that?" I lot : ovi e or t ? made ? quick estlma al! the sh 1 thought v lld -.-rape wr and said: "Yea. Ho you want itv" ii ire a amil dow said, "I think I'll ta In land." In a month's time, thori/.cd ag-uit. I bought about 3 ) acres of cheap railroad land f ' Chicago friend, taking the dee my name at his requeet, pu; ange of (2.60 an acre. He clear er $1,000.01 0 on this one deal. I me was Marshall Field. ? Benet akeny*a Reminiscences in Lesli eekly. In Great Luck. T have been looking over my fin: il operations." said Mr. Kasigo. they are more ill . -. nsuai.** "Have you been making large pr ir "Ne. I don't expect anything 1 at." "Bul you sa) you were succeeafu "Comparatively sncceeefuL l?ur aj d mth I hare loaned money re friends, and only three of ti: ive .|ult apeaklng t<> me.**?Waahl m Star. The Editor's Sally. City Edit" r What do you mean I In this robbery story t Brown was knocked down and Bred of ? hundred dollars'.'" \\ ou ever robbed yonreelfl New oner- No. sir. City Editor ounts for lt. If you'd been roh ou wouldn't describe the- loss o und'.cl dollars as a relief.?St. L< lepubllc. His Line of Study. "My boy ls undecided about v oih-giate eourae te take." ?Tm:" "What would you adi UM V" "That depends. Does be wan ?uild ny Ids hack mus. lea or vin.IV" Ka1 ns City Independent is, by no means, the dreadfi disease it is thought to be?i the beginning. It can always be stopped? the beginning. The trouble i you don't know you've got you don't believe it; you wor believe it?till you are fore* to. Then it is dangerou Don't be afraid; but attei to it quick?you can do yourself and at home. Ta SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil and live cai fully every way. This ls sound doctrine, wi ever you may think or be tc and, if heeded, will save 1 Send this advertisement, together with i of paper In which it appears, your ttldret* four cent* to cover postaae, and we will you s "C^sapkte Handy Albs of thc Wi gCOTT ft BOWNE. 4?t Peart 3t. Haw A Spanish War Criticism. When the Spanish war came upon os Commodore Dewey was at Hong? kong. The navy department had sent him DO preliminary orders. Le didn't gnow anyiliing about the ultimate pul? ley or what tbe ultimate pian of cam? paign would be. The nar? deportment didn't itself know. Dewey should have : loved two i r three clay-; sooner than ne dill, and two or three- clays se?n.climes are vital. But our VTaah* i officials were ? air aroueed to the neceeolty of giving Admiral I - an order by ai >gram from Dewey informing them that the British gov? ernor e.f Hongkong Insisted that our Heel must leave there. We were so dened by the immediate exlgencl war that the English government had to prod us lti the- ribs t<? wake us up. Then our Washington authorities la? med nu order and n<>t till then. They told Dewey t<> proceed to the Philip? pine Islands and capture or destroy the Spanish Meet. In other words, they gave him the stereotyped war or? der in the phraseology of the signal code, which, literally translated, read: "Go ahead and do the beat you can. We give it up."?Collier's. The Silver Thread A matron In Harlem waa calling upon another matron in Harlem. Kel ther was young, hut lo..ked more so. "Really, my dear," said the one thal looked more se>, "you ought to have your hair treated, it's becoming quite gray In spots. See what a difference lt has made with me. Ton would look much younger really." "But I don't care to look much younger If I must dye my hair to do so," was the reply. "I prefer to he natural. If the Lord sends me gray bair there's a good reason, and I'm sat? isfied." "But think of y..ur children, my denr. They're grown up now." "What have they got to do with lt?" "Why. don't you see? The younger you lo*,k the younger it makes them app.-ar. And your girls are way past twenty, you know." The matron who was gray In spots was still looking daaed when her vis? itor'.si. New York Globe. Costly Law Robes. An English judge's outfit In the way of r<>i>es imposes n beavj tai noon the newly appointed Judge, although the eoe! la not nearly so great as i: In the earlv days of Queen VI Then lt was th.' custom for the law luminaries to attend court fun< In figured damask silk gowns, with costly lace hands and ruffles. Thesi d legal dignitary of that day, : on one o to have Spent t 1<h? on hands alone. The lord. chat. - iiuethlng like ?150, and even a Judge's stockings are an expensive Item. The wardrobe ..f a Judge coats anything from ?500 to E600, and if the newly fledged "my lord" ls : ?? ! ' d to the king's hench division be will require five gowns, i girdle, a scarf, a casting hood, a black e-aj . a thr.mered cap, a heaver a cocked bat, a *v.k bat, lace banda and two full court suits, swords, etc. t.. keep up the majesty of the law. London Olobe. What They Sn id. "hid the girla my anything when they heard of my engagement?" she asked, with a little curiosity. "Very little." was the reply of her dearest friend "But they said somethli "Uh. yes; they aid something." "Well, wi-r v 11 "Welt. f them merely ex claimed. 'Al I C " There was ;i pause, and then sh* d "Well, what did some of the other: ?aj '?" ??< rue of thi rn said, 'Who'd bav< thought WT Another. 'Will wonder ne-- er And .-i third" "'di. never mind the rest." inter ru; ted t! ee. "I dci er did havi much e uri. eil Was Mc Deli-:: ! "Almost every mau." Bait! ni- re ape er to think ? '* hi d best fri- nd . hui this ;' binder the v. .rid from laug! lng at th profession " How ls cur i r asked a ' in. ;i fe dual of mine, of a pal ' rotber. ?''Oh* he's icu h v. ame froi the oth -r in a t. ne of d lion 'He' 1 leurs At oVh ? -What an old a that dOcti r of mine la!" sud be uncle- a rational remark siuvc.'"?Li] pincott'*. Not Bull Ran. The story was t< ld of an Am.-.i. : who hap; au d to he crossing the... et some years ago on the Fourth ? f Jul Which national holiday was cclebmti with great enthusiasm by tho | cans on hoard. "I say." urned one ? t the Bugin1 men. "what is this the anniversary anyhow? Isn't it to ch I.rat.- (he nt tlc of Bull Bun or something of tli kind'.'" "No," promptly ipoke up an anni can. "not Ball Bun- John Bull Hun.' Takes Him Down. "Bfef| tuan has his price." .plot the wise guy. "Well, I've noticed that a won cnti generally make him feel prc ebano." added the simple mug.-~.fu rlelphla EUCOTd. A Wonderful Hand. Master I'm sorry to hear. Bat. t ye?ur Wife is dead. Patrick-Faith 'tis I s::d day for us all. slr! hand that rocked the cradle h^a * cd the bUCki Fear- and Dangar. PkHfjaj OM Lady (to dorl hand ihoafl ll there any fear .>f < jjer'' Dad Hand fearnUasalj Pk of fear, ma'am, bul not a hit of < The Prilled State* Huhmarlnc t ers fly a Bag with a hlack fish r white background surrounded b red tatter. Baking Powder Absolutely Pure The Only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar ?Made from Grapes? A Guarantee of Pure, Healthful, Delicious Food Knaw His Limitations. "I proph'seed he'd make a living," Mr. Hobart sa al, sneaking of a New York painter who spent a Bummer at hhs furm, "because he knew what he Could do. little as 'twas, and didn't try to Hy tex* high. "Ye," Mr. Hbbari conUnued, with a tboughtDUl snrile. "you couldn't him to attempt any foolish !'. All th art summer he set out in th. yard, painting tsens, or else OUt ha.k o' the ham. i?j listing pigs. And when i Bald to him. 'Leek a here, when Abe Fowler comes to paint the house I'll j >t him to show y..u bow and let you take a hack st the sid ? end, where 'twon't show so much and allow your hoard.' be Inst shook bis and smiled thal kind o' gent - irrow tUl smile o' Disband --ays he: *l couldn't think of it. Mr. Hobart. I ahonld ruin the looks ..? the house. I'll keep to thc pigs and the> hens, for I know my limit "Well, 'tv a real relief to me t I supp se . ly he would have i . d tbe joh eonsid'able. And I said him then real hearty, "Young man. youl! earn y. ur living yet, t r ain't all et np u Uh pi rion,' and my words have come true, by what I lear.'' Yon;!. inion. h.. hy th sn wc th th ca un tn di th hi ft Cl ot a F v; fi ht Vi fl fl Tha Retort Final. The garruloua old lady In tbe stern i o1 of the boat had pestered tbe gutd with her comments and question! since they had started. Her meek lit? tle husband, who was bum bed 1 like in tim how. tisln-e! i: old lady seemingly exhnnsl <1 - pons! ' tnt tn fish and animal i woodcraft and personal history whi she suddenly esph d \ curi? ous i'aths ,,t" olly, unbroken water fre ? n small ? ii j.r. nulled by a light "oh. guide, guide,' "what Diakes thal funny streak In the \vnt.-r': N->. there right over thi The guide was busy r.-h:: old gentleman's book ard merely mumbled, "f'-m-mm. " ? ide." repeated thc old lady In te.m-s thal a .-rc not to he dei right over there whore I'm rx Intlng and te-'d me what n I funny streak in the wat. r "' The guide looked np fr.un his halt? ing, with a algh. "That? oh. that's the road went scroaa tho ice list winn Everybody'i Magazine. e Vi I n 1 ;! .. e I i l ! 1 J c i * Emerson s Memory. Emers. aotable sufferer from the vagari'-s e.f memory. Ills biogra? pher relates that he met him one day In Heston apparently at a loss for something isked him where he was going. "T" dine," Mid Emerson, "with a v.-ry old and dear friend. I know where- --'ie- lives, hut I hope wont ber name." And then he proceeded t<? describe her aa "the mother of tlie wife of the yoting man - the tall man - who speaks so -. mal s.. ..I . until his Interlocutor gut?>>* ed t<> whom he> was re-ferrlng. Even thc names of common objecta often failed him completely. On one Rion when he wanted ai. Ha he said: "I can't tell its name, hut I can tell Its history. Strangers \w away " Thia falling of Emerson hil to a pathetic- scene when he attended Longfellow's funeral and remarked as meed at the cofiin. "Ile was a j sweet and beautiful soul, hut I have entirely forgotten his name." Nero's Golden house. The "gold -n bouaa" Of Nero se. las from . lOUnta to have been the? stupendous dwelling pince ? built for a mortal man. Even if wc regard the ancient descriptions as rated it remains ona) of the largest loyal houses ever built, and the internal de. i been ia. ompariiblf Iii Lg lt was surrounded by parks. t| and pools ed' gruel abe, which a| to lu entirely within the walls. The odom., des cf the Ie <t ex? tended a tulle In length and er of ile- ! ' the city. The ? Itlca e.f i sacked for masterpieces of Gret i for tin- Interior. '1 la- a uh gold and pouria, and the re >f rooted i a marble- (-. le : enormouu si/. beauty.- New ocr! ".m. The Rust of Custon. The h' -ri- M toward Innovation ls just the tai e in an army :i> Owl of lt, bul perl ? a Ith un re l \ i?ew thing <a ... it poesibl] til lt has proved which it disp i ?? were d, and *?' tian \n\ I thom ? ' rfw Tuik. rn h>. o^e d th :a at ' ' staatl ? ttrst Brenrma bitterly ? they d I d the H-lellerly '. --f the tl- ps The British navj itrenuouely ob to 11 M enc char. - nc ol a's Mi d mel with more opposition li I in Ilamptoi ? the CM war lt i hrs e.V. the ? a ol who koa! a ? oM otic* 11 his onie* to Rhou '- Idle. < h')\v g el | ?Artm A Wheat Hospital. This wieat. has been through the apical." said a miilc-r. "I ? the titie poliah on ti. - Wheat Qt baa been tbr< Hospital f?>r mi disease nan ?1: wheat." rio- wheat grains, iii truth, shone at one could alu., it'a tai em. "You can sc your face In them, n't you? "And do under. They've he-en through drai satment- draatlc. smut la . . a Kital of mold, that ? ireh and gluten In wheat t<? ? a<-k powder. When you see flour di of black - la a sig f the a beat was smutted. IT tt to wash the wheat ttl Then yon dry lt. Tl ?our it. Then you dry it again. inally you brush it. Wheat hoepl thew are found In most grain ele itora nowadaya have big machines ?r washing, drying. se..ur: - and rushing the grain, and whee erv last legs cornea out of those ki? nna r pruce and bio | i*a Kitball girl " Buffalo Ezpn An Astrologer's Letter. An i . - tter to President an Buren foreca ? ?ti..n In 1840 is in the library : res* and perhaps gives a crude lea of sot of the fallacies of eur randfathers. The following are - xtructs: "In thia h- : aa* endant dire, tee! to ti ? ration al liddle of the fourth year, I mesa ? * ? luz or hurt h; 's." etc. see I have opened the hoi - ral Harrison, which accords with the h.h-f . i ? :' ins past life and which f right be win not till the office i f ?resident, during the next term e f elected. And the danger I appre* icnd to yourself ls not from your ; lc opponents, but from those on whom ? n repose cont'.-! who ire superstitions may he Inclined to ?redit this atar gazer with son* ir-- of wisdom, f.-r Qarriaon, altb lected, clie-d a month after his inau rnratlon. New York Fost. Home Loving Montenegrins. Nowhere is love of country more in en?.e than among the Montenegrins, o whom exile is the ^r.-utcst e.f j- ii lebmeuto. When w. J. stillman ;here In the seventies all the free men were away fighting, and he oheei that when a messenger was scat :ho official took a man <>ut of the pris? on and Hent him ..ff. with no fear I'.e would not return. 0 ? - senger was senl to Cattaro, In Aus? trian territory, with al I of f..r the bank, i back. Another asked a Russian at Cattaro to intercede with Prince Xlch olaa for his release from prison. MBut you are not In pris ".." Mid tb Bun* alan. "Oh." *:iid the man. "1 only .-onie down for a load *>f al for So-and-eo, hut I toto prie on again \\ h.-n I u'et b one prison guard aratched all the prti oners when they sunned tie-:. out of doors, and If be a ed away a prisoner would take 1. and act as sentry fer the time. Abroad. Abroad ls a locality entirety sur? rounded hy seaelckneen* In at view it ls i bourne moro or lesa mys? terious, bounded 00 Us- farther side by your Income and on its hither - custom bouses where you have to eh clare everything you bring hack wit'i clgn accent and one change) of hosiery. Abroad la wham 1. They I ut al ur Naggi ge I b. it all 2 You are Unseal al down fT'tn Jerusalem te Jericho, a tal | od Samaritan invariably wants a tip. Abroad is the stage of history, bur that ls only I ede thc ? ? nf n< t seetnaj America tr :. Put k. Keepina Up ths I,'mit. lu J. t Cairn reoatoleteajcei i* a chan f tharne* Jones, who | fl about ? med alarm | SDH ':e la c da; r manured af h|a ? *lent. t<< v. hi h Hiiine-loiies had catt* asry reprl -!. "Oh I think ah- at al "f. r ts* " to th- vtd bi d ' \V dent '.o r.-.o .-? ft-rwartl P-m bnel x ar, my .'. : . ii m re than three." Nlaatma ?if exi. ? rwr; il cause seatlm." reel* i ? p ??>> *. j rsci wqq*J he eooKB I ?\ . ly ru iv Twa f., - pi ti. it e.nly au almost anwnws luouut of ii ? N ahsorbe 1 In sn sired an e unee of am i intletit v ren? ton ;?!! ft ~e mt killel at anea id affi t*J In tba* combu.ith.ii of the Inti"