Newspaper Page Text
SHENANDOAH HERALD WOOOSTOUK V-A. I 1 FRIDAY, FErJKUAKY 5, 1909.) 4a I* "d .: the 1'ost Office, at Wocd i, Va., as tvecond-olass matter. henaTjJo.h Valley Loan & Truit o. .^WOODSTOCK, VA.?s*~ ' Money loaned at 6 per cent on real citate or good 30ilat*?ral Security. Saving* de? posits reef iveJ in tuan of 11.00 or over, and interest allowed on same. |W* Foroartiou.are ac dress the Company it Its home o*<?<?. >?r cal) on J. W. Kberiy, dtrasburjy: O VS. Wind'e, Bdinburg; F.8. Peunyi?acker Mt. Jackton: or S. K. Hoover New Market Va. GENERAL LOCAL XEW* New gingham! at Glenn Locke's. Underwear bari I English's. i - A 9 o's. Val mtinesat S i Drug- SI - - ita for that suit you need. hats low prices "Uah** i thal wear at J. L si. i si - gO to sh. - -. b - at i ta ob I n, lt. S at B. B good overcoat s -in ai all woo! - cut S I S I i s - s ***%*& ' .? DD don " l l)al - .mer: ? Farmer bushel for I ri: > lia 5 Days, ll ter parlor i- l H >nsid lng I tl er ir load ng I I mon. ip) ay . viet! s | | 31 Vases at B like telecti it j in ? ! - ; ring, i mack' si: ? ng hro I 6 . Co. on hous( Apply U> Di ll. Im >* oil, linseed oil, mat eil, coal oil, everything in oils paints. Farrier's t'nion f ba mri day, all I . lanelM I fruits, ci and tofoaceoa. B. 8 Uo. I ;. timothy, all/ke includi full > of s il -pring sc - ile at J. L. Bo] o's. A large slock of Americas and ? f4d and poultry feaeini ii and. price right. ( ail to see u? U floyer ? (Jo. We pa? al attention to fe and taking can-of hoiees. Cell tee us Court Day. Oearj Hotel ery, John K. Bernis, I'rop. Syracuse plows and harrow? kind of plow repairs. Kxaiuir stock before you buy. Far Union. Just in stock a carload < celebrated Anchor Buggies, a stock of Lion and Babcock wc the latest and up-to-date styles. ih in -,r at in er of for al hog tht top ? H. hine and for gar ng a wing Et ? on I. J ed mg and Liv i, all ie our mer'8 PERSONALS. Dr* A. 1*. Helew, of Fxlinburg was a visdtor in town Tuesday. Mrs. J.A.Scoville is quite ill at her home on North Main street. Judge F. S. Tavenner was in Park ersburg, W. Va., this week. Mr. Geo. Wilkins, of Madison dis? trict, was in town this week. Mr. P. S. Magruder spent st veral layi in Washington this week. Miss Mhmit. Riley, of Rilleyville is visiting relatives in this place Mr. Joseph Gillock. of Richmond is visiting his cousin Mrs. John Haas. Mrs. Edward Graham, of Pulaski is visiting h. r friend Miss Mable Wal? ton Mr. and Mr,. 1". s. l\ Rinker, of Rinkerton visited friends ic town this week. Mi-. Claud Albert, of Harrisonburg, b I ?ther, Mrs. Mary Albert, this week. MUm^ Lorei a Davis and Margaret Martin Vlilted friends in Straiburg, thi> week. Rev. William Burner preaobed in hristianChurch in this place Sun? day morning. Mr. A. Sager hus returned to his 'atis. Tenn., after a visit tc his home- in this county. Mr. B. K. Sager, of Pittsburg, spe-nt i dayithii week with hil sister-in law, Miss Nan G. Fravel. Mr. Walter Wunder. who i> attend hool-ih Richmond is spending a ll his home here. R : " B. . | Bh, Ol Mar\ laid are visiting Mrs. Parrish's - J. A. Scoville* Mr. John L. Schaefer, of (quicks is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Janies Art/, near town. ? Sallie' Wade, of Parkersburg siting 1 >. Walter Newman ai .OU,,- on Mul : stVe-et. Mrs. William Dinges has returnee p home in Edinburg after a \ isii iter, M ra. S. ,]. Hoffman. Mrs. John Livers and little daugh? ter are visiting Mrs Liver's sister Mrs i p Baker ia 3agersU>wo. - L F. FriSto and two children. ol Parkersburg, W. Va., were th* her suter, Mri, C. E. Wa! ton. re turned to hei thia 'rom a visit to hei . Mrs. Barney, tn Fredericks Mrs. C. E. Walton and little daug* i ? M rs. Walton's ps iud Mrs, M. M. Johnson in Pron is - Nan Irwin and Mar;. !; have- returned from a visit to thei ... Ki at:rig in Win ch-'s*. . Mr. D. IL ^'opj>, who recently Woodstock has eba- ? -hail mil .9 Messrs. Jo Ki an, chis of Mt. -Li il ? N vaia; . ho is ? at Rando ph Macon Acadcmj - his - this Mr. and Mrs. Frank ('bandier am y of Si \a\ - spent si si ,,f the we?k with Mi .1. s. Hashour :. I ily. Mis. {?'. M. I- and two chi] drcn ha1. theil I* Ilk' ? Sb rg tee Mr: ~ C. E. Walton. Mr. John Hutcheson who is visitir, i ^ Dtl Rev. and Mis J. !? linburg viiited Cap .v. and : the Brit i ? Mr. ami Mrs Chas. Bowen, wi - near Pugh's Hun. will mo March lit to '.he farm recently pu - - -ut. Mrs. Lizzie Spie ol Mao - - Mr. L. R. Burner has ace ion with the Shenandoah Fa mer's Union. Mr. Burner conduct .ar\ for srvera 1 yea - -.veil known in this -? ' "n. Mr. T. S. Vance, county organia of the Y. M C. A.. who has hi North Caroline for tome time. i turn . this week, ? Will take up the e-ounty work at Mr. W. T. Williams Jr . who w s tate at the- Union TbeologU nary, Richmond, Va . this ipri has won the "Hogs Fellowing which entitlei him to pursue his s dies an. ir at that institute {Jewill tak< s post-graduate cour In this day in *hich there is so mi rush, and often ill preparation are glad to b**? that there are sc to spend the V, to thoroughly equip themseli their life's work. TL paper cn nature study ? n Cunningham, of the Wo Graded and High Behool, emly read l?efore the teachers m ting at Kdint it i?^en attract attention throughout the state. .\ Cunningham received a request 1 week from the publishers of the Vi ri it School Journal for the manuse that this paper might be given wi circulation. It was pronounced the leading educator! of Vn_ri who have heaVJ it as tho best of kind. Mr. and Mrs. William Ott i: I to Um marriage of \ daughter, Miss Elizabeth, to Mr. lard Stephen Canter, on Thur evening, Feb. 11th, in the Methi church, Front Royal, Va. Miss is one of Front Itoyal's most ch ing young ladies and ls well knoi this county, where sh* has l?een i I visitor. Mr. (anter is a y huftine** man of danville. Va. )f the; Iso a >rk in Our &Co. A large gate, on Muhlenburg a fell on Lowell Jeffries the little 1 old son of Mrs. Mary JetTi lea, nesday morling, cutting a <)? three ineh'-s long, I OTOH the littl low's forehead. Church Notes. Rev. II. M. Canter will proa Pugh's Run on Sunday, Feb. 71 3 o'clock p. m. lg 5 , t. IO ire r B r ed ri er in re? nd ?e. il sal ng >?" tu? en ich wt urie for bj od* re? ed? ing liss isl ri pt <i? r by n! a, nave their Mil r-daj Kllst Rust arm rn in i f re? ining I reel. year Wed e f. I ch at ?h, at TOWN COUNCIL GETS BUSY. The regular monthley meeting of the Town Council Tuesday night was tia busiest held in many moons. All man? ner and kind of people, from the rail? roads down through the print shops, drug stores and dispensers of small brew, to the junk dealers, were re? quested to contribute their mite to? wards the exp- OM > of the town. The tax rate lor 1909 will remain the- same, $l.(Ki on $100.00of valuation Specific license tax were placed on the following: on all railroads doing builnoil in the corporation of Woodrtock *i').0o On anj dealer who "sells lee cream hy the treater". o.oo On Laundries and those- \sl>> .ship !aundr\ away from town.. 2.50 Soda fountains. 5.00 Bottled soft drinks, sold in oilier piaces than at soda foun? tains . 5.00 Bottled "softdrlnka" that ?.-? ? >he>l (small brew and beer not exi-epted). 2 Junk dealers. 2.50 Job printers. -?"><' Skating rinks (raised from *J<> 25 00 Moving picture parlors. 25.(>0 Skiting rinks and moving pictures where operated together in same building. 40.00 Persons selling any medicine. salve, liniments or compounds raised from *?*> a yearto.260.00 The water main to the new Creamery building will be furnished hy the town and Messrs. A. W. Nicodemus di Sons to advance the cost of laying. On recommendation of the Shenan? doah Fire Company, H. A. Kneisley was appointed principal engineer; E. C. Geary, 1st Warden: H. M. Supinger, 2nd Warden: J. B. Clower. 3d Warden: li. J Lotte], 4th Warden: J. B. Miller, Jr, 5th Warden. The Hoard of Health was instructed to investigate the sanatery conditions Of certain properties in town and re? port to council. The Shenandoah Farmeri Union again ordered to move their old build? ing from th*-school housepremii s. Sergeant Humer was instructed to collect all taxes unpaid on Feb. 15th hv levies. Mrs. David Miller Dead. Harrisonburg, Va., Feb. 2.?Mrs. Better Salina Miller, wife ol David r, a farmer, at Keezletown, died early this morning ol congettion of the lungs, after an ilim-ss e>f three -. Sh-- was e> v, ar*j of a<_r' and is survived by her husband, one s?en and three daughters. ?*11?- of whom is Mrs. il itcheton, wife ot Joseph C. Rutche son, treasurer ol Shenandoah county. e-a \ 98 four sisters an< tW< I brothers. Death of Mrs. A. VV. Nicodemus, ?k, Md., Feb. it.?Mn, > W. Nicodemus, "??' ye i - sr Judge Nicodemus, ol the < hrpha a' < I at her home in 1 I il '? o toda_\. after a !' lng il! ess She y a Miss - -' f Hem?;? Pll . rsville and was ago. is sur? vived by larry L Woodstock, Va., Augustus W. Jr., R. X. Nleeeil. "liter, - W. IL Windley, of Q ystowe, Man land. Barn Burned Near Edinburg. . e btrn on the farm of Gram -: . . ? tr Bdinburg was itroyed bj fire about ghi Wed l) morning. The' fire orig: odini whiie Mr. Grand is fteeuing. The building intents wert I with one of Mr. M. \V. Magruder's c s for 1700, Joe Laughlin to Manage Ball Team Joe Laughlin, ?' tl ;s place, who has _- baseball with the St. Paul, Minn., tetra for the past two - _ ed .i contract to man tge the Wilkes-Barre, Pa., team, in the tri-state league. Health Hoard of Shenandoah held a meeting last Tuetdtj at the The school at St. Luke was ordered t<? be closed on account e>f scarlet fever. Dr. White, Sec'y e.f tbe Hoard was red to go to tiie borhood of St Luke, inveitigate lute and do what i^ necessary to ch -i'k the disease. The Voung Peoples' Mite Society of th- Reformed Church will hold t Val? entine Tea, on 11th. 12th and Uth of Februsry. RefreshiDenti w-iii be served at moderate prices. The- entertain? ment will consist of m.isic. recitations, pl ava, etc. change of program each night. The insurance on the new building ar MtBSanutten Academy, and the F.x eel alor Creamery's new plant wen placed with the- large Fire fnsuranci agency of M. W. Magruder in thi? place this week. The anniversary meeting of the or ganization ol the Daughters of th* Confederacy, at which the election o Officer! will take place, will i>e heh next Saturday, February 6. Invest your money in the 4 per cent Certificates of the Shen. Valley Loa fc Trust Co., Woodstock, Va. Sc curity unquestioned. Interest pai able semi-annually, and Certificate deemable any time alter six monta o short notice. $500 Por Protection The- town council, Tuesday nigh I tptC tic tux Ol 15.00 on sod fountain!, bat protected this businei !?;. plating a license tax of 06.001 other mtrchantl who dared to sell bottle of i >p; i lloteec of $5.00 i-> ?\ on [laities who sell linimen ? rn salve, and a license of * ii beer and small brew, a rio tl of Co a, and Coca Go ran the gauntlet without even serat- li. UM fair, Mr. Council, and give the protection others (jet. arni place ?tie license tax of MO <>r 1700 i jo1) printers who peddle their wo md town and take far more pri ii g to distant towns and citie> than dune at home. All kinds of roofing, galvanb L, I rimped, painted steel. Rubhero Monarch, felt sheeting paper, in fa everything in the roofing line, and vou use roofing call on us. Farme Union. rWO STRASBURG MEN MEET DEATH ON THE RAIL. W. Ollie Taylor, 22 years old was dmost instantly killed, and John W. Msher. aged 30 yea.'s, mortally in? ured, in the Southern freight yards .t Harrisonburg, Sunday morning, ?etween 0 and 10 o'clock, both young ier. were from Strasburg and were rst ooutint, Loth were lirst cousins iCondoetor James Fisher. Fisher and Taylor, neither of wham as on duty, were whiling away the imeabout the Southern yards. While reight train 174 was being made up ireparatory to leaving, about IO ik, tho two men stepped on to he front platform of the caboose at tehed to the rear of a string of ttvea V eight cars. While the several cars ?ere being shifted in making up the rata, there was necessarily ooniider ble jarring and jolting. This fact Sd two bystanders to warn Taylor nd Fisher that th?ir position was a eriloui ore. A few moments later Taylor was irred from blt position on the piat [>rm. Ile lost his footing and fell eadlong to the track directly under lie- wheell of the hacking car. His ompanton, Flesher, attempted to catch 'avior and was himself dragged from he platform doun under the ear. Walter Bryan, who happened to e passing along the track in the dis hargt of his dutiet, wai attracted bj roans from under the caboose. Tak ng in the situation at a glance, young Ly an hurried to Conduct* >r Fetzer, rho with Hryan came to the aid of the WO men. Taylor was ?ying tlat on 1 is back across the rail, his he-a<l and rms on the outside of the track, his let between the rails. The rear wheel ?f car 14.685 had backed partly upon he man's bod\. catching him in the id?- and abdomen* crushing him and lolding him fast. Though uncontci* ms, he was still alive when found. Conductor Fet/ersigr.alled Engine tarrington to move forward. Mr. larrington pulled the- throttle and erred the train of cars ahead the Us? ance of a foot or more, in order that i L of Taylor might be liberated I'h-- unfortunate man was tend< ply aken up and carried into tie- cab Fisher, fell right in the midd. he track. He was struck and fright ully injured by the rods aid pipei meier the backing car. lt was the rroaning of Fisher that attracted the i tion of young Bryan. Piiherwti nrfectlj rational and in gretl pain. Tlc in ired men were placed on itretcheri in th** cab wat and st ? :. whe-re medictl aid ?l. Taylor di? ning the depot in Taylor's bod). 11 car whe -1. which had backed only a elistanc feet, i ' over the l?ft - .- :.. Ho was lite death. Th.- skin about tie- I not broken, death resulting fro ' ? ? n<-s.' showed c thel .n his fa j rL'ht I _' H i - i| ; the- right arm bruised tod lecerab Flsh< -. te companied by Dr. Frank B. Oil ikento tia- Memorial Hospital in Wine .:. >. itv '^.. where lay moi ning at 2 o'c I ll is a s,,n of Mr. and Mrs I h Fisher, of Strasburg. His fath( i ?? ployed bj the Hoge Lime Company iq Strasburg. Fisher ls employed as extra brti bj the H.vV <>., having been issigned to between Harrisonburg ami Staunton I three months go. He hal a brother, J. A. Fisher, who ii brake* man on the Southern, running be Strasburg and Manana!. An? other biol:. r, < harli i, works in th< limekiln at Strasburg. Thomas, tia youngest brother, goes t>> Behool ii Strasburg, He tlaol ?Mrs. Charles Cains, whose bulban* ia a railroad man: Mrs. Joiepl Nicholson, and Miss Nannie Fisher W. Ollie Taylor, belonged to ti ill fated family. Ten or twelve y* ar ago his father, William Taylor, wa killed in a ejuarry at Graritevill* South Carolina. Two weeks ag today hi> brother-in-law. Walt< Darnell, met a horrible death undc tac wheels of a Southern engine in tl; yards at Strasburg. His mother ; now quite sick at her home in Stra* burgana much anxiety is felt for he Taylor was her main rapport and great favorite with his mother, wi was crushed by the death of her daug! ter's husband week before last. \i now- it is feared that this second bio will prove too much for her. Taylor was a regular brakeman c Conductor George Etohr'l train, lee lng Harrisonburg at 7 in the mornii for Strasburg and returning the dc afternoon at ?i o'clock. He had be braking on the Southern for li yean and was an etlicient man. Taylor is survived by his mothe Mrs. Mary Taylor: four sisters?Mi Walter F. Darnell. Mrs. John Wh lock, whose husband is a brakem on the Southern: M iss Kthe Taylo: and one small brother, Kichard Ti lor. All live in Strasburg. Roth Taylor and Fisher were me bers of the Brotherhood of Kalla Trainmen. Lodge 418, in Alexandr Fach carried an insurance of $l,U.rA> his life in that order. This ll the second accident Inwh Train 114 has figured in a wee time and a total of live trainmen k ed airve the Hugh's Hun wreck. Taylor was buried Wednesday al noon and Fisher Thursday afterno We learn that the January busin of the Fire Insurance agency condi ed hy Mr. M. W. Magruder, is Om the largett in its histor;.. The new Idea Manure Spn pulverize and distribute your mar uniformerly, light draft and durs UQlllllneted Bet this machine bel placing your Order*, for sale by J Be<\?-r k Co. Hefore purchasing, call and ed amine the celebrated merits of 1. Heerless Feed Mills, Appleton W et, Saws, ?Hat Easy Running Pei if and Domestic Gasoline Engines. r'B sale by Wm Gocuknour, Jan. 22- .imo pd. Maurertown, e> ir ir le? is r. I IO h ld w )!. \ *g Kt eli ve r, *s. it* an iv im ay ia. on I -ii I DSTOCK Av. ll Hon.- ? 82 '?? 8] '.. ~.\ '1 7..' 7". : ne isle j. .-I 81 dowe!-*.:?; -i -; ' .an.Tl M 8" l?l 502 -Ml New Dynamo Here. The new dynamo for th? ru- Light Plant has tr rived tnd will be installed in the- plant at the o. 1 Ruth mill next week. TL mo ;-? of -j' ii kiliowau ct] rhich will take the place of the old whie: Ij 80 killowatt thereby tiing tiie facilities over three fold* Economize in Burninn Light Mon? day and Tuesday Nights. We will commence installing o new generator Monday, unl< ss the re.aels should kret bad in the meantime arid request our patrons to please burn as few lamps ts possihie' on Mon* daj tnd Tuesday nights as currentwill have- to he- supplied from Stonewall Mill and the- capacity of that plant is not over 75 pei cent, of the present plant at bridge *. therefore- i; will be NECESSARY FOE ALL TO BCOMOIOZE or we will have fo cut out lights In P irt of the town on the nights men tione i. Woodstock Blbc. Lt, ^ P. C. Co. I lac] Mr. Ed. H. Hickman, of Mt. Jack? son has rented the Van Pelt store roon opposite Schmitt's Drug Store, when lu- will open a moving picture parlor. in about two we-eks. Mr. Hickman will also open an auto mobile sales-room and repair shop ii old Hanks property, workmen will start at once' to eon vert the- North etti of this building into an up-to-datt store roon. MONEY! MONEY! Twenty-Five hundred dollar*t< em e>:. Rael ! s-.ate Security, in semi t? suit burrower. Interest, ?? per ce ut. Wm. t. Williams, atty. Jt9 2t Woodstock, Va L. C. Myers Bank President. Harrisonburg, Va., Feb. 2. L. ( Myen, who formaaj years has . k I taihier Of the First National Haul Li? fter on. jct 5 Of Will Hire .Wy 'ore . L. ex was today elected president, to sm i ?..! J. Wiltoo, resigned. Mr. Mci will also be the bank's auditor. Tut your savings In the Sa vi nj. Department of Shenandoah Valle Loan k Trust Co., Woodttoek, Va at 3 per cent, compound In Amounts of 11.00 and upward rt ce ed* The only savings institution the county for the accumulation ?> * tl small savings of laboring men, w men and childi**:* if NOTICE. At a meeting of the Council, he February 2, 11MW. the Sergeant w instructed to levy for all taxes un pa I bj F? hrnary 16, HM. said resol lne,tion was ordert'i to he published. 004 Retnestfullv, nP8' it M. W. McORUDtB, Beean* lor. -, ? . I Mid-Winter?And the Shenando Vft county jail empty. COUNTRY LIFE COMMISSION. BID01 P? WORK OP Till. V. M. C. A. IX KKPORT TO PRT.SIDK.VT. Mr. T. S. Vance, after a year's work In the South, has been trr ns'erred back to the Virginia County Work, to resume supervision of that department In the State. After several cktys In? vestigation of the work '.n Shenandoah county, he makes the following state m<-nt: ''Shenandoah has the beginnings of the best work of any county in the state. Five town Associations are reaching about 300 men and boys with religious and social work of a sound and progressive sort. The financial condition is bad, but the County Com? mittee has plans on foot that will re? lieve the situation within a month. With the supervision and help I hope to give thil war, we may expect a much more comprehensive work than ever before. I have gotten Agricul? tural specialists of th?- t'tate arel Na? tional Governments to promise us lecturers for the organised counties and am working to get the Southern Railway to run a train through these counties, stopping at larger stationl. Attendance will be worked up at each stop those interested in Soil Improve? ment, for instance, will go into the coach that has the lecturer 00 that subject, while- those interested in Dairying or Good Roadt will find a good lecture in another car of the train, lt mav take some time to wt >rk the Southern officials up to this rm ans of Agricultural education and stimu? lation, but such trains have l>een of greatest benetit in the: W?>st. 1 cannot speak too highly of ability and devo? tion Mr. Moran has ihown in his work and 1 expect to see Shenandoah stay in the lead in this work.'' Mr. Vance went with I'resident Roose? velt's Country Life Commission through North Carolina and Mr. Boardman, Ol the International Com? mittee, accompanied them through the West. After close investigation of the inty work of the V. M. C. A the Commission has reported to the ^resi? dent that this is positively the only organized effort for the better I of tie- conditions of country life that is putting into operation its teach? ings hy having men right in the field. As ? result the C. S. Government has offered the V. M. C. A. ? corner lot in each o? the towns ol the new Irriga? tion Lands it is now opening In the West. For this great Government grant worth thouiandi, the world li in? debted to Shenandoah and other colin lld thal have worked out the County Work plan. Woodstock Wins form Mt. Jack? son. The Woodstock Huck Pin team to Mt. Jackson Tuesday tfternOSD and won by a very narrow margin. Mt. Jackton took the fin ?-. b; 19 pins: :. I in a ti team making " went to rle- winners fa We.', || ired by 11 fins. TL MT. JA( K<< 'N A- . Bird, .7ti M 83 81 Romick .'?! 80 73 "li ."1 70 82 81 Bini .Hob .-I M - ' K i lera ."1 -? 8"! .SI BH 81 Sick Room Necessities There has been as much pro? gress in the invention and perfec? tion oi sick room comfort! tnd peons tiei as lo methods and means of preparing medicines. ? nare- one of our pure-rubber Hoi Water Bottles with the old il toned brick or Hat-iron beater We wonder how thev ever got mg with such clumsy thi: , Then lo k at the modern Hed i'a'.~ 9 i, Theran Fount nu :. <i Hulb Syrin. Sterilize ( ? >n and Ba ail the otl lief-bringing and useful sick room articles of which we have an ceptionally good stock. Come right to us for anything needed in the tick-room, whether in the na ? ppliance. or some time-tried home- i or mediclm to be compounded ac? cording ? :? doctor' - Ip tion. Vou can servic.- and a since part to make- everything right I to your perfect satisfaction. SCHMITT'S DRUG STORE The Store For Quality WOODSTOCK, - VIRGINIA Ji ' tM p.: ? .^.a.,.. EWELRY to delight the eye sssssss Our Stock is Complete. ? ind look it ther you int?-:i I I bUy or aol Wc rely on o^ir superior .ind artistic Jewelry to make sales without much talk from u>. Yes. we alto do all kine.'. h and Jewel? ry repairing, and do it w ell 0 % % fg ft & S BARGELT, Reliable Jeweler and Optician. WOODSTOCK, - . VA. | - _i For Sale. ? ethe for Sa'e-. 6 aCH s oomi, fruit, cia and new barn. Pi Ad J. W. r [SHER, lt. pd. Strisb ivg. Va. For Sale Oae three-quarter Holstein and quarter Durham bull, 1; years old. '? particulars call at the HERALD Office .lan. 22-4t NOTICE All persons having claims against the late W. L. Wisman, will please preeent .them, properly authenticated, ti? J. M.* BaUSERMAN. For Sale. < Mic 20 bone power Traction engine ? od condition. For- de-tails, td - Herald office, tncloiing stamps I for answer For Sale Two colts one and two years old. Two nay maras, thro* yearling steers. M. F. Bmswiller Ctlvary, Va. 4t pd. THE PEOPLES BANK. Otr tim is to extend every accommodation to all cloates, to make this bank in everyT respect the Peoples Bank? a banking; house for the Mer? chant, Farmer, Mechanic and Laborer, for the Men, Women and Young: People. The small depositor and small borrower is invited to do business with us. Abso 11 te safety is astuied, as this bank has the great advan? tage ot Gogirament Pro? tection and supervision. I'ncle Sam guards and guides. SHENANDOAH* NATIONAL, BANK Woodstock. Virginia. DESIRABLE DfPJK>VaTJ AND rMMIMteiVll) WASHINGTON I i It RI I L Efl I ? FOR SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE in part and give part ca*?h for goad farms or other especially : coop PROPERTIES : * % C. C. SPITZER HARRISONBURG, VA. IT WOULDN'T PAY US] to m.ike misstatements in our advertisements. I niess; we make gx?od what we advertise, eur cns tamers will realize that our piomises amount to nothing. WE STAND BY EVERY PROMISE we make, and guarantee that our stock of drugs is the best that money can buy. IT COSTS US MORE to fill prescriptions than if they were filled with inferior ingredients, but a comparison of prices ill show that you do not pay any more. Our reward is in the sati ;r customers, and the knowledge- that you are getting just what your doctor prescribes. HAVE VOU A COLD? WE CAN CURE IT. HESS' STOCK FOOD THE BEST CIGARS ? SUNDRIES ' CANDIES WALTON cc SMOOT "THE DRCGGIS1 ^> G. W. Nixon, Opt. D. ?ses furn onlj bj Presci lption. We guarantee to -?.e'D H< s Itehe permanently, if tauted b\ e\e strain. Cross-Eyt it mus ii. ch:, stra. _ out the us^ of the knife Ol hi'' and we will con? vince you in minul Holtzman's Hotel* Woodstock* Monday, February 8,1909. I -? is Believing, Wt- make wm do Both? ANOTHER AT Kline's Jewelry Tuesday, Feb. 2==Tuesday, Feb. 9, BIDDING LASTS THREE DAYS, TWO "KNOCK DOWNS" IN THE WEEK. FRIDAY NOON AND TUESDAY NOON a SEE WINDOW a W WT Kl)- Si neb- man to work on farm and dairy. Mull be rn Pl industrious and good milker. AddreBB aaAJ.ALuaoH, lt, M. V U- 1- Newark, Ohio. We will save vou money on cotton seed meal. We buy by tbe car load and get tbe best prices and are thereby in a, position to save you money, tar men' Union. Mr. Artz, on Ground Hog tray, tad a den on Mr. Geo. Wright's place, and saw his Howship come out: look around, and ?**?tiirn to his den. j Is not this enough to convince the faithless. We have the iinest assortment of. oranges at 40c and 500 pier do/en ever offered on this market. B. 'Stgei j&Co.