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^ ^ ii LIBERTY ANb MY ITIVE SOIL. nr. No s^tecriptioa Ms than six months; and no paper TqjMgR^ucauntil all arrearages are paid. Subscriptions will be continued unless notico bo given Wfofeiifcpa nrairiAno Aim* __ _ , .vmv ?rw ?mw vftVHV v* TUlUlliOt i j^pV"ERTISEMENTS, - inserted at 75 cts. per fgjtafc^of twelve lines for tho first insertion-; and, 37 JKSJ cts. for. each continuance. Those not having (vthp d^'ired number of insertions marked upon them, .^^^fcfeeohtinued until ordered out and charged acIp^BST^AYSr*1Tolled TWO DAL.LARS, to bo 'ii*piUd by the Magistrate. ; F>or. ? i 111 ounc in g a Candidate TWO DOLLARS, Postage must bo paid upon all letters and ; j cg^BMfenicutions to secure attention. H * Frovi $he Saturday Courier. &|gBi&egends of the Revolution. ' JP^tiJEORGE LIPPARl). '/' pmlsKi. | !f; It was at the battle of Brandywine that I lilt Pulaski appeared in; all his glory, be rode charging there, into the thickest tie' battle, he was a warrior to be looked n but once, and never forgot founted on a large black horse, whose md beauty of shape made you forainness of his caparison, Pulaski pith a form six feet in height, mas: ana limbs ef iron, was attired in mform, that was seen from afar, y the black clouds of battle. His with the scars of Poland, was the I man who had seen muuii tiuuulc, much wrongs- It was stamped expression of abiding melancholy, in hue, lighted by large dark eyes; lip darkened by a thick moustache, it and chin were covered with a jaru, while his hair fell in raven from beneat his trooper's cap, shields a. ridge of glittering steel. word that hung by his side, fashion-; ipereft steel, with a hilt of iron was u^varj-inr_alone could lift. It was .rray he rode toTiatiierlbHonyad.liv_a three hundred men, whose faces, ill the scorching of a tropical sun, liv nnrttiprn snnwa. tinrp annroo 4| Bay a battle. They were mostlj Eu^fljttH&ns; some Germans, some Polanders, Hp deserters from the British Army.? jWfetee were the men to fight. To be taken H IpMMthe British would be death, and death |^*Bie gibbet; therefore tliey fought their flB'andfought to the last gasp rather than uJJWnutter a word about "quarter." ^||wheii they chrrged it was as one man, three hundred swords flashing over ^mp^ads, against the clouds of battle. -came down upon the.enemj^r terrible 3gw8Kcfti without a word spoken, not even a ^B^-You coidd hear,th? tramp of their r^SMH^ds, you could hear the rattling of their ^ fcWrds but that was all. $g^.ctwhen they closed with the British, J?^<;ould hear a noise, like the echo of a i-xi-ai.^ ' ;'-:-i . ] } i ' 'VT^ 11 their backs in the madness of pursuit?He looked to the South for Washington, who, with the reserve under Green, was hurrying to the rescue, but the American Chief was not in view. Then Pulaski was convnlsnd with rar^t? He rode madly upon the bayonts oPthe pursuing .British, his sword gathering victim after victim; even "there in front of their I whole army, he filing his steed across the ' path of the retreating Americans, he be! sought them in his broken English, to turn, to make one .more effort; he shouted in hoarse tones that the day was not yet lost! They did not understand his words, but the tones in which he spoke thrilled their blood.. The picture, too, standing out from Ihe clouds of battle??-a warrior, convulsed with passion, covered with blood, leaning dVer the qeck of his steed} while his eyes seemed turned to fire, and the muscles of his bronzed face writhed like serpents?-that ni/>tnrD T dov fill a/4 mow n V? ?? * U ? ^avkviiv) jl uuj j un^u maiijr a iiuaii Willi 11CW courage, nerved many a wounded arm for the fight again. ThrtfiA rpffbntlnnr man ni?noil MWVW ivbtvuHiig U1UII bUI UUUj lUtCU the enemy again?like greyhounds at bay before the wolf?they sprang upon the necks of the foe, and bore them down by one desperate charge. It was at this- moment that Washington came rushing on once more to the battle. These know bii^|j|^ of the American General who call him the American Fabius, that is, a general compounded of prudence and caution, with but a spark of enterprize. American Fabius i When you will show me that the Roman Fabius had a heart of fire, nerves of steel, a soul that hungered for the charge, an enterprize that rushed from wilds like the Skippack upon an army, like the British of Germ an town, or started from ice nnd annw. Hlr? ihnt which lay across the Delaware, upon.hordes like those of the Hessians, at Trenton? then I will, lower Washington down into Fabius. This comparison of our heroes, with the barbarian demi-gods, of Rome, oniy iilueiratoG.iha.pauociy nL. i'nB makes it. >. Compare Brutus, the assassin of his friend, with Washington, the Saviour of the People! . Cicero, the opponent of jGataline,* with Henfv^ th?? phammnn nf n nnnfihoinf ' .V^hat beggary of thought !.. Let us learn to be a little independent, to know our great men, as they were, not by comparison witK the barbarian heroes of old Rome. Let us learn ihat Washington wag%o negativething, but all chivalry and genius^ It was in the battle of Brandy wine that this truth was ttiade plain. He came rushing ori to battle, lie beheld' his men hewn down by the British he heard them shriek his name, and regardless of his personal safety, he rushed to. join tliem. V es, it was in the dread havoc of that re treat that Washington, rushing forward it^r lo the very centre of t he melee, was en tan* gletTitr t^e en emieV troops. on the top of a high hill, souih-vir&t of the meeting- house,' -wl)ile Pujaski Was sweeping on with his a parting blessing among the hordes or" Hanover. < tir^i 8'?f,OU3 lUize? lll,s Mister j Washington, in the heart of the British a*. ' j ; suddenly the, PoJander turned?biVeye ' ?Whtr?* *'ShVpf tfle ir?n arid hi*ri-; ^ inted A) ttfia ; And on he came?he and his gallant band. A moment and he had swept over the Britishers?-cnjsjied?^mangled, dead and dying they strewed the green sod?&e had passed over the hill, he had passed the form of Washington. Another moment! And the iron band Whfifilftd Hurlr in iho coma I ? . . W> ... ?uv UUIUU Ul UCtlill they came! Routed, defeated, crushed,the red coats flee from the hill, while the iron bands weep round the form of George Washin gton?-they encircled him with their forms of oak. their swords of steel?the shout of his name shrieks through the. air, and away to the American host they bear him itj all a soldier's battle joy. It was at Savannah that night came down upon Pulaski. Yes, I see him now, under the gloom of night, riding forward to yonder ramparts, his black steed roaring ololt, while two hundred of his own men follow at his back. Right on, neither looking to the right or the left, he rides, his. eye fixed upon the cannon of the British, his sword gleaming over his head. For the last time, they heard that war crv? " Forwarts, Brudern, Forwarts!" Then ihey saw that black horse plunging forward, his forefeet resting on the cannon of the enemy, while his warrior rider, arose' in all the pride of his form, his face bathed ill a flash of red light. That flash once gone, they saw Pulaski no more. . But they found him, yes beneath the enemy's cannon, crushed by the same gun, that killed his ateed,?yes they found them, ilie horse snd rider, resting together in death, that noble face glaring in the midnight sky with glassy eye. So in his glory lie died. And while America and Poland were yet in chains. He diecLiri ihe stout hope that both, v/ould one da?&(B.i"ree. With Ve'gard to America, ins aope-ua8 oeen luimieu, dui r'Oiana Tel 1rae;^faalL not the day come, when yonder monuga^t-?erected by those warm Southern hearts^ near Savannah?will yieldJUj) its dead ? _ ?Jb'Of -i^oiana wjIITjS Tree~"iit last. as sure as God is just, as sure ai he governs tlie univ?rser .Then, when re-created Poland rears her Eagle aloft again, among thebanners of the. nations, will her children come tdtvjBavannah, to gather up the ashes of their hi ^ and bear hipi; home, wi ii the cjiauht of Priests, with the thunder of; cannon, with the tears of millions, even as repentant Fi-arice bore home her own jXapo leon^ ; ' ' ... From the New O-rleans Bicayun*. LATER FROM THE BRAZOS. Camp on the Rio Grade ne ar PaloAito, ) January 30, 184^ ) Everything; here betokens fa iudden ihorj&ment of the troops. Seventy days rations have he^n issued, and order.' given tthe in readme* at, a Moment's w,mmK. Within a few days,if l am not great y mis-: taken, Gen. Woirth^ division will ,be on I have plenty of tad news to give you, gentlemen, and very little that is pleasant The fate of Gol. May's rear guard and I baggage you have already heard of?but intelligence has just reached this place, too Dainfllllv triip nnrl vtroll ! J , j .x.u >IVI1 auuiciiWUItt'Uj I which proves that the ^neray have opened on us in enrnest, and their hatred is mortal. On the 11th of January 1 met Lieut. Ritchie of the 4th Infantry, but then acting with the 2d Dragoons, on his way from Saitilio, with ten dragoons, to Victoria, bearing important daspatches to Gen. Taylor, from Gen. Sccttand othrrs. It is said these containe/l the whole plan of the operations in which icc arc about to engage. While on the load between Monterey and Victoria, "but at what place I cannot learn, the party, was attacked, young Ritchie was lassoed and dragged across a cornfield, and the dev spatclies carried off. The ten dragoons were either killed or taken prisoners.? uib<it iintiuc was one 01 iue mosi distinguished find excellent young officer in the army. His conduct at Palo Alto and Kesaca won the admiration^' / the army and he was much esteemeU for his talent.i, and the excellence of his heart. There is little doubt of his death?still, whilst there is a shadow of doubt, there is a hope. A few days ago an officer of the 2d Ohio Regiment, Lt. Miller is believed to be his name, was murdered, at Chichironi, andawfully mutilated. His heart was cut out and hung.upon a shrub, to show us, I sup. pose, how deeply seated was their hatred towards us. I would like to have command of two hundred mounted men, with unlimited bower over rnnnlru Koturpon nnrrnl- ! vo and Gamargo. My first act would be to shoot every man in Mier, then go and burn every ranchor oh the route,Tor ten miies right and left, and shoot every man, to Oerralvo?-and then continue to shoot, in that region, as fast as the made their 'appearance. But here is news thaowH^cate a deep -o<maation"ln lhe"States. The following letter reached -jen. ;\Vortli last evening,.joJEcourse there is no doubt about its correctness. It is from Capt. Chapman, of the army. Saltillo, January I have only, tiine to write a word ? Major Borland, of the Arkansas cavalry, with 5(\ men, and Major Gaines and Gassius M. Clay,. with 30 mun. were.suri l ' 1 ' ' nriQOn Qhfl.' Aar\?ltvo/l ** ** [about 45 miles beyond SfiltjHo) oti tho morning of the 23rd, by Geu. Minon. ^ | He heard that Borland was there, and marched from Matehuala,with ,500, cavalry and took them without ;firing a. gun^ This is no .stampede. f ^C:v W.\W, CHAPMAJST._ ? The above is all tfia-t has reached us on the subject j; in fact, it>;is^ar endagh:-r. Betweih SO and .90 of our men have been taken prisoners,., and are undoubtedly at. ... San Luis Pojosi ere this, The hatred of j tUe. Mexicans is: so, inveterate, Ijowovpr, , against our volunteers, that fears are cater- y gsiaspsppf^iji will have to tell you of some waggon train ^ >i v beieg captured, or some small party cut off. i January 26, 10 o* clerk at night.?An ex- " pres3 ha3 just got in from A Ida mas, to the commanding officer here, with the intelli- . , . genee that Canales was at that place with his iorce, and that ho intended attacking a'train , * .'?|| of pack mules which left here a short time 'Q ' si ace for Monterey. Aldamas is about 40 / s miles from this place. Yours, &c. F. The court martial recently held at the Brazos for the trial of Col. Harney, has ordered him to be released from arrest- and repremanded. We learn that Gen. Scott Has rfilTUltn'f^ ?ViP nii-f puitui kiua ocuwuiig^ but has reiterated his Tormar order to Coi.. H. It was thought, however, that he : would recall this order^and per mi t the jfiol. . '' to lead his regiment, we nave receivea^tfc?~ ""V: full adcount of the trial, but cannot possibly . v . Monstrous Musqtjitoes.?-Sir Francis S. , B Head, in " The Emigrant'?after spea- *28 j king of the bull-dogboldness of the mosqui- . ^ loes in Upper Canada?relates what he had heard concerning the sadae " birds" in '. V'llH Michigan: .. ' tSOM "An American living near the Grand River, Michigan, told the following story concerning the mosquitoes: Being-in" '.the woods, he was one dav so nnnovprVKxr tV>o?v? that he took refuge under a 'potash ketUewI^^^J^BI His first emotions of joy at his : happy liverance, and secure retreat were but soon they found; him, . and. drive their probosccs through the kettle. -' Fortanalely he had a hammer in his pocket, * and he clinched them down as fast as they ItiSK dame through, until at last such a host of ; them were fastened to the poor mail's dorni-' , cil, that they rose ond flew away with; itv*SE| leaving hira shelterless. After this let,New Orleans ceasfe to bttjff vi ui/t- tuuoi^uiiucs mat uatTy r about with them to sharpen their bills^ppn. They arc mere insects to the rnonsteta<(5i^^^^^^?H Cheaper Still.?President Polk, has intimated that Jhe cun close the Mexican . war if Congress wijl place at hisi disposal ':!'^?E3 three millions of dollars. This does not inelude a'pprppriations for the arrnv and other incidental expen^^^sucli* iifittifcfl out a -.V^B minister; quite a .T^asonablo;v;pf-* ^r,_althoi^i ^ ^ herfhilMo tennWiauTthe ^war^him^ th^ United States. If this propositimfi*