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- x'g r'j " liberty and my native soil." VOL. 4. ABBEVILLE C. II., S. C., MARCH W, 1847. NO. 5. Published cvety Wednesday, by CHARLES H. ALLEN, Editor and Proprietor. Terms. ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS if paid within three months from the time of subscribing, or TWO DOLLARS if paid within six months, and TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS if hot 'paid until tho cud of the year. No subscription received for lc6s than six months; and no paper diflcorntinucd until all arrearages aro paid. Subtf?rij?tto'ns Will bo continued unless notice bo given otherwise, previous to the close of volume. No paper will be sent out of tho Stato unless payment is mado in advance. ADVERTIS EENTS, inBortecl at 75 cts. per quare of twelve lines for tho first insertion ; and, 37 1-2 ctfl. for each continuance. Those not having the desired nnmbcr of insertions marked upon them, will bo continued until ordered out and charged accordingly. ESTRAYS, Tolled TWO DALLARS, to ho paid by the Magistrate. For announcing a Candidato TWO DOLLARS, in advance. Tho Postage must bo paid upon all letters and communications to secure attention. (WRITTEN FOR THE BANNER.) Modern Civilization. A 1 V? M. Mr. Editor:?Man, the last, the favorite, the most exalted work of the divine energy ; ?6 who alone, of all the works of God's hands, was formed in his image ; man, we say,was emphatically made for civilization. Indeed, the only natural element of man is civilization : it is his destiny. The grand characteristic of man, that which more than every I thing distinguishes him from the brute creation, is the faculty of collecting experience and transmitting it from generation to generation, conscious of its beinsr exDorioncc. O 1 * and thus improving on every addition to the common stock ad injinitim. That mute architect, the beaver,for instance, builds its dam or its hut to-day, in modern times, the same as it did, for aught we know, thousands of years ago- Animals are not progressive ; on the contrary, according to their whole nature and destiny, they are essentially stationary. Man, with his unlimited capacity, may aid and improve nature to an astonishing de- ! groe; he may. by ennobling the stock, enlarge the size, dcvclopc their physical powers, and render them more muscular, more active, and better able to endure fatigue; but unaided nature never would advance ttinm nnv Jiinrlmr in cnnln ..... -?-j o^ui? \ja uuiiij; Animals we said were stationary, not so say we of man,; his de3tiny, like the u Wandering Jew" of modern fiction, is march! march ! onward ! onward ! Man's natural state is progressive civilization. The experience of all time goes to prove the Author of Nature never designed man to remain stationary. Then, if not stationary, he must progress and fain would we hope, at least, that the direction would be towards amelioration. The past history of the world, on the whole, presents to the mind a scene to the last degree gloomy and dark. Throughout the annals of ancient history, the mind is continually presented with the most revoltB ing scenes of war, devastation, cruelty and oppression. The human species, with but V few exceptions, seem ever to have been W doomed to support an existence surcharged with misery. The intellect of all antiquity, appears to have been compressed in the iron embrace of tyrany. Hence we always behold the great mass slaves to despotism?a despotism both mental and physical?political and ecclesiastical desDotism. Tr? what _ -r arc wc to attribute these evfls but the neglect of mental cultivation alone?the reign of ignorancc over the human mind. The world has always possessed the same elements of prosperity, " and there is nothing now under the sun." The progress of knowledge marks, with unering truth, the progress of nations. That intelligence is ihft lifn ftf UKaHv. ia nM mAVA o ' ' w. -- -J 7 IIIVI U U UUIQ11I) that ignorance is the nurse of slavery. What inscription shall be written by the historian on the sepulchre of the nineteenth century ? Shall we be able to see the inhabitants of Mar's; shall we converse with them, through magic wires? -Has any one the temerity to deny it? If we had said such things were impossible, then indeed it might be neflrativfell Will Ahr oa*tli I still corttimie to be the abode of many kingdoms and principalities and powers, 6r ^ shall we have but one vfcst and mighty & " w?|?wpubllc---a Huge commonwealth, T * V thi North' star, South by alternately ' f'jP? , I*??'-..*'*'.'* J ' ' t ^ by the Sun ? We make 110 predictions of the success of science or politics, the truth of which would be as impossible to know as to contradict. It would indeed require a prophet to pronounce the reality. As we do not arrogate to ourself prophetic inspiration, we shall not attempt to lift up the veil which conccals tuturity, but will be content to transcribe, for the special benefit of the " forty thousand readers" of the B inner* a few of the characters which appear already written in letters of living light, on the former half of the aforementioned tombstone. In the first place we remark, that a very shining characteristic of modern civilization is, the general diffusion of hnowle amongst all ranks of the people In ancient times the benefits of education were confined to a few, and those few the favored ones of the State. The State, in those times, claimed the individual service of all her citizens, science,philosophy and history, were encouraged, and only so far encouraged as the Statesman derived benefit from their study. Indeed the gates of the temple of knowledge appear to have been shut against the great body of the people ; and philosophers and statesmen never once surmised that they had any right to explore its treasures. History corroborates this singular iact, in the following most singular correspondence : Alexander wishing all happiness to Aristotle?"You have not done right in pub lishing your select Icctures. Wherein shall we be distinguished above others if the important things we have been taught, be communicated to the public? I would rather surpass other men in the best kind or knowledge than in power. Farewell." Aristotle's reply :?" You wrote to me concerning my sclect Lectures? that they ought not to have been published. Know that, in one sense, they are still unpublished, as their meaning will be fully apprehended by those only who i heard them." We perceive in this selfish correspondence that Akistoti.e?the great philosopher of Stagyra, who was sent into the world to improve the condition of men ; to instruct and enlighten them?that he admits that the people have nothing to do with education, and that he never contemplated dispelling any portion of their ignorance by his publications. How broadly contrasted w'th this picture of ancient tyra .l- .! - ** uy, is uhj conmuon 01 me numan lamily in this glorious nineteenth century. How j cheering to the true philosopher and the enlightened philanthropist! Since the invention of the art of printing, a flood of light has poured in upon the world; but more particularly since that most extraordinary of all national catastrophes, the French Revolution. " many have run to and fro, and knowledge has been increased." The sparks of liberty were struck from the collision of hostile armies and opposing interests ; and thus a spirit of inquiry was set on foot, which has resulted in the general I m n ? uinusion 01 popular intelligence. The streams of knowledge now flow in every direction ; they pass by the humble dweling of the poor, as well as the splendid mansion of the rich. Like the cooling water-brook, which is indiscriminately free for all, all may partake of the refreshing beverage?all may drink at the common fountain of knowledge. Having touched a little upon one feature of our subject only, we will now do the rea -l ?- ? r UB1 IUC n IIIUI1CS3 IU UlOUgll noi lor want of matter; and if, as Lord Byron hus , ? it, " this meets with your due applause," we may treat the subject in fuluro el in ext$n$o. The Colonel. A Milliner's Card. WJien lovely women longs to marry, AritJ snatch the victim from the beaux, "What chra'rm the soft design will cany ? ' What art will make the man propose ? Tka Anlv of* kor onl?oi*?n? AMV V1IIJ %*?? V HUB OVUUUIUD IU To give her wishes sure success; To gain, to fix a captive iover, An " wring his tM>roiri,',--4a to dress ! The late aniversary of Burns'birth-day was celebrated by laying tfrefourwtatfeft stone of a large public hitfl, cloa& tothe cottagein wWoh he wasborn.. : >* The Knell of the Sea. In iho wrcck of tho steamer Atlantic on the dreadful night of November 2(>th, it is said that " as soon as tho boat sttuck, its hell commenced tolling, and continued to toll slowly and mournfully as long as any portion of tho wreck was to bo soon. Toll! Toll! Toll! Across the moaning sea ; Toll! Toll! Toll! Slowly and dismally: Amidst tho tempest's roar, This howling winter's night, I hear still from the rock-r.bbod ?hore, That sound of wild allricht. Toll! Toll! Toll! Across tho moaning sea ; Toll! Toll! Toll! O, say what it may bo 7 A sullen shore of rock: A sea snow-white with foam: A ship to meet tho dreadful shock : Its crew to bide their doom. i Toll! Toll! Toll! Across tho moaning soa ; Toll! Toll! Toll! More and moro mournfully; For cold and voiceless there, With glazed and unclosed oyos Still turned to heaven, as if in prayor,? Tho princc and Prophet lies, Meekly through life he trod In Christ his Master's ways, And?iov to tliee. thou m:m nf rinrl * Thy work, henceforth, is praiso. Tqll! Toil! Toll! Across the moaning soa ; Toll! Toll! Toll! More corpses here there bo ! The bridegroom and the brido Who scarce had pledged their vow, Embarked upon that roaring tido, And who shall part them now? Pillowed upon the wave, Here sleeps tho maiden fair; And the frozen wrecks of tho truo and Bravo In conflict mad, by wind and wave, Are daubed together thero. Toll! Toll! Toll! Across tho moaning sea ; Toll! Toll! To!!! Slowly and and drearilv, Comes ever anon, Amidat tho tempest's roar, That iloep and inclancholly tone To tho wild wreck-strewed shore. No human hand couid bring That strango unearthly knoll;? Where tho storm-fiend Happed his icy wing, Above the waves as they rose and foil And fiercely shrieked, like a fiend from hell Alono with death :?and yet the bell Witii measured beat, liko a living ihing That pitied the dead, did slowly swing.? Toll! Toll! Toll! As sad as sad could bo ; rp?ii I T*~ll ? x un i jl un ; ? uu : Across tho moaning Bca. In holy writ, men say, 'tis found That angels tread on earthly ground, And God to them this charge hath given ; When tho storms of earth Bring shipwreck and death, To savo tho bright Jewels for Heavon. O'er tho pure and fair they loved well, Perchance tiiey pealed that passing knell: Ere the child and the saint wore borne to thatshoro, Whero night novor comes, and?where storms beats no more. From tJie Baltimore Patriot.. FROM NEW MEXICO. THE NEWS FROM NEW MEXICO. Fall particulars of the Insurrection. mi. _ tit ? x ne vvesicrn man last niglit brought the St Louis Republican of the 8th and 9th inst.,. in which we find full partculars of the interesting and painful events, of which we published yesternay, a condensed a ccount receivnd by telegraph from Pittsburgh. We copy the letter below. The St. Luis Republican makes these editorial remarks upon the subject:? The difficulties, resulting in the murder of the Governor of the territory, makes it still more incumbent on the Administration to throw additional numbers of men into New Mexico. There were not troons enough to plrotect the Americans at our last advices, if the insurrection was as geenral as the rebels intended it should be. Col. Doniphan, with the most effective of his force, was far off' cn his way to Chihuahua. Death had cut off more than one hundred of Price's Regiment, and many others were on the sick list. Detached parties were scattered in different parts of the country, wherever grazing could be had for their horses and animals, and the information of the traders, last from there, is to the effect that there were on I v about four hun dred efficient men in Santa Fe. This is a small force for the occupation of such a town as Santa Fe, and to secure the quiet 'of the inhabitants of the territory who may be peacefully disposed, but who, it is now evideiit,are?ow outnumbered by rebellious and treacherous spirits. Nothing but a numerous body of military, Stationed at proper points, can guarantee peace and security for property in that country and the Gorermenl should at once send an addition* al force there. We ought to be spared, by nroner nrer.autuins. th? oficnri*ftnr? of *tir.h disasters as those to which we have alluded, and which have brought deep-anguish to many families, in this city. ' From ihe Si. Louis Republican, March 9. w>r j; Independence, March% 1847, I have news to communicate to yoi* again, from Santa. Fe, hutitispfft <JMT?Font character to any heretofore given. Mr. ' ; ' v .'7 ' & . ..... y I Miller, of Saline county, and Mr. Huffman, of Baltimore, and some others, are just in, having left Santa Fe on the 13th of January. The twenty arrested on suspicion were. released, anil all apprehensions seemed to be quieted, when our informant left. Alter they had progressed some few days on their route, they were over-talced by some m<?n, who told them of an insurn crion about to to take place, or just then goinir on, at Tons. ! They placed a little reliance on the report, until over-taken by Mr. Lucien Maxwell i 1 _ o : ?i -i iii i iiuu ?? o|jiiui<iru, who nau oeen in tlie cmploy of E. LcitendsorfFer. Maxwell, who had a farm, was fortunately apprised of their movements, and escaped by fleeing to the mountains. All his stock had been taken. Through the Spaniards, upon whom reliance can be place, and who had also to flee for his life, we learn that Gov. Charles Bent, who went up to Toas a few days before, to look after his farm, near town, was killed, as well as Stephen Li-e, then acting Sheriff, (wh o had a day or so before imprissoned some Slinnnsed insnrrppiinnicio \ > --f'l f Gen. Elliot Lee, Henry Leal, and all the Americans in the placej stripping them and their families of all they had on earth, and killing also all Spaniards at all favorable to the Americans, the chief alcalde of Toas being one of them. This occurred on Tuesday, the 17th. On Wednesday it was their determination to attack Mr Miller's party and wagons; but in this they (oiled them, by travelling fifty miles a day. On that day they attacked Turley's distillery, in the valley of Taos. Turley, with eight men, defended himself for two days, having a kind of breastwork thrown up around his establishment. | Ai the commencement of the insurrection, the alcalde of Taos sent word down to the alcalde of VaPUS of their mm'nmrrst? wished him 10 join them. He would not; but sent nn express immediately to Santa Fe, advising them to on their guard, as the mobs, who were composed of the lowest rabble, and whose desire was plunder, (about 600 in number,) were hurrying on to the Puebla luuian villages and settlements to arouse them, and march directly to Santa Fp, and take possession of that piace and aii that was in it. What can bft done there no one knows. Messrs Miller and Hoffman say that there are only about four hundred effective men in Santa Fe? me rest <iii on me sick nst, or nave gone down to Doniphan : and of course they cannot send any help the neigboring points, and in all probability will not be able to defend themselves there. The fort is not completed, as the block houses are not finished, which renders it impossible for the troops or citixens of Santa Fe to retreat to it with their sick in case of an extremity.? The connons are all in the square in town, and are in a bad situation to be of great service. After the mob had attacked Taos and Turley it was their intention to lake some Government wagons going into Santa Fe with sunnlies. When news was rnrpivp^ at Bent's Fort by some men who had fled there with Mr. Miller's company, they immediately sent out a few men 10 pick up the remaining stock and other property which the}' could find. Col. Doniphan had representations made to him that Chihuahua would be and easy conquest, and after a few easily obtained victories he was to march down sufficiently far into the interior us to be surrounded and all his men cut off No word had been received by him of Gen. Wool. Mr. Brown, one of the losses of the peni tentiary, l^ft Santa Fe a few days before , Messrs. Miller and Hoffman, with the express mail, and is now a short distance from h?-re in distress. H- Ip l a? been sent him. It is the opinion of all at Santa Fe, that, if Wool had gone on direct to Chihuahua. ( there would have been no trouble anywhere I in JNew Mexico. j. M. i How to Speak td Children. It is usual to attempt the management of 1 children either by corporal punishment, or | py rewarus addressed to the senses, and by i words alone. There is one other means i of government, the power nnd importance | of which are seldom regarded?-l refer to 1 the human voire. A blow may be inflicted < on a child, accompanied with wordsso utter- 1 ed, os to counteract entirely its intended I eflVct; or the parent use hnguage, in the 1 correction of the child, not objectionable in < itself, yen spoken in a tone which more i than defeats its influence. Let any one ? endeavor to recall the image of a fond mo- < ther long since at rest in'heaven. Hejr ' sweet smile and ever clear countenance ar? 1 brought vividly to. recollection , so also is her voice j and blessed is that parent who I is endowed with a pleasing! utterance,-? ' What is which lulls thelnfant torepose? it is not an array of mere 'words.There is no charm, to tne untaught oj^e, in feitera, syllables, and ^sentenfees, It is the sound ] which strikes its tittle" ear that soothes and , composes it to fester A"fe\* notes, however, unskilfully torlr&ed: Sf qttwed in a ?ft 1 toffe a ftutife-infft&ei. i aKT^anpa. ."ts^q * Eip jysw?3f?ql? o?\; muii t V^Hkl - 1 Think we that this influence is confined to the cradle? No; it is diffused over every aire, iind ceases not while the child remains under the paiental roof Is the boy growirig rude iii manner, sind boisterous in speech? I know* of no instrti??I?'nt so sure to control these tendencies as the gefW.'s.tones of a mother. Slie who speaks to her soft harshly leosbut give to his conduct the sanction her own example. She pours oil on the alread raging flame. In the pressure of duty, we are liable to utter ourselves hastily to children. Perhaps a threat is expressed in a loud and irritating tone; instead of allaying the passions of the child, it serves directly to increase them. Every fretful expression awakens in him the same spirit vvmcu produced it. So dors a plesant voice call up agreeable feelings Whatever disposition, therefore, we would encourage, . in a chihl, the same we should manifest in the tone in which we address it. Christian Register. Supposed Population of tiie World.? Nine hundred and sixty millions of human being are supposed to be upon the earth; of .which Europe is said to contain one hun* dred and fifty-three millions: Africa, one hundred and fifty-six millions; Asia, five hundred millions; American, one hundred :i n fi fift v m il I inno nml tlio iclnn^o in tlio J ? ? ) UIIU V1IV IIJIUIIVIO 111 HIV Pacific, seven millions If divided into thirty equal parts, five of them will bo Christians, six Mahometans, one part Jews, and eighteen Pagans. Christians are numerous in Europe and America, some in the south of Asia, Africa, and the southeast of Europe. Pagans abound in A rica, and in the interior of America, some in Asia, and a small number in the north of Europe. Louis Phillippe is saiu to be u. great observer of all rules which may be calculated to benefit the healthj and the :torSjin consequence, do not give hin iiuch trouble. He rides at five o'clock in the morning, at all seasons, works in his cabinet while fresh and clear, and therefore with ease?breakfastssimply?'then takes a long walk, which promotes a mild and salutary re-action towards the skin; at dinner, has constantly half a fowl dressed with rice and for his drink takes only pure water, about which his Majesty is very particular. At the end of his meal he takes half a glass of old Bordeaux wine. He sleep on a single mattrass. laid on a camp bed-stead, and for never more than six hours. When he takes medicine at all, he adopts invariably the most simple remedies* There is no limitation to the ingenuity of man, if we may form an opinion by the discoveries wnich have been elicited since the completion of the immense telescope of Lord FtoSse. In the course of an examination of the moon by the aid of this wonderful instrument, the following facts were ascertained :?" It appeared like a globe of molten silver, and every object of the extt nt of one liun Ire 1 yards was quite visible.? Edifices, therefore, of the size of York Minster, or even of the ruins ot Whitby Abbey, mi?ht be easily perceived if they had existed?-but there was no appearance of that nature; neither was there any indication of the existence of wate^o! of an atmosphere. There was a vast number of extinct volcanoes, several miles in breadth ; through one of them there was a line, in continuance of one about one hundred and fifty miles in lorinrlh ?vh?i?h i>n?i irt n Qt:in>Kl Hirnplinn litrn v..K y>, " **"*'* * "" ,w " """"O"' * railway. The general appearance, however, was like one vast ruin of nature ; and many of the pieces of ro<*k driven out of the volcanoes, appeared to be 'aid at various distances." Too much Anxiety?Of the causes of \ disease, anxiety of .mind is one of the most frequent and important When we walk the streets of large commercial towns", we can scarcely fail to remark the hurried gait ind careworn features of the well-dressed passengers. Some vourijr men, indeed, we may see with contenances possessing natural cheerfulness and colour; but theseqppearances rarely survive the ago of early manhood. Ccmtfr closes an eloquent de* description of animal existence and change ivith the conclusion that " life is-a sta.t? of force.'' What he would urge in a physical view, we may morestrongly u^ge in a morM. Civilization has changed our character-of mind as well as of body; I've ih a jtate of unnatural excitement ; becauseit is partial, irregular* and excessive. Our musclns waste for want df action : ournarvous system is worn ou t by excess of action. Vita I energy is drawn from the operations for which nature designed it, and devoted n Arutrnlirtna nrhtxK it nHwa* >v V|>v>??vua >uavu > 1IUIOI ' - Tfoxckzrqpt 1 '" " V A gcntlemntt writing from Atoomia^ uua Uspyeyl