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" LIBERTY AND MY NATIVE SOIL." VOL. 4. ABBEVILLE C. H., S. C., APRIL 28, 1841 NO. 9. Published every WcduesdaV) B>v CHARLES H. ALLEN, Editor and Proprietor. Terms. ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS if paid within threo months from the timo of subscribing, or TWO DOLLARS if paid within nix months," and TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS if not paid until tho end of tho year. No subscription received for less than six months; ami no paper discontinued until ull arrearages aro paid. Subscriptions will bo continued unless notice be given otherwise, previous to the close of volume. No paper will be sent out of tho Slate unless payment is made in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS, inserted at 75 cts. per square of twelve lines for tho first insertion ; and, 37 1-2 cts. for each continuance. Those not having the desired number of insertions marked upon tlicm, \ will be continued until ordered out and charged accordingly. B STRAYS, Tolled TWO DOLLARS, to be paid by the Magistrate. For announcing a Caudidato TWO DOLLARS, in advance. The Postage must, he paid upon all letters and Communications to secure attention. From the New Orleans Delia. Battle of Bucna Vista. Description of General Taylor's position? Cannonading on the 21 si?Gen. Ta t/lor1 s exposed situation?His while horse?Battle o/ the 22nd of February?Death of Cot. McKeCj Col. Clay, Col. llardin, Ad ft. Gen. Lincoln, Col. Yell, Capt. Willis? Colonel Marshall's chargc?'Ihe gallant Mississippians?Uc/i. Taylor's left flank turned Demand to surrender Killed and wounded?Minon-s discomfiture. We had the pleasure of an interview yesterday with Major Cofilie, of the Army, who brought over Gen. Taylor's despatches. This gallant officer?a son of the distinguished General who fought so bravely on the Plains of Chalmctte, and in various other battles, by the side of the illustrious JacUsoti?acted as the Aid of Gen. Taylor in the bloody fight at LJuena Ari-ta. We are greatly indebted to him (or many particulars of this hard fought buttle. General Taylor had fallen in love, at first sight with the position at whicl^Jfetfinully made liis stand?at Bucna v-i?Fa. His movements towards Agua Nneva was merely a rase to decoy the enemy into the field which he had selected for his battle ground. As soon as MeCulloch's men. who were invaluable as scouts, informed him of Santa Anna's approach to^Agua Nueva, General Taylor quietly broke up his camp, and fell back to his first love?Bucna Vista. This position was admirably chosen. It was at the foot of a mountain, or rather of two mountains, between which ran the road through a narrow valley. On his light there was a deep ravine, which protected lhatflank more effectually than hail a dozen regiments could have done. The left of General Taylor's line rested on the base of _ ti.? U uiuuiiiaiii. J. uu l'Jiiu ill irnj ccuiru WilS entrenched and defended by a strong battery. In front the ground was uneven? broken into hills and deep ravines?well adapted to the mode of fighting suited to our volunteers, and by its peculiararities supplying the disadvantage of a great inferiority of numbers. On the 2ist the enemy were described, approaching over the distant hills. At their appearance the volunteers raised a great shout, and gave three tremendous cheers. Their engineers and officers were seen flyinnr nvpr iIip nn/1 ilmrn-innf ...... v *1 '6 luLU L,uu" non about to get them in position ; but the nature of the ground did not favor the undertaking, and it was late in the day before the big guns began to open, The enemy had with them thirty-two connon,mostly of large calibre. Their fire, though kept up very briskly, and apparently well manned, did so little execution in our ranks that it was not considered ncees sary to raturn their lire. Our cannon wcY'e therefore silent the whole of the 21st.? jEight or ten killed and wounded were the extent of the casualties sustained by our army on the 21st. During the day an officer approached our lines with a flag of truce, and requested to bo shown to Gen. Taylor. The brave old man was sitting quietly on his old white charger, with his leg over the pommel o! the saddle, watching the movements of the enemy, when the Mexican officer was g)*esented. In a very courteous and graceful manner the officer stated that he had been sent by his Excellency Gen. ' f3anta Anna,*o his Excellency Gen. Taylor, jto inquire in the most respectful manner, wfyai he (Gen. Tayjor) was waiting for." ^Prom the silence of Gen. Taylor's batteries, I and the quiet manner in which he received \ Santa. Anfla's terrific connC.nading, the 1 Mexican supposed he was asking" a very J pertinent-question4 to which however, old J Bough and Ready gaye the very pertinent I feply.that " he was only waiting for Gen. | .San.ta Anria to surrender.^. The Mexican I ; ^turned hastily to his lines. This pnessage x.fiise to ascertain whord Cren. tvon wasj for after the return sat the old chief, on Irs conspicuous white horse, peering through his spy glass at the long lines of Mexican troops that could be seen at a great distance on the march.? The persuasion of his aids could not inducc him to abandon his fovorable point for observation, nor to givo up his old white horse. To the suggestion of his stafTthat old whitcy was rather too cospicuous a charger for the I f*nmmil nrlnr lio i<?/l (?II vv......?..UVI, U\, IV I'iKAl Ul'U lU.U UILl 11' 11 U \ V had missed the fun at Monterey, on account of a sore foot, and he was determined he should have his share this time." At sunrise on the 22d February, the battle began in earnest. The Mexicans were drawn out in immense numbers. The dark columns of infantry extended as far as the eye could reach, and the cavalry seemed to cover the whole view with their interminable lines. At intervals between the infantry and cavalry, their big guns, strongly protected by a large aitillery fulcr, kept up an incessant cannonade against our lines. Their forces were soon in ino non. uur artillery was thrown lor ward to meet them, protected by the volunteers.? Gen. Wool led the main bod)' in person, and was seen everywhere, rallying- and encouragcing the volunteers. The two armies were soon engaged in hot conflict.? The broken nature of the ground divided the forces, so that instead of one general engagement, the ivgiments were compelled in a great measure to fight on their own hook. Our officers were always in the advance, lending their troops?hence the great mortality among them. In this general melfc, one o( our small regiments, of <100 men, would be attacked by a whole Mexican brigade of several thousand. Thus the Kentucky infantry was attacked at the ? _r.. t.:n*r ? _ ? iuui ui u iiui, in ?i uecp ravine, uy Jin immense force of the enemy. A large number of llic officers were killed here?among them was Col. jVleKee, who fell badly wounded, and was immediately despatched by the enemy, who pierced him with their bayonets as lie lay on the ground. Lieut. Col. Clay was shot through the thig*, and being unable to walk, was taken up and carried some distance by some of his men, but owing to the steepness of the hill, the men finding it very difficult to carry him, and the enemy in great numbers pressing upon them, the gallant Lieut. Colonel begged them to leave him and take care of themselves. Forced to leave him on the field, the last that was seen of this noble young officer lie was lying on his back, v:._i.i: :?!. i -i 1 uyuiuiy wiiu nib sivuiu iuu uuemy wno wire slabbing him with their bayonets. The veteran Capt. Wn?. S. AVillis, of the same regiment, at the head of his company, with three stalwart sons who fought at his side, was badly wounded, but still continued the fight, until he was overcome with the loss of' blood. In the meantime, the Indiana brigade, who were, drawn out and ordered to charge the enemy, were seized with a panic, and displayed some hesitation^ Assistant Ad'jt. Gen. Lincoln rushed to their front and whilst upbraiding them for their cowardice, was sho?, several balls passing through his body. In justice to this brigade it should be stated, i that they subsequently rallied, and fully re- j deemed their reputation by the most gallant and td'tfc^e fighting. Co!. Hardin led the lllinoisians in very handsome style, and the sturdy "suckers" fought like lions. Their intrepid Colonel fell wounded, and experienced the fate of Cols. McKee and Clay, and was killed by the enemy?not however before he had killed one of the cowardly miscreants with a pistol, which he fired whilst lying on the ground. Col. Yell led, the foremost man, a charge' "of his mounted volunteers against a large body of lancers, and was 'kill by a lance, which entered his mouth and lore c(F one side of his face. The Mississippian?, the heroes of Monterey, after doin^ hard duty as skirmishers. -were ordered into line to receive a. charge of cavairy, which they did with their rifles, delivering at the some time a most destructive fire among the crowded columns of cavalry. The enemy were completely repulsed; The distinguished comnVgndcr of this gallant regiment, Col. Jefferson Davis, was badly wounded, an escopette ball having entered his loot and passed out of his leg. He was,-however, doing well when last heard from. The .chivalrous Lieut. Col. M.cClung was prevented from doing his share of the brave deeds of this brilliant fight, by the grievous wound received at the battle of Monterey, which still confines tyim tf? his hod and fmm vvhioVi it rrmr>h fvnraA by his best friends he will never recover . Col. Aurnphry Marshall's splendid.regiment of Kentucky Cavalry were impatient for an opportunity of showing their mettle, "and avenging the capture of their brethren, then in- the Ijands of the-enerpy. They were soon f^voredwith the .desired opportu nity, by the approach of a force of more than 2,0$) Lancers and flussars," wtiogallantly charged them. The Kentuckians stood their flrrdand with immovable steadi receiving' the enemy witf-a fire i,&' '/*tt'/lbS'y?' > ; * ?tr~- *' ' r : ^ ";.-:?r'' 1* ' >' . w&mm froin their carbines, charged in the most gallant style through ihe column on the light and wheeling, fell on their left, dispersing and killing a great number of them. A like charge was made by Col. Myy, at the head of a squadron of Dragoon, and one of Arkansas Cavalry, against, a large body of the enemy's Cavalry, with like results. During the enaggement on the right, Simla Annn. scfiinif tlmi 'l':iTlnr'< _ 1 - ^ - V.... ^ forco was not well protected on the left flunk, sent a large force of cavalry around that point, and out-flunking Taylor, succeeded in throwing 2,000 men into his rear. But Gen. Taylor immediately sent Gapt. Bragg, with his artillery against this force, who succeeded in cutting thorn off from the j main body. Lieut. Crittenden was despatched, with a flag of truce, to demand the immediate surrender of this force. The Mexican ofiiccr, pretending not to understand the character of his mission, insisted that lie should be blind-folded, according to the rules of war, and thus had the Lieu tenant carried into the camp of Santa Anna himself. This was a ruse to get time to extricate the Mexican Cavalry from their , . . * dangerous position, and pending; this truce they were all drawn off by a different road from that by which they had gained this posdon. Lieut. Crittenden was conducted blindfolded to the tent of the Mexican Generalin Chief, which he found a long distance from the scene of action, and which he thought the safest place he had been in during the whole day. As he approached Santa Anna's tent he was greeted with a most tremendous flurish of trumpets, which might have been hoard a mile ofF, but produced no very great terror in tne mind of the Iventuckian. Ilis blind was taken oif. and he found himself iu the presence of the famous Mexican Chief, surrounded by a brilliant staff of bedizzened. gilded, and moustached officers. Santa Anna apologized to the lieutenant for the act of his officers, in having him blind folded,saying, that so far from having any desire to conceal his situation, lie was rather desirous o( exhibiting to General Taylor the utter ioiiy of resisting so powerful an army as he had under his command. To which the Lieutenant replied, that his simpie message was to demand his [Santa Anna's] immediate surrender to General Taylor. When this extraordinary demand was translated to the iVlf? vii':l n lm Ilia 1mnrl? rirw! in utter astonishment at the temerity and presumption of such a message,and replied, that lie 'vould expect Gen. Taylor to sursender in an hour, or he would destroy all his forces. Lieut. Crittenden's reply, which we have already given?'''General Taylor never surrenders I''1?terminated the interview, and the battle re-commcnced, and was continued until night. Santa Anna took three small pieces of our artillery, which, under Lieut. O'lirien, nao noon posted too iar in advance lo he covered 11y our infantry. All the gunners were shot down, iuid when the guns were captured tire re wa\ not a soldier left to man them'. One of Mese pieces was an old Texinn G-pouuder, which, during the Texan Revolution, had done good execution among the Mexican ranks. As to the flags he hoasts of having taken, they are verv probably more company markers, which were dropped on the field and picked lip by the valliant Mexicans. His Excellency of the War Department, to whom Santa Anna lias sont these trophies, will no doubt be sorely disappointed in the size, texture, and beauty of these standards. Mexican pride is easy satisfied when such feeble mementoes of their prowess and valor as these console them for so inglorious a defeat. All the officers on our side, in this hard iuugui name, uisunguisned tnemseives. Uie details of the battle were confided to Gen. Wool, who nobly justified tho confidence of his commander and brother-veteran, by the most active, zealous, efficient and gallant conduct. Throughout the whole action he was constantly engaged in the disposition of our forces, and in rallying them to the onset. It was a miracle that lie escaped the thick Hying balls which thinned the ranks he was marshalling. There was but one complaint made against him, and that was, he exposed himself too much. Briadier General Lane, ftlsojshowed himself to be a brave and capable officer. Although wounded early in the act!/m !?<? Ifnnt lud liiii'BO lintil it flnooil o nrl I never for a moment left his post. The old General-in-Chief remained at his original and much oxposed ])osition, superintending the battle and narrowly watching itss events. An oscopette ball passed through his overcoat?that same old brown, so familiar to all the officers and men who h*tVc ever been under his command, and has seen several ^campaigns in Florida, in Texas, and in Mexico. On the night of the 22d, both armies drew off from the field of battle, Our men nrni*n nnnrnrer\t\ nil rtIr#V.f * " ? a1 vrviv yii^u^W<u uii mguw lift ' U1|I}^1I1^ 10 1116 wounded and taking cjire of them?the Mexicans as well as their own men. There' werHi However, but few of our men found ,01V the field wounded. They were, to use ?v*; ?.. ,v- ?:a - Santa Anna's significant woivls, in his despatch, " al! (load," the cowardly miscreants having killed every man whom they overlook, wounded and helpless on the field. With like turpitude and treachery, they led their own dead unhurried and their wounded unearod lor, on the field where they loll. The latter were carried to Saltillo, in our own wagons, the former were hurried by the alcalde, under the orders of General Taylor. A number of officers wore taken prisoners, ami an exchange was elleetad, by which all our men who are now in their hands wore released. Cassius M. Clay's party are understood now to be in the city ol Mexico. Among the killed and wounded of the Mexicans arc three general oHicers and twenty colonels and commandoes of battalions. General Minon, it appears, lias not as yet realized tins brilliant career of which he i i.: "? " 1 ii .i m- v.ii|unn: (>i :?i;ijor ixircvitd an earnest. lie was ordered by Santa Anna to attack and carry Saltillo during the engagement at Buena Vista. With this ohject, ho made a demonstration against the town with *2000 cavalry. Limit. Shover, with sixty men and two small pieces of artillery* went to meet the valliant General, and at one discharge of his cannon, sent him and his large force to the right about in double quick time. In concluding our necessarily imperfect sketch of the lew details of the brilliant deeds of American valor performed at 1>uena Vista?details gathered from a hasty conversation, we must be allowed to express our sausiacuon to lm<l that the anticipation wo !iave so confidently and so frequently expressed of the bravery and efficiency of our volunteers, have been more than realized. Lef those who have heretofore made citizen soldiers their theme of their ribaldry and ridicule, be forever hushed into silence bv (he unparallelled gallantry and jilory whirh have consecrated in American history the bloody field of Buena Vista. Later from Vera Cruz. New Orleans. April 14. U. S. steamship Edith, Capt. Couillard, from Vera Cruz, evening of the Gth inst. arrived at the Balize on the morning of the 1 1th?renorts that Alvarado was t:il*nn lur the army, without a battle, on the 4th inst. On the 5th inst Col. Harney,in command of the 2d Dragoons and a detachment from General Twiggs' division, took possession of Antigua capturing one officer and eight Mexican lancers. The army was to move on the 7th inst. in the direction of Jalapa by divisions, General Twiggs leading the advance, followed by General Patterson with volunteer.-, and General Worth, with the first division of regulars, bringing up the rear. The health of the army so far was good. The U. S. steamships Virginia, McKin, and Eudora, left at anchor near the castle San Juan de TTlua,the Eudora soon to leave for the United States. The two ports reported to have been taken by our forces arc Flacotalpan and Cosamoloapan, above Alvarado. Thev have fallen without resistance. They are important points, situated upon the fine inland waters which have their outlet to the Gulf at A1 vara do. Mr. Kendall infoTins us in a postscript to one of his letters, that Com. Perry is about starting with all his vessels, with the intention of capturing' every city, town and port on the entire Mexican coast. The very latest report at Vera Cruz was that Santa Anna would dispute the passage of our troops to Mexico with an army of 20,000 men, but it was an indefinite rumor to which Mr. Kendall attached little importance. "Editorial Correspondence of the Picayune. Vfm f!?TW. A nril R 1R/f7 ~. ~j Alvarado, as every one anticipated, was taken without firing a gun, and the squadron has returned lo this place: Captain Mayo has been left as Governor of the town with a small force, while Capt. Tatnall, in the Spitfire, has gone farther up the I river to look in at the different towns. I learn that General Quitman's brigade returns to-morrow,-and I further hear that Lieut. Hunter, of the Scourge?the first in at Alvorado?has been arrested by Com. Perry for going ahead of his instructions,' or on some charge of the kind. Better be accused of going too fast than tooSToW, and I hope that irr the present instance,- Lieut; H. can explain'every thing satisfactory. A great number of cannon and other military stores were captured at Alvarado, for there were no less than seven forts and batteries on the water side. It is said' that Commodore Perry has brought off every thing of value, and trust the report may be true. To my thinking all the more, valuable spoils 1^1 ken frqm the Mexicans should Bb' carried to Washington City, or sornb other place in the United States where every' ooay can see tjiern.~ Tnere tney can always j rfemam as trophies of ttte American orms, and one.of,jhe mpsl pleasanvhott^ _.^vcr epcQt wa?: iti jading, the .iii8ci;ptior.s [ on the old Spanish guns we have captured from Mexicans, and which the latter have treasured as among the most brilliant results of their wars with the mother coun-s try. They are covered with figures and devices of moj' finished and elaborate workmanship, although none of them are more than two hundred years old. We are constantly in receipts of rumors from the city of Mexico?every man wh6 arrives has come new tale to relate. The general imnrnssinn ic tlmt r? ?? A o _ I JW L11U v uuiilU X11H1U UU3 succeeded in pulling down Gomez Farias," after a great (leal of fighting but little bloodshed. What his next movement is to be one can riot tell, yet there are many who think that he is disposed to carry on the war with the United States to the last. That Santa Anna and the leading minds of the country, especially among the higher classes of the clergy, know full well the niter fol:y of the contest, is certain ; but that they can make headway against the swarms of hungry officers arid mal contents^' who only live by war and convulsions, is problematical. It is now thought that the army will move forward in the course of a week at. farthest, although without a sufficiency of transportation' to take along many of what, may almost be deemed the indispensables of a march. The great gales of the winter, the immense number of wrecks, and the losses of mules and horses attendant, have crippled the resources of the Quarter Master's Deportment to a most annoying ex^ tent. Yours, &c. G. W. K. Vicra, Mexico, April 6 1847. . I have just seen a man from the city of Mexico ten days since, coming by the way of Orizaba. He gives a rnosi ludicrous description of the fighting at the capital. The Polka or the Priest party have been in possession of the Alameida and other portions of the outskirts of the city, while the adherents of th? Dnvprnmont ?W- v. - wikitiiviib X1U V o been quartered at the Palace. At 10 o'clock each morning the firing- would com? # . O mence, either party going up to their sandbag barricades and banging and blazing away, promiscuously, and miscellaneously at any thing, and nothing ] more especially nothing. The result of one ftionthW hard fighting has been that one poor German wntch-maker and a few innocent women and children have been killed or crippled-?the beligercn'ts have deemed it cither imprudent or expedient to come in! sight of each other. A more perfect fares has never been enacted. My informant says that there are some;, twenty American deserters at the city of Mexico. They rendezvous at the teri-pin alley of a man named Hawkins and are in a most pitiful condition. There are also rmn r nno lm iwl A ^ ? ?- ? miuuitu ^vuiciluiiu prisoners in and about the city?-perhaps! Major Borland's party. A body of 1,000 men horse and foot, left Puebla a week ago to-day; in' the direction of Jalapa. They all talked right valiently of driving the perfidious Yankees from their soil, but will think better of it when they meet with a few samples. My informant met with many of thedis? armed garrison of this place between here ; and Orizaba, they were telling wonderful stories of the size of our horses; and the terrible cfleet of our shells, Litue confidence will mey inspire, wherever they go. It is thought the Mexicans intended making one of their bold stands this side of Jalapa. A few days will tell the story. V-. lit haste. ' Vera Cruz, April JJ, 1847/ * Cols. Kinney and Banks,' with' Captairf ) _ Merrill's company of 2d dragoon#/ fetufQed1; last evening from a scout in' the neighborhood cf Mango de Clabo. The country is full of cattle, but they are. described as ex-' ; tremefy wild; and difficult either to ratnW or drive. Some plan will be contrived V v bring them over; , f ' ;' J. have another report in relation'to*Sfarita Anna. I heard it staged confidently ; this!morning that he had advanced afe far aaf i Puebla this way: that he Was" positively coming oil to Jalapa; and Chat he . could' raise as! mtmy volunt?ersas(he pfeased.' What: hie intended to do at Jalapa~whetb^:^,^ er to fight or <o'attempt to negotiate a<pea<&^: or ?is not stafei I give this as the fast* mor up to this momerit-^8o^jocky 'A-. iVl/ ->rv Before 1 close this letter another ifray V^a'ch.' f o'd xir ffon Ar A>rrt M /VrtiU - *k Alk AciiiiitcJ' a. uiiit uunv/i xiimuguiin mff 'IWIUBI WOXl* can consul at New Orleans, a night ortwo since. He had just arrivcd frtftn Havana, and had rfccei Ve<f a jiermlt proceed towards Mexico. Hte fVarikly told me he did' not tiling his cobntrymen in the least cHned to rriakte peace with the TTnited- , States: . Yoii' ma v iwssibl v jreceire runtbi^h?-for