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" LIBERTY AND I>IY NATIVE SOIL." VOL. 4. " ~ ABBEVILLE C. IL, S. C., MAY 5, 1847. ? wo ^ Published every Wednesday, by CHARLES'H. ALLEN, Editor and Proprietor. Terms. ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS if paid within thrco months from tho time of subscribing, or TWO DOLLARS if paid within nix months, and TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS if not paid until the end of the year. No subscription recoivcd for less than nix months ; and no papor discontinued until all arrearages aro paid. Subscriptions will bo continued unless notico be given otherwise, provious to tho closo of volume. No paper will be sent out of tho State unless payment is made in advance. ivjj v iiiiv. i waiuiiw i ?, inserted at 7;> cts. per square of twelve lilies for tlio firt-t insertion ; and, 37 1-2 ctfl. for cach continuance. Those not having the desired number of insertions marked upon them, will bo continued until ordered out and charged accordingly. ESTRAYS, Tolled TWO DOLLARS, to be paid by tho Magistrate. For announcing a Candidate TWO DOLLARS, in advanco. Tho Postage must bo paid upon all letter* and communications to secure attention. From the Sumter Banner. The Huguenots. Written with reference to their early settle nirtif ill Sini.fjl The improvement of man has been effected by a succession of Revolutions. Some "have been mild, peaceable, the result of causes working for a long series of ages, others have burst forth on the " world's trembling multitude," sudden and powerful. Such was the reformation of Luther. Its great principle?its noble aim was civil and religious liberty. History records the struggles of the contest, rousing up all the energies of Europe. Foremost in this drama stand forth the Protestants of France,?a Spartan band in the great army of Reformers. Sympathy for their sufferings, reve ? . v ^ > o ; # rence for their piety, admiration for their fortitude and perseverance, and gratitude to God for the preservation of a remnant of this afflicted people, affect us. when we think of the religious despotism which, for ages, warred against their souls. The Huguenots were a people peculiar to France. Separated from their brethren of Switzerland bv the vast mountain barriers of nature, removed from intercourse with the English by a great extent of land and water they formed a community among themselves, leagued together for the mutual defence of their country and religion Animated by these high and noble principles, thev faltered not in the lmnr of d.-mrror? V " w" when necessity called them to the field, they shrunk not from the sword of persecution? when the fires of llomish bigotry kindled around them, they bore their martyrdom with that unflinching constancy so characteristic of their faith, and of their cause.? The love of religious liberty, arising from the conviction of duty, has, in all past time, given an undaunted spirit to its votaries.? Witness the zeal of the early Christian Church! Witness the firmness of our Pilgrim fathers! Witness the persecutions of the Huguenots! [VInet nrnmmont in tin* 1* . . in nib moiuiy uj iiiis people, is the tragedy of Saint Bartholemew. The Protesiants of that time were considered too formidable a party to be any longer tolerated. ' As Cato continually said in the Roman Senate, "delenda est Carthargo," so did the men in power of that time unceasingly shout, c* Let the Huguenots be destroyed." And at length, their desire was well nigh accomplished. night of St. Bartholemew gluts the all-devouring thirst of their enemies. During that terrific slaughter^the cry for mercy was drowned in the relentless shout of "Death to the Huguenots," and the light of day but added new horrors to the scene. The streets of fans Ilowed with the blood of her murdered citizens; and from that city the masacre spread through all the provinces, bringing .death and desolation to every part of the land. Thousands of useful and peaceable citizens were struck down by the demon ol destruction, and one united cry for vengeance oo such monstrous injustice arose to the ihlrone of God, and will yet have to be silenced by ihe woes of coming ages. This dreadful instance of the barbarism of religious bigotry excites the indignation of the world. At Ahatj time it was eulogized, by many of .tlje nations of Europe, as a glorious ! triumph?r-tlje .cold-blooded murder of thou j_ _ - ?m- - Htiuus. a giuricus triumph?the triumph of leligion! But let us turn from such a scene, and - contemplate the magnanimity of Henry, so worthily styled the Great. This Prince, ascending the throne at a time when faction had torn his kingdom (or more than a century, had exhausted its resources, and impovished his people, who had wrongs to revenge and crimes to punish, nobly buried thejp all in oblivion, and the world saw the poof pf an exalted mind in the Edict of ..ilSantes. What a contrast with the conduct Of the firuiltv . v-,rr. v. u*?biaicu WHOI ICOj VVUU) -. century before, looked calmly on the : ; inv/rdcr or his subjects I This celebrated J^iciptoce^ the rights of the Huguenots on , a basis,, which the most flagrant Violation of justly could1 alone overthrow; and H was k to be hoj^d thatnofutu re Monarch of France j . sWfmk. . S'WMM would have the rashness to annul it. And yet, not one century had passed before its revocation Piled the whole land with tinblood of her slaughtered citizens. The l?dict of Nantes gave to the Protestants of France a distinct and separate existence as a political body, sotting them in array against a government which recognized no such thing as religious liberty, anil held to nnn nrin/iinln ~ " ?i: ... /~* 1 uiuuu Ul Jjuncy "1./MC VJOll, one King, one Faith." During the reign of the Great Henry, the Huguenots exercised their rights ami liberty of conscience was secured ; his death was the death of order, of peace and of freedom. From this time, the Huguenots,alarmed at the intrigues of the court, and the measures talcen for their overthrow, wore in arms; and when, " Tho living cloud of \v;ir" burst upon them from the north of France, their rights, their existence as a people, were swept away. For the next half a century, persecution followed persecution,unti 1 finally} the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, by depriving the Eluguenots of all securities of life, and liberty?by annihilating their exis'ence as subjects, compelled the emigration of this people. Thousands of imluitri uua umzcii? n;n ujruvur uieir native f ranco, to seek in foreign lands the liberty denied them in their own. As their predecessors the Pilgrims, bade their native land good night and lay down to rest on the shores of New England, so did the Huguenots, driven across the western ocean by persecuting fanaticism, at length find a resting place on the shore of Carolina. The hand of welcome was held out to them?1 hey were hailed as brothers. And noble sons of Carolina have they proved themselves I? Braving the perils of savage war-fare, they plunged into the wilderness; pioneers of the South, they strengthened the infant co lony of Carolina by their religion anil by their arms. But to us, the settlement of the Huguenots though not followed by consequences of such import, as those succeeding the landing of the Pilgrims, was attended with the most important results. The addition of large bodies of men, virtuous, industrious, inured to peril and war, but, above all, martyrs of religious liberty, would be welcomed by any people; and peculiarly fortunate was it for a small colony, pressed on every side by a savage enemy, and but poorly assisted by the mother country.?Their s? I ri #ri 11 i* t ? ..1. -1- r._l". f v-iuguiuiiiy, ciuauu ?iiu cuticniii lempur 01 mind enabled them to endure the hardships necessarily attended on a settlement in liie country, new, surrounded by enemies, and exposed to an almost tropical sun. The same spirit, which made them prefer exile to slavery, sustained them in the long and arduous struif<'le of ths Revolution.? o o Shoulder to shoulder with their brethren in the field, they met the invading foe, and the "plains of Carolina" became the altar on which they sacrificed their blood in defence of their common country. When the u black and smoking ruins," of desolation covered the land, the same fiirnness which upheld their fathers in the old world sustained their descendants in the new. The names of Horry, of Huger, and of Marion are coupled with those of Laurens, of Rut ledge, ol 1'inckney, and of Sumter names j dear to every American, the watch-words of liberty. Sustained by the example of these South Carolina proved the noble daringand heroic courage of her adopted people.? Thousands of their descendants at this lime hail America as the land of their birth? the land of their fore-fathers' adoption?the asylum of their ancestors?land of civil and religious liberty. May its standard, reared on the solid foundation of virtue, ever wave over millions of the sons of freemen, until lime shall be no more 1 As we review these scenes, we cannot refrain from asking, what had the Huguenots done, that they should thus be. j " At the mercy of a mystery of tyranny V what were their crimes that they should be deprived of all civil existence; that they should be hunted down like wild beasts? that their blood should stream under the sword? They worshipped God according to the dictates of their conscience. This was their crime?this their abomination. This doomed them to the stfovd, to the stake, and to exile. That they were a peaceable people, orderly, industrious, and weil disposed, is acknowledge by the Romish historians. They were aroused to revolt, when' the iron yoke of oppression became too grevious to be borne?when bigotry sent lorth the destroying angel; when life and liberty were crushed by oppression. Their emi gration furnished many nations with numbers rf useful subjects, and France now deplores the unjust policy which banished her citizens, depopulated one-fourth of her commerce, and for many years placed her under maitial law, To her, the. result oif such policy has been disastrous in the 0*treame?rtne despotic persecutions of centu-' ries having ended in the dreadful catastrophe of the French Revolution. The nineteenth century has brought to the Huguenbts that toleration, which* has ' .-o-T '<?.* ' \:v ' "' ' -. b wm& * permitted tliein to rebuild their peaceful temples, and to worship God in their own way. The conflicts of centuries have taught both parties the necessity of mutual forbearance; and the religion of reason, and the religion of authority, have learned that they can exist in the same country without continual wars and fightings.? The severe blow which the Romish Church received, at the time ol the Revolution, in ino confiscation ol its property, and in the prevention of ecclesiastical interference! with the a flairs of State, and the wise policy of the new movernment, which grants religious liberty to the subject, conspire to ' root out from France a most fatal source of discord, destructive of the wel fare of any people. The influence of the Reformed principles has delivered the human inind 'rorn the fetters which bound it during the middle ages. To them, Science, Literature, and the Arts own their developemcnt and progress: to them, we owe all which enables man to r<*Slf*ll tlir* trim 'lirmif.. "' ??? rni_ .? ?.- ...u i> ..v/ uijjuuy ?_ji his iiiimie. l no mind is free from the apathy of a blind superstition Freedom of conscience is the acknowledged right of every one. The lethargy of ages is shaken off. Shall we not honor those, who conferred this great good on mankind ??shall we not revere those, who periled all in the cause of religious liberty,and nobly resolved to do ordie? Let us not lorget that the Huguenots were the martyrs of Christianity, the sons of everlasting truth; and, while we regard them with veneration, let us cherish the feelings of brothers for their descendants in the far south?let us hail them as Americans?let us hail them as members of the same great and free people. From the Picayune. Lulcr from Vera Cruz. Important intr/lesrciic.c?Advance of the American Army?Santa Anna's preparations for dele nee?But lis supposed to have been fought on the. 1 oth inst. The U. S. steamship Massachusetts arrived here last evening from Vera Cruz, which place she left on the evening of the 14th. Our correspondence is down to the latest hour. The news is of the most stirring interest. The best advices lead to the impression that a battle was fought at Cerro Gordo, nearly midway between the Puente ""'I f"'"*? " '''' 1 " ..ii.Li 011 i nursuuy or rnday last. We have heretofore announced the advance of (Jen. Twiggs' division into the interior. When last heard from he was beyond the Puente Nacional and in close proximity to the Mexican army. Gen. Scott was expected to arrive at Gen. Twiggs' headquarters on the night of the 14th inat. General Worth left Vera Cruz with the last division of the army on the 13th and bivoucked that night at San Juan, about twelve miles in the interior. He probably joined the advance on the 15th. Santa Anna was said to be at Cerro Gordo, where La Vega and Canalizo were posted with a considerable command. The Mexican force at that point when joined by Santa Anna, v. is estimated at fifteen thousand strong?consisting of two thousand regular infantry, three thousand cavalry, and the remainder irregulars. The pass of Cerro Cordo is forty four miles from Vera Cruz, and is naturally a strong one, some difficulty is anticipated in forcing it. Rumors state that Santa Anna can obtain any amount of irregular force he may desire. Reconnoitering parties from the American arm)' had been tired upon and several wounded, amongst them was Capt. (now Lieut. Col.) Johnson, of the Topographical Engineers, who was shot in the .....w ?...i i.: tvx.i <ui<i hi|/ wuiisicvamming trio Mexican works at Cerro Gordo. Intellogont officers who arrived in the Massachusetts, entertain very little doubt that a general engagement has taken place. A number of soldiers have been shot in passing the road to and fro. All accounts represent the Americans as confident of victory, and the Mexicans as burning for revenge. Our next advices from Vera Cruz will we doubt not, bring us the details of an important engagement. We subjoin the news from Vera Cruz papers and our correspondence. The letter from Mr. Kendall of the 14th, written at cam]> San Juan, is the very latest from the army. The soldiers were suffering at Vera Crux from ?ipliu>co Knt ilw. u-j ?* wiiiiuuiji uui uiu ? UIIIUU IlilU noi appeared. Vera Cuuz, April 14, 1847. The Massachusetts sails In half an hour, and I hasten to send you the latest intelligence received from the advance of our army on its march towards Jalapa. Despatches were received here yesterday evening from i General Twigg stating that the enemy had been discovered, and that in a recon'noissanee some eighteen miles beyond the National Bridge at a point called the Black Forrest Pass, Captain J. E. Johnson, of the j Topographical Engineers?now Lieut Gol. I of Voftigeurs?r-wa^ severely wounded with a shot through'the' dVm' rind'another in the thigh; - it is' more than probable that ere; thisQerierals Twiggs and Pillow have had : ' : 0 -'A- . ^ -V?f' ;v- *" ' ^ ' ' && r&yggfc' i' Mv -w.-e. /; I something of a " brush" with the enemy, i Santa Anna is known to have arrived at this pass with a force said to be about 15'000 strong, consisting of 2,000 regulars and the balance of irregular troops?of whom 3,000 are cavalry The point above named is a very strong one, and naturally affords great advantages to the enemy; but, my word lor it, they will not hold it long alter our Irnnns :is?siil if r-w Shut up as I am in my room I cahnot know much of what is going on. Mr. Kendall started last evening on the way to the advano of the army; he will probably ! be in the camp sometime to-day. He wrote you a letter before starting, which goeo with this. It is becoming quite sickly here, but as yet I hear nothing of the vomito amongst the soldirs. It is very healthy in the interior, and our army, excepting those who stay to garrison this city, will soon be beyond the influence of the impure and sickly air of the co:ist. 1 am still slowly recovering from my accident, and hope to be with you ere many days. It is entirely out of the question to think of follovvintr thn nr.v??r i? m A t, "'j *"jr tuiiuiuuiij and 1 wouldn't stay in Vera Cruz a month for it. I learn that the steamship New Orleans, now here, is to make one more trip to Tampico for mules, which are much wanted here, and after that she goes to your city. Yours, &c., F. A. L. P. S. When Captain Johnson was wounded in his reconnoisance, he was with an escort of the 2d Dragoons, under Capt. Hardie. F. A. L. Vera Cruz, April 13, 1846 So many vessels arc leaving almost every day that it is hard keeping the run of them. L send a line by every one that I hear^)f. A German srentleman has iust tnld mp ?it is now 10 o'clock A. M.?that Santa Anna was at his old hacienda of fcnceiro day before yesterday. This place is near Jalapa. Canalizoand La Vega are at Cerro Gordo, where no less than three heights have been fortified. Gen. Scott went out last night, Gen. Worth, *vith his division marched this morning, and will bivouk tonight at San Juan, on the other side of Santa Fe. Gen. Twiggs is at Plau del Rio, close by the mexicans, and there are those who think it more than probable that he has already had a brush with them. It is thought the position at Cerro Gordo can be turned, and in mcp T .n Vom f"1.* 7 ... ju.u v uuu wnuaiiz,u make good their retreat that they will make another stand at Los Dios. Time will show. The hospitals are full, and the sickness is said to be on the increase. I still cannot learn that there has been any well authenticated case of vomito, although many have died of fever. I am off to-day for the headquarters of the army. Yours, &c., G. W. KA Washington letter in the Boston post says :? Nicholas P. Trist, Esq , former consul at Havana, and for the last eighteen months chief clorlc in the department of state, lelt in the southern boat this evening, for Vera Cruz, in the capacity of a special bearer of despatches to Gen. Scott. The precise character of "the documents" is, of course, unknown, but it is rumored that Mr. Trist carries with him to our land and naval commanders in Mexico the definite and final purposes of our government, both in regard to the further prosecution of the war, and the prosprctive restora'ion of peace. It is settled beyond all doubt or peradventure, that 110 new proposal to negotiate will be made by this government, and if diplomatic relations are to be restored, the advance must be made by Mexico. She has once, twice, thrice, rejected the propositions of our government to c?ase the b foody arbi trament of the sword, and if a more pacific mode of adjustment of our dfTerences is to supervene, the inilatory step must be talferi by her. Such, it is believed, is the settled policy of the administration, which every patriotic American will most heartily ap-1 prove. An Ancient Witness?A Judge renowned for liberty and sagacity 1 Sir ' Matthew Hale, in early life, was addicted j to pleasure, and vain, not lo say profligate, i company. One of his companions,' from drunkeness, bfcamo apparently dead, and this was one of the principal means of rei claiming Hale. His biographer states, in j summing up his character, that, ever after the time lie was started into this thotfghtfoTness, he cherished the utmost dread of excess in drinking; and his testimony was thus solemnly recorded in the latter part?of his life: "The places of judicature, which t have long held in this kinjgddnV, hav<a given rttfc opportunity to observe the original cause of most of the enormities that have been committed for the space of" near1 TWENW.yeiitfji and by a due observation, I have found, that four or Jive of them have bedft. the issues and product of excessive drinking, at'taV-T 'Cms or ale-house nieetirigd.,> 5 A . u.? \/? JU\J 9 | This was said by Sir Matthew Hale near: | ly two-hundred years ago. Ever since that i time, the uniform experience and observa-r j tion of all Judges have been the same ; and the investigations of political economistsand phi'anthropists concur in establishing tho same result. God Everywhere.?Lord Craven lived in London when the great plague raged. ?f I is house was in that part of the town since called Craven Buildings. To avoid the threatened danger, his lordship resolved to retire to his seat in the country. His coach and six were accordingly at thedoorj the luggage put up and all things ready for the journey. As he was walking along his hall, with his hat on, his ctTne under his arm, and putting on his gloves, in order, to step into his carriage, he overheard hi^ negro, (who served him as postillion,) saying to another, UI suppose by my lord's quitting London to avoid the plague, that his God lives in the country, and not in town." The poor negro said this in the simplicity of his heart, a3 really believing in a plurality of gods. The speech forcibly struck lord C., and made him pause? "My God," thought he. "lives evrywhere, and can preserve me in the town as well as in the country; I'll stay where I am. The ignorance of that, poor fellow has preached a useful sermon io me. Lord, pardon that unbelief arid that distrust of thy fcrovidencfc which made me think of running away from thy hand." Immediately he ordered the horses from the coach and the luggage to be brought in. He continued in London^' and was remarkably useful among the neigbours' and never caught infection. Magnetic Circuit of the Globe.?Art experiment with the sub-marine telegraphy at Portsmouth England, encourages the belief that the lightening news-conveyor will yet make the circuit of the globe. The accounts given of it states : cc'PU- - i no iuui ui iiiu water, acting as a ready return conductor wag beyond question; for to lest this most thoroughly, repeated experiments were made in the presence of some of the principal .dock-yard authorities, including the heads of engineering departments., There can be no doubt, without refernce t<p the distance the water will act as a returnconductor in completing the circuit. Independent of the simplicity of this sub-marine telegraph, it had an advantage which even, the telegraphs on land do not possess. In the event of accident it can be replaced iri ten minutes.; . The success of the trial here has, we understand, determined the inventors to lay down their contemplated line ac ross me cnannei irom iilngland to Franco under the sanction of the respective governments." Gen. Taylor's Profanity?We havefrequently seen letter-writers' accounts ot the battles of Gen. Taylor, in which writers, we thought, gratuitously introduced oaths as having been made use of them.. We are happy to learn, that Lieut. Critten-. den, who served as one of his aids at.the battle of Buena Vista, mortified to find that several of the incidents of this battle yyero, erroneously narrated and ascribed to hja authorship, and especially the profane Ian-, guage attributed lo Gen. Taylor respecting the second Regiment of Kentucky infantry," has give'ri it his positive denial.?Th? n^ws papei accounts of that incidents were correct^ leaving off* the profanity which was incor- >, rectly put into the mouth of the General. Southern Chroaicle. The great 1>evelofment iii Science.-?| We cannot be indifferent to th6 wqndprfnl developements in Science; the ever:steady clear unfolding of laws of the Material Universe ; transcripts of the Divine Power*1 Wisdom and Goodness, All these shall illustrate God's omnipotericy ; shall unfold clearer and brighter as the waves of salvation roll on ; shall seal the lips of unbelie-. vers; shall sw.ell the triumph's of redeeming Love. The leaves of the; greai ^books Nature, Providence and RevealatiOn.shall be uo folded together. For what purpose is the Earth now intersected with railroads/ but to bring the distant ends of it tog?th?Xj. the followers of Jesus with idolatrou.8 Jie^then ? And why, again, is the Earth Jjejng^ belted with wires, thereby being converted' into a vast .whispering gallery, by wjhicht, the thoughts, purposes, actions, and; yn>'rds of men are instantaneously traade omnipresent, but that the news oF salvation'mnv b6 borne wilh electric speed, that tbq dwellers on the nountains, and in th^.vflic? ;-p^' the sea and the lai^,. Ji^ast:' and South, rmiy eaten the song of s^wation, anij shout, simultaneously together, Jtsus Christ is King ! Jesus Christ is King! - - i ' ' ; / ANgel8.?These ministering spirits are ./. ?f?wjr