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The Abbeville banner. [volume] (Abbeville, S.C.) 1847-1869, June 09, 1847, Image 1

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7 ?J)t iHfttlptXJf ijaiiir,
VOL. 4. ABBEVILLE C. H., S. C? JUNE 9, 1847. " " $0. 15.
Published every Wednesday, by
Editor and Proprietor.
within throo months from the time of subscribing,
or TWO DOLLARS if paid within six months,
not paid until the end of tho year. No subscription
tccoivcd for less than six months; and no paper
difioontiiiiior) until nil nrrpnrnwo urn nnirl SnK.
scriptions will bo continued unless notice be given
otherwise, previous to the closo of volume.
No paper will bo sent out of tho State unless
paymcht is made in advance.
ADVERTISEMENTS, inserted at 75 cts. per
squaro of twelve lines for tho first insertion ; and,
37 1-2 cts. for each continuance. Thoso not having
tho dosircd number of insertions marked upon them,
will be continued until ordered out and charged ac
paid by the Magistrate.
For announcing a Candidate TWO DOLLARS,
in advance.
The Postage must bo paid upon all letters and
communications to socuro attention.
Alcohol, Tcmpcrance $c.
Mr. Editor:?As the cause of Temper4
ance seem3 to be " low down," .at this time, I
have concluded that a few thoughts, tacts,
and reflections, on the subject, might not be
altogether uninteresting, (at least,) to some
of the readers of the 'Banner.' That the
cause is onward will be readily admitted,
when we reflect that alcohol is now engageO
ing the zealous attention of many of the
ablest chemists, and physioligisls in Europe
and this country; and we can not doubt for
one moment, that much may, and will be
done, in that quarter, in placing this mighty
engine of destruction in its true character
betbre the civilized world, it is now classed
in the catalogue of medicines as a narceticoacrid-poison,
that is to say, it is not only
poisonous, but acrid and stupifying in its eftcts
upon the human constitution, and is medicinal
or poisonous according to the discretion.
moderation, akill and judgment which
directs its employment.
Experienc; lias abundantly proven it to
be more or less injurious to all constitutions
when used as a beverage; therefore it must
be always out of place when used otherwise
than as a medicine. It is further estab.
lished beyond the shadow of a doubt, that
the human constitution can endure more fa.
tigue and labor, will stand more cold weather
and resist the pestilential causcs of disease
m >rc effectually, when entirely from
^ under its influence than otherwise. And
the question is, at this moment, engaging
the attention of many of the boards of health,
especially of England and Austria, and is producing
a strong sensation in France, whether
it is not the cause of more moral, mental and
physical defilement, than all other evils in
those countries combined; and we expect
ere long, to learn that the affirmative of the
question has been made out. Hence wc
musj. as patriots, philanthropists and christians,
feel it our greatest duty?a duty which
we owe to God as well as to man to do all
we can consistently, against its further encroachmcnts
upon our moral, mental, physical,
political, and religious priviliges. It is
no exageration when we say that it is now
* . estimated by men well calculated to know,
, that at least half of the disease of this highly
favored and intellectual country, is owing
in a good degree lo the use of spiritous
liquors. Added to this, it is conclusively
shown that two thirds of the crime commit
ted in the civilized world, is attributable
more or less directly to the same source; and
should we not be astonished when we behold
the evidences of the extraordinary delusion
which blinds, or the infatuation which
enchains to a very lamentable extent the
* . public mind on this subject??that there are
persons of high moral standing and influ.
ence, even at this day, who pretend to afiinvt
#Y*a+ flirt ntrila nn/1 n/M*pnntmna r\C oaaia
1IIUI U1U.V HO UIIU VVt I lipilV7i;o VI OU^IV/
ty. By this we often find that all municipal
law and domestic obligations arc abrogated
or set at defiance. It has always to
a lamentable degree subverted national prosperity
and stability; and is the invincible extinguisher
of all true morality and genuine
religion in the human heart.
Now Mr. Editor, if the above as to alcohol
be true?if it be beyond the poicrr of refutition,
(and we maintain that it is) and if
it be shown that the moderate drinker is directly
accessary to the production of these
evils, is it not obvious, we ask in the name
of all we hold dear and sacred to ourselves
as a people, that there arc circumstances
connected with the Temperance /efbrmation,
which should induce every patriot, philanthropist
and christian throughout theland
to voluntarily forego all little minor considerations
in respect to moderate dram
drinking for the good of society generally?
We repeat it, it it be shown that there is no
good to be derived from the use of alcohol,
as a beverage, and that it has and is, annually
destroying its thousands, mentally, morally
and physically, is it not a matter of superlative
importance that all who wish well
the prosperity oftheir country, should rush to
me rescue ana ao all in their power consistantly,
to supress its further ravages? This,
it is obvious, is as much the case as it is
the duty of the physician to endeavour to
ward off, and to cure disease. In fact it is
the preventing of effects and consequences
that have been far more destructive to the
well being of society than all the disease
thnt has ovr?r visited the e?.rth.
(to be continued.) S.
"Washington and his Generals."
Notwithstanding all these brilliant a_l_;
.r a ti -? '
ciuevemenis 01 Arnoiu, says tne lie view,
with which the country rung, Congress,
creating five new major-generals, left him
out; and all those appointed were his juniors
in rank ! Arnold was justly indignant and
ready to throw up his commission, but Washington
wrote him, " begging him to do
nothing hasty, assuring him it was a mistake
and should be rectified." Arnold magnanimously
refrained from doing what, we
think Washington himself would have done
instantly; and while waiting for justice,
attacked, with five hundred militia, two
thousand British regulars who had just
1 I T\ I fn t -
uuniuu L/uiiuuiy. 1 wo nurses were snot
under him, and for three days he assailed
them at every turn, till they fled on board
their ships. Forced, by this gallant behavior,
Congress made him major-general,
but withheld his rank. Still by the persuasions
of Washington, he postponed his resignation
and joined Gen. Schuyler. While
there he learned that " Congress had voted
on the question of his rank, and decided
against him." Thft Air.t is. thnt ArnnM hurl
some bitter enemies in Congress, who misrepresented
things and carried votes against
him. That Congress, as a body, though
often wavering and inefficient, was certainly
not disposed to act unjustly. Stung to
the quick, Arnold was yet persuaded to remain,
Schuyler urging the need his country
had of him, when the strong army of Burgoyne
was sweeping down upon them from
the North. He consented to stay and help
him face the immediate danger; and, on
the 29th of September, fought skilfully with
his division alone, the first sanguinary engagement
with a part of Burgoyne's army.
Gen. Gates, an envious, pompous and ambitious
man, now began to treat him with
great injustice and meanness, making no
mention of him in his official report, and
finally taking away his division and giving
it to another, " so that whwt the second battle,
of the 7th of October, was fought, he,
the best, bravest, and mnst snrrpssfnl oonn.
ral in the army, was without a command."
u He was in the camp when the connonnading
of the 7th of October commenced,
and listened, one may guess with what feeling
to the ioar of battle, which was ever
music to his stormy nature. As the thunder
of artillery shook the ground on which
he stood, followed by the sharp rattle of
muslffttrv. his imhniionno nnrl
resolves and overwhelming emotions kept
up such a tumult in his bosom, that his excitement
amounted ajmost to madness.
" Unable longer to restrain his impulses,
he called like the helpless Augereau for his
horse. Vaulting t<fHhe saddle, he rode for
a while around the camp in a tempest of
passion. At length a" heavy explosion of
artillery, making the earth tremble beneath
him, burst on his ear. He paused a moment.
and leaned over his saddle-bow. then i
plunging his rowels up to the gaffs in his
horse, launched like a thunderbolt away.
He was mounted on a beautiful dark Spanish
mare, named Warren, after the hero ot
Bunker Hill, worthy such a rider, and
which bore him like the wind into the battle.
" It was told to Gates that Arnold had
gone to the field, and he immediately sent
Col. Armstrong after him. But Arnold expecting
this- and determined not to be called
back as he had been before, spuired furiously
amid the ranks, and as the former
approached him galloped into the volleys,
and thus the chase was kept up for half an
hour, until at length Armstrong gave it up,
and the fierce chieftain had it all his own
way. Goaded by rage and disappointment
almost into insanity, he evidently was resolved
to throw away his life, and end at
once his troubles and his career. Where
the shot fell thickest, there that black steed
urn o coork nlllnn-irirr t h rn i?nrV> e?mnU/v
* uo cuuii |/iunguig huivu^ii mo omuivUj uuu
where death reaped down the brave fastest,
there his shout was heard ringing over the
din and tumult. He was no longer the
cool and skilful officer, but the headlong
warrior reckless of life. His splendid
horse was flecked with foam, and it seemed
impossible that his rider could long survive
amid the fire through which he so wildly
galloped. Some of the officers thought him
intoxtcated, so furious and vehement were
ilia itiOVcUienls, and SO limning his shout,
as with his sword sweeping in fiery circles
about his head he summoned his followers
10 tne cnarge. unce, wishing to go lrom
one extremity of the line to the other, instead
of passing behind his troops, he wheeled
in front and galloped the whole distance
through the cross-fire of the combatants,
while a long huzza followed him. Holding
the highest rank on the field, his orders
were obeyed?except when too desperate
for the bravest to fulfil?and receiving no
orders himself, he conducted the whole battle.
His frenzied manner, exciting appeals,
and fearful daring, infused new spirit into
the troops, and they charged after him, shouting
like madmen. So perfectly beside himself
was he with excitement, that he dashed
up to an officer who did not lead on his
men as he wished, and opened his head
with his sword. He was every-where present.
and nushed the first line of the enemv
i r " J
so vigorously that it at length gave way.
Burgoyne moving up his right wing io cover
its retreat, he hurled three regiments
with terrible impetuosity upon it, that it
also broke and fled. While the British
officers were making desperate effort in other
parts of the field to stay the the reversed
tide of battle, he pressed on after Burgoyne
?storming over the batteries, and clearing
every obstacle, till at length he forced him
and the whole army back into their camp.
Not satisfied with this he prepared to storm
#U~ ? l?? t?..i L ?i-:_ -I .L _ :
me ^uiujj aisii. Liui omcu ueiiiuu iiieu entrenchments,
the British rallied and fought
with the fury of men struggling for life.?
The grape shot and balls swept every inch
of the ground, and it rained an iron tempest
on the American ranks, but nothing could
resist their valor. On, on they swept in
the track of their leader, carryii?g~everything
before them. The sun had now sunk
in the west, and night was drawing its mantle
over the scene. Arnold, enraged at the
obstinacy of the enemy, and resolved to
make one more desperate effort for a com
plete victory, rallied a lew ol his bravest
troops about him, and rousing- them by his
enthusiastic appeals, led them to a last
charge on the camp itself. " You," saW
be to one, "was with me at Quebec, you, in
the Wilderness, and you on Champlain?
Follow me 1" His sword was seen glancing
like a beam of light along their serried array?the
next moment he galloped in front,
and riding right gallantly > at their head
throuffh the devouring firel Brokea
Iiofhis country
bold flever fought &ga1rfl|
ress, at la*t, aUer ?ll thesev^HBB
blm Jlk rank; bai be had become at |
i v ?'
i . i*>
Philadelphia, involved deeply ill debt, and
in difficulties with the Council ; a courtmartial
declared him, with justice no doubt,
to have acted ''imprudently and unwisely;"
and, like Coriolanus. he remembered his
services and his wrongs. At one time he
thought of quitting the army and, like a
Roman General, establishing a settlement
in the wilderness of Western New York,
with his old officers and soldiers ; would he
had so ended his career. Pressed by immediate
difficulties, and actuated by revenge,
he obtained the key of the Hudson
river, then gave it up to the enemy and
blackencd his name forever. Mr. Headley,
?? -i ? ? -
up (.mint, iius uiaivu ins cnaracter Wltn
much justice.
11 He was a man of decided genius?sud|
den and daring in his plans, and brilliant in
their execution. As an officer he possessed
great merit, and Washington knew it, and
hence constantly interposed the shield of his
person between him and his enemies.?
i Like Bonaparte he wanted poicer and skill
j at the head of his armies. Impelled by
broader and nobler views than Congress,
and governed by a juster spirit, he would, if
leit to himself have bound Arnold to the
cause of freedom with cords ot iron. He
would not have visited too severely on him
his extravagances, or held him too closely
nnronntnhlp. fnr thp. nso r?f liic r?r>?ir?r ?
Knowing him to be impetuous and headlong,
nay, arrogant and overbearing, and
often unscrupulous, and he would have
curbed him by remonstance rather than by
disgrace, and directed all those vast energies
so eager for action on the foes of his country.
" But with Aarnold's impetuosity, he was
prudent and skilful. He laid his j^lans
with judgment, then pressed them with a
vigor and energy that astonished every one.
He could be safely trusted jnrith an army,
for although he could scarcely resist the
j temptation to fight when battle was afforded,
he. managed it prudently, and extricated
r himself from difficulties -with wonderful
ol,;il 1.1 ?I- ?
orviu. lie nuuiu oil ujjyic Willi, (.lit: II1USI
stubborn obstinacy to maintain his ground
against an overwhelming force, and when
compelled to retreat, do it with consummate
address. One great cause of his success
was his celerity of movement. His mind
worked with singular rapidity, and what
he resolved to do he urged on with all the
power of which he was possessed. His
blow was no sooner planned than it fell,
and in the heat of a close fight he was
prompt and deadly as a bolt from heaven.
"Shattering that he might reach, and shattering
what-he reached," he was one of those
few fearless men in the world that make
us tremble at ourselves. His power over
his troops, and even over militia, was so
great mat mey oecnme veterans at once under
his eye, and closed like walls of iron
around him. A braver man never led an
army. He not only seemed unconcious of
fear, but loved the excitement of danger^
and was never more at home than when in
the smoke of the conflict. Place a column
of twenty thousand veteran troops under
him, and not a marshal of Bonaparte's could
carry it farther, or hurl it with greater
strength and terror on an enemy than he.
Caught by no surprise?patient and steady
under trials, energetic and determed amid
obstacles, equal to any emergency, and daring
even to rashness?he was a terrible
man in a battle. But his pride and passions
were too strong for his pnncples, and
he fell like a Lucifer from heaven. Placing
his personal feelings above every thing else,
he sacrificed even his country to them.?
Revenge was stronger than patriotism."
"Arnold's treason has sunk in oblivion
all his noble deeds?covered his career with
infamy,and fixed a deep and damning curse
on his name. Men turned abhorrent from
his grave?friends and foes speak of him
alike with scorn,and children learn to shudder
at the name of Benedict Arnold. This^
is all right and just, but there is another lesson
besides the guilt of treason to be learned
from his history?that it is no less dangerous
than criminal to let party spirit or personal
friendship promote the less deserving
over their superiors in rank. The erteinies
of Arnold have a heavy account to render
for their injusticej and our Congress would
do well to take warning from their example.',
u a 1.1 n -r m* - ** it "
- ^irnoiu. s?ys ivir, neauiey, was one
\ ^SC raS^? r?^es.s Persons> like Murat
and tempt them round the druggist shop ]
ih which he was employed, with bfblren ?
phials, oiily to scoqrge them away with a '
horse-whip. Ha was bold as ho was trttel i
and delighted in ihosb perilous feats which 1
. , fp> ... - a
' '**, -Jr ;
1 none of his companions dared imitate. It
was a favorite amusement with him at a
grist-mill, to which he sometimes carried
grain, to seize'the large water-wheel by the
arms, and go round and round with it in its
huge evolutions?-now hurried under the
foaming water, and now hanging above;
in fierce delifflit. while his comnnninno
looked on in silent terror."
iiiscct Slavery.
The moat remarkable fact connected with
the history of ants is the propensity possesed
by certain species to kidnap the workers
of other species and compel them to labor
for the benefit of the community, thus using
them completely as slaves; and as far as we
yet know, the kidnapers are red, or palecolored
ants, and the slaves like tho ill-treated
natives of Africa, are. of a jet black;
The time for capturing slaves extends over
a period of about ten weeks, and never commences
until the male and female are about
emerging from the pupa state; and thus tho
ruthless marauders never intefere with the
continuation ot the species. This instinct
seems specially provided; for were the slave
ants created for no other end than to fill the
station of slavery to which they appear to be
doomed, still,even that office must fail were
the attacks to bp made upon their nests before
the winged myriads have departed or are departing,
charged with the duty of continuing
their kind. When the red ants arc about
to sally forth oh a marauding expedition they
Send scouts to ascertain the exact positron
in which a colony of negroes may be found.
These scouts having discovered the object
of their search, return to the nest and report
their success;
Shortlv nfrp.rivnrds tlio. nvniv nf rr>rl anfo
marches forth, headed by a vanguard, whicN
is perpetually changing^ the individuals that
constitute it,* when they have advanced a little
before the main body, halting, falling
into the rear, and being replaced by others.
TUis vanguard consists of eight ar ten rints
only. When they have arrived near the
negro colony they disperse', Wandering
through the herbage and hunting about,- as
aware of the propinquity ofthe" object oftheir
search, yet ignorant of its exact position.
At last they discover the settlements; (he
foremost ofV ?s inva.ders, rushing irripetuous1..
.U_ I. ? l.J V
iu uiu itiictcH., tire mm, gruppiuu wiui ana
frequently killed by the negroes ?n guard.
The! alartrl is quickly communicated to the
interior of the nest: the negroes sally forth
by thousands; and the red rtnts rushing to
the rescue, a desperate conflict ensues, which
however always terminates in the defeat of
the negroes who retire to the inmost recesses
of their habitation. Now follows the
scene of pillage.
The red ants with their powerful mandibles
tear open the sides of the negro anthills
and rUsh into the heart of thfe' citifcfoL
In a few minutes eacli Invader emerges,
carrying in its mouth the pupa of a worker
negro, which it has Obtained in spite of the
vigilance and valor of it natural guatdians.The
red ants return in perfect order to their
nests, bearing with them their living burdens.
On reaching the nest tfie pupa appears
to be treated precisely as their own;
and the workers, when they engage perform
the various duties of the community
with the greatest energy arid apparent
good-will. They repair tho nest, excavate
- 11 * r?i A. i _., . , i
passugi's, uuncui iwwi) itcu Iiiu mrvic, laKC
the: pupa into the sunshine, and perform
every office which the, welfare of the colony
seems to require* [Newman's HislOti)
of Insects.
'I'he Widow of Bishop riebfin.?At Corfu
resides during milch of the time, Lady
Valsamachi once the wife of the celebrated
Bishop Heber. She had gone a fe\V tireekrf
before our arrival, to Cephalonia, where
her husband owns several landed estates;
I did not, therefore see her; but I was greatly
gratified (o hear her so highly spoken of
by the missionaries, who knew her well.?
When she married Sir bemetrids Valsam-'
achi not very long after the death of the
excellent Heberj it was well ^ktfown
lobles.^ They are the' Princess ^8HHfi|j
Jegge; these ladies have
themselves tff tfeeir rights by proxies;
t* \ '

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