VOLUME IV. - - - - - - -?? - -j NUMBER 19.
| ABBEVILLE C. H, S. C., JULY 7, 1847.
Published every Wednesday Morning liv
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We promised in our last, Mr. Editor, to
offer a few reflections in relation to what
avc conceive to be the best mode of successfully
advancing the cause of temperance ;
and to do this understanding!}', it is important
that we should first consider that the
origin of the temperance reformation was
not in temperance societies, nor in temperance
lectures?so far from it, indeed, that
we arc satisfied, in our own mind, that they
1 i ?
nave, ai many places, ana at many times,
been a great stumbling block in the way o(
the free arid liberal exorcise of the public
sentiment on the subject, liefure there
ever was a temperance society, public opinion
began to be aroused to the importance
ot* tho subject; and hence societies
and temperance lectures bejrau to be known
und heard among us merely as means or
agents to carry on. and to awaken, the latent
desires of thf. public mind on the subject,
in such a way as to concentrate tho
strength and energies of the whole into one
channel. Hence we see the utility of associations
in promoting any laudable enterprize
whatever. The joining of a temperance
society, therefore, is not temperance
itself, as many imagine, any more than a
refusal to attach oneself to the society is
drunkenness itself. Societies and lectures
are not, from the very nature of things, cal-!
eulated to advance any gooj <-.ause if*hey
are not chiefly characterized by love, moral
r?p.r?n:??ion- lr<?? l!li.?rol ?r?/l
ed respect for the opinions, sentiments, and
moral character of others who may be disposed
to dissent. If a cause be worth advocating,
its true character and bearing
upon the community can not be so filly
known and felt as when it is set forth in its
true colors, and can not and will not sucsucceed
so well in its object, as when it is
stripped of every thing that is calculated to
obscure the mind and infringe upon the
rights of opinion.
All men differ, more or less, upon almost
Oiroftr ollUtOnl tllol 41- ~ ?
u>ui j ou uj'^vi mm Hit" liuiiliiu 111111(1.
Philosophers, divines, politicians and doctors,
often disagree in the means to be used
to effect certain ends; but the object of
them all should be truth, the general good,
and universal happiness, which cannot be
.effected without a proper self-command, fortitude,
forbearance, and a free, liberal and
forgiving spirit. These should highly mark
the conduct and actions of all who <;nanrrp
* C'O"
in the moral reformation of society, as without
them, no lasting or permanent good can
be the result. For it is a fact well known
and felt in all ages of the .jvorld that, whoever
undertakes to correct the follies of
rality will be cherished, and his death deplored.
Selfishness, pecuniary interest, party purposes,
worldly aggrandizement, abuse, solfcstecm,
hypocrisy, narrow, contracted, and
partial views, as to the opinions of others,
are the certain harbingers of error, strife,
opposition, contention, wild fanaticism, and
consequent defeat and utler disappointment.
The desire of the philanthropist is thai
tcinpernncc, morality, peace and religion,
should be the watchword of* all mankind:
and, therefore, his maxim should be to do
all the good he can in producing this state
of moral reform, and ;is little harm ; and in
all things he should keep in view the opinions
of the mass of mankind, as it is upon
them that /lis means of reform are designed
to have eflect. Mis whole object should be
to convince the understanding, and not to
excite the passions, and the human mind is
so constituted, when thus operated upon, as
?l|\V?l\M H I i|H J U lUSl'.U.
We would not give a straw for the man
who c.in bo driven by ihc tide of popular
favor, when his reason, judgment, and moral
responsibility dictate a different course :
place him where you will, and such a character
is a nuisance to society, and should
not be trusted even in the ordinary aftairs
of life. And here, we are sorry to say,
that winy brftrr persons are often actuated
from no higher motives than those ofpopu
lar approbation, even in matters of vital
importance to the general good; but the
reason is that their mainsprings of noble
and independent action have not been
aroused?their judgment has not been convinced?the
pure and heaven-horn motive
power of moral action lias not been awakened,
and they have all their life, been
time serving men.
Every reasonable man in the world will
agree that intemperance is a great evil?no
difficulty here?this is taken for granted ,
and since we sec such opposition to temperance
societies as .now, and ever has existed,
we must seek the cause of this opposition in
something else. What is it? (In our I
. -\ m 1 _ II 1 1 * I
nexi. mr. iviuor. we wji i enueavor 10 snow.) j
It was nigh to cvcnii;lc?the in?llow li^ht
of the rapidly sinkinir sun fell, noiselessly,
upon tin' vales and hills of Palistine, bathing
in brilliance the gold-fretted roof of the
Temple, and tinging with its mild lustre
Jerusalem's battlements and walls. It was
a quiet evening,?calm, serene, an 1 beautiful,?such
an one as wooed to rest the happy
birds of Paradise, when night first gathered
her curtains roun I the sinless earth.
An hour or two before, a Ji;tie band
might have been seen issuing from tho city,
by the "beautiful gate" which leads eastward
towards Cedron. Amid the gaiety
and the business of thronged streets, that
little band passed quietly along unnoticed.
Out through the cate and across Cedron'*
narrow plain, which lies between the H dv
City and the Eastern mount, they woifd
their way, if not unobscured, at least, unremarked,
and begin to thread the winding
road which encompasses the ascent of Olivet.
Who arc they, who thus, as day's last hours
are rushing to a close, retire from the city's
din, to tread the mountain height? Is this
some religious festival procession? No:
lor there are no Levites blowing upon their
silver trumpets?there are no mitred priests
with robes flaunting in the evening breeze?
no swinging censors mingling the incense
with the mountain air?no trained choristers
filling the evening's ear with their rejoicing
anthems. Nor is this a military
band?for they are heralded by no strains
of martial music?they have no banners
playinjr in-the air?no armour elitterinsr in
the sunset?nor is their step the measured
movement of the soldier.
Nor yet is this n regal procession?for
there q nn iniifulofl fp-nfn rodnnlirtrr
pause;?gathering closely, they press!
around their leader, as if thev wore soldiers i
receiving1 from llieir captain his commands,
now, they all fall upon "their knees before
him as though he were a king, and they
were subjects offering homage at his feet?
| and now?lie stretches out his hun Is above
them, and Ionics up, as though he were a
priest pronouncing benison upon an assembled
host. Buc see?they start to their
feet together, all at once, as though tlicy
were impelled by some sympathetic power.
A strange light gathers round them?they
look upward?the Heavens are hung with
a drapery more gorgeous and magnificent
than ever to a pouts laneics seem tlie
golden-tinted hues of an autumnal sunset.
The clouds are rolled into a throne, which
shines like burnished silver, set with sapphires,
and around it stand hosts of shining
ones, clad in the livery of Heaven, " in every
band a golden harp, on every h<>ad a
crown," while upon that throne clothed in
glory, of which their minds had only faint
conceptions, sits that one who had led them
hither and blessed them there. Withintense
interest, yet with silent awe, they
gaze upon the wondrous scene?their eyes
arc riveted upon that glorious spectacle.
and their souls absorbed by a new-born joy.
I Wrapted in contemplation of the manilestation
of their master's glory, they feel not
that he is leaving them they think not of
the keen sorrow which to-morrow will be
theirs, when the morn comes but their leader
comes not?joy now so fills their souls
that they have no time for sorrowing or for
selfish thought atr.:d this blaze of glory.
But meanwhile the throne stands not still?
slowly?slowly?but steadily, it moves upward
and upward,?the rejoicing Heavens
gladly unfold to afford a pathway for their
triumphant king, and the throne, with its
monarch and its glittering throng, passes on,
and on, and on, amid the triumphal shouts
anu acclamations loud ot Heaven's Hierarchies,
and then?as if jealous that the earth
so lung should see the glories of the upper
realm?the clouds reunite, and shut in the
ascending throng from mortal vision.
That King was Jksits. and that little
band the faithful few who had been with
| him in His sorrows; who had witnessed
His sufferings, and to them He appeared after
his reserreclion.
Their Kinghas left them, yet they stand
there still gazing up towards Heaven?
looking, but looking vainly for the clouds
to disperse again, and allow their souls to
feast upon that glorious scene. But now
they gaze only upon the shifting clouds.?
The bright unnatural grandeur of the sky,
has given place to the more usual appearance
which it wears as the hand of summer
twiliszht beffins to draw the curtains of the
night. Sorrow intensiblv steals over them ;
they begin to realize that Jesus had left
them. They recall his repeated predictions
of tlis final depariure from them, and as
they stand there all silent, into the heart of
each there creeps the first sad feeiing of
spiritual orphanage. They feel that they
are alone?that he will come to them in
person no more; but still they cannot, will
not go, but stand there gazing sti.l, for
there they saw him last, and that to them is a
holy spot.
In the meanwhile, Jostls has not forgotten
them. As he rides upon his triuphal
throne up to his fither's mansions, amid the
gratulatious of attendant myriads, and the
anthems sweet of cherubim and seraph.?
He detaches from the attendant throng two
of the angelic host, and bids them bear to
His wandering frinds His parting message
of consolation?and lo ; while the disciples
still are gazing steadfastly toward Heaven,
the messengers from the Heavenly court
stand by them, and the silence is broken by
the Angels voice saying, Ye men of Galilee,
why stand ye here gazing up into
Heaven ? This samfe Jesus, who is taken
up from you into Heaven, shall so come in
like manner as ye have seen llirn go into
Heaven." This message brought comfort
and joy to their troubled souls, and they turned
their faces homeward, and retraced their
steps.? Orion,
Miss Plumely, in hor journals of travels
in Palestine, give this description of the women
of Nazareth. There h:"' 1
sion of the daughters of Israel; thoir figures,
the unite I delic iry an:l voluptuousness of
form which the finest stiUie? possesses.?
The eo-j'.utncs of those we saw this evening,
was well suited to their wearers. Their
longhair: which was pi tiled, le!l over their
shoulders, and was in many instances ornaini'n
e 1 with great numbers of gold sequins,
and some pearls; in others, flowers of brilliant
hues replaced the "pearl an 1 gold,"
i.- i.-ii - -- ---
win mi wwn- mo mil. iiioso wowsers, drawn
tight at the anekle, (which not untrctjuoiitly,
was encircled with silver bracelets.) the
petticoat reaching only to the knees,
and the under vest open at the breast.?
Lt is neither boddice, tunic, or jacket, but
something between each.
The Charleston Mercury contains a report
of an important case recently decided in
that city, fr<?m which wc gather the following
fact:?The Charleston Caulc, it appears,
loaned a customer $20,000, and received in
pledge Slock of the Kail Road and Bank
(Inmnnnif In tin* itr?? n(' " 4 A
J V w VIIW ituiVMiiik U L VI * UOj UO
collateral security. The note was not paid
at maturity; and at the request of the debtor
time was given from 8th December, 1S3S,
to January 4, 1842; when, after full notice,
the Stock was sold in op mi market by a
Broker, and bid off at the full market price
the President of'.lie Bank, who caused the
amount of sales to be carried to the credit of
the debt. The Stock was bid off at about
$15 per share; some months after it appreciated,
and was sold at a considerable profit.
I.. XT,.. l IOJ- \.:ii i -1 i .
ill x>u vcmuci, low, u. uili was I11C11 10 cuinpel
the Bank to give credit for their re-sale,
on the around that, being Trustees to sell,
they could not buy themselves,and, as Trustees,
must account for all their profits to
their u cestui qui trust" and so Chancellor
Job Johnson, in an elaborate decree, decided.
An appe.il was taken by the Bank to
the Appeal Court of Equity, and was argued
at its late silling, by 13. F. Hunt and
C. G. Memniinger, Esq'rs., for appellant,
and Mr. Batly, Attorney General, and Mr.
Flayne, for the appellee. The appeal Court
reversed the decree, and dismissed the bill,
thus affirming the validity of the sale.?
Many large eases were awaiting this decision,
and thousands would have been put into
litigation if the decree had been sustained.
The position maintained by the Bank, and
sustained by the Appeyl Court, were these:
Grounds of appeal.? 1st. Because, after
the default, there was in fact no fiduciary
relations between the Bank, and its borrower,
in the just sense of the terms. There
was no obligation to serve, and no compensation
for service. The stock was actually
sold to the Bank and transferred at the inception
of the debt, and after the default
was the property of the Bank, who were
only bound to give credit for it at the time
payment was peremptorily demanded,
which they did.
2. Because the usage of Banks is obligatory
on its customers, authorizing-, in case a
redemption is not efleeted, a sale by a nub
lie broker, as a common agent; and the
creditors, having an interest, is authorized to
protect his interest, by bidding; otherwise,
in case of insolvency of the debtor, they
could not secure themselves by giving the
highest bid at auction.
Paixiian Guns.? This formidable war
engine, of which so much has been lately
said, ani wb ,h have been considered the
invention oi the French General whose
name it bears, is in reality the invention of
Colonel Bomf'ord, the head of the United
Slates Ordnance Department. The following
note in relation to this subject is contained
in the valuable work on Military Arts
and Science by Lieutenat Halleclc. United
States Engineers, under the head of "Siege
Artillery 1"
" Paixiian Guns or Columbian.?These
pieces were first invented by Col. Bomford,
of the U. S. Army, and used in the war of
1812. The dimensions of these guns were
first taken to Europe by a young French
officer, and thus fell into the hands of Gen.
Paixhan, who immediately introduced them
into the French service. They were by
this means made known to the rest of Europe,
and received the name of the person
that introduced them into the European services
rather than that of the original inven
Ax Amazon.?The young Queen of
Spain is a perfect Amazon, as the follow*
ing account of her daily employments will
show :?
At ii o'clock, not of the morning, but of
the. afternoon, she rises. Hardly dressed^
for the toilet is the least of her cares, she
has a very light and elegant equipage hafm.ssed.
a present from the Queen of England,
in which she seats herself alone,
though sometimes with her noble lord, to
the ?rreat terror of the latter, who looks unnri
i - I- J
his safe return lo the place as a miraclcj
lor his royal half drives the mettlesome animals
at a furious rate. At 5 o'clock dinner
is served, and as soon as the repast is over,
Isabel 11. exerciscs at fencing, which she
varies by changing the pistol for the sword,
according to her fancy ; after which sho
mounts a saddle horse. The exercises ended,
she plays, dances, sings, and the like,
till morning, when the council of ministers^
at which she always presides, takes place.
When the functionaries communicate their
wish to sleep, she dismisses them, and re*
mains alone till seven, the hour at which,
the prince, her spouse, who retires at eleven
of the evening, rises, which is precisely the
moment she retires.
O'Connell's Will.?The London
Times of the 3d instant, tiius speaks of the
late Mr. O'Conncll's wiii:?
"It is said that the whole of the landed
property in Kerry, including Darrynane
Ahhy, and the town residence in Merrion
square, have been bequeathed to Mr. Maurice
O'Connell, who is already handsomely
provided for in the Prerogative Court, is not,
it is added, mentioned in the will. These
are the only items that have transpired ;
b'it as it is generally believed that there
will be a tolerably heavy draw upon the
funds of the insurance offices, consequent
upon the death of Mr. O'Connell, it may bo
inferred that provisions has been made for
the other members of his numerous family."
How to Get an Enemy.?Loan a man
a small sum of money for a day. Call upon
him in a "week for it. Wait two months.
In three months insist upon his paying you>
He will get angry?denounce you, and evet
after speak of you in abusive terms We
have seen this experiment tried repeatedly,
and never knew it to fail. There is no
more effectual way to get an enemy than to
loan money to a brassy and impudent rascal.
Wat-thr Scott's Son.?The funeral of
Sir Walter Scott, heir to the title of the great
novelist who built Abbotsford, took place
from that elegant mansion in the early part
of May, and was accompanied by every expression
of popular sympathy. The trades
people of Melrose in deep mourning, met
the procession, which consisted of twenty
carriages and proceeded with the hearse to
Melrose Cross, where they drew up in two
lines, and uncovered while the mourners
passed 011. All the shops and public houses
wore closed, not in Melrose alone but in
Darnic. Mr. Walter Scott Lockhart of the
10th I^ancnrs?heir to thfi lnnrlfiH pstnfps
but not to the title which becomes extinct??
was the chief mourners.
Arcluleacon Williams performed the funeral
obsequies as he had done in the case
of the illustrious author of Waverley, amid
the ruins of Melrose Abbey?ruins rendered
immortal in his prose and verse.
Thus ends the honors which Sir Walter^
in succeeding to invest himself with hope
would descend upon his family whilst he
sacrificed to a towering ambition after a
princely residence, and a titlc^ his own personal
comlort his health and his life. He
was made a baronet, he built a castle but he
died insolvent, whilst the heir tor his title a
soldier in India, has died childless.
Let Children Sino?-Wo extract tho
following beautiful and judicious remarks
from 'Phrenology for Children.' Itabounds
in passages remarkable for their simplicity
and eloquence.
"All children can learn to sinsr if thev
commence in season. I do not say that all
will have the same sweet voice of the nightingale
; for some have naturally sweet, mild
and soft voices, when they talk, while others
speak in loud, strqgg and masculine tones.