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IXitiftcimilXe 3$aw*m% " LIBERTY AND MY NATIVE SOIL." VOLUME IV. # ?- - - ----- -- J NUMBER 20. j ABBEVILLE C. II, S. C., JULY 14, 1847. | I li Published every Wednesday Morning by CHARLES H. > ALLEN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS if paid within three months from the time of subscribing, or TWO DOLLARS if paid within six months, and TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS if not paid until the end of tho year. No subscription received for less than six months; and no pnper discontinued until all arrearages arc paid. Subscriptions will bo continued unless notice bo given otherwise, previous to tho close of volume. No paper will bo sent out of tho State unless payment is made in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS, inserted at 75 cts. per square of twelve lines for the first insertion ; and, 37 1-2 cts. for each continuance. Those not having the desired number of insertions marked upon them, will be continued until ordered out and charged accordingly. ESTKAYS, Tolled TWO DOLLARS, to bo paid by the Magistrate. For announcing a Candidate TWO DOLLARS, iu advance. The Postage must bo paid upon all letters and communications to secure attention. (WRITTEN FOR TUB BANNER.) ALCOHOL,?TEMPERANCE, &c. We now, Mr. Editor, approach a point of our suhioct nhout which \v? think thnrfi ?J is great contrariety of opinion, both among the thinking and unthinking part of the community?we mean the subject of granting license to sell alcohol. That grog shops are a great nuisance, we all readily admit; but this is not the question at issue. Will the withholding of license promote true temperance? If it can be shown that it will, then the duty of coun 1 _ .1 ! . * !. 1 .1 I 11 ciisauu commissioners is piain?mey snouia not be granted. JJut on tfte other hand, if it be shown that the refusal to grant them will retard the cause, by conflicting with public opinion, then their duty is equally plain, and they should be granted. We are thoroughly convinced, that public opinion should here, as in all other matters of public policy, decide the question, as it is that opinion by which we will finally have to be governed. So long as there is alcohol among us? so long as it can be. obtained bv the drink ing class, and so long ns human nature remains the same, the mere refusal to grant license will not curtail its use, and consequently an important question comes up? will there not be more corruption produced, both among the white and colored population, and more dishonesty exerted in the procuring and use of the drug, and consequently a greater injury done the cause than if license were granted. Now, Mr. Editor, if this view of the subject be at all probable, (and we think it : ntilfn or* \ 10 nnt I* /-? /lnt?r ? OVJ j 10 nut HIV/ uuij VI L-UU ilLUO (llill commissioners plain ? This should not be considered a local matter. It is one that operates upon the whole class of society, and will hold equally true in any section or corporation in the Union; and since al. cohol is still used to a lamentable extent by a largo portion of socicty ; and since the refusal to grant license will not check its use, so long as it can be obtained and men desire to drink it, it should be gold under 1 certain restrictions, as the least of the two evils, till the time arrives when a respectar ble man will neither keep, or be caught in, a grocery. When ever this time comes, i it. :II i.,I?:t .1 1 ? ;<V'. n win m nig wiiii 11 uvuuis mui win renucr Wjf?- unnecessary to eilher grant or withhold j^P license; for then, no man of respectability ' would engage in the traffic, and the retail business would go down as an unavoidable consequence. This is the only course by which the matter of liquor drinking will ever be brought to a happy and speedy M I operation of the two first classes, and the third, or fatal class, will give way to public opinion. Public cttbrt will then have taken its stand, and would no longer be vacillating while the evil is going on. It would be brought to bear directly upon intcmpcratice, and the result would be obvious to us ~ 11 (111. We all wish to get rid of the evils of intemperance, and experience has abundantly shown not only in matters of religion, but in all other means of reform, that it is not expedient that men should arrogate to themselves any power, legal or illegal, that will conflict with public opinion, as the natural consequence will be contention, opposition and defeat. We should look closely to our local prejudices and not suffer them to injuriously influence us. When the matter of license comes up in a neighborhood or corporation, these matters of self interest snoulil be closely scrutinized and our decision given so as to produce the greatest amount of good. This is ths spirit of the laic on the subject of granting license. This is placing the matter on its true merits. Here we meet the enemy in the open field, where every fire will lake deadly effect. The sails, so to speak, of public opinion against intemperance, arc all hoisted, and the mighty and majestic superstructure triumphantly rides over the boisterous and contending elements of error, ignorance and superstition?with a success worthy of the noble enterprise. We meet the public advocate, and he tells us temperance is onward. We meet the dram drinker, and he says total abstinence is a glorious thing. We see the sot reeling in the street to-day, and to-morrow he is repenting. We behold bitter invective receding from the contest. We hear less profanity and blasphemy throughout the land. The strongholds of vice and immorality are quaking to their centre. The still small, but mighty, voice of the finer sex is exerting its magic influence throughout society. In short, a mighty wonder working influence from on high is at the helm, and the glorious cause needs nothing to propel it ( nward but the heaven bornp-rin ciplcs of love; for its object is love, the good of mankind, and the glory of GoD. To be Continued. (written j oii. t1ie banner.) GEOLOGY. That the study of this science is of great importance even to the unscientific, will not be doubted, at least by any one who is at all acquainted with any of its fundamental principles. Iri attempting to write an article or two upon this subject, we are aware that we shall labor under great embarrassment?a purely scientific article would be inappro priate for a journal like yours. The phrase geology, is derived from two Greek words?the one signifying "the earth," the other "a discourse"?hence' phrase means a discourse on the earth. This science supposes that the-77latter constituting the earth, was spoken into existence by the power of a God?that he said, let it be so, and it was so. The science also supposes, that the same Almighty power as the moving, and controlling agent of all physical causes, arranged the matter as we find it, and not that the earth appeared in its present fq/ja? at the end of the six days' crcali^l is farther supposed, that the arrangement, and before tr !ritarnol ?i?*n ^|g ^ mrc I TTTT I UIOIU1 UUllLUj pi ? I t volcanoes, by t'in the M?** ^*una l?a^ maxima lauea, 00, the Island of Ha*V V '* * ' '& * ' ' * *' *. ^ - V ' ? waiIj in the Pacific. We suppose the crust of the earth is made up of the concentric layers referred to, and arranged as follows : 1. the Primitive ; 2. the Transition; 3. the Secondary ; 4. the Tertiary, &c. We do not intend to enter into a discussion, in regard to the lapse of time which intervened, ljptvvoon til o rl i fTr. vn n t IX v ?-*-?#? I I- ? VW?? t>?w UIIIV/JVIM 1U1 llltiuuiic . llli^ 14 (I mooted question, and is unnecessary to the object we have in view. Should time permit. we propose to continue this subject in your next. Scientia. Tiie Temple op Solomon.?This structure, for beauty, magnificence, andexpence, exceeded every building in the world. It was built with large white marble stones, hewn out in a most curious manner, and so artfully joined together that they deceived the eye and looked like one entire stone.? Its inner walls beams, posts, doors, and ceil: ) _ r _ i I i jugs, werii maue 01 ceuar woou, olive iree, and planks ot fir, covered all over with plates of gold, engraved with works of various sorts, and adorned with most precious jewels of many colors, disposed in a running order, the nails which fasten these plates arc of gold with heads of curious workmanship. The roof was of olivewood, covered with plate of gold, which made a glor'ous appearance, and when the sun shone thereon it reflected such a brigtness as dazzled the eyes of all who beheld it. The court on which the Temnle stood and those without it were built on all sides with stately buildings and cloisters, and the gates entering therein were very beautiful and sumptious. The vessels consecrated to the perpetual use of the Temple were not less noble than the pile itself. Josephus counts one hundred and twenty thousand of them which were made of gold, and one million three hundred and forty thousand of silver ten thousand vestments of silk and purple girdles for the priests, and two millions of purple vestments for singers. There were likiwise two hundred thousand trumpets, and forty thousand other musical instruments made use of in praising God. By Villapandus.s computation of the number of talents of gold, silver and brass, laid out upon the Temple, the sum amounts to six thousand nine hundred and forty-four millions eight hunHrod nnd twenty-two thousaud and five hundred pounds sterling, and the jewels are reconed to exceed this sum and according to Chappel's reduction of the talents contained in the gold and silver vessels in the use of the temple, the sum of the gold oiips amount to five hundred and forty-five millions two hundred and nintysix thousand and three hundred pounds and four shillings sterling and the silver were to four thousand and thirty millions two hundred and forty-four thousand pounds, and besides these there were charges for the other materials and of forty thousand men per month in Lebanon, to hew down timber, seventy thousand to carry burthens, eighty ihousand'to hew stones and three hundred overseers who were all employed for seven years, whom, besides their wages and diet, Solomon gave as a free gift, six millions seven hundred and seventy-seven pounds. The treasure left by David, towards carrying on this work is, Villalpandus, reconed to be nine hundred and forty-four millions four hundred and sixteen thousand, two hundred and seven pounds to which if we add Solomon's annual revenue, his trading to Ophir for gold, and the presents made him by all the earth, as mentioned 1 K. 10, 24, 15, we are not to wonder at his being able to carry on so expensive a work, nor can we without impiety question its surpassing ail other structures since we learn from 1 Chron. 24, that it was built by the directions of Heaven. The Great Rock at Gidralter.? Gibralter is seven or eight miles in length, from North to South, and not half a mile wide m the widest part. It is every where precipitous, and in some parts perpendicular. Nature and art have combined to make it impregnable. The great works are on the Western Iront. The other sides, from their shape, bid dcfiance to attack. The name is formed from the Arabic words, gibel al Tariff (the height, or rock of Tar if,) since I Spw^. wocewn; ttv.^Spanwd. were ? ? .&?:: ' . ' * * W^^ VMt 'iamaiiCTr .-_ca?r.~r* ?- run.. obliged to surrender it, in August 4. 1704 to the British Admiral Rooke and Prince George of Darmstadt, then Imperial Field Marshall and Viceroy of Catalonia, who appeared unexpectedly before this fortress in May of the same year. King Philip of Anjott caused it to be attacked upon the land side, October 12, 1704, \vi?.h 10,000 men, at a point where the fortification is Cfiniliwlpil with tlin tun in Inrwl h?r ? * '/-? " ?J .1 ..HI sandy ncck, so fortified by the English, that the Spaniards called the gate offire. At the same time Gibralter was blockaded from the sea by Admiral Poycs, with a fleet of tweny-four vessels. Just when it wos reduced to extremity, it reccive assistance from the English and Dutch fleet under Admiral Leake. The blockade by land continued without any results till the conclusion of the peace of Utrecht, in 171G.? Since then England has omitted nothing to render this fortress absolutely impregnable. Indeed it is the bulwark of her Mediterranean trade. By it she prevents Russia from uniting her Northern and Southern fleets. Spain again beseiged it, march 7, 1727, but raised the seige on the approach of Admiral TIT ? - ? " wager, wiin 11 ships ot the Jme. She then offered Uvo inillons sterling for the delivery of the place, but in vain; and by a compact at Seville, in 1729, she agreed to renounce all her claims on it. Still Spain endeavored to prevent all entrance to the fortification. In the war which broke out between England and Spain, in 1779, the last attempt was made for the r-icovory of Gibraiter. It was secured to England by the peace of 1783. Since then the efforts of the French and Spanish to take the place have been altogether futile. Gibraiter lias a population of about 14,000, consisting of British, Spaniards, Italians, Jew and Moors. The narrowest part of the Straits is fifteen miles. An Incident at a Funeral u long time ago.?In the Literary History of the United Kingdom, in the last number of the North American Review, we find the following incident related us having taken place at the burial of William the Conqueror. These anecdotes of olden times are not familiar with one, and they are interesting for that reason :? Just as the body was about to be lowered into the grave, a man came forward, crying out?u Clerks and bishops! this ground is mine. Upon it stood the house of my father. The man for whom you pray wrested it from me to build thereon his church. 1 have neither sold my land nor mortgaged it, nor have I forfeited it, nor made any grant whatsoever of it. It is mv right, and I claim it. In the name of Gc 1 I forbid you to lay the body of the spoiler therein, or to cover it with my clay." All present confirmed the truth of the man's words. The bishops told him to approach, and making a bargain with him, delivered him sixty sols, as the price of his sepulchre only, engaging to indemnify him equitably for the rest of thft ground. The corpse had been dressed in the royal habit and robe, but it was not in a coflin. On its being placed in the grave, whose sides consisted of masonry, and which was found to be too narrow, it became necessary to force it down, which caused it to burst. Incense and perfumes were burned in 1 abundance, but without avail. The crowd dispersed in disgust, and the priests themselves hurrying the ceremony, soon desert- ' ed the church. I A letter from Constantinople states thnt at the end of April a number of articles, in gold and silver, were discovcd not far below the surface of the ground, at the town of '' Lepsec. the ancient Lambsacus, in Asia Minor. Amongst these object, which are supposed to have been employed in the worship of Diana, are 40 silver spoons with \ i . .11 _ .1 1_ I . l _ .1 square nnnuies, una mucn larger uian mosc u&ed in modern days; a female bust terminates each handle, and the word Artemis, one of the names of Diana, is perceptible ' on several of them; each weighs about 750 grammes?a round salvar in silver, nearly four feet in diameter, weighing 37 kilogrammes,.540 grammes having the figure of a woman engraved on it, with a fox, a pea- 1 coclc. and a parrot near her, and two lions ' ' .''J -1 "V wiso man makot, all his passions^! subservient to hi? reason." \v - > - - <> * *V ' - ' ' A. :k Writino Paper.?I have been asked the derivation and application of the term cap paper. Cap, as applied to paper, is of modern use entirely, at least in certain parts of the U. States. Not more than thirty years since 1 was familiar with the phrase Foolscap, and I distictly recollect how " cap," its abbreviation, grated on my ear, upon the first hearing it, as much so as " pike," for turn* pike, does yet. The qtiestion is thus shifted to what is the origin of the phrase foolscap as applied to urvilinrr *r\m? V* o !* Milting j/'lj/ui J WlliLU I1UO UVJI HO WIllO UU1IIU so long, that iis origin is lost to most persons. The Kings of England, from Edward if not earlier, granted various monopolies, either for the support of the government, or to enrich favorites. One of these was the exclusive right to manufacture paper, granted by the Charles. On the finer kinds, as a species of notice of the monopoly, the royal arms of England formed the watef mark. Vast sums were of course made upon this exclusive privilege to make and vend an article in such general use. All these monopolies were swept away by the Parliament which brought Charles to the scaffold, and in this particular case, by wav of showing their contrmnt fnr th? f <j o - r * ""w monarch, they directed the royal arms to be taken from the paper, as they had already been from sign posts, public halls, &c., substituting a fool, with his cap and bells, as the effigy. This was done in 1G49. Most of the manuscripts written between that period and 1G80 bear, accordingly, ?9 a water mark, a fool wearing the dress, described as his costume in the court of the Britsh monarchs. Cromwell, when made Lord Protector, changed the water mark by substituting a dragon, grasping in his claws arrows of fire, and afterwards putting his nnnt (if nrmc iti ite nli>>o TMc otill ?(?/?? sionally appears. ? Charles II, at the restoration, replaced the royal arms, and enlarged the size of thet sheet which was much smaller than wo see in modem days. In England, paper of the size which the rump parliament ordered for their Journals, bearing the fools-cap effigy, is still in existence, and the title, as in many othei things, is still retained for ordinary writing paper, centuries after the reason for it has ceased, <uiu nuw scivus, its u win survu lur ageSj U7 designate all writing paper in ordinary use, as distinguished from paper designed to bo folded in the form of letters. This last class of writing paper has been reduced greatly in length and widened somewhat to adapt it for a convenient shape in folding, and still bears its original name of post paper, applied to it from the mail or post by which letters were conveycd to their address. So recently has the United States mader its own paper,, that most pf our early letters written in the west even as late as 1800, bear the impress of the royal arms. St, Clair. Harmar, Wilkinson, and wayne's letters are all of this description. fli e/'e Aili'nrl i c/iy The Almond Blossom.?" Dear mamma," said a lovely little girl to her mother^ as they were walking alone in the garden, "why d.) you have so few of those beautiful double almonds in the garden 1 You have hardly a bed where there is not a tuft of violets, and they are so much plainer I what can can be the reason ?" " My dear child," said llie mother, "gather me a bunch of each. Then I will tell ,?i.? t ?i._ i i-i :-i-? ?? yuu ?vny 1 yiuitl lilt: llUIllt/lt: VIUIOI." The little girl ran off. and soon returned with a line bunch of tho beautiful almond and a few violents." Smell ihem my love," said her mother ;:and see which is the sweetest," The child smelled again and again, and :ould scarcely believe herself that the lovely almond had no scent; while the plain violet had a delightful odor. . il Well my child, which is tho sweetBun'kkr Hill Monument.?It appears UM Bunker Hill Monument Asso&iatton held [ on the 17th, that over 20,000 persons as- KM cended the monument during the past year, uc-njffefttflB ,* .%. '*' * ' "i"" 91 i I hft kJTwfle ''"ProSJIvfi, . HJ* -X ?j ' '